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Q1. What are netiquettes?

Ans. The two words Net and Etiquette together form the word Netiquette which refers to the
code of responsible behavior on the internet. The basic rule is “ Do not do
something in cyberspcace that you would consider wrong or illegal in everyday life”.

Q2. What are the netiquettes while using e-mail?

Ans: These are as follows:

1. Do not flood other person’s inbox with spam or forwarded messages.

2. subject line should be short,simple and focused.

3. Begin your message with greeting.

4. Avoid writing an email completely in uppercase letters as it may appear rude.

5. Avoid sending heavy attachments, or send them with the recipient’s permission.

Q3. What are netiquettes on social media platforms?

Ans These are as follows:

1. Do not post offensive comments that might hurt the sentiments of any individual
or community.

2. Respect the views of others and show courtesy while posting your comments.

3. Do not share private information to strangers.

4. Post are public so be careful while posting your message.

5. Don’t be a troll online and don’t provoke or nag others.

6. Cyber bullying and cyber stalking both are crimes.

7. Do not post Copyrighted material.

8. Do not break into someone else’s computer.

9. Do not use someone else’s password.

Q4. What are Intellectual Property Rights? And write its types.

Ans. Intellectual Property Rights refer to the legal right of the creator of an Intellectual
property (like inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, and images
created by the mind.)to be its sole beneficiary and to decide how much
information is to be exchanged, shared or distributed. Also it gives the owner a right
to decide the price for doing(exchanging/sharing/distributing)so.

Q5. Why is it important to protect intellectual property rights?

Ans: The intellectual property rights must be protected because protecting them

 Encourages individuals and business to create new softwares.

 Ensures new ideas and technologies are widely distributed.
 Promotes investment in the national economy.
 For Monetary benefit.

Q6. What is plagiarism?

Ans. Plagiarism is the act of using or stealing someone else’s intellectual work, ideas etc.
and passing it as your own work. In other words, plagiarism is a failure in giving
credit tom a particular source.

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