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Diet & nutrition

OCD is treatable
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can be crippling for sufferers
He had taken her
to A&E, where
she had been diagnosed
with scarlet fever. Life
Common symptoms of OCD
l Contamination obsessions
(germs, bodily secretions or waste,
poisons, animals, environmental
and requests for reassurance
(example: repeatedly asking a
parent “is this okay?”)
contaminants such as tobacco or l Need to touch, tap or rub

and their families. Many health professionals think it’s simply changed completely cleansers). Often, the obsession (examples: rubbing the back of the
leads to compulsive washing or hand across a table in a certain way,
for our family”
part of autism – but it can be alleviated, says Stella Chadwick cleaning rituals; in some cases,
the symptoms cause the child
urge to touch rough surfaces)
l Intrusive images, words, music
to avoid the feared contaminant. or nonsense sounds appear in
It was the spring of 2006 and my In severe cases, even a loving the mind and do not stop
son and I had travelled to visit my parent may be a contaminant l Need to tell, ask or confess
parents for the weekend, leaving because of “exposure” to the (examples: child needs to tell parent
my daughter and husband at dirty object, and the child will every perceived mistake or sin that
home. Only a day after arriving I develop complex rituals to avoid day in school; excessive guilt)
received a call from my husband contact with the exposed parent. l Colours, numbers or words
telling me that my daughter had l Sexual or religious obsessions with special significance
woken up with a temperature of (fear that God hates them, or (examples: the colour black is
104 and was covered in a red rash. that they have done something equated with death and anything
He had taken her to A&E, where morally offensive) black triggers obsessional fears;
she had been diagnosed with l Aggressive obsessions of harm the number 3 is “lucky” and
scarlet fever. Life changed to oneself or others things have to be repeated three
completely for our family that day. l Repeating compulsions times, or 3x3x3 times)
My daughter developed anxiety, (examples: going in and out of a l Ritualized eating behaviours
OCD and irrational fears, intense doorway; switching on/off lights; (examples: eating according to a
rage and extreme sensory re-reading pages over and over) strict ritual; not being able to eat
processing difficulties. There were l Symmetry and exactness until an exact time)
some very long and dark days for obsessions (examples: books l Hoarding behaviours (obsessional
our family and it would be many must be aligned; every action concerns about losing something
years, having left a trail of must be exactly the same on the important generalize so nothing
specialists and rabbit holes behind right and left side) can be thrown away, or useless
us, before a doctor in the USA l Ordering/arranging items take on special significance
would diagnose our daughter with compulsions (example: suddenly and cannot be discarded.)
PANDAS. It stands for Paediatric placing bathroom items in a
Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric particular order and extreme Source: These are
Disorder Associated with anxiety if they are moved) more common OCD symptoms. For a full
description of OCD, see the International
Streptococcal infection. l Counting compulsions
OCD Foundation website (
(examples: having to count ceiling and the Y-BOCS Symptom Checklist, which
Wrongly diagnosed tiles, books or words spoken) includes a comprehensive list of 67 types of
Since that time, we have seen l Checking compulsions obsessions and compulsions.
hundreds of children coming to our
clinics wrongly diagnosed with
behavioural disorders; in fact, thoughts and behaviours, impulses repetitive hand-washing, but some
these children have an immune or obsessions, or compulsions with children suffer from extreme OCD
system issue that is affecting their the tendency to perform acts in a and anxiety around perceived
brain. It is now understood that habitual or stereotyped manner. contamination, and around
streptococcal infection is only one Typically, OCD behaviours are everyday activities such as eating
of the infections that can cause first observed in late childhood or and drinking.
these symptoms and the wider early adolescence. In children with With children who don’t have an
umbrella term, PANS, is now more autism, the onset tends to be a lot autism diagnosis, a sudden
commonly used. It stands for earlier, manifesting before the age change in personality can be much
Paediatric Acute-onset of three. Drugs used to reduce easier to identify. A child with
Neuropsychiatric Syndrome, and it these symptoms work in only 40 autism, on the other hand, may
covers a number of potential per cent of cases. The remaining develop OCD fairly abruptly, but it
pathogenic triggers. PANS PANDAS 60 per cent don’t respond and are can be dismissed as ‘part of the
UK ( is the left to try and cope. condition’. When we start digging
best resource for finding out more. Many children with autism don’t into the health of these children,
One of the key features of these get a separate diagnosis of OCD, though, we find there are key
conditions is Obsessive- as the compulsions are seen as similarities in the biochemistry of
Compulsive Disorder (OCD), part of ‘autism’. Many professionals both groups of children, regardless
characterised by repetitive assume OCD is mainly about of whether or not there is an autism

52 Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 3 4 2 0 1 9 Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 3 4 2 0 1 9 53
Diet & nutrition

Enzyme Nutrition to Maintain

a Healthy Digestive System diagnosis. Both groups of children
have dysregulated immune systems We have seen
Natural compounds for
Hericor-MRL promotes a healthy digestive system and tend to have signs of underlying
hundreds of
treating pathogens
infections, including streptococcal l Viruses respond well to: Olive leaf extract, cat’s claw,
by providing important enzyme groups: infection, CMV, EBV, HHV-6, and children coming to our garlic, astragalus root, ginger, elderberry, echinacea,
Enzymes that prevent oxidative stress: Coxsackie. The herpes group of licorice root
l Laccase viruses tend to be key players, and clinics wrongly l Bacteria respond well to: Garlic, berberine, plant
l Superoxide dismutase
these include chicken pox (varicella diagnosed with tannins, oregano, grapeseed extract
zoster) and shingles. All of these l Yeast respond well to: Grapefruit seed extract, orega-
Enzymes that prevent cellular growth: viruses are neurotropic, meaning behavioural disorders” no oil, caprylic acid, garlic, pau d’arco
l Protease they can attack nerve cells, and l Parasites respond well to: Black walnut, wormwood,
they can affect brain function. garlic, cloves, thyme, fennel, cayenne, ginger, gentian,
l Glucose amylase There are also significant such as food poisoning or an intense mimosa pudica
Enzymes that promote detoxification: markers suggestive of a course of antibiotics, especially if
compromised immune system, with administered intravenously.
l Peroxidase
raised CD3, lowered CD57 and Sometimes the trigger can be tolerance. It is found primarily in
l Cytochrome P-450 raised inflammatory markers. Often, emotional trauma, such as a the gut, urogenital areas, saliva,
For more information please contact:
l Cytochrome P-450 reductase the same children are prone to divorce or the death of a loved one. tears and the respiratory system.
Aneid UK Ltd urinary tract infections, excessive A study in March 2019 More than half the children we
The constituents of Hericor-MRL have been found to Spires, Suite 8, Adelaide Street, urination, conjunctivitis, mouth ulcers, highlighted the potential connection see in our clinics with OCD were
increase lipoxin A4 and neurogenic reserve in animal Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 5BB, UK. sleep issues and gut problems. between OCD and low levels of the born via C-section and had at least
studies as well as exhibiting prebiotic properties in in vitro Tel. + 44 (0)1582 485 209 Some children drift into severe antibody IgA in serum. This mirrors one course of antibiotics in the first
studies. Hericor - MRL should be taken one week prior email: OCD over a few months. The more what we see in clinical practice. year of life, often straight after birth.
common triggers are illnesses such IgA is the first line of defence Given that more than 70 per cent
(and during) supplementation with an Omega-3 complex.
as scarlet fever or chickenpox, but against harmful microbes, and is of our immune system is in the gut,
there are other triggers as well, crucial for maintaining immune it is not surprising that poor “seeding”
Aneid 2019 V1.indd 1 20/02/2019 19:58

We are
are one of the
a group of leading providers
independent of independent
specialist specialistexceptional
schools providing education residential
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� and care
and young peopleeducation
award-winning and adults for with autism,
children and severe
young learning
people difficulties,
aged 8 to 19 global
development delay and associated challenging behaviour. Our track record of success
and diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder, severe and complex
sector-leading Ofsted and CQC judgements has been achieved through an ethos
�������������������������������������������������������������������������� learning difficulties,
of high developmental
global aspiration, placement stability
delay and and ourchallenging
associated inspiring environments. These all combine
behaviour. Offering
to optimise lifecurriculum
personalised opportunities for children,
programmes young
which are people
inclusive andof adults.
Sensory Integration we
provide placements on a day and termly basis and up to 52 weeks
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� a year. We also
Our schools offer personalised curriculum programmes which are inclusive of a range
of flexible boarding,
therapeutic depending
��������������������������������� on theplacements
We provide individual child’s needs.
in a day, Ourand
termly schools
up to are
basedresidential a year.
in Lincolnshire andWeSurrey.
also offer respite and flexible boarding options, depending
on individual need. Our schools are based in Lincolnshire, Shrewsbury and Surrey and
Our full-time
provide serviceseducation
are complemented
for pupils by agedCruckton
8 to 19Hall
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� offers at
is provided
our Specialist
residential College
education in
to Peterborough.
boys aged 8 to Our
19 support
(between and
16-19care is
they continued
go to into
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� adulthood
House with
which isadult
a homes
part of the and supported
Cruckton living homes
registration) with across
a the East
diagnosis of Midlands,
Autistic West Midlands
Spectrum Disorder, and
within the south-east ofand
Asperger’s Syndrome associated communication,
������������������������������������������������������������������ social and behavioural difficulties.
Our approachvary fromeach
allows day individual
care to termly and uptheir
to develop to 52 weeks a year.and look to the future with
increased confidence. We are truly proud of
Our support and care is continued into adulthood withthe role we play in changing
several the lives
adult homes of children,
in Lincolnshire,
young people and adults in helping them to realise their full potential.
well as a Supported Living unit. We have established an adult provision near our school
Contact us onHouse to meet the demands for provision in the
�������������������������������������������������������������������� of England.

T: 0208us335
Contact 2570
on T: 01522 868 279
������������������������������������������������� T: 01743 860 206
● Surrey
Surrey T:0208 335 2570 ● Lincolnshire
Lincolnshire T:01522 868 279 ● ShropshireT:01743
���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Shropshire 860206 Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 3 4 2 0 1 9 55
Diet & nutrition Advertisement feature

School life
with bacteria due to a C-section glucans. Always use these with
and the loss of microbial balance Many children caution: start with a pinch and
due to antibiotics can predispose build up slowly.
children to immune disfunction. with autism l It is also essential to use anti-

without labels
don’t get a separate inflammatories such as Enhansa
Things to consider (or other curcumin extracts), PEA
If your child has debilitating OCD, diagnosis of OCD” (palmitoylethanolamide), or omega-
consider these issues: 3 fatty acids. Stella Chadwick is the
l It is important to rule out l Always check iron levels and founder of
Parents say
psychological reasons. Seeing an
appropriate specialist such as a
l Once you have removed the
pathogens, work on balancing the
vitamin D levels in children with
OCD, as sometimes by simply
Brainstorm Health®
and an experienced l “He is loving every minute and has What makes TCES Group really stand
psychologist or psychiatrist is a
must for some children. If therapy
immune system through gut
support, including the use of
correcting those levels you can see
a significant improvement.
nutritional and
biomedical consultant
found his love of music at your school”
l “We were overwhelmed to see what out is its highly successful inclusive
and medication do not work,
consider looking at the biochemistry
enzymes such as Trienza by
Houston Enzymes, as well as
OCD is often the result of a
disturbed underlying biochemistry
who specialises in
working with adults
all the pupils achieved, knowing what
difficulties they have”
approach to the integration of pupils
of your child using lab tests.
l If you identify underlying
probiotics such as Saccharomyces
Boulardii (beneficial yeast), and
and should be investigated using
thorough case-taking and laboratory
and young children
on the autism
l “Thank you all so much for helping
Kiran learn, he has grown into an amazing
with autism into its school communities
pathogens you need to remove those containing Lactobaccilus analysis before administering long- spectrum. www. young man and we owe it to your efforts”
them using pharmaceuticals or reuteri, Lactobaccilus casei and term psychiatric medication. brainstormhealth. l “Your school is fantastic. We don’t
natural compounds, or both. See Bifidobacterium bifidum. Children on the autism spectrum know where we’d be without it, there
the panel on page 55 on natural Probiotic foods should ideally are particularly vulnerable, as it should be more schools like this”
compounds for removing feature daily in the diet, through may be easy to lump all their l “An amazing school, fantastic
pathogens. Whenever you use foods and drinks such as symptoms under the ASD diagnosis. teachers and staff, don’t know what we
anything to remove pathogens sauerkraut, kefir and beet kvass. My daughter is now 17 and would have done without you all!”
make sure that bowels are opening You can find recipes on our thriving. I am acutely aware that
daily and that you support the liver website, www.brainstormhealth. had we not approached things with A local authority says
and gallbladder, as well as the Use prebiotics such as steely determination the outcome l “The foundations of positive future
kidneys and lymphatic system. inulin, resistant starch and beta could have been very different. lives are being built at this school
through an approach to education
which is personalised to each young
person and is aimed at ensuring that
they are prepared in the widest sense
for a positive future”
Essex CC SEN team representative

With schools across London and Essex, esteem and success lies within our pupils Specially designed rooms
TCES Group provides specialist education themselves. Pupils and parents alike are Our classrooms are designed with light
for pupils aged 7-19 with an autism empowered to fully participate in the and noise reduction equipment to allow
spectrum condition or Social, Emotional running of our schools and are encouraged pupils a wider range of sensory adaptation
and Mental Health (SEMH) needs. to maintain involvement and engagement to maximise concentration and sustain
Our unique approach ensures that in every aspect of school life. learning. Visual timetables, displays,
pupils with autism have access to the Weekly assemblies are co-facilitated resources, cue cards and symbols
same school community and group by our Student Councils, who are support pupils to develop understanding
learning experiences as pupils in empowered to take full ownership of the of their own unique and special sensory
mainstream schools. task of setting a positive school culture. sensitivities, needs and talents.
The TCES Group teaching and daily Twice a week, TCES Group pupils
practice of leadership, life and social debate, learn and listen to one another Success for all pupils
skills really pays dividends for our pupils. during a therapeutic ‘group process’ TCES Group’s industry-leading
Alongside this, our highly experienced session. During these sessions autistic combination of bespoke education, health
staff teams know just how to identify and and SEMH pupils sit side by side in the and care ensures academic and personal
draw out each pupil’s key interests, talents school hall, both groups showing respect success for each pupil.
and strengths, using these to maximise for one another and fully participating. A positive, structured and safe
their potential, not only while at school, It is incredible to witness how every environment enables them to develop
but also in their life beyond school. pupil in the room feels able to openly skills, value their differences, be
share their experiences. These sessions comfortable with who they are, engage
Pupil and parent voice have expanded since their conception in positively with others and have fun!
In each of our schools we strive to create 2014, progressing from Student Council
a self-aware and warm atmosphere, to small tutor groups to what is now a Contact our referrals
based around a strong set of community whole-school group process. Local team: 0845 872 5460 /
values, where pupils with autism can feel Authority Officers have described this 020 8543 7878
safe and secure. At the core of this is our whole school group approach as ‘unique’
belief that the key to increasing self- and a ‘model of excellence.’ @tcesgroup Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 3 4 2 0 1 9 57

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