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I hereby declare that “Awareness Program On Swachh

Bharat Mission” is the result of the project work carried
out by me under the guidance of Prof. Dr. ANAND
SHASHI KUMAR in partial fulfillment for the ward of
Master’s Degree in Business Administration by Acharya
Bangalore B School.

I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own efforts

and that it has not been submitted to any other University or
institute for the award of any other Degree or Diploma or

Place: Bangalore Name: K.Venkataraju

Date: Register No. : 18YUCMD086


This is to certify that the SRP title “Awareness Program on

Swachh Bharat Mission” is and original work of Mr.
Venkataraju being submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of the
Master’s Degree in Business Administration of Bangalore University.
The report has not been submitted either to this University / Institution
for the fulfillment of the requirement of a course of study.



Since the launch of Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), a lot of momentum

has been built up and significant progress has been made. Under the
Swachh Bharat, the sanitation coverage in rural India has gone up from
42 percent to over 63 percent. Though, the SBM is not a toilet construction
program but a behavior change mass movement and the real key to
bringing about behavior change on the ground is to have grassroots level
trained motivators who generate demand for toilets and cleanliness.

We voluntarily joined hands on creating awareness on Swachh Bharat

Mission in Tunganagara area as we found that many people residing in
this area are not aware about the importance of Swachh Bharat Mission.

I record my sincere thanks to every household and individuals in

Tunganagara locality for their help and support.

Date: 10th June 2019, P Vamsi Krishna,

Place: Bengaluru. 18YUCMD130.

INDEX Contents Page no




Chapter – 1


The Abhiyan was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 2nd of October,
2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi with an aim to make India clean. Aim was to provide
sanitation facilities to every family, including toilets, solid and liquid waste disposal
systems, village cleanliness, and safe and adequate drinking water supply by 2nd
October, 2019.

It will be a befitting tribute to the Father of the Nation on his 150th birth anniversary.
It is significant that the PM himself is taking very proactive role in making the
campaign a success; at Rajghat he started the campaign by cleaning the street by

However, it has been clearly declared that the campaign is not only the duty of the
government but each and every citizen of the country is equally responsible to keep
the nation clean or swachh.

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, had nominated the name of nine famous
personalities from business industries, sports and Bollywood to drive the clean India
campaign. He also had requested from all the nine personalities to invite another
nine personalities individually and requested them to continue the chain of nine
people and take this campaign to every Indian living in any corner of the country.

Narendra Modi also said that this campaign should be taken as a big challenge and
should pass the request to invite other nine people individually (just like branching
of tree) so that this vision of cleanliness may be completed till 2019 and India can
become a clean country forever in the history.
While leading the mass movement for cleanliness, the Prime Minister exhorted
people to fulfil Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of a clean and hygienic India.
Shri Narendra Modi himself initiated the cleanliness drive at Mandir Marg Police
Station. Picking up the broom to clean the dirt, making Swachh Bharat Abhiyan a
mass movement across the nation, the Prime Minister said people should neither
litter, nor let others litter. He gave the mantra of ‘Na gandagi karenge, Na karne
denge.’ Shri Narendra Modi also invited nine people to join the cleanliness drive and
requested each of them to draw nine more into the initiative.

Swacchta that is cleanliness is the abstract state of being clean and the habit of
achieving and maintaining that state. Cleanliness may imply a moral quality, as
indicated by the aphorism "cleanliness is next to godliness", and may be regarded as
contributing to other ideals such as health and beauty. As observed by Jacob
Burckhardt,"cleanliness is indispensable to our modern notion of social perfection.”
In Hinduism, cleanliness is an important virtue and the Bhagavad Gita describes it
as one of the divine qualities which everyone must practice. The Sanskrit word for
cleanliness is 'Śaucam' and interestingly, the Bhagavad Gita repeats this word in
many slokas.

On a practical level, cleanliness is related to hygiene and diseases prevention. When

we talk about hygiene and diseases then it is necessary to add drinking water and
sanitation with it. Without proper sanitation we can’t keep our surroundings clean
and prevent ourselves from diseases. Around 1989, David Strachan put forth the
"hygiene hypothesis" in the British Medical Journal that environmental microbes
play a useful role in developing the immune system; the fewer germs people are
exposed to in early childhood, the more likely they are to experience health problems
in childhood and as adults. The valuation of cleanliness, therefore, has a social and
cultural dimension beyond the requirements of hygiene for practical purposes.

Mahatma Gandhi said “Sanitation is more important than independence”. He made

cleanliness and sanitation an integral part of Gandhian way of living. His dream was
total sanitation for all. He use to emphasize that cleanliness is most important for
physical wellbeing and a healthy environment.

Sanitation and drinking water in India has always been the central issue. However,
it continues to be inadequate despite of the longstanding efforts by the various levels
of the government and communities to improve the coverage. The rural sanitation
programme in India was introduced in 1954 as a part of First Five Year Plan of
Government of India. The 1981 census revealed that rural sanitation coverage was
only 1%. The government has begun giving emphasis on rural sanitation after
declaration of International Decade for Drinking water and Sanitation during 1981-
90. In 2015, 40% population has access to improved 7 | Page sanitation, 63% in
urban and 29% in rural area. In 2008, 88% of population in India had access to an
improved water source but only 31% had access to improved sanitation. In rural
areas where 72% of India’s population lives, the respective share is 84% for water
and 21% of sanitation.

In the light of the above, on 2nd October, 2014, Prime Minister of India launched a
nationwide cleanliness campaign called Swachh Bharat Mission. It is India’s largest
ever cleanliness drive. The objectives of Swachh Bharat are to reduce or eliminate
open defecation through construction of individual, cluster and Households toilets.
The concept of SBM is to provide sanitation facility to every family, including toilet,
solid and liquid waste disposal system, village cleanliness and safe and adequate
drinking water. Under the mission, nearly 10 crore toilets will be constructed by
2019. Since the launch of SBM, nearly 2 crore toilets (nearly 20% of the target) have
been built. In order to accelerate the pace of work and aspect of behavioral change,
it was envisaged that the CBOs/NGOs have to be associated in the implementation
of the mission in the rural area. They are considered for active involvement in IEC
activities including demand generation, capacity building assistance in construction
and ensuring sustained use of facilities.

The SBM has made progress since it was launched in 2014. However, to be able to
meet the enormous challenge to making India ODF by 2019, the aspect of behavioral
change and inter personal communication have to be accelerated. As a result of
continuous efforts by the government, CBOs/NGOs and communities, things are
moving in the right direction. During last one and half year many villages have been
declared ODF village.


The present study is located in Tunganagara, Bengaluru in Karnataka. The major

objective of this programme is to create awareness on propagation of disposal of
solid and liquid waste, safe drinking water, lowering the incidence of diseases and
improving hygienic practices.

Besides, many initiatives in the other parts of the country, We are started awareness
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project in Tunganagara area of Bengaluru . It was
envisaged in the project that awareness on hygiene and sanitation can only lessen
and prevent diseases. Therefore, core issue of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (SBM) along
with health and hygiene amalgamated in to one and implemented through SBA

Altogether the main area of Tunganagara have been covered under this programme.
In order create awareness on Swachh Bharat Mission. The awareness program was
launched in May 2019.


Impact on disease burden due to inadequate and unsafe water, lack of sanitation and
poor hygiene behavior is a complex issue. During 2006 and 2007, Sulabh
International Academy of Environmental Sanitation carried out a study, supported
by WHO to review and analyze, regional, national, state and district level data of
water supply and sanitation coverage and correlate the same with selected infectious
diseases. In the final report submitted to WHO, it was observed that there are many
confounding factors including inadequacies in the water supply and sanitation
coverage figures at the state and district level. The lack of adequate sanitation and
safe water has significant negative health impacts including Diahhorea. The
government has spending a lot of energy and fund to improve the access to water
and sanitation for all. However, It has been observed in various studies that the
primary reason for health benefits not being commensurate with the investment was
neglect of hygiene behavior issue.

Despite the improvement in facilities in sanitation, disposal of solid and liquid waste
and safe drinking water, much more has to be done with regards to aware the rural
population on hygiene practices including use of toilets. Actually, perception of the
Households on health and hygiene issue has a strong influence on practice of
hygienic behavior together with provision of sanitation facilities have significant
impact on reducing burden of diseases like cholera, diarrhea and typhoid etc. Since
the knowledge on health and hygiene is low among the rural mass and also the
behavior and practices are lower, we initiated a health and sanitation programme that
include awareness and behavioral change.

The campaign of Swachh Bharat launched by the government of India is aimed to
accomplish various goals and fulfill the vision and mission of “Clean India” by
2nd of October 2019 which is 150th birth anniversary of great Mahatma Gandhi. It
has been expected that the investment to cost would be over 62000 crore of Indian
rupee (means US$ of 9.7 billion). It has been declared by the government that this
campaign is taken as “beyond politics” and “inspired by patriotism”. Following are
the some important objectives of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan:

 To eradicate the system of open defecation in India.

 To convert the insanitary toilets into pour flush toilets.

 To remove the system of manual scavenging.

 To make people aware of healthy sanitation practices by bringing behavioral

changes in people.

 To link people with the program of sanitation and public health in order to generate
public awareness.

 To build up the urban local bodies strong in order to design, execute and operate all
systems related to cleanliness.
 To completely start the scientific processing, disposals reuse and recycling the
Municipal Solid Waste.

 To provide required environment for the private sectors to get participated in the
Capital Expenditure for all the operations and maintenance costs related to the clean
Chapter – 2

Research Design
This study was conducted with an aim to assess the impact of the implementation of
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project in Tunganagara area in Bengaluru of Karnataka
state. Best level of precision in sampling method and other aspect of methodology
were important aspects of this study. The details regarding the methodology adopted
in the study are provided in this chapter.

2.2 Objectives

The main concern of this study was to inform and guide locality how far the
Households becomes aware about the cleanliness, health and hygiene, sanitation and
safe drinking water etc and the change in practices. The broad objectives of the study
were as follows:

 To assess the perception and practices related to cleanliness, sanitation, health

and hygiene.
 To assess the level of knowledge and field functionaries.
 To assess the effectiveness of the project in terms of changed practices and
regression in diseases.

2.3 Scope

The scope of the present study is as follows:

 Collect data through questionnaires and interview schedules from individuals

of Tunganagara in Bengaluru.
 Interactions were administered with individuals, especially the Households
and students to examine the outreach of the programme.
 Analyses of collected data to find out the impact of the project measured
through various factors like increase in awareness, behavioral and socio-
economic changes among the beneficiaries and incorporate the observations
made during the study.
 To find out practical implications and suggest to improvise the process and
other factors.

Research methodology

Qualitative Survey Research methodology was utilized in the study to determine the
impact of the programme on Households. Random sampling method was used for
the selection, beneficiaries, student and households etc from Tunganagara were

Levels of respondents

 Category I – Households.
 Category II – Students.
 Category III-Shop keepers.

Collection of Data
Both quantitative and qualitative data collected along with the discussion points
came during the FGD were arranged, documented and finally tabulated in excel
sheet for analysis.

Current Scenario
A common sight or practice in the countryside of a developing country is
people going out of their homes to defecate in the open. Generally, toilets are
not constructed within premises due to a number of reasons, i.e., defecating
within the house is considered unholy; the practice pollutes the house; some
households are either not in a position to construct and maintain hygienic
toilets, or do not have sufficient space to construct; or water for cleansing is
not available.

In settlements where some houses have toilets, the underground sewerage

network is not available. Here, excreta are released in nearby open
areas/drains/water bodies, or removed by manual scavengers.

Country-level data show India having the largest number of people defecating
in the open and the proportion is decreasing at a very slow rate. Further, as per
the Swachhta Status Report, 2016 released by the Ministry of Statistics and
Programme Implementation, and which draws upon data of Census and
National Sample Survey, 52.1 percent rural, 7.5 percent urban population of
India goes for open defecation.

The impact of defecating in nearby secluded open areas, bushes and water
bodies (such as rivers, ponds) is severely felt on human health, productivity
and environment.

In India, 117,000 children under five years of age die every year due to
diarrhoea (this is about 22 percent of the global burden), 38 percent are stunted
(do not meet potential growth, development, physically and mentally), 14
percent neo-natal deaths occur due to sepsis. Such problems are a result of
inadequate access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene, as well as an
absence of infection prevention and control facilities. Any child not having
access to adequate sanitation in early years faces health problems for the entire
lifespan despite having proper food. Besides health risks, the life of girls and
women is unsafe. Numerous incidents of rape and murder occur when females
go out alone to urinate or defecate.

Such problems are preventable. Availability of adequate sanitation facilities

and their usage by everyone can save lives, ensure nutrition, productivity,
women’s security and dignity. For example, adequate sanitation can decrease
the risk of stunting by 14 percent, and risk of severe stunting by 26 percent.
This also attends to the problem of underweight, low height of children.

A recent initiative launched in India in 2014 to improve the situation of

sanitation is the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission). The Mission
aims to make India free from open defecation and achieve 100 percent
scientific management of solid waste by 2 October 2019, said Mr.
Parameswaran Iyer, Union Secretary in the Ministry of Drinking Water and
Sanitation. He was delivering the keynote address at the roundtable discussion
on ‘Swachh Bharat Mission: Achievements and Challenges’ organized in Delhi
on July 7.
The roundtable was chaired by Mr. Surendra Singh, Advisor, ORF and former
Union Cabinet Secretary. Panel speakers included Mr. Nisheeth Kumar, Chief,
Operations, Knowledge Links; Mr. Nicolas Osbert, Chief – Water, Sanitation
and Hygiene, UNICEF; Mr. Samirendra Chatterjee, Hony. Executive President,
Sulabh International Social Service Organization and Mr. Subhash Gatade,
Chapter – 4

Data collection, Analysis and Interpretation

The study explored the impact of implementation of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project
and the changes occur among the beneficiaries including students of primary
school. The study was carried out keeping in mind the objectives of the programme.
Data collected was compiled and tabulated. Analysis of the responses gathered from
the respondents led towards major findings of the study. The purpose of this chapter
is to present the result derived from the analysis of the responses generated from
administering the schedules among the beneficiaries of the programme .

4.2 Tabulation of Data Principal

Objective of the study was to assess the impact of implementation of Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan Project and involvement and participation of Households in the
programme. It was also assessed the increase in awareness on cleanliness, health and
hygiene among the people. This chapter contains a qualitative content analysis of
the responses generated from the respondents.

4.3 Analysis of Data

Qualitative survey research methodology was utilized in this study to determine the
impact of implementation of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project along with Households
perception towards the programme. Field observations and suggestion were
documented to supplement the data collected and then item wise data was analyzed.
4.4 Demographic Profile of the Respondents
The first section of the entire schedule was designed to collect demographic
information about the respondents. The sample survey was taken from the 130
members in that there 3 categories they are as follows

Category I – Households.

Category II – Students.

Category III – Shopkeepers.


Category Male Female Total

Households 20 30 50

Students 30 20 50

Shopkeepers 26 04 30
4.5 Category I - Households
A study to assess the impact of the programme can only be completed considering
the role and experiences of the Households. The project is being implemented with
the objectives to aware the Households towards hygiene and sanitation and thus they
constitute the foremost level of the participants of the study.

 According to 50 respondents participated in this category out of which 30

were female and 20 were male.
 Out of the total respondents 50% were in the age of 30-40, and remaining are
in the age of 40 above. Among them 28 were found literate and 32 were found
 It was found that 60% of the respondents are aware of Swachh Bharat
importance, and are aware of the programs irrespective of the sex and
education all the respondents have heard about the mission but 40% people
are not implementing.

Chart Title

male female
Category- II Students

Many students were approached in the project as respondents. They were important
to promote Swachh Bharat Mission.

According to 50 students participated in this category out of which 30 of them are

boys and 20 of them are girls.

It was found that all the respondents were aware of Swachh Bharat Mission and also
know its importance.

Chart Title



Category III-Shop keepers.

According to the 30 shopkeepers approached regarding this project everyone are

aware of this project.
Out of 30 shopkeepers participated in this program out of which 26 people were
male and 4 were female.

Chart Title


Chapter 5

Summary of findings, conclusion

And suggestions
Among the findings, the most important is that the villagers were undoubtedly made
aware of the local health and hygiene issues affecting their community. The evidence
was based on the feedback from the residents on these talks showed SBA project an
effective program. Some of these are:

 A shopkeeper in the area said, “The discussion in the shoppers group was
truly enlightening and give me a good sight on how to deal with common
ailment for children and myself”
 A household in Tunganagara said, “I will now ensure that not only my
family members but neighbors are also using toilets.”
 The project aims to make the community aware about hygiene and
sanitation. It was observed household toilets in the study area have been
increased and construction of new toilets is in progress. It is important to
mention here that the villagers are now able to comprehend the link
between cause of diseases and hygienic practices and many of the
respondents found affirmative that diseases can be prevented by using
toilet. Even, the persons not preferring toilets were found aware about
importance of use of toilets
 The study shows that perception on hand wash was high and the practice
on the same was also found high. Even, the school going children were
found aware about hand washing after using toilet and before eating. Most
importantly hand washing with soap-water was found in practice. •
 The study shows that there was relatively low perception and low practice
for disposal of solid waste. In some places, it was the community garbage
pit do exist however, household garbage still being thrown in the open.
 The level of awareness on disposal of liquid waste was high while the
practice was low. Many of the houses in the study area yet to be connected
to the outside drain and resulted water accumulation outside the house or
on the road.
 On two issues, personal hygiene and home/food sanitation, awareness was
medium while practice was high.
 It was found that SBA project is being fairly implemented in Tunganagara.
Participation of community members with the project seems quite good.
 Behavioral change and practices were observed among the community
members especially school going children. For instances, the community
uses their time in more meaningfully and also members be self-indulgent
in cleaning of water sources, roads and other public places etc.
 It was observed that this programme has helped in improving social
harmony through mutual understanding of duties to the society. Prior to
this project, there were many instances of conflict and clashes of opposed
interests taken place due to garbage dumping and water accumulation etc.
It is pertinent to mention here that there is sharp decline found in this kind
of conflict among the community members. It was also felt by the
respondents an environment has been created for cleanliness.
 Community approach towards the SBA Project was found positive. One
of reasons observed was the influence of the organization and
implementation of multidimensional activities under this project. • Overall,
the study shows an increasing trend in health and hygiene awareness with
improvement in sanitation coverage.

5.2 Suggestions

 Given the level and intensity of programme activities, it was difficult to

achieve cent percent community wide impact in such short duration. It is
suggested that programme should continued for longer duration, ideally for 3-
4 years.
 Though, the programme has a great impact in the operational area however,
there is a need to constitute an implementation committee at the GP level in
order to ensure community participation in the programme. The members may
be assigned to monitor the programme at the grass root level.

 Knowledge and learning of functionaries at the grass root level is the most
crucial input for improving the quality of the project.

5.3 conclusion
The study on Implementation of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Project was conducted to
assess the impact of the programme on community along with evaluate the skill of
The finding suggests that community members were inclined towards the cleanliness
programme and desired maintain continuity of activities conducted The perception
of the community particularly the women regarding the public health and hygiene
issues is an important influencing factor in conditioning the practice of hygiene in
the community.

Yet, despite all the struggles and problems that beset the health system in
Tunganagara the innovative approach of making the community aware on health and
hygiene is a creditable option to address fundamental needs of people in the state.
However, sustainability of this experiment will largely depend upon reinventing the
programme and the process to serve the hygiene education needs in the existing
sociopsychological times.

One of the most difficult aspect of community level programmers is ensuring

sufficient penetration and reach across a community to attain population-level
impact. Thus, although specific programme component may be effective, the low
level of involvement in individual level behavior change programme limits the
1. Elizabeth Shove, Comfort, Cleanliness, and Convenience: The Social
Organization of Normality (Berg, 2003), p. 80. 2
2. Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal & Gandhi Research Foundation, Importance of
Gandhian thoughts about Cleanliness - By Dr. Shubhangi Rathi
3. "Manual scavenging still a reality". The Hindu. 9 July 2015. Retrieved 9
September 2015.

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