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a) Defining(especificativas): la información es relevante. El pronombre Who or

se puede sustituir por That.
b) Non-defining(explicativas): información extra. Van entre comas y no se puede
omitir el pronombre, aun cuando éste funcione como CD del verbo. Tampoco se
pueden sustituir los pronombres Who or Which por That.
Antecedente Sujeto Objeto Posesivo Sujeto Objeto Posesivo
Personas Who Who Whose who Whom whose
That That who
(*)Zero rel.
Cosas Which Which Whose Which Which whose
That That
(*)Zero rel.
(*) En la oraciones especificativas, cuando el pronombre relativo funciona como CD del
verbo se puede omitir.
Ej.: That is the car my brother bought yesterday.
-WHEN: fechas (=cuando)
e.g.: she got married last year. I found my job then.
She got married last year when I found my job.
-WHERE: lugar (=donde)
e.g.: They went to Madrid. They bought a car there.
They went to Madrid where they bought a car.
-WHO: Personas (=quien)
e.g.: The man is my neighbour. He has a yellow car.
The man, who has a yellow car, is my neighbour.
-WHICH: cosas (=que)
e.g.: My brother has got a beautiful bike. It is white and blue.
My brother has got a beautiful bike which is white and blue
-WHOSE: posesión (=cuyo/a)
e.g.: Helen works for my company. Her bag is enormous.

Helen, whose bag is enormous, works for my company.

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