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Security Features on Canadian Dollar

1) Raised Ink: You can feel raised ink on three spots on the front of the note if you rub your fingers
through them e.g. On the large number mark, the Bank of Canada text, and the shoulders of
portrait of Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden.

2) Metallic Building: =The Metallic Building portrait in the Large Transparent Window will change
color if you tilt the note slightly. Same feature is found if on the back of the note.

3) Maple Leaf Border: If you look closely, you will see that the large window is bordered with
maple leaves that cross into the window if you tilt the note slightly.

4) Large Window: This is a window that appears transparent if you hold it upright. If you look
through it you will find a metallic portrait and building.

5) Small Numbers: If you look closely, you will see that the large window is bordered with small
numbers. These numbers will match the note’s value. Some will appear in reverse.

6) Frosted Maple Leaf: If you hold the note upright, you will see that the frosted maple leaf
window has a transparent outline.

7) Metallic Portrait: This metallic portrait in the Large Window matches the large portrait. It will
change color if you tilt. The same feature can be found on the back of the note.

8) Transparent Text: The word ‘Canada’ in the Large Transparent Window feels slightly raised if you
rub your fingers through it.

9) Hidden Numbers: Look for hidden numbers through the frosted maple leaf window from a close
range. These numbers will match the value of the note.

 All the denominations of the Canadian Dollars have all the same features.
 Refer to the images below that have the features numbered respectively.

Design and Material of Canadian Dollar

The note is made from a single piece of polymer that gives it a smooth unique texture. Each
denomination follows a specific theme, all of which celebrate Canada’s achievements at home, around
the world and in space; reflecting the ingenuity, determination and courage of the nation e.g. $100 note
is themed on Medical Innovation carried out by Canadian Doctors and Scientists.

9 6 5
7 8

1 4 2 3

7 8 6

3 2 4

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