3rd Draft

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Your next major assignment will ask you to practice

making several substantial revisions to your second

draft. There are several goals for this assignment:
1. To organize an introduction effectively.
2. To narrow your thesis effectively.
3. To organize a conclusion effectively.
4. To summarize another writer’s ideas accurately and
5. To paraphrase another writer’s ideas accurately and
6. To quote another writer’s ideas effectively.
7. To explicitly account for an audience’s needs and
8. To proofread and effectively prepare a manuscript
for submission.

On Audience
The appendix to this assignment sheet will provide
you with more a more detailed explanation of how
audience is typically thought about during the
revision process. While writers typically make this
considerations based on an “intended” audience, this
group of imagined readers are often divorced from
what we could call the “actual” readers. In other
words, a writer’s intended audience is tied to where
the writer chooses to circulate their writing. In a
classroom setting it is rare for an essay to be
circulated outside of the individual class and so the
appropriate question becomes, “where will my essay
circulate? Or who will have access to my ideas?”.
Final essays are typically circulated among two
groups: teachers at CCAC and students at CCAC.
These two large groups serve as the main audience
considerations for your ideas. As you can expect,
students make up a much larger percentage of the
readership for your essay than teachers. Both
groups branch out into smaller groups of individuals
with common interests, questions , and concerns (for
example: the community of nursing students at
CCAC). Your task as a writer is to revise your essay
in such a way that the changes you make, reflect the
needs and expectations of the community of readers
you identify.
Grading Criteria Possible Points Points
(63) Earned

Essay follows the Formatting Instructions 7

Demonstrates reasonable understanding of the 7

source texts

Includes an interpretive thesis / project statement / 7

main idea effectively

Paraphrases an idea from the Baldwin essay 7

Summarizes an idea from both of the source texts 7

Effectively quotes the Pausch essay 7

Effectively quotes the Baldwin essay 7

Includes one block quotation 7

Include a works cited page 7

WritingGuidelines for Draft #2

 Draft #3 Must be 2000 words in length
 be double-spaced and typed in Times New Roman
font (set this font to 12).
 have the margins set to 1 inch on all sides.
 have the first line of each paragraph indented use
the tab key for this).
 Follow the MLA Style Guide on Formatting Your
Essay. See the link

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