Topic 1.1: What Is SAP R/3?

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Topic 1.1: What Is SAP R/3?

The first step to understanding SAP R/3 is understanding the name itself. SAP is both the name
of the company and the name of the software. SAP stands for Systems, Applications & Products
in Data Processing.

The term R/3 stands for runtime system three.
It is the successor of the original R/2 system.

*SAP R/3
R/3 is the latest incarnation of SAP's enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.
Enterprise resource planning organizes, integrates, and manages business applications such as
finance, accounting, and manufacturing, to increase an organization's efficiency and accuracy.

*EnjoySAP Initiative
SAP R/3 Release 4.6 is part the EnjoySAP initiative. EnjoySAP interfaces look like Web portals
and offer access to information beyond the actual application. Later in this course, you will learn
how this improved interface makes R/3 easier to learn, customize, and use.

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Topic 1.2: SAP System Basics

*R/3 Architecture
The R/2 system was designed to run on a mainframe, but R/3 architecture is modeled in a three-
tier hierarchy. This allows for greater scalability, portability, and interoperability with other
applications. R/3's hierarchy contains the following layers:

 Database — stores data managed by SAP

 Application — runs on a server and is the business logic layer
 User Interface — made up of the presentation systems

This series of courses will focus on the User Interface layer. Your system administrator will
handle the other two layers.

*User Interface Layer

The User Interface layer displays the R/3 window where the input and output of data occurs. The
screens you use to do this are referred to as the Graphical User Interface, or SAPGUI. The
SAPGUI includes menus, fields, and buttons which you navigate with your mouse. You'll learn
more about the SAPGUI later in this course.

*SAP R/3 Modules

SAP R/3 includes 12 modules which correlate with critical business processes.
These include: Sales and Distribution, Human Resources, Contracting, and Workflow.

*Integrated Modules
The modules are also integrated, which means that a change made in one module (or business
process) will be reflected in other modules.
For example, if you order supplies through Purchasing, part of Materials Management, you
would specify which general ledger account should be charged for the supplies. The account
information is part of the Financial Accounting module.

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Please download a browser that supports JavaScript.

Topic 1.3: What's New in Release 4.6

*More User Friendly
The latest release of SAP R/3 includes new elements which improve usability. The new software
is easier to learn, customize, and use.
All SAP User Interfaces are now designed to be "obvious at first glance."
This includes the new SAP Easy Access user menu, which simplifies entries into the SAP

*Role-Based, Personal Interface

When you log on to the R/3 system, a User Menu defined for your role will open. A role includes
all of the activities used in a business scenario. When you are assigned a role by your system
administrator, you are given access to all of the tasks which are associated with that role.
You can customize the interface assigned to your role by adding favorites and shortcuts, and
creating variants for transactions. You will learn how to do these things in a later course.

*Specific Changes
Later in this course we'll look more at the specific interface changes accessible after you log on
to your SAP system.

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* Exercise 1
Try identifying which module your assigned tasks are a part of and which other modules might
use the information you enter when using SAP R/3 Release 4.6.
Use this list of integrated modules to help you find specific examples:

 Sales and Distribution

 Materials Management
 Production Planning
 Quality Management
 Plant Maintenance
 Human Resources
 Financial Accounting
 Contracting
 Fixed Asset Management
 Project System
 Workflow
 Industry Solutions

Topic 1.4: Unit 1 Summary

In this unit, you learned what SAP R/3 is and how it differs from previous versions of SAP.
You now know that the R/3 architecture differs significantly from the R/2. You also learned how
R/3's integrated modules work together to facilitate critical business processes.

Unit 2. Logging On to R/3

[Skip Unit 2's navigation links]
2. Logging On to R/3
       2.1 The First Logon
              2.1.1 Logon Screen
              2.1.2 Changing Passwords
       2.2 Logging Off R/3
       2.3 Unit 2 Summary

Before you can do anything with SAP R/3 you need to log on to the system. In this unit, you'll
learn how to start the SAP application and log on.
You'll also learn how to use the logon screen to enter important logon information.
This unit also shows you how to select and modify your logon password.
Finally, this unit shows you how to end your SAP R/3 session by logging off.

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

 Log on to SAP
 Create a new SAP password

 Change an existing password

 Log off of SAP

Topic 2.1: The First Logon

*Logging On
The first thing you need to do before using any functions in SAP is log on to the system. This
will start one instance of SAP which is called a session. You can open multiple sessions of SAP
which allows you to multitask. You'll learn how to open multiple sessions in a later course.
*Start a Session
To start a new session, start SAP R/3 by clicking the SAP desktop icon.

Topic 2.1.1: Logon Screen

*The Logon Screen
When you start SAP, the logon screen appears.
Enter the client number in the Client field. Your system administrator will assign your client
A default client number may appear. You can either accept it or type over it.

*User ID
Press the Tab key to move to the User field.
Enter the user ID that your system administrator gave you.
Then press Tab to move to the Password field.

Before you log on for the first time, you will need to obtain a password from your network
You will use this password for your first logon only.
For subsequent logons you will use a password that you choose. You will set up the new
password after you log on for the first time.

*Enter the Password

Enter the password that your system administrator gave you. As you type, the asterisk will
remain visible as a security measure.
The entire field will be filled with asterisks, even if you backspace to retype your password.
Passwords are not case sensitive in SAP.

If you want screens, menus, and fields to be displayed in a different language, enter the
appropriate language key in the Language field.
The language keys are available from your system administrator. The default language for SAP
is English.
If you want to work in English, you don't need to put anything in the Language field, because
English is the default.

*Enter Your Information

After you have finished filling in these fields, click Enter  .

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Topic 2.1.2: Changing Passwords

*New Password
If this is the first time you have logged on to your system, the new password dialog box will
open. Now you need to change your password to something different from the one your system
administrator assigned to you.

*Choosing Passwords
Passwords need to be three to eight characters long. You can use most combinations of
alphanumeric characters in your password: letters a - z, numbers 0-9, and punctuation marks.

*Invalid Characters
There are some validation rules for passwords. Do not begin the password with a question mark,
an exclamation point, a blank space, or three identical characters of any kind.
You also cannot use a sequence that appears in your user ID.

*Invalid Passwords
Another rule is, you cannot use pass or init as a password. Later on, after you have been using
the system for a while, you won't be able to re-use any of your last five passwords.

*Confirm Your New Password

Once you have chosen your new password, enter it into the first field, and retype it in the second
field to confirm it.

*Easy Access
If your password was changed successfully, the SAP Easy Access screen will open.
You are now logged on to the SAP system.

*Changing Passwords
Even if you have previously logged on to your SAP system, you can still change your password
by clicking the New Password button on the logon screen.

*New Password
The new password dialog box will open, and you can follow the same procedures for changing
your password during your first log in.
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Please download a browser that supports JavaScript.

Please download a browser that supports JavaScript.

Topic 2.2: Logging Off R/3

*Save and Log Off
After you have finished working in the R/3 system, you need to save your new data and log off
of the system. There are several ways to log off R/3. The first way involves the System menu.

Logging Off
You can open the System menu and choose Log off.

*Log Off Button

Or there is an even easier way. You can choose the Log off button on the Standard toolbar.

*Remember to Save
If you haven't saved your work, the Log Off dialog box will open. You need to confirm that you
want to end your session and lose whatever data you may have entered. If you have more than
one session (SAP window) open, logging off will end all of the sessions. You will learn more
about ending sessions in a later course.

* Exercise 1
Try logging on to SAP R/3.
Note: Before beginning this exercise, consult with your manager as to whether you can begin a
practice session in SAP.

Examine the following table

Step Action
1 Start SAP R/3.
2 Enter the client number in the Client field. If you do not know your client
number, ask your system administrator to assign one to you.
3 Enter your user ID. Your system administrator should also provide you with this
4 Enter a valid password. Keep in mind the SAP requirements and restrictions for
5 Use the default language (English) for menu and field displays.
6 Enter all of the information.
7 Log off from SAP R/3 without saving.

Topic 2.3: Unit 2 Summary

In this unit you learned the first step in using SAP R/3: logging on.
You learned what information is needed to log on to SAP. You learned how to choose a
password based on the requirements and restrictions of SAP. You now know how to change a
password if needed.
The last section of this unit showed you how to end an SAP session by logging off. You learned
how to log off using the System menu and the Log off button on the toolbar.

Unit 3. R/3 Interface Overview

[Skip Unit 3's navigation links]
3. R/3 Interface Overview
       3.1 Screen Header
              3.1.1 Standard Toolbar
              3.1.2 Title Bar
              3.1.3 Application Toolbar
              3.1.4 Menu Bar
       3.2 Status Bar
       3.3 Unit 3 Summary

As you have seen, the SAP graphical interface is designed for ease of use. In this unit, you'll
learn about the main parts of the user interface and how they are used.
You'll learn how to use the menu and toolbars of SAP R/3.
You'll see that some parts of the user interface remain constant while others vary from task to

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

 Identify the main parts of the SAP R/3 graphical interface

 Use the menu and toolbars of SAP R/3

 Explain the significance of each of the three status fields

*User Interface
As you learned earlier in this course, the user interface is the SAP graphical interface, or
SAPGUI. This is the screen that appears after you have completed the logon sequence.
The SAPGUI is divided into two main parts: the screen body and the screen header.

Topic 3.1: Screen Header

*Screen Header
The screen header consists of the menu bar, the Standard toolbar, the title bar, and the
Application toolbar.

Topic 3.1.1: Standard Toolbar

*The Standard Toolbar
The Standard toolbar contains buttons for performing common actions such as saving,
navigating, and printing.
It may vary a little from task to task, but generally remains the same. If a button is not an
available option, it will appear dimmed. This applies to both the Standard and Application

Topic 3.1.2: Title Bar

*Title Bar
The title bar appears at the top of the SAP window. It provides a description of the screen that is

Topic 3.1.3: Application Toolbar

*Application Toolbar
The Application toolbar is located below the title bar. It is application-specific, so it will vary
depending on the screen or transaction you are working on.

*Interaction Buttons
The GUI interaction buttons (minimize, maximize, and close) are located in the upper right
corner of the menu bar next to the SAP logo.

In Release 4.6, the command field is closed by default. In this series, you will learn to navigate
R/3 using the User Menu rather than the command field.
If you do need to display the command field, click the arrow to the left of the save icon in the
standard toolbar.

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Topic 3.1.4: Menu Bar

*Menu Bar
At the very top of the SAP user interface is the menu bar. The menu bar contains all of the
available menus for the current task, so it will have different items to choose from as you move
through different tasks. The two menus that remain constant are System and Help. You will
explore the specific menus as you learn about other R/3 features.

*Menu Paths
To use the menu bar, click any of the menus and a list of commands will appear below it. If a
menu contains any submenus, there will be an arrow to the right of that command. Point to a
menu command with an arrow and you can then choose any of the commands on the submenu
with another single-click. This will open the transaction or function.

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Topic 3.2: Status Bar

*Status Bar
The status bar is located at the bottom of the SAP window. You can find information about the
SAP system or task that you are working on. System messages are displayed at the left. Error
messages are identified by   and   identifies other system messages.

*Status Bar Fields

There are three status fields at the right end of the status bar. The first status field displays the
following system information:

 System
 Client
 User
 Program
 Transaction
 Response time

*Second Field
The second status field shows the server to which you are connected.

*Third Field
The third status field shows the current data entry mode. You can toggle between the two modes,
Insert (INS) and Overwrite (OVR), by clicking this field.
Insert mode allows you to insert data into an existing field with out typing over it.
In Overwrite mode, any data that you type into a field will replace existing data. R/3 defaults to
the Overwrite mode.

*Hiding Status Fields

You can hide or display the status fields by clicking the arrow   to the left of the three fields.

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* Exercise 1
Try exploring the Status bar used with the SAP R/3 user interface.
Note: Before beginning this exercise, consult with your manager as to whether you can begin a
practice session in SAP.

Examine the following table

Step Action
1 Log on to your SAP R/3 system and open an application.
2 Show the status fields if they are not already shown.
3 Observe the system, client and user information in the first status field.
4 Observe the second status field to see the name of the server to which you are
5 Change the last status field to either Insert or Overwrite mode, whichever you
6 Hide the status fields.
7 Log off and close SAP R/3.

Topic 3.3: Unit 3 Summary

The SAP graphical interface makes SAP R/3 very user friendly. In this unit, you learned the
names of the main parts of the SAPGUI screen and how to use each part.
You now know how to use the menus and toolbars of SAP no matter what the task. You also
learned how to open and interpret the status fields.
You also learned what menus are task-specific and which menus remain constant.

Unit 4. Working with the User Menu

[Skip Unit 4's navigation links]
4. Working with the User Menu
       4.1 Using the User Menu
       4.2 User Menu Organization
       4.3 Unit 4 Summary

Now that you know how to log on to SAP R/3, you need to know how to navigate through it.
In this unit you will learn how to use the SAP Easy Access User Menu. You will see how the
User Menu is set up to allow you to access items specific to your task.
You will also learn how to access items not included in your User Menu by using the SAP
Standard Menu.

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

 Access items using the SAP Easy Access User Menu

 Open the SAP standard Menu

Topic 4.1: Using the User Menu

*Easy Access
The SAP Easy Access User Menu is the new point of entry into the SAP R/3 System. The User
Menu is displayed when you log on to the SAP System. It allows you access to SAP transactions,
local documents, and Web pages from a single interface.

The SAP Easy Access User Menu replaces previous methods of navigation in SAP. In older
versions of SAP, you navigated through menu bars or entered a transaction number into the
command field to find the transaction you needed to execute.

*User Menus
Your system administrator creates User Menus for groups of users based on the tasks they will
be performing as part of their user role.
A role is assigned to user, giving the user the authorizations necessary to perform the tasks
included in his or her menu.

*User Menu Contents

The User Menu can consist of transactions, reports, and Internet addresses.
It will include only the items that you need to perform your tasks.

*Viewing the User Menu

If a User Menu has been defined by your system administrator, it appears when you log on to the
system. If you have not been assigned a User Menu, or if you need to access items that are not
included in your User Menu, you can look at the SAP standard menu to find the items that you

*Opening the SAP Menu

To display the SAP standard menu, open the Menu menu and choose SAP menu.

*SAP Menu Contents

The SAP standard menu gives you a complete overview of the SAP System that you are working

*Something Missing?
If you do not find the item that you are looking for on the SAP Menu, contact your system

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Please download a browser that supports JavaScript.

Topic 4.2: User Menu Organization

*Menu Organization
The User Menu and the SAP standard menu are organized in a hierarchical tree in the navigation

*Viewing Menus
You can expand and collapse folders in the navigation area by clicking the arrows to the left of
the menu items or by double-clicking the folders.

*Opening an Item
When you find the item you are looking for, you can open the item by double-clicking its node
(the small cube next to the item's name).

*New Window
If you want to open the item in a new window, you can do so by choosing Execute in new
window from the Edit menu. This will open a new session concurrently, which you will learn
about in a later course.

You can customize your User Menu by changing the User Menu settings and creating a Favorites
You will learn how to do these things in a later course.

* Exercise 1
Try using the SAP Easy Access User Menu.
Note: Before beginning this exercise, consult with your manager as to whether you can begin a
practice session in SAP.

Examine the following table

Step Action
1 Log on to SAP R/3.
2 If one has been created for you, use the SAP Easy Access User Menu to explore
folders and items available to you. If no User Menu has been created for you, go
on to the next step of this exercise.
3 Open the SAP standard menu to explore other folders not included in your
specific User Menu.
4 Log off of SAP R/3.

Topic 4.3: Unit 2 Summary

In this unit, you learned how the SAP Easy Access User Menu allows you to access items you
need to complete your specific tasks.
You also learned how to access items not included in your User Menu by accessing the SAP
standard menu.

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