Campbell Emily-Final

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Presidential Process

and the Role of

Kutztown University

Campbell, Emily
LLT 321 070
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Title ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Grade......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Subject ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Note .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Monday ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Subject ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Alignments ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Objective ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Duration .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Materials ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Daily Instructional Procedures .................................................................................................................. 4
Attachments.............................................................................................................................................. 5
Rationale ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Tuesday ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Subject ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Alignments ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Objective ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Duration .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Materials ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Daily Instructional Procedures .................................................................................................................. 6
Attachments.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Rationale ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Wednesday ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Subject ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Alignments ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Objective ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Duration .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Materials ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Daily Instructional Procedures .................................................................................................................. 9
Attachments............................................................................................................................................ 11
Rationale ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Thursday...................................................................................................................................................... 12

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

Subject .................................................................................................................................................... 12
Alignments .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Duration .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Materials ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Daily Instructional Procedures ................................................................................................................ 12
Attachments............................................................................................................................................ 13
Rationale ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Friday .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Subject .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Alignments .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Objective ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Duration .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Materials ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Daily Instructional Procedures ................................................................................................................ 15
Attachments............................................................................................................................................ 17
Rationale ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Attachment List ........................................................................................................................................... 19

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019


Citizenship and its role in presidential elections.

11th and 12th grade students

AP Government and Politics or Civics

Attachments, not including websites can be found under, “Attachments” at the end of the

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019


What does it mean to be a good citizen?


PDE SAS Standards:

5.2.12A Evaluate an individual’s civil rights, responsibilities, and obligations in various
contemporary government.
5.2.12D Evaluate and demonstrate what makes competent and responsible citizens.

 Students will be able to define in writing what it means to be a good citizen.
 Students will be able to identify what citizenship looks like in different governments.
 Students will be able to identify why voting is a large responsibility for being a citizen.

60-minute class period.

 Word and question of the day notebook
 Writing utensil
 Projector
Daily Instructional Procedures
 Students will begin by completing the word of the day and the question of the day that
will be written on the white board.
o Today’s word is citizenship (15 minutes)
 Students should fine the definition in their textbook and complete a
sentence that uses the word in it.
o Today’s question is, “What does it mean to be a good citizen?” (15 minutes)
 Students should right a one paragraph answer to this question
o Students will write this in their word and question of the day book.
 Teacher will facilitate a discussion based on the answers to the student’s questions. This
will be engaging and any of the student’s answers will be recognized, no matter how
ridiculous they might sound. (15 minutes)

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

o Some guiding questions are as follows
 What factors go into being a good citizen?
 Is voting important? Why?
 Show the Ted Talk I have attached to conclude the discussion. (13 minutes)
o It is 11 minutes and does a good job at describing citizenship and what goes into
 At the end of the video take the last few minutes to describe the topic that will be
discussed tomorrow. Local vs state vs federal laws. (2 minutes)
o Encourage students to look at different laws and make a list
 Not mandatory but encouraged

o “There’s no such thing at not voting”

 Beginning this lesson with the word and question of the day allows students to develop
a quick background knowledge of the material. This gives students the opportunity to
either refresh their memory, confirm what they thought it might be, or learn something
they never knew before.
 Word and question of the day engages the students in the lesson to start the day.
 Today is meant to be a low intensity day, so the class is mainly centered around the
discussion that engages students in what it means to be a citizen of the United States as
well as the responsibilities that come with it. I utilize this discussion because it
encourages students to participate and shows students that no matter what they say on
the topic it will be recognized seriously and talked out.
 I conclude the lesson with a video that sums up what our discussion would have been
centered on. This lets students relax from the vocal class conversation and provides
them with answers, instead of the teacher bouncing their ideas around.
 I really like a constructivist/social psych approach because it encourages the students to
enhance their own learning. They are in charge of where the discussion goes and it gives
them the responsibility to develop thoughtful discussions.

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019


Local vs state vs federal government


PDE SAS Standards:

5.3.9B: Analyze the roles of local, state, and national governments in policy-making.
5.1.12D: Evaluate state and federal powers based on significant documents and other critical

ISTE Standard:
2c: Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of
using and sharing intellectual property

 Students will be able to explain the three different levels of government law powers;
enumerated, reserved, and concurrent.
 Students will be able to research various laws using the internet
 Students will be able to present their knowledge orally with other group members

60-minute class period.

 Lap tops
 Access to internet
 Word and question of the day notebook
 Writing utensil
 Projector

Daily Instructional Procedures

 Students will begin the day by completing their word and question of the day that will
be written on the white board prior to the beginning of class.
o Words of the day: enumerated, reserve, concurrent powers (15 minutes)

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

 Students should find the definition in their textbook and define these
 Students should use the words in a sentence
o Question of the day, “Why might our government have divided powers for
specific levels of government?” (15 minutes)
 Students will write at least a one paragraph response to the question
 At the conclusion of their warm up time, the teacher will ask students what the specific
powers are and who they’re delegated to.
 The teacher will ask if the students can give an example of an enumerated power and
offer time for them to answer. (1 minute)
 The teacher will ask if the students can give an example of a federal power and offer
time for them to answer. (1 minute)
 The teacher will ask if the students can give an example of a concurrent power and offer
time for them to answer. (1 minute)
 The teacher will then provide an example of a local law, state law, and federal law using
the following three websites.
o To utilize the time efficiently, the law the teacher plans on showing should
already be brought up on the Smart Board.
 Students will then be instructed to find a law at each level and determine if it is an
enumerated, federal, or concurrent law. (5 minutes)
o Students will work in groups of 3 to complete this project.
o Students will be given computers in the classroom to use to research their laws.
o Students should be able to explain whether or not the law they found is one that
they, as members of Allentown, have to follow.
 Students will then be given time to work on this in class with their group members. (22
o If not completed in class, they will be asked to finish it as homework and turn it
in prior to the next class.
o Groups will be assigned by the teacher
 Students will be asked to turn in what they have to a drop-box in the grading website
the school uses.
No attachments for today’s lesson.

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

 Beginning this lesson with the word and question of the day allows students to develop
a quick background knowledge of the material. This gives students the opportunity to
either refresh their memory, confirm what they thought it might be, or learn something
they never knew before.
 Word and question of the day engages the students in the lesson to start the day.
 The mini-discussion is included because I believe that is important to make students an
active part of the classroom because without them there would be no classroom.
Encouraging students to speak up in class and share their thoughts will encourage them
to speak up in the future. I also believe that reinforcing students positively when they
raise their hand and provide input in the class helps them feel more confident with the
 Explicit instruction is important, that is why I utilize the I do, we do, you do method. In
this case I did the we do first and then show them what I want by doing it myself. I find
that showing the class what you want them to do instead of just telling them engages
the auditoria and visual learners in the classroom.
o I also think it is important that the teacher does part of the lesson too because it
makes the teacher less of an authority figure and more human.
 I have students working on this in class so that they can ask me questions because
concurrent powers can be very confusing to grasp. I also know that students get
assigned homework in many other classes, so I do not want to add to their stress if it is
something that can be done in the classroom.
 This assignment is an informal assessment for the teacher to look at and see where the
students are at. If the students have a firm understanding on the types of powers and
the differences between local, state, and federal governments then the teacher does
not have to spend as much time reviewing it in class.
 Computers are a vital part of this assignment and many students do not have access to a
computer or to the internet outside of the school day, so I have provided ample time for
them to do it inside of the classroom and assigned groups so that it is less work for one
person to do.
 I have assigned the groups because it gets rid of the few minutes it takes to determine
who is going to be in what group. I have also done this because it ensures that no
student feels left out and that there is not a group of students together that will get no
work done. I want my students to be able to push themselves, so these groups would be
varying ability groups. When in my class they are a team and they are only as strong as
the weakest player. Multi-ability groups encourage students to push and help each

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

 Rewarding students for participating in discussion is a behavioristic approach. I find this
approach to be useful because students feel like they are being heard, but also know
when they should be speaking.


Checks and Balances with a focus on the President.

PDE SAS Standard:

5.3.9A: Examine the process of checks and balances among the three branches of government,
including the creation of law.

 Students will be able to provide examples of various checks and balances.
 Students will be able to define checks and balances.
 Students will be able to support their reasoning behind a statement in debate.

60-minute class period

 Word and question of the day book
 Writing utensil
 Notebook paper

Daily Instructional Procedures

 Students will begin the day by completing their word and question of the day that will
be written on the white board prior to the beginning of class.
o Word of the day: Checks and Balances (10 minutes)
 Students should find the definition in their books
 Students should use the term in a sentence

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

o Question of the day, “Does our government have checks and balances, if so
provide an example of one; if not provide an explanation as to why.” (7 minutes)
 Students should answer the question in at least one paragraph
 The teacher will ask the class the question of the day and listen to the feedback. (5
o As a guided response, the teacher would quickly explain checks and balances in
how a bill becomes a law.
 This would be review from 9th grade but would guide the students in the
right direction.
 The teacher will then ask the students to move their desks into debate position (1
o Class is normally in a U-shape and debate position separates the U-shape in half
 The teacher will explain the activity, this or that (4 minutes)
o Teacher will read a question about some of the responsibilities the president
has. If you think it is a responsibility the president can do you will go to the left
side of the room. If you think it is a responsibility the president cannot do you
will go to the right side of the room.
o Students will have 2 minutes to talk to the people on their side to come up with
a plan of why they are right to convince the other side of the room
o Each side will have 1 minute to try to convince the other side
o At the end of the debate students will have 10 seconds to change sides.
o The teacher will then tell the students the correct answer to the question
 The teacher will begin the activity by uncovering the first question on the board. (20
o Can the president declare war?
o Can the president declare a state of emergency?
o Can the president shut down the government?
o Can the president veto a law?
 Can he do it twice?
o Can the president appoint a supreme court justice?
 The teacher will conclude the activity by asking the class what questions utilize the
checks and balances system. (7 minutes)
o The teacher will star these on the board as the students tell her and ask the
student to explain how it uses checks and balances
 Students will provide the teacher with an exit ticket on their way out. (5 minutes)
o The exit ticket question is, “Do you think the president has too much or too little
power, why?”
o Students should write roughly a paragraph response to this question

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

No attachment for today’s lesson.

 Beginning this lesson with the word and question of the day allows students to develop
a quick background knowledge of the material. This gives students the opportunity to
either refresh their memory, confirm what they thought it might be, or learn something
they never knew before.
 Word and question of the day engages the students in the lesson to start the day.
 I have the students answer the question of the day as a class because I feel it promotes
their public speaking skills and the general foundation of the class respect. I also do it
because I think it provides the students with clarity that what they’re doing first thing at
the beginning of class isn’t busy work. It is the foundation of the remainder of the class.
 I have the class set up in a U-shape so that it is easy to split the class into a debate set up
and to move around. I also find that this fosters a better learning environment and more
communication within the class period because everyone is seen.
 The this or that, activity is one of my favorites because it gets students up and moving
and having fun while they are learning. They sit in a chair all day so allowing them to
move around gets their blood flowing and as a response they are more attentive.
 I incorporated the debate part into it because students need to be able to back up what
they say with reasoning. Debates encourage team work and provide time for students to
practice supporting their statements with evidence.
 Today’s theme was checks and balances so concluding the activity with the students
telling me which question included checks and balances in the process brings the class
full circle.
 I like doing interactive activities in my classroom, but I also like students to know that
what they’re doing isn’t busy work, so I concluded with something tangible, an exit
o The question puts the focus on the president which is where the questions
originated from but also uses checks and balances as a part of how students
would answer the question that they were asked.
 The exit ticket lets me as a teacher know where my students stand in their
understanding of the activity and material for the day. Their writing and amount of
evidence in the response can tell a lot and I would use that information when
transitioning into the rest of the unit plan for the week and for future plans to come in
the year.

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019


The Electoral College

PDE SAS Standard:
5.3.12E: Evaluate the fairness and effectiveness of the U.S. electoral processes, including the
electoral college.

 Students will be able to define and explain the electoral college, including the
importance of swing states.
 Students will be able to explain the presidential election process.
 Students will be able to describe where a presidential nominee should campaign and
 Students will be able to explain how the electoral college is composed.

60-minute class period.

 Word and question of the day book
 Writing utensil
 Notebook paper
 Projector/media
 White board

Daily Instructional Procedures

 Students will begin the day by completing their word and question of the day that will
be written on the white board prior to the beginning of class.
o Word of the day: electoral college (10 minutes)
 Students will find the definition to this in their textbook

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

 Students should use each word in a sentence
o Question of the day, “Is the Electoral College necessary? Do you think the
presidential election should just be based off of the popular vote? Why or why
not? (15 minutes)
 Students should write at least one paragraph to respond to the question
 The teacher will ask the students the question of the day and engage in their full class
responses to the discussion. (10 minutes)
 The teacher will begin today’s lecture by showing the discovery ed video attached
below. (3 minutes)
o Show from 3:10-5:10
 The teacher will then lecture the class on the Electoral College and all the parts included
in it (20 minutes)
o How the number of electoral votes per state is determined
o What is the difference between congressional district method and the one the
other 48 states + D.C. use
o Why it Is important for presidential candidates to campaign to smaller states
o The role primaries and caucuses have in the electoral process
o Explain the swing states
 Use the swing states image on the Smart Board when explaining
 To conclude class the teacher will tell students that they should look at presidential
candidates for the 2020 election and see what party has the most candidates and why
that might be. (2 minutes)
o Students should do this for homework

o Election Day
 Swing States Image

 Beginning this lesson with the word and question of the day allows students to develop
a quick background knowledge of the material. This gives students the opportunity to
either refresh their memory, confirm what they thought it might be, or learn something
they never knew before.
 Word and question of the day engages the students in the lesson to start the day.

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

 I have the students answer the question of the day as a class because I feel it promotes
their public speaking skills and the general foundation of the class respect. I also do it
because I think it provides the students with clarity that what they’re doing first thing at
the beginning of class isn’t busy work. It is the foundation of the remainder of the class.
 The electoral college video caters to a younger audience because of the graphics in it,
however, I find that it does a wonderful job at explaining all of the parts of the electoral
college. It is the perfect introduction to the material.
o The video has subtitles, so I would turn those on for ELL students or students
who are hard of hearing or deaf in my classroom.
 Even students who may not need this accommodation can benefit from
reading the word on the screen as they hear and see them. It provides
multiple sources for the knowledge to enter.
 The electoral is a complex topic to understand and that is why I find it important to
lecture students instead of base the lesson for the day off of student participation and
involvement. I would encourage students to ask questions and include their input as I
teach by raising their hand. I think that providing the students with a concrete
foundation of what the electoral college is, and the process of the election will benefit
 Tomorrow’s activity has to do with presidential candidates which is why I want my
students to look up some information on the candidates and notice the patterns. This is
suggested homework and is something that they can do on their phones while in the
cafeteria. I also don’t have a paper or notes that prove they did it because I find that to
be busy work. I just want to give students the opportunity to know what is coming next
and direct them to some background knowledge before the day starts.

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019


Presidential nominees


ISTE Standard:
1D: Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the
ability to choose, use, and troubleshoot current technology, and be able to transfer their
knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
6C: Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety
of digital objects such as visualizations, models, or simulations.

 Students will be able to accurately compose a campaign plan for a presidential nominee.
 Students will be able to make a media presentation to demonstrate their knowledge.
 Students will be able to cite material.
 Students will be able to compare and contrast their presidential nominees’ values
compared to another nominee in the same party.
 Students will be able to effectively speak in front of the class utilizing public speaking
60-minute class period.

 Word and question of the day notebook
 Laptops
 Notebook paper
 Internet access
 Presidential nominee card and fun fact sheet

Daily Instructional Procedures

 Students will begin the day by answering the question of the day that will be written on
the board prior to class. (8 minutes)
o Question of the day, “Name one person who has announced they are running for
president. What is their political party?”

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

 Students should respond to this question in a sentence or two.
 The teacher will inform the students of the project assignment and it explain it to them.
The teacher will also hand out the rubric and assignment paper. (10 minutes)
o The project will be a group presentation on a presidential nominee
 Students will need to make a presentation on a presidential nominee that
was given to their group. This presentation can NOT be a PowerPoint.
Students should be creative with how they present the material.
 It will need to include a variety of things
 A general background on the candidate
o Where they grew up (home state)
o Political background (before they announced their
candidacy for president
o Are they married
o How old are they
 What is their main goal as president, why are they running
 What are the steps that they have to go through to be declared
the nominee at their party’s convention ceremony?
o Campaigning, primaries, caucuses, etc.
 Who is their biggest competition?
o Within their party and outside of it
 What candidates have similar goals
 Will their home state help them in their path to be elected?
o EX: Obama was from Hawaii and he was a democrat.
Hawaii typically votes democratically so his home state
would help him.
 Why are they qualified to be president?
 How would you encourage them to campaign if you were their
campaign manager? Be specific.
o Commercials
o Social media
o Newspapers
o Campaign tour
o Which states should they focus on, why?
o Which states should they not worry about?
 Fair use and citing sources when completing the project.
 Students will get in their assigned groups and pick their presidential nominees name out
of a hat.

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

 Students will have the remainder of the time period and Monday’s class period to work
on the project.
o Computers will be provided for students to use during class time
 Remind students that they need to put the laptops away nicely and in the right spot.
They will have Monday to work on the project as well but will be presenting on Tuesday
and Wednesday, so they need to be prepared. (2 minutes)
 Rubric for the presentation
 Specifications for the presentation

 Beginning this lesson with the word and question of the day allows students to develop
a quick background knowledge of the material. This gives students the opportunity to
either refresh their memory, confirm what they thought it might be, or learn something
they never knew before.
 There is a question of the day because it lets me know who took the time to research
some of the presidential candidates, which is what I asked them to do at the end of
Thursdays lesson.
o I also believe that this sparks their interest because this is something that they
might be able to vote in since they are juniors and seniors in high school.
 I provided ten minutes to explain the project because the more time I take to explain it
the more students will take it seriously. I also hand them out a paper with all the
requirements that were listed below. This way it is clear as to what I would like the
students to do.
 I have students pick a name out of a hat instead of having them pick because it
eliminates unnecessary research time trying to figure out who they want to present on.
This also eliminates having four presentations on the popular candidates.
 I allotted a lot of class time for students to complete this project because I know a lot of
my students may not have computers at home and they need the time to complete it in
school. It is also hard to get together as a group outside of school sometimes with
sports, clubs, and work. I want this project to be challenging, but I don’t want it to be
 I have students presenting because they need to be able to confidently speak in public.
In the work force, military, and college pubic speaking is crucial. I want to prepare my
students as much as possible to not fear public speaking and to be good at it.
 I purposefully banned PowerPoint as a presentation option because so many students
use PowerPoint and they are always the same type of slide. Students need to be able to

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

present information in a fun and engaging way. Straying away from PowerPoint
encourages the fostering of this new skill.

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

Attachment List

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019
Presidential Nominee Presentation

What does my project need to include?

 A general background on the candidate
o Where they grew up (home state)
o Political background (before they announced their candidacy for president
o Are they married
o How old are they
 What is their main goal as president, why are they running
 What are the steps that they have to go through to be declared the nominee at their party’s
convention ceremony?
o Campaigning, primaries, caucuses, etc.
 Who is their biggest competition?
o Within their party and outside of it
 What candidates have similar goals
 Will their home state help them in their path to be elected?
o EX: Obama was from Hawaii and he was a democrat. Hawaii typically votes
democratically so his home state would help him.
 Why are they qualified to be president?
 How would you encourage them to campaign if you were their campaign manager? Be specific.
o Commercials
o Social media
o Newspapers
o Campaign tour
o Which states should they focus on, why
o Which states should they not worry about

Do I have to cite my sources?

 Yes, you should always be citing your sources. Use fair use to determine if the source
you are using is appropriate for the project.

How long is my presentation supposed to be?

 Your presentation should be 15-25 minutes

When is the presentation due?

 Presentations will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. I will pick at random from a hat, so you need
to be prepared to go first thing on Tuesday

Campbell, Emily LLT 321 070 May 5, 2019

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