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JPS Trainers – Simple Present –Question-y/n - Notes

నువ ి మ ల చూ ా ా?. 2) ాజ ార non-veg ంట ా? 3) ార ఆడ ా?

చూ ా ా?. ఇ simple present –questions- yes/no questions . ఏ ై ఒక ే ా ా? ఆ
అల ాట ఉం ? అ ప ంచ ఈ structure ను ఉప ం అడ గ మ ..

Question structure : Do + subject (I/we/you/they) + present form of verb?

Does + subject (She/he/it) + present form of verb?

Example : Do + subject (I/we/you/they) + present form of verb?

Do you watch movies and T.V.? ~ No, I don’t watch much. I like to sleep.

ర ి మ ల , T.V. చూ ా ా?. లదు. ఎక వ ా చూడను. ద వ ఇషపడ ను.

Do they eat sweets? ~ yes, they eat. ~ they don’t eat spicy?

ార ీ ంట ా? , ంట ర . ౖ ి ా ఉం ే నర .

Do your parents eat non-veg? yes, they eat. they don’t eat on Monday, Saturday.

parents non-veg. ంట ా? అవ ను, ంట ర . Monday, Saturday నర .

Example : Does + subject (She/he/it) + present form of verb?

She Is an arrogant? Does she answer properly? Does she talk to everyone?

ఆ గ ి. స ా సమ నం ెప త ం ? అంద మటడత ం ?

He is a nice person. But, does he get to office on time? Does he respect his superiors?

అతను మం ాడ . ా , ఆ ీ క time క వ ా ? superiors మ ా ద ఇ ా ?

Does it rain here? I have never seen raining here. It is so hot like a fireplace.

అసల వరం పడ త ం ఇక డ? ప డూ చూడలదు. fireplace ల ా ఎప డూ ా

ఉంట ం .

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