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Decision Support System for Transportation Model

Optimizing using Vogel Approximation Method and Stepping


Vincent Limountha
Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Jalan Dipatiukur No. 112 – 116, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of this study was to find an optimal solution from a transportation model using
Vogel Approximation Method and Stepping Stone Method. The optimal solution can help entrepreneurs
on minimizing cost without disrupting the fulfillment of customer needs. In running a business, especially
in the trading business, entrepreneurs must find a plan that can meet customer needs and still minimize
costs. In transportation models case, there is a fee for each product on distribution processes that must be
minimized, this is done without disrupting the fulfillment of customer needs for the product. Vogel
Approximation Method (VAM) is one of many methods that can be used for optimizing transportation
model. VAM is used to get an initial feasible solution. After we get the feasible solution, we use Stepping
Stone Method to get the optimal solution. With this system output, we get the detail amount of product
from each supply to each demand that can help entrepreneurs to minimize the distribution cost. From the
sample case that we use, we get 5125 as the result of VAM and 4525 as the result after we implement
Stepping Stone Method.

Vogel Approximation Method (VAM) is one of many methods that can be used for
optimizing transportation model. VAM is used to get an initial feasible solution. To find the
optimal solution, we use Stepping Stone Method after we get the feasible solution from VAM.
A similar study on a decision support system that concerns the transport model has also been
done by Katta g. Murty, [2] [3] Mario Fedrizzi, Pratyush Bharati [4], Nagrah [5] Balakrishnan,
and a. Edward Samuel & m. Venkatachalapathy [6]. But the difference lies in the use of Stone
Stepping value method used to obtain the optimal solution, not just feasible solutions resulting
from the Approximation method (VAM) Vogel. Therefore, it made a decision support system for
optimization model of transportation. Then the output from these systems can help entrepreneurs
in taking decisions in determining the allocation of supply with demand and meet expenses (cost)
to a minimum.
The transport model has a basic assumption that the cost of transportation on a particular
route is proportional with the number of product units that ship [7]. The use of VAM on
optimization model of transportation can provide initial feasible solutions.
The steps in the Vogel Approximation Method can be seen in the following order. First,
specify the penalty cost for each row and column with the smallest cost calculate difference
between. Second, select the row or column with the highest penalty cost. Third, allocate as much
stock (from supply) on the cell with the lowest feasible cost from a row or column with the highest
penalty will cost the previously selected. Repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 until all the needs (demand) are
After an initial feasible solution obtained using the VAM. The optimization is done using the
Stepping Stone Method. The steps in the method of Stepping Stone can be seen in the following
order. First, specify the line stepping value stone and change the cost for each cell with the
allocation of supply. Second, Allocate as much as possible the stock supply in cells with the
greatest negative cost changes. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all the cells with an empty supply
allocations have positive cost changes indicating the solutions have been optimized.
On this decision support system, the users are required to enter a large number of the location
of supply and demand. Followed by filling out the stock for each location supply and demand.
Next, users fill in the cost for each transport from every location of supply to every location of
demand. After all the data is loaded, the system will start optimization by applying VAM first,
followed by the Stepping Stone method. The output of the system in the form of the allocation of
each supply to each demand with minimal cost and the whole request stock demand is met.

Filling the data

Applying VAM

Applying Stepping Stone

Suppose the user input data is as follows:

 Number of locations supply = 3 with name 1, 2, and 3.

 Number of locations demand = 3 with the names A, B, and C.
 Supply 1 = 150, 2 = 175, 3 = 275.
 Demand A = 200, B = 100, C = 300.
 Cost of supply 1 to demand A = 6, B = 8, and C = 11.
 Cost of supply 2 to demand A = 7, B = 11 and C = 11.
 Cost of supply 3 to demand A = 4, B = 5 and C = 12.
The whole of the required data has been obtained, then the system will apply the VAM for initial
feasible solution gets. The data obtained from the output above after application of VAM is as
First, the system will allocate 175 stock of product from supply 2 to demand A.
Table 1: First VAM Iteration Result.

A B C Supply
6 8 10
1 150

7 11 11
2 175
4 5 12
3 275

Demand 200 100 300 600

Second, the system will allocate 100 stock of product from supply 3 to demand B.
Table 2: Second VAM Iteration Result.

A B C Supply
6 8 10
1 150

7 11 11
2 175
4 5 12
3 275

Demand 200 100 300 600

Third, the system will allocate 25 stock of product from supply 3 to demand A.
Table 3: Third VAM Iteration Result.

A B C Supply
6 8 10
1 150

7 11 11
2 175
4 5 12
3 275
25 100

Demand 200 100 300 600

Fourth, the system will allocate 150 stock of product from supply 3 to demand C.
Table 4: Fourth VAM Iteration Result.

A B C Supply
6 8 10
1 150

7 11 11
2 175
4 5 12
3 275
25 100 150

Demand 200 100 300 600

Fifth, the system will allocate 150 stock of product from supply 1 to demand C.
Table 5: Fifth VAM Iteration Result.

A B C Supply
6 8 10
1 150
7 11 11
2 175
4 5 12
3 275
25 100 150

Demand 200 100 300 600

From the table above the minimum results obtained cost:
175 x 100 x 7 + 5 + 4 + 25 x 150 x 150 x 12 + 10 = 5125
After VAM, continued with the application of the Stepping Stone method in order to get
optimum results. The output gained from the application of the Stepping Stone is as follows:
Table 6: Stepping Stone Method Result.

A B C Supply
6 8 10
1 150
25 125
7 11 11
2 175
4 5 12
3 275
175 100

Demand 200 100 300 600

From the table above the minimum results obtained cost:

25 x 125 x 10 + 6 + 11 + 175 x 175 x 100 x 4 + 4 = 4525
Optimal Results from the above case obtained after the application of the Stepping Stone Method
with details as follows:

 The supply 1 send 25 stocks of product to demand A.

 The supply 1 send 125 stocks of product to demand C.
 The supply 2 send 175 stocks of product to demand C.
 The supply 3 send 175 stocks of product to demand A.
 The supply 3 send 100 stocks of product to demand B.
 Total cost of 4525.

The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is by using a decision support system
for Optimization Model using the method of Transportation Vogel Approximation and Stepping
value of this Stone, entrepreneurs can be helpful in determining the number of products which
will be shipped from any location to any location of the supply demand with minimum cost and
still meet the consumer demand.
The author's suggestions for further research is with the addition of other parameters such as
the amount of the difference in the location of supply and demand, and not share the amount of
supply and demand.
We acknowledged fellow Informatics-10 students of Universitas Komputer Indonesia for
supporting this study.
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