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(Hinahon – The Spa for your

Mental Health)

For all individuals, mental, physical, and social health are vital and interwoven strands of life.

As our understanding of this relationship grows, it becomes ever more apparent that mental health

is crucial to the overall well-being of individuals, societies and countries. Indeed, mental health can

be defined as a state of well-being enabling individuals to realize their abilities, cope with the

normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, and make a contribution to their

communities. Unfortunately, in most parts of the world, mental health and mental disorders are not

accorded anywhere near the same degree of importance as physical health. Rather, they have

been largely ignored or neglected. As of 2018, Global Burden Disease (de Guzman, August 2018)

has reported that 3.3 million Filipinos suffer from depressive disorders yet the number is

inconclusive because in a predominantly Catholic country, talking about mental illness is

stigmatized. Furthermore, 4 out of 5 Filipinos experiences/experienced anxiety disorder once in

their life. Aside from that, there are 88 cases of mental health problem in every 100,000 Filipinos,

schizophrenia being the top mental health problem, followed by depression, and anxiety disorders

(Philippine Health Information System on Mental Health, 2018).

Mental health is more than the mere lack of mental disorders. The positive dimension of mental

health is stressed in WHO’s definition of health as contained in its constitution: “Health is a state of

complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or

infirmity.” Concepts of mental health include subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy,

autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence and recognition of the ability to realize

one’s intellectual and emotional potential. If having mental health problems is deemed

unacceptable and not normal, why are there numerous Filipinos who are experiencing it? Since

there is no health without mental health, it is necessary that services that can cater to mental

health be available to all Filipinos. Although there are services available for this, they tend to be

overpriced and not marketed towards the masses.

Given the prevalence of mental health and substance-dependence problems in adults and

children, it is not surprising that there is an enormous emotional as well as financial burden on

individuals, their families and society as a whole. The economic impacts of mental illness affect

personal income, the ability of ill persons – and often their caregivers – to work, productivity in the

workplace and contributions to the national economy, as well as the utilization of treatment and

support services. Thus, Hinahon was conceptualized to give Filipinos access to an affordable

mental health spa. Aside from that, with a growing number of Filipinos being diagnosed with mental

illness, it is also necessary to give them a source of income in a company will exclusively hire

those with mental health problems. Since stigma is still



Hinahon is a mental health spa aimed at giving Filipinos who want to distress, unwind, and

relax without spending too much and without worrying about being stigmatized. With millions of

Filipino suffering from mental health problems, it is necessary to give them access to relaxation

and pampering. In order to do this, Hinahon will be introduced to the major cities in the country and

will be staffed with people suffering with mental health problems. That way, customers who are

afraid of being judged will have a safe haven and will be served by individuals that can understand

what they are going through. This can help strengthen the mental health community and this can
also help eradicate stigma surrounding mental health issues and problems as this can show that

people suffering from mental health problems can still find a job and it is normal.

When people are more aware about the necessity of addressing mental health problems, there

is a big possibility that they can accept everyone that suffers from it. Aside from that, unaddressed

mental health problems can cause suicide. With millions of Filipinos at-risk of committing suicide,

this means that the country is at-risk of losing millions of members of society’s workforce.

Establishing Hinahon spas can show people that mental health problems can be managed and that

they are not alone. The establishment of Hinahon spas in major cities can also generate a sense of

belongingness for everyone who suffers from mental health problems. Based on the

abovementioned statements, a SWOT analysis is presented below.


 Experts say the number of suicide  Due to its novelty, the product needs to
cases and students with mental illnesses has be established in order to gain consumers’ trust.
risen drastically in the last two years with at  Due to its novelty, there might be
least one suicide referral made each day, which consumers who will be adamant to try it.
can make Hinahon a safe haven for these  Due to stigma, people who are suffering
students. from mental health problems might feel
 Increased risk factors such as uncomfortable spending their money on a
breakdown of relationships coupled with a business that solely caters to those who want to
decrease in protective factors such as health mentally recharge.
lifestyles and rest can leave children  Due to it novelty, intensive
increasingly exposed to mental health issues branding/marketing needs to be done via social
and vulnerable to suicide, which when media in order to establish its presence in the
unaddressed can lead to unproductive lives. Philippines.
Thus, Hinahon can cater to these individuals.
 Urgent attention is needed to address
the rise in mental illnesses and suicide cases
among the youth, young single adults, and
adults. Hinahon can help address mental health

 Due to its novelty, the company is given  Due to its novelty, other companies
the opportunity to experiment with various related to luxury spas can offer lower prices
marketing strategies and gimmicks. which can harm Hinahon’s entry to the market.
 Due to its novelty, affordability, and  Due to its novelty, it might be difficult to
compassion, prospective buyers might feel that contain and manage any negative reviews
they are spending their money right. directed at the product.
 Due to stigma, it might be difficult to
convince consumers who are not comfortable
being associated with anything related to mental


According to Global Burden Disease (de Guzman, August 2018) has reported that 3.3 million

Filipinos suffer from depressive disorders yet the number is inconclusive because in a

predominantly Catholic country, talking about mental illness is stigmatized. Furthermore, 4 out of 5

Filipinos experiences/experienced anxiety disorder once in their life. Aside from that, there are 88

cases of mental health problem in every 100,000 Filipinos, schizophrenia being the top mental

health problem, followed by depression, and anxiety disorders (Philippine Health Information

System on Mental Health, 2018). With that being said, since millennials are going to comprise 50%

of the workforce, it is imperative that their mental health concerns be addressed and they be given

a way to de-stress without spending too much in a mental health-friendly environment. With the

approval of the Mental Health Law last 2018, it is hoped that this will help address the stigma

attached to mental health problems in the country. Thus, being able to build a spa targeted towards

luxury physical and mental relaxation is imperative.


The competitor that can be found as of the moment is the following:

 Other Spas  As of the moment, numerous spas offer yoga,
meditation, massage, rejunevating exercises, and healthy
eating which are marketed as luxury physical and mental
relaxation. When Hinahon penetrates this business, there is
a big possibility that in order to protect their customers’
patronage, they might lower their prices.



To assess whether the company is effective or not, sales objective is to attain 60% new

customers every month and retain 85% old customers. In order to that, Hinahon will conduct

monthly seminars for the staff to discuss how to keep the customers satisfied, how to continually

meet the customers’ needs, and how to handle the complaints the company might receive.


The primary objective of the company is to communicate to the Filipino people who are

suffering from mental health problems and who are suffering from stress, that Hinahon is available

to help ease their burden. This will be done via print ads, posters, and social media campaign.



The segmentation variables that need to be considered are the generations that Hinahon will

be introduced. It has been decided that demographics and psychographics are the variables that

need to be addressed. Presented in the table below are the segmentation variables.

 PRIMARY  Age 18 to 36 years old  They are usually tagged as the
frustrated and multitasking generation.
Millennials  They are the  In relation to emerging data, it has
overeducated yet underpaid shown that mental health problems usually
generation. This made them take root during the formative years of an
one of the most understanding individual up until 12 years old. At aroun 18
generations. years old, individuals usually experience
their first anxiety attacks, first panic attacks,
 They are going to and first depressive episodes. 18-year-olds
represent 50% of the workforce Filipinos are typically enrolled in
by the year 2020. universities and colleges at this time.
Therefore, while battling mental health
problems, they are also learning to balance
school, personal life, and their introduction
to society’s adulthood.
 With the stigma surrounding
mental health problems are now being
addressed, millennials are being shown as
the most understanding and open-minded
generation who believes that mental health
is an integral part of health.

 SECONDARY  Ages between 35 – 50  They usually define themselves by

years old their ability to be independent, resourceful,
Generation X and self-sufficient.
 They have a high  They tend to purchase products
disposable income as compared that have something to do with safety,
to the millennial age group. security, and health.
 They are a sandwich generation,
which means that they can influence the
purchasing decisions of their peers,
parents, children, and grandchildren. This
makes their influence powerful in the
success of charitable causes.


The company aims to cater to everyone, millennials and generation x-ers.

 Primary


 Age 18 to 36 years  They are usually tagged as the

old frustrated and multitasking generation.
 In relation to emerging data, it has
 They are the shown that mental health problems usually
overeducated yet underpaid take root during the formative years of an
generation. This made them individual up until 12 years old. At aroun 18
one of the most understanding years old, individuals usually experience
generations. their first anxiety attacks, first panic attacks,
and first depressive episodes. 18-year-olds
MILLENIALS  They are going to Filipinos are typically enrolled in
represent 50% of the workforce universities and colleges at this time.
by the year 2020. Therefore, while battling mental health
problems, they are also learning to balance
school, personal life, and their introduction
to society’s adulthood.
 With the stigma surrounding
mental health problems are now being
addressed, millennials are being shown as
the most understanding and open-minded
generation who believes that mental health
is an integral part of health.
 Secondary

 Ages between 35 –  They usually define themselves by
GENERATION X 50 years old their ability to be independent, resourceful,
 They have a high and self-sufficient.
disposable income as  They tend to purchase products
compared to the millennial age that have something to do with safety,
group. security, and health.
 They are a sandwich generation,
which means that they can influence the
purchasing decisions of their peers,
parents, children, and grandchildren. This
makes their influence powerful in the
success of charitable causes.


Most companies train their personnel how to be compassionate while we reinvented the word

compassion. The next time you stay at Hinahon, you will feel that life, indeed, needs love and

compassion. Since we believe that exceptional service starts with compassion, you will understand

why we reinvented the word compassion. That’s the Hinahon treatment. That’s the way Hinahon

can say that we are all in this together.


A. PRICE  One night stay at Hinahon will cost Pphp 1, 500.00. This is
inclusive of 3 meals, 3 massages, 3 hours of yoga, and 24-hours stay.
Typically, luxury spas and resorts that offer amenities and food are
usually priced at around Php 5, 000.00 – Php 7, 500.00 for 24 hours.
Since people might be wary of hidden charges, guests will be given a
set of pamphlets wherein the price are listed together with the
breakdown of where their payment is being paid at. This way, we can
be open to our customers and at the same time make them feel that
although our service is cheaper compared to others, we are serving
them because we are compassionate and wanted to help them fight
stress. Furthermore, to strengthen the company’s reputation as a
premier mental health spa, in every 10th of October, Hinahon will offer
a free stay to limited number of people suffering from mental health
problems. During their stay, they will be given an orientation regarding
Hinahon’s way of conducting business and our willingness to
exclusively hire service people who are battling mental health
problems. This can help manage the company’s reputation and
establish the company’s mission of bringing to the Filipino masses an
affordable and compassionate mental health spa.
B. PRODUCT  Since health is a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity,
the thought of having millions of Filipinos suffering from mental health
problems is alarming. Together with stigma, and the high cost needed
when addressing these problems, Filipinos tend to shrug off their
mental health woes. Therefore, a mental health spa that believes that
service to others means being compassionate is needed. The
establishment of Hinahon can show the Filipino people that there is
no shame in asking for help when life gets too hard.
C. PLACE  Hinahon branches will be set up in the major cities in the
country. Namely: Quezon City, Manila, Caloocan, Davao City, Cebu
City, Zamboanga City, Taguig City, Pasig City, Cagayan de Oro City,
and Parañaque City. These cities were selected because they are
currently the top 10 most populated cities in the country. Which can
help Hinahon present their services to the people. In order to ensure
that guests will have a mentally and physically recharging stay,
Hinahon will choose the bucolic sides of these cities and if it is not
available, Hinahon will make one.
D. PROMOTION  It has been decided that print ads, posters, and social media
campaign can help raise Hinahon’s visibility in the market. Aside from
that, print ads can also serve as guide to customers to see the
services offered. Social media will also be used to promote and
advertise Hinahon’s services.
E. PEOPLE  Hinahon will employ people who are suffering from mental
health problems. They believe that people who suffer from the same
spectrum typically are more compassionate towards each other.
Aside from that, Hinahon wants to offer job opportunities to people
who might feel like being diagnosed with mental health illnesses is the
end of their life.
F. PROCESS  Hinahon will have a service blue print and a training manual
issued to all their prospective employees and current employees.
That way, service is uniformed. To measure service’s effectively, a
quality assurance team will also be hired.
G. PHYSICAL  Hinahon will have a prescribed façade for their spas. Interior
ENVIRONMENT designs, amenities, and decorations will be given the utmost priority.


1. Create social media account in Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube and use promoted

posts to market Hinahon to the masses every quarter.

2. Create a website showcasing the values, aims, goals, mission, and vision of the company.

That way, prospective guests will know what their money is buying.
3. Once the website is created, the printing and distribution of the print ads and posters

should commence. Details that are in the print ads and posters will include the nearest Hinahon

mental health spa address, Hinahon’s Facebook page, Hinahon’s Instagram page, Hinahon’s

Youtube channel, and website.

4. Create an email marketing service that support mobile devices so our email is easily

viewed on mobile devices in addition to web browsers.

5. Review the website for effectiveness of the sign up form, adding a call-to-action to the end

of each blog post to encourage signup.

6. Update the website with a responsive theme to support any device including smart phones

and tablets.



Sales 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2020 2021 2022

Forecast Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter

Unit Sales

(Inclusive of 100 150 200 250 900 1, 100 1, 300
3 meals, 3
3 hours of
yoga, and

Total Unit 100 150 200 250 900 1, 100 1 , 300


Unit Prices

(Inclusive of Php Php Php Php Php Php Php
3 meals, 3 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500 1, 500
3 hours of
yoga, and


Package Php Php Php Php Php Php Php
(Inclusive of 150, 000 225,000 300, 000 375, 000 1, 350, 000 1, 650, 1, 950, 000
3 meals, 3 000
3 hours of
yoga, and

Total Php Php Php Php Php Php Php

Sales 100, 000 150, 200, 000 375, 000 1,350,000 1, 650, 1, 950, 000
000 000


Hinahon will use the following as their communications platforms:

 Print Ads, and Posters - This will serve as a guide customers wherein they can see the

services being offered. The posters will have an annual budget of Php 20, 000. Meanwhile, print

ads will be given an annual budget of Php 25, 000.

 Social Media – By promoting and advertising Hinahon to social media platforms, the

exposure of this approach will be limitless to the market. Thus, Facebook will be asked to show ads

more than 100 times a day for a fee of Php 5, 000.00 per month. Meanwhile, Instagram will also be

asked to show ads from Hinahon for more than 100 times a day with a budget of Php 5, 000.00 a

month. Lastly, Youtube will be asked to show ads related to Hinahon for more than 100 times a day

with a budget of Php 5, 000.00 per month.



Php 825, 000.00 Php 105, 000.00 Php 720, 000. 00


Since the biggest problem faced by Hinahon is the stigma associated with mental health

problems, it is imperative that during marketing campaigns that an infomercial regarding mental

health be included. When people are properly educated about different stigmatized issues, they

tend to change their views on things. In order to ensure that this stigma can’t harm the company, it

has been decided that a communications manual be made available to all staff, personnel, and

managerial teams. Included inside this manual are the ways to properly engage people who are

showing stigma towards mental health problems. Knowledge-giving is the only way to combat the

stigma behind mental health problems.

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