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PHYS1003Energy and Related Environmental Issues

Course Syllabus- Spring 2016-2017

1. Instructors
Prof. SOU Iam Keong Dr. CHEUNG Sai Kit
Contact Details:, Tel: 2358-7476 Contact Details: Tel: 2358-7529

2. Instructional/Teaching Assistant(s)
LAU, Kai Ming

(Tel. 2358-7528; Email:; Room 4469; Appointment by email, or drop in)


Dr Tony H T FUNG

(Tel. 2358-7528 ; Email:; Room 4469; Appointment by email, or drop in)
CAI Xiangbin,

(Tel. 2358 8886 ; Email:; Room 4130; Appointment by email)

QU Qing,

(Tel. 2358-7514; Email :; Room 4144; Appointment by email)

HUA Muqing,

(Tel. 67634896; Email:; Room 2232; Appointment by email)

3. Meeting Time and Venue


Date/Time: Tuesdays (15:00 – 16:20)

Thursdays (15:00 – 16:20)

Venue: Lecture Theater A

Q&A sessions:
Time: After lectures
Venue: outside LTA
Q&A sessions for Exams:

Date/Time: To be determined

Venue: To be determined

4. Course Description
Credit Points: 3
Pre-requisite: Level 3 or above in HKDSE 1/2x or in HKDSE 1x Physics, or a passing grade
In HKCEE Physics (Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination).

Brief Information/synopsis:
5. This course will introduce the basic concepts of the physical principles behind energy. We will discuss
various forms of energy and their use (including electricity, fossil energy, nuclear power, various forms of
renewable energy), and their impacts on the environment both from a global and a regional perspective,
including air pollution, global warming and climate change.

6. Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to
1. Explain our good life comes from using large number of fossil fuel consuming
2. Identify fossil fuels and other renewable energy resources we are using and the issues arising
from the use of these energy resources.
3. Explain the thermodynamic constraint of energy conversion, especially in the case of engine
4. List the engines used in land, sea, air transport as well as in the generation of electricity.
5. Recognize air pollution and greenhouse gases arise from the burning of fossil fuels and their
impact on global warming and climate change.
6. Analyze energy use and pollution in Hong Kong and the rest of the world.

7. Assessment Scheme
a. Midterm Examination duration: 70 minutes
b. Final Examination duration: 2.5hrs
c. PRS quizzes during lectures
d. Suggested problem sets with solutions provided one week after the assignment.
e. Percentage of coursework, examination, etc.:

Assessment Assessing Course ILOs

40% by Midterm Exam 1, 2, 3
55% by Final Exam 2, 3, 4, 5
5% by PRS quizzes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

f. The grading is assigned based on students’ performance in assessment tasks/activities.

8. Student Learning Resources
Recommended Reading:

Text Books:

 Sustainable energy without the hot air, David MacKay (2008)


 The two prime movers of globalization: history and impact of diesel engines and gas turbines, V. Smil

 Bill Gates on Energy:

 Visual animation of numerical data, Hans Rosling, Gapminder World:

Teaching and Learning Activities

Scheduled activities: 3 hrs 20 mins (lectures + Q& A sessions)

9. Course Schedule
L1: Introduction to the course and Population Growth
L2: Energy generation, use and consumption
L3: Fossil Fuels I
L4: Fossil Fuels II
L5: Thermodynamics of Heat Engine I
L6: Thermodynamics of Heat Engine II
L7: Otto engine, passenger car, electric car
L8: Diesel engine and cargo ships
L9: Air travel and jet engine
L10: Electricity and its generation;
L11: Step-up and step-down transformers; Electric power grid;
L12: Batteries, fuel cells and energy for Home Heating and Cooling
L13: Electric lighting
L14: Embodied energy in “Stuff”; RPUD four phases; Food and farming; E-waste.
L15: Nuclear energy I
L16: Nuclear energy II
L17: Water Power
L18: Wind Power
L19: Solar Power
L20: Air pollution
L21: Global warming
L22: Climate change

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