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Welcome to Monster Confidence.

This program was created to turn you into a more

confident and courageous man in 7 days. Guys who’ve completed this program have told
me that it’s one of the best experiences they’ve ever had. I hope it does the same for you!
Below you’ll find the complete 7 day program. For much of this program you’ll be listening
to the accompanied audio files. Just follow the directions for each day as explained below.

– I’m not going to waste your time with a lot of talk. Let’s get r ight to the program. Enjoy!


ACTION 1: HYPNOTIC SESSION - In this part of the program you’ll be listening to the
Hypnotic session (MonsterConfidence_HypnoticSession.mp3) which utilizes a variety of
hypnotic and subliminal techniques that act upon your subconscious mind. Find a relaxing
environment and press play. When you’re done, take a little while to relax and then
continue onto action 2.

ACTION 2: THOUGHT REFRAMING - This part of the program is called Thought Reframing.
You’ll perform Thought Reframing today and every day of the program. This is one of the
most effective tools for becoming a confident person. After 7 days you won’t believe how
much more confident you’ll feel.

Simply play the included MP3 (MonsterConfidence_ThoughtReframing.mp3).

ACTION 3: APPROACH ANXIETY DESTROYER - Now you’re going to move on to the

Approach Anxiety Destroyer. This part of the program uses an Emotional Freedom
Technique (EFT) to help clear your nervous system making you less afraid to approach and
talk to women. It also includes a powerful eye scramble technique from Neuro -Linguistic
Programming (NLP). Play the included MP3 titled
MonsterConfidence_ApproachAnxietyDestroyer.mp3. Use the below chart as a reference
point for the tapping locations.
ACTION 4: TIME GETTING DRILL - Every day you’ll be asked to perform 1 drill that
involves getting out there in real life and doing something (in field). We've worked on the
internal part of all this but you on your own need to be working on the outside portion. In
other words if you do all of this and then sit inside and do nothing, it's not going to work.
You have to get out there and take action -- so for synergistic and complete reinforcement
we’ll be doing drills.

Today’s drill is to go out and ask 20 girls for the time. I don’t care if they’re old women, it
doesn’t matter – the key is to get comfortable talking to women in general. Go out to the
mall or the streets and start approaching. If you’ve done something like this before, that’s
okay – do it again, but try to keep a conversation going for a minute or two after getting the

However, don’t feel any pressure to continue a conversation. The whole point of this drill is
to get you out there on your way to becoming more comfortable approaching/talkin g to

Okay, it’s day 2 of your transformation. I’m proud of you for sticking with the program so

ACTION 1: LIMITING BELIEF DESTROYER - You’ll start by doing the Limiting Belief
Destroyer. This utilizes a powerful Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique to help
further zap limiting beliefs about yourself from your subconscious mind. Sit back, rela x and
play the attached MP3 titled MonsterConfidence_LimitingBeliefDestroyer.mp3

ACTION 2: AH MEDITATION TO MANIFEST CONFIDENCE - This is an incredible tool to help

you feel instantly more confident. It involves meditation. I know some guys are scared off
by the idea of meditation and I felt that way for years too. But once I introduced meditation
into my life everything changed for me and I became much more confident. My mind was
quieted and I eliminated much of that background chatter that was stopping me from being
fully confident all day long.

Meditation reduces stress, helps you better sleep, lowers blood pressure, improves
cardiovascular function, improves immunity, and the ability to stay centered in the midst of
all the turmoil that’s going on around you - and very importantly, it creates that aura
around you that women will feel. Try it and watch what happens. You won’t believe it.
There are many different types of meditation but the mantra meditation is one of the
simplest and most effective. This is a simple meditation where you will use a mantra
(which is just a word/words or sound you’ll repeat over and over to help clear the mind).
Mantras are sounds that vibrate through the body. The word

"mantra" is a Sanskrit word consisting of two syllables: "man" (which means mind) and
"tra" (which means deliverance). A mantra is a pure sound vibration which delivers the
mind from its form. By chanting a mantra repeatedly we can enter a state where we reach
our deepest self. In this case the Mantra will be the “Ahhh” sound (like the sound that the
doctor asks you to make when he says, “Open up and say Ahhhhhhh”) The Ahh sound sets
up a vibration in your body that is like a tuning fork. You can

actually better tune into the concept of being a confident person through this meditation.

This meditation will take about 15 minutes. You can set a timer so you don’t have to keep
checking back on the time. Don’t worry about the time though

– just relax and concentrate on the Ahh Sound. Find a quiet place where you can close your
eyes with no distractions. When you first start meditating, it’ll be hard to keep out external
thoughts. Actually, most people are amazed at how many thoughts start popping into their
brain. Just relax and as a thought besides your mantra enters your mind --- gently let the
thought go and return to repeating the mantra. None of this should be forceful. You also
shouldn’t concentrate on the idea that you’re trying to mediate or that you’re trying to
achieve anything. Just relax and let your mind clear itself naturally. As soon as you think
about the fact that you're “trying” to make something happen you prevent something from
actually happening.

Read this section all the way through first, and then go do the meditation.

For the meditation, you’ll be taking in a long deep breath and on the exhale you’ll repeat the
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sound for about 15 or 20 seconds (whatever feels comfortable).
Continue this process over and over. Feel your body begin to vibrate and connect more and
more with the concept of confidence. As other outside thoughts pop into your head, just
recognize them and then get back to only focusing on the mantra and the feeling of being
confident. Once you repeat the mantra for 10 minutes – stop saying the mantra and just sit
quietly for the remaining 5 minutes or so just thinking of the concept of confidence. Be
aware of your desire and intention to become more confident. If some outside thought pops
into your mind –

let it come and then let it go. Don’t worry if you don’t feel anything special the first few
times you meditate or if you get distracted. Meditation is a progressive thing. It will get
easier and easier every time you do it.

Eventually you will become more centered and get in touch with a deeper part of your self –
just stick with it!

ACTION 3: HYPNOTIC SESSION – Once again, you’ll be listening to the hypnotic session
(MonsterConfidence_HypnoticSession.mp3). This will further transform you and help you
feel even more confident at a deep subconscious level.

ACTION 4: THOUGHT REFRAMING - There’s to listen to the audio again – just remember to
reframe all negative thoughts today!

ACTION 5: FAVOR ASKING DRILL - Okay here’s the drill of the day. Today you’re going to
walk up to 3 strangers and ask for a favor of some sort. These strangers can be male or
female. I don’t care what the favor is. You may ask someone to pass you a napkin if you’re
at a restaurant or bar. You can ask someone to take a picture of you with your digital
camera. You can ask someone on the train if you can read their newspaper when they are

You can ask someone for a spot at the gym. The point of this drill is to develop more
assertiveness and to get you used to interacting with the people around you more.


ACTION 1: POWER ASSOCIATOR - I call this part of the program the Power Associator. Find
a quiet place right now and think of a time when you felt confident. It could be any time in
your life. It could be as far back as early childhood or something recent. But some time
when you felt very confident.

It might be when you won a spelling bee, hit a double in baseball, won a ping pong
tournament or asked a girl on a date and she accepted or when you graduated from high
school. If you can’t think of anything for some reason, just vividly picture how it wou ld feel
to be completely confident (but I suggest really trying to think back to a real time in your

Make a vivid scene in your mind. See that moment very clearly. Get as vivid a picture as
possible in your mind. Hear what sounds were around you. What smells did you smell?
Make the smells stronger. Make the picture brighter.

Make the colors very bright. Turn the volume up. Now feel how you were feeling then and
turn up the feeling. Feel the emotions. That you felt. Turn up everything. Feel, see and smell
the scene. Now take your right hand and make a fist, hit your left chest. When you do so,
say POWER! By doing this, we’re creating an anchor [anchoring is the process by which
memory recall,

state change or other responses become associated with/anchored to some stimulus in

such a way that perception of the stimulus (the anchor) leads by reflex to the anchored
response occurring] Now keep the picture and feeling in your mind and hit your chest
again and say POWER! We’re creating a physiological association with hitting your chest,
saying POWER and feeling that confident feeling. Keep the thought in your mind and hit
your chest while saying POWER once more. Repeat this 10 times. The more you do this the
more the association is enforced. You’ll eventually be able to hit your chest, say power and
conjure up this confident feeling on command. So any time you need to feel confident you
can make a fist, hit your chest, say the word “power” and the feeling will come over you.
This is a very powerful mind programming tool.

ACTION 2: APPROACH ANXIETY DESTROYER -Today you’ll do the Approach Anxiety

Destroyer again (MonsterConfidence_ApproachAnxietyDestroyer.mp3). You don’t need to
listen to the intro again so start it from 3 minutes and 40

seconds in. This will further clear your nervous system of fear and anxiety.

ACTION 3: THOUGHT REFRAMING - Once again, today I want you to be acutely aware of
negative self talk and make sure to reframe.

ACTION 4: DIFFERENT DAY – Today’s drill is one of the toughest as it involves being aware
of this concept all day. I call it “Different Day”. I give this assignment to all the guys I coach
one-on-one and the results are pretty interesting. Today I want you to do almost everything
different than you typically do. The result of this drill is the beginning of creating new
neural pathways and breaking old patterns. Even after you do this full program, I suggest
doing “Different Day” on the 1st of each month.

Different day starts the moment you wake up. Wear something today that you normally
wouldn’t wear. This may involve borrowing clothes from a friend. Wear something really
bright, wear a leather jacket – wear something different. If you’re at a job that restricts
what you can wear, you can at least wear something different on the way to work and after

Listen to different music today. Buy/download some different songs, order food that you
typically don’t like or wouldn’t order. Maybe go to an Indian restaurant for lunch by
yourself. Take a different way to work, watch shows

you wouldn’t typically watch, go to a different gym… get creative with this!

Be as different as possible.


Congratulations for making it to day 4 – I’m proud of you! Keep it up! Most people don’t
have to commitment and drive to stick to things. I can see that you do.
ACTION 1: HYPNOTIC SESSION - Once again, you’ll be listening to the hypnotic session
(MonsterConfidence_HypnoticSession.mp3). This will further transform you and help you
feel even more confident at a deep subconscious level.

ACTION 2: THOUGHT REFRAMING - Don’t forget to keep reframing those negative

thoughts! At this point, this may already be becoming a habit for you.


the Ah meditation once again. You can look back to day 2 for the instructions on what do if
you’ve forgotten. You still will experience outside thoughts while doing this meditation.
Don’t worry about it – it’s totally natural. Just focus back on the Mantra every time that
happens. Remember that it’s not a forced process – just relax and enjoy.

ACTION 4: COMPLIMENT DRILL - Today you’re going to walk up to 7 strangers and give
them some sort of compliment. This is to further develop your conversation skills and also
to make you aware that talking to strangers can be fun. People typically respond well to
compliments so this drill get you to feel “safer” talking to others once you see happy most
people are when they get compliment. I’ll leave it up to you to decide what compliments
you want to give.


Approach Anxiety Destroyer once again

This time I want you to imagine being on a date with a beautiful woman while you do the
tapping instead of focusing on the approach. Picture yourself sitting there with the hottest
girl you can imagine sitting across from you. You don’t need to listen to the intro again so
start it from 3

minutes and 40 seconds in.

ACTION 2: POWER AFFIRMATIONS - Power Affirmations are basically affirmations said

with more energy and emotion behind them. The key to making these work is getting
energized and saying them with passion. If you just repeat a bunch of affirmations without
the emotional connection, they'll have little value.
Our subconscious mind acts as a tape recorder. We have years of negative programming
stored inside us that we have to overwrite with new positive thoughts.

Whatever we tell the subconscious mind – it accepts as fact. It doesn’t question what we tell
it. Therefore by using Power Affirmations repeatedly, the subconscious mind will actually
accept them as facts and your body and life will begin to respond accordingly. The Power
Affirmations we'll be doing are different from traditional affirmations in that we first want
to get into an upbeat energized state before reciting them. Think of Power Affirmations as
traditional affirmations on steroids. I want you to start by opening up your mind to the idea
that all is possible. Many of us grow cynical and set in our ways and this type of thinking
can stop real inner growth, so before you perform your affirmations, get into the mindset
that anything is possible.

Get excited that you have such power over your subconscious mind. When done with great
physiology, tonality, energy, and emotion, Affirmations can bring tremendous results.
Recite this list 10 times with total passion. Really feel each one and believe it’s real in your

The past doesn’t matter.

I see an exciting future but live in the moment. Now is all that matters. It’s all that is real.

Approaching women is getting easier for me My level of confidence is increasing right now
I’m a naturally attractive man

Women are attracted to me

People love to be around me

My body language is attractive to me

I’m accessing my natural male instincts

I am unlimited energy and potential

Right now I'm letting go of past guilt and fears The past has nothing to do with the future
People are naturally drawn to me

I am attracting success and wealth into my life today Starting now, I am creating my life
exactly as I want it to be I exude a positive aura that people feel
I love others and I am loved

My mind is at peace

I'm beneath no one

Words flow easily and freely from my mouth I have unlimited charisma

My body is strong and I'm getting myself in perfect shape and health I have abundant
energy, vitality and well-being I am free to be myself

I’m opening my mind to the possibility of a more confident identity I have unlimited

My confidence level is infinite.

ACTION 3: THOUGHT REFRAMING - Of course we’re going to do Thought Reframing again

today. This may be becoming second nature by now...


ACTION 4: ONE BIG THING DRILL - Today I want you to do one big thing that you’ve been
putting off or that you’ve always wanted to do… something that requires guts. Go bungee
jumping, book a trip around the world, finally start that business, call and forgive and
estranged loved one, go on a big casting call, start writing a book, go sky diving… DO

really want you to do this part (just don’t do something that’ll get you killed or arrested).
Whatever it is, don’t put it off… do it now!


ACTION 1: HYPNOTIC SESSION – Once again, you’ll be listening to the hypnotic session
(MonsterConfidence_HypnoticSession.mp3). This will further transform you and help you
feel even more confident at a deep subconscious level.

ACTION 2: THOUGHT REFRAMING – Keep reframing those thoughts!

ACTION 3: POWER ASSOCIATOR – Today I want you to do the Power Associator again to
further strengthen the anchor/association we created earlier on in this program. Find a
quiet place right now and think of a time when you felt confident. Make a vivid scene in
your mind. See that moment very clearly.

Get as vivid a picture as possible in your mind. Hear what sounds were around you. What
smells did you smell? Make the smells stronger. Make the picture brighte r. Make the colors
very bright. Turn the volume up. Now feel how you were feeling then and turn up the
feeling. Feel the emotions. That you felt. Turn up everything. Feel, see and smell the scene.
Now take your right hand and make a fist, hit your left chest. When you do so, say POWER!

By doing this, we’re creating an anchor. Now keep the picture and feeling in your mind and
hit your chest again and say POWER! We’re further enforcing that physiological association
with hitting your chest, saying POWER and feeling that confident feeling. Keep the thought
in your mind and hit your chest while saying POWER once more. Repeat this 10 times.

ACTION 4: ASK FOR DIRECTIONS DRILL - Okay, today you’ll be asking 10 girls where
something is. For example, you may go to the mall and ask where a certain store is. Then I’d
like you to try to continue the conversation from there. Feel no pressure to get h er number
or anything but if you feel the conversation going well, you can go for it (check out my
program PowerDating which you can get at

for great ways to get a girl’s number). You can take the conversation as f ar as you want but
that’s not the point of the drill. The point here is become more and more comfortable
talking to women. You might be on the street and ask a girl, “Do you know where the
nearest Starbucks is?” Then wait for her response. You can just say thank you and walk off,
or you can say something like, “Actually, I’d rather and independent chain over Starbucks…

do you know of any really good coffee shops around here?” If it goes really well, you may
want to ask her to join you for coffee. Once again, I’ll repeat though – don’t feel any
pressure to make the conversation last. Just stay relaxed and ask the initial question.


You made it to day 7! Congratulations. I’m so, so proud of you. You are one of the few
people that take action and follow through. You should be very proud of yourself.
ACTION 1: POWER AFFIRMATIONS - We’re going to do Power Affirmations one more time.
Remember to to them with great physiology, tonality, energy, and emotion.

Recite this list 10 times with total passion. Really feel each one and believe it’s real in your

The past doesn’t matter.

I see an exciting future but live in the moment. Now is all that matters. It’s all that is real.

Approaching women is getting easier for me My level of confidence is increasing right now
I’m a naturally attractive man

Women are attracted to me

People love to be around me

My body language is attractive to me

I’m accessing my natural male instincts

I am unlimited energy and potential

Right now I'm letting go of past guilt and fears The past has nothing to do with the future

People are naturally drawn to me

I am attracting success and wealth into my life today Starting now, I am creating my life
exactly as I want it to be I exude a positive aura that people feel

I love others and I am loved

My mind is at peace

I'm beneath no one

Words flow easily and freely from my mouth I have unlimited charisma

My body is strong and I'm getting myself in perfect shape and health I have abundant
energy, vitality and well-being I am free to be myself
I’m opening my mind to the possibility of a more confident identity I have unlimited

My confidence level is infinite.

ACTION 2: THOUGHT REFRAMING - By now, this should have become easy for you.

You’ll notice that from now on this will be a habit. You’ll wake up in the future much more
aware of limiting and negative thoughts and instinctually want to change them. Don’t stop
here – keep doing this for another 14 days to really enforce the habit.


Meditation once again. You can look back to day 2 for the instructions on what do if you’ve
forgotten. You still will experience outside thoughts while doing this meditation. Don’t
worry about it – it’s totally natural. Just focus back on the Mantra every time that happens.
Remember that it’s not a forced process – just relax and enjoy. I advise making meditation a
daily habit. If you do this – I guarantee your life will dramatically change for the better.

ACTION 4: JOIN 2 CLASSES/LEAGUES - Okay, today I’d like you to sign up for 2

classes or leagues that you typically might not join. I saved this drill for last because it’ll
help you continue on your journey of confidence building. I recommend joining an MMA
(Mixed Martial Arts) class to help build confidence and get you out there meeting new
people and broadening your

horizons. Join a yoga class or a softball league. Make it your mission today to seek out 2
leagues/classes and join them!


Congratulations! You did it! By now you should be feeling the effects of the program. If you
followed the whole program you’ll definitely be feeling like a more confident version of
yourself. Don’t let it stop here! Keep utilizing these concepts in your life and keep working
on yourself. Get yourself into shape, start dressing better and get more active and involved
in life! I look forward to meeting the new, confident you in person some day soon!
- Spencer Michaels

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