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C Doc: Hydrogen Sulphide Delegate Handout

Course: Hydrogen Sulphide & Breathing Apparatus 6th November 2013
Originator: Bhushan Rai Divisional Manager Devesh Alwa


Course Name
Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness

Document Type
Delegate Handout

Reference: H2S-SOLAS- 0/1

Course Duration: 4-Hours – 20 Minutes

Prepared By: Tejpal A Bangera Designation: Branch Manager
Approved By: Devesh Alwa Designation: Divisional Manager
File Name: SMS-TRNG-M002 6th November 2013
Company SOLAS MARINE SERVICES CO. L.L.C Doc: Hydrogen Sulphide Delegate Handout
Course: Hydrogen Sulphide & Breathing Apparatus 6th November 2013
Originator: Bhushan Rai Divisional Manager Devesh Alwa

Document Approvals

Solas Marine Services Co. L.L.C ensures that all delegate/trainee handouts are accurate to the latest
standards of practice.

Management Signatures
Description Name Position Date
Originator Bhushan Rai Lead Engineer 1st January 2012
Quality Management Tejpal A Bangera Branch Manager 1st January 2012
Senior Management Devesh Alwa Divisional Manager 1st January 2012

Name Title Signature

Bhushan Rai Lead Engineer
Tejpal A Bangera Branch Manager
Devesh Alwa Divisional Manager

Review Process

This Hydrogen Sulphide Delegate Handout shall be reviewed annually.

Review Date Name Position Actions Approval
1st January 2014


This document has been provided by Solas Marine Services Co. L.L.C as a delegate/trainee handout
for Hydrogen Sulphide Awareness to the OPITO Standard. This document is specifically for
training purposes only.

Prepared By: Tejpal A Bangera Designation: Branch Manager
Approved By: Devesh Alwa Designation: Divisional Manager
File Name: SMS-TRNG-M002 6th November 2013
Company SOLAS MARINE SERVICES CO. L.L.C Doc: Hydrogen Sulphide Delegate Handout
Course: Hydrogen Sulphide & Breathing Apparatus 6th November 2013
Originator: Bhushan Rai Divisional Manager Devesh Alwa


Solas Marine Services Co. L.L.C shall at all time’s ensure the safety of its clients/delegates attending
all course modules with our academy. The below attachment provides you the delegate an overview
of the academy layout and emergency exits in the unlikely event of a Fire or Evacuation of the

Prepared By: Tejpal A Bangera Designation: Branch Manager
Approved By: Devesh Alwa Designation: Divisional Manager
File Name: SMS-TRNG-M002 6th November 2013
Company SOLAS MARINE SERVICES CO. L.L.C Doc: Hydrogen Sulphide Delegate Handout
Course: Hydrogen Sulphide & Breathing Apparatus 6th November 2013
Originator: Bhushan Rai Divisional Manager Devesh Alwa

Module 1 – Basic H2S Training


The purpose of this Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S Training Module is to provide delegates with the necessary
knowledge, skills and ability to work safely in an environment where H2S may be present and to respond to a
H2S emergency. On successful completion of this course module delegates shall be issued with certification
valid for one year.

A.5 Learning Outcomes

During this Basic H2S Course, delegates shall be required to demonstrate their skills and understanding of the
following key areas:

To successfully complete this training delegates must be able to explain:

- Hydrogen Sulphide – How it is formed and where it is found

- Other names used to describe H2S
- Properties and Characteristics of H2S
- Parts per million (PPM) as a measurement parameter
- Occupational Exposure Limits
- Factors affecting individual susceptibility to H2S
- Types of Detector Equipment
- Types of Respiratory Equipment
- Pre-use checks of personal detection devices and escape breathing apparatus (EBA)

To successfully complete this training delegate must be able to demonstrate:

- Operating personal H2S detection equipment (Inclusive of Checks)

- Responding to an alarm
- Donning and operating (inclusive of checks) an escape breathing apparatus (EBA) with a mask within 30
- Donning and operating (inclusive of checks) and EBA with hood within 30 seconds.
- Connecting to a pressurized cascade breathing system with an activated EBA which has been donned
- Disconnecting from a pressurized cascade breathing system with an activated EBA, which has been
donned correctly.

Prepared By: Tejpal A Bangera Designation: Branch Manager
Approved By: Devesh Alwa Designation: Divisional Manager
File Name: SMS-TRNG-M002 6th November 2013
Company SOLAS MARINE SERVICES CO. L.L.C Doc: Hydrogen Sulphide Delegate Handout
Course: Hydrogen Sulphide & Breathing Apparatus 6th November 2013
Originator: Bhushan Rai Divisional Manager Devesh Alwa

Element 1.1 H2S Hazards, Emergency Response Action and Apparatus

H2S Gas, Its Common Names and where it is ordinarily found

Hydrogen Sulphide is a molecule composed of one atom of Sulphur and two atoms of Hydrogen. It may be
produced through various chemical processes, but for the oilfield we are concerned with natural production.
The Hydrogen Sulphide we find is produced by the anaerobic (without oxygen) breakdown of proteins and
Sulphur containing hydrocarbons by bacteria. These bacteria may have been present when the oil was formed,
or may be introduced by such activities as water flooding. The bacteria join the hydrogen and Sulphur atoms
to produce the Hydrogen Sulphide.

Chemical name: Hydrogen Sulphide

Chemical formula: H2S

2 atoms hydrogen and 1 Sulphur: 2H+1S =H2S

Common Names

Hydrogen Sulphide is most commonly referred to by its chemical composition “H 2 S”, but you may also hear
or see it referred to as;

Stink Gas
Sour Gas
Rotten Egg Gas

These common names are all derived from Hydrogen Sulphides smell at very low concentrations.

Prepared By: Tejpal A Bangera Designation: Branch Manager
Approved By: Devesh Alwa Designation: Divisional Manager
File Name: SMS-TRNG-M002 6th November 2013
Company SOLAS MARINE SERVICES CO. L.L.C Doc: Hydrogen Sulphide Delegate Handout
Course: Hydrogen Sulphide & Breathing Apparatus 6th November 2013
Originator: Bhushan Rai Divisional Manager Devesh Alwa

The Physical Properties and Characteristics of H2S


H2S is an acutely toxic gas at concentrations over 700 PPM. At very low concentrations (as low as 2 PPM) it
will have a rotten egg smell, but at slightly higher concentrations, it will deaden the sense of smell. This is
important as Hydrogen Sulphide is considered dangerous at a concentration of 10 parts per million (10 parts
per million or PPM is 0.001 % in air), can kill you over 100 PPM with extended exposure, and will rapidly
incapacitate and kill you above 700 PPM. This gas is considered acutely toxic, as the effects are immediate.

Heavier than Air

H2S has a vapour density, which is 1.189 times that of air. This means that it is roughly 19% heavier than air.
Being heavier than air, H2S will collect in low-lying areas. Even small leaks then can accumulate to a dangerous
level. Be aware if mixed with other gases and released under high temperatures or pressures, H2S can be
initially carried upwards and then settle. This is the case while venting from tanker cargo tanks.

H2S is 1.189 times heavier than air


The explosive range for H2S is 4.3% - 46% by volume in air. This means that the gas will ignite very violently at
this concentration in air and exposed to an ignition source. The figure 4.3% or 43,000 PPM is the Lower
Explosive Limit. Below this level there is an insufficient gas concentration to be explosive. The figure 46% is
the Upper Explosive Limit. Above this level, the gas is too rich (not enough oxygen in the air) to support
ignition. In comparison to H2S, the explosive range of natural gas is much larger.


H2S is soluble in water and most liquid hydrocarbons. When mixed with water it produces a weak sulphuric
acid. This interaction causes H2S to be irritating to your eyes, throat, respiratory tract and lungs as it mixes with
the water on your skin or in your body. Also, be aware that if a liquid containing H2S in solution is agitated or
raised in temperature the H2S may be released from solution as H2S gas.


In solution, H2S speeds up general corrosion and loss of wall thickness through electrolytic action. This will
cause Hydrogen Embrittlement in hard steels, and Sulfide Stress cracking in softer steels. The process is the
creation of hydrogen ions, which migrate into the metal and form hydrogen atoms, which in turn put extra
pressure on the metal from inside the steel. This process is then repeated and cracks appear. Hard steel is
then prone to breakage and softer steels show hairline cracks

Common definitions such as parts per million (PPM) and occupational & workplace exposure limits

TWA = 10 PPM. This is the maximum safe concentration of H2S. You can work in this concentration for 8
hrs/day 5 days/week without any additional respiratory protection.

IDLH = 100 PPM. You are not permitted to enter an IDLH atmosphere at any time. ERT members may
enter an IDLH environment, but only under controlled situations and using the BUDDY system at all times

Prepared By: Tejpal A Bangera Designation: Branch Manager
Approved By: Devesh Alwa Designation: Divisional Manager
File Name: SMS-TRNG-M002 6th November 2013
Company SOLAS MARINE SERVICES CO. L.L.C Doc: Hydrogen Sulphide Delegate Handout
Course: Hydrogen Sulphide & Breathing Apparatus 6th November 2013
Originator: Bhushan Rai Divisional Manager Devesh Alwa

As the production from most local Oil Companies averages above 1% H2S, Oil Companies consider that any
detection of H2S requires work to stop and for personnel to carry out emergency procedures. Additionally, any
activity-taking place in an environment at or above 10 PPM requires the use of breathing apparatus.

Measurements and the OEL/WEL of H2S

The “parts per million” or “PPM” scale is used to measure the concentration of H²S in the area. It divides the
total into 1,000,000 parts and tells us the concentration of the substance we are looking at. The smallest unit we
can measure is one part per million.


1% equals 10,000 PPM

The physiological effects of exposure to H2S

Effects are dependent upon;

- The concentration you are exposed to

- Duration of the exposure
- Frequency of your exposure
- Individual susceptibility / physiological factors such as - age, weight, fitness, smoker or non-smoker.

Signs and Symptoms

- Olfactory Paralysis
- Excitement
- Eye Irritation
- Coughing
- Headaches
- Sneezing
- Nausea
- Irritation of the Respiratory System
- Diarrhoea
- Dizziness
- Respiratory Arrest
- Confusion
- Brain Damage
- Cardiac Arrest

How H2S is detected and the use of onsite & personal detection equipment

Types of Detection Equipment

- Personal Detectors
- Portable Detectors
- Fixed Detectors

Instructor shall demonstrate the types of detectors available by demonstration for personal and portable. Fixed
shall be demonstrated by PowerPoint.

Prepared By: Tejpal A Bangera Designation: Branch Manager
Approved By: Devesh Alwa Designation: Divisional Manager
File Name: SMS-TRNG-M002 6th November 2013
Company SOLAS MARINE SERVICES CO. L.L.C Doc: Hydrogen Sulphide Delegate Handout
Course: Hydrogen Sulphide & Breathing Apparatus 6th November 2013
Originator: Bhushan Rai Divisional Manager Devesh Alwa

Personal gas detectors shall be worn by all personnel working in open process/plant areas where there is the
potential of gas being present.

They are usually for detecting one specific gas

Personal Gas Detector:

• Shall be worn at all times

• Recommended to be warn around the waste
• Perform a Self Test everyday


• Visual
• Audible

• Usually gives 3 or more different readings.

• Oxygen levels, LEL levels and
• A toxic gas (e.g. H²S) level.
• Have larger detection ranges than personal monitors.

Used by Authorized Gas Testers to check possible hazardous environments or leaks prior to commencement
or continuation of work.

Fixed Monitors

Fixed detectors are permanently installed in a chosen location and provide continuous monitoring of plant and

They are particularly useful where there is the possibility of a leak into an enclosed or partially enclosed space
where flammable gases could accumulate

Actions to be taken in the event of an alarm

In the event of a H²S Alarm your immediate actions are:

- Hold your breath.

- DON your 15-Minute ESCAPE SET. (MSA, SABRE)
- Perform your required duties as per the emergency procedure.
- Make your way to your assigned MUSTER AREA, and report casualties or personnel left behind, if you
have seen any
- Turn your H²S CARD and attach to the CASCADE SYSTEM
- Await further instructions from the muster co-coordinator
The types of respiratory equipment available including escape breathing apparatus (EBA) & self contained
breathing apparatus (SCBA) and the important of correct fit of the mask.

Emergency breathing apparatus (EBA)

The emergency escape breathing apparatus set is designed to offer safe evacuation from hazardous
environments. They provide a short-term air supply 8(10 – 15) minutes and are simple to use.
Prepared By: Tejpal A Bangera Designation: Branch Manager
Approved By: Devesh Alwa Designation: Divisional Manager
File Name: SMS-TRNG-M002 6th November 2013
Company SOLAS MARINE SERVICES CO. L.L.C Doc: Hydrogen Sulphide Delegate Handout
Course: Hydrogen Sulphide & Breathing Apparatus 6th November 2013
Originator: Bhushan Rai Divisional Manager Devesh Alwa

Self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)

A self contained breathing apparatus or SCBA, sometimes referred to as a compressed air breathing apparatus
is a device worn by rescue workers or fire fighters to provide breathable air in an environment immediately
dangerous to life and health (IDLH).

Instructor shall provide a visual demonstration of the EBA and SCBA.

Emergency Breathing Apparatus

- Check your unit is at your work place.

- Ensure access is unobstructed.
- Make regular spot inspections


- Check the unit is fully charged.

- Properly packed.
- Clean and dry.

Make sure your set is ready for immediate use

Cascade Connections

The cascade system is a bank of air bottles that supplies a long term air supply and thus protection for working
in hazardous areas and at muster stations where exposure to H2S may be possible


- Plug BA into Cascade manifold.

- Check connection is firm.
- Turn off cylinder valve to preserve remaining air in cylinder.

Only disconnect if given the all clear or if proceeding to Lifeboat to abandon vessel

Mask Type and Hood Type Instructor Demonstration

The role of response teams in an emergency and their use of SCBA

The role of the emergency response team (ERT) is to respond to personnel exposed to H2S. On arrival to
your assigned muster station information shall be given to the muster coordinator on victims of H2S.

- Muster Coordinator
- Control Room
- Emergency Response Team Leader
- Emergency Response Team Members

Prepared By: Tejpal A Bangera Designation: Branch Manager
Approved By: Devesh Alwa Designation: Divisional Manager
File Name: SMS-TRNG-M002 6th November 2013

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