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Factors affecting customer loyalty in telecom sector in Pakistan

Dear participants, this research is intended to identify the factors that affect the customer loyalty. This
questionnaire will neither be shared with anyone nor will be used for any commercial purpose, this is only for the
purpose of academic research report; your survey responses will be kept confidential.

Gender: Male Female

Age: Below 18 18-25 25-33 Above 33

Marital Status: Single Married

Income: below 20,000 20,000-40,000 40,000 -60,000 Above 60,000

Profession Student Salaried Self – Employed other ____________

1. Which mobile company connection you have subscribed?

a) Mobilink
b) Zong
c) Telenor
d) Ufone
e) Warid

2. Referring question # 1, did the product purchased from above Company satisfy you?
a) Yes
b) No

3. Which services are more helpful to you while using above company services?
a) Call rates
b) SMS service
c) Quality Network
d) Value Added Services
e) Other_____________
4. In total, how long have you been a customer of above Company?
a) Less than one year
b) One to under three years
c) Three to under five years
d) Five to under ten years
e) Ten years or more

5. Company always provides a proper demonstration on the new products and services?
a) Yes
b) No

6. I would like to switch from my current network if another operator provides better services.
a) Yes
b) No

Customer Satisfaction
SA=strongly agree, A=agree N=Neutral, D=disagree, SD=strongly disagree SA A N D SD

a. I am satisfy with the products and services provided by

b. I would like recommend products of this company to
your friends and relatives.
c. I am properly satisfied after sale service from Company?

d. Company provides the products and services that best fit

with my interest.

Perceived Price
SA=strongly agree, A=agree N=Neutral, D=disagree, SD=strongly disagree SA A N D SD

a. When I buy products, I like to be sure that I am getting

my money’s worth.
b. I generally shop around for lower prices on products, but
they still must meet quality requirements before I buy
c. The price are reasonable and affordable from my
services provider
d. I prefer to pay more if quality of product and services
worth it.
Services Quality
SA=strongly agree, A=agree N=Neutral, D=disagree, SD=strongly disagree SA A N D SD

a. Quality of services worth more than the price the

company charges.
b. Services provided by company create superiority
feelings in me.
c. Company always keeps improving the quality of
d. I never compromise on the quality of service provided
by the operator.
SA=strongly agree, A=agree N=Neutral, D=disagree, SD=strongly disagree SA A N D SD

a. The operator provides timely information when there are

new services.
b. Company provides true information to the customer.
c. Company develops an encouraging attitude toward using
the products.
d. The description of products and services is reliable

Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements (7-1 scale with 7 being completely
agree, 4 being neutral, and 1 being completely disagree):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
-I believe Company deserves my loyalty
-Over the past year, my loyalty to Company has grown stronger
-Company values people and relationships ahead of short-term goals.
-Customer Care gives valuable information to customer.

Thank You for your precious time.

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