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Islamic Concept of Sovereignty

1. Introduction

The concept of sovereignty in Islam is entirely different from western concept of

sovereignty. Sovereignty as a western expression does not stand equivalent to the
Islamic attributes of Allah almighty. It is derived from Quran and Sunnah.

2. Meaning of sovereignty

The word sovereignty has been derived from the Latin word “Superanus” which
means the supremacy of one over the other.

Sovereignty may be defined in a general meaning as under.

“The supreme power of authority of an individual or a group of individuals which

is unquestioningly obeyed the bulk of people in the state.”

3. Islamic concept of sovereignty

The basic tenet of Islam is the sovereignty of Allah. Islam teaches that sovereignty
or supreme power belongs to Allah and Allah alone.

Quran says:

“To Allah belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth.” (42: 48)

“It is He who gives life and death and he has power over all things.” (42: 48)

“He is the first and the last the Evident and the Immanent” (47: 3)

4. Attributes of Allah’s sovereignty

The sovereignty of Allah has the following attributes.

(I) Absolute

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Allah is almighty. He is supreme over all things. He is malik-al-mulk and

(II) Indivisible

Sovereignty of Allah is indivisible. It cannot be divided. There is not God

except Him.

(III) Inalienable

Allah’s sovereignty is inalienable it cannot be given away to anyone nor it is

shared with anyone else.

(IV) Unlimited

The powers of Allah are supreme and unlimited.

Quran says:

“The whole command is with Allah in all things.” (Ar-Red: 31)

(V) Universal

Allah’s sovereignty is universal. It extends to every particle in the heavens and

on the earth.

(VI) Comprehensive

The sovereignty of Allah is comprehensive. There is no exception to his power.

(VII) Eternal

Allah’s sovereignty is eternal, from the beginning of the time to the end of time.
It is permanent and everlasting.

(VIII) Original

Allah’s sovereignty is not derived from any being or authority superior to Him.
He is himself sovereign.

6. Vicegerency of men

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Allah Almighty is the Lord of the heavens and of the earth. He delegates
authority for the administration of peace and justice as a trust to such men as He
wills. The authority of the people is a trust, to be exercised so long as they
dispense justice, and within the limitation prescribed by Allah Almighty.

7. Concept of sovereignty in west

The concept of sovereignty is a modern concept, born with the modern state. It
was propounded by Jean Bodin first in 1576. He declares sovereignty not only
the power to make law, but also to be itself above law.

The western concept of sovereignty is imperfect and there are limitations on it.
According to western concept the sovereign is some determinate human being
with unlimited powers and the sovereignty is discussed with reference to the
state. It means there can be as many sovereigns as states in the world. This
whole concept is too vague as we can see that there are many limitations on
state, such as international, human moral etc. as compared to this, Islamic
concept of sovereignty is more realistic and logical. The sovereignty of Allah is
unlimited and extends to whole universe, heavens and the earth.

8. Differences between Islamic concept of sovereignty and western concept

of sovereignty

I. As to authority

(i) In Islam sovereignty of entire universe belongs to God.

(ii) In western concept sovereignty belongs to people.

II. As to kinds of sovereignty

(i) In Islam there is no kind of sovereignty.

(ii) In western concept sovereignty his different kinds.

III. As to state

(i) Sovereignty in Islam is not subject to state.

(ii) In western concept there must be state for sovereignty.

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IV. As to scope

(i) Islamic concept of sovereignty has wider scope.

(ii) Western concept of sovereignty has less scope.

V. As to perfection

(i) Islamic concept of sovereignty is perfect in all aspect.

(ii) Western concept of sovereignty is imperfect.

VI. As to nature

(i) Islamic concept is permanent nature.

(ii) Western concept is temporary nature.

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