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Lesson Plan in Science

States of Matter

Grade 1

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. define what solid, liquid and gas is;
B. classify objects if they’re states of matter; and
C. Participate in activity and discussion.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: States of Matter
Reference: Explore and Experience Science Series book
Materials: Cartolina and pictures
Science Concept: Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
Process skills: Analyzing and observing.
III. Procedure
A. Engage
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Motivation: Group Activity by 3 “ Check the chart”
The students will observe the object assigned in their group and they will look the
questions in the chart and put check if the object corresponds on the question.

B. Explore

Group Activity

Answer the chart and based your answer on the object given in your group then put check if
the answer is yes and leave it blank if no.

Group Does it have a Can you touch it? Can you see it?

Rubik’s cube

( Solid )

( Liquid )


( Gas )

C. Explain

 Discussion

Based on your answers, we can conclude that;

Some objects can be held using your hands, some can be touched but you cannot really
keep them in your palm. Others can be felt as they touch your face. All of these are

Matter comes in different states which is solid, liquid and gas.

How can we say if an object is solid?

A solid has a definite shape, size, and volume. It has its own shape and size. It could
also occupy space. Mass refers to the amount of matter an object contains.
How about if an object is liquid?

A liquid does not have a definite shape. That means it does not have its own shape.
The shape of a liquid will depend on the shape of its container.

And what if, it is gas?

Gas has no definite shape and size but it has a definite volume. Gas does not have its
own shape and size.

 Generalization

Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass. Matter has different states the
solid which has definite shape, size and volume while liquid has no definite shape like
gas but gas has a definite volume.

D. Elaborate

“Think pair and share”

Find anything inside the classroom at least 2 objects then classify the states of matter and
share it with your partner.

E. Evaluate

Encircle the object that does not belong to the group.





F. Enrichment

In your science notebook draw at least 5 objects at home and classify its state.

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