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Committee: General Assembly First Committee-

Disarmament and International Security Committee
Topic: To discuss the role of Private Military
&Security Companies in conflict zones.

Authors: Hungary, Venezuela


The General Assembly,

Keeping in mind the increasing utilisation of PMCs and

PMSs in international security by various nations,

Deeply concerned about the uncontrolled and unrestricted

nature of the working methods of PMCs,

Noting its resolution A/44/34 of 4 December 1989 on

International Convention against the Recruitment, Use,
Financing and Training of Mercenaries,

Further Noting the article 1 of the resolution A/44/34

which gives definition for mercenaries,

Affirming that the recruitment, use, financing and

training of mercenaries should be considered as offences
of grave concern to all States and that any person
committing any of these offences should either be
prosecuted or extradited,

Taking into consideration the safety of civilians

involved in war torn areas,
Taking into account war crimes committed by PMCs
operating in politically unstable areas and attempts to
interfere in regional politics of sovereign nations,

1. Calls upon all states which have PMCs and PSCs

prevailing in their states to implement proper
monitoring mechanisms over the hiring and recruitment
of employees, Ex-Military Personnels, Ex- Special
Forces based on:
a. War Crime and Criminal History of employees;

b. History of Political ties of employees with other


c. Military record of employees with focus on Human

Rights violations in past;

d. Mental Health of employees with focus on PTSD

which is a common case in Ex-Military Personnels;

2. Further requests the nation contracting the help of

PMCs and PSCs to bear responsibility for the actions
of the PMC and PSC employees with respect to violation
of Human Rights;

3. Requests the nations contracting the services of PMCs

and PSCs to keep their activities in check by:

a. Sending a team of government officials to

accompany the teams of PMCs deployed;

b. Making reports of all activities of the PMCs by

the official team and submitting it to a
authoritarian body of government;

c. Formation of a authoritarian body in National

Government to convey the reports on activities of
PMCs to Working Group on Mercenaries of UNGA;
4. Further Recommends all nations to utilise the services
provided by PMCs in domestic operations in hostile
areas with zero risk of civilian casualties to prevent
the expense of National Military Personnels;

5. Invites all member nations with strong military and

financial stability to provide armed help to countries
which have to resort to PMCs for security purposes
which could eliminate the need for the latter;

6. Recommends that mercenaries, as defined in GA

Resolution A/RES/44/34, should not be designated as
combatants or civilians and should be deprived of
rights allotted to both the distinctions;

7. Recommends that no country should deploy PMCs in any

other country’s sovereign territory even with the
justification of peace keeping purposes without the
consent of the latter;

8. Encourages the supply of armed help by financially

strong and Militarily advanced countries to the
countries facing severe civil unrest for peace keeping
purposes in absence of competent National Military
Organisation of the latter;

9. Further requests the authorisation of the Working

Group on Mercenaries to act as a supervising body in
order to track the illegal activities and transactions
of all PMCs;

10.Strongly affirms the deployment of spy drones by

countries which can afford them to monitor the
activities of PMCs in situations where it is not
possible to deploy a team of National Officials to
report the activities of PMCs accompanying them;
11.Requests that the Government officials accompanying
the PMC teams deployed should be given status of
civilians and not combatants and their safety should
be thus assured;

12.Suggests the formation of a Bench in ICJ to regulate

and try accusations against PMCs in violation of human
rights and violation of International Humanitarian

13.Considers the violations of domestic guideline

provided by Government of nations by PMC employees to
be under the jurisdiction of respective nations and
thus should be tried and penalised accordingly by
regional justice bodies of nations;

14.Affirms that PMCs be given proper designations of

combatants and civilians according to their deployment
status in conflict areas to ensure their safety in
case of capture by rival forces;

15.Recommends that Contracts of PMCs should be rectified

and analysed by governing bodies to make them
hardwired and air-tight to loopholes to be exploited
by PMC employees in interests of personal gains.

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