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By Harriet Welles

HEN John Amory, after ready his glance had lingered on his pretty
almost insurmountable cousin, PrisciUa. Then came his journey,
difficulties, secured the and during the weeks the case dragged
concessions to open up, along his daily meetings with Nancy Gra-
and operate, some fabu- ham, whose feet were as light as her head;
lously reputed Chinese to whom no thought more baffling than
coal-fields, he rightly considered himself the embellishment of her decorative per-
on the road to acquiring great wealth. son had ever occurred; who made a life-
Riches, before he met Nancy Graham, work of the pursuit of " a good time "; and
had not greatly interested him. In the whom the susceptible youths of her ac-
old New England city where his people quaintance had, during her first social
had lived since the days of "The Colony" winter, christened "butterfly."
much money was considered a comforta- If fate had been trying to select for
ble possession, but not—if you were num- John Amory's mother a daughter-in-law
bered among the elect—a necessity. embodying every quality the elder lady
They counted as much more desirable abhorred, Nancy would have been the
certain old-fashioned qualities: dignity, inevitable choice.
orderUness, quiet voices, gentle living, And when, following a short and in-
serenity; these they demanded as the citingly difficult courtship, John had
rightful heritage of people who lived con- " spoken to father," father had not failed
tentedly in the panelled rooms behind the his Nancy. After hearing of the Amory
pillared doors built by adventuring fore- prospects Mr. Graham had loftily an-
fathers; and "entertained" with subtle nounced: "My daughter, with her looks,
simplicity, on great-great-grandmother's can do so infinitely much better, that I
sprig or Lowestoft china, wielding, with cannot consider allowing her to engage
careful hands, the teapots signed with the herself to you untU your financial outlook
initials of silversmith Paul Revere; and, is much, much better than at present."
in due time, marrying one of their multi- Such a strange malady is love that John
tude of cousins. Amory, instead of being instantly cured of
Until John Amory went on a business any desire for relationship with this pre-
commission for his law firm, he seemed cious pair, turned his whole attention to
destined to follow in the beaten path—al- the possibility of a money-making career,

432 A Chinese Interlude
and on his return home sought out two of He's got his enthusiasm for what I've
his former classmates at Harvard to whose done since I finished college under perfect
conversations on mining ventures he had control," answered Jaffrey.
formerly listened with tolerant indiffer- There followed weeks of effort and much
ence. Coolidge Hoyt was a practical manipulation of negotiable holdings.


' You won't get tired of waiting, will you, Nancy ? "—Page 433,

mining engineer; Philip Jaffrey, son of a John Amory found himself unexpectedly
multi-millionaire mine owner, inherited grateful for the good-will engendered by
his father's interest, but had, up to now, fair-dealing Amorys of China trading-ship
lacked incentive. days; every possible advantage was turned
Following the fateful business trip, to account. Nancy Graham was justified
John Amory lent an attentive ear to the in complacently considering herself a prize
long harangues and unanswerable argu- to be struggled for when she, bidding John
ments on the subject of opening up cer- good-by, succeeded in getting from him a
tain oriental coal-fields. few grudgingly vouchsafed details.
"What does your father say?" he in- "Don't forget that I'll want a long
quired of Jaffrey. string of big pearls," she admonished in
"Dad grunts and says that nothing the voice which, when it lost its accented
beats a trial but a failure. He will back youthfulness, would be shrill; "and I'll
us up to a reasonable amount, though, be- want loads of dresses ! And limousines !
cause he thinks it time I went to work. And touring-cars-!"

A Chinese Interlude 433
John Amory looked down at the shin- that we had won out—with their guarded
ing hair framing her lovely face. "You letters and bids to buy these concessions.
won't get tired of waiting, will you, Their last communication ended: 'You
Nancy?" he pleaded. will be wise to accept this offer. You can-
"Don't be too long!" she warned. not successfully operate your holdings.
His farewell to his cousin Priscilla was You do not understand these people.' I
perfunctory. "Be sure and write me all like their nerve!" commented Jaffrey.
the family gossip. The old place wouldn't John Amory watched the straining coo-
seem like home without you," he said. lies hoisting some heavy machinery up the
Priscilla turned her head away; she did incline toward the primitive shaft. '' The
not answer. * viceroy's interpreter told me that a French
company tried mining here some years
" I don't believe we'll have much luck ago. About the time things were running
with a venture that was so hard to get profitably there was a severe earthquake;
started," remarked Philip Jaffrey gloom- the coolies killed the Frenchmen and
ily when, exactly seventeen months after wrecked the plant. They said their bur-
their arrival in China, Coolidge, Amory, rowings in the ground had disturbed the
and he carrying permits, with seals; pass- dragon-god who had retaliated by shak-
ports, with seals; authorizations, with ing down their houses. That's why the
seals; dignitaries' vetoes, with large seals; viceroy advised our bringing coolies from
ofEcial grants, with enormous seals, and another province. We've a treasure in
viceroys' permits, with colossal seals, took our overseer, Che. He's mission-trained
possession of the lower concession and and speaks good English," said John
started operations on a large scale. Amory; then added thoughtfully: "But I
John Amory will always remember that think the Russians were right. We don't
first afternoon. Standing on a narrow understand these people!"
plateau half way up the mountain he Coolidge Hoyt absently agreed. "They
looked out across the hordes of toiling say these are the richest coal-fields
coolies; close by, the virgin undergrowth known," he volunteered; "but it's a nui-
swept in a dense, tangled mass to the edge sance that they stuck to that stipulation
of the clearing; from high above came about our starting work on that upper
the soughing sigh of trees along the moun- concession, within a given time, or forfeit-
tain's windy rim, where great boulders and ing it. Thirty miles is a long distance, in
sheer walls of rock towered grimly against this uncleared country."
the sky; far below, in the rich, alluvial Jaffrey had been investigating the
bottom-land were the silvery checker- clearing, around which the tangled un-
boards of rice paddies; beyond them a dergrowth loomed like a green wall.
gray, waUed city and the exotic outlines "There's the remains of a camp over
of a fairy-like pagoda showed dimly there—ashes, and a lot of tin cans. Some
through the haze. Already the moun- one has been here fairly recently."
tainside leading to the mine was scarred A strange voice answered: "Tent peo-
by roads, paths, and tracks; they seemed, ples—^have go—last moon."
under the circumstances, like the feverish, Startled, the men turned. A young
pathetic attempts of pygmies for domina- Chinese woman faced them. Very slim
tion over unconquerable forces. and straight she stood against a back-
Coolidge Hoyt broke the silence. " No ground of feathery bamboo that threw
squirrels in their little cages ever pranced wavering shadows across the satin-smooth
about more busily than we've circled black hair knotted in a heavy coil at the
through the mazes of Chinese diplomacy," back of her neck; across her white skin
he said; "just how much of our trouble and the curving line of her red lips and the
was due to the usual thing, and how much gay embroidery of conventionalized but-
to playing at cross-purposes with that terfly wings that bordered her coat.
Russian mining syndicate, we'll never She smiled at them. "Tent peoples
know; but it has been a hectic race." . . . watch all times . . . for bats . . .
"Those Russians have punctuated the for birds, but mostly . . . for tigers,"
whole transaction—since they realized she explained and struggled for a word.

434 A Chinese Interlude
"They natch-hsts!" she achieved tri- After that Aleute came twice a week to
umphantly, and added: "they'm hear of the camp for orders. Invariably her hus-
big tiger, here, and wait, long time, to band waited for her at the foot of the hill.
shoot. Mr. Tiger never come out!" He evidently hated to have her come, but
Jaffrey and John Amory joined in the his love of gain was too great to allow
lilt of her contagious laughter. "Mr. him to lose this unprecedented oppor-
Tiger stay at home with heem familee—or tunity; possibly his knowledge of former
maybe he go to upper 'cession," she mining ventures in that region had con-
mocked at the unresponsive Hoyt. vinced him that his chances for money-
Hoyt looked sharply at her. "How do making would be brief.
you happen to know so much about the
naturalists? Where do you live? Why A month passed. Work on the mine
are you here ? Where did you learn Eng- went rapidly forward. The yield of the
lish ? " he asked. great vein was so rich, so easily profuse,
She was not disconcerted. "My that, long afterward, John Amory remem-
hoos'ban compr'dore, there," she indi- bering, would sigh and shake his head
cated by a gesture the far-off city; "heem over the almost unbelievable willingness
sell provis'ons to natch-lists; wants to sell with which whimsical fortune had re-
to your men and you—that's why I sponded to his beckoning finger.
come," she explained. " I learn Ang-lais The Chinese coolies, unusually well
in nex' province mission school." paid, worked from dawn to dark.
"We'll give him a trial. What's his Others, hearing of the wages, flocked to
name?" inquired Hoyt. apply for work when they became con-
"Li Wan. He come to-morrow for vinced that, this time, the dragon-god was
orders," she said and turned away. tolerant and quiescent.
Amory, Hoyt, and Jaffrey, watching her Of the original group of prospectors
go, noticed the light balance of her step: only Che seemed dissatisfied and moody.
"Looks as if she could fly any time she John Amory wondered at this until, add-
wanted to," commented Jaffrey, adding: ing up accounts one afternoon in his
"What ails Che?" tent, he heard Che's voice speaking in
The overseer, coming from the lower English: "Why didn't you wait until I
shaft, had stopped short facing the could earn money? You knew that I
Chinese woman. "Aleuie!" they heard would come for you as soon as I could,
him exclaim. Aleute."
She passed him without a sign that she "My father arranged my marriage—
had heard. what had I to say?" she answered; then,
" H ' m ! Ah-loo-te!" repeated Hoyt: with defiant forlornness, "my husband is
"good name for a butterfly!" rich!"
Che spoke with spirit. "You aren't
Aleute's husband, Li Wan, came the going to stay with that old scoundrel!
next morning to the camp. Cringing, Soon, Aleute, I shall have much mon-
furtive, and evasive he created dislike at ey!"
sight; Jaffrey voiced the general feeling She had turned away. "What, ever
when he said: "If I hadn't seen her first again to me, matters it what you have ? "
I wouldn't be willing to do business with she called back.
him. Is he all right, Che?" After she had gone John Amory saw
Che had no comment to make. her husband step stealthily out from be-
Later, catching the old man in a de- hind a clump of bamboo. Remembering
liberately dishonest attempt to cheat the the incident, he asked: "How much
coolies on the weight of rice, Hoyt, money would a Chinese need to be called
through Che, commanded: "If you want rich in Aleute's town?"
our trade send your wife; we won't have Hoyt, who had been there, answered:
you around." "Five thousand dollars would be a big
There was an exultant note in Che's fortune in that awful place."
voice as he gave the message; into Li
Wan's eyes came a flickering shadow. Jaffrey returned from an eighteen-day

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Drawn by 0, F, Howard,
The Chinese coolies, unusually well paid, worked from dawn to dark.—Page 434.


436 A Chinese Interlude
trip to Shanghai the next day, and lies slept the sleep of exhaustion on the
brought two months' accumulation of ground; the thin moonlight made a
mail. John Amory had one letter from bright spot on the cleared spaces—a spot
Nancy Graham: emphasized by the heavy darkness of the
"This is the gayest season we've ever encroaching underbrush. And even as he
had. Unless there is a dance every night stared through the open tent flaps, John
I feel cheated. I've worn out more eve- Amory saw the bushes move and a shad-
ning dresses! Hope the day wiir soon ow detach itself, then, silent as a wraith,
come when I won't have to wear a dress a great tigress slid across the path of the
but once. moonlight. Still as the night she was;
"For the first time in my life I have all her vivid coat striped with darkness, her
the orchids I want. Mr. ELendall sends twitching nose scenting along the ground;
them to me three times a week (gardenias her cruel paws carrying her noiselessly.
the other days). He's old and has a big She loomed enormous in the moonlight—
wrinkle of fat over his collar, and his wife and incredibly swift and still.
divorced him last winter—but that And before John Amory could shake off
doesn't affect the money that buys the the stupor of unreality and nightmare he
flowers! heard the terrified shriek of a coolie; the
" When are you coming back ? horrible snarl of the great cat; the thump
" P . S. A bunch of orchids has just of a dragged body.
come, and with them a diamond and Instantly the camp was in wildest con-
platinum butterfly pin. 'For another fusion; torches flared out; voices called.
butterfly,' the card reads. Isn't that Che assembled the men; one was missing.
pretty?" In the morning a bloody trail was traced
And a letter from his cousin Priscilla: into the underbrush as far as it was pene-
"Your mother is ill with bronchitis trable.
and has asked me to write her weekly John Amory helped to choose a succes-
letter. This has been a bad season—a sor from among the numerous applicants
strike at the mills has caused much and the work went forward without
suffering among the women and chil- change, except that now each of the head
dren. Our work at the Day Nursery has men laid a loaded revolver beside him
doubled. when he went to bed.
" Uncle John has willed you the Gilbert Hoyt, meeting Aleute the next day,
Stuart portrait of Phineas Amory. We hailed her: "Your naturalists left too
think it startlingly like you. It was soon! Their tiger was hunting for them
delivered this week and hangs in your last night."
room. She listened to the detaUs without com-
"The crab-apple tree you planted when ment. Later, as she was leaving the
you were ten is a mass of blossoms. We camp, John Amory heard her say to the
miss you very much, John." hovering Che, "No, not ever with you
And a communication from the Rus- will I go"; then, as she walked away: " I
sian syndicate raising the price offered for fear! I fear for you! Be careful of the
the concessions. "You will do well to tiger, Che!" she warned.
give this your consideration; you do not
understand these people," the letter In American coal-mining regions the
ended. working of a moderately good six-foot
vein of coal calls for a tremendous outlay
When a person to whom wild animals in elaborate and expensive labor-saving
at large are unknown sees one without machinery. In China, where machinery
the comforting intervention of iron bars, transportation is nearly impossible and
the effect is liable to be disconcerting. labor unbehevably cheap and plentiful,
John Amory never knew what awak- the working of a sixty-foot vein of ex-
ened him when, about midnight, he found cellent coal is done with the most prim-
himself sitting bolt upright on his cot. itive kind of timber-lined shafts and
Outside, across the clearing, in the clus- the crudest of piUar and stall construc-
tered huddle of mat huts, the tired coo- tion.

A Chinese Interlude 437
On the lower concession granted Hoyt, and forty-seven men were lost through
Jaffrey, and John Amory, the rich vein the tigers' depredations that year.
was located so close to the surface of the
earth that, in places, the outcroppings of On the afternoon following the tigers'
coal stuck baldly up in patches. A small second visit, John Amory met Aleute on
Chinese boy astride an ancient caribou 'the hill path and stopped to greet her.
worked the winding gear which super- "We lost two more men last night. I
seded the hand-winch used in the earlier feel responsible. If it hadn't been for
stages for lowering and raising materials our greed for money those men would be
and men. They used the most primitive alive," he said.
of pumping facilities. A single track She did not answer, but eyed him ques-
carried the cars of coal to waiting junks tioningly. "That eternity of yours—a
on the river, three miles away. long time it is ? " she asked.
The miners, a chattering, industrious He smiled. "That depends on where
crew, lived in a growing village of mat you plan to spend it," he said.
huts on the premises. The living condi- She did not smile. "Those paradises
tions were deplorable, but any attempted of yours—where are they?" she per-
change brought stubborn opposition. sisted.
They worked for the foreigner because of He hesitated. Amazingly, at that in-
bitter need—but they worked in their stant, paradise seemed to him to be an
own way, and would have no outside old house on a quiet New England street,
supervision or advice. Their wages they and gentle and serene under the wistaria
expected and demanded the hour they on the porch his cousin PrisciUa, smiling,
were due. On this one point they were waited for him. "Paradise is a place
unwaveringly insistent. where you are happy," vouchsafed John
Two nights later the tigress returned, She nodded comprehension. Her para-
bringing with her a half-grown, lean, dise a one-room house, a smoking brazier,
ravenous cub; they took their toll of the many small sons all like their father—but
sleeping miners. This time no one saw the father was not Li Wan. Sternly she
them approach until, with exultant remembered her duty. "Paradise is, I
snarls, they leaped away dragging with fear, a long way off," she faltered for-
them their shrieking victims to where the lornly.
wall of rocks and underbrush hid all John Amory soberly '' acquiesced.
traces. Glancing down he saw that she held a
John Amory, Hoyt, and Jaffrey, dis- small mission-school prize-book of Ten-
cussing conditions, found themselves help- nyson's poems. • He smiled. " Been try-
lessly handicapped. Hoyt voiced the ing to read that ? " he asked with amuse-
feeling: "This has to stop!" he said. ment.
"Certainly. But how?" questioned the She nodded and handed the book to
literal Jaffrey. him. Was it a coincidence that the vol-
"The tigers will have to be eliminated. ume opened at "Locksley Hall"? He
I won't have them killing these poor handed back the poems and watched her
devils of coolies," asserted Hoyt. walk away. Around them the yellow
"A big, perfect tiger-skin rug sells in butterflies fluttered in the sunshine; the
the treaty ports for a few dollars. Tigers scent of wild honeysuckle was achingly
must be pretty plentiful to supply the sweet.
demand," volunteered Jaffrey. Later Hoyt, examining the hoist, heard
"We'll detail two men to stand guard, Che's jealous voice. " You say your hus-
with revolvers, at night, and give them band rich, Aleute. Why he send you like
extra pay," suggested Amory. a coolie woman to sell?" and heard her
They put this plan into execution that disdainful answer: "Because of money,
evening, but the guards, regarding tigers Che! Because, to all men, before any-
as inevitable, took no heed of orders. thing else, comes money!"
Successively, eight of the sleeping coolies The bitterness in her quiet voice
were carried off in a week. One hundred seemed to linger when she had gone.

438 A Chinese Interlude
"Aleute scored that time!" murmured of all the unforeseen, crowding calamities
Hoyt, bending over the recalcitrant hoist. of this unhappy experience, as they went
their futile, colorful way. Even when he
Because human life was so plentiful it was better the delusion persisted: he
was cheaply valued. John Amory had hated tigers, and China, and butter-
almost to fight to enforce precautionary flies.
measures for the miners' safety. The Gradually the epidemic subsided.
toiling coolies took their careless chance Through it all the work on the mine had
of death as they faced the careless hope gone steadily and profitably forward.
of life. To-day was all that mattered. The applicants for work exceeded those
They demanded only the prompt pay- whose work was done. Scourges might
ment of the wages to-day had earned. —and did—come and go, but hunger was
It was this reckless disregard of all always present.
safety-insuring rules that caused the acci-
dent which killed eleven coolies and It seemed to John Amory, before that
nearly cost Hoyt's life. An overcharge nightmare summer waned to autumn,
of blasting dynamite—a white flash—a that Aleute faded slowly away before
rain of rock—the smell of deadly gases. their eyes. Not that she was ill—she
Long afterward, when Hoyt, stunned made the rough chair-trip from the dis-
and bleeding, was carried to the surface, tant city with clock-like regularity, and
he met the disinterested gaze of the apa- her laughter was as frequent and lilting
thetic survivors and understood, for an il- and friendly as ever, but her face grew so
luminated second, their incomprehension thin that her dark eyes seemed uncannily
of Amory's stern inquiries—^perhaps even large; the great knot of her hair impossi-
caught a glimpse of the undreaded, wind- bly heavy. Once, ^hen there was the
sheltered, poppy-bordered fields of their mark of a blow across her cheek and fore-
Chinese elysium, where, through count- head, JaiJrey, with kindest intention,
less to-morrows, there would be plenty of asked how it had happened. She made
food and endless idleness. no' answer. And to Che she showed a
Hoyt was a long time regaining his panicky brusqueness.
strength; his enthusiasm never returned.
The venture, he had decided, was an un- A representative of the Russian syndi-
lucky one. cate came unexpectedly into camp, bring-
With the coming of the hot weather ing the mail and a request for a confer-
came also cholera, and it swept the camp. ence at the upper concession with the
The coolies went down under it like mist UKjmbers of his company. To this the
before the sun—every day the little Americans agreed. " We'll be here when
cemetery on the lower slope grew larger you pass. We'll join you when you are
as the unresisting miners succumbed to ready," said Hoyt, hungrily eying the
the deadly scourge. A doctor and a home papers.
nurse were summoned from a down-river John Amory had a letter from Nancy
city, but in the face of ignorance, super- Graham:
stition, and sullen defiance, they could do "I'm going to marry Cyrus Kendall.
Httle. You see father and I really work together.
Of the three Americans John Amory Of course I had to have lots of men in love
was the only one to come down with the with m e ^ t makes a girl popular and
disease—a light attack, but as he. lay, helps her to have a good time. So, when
going mentally over and over the details they wanted to marry me, father would
of unimportant, half-forgotten transac- pull off that advice about their getting
tions, and staring, with feverish stupidity, m(Dre money. (Cyrus is the first rich
through the openings of the tent, the one.)
butterflies fluttering in the sunshine out- "So I'm going to marry Cyrus. He
side seemed to his sick fancy to hover has stipulated that he is to be allowed to
like impending disaster over all his wak- go his own gait, and I've explained to him
ing hours; before his aching eyes their that as long as I have all the jewels,
gaudy waverings seemed the embodiment dresses, and money I want, I won't care

A Chinese Interlude 439
how he amuses himself. Congratulate the Russian syndicate arrived and asked
me, won't you?" John Amory and Hoyt to accompany
John Amory folded the letter and put them to the upper concession to talk over
it back in the envelope, then stood for a a combine—if they would not sell. It
moment looking out across the alien was a four days' trip, but they went, leav-
landscape; near his foot something ing Che in charge with directions to re-
stirred. There had been a light frost the port to Jaffrey and money to pay the
night before, and now, in the mid-day miners untfl he should return.
warmth, a butterfly moved awkwardly, They had no way of knowing that
slowly unfolding stiff wings. Amory, Jaffrey had not even started back. In
noticing, sympathized; after all who, a Shanghai hotel, recovering from a
knowing butterflies, could refuse them the severe attack of dysentery, Jaffrey was
chance to gamble with fate for such ad- just getting weakly on his feet to begin
vantages as might accrue to so short a the up-river journey when the crisis at
summertime ? the mine took place. Che, out of funds,
Later, meeting Aleute, he experi- had twice gone to Aleute's husband and
mented : " You know pearls ? " borrowed, at a ruinous interest, the nec-
She nodded. " I know," she agreed. essary money, hoping always for the
He persisted: "You want them?" return of his employers the next day, un-
"No," she answered, " I not want." til the morning when the old man refused
"But you like embroideries," he said, to lend, and the ignorant miners rose
indicating the multicolored border on her against the head man.
dark coat. "Butterflies," he explained. By what calculated cunning Li Wan
She glanced indifferently down. had bided his time, or what he had con-
"Every one in China wears embroid- strued from his glimpses of Aleute's and
ery," she said;, then questioned in her Che's unintelligible conversations, John
turn: "In your country a woman may Amory never knew. From the bits of
choose to marry whom she will?" evidence gathered here and there he was
John Amory hesitated, "Why—yes," able to piece out the last chapter of the
he said. tragic day when old Li Wan, leering, had
"A nice country!" praised Aleute, add- come to the mine and demanded his
ing wistfully; "not so in China." money; not getting it, he harangued the
He ventured a question. "You knew men—a sullen, hungry group. Che could
Che before he came here with us ? " only explain, expostulate, promise, and
She nodded. "At nex' province mee- plead while the old man, incitingly pro-
sion school. When I came home he plan vocative, jeered at the miners' gullibility
to follow some day—when he get money. and helplessness. From somewhere in
My father would not have me wait. He the background a first stone was thrown.
arrange a marriage for me. Now, all my Later Aleute, arriving breathless and
long life I live with one I do not love," she frantic, found Che's trampled body by
said. the ruined shaft, the miners gone, and
John Amory felt shocked and guilty at her husband's leering face watching her
the confidence he had evoked. "But from Jaffrey's wrecked tent as, in an
your husband is rich—you are comforta- abandonment of grief, she flung herself
ble," he stumbled on. down beside Che's body and tried to cafl
She raised disappointed eyes. " I not him back.
think you say such as that to me," said Jaffrey, toiling uphill through a pour-
Aleute. ing rain several days later, came into
He felt strangely rebuked. camp in the evening and stared about
him. His first surprise had been that, at
Once every two months it was neces- the landing stage, no crowding cargo
sary for one of the Americans to go to junks marked the place; then that the
Shanghai, eighteen days' journey, for the hand-cars were not running. But he was
mail and for funds and such machinery as unprepared for the deserted camp and the
was necessary. Jaffrey had been gone wrecked machinery. It was too late to
sixteen days when the representatives of investigate until the next day, so, amazed

440 A Chinese Interlude
and puzzled, he bolstered up a sagging different shoulders at the account of
tent, ate the last of his supplies, loaded trouble with tigers. "They only killed
his revolver, and settled down to wait for the coohes, did they not? After all,
morning^and enlightenment. labor is plentiful," they adjured; and
When about noon the next day John to the accounts of the miners' carelessness
Amory and Hoyt arrived, they found and stubbornness they gave scant atten-
Jailrey, raving with fever, sitting in the tion. "We understand how to deal with
tent opening, his empty revolver on his these people better than you possibly
knees, his arm, torn and limp hanging could," said the older Russian indul-
from the mangled shoulder. AH around gently.
were the evidences of fury and struggle .And to the explanation of the diificul-
and at the clearing's edge lay the great ties of transportation and of the mine's
tigress—dead. singular remoteness from the sources of
It was with difficulty that they un- supjDly, he answered: "But the coal is
clasped the revolver from Jaffrey's vise- here!"
like grasp. The rains had flooded the mine, but
"What has happened? Has Che already some of the miners, unabashed,
cleared out with the rest?" wondered had returned; the machinery was tem-
Hoyt as they lifted the unnoting Jaffrey porarily repaired and preparations were
onto a cot. under way for pumping out the water.
"That Russian offer looks good to me," J(3hn Amory, ineffectually attempting
observed John Amory quietly. Hoyt to question a coolie as to the details of the
agreed. climax which had led to the wrecking of
Among the letters Jaffrey had brought the plant and tr3ang to locate Che,
from Shanghai was Nancy Graham's stopiped to examine the items of an
wedding announcement. John Amory ama,zing bill presented by Li Wan, and
looked at it with almost impersonal in- wondered why Aleute had not come to
difference; it was the last detail needed interpret and explain. "He says Che
to make a completely rounded experi- ran this bill; but he has only three
ence of his Chinese interlude. . cHts which Che signed," commented
The members of the Russian syndicate "Then, just pay those," advised the
listened with veiled elation and tolerant Russian, and added: "You don't under-
politeness to Hoyt's and Amory's ex- stand these people."
planations during the final arrangements From the men gathered about the
for the transfer of the concessions. Jaf- shaft there came an excited shout. The
frey, weak but conscious, had agreed pumping had begun; the patched machin-
that no details should be ignored or mis- ery creaked noisily; the water-kibble
represented and had-empowered the came heavily up and the contents were
other two to act for him. " I had a letter dumped on the lower bank. A queer
from dad in answer to mine describing silence fell.
conditions here, and telling of our Rus- John Amory, after one startled glance,
sian offer. Dad says that most people went forward to where; on the ground lay
who annex a gold brick aren't able to sell a sodden crumpled mass of butterfly-em-
it at a profit, and he advises us to quit broidered brocade and blue linen; daz-
while there's enough of us left to sign the edly he noted that the tip of Che's long
transfer. But if my old man ever tries queue was tightly knotted to the ends of
to tell me any more of his yarns about the Aleute's heavy unbound hair.
vicissitudes of his early mining days I'U The Russian had followed him, and as
tell him some Chinese truths that wiU Amory turned sickly away he spoke:
permanently cramp his style," remarked "You don't understand these people!"
Jaffrey junior, turning weakly on his cot. With an indifferent gesture he signified
Sententiously he added: "This venture the joined hair. "You say this place
has brought bad luck to every one who is impossibly remote?" he questioned,
has touched i t ! " and laughed exultantly. "Not remote
The Russians, however, shrugged in- enough to be free from the watchfulness



J^>- I' .^

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1 * ^

Drawn by 0. F. Howard.
' Paradise is, I fear, a long way off."—Page 437.


442 The New Frontiers of Freedom
of a jealous husband," said the Russian band's dislike for butterflies. Being -a
gentleman. gentlewoman, she does not try to force
his confidence, but, quite correctly, she at-
John Amory's wife—formerly his cousin tributes his odd aversion to some detail of
Priscilla—will never understand her hus- the experience of his Chinese interlude.


" "••**.*!;. *,


Author of "The Last Frontier," "Fighting in Flanders," "Italy at War," " The Army Behind the Army," etc.


H E N I called upon M. never has been. We object to being

Bratianu, the Prime Min- called a Balkan people."
ister of Ruraania, who was I apologized for my slip, of course, and
in Paris as a delegate to amicable relations were resumed, but I
the Peace Conference, I mention the incident as an illustration of
made the tactical error, in how deeply the Rumanians resent the in-
opening the conversation, of remarking clusion of their country in that group of
that I proposed to spend some weeks in his turbulent kingdoms which compose what
country during my travels in the Balkans. some one has aptly called the Peninsula of
But I got no further, for M. Bratianu, Unrest. The Rumanians are as sensitive
whose tremendous shoulders and bristling in this respect as are the Creoles of the
black beard make him appiear even larger South when an ignorant and blundering
than he is, sprang to his feet and brought Northerner remarks that he had always
his fist crashing down upon the table. supposed that the term Creole implied a
" You ought to know better than that. strain of negro blood. Not only is Ru-
Major Powell," he angrily exclaimed. mania not one of the Balkan states, geo-
"Rumania is not in the Balkans and graphically speaking, but, as a result of its


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