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Pagulayan,Ariel John P.

The Importance of Family


A. Definition by Dictionary
B. Definition of family for me

Reasons of importance of family

The Importance of having a family
Pagulayan,Ariel John P.


The Importance of Family

In the context of human society, a family is a group of people related either by

consanguinity (by recognized birth), affinity (by marriage or other relationship). Members of the
immediate family include spouses, parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. Members of
the extended family may include grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, and
siblings-in-law. Sometimes these are also considered members of the immediate family,
depending on an individual’s relationship with them. – Wikipedia

Family, defines as a group of people, usually of the same blood, who genuinely love,
trust, care about, and look out for each other. Not to be mistaken with relatives sharing the
same household who have each other. Real Family is a bondage that cannot be broken by any
means. – Urban Dictionary

The definition of family for me is a building block to each success in everyone’s life. The
ladder for each other’s ups and down. And our happy pill for every stress that we encounter.
Many can go in our lives but our family will support us every inch of our lives.

My family composed of a very happy and simple family. My 45 year old father who is
working as a machine operator in a factory. He supports as financially by giving us our needs.
He provides us an education by sending us to a good school. I can saw my father as our
Superman; he can be as strong like that. He can also be a Master Chef like our mother he is
good in cooking. The second member of our family is my mother who is 43 year old. I adore him
so much because she is the Superwoman of the family. She can do all task in our house. She
can be a Carpenter she can fix things that is broken. She can also be a Designer she put
things properly and organized. Our parents are our hero they provide our needs not only on the
material thing but they provide us the unconditional love that anybody can do as parents. The
third member of our family is my 22 year old sister. She is my best buddy. She also helps our
parents financially. She works on an auto dealer company as Finance Coordinator. She is the
coolest sister I ever had in my entire life. The fourth member of our family is me. My roles as a
brother to my two sisters are the following: I’m their protector; I protect them on other strangers
mostly to the boys that will court my sisters. I’m also the joker of the family; I gave happiness to
them especially when I feel that one of them needs to. The last member of our family is my 9
year old sister. She is my baby even though we our arguing most of the time. I feel jealous when
my parents or even my eldest sister buy her some foods. But I love her so much. That’s my
family we are not perfect, we have flaws, but still we’re bless to have each other as part of our
family. And I’m lucky to have them in my life.

I consider my family to be really important because of the following reasons. First,

Family Improves Overall Well-Being, as kids grew up having with their parents they have more
time together. They can have a family bonding and at the same time it will strengthen each ones
personality. It helps also improves everyone’s capacity to boost each other confidence in doing
things (example: Children can perform on school activity very well because her parents teach

The second importance of having a family, it helps each other on Problem Solving. We
can’t solve problems by ourselves only we need help from our family. As usual they got our
back thru our ups and downs they are here to support us. We can achieve 100% of the
solutions without consulting opinion of other. The experiences that our parents have before
you’ve go on that problem can teach us a lesson that if they can do I also do.

The third important thing to have a family is it connects us to Society. Our parents help
us to talk and walk, which means they help us to socialize with other people. It will mould you as
a person because you can know the right and good things on the society. You can’t pull yourself
on the dark side of the world by trying not to socialize with some stranger. Be confident to face
the real world your family will help you to go out with your comfort zone.

Lastly, the importance of our family in humanity is that our family will guide us to know
more about our creator. A strong and happy family is a God-centered family. You can be
blessed with those things that you received but if you can’t thank God to your family nothing
happens. The foundation that you try to build will no longer be stronger it will collapse anytime.
But if you have God on your family it will strengthen you as a son, brother, and bestfriend to
your family. That’s why family is important to everyone. Friends will be your friends but family is
forever your family.

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