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Steps to Opening Troll-Skull Tavern

About this Document
Step 1: Obtaining Troll Skull Tavern
I’ve documented what my party had to go through to open They will obtain Troll Skull tavern. They can do this by
up Troll Skull tavern. I put it in a document and now am completing Chapter 1 of Waterdeep Dragon Heist.
sharing what I did incase other people find it useful. Alternatively I suppose they could buy the Tavern off
Volo somehow?

Step 2: Repairing Troll Skull Tavern

They need to get the tavern section of the Tavern in
working order. See the page ‘Repairing Troll skull
If they only repair the Tavern section before opening, they
will suffer a -5 on all business rolls, as some clientele may
feel the structure is somewhat unsafe. Once the entire
manor is fixed, this penalty goes away.

Step 3: Contact the Taverners Guild

All tavern’s that wish to operate legally in Waterdeep
need to contact the Taverner’s guild, pay the 250gp fee. In
exchange, Gustav the Dwarf will take them through the
process, offering advice, helping them organise repairs (if
they still have anything need doing), bringing them
character resumes etc). I had Gustav ask what areas the
characters wanted to be involved in.

Step 4: Choose the Standard

I had my party decide on the ‘Standard’ they wanted. I
gave them four options to choose from and gave them
real-life restaurant examples):
Because I made this for my own use, I didn’t go through and • Dodgy: 30gp per tenday
collect the credits to record. Now I’m sharing, I’m trying to (e.g. like Street-cart foot)
work out who to credit. • Average: 50gp per tenday
(e.g. local fish and chip shop)
Filling Trollskull Manor: • Upper class: 100gp per tenday (e.g. a nice restaurant)
ents/9p9jc0/filling_trollskull_manor/ • Exclusive: 400gp per tenday
(the type of restaurant celebrities go to).
Party Images: WoTC If characters want to turn it from a Tavern, into an Inn,
then they will need to make modifications to the manor.
Tavern ideas:
encounters/ Step 5: Hire Employees
Image by: /u/besmirked As part of the Taverner’s guild, Gustav will bring the
characters a series of resumes suited for the Standard of
tavern they wish to make. I’ve made character sheets for
this resumes. The different employees will have

Step 6: Purchase Equipment

The party will need to purchase equipment based on. My
party got Gustav to organise this. I charged them 200gp
for the starting equipment for the

Step 7: Open the Tavern

Tavern has it’s opening night! The effort the party puts in
can affect their. Gustav gives them different marketing

This deed was made by /u/toxik0n from reddit. See his post here:


This floor needs to be fixed before they open an upper-class
I based this on the ‘Filling Trollskull Manor’ post on Reddit. tavern. It needs to be accessed from outside.

The total cost to renovate the manor is 1,250GP. I broke it Issue Cost
down for the players expense by expense. If the party Outside lock is rusted. 10GP
Common room Fireplace is in good shape, Included in first
contacts the Taverner’s guild, then Gustav will help them
looks like it was better taken care of, but floor repairs.
with this and they can just get it done without much effort. the chimney needs cleaned out and some
My party preferred playing through the repairs step by step. work done on it, there are birds nests in it.
The Den has a nice sitting area in the turret, 20 GP for trash
FIRST FLOOR (450 GP) one of the chairs is ok, the other has a bad removal.
This floor needs to be completely fixed before they can open. leg that gives out if someone sits on it. The
couch is rotten completely. There’s also a 30 GP for
Issue Cost broken window.
The hearth is physically in good shape, but Chimney Damage to balcony railing. Beams 80 GP.
the chimney is completely clogged, and the unblockage and underneath and boarding.
hearth is covered in black soot sweep: 40 GP. Brickwork behind plaster is crumbling. 100 GP
One of the large windows is broken. 50 GP. The common room has a couple end tables 10 GP for trash
All the light fixtures are broken. 20 GP or mend. and a couch, the couch is rotten. removal.
There is one dusty unbroken glass sitting on Mending fixes Optional Upgrade 300GP (not
the bar, it breaks if it's picked up. this. Creating an internal stairwell. included in costs
Keg of beer behind the bar, it's beyond bad, 10 GP trash above)
the keg rusted out removal.
There is some major water damage on the 100 GP.
floor behind the bar, from the keg leaking, THIRD FLOOR (250 GP)
the floor sags as you walk on it. This floor needs to be fixed before they can open an
The Cellar door is completely swollen shut 20 GP. exclusive tavern.
from the keg leak, and needs to be broken
to open. Issue Cost
The pantry is an absolute mess, it looks like 20 GP cleaning. The privy is nice and clean actually, it’s Fixed in Cellar
mice/rats got into everything and feces and basically a little stool with a hole in the repairs.
food is strewn all over the floor, the floor, the plumbing goes down to the cellar
cabinets are in good shape still, just need and is the pipe that’s broken.
some major cleaning. The library is in total disarray. The ceiling 200 GP for
The kitchen is in relatively good shape, but 100 GP. has completely collapsed after a leak, and ceiling repairs.
as you explore it you find that the hearth probably a heavy snow, and the 20 or so
used to cook is completely cracked and will books left in the room are completely
need repair/replacing before use. unreadable. It reeks of mold.
Faded paint which is peeling on the outside. 10 GP the private bath has/had a large copper tub, 20 for GP
One of the doors needs replacing. 30 GP. it’s full of rust and debris and half full of removal and
water, the water ripples a little. replacement.
Peeling Paint cracks in Plaster 30 GP
This floor needs to be fixed before they open an average, ATTIC (100 GP)
upperclass and exclusive tavern. They can open a dodgy This floor and the turretneeds to be fixed before they can
tavern but patrons will complain of a nasty smell and the open an exclusive tavern.
party suffer a -5 business roll until the cellar is fixed.
Issue Cost
Issue Cost The bedroom is full of junk. Anything 20 GP for
There is an inch of standing sewage/water, 80 GP for pipe broken was stored here. removal.
and you see some broken plumbing hanging repairs. 20 GP One window is completely broken. 20 GP
from the ceiling for sewage A ceiling beam is broken. Needs replacing. 60 GP
The cellar smells really musty and strongly Just needs a
like vinegar. clean. TURRET (50 GP)
There are 2 large wine casks in the wine Mending spell
cellar, but they've turned to vinegar. can fix or 10GP. Issue Cost
Shelving is all rotted from the sewage and 40GP for One of the windows has a giant crack Cast Mending or
water. replacing. through it. 30 GP.
Roof tiling cracked and coming off. 20 GP.

I thought it would be fun to allow the party to choose PLAYERS INFLUENCING

what type of Tavern they wanted to open. Each has Players can spend downtime helping the business.
pros and cons. Here’s the options I’ve given them. They choose one way they wish to help out from
(You can find out more about these types on the below and the skill chance used to help out in that
following pages) way.
• Dodgy Tavern Methods Skill Check
• Average Tavern Attract the populace with Performance
• Upper-Class Tavern spectacles and shows and tales.
• Exclusive Tavern Work with suppliers and guilds Persuasion
using diplomacy and good
business sense.
Tighten your grip on your Intimidation
GOING FROM A TAVERN TO AN INN employees, your competition and
I allowed my party members to choose to upgrade suppliers.
their Tavern to an inn by creating an internal stairwell Use shady tricks and dodgy Deception
(at a cost of 300gp). Had they have done this, I would dealing to trick the populace into
have double the maintenance cost, but then doubled overspending
the profit roll. Analyse local taste trends and Insight
prices and predict the market.
Go and advertise the tavern by Persuasion.
handing out fliers or word-of-

I allow for characters to fill in for employee roles as

following and save 8gp on maintenance costs per Characters roll 1d20 using the skill check above. Then
tenday per employee replaced: add this to the next business roll.

• Chef: Requires proficiency in cooking utensils 1d20 Result

for Upper Class and Exclusive. Nat 1 Disadvantage.
• Barkeeper: Requires proficiency in brewer’s 1-3 -8 to roll.
supplies for upper class and exclusive. 4-6 -5 to roll.
• Entertainment: Requires proficiency in an 7-9 Nothing
instrument. 10-12 +2 to roll
13-15 + 4 to roll
• All other roles: No skill required.
16-17 + 8 to roll.
If your party is keen and want to check the profits of 18-19 +10 to roll.
the tavern daily. For this I give them a +1 to the roll 20+ Advantage on roll.
instead of a +10 and then remove the x 5 section of the Nat Advantage with +10 to rolls.
last 3 rows. Employee rolls also effect bonuses and 20
penalties to the business table roll. I also added event
rolls to make things a bit interesting and add some
You’ll find dodgy taverns often in the dock wards. The Frewn’s brews sits in this class. This is the default standard
establishment may have broken furniture or windows. that the adventure gives you. Patrons expect standard fare:
Employees will probably be rude and gruff. If you get a mug Meat, Potatoes, and Ale/Mead.
of beer, the mug will probably be a bit dirty. It attracts
criminal types and shady dealings. However, it’s very cheap Costs: 50g per ten/day + 10gp guild fees.
to run.
Requirements: 3-4 employees covering the skills of:
Costs: 30g per ten/day + 5gp guild fees.
• Cook
Requirements: 2 employees covering the skills of beer • Barkeep
pouring, crap food making and serving customers. • Waitress/Cleaning

Business Rolls: Business Rolls:

Every ten days Every ten days

(add + 10 to the roll) (add + 10 to the roll)
You must pay one and a half times the business’s You must pay one and a half times the business’s
1-20 1-20
maintenance cost for each of the days. maintenance cost for each of the days.
You must pay the business’s full maintenance cost for You must pay the business’s full maintenance cost for
21-30 21-30
each of the days. each of the days.
You must pay half the business’s maintenance cost You must pay half the business’s maintenance cost
31-40 31-40
for each of the days. Profits cover the other half. for each of the days. Profits cover the other half.
The business covers its own maintenance cost for The business covers its own maintenance cost for
41-60 41-60
each of the days. each of the days.
The business covers its own maintenance cost for The business covers its own maintenance cost for
61-80 61-80
each of the days. It earns a profit of 1d4 × 5 gp. each of the days. It earns a profit of 1d6 × 5 gp.
The business covers its own maintenance cost for The business covers its own maintenance cost for
81-90 81-90
each of the days. It earns a profit of 2d4 × 5 gp. each of the days. It earns a profit of 2d8 × 5 gp.
The business covers its own maintenance cost for The business covers its own maintenance cost for
91+ 91+
each of the days. It earns a profit of 3d6 × 5 gp. each of the days. It earns a profit of 3d10 × 5 gp.

Event Rolls Event Rolls

1d6 Event 1d8 Event

Your tavern is robbed during the night. One item Frewn sneaks in and releases a small cage of rats.
gets stolen. 1 (He rolls slight of hand against passive
A fight breaks out and a glass and stool get perception of employees). -10 to the next roll.
broken. 3 GP to repair. Two zhentarium thugs get into a fight with a
Guards storm the Tavern looking for illegal 2 Xanathar guild member and break some
3 dealings. The party are questioned for furniture. -10 GP for repairs.
information. A group of Shardshunner were-rats visit the
A crossbow bolt crashes through the window 3 tavern to eat. They do nothing bad that the party
4 and strikes a merchant who came to the city from are aware of.
far away. 4 An NPC who lives on Trollskull Alley visits.
There is a cow in the middle of the tavern. 5 An NPC from one of the faction quests visits.
5 Everybody is wasted and nobody knows how the A puritan priest comes in and berates the patrons
cow got there or who owns the cow. 6 for their behavior, preaching a path of holiness
6 and purity.
A patron is robbed but the thief gets spooked A half-elf sitting alone seems to be muttering to
and leaves the stolen goods. +5 GP. 7 themselves but is actually decribing the comings
Rumour has it that your place is a good place to and goings of the tavern to a sentient item.
hold dodgy deals. An increase in criminal A soldier is dressed in plainclothes, watching a
activity starts occurring in your bar, but so does 8 deal going on at another table. The disguise is
an increase of sales. Advantage to your next roll. not fooling anyone.
A creepy wizard accidentally slips a love potion
into the wrong persons drink
One of the patrons has gathered a sizable crowd
with their exotic pet and its tricks.
Two patrons get locked into a drinking contest
11 and end up ordering way more alcohol than
expecting. +10 to the next roll.
A local reporter comes in to inspect the tavern for
12 a review. If the business roll is over 60, gain
advantage on your next roll.
Patrons expect a bit more of a classier experience from This is the type of Tavern that will attract nobles. Standards
Upper-class taverns. They expect no violence or criminals, a are high, and so are the costs. Clients expect outstanding
decent selection of delicious food, and a few more drink service. A large selection of different wines and spirits from
options than the standard ale and mead from an average regions in the Sword Coast and beyond. Entertainment is
tavern. Dwavern Spirits and sometimes Elven Wine. expected every night.

Upper-class is what my party chose so they wouldn’t Exclusive entry is seen as a positive, to keep the standard of
compete with Frewn’s brews. clientele up and the riff-raff out.

Costs: 100g per ten/day + 20gp guild fees. Costs: 400g per ten/day + 50gp guild fees.

Requirements: 5 employees covering the skills of: Requirements: 8 employees covering the skills of:

• Cook • Head Chef

• Barkeep • Assistant Chef
• Waitress/Cleaning (At least 2) • 1-2 Bartenders
• 2-3 Waitress
Business Rolls:
• Entertainer
Every ten days • Security
(add + 10 to the roll)
You must pay one and a half times the business’s
maintenance cost for each of the days.
You must pay the business’s full maintenance cost for Business Rolls:
each of the days.
You must pay half the business’s maintenance cost Every ten days
31-40 (add + 10 to the roll)
for each of the days. Profits cover the other half.
The business covers its own maintenance cost for You must pay one and a half times the business’s
41-60 1-20
each of the days. maintenance cost for each of the days.
The business covers its own maintenance cost for You must pay the business’s full maintenance cost for
61-80 21-30
each of the days. It earns a profit of 1d12 × 5 gp. each of the days.
The business covers its own maintenance cost for You must pay half the business’s maintenance cost
81-90 31-40
each of the days. It earns a profit of 3d12 × 5 gp. for each of the days. Profits cover the other half.
The business covers its own maintenance cost for The business covers its own maintenance cost for
91+ 41-60
each of the days. It earns a profit of 3d20 × 5 gp. each of the days.
The business covers its own maintenance cost for
each of the days. It earns a profit of 1d100 × 5 gp.
Event Rolls The business covers its own maintenance cost for
each of the days. It earns a profit of 2d100 × 5 gp.
1d10 Event The business covers its own maintenance cost for
each of the days. It earns a profit of 4d100 × 5 gp.
Frewn sneaks in and releases a small cage of rats.
1 (He rolls slight of hand against passive perception
of employees). -10 to the next roll.
Event Rolls
2 A patron skips out on their meal, lose 5 GP.
3 A patron who is a werewolf begins turning. 1d4 Event
A female drow enters uncomfortable silence A patron complains about everything because
4 ensues. After it is clear that the drow doesn’t want he’s a pain in the butt. Party needs to roll
any trouble the tavern goes back to normal. 1
persuasion to calm the patron or receive a -5
A travelling gnome asks to sell exotic and strange penalty to the next roll.
drinks in a wooden stand they wish to set up. Volo or another NPC comes to the Tavern and
6 An NPC who lives on Trollskull Alley visits. skips out on paying for his meal as he’s still
7 An NPC from one of the faction quests visits. 2
waiting for his profits to come in from his book. -
A portal opens in the middle of the tavern. A man 10GP
8 wearing pajamas comes out of it, orders a drink, 3 The Cassalanters come to the Tavern for a meal.
and returns through the closing portal. You discover some information about a noble
A local celebrity comes into the bar. People are 4
family or the masked lords of Waterdeep.
9 constantly asking for autographs etc for the whole 5 A wealthy patron leaves a +20 GP tip.
night. A local reporter comes in to inspect the tavern for
A bard asks to perform. He sings various songs 6 a review. If the business roll is over 60, gain
10 including a tale of the party’s exploit. Everyone advantage on your next roll.
drinks a little more. +5 to the next roll.
11 A wealthy patron leaves a +10 GP tip.
A local reporter comes in to inspect the tavern for
12 a review. If the business roll is over 60, gain
advantage on your next roll.
HIRING EMPLOYEES Chelsea: Previously worked in a brothel of Neverwinter. If
the characters open a brothel, she’ll happily work for them,
Gustav gave my party the following resumes. Each hireling
but she’ll be happier making her way doing honest work like
has their pros, cons, gives options for side-quests, and has a
waitressing and cleaning.
roll table which can change the outcome of business rolls.
Landon: A gay Half-Elf. He is very familiar with fine foods
Rumbold: A dwarf who hates orcs and worked as the head-
and wines. Can perform as entertainment and makes up
cook of a dwarf army. Left when his son got captured by
songs about the party’s adventures.
orcs and the army wouldn’t lend the men to go rescue.
Gertrude: An ugly old dwavern woman who has experience
Alaurana: A noble elf whose father told her she needs to
working at one of the roughest places of Waterdeep. Very
learn the value of hard work before joining the family
hard working and will stand up to any troublemakers.
business. Has been told she needs to make her own way for a
year before being allowed in to the family business. Snarf: An intelligent kobold that previously worked in the
Sewers. Believes he deserves more than being hidden in the
Tahnee: A hyperactive gnome with no experience but a great
sewer doing dirty work.
hard-working attitude.
Dannis: A dodgy and arrogant man who is marvellous at
Fern: An half-orc, half-elf young lady. Her green skin and
bartending. He will likely want to do shady-deals on the side
two small tusks makes her instantly recognisable as a half-
with patrons of the Tavern. Can be unreliable.
orc, so she’s often shunned despite being quite attractive.
Ella: A girl who has experience waitressing in an exclusive
ZugZug: An half-orc who is capable of cooking a variety of
Tavern in the sea-ward. Won’t last in dodgy or average
meals, but speaks next to no common. As such people under
tavern due to the occasionally scuffles.
estimate his intelligence (Int 11). He can cook, clean and act
as security. Naz: Application is written in Infernal. A tiefling of chaotic
evil alignment. Motivations are unknown. He can conjure
Peerson: Great cook. OK bartender. Always has to have the
food which looks amazing but the taste is a bit off, but
last word in arguments. Tries to sell collectables to patrons.
nobody is sure why.
Skills: Experience as head-cook of

None of that vegan rubbish though.

the Dwarvern Army of Thorbidan.

Applicant brought in a sample

Name: Rumbold 'Rum' Longslate
Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep

Expert of meat and potatoes.

of his spiced potatoes. They

Application for Positions

Applying For: Head Chef.

Taverners Guild Notes:

I know my spirits.

were delicious.
Race: Dwarf
Sex: Man
Application for Positions Application for Positions
Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep

Name: Tahnee Name: Alaurana

Race: Gnome Race: Elf
Applying For: Waitressing! Cleaning! I
Sex: Female
am happy to learn new skills!!
Applying For: A job. I guess I could
Skills: I don't have many skills but waitress. I won't clean though. You must
I'm keen to learn!!!! Waitressing provide my accommodation too, at least for
doesn't really need many skills does
it?? I am the girl for the job!!
Whatever job you need!! Skills: I have too many to list in this
incredibly tiny space.
Taverners Guild Notes:
Taverners Guild Notes:
Very enthusiastic but lacks
Beautiful woman. Not one that I’ d expect
previous work experience. to apply for this line of work. No previous
experience. Daughter of nobles I think.
Application for Positions Application for Positions
Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep

Name: ZugZug Name: Fern

Race: Run fast. Win ALL rayses Race: Half-Orc
Sex: Yes Pleez wif gurlz onlee Sex: Female. Why does this matter?
Applying For: Werk
Applying For: Bartending work, waitressing,
and cooking easier dishes. I am a quick study and can
Skills: Yes very many take on additional tasks as needed.
I lift up hole kart on my sholderz wun
time. Impres everywun. Skills: I can pour a variety of different drinks.
. Able to waitress. I can cook a variety of basic dishes
Taverners Guild Notes: too.
Orcish Applicant. Looks very
Taverners Guild Notes:
strong, but that's all. Could be good
May be an orc but she's decent
for security but Orcs will scare
looking I suppose. Could be decent,
people off.
if you don't mind hiring an orc.
Application for Positions Application for Positions
Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep
Name: Landon
Race: Half-Elf Name: Chelsea
Race: Human
Sex: An attractive male
Sex: A lovely young lady.
Applying For: Tavern work
Applying For: Waitressing of course.. but I can do
more if you know what I mean ;-)
Skills: I can cook a variety of
delights for you, entertain your
guests, educate on the subtle
Skills: Dancing, singing, and making all your
customers feel very at home ;-)
differences of various wines, and
generally be delightful to all!
Taverners Guild Notes:
Taverners Guild Notes: VERY flirty. Says she's
Bit of a dandy boy.. waitressed at an “ Gentleman's
Carries around a lute. establishment” in Neverwinter.
Application for Positions Application for Positions
Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep
Name: Snarf Name: Gertrude
Race: Kobold Race: Dwarf
Sex: M. Sex: Female.
Applying For: Cleanins sir Applying For: Waitressing and
Skills: I fit in tinies holes. Can clean real good. Free
chimmy cleans sir. Will bring u drinks. Many drinks. I will Skills: I have had previous
work for food. No pay. Just feed snarf plez. I work real good. experiencing working at the "Stuff
Be loyal. Very loyal for u sirs. I also make traps for ur enemies and Snort” in the Dock wards
sir. And build tunels if u ever want 2 make tunels sirs. before it's closure.

Taverners Guild Notes: Taverners Guild Notes:

First kobold to ever apply. I don’ t
Seems capable. From the looks of
even know if they're allowed in the
her she could double as security
city. I checked and apparently, they
are? They maintain the sewers. too haha. Somewhat ugly.
Learn something new every day.
Application for Positions Application for Positions
Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep
Name: Peerson Name: Dannis Avery
Race: Human Race: Human
Sex: M. Sex: M.
Applying For: Cook and Bartending. Applying For: Bartending
Skills: I love cooking! Ribs. Steak, Brisket, Skills: My skills lie in the world of
etc. Also do some delicious roast veg and
chicken. I also have a passion for beer and alcohol. Name a drink and I'll mix it
spirits! I could help run card-games. for you. In a pinch, I could deliver food
to tables, but I don't expect to do
Taverners Guild Notes: this on the regular.
Seems like a nice regular kinda
guy. Doesn't know much about
Taverners Guild Notes:
Gave him a quick quiz on
wine or salad though. Wanted
different types of spirits, wines
to sell me some collectible
and more. Could name them
Application for Positions Application for Positions
Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep Taverner’ s Guild of Waterdeep
Name: Nazreth
Name: Ella Smithson Race: Tiefling
Race: Human Sex: Other
Sex: Female Applying For: Paid work
Applying For: Waitressing, Cleaning.
Skills: Have filled in at Yawning Skills: I will be happy to serve you
Portal when the regular bar-staff with whatever skills I possess i can
are off sick. Looking for permanent conjure food if needed and kill bad
work now. customers
Taverners Guild Notes:
Applicant seems reliable. Has Taverners Guild Notes:
done casual work with the Had this application left here.
Taverners guild prior, filling Can't read it. Maybe you can
in at pubs on short-term basis.. make more sense of it than I.

ABOUT gain her loyalty and will offer to fight with them or do
Fern (real name Aleahna) is a half-orc half-elven small missions for them. She will alert the party of any
young woman who has spent most of her life in the suspicious activity around Trollskull and will assist
field ward of Waterdeep with her elven mother, them in their activities.
Niahetha. She inherited her charisma from her elven
side, however her skin colour and two small tusks
immediately identify her as a half-orc, thus she is often
subjected to racism (disadvantage on charisma checks)

She was previously working as a mercenary, but this is

not immediately revealed to the players. She was
involved with a Drow named Rizzen Elkanter who she
met through mercenary work. Their relationship was
very volatile, and when she was finally subjected to
physical violence from Rizzen, she left him, and her
line of work.


When Fern is employed at the Troll Skull tavern, roll
the following table every ten-days.

1d8 Outcome
1 Optional Story Line 1: See the next page.
2 Fern is harassed by a patron and either stabs STATS
or punches the patron. Patrons leave due to
Fern’s stats are that of a Half-Elf (Wood) Ranger. Her
her ‘Orcish temper’. -5 on next Business roll.
3 Fern is subjected to a racist taunt and pours a initial stats are that of a level 2. She stays one level
drink on the patron whose peers agree that behind the party.
the patron deserved it.
4 Fern bickers with another employee. FERN
5 Fern gets drunk with one other employee Medium humanoid (elf/orc), chaotic neutral
after closing on a slow night and reveals some Armor Class 14
of her background. Hit Points 18
6 Fern overhears Jarlaxle or other Drow Speed 35 ft.
speaking Undercommon in the bar. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
7 Fern’s ability multi-tasking allows things to 10 (0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (0) 16 (+3)
run smoother. Give advantage to the Tavern Saving Throws Str +2, Dex +5
Business roll. Skills Nature, Stealth, Perception, Investigation, Acrobatics
8 Fern uncovers a thief stealing from Patrons. Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 11
She managed to subdue the thief. Patrons are Languages Common, Elvish, Orcish, Undercommon
very impressed. Permanently increase the Fey Ancestry • PHB 39
Fern has advantage on saving throws against being charmed,
reputation of Troll skull Tavern, giving a +1
and magic can’t put her to sleep.
permanent bonus to Tavern Business Roll. Two-Weapon Fighting • PHB
Fern add’s her ability modifier to damage for off-hand attacks.
Spellcasting • PHB 91
INTERACTIONS WITH THE PARTY Fern can cast known ranger spells at level 3 using WIS as your
At first Fern sees the party as just people who employ spellcasting modifier (Spell DC 9, Spell Attack +1).
her. She gets on equally well with evil and good Actions
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
aligned characters.
1d4+3 Piercing.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one
If the party builds up a positive relationship with her,
target. 1d6+3 Piercing.
defend her when she’s harassed and shows interest in Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit., one target. 1d8+3
her, she will start to bond with the party and they will Piercing.
Fala: Fala has no racism towards Fern what so ever and Fern’s ex-partner, Rizzen Elkanter, is a male drow who
treats her very kindly. As such, Fern becomes quick friends refused to accept the matriarchy of the Underdark, thus
with Fala and will often spend time with them. Unless they becoming a Waterdavian. He uses disguise self to appear
bicker over Ziraj. half-elven. Fern and Rizzen bonded over both being outcasts
in Waterdeep. His relationship with Fern was passionate,
Ziraj: If Fern meets Ziraj, she’ll take an interest in him and intense, but volatile. Eventually when Fern leaves him he
actively pursue him. If Ziraj takes an interest in return, she’ll becomes enraged and determined to get her back, even if it’s
join the black network and if necessary, take his side not by her choice.
between an argument between him and the party, although
she’ll try and convince Ziraj to leave the party alone. He may have joined Bregan D’aerthe (Jarlaxle’s group of
drow), or be in the process of joining it.

Rizzen stalks Fern and finds her working at Trollskull

INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER EMPLOYEES Tavern. He will initially come in and refer to her by her real
name of Aleahna. They have a short conversation in
Dannis Avery: She has a love-hate relationship with Dannis.
Undercommon (any party member speaking this language
They will occasionally flirt, but she also gets frustrated at his
and Dannis can overhear or if). A few days later, Fern does
arrogance. If she discovers he can speak Undercommon,
not show to work. (Rizzen has used Charm Person spell on
she’ll want to investigate why.
her to get her to come. His plan is to find a way to make the
Snarf: She has a soft spot for Snarf and will often feed him effects of Charm Person permanent.)
good scraps from plates and occasionally prime cuts. Should the party members investigate; they will find that she
Rumbold: She initially has mutual respect for Rumbold. is being kept at a house in the Southern Ward (map on next
Over time their relationship goes from professional to page). f Ziraj is friendly with Fern, he will come along and
somewhat affectionate. Eventually they have some-what of a find out the location himself. Otherwise they can find this
father-daughter relationship. out by asking around if people have seen any half-orcs with
Fern’s resemblance. If they go to Fern’s mothers place in the
Gertrude: Fern respects Gertrudes hard work, but finds her Field ward, she will tell the party that she used to spend lots
rigid personality a bit boorish at times. They will not become of time with a half-elf in the Sea Ward and gives the location.
friends. Fern will allow Gertrude to do the more mundane Rizzen’s stats depend on the current level of the party. I used
tasks such as cleaning. the following stats but added the ability Disguise self. If Ziraj
Landon: At first there is high tension between Landon and comes to help, use a high level stat block.
Gertrude due to the racism. Eventually
Party Level Rizzen’s Stat Block
Tahnee: Fern gets frustrated with Tahnee’s high level of 1-4 Drow Elite Warrior
5-7 Drow Assassin
enthusiasm and her inexperience. This changes as they begin
8-9 Drow House Captain
to see each other’s strengths.
10-11 Drow Shadowblade
Chelsea: Fern is impatient with Chelsea’s tendency to slack 12-14 Drow Inquisitor
off on the job and is quick to reprimand her. Over time 15+ Drow Favoured Consort
Chelsea starts to become harder working and reveals more of When the party find Rizzen’s house, they will probably find
her backstory to Fern, resulting in a mutual respect .. and Fern locked in a bedroom of your choice without any
eventually perhaps friendship. weapons or armour. She may appear beaten and bruised.
Alaurana: Alaurana has distaste for Fern, thinking her Despite her horrific ordeal, she implores the party not to kill
parentage is unnatural. She assumes Fern is a product of Rizzen, but to run him out of Waterdeep instead.
rape and that Fern, being an orc, is not worthy of her time or When the party arrives at Rizzen’s house:
respect and is beneath her. This leads to a lot of conflict.
1d8 Outcome
ZugZug: Fern enjoys the company of Zug, using it as a 1 Rizzen is not home.
chance to speak Orcish. It turns out he has a high int, but is 2 Rizzen is in the kitchen.
often regarded as a lower intellect character due to his poor 3 Rizzen is in the study, studying Charm-Person
common speaking skills. potions and elixirs.
4 Rizzen is in the sitting room with two Drow (Use
Peerson: They flirt a bit. May hook up but overall they don’t
the standard ¼ CR stat block).
work out and there may be sexual tension in the workplace.
5 Rizzen is in the bedroom with Fern. They’re
Nazreth: She will learn infernal and eventually be able to arguing about their relationship.
speak it. Her infernal improves each time the party gains a 6 Rizzen is in the bedroom with Fern who is under
the effects of a charm-person spell.
level. After she gets to know him she’s somewhat wary.
7 Fern is actively fighting Rizzen.
8 Fern has just escaped but Rizzen is there.
Study: Although it appears a normal study, a closer look Fern’s Parents (Loktar and Niahetha) met on the border of
reveals some of the books are written in Undercommon. the High Forest between the territory of the elves and the
There are books out about making a Charm-Person potion. orcs. Their first meeting was a violent one, and they started
Loot: 1 Charm-Person Potion. Random Alchemy ingredients. combat on sight, but found themselves evenly matched with
Niah retreating soon after. Their next run resulted in
Guest Room and Dining Room: A jar of spider eggs. hesitation before Niah left, choosing not to engage in combat.
Kitchen: There is a spider of your stat block choice here. Over time, they became a familiar presence to each other. The
catalyst for their relationship came when Niah was watching
Loktar tend to an injured bear-cub, something orcs do not
usually do. Whilst distracted however, a wild boar attacked
and gouged Loktar. Niah rushed in with regards to her own
safety, healing Loktar with her druidic powers. Soon after,
the unlikely pair would fall in love and Niah fell pregnant.

She kept the parentage of the child a secret of her family and
left before Fern was born, knowing that their reaction would
Sitting Room: If Rizzen has joined Bregan D’aerthe, they be explosive. She lived in a quiet part of the forest, not far
find a proof that’s relevant. E.G., a note from Jarlaxle or from the Orc encampment with Loktar and had a healthy
someone else about their plan. girl. Things were good for a few months until Fern’s family,
looking for her, found her nursing the young half-orc child.
Master Bedroom: Party find 2 random gems worth 100g
Her father, enraged, demanded the Orc responsible be put to
each and a small magical item
death. Niah protested and tried to explain, but her cries were
ignored as her father demanded that any Orcs nearby were a
danger to the elves and should be slaughtered. Devestated,
Niah left the High Forest and made her way to Waterdeep,
vowing to never have anything to do with her family again.

Optional Extra Storyline: Two elves deliver a message to

Fern while the players or there, or a letter addressed to
‘Niahethethia Taemelsin of Reitheillaethor’ and is instructed
to give it to Fern to pass onto her mother:

My Dearest Niah,

I should have contacted you many years earlier, but a mixture of

stubbornness and senselessness made me unable to see reason until
it’s too late. I am suffering from a disease known as elf-rot, and I
know it won’t be too much longer until I will be reunited with your
mother. Please know that despite all these years without contacting
you, I think of you daily. For many years I thought you would
return when you had stopped being a fool. How wrong I was. It is I
who have been the fool the whole time. Only one so pure and
beautiful as you could love anyone, see good in anyone. I had no
right to do as I did, and every day I live is filled with regret. I am
not expecting forgiveness, for I do not deserve it. Please know that I
Loot From Rizzen: Drow Hand Crossbow, 38g, 2 potions of would be forever grateful if I could see you one last time before I
leave this world. I know that I have a granddaughter, and despite
healing, 2 drow poisons, silken cloak, grappling hook.
what I have done, I hope she would also be willing to see me. If you
If the part successfully rescues Fern, they gain 20% of their do not wish to visit myself. I will understand. It is what I deserve.
current level in experience. Fern is extremely thankful for the
Your father always,
rescue and touched the party cared so much.
Landarilan Taemelsin

ABOUT If treated poorly, he will steal from the party and

eventually betray them, helping BBEG, Frewn, or
Snarf was raised as a typical sewer-dwelling Kobold. anyone else.
Kobolds typically believe that chromatic dragons are
god-like, and that they themselves are descended from CANDLES
dragons. Snarf however, was one that would question
Snarf absolutely loves Candles. He wants to become a
this, and question why they had to live in the Sewers.
famous candlemaker and be the biggest candle
As such, he was often harrassed and taunted by his
collector in Waterdeep. He will steal any candles the
breathen. One day, he decided enough was enough
party has regardless of his relationship with them.
and decided he would live above the surface. He did
chores and work in the dock ward in exchange for
scraps, but for the most part he was treated like
vermin. He put in his application at the Taverners
guild (as well as every single other one he could find),
and as such.


Whilst Snarf is employed at the Troll Skull tavern, roll
the following table every ten-days.

1d8 Outcome
1 Patrons see Snarf and are disgusted that a
Kobold is employed in an establishment. -2
for the next two tenday rolls.
2 Snarf has left a dead chewed rat in the main
part of the tavern. -2 to the next tenday roll.
3 Snarf decides to make a tunnel from the
basement or Snarf has an accident in his
attempts of candlemaking.
4 An employee or Patron kicks Snarf in a
scuffle. The party find Snarf is tears. STATS
5 Another employee gives Snarf a new candle
for his collection and he is overjoyed. SNARF
6 Snarf finds out some intelligence useful to the Small humanoid (elf/orc), chaotic evil
party’s current campaign. Armor Class 13
7 Snarf finds something shiny from a Patron Hit Points 10
and gives it to the party. Roll on the gem table Speed 30 ft.
to see what it is. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
8 Snarf increases the security of trollskull 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)
manor by permanently adding traps to all Saving Throws Str +2, Dex +2
entrances. Skills Nature, Stealth, Perception, Investigation, Acrobatics
Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 8
Languages Common, Draconic
INTERACTIONS WITH THE PARTY Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception)
While more intelligent than other Kobolds, Snarf is still
checks that rely on sight.
very ignorant when it comes to normal society Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an attack roll against
etiquette and manner. He desires to learn and tries his a creature if at least one of the kobold's allies is within 5 feet of
best to act like a regular citizen, but often fails. the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
If treated well by the party, he will eventually become Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
a very loyal employee, fighting for the party and even Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
throwing his own life on the line. He can be used to Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
create a tunnel from Trollskull to another building in
Trollskull alley or into the Sewer.
Dannis previously “worked” in Baldur’s gate, but his The Baldur’s Gate thieves guild has tracked Dannis
dodgy dealings got him in debt with the Thieves’ guild down and now Dannis’ employers are also a target for
there. Not having means to pay back his debts, he left harbouring him. The guild will demand payment. If
and came looking for work in Waterdeep. His goal is none is given, the thieves will attempt to break into the
to save up enough money to pay back his debt and Tavern and trash it, threaten suppliers so the tavern
remove his bounty, but as long as he hasn’t been has no ale, etc.
found, he’s very blasé in achieving this goal. The party can solve the problem in three ways:
• Pay the thieves guild the 1000 gp debt t,
Since coming to Waterdeep, Dannis has become rather
(Persausion DC of 16 to lower it to 800 GP)
good friends with many Zhent members and is
• Do three criminal acts for the thieves guild.
considering joining. Dannis is one of the best
• Kill all the thieves harassing to send a message that
bartenders in Waterdeep. He knows his alcohol very
the thieves guild must stay out of Waterdeep.
well and can make nearly any drink and knows how to
source all types of alcohol. He is very much a ladies
man and sleeps around.


While Dannis is employed at the Troll Skull tavern,
roll the following table every ten-days.

1d8 Outcome
1 Doesn’t show up for work. Apologises and
makes up an excuse about more important
things to do. Replacement costs 5 gold.
Investigation from the party reveals that a
member of the Baldur’s gate thieves guild has
come looking for Dannis and he’s lying low.
2 Gets drunk during a shift. Requires another
person capable of bartending or suffer a -5 to
Medium Humanoid (human), chaotic evil/neutral
tenday roll.
3 Armor Class 14
Dannis sleeps with a female patron who he
Hit Points 13
never calls back. The female patron comes in
Speed 30 ft.
later angry at him.
4 Dannis has a negative interaction with
11 (+0) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 15 (+2)
another employee.
Saving Throws Str +5, Int +3
5 Dannis has a positive interaction with another
Skills Acrobatics, Deception +6, Insight +1, Investigation +3,
employee. Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +5
6 Dannis keeps ears out about anything Senses Darkvision (due to magic item), Passive Perception 10
happening in trollskull alley and gives the Languages Common, Undercommon (Poorly)
party a heads up. Cunning Action
7 Dannis’s charming demeanour and wit makes Dannis can take a bonus action on each of your turns to take the
a hens party over order on drinks to talk to Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
him. +3 for the ten day roll. Sneak Attack (Special)
Once per turn, Dannis can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one
8 His signature cocktail becomes a hit.
creature Dannis hits with an attack with a finesse or ranged
Trollskull’s reputation improves by +1 weapon if he has advantage on the attack roll. He doesn’t need
permantly while Dannis is employed. advantage on the attack roll if another enemy of the target is
within 5 ft. of it, that enemy isn’t incapacitated, and he doesn’t
have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Dannis is happy to work for a good or evil party. He Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
will flirt with female party members. Every time he 1d4+3 Piercing.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
has an unpleasant interaction with the party (e.g., if 1d6+3 Piercing.
they tell him off, he will attempt to steal an item off the Shortbow. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one
party member who told him off). target. 1d6+3 Piercing.

ABOUT His son was captured by a group of Orcs and has been
Rumbold previously worked as a head-cook for a forced to work as a slave. If the party goes on a one-
Dwarvern Army. Occasionally involved in fighting, he month quest to rescue Rumbold’s son, he will move to
has the stats of a level 2 dwarf and his level Waterdeep and become a loyal ally to the party.
pemenantly stays 2 levels behind that of the party.

He quit his role when his son was taken and presumd
killed by an Orcish army. The dwavern army did not
see reason to spend the manpower to rescue those held
captive and soon after they got word that the prisoners
were killed. Rumbold blames the Army commanders
for the death of his son, left, and found his way in
Waterdeep. He enjoys brewing as a hobby.


While Rumbold is employed at the Troll Skull tavern,
roll the following table every ten-days.

1d8 Outcome
1 Rumbold forgets to order enough ingredients
and as such not all meals can be provided.
Party takes a -5 to the next tenday roll.
2 Rumbold needs some time off. Notifies the
party member in advance. His replacement
costs 5g for the tenday he’s away.
3 Rumbold reacts badly to some unfair criticism
of his food. He gets in a yelling match with a
4 Rumbold has a negative interaction with Rumbold has the stats of a level 2 fighter. He stays at
another employee. that level until the party go to rescue his son. Then he
5 Rumbold has a positive interaction with stays 2 levels behind the party.
another employee.
6 Rumbold creates a new dish which turns out
to be quite popular. +2 to the next tenday roll.
Small humanoid (elf/orc), lawful good
7 Rumbold puts on a feast like never before. +5
Armor Class 16
to the ten day roll.
Hit Points 20
8 Rumbold’s spiced potatoes become famous in
Speed 25 ft.
the city. Add a permanent +1 roll to the
17 (-2) 8 (+3) 15 (+0) 12 (+0) 14 (+1) 10 (-1)
Saving Throws Str +2, Dex +2
INTERACTIONS WITH THE PARTY Skills Athletics, Insight, Religion, History
Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 8
Rumbold will not work for an evil party. If he becomes Languages Common, Dwavern, Goblin
aware of evil actions, he will warn the party to change Second Wind
their ways. If they continue, Rumbold will quit his job. Once per short rest, you can use a bonus action to regain 1d10 +
2 HP.
Once per short rest, you can take one additional action on your
Rumbold thought his son had died in a Dwarvern war turn.
many years ago. Vincent, from the tiger’s eye, brings Actions
him news that his son is alive. Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 1d10+3 bludgeoning damage.
Handaxe (2). Thrown Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 1d6+3 slashing.

ABOUT If she feels disrespected, she will look for another job 4
Gertrude is an ugly dwarf whose only relative is an on 1d4 every tenday). If she finds out, she will leave
equally ugly sister who works as a Cobbler. Her sister and the party will have trouble finding people to
Helga will often stop by for a drink. Her sister has a repair their shoes.
young son. The father is not in the picture. Gertrude
loves her nephew and often buys him treats.
Her sister Helga has started acting strange and its
She previously worked at the Stuff and Snort, a shit-
noticeable by Gertrude and Helga’s son. Perceptive
hole in the dock ward, before the town closed it due to
party members will also notice Helga is no longer
illegal activity. She was a bar manager there, pouring
visiting the tavern.
drinks and kicking out rapscallions. She won’t hesitate
to call the guard on douche nuggets. Investigation finds out that Helga was killed by a
person who was angry Helga could not repair their
TEN DAY ROLL- MODIFICATIONS favourite pair of shoes. The person hired a
Whilst Gertrude is employed at the Troll Skull tavern, doppelganger to pretend to be Helga so there would
roll the following table every ten-days. be no investigation into her disappearance.

1d8 Outcome Gertrude then becomes guardian of her nephew.

1 Gertrude’s harsh demeaner and unfortunate
looks annoy the wrong person, giving the
party the party a -2 for the next two tendays.
2 Gertrude smacks somebody over the head for
being rude and refuses to apologise. Party
must convince her to apologise (DC 14
persuasion check) or the party suffers a +5
3 Gertrude threatens to throw out a customer
because they made a rude remark about
another patron or another waitress (e.g. Fern,
Chelsea or Alaurana)
4 Gertrude has a negative interaction with
another employee.
5 Gertrude has a positive interaction with
another employee. Gertrude has no experience as a fighter, but is strong
6 Gertrude identifies some scallywags and and can wield a frying pan with a vengeance.
kicks them out of the tavern before they could
cause any trouble. GERTRUDE
7 Gertrude gets into an arm wrestle contest
Small humanoid (dwarf), neutral good
with a Patron. She rolls a strength check
Armor Class 13
against the Patron who has +1 Str. If she wins,
Hit Points 14
the Tavern gets +2 to the ten day roll.
Speed 30 ft.
8 Gertrude’s sister Helga organised her Guild’s
social event at Trollskull Manor. +5 to the ten
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 7 (-1)
day roll.
Saving Throws Str and Con
Skills Medicine Investigation
INTERACTIONS WITH THE PARTY Senses Darkvision, Passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Dwavern
Gertrude is a hard working employee and in return, Dwavern Resilience
expects the party to be equally as dedicated to the Gertrude has advantage on saving throws against poison and
success of the Tavern. She’ll often make demands of resistance to poison damage.
the party on how the bar should be run or instruct the Actions
Frying Pan. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
party to pick up certain things or run things a certain target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

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