Env - Engg. 1 - 2

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CE-401: Environmental Engineering-I

Lecture 1
Course Contents
• Introduction to Environmental Engineering
• Water Quantity
▫ Population Forecast, Water Uses & Consumption, Types and Variation in Demand,
Maximum demand & Fire Demand, Design Period
• Water Quality
▫ Water impurities and their health significance, Water Quality Standards (U.S & WHO
etc), Water Quality Monitoring
• Water Distribution
▫ Lay out & Design of Water Transmission works and Distribution networks, Service
Reservoirs, Fixtures and their installation, Tapping of Water mains
• Water Treatment
▫ Treatment of Surface and Ground Water, Screening, Sedimentation, Coagulation,
Coagulants & dosages, Filtration, design Aspects of Slow Sand & Rapid Sand Filters,
Filtration Rates, Operation Head Loss, Back wash and Filter Efficiency, Pressure Filters,
Fluoridation, Hardness Removal, Iron & Manganese removal, Water Softening Methods,
Water Disinfection & Chemicals, Use of Chlorine, Quantity, Dosage and Efficiency,
Dosage & Efficiency Treatment Methods
• Water Sampling & Testing
▫ Sampling Techniques & Examination of Water (Physical, Chemical & Microbiological
Parameters), Diseases, Waterborne, Food borne, Milk borne and Vector borne Diseases
• Pollutants
▫ Effects and Control of Environmental Pollution, Toxic/Hazardous Waste
▫ Mackenzie, L. Davis, David A. Cornwell, McGraw
Hill, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, 3rd
Edition 1998, Mc Graw-Hill New York
▫ Terence. J, McGhee, McGraw Hill, Water Supply &
Sewerage, 6th Edition, 1991
What is Engineering
• It is a profession that applies mathematics and
science to utilize the properties of matter and sources
of energy to create useful structures, machines,
products, systems and processes.

• Scientists discover things Engineers make them

Environmental Engineering
• Environmental Engineering is manifest by sound engineering
thought and practice in the solution of problems of
environmental sanitation, notably in the provision of safe,
palatable, and ample public water supplies; the proper disposal of
or recycle of wastewater and solid wastes; the adequate drainage
of urban and rural areas for proper sanitation; and the control of
water, soil, and atmospheric pollution, and the social and
environmental impacts of these solutions.

• Furthermore it is concerned with engineering problems in the

field of public health, such as control of arthropod-borne
diseases, the elimination of industrial health hazards, and the
provision of adequate sanitation in Urban, rural, and recreational
areas, and the effect of technological advances on the
environment (ASCE, 1977).
• Environment is the surroundings of an organism
living in its natural habitat
▫ The surroundings include physical, mental and spiritual
1. Physical Or Abiotic Environment: the physical
factors like land, sky, air

2. Living or Biotic Environment: the living organisms,

the animals, the plants, the micro-organisms
• Environmental Engineering: The application of science and Engineering
principles to protect and utilize natural resources, control environmental
pollution, improve environmental quality to enable healthy ecosystem and
comfortable habitation to human. It is based on multiple disciplines like
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Medicines, Hydrology, Geology and
economics etc.

• Environmental engineering requires a sound foundation in the

environmental sciences consists of;
1. Provision of safe, palatable and ample water supplies
2. Proper disposal of or recycling of wastewater and solid wastes
3. Control of water, soil and atmospheric pollution.
4. Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Sustainability
Human and Environment
• Human society and the environment interact with each other

• Human impacts on the environment refer to the impacts of human activities

on biophysical environments, biodiversity and other resources.

• These activities includes agricultural practices, fishing, irrigation, livestock

production, energy industry, manufacturing, mining and transport.

• The natural and the built environment can also affect human health.

• World Health Organization (WHO) defines environmental health as those

aspects of the human health and disease that are determined by the factors
in environment.

• The impacts of environment on human health include both the direct

pathological effects of chemicals, radiation and some biological agents, and
the indirect effect on health and well being of the broad physical
psychological, social and cultural environment (like housing, urban
development, land use and transport).
Factors influencing water consumption
1. Climate
2. Industrial activity
3. Meterage
4. System management
5. Standard of living
•Extent of sewerage
•System pressure
•Water price
•Availability of private wells
Factors influencing water consumption
• When the water demand is measured on a per capita basis, the
climate becomes the most important factor to influence the demand.

• The influence of the industry is to increase per capita water demand.

Small rural and suburban communities will use less water per
person than industrialized communities.

• Meterage imposes a sense of responsibility not found in unmetered

consumption because customers repair leaks and make more
conservative water use decisions almost regardless of price.

• If the water distribution system is well managed, per capita water

consumption is less than if it is not well managed.

• Per capita water use increases with an increase standard of living

Water Quantity
The various demands for water quantity are
Domestic; commercial and Industrial; Public use and unaccounted water
Domestic. water uses for drinking, cooking, meeting of sanitary need in
houses and hotels and irrigating lawns etc. Residential water use rates
fluctuate regularly. Average daily winter consumption is less than annual
daily average, whereas summer consumption average are greater. Similarly,
peak hourly demand is higher than maximum. No universally applied rule
for prediction.
Commercial and Industrial. It includes factories, offices and commercial
places demand. It based on either having a separate or combined water
supply system.
Water Quantity
Demand of water based on unit production, No. of persons working and floor area.
Public Use. Schools, hospitals, fire fighting etc
Losses and waste. unauthorized connections, leakage in distribution system,
Hydrant flushing, Major line breakage and cleaning of streets, irrigating parks
Total consumption is sum of the above demand.
Water demand for different purposes
Average Annual Daily Demand (AADD):
The total quantity of water supplied for a period of one year divided by the No. of
days in a year. If this demand is based on a single person then it is average per
capita. q = Q / (365 * P) where q = discharge rate (lpcd)
Q = Total quantity of water in liters and P = Population residing in an area
Water demand for different purposes
Goodrich formula can be used for various short time flow. According to this formula p =
180 t-0.10
where p is the percentage of the annual rate which occurs during shorter period and t is
time in days. Like Max. daily demand = ADD * p where p for one day is 180 (1) -0.10 =
for one week is p = 180 t^ -0.1 = 180 (7) -0.10 = 148
Avg. Daily Demand (ADD) = Q / (365 * P)
Max. Daily Demand (MDD) = ADD * 1.80
Max. weekly Demand (MWD) = ADD * 1.48
Max. hourly Demand (MHD) = ADD * 1.50
Max. Monthly Demand (MMD) = ADD * 1.28
Min. rate of Demand (MRD) = (0.25 -0.50) ADD
Peak hourly Demand (PHD) = ADD * 1.5 * 1.8* = 2.70 * ADD
Average daily Consumption: ADD is based on location, time, season etc.
Water demand for different purposes
A rough estimate is Use
Use % Use %
Domestic 44 Commercial 15
Industrial 24 Public 09
Losses and waste (Unaccounted) 08

• The ADD is based on a number of factors like

• Size of community; Industries and commerce; Characteristics of
population; Climatic Conditions; Distribution Pressure; Cost of water
(metering system); system of supply; Quality of water; Air conditioning;
Efficiency of the department ; Sewerage facility and conservation
Water demand for different purposes
• Fire Demand : Fire demand of water is often the determining factor in the design of mains.
Although the actual use of water is less, the rate of use is high. Hydrant pressure should be
more than 140 KPa where motor pump is used and more than 690 K Pa if pump is not used.
The Insurance Services Office (ISO) use the formula
• F = 320 * C (A)0.5; Where F = required flow in m3/ day; A = total floor area excluding the
basement; C = coefficient related to constructed materials C=1.5 for wood frame; 1.0 for
ordinary construction, 0.90 for heavy timber type building, 0.80 for non combustible
construction and 0.60 for fire resistive structure.
For high value area communities of population equal to or less than 200,000 the National
Board of Fire Underwriter (NBFW) recommended the following the flow rate F = 3.86 (P)0.5
(1-0.01 (P)0.5
Where P = Population in Thousands and Discharge in m3/minute; flow time = 4 - 10 Hrs
• Table 2.3 Page 15 of Terence provide information about distance between units and discharge.
• Table 2.4 Fire flow duration
Fire Demand and Population Forecasting
Example: A 4-story building of heavy timber type of 715 m2 of ground area. Calculate the water fire
Solution: Using the Equation F = 320 * C (A)0.5
= 320 * 0.90 (4*715)0.5 = 15401.94 m3/day

Example: Assuming a high-value residential area of 100 ha. has a housing density of 10 houses/ha
with 4 persons per household. The average daily demand is 340 lpcd. Determine the water demand,
including fire in this residential area.
Solution: Step 1: Estimate Population=( 4 capita/house )* 10 houses/ha) (100 ha) = 4000 persons
step2: Estimate Maximum daily flow = ADD* 1.8 = 340 lpcd* 1.8 * 4000 persons = 2448000 l/day
=2448 m3/day (Note: In case of Fire demand the flow must be at maximum demand and the duration
of fire flow will be from 4 to 10 hours depending on fire nature)
step3: Estimate fire demand F = 3.86 (P)0.5 (1-0.01 (P)0.5 = 3.86 (4)0.5 (1- 0.01 (4)0.5 ) = 7.57 m3/min.
= 4542 m3/day
step4: Total water demand = Maximum demand + Fire demand = 2448 + 4542 =6990 m3/day
Population Forecasting
• Population Forecasting: Prior to design of a water supply scheme, it is necessary
to forecast the future population. The future prediction of population on the basis of
previous census record using mathematical, statistical or graphical methods are
known as population forecasting.
The knowledge of forecasting is important for design of any water supply scheme.
It is based on design period of population. The design period estimates will be 1 to
50 years.
It is difficult to estimate the population growth due to economic and social factors
involved. However, a few methods have been used for forecasting population.
• Arithmetic Method (constant Increase Method): Based of hypothesis that
population rate of increase is constant. Mathematically dP / dt = Ka (1)
where dp / dt= rate of growth of population ; and Ka= Arithmetic growth rate
Population Forecasting
If P0 is the population at time t0 and Pf is the future population at time tf
then rearranging and taking integration of equation (1) we have
∫ dp = Ka∫ dt = Pf – Po = Ka(tf – to ) where tf – to = ∆t or just “t” in years
The population in future is then estimated as
Pf = Po + Kt similarly Ka =(Pf – Po )/ t
• Uniform Percentage or Geometric growth method.
According to this method it is assumed that the rate of increase of population
growth in a community is proportional to the present population.
Mathematically dP / dt α P => dp / dt = Kg* P where Kg = Geometric growth
constant. If Po is the population at any time to and Pf is the population at time tf
then ∫ dp/ p = Kg ∫dt = Ln (Pf / Po = Kg (tf / to )
=> Ln (Pf / Po = Kg ∆t => Ln Pf = Ln P0 + Kg ∆t => Pf / P0 = (e) Kg ∆t
and Pf = P0 (e) Kg ∆t
• This method gives somewhat larger values as
compared to the arithmatic method and can be used
for new cities with rapid growth.
• Logistic Method: When the growth rate of
population due to birth, death and migration are
under normal situation and not subjected to
extraordinary changes due to unusual situation like
war, epidemic, earthquake and refugees etc, then this
method is used.
• According to this method:
• Where Psat is the population saturation, while a and b are the
constants, which can be determined from the three consecutive
successive population using the formula

▫ Here n is the time interval between succeeding censuses

• Curvilinear or Comparative method: In this method it is

assumed that the population of a city will grow in the same
manner as in other cities in the past. This similarity between
the cities includes geographical proximity, similarity of
economic base, access to similar transportation system etc. In
practice it is difficult to find similar cities.
Declining Growth method: This method like logistic assume that the city
has some limiting saturation population and that its rate of growth is a
function of population deficit.
Mathematically dp/dt α (P sat- P). Where P sat is the saturation population
computed on some rational basis. Now dp/dt = Kd (P sat- P). Where Kd is
the declining growth constant. The value of which will be Kd = -1/n Ln
[(P sat- P)/ (P sat- P0) ]where n= census interval between P0 and P
Future population can be estimated as Pf= P0 + (P sat- P0) ( 1-e Kd t)
Design Period
• It is the future period or number of years for which a provision is made in
designing the capacities of various components of a water supply scheme.
• Design period should be neither too short nor too long. The water supply
scheme is thus to fulfill the present demand as well as future requirements
of the community.
• The economic design period of the components of a water supply system
depends on their life, first cost, ease of expansion and likelihood that they
will be rendered obsolete by technological advancements.
• For design period the flow at the end must be estimated first.
• Conservation, that is the overestimation of the design flow must be
Components of a water supply scheme
and Design Period
• Development of source
• It depends on the nature of source
• Ground water supply = 5 years
• surface supply with impoundment =50 years
• surface supply with intake = 20 years
• The design capacity of the source is normally based upon meeting
the max. daily demand rate which is expected.
• For Pipe lines the design period of 25-30 years or more is not
• water treatment units = 10 - 15 years (average daily flow)
• Pumping plant = 10 years
• storage = 10 years (depends on pumping plants)
• distribution system = 30 years
• Factor governing the design period:
• Useful life of a component structures and the chances of their
becoming old and obsolete.
• Ease and difficulty faced in expansion.
• Amount and availability of additional investment to be
incurred for additional provision.
• Estimated rate of population growth, including possible shifts
in communities, industries and commercial establishment.

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