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HDMax 520 Page | of 6 stp-CHEMIE && Creating Performance Technology ans Date-lesued: 11/13/1996 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Date-Revised: 04/30/2003 Revision No: 3 HDMax 520 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: HDMax 520 GENERAL USE: Catalyst ALTERNATE TRADE NAME(S): T-2593 Manufacturer/Supplier 24 HR. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS ‘SUd-Chemie Inc. CHEMTREC : (800) 424 - 9300 P.O, Box 32370 Outside the U.S. Call Collect: 004 (703) 527-3887 Louisvile, KY 40232 Customer Service: 001(502) 634-7200 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Yellow extrusions or rings. IMMEDIATE CONCERNS: Harmful if swallowed. Prolonged or repeated overexposure may cause lung damage, Cancer hazard. Initating to eyes, respiratory system and skin. May cause allergic reaction. POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS EYES: Iitating and may injure eye tissue if ot removed promptly. SKIN: Intating o skin. May cause sensitization by skin contact. INGESTION: Substance may be harmful f swallowed. May cause allergic reaction, nausea, vomiting and/or dlrrhea INHALATION: Harmful if inhaled. Prolonged or repeated overexposure may cause lung damage. May cause allergic respiratory reaction. Cancer hazard SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE EYES: Scratch or abrasion, damage to comea (necrosis). ‘SKIN: Dermatitis, skin sensitization, chronciching INGESTION: Upset stomach intestinal distress. INHALATION: Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED: Breathing problems, skin problems. ROUTES OF ENTRY: Inhalation, ingestion, eyes, skin, 5/9/2006 HDMax 520 Page 2 of 6 ‘TARGET ORGAN STATEMENT: Lungs, nasal cavity, larynx, skin. 3. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Chemical Name wer, cAS# ‘Aluminum oxide 70-75 1944-28-1 Tungsten oxide 20-25 1314.35-8 Nike! oxide 5-10 1313-99-41 4, FIRST AID MEASURES EYES: Flush eye(s) with water for 30 minutes. Lift upper and lower eyelid(s) occasionally. Get medical attention immediately SKIN: Avoid contact with skin. Wash with soap and a large amount of water. Remove contaminated clothing. Thoroughly ‘wash clothing before reuse. Seek medical attention if iitation or inflammation develops. INGESTION: If swallowed, induce vomiting only as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. Ifnot breathing, give artificial respiration. Keep affected person warm and at rest. Seek immediate medical attention. NOTES TO PHYSICIAN: Chronic overexposure may cause initation and lung damage (pneumoconiosis and Shaver's Disease) which is complicated by ron and silica in the air. Skin sensitization may lead to chronic eczema “nickel itch’, Lung damage is cumulative and may include cancer of the lung, nasal cavity and larynx. May cause pulmonary eosinophilia (Loeffer's Syndrome). 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Use extinguishing agent applicable to surrounding fire, EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Material is not flammable. FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES: As in any fre, wear self-contained breathing apparatus operated in pressure-demand mode, (MSHA/NIOSH approved or equivalent) and full protective gear. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ‘SMALL SPILL: With shovel or scoop, place materia into clean, dry container; move containers from spill area, Minimize airborne particulates. Protect against inhalation of dusts. Wear gloves and long sleeves. Avoid contact with skin, Use eye protection LARGE SPILL: Vacuuming andlor wet methods of cleanup are preferred. Keep airbome particulates to a minimum. Protect against inhalation of dusts or fumes. Wear eye protection. Place in appropriate containers for disposal 5/9/2006 HDMax 520 Page 3 of 6 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE GENERAL PROCEDURES: Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do not breathe (dust, vapor, mist, gas). Minimize dust generation and accumulation. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE GUIDELINES: (OSHA HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS (29 CFR 1910.1200) EXPOSURE LIMITS OSHA PEL ACGIH TLY Ppm = Mgim? ppm = Mgim? ‘Aluminum oxide WA Ot 8 10 Tungsten oxide WA a 5 STEL “1 10 Nickel oxide TWA 10 mS 02 OSHA TABLE COMMENTS: 41.5 mans respirable 2. Exposure limits not established. 3.28 element 4. Coling Limit 5, Inhalable, ENGINEERING CONTROLS: If user operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to airborne Contaminants below the exposure limit. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT EYES AND FACE: Wear safety glasses with side shields or goggles. SKIN: Wear protective clothing, including long sleeves and gloves, to prevent skin contact. Thoroughly wash clothing before reuse, RESPIRATORY: Wear NIOSH approved tering face piece rated 100 or equivalent in the absence of proper environmental control. Type of respirator depends on level of exposure. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES. PHYSICAL STATE: Solid (ODOR: None APPEARANCE: Yellow extrusions, 5/9/2006 HDMax 520 Page 4 of 6 PERCENT VOLATILE: Less than 5% MELTING POINT: Not Determined ‘SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Insoluble DENSITY: 30-40 Ib/eu.f. (bu MOLECULAR FORMULA: Al,0,+NiO*WO, 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABLE: YES HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: NO 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ACUTE ORAL L,,: 1059 ma(Tungsten Oxide)kg rodent rat Tungsten Oxide is moderately toxic: probable ora lthal dso (human) 0.5.5 oka. (Cnial Toxicology of Commercial Products 4th ed, Gosselin, Hodge, and Smith) EYE EFFECTS: Alumina may cause injury to or disease ofthe comes, ‘SENSITIZATION: May cause skin sensitization, an allergic reaction, which becomes evident on re-exposure to the material CARCINOGENICITY: ARC: Group 1: Nickel and nickel compounds are carcinogenic to humans. NTP: The National Toxicology Program's Eleventh Report on Carcinogens lists nickel compounds as "Known Human Carcinogens.” OSHA: Not listed, 12, ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ENVIRONMENTAL DATA: No data available, 43. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose of this product in accordance with applicable local, state and federal regulations. Recover ‘metal components by reprocessing whenever possible, 5/9/2006 HDMax 520 Page 5 of 6 44. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT (DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION) PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Not reguiated 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION UNITED STATES. ‘SARA TITLE lll (SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT) 341/312 HAZARD CATEGORIES: FIRE: NO PRESSURE GENERATING: NO REACTIVITY: NO ACUTE: YES CHRONIC: YES 313 REPORTABLE INGREDIENTS: Nickel and nickel compounds, CERCLA (COMPREHENSIVE RESPONSE, COMPENSATION, AND LIABILITY ACT) CERCLA REGULATORY: Contains ingredient(s) isted under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), 40 CFR 302. ‘CERCLA RQ: Nickel and Nickel compounds are considered to be CERCLA hazardous materials and subject to CERCLA/Superfund ability. However, there is no specific CERGLA reporiable quantty for generic nickel ‘compounds. TSCA (TOXIC SUBSTANCE CONTROL ACT) ‘TSCA STATUS: All components are listed on the TSCA Inventory or are excluded or exempt. RCRA STATUS: This product if discarded as sold, is not a Federal RCRA hazardous waste. Processing, use or contamination ofthis product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal reguations may citer from federal disposal reguatons. CLEAN AIR ACT ‘APPENDIX A: HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANTS (AIR TOXICS): Contains component(s) contained on the original list of hazardous air pollutants, ‘CANADA WHMIS HAZARD SYMBOL AND CLASSIFICATION Myo WHMIS Toxic WHMIS (WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION SYSTEM): This MSDS has been prepared ‘according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all ofthe information required by the CPR, CANADA INGREDIENT DISCLOSURE LIST: Contains component(s) listed on the Canadian Hazardous Products Act Ingredient Disclosure List. CANADIAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT: All ingredients are listed on the Canadian Domestic Substances List inventory. STATE REGULATIONS California h htm, 5/9/2006 HDMax 520 Page 6 of 6 CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: WARNING: Contains chemical(s) known by the State of California to cause cancer. 46. OTHER INFORMATION APPROVED BY: Prepared and approved by SHE Dept. Sud Chemie inc. REVISION SUMMARY Date-Issued: 11/19/1998, Revision #: 3 This MSDS replaces the March 27, 2000 MSDS. Any changes in information are as follows: In Section 1 ‘Approved by Product Code General Use Statement in Section 3 Acute Effects Chronic Effects Carcinogenicity In Section 11 Oral LD5O (Value) Oral LDSO (Unit) In Section 15 Fire Pressure Generating Reactivity Accute Chronic SARA. 311/312 Hazard Categories CERCLA Regulatory RCRA Status Clean Water Act Regulations: State Section 15, Footnotes WHMIS Clean Alr Act 40 CFR CANADA Ingredient Disclosure List MANUFACTURER DISCLAIMER: The information presented herein is believed to be accurate but is not warranted, Recipients are advised to confiam in advance that the information is current, applicable and suitable to their circumstances, 5/9/2006

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