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Collection of questions from previous HAAD exams

1- Thrush caused by
- Amoxicillin

2- Oral Salbutamol overdose cause all except?

- Constipation

3- The Advice which you must give to patient takes theophylline?

- Not to be chewed or crushed in mouth and don’t drink alcohol

4- Hypercapnia is treated by?

- Doxapram

5- Fenoldopam used for hypertensive crisis act as

- Dopamine Agonist

6- Which of the following not used for angina?

- Losartan

7- For sumatriptan which of the following is true?

- You can take another tablet after 2 hrs if the attack not relieved

8- Advice for Ventolin diskus all except:

- Shake before use

9- Insulin lispro different from human insulin in?

- Short onest of action and Short duration of action

10- Methylphenidate is dispensed as

- Narcotic drugs

11- For 24 hrs pharmacy need at least

- 3 pharmacists and no limit of assistant

12- Benzyl alcohol is used as

- Preservatives

13- Have symptoms before lesion or rash appearance?

- Cold sore

14- Saline flush is used for

- Flush vein between 2 drugs

15- Which of the following used after food

- Prednisolone

16- The following combination interact between ( Amiloride + hydrochlorothiazide )

17- Aspartame is contraindicated in
- Phenylketonuria

18- Mono Nuclease disease is mostly affect

- Adult and caused by Epstein–Barr virus

19- Which vaccine is not live attenuated vaccine

- Diphtheria

20- High volume of distribution mean

- High bound to tissue

21- Oligosaccharides example

- Sucrose

22- Gluten is contraindicated in patient with:

- Coeliac disease

23- Hyper calcemia is caused by:

- Hyperparathyroidism

24- Cold Cream is:

- W/O

25- Capsule used in treatment of Influenza:

- Oseltamivir

26- Baclofen is classified as:

- Skeletal muscle relaxant

27- Corn is due to

- High Pressure on foot

28- Post menopausal Hot flush caused by

- Decrease of estrogen

29- Which one of the following not cause myalgia ( pain in muscle )
- Cholestyramine

30- Pore size of cold sterilization:

- .2 micrometer

31- Which type has improper use of the drugs?

- Elder due to polypharmacy

32- Reproducibility is Measurement of

- Precise

33- Treatment of mild episodic Asthma:

- Salbutamol ( B2 Agonist )
34- Patient take Clarithromycin and celecoxib suffer from abdominal pain, cramps, and Diarrhea this
is due to:
- Antibiotic associated colitis

35- The advice the pharmacist shouldn’t gave to patient regarding Fluoxetine
- Need 2-4 weeks to improvement

36- TCA can cause all of this side effect except:

- Shortening of the breath

37- All of this test done before taking Isotretinoin except

- Blood sugar test

38- All of the following advice given about Isotretinoin except

- The acne is worsen and be better again

39- All of this is treatment of Tinea pedis except

- Nystatin

40- For decrease frequency of severe Asthma

- Na Cromoglycate or dexamethazone

41- Treatment of Prostatitis is

- Ciprofloxacin

42- Albumin is bind to

- Weak Acid

43- Head lice preparations should use every

- 7 – 10 days

44- All are used for otitis Externa except

- Docusate-Na

45- Prostate Hyperplasia is due to

- Enlargement of prostate and pressure in urethra

46- Ephedrine is contraindicated with patient use


47- Which of the following not used in cough

- Vitamin C

48- Lady 28 weeks of pregnancy and suffer from U.T.I which can take safely
- Co-Amoxiclav

49- Cancer Patient Receive 20mg / 4 Hrs syrup and want to shift to tablet Morphine what is the best
starting dose
- 60 mg B.D
50- For tolerance of Nitrate
Make space(free time) from 8-12 Hrs reduce tolerance

51- Minimum temperature for regulator is

- 2C

52- If patient take 500 orally and want to shift on I.V dose will be
- 500 mg for amoxicillin only

53- For patient on Nasal Feeding what you can make to Aspiration Pneumonia:
- raise the bed back .not give prophylaxis antibiotics

54- Which of the following didn’t affect sedimentation rate?

- Ionization

55- Side effect of xylometazoline is:

- Tachycardia

56- Which gland affect on Calcium:

- Parathyroid gland

57- Elidel Cream (Picrolimus) is

- CD B (Control Drug B )

58- Succinylcholine is hydrolyzed by

- Esterase

59- Antidote for morphine is

- Naloxone

60- The advice for lugol's solution

- Staining

61- Elimination rate of high polar compound like mannitol depend on

- excretion rate

62- Why is older suffer from more side effect:

- They take more than one medicine

63- Patient treated from asthma and he is worsed. He used Corticosteroid + Cromoglycate which of
the following can added
- Salmetrol

64- Antidote for benzodiazepine is:

- Flumazenil

65- Which of the following preparation required Laminar Flow

- Doxurobicin
66- Which of the following the main mechanism is enzyme inhibitor
- Cimetidine

67- Which Vaccine can Given to elder

- Influenza A

68- Alprazolam dispensed as

- CD A

69- Prodrug alter all of this characters except

- Potency

70- Which of the following not reach systemic CNS

- Ipratropium

71- Patient with meningitis and take sample from CSF and show negative Bacteria it may be
- H.Influenza

72- Old patient with G6PD and have urinary tract infection which is the safe Antibiotic u can give
- Cefuroxime

73- CCL4 is
- Carbon tetra chloride ( Macrophage inflammatory protein )

74- Which is have enantiomer

- Escitalopram

75- Lomotil is combination of Atropine + ……………?

- Diphenoxylate

76- Opioid Agonist is

- Tramal

77- Acute treatment for migraine

- Sumatriptan

78- Which medicine cause Constipation

- Verapamil also Tramadol and Aluminium

79- Opioid Antagonist is

- Naloxone

80- What about β blocker is wrong

- Can be used with Asthma patient

81- Maximum daily dose of Paracetamol is

- 4 gm

82- β blocker work on α and β is

- Labetelol and Carvidelol
83- Which of the following ↓ frequency of acute Asthmatic Attack?
- Fluticasone

84- Which medicine used in treatment of Candida albicans

- Fluconazole

85- Leukotriene receptor Antagonist is

- Montelukast, Zafirlukast, Zileuton

86- Which one should be adjusted dose in renal Impairment

- Digoxin

87- Caution should be taken when using Diuretics

- Digoxin as ↑ toxicity by hypokalemia

88- Verapamil contraindicated in

- Congestive heart Failure

89- Which one used in treatment of U.T.I and cause Nephrotoxicity

- Amphotericin B and nitrofurantoin

90- Patient which takes Etidronate should be advised by

- Take it with plenty of water and 30 minute before any food and stand for at least 30 minute or sit

91- Which one cause extrapyramidal side effect

- Metoclopramide

92- Mechanism of action of statin

- Reduction of N-Acetyl HMG-Co reductase enzyme

93- General Practitioner ( GP ) Dispense which of the following for 30 days

- Atarax

94- How many unit pancreas secrete insulin per day?

- 100 units

95- Metformin used in?

- Obesity Patient

96- Insulin consist of

- Amino acid

97- Which insulin given IV

- Regular insulin/ all rapid insulin as regular

98- Total Clearance

- Vd * Kd
99- Aspirin used in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis by
- It is analgesic and anti inflammatory effect

100- Mechanism of action of Warfarin

- Block the release of vitamin K

101- Calamine contain

- Zno

102- Which one is not true antagonist?

- Tramal + Flumazenil

103- Rate of tachycardia

- 100 beat/min and over

104- Addison disease is due to

- Prolonged treatment with prednisolone

105- Which one is control drug?

- Actfied DM

106- Which of the following inhibit absorption of anti acid containing Mg or Al element
- Antacid decrease absorbtion of ciprofloxacin

107- Prozac 20 mg QID for month wanted for patient

- Advice him go to back to the doctor and fix the dose (but this dose if in choices it is true)

108- Patient with hypertension have cold an OTC is contraindicated

- Clarinase

109- Solution contain no micro organism

- Sterile solution

110- Which one is laxative?


111- Which one used with Haloperidol in treatment of mania and bipolar illness
- Li

112- The main reason that makes us didn’t communicate with patient
- Mother Tongue

113- Mupirocin is methicillin resistance used in

- Staphylococcus aureus

114- Flucloxacillin is used for

- Staph

115- Captopril cause

- Cough
116- Controlled prescription in Sunday last day we can dispense it
- Tuesday only 3 days

117- Suitable from for 18 month patient

- Suspension

118- Warfarin didn’t used with green vegetables

- As it contain Vitamin K

119- Treatment of Acne orally by

- Minocycline

120- Which one used in Parkinson and is control medicine

- Kemadrine

121- Patient take Fluxetine what period he should wait before he start Aminotryptyline
- 5-6 weekes

122- Mother comes with her baby wetting bed (enureses)

- Imipramine ( Tofranil )

123- Treatment Clindamycin membranous colitis which cause Diarrhea

- Metronidazole

124- Rivotril (Clonazepam) is

- Controlled drug A

125- Fluoxetine is
- Controlled drug B

126- Albumin serum should be controlled in patient take

- Phenytoin

127- Polystyrene Sulphonate is used as Anion exchange in treatment of excess

- K ( Potassium )

128- Which one used in erectile dysfunction by topically IV

- Alprostadil

129- Aspirin should be avoided in

- Patient with gastritis ulcers

130- Aspirin excreted in

- Alkaline NaHco3

131- Which of the following is not Aminoglycosides?

- Azithromycin

132- All of the following from natural source except

- Diazepam
133- Steady state definition
- When the rate of infusion equal to rate of the elimination

134- Time to reach Steady state is

- T half ( half life )

135- Cephalosporin used in treatment of g –ve mainly

- Cefuroxime

136- Bi compound useful as Anti acid as it inhibit

- Helicobacter pylori

137- What is the intravenous dose equivalent to 500 mg of Amoxicillin given orally?
- 500 mg

138-Which of the following enzyme mostly affect Codeine

- Glucuronide transferase and sulfonyl transferase

139- Which of the following is a good marker for hepatic function?

- Serum albumin level

140- All of the following right except

- Clarithromycin is suitable to be given with patient take digoxin

141- Which of the following CYT P450 enzyme is not induced in metabolism?
- CYT 5

142- Polar drug like Mannitol it is elimination rate is described by

- Excretion rate

143- Drug is available as suspension which of this route is not suitable for administration
- We can take it by IV

144- When giving Fluoxetine which advice is not correct?

- Take with plenty of water at bed time to decrease the side effect

145- Which of the following not suitable to use with HCT + Amiloride
- Losartan

146- Which of these can’t be taken with Angina?

- Losartan

147- Which of these hormones required to maintaining normal Calcium concentration in the blood?
- PTH ( Para thyroid hormone )

148- Effect of adrenaline on the heart via?

- B1

149- Which of the following penicillin resistance resist to Penicillinase Enzyme?

- Flucloxacillin
150- Water solubility ↑ by?
- Hydroxylation

151- COP defined as

- Amount of stroke volume in one minute

152- What is used with anaphylactic shock?

- Adrenaline

153- We should wash our mouth after using which inhaler?

- Any corticosteroid inhaler

154- Why diuretics may be useful in elderly?

- To ↓ oedema and ↓ glaucoma

155- Soluble insulin + Isophane insulin

- The soluble insulin appears cloudy

156- Cocaine does all of the following except:

- Peripheral vasodilatation

157- Which of the following is Dopamine agonist?

- Bromocriptine

158- β Blocker can used with all of the following except:

- Haemodialysis

159- Which one transport Calcium from bone to blood?


160- Diavonex (Calcitriol ) for treatment of:

- Psoriasis

161- Patient with hypertension + myocardial infraction

- Statin + β Blocker

162- PH =
- Pka+2

163- Tochopherol is vitamin:

- E

164- Charcoal not absorbed

- CN, Li or Iron

165- Not caused drowsiness on driving

- Desloratadine

166- ORS contain all of the following except:

- Mg(OH)2
167- Which antivirus cause chilis fever?
- Interferon

168- Using of Losartan may be better than Captopril in patient have:

- Cough

169- Parkinsonism due to:

- ↓ Of Dopamine

170- Which of the following didn’t take orally?

- Adrenaline

171- What is the test to be sure from pregnancy?


172- Gentamicin toxicity are reduced by

- Using dose less than 2mg/ml

173- maximum I.M Volume

- 5ml

174- What of the following is Macrolide?

- Azithromycin

175- Normal saline is considered

- Isotonic solution

176- .9% of normal saline equal

- 0.9 gm of salt in 100 ml water

177- Composition of Combivent is

- Ipratropium + Salbutamol

178- Solution of local anesthetic 1% mean

- 1 gm in 100 ml

179- Patient have .25 gm Klacid bid for 7 days but .5 gm is found how many tablet should be
- 7 tablet

180- Best antibiotic for Urinary Tract Infection for patient have allergy to penicillin
- Clarithromycin

181- What is the maximum daily dose of Voltaren?

- 150 mg

182- Mother came with Aspirin 75 mg and wants to give it to her son 6 years old what’s your advice
- Change it with Paracetamol
183- Legionnaires disease characterized by
- Development of Pneumonia

184- Rebound congestion due to:

- Otrivin

185- Patient was receiving Cefuroxime infusion then he used oral antibiotic after he went to the
doctor. Patient suffers from abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea what is the advice?
- Its antibiotic associated colitis and should seek for medical assistance

186- For treatment of chronic inflammatory rhinitis

- Budesonide nasal spray like Nasonex

187- If the availability of the drug is decreased due to interaction with another drug this mean
- ↑ Renal excretion of the drug and decrease absorption

188- The best medicine to ↑ HDL

- Nicotinic acid

189- Gliclazide
- Should be taken just before food

190- Statement true about Isoniazid

- Taken with pyridoxine B6

191- All of the following true except:

- Diphenhydramine not best choice for motion sickness

192- Which of the following is contraindicated with Parkinson?

- Phenothiazine ( Dopamine antagonist )

193- Diazepam used for anxiety, Insomnia, Status epilepticus, Febrile convulsion dose is:
- 250 micro gm /Kg

194- Expiry date is Jan 2001 last day we could use is:
- 31- Jan- 2001

195- Inderal consist of

- Propranolol

196- Patient with hypertension and have allergic rhinitis

- Pseudoephedrine, Cetirizine alone, Cetirizine with Cetirizine

197- Patient with allergic rhinitis do all of the following except

- Open window to get fresh air

198- Gentamicin have renal effect except

- If dose < 2 mg/dl
199- Staphylococcus cause
- Pneumonia

200- Pneumonia community acquired

- Back and treatment

201- Cefuroxime absorption ↑ with

- Food

202- Antidiuretic hormone antagonist

- Demeclocycline

203- Amenorrhea is
- Absence of menstruation

204- Dysmenorrhea is:

- Painful menstruation

205- One alpha is

- Alfacalcidol

206- Derivatives from Vasopressin used in bleeding from esophageal varices

- Terlipressin

207- Which of the following is wrong about β blocker?

- Used in treatment of hypertension in asthmatic patient

208- Insulin is being cloudy due to

- Consist of soluble insulin + Isophane which is contain protamine

209- Which of the following penicillin used in Pseudomonas

- Piperacillin

210- Which of the following used in pneumocystis carinii

- Co-Trimoxazole

211- Crohn's disease treated by

- Infliximab

212- Bisphosphonate used in

- Treatment of Osteoporosis

213- Patient came to the pharmacy with severe pain and neuropathic give him:
- Amitriptyline

214- Side effect of bromocriptine

- Peripheral vasoconstriction, gangrene of toe, nausea, vomiting, constipation

215- What of the following is Al hydroxide salt indication?

- Renal patient with hyperphosphatemia
216- Definition of Bioavailability
- Its indicate the overall proportion of the drug that passes into systemic circulation after its
administration in chemically charged form

217- Which of the following is true about stable angina?

- It is one of the characteristic disease of cardiac system

218- inhaler Corticosteroids cause

- Oral candidiasis

219- Which diuretics used in hypokalemia

- Spironolactone

220- Prozac is used in

- Obsessive compulsive disorders, Major depression

221- 7 years old have fever why we can’t give him Aspirin
- Due to risk of Reye's syndrome

222- Drug used in treatment of Filariasis

- Diethylcarbamazine ( orphan drug )

223- I.V infusion means

- Continuous infusion

224- Antacid inhibits the absorption of:

- Bisphosphonate, Tetracycline, Warfarin, Quinolones, Ketoconazole, Digoxin, Isoniazid

225- Patient which take MAO I shouldn’t take

- Tyramine

226- What is the essential amino acid?

- The one who didn’t synthesized in the body

227- Which doesn’t cause blood in stool?

- Irritable bowel syndrome

228- Which of the following we should wash our mouth after use
- Corticosteroid inhaler

229- According to UAE the pharmacist should be training for

- 1500 Hrs

230- Which organism cause Diphtheria

- Cronobacter diphtheria

231- Which of the following is contraindicated in Glaucoma?

- Atropine
232-Contraceptive can be take in the feeding
- Cerazette as it contain Desogestrel only

233- Which is weak electrolyte?

- ephedrine

234-Drug of choice of ↓ triglycerides

- Fenofibrate

235- Antidote of morphine

- Naloxone

236- Antidote of Benzodiazepine

- Flumazenil

237- Vitamin A is
- B-Carotene

238- Old man suffer from something when he pass on accident we give him
- Diazepam

239- What is the best drug given in Thrombosis within 3Hrs of attack?
- Altepase

240- What is the drug cause red urine?

- Rifampicin

241- No problem to issue drug because

- It is covered by insurance

242- The antacid that most likely to induce rebound activity

- Calcium carbonate

243- Antidote for resin is

- K ( Potassium )

244- Which organism cause Sinusitis

- Streptococcus pneumonia

245- Which of the following used in Penicillin resistance in sinusitis

- Erythromycin

246- Volume of distribution

- High tendency to the tissue

247- Solution which have osmotic pressure less than osmotic pressure of the blood
- Hypotonic

248- Small volume of the intravenous drug remain not to be injected

- Intradermal
249- The process of converting solid direct to vapour
- Sublimation

250- Alprazolam is metabolized by

- Liver

251- Excess uses of α agonist cause

- Hypertension

252- Drug bioavailability alter by

- Decrease gastric absorption

253- Pain originates in the centre of abdomen and spread to the lower right due to
- Appendicitis

254- Which of the following is uricosuric drug?

- Probenecid, benzbromarone and sulfinpyrazone

255- What is the symptom proceed the appearance of acne and lesion
- Fungal infection

256- Prochlorperazine is
- Antipsychotic

257- Drug used in otitis externa

- Al-acetate, Chloramphenicol, Gentamicin, Clotrimazole, Neomycin, Corticosteroids

258- Drug used in otitis media

- Amoxicillin, Erythromycin, Metronidazole, Aminoglycoside, Corticosteroids, Polymyxin

259- Aminoglycosides is
- Amikacin, Gentamicin, kanamycin, Neomycin, streptomycin, Tobramycin

260- Which of the following used in CHF

- Dexamethazone bcz it has least mineralcorticoid activity

261- Which of the following didn’t use in dandruff?

- Betamethasone because it increase the dandruff

262- Which of the following stimulate cardiac?

- β1 Receptor

263- What is the long acting insulin?

- Ultralente

264- Acetylcholine metabolized in liver through:

- Esterase

265- Antidiuretic hormone vasopressin analogue is

- Desmopressin
266- One of the following didn’t effect on the efficacy of water soluble drug like Mannitol
- Hydroxylation

267- Which of the following drug didn’t want Laminar Flow?

- Antibiotics

268- Pregnant woman have constipation and take lactulose what is the advice we should tell her
- The effect will be in 24 – 28 Hrs

269- In patient with allergic rhinitis + rhinorrhea the other symptom is

- Sneezing

270- Patient suffer from palpitation and Tremors We can give him
- β-Blocker

271- Drug used in clostridium difficile

- Metronidazole

272- If patient have muscle pain this is due to

- Simvastatin

273- Dose of Prozac is

- 20 mg daily

274- Side effect of TCA all of the following except

- Shortening of the breath

275- The following drug have +ve inotropic effect except


276- Patient have shingles from month after that she visit her doctor suffering from sever pain at
same site of shingles the doctor should give her
- Amitriptyline

277- One of the following used in Penicillinase producing bacteria

- Co-Amoxiclav

278- Aspirin should be avoid with

- Methotrexate

279- Hydrocortisone can be used in

- Diaper rash

280- Drug - Drug interaction between Glibenclamide and Itraconazole is

- ↑ Hypoglycemic effect of Glibenclamide

281- Benefit of using Labetalol over Phenoxybenzamine is

- To avoid tachycardia
282- Patient takes Enalapril and suffers from black stool
- It is side effect of Enalapril

283- Non benzodiazepine anxiolytic is

- Buspirone

284- Polystyrene sulfonate used as anion exchange in excess of

- K ( Potassium )

285- Trade name of loperamide is

- Imodium

286- Which of the following associated with Hypokalemia?

- hyperkalemia

287- Which of the following used in treatment of hypertension in prostatic patient

- Terazosin

288- In which concentration aspirin with Pka 3.6 is soluble

- PH = 6

289- Which of the following is not parenterally route?

- Percutaneous

290- To shift from lustral ( sertraline ) to MAO-I

- 2 weeks

291- By which mechanism alcohol alter drug bioavailability

- As it is enzyme inducer

292- Dose of thyroxin is

- 100 – 200 microgram daily

293- The tolerance of morphine induce all of the following except

- Constipation

294- Antifungal which take only parenterally?

- Amphotericin B

295- Codeine toxicity cause all of the following except

- Dilation of the eye

296- Systemic candidiasis used only in emergency room

- Amphotericin B

297- For young children have diarrhea

- Can wait 48 Hrs then go to doctor

298- Picrolimus is
- Elidel cream
299- Daily dose of Imodium
- 1 cap every 6 Hr maximum 8 cap per day

300- Proton pump inhibitor

- Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Esomeprazole, Pantoprazole, Rabeprazole

301- H2 antagonist
- Cimetidine, Ranitidine, Famotidine, Nizatidine

302- Enzyme inducer

- Barbiturates, Rifampin, Carbamazepine, Alcohol, Griseofulvin

303- Enzyme inhibitor

- Cimetidine, Ketoconazole, Fluconazole, Chloramphenicol, Erythromycin, Fruit juice

304- 5 mg prednisolone equal to

- 750 mg Betamethasone
- 750 mg Dexamethasone
- 20 mg Hydrocortisone
- 25 mg Hydrocortisone acetate
- 4 mg Triamcinolone
- 4 mg Methyl prednisolone

305- Vitamin B1 is
- Thiamine

306- Vitamin B2 is
- Riboflavin

307- Vitamin B3 is
- Niacin

308- Vitamin B6 is
- Pyridoxine

309- Vitamin C is
- Ascorbic acid

310- Patient currently take 220mg of anhydrous Znso4 to receive amount of elemental zinc, how
many mg of ZnSO4(7H2O) would the pt have to take(Mwt Zn = 65, ZnSO4 = 161,H2O = 18)
- 392 gm

311- Penicillamine antidote for

- Copper and lead

312- Extracellular ions

- Na, Cl, Ca
313- Intracellular ions
- K

314- Antiparkinsonism has antiviral activity

- Amantadine

315- Prochlorperazine used as

- Antiemetic

316- The most sweetener used in chewable tablet

- Mannitol

317- Theophylline should be monitored carefully when administrated with

- Clarithromycin

318- Cisapride shouldn’t be used with

- Clarithromycin

319- Patient with G6PD need antibiotic

- Cephalexin

320- Safest tetracycline with renal failure is

- Doxycycline or Minocycline

321- Otitis media is treated by

- Amoxicillin

322- Otitis externa is treated by

- Flucloxacillin

323-Maximum weight of recta suppository

- 2 mg

324- Rectal temperature is higher than oral temperature by

- 1 degree

325- Neostigmine
- Used in treatment of myasthenia gravis and used only before atropine not with or after

326- Why Antipsychotic drugs are contraindicated with patient suffer from Parkinson disease
- Because it is block the dopamine receptor

327- Prevent migraine in patient with peripheral vascular disease

- Pizotifen

328- Why levodopa contraindicated with Vitamin B6

- Because it is break down levodopa in peripheral and diminish it is effect

329- Drug cause hirsutism

- Minoxidil
330- Used in treatment of haemorrhage
- Tranexamic acid

331- Highest mineral corticoid activity

- Fludrocortisone

332- Most effective drug in treatment of mycoplasma

- Tetracycline

333- Folic acid ↓ effect of

- Sulfonamide

334- ACE-I with shortest duration of action

- Captopril

335- Uses of β-Blockers

- Treatment of hypertension, stable angina, hyperthyroidism
- Atenolol used in myocardial infraction
- Propranolol used in Migraine
- Esmolol, sotalol used in Cardiac arrhythmia
- Timolol used in treatment of glaucoma

336- Best choice in treatment of salmonella

- Tetracycline or macrolide (chloramphenicol not used now)

337- Treatment of hypertension patient with Asthma

- Amlodipine

338- Interaction of the Amiloride with Captopril

- Hyperkalemia

339- Ophthalmic solution PH

- 6 to 8

340- NE reuptake inhibitor of Tertiary amine ( TCA )

- Amitriptyline, Imipramine, Clomipramine

341- NE reuptake inhibitor of secondary amine ( TCA )

- Nortriptyline

342- Serotonin reuptake inhibitors

- Citalopram, Escitalopram, Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine, Paroxetine, Sertraline

343- Antidepressant drug work by

- D2 receptor antagonist

344- Acetazolamide used in epilepsy but

- Tolerance comes in 4 month
345- What is the primidone?
- Similar to Phenobarbital converted in liver to Phenobarbital

346- Which of the following drug ↑ excretion of antacid drug

- Na bicarbonate

347- What is wrong about amenorrhea?

- Have 2 type and both have the same reason

348- Which of the following is natural emulsifying agent?

- Acacia

349- Which of the following decrease diastolic pressure

- Isoprenaline

- Known as vitamin H or B7 ( water soluble vitamin B )

351- Patient suffer from palpitation give him

- β-Blocker

352- Antidote for poisoning of pesticide

- Atropine, Pralidoxime

353- Potassium sparing diuretics

- Amiloride, Triamterene, Spironolactone, Eplerenone

354- tetracycline or macrolide is drug of choice in treatment of

- Salmonella infection

355- Benzhexol, Benztropine, Procyclidine have

- Antimuscarinic activity

356- Which of the following drug is safe in treatment of either constipation or diarrhea
- Polycarbophil

357- Essential amino acid

- Valine

358- Semi essential amino acid

- Arginine, Histidine

359- Hypnotic cause Amnesia

- Triazolam

360- Drug of choice in treatment of Obsessive compulsive disorders


361- Drug cause lupus erythematosus

- Hydralazine, procainamide
362- Drug of choice in treatment of status epilepticus
- Lorazepam

363- Best choice in treatment of Grand mall seizures

- Phenytoin + Carbamazepine

364- Best choice in treatment of petit mall seizures

- Na Valproate

365- Best choice in treatment of simple partial seizures

- Carbamazepine

366- Best choice in treatment of complex partial seizures

- Carbamazepine

367- Best choice in treatment of mixed seizures

- Na Valproate

HAAD exam June 2011

368- Ibuprofen dose in 30 kg child
- 1200 mg / day

369- Hyper-calcemia is above

- 10.5 mg/dL

370- All are Risk factors for Breast cancer except

- (early menopause, obesity, late age of first child, family History)

371- Saline treatment of hypercalcemia is at a rate of

- 300 ml/hr

372- Causes of hypercalcemia

- Increased PTH and Malignancy

373- Treatment of UTI in pregnancy

- (Cephalexin, Macrolide, ciprofloxacin)

374- Treatment of UTI in pregnancy

- Augmentin

375- Treatment of Neisseria Meningitis

- (Ampicillin, Nafcillin, Vancomycin, Gentamicin)

376- Eye pain, Halo, headache means

- (cataract, glaucoma, viral infection)

378- Smoking affects theophylline by

- Increasing its metabolism
379- Drugs used in syphilis except
- (Azithromycin, Benzyl penicillin, Doxycycline, Ceftriaxone)

380- Prostatitis drug of choice

- (Ciprofloxacin, Doxycycline....)

381- Nifedipine not used in

- (Pre-eclampsia, early abortion, angina, HTN)

382- Insulin NPH given with regular insulin Bid, with morning fasting glucose increase
- (change NPH to Bed time)

383- Sulfonylurea is
- Insulin secretagogue

384- NPH insulin change to longer duration

- (Glargine, Detemir, …)

385- Thiazolidinedione used in DM

- (Rosiglitazone)

386- Carbimazole side effect

- (Agranulocytosis, Bone marrow suppression,...)

387- Primary cause of 2ry HTN in children

- (Cushing syndrome, Renal disease, liver, aortic disease)

388- Gastric pain after heavy meal radiating to the neck and lower jaw
- (Duodenal Ulcer, Atypical angina, Gastric cancer)

389- Most potent topical corticosteroid

- (Clobetasol, Betamethasone)

390- Treatment of impetigo

- (Fusidic acid, Mupirocin, both)

391- HZV patient wants to stop treatment, advise him

- (Therapy will reduce recurrence, Severity, Spreading to the rest of the body, Post herpetic neuralgia)

392- Patient on multiple treatment including Omeprazole, change it to

- ( Cimetidine)

393- Patient on Cefuroxime and celecoxib got diarrhea

- (Post antibiotic pseudomembranous colitis)

394- Bacterial vaginosis dose of Metronidazole single dose

- (2g, 1 g, 500 mg, 200 mg)

395- Typhoid fever drug of choice

- (Chloramphenicol, Cipro, Septrin)
396- Orlistat patient counseling
- (Need prescription, Refer to doctor, Counsel about diet and life style)

397- Cromolyn nasal spray in rhinitis counsel patient about

- (How long u use it, How to use it, Inhale after it)

398- Diazepam storage condition

- (Room temp ,Sealed plastic container, Protect from light)

399- Clostridium difficile treatment with

- Metronidazole

400- Narcotic prescription is valid for

- 3 days

401- Cocaine toxicity includes the following except

- (Euphoria, Wide pupil, Tachycardia, Peripheral vasodilatation)

402- Laxatives interact with absorption of

- (B1, B2, Vit C, Fat soluble vitamins)

403- Thiazide side effect because increased execration of

- (Na, K, Ca)

404- Diuretics interact with execration of

- (ASA)

405- Sympathomimetics used cautiously with

- (HTN, DM, Angina)

406- MAOI used with decongestants can cause

- (HTN crisis)

407- MAOI interact with

- (TCA, Decongestants, Appetite suppressants...)

408- Ramipril initial daily dose

- (2.5 mg OD, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg)

409- Dose to consult physician

- ( Ramipril 12.5 mg BD)

410- Indomethacin dose in gout

- 25-50 3-4 times daily

411- Patient injured by wire what question you ask

- (Did you take tetanus vac. in last 10 years, Go to doctor, Was the wire dirty)

412- Nifedipine not indicated in

- (A.Fib, HTN, Angina)
413- Stage I hypertension treatment
- ( Thiazide, ACEI, BB, CCB)

414- Motion sickness in car drive advise

- (Eat heavy metals, Sit in front sea, Close window , Do not look from window)

415- NSAIDs interacts with

- All antihypertensive

416- High risk of nosocomial infection

- (Surgery, Ventilator, Hospitalized more than 10 days)

417- Drugs less likely to be execrated in milk

- (Low fat solubility)

418- Patient on sumatriptan not effective

- (Give another dose after 2 h, Give ergot within8 h)

419- Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) drug of choice

- (Vancomycin, Penicillin, Nafcillin)

420- Sulfasalazine is made of

- (Sulfapyridine and Aminosalicylic acid)

421- Antidote of Paracetamol is

- Acetyl Cysteine

422 - Sulfasalazine daily dose is

- 8 grams

423- Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting

- Dexamethasone

424-Used in chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting

- ( Selective serotonin receptor antagonist, Antacid, Dexamethasone)

425- Patient using spacer and β agonist. What is the recommended action?
- (Leave finger space between mouth and spacer, Take quick breath at the same time as pressing the

426- Meclizine dose in motion sickness how often

- (1-2 Hrs, Q 4 Hrs, 8 Hrs, 24 Hrs)

427- D.O.C in myoclonic seizure(

- (Valproate, Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Lamotrigine)
HAAD exam of OCT 2010
428- Thiazolidinedione is drugs use for
- Diabetes

429- Alprazolam is
- Short/intermediate half life

430- Tetracycline and antacid

- Separate for 2 hours

431- Moon face is symptom of

- Cushing syndrome

432- Levothyroxine dose adjustment according to

- Age

433- Not associated with salbutamol

- Pain at inhalation

434- Not side effect of anti muscarinic

- Diarrhea

435- Amlodipine is used for all of the following except

- Angina, Pre eclampsia, Premature labour

436- Nausea Vomiting associated with chemotherapy treated by

- Dexamethasone

437- To maintain remission phase after acute attack of ulcerative colitis

- (Prednisolone, Sulfasalazine, Hydrocortisone)

438- Advise for the user of aerosol inhaler of corticosteroids

- Wash your mouth after using the aerosol

439- Disease caused by staphylococcus

- Impetigo

440- For which type lipid dysfunction is Lipitor used for

- Types IIa and IIb

441- A property of bulk forming laxatives is

- Bran and Psyllium

442- Pentoxiphylline for diabetic patient with

- Peripheral vascular disease
443- Mechanism of Acarbose is
- Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors

444- Side effect of Carbimazole is

- Sore throat due to agranulocytosis caused by drug

445- Life threatening condition of hypersensitivity cause skin cells to separate from dermis
- Steven Johnson syndrome

446- Drug of malaria

- Primaquine

447- Swelling in one leg with erythema indicates


448- Cause and treatment of pneumonia

- Mycoplasma pneumonia + Azithromycin, Mycoplasma pneumonia + Fluoroquinolones, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa +Azithromycin, Pseudomonas aeruginosa + Fluoroquinolones

449- Patient is suffering from pain that is relieved by eating the reason will be
- Duodenal ulcer, Stomach ulcer, Stomach cancer

450- Contraindicated in pregnancy

- Vit A

451- Patient treated with levothyroxine will notice the following improvement
- (Decrease in weight, High energy)

452- Side effect of nitroglycerine

- Throbbing pain

453- MAOI +pseudoephedrine

- HTN crisis

454- Piroxicam side effect

- Stomach bleeding

455- Breast cancer treatment

- Tamoxifen

456- Shingle caused by

- Herpes Zoster

457- If we change from IV to oral rate, which drug of the following should increase its dose
- Propranolol

458- Trade name of athlete’s foot is

- Lamisil
459- Which drug cause cough?
- Enalapril

460- Corticosteroids inhalers advised by all except

- Clean mouth after inhalation, Leave 10 sec after inhalation, Take quick breath

461- Patient with allergic rhinitis best advised by all except

- (Remove carpet, Clean vacuum regularly, Open window to get fresh air, Wash linen beds with hot

462- Patient taking theophylline which advice given to him

- Do not crush the tablet

463- Clozapine causes

- Agranulocytosis

464- Vitamin A: derived from

- Beta-carotene

465- Diazepam rectally for fibril convulsion for child wt 22 kg

- 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg

466- Drug acts as enzyme inhibitor on the first dose:

- (Diazepam, Salbutamol, Enalapril, Glyburide)

467- Which of the following is prodrug?

- Enalapril

468- If patient miss dose of drug used before breakfast so

- (Use when he comes back to home, Use lunch dose, Use double dose on lunch)

469- Athlete’s Foot symptoms are except

- (Itching, Peeling of skin, White patch between toes, Bad odour)

470-If the drugs has large volume of distribution, it mean

- (Highly bounded to plasma protein, Highly distributed in the tissues , Short half life time)

471- All of these drugs are racemic isomer except

- (Amphetamine, Bupivacaine, Cetirizine, Loratin, Citalopram, Ofloxacin, Omeprazole, salbutamol,

472- All of these drugs are single enantiomer except

- (Dextroamphetamine, levocetirizine, Desloratadin, Levofloxacin, Escitalopram, Esomeprazole,
Levalbuterol - Omeprazole)

473- Amoxicillin 500mg orally used if doctor shifted to IV ,what the dose
- (1g, 500mg, 250mg, 125mg)
474- Hydrochlorothiazide/Amiloride contraindicated with
- (Losartan, Salbutamol, Diazepam)

475- Disease caused by illy fitted shoes

- (Highly pressure, corn, cold sore, athletes)

476- Diphenhydramine used except

- (Best choice for morning nausea, Used with cough prep, Used for motion sickness)

477- Alprazolam storage

- (25c, keep from light, Tight the bottle)

478- Athletes is foot treated with

- (Clotrimazole, Griseofulvin, Nystatin)

479- Laminar air flow, which one used for antibiotic and which one for cytotoxic agent
- Horizontal for Antibiotic
- Vertical for Cytotoxic

480- Diazepam acts on

- GABA receptors

481- More than 20 cigarettes:

- Use nicotine 4mg gum every one hour

482- Levothyroxine should be taken

- On empty stomach 2 hours from ca containing products

483- Mechanism of action of heparin:

- Activate antithrombin

484- Drugs used to help remission in ulcerative colitis:

- Sulphasalazine

485- Binding to albumin

- Drugs that bind to albumin are weak acids

486- Why Methylcellulose are added to drops

- To increase intraocular contact time

487- Acetylcholine and Succinylcholine metabolized by

- Ester hydrolysis

489- Transfer into breast milk:

- Use lipophilic drugs (basic drugs)

490-Before giving Interferon:

- Check TB

491- Equivalent dose of Atorvastatin to Simvastatin:

- Half of the strength of Simvastatin. (10mg of Rosuvastatin = 20mg atorvastatin = 40mg Simvastatin)
492- Mechanism of Ritonavir:
- Enzyme inhibitor

493- Who can dispense narcotics?

- Only pharmacist, Technician cannot dispense even if a pharmacist double check

494- Pharmacy business success is assessed by

- Inventory turnover

495- Mechanism of action of Sitagliptin

- It is work as Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors

496- Aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity ↑ by

- (Diuretics, Ibuprofen, Vancomycin)

497- Which one is not chelating agent

- (Amikacin, Cisplatin, Lactulose, Hemoglobin)

498- Kwashiorkor is?

- An acute form of childhood protein-energy malnutrition

499- Mechanism of action of Hydralazine

- Direct acting Vasodilator

500- Mechanism of action of nitrates

- Have a direct relaxant effect on vascular smooth muscles, and the dilation of coronary vessels
improves oxygen supply to the myocardium

501- Narcotic book kept for

- 5 years

502- Tamiflu is
- Oseltamivir

503- Drug cause anemia

- (Methotrexate, Phenytoin, Rifampicin)

504- Ibuprofen
- (Used in first trimester, Contraindicated in women, Can be used if benefit more than risk)

505- Scabies treatment

- Permethrin 5%

506- Human Papilloma virus cause

- cervical cancer

507- Wart caused by

- Human Papilloma virus

508- Sumatriptan is
- 5HTA agonist
509- Man come from Africa suffer from too much sleep
- Narcolepsy

510- Buspirone is
- 5HT1 Partial agonist

511- Mechanism of action of Mebendazol

- Deplet energy of parasit

512- If you work in hospital pharmacy and dispense narcotic drug but they didn’t use all the dose
what you should do with the returned dose
- (Put it back on the stock, Throw it away, Execute it with presence of witness and put that in the

513- Formula of paraffin to 100% have 1% A, 15% B, 12% starch how many grams of the paraffin
needed to form 250 mg of this formula
- 180 gm

514- In GABA receptors which of this is guard the channel

- (K, Cl, Ca, Na)

515- What is the K normal concentration in the blood?

- 3.5 to 5

516- Which medicine can’t be taken with pregnant women due to depletion of Folic Acid?
- (Phenytoin, Trimethoprim, Warfarin, Cholestyramine)

517-Mechanism of Azithromycin
- Interfering with their protein synthesis, It binds to the 50S subunit of the bacteria

518- Arrange the following Ascending from less to more important

- Case report < Case study < Case control < Cohort

519- Arrange the following agent from higher to lower acidity

- Acquaragia > Sulfuric acid > Distilled water > Na Bicarbonate

520- Metaproternol salt 15mg/ml (mwt 520, base 211) How much % strength of base in the solution
- 0.6%

521- Patient come with old prescription and want to repeat the antibiotic and the pharmacist with you
tell you it is ok I know him give him the medicine
- You will give him the medicine
- Give him the medicine because your boss know him
- Refuse to dispense the medicine and report the Haad

522- Nadir went to hospital with his father, Maher is Nadir friend and came to you in the pharmacy to
ask about Nadir
- Tell him about Nadir case
- Tell him little information about the case
- Don’t tell him any information and tell him to ask physician
- Tell him about the case because Nadir father with him

4 b
0 0
0 1 2 3 4
523- Drug C is
- (Agonist, Antagonist, Partial agonist, Partial antagonist)

4 4
3 3
Iv dose
Oral dose
1 1
0.5 0.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

The IV dose Area under the curve = 11.4

Oral dose Area under the curve = 5.2

524- Find the Cmax for the IV dose

- 4

525- Find T half for the oral dose

- 1.5

526- Find the percentage of oral bioavailability

- Bioavailability equal to area under the curve so we will take area under the
𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒂 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝟓.𝟐
* 100 *100 = 45.6%
𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒂 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑰𝒗 𝒅𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝟏𝟏.𝟒

527- If the specific gravity of glycerin equal to.86 what is the weight of the 250 ml of glycerin
- 𝝆 = 𝒗 So 𝒗 = 𝝆 ∗ 𝒘 250 * .86 = 215

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