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Submitted by Benz De Paz

Muggles are worthless. Voldemort’s word is law. Honoring his
wishes is above all else. She’s sadistic, murderous, and no doubt
psychotic. Her nephew is chosen for a dangerous mission, and instead of
being concerned, she says he should be honored because the Dark Lord
took an interest in him. Torture is just another means to an end. From
her introduction in Order of the Phoenix to her demise in Deathly
Hallows, Bellatrix maintained this way of life. Personally I think she was
always in love with Voldemort, but that’s a discussion for another day
(insert fandom ships here).

Gerald of Rivia

Geralt is a static hero. This doesn’t mean he’s not a badass: His character design is top-
notch and distinct, with white hair, scars… he has a sword and a silver sword – come one. One
for monsters, one for people right? Sure Geralt has revelations and crises of identity – but for the
most part, if you are reading or playing the Witcher series, you know exactly who you’re dealing
with and what he’s going to be like.One trait he has is a stubborn adherence to his personal code.
Geralt, like most Witchers apparently, has a very specific job description; he has to kill monsters.
Of course, there are wildly varying impressions throughout the world of exactly how necessary or
serious this job is – though as you might imagine, respect for this job is usually directly
proportional to how close a monster is to messing up the lives of those whose respect is in
question. This means that sometimes he’ll get a job offer asking him to deal with a striga (a
terrifying monster whose description involves the words “dead monster baby” and a tiny coffin).
No problem. But in other places where the monster problem is less than common, they’ll offer
jobs that let you know they obviously don’t take his job seriously. King or not, he will refuse these
people. Need him to kill a dragon? Dragons don’t count as monsters to him, so no. Not to mention
that for the most part, he refuses to work for free .
Minerva McGonagall

Everyone knows McGonagall. The stern Transfiguration teacher who

is not always as harsh as she may seem. Although she is an extremely
important character (much more influential than the term “flat”
implies), she is not developed much in the story. She fulfills her role.
What we know about her background we learned from Pottermore. That
is why I chose her as an example for this category. , the stereotypical strict, rule-
abiding teacher. Her personality is evident from her demeanor, her expression, her manner of talking,
and the typical glasses that seem to define such teachers.
Igor Strausman
Igor Strausman is a stock character lab assistant to Dr. Victor
Frankenstein, as you may know Igor is a Streotypical Character since mad
scientist always have a lab assistant that help them in there experiments also
Igor is that one character that is easily and instantly recognizable in the whole

Argus Filch
Mr. Filch, the caretaker of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a flat character, with
his only undying obsession being finding students breaking school rules. Also he doesn’t have any
complex personality. And thus remain the same for the rest of the story.
Dobby pretty much symbolizes two things: freedom and fighting for
what (and who) you believe in. After he is freed by Harry in Chamber of
Secrets, he spends his time trying to help everyone else, including other
house-elves. He rescues Harry and his friends from Malfoy Manor and
dies protecting them.

Luna Lovegood

Harry becomes one of Luna's first true friends at Hogwarts. Personality… strange, honest,
and kind. Luna is used to the weird looks she gets when she wears radishes as earrings, but she is
unabashedly herself in spite of how unaccepting many people are of those who are different.. and
that’s why she is a minor character as she compliment the major character and helps the plot
events move forward

Albus Dumbledore

Dumbledore is one of the Major Characters due to the fact that, he is the Headmaster of
Hogwards and his contribution throughout the whole story and how he makes the
protagonist(Harry Potter) improved throughout the story. Also the plot revolves around
him and the other major characters.

Newt Scamander

Newt is a wizard brimming with brains, heart and courage.

Above everything else,however, is his unwavering kindness; from the
beasts he looks after to the Obscurial Credence, Newt’s affinity for all
creatures and his care fort heir wellbeing is at the heart of his
character. Obviously he is the Protagonist since he is the central
person of the story as all you know the main conflict that he needs to
resolved is to try to track down and reclaim his creatures.

Harry Potter
The title of the movie should give you a clue as to who it is.
But just in case you’re not sure, the Protagonist is Harry Potter.
Harry Potter is the CENTRAL Primary Character. He is the Lead
Character—i.e. he is the Protagonist. He is the very special boy who
is finally learning the truth about his talents and his place in the world
-- a wizarding world he knew nothing of until now. Pass forward to the
ending up to the point where he defeated “He who must not be named”
In the battle of hogwarts

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