FSC Testimonials

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Contact: Jenn Farr

Phone: 650.741.1324
Address: 1001 4th Ave STE 4322
Seattle, WA USA, 98154-1116
Web Address: fulfillmentsourcecode.com
E-mail Address: jenn@fulfillmentsourcecode.com


Testimonials from young people who have taken the FSC Course:


I am pretty sad because the class ended. I REALLY liked this class! When I grow up, I would like to
teach others about FSC! I really like this class because it taught me a lot more about life. I have to
thank this class to lead me to a much more fulfilled life.”

“I think that, ‘You are responsible for your own happiness’, is one of the FSC things that every kid
should know, because nowadays some children want to be popular so they do things that
disagree with who they really are. I wish they would know that being happy or unhappy is

~Catherine Grade 6

“One of the coolest things is the six buckets, because the six buckets will make your life more
fulfilled by thinking about them every day. There is Safety, Fun, Significance, Connection, Growth
and Better World. You can remember it as, “Sam Finds Sophie Can Grow Big Watermelons.”

~Wendy, Grade 6

“One of the things that every kid in the world should know is that you need to put effort into
everything because EFFORT COUNTS TWICE!
After learning the FSC lessons, I have become more positive.”
~Alison, Grade 6

“I am very grateful for this class as it taught me about life and how to deal with issues that will
happen in life. Sam is a really good teacher, because he can make us understand what he is trying
to teach. I hope that more people, even adults, should learn FSC, and I will teach my younger
brother about this.”
~ David, Grade 6

“We just finish(ed) the FSC, which is the Fulfillment Source Code. The words and the lessons from
FSC affect me in life. I really have to thank Sam a lot, he made me a better self. I appreciate that Sam
can make these lessons suitable for children of my age.”

~ Calvin, Grade 6

“The past few months we've been taken some classes called FSC (which stands for Fulfilment Source
Code) It's about living a fulfilled life, and being the best YOU.
I thought taking the FSC classes was a lot of fun and I really think it now is going to change how I look
at my life. I hope that I can change how other people look at me, and most importantly how I look at
myself. I really appreciate that Sam came to our class to teach us these things. Thank you!”

~ Lilla Grade 6

“I think that after taking the FSC classes I will try to teach other people how to live a fulfilled life, and
make better choices, habits and being the best they can be. And that if you want to make the world
a better place the first thing you have to do is start with yourself. I really liked the FSC classes and I
really want other people to know what I learned. I’m going to use the things I learned as much as I
can in my daily life. These classes have been really fun to take and I think all the kids in this world
should take them.”
~ Lilla Grade 6

A Teacher’s Perspective
• FSC enables teachers to facilitate the learning that students need to better understand
themselves and their place in the world.

• FSC provides the teacher with a structured program that facilitates their ability to guide
students to becoming their best selves.

What the Parents Say

After my child took the FSC course, she would often bring up topics that surprised me. For example,
once I was looking at my phone at night and she told me, “Mom, it’ll be harder to fall asleep when
you look at your phone at night because of the blue light emitted by the phone’s screen. The blue
light is the same as daylight and your brain then thinks it’s daytime, so it won’t calm down."
Surprised, I asked her where did you get this knowledge? She told me "from FSC course in school."
When I asked her how she liked it. She said without hesitation, “Well. Very much!”
FSC is a very good addition to the classroom,

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