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September 2, 2019

Dear Penn State Student,

Congratulations! You have been selected to apply for a scholarship awarded by

the Penn State Alumni Association - Montgomery County Chapter. The chapter’s
scholarship committee based their selections on three criteria:

1. You or your parents are residents of Montgomery County, PA

2. You are in at least your third semester of study and,

3. You have a GPA of 3.75 or above.

For the 2019-20 academic year, there is $4,500 available to be divided amongst
three scholarships. The scholarship funds are a direct result of chapter members’
dues, alumni contributions and chapter fundraisers.

Each year the Montgomery County Chapter awards a scholarship to deserving

students in Montgomery County, PA. You are one of a select few who have been
invited to participate in this competitive process.

Enclosed you will find the scholarship application. Please thoroughly complete
the application and return it via email in Microsoft Word format to Please save all files as “First Name Last

In order to qualify, all applications must be received by 5:00 PM on Friday,

September 20th.

If you have any questions, please email them to Dan Kaufman at On behalf of the entire Montgomery County
Chapter, congratulations on your academic performance and best of luck in the
scholarship process!


The Penn State Alumni Association - Montgomery County Chapter Scholarship

Dan Kaufman, ’05, Treasurer/Scholarship Chair

The Pennsylvania State University Montgomery County Alumni Chapter

Scholarship Application

Please complete the application and submit in Microsoft Word format via email to no later than Friday, September 20, 2019 at 5PM
to be considered for this scholarship. Please limit your answers to 100 words or


Current Address:

Permanent Address:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

GPA (GPA in major) (optional):

1. List any activities at school or in the surrounding area that you are currently
involved in and any organizations to which you belong. Please include any
(part-time or full-time) job(s) you may hold.

2. List any activities in Montgomery County, PA that you are currently involved in
or any organizations to which you belong. Please include any (part-time, full-
time, or summer) job(s) you may hold.
3. You are given the opportunity to have dinner with any 2 people (alive or dead).
Who are you eating with and why?

4. If you had the power to make a significant change (other than financial aid or
changing tuition) at the University, what would it be and why?

5. Which Penn State course has had the greatest impact on your life and why?

6. What is your greatest Penn State memory (as a student or prior) and why?

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