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RISE UP-T2A Oral Consent

Hi (Participant Name), Thank you again for being part of the RISE UP-High School study led by
principal investigator, Mitchell Wong, MD, PhD. We have appreciated your participation and
wanted to reach out to you because we are extending the study to follow all participants
through approximately age 22 during the transition to young adulthood. The goal of this
extension is to learn more about the impact of high school education on later life events and
behaviors including substance abuse, pregnancy, depression, obesity, employment, college
matriculation and criminal arrests. Findings will help us understand whether improving public
high schools can reverse the negative health effects of poverty.

Your decision regarding whether you would like to participate in this extension is voluntary. If
you agree to participate, similar to previous years, we will ask you to:
1. Complete up to 4 surveys (one at approximately age 19, 20, 21, and 22) and respond to
follow up contacts between and after surveys. The surveys at age 19 and 22 will include
an optional saliva test (5-10 minutes) to check for drugs you may have recently used.
Similar to past surveys, all surveys will take place at a location of your choosing (i.e.
home, public or community location, etc.) where you and the interviewer will have
privacy, or via phone or online. The survey will vary in length each year and will take
between 20 minutes to 1 hour to complete. Prior to administering each survey, we will
notify you of the incentive that will be offered for your time (between $20-100 via a gift
card for Amazon or Target).
2. We will collect publicly available data about you regarding college attendance, criminal
arrests, and neighborhood data.
3. We also ask your permission to obtain your data from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
and College Board which has your SAT or ACT scores if you took those tests. Collecting
the IRS and College Board data is optional.
a. Do we have your permission to obtain data about you from the IRS? (YES/NO)
(research staff: enter response from participant in study data base)
b. Do we have your permission to obtain data about you from the College Board?
(YES/NO) (research staff: enter response from participant in study data base)
4. We will also request a college transcript from you, if you attended college (either 2-year
or 4-year college).

The items you will be asked during surveys will be similar in scope to the past surveys and
follow up calls you have completed. Similarly, you may choose not to answer any item that
makes you uncomfortable and you may choose to leave the study at any time without penalty.
If you feel upset, we will stop the interview or complete the interview at a later time. We will
also have counseling resources available if we feel you may need the support. Confidentiality
will be maintained by means of keeping data in password-protected files on password-
protected computers or locked cabinets within offices that have locked doors at UCLA. Any
information collected will be confidential and will not be linked to you. We will keep your
identity (name, address, etc.) separate from the survey data that we collect. Despite taking
these efforts, it is possible for data to be accidently released. We will notify you immediately if
that were to happen. In addition, we have a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National
Institutes of Health that protects the data and your identity from being released even in the
event of a court-ordered subpoena.

Do you have any questions? [If yes, research staff will answer the questions. If no, continue with

Would you like to participate in the extension of the study? [If yes, ask next item. If no, thank
participant for their time and hang up.]

Do you have any contact information that you would like us to update? [If yes, update contact
information in study database. If no, continue with consent.]

Would you like a copy of this verbal consent? [If yes, ask for preferred method of delivery (email
or snail mail) and send accordingly].

Thank you for your time. We will be in touch with you when we begin data collection. If you
have any questions, you may always feel free to contact our office at (310) 794-8376 and speak
with our staff. In addition, if you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, or
you have concerns and want to talk to someone other than the research staff, you may contact
the UCLA Office of the Human Research Protection Program at (310) 206-2040.

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