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2 Seismic methods

4.2 Seismic methods

Seismic measurements are well known from their

use in hydrocarbon exploration, but can also be
applied for mapping of shallower underground
structures such as buried valleys. The method is
comparable to a marine echo sounder: seismic
waves are created by a hit on the surface and
they travel underground. Like sound waves, they
are reflected and refracted when they reach a
boundary between different layers in the
underground. Using the time required for the
wave to come back to the surface and the
velocity of travel, we can determine the depth of
different geological boundaries. The velocity
value of the waves carries information on the
type of sediment or rock. This method is
important not only for structural information, e.g.
in delineating faults or valley structures, but also
for physical characterization of layers and thus is
very useful in hydrogeological investigations.
Since the 1920’s, seismic reflection techniques
have been used to search for petroleum and
refraction techniques have been used in
engineering applications. Additionally, since the
1980’s, significant strides have been made in
both near-surface seismic reflection surveying
and in the development of shallow-seismic
refraction methods.

Near-surface methods use an adaptation of

parameters to high resolution information – that
is the capacity to discriminate layers – and may
provide results also from layers that are 500 m in Fig. 4.2.1: Types of seismic waves, particle motion
depth, such as deep buried valleys. and – in red – sample of seismic pulse as function of
time: a) compressional (P-)wave travelling in a block
The main references for this Section are Pelton of material, b) vertical polarized and c) horizontal
(2005), Steeples (2005), various chapters on polarized shear wave travelling in a block of
seismic methods in Knödel et al. (1997), Rabbel material, d) Rayleigh wave travelling in a section of
the earth‘s surface, e) Love wave travelling along a
(2006), Yilmaz (2001).
section of the earth’s surface (after Steeples 2005).

4.2.1 Physical base

Seismic waves include body waves that travel

three-dimensionally through solid earth volumes
and surface waves that travel near the surface of we have to differ between compressional waves
the earth volume (Fig. 4.2.1). Surface waves are (P-waves) and shear waves (S-waves); the
categorized further as Love waves and Rayleigh difference is in the particle motion of the wave
waves; the ground roll described later, e.g., is a propagating through the underground material
Rayleigh wave. For seismic investigation of the (Fig. 4.2.1). The velocities of these waves depend
ground, the use of body waves is standard. Here on the elasticity and density of the underground
material and can be expressed by:


k + 43 μ
VP = (4.2.1)
VS = ρ (4.2.2)

with the elastic constants k (= bulk modulus) and

μ (= shear modulus) and the mass density ρ of
the material through which the wave is

For unconsolidated sediments like gravel, sand,

till, or clay, P-wave velocities range from 200 –
800 m/s for dry, and 1500 – 2500 m/s for water-
saturated material. S-wave velocities are much
slower, in the range of 100 – 500 m/s, and do
not differ between dry and water-saturated
material. Due to its slowness, the S-wave arrives
later than the P-wave and is named secondary (S)
wave in contrast to the primary (P) wave.

In sedimentary material, elasticity and density

strongly depend on porosity (Sect. 4.1). At a layer Fig. 4.2.2: Sketch of seismic survey: layer model,
boundary, e.g. between sand and clay or till, a seismic rays (green: direct travelling wave, blue:
porosity change normally occurs, leading to (critical) refracted or head wave, red: reflected
contrasting densities and seismic velocities. A waves) and resulting seismogram with appropriate
seismic wave impinging on this layer boundary seismic signals.
will be partly reflected and partly refracted (Fig.
4.2.2). The intensity of the reflected wave
depends on the magnitude of the contrast
between seismic velocities and densities at the
boundary, regardless of the sign of the contrast.
The product of velocity V and density ρ is the space and time is the wavelength (λ), which
acoustic impedance I = V ρ of a medium. The describes the distance in space between
strength of a reflection from an acoustic contrast successive peaks (or troughs) of the seismic wave
interface is defined by the reflection coefficient R and restricts seismic resolution, i.e. the capacity
to discriminate layers. Layers with thickness less
I2 - I1 than λ/4 are not resolvable with the seismic
R= (4.2.3)
I2 + I1 reflection method. The propagation velocity (V)
of a wave is the product of its frequency (f) and
wavelength: V = f λ . As V is a physical property
with I1 = acoustic impedance of the first layer and intrinsic to the material, in seismic data, higher
I2 = acoustic impedance of the second layer. frequencies result in shorter wavelength and
Equation 4.2.3 is valid for normal incident rays or better resolution.
waves (ray path perpendicular to layer boundary).
For geometrical ray propagation the
The discussion of seismic waves can be in terms fundamentals of optics are valid, e.g. Fermat’s
of wavefronts or raypaths, the latter being a line principle of least-time path and Snell’s law,
perpendicular to the wavefronts (for wave describing how the wave changes direction when
definitions see Fig. 4.2.3.). The energy of a crossing the boundary between media one and
seismic wave is proportional to the square of its two:
amplitude. An important relation of frequency to

4.2 Seismic methods

4.2.2 Seismic measurements

sin (i1 ) sin (i2 )
= (4.2.4) Depending on the travel path of the seismic
V1 V2
wave, we differentiate between the seismic
refraction method and the seismic reflection
with i1, i2 angles of incidence and V1, V2 velocities method (see also Fig. 4.2.2).
of the media. A special type of wave propagation
occurs at layer boundaries with increasing seismic A special feature of the refracted or head wave is
velocities (V2 > V1). At an angle of incidence called that it travels along the interface with the velocity
critical angle (ic ; sin ic = V 1 V2 ) the (critically) of the higher speed medium. Remember that this
refracted wavefront propagates along the wave is only created if the velocity on the
interface rather than into the medium itself. This underside of an interface is greater than in the
is the head wave used in the refraction seismic overlying layer. Therefore, the wave can travel
method (Fig. 4.2.2). For the reflection seismic faster than reflections in the overlying medium,
method, rays with angles of incidence less than which results in it being the first arrival in the
the critical angle are usually used, allowing seismogram. This is valid at least from a critical
transmission into the next medium; with angles offset that is dependent on the critical angle (see
of incidence larger than the critical angle, total also Fig. 4.2.9). Being restricted to geologic
reflection occurs with the effect of relatively conditions of increasing seismic velocity with
strong amplitudes. Both reflected and refracted depth, this method alone is not recommended
waves can be recorded at the surface and their for buried valleys that are incised in sedimentary
travel times can be measured and used for surroundings with similar physical parameters
detection of underground structures (Fig. 4.2.2). relative to the valley fill itself. Here the reflection
seismic method is adequate and offers much
more details.

Reflections, which arrive later than the refractions

in the seismogram, successively give the images
of layer boundaries in depth or seismic traveltime.
The depth of penetration is limited by the energy
of the seismic source and loss of energy through
attenuation in the earth material. A reflection
seismic measurement includes the near-surface
refracted signals as first arrivals. These are
interpreted for the very near-surface velocity and
depth model and so may complement the seismic
reflection interpretation that usually lacks
information for the very near-surface area (e.g. 2
to 10 meters). This model is also used for static
corrections (see below). Refraction interpretation
methods are described in detail, e.g., by Rabbel

The aim of seismic reflection measurements is a

Fig. 4.2.3: Wave definitions for sinusoids: a) how zero-offset seismic section where source and
displacement varies at a particular location with receiver points coincide (Fig. 4.2.4 bottom); this
time, b) how a wave looks at different places at a presents the image of a geologic cross section or
given instant (after Sheriff 2002). Concerning the depth section of geologic boundaries and is what
nonperiodic seismic wavelet we speak of dominant an echo sounder usually yields. As a field
period or frequency and dominant wavelength. technique the common midpoint method is
Time and period are usually given in seconds (s) or established (CMP method; Fig. 4.2.4). The basic
milliseconds (ms), frequency in hertz (Hz), idea is that a subsurface point is covered by
wavelength in meters (m) and velocity in meters per several rays or waves with different angles of
second (m/s).


incident or different shot-receiver offsets.

Presupposing horizontally layering, this
subsurface point is graphically the midpoint
between shot and receiver location. The number
of rays or waves covering the subsurface point is
known as fold or coverage. By using different
offsets of this so-called CMP gather and the
different arrival times for a reflection, the velocity
of the subsurface medium can be derived. With
this velocity, the traces are corrected to zero-
offset and stacked to a single trace (Fig. 4.2.4).
The advantage of the CMP method in regard to a
single fold zero-offset measurement is the
derivation of seismic velocities and an improved
signal/noise ratio by the multifold coverage. In
practice, a shot is recorded by several receivers
with different offsets and this arrangement is
moved successively. In a later data processing
step, the traces belonging to one CMP are sorted
from the shot gathers. The (in-line) coordinates
xCMP of CMP, xS of source and xG of receiver
location are related to each other by:

x CMP = x S + x G / 2 (4.2.5)

The CMP spacing is half of the receiver interval.

The fold of the CMP (NCMP) is given by the receiver
spread length (= number of receivers NG times
receiver interval ΔxG) and the shot interval ΔxS

NCMP = NG × Δx G / (2Δx S ) (4.2.6)

The interpretation of the seismic reflection

section can be much improved by borehole
information. The data are linked by a vertical
seismic profile (VSP) that allows the accurate
determination of the travel time from the surface Fig. 4.2.4: Sketch rays for common midpoint (CMP)
method: top: a reflecting point is covered by
to various geologic units.
different shot-receiver configurations (“shot
gather”); middle: the rays or seismic traces
belonging to a CMP are gathered (“CMP gather”);
4.2.3 Field techniques bottom: normal moveout correction and stacking
results in a single (zero-offset) ray or trace (stacked
For the field layout of a seismic survey, CMP trace); this trace resembles a zero-offset shot-
independent of reflection or refraction, we need receiver configuration.
a seismic source, several seismic receivers
(geophones) connected by cable, and connected
to the seismograph (Fig. 4.2.2). Usually the survey have to be adapted to what we are investigating
will be done along profiles determined by to make sure to get the best quality data possible
logistics and costs but 3D information should be for the given objective. We next look at the
the optimum. The equipment and configuration equipment in detail to facilitate its correct use.

4.2 Seismic methods

Seismic source 4.2.5b might make it less desirable as a wavelet

than the pulse in Figure 4.2.5a, even though it is
There are different kinds of seismic sources in of higher frequency. If we approach the pulse-
practice; in general we have to decide between width/frequency-bandwidth question in terms of
impulsive sources and the vibroseis method. The octaves (the interval between two frequencies
main factors to consider when choosing the having a ratio of 2), it is clear that a bandwidth of
source - beside costs, efficiency, convenience and a couple of octaves has a greater resolving power
safety - are spectral characteristics, amount of if the bandwidth is of high frequency (Fig.
energy, and repeatability. Taking local geologic 4.2.5d). For the desirable source signal, this
conditions into account, surface seismic source or means that primary emphasis must be on
shot holes can be important. E.g., in the pilot improving the bandwidth but it is likewise
area Cuxhavener Rinne we see data collected important to increase frequency values.
with a surface source and parts with poor data
due to near surface inhomogeneities (Gabriel et
al. 2003, Wiederhold et al. 2005; Fig. 5.5.8
Lüdingworth CMP 800–900). In these special
parts of the profile a source placed below the
inhomogeneous layers would give better results.

Acquiring high resolution seismic reflection data

requires the use of high frequencies accompanied
by broad bandwidth. The ideal seismic source
signal would produce a spike with a white
frequency spectrum and arbitrarily high
frequencies and thus would give highest
resolution (e.g. trace 1 in Fig. 4.2.6). However, in
practice an ideal spike is impossible to achieve.
The signals always have a limited length or
frequency band. A realistic estimate for the
maximum achievable frequencies in the near-
surface seismic application is 500 Hz, limiting the
wavelength of a several hundred meters per
second velocity P-wave to 2 m (this would be
extremely good!). With shear waves, shorter
wavelengths are achievable due to their low
Fig. 4.2.5: a) and b) time-frequency pairs for two
velocity. But the problem always remains of wavelets of constant frequency bandwidth; c) and
bringing these high frequency seismic waves into d) time frequency pairs for two wavelets with
the deep ground since high frequencies will be constant octave bandwidth. Red bracket marks the
stronger attenuated than lower frequencies. wavelet length.

Let us return to high resolution (after Knapp and

Steeples 1986b): Wavelet pulse width and For the different appearance between an impulse
frequency bandwidth are reciprocal and linked by seismic source and the vibroseis method, see
an uncertainty relation. That means that for a Figure 4.2.6. Vibroseis means that a controlled
good resolution of the wave signal, we need a wave train with continuously varying frequencies
broad bandwidth source. But it also means that is generated over a period of time (e.g. 10
signals in the frequency band of 10 to 50 Hz seconds). This wave train is called “sweep”,
have the same resolving capabilities as the band where the frequency is usually changed linearly
160 to 200 Hz. This is demonstrated in Figure with time starting at the lowest frequency
4.2.5. Although the frequencies of Figure 4.2.5b (upsweep). Advantages of Vibroseis, beside the
are higher than those of Figure 4.2.5a, the pulse controlled sweep, are that there is less ground
width or wavelet length is the same (see red damage (no shot holes), operation on roads is
bracket). The “ringiness” of the pulse in Figure possible (suited for urban areas; Fig. 4.2.7), the
seismic signal is less sensitive to noise from


impulsive source (footsteps, single cars, traffic increases as the square root of the number of
etc.). In rural areas with high water table an pulses stacked. A good repeatability of the source
impulsive source may be the better choice. E.g., signal is necessary and independent which kind
in the pilot area Groningen very good results of source is used, we traditionally speak of a
were achieved with seismic blasting caps and “shot”.
only little charges of explosives (Fig. 5.6.7).

With seismic sources operating from the surface, Receivers, geophones, seismometers
signal enhancement in the field is simply possible
by repeatedly “shooting” at a single point and The geophone is the instrument used to
summing the outputs (vertical stacking). The transform seismic energy into an electrical
desired signals, e.g. the reflections, will be voltage. It ordinarily responds to only one
strengthened and the undesired signals, i.e. component of the grounds displacement,
random noise, will remain random. Thus the velocity, or acceleration associated with the
signal-to-noise ratio (S/N ratio) is improved; it passage of a seismic wave. For a seismic
reflection survey with P-waves, this is the vertical
component. A motion-sensitive transducer
converts ground motion to an electrical signal.
The transducer in nearly all modern geophones is
a moving-coil electrodynamic type and consists of
a coil suspended by one or more springs in a
magnetic field that is fixed relative to the
geophone case (Fig. 4.2.8). A seismic wave

Fig. 4.2.6: Simple three-layer model and reflection

response: trace 1 spike signal; trace 2 minimum
phase signal typical for impulsive seismic source;
trace 3 zero phase signal resulting from vibroseis
correlation of trace 7; traces 4, 5 and 6 vibroseis
response (uncorrelated) for the three reflectors;
trace 7 shows the superposition of traces 4, 5 and
6. The zoom in clarifies the different onset of the
signals: the spike and the minimum phase signal Fig. 4.2.7: Seismic sources: a) Vibroseis vehicle
start with the first break but the zero phase signal GGA-Institut, b) seismic impulse source system Sissy
with the maximum amplitude (the hatched green (Buness et al. 2000), c) seismic blasting cap.
line marks the beginning or reflection time break).

4.2 Seismic methods

moves the case and the magnet, but the coil

remains relatively stationary because of its inertia.
The relative movement of a magnetic field with
respect to the coil generates a voltage across the
coil that is transmitted by wire to the
seismograph. Depending on the frequency
characteristics of the geophone, the voltage is
proportional to the relative velocity of the coil
with respect to the magnet (when movement is
above the natural frequency of the geophone) or
proportional to frequency and hence to the
acceleration involved in the seismic passage
(when movement is below the natural
frequency). The first case, the so-called velocity
geophone, is commonly used. For shallow seismic
reflection surveys a natural resonant frequency in
the range of 30–50 Hz is recommended by
Steeples et al. (1997). Details on performance
characteristics of geophones are given e.g. by
Knapp & Steeples (1986a) or Pelton (2005). The
quality of the recorded seismic signals is last but
not least dependent on how the geophone is
coupled to the ground. In the field, one must
take care to use a good planting of the
geophone by a metal spike to the ground and to
make sure that it is oriented in the direction of
particle movement of the seismic wave (for a P-
wave this is the vertical direction). For signal
enhancement, geophones may be grouped, with Fig. 4.2.8: Top: geophone in use, connected by
several geophones feeding a single channel of black and red clips to the cable, the connectors are
the seismograph, and the signals are summed raised from wet ground by white rod and
(see below). unplugged geophone; bottom: cut-away animation
of Sensor SM-24 geophone (Image provided by
Sensor Nederland:

The seismograph is the instrument for controlling of information. With today’s technology, the
and recording the data in a seismic survey. The display and recording of these data amounts is
amount of data within seismic reflection work is not a problem. Even for the near-surface
enormous. Imagine a recording time of 1 second applications, where usually less money is available
with 1 millisecond sampling interval that is 1000 than for hydrocarbon exploration, high quality
data samples for the response of one geophone multichannel seismographs are at hand.
(that is one data channel or trace). Multiply this
by the number of channels the seismograph can Principally there are two possibilities: transmitting
process (at least 48 but may be more than 100) the voltage response from the geophone
and we have the data samples acquired for one analogue via cable to the seismograph where it is
shot. Now imagine we want a seismic section of amplified, possibly filtered and converted to
one kilometre in length and we need a shot every digital samples (traditional seismograph) or
10 meters; thus we will have 100 shots × digitising the analogue signals already near the
48 channels × 1000 samples = 4,800,000 data geophone and transmitting the digital value
values for 1 km of seismic line. With four bytes (distributed seismograph). The advantage of the
needed for writing a data value and 240 bytes latter is less electrical noise, e.g., interference
per trace header, we have about 20 megabytes from power lines, crosstalk etc.


The seismograph is also the controlling unit of Field acquisition parameter design
the survey. Via noise monitor, the response of
each geophone is monitored and the operator Proper configuration of the field parameters is
can check whether the geophone is in working essential for the success of the seismic survey.
order, whether it is planted well, and how Among the important field parameters are
extensive is the microseism or “noise”. When the geophone spacing, shot spacing, and shot point
noise level is low, the operator gives the start offset to the geophone. It is important to
signal for the shot. And with the shot, the consider carefully what it is that we want to see.
seismograph is triggered and starts recording. A simple model including travel time curves for
The recorded seismogram can then be evaluated the key reflectors and the expected arrival times
and saved to disk or other media. of coherent noise, like ground roll or surface
waves and air-coupled waves, may be very
An important criterion of the seismograph is the helpful and may be calculated by simple
dynamic range that is defined as the ratio of the formulas. This is done for the case of a buried
largest to the smallest recoverable signal. Signal valley in sedimentary environment. The result is
intensity is usually expressed in decibel (dB) units, shown in Figure 4.2.9.
which is the logarithm of amplitude or power
ratio, defined as 20log10 of the amplitude ratio or Direct waves, surface waves (ground roll), or air-
10log10 of the power ratio. Seismologists usually coupled waves start travelling from time zero,
use amplitude rather than power. An increase of that is with triggering the shot, and proceed
6 dB in signal approximately doubles the directly to the receivers at distance x with
amplitude, 60 dB in signal is a factor of 1000 in generally relatively low velocity V (and low
amplitude, and 120 dB is a factor of a million. frequency and high amplitude). The traveltime is

For example, the dynamic range for a meter stick x

marked in increments of 1 mm and used to t direct = (4.2.7)
measure length, is usually given as 0.2 – 1000
mm, where 0.2 mm is considered the smallest
length that can be judged to be different from These waves are “noise” – that is unwanted
zero with the naked eye. Expressed in dB, the signals – in a seismic reflection survey and form a
meter bar has a dynamic range of 74 dB. The so-called “noise cone” (Fig. 4.2.9).
dynamic range of a seismograph is related to the
number of bits in a binary number in the output After a certain time delay, the refracted wave (or
of the analogue-to-digital converter. For a fixed- head wave) overtakes the direct travelling waves.
gain seismograph, it can be estimated from the The traveltime for the simple two-layer case can
number of bits produced by the analog/digital be calculated by
converter as follows: estimated-dynamic-range =
6 (Nb – 1) dB, where Nb is the number of bits in x 2z V2 2
the binary code. One bit is reserved for the trefracted = + ( ) -1 (4.2.8)
V2 V2 V1
algebraic sign and each signal bit represents very
nearly 6 dB.
with thickness z of the first layer.
Today seismographs with dynamic ranges of 100
dB or more are available and very small signals Reflected waves are not restricted to velocity
may be enhanced by digital signal processing. increase but are generated at any interface in the
With seismographs of dynamic range less than subsoil where the density or velocity changes
100 dB, Knapp & Steeples (1986b) recommend a discontinuously. The arrival time of the reflection
balancing of the spectrum of the data during at the surface will always be later than the
recording to detect weak but high frequency refracted wave from the same interface or at
signals. most tangent to the refracted travel time. The
travel time can be evaluated by

4.2 Seismic methods

Fig. 4.2.9: Velocity-depth model and appropriate traveltime-distance model of expected seismic response and
coherent noise. Reflections are marked in the colour of the layer boundary in the velocity-depth model on the left
side. The refraction breaks of the layer boundaries at 10 m and 50 m, with 1600 m/s or 2000 m/s velocities, are
marked by dashed lines (circles in zoom in mark critical offset for refractions). The “noise cone” is defined by the
wide angle reflection from the 10 m layer boundary (orange colour; 600 m/s) and the air-coupled wave (330 m/s)
and the surface wave or ground roll (220 m/s).

(traveltime across each layer is ti = zi / Vi) should

treflected = 1 V x 2 + 4z2 (4.2.9)
be used:

This gives the shape of a symmetrical hyperbola ∑ zi

in the traveltime-distance plot or, considering a Vaverage = (4.2.11).
layer dip of angle δ from the horizontal a ∑ zi v
i i
hyperbola where the apex is displaced from the
or the root mean square velocity Vrms which is
more equivalent to the normal moveout velocity
treflected = 1 V 2 2
x + 4z + 4 xz + sin(δ ) (4.2.10)
VNMO that we need later for dynamic corrections:

For the multilayer case, for this simple calculation ∑ Vi2 t i

the average velocity Vaverage , calculated from Vrms = (4.2.12)
interval velocities Vi and thickness zi of the i layers ∑ ti


RMS velocities are typically a few percent larger true wavelength. The shallowly emergent
than corresponding average velocities due to the reflected signal has an apparent surface
specific travelpaths. wavelength greater than its true wavelength, but
less than the apparent surface wavelength of
For the design of field parameters and to best more steeply emergent reflected energy. In
record the reflected wavefield the maximum and general, apparent surface wavelength λa is true
the minimum offset must be defined. The wavelength λ divided by the sine of the angle of
maximum offset should be as large as possible to emergence Θ: λa = λ / sin Θ . For vertically
aid velocity analysis. At the same time, it must be incident rays (sinΘ=0), the apparent surface
small enough to avoid wide angle reflection wavelength is infinite; this concerns most
distortion (reflections with angle of incidence reflected signals so the above considerations are
near or greater the critical angle). It must also be not as critical for reflections from horizontal
small enough so that the most important layers, but for dipping layer reflections. Thus for
reflection arrives just below the mute zone the proper spatial sampling of a reflection from a
applied during processing (see below). A rule of dipping reflector the geophone spacing Δx must
thumb is to set maximum offset equal to the be less than half the projection of the shortest
depth to the deepest target reflector. Another wavelength onto the surface. That is
point to keep in mind is that many seismic
sources generate noise (like ground roll etc.) with λ min Vave fmax
large amplitudes that superpose the reflection Δx max ≤ 0.5 = 0 .5 (4.2.13)
sin δ sin δ
energy in the noise cone (see also Fig. 4.2.9 and
Fig. 4.2.12). Often, filtering of the noise is a
problem and one has to mute, or zero, this part with δ maximum dip of reflector.
of the data during processing.

The minimum offset should be close to zero. On

one side we then have control for velocity and
timing. On the other side it is useful to have first
arrival (refraction) information near the source for
static and datum correction. When minimum
offset becomes too large these events are not
recorded. Near-surface reflections are often
difficult to record because of the noise cone.

The geophone interval is a function of maximum

offset, minimum offset, number of traces
available in the seismograph, the required spatial
sampling, and the spatial resolution. The latter
are the most important to consider. A strict
criterion for the reconstruction of a wavefield is
that there must be two or more samples per cycle
for the highest frequency present (Nyquist
theorem). This determines the sampling interval
of the time series (see below) recorded at a fixed
position, i.e. the geophone, as well as the wave
at different places at a given instant, i.e. the
spatial sampling interval or the spacing of the
geophones. To make this more clear, look at the
wavelength definitions in Figure 4.2.10.

The apparent surface wavelength is a function of Fig. 4.2.10: Apparent surface wavelength versus
emergent angle of the seismic ray. Surface waves angle of emergence. If a wavefront approaches at
propagating horizontally along the ground have an angle θ, the apparent surface wavelength λa will
an apparent surface wavelength equal to their differ from true wavelength λ.

4.2 Seismic methods

From the reflection signal point of view, another

consideration in determining receiver interval
involves the concept of the first Fresnel zone.
Reflected energy represents a sampling from a
relatively large area of the reflecting surface and
this is related to the first Fresnel zone. The size
and shape of the first Fresnel zone depend upon
reflector depth z and wavelength λ of the
Fig. 4.2.11: Geophone array response versus
reflected energy:
apparent surface length λa. If the group length is
small in relation to λa the response will be large
(blue geophone group); if the group length is large
zλ T in relation to λa the response is diminished (red
R= = 0 .5 V 0 (4.2.14) geophone group).
2 f

with R the radius of the first Fresnel zone, V

velocity and T0 two-way traveltime. If T0 = 0.1 s,
V = 1600 m/s and f = 150 Hz, the size of the first tion, then the following equation can be used:
Fresnel zone is 40 m. This is roughly the size of
the reflecting “point”. With a receiver interval 0.56 V
L max ≤ (4.2.16)
including at least 2 traces (that are 4 CMPs) per fmax
Fresnel zone, the reflector is well sampled.

Spatial considerations can also be used to In shallow, high-resolution reflection seismology,

attenuate or to improve waves by grouping arrays cannot be effectively employed to
geophones or shots in special arrays. In attenuate ground roll (Knapp & Steeples 1986b).
exploration seismology, linear arrays are used to
attenuate the ground roll that usually is Now to answer the question where to place the
characterized by relatively low velocity, low shot in the active geophone line: it is always
frequency, and high amplitude. Arrays start to preferable to use a symmetrical split-spread with
attenuate signals when their length is a quarter the geophones evenly split on either side of the
of the apparent surface wavelength and larger source. When the number of data channels
(Fig. 4.2.11). Thus to attenuate the unwanted available is not sufficient, end-on geometry with
ground roll that has a relatively large wavelength, the source on one side of the geophone line is
the array also must be relatively large. On the used to get the offset required for the target
other hand, to enhance reflection signals of reflection (the sketch in Fig. 4.2.1 shows end-on
possibly high frequency, the array length may not geometry). When reflections from dipping
be larger than a quarter of their apparent surface horizons are expected, preferred end-on
wavelength. Therefore the array length should in geometry is that where the geophones are placed
no case be larger then updip from the source.

Additionally, one must consider the record time

V z2 length, that is the least time needed to record the
L max ≤ 0.25 1+ 4 2 (4.2.15)
fmax x max reflection from the deepest target horizon; e.g., if
the depth z of the buried valley is 400 m and an
average velocity V of 2000 m/s for the sedi-
with z the depth to the shallowest reflector, xmax mentary fill can be assumed, then the reflection
the maximum source-receiver offset, fmax the time t of the valley base would be t = 2z / v and
highest frequency contained in the reflection thus be 400 ms or 0.4 s. This is the two-way
signal, V the average velocity to the reflector and reflection time. To image also the surrounding or
Lmax the maximuim array length. If we accept as a geological setting, the recording time in this case
rule of thumb that the maximum source-receiver should be 1 s. If we want to look deeper, we
offset is roughly equal to the target depth for would have to raise this time value. For a proper
reflected energy that is not a wide-angle reflec sampling of a cycle, at least two samples are


necessary. Expressed in relation to frequency, this To convert the data recorded in the field to the
means that the highest frequency that can be final seismic section, preferably a depth section,
resolved, the Nyquist frequency fNy, needs the sophisticated processing is necessary. The general
time between two sample points or sampling steps are described in the following:
interval to be Δt = 1/ 2fNy with Δt in milliseconds
(ms) and f in hertz (Hz). In practice, four samples
are recommended, or Δt = 1/ 4fNy . Example: with Geometry and editing
a sampling interval of 1 ms, frequencies up to
250 Hz are well sampled; the Nyquist frequency ■ transferring the data from the seismograph
is 500 Hz. To avoid aliasing, frequencies above to the seismic processing system (there are
the Nyquist frequency must be removed before standard data formats used in exploration
sampling. The inverse of the sample interval is seismology; SEG standards)
called sample rate ( = 1 Δt ).
■ vibroseis correlation (if relevant)

4.2.4 Data processing

■ installation of geometry including
coordinates, elevation, and shot-receiver
Figure 4.2.12 shows an example of a data set
obtained by one shot – a so-called shot gather.
The different kinds of waves that clearly can be
seen are the direct and/or refracted wave (1), the ■ elimination of bad or noisy traces
airwave (2), the ground roll (3), and several
reflections (R). For the reflection seismic method, ■ attenuation of coherent linear noise.
the reflections are the only data we want, the
others (1–3) are “noise”. This noise generated by
the seismic source itself is coherent noise, in
contrast to random noise.

Fig. 4.2.12: Typical field record (shot gather); raw data (scaled) on the left side, the data on the right side are
scaled and filtered. (1) Refraction signals, (2) air-coupled wave, (R) reflection signals. The ground roll (3) is, in this
example, spatially aliased, i.e. sampled not properly, as shown by the apparent phase velocity of the ground roll in
a direction opposite to that of first arrivals. With a dominant frequency of 62,5 Hz and an apparent velocity of
220 m/s the resulting wavelength is 3,5 m and thus smaller than the receiver spacing of 5 m. This wave should be
muted in further processing steps.

4.2 Seismic methods

Signal enhancement (scaling, filtering,


If we would look at the raw shot gather without

any scaling, we would clearly see the decrease of
amplitudes with distance and time. The earth has
two effects on a propagating wavefield: (1)
energy density decays proportionately to 1/r
where r is the radius of the wavefront. Wave
amplitude then, being proportional to the square
root of energy density, decays with 1/r. As
velocity usually increases with depth, this causes
further divergence of the wavefront and a more
rapid decay in amplitudes with distance. (2) The
frequency content of the initial source signal
changes in a time-variant manner as it
propagates. In particular, high frequencies are Fig. 4.2.13: Principle of static corrections: Shot
absorbed more rapidly than low frequencies (due and receivers are moved to a flat plane, the datum
to intrinsic attenuation). These effects must be or reference surface. Near surface velocity changes
compensated by a time-variant scaling. are replaced by a correction velocity Vc.

By a time-invariant scaling, the amplitudes for

each trace may be scaled or balanced with regard
The objective is to determine the reflection arrival
to the gather or individually. Also, automatic gain
times which would have been observed if all
functions like AGC can be applied, but be aware
measurements had been made on a (usually) flat
that the true amplitude information is lost.
plane with no weathering or low velocity material
Typically, prestack deconvolution (inverse
present. This, of course, only makes sense if this
filtering, spectral whitening, shaping the
material is not the target of the survey. These
amplitude-frequency response) is aimed at
corrections are based on (1) uphole data (direct
improving temporal resolution by compressing
measurement of traveltime from a buried seismic
the effective source wavelet contained in the
source), (2) refraction first breaks and/or (3) event
seismic trace to a spike. After deconvolution, a
smoothing. (2) is the most common method (also
wide band-pass filter is often needed.
called refraction statics), especially when using
surface seismic sources. Seismic refraction
In the extreme case that ground roll is not
interpreting methods like intercept-time method,
attenuated or eliminated after the above
generalized reciprocal method, delay time
processes, this area of the shot gather should be
method or refraction tomography, are used to
muted (zeroing the amplitudes) (Fig. 4.2.12).
determine the near-surface model and the travel
time correction values. Travel times of reflection
signals in a shot or CMP gather should be more
Travel time corrections (static corrections, regular in the hyperbolic moveout after this time
dynamic corrections) correction. Further irregularities in the reflection
arrival times due to near surface variations may
Concerning corrections of the traveltime, we be smoothed by statistical methods (3), also
differentiate between static and dynamic called residual statics.
Dynamic corrections or normal-moveout
Static corrections (in short statics) are independ- corrections (NMO corrections), concern the
ent of the travel time of a reflection and the longer ray path or travel time of the reflection
source-receiver offset. They are applied to seismic due to the shot-receiver offset and correct the
data to compensate for the effects of variations travel time to zero-offset or vertical ray path. To
in elevation, weathering thickness, weathering do this, the velocity of the medium above the
velocity, or reference to a datum (Fig. 4.2.13). reflecting interface must be known. This can be


evaluated from the CMP gather by several Otherwise, stacking velocities are parameters
methods (Fig. 4.2.14): (1) simply find the velocity used to get the optimum seismic section and are
that best fits the hyperbola to the common- sensitive to the dip of the reflecting interface.
midpoint data; (2) semblance analysis: assume a
normal moveout, measure the coherency at that As a result of the normal-moveout corrections,
normal moveout, and then vary the normal traces are stretched causing their frequency
moveout in order to maximize the coherency; (3) content to shift toward the low end of the
make trial stacks assuming several trial velocities spectrum. This distortion increases at shallow
that are constant in time and space and times and large offsets. To prevent the
determine the stacking velocities that produce degradation of especially shallow events, the
the best result. The result is the so-called stacking amplitudes in the distorted zones are zeroed out
or normal moveout velocity VNMO because the (muted) before stacking (Fig. 4.2.14c).
normal-moveout corrected traces of one CMP
will afterwards be stacked to one trace. When
working with real data, it becomes clear that the CMP stacking
quality of the velocity analysis depends on the
fold. By averaging CMP’s (e.g. three), a so-called After applying the prestack processing described
supergather is composed that may help when above, all traces belonging to a CMP are summed
fold is small. resulting in the stacked seismic section. The
vertical scale of this section is usually arrival time
Where all reflectors are horizontal and where (two-way time TWT).
velocity varies only with depth, the stacking
velocity is approximately the root-mean-square
velocity (Eq. 4.2.12) and is a little higher than the
average velocity of the medium (Eq. 4.2.11).

Fig. 4.2.14: Velocity analysis to determine dynamic corrections: a) CMP gather, b) semblance analysis, c) CMP
after normal moveout correction, d) stack with 20 neighbouring CMP’s.

4.2 Seismic methods

If all reflectors are horizontal, this is our final greater or equal arc tangent of an angle the
result that we can convert with the help of the migrated segment is steeper. (2) The length of
stacking velocity into a depth section or, as the reflector is shorter; thus migration shortens
already above mentioned (Eq. 4.2.11 and 4.2.12), reflectors. (3) Migration moves reflectors in the
the true medium velocity will be about some updip direction (Figs. 4.2.15 and 4.2.16).
percent less than the stacking velocity. So we will
get an optimum result when using for depth Migration requires the true medium velocity, i.e.
conversion stacking velocity reduced by, e.g., we must use a velocity field that is independent
10%. A problem arises with nonhorizontal of dip and that means that stacking velocities
layering and this is the usual case. The reflection may be problematic (see above). After migration,
points (or amplitudes) of tilted layer boundaries the section will be converted to a depth section
are plotted in the stacked section normal to the with adequate velocity information (true medium
surface but their true location is normal to the velocity).
layer (Fig. 4.2.15). This is corrected for by a
process called migration.
4.2.5 What can we expect? Results

The results of a (conventional) seismic survey as

described above include:

■ the stacked time section

■ the migrated time section

■ the depth section

■ near-surface velocity and depth model (from

first break analysis)

■ stacking velocity information.

Fig. 4.2.15: Migration principle: the reflection

segment AB moves to segment A’B’ when migrated. The (migrated) depth section that is most similar
to the geologic cross section along the seismic
line is what we want. However, the migrated
section is commonly displayed in time. One
Migration reason for this is that velocity estimation based
on seismic data is limited in accuracy. Therefore,
Migration is an inversion operation involving depth conversion is not completely accurate.
rearrangement of seismic information elements Another reason is that interpreters prefer to
so that reflections are plotted at their true evaluate the validity of migrated sections by
subsurface positions and diffractions collapse comparing them to the unmigrated data.
thus increasing spatial resolution and yielding a
seismic image of the subsurface. As we are The seismic section will be displayed in “wiggle
dealing with buried valleys and their steeply trace/variable area mode” (e.g. Fig. 5.5.8) or a
dipping rims, migration is an indispensable colour scale will be applied to the amplitudes
process. There will be three effects: (1) the dip (e.g. Fig. 4.2.16).
angle of the reflector in the final section is
greater than in the time section; thus migration
steepens reflectors. In Figure 4.2.15 we see that
the dip angle of the reflection segment is
tan(δ) = Δt/Δx and after migration the dip angle
is sin(δ’) = Δt/Δx. And as arc sine of an angle is


Fig. 4.2.16: Effect of migration (example from Ellerbeker Rinne): Left: stacked section, right: migrated section.

4.2.6 Restrictions, uncertainties, error is present at the surface, dominant frequencies

sources and pitfalls above a few tens of hertz usually cannot be
obtained; conversely in areas where the water
Like all geophysical methods, the seismic table is near the surface, data with dominant
reflection method has limitations. Some of the frequencies of several hundred hertz sometimes
restrictions to be considered when selecting can be acquired (Steeples 2005). Another
acquisition parameters are (Steeples 2005): important prerequisite for good results is that a
sufficient impedance contrast is present.
■ the vertical and horizontal limits of resolution
The seismic section may contain some pitfalls:
■ the wavelength and frequency of the
recorded data and the bandpass of the ■ In the case of very shallow reflections,
recording components interference of refractions with reflections is
a major problem. When refractions stack on
seismic sections, they usually appear as
■ the presence of noise from electronic and wavelets whose frequencies are lower than
other cultural sources those of reflections. Refractions must be
removed (muted) during processing.
■ out of plane reflections caused by off-line
geological structures or three dimensional ■ Remnants of air-wave signals may be
features present. These show up as very steep dipping
signals with relatively short wavelength and,
■ velocity variations with vertical and horizontal in the time section, a characteristic velocity of
location in the near surface. 335 m/s. Dependent on the spread
arrangement of the survey they run forward
Vertical resolution decreases with depth as the or backward.
dominant wavelength for seismic reflections
normally increases with depth (due to increasing ■ Surface waves, if not removed carefully
velocity but decreasing frequency). The expected during processing, may stack to reflection
frequency often is difficult to estimate during the like signals especially in the near surface
planning stage of a seismic survey. Near-surface range.
geology and depth of water table may have
strong influences. In areas where thick, dry sand

4.2 Seismic methods

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Summary: Schedule of seismic survey


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