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Structures of Yonaguni

The island of Yonaguni belongs to the Japanese archipelago of Ryūkyū and under the
waters that surround it a series of rock formations that did not seem to have a natural origin were
discovered in 1986, and many experts believe that they are really remains of an ancient city with
more than 10,000 years of antiguaty.

Time after its discovery, a group of scientists studied the zones. Among these stands out
the theory Misaki Kimura who confirmed its existence. According to Professor Kimura's study, the
natural structure was once modified by man.

On May 4, 1998, parts of the island and the monument were destroyed by an underwater
earthquake. This makes it even more interesting the question of how explainable it can be to find,
at 25 meters below sea level, structures that were modified by the human being; It is an interesting
topic in the tourist field as it captures the attention of tourists in researching this aspect and visited
to know it.

The structures of Yonaguni are a set of structures discovered on the Japanese island of
Yonaguni around 1985 by the Japanese submariner Kihachirō Aratake, who found them by
chance at the bottom of the sea. It is a megalith, that probably was out of the sea during the glacial
eras, with forms on its surface that seem to have been carved by the human being.

There has been much speculation about the origin of this monument as it is called in
Japan. For various geologists and historians, the structures could have a natural origin, while
others argue that these structures show an artificial and human work, at least in part.

As dictated by Misaki Kimura in his theory it would be a construction made at least 10

millennia ago, which would make it next to the Göbekli Tepe sanctuary in the oldest known archi-
tectural structure, long before the first buildings of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China
Particularly, according to these theories, a tunnel-shaped structure 1.2 meters high, which
is part of a crack in the stone, would have represented a formidable obstacle to access the rest
of the structure when it was not under water. The crack would also be very peculiar, being com-
posed of calcareous stone, a type of stone that does not exist in the region. Two adjacent circular
holes approximately 2 m deep would not match the rest of the structure, so they would have been
carved. Its purpose would have been the storage of water, although others think it may be the
basis for pillars of some kind. Towards one end of the monument is an oval stone that does not
seem to match the set either.

After the earthquake underwater filming was made discovering new structures never seen
before, whose shape is similar to the Ziggurats of Mesopotamia, with unsuspected characteristics
that, according to some, would disprove their geological origin, making them the oldest buildings
in the world.

In historical and architectural terms, its construction can not be attributed to the kingdom
of Ryūkyū, since historically, the entity is recent (XII-XVII centuries), since until now the tools with
which the structures have been built have not been discovered. and its dimensions are compared
with the Pyramids of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Mexico and Peru. Holes have also been found in the
tops of the structures whose function would be to give foundation to the wooden poles that sup-
ported the roof.

The fact of discarding a geological origin of these findings, found about 25 meters below
sea level, is an important reflection. According to experts, the fact that this structure is submerged
means that when it was built it was on the surface, so it would have to be traced back to the
Pleistocene, when sea levels were much lower due to the fact that most of the water was I found
frozen in the northern hemisphere.

The controversy surrounding the origin of the ruins of Yonaguni remains open. Many ex-
perts claim that they are the work of nature and others claim that they are part of an ancient
oriental civilization. It takes more time researching to clarify the mystery, if it ever reaches any
conclusion. What is true is that you do not need to be part of the debate to enjoy the beauty of
the place. It is a shallow, illuminated and strangely fascinating dive. A true paradise for divers.

Structures of Yonaguni (2018). Online document available at: https://es.wikipe- Query 11/16/18

The submerged ruins of Yonaguni. Online document available at: https://www.japan-ex- Query 11/16/18

The submerged structures of Yonaguni. Online document available at: https://www.aspa-
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legend /. Query 11/16/18

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