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Kowesno 2ke, Kax cama Test, Tak 1 MAHON mM Hamwocrpupyiot BosMoxHocTHCTaKorO noaxorta. [leo $2 {Y'aIitM cs TROpHecKH ero PeaMHIORATS MPH OTOOPE HH OM, KoTopBie OX coGupaeTes BUOAHTE B CROITJAeKCHKOH, Haxoweu, rommatre: cHeTematasieckoe urerine nepX- oaHtYecKOH NevaTH mmteTos BaxHetMILHM YoROBHeM yo~ KOPEHHOTO WayCHUA ASIKA MW MAMOMATHECKHX BEIpa- oxenuil, p WacrHocTH. B neyarH acto HeronssyiTes ‘bpaseonoruveckue sbipaxeHis, 2 HAMOMSI Jerse HOHSTTS i sartonnirte w KoHTeKcTe. (Camcox uenomsosannoit arepatypst Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs, 1997. Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, 1998. Gulland D.M. and Hinds-Hovell D.G. The Penguin Dictionary ‘of English Idioms. London, 2001 Richard Spears and Betty Kilpatrick. NTC's English Idioms Dictionary, Lincolnwood USA, 1993, Kyu A.B. Auro-pycckiit @paseonorwteckait exonaps. — M., 2001. Jlorranmon IIT. Aurno-pycckitt cnobap HantGoree yntorpe= Gurembisrx paseonoriveckix pupaxesul.— M., 2001, act in cold blood delicmaoeame xaadnoKpoeno ‘The judge found that John had murdered his wife cru- elly and in cold blood. — Cyanayeraxtopn, 170 IbKOH 611 cow xeHy ecto KO 1 XABAIHOKPOBHO. ai Vth csi ir iar teen cna mp ‘We will act on your information immediately. — Mpi Gyzem cHicrBoBaTb He3aMeMIMTeNbHO B COOTRET- CTBHH ¢ BallMM CooGuIcHiteM. after all 6 Kouwe Konyoe, ece-maxu After all, the discussions came to a positive conclu- sion. — B konue Kontos, neperowopsi saxon MOOK ‘TeNbHBIM pesyzstaToM. against time ‘Manprowenvo, @ npedeasnote cpoKuu They had to work against time to get the house bull Vin npmuinocs paGorars ovens wanpwxcHt0, WTOGBL SapepiluTs nocrpoitKy 1oMa. agree to sth answer back agree to sth ‘coatamamcn c 4ex-2, Twish you would agree to my request. — JA Gat XoTea, #TOGHI THI CoMMactLICA € Moeii NpocsBott. *air sth out ‘nposempums umo-a. Jane, please air out our woolen clothes. — Ibkeiin, Moxanyitcra, nposerpH Hau weperansie eit. alive and kicking ewe u 300p06; nanon aeusAU She saw Jim 10 years after he had left. She told us that he was alive and kicking. — Ona yaitnena Jbxnma uepes nocite TOTO, Kak o#t vyexat. Ham oa Ckasaila, 470 OH >kKB HF 3n0pon. all aboard ce na nocadky ‘The conductorshouted “all aboard”, and in 30 seconds the train began moving. — Kouayxrop xpiixnys: «Bee sa nocanky», 1 depes 30 cexynmtnoesa tponyacs. alin all paccnampusan sce @ yesoM Allin ll, the trip was a success, — B wenom noegnka Suma yaaunoi. all eyes on sb (Ce 2nasa yempenaeuss na Kozo. The moment we entered the hall, all eyes were on Kax Tomko Mit BOLUTH n 3am, Ree BIOpHLYerpeMNIICE wa Hac. ‘allow for sb or sth ‘npedyemompem weo6xoduNoe Koaurecmeo 4620-1 (iutu dononnumensnoe opens); npedeudens, yeecms sumno-n. ‘Allow foran extra guest when setting the table tonight. — Haxpotnas ita ctor nevepom, nocrast mpuGop ene a8 ‘oguioro rocra all over the place noaciody ‘The kids throw their shoes all over the place. ~ PeGara pas6pacuinaior cow oGynb m0 Bceit KBap- rupe. allright aa “xopowa, 200H0 = Come back, quickly! — Bosspauiaiies Gxierpee! = Allright, P'ilbe back — —Jlanro, # nepriyce vepet in 5 minutest Smnnyr. all the same ‘ace paaio; Gespaanuyno Let's have dinner. It's all same to me where we go. — Tazaitre nooGenaen. MHe Bce pablo, Kyaa Mbt TOft~ eM. and how! ceme Gt, oven dame — Does she really love him? — Onia a. caMom stent amioGur ero? = Ohyes, and how! ~ Onna, ovens nae! *answer back depaums, ozpovsamoca Do what you are told, and don’t answer back! Tlenait, v70 Tee rowopsr, He orpsisaiics! u argue away ask sh into) some place “argue away dorcasams necocmonmensnocnre (doaoda, eospascenteurn.n,) He argued away reasons given by his opponent. — (On Roxasan HecocTosTeNbHOCT® OBOOB cHoeTo on noxexra. *argue for [in favour of] /against (sb or sth) npueodums doeodts 3a wmu npomue (kaz0-21., 420-2.) We argued in favour of her marriage. — Mut npiponiim xonomt & nonbay ee saMyxecrRa. around (round) the clock pyenocymoxno He is so tired; yesterday he worked round the clock. — Ot: Tax yeran; Buepa on paGoTan Hem H HO‘IO, arrive at sth puta x KaKOMY-n. Dewenuio; docmucamy wee0-1 Have you arrived at a decision? — Tiputian au ra peurene? asa last resort ‘expaiuem cayae Asa last resort she will perform surgery. — Ona mponeaer xupyprueckyio onlepartno ToAbKo & kpaiinem cutysae, as a matter of fact a canon dere, @ deiicmeumeasnocmu Asa matter of fact, John came 5 minutes before you. — Ha camom stexe J>Kon putes 3a 5 sannyt 10 Te6s. asarule ax npasuno Asa tule she comes in time. — Kax npapisto, o#a npHxoaitr nonpens. as busy asa bee sane, Kak nueaka It’s the end of the month, and he is as busy as a bee. — Cefivae Kortent Mecstia, 1 OH SaHbrT, KaK TI¥eMKa. as far as I (he, she, efc.) am concerned ‘camoeit mouku apenus; 4mo kacaemen sens (e20, €¢um.0.) As faras I’m concerned, I don’t intend togo the party. ‘ro KacaeTen Mer, 70 He HaMepeBawOcb WITH Ha Be Mepitigy. as far as possible Mackoasxo 3m0 603mO3KH0 ‘We should try to come in time, as far as possible. ~ Mui novktpt nlocraparscs mpHtittH BospeMi, HaCKONb- KO 9TO BOSMOxHO. as for ‘mo acaemca As for Mr. Nelson, he always had $100 in his pocket. ~ Uro Kacaeres: mucrepa Hembcowa, To y Hero Bcerna 65410 cro noNIapoR 8 KapMarte. as good as done ‘nowmu cdenano ‘The report is as good as done. — Oruer nour rotoe, asif (as though) ‘kak ecru Oss, en08K0 He looked at meas hough he saw me forthe frst time, ~ ‘On nlocmorpen Ha Mens, ctopHO BAe Metix BnepARie ask sb in(to) some place ‘onpocums koe0-2. saitmu Kya. She asked him into her house. — ‘Ova nonpocwa ero salttH K Heit B om. slong 25 (0 longs) as long as (so long as) pu setneuy nora fou can go wherever you like, so lo You can go wherever yo ng as you come back ‘Tat MoXeUIb HATH, Kyna XoveuD, Nps yenopin, uro BepHeurics x nitrH wacan. as luck would have it Kevaemuo As luck would have it, they reached home safely despite the hurricane. K cxacteio, ot zo6pernch.tomoi, tec Morps ta yparat *ask (sb) out npuznacums kazo-1. kyda-2, He asked her out to the concert. Ox npurnacun ee Ha Kormepr. *ask (sb) over npuenacums kozo-n. @ 2ocmu She asked her neighbour to come over on Saturday. — Ona npurnacua cocesta npHitrH n rocrH cy66ory. as soon as possible ‘kax wooeno panbwe Please come as soon as possible, — Toxanyitera, npixoai kak MOXHO partite. ‘soon as you wish (as you want to) ‘aK monexo nooweaaeute (2axoxewb) You can leave school as soon as you wish, — Ta Moxkeums yittat 13 uikon, KaK TONEKO NOKENAeIIE, as the ease may be 6 3agucwnocmy om oGcmoamenvems When he got his salary, he would buy the kids a toy, a chocolate or a book, as the case may be. — at first sight (at first glance) Korga ou noayuan saprutary, oH moKynam JleTaM MP~ DYRIKy, LIOKOMAN WHIM KHIOKKY, B 3ABHCHMOCTH OT O6- cTosremscrs. as things stand now ‘npu danwoM nanoowenuu eweit ‘As things stand now, we cannot afford to buy anew car. — Tipy naHHoM OOXCHMM HeUIelt MBL He MOKEM NO- 3nOMIHTa Cee KYIINTE MOBYIO MALIHHY. as quickly as you can ‘max Boicmpo, Kak cmoneetut Please write the letter as quickly as you can. ~ Tloxanyitcra, narmmunire mitcbMo Kak MoxHo Osterpee. at all costs (at any cost) 20 uno 6 mo nu caso He had to leave the country at all costs. — (On nomxeH 6401 noxiMIyTSCrpAHy BO 470 Ge TO HN CTO. at aloss @ nedoymentus Tam at a loss to understand how this could have happened. — $1 8 HeaOyMeNTHH, KaK STO MOTO CHTYSHTECS. at arm’s Fength na pacemosnu 5: Jim wanted to get closer to Mary, but she kept him at arm's length. — SLxnm xores cOmmaurrsca ¢ Mapit, Ho oma tepxaria ero xa paccTosiHitt, at first sight (at first glance) ‘enepadeo 6320800 Teas love at fist sight. ~ Bro G1r1a moGons c MepRoTO BINA. 4 2 ong lst i ack aay i = at (long) last | On Moxer sanntxrtes GoKcoM TomSKo LeHoFFenoero akoney, @ Kone KonYOe _-azoponts At last he was allowed to go free. — ' Haxontex emy paspeumun nisittn na cnoGoay. ~ atthe same time atleast no mensielt nepe ‘We haven't seen her for at least 7 years, — Mot ne prunes ee no Menburett Mepe 7 ner, at length demaneno, nodpobi0 He focused at length on better housing. — (Ou noapo6Ho oeTaHoBntca Ha RoNpocax yaysuTEHHA KUTA, atonce Ko20-s, ‘The children called me names because I was ginger. — Aent oGsnipan Mens, Tak KaK 1 OBL PHEKTIM, call on sb nocemume x020-A, _ My father’s friends eall on him every Sunday. — ‘Apysba mozro orua Haseumuor ero Kaxoc BocKpece- He, *eall sth off omsenume 4mo-2 We had to call the party offbecause I was sick. — Han mpiiuioce orMeHitTh BevepAEKY HS-3a Moet 6O- nesni. *eall (sb) out call (sb) up ‘avizeamis (oc0Genno no mpeeoce); noseonums KOMY-a nO mesegory The fire brigade was called out at 6 o'clock in the mor- ning. ~ Tloxapras oman Os0ra sursnarta 0 6 acon Y7pa. She'll cal you up this evening. ‘Ona nosnouur Ban nesepom. carry away ‘yenekam (0 wyscmee) ‘He was carried away by the music. My3tika 3acTapiaa ero 3a6bITb 060 BCeM. *earry (sb or sth) off ‘eviuzpamb; anime usu YEpacms KOeO-A. uau HMA. Tack carried offal the school prizes. — ‘TBxek sancenan («2aGpan) noe wkoNbHBe MPHSBI ‘Somebody carried off the new computer. ~ Kro-ro craumiun Hons KoMMDIOTep. *earry on sth ‘enpaesamcn ¢ eM 1; emu Beno 25643 as carry om with sb checkin Rising costs made it extremely difficult to carry on the business. — SanmMatcn Sustiecom cTano Overt TPYAHO 13-58 BOI- acranoutix sarpar. carry on with sb gaupmosams, unemo c Kex-1. 10606Ky10 CARs» His wife is carrying on with the postman. — Ero 2xeHa HaxOUHTCA B JOGOBHOH CBAIH ¢ MOYTANEO- HOM. *earry out sth @edroanume unu ocyiycemeums umo-2. She carried out her promise. — Ona saintonmna cBoe oGeuiaHie. They carried out the experiment according to the sche- dule, = (Onin nponenn axcrepmment 8 HaNeveHHti CPOK. ‘catch up (with sb or sth) oenams Koe0~1. uau wmo~n. In half an hour we managed to catch them up. ~ Mepes nosaca Ham yaaocb Hx a0TuaT. eave in (fo sth) ‘cdamees;; noddamses weMy-2, ‘They didn’t cave in and went on fighting. — Onty He nowanHes HarHeKy MpoaOMERATH cpaxaTh- chance (up) on sh or sth cayuaiino naiimu Koeo-a., umo-a Tchanced on an old man who happened to be my fr end. — A caysaiiuo Harkiytea Ha crapiika, KoTOpBIH OKaSaA- © MOHM IpYTOM. change into ‘npeepauam ‘The magician changed a hen into a rabbit. @oxyenink npenpari Kypwity 8 KpomKA. ‘change one’s mind repedynarnib Aer being together for two years, we changed our minds and decided not to get married. — Tlocxe oro xak Mi npoxtuan pMecTe pa TOM, Mt TnepenyMasit m pel He 2KEHATECH charge off ‘uucmpo ydaaumecn He got angry and charged off into the forest. ‘On paccepawica u Gsicrpo yaanurcs B nec. chase around (after sb or sth) _Memames @ NOUCKe KO20-A. Unt 4220-2. ve been chasing around after their wedding present, ALMcTavies B nOMCKe cBalleGHoro MloMApKa WIA HUK. ehase away ‘omoenams Johin chased the dog away. — ‘Ibxou orornan cobaxy (I1po%n) ‘chase back ‘sazname obpamno He chased the bull back with a whip. — (On naerKofl sara Guika oGparHo. check in (to sth) ‘sapecucmpuposamscs 20e-1., Hanpumep, zocmunuiye I’m in a hurry to check into the hotel. — 51 roporumoch aperiucrpHponaTsca B rocTHMMHe. uM 38 check up come dom check up nposepurs She checked up the timetable. — Ona nposepwra pacmmicarrue. cheer (sb) up ‘nodGodpume Koeo~a When his wife was sick, James tied to cheer her up by telling her funny stories. — Korna xerra bonema, JLxeiime crapanest €e non6on- iT, paccKassinasi el cMeMMble MCTOpHM. clamp down on sb or sth okasamb daanenue Ha kozo-2. ‘The police have clamped down on the band of hooligans. — Tommi npunsiia xeeTKHe Mepbl B OTHOUIEHHH 6atl- BL XYITHTAHOB. *elear up nponchumsca Look! It’s beginning to clear up at last. — Cmorpa! Hakoneu HasuiHaer mposicHsTEcs, climb down cresams; mpusnansen # cosepuennolt ouutne, @ nopa- eens He climbed down the tree. — On ones c xepena. He was forced to climb down and admit his mistake. ~ (On Gsur piinyakneH comachTbcs c nlopaxeHHeM H pH aT» CBO OUSHOKY. *elose down saKpuaanne; npexpamums paGomy ‘The factory was closed down, — aGpunky saxpsuin. come about ‘enywameen, npoucxodume How did this carnival come about? Kax posix ator kapHaua? *come across (sb or sth) ‘cayuailuo natimu Ko20-a., 4m0-2 JLcame across this wonderful dictionary in a small library. — ‘ALcaysallivo oGHapyxkia sTOT samevarenbHLIH cHOBADE BManeHbKoit GHOMMOTEKE. come along (with sb) npolimu ky0a-. 6 conposoacdenuu K020-2 Come along with me, young man. We are going to the police station. Tipofisemre co muxo¥i, Mosioxoti YenopeK. Mux Hem B mommtteHtCKHik Y4aCTOK. ‘Come away from there, you are in danger. ~ Yiuurre orryna, aM or1acHo. come away empty-handed ‘epnymsca ¢ nycmaenu yan He went on abusinesstrip to Paris but came back empty- handed. — (On: noexan » nenosyio noeaaxy » Tapiox, Ho BepHyn- eae myers pyxaut *come down ‘obpytuumvca; cuusumoca ‘The ceiling came down on his head. — Tlora70x o6pyuinites emy Ha ronoBy. ‘The temperature came down quite unexpectedly. ~ ‘Temmepaypa cHiswiack Z0UonHO HeOxuNaHIHO. ” come from come rue ‘come from um» podom us All these people come from Russia. ~ Bee ari atoakt porto #3 Poceit. come in nosenxmocs (cmanoeumbes ModNbM); noRanamen 6 pe- syatsmarme suiBopos; eemynamy 6 uepy (cmanosumen co- yacmnuon) When did women’s trousers come in? — Korma nospinacs mona Ha 2XeHickite GpIOKit? Ifthe Democrats come in I will be satisfied. — Eon x pact mpsinyr ewoxpaTis, s yny TOBOTeN. That’s allright, but when do I come in? — 370 ace xopomo, Ho Kora Xe & BeTyNalo B HEpy? come in handy okasamees noxesnsm; npuzodumven The old handbag came in handy. — Crapas cymxa npurosvtrace, *eome off cocmonmeca Sorry, the experiment didn’t come off. — Manunure, akcrepamenr He coctosics. *eome out nozaasmscs, abixodum; cmanosumbea UseecmNen Iwas fascinating to see the moon come out. Tannen ayris 64110 oyaponaterbHbIM 3pemMitieM. Ifthe truth ever comes out it will be a relief for many. cau npanita xorja-nnGyab crater nsbecTHa, 370 Gy- eT OG/EMEHKEM JI MHOTHX. come to blows cyenumsca, yompoums dpaxy ‘These two women came to blows in the restaurant. — Dru abe xeHIIUREI YoTPOWLIE ApaKy B pecToparte. ‘come to grips with sh or sth acmynum ¢ Dopsby c KeM-2. usu cHeM-A. ‘These two guys are just waiting fora chance to come to grips with one another. — ‘Sri ana apy TOABKO HL KAYT enya, TOGH CHEMIE ‘on ApYt ¢ mpyTOM. ‘come to light ‘emanooumben useecmusot Ifyou hadn’t found the letter, hercriminal record would not have come to light. — Eco Onc Tbt He Halen MHCEMa, ee KPHMUHaTbAIOe MpO- mmn0e ocTaxOce Gb HeNIBECTHBIM. come to nothing, oxonmumeca tures, nposaaumses His new method of treating diabetes came to nothing. — Ero Hopntii mero aevestus aniaGera popanwica ‘come to terms with (sb or sth) CMUpUmeca c KeM=2. unl ¢ Yext-a It took them a whole year to come to terms with their new living conditions, ~ Siautb wepes ron nm cMMIpHATHcS ¢ HOBEINE AHEM HBIMH YCTOBAI, come through nponuxams ‘The water is coming through. Boga npocasunaeres. *come true ‘cmanoaumeca peasexocmbo 38 8 001 down When she married, all her dreams came true. — Korsa oa nbiuuia samyk, Boe ee MeuTBI COBLIMCD. cool down (or off) ‘oxnadums, ocmydums; ocmydume veil-mo mesa Here’sa cold drink to cool you down. — Bor tebe xononHsiit nanwTox, sTo6sr octyamTs ce6s. It took us an hour to cool him down after the fight. — Tlocme apakst 1aM mputitoct n revenue vaca ocTyxari ero mtn, count on ‘paccuumbeams Ha Ko20- He counted on his friend. — (On paccusersisait ua Caoero apyra *eover (sth) up ‘cxpusams (npasonapyurenue u m1.) ‘The truth about the crime was (intentionally) covered up. — Tipanaa o npecryrunesit Gsura (ywsiuiTeHHo) cxpsrra crack a joke ‘omnyemume wymy My father came from Odessa, and liked to crack a joke once in a while. — Moit oreu pozoM ns Ogecesr x moGiur Hspemka ornye~ THT INyTKY. crack down (sb or sth) npueecmu 6 deticmeue cmpozue Mepes omnocumeneio 020-8, ut 4e20-2, It’s about time they cracked down on the racists. — Tlopa npuneuuite xecrene mepsi npoTHB pacucros. *eross sb or sth out ‘@SCUEPKHYIMS KO20-A. UAL UMO-R. Ue CNCK A cut sb or sth short Please cross me out, I'm not going. — __ Hoxanylicra, sbivepkeute mens. He noeay. ery over spilt milk zopesamy 0 enonpacumom P'msorry that you broke your radio set, John. But there is nothing that can be done now. Don’t ery over spilt milk! — Kas, ¥T0 Ti caoMa cool panwonparentine, JLxoH. Ho witvero He Tloxenaeums. Caesanit ropio He HOMO- eb. ery wolt ‘noduumams 2o2xHyr0 mpeaoey Pay no attention. He's just crying wolf again, — He o6pamtait seuwanna, Ox ons riominaer 10%- xyio tpepory! ‘cut back (on sth) ‘aera «mo-n ‘This family will have to cut back on its spending, — Sroli cembe npruieves yMeHBUNHITE pacxons!. cut down (on sth) Menbuums nompeGnenue 420-2. ‘The doctors told Mike to cut down on smoking. oxtopa norpeGoranu ot Malika, «706s OH MeHBLLe Kypua. cut it out npexpamum «no-a, “Cut it out!” cried John as Fred continued to swear, — «Tlpexparu oto!» — xpuuan JbKox, noxa ®pen npo- osvkan cKDepHOCKORUTE. ‘cut sb or sth short ‘pepsams Koe0-A. uau 4mo-2. 0 4 dance on a volcano ine out I’msonry to cut you short, butit’s ime for me to leave. die away (die down) apuntre, 170 5 sac ripepeisato, Ho Me NOpa yXOIHTS. OctaGesame, nocmenenno ucvexame; mepamb cosnanue ‘The noise gradually died away. — lym noctemrenno crm. q die off dance on a volcano yauupams odun 3a dpyeune epambe oenen She’s dancing on a volcano and risks being left by her husband. — Onia nrpaer c orvem 1 pHeKyer OuiTb GpoweHHoit cxo~ AM MyxeM dance to sb’s tune rnaacame nod 4510-2. AyOKY Mr. Turner always dances to the tune of his boss. Mucrep Topuep aceraa niauer og, ysiky cBocro xo- asia, dare say nonazam», dymame; oemeaumoca cxasame I dare say he will come only in 3 days, Ocatemiocn ckasaT», OH MpHACT TOMBKO Hepes 3s. dash off yacamocs ‘Mary dashed off and left me behind with the angry customer. Mapa ynsiaiace, ocTaRHS MeHS € CepmHITBIM NOKYIa~ resem. deep waters jampydnumensioe noxomentie 'm afraid they got into deep waters. — Boioce, ro ov nomaiiH B SaTpyAHirTensHoe noO2Ke- ‘The leaves of this plant are dying off. — Jers aroro pactenis oTMMpalor ome 3a ApyTHN. *die out cuuntupame; yemapeoams Lam the last of the family, soit will probably die out. AA nocaemnti 13 cemBit, TAK NTO OHA, BEpORTHO, He~ uesHer. This fashion died out half a century ago. — ‘Dra Moua yerapenta tronneKa Tomy nasa. dig down ‘Koname eenyGv; pombca @ kapmanax ‘We will have to dig down to reach the cable. — Ham npmerea KonaTs sray6b, noKa He ocTUTHEM Kaen. Please dig down. We need every dollar you can spend. — Topoitrecs 8 kapmariax. Han Hy xen KaxAMIT OsLap, Koropsiil mb MoxeTe MCTPaTHTE, ‘dig (sb or sth) out ‘euukanvisam Let's dig these bones out of the soil and send them to the museum. — Alapaitre weuxonaeM 97H KOCTH M MOWLIEM Wx B My3eH ‘dine out ‘obedams ene dona (6 pecmopane u m.n.) Tove to dine out: we don’t have to cook. — 2 8 dispose of sth JI overt» m0Gi0 oGesaTD Tie-HNGysb: HAM He Hao FOTOBHTD. dispose of sth usGagaamven om wee0- He didn’t know how to dispose of his revolver, ~ (On ne sta, xax ns6aBHTsea OT penonBpepa. do away with sh or sth. usbiaeumben om Koe0-A. wits 4e20-A. ‘That department was done away with last year. — Orstoro oreneHn nsbasiuMcs B pOULIOM rony. do as you would be done by nocmynaii ¢ dpyeunu max, Kak mot Gui Xomes, umobes nocmynaau ¢ mocoit Would you like to be treated by Bill in the way that you are behaving in respect to him? Of course not! So, do as you would be done by! — Xoren Gut Toi, w70H Bu oGpauiaes ¢ TOGO, KaK ‘Tet c HUM? KonewHo, Her! Tora noctynalt Tak, Kak ‘ret xoTet Gui, HOGI HOcTynaut ¢ TObOI, down-to-earth npwsesteneat, npaxmusnesit She was surprised that such a down-to-earth charac ter like Jim decided to go on a travel to space next year. — Ona ymasunace, To [bes ¢ TAKHM MpHSeMIICHHEIM xapakTepom, RApyr peuiiul OTripasitTbcsl B KOCMOC B Gy ayuleM Tony. draw away ‘yoodum», omenexams She drew Mr. Stevenson away fiom his work, — (Oni ormaexna merepa Critbenicoxa oF pabora. 4 eee dress rehearsal 2enepaibnag penemunus This was a dress rehearsal for his presentation at the conference, — Sro Guuza retepanbHas peneruus nepex npeneTan- JIeHMeM ero noKana Ha KortdepeHtLA. dress up naprocameca, nepeodesamscn It takes her two hours to dress up before the concert. — Ona Hapsxaetes B TeYeHMe {BYX HACOB Tepes, KOH- ueptom. drive away ‘omreesakcam; npozovams Tentered the house and he drove away immediately. — SL 3am11a OM, HW OH HEMEsUIEHHO VEX, drive on npodoncams nyms ‘She went out of the car, and he drove on. — Ona Bummora ws Mamie, WOH Mloexam nambuTe. drive sb crazy esodtums Koz0-1. ¢ yma All these telephone calls are driving me mad, — Boe atH Tenedboxtite 3HOHKH CHOSIAT MeN ¢ YMA, drive (it or sth) home yedum’s ko20-2. 4ex-2. ‘Why do I aways have to shout at you to drive something home? — Tlowemy # nonken soerna KpHYaTh Ha TeGR, ¥TO68! 20 ‘res nOWLI0? *drop bebind ‘omemasamt fall apart At first she was winning the race, but later dropped behind. — (Crrasiana ona penrpeibasta roNKy, Ho sarem oTeTara, drop in ‘saznndueame, saxodums He dropped in at Victor’s place. — On sarsianysi x Buxropy ono drop out of sb's sight ewesuyme us ¥sec0-2. nons spentn All of a sudden she dropped out of his sight. — (Ona napyr Hevea ws ero no. spent E ease off cmam Mewee nanparcouneim ‘The storm eased off. — Byps yaernace. *eat one’s hat ‘obewams cOesamb umo-a. NesoxMancnoe, ecaut mu He pas (Gyke. «cecemt coor waany>) Pileat my hat if you get a pay rise. ~ SI chem CROW HINA, CCAM TA TOMY'HIlis MOBEIMICHHE sapmmarst. eat up oedams My brother always eats up his food. ~ ‘Moii par cesaer ace, 470 y Hero 1a TapeNKe. end up saKanwugamocs, npexpawamees ‘The meeting ended up in a fight. ~ Berpeva sakowsiunace mpaKoit. end up somewhere ‘oxasamoca 2de-2. Ifyou don’t stop the dirty business, you'll end up in jail, — Ecau TS He Mpexpatuin 9TOT rpssHAH OHaHeC, TH KOH'HUIS TOPEMOH. essential goods ‘moeapet nepaoii weoSxodumocmu They didn’t earn enough money to buy even essential goods, — On He 3apa6arbinanu nocratouHo weHer axe [IA TOKYNKH ToBapoR Mepsoll HeOBxOAUMOCTH. “even up cpasisms cvem They evened up (the score) by the end of the football match. — K Konuy dyréomsHoro Marva OHM cpapHsLun cver. every bit ce, eect He ate every bit of the cake. — (On ctes neck Topt Ges ocrarka. every time ‘020d Ot Mun, ace2da, Kade par Every time he speaks out, people leave the hall. — Kak pas, Kona OH BaicTyTiaeT, MOH MOXHAIOT 3. F *fall apart ackosomecs Na Kyeku, paseaaumocr This old car is about to fall apart. — ‘Sra crapas wauutta noT-nor pasRanutes. 46 9 {all bind with sth first things Hirst fall behind with sth ne yonemt umo-2, cdenams sospenst Jane fell behind with her work and had to explain to the boss. — bkeiin we yertena cnesars paSory Bonpems, Het MpHt- uuloce OGBACHATBCA C XO3THHOM. “fall in nocmpoumen 6 wepeney ‘The soldiers fell in quickly. — Comarst Guicrpo nocrponmce, fall short (of sth) He cymems docmuznyme yen ‘We fell short of our goal and earned only $1000. — Mat He eon ocTHrHy Hemi W SapaGoramit JN 1000 nonnapos. fed up with sth ‘cum no copao ‘They're fed up with the noisy neighbours. — (Omit cs1mat no ropo cHoHH WiyMHBIMIE COCeABIMA, feel fit swyocmeoeams ceb sdoposwun, Sumo a pope Ifyou want to el fit, you should do your morning exer- cises. Ect on xotirre Gorrs 8 dbopae, aenaitre yrpeHEt010 ‘apa. feel free to do sth feecmu cob max, Kax 6ydmo meGe paspeweno M0. cdesams Please fee! free to take anything from the refrigerator, — Toxanylicra, Gepure 13 KOTOMHUTbNMKA Dee, *T0 BAM HYKHO. 4s around (with sth) Ganosamsen, eosumucs ¢ ¥eN-2 My brother i fiddling around with his car engine. — Molt Gpar sosures ¢ msuratesteu apToMOOisit. fill (sth) in | sanoanume nycmee aecma (8 arkeme) neoéxodusoii un _ gopwayuett Please fil in this form. — Tloxanyiicra, saronminre ory anxery. {find oneself doing something “ edenamo umo-. neoreudannoe das cebn _ When I heard the terrible news, I found myself crying. — Koraa a youstuaa a1y ykacnyio nonoers, s paca xanach, *find out pazysname, awacnume Please find out when he is likely (o arrive. ~ Tloxanylicta, ystalite, Kora 0H, B0aMOxHO, MpHeseT fine state of affairs Henpusmuce cocmonnue dea Thisisa fine state of affairs, and it’s entirely your fault. — Bor sro nena! Mace ao no Teoeti pine. fire away Hawunamy xmo-a. Benam; daeait! Ifyou want me to hear your complaints ~ fire away! — Ecmt put xorme, aToGut x stenyian nac, aanatire, awiattrel first things first Genams cnarara nauGoxee oacrentie dead Do your homework now and then go out to play. First things first. — 0 foxsth up ‘enait cpow momaunuor paGory cefivac, a 3arem mai! urpars. ro Baxkxee, 10 Healt cHavasa, fix sth up (for smb) ‘pzanusoeam 4mo- (088 K020-8.) John couldn’tget an appointment, but | fixed it up forhim.. FLOW He eMor npeaBapHTenbHo BAMACATLe, HO Kero yeTpown Ha mpHeM. “flare up ‘umo-a, eeneocuaaem na Kopomkoe pes Just wien he thought the conflict had been resolved, it flared up again. — Toabko oH TORYMaM, TO KOHGMIMKT YaaxeH, Kak OF DeITERKHYT BOB. fy in che ointment -Maneroxoe nenpusmtioe oGemoamenvemso, Komopoe oce nopmum (aoaexa déems ¢ Goue meda) ‘We enjoyed the pla, but the lyin the ointment was that wwe could not find our car afterwards. — Mui oaysioms yzonoascrBHe OT NlocTaHOBKH, HO 0- cana Gita B TOM, 410 Moese MpedCTABMEHN MB HE ‘Mormit Waitt cooelt mautMee. foam at the mouth ‘Speiszame carol; npuiumu @ Gewencmoo Bill foamed at the mouth with rage. — Busut npnuten » Geuencrso. follow in sb’s footsteps ‘eredosaims ‘went mpunepy, nollie no Hsus-n. moran She followed in her father’s footsteps, and went into medicine. ~ (Ona nounza 110 cronam cBoero oTua 1 sanaace MeaH- uno, for the time being suit caedosame wveny-1. npunepy She went to work in the bank and hersister followed suit. — ‘Oua niousa paGorare 8 Oaitk, Mee cecrpa nocatesowa~ sa ee mpnepy. around aypanumvea, eaasme dypaxa That boy spends most of his time fooling around. — Dror wambsiMK MOMYCTY TPATHT CBOE BpEME, RAZR AY~ aKa. for better or for worse pu srob0ex yexneusz; umo 6 au cayrunoes ‘He married her, for better or for worse. Kayes nit xymmemy, Ho oH Ha weit xen for good maeceeda He finally left home for good. — BXOHIIE KOHUOB OH OKMHY' NOM Hapeeraa. for one’s (own) sake padu xo20-1. 1 did it for my mother’s sake. — Acaenan 370 parm Moell marepH. for sure es connenua Pm going alone, and that’s for sure. ~ Bes comHenns, # ormpanssioce osu, forthe time being noxa, na epee Thisis al right for the time being. — Hloxa nce » nopanke. si foul play et a word foul play pecmynaenue, oco6euno yutiemeo ‘The police investigating the death suspect foul play. — Tlommauss, paccaeayouas emepte, norospesact, 410 | ona ne Guia ecrecTBentofl. if gain the upper hand GAM dep Had KeM-A. The boxer from the small African country proved to be ‘much stronger and gained the upper hand. — Boxcep 13 Maenbkolt adbpuxanickolt ctpanibl oka- Sa70H MansOro CHADHEE HB3AX BEPX Ha CONepH- fresh blood KOM. cocseue cust | This firm needs some fresh blood on its board to bring | gain time new ideas. — | eewepame opens ‘Sroll bupMe HYAHE Cpe CHIBI BMpARIEHMM, HTO- | Gu NosBINIHcb HoBHIE HEH. from day to day | 20 dis @ dens Things change from day to day. Beé menxeres exemeono, from the bottom of one’s heart | ‘om ecezo cepdua She thanked her saviour from the bottom of her heart. ~ ‘Oita Gnaronapiza caoero cnacitreasl OT Boero cepa. | Help was coming, so he was gaining time to stay alive, — ‘Onxiuiaiac NoMoUL; OH BBIMTpEIBAT BPEMA, TOO! OCTaTSCH BKHEBKX. get a black eye ony cunK nod 2aazox He got a black eye after John hit him. — Y wero mosbivien CHHSNK OK T1a90M Noes TOTO, KaK TbxoH ero yaapien get akick out of sth ‘noaysume yOosonsemaue om 4220-2, KO20- She always gets a kick out of my jokes. — from the heart (Onia Bceraa tonysaet yAOBOKCTAIE OT MOHX ULyTOK. ‘om dy ‘We know that her kind words come from her heart. get licking Mai araen, 470 ee n0Gpbie croBa Hayt oT nyMEM. ume nobumour 6 dpaxe You'd better go away if you don’t want to get a lic~ king. — ‘TeGe Goi myaue yOpareen, ecaH He xOYEUTD GsiT® 110- Gurpim. sain ground hpevenesams, deaame yenext, noayvams ecé Consuee get a word pacrpocmpanenue hnoapumo cnoso Their ideas are gaining ground. — Hix wien noyuaior scé Gonbulee pacnpocrpaenne. could hardly get a word in that debate. SLe TpyAOM Nor osY4HTS COBO B STH AMCKYECHIL 2 3 round “get around nepedsuzamocn The old lady couldn't get around without a car. — (Crapast ania He Morsa nepensurarica Ges wanints. get along without sth ixodumocs Ges wee0-. The kids will have to get along without ice cream. — PeGsran npietca 0GoitrHct Ges MopoxeHoro. get away with sth edenams 40-2. naoxoe GesnaKkasanno She thinks that she can get away with anything. — Estxaxeres, 170 0114 MOKeT BEITBOPATE Bce NTO yro- Ho GesHaxasanHo. get better uenpasumecs, nonpasumecs My sister is ill, but I think she’s getting better. — Mos ceerpa Sonbiia, Ho st rotaraio, 470 ona nompas- aseres. get down to business ‘npuemaynum deny ‘We've had a nice chat. Now, let’s get down to bus ness. — Mii ciasxo nobonramm. A Tenepb XaBail npHcTynHM K ery. get even (with sb) pacewumanen Jack got even with the hooligan by hitting him back. ~ ‘Tixek pacesirancs c xyAKraHOM, saB eMy CaM. get fresh sadupamses, naxaaenuvams Don't get too fresh with me! — Tlepecranp saanparica! hold of sb or sth docmams umo-s., canzamecs ¢ KeM-A. I'm trying to get hold of the new novel. — SI crapaioce ocrar» HoBetit poMan. get in sb’s way eneuuoamoce 6 tee-n, dsuowenue, Hamepenue Please, don’t get into Peter's way, he’s driving his car out of the garage. — Tloxanyitcra, He saropaxnnaltre xopory Ilirepy, ott BhesxaeT H9 rapaka. get in touch with sb noddepacusams censbe Kea-2. He tries to keep in touch with his relatives. — On crapaetes nomepxHBaTs CBAIIb CO CROUMH por crpenHKannt. et into a mess enymamscs nenpuamnyio wemopuio Stop going around with those suspicious guys or you'll et into a mess. — Tlepecrarts soamrscs c arvau tonospute:nbiibinit ap HOIMHL; TH MOXeLLID WAVINATLCA B HerIpHATTHY!O HeTO- pio. get into full swing Oeuzamoes 6 ranpacaenuu MakcunaasHol axmuano- mu By the time they reached the park, the celebration was in full swing. — K romy spemeimn, Kora onn npyuine 8 napx, mpasm- HOBAHHE Yrke MIO TOMHEEM XOTOM. 34 55 et involved getout ofhand get involved Okasamscn caRzanttun c HEM. I don't advise you to get involved in that quarrel. — Aue coneryw TeGe BEsIIHIHATKCS B TTY COPY. get lost ‘nomepsinves ‘The whole company got lost in the woods. — Bea KoMTIaHMs saGryaNutach B.eCy. get moving navams de20, paGomams ayuue u Guiempee It’s already 6 o'clock. Let’s get moving. — Yixe 6 waco. Jlawaiire naunem neiicrsoxatD. *eet off ‘enycmumees ¢ 4620-1. ‘Tom, get off the roof immediately! — ‘Tow, HemesienHo cess ¢ KpLKIH! get on sb’s nerves ottemeosam na Hou-2, Hepes Al this noise is getting on my nerves, ~ Bech 2707 WyM seilerByer MMe Ha HepBEs. get on with sb aad ¢ Kest-2. How does Anna get on with her husband? — Kax 970 Ania samuat co cnount MyKeN? get one's hands off sth ‘omnyomunis Koe0-A., 4m0-A Get your hands off my bike! — He rporait mot senocuten! get one’s money's worth ‘noapaume unio-p., onpasdwsasouyee sampams ‘The movie was so bad; we thought we hadn’t got our money's worth. — Kuttokaprimia Guia Haeronbko n10xas, To Mo nO- cunTasM Haun 3aTpaTst WeonpannaHHHne, get one’s say roayums c1060 (sosMoDkeHocms auickasameca) I want to get my say on this topic. — SLxouy pbickasarbea Ha 31y TeMy, get one’s second wind npuobpecmu smopoe duuxanue ‘Mary usually gets her second wind after dinner. ~ ObsrmHo BTopoe muNaHue npuxonuT K Mapit nose 0Gena. ‘get one's way with sb or sth o6umscs, umobe Kmo-1, dena mo, amo xonem dannoe ayo ‘The mayorof the city finally got his way with the council. — Mop ropona B KoHedHoM Hrore soOHIcH or Copera Toro, Yero ow xores. ‘get out (get away) ‘youpaiica That's enough of you. Get out! — C meus xparit. YOupaites! get out of a mess sinymamen us naoxoll cumyayuu Finally, he got out of the mess. — B kone Kontos, o# wsinyrancs 13 HeMpusTHOrO NO- sOKeHs. get out of hand ‘omGumvea om pyr, esiimu us-nod Konmpona 36 ee ae 7 get out of b's way The extremists are getting out of hand, and this ill lead toa calamity. — SkcTpEAMCTH BAINOUET H3-NlO KOHTpOMR, TO MH exeT x GoabuoH Gene. get out of sb’s way ‘yOpamses c uset-n. dopoeu, dcsoGodums dopoey das xo20-1. ‘Sam cried angrily: “Get out of my way!” — (Cos cepnirro kpukHym: «YOupalica ¢ aoporitle get ready (to do sth) ‘npuzomoeumeca 4mo-2, cBenamb its time to get ready. — Topa npurorosurscs. get rid of sth ‘UsGagumses OM KOZ0-2., 4e20~2. At ast he got rid of the bad habit. — Hakowent on 136aBiIes OF STOR nAIOXOH MpHBETIKH. get sick saBonems She got sick and stayed at home. — (Ona saGonexa u octastace oma, get sth off the ground doGumocs: nawana 4e20-s | hope to get this project off the ground by next month, — SI nauueioce AO6HTHCS HaHa STOTO NpoekTa B creMy- rotten wecsie get sth straight ‘40HO Nonsmes HImO=A Its time to get this straight: ['m leaving tomorrow mor- ning. — Tlopa siecti coc: # yesxkawo saptpa yrpOM, get together get the better of sb ‘no6edum» Kae0-2, o6olimu Kozo-2. He tried to get the better of that guy, but did notsucceed, — Ont crapastes oGoitri sToro mapHs, HO 3TO eMy He Ya 0c. ‘get the boot (the sack) Guim yaonennun ¢ paGomeu; Sumo wsenanneis omKy- da-a. ‘You had better work harder; otherwise you'll get the boot. — ‘TeGe cnenosano Gxt paGoraTb ayulue, B MpOTHBKOM ‘enyyae Te6a yons7, get the message ‘noun, umo uncemen ¢ audy I got the message: you want me to leave, — SI TIOHsN, 4TO TH MMEett 8 BHU: Tot XOYELED, TOOL yuien. ‘get through with (sth) ‘saeepuumt wm Tan get through with his letter in 10 minutes. — SA mory npowurars ero mAcMO 3a 10 MKT get to the bottom of sth pasofpamecs ¢ vex-1., do6pamoca do npuaun 4220-2. ‘We must get to the bottom of this strange case. — ‘Mbt t0s0x0bi pasoGparbon ¢ oTHM crpAHHBIM cayya- ew. get together cofpamses auecme ‘We are going to get together with ourschoolmates next ‘Sunday. — Msi coGepemes nmecte ¢ HallIHMH ONHOKAMIHHKAMH B caenyiouiee Bockpecense. 38 9 ‘get under way ‘20 about one’s business get under way nawame, sanyemume amo-2. I'm glad that our project is under way. — Al pax, sro Haut npoexr sanyuren, *get up ‘npocuymecn, ecmamt At what time do you get up? — Korma TH mpocsinaeuiscs? get used to sh or sth [NDUBDIKAYIM K KONYA. K Mea. He can’t get used to his new wife. ~ On ne moxxer mpaBerKHyTs K cpoeft HOBOMI KEKE. get well ‘monpaeumsca ‘Nikolai has been sick fora week, but now he has got well. — Huxonaii Gonest » tevenme HexesH, Ho ceituac oH 110 mpasities. sive an account of sth pacekanamis 0 4eM-2. KOM). He gave an interesting account of his trip. ~ On npeseraniin mrrepeciit paceKas 0 noes nyre- recta, sive and take ‘ezauanese yemynku, KoMnpanuce In this country war will go on until there will be a deal of give and take on both sides. — B sroli crpaxe Boitta npowurrest 20 Tex Top, MoKA Mexkuy cropoHaMt ue Oyster ocTurHyt KoMnpoMuce sive birth to sb podume peGenka She gave birth to her second child last week. — Ha npouurof Hexexe ova poawa broporo peGeHka, sive in to sb or sth cdasamsca unu nodaaamven; coznacumsea He argued but finally gave in to my request. — Ou nocnopun, Ho MoTOM cornacunca © Moci mpocn6oit, ive rise to sth auseame umo-8, Such conduct might give rise to misunderstanding. — Takoe noweneHue MoxeT BLISaTE HENOHUMAHUE, give sh credit for sth ‘npusnasame unu xsanume Koz0-a. sa KaKoll-a nocmynok, detiemaue The coach gave a lot of credit to John for his perfor- mance. ‘Tpenep noxoann Lokoua 3a ero yerteusnoe pbictyniie- Hue, sive way (to sb or sth) noddacamven KoMy-s., veMy-A.; oceo6odume Aopoey OMY, 40H) Don't give way to despair! — He nnagait » orzaninel All the cars gave way to the ambulance. — Bee mania YoTynIaNH Aopory Mauuite exopoit no- Mom 0 about one’s business Sanumamcn ceoun denom (He aMeuusamsca & yyoKue dena) Leave her alone and go about your own business. — Ocran ee B nloKoe m sarniMaiica coouMH jean. a go ahead hand in *go ahead (with sth) ‘mawame tit npodoaoKcum 40-1 Thope we can go ahead with this project next year. — ‘SL vagetock, 170 MBI CMOXEM HavATE BBMOANEHHE STO To mpoekra w GyayueM roay. *go astray ‘colimu cnpaauashoco nymu, nomepsmecs, sa6aydumvca Stay on this road and don't go astray. — Gcranaiies na aro nopore M1te cxOuH € Hee. One ofthe documents you are looking for went astray. — ‘Osmo oxymesTos, xoTOpBIe TH MLeUtL, NoTepALL goback on one’s word 1 depaecams dannoe kowy-t. Gewanue Thate going back on my word, but I won't give you 1000, dollars. = ‘SL repnier» ne Mory Hapyiia7s cx0BO, 110 8 He pinOn- amo coe OGemante wee am ant 1000 xo7U1apon. g0 broke ‘pasopumcn ‘You're going to go broke if you continue to spend money foolishly. — ‘Tut pasopmmes,, ecm Gynenis Tak rayno TpaTHT® JeHBTH. 0 infor sth petenamben went ‘Natasha doesn’t go in for sports. — Harana We ynnexaetes cnoprom. go into effect (or take effect) acmyname @ euay (omnocumeseno saxova, npasu) ‘When does the new law go into effect? — Korna Honniit saxon perymaer B cHuty? a See oe ‘g00d for nothing ‘Hu KMeMy He npueodnesit Peter can’t get a job. He’s good for nothing. — Tltep He MoxeT nonyustte pabory. O HH Ha TO He oxen. go on strike sabaemosams They'll go on strike tomorrow, if their demands are not met. — Sanrpa on saGactyt0T, ecnn wx TpeGonarns ne 6yxyr yitonneTBoperts {20 out of one’s way (to do sth) ‘omxasamves om ceoux npasua (uamenumte ceoun npaeu- 4am), wmo6u cdeaams 4mo-a, padu Koe0-1. ‘We went out of our way to please the guests from abroad, — ‘Mai saacxoorm Hanmi mpasicram pay Toro, robe HuocTpaitiiwe OCTH OCTAIMCY AOBOMbIE had better do sth ‘credosano bv: monn. cdesams (60 usbexcanue nocaed- cmeuil) You had beter do your homework es quit aspossib- le. — Te6e cxenonano 641 BeIMOTHNTS HOMAMHee saqaHHe Kak MOXHO cKopee. hand in epyame, nodasams He handed in his application yesterday. Buepa ort onan sanBnene. 6 hand (sth) out have a good command of stl hhand (sth) out (to sb) ‘pasdaeams wmo-1, Food was handed out to the unemployed. — Tiimy passtaxn GespaGorain. Please hand out these books to everyone. — Tloxanyieta, pasnaitre orn xiurn BceM. hand (sth) over nepedams, aepxyms umo-2. KOMY-n. lease hand over my purse. — Tloxanyticta, aepHn mori xouteeK. hang about (around) with sb ‘mpamunts (npasodume) smozo epeMenuc keM-2. She told her son not to hang around with those big, ‘boys. — Oria ckaaaia caoemy cEIHy, sTOGLI OH He GonTareA ¢ ‘THM Gombunns MaTSSINKaMH. hang on yOepacamvcn; nemnozo nodoxdam’ (uanpunep, ¥ mene- ‘oua) Hang on and we'll rescue you. — Aepxnen, 1 nest TeGn cacem. lease hang on until I get hold of pen. ~ Tloxanyiiera, He knayi TpYOKY, NloKA # He ROCTaHy pysky. *hang together ‘ocmasamoca ameeme fyour group hangs together, you'll accomplish the task. — Eom pauia rpynina 6yster epxaTber BMECTe, BBL BS nonmutre sanartne. “hang up rnoaectms menechonsyto mpytky oa pee ae oS Ifyou have called up a wrong number, apologize before you hang up. — can bit BhisBamN He ToT Homep, HoBHHTeCD, Tepe “Tem KAK MONOXITS TPYOKY. happen upon ‘amonxnymen ‘We happened upon an interesting article. — Mui watonkuysnes na misrepeciyio craTb10, hard cash aauanoie denven Please pay in hard cash; I don’t want a cheque. — Tloxanyiicra, sanarite MHe HANHSMBIMH, MHe He yken 4eK. hardly have time to breath Guim ovens sani It was such a busy day. I hardly had time to breath! — Buu Takoli HacunueHHitt eH. Hit MunyTEs cBOGOR- not! have a close shave ‘€0ea uaGeaeam» onacwocma Thad a close shave, that car almost struck me. — ‘Slommenares Terk HCHYFOM, 37a MALIA MES NYS ve cOwsa hhave a go (at sth) ‘nonpoGosame pasox umo-s. T've never fished here, but I'd like to have a go at it. ‘SL norma arect He poiGas01, Ho a xoren Gx norIpo- Gonars pas0K. have a good command of sth 4mo-a. xopowo Hams 543 have a near miss She has a good command of English. — Onia xopouio mraeer aKraniicKHM 351KOM. have a near miss dea u26eqams emonkuogenua Thad a near miss while driving on the avenue. — Sl emma He cTONKHYsIn, Kora Exar 110 tHOCee. have a rough time entumam mpydueiti nepuod Be polite to Mr. Jacobson; he’s been having @ rough - time. — Byas nexxmmn ¢ rocnostsHom JpxeKoGcoHOM. OH He- ‘Mbtrbipaet Tpysutbte BpeMeHa. have a smoke sakypume T want to have a smoke, please give me a cigarette, — Mune xouetcs saxypurs. Jlai Mie, noxantyiicra, cHra- pery. havea stroke ‘uensimams yap, npuemyn He had a stroke only three days aftr the operation, — Boero mas wepes 3 atta rlocme omepantet y Hero Goin ‘ipueryn. have a sweet tooth Gums eradnoeanxoit Mary has such a sweet tooth, she can’t missan ice-cream cone. ~ Mopirraxas caankoexka, ova He nponyerHr nopunio Moporxenoro, Ihave (not) the faintest idea (of sth) He uMemb nu Maneiwezo nonamust 0 eH have it both ways ‘He hasnt the faintest idea of how to earn money. — Y wero ner iit Naneitinero noHsTHs O TOM, KaK 2apa~ Gartiare neHBTH. have a try at sth nonpoGoeam® wno-n. Can | have a try at riding your new bike? — Paspeniit site TionpoBonars poKaTHTTECR Ha THOeM HoBOM pestocitrese. have a word with sb ‘nozoeopurns c Kes Jane, could I have a word with you? — ‘Abxeitt, MoxHo ¢ T060i4 NoroBopHTE? Ihave (keep) an eye on sb or sth ‘npuemampueams Please have an eye on my house, We're leaving for a couple of days. — Toxanylicra, mpHeworpite sa Hausine ZOMOM. Mis vyesxkaem ita flapy aueH. have come a long way cytwecmatums anozoe (npotimu daunneit nyms) That talented young man has come a long way in a very short time. — ror ranarrramatit MoxToMOf NenOBEK MHOTOTO j10¢~ ‘TUT 3a KOpOTKOE BPE. have had enough doiimu do npedena Stop shouting. I've had enough. ~ TIpexparute xpuuars. C meri ZOnOmBHO. hhave it both ways oenams coamecmums necossecmunoe 66 * 67 have in mind have to (do sth) Moshe wants to have it both ways: the wisdom of age and the health of youth. — ‘Momie xesraer commecturs uecosmecTunoe: Myspocrs SpenoeTH H snoponbe Moon0CTH. have in mind seme ¢ 6udy Please have in mind that we're going to the cinema this evening. Tloxauylicra, ume 8 misiy, sro wi ReepoM WEN B xanH0, have nothing to do with sb or sth usGeeame Koe0-A wau ¥Im0-n. Iwill have nothing to do with that lady. ~ Sle Xouy HMeTE eNO ¢ OTOH NAMOMt. Ihave one’s heart in one’s boots cmpycum; dywa ¢ namnu yusa ‘My hean’s in my boots. Sam is leaving forthe army next week. — Moa ayura yuuia 8 nsrrki: CoMa ripu3iiBalor B apMisio a cneayiomieHi nese. Ihave reason to do sth uateme npuuny 40-2. cBeaame He doesn’t have any reason to do that. — Y nero ner npweinet AeTars 370. have sb or sth on one’s ymamo ace epena 0 KOM-A. Ui 0 4eN- Mary has Bill on her mind every single minute. — Mopi nenpepsisio nymaer 0 BwLIe, hhave sth against sb or sth uaente wm0-2, npomus KOz0-2, Unu 4e20-A ‘What does he have against me? — ‘ro on mmteeT npOTHB Mena? have sth in common (with sb or sth) uwems wmno-2. o6uee Mr. Johns and Mr. Forest have a lot in common. That's ‘why they don’t quarrel. — Yucrepa J>konca x natcrepa Popecta MHOTO oOIte~ ro. [oatoMy OHM He ccopares.. have sth in mind dynam 0 wex-a., unemb mona. ¢ udy ‘Doyou have anything in mind for your granny’s birthday? — Hineeuth 1 Tb 4T0-TH00 8 BHAY OTHOCHTENBHO AHA oxen TH0e% GaSyunKK? have sth eft ems umd-1., emaeutcecn om Yen020 hope you have some pie left. — AI nagctocs, 10 y TeGs OcTAnOCE WTO-TO OF MpOra. have sth to do with sh or sth Gums cam2aHHbIM C UeN-A. WAM C KeM-A.; UMEMb OMHO- enue k weMy-2. Does Novosibirsk have anything to do with Siberia? — Mimeer 1m HosocxGupex ornoucnite « CuGupn? Iuaye sth to spare Mem wmd-2., eM MoseHO nodenumocs Do you have any ice cream to spare? — MoXxeu st Tot nogesurrnea MopoxeHbin? have to (do sth) dostwcen (amo-2, cdeaame) Thave Co go to the dentist today. — AI noskext ceroaHA HATH K 3yOHOMY Bpay. 68 Ihave to live with sth hhave to live with sth Gone acum (uupumeca) ¢ Hema. ‘We don’t like the new furniture, but we'll have to live with it. — Ham He upanres HoBas MeGeutb, Ho uTO MojeNaeMLb. hhave turned the corner ‘npotimu xpumuxeexyio mouky ‘The patient has turned the corner, We expect him to show improvement day by day. — BombHol minonan xpirtiiccxyio To4ky, Mat Hae enc, sO ero cocTosHMe Gysct YAYUUIATECA eH OTO a. have what it takes ‘UMeMm> MyoKECMEO, CuAY GoAu cOkaame 4InO-A. John has what it takes. He can walk for 10 km without stopping fora rest. Abkou oGsagaer HeoGxonnmolt cHoit Bonn. OH Mo- oKeT WITH 10 KM Ge3 OCTAHOBKH. head for sb or sth anpasumoca 6 emopory KOe0-2. Ua Yez0~8. He said goodbye and headed for the train, — (On nompoutares u Kanpaswics| K Hoes. hhead over heels in love with sb ums enroGinennouse no yuu Nick is head over heels in love with Ann. — Hunk nro yunnt siu0Gne# B HH. hear from sb noxy4ams aecmu om xo20- ‘They haven’t heard from their aunt for 5 years, — On ne nonyyaiin necreit or cnoch TeTH B Tevenwe S ier, 1 RENE Oe, here's to sh or sth hear of sb or sth ‘ahamb 0 cytuecmeosanut Kozo-A. Unt 4e20-2. [ve heard of Mrs. Scott, but I've never spoken to her. AI carsiurat o rocrioxe Cort, Ho st ¢ Hef HHKOTIIA He asropapinan. heaven forbid ‘Baxwce ynacu Lwor’t go to that bar. Heaven forbid! — Al re notiay n ator Gap. Boxe ynacn *help down ‘nomows collmu Could you help the little boy down the stairs? — He mori Ont Bo1 TOMO MasIeHBKOMY MALTRIIKY COM Tw e necTHMLEt? help oneself Gpams ace, umo nado, usu ace, wmo Xovews; yeowamscs Please help yourself to this nice salad. — Tloxanyticta, yromaitrecs atm BKYCHBIN cataToMm. help over aeipynamie ‘She helped us over in our trouble. — Ona Bbipysiuta Hac Hs Gents. here and there ‘mym u mas He didn’t really search for the book; he just looked here and there. — On, To cyTH, He eKa KHUTy Mo-HacTosMeMy. Ont sin nocMOTpEM TYT H Tam. here’s to sb or sth npoustocume moem 1 hit back Here’s to Mary and Mike! — 3a snoposke (cyacrie) Mapu m Maiixal hit back @aaams cau ‘The big boy tripped Johnny, so Johnny hit him back. — Bombuiolt Marbuink nozeraai: Hoxky IpKoueu, Tak Tpxonnn nat ey cas, hit it off (with sb) Geicmpo cams dpyspasue ‘The wo young gitls really hit it off. — Ape nenyikut Oticrpo cram noapyransnt (oxaMH). hit the bull’s eye nonacms @ aGnowxo (muwen) ‘The archer hit the bull’s ee. — Crpenox ws .tyka noma » a610%K0. hit the nail on the head Gums aGcowomno npaswx; cdeaams Kak pas mo, 40 neobxoduno Bill keeps quiet, but then hits the nail right on the head. Bui Monit, a 3atex siesaer (rosopHr) TO, 4To Hao, hold a meeting posecnu coaewatue (coBparue) ‘They will have to hold a meeting to make final decision. — is mpuietes nponecra cosemanue, wToGs mpm okonarenbitoe peuenite. “hold back cdepacuaams; yepacusams, ymausame ‘They held back the enemy. — Own caepxasin Hatick nporHpHinka n shunt down, ‘The minister held back this information from the pub- fie, ‘Muerp yrawt ary wxbopwauistio or myGsutki. hhold one’s breath cdepacame duexanue (¢ mam aucte om yOuanenus, 6oc- ‘mopea uau cmpaxa) ‘They held their breath at the juggler’s tricks. — Tipu sine oxyeos xonrrnepa OFM Jaep>KarH BIKA tHe or nocTopra, hold one’s tongue Gepacams ssw 3a syOamu Hold your tongue, Mr. Smith, You can’t talk to the lady that way. ~ Mucrep Cxar, nepaxnre stantk 3a syGamn. Bam He ce slyer TAK pasronapnBars ¢ naMoii. hold true oemasamsca 6 cure Does this rule still hold true? — Ocraetes 1 370 npaBiuto & c¥Ie? how come axis 9¢e 3m0 o6pas0M? How come you came to Paris? ‘Kak 970 Tai oKasastes n Tapioke? hhunt (search) high and low for sb or sth ‘ace Obickams @ noucKax KOe0-2., 420-2 ‘They hunted high and low for the missing boy. — Oru oGstcxatH nce BONE H NOMIePeK, MorTasc HaitrH mpontapinero MamBsHKA, “hunt down eticaedums, notiwams a nut sb’ feelings ‘The police hunted down the terrorists. ~ Toman piicnesuvia 1 nolisara teppopHcros. hurt sb’s feelings npusunums KoMy-2. Goxb, O6udeme Koe0~A, He didn’t mean to hurt her feelings, so he apologi- zed. = On He Hamepenaica ee OGwIeTH H NloSTOMY HSBH- cs, hurry avay enewno yesseam’ Unexpectedly the Johnsons hurried away. Heoxaanio JEKOHCOHDI cTIeMIHO Yexavt. hurry up nomoponumses Hurry up, Mary. We're leaving in 5 minutes. — Mapu, noropontcb. Mat yxoamae wepes 5 Muy, ifthe worst comes to the worst canon xyOuent caywae If the worst comes to the worst, we'll have to borrow a thousand dollars. ~ B camont XxyailIen cay¥ae HaM MpWLeTes ONODKHTE ‘TaIesTHY ONLTAPOB. ina sense @ KaKos-mo embicne ‘The computer makes our life better, but, in a sense, it also makes things worse. — Kommnbiorep yayuuraer Haity x0I31Ib, HO B KAKOM-TO ceMBIcae Ht yxyauuaer ee. in broad daylight ina split second epes doaro cexynder Ina split second the house was ablaze. — Hepes nome cexyrst 10M y2ke MBLIAI B OTe. ina word ‘oOnum caosom Ina word, he failed utterly. — Ont cxonom, on nposamuies ¢ TpecKom. ‘in addition (to sth) 4 donoanenue (x weny-1,) In addition to the chocolate I would also like some ice cream, B nonomenne x moxonaay xoresia 61 Mopoxertoe. in advance of sb or sth sapanee; snepedu Koz0-2. uns weeona. ‘They reached the station in advance of the evening tain. — OniH aocraran cram no mpuxona noesta. in any case (in any event) 2.10601 eayyac (ume Oot nu cayyunoce) Inany case, we'll see each other this evening. — Hiro Oni 1m cnywintocs, Mbt yEIUUEMCA HeXlepoM. in briet ‘oxpamye; kopowe eoaopa In brief, you should fly to London tonight. — Kopowe ronops, pir n0x2kHi psuteTeTb n JloHjoK ce- Tout BeepoM. in broad daylight ‘pu dtesnom ceeme; omxpumo ‘The car was stolen in broad daylight. — ‘Mauna Osula yxpazena cpem Geuta. ata. 4 5 incase of sth inpart in case of sth {in favour (of sb or sth) @ emuae 4620-2. —_nod@epacueams Ko20-2, uaU Ymo-2. 6 noaesy KO20~a, nud ‘Take your sweater in case it wll be cold. — BR 1c20- Bost cosrep Ha caysai, ect Oyaer xonosHo, He's in favour of lowering the costs of medicines, — On noaaepxusaer chitxeHne eH Ha neKapersa, in charge of sb or sth Omecvano 2a Koe0-n. wnu 40-2 in good shapes ‘Who is in charge of this party? — {in good condition Kro orseuaer sa (sry) sevepunxy? 6 xopoweli gopae She keeps herself in good shape. — in due course Ona xepxarr ce6s 8 xopouieli Gopme, due time 6.0006 epea in honour of sb or sth The roses will blossom in due course. — @ vecm» £020-n. usu 4e20-n Poss pacitseryr 8 CROe BpeNs. ‘We held a meeting in honour ofthe delegation. — Mus cosnam wurruuir B weet nesterauunn. inearnest scepoes {in ove (with sb or sth) Pm saying this in earnest. ~ ‘aurobrennat ¢ 020-2, wad go 40 AL ronopIO 9TO ncepEe:. Anna is deeply in love with Peter. — Anita citsio nmognerta 8 Merpa, effect seyuuocm inno mood to dosth In effect, the cause of failure was bad work. — © He Gums ¢ nacmpoenuu wmo-s, cdeaams Beyumocry, npmsisoli mponana Gena nuxoxas paGora, She's in no mood to prepare breakfast. — Y Hee ner Haetpoetiix na npurovonteHns saBrpaka. in exchange (for sb or sth) ‘ {© o6Men (Na Koe0-. wu 40-2.) “inone’s opinion ‘We gave them some warm coats in exchange for the 10 sinenuro Koe0-n food. — In my opinion this apartment is too small for your fami- Mist in Hx Termy'o oxexsty B O6MEH Ha niMKy. ly — Tlo woeMy sterao, sra xsaprupa exHmnKoM Masa Li fact (as a matter of fact) : pauteik cena Geicmeumensno, Ha canon dene I think so; in fact, I’m quite sure. — Ba part SL vax symao. Ha caMon sent, # artomie yRepena, 7 vacmusno : j - inpractice In the near future [want to take the job, in part because I'm terribly short of money. — SL xouy OCTYIHTD Ha paGory OTUACTH H3~3a TOTO, TO Mie ykacHO He XnaraeT exer, in practice ha npaxmue ‘The rules are very strict, but in pracrtice we are quite lenient, — Tipapiuia overt» crporne, Ho Ha mpaKTitke Mbt 1OROrTL HO CHNCKOMMTERDHES. in short expamue; ckasame KopomKo ‘Things are getting better; in short we are far from bankruptcy. ~ Jena ynysutawores; een cxasars KOPOTKO, MBI jae- KH or pasopexus in short supply nexeamica 4220-1. Fresh vegetables in the northern regions are usually in short supply. — B cevepuuix palionax oObuHo omtyuiaeres Hexsarka cBexuX oROUeH. in pte of sb or sth ecsorpa ua KOe0-A. Wau MOA Inspite ofhisrude remarks I till consider hima qualified engineer. — Hecgotpa va ero rpy6ie sanewans, 08 ene et= ‘Talo ero KBAAHbHUMPoDAHM uILKeHEpOM. in ferms of sth, Kacamensuo 4@20-2. ok In terms of your suggestion, I don’t quite agree with it. ~ 8 “ro KacaeTos THOeTO MpeWOKEHUsL, { ¢ HIM He CO- Beem cormacii, in the balance ucum Ha eosocKe He is waiting for surgery. His life is in the balance. — On oxstaer onepauino. Ero Xxx DHCHT Ha BO- mocke. {nthe best of health xopowee cocmonuue 220p08en He is in the best of health. — YY Hero xopotiee coctoaiue ax0po8bsA, in the event of sth @ caywae we20-1. In the event of fire immediately call the fire brigade, — Benysae noxapa vememrentio Borsnaiire nOKApHYIO KoMatuly. in the first place peaicde ace20, ao-nepebx Inthe first place, you don’t have enough money to marry. In the second piace, I don’t like your gicl-friend, — Bo-nepauix, y Te6 HeT gocraTOuHO LeHer, HOCH -xeHuTbeH. BO-BTOpLIX, MHe He HpaBHTes! TBOR ste ByUrKa. fn the long run @ xoweWnon umoee In the long run it pays to buy goods of high quality. — B xonesom srTore MOKYTKa BetILeM BBICOKOTO Kasie- Twa onpanaan, in the near future @ Gmuacaiiwen 6ydyiyen Bp inthe nck oftime ‘What does your daughter intend to do in the near furu- re ‘ro uanepesaetes Aenarb pailla ZOWS B Gauy>KafiureM Oyayutem? in the nick of time dea, eospena We reached the airport in the nick oftime. In 15 minutes the plane took off. — Mut npuexani 8 asporiopr B caMatit nocaestiit mo- Ment: Yepes 15 munyr camoner warere7. (on) time Kak pas eospes He managed to hand in the project on time. — Eny yaatoce npelicrasir® mpoekr Kak pa3 BOBPEN. in vain nanpacno ‘They tried their best, but their efforts were in vain. — Ont crapaiice, Kak MOTH, HO HX Yous OUI Ha pacts. 's about time Oaeno nopa It’s about time you visited your mother, — ‘TeGe nano nopa HapecritTh CBOW Mark, it’sadeal Baeoeopuauce; no pykan ‘You want to buy my car for 2000 dollars. It’sa deal! — ‘Ti XOWeLUB KYTMETS Molo MamIKHY 3a 2000 omTapos. Horosopuzce! {t's no use (doing sth) Gecnare:no umo-n. dename keep abreast Ws no use trying to call him up in the moming, ~ Thrraties 1omonnTbcs 0 Hero yrpoM GecnonesHO. d join forces with sb oBsedunums yewrua ¢ Kem-2. The two families joined forces to look for the missing kids. — ‘STH Be CeMbM OGLEAHHITH CBOM YHA B TOHCKe MoTEpAHNGIX pear, Judging by sth cyd8 no wemy-—. Judging by your coat, it must be snowing. — Cyna 110 TaOemy rasiTo, weer cHer Jump the queue poiumu Ges ovepedu Ifyou jump the queue people will get angry. — Een bei npofttere 6e3 ovepeai, moni Ha Bac paccep- aes. Jump to conclusion enam npencdeepeenniie eed Please don’t jump to conclusions. Listen to what I have to tell you. — Tloxaitvlicta, xe topomittecs ¢ sbtsojiamn. Tlociyuati~ ‘Te, UTO AL BAM CKAKY. keep abreast (of sth) ume # Kypce cobsmuit 0 seas a keep alow profile He tries to keep abreast of foreign events. — (On crapaetes srr» B kypee sapybexrntx HoBOcTet keep a low profile Sepacammecs ¢ menu He wished to avoid publicity, so he kept alow profile. — On xoren usGexars rmacHocTH, nosToMy nepxAICA H Tex. keep (have) an open mind sem» nenpedesamoe menue You can discuss your new ideas with Mr. Woods; he has an open mind. — But Moxere OOcyANT nau HOBIE 1uteH € MIICTePOM Byacom; on coxpansier oSbeKTUBHOCTE. keep clear of sb epocamicr nodaaviue om koe0-a. If you don’t want to get into trouble, please keep clear of those suspicious guys. — Ecaw obi He xovHTe HenpuarHocTell, noxasyiieTa, aepaurTect nomaasie oF 74x nosoopirexbibix pe a keep cool emasameca cnoroioim Please keep cool. Everything will be O.K.! ~ Tloxanyiicta, we ponnyites, Bee Gyzet p nopanke! *keep on (doing sth) mpodonscame umo-n. deaam> Keep on working until the boss returns, Tponomkatire pa6orare, moka xoaain ne RepHierca keep one’s head above water ‘cmapamsca euocums 82 keep to the point In this period of crisis, thousands of workers are trying to keep their heads above water. ~ B nepiton xpranca Tsien paGOMNX craparores BLI- sent, keep one’s nose out of sth tne coaame cool noc 60 m0 He bluntly told her to keep her nose out of his busi- ness. — On et pesxo exasast, sT0Gt1 oa He cova cpoit HOC 8 ero neta. keep one’s word cdepacame c1060 He kept his word even in difficult situations. ~ (On separ caob0 axe B TPYAHbOX CHTYAIERK keep sb om their toes eponams Koe0-2. € Hanpaowenuu, mobe Game zomo~ bu Heooxeudanuoeman You should keep members of your team on their toes so as to be ready to win the next match. ~ Tat nomKen separ WleHoB KoMAHUIEL¥ HanpsKeHIH, ¢ Test 17061 OMT OBLUIN FOTOBM BALATpATS cxesyIOUNE keep the wolf from the door ‘umemp docmamouno cpedems, umobe ne ucntimeieame yond In these difficult times people are struggling to keep the ‘wolf from the door. — B ori TpysHnle Bpemena mOmM mpustaraior GombutIKe ‘YONA, NTO HGEXATE HYKIM. keep to the point npudepoxucamies mente i: 5 ‘Keep track of sb or sth Please, keep to the point. — Toxanyitcra, npuiepxmmaiirece teste. keep track of sb or sth enpeptieno credume 3a KeN-A. wru 3a WeN, ‘They tried to keep track of his enemies. — Onn crapamucs Henpepsantio cxemTt 3a ero pparan keep one’s distance (from sb or sth) Oepocamven na paccmonnuu om Ko20-. uate ¥ee0-A, Vltell the kids to keep their distanee from the river. ~ Aoxay peOaram, 4rOGKI OHH He rloxxomMLAI K pexe. ‘keep one’s mouth shut (about sb or sth) ‘Masviaimy 0 KOM-2. wnu 0 MeM-A.; Xpanums cexpem He told me to keep my mouth shut about the accident. — On Kasai mite, 4TOOs! # MosTua:t 06 aBaptu. keep pace (with sb or sth Ne omemacame 0M Ko20-2. wat wezo-2. Bill tried to keep pace with the leader of the race. — Buna crapascs: ne oretanars oT munepa rouKi. keep sb from doing sth JOepaeame Kozo-1. om kaxux-v, Deiiemauit His mother kept him from joining the quarrel in the street, — Ero mar» ynepxana cro of yuactn 8 yareanoit ccope. keep sb or sth in mind; bear sh or sth in mind ‘monuum u dymam o Kona, wau 0 4est-2. ‘When you'll be in Africa bear in mind that we all need you. Kora ror Syne» » Adpuke, Host 0 Tom, ro TBI a BoeM Hy>xH, 4 = keep sb posted knock sb off his feet Depacams x020-1. 6 kypee dena Keep the doctor posted about the patient’s condition. — Hlepxnre noxropa x xypee sex orkocHTeNbHO CocTOs- ‘aun GousHOFO. “keep up (with sb or sth) ‘Yenesamo sa Kenta. wru wena : 1 don't earn enough money to keep up with your expenses. — Ane sapa6aromaio socraTouHo neHer, wroGk yerienars 38° TROMIMH pacxonanen. keep watch (on sb or sth) cuedumn a KeM-a, une HEM. Fil keep watch on John, but I think he behaves himself vell. — AI Gyay caeaurh 3a JbxoKOM, HO a yMaI0, FTO OH Be= get ceBa xopouio. kick (sb or sth) out ‘eniename K020- ‘She was kicked out of class for bad conduct. Ee Buna 13 Knacca 3a TiHoxoe noenenHe. knock (sb or sth) down, cOums Ko20-2. ua ¥mo-2. The dog knocked down some of the best flowers in the garden, — CoGaxa Gua nysiune mbersi B eaay. knock sb off his feet nopazume Koe0-: This news about Mary's marriage just knocked me off my feet. — ‘3a HowOcTS 0 cBanGe Mapu mesa mpocTo nopasa, 85 know sth inside out Jaugh up one’s sleeve know sth inside out same umo-2, adoxs u noneper ‘He mistakenly thought that he knew his bride inside out, On oumboxHo aywar, wT 3HaUI RCE O CHOeMT HenecTe. know better Gime gocnumanneiss; eredyem suame ‘You should know better than to come into the bedroom in your dirty shoes, ~ ‘TeGe caemoBan0 611 sar», TO HeNs3A BXOANTE BeMaMb~ 10 B Taxux rpsstsbix GoTHHKax. know sb by sight uame Kazaa. & ayo Tam not acquainted with him, but I know him by sight. — JC HUM He 3H1aKOM, HO 3HIaI0 ero B sO, know (or tell) which is which mento omzuxamb 04020 YeaoeeKa om Opy20c0 ust od) seus om Opyeoit a mous I know that Mary and Anna are twins but I can’t tell which is which, — 31 si1ato, 470 Mapu w Anita notin, Ho He Mory ORANGES HX pyr or Apyra. lag behind ‘Omemaeams om Koz0-2, ua weeo-2 ‘When we go for a walk my sister always lags behind, — Korma Mot nporyannaemes, mos! cecTpa neerma overa~ er or mens. lame duck neyautux; Becnoouuan epynna sede The strong companies will survive, but the lame ducks will not. — (Cicnsstsie Konan nbicroa, Ho GecriomouLsse (He odyexrupmse) ne pooxvayr. land a blow ‘ydapums kyaakom usu aadoneso Dick landed a blow on Bill’s cheek. ~ ‘Tuax yaapua Biowa no mexe. landslide victory ‘nobeda (ocoGenno 6 sbiGopax) c Goseuunn omprison ‘The Conservatives won a landslide victory in the general elections. — Konicepsaropn noGenmmt Ka BceoSuLHX BEIGOpAX ¢ Gonsumua orppiBom. “lash out (at sb or sth) naGpocumsea, namkuymven Ha KO20-1, Wau 4M ‘The wolflashed out at the rabbit, but the rabbit escaped. — Bonk Opociies 1a saitua, Ho sas yerien YBHIBHYTD, last but not least nazeand nocaeduunt He eceeda nocneduuit no axa Moore ‘Now Mr. Brown, last but not least, will make some final remarks. — Acteneph Muctep Bpayit, rlocaleaMih #3 Buicryna1o- luHx, HO He MlOcTENHM TIO BAXHOCTH, BBICTYMIT C3AK- AUOUHTEABHBIMH SaMCUAHIISIMA. laugh up one’s sleeve eMenmeen «@ KyaK>, uenodmuua ‘Tom looked serious, but his fiends knew he was laughing up his sleeve. — ‘Tox suirnsiten cepsesHis, Ho ero sIpysis SHAN, TO ov cMeeTes HCHOMTHINKa. 86 87 eee Jet alone sb or sth lay down one's life (for sb or sth) ‘noocepmeve. UaHbI0 ooeepmeoeamy caveit aeusHow pad Koe0-A. usu we- Millions laid down their lives for their country. Munxnonei noxepraonann caouMit xnSHAMM pi 7 COHAIMHT pani lay (get) hold of sb or sth exeamums Koz0-8. usu mo-n. ‘im waiting for a chance to get hold of that scound- ‘Acxay cyan, «roOs cxparitTs sTOrO Herowss. *lay (sb) off Yeonums Ko20-n. ¢ pabomw Last winter 200 workers were laid off. — Tpounoft snot 200 paGounx 6puns ybonere, ‘lay (sth) down noaoocums Tihen he finished writing he laid down his pen on the Kora off saxon) Kor HT NCAT, O MOLOKHA pyEKY Ha lead the way secmu xoe0-2, Youstould lead the way, and al of us will follow. — cnenyer 76e enenyer nari nepatane, 1c wt Hee NofigeMt 3a T0- “leak (sth) out Packpricams saxpumyio undhopmayuo ry fecpseam nv10 urupopmauuro npecee padu xa- Don’t leak that information out, — He packpstsaitre stoi nihopaanutt, as sth by heart @ssyuume umo-1. nausyems “ Ittook her two hours to learn the verses by heart. Ona norpariaa aga aca, “roGut wiysiTTe 9TH CTD ausyerb. Jeave sb or sth alone nepecmam xo20-A, uu wmo-s. Gecnoxoumb He doesn’t want your help. Leave him alone. — On He uyxaactes 8 TBOe! ToMoUIH. Ocranb ero B O- oe. “leave (sb or sth) behind ‘oemagum wiu 3a0eme npucecu Koe0-A. uiu 4mo-2. We had to leave Ann behind, because she had abad cold. ~ Hast npmuiioct octanit JHH, TAK KaK OHa CHLTBHO npocruuia. ‘leave (sb or sth) out UckmoUUMs Kozo-A. unu Mmo-n.; npeNeBpee KeM-A, Wat wena. ‘When you goto the muscum, please don’t leave me out, ~ Koraa et noliiere & Myseit, He HeKMOUaltTe Mes 19 pauiefl KOMTAHH, Tend sh or sth a hand ‘noMou KOMY=A. ‘Could you lend a hand with this problem? — Cor 611 Tar rloMo4 paspemlur 3Ty MpoGeMy? let alone sb or sth Me 20808 0 KOM~A. Wau O WENA They didn't invite Robin, let alone the rest of the children in the group. ~ On ue nparaacit axe PoGuna, He rosopa 06 oc “TaMbHNMIX ETAX FPYEITEL. /- z ee live within one’s means let bygones be bygones aden npouace “Let bygones be bygones, Fred,” said John y became frends again. — crane ja6yaeM mpoutiToe, pea», — " Goo een” SAO let go of sb or sth grmycmume x20 nu umo-n “Let go of me immediately.” said Jane to herboyftiend, — +sOmycru mens Hemenrentor, — cxasara Jbxeltn eB sOrmenen Foxes 0 ‘let (sb) down nodeeemu xoeo-n. Although you are wrong, I won't let you down, Xora th He npas, # Te6H He nomBemy, like crazy; like mad ek ehutewent en he slammed his finger with the hy screamed like mad. — " ee Koraa on yaapior no nasisury moxoTKOM, oF 3a oe i IM, OF Sa0paN KaK listen (o reason ‘pueayuamscs i cosoey paayna ‘sten to reason and don't get involved in their i Law el their illegal Tpxenyntatics kronocy pasyéa n ue nait sranyre cea Y-reGa oreu crporusit, Moi » raxux enyuasx TowopHT: “OK unit gal xserb apyraeM. live beyond one’s means ‘rcums He no cpedcmeast ‘She isalways in debt because she lives beyond her means. ~ Y vice cera ont, Tax KAK O12 AUBET He TIO Cpe crpaN. five from hand to mouth ‘eum 6 Hyrede During the war they lived from hand to mouth. — Bo npems Boiitrn OHH AGATH B KpaliMelt HyKAC. live next door (to sb) etme padom c KEN. Dr. Livingston lives next door to me. ~ Jloxtop JTisuurcron 2xurber B coceseM OMe (PsLIOM caw). “live through (sth) rnepeuecru umo-2. I can't live through another week like this. — SL ue cmory nepeHtecTH eute TaKyio (1pYAHyIo) HestemO, live up to sth - ‘onpasdams oxcudanun; docmuenyme namenennecx yenett ‘She was unable to live up to her reputation. ~ ‘ua He emorna onpanaars cpow penyranino. BX HexieraabHyto jesTenbuocTs, live within one’s means ireanilidiive ‘cums no cpedemean 0 live within their means, and the sca ds cums dpe They sual to lve within their me y Nour father is strict. Mine in such cases says: “Live and O1u Goprores 3a 70, 4TOOH HTH HO cpeNcTBAM, 1970 _ HM ynaerca 90 3 ee “look back (on sh or sth) onannums Ko20-2, uu umo-n, She gets terribly excited when she looks back at that accident, — Otia cuuntHo nomsyerca, Korma Ronommuaer stor He. cuactHil exyuaii. look for trouble Hanpauweamscs na nenpuamnocmu The children are making such a noise! They're looking for trouble, — Zens Tax wrymar! Onn nanpaumnsaiotes wa Henpust- Moca. ook forward to sth ookcudam we20-2. ¢ nemepnenuen ‘We are looking forward to your visit tomorrow eve- ning. — Mut c wetepnenien oxitaen Bac B rocru saprpa Be- epom. “look into (sth) aso6pamecs @ weMt-a. Vl have to look into that business. — Mute npuaerest paso6parscs 8 3roM ene. *look like (sb or sth) noxodume na Koz0-A, tau 4mo-2 He looks like his mother. — Ott noxox Ha cnowo wats, *look on (at sth) aGaadams 2a wenn. (Ge2yuacmno) 1 couldn’t just stand and look on. — A mpocto He Mor croxrs w HaG.uonarb 3a Beem THM, make a big deal about sth heart on ume uyocecmeo, cuny Oyxa Keep on ting to ind John and don’t ose heart. ~ Tiponomxali nomurrxn attra Jbxorta ne Tesi cHab ayxa. Tose one’s head ‘nomepante zoaoey, pacmepamoca She loses her head over every handsome man. — ‘Qua Tepier roniony ripy acTpeve ¢ KaxIBIM KDACHEIIM MyAcHHO Jose one’s temper - -epoumbcs, aeiimu us ceba {Pm sory that I lost my temper. — 51 conasle1o, #70 BbIMITa 13 ce6s. lose track of sb or sth momepamt Koe0-N. wx mo. . ‘She lost track of the boy and began calling him. — ‘Oxa notepsra nambunka (9 BHuMA) H HAAN 3BaTS ETO, made for each ca a rnatte Opye ipyea M&Ms Johns are not made foreach other. They ways quae. — Mucrop wicone Laon we comtaih py" 13 pyr. Gnu scent ccopses make a big deal about sth ‘npeysenuausam oaxcHoctt 4e20-2. Nothing ell happened. Don't make abi deal about Ha camom see Hero Ke npowsouno. He pasmyBall 3 TOTO UesI0e ETO. _ 2 93 make an exception make a comeback sepiymen « npeaknel (yeneumoit) kapsepe AterS years she made a comeback, and is now singing in the opera, — Tocae narwrertero nepepi BA OFA nepuyaacL Ha cite Hy Hecitvac noer B ontepe. ‘make (pull) a face (at sh) exoptume muny (epumacnueram) Bennie was sent tothe headmaster for making a face in class. — Bet ormpapiins x aspextopy uixons 3a 10, 170 on TpHMACHHAT B kracce, make a fool (monkey, ass) out of sb ena» dypaxa u3 koe0-a. Don’t make an associate of yourself, — He etpoit ua ce6a aypaxa (ocna), make a fuss (over sb or sth) ‘PeaMepno Meanoeamien unu chopum 0 KOM-A, uau oMeNA, Qempaveams nacmonuywo uyauxy) Please stop making a fuss over me, Tloxanyitcra, xe yerpaneait mys 112-34 wens make a living ‘apabamtsame docmamouno denee na aeuane T can hardly make a living, working as a secreta- nt A cana Mory sepaGanunars Ha x01, paSoras cexpe- Tapem, ‘make a long story short Kopowe 20eopa; ¢ deyx caosax To make a long story short, he ended up in jail. — Kopove rovopa, on Konya Troppsoii, ‘make a mess of sth , manymame, uenopmume mo-a Really, she has made a mess of her if —_ Heitcresrenbito, on HeMOpTiuia cow make a note of sth A meri OMA. 7 He decided to make a note ofthis telephone nu pe ot MeT- (Gn peunur sss Homep aroro texe:bona na 3 ws make a nuisance of oneself ee ‘rma temo, HPO paropaacen, CO ‘owe " Stop making e uisance of yourseif and wait unt tis Tregecrane yerpamart 6eenopsi0K x xT cane ‘ouepenn. sammie Yan. don't make a scene. Forget about what happe cpus ne yenpanal eueny. 326ya 0 TM, 10 mpo- wee make an appointment a aeerert mmade an appointment with my family doctor Faas Ha MPHEM X CeNETIHONY AY ‘make an exception (for sh) coenams ucrsnovense din KOCO-A. 4 95 Bee an impression make one’s way This rule is a good one, so I don’t make exceptions for anyone. ~ 910 xopouee mpann70, Tak 470 5 He eNato HeKMIONE- ii 108 Koro-1H60, make an impression (on sb) npouséecru enevamaenue Ka Ko20-a. Jim made a bad impression on the professor. — Abus npousnen naoxoe BeatienMe Ha mpompec- copa, make arrangements (to do sth) Aoeosopumecn, yeaoeumnven monn. ederams He made arrangements to sell his car. — On Zoronoprutcs 0 mponaxe cBoeit Maus, make (both) ends meet ceoduumt Konus ¢ KoHYamU We have to work 10 hours a day to make both ends meet. — Ham npuxoantres pa6orars no 104acon neHb, wt0Gs ‘evecTH KOMI ¢ KOHUARA. ‘make do (with sb or sth) Aocoasemeoeamees wer-1, You'll have to make do with less aid from your pa- rents. — ‘Te6e npiuieres nononbcrsowaTEcH MeHsUIeA MOMOLIDIO or Ta0Hx PomuTesteit make friends (with sb) nodpyxcumbca ¢ KeM-n. He tried to make friends with this beautiful already had a boyitiend, — On nerranca noapyxurses ¢ a1oit xpacuuolt seByut- Koil, 0 y Hee yxe Osin upye, irl, but she fun of sb or sth, @icneueam» koz0-2. uiu wmo-A. Don’t make fun of me. V'll get angry. — He eaelicn nao mnioi. 51 paccepxyen. ‘make life miserable for sb ‘Ompaaname woromn. custo _ Henry's father is making life miserable for im. Oren [enpit aemaer ero XMSHD HeBBIHOCKNO! ‘make mischief ‘cosdasams nenpusimHocmit, HaHOCUIN’ sped L i Robert makes mischief and gets his sister into trou ‘egopr npenniciaer, 1 AocraRnser HemprATHOCTH cRO- pce make no difference (to sb) inte Bespanguitst K KOM-A Bova jou nish timate no diference tome. Tlenaii, sto xoveutp. Mne nee panto. make nothing ot aa holiuenen neeo-n., He youdem BaxKHOCMU 4e20-f. Tean make nothing of what you want from me. — SI ne MOTY 19TH B TONK, HeTO THI XONEUT OT MEHL ‘make off (with sb or sth) ‘ekpbimoca c KeM-A. wat HeM=1. ‘The thief made off with a huge sum of money. — Bop yOexan (ckpstter) ¢ orpomHolt cyMMOik etter ‘make one’s way (through sth) npononcums cebe nym’s Hepes mo-A. He made his way through this part ofthe junele, — Ox npoGpases epes ary wacr soxyHTAeR 96 9 make oneself at home snark my word(s) make oneself at home yecmeosams ceOa kax dome P'm glad that you are here. Come in and make yourself at home. — AL pat, 70 Tet stecb. Saxon H uyBcTBy! Cex KaX lon, ‘make peace (with sb) RoMupumeca It's time they make peace. — Tlopa us nomuputics. make sh look ridiculous dename Koz0-n. cmeuunoun That hat makes him look ridiculous. — ‘Sra uumana nenaer ero cMewinbiM. make sb's mouth water Dazncuzams velt-a. annemum; dpaanum That beautiful dish makes my mouth water. — Y Mens cmoHikw TeKyr pH parnsne Ha 310 KpacuBoe Gmozo. make sth from scratch cdeaams wmo-a, us KaKux-a. nodpyneex mamey sex Mamepuanoe This bicycle was made from seratch, — ‘Stor estocumen, Gsui crenaH 13 enyvalinieix leratelt ‘make sth out of nothing cdenam» wmio-a, uz Hueco Peter, you're making a problem out of nothing. — Murep, 7s genaeuub ia wyxtrenows (npoGeMy i aa ero) make the arrangements (for sb or sth) naauipoeams, opeanusoawieans 4nio-1. She is making arrangements for the birthday party. — ‘Ona onrorapiueaer mpasqHoBanue HA poxAettia. make the best of sth nocmapamieca sacmaoums naoxyr0 cumyayuro sa.tumo~ exo xopouyr0 Jim is clever and manages to make the best of a bad situation. — IDKuM yMen ymyapseres Hsm1eNR YTO-To xopoUee us mioxoft cuTyaniA, make up for lost time ‘Magepemams nomepanoe spena He learned to play the piano at the age of thirty and proved to be an excellent musician. Now he is making, up for lost time. — ‘On Haysues urpars Ha nHanmHo, Korsia eMy 6b110 30 Jer, H OKASAIICH OLAKUHBIM MYSBIKaHTOM, Ceif4ac OF Heneperbinaer ynyuterHe BpeMs. make up sb’s mind puname pewenue, asrGpam’s Please make up your mind. Which shoes do you like better? Tloxanyticta, sni6upaiire. Kaxne tytb1u nant Hpanstr- es Gonbue? make use of sb or sth ‘ucnonesogams Koz0-1. unt wmo-2. ¢ onpederennoit Ye~ avo I made use of my neighbour to repair my TV set. — ‘SL nocnonssonasicn NOMOMSIO COCesIa UI peMoHTa Te sreBi30pa. mark my word(s) sanoMnu, mo a mieGe 2osopro 98 99 meet one’s end Mark my word, you will be sorry about thi Santomauit Mou copa: Tei 6yZeULb 06 3TOM coxATeTS. meet one’s end mepemo ‘The cat met its end under the wheels of a bus. — Komixa Hanuia cBo10 cMepT® 1102 KonecaMn aBTobyca, ‘meet sb halfway npednoourns komnpomuce KOMY~1, ‘We made the bargain by meeting each other halfway. ~ Mat conepunian caeaxy, noiiza Ha yerynkH apyr apyry. meet the requirements yOossemsopams mpebooanumn John met the requirements, and began working from the beginning of the month. — Zyxon orpevai npemesnentisincTpebonakiua Hc Ha- ‘yaa Mecsia Haan paGory. mess around (with sb or sth) Gosumsen ¢ KeM-a. wiu YeM-a. (nonyemy mpamum pens) Stop messing around with Tom, and get busy. — Tpexparu nositreca ¢ Tomomt 1 3afinnice e104 mind one's business samwnamvea cobcmecnnvunt denanu (ne nezme @ woul dena) Please leave her alone, and mind your own business, ~ Tloxanyiicra, ocTaBh ee B MOKOE H He BMEUINBAHICA B syakve nema ‘mind you ... umett 6 eudy 100 move in She seems to be nice, but mind you, she is never kind to anyone. — (Onia kaxeres a06poil, Ho, uMeii » Buty, oHa HITK KOMY He oTHOCHTes XopOUO. iiss the point ae nonumams cymu (2raeno20) You explained the situation, but I missed the point. ‘Tas oGpsciin cutyauino, Ho a He NOMI cyTH. mistake sh for sb else ‘npuname k020-1, 34 Kozo-mo dps2020 “Yesterday I mistook her for Mary. — Buepa s mpi ee sa Mop. ‘monkey business ‘mennioie Deauuuku; naymogemeo ‘There is some monkey business going on in the compa~ ny.— B o1ll KoMNaHuM TBOpaTeS KaKKe-TO TeMHBIe Le aK, more or less Goce uu mence ‘That vase will suit me, more or less. ~ Bra pasa Goslee WIM MeHee YeTpanBaeT MEH, most of all Gonee acezo Most of all he wanted to go to this theatre. — Boabitie Bcero OH XOTeN CxOAMTS B 3TOT teat, *move in (to sth) ‘@xexamt KyOa-A, ‘At last they moved into their new apartment. — HakoWlelt OHM BbeXATH B CHOW HOBYIO KBAPTHPY. 01 move on nojoke move on We'll come in time, never fear, — eucamven danse Mar npuGyzew nonpens, He GecrioKoties. He’s done all that he can in this school. I’s time to move on. — Ontenenan sce, wr0 mor, 8 9ToH uNKome. [lopa xerart cm asaibuue. naked eye ‘eaoopyoxennit 2003 You can't see anything in that liquid with the naked eye. — Hiruero Henssm yauuters KesdopyxeHbiM 17304 8 T0ll kWAKOCTI name sb after sb assams Koz0-1. 6 Yeeme KO20-A. ‘We named ourbaby after my mother. — Moi raapan Haulero peGenka & YecTs Moeit MAM, near at hand 100 pyott (GruaKo) ‘The bus station is near at hand. — AwroGycHas ocTaHonka pacniooxketia 6AN13KO. neck and neck mows-6-mous, zonosa @ zonoay im and John were neck and neck in the dancing con- test. Zbxtst 1 Zbxo1t 8 rattuenarsHoM KOHKYpCe HLTH FOIO- ‘ba w ros0By. never fear e eannyitcn, ne Gecnoxoiica 102 | never in one’s life munoeda 6 aeusnt ‘Never in her life had she been so insulted. — ‘Huorsa 8 KH3HM ona He Gbt1a TAK OcKop6rera. never mind He ofpawai suumanua; nueveeo Jack: I’m sorry to bother you. Mary: It’s O.K. Never mind, Tbxex: Hspintit 3a GecrioKoltcra0. ‘Mapmt: Hiriero. Bee n nopaike. next to nothing ‘mowmu muxeeo (ne cmoum) Her car is worth next to nothing. — Ee mauimna owns Hater He Crom. no doubt 6e3 comnenua She'll come again tomorrow. There's no doubt about 3amrpa ova npier cHosa, B oToM Her HunKaKoro co- Maen no end of sth oven» mHo20 4620-1. ‘There was no end of wine at the party. — Ha nesepinke Gino oeHb mHoro Bia, no joke He wymxa It’s no joke when you lose your key from the door. — Bro He myrka — llorepsTH KHIOY OT JURE H. 103 no kidding no wonder no kidding P’m not grumbling, not at all. ‘uymiu npows ‘AA te DopHy, cOBCEM HET. No kidding, you really found a hundred dollars? — Llyrkn npoas, Tet Ha canon ene Hamre cro xonna- not for anything in the world pos? ‘nu 3a mo Ha ceeme won't do it, not for anything in the world. — no matter what happens SL atoro re cuenai0 HM 3a “TO Ha epee, sumo Bos nu cayaunoce No matter what happens, they'll not leave the city. nothing doing Yro Gui HM cay'iuiocs, OH He MOXHMHYT ropOA. ‘mueco He nonuueuts; Homep ne npotidem Pl not go. Nothing doing. ~ no sooner said than done ‘SA ne yiiny. Homep He nportzer. ‘cxasano — edenano (cdeaams Ges npomedaenua, @ mom ome mue) nothing of the kind ‘Tom: Please give me the hammer. ‘mueco nodobn0ce Jack: No sooner said than done; here itis. — He didn’t offend her, nothing of the kind. — Tom: Hal mite Monorox, roxxanyitcra. Ont ne oGwxaut ee, niuero riox06Horo. Jbxek: Casarto — omen nothing to speak of not abi ‘museeo eywecmisennozo coaceu nem — Did anything happen? — “ro-nn6yas enysisaocs? = Isheangry with me? —Cepantes. anon na ment? = Nothing to speak of. — Hinvero cyitectsennioro. — Nota bit. ~ Concem ner, not lift a finger (to help sb) not a living soul au Byuau She won't tell anybody, not a living soul. ~ Ona natkomy ne paceKarer, uit oxo yur. not able to make anything out of sb or sth He cnocoGen nowsm Koe0-2. ual uM0-2, [can’t make anything out of what you're saying. — A unvero He MOHMMawo 13 TOTO, YTO TH roBOpHIN, not at all coeces em ne noweaeaum u naasyest (4moGts NOMOM KOMY-1,) He didn’t lift a finger to help his neighbour. — Ou u mamkuem He nouenesnI, HrOGE HOMO cO- cen. now and then uapedKa, epens om epestenu ‘She buys an ice cream now and then. — ‘Ona napeaka noxynaer mopoxeHoe. no wonder neyduaumensno 105 It’s no wonder these flowers have died. You haven’t watered them fora whole week. — HeynusutenbHo, sro 31m userst nornGamn. Tat He no smmmmarta wx Uenyio Hestemo. null and void ‘He umerouuil cures The contract has become null and void, ~ Konrpaxr yrpatuin cvy. o occur to sh npuiimut @ zoo) KOM-A. Toccurred to her that I might have cheated them. — Ex MpHUsno B rooBY, 470 5, BO3MOXHO, HX HAIY:. of benefit to sb 1a 6aazo Kos. I’m not sure that article is of benefit to anyone. — SL we ysepeHt 8 TOM, Ho 37a craTsA B raseTe MpuneceT Tonbay KoMy-AH66. off duty ceotodnsii om pabomei She said that she would speak to me only tomorrow, ‘when she will be off duty, — Ona ckasana, “10 Ona CMOXET CO MHOM HOFOBOPIETE ‘ToMbKO SaBTpa, Kora OHa He GyaeT Ha chy REE. off sb or sth goes nym, noexaau (npousnocumen npu ormpaanenuu ko- 20-8, uite 4e20-2,) “Off we go,” said the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on lift-off. — «Toexann», — ekasas1 nepsiili KocMouast FOpuit Ta api mpi nsvete paxerbl offthe air ‘ue mpancaupyenii 6 xppup (paduo- wnu meneeusuonnan npoepassa) They were disappointed because the interesting prog- ramme was already off the air. — ‘Onw oropsntniteb, Tak Kak TpalcasuM HHTepecHolt MporpaMeant yxke MmpeKpaTarach. ‘on all fours a vemeepenb«a ‘The baby was on all fours most of the time. ~ ‘Maienpxutt pe6eniox Gtut Ha verBepeHisxax Gompittyto act BPeMeHH. ‘on average ‘cpeduen ‘On average he earns a hundred dollars a day B cpesuteM ox aapabarsisaer cro ox.tapon b xett. on behalf of sb om uNent KOZ0~2 1'm writing this letter on behalf of my grandfather. — 51 rimuy 970 MHCEMO OT HEHE MoeTO JesIyIIKH ‘once and for all pas unaaceeoa This conflict has to be settled, once and forall. ~ Dror KovAkr nomxeH GstTs paspeilieH pas M HawKe, once in a while uspeda [see my former classmates only once in a while. ~ SL nIoKY MOHX ObIBIUHX OaHOKACCHHKON MIMD Hape.aKa. 106 107 ‘once upon a time on holiday once upon a time odnaweds (o6eHO ucnoassyemcs & Hayane ckasKu); deuau-Bsxau. Once upona time there lived a gitl called Cinderella, — 2Kva-Guula LeBowKa, KoTOPYIO Shami SonyLrKa, on duty Guumie na paGome, na deaeypemee She will be on duty from 10 a.m. — Ona Gyaer Ha aexyperoe c necsira aco yrpa. on earth ua camom dene ‘What on earth does he want to say? — ‘ro xe Om xOueT cKasaTh Ha CaMOM sen? ‘one by one dun 3a pyeun cannot solve all the problems at the same time; I deal with them one by one. — Alvie Nory paspemiurs nce mpoBrewsx onoBpesento, A iM 3aiMIOcD No oMEpERLL ‘one in a thousand (in a million) dun us Hemnozux, yruxanon She's a wonderful girl. One in a thousand, — Ona sanewatensiaa mesyuika. Oxia Ha TbICAYy. ‘one of these days ‘odiamde, ckopo; @ nododuoi cumpaxuue Twant to war you: if you continue behaving in such a way, you'll get into trouble one of these days. — AA xouy npenynpemitrs TeGa: ecs1H Thi Gyneuls nponon- 2kaTh TAK CeOA BECTH, THI CKOPO TlomTaeM B Gey. ‘one means business zosopume acepoe? Listen, Jane, go into your room and clean it up. 1 mean. business, — Caywiall, Dokeiti, nan 8 csow KoMHaTy M HapenH nO~ aULOK. 51 ToBOpI0 9TO BeepLEs. ‘one’s days are numbered (for sb) Ouims Ha nopoze cmepmu, Yeoasnenus wm Kpaxa (Oru coumenti) My friend hasa terminal disease. His daysare numbered. — Moi apyr Goes Hensnewmmot GonesHs.. Jan ero courenbi. ‘one’s heart goes out to sb ‘yaemaoadms cocmpadanue k Kas). : Her heart goes out to the poor children of our society. — Ona uynerayer coctpanaiie x GexHBin etaM waitero oGurectpa. ‘one way or another ‘mak uau unaue ‘One way or another, I'll marry that girl. ~ Tak Win Have, s-KcHIOcE Ha STOHI MeBYLIKe. on foot newnox His car is broken, so he'll have to travel on foot. — Ero maurina coMaia, Tak WTO eMy mpiyleTes WATH neurkow. ‘on good terms (with sb) ‘4 xopowux omnowenuax (¢ xeM-A.) She’s on good terms with her boss. ~ Y ee xopourne ornouletis c Xo3aH1H0M. ‘on holiday e omnyexe 8 comone’s fet ‘on the move ‘Where is Mary going on holiday this year? ~ Kysa ener Mapit 3 ornyck 8 370M rony? ‘on one's feet Guus na nozax; nonpasumeca nocte Gosestu ‘We've been on our feet all day long, so we are terribly tired, ‘Mii Ont 1a Horax neck ett H erpamHo yerau. ‘on one’s guard Gams nacmopoxee Be on your guard. There are many thieves in these pla~ ces. — Bynbre Hactopoxe, 8 9THx MecTaX MHOTO BOPOB. ‘on one’s mind Giumo ua yoe y Koe0-A ‘What's on your mind? You look so strange. — “ro y Te6s Ha ye? Tat sbirsub Tak CTpAHHO. ‘on one’s own, caxocmoameaono Did you repair your door on your own, or did someone help you? — Tito orpewonmmponen aBeph a Tee Ho-10 n0- mor? ‘on one's own accord no coGemeennamy ouCopy, Ges nascuna ¢ ween. cmo- pouse He took the decision on his own accord. — On npunina 370 peuenite 6e3 sero-7i60 BMeMaTeNt- ona, ‘on one’s toes Gexmenwneut, axenusteut ‘You'll have to be on your toes if you want to finish this jb in time. — “TeGe npiuietea noKpyTieTbes,ecan XOLEMD BHINOTTITE 970 aataHiie BOBpEMLL. | omschedule (on time) ino pacnucanuio |The morning train arrived on schedule. ~ Virpensutit rioean npu6sun no pacman, on the air nepedasaemsiit ¢ pup (paduo- unt meneauauonas npo- zpamma) ‘The BBC is always on the air. ~ Cranusia Bu-Ou-cn 8 adupe kpyrible cyTKH. on the eve of sth makanywe, wenocpedemsenno neped cobeimuent He traveled to his parents on the eve of his wedding. — On mioexan K CBOHM pomtiTesaM HaKanyHe chocit ‘cpaabOnt. ‘on the horizon ‘npedemoauee a cxopox epesent (Wa copusonme) ‘Do you think that war is really on the horizon? — ‘ywacure mT, 70 porta Ha camo steae CKOPO pas- paaurtes? ‘on the lookout (or wateh) for sb or sth @ oneudasut Ko20-A. wat 4820-2 He's on the lookout for his girlfriend who is coming shortly. — (On oxuaaer cBoro enymtky, KOTOPAN Mo.AHa eKOPO OsHTbEA. on the move ¢ deucteenu, na xody 0 Mm on the point It was so exciting to see the herd of elephants on the move. ~ Beto upessaruaiino mtrepectto BiuteTb crato cxoHON B ABICKEHILH, ‘on the point (verge) of doing sth ‘a epanu Kako20-2, deiicmeun “Tom was on the verge of leaving college. — ‘Tow 6011 Ha rpann paccrasannia c KOMLTeIKeM. on the spot emedaenno, mym Ke ‘The police were on the spot when violence broke out, — Tonia npr6sia cpasy xe, Koraa Hauamich Gecno- pak, on the waiting list a cmucke, na oxepedu He couldn't get a room in the hotel, but they put his ame on the waiting list. — ENy He mpenocrasiuin KoMHaTy n rocTHMMue, Ho 0 rani ero Ha o¥epenb. on the way @nymu ‘Wait for 5 minutes. She’s on her way. — Tlonoxnu 5 somyr, Ona naxoanres B nyrH. (on the whole ‘8 yerom, @ oben On the whole, yesterday proved to be a fine day. — BuenoM zens Buepa oKasaies CARH. ‘on the wrong track Ha AOKHOM MyM, Ho noKOMY cAedy out of control ‘They won’t catch the bandit because they are on the ‘wrong track. — ‘Onin He novisator Ganmirra, Tax Kak MAyT 0 TOAHOMY coneaty tiptoe a yuinowna He had to stand on tiptoe to see all the faces. — Engy mmpuuuioce Berar Wa UBIMOWKH, STOGE yBIEIET® ‘ace aia. ‘on trial nodeepenyecs cydeOkomy pasbupameavcniay ‘Today her friend will be on trial. — Ceroniia » orvomeniit ee npyra Gyner tiavar cyneO~ _ BIH mpoutece. ‘on view a obospenue This sculpture will be on view next week. — Sra cKysbrTypa Gyser muicrantena Ha O6osperMe Ha cneayioulel nenexe. (the) other way round ‘aobopom | These parts don't fit that way. Try it the other way ro- und. ‘StH netann-TaK He HosxoasT: FlonpoGyit exeaars 1a- 6opar. out of control Geckounponto We tried to keep the company quiet, but it got out of control. — Mut cTapanich YTHXOMHpHT KoMIaHiio, Ho Ona [BRITA H3-10 KONTO. na M3 s-5049 ut of date _out of work Setar date) She didn’t really love me, so 1 left the country, Out of ‘yemapeeuutt sight, out of mind. — His clothes are absolutely out of date. — Ero onexila conepulleHHO BLIUIa 13 MON. ‘out of fashion ‘eotuena U3 Mod ‘She doesn’t care if her clothes are out of fashion, Ee me GecnoKour 70, To ce Mares BRIM M3 MOM out of fine eyecmno Jack, your remark was absolutely out of line. — TbkeK, TROe saMeyaHHe GsUI0 COBEpILLeHHO HeyMe~ cro. ut of one’s mind enynuit, comeduuiic yma ‘What have you done? You must be out of your mind. — ro ru najtenan? Tis, neposo, cowen ¢ ya out of place ‘Gorm neymecrnsun ‘Your remarks at the University were out of place. ‘Toon samevartus » yrttnepeirere Guim WeywecrHts- Man. out of reach ‘ene docseaemocmu He wants to be the champion, but this target is out of reach. — (Ox xover Tare NeMMOHOM, HO 370 HegOCTIDKHMAR ess. out of sight, out of mind € 21as danoit, ws cepdya 6on Ona mena He moGwIa, Ws NOKHHYA eTpany. C 33 nonoit, 13 cepsuta BOR. ‘out of step udmu ne 6 Hoey He is out of step with the times. — (On He w1er B Hor co BpenterteM. ‘out of the blue ‘euezanuo, neoxcuduniio ‘After being away for three years, he appeared at home out of the blue. — Tlocne rpexiietHero orcyTcTaisi OH HEOXHLIAHHO TO SIBALICH JOM. ‘out of touch with sb or sth nomepame cost ¢ Kest-n, Wal HEM He’s been out of touch with his friend for two ye- ars. — ‘OH He Men KaKOH-1HG0 CBS3H CO CBOHM JIPYTOM 1 ‘TeaeH Me ABYX Her. out of town ‘@peneno yGvims us ceoeco zopoda T'm going to the village for a week, so I'll be out of town. — sLeay B AcpeBiio Ha OH HeMeEMIO, TAK TO BPEMEHHO Mens He GysleT B ropone. out of work ‘ocmamses Ges paGome ur brother has been out of work for 9 months. ~ ‘Haut Gpat octaeten GeapaGoTHbIM yxe B TeveHHe e- ‘BATH MecaeR. 14 > us ‘over and over (again) if ay tip-service t0 sb over and over (again) | pass the time cnosa u cnoea | aanoanums apens : ‘They sang the same song over and over again. — What do you do to pass the time, waitin for your grt- (OnH neni ony Ty xe TecH copa H exon friend? ~ over my dead body vepes ou mpyn You want to go abroad? Only over my dead body! — ‘Tit xoveutb yexaT» 3a rpaknuy? Tomko tepe Moll ‘tpyn! A pain in the neck teaunocunatweroeek; ums. pasdpaacarouee This naughty boy really gives me a pain in the neck. — ‘Stor HemocayMIHbift MaTbSHIIKa MeHs Over pasapa- xaer. *part with (sb or sth) Paccmameca ¢ kem-2. uau ena. Jim had to part with his best friend Tom. — Abxvonry mpuuuioce paccrarecsi co cpomm mysnatas apy- rom Towom. *pass away cKonuarmecs His dear father passed away on Monday, ~ Ero noporoit oreit cKoHUaIICA B oHesIeNHHK. pass (sth) on nepedams 4mo-a. KaMyA lease pass the book on to Alice after you'll have read it, ~ Tloxaylicra, nepenalt KHpkKy Amiice flocze Toro, Kak ‘Tal ee npownTaeue, Yo Tat aenaeus, 170u sanonKitre spent B oxWIa- HMM cBoelt TonpyxKi? pass through sb’s mind; cross sb’s mind puiumu 6 20208 You know, something crossed my mind, and I want to tell you about it. ~ Tot ahiaeU, Y4sle KOe-TO MPHMULTO B TOAOBY, H # XO¥Y ‘Tebe 06 STOM pacexasaT». pat sb on the back nodBeporcamt K020-2. He got a pat on the back after doing this hard work. — Ero noxsammtit nocte Toro, Kax OH ciRestaN STY TAKE ayo paGory. pave the way (for sb or sth) mpoaoacums dopozy ‘They paved the way for the education reform. — (Oru nponoxninn xopory 128 pecbopabt OGpasonaHs. pay attention (to sb or sth) ‘rumamenvito caywam KO20-A. ua uno-A Please pay attention to the teacher. ~ Tloxanyitcra, caymai yuuvess sHymarenbHO. Children, please pay attention to what I'm going to say. ~ Jlera, noxanylicta, o6parite BHIMAHHe Ha TO, TO A 1BaM CkaXy. pay lip-service to sb euckpenno eocreasamo iu noddepacueante KO20-2. 7 pay sh a compliment Point out (sb or sth) He didn’t care for Mr. Brown, but was just paying lip | play sth by ear service to the future mayor. — Gums cnocobrwm eocnpoussecmu myauiKy Ha cayx (Ges Eny Gur Gespassitien: mucrep Bpayl, HO OH BOCKBA- aa Gymyutero Mapa. pay sb a compliment eaamo KoMnuanent KON [paid her a compliment and she was very pleased. — SI caenan eit KOMMAMMEHT, H OHA GUA OMEHE NOKOMIS a STHM. pay sb a visit awecmnu ausum KONYA. ‘We want to pay a visit to our good friends. — Ma xoran HaHtectH BHSHT HalLIMM MpHeTensi. pick sb or sth up npuexam 3a KeM-2.; nOdseImu KO20-A. au mo-2. Come tomorrow and pick me up at 8 o'clock. — TIpweaxali 3a mHolt sasrpa 8 8 Yacos. *pipe down saMoavame, «samKnymscr That's enough of you. Pipe down. — Xnavur c Te6a. Sarkis, play into sb’s hand ‘oiepame Ramya. a pyky Her neighbour played into my hands. — Ee cocea chirpan MHe Ha pyKy. *play down peymencuuums She tried to play down his part in the offence. — ‘Ona crapanack npeyMenblIHTs eT port B Hartane- om) She could play most of Tchaikovsky's romances by ‘ear. — ‘Ona mora clirpare GombumnncrBo poaricon aiikop- ‘eKoro Ha Calyx. play the foot Oypaxumeca ‘ Hie likes to play the fool, but it usually doesn’t amuse us.— On mo6irr sypasirraca, HO Hac 970 OOLIIHO He pas- eKaer. play with fire uepams ¢ o2tem He was playing with fire by talking in that way to the police officer. — ‘On urpacornem, pasrosapusas Tax ¢ NOAMUCHICKHM. pluck up (one’s) courage co6jpams ceoe myonecmso She plucked up her courage and agreed to spend the night with her new friend. — Ona coGpana caoe myxecTmO H cormaciutach MpoBeC- ‘TH HOU Co COOMA HOBMM SHAKOMEIM plug (sth) in acmiaeums eurxy anexmponpuGopa 6 posemky lug in the TV set if you wish to sce the new film. — Bxmoun TexeBHaOp B POBeTKY, EcITH XONeI NlOCMOT- ere HOBBIH q>HOTEM. *point out (sb or sth) ‘yragams Ha KOz0-A. Wat 4M0~2. 18 9 poke (stick) one’s nose in(to sth) t Encode a She pointed out the man who threatened her. (Ona ykasaia Ha YenoBeka, KoTopKii eff YTPOXAN. poke (stick) one’s nose in(to sth) ‘coeame caoit noc 60 umo-2. Don’t poke your nose into my business. — He cyit noc b mon nena. *pop up ‘tresanto noseumses (@tupacmu Kak uz-nod semauy) ‘They popped up and scared us all. — Ont Buipocmt kax 3-Ton SeNuIH H Hayramit Hac. our cold water on sb enum» yutam xonodHod 60de Ha Ko20-A, wu amon. Steve looked angrily at Pear, as though he poured cold ‘water on her. Cru ano noemorpen wa Tepa, cnosso nese yurar XOsORHOII BOG! Ha Hee, pour money down the drain Gecnazesuo mpamumt deubeu, edpacweans denvet na aemep Don’t buy this useless appliance. It’s pouring money down the drain, — He noxynait stor Gecnonestitii nps6op. Dro pasiio- CHATBHO BbIOpactiBAHNO AeHer Ha ReTep. praise sb or sth to the skies xeanums 00 neGec The guests praised the pie to the skies. — Tocrit npesostocitn supor 20 neGe prick up one’s ears magocmpurnt yuu 120 myears.— Korita Gs110 yronsuyro MMs MoerO CHINA, #1 HaBOCT- win yu, i ‘When I heard my son's name mentioned, I pricked up pros and cons _ saunpomus Before making a dicision they analyzed all the pros and cons. — Tlo npunatus peuicrins onn oGcyauTH nee ¢bakrbt 3 Mnporus. pull (make) a face ‘ckopuums poreuny, cBenams epumacy My brother pulled a face to make the kids laugh. — Molt Gpar ckopsin pox, #To6bi paccatensirTs peGsr pull oneself together ‘eam C2686 pyku ‘Try to stop crying, Pull yourself together. ~ Tlocrapatica nepecrar» tuiakarb, BosbMt ceOs B PYKK, * (of sth) Ma cason Rance eco; ema aKoi-s, 300 pennoen ‘The soldiers finally pulled out of the occupied territory. — Cnr, axis oxi OGTPOBAHAYO TED prop. pull sb's leg ‘nouymumo, nocuexmocs nad Kea Don’t believe him. He’s pulling your leg. — He neps emy. On myran, *pull through . npeodonent Goneans; auiimu us mpydroii cumyanute 21 push (drive) sb to the wall He’s seriously ill, but we hope he’Il pull through. — Oui cepbestio Goze, Ho Mul HaeeMcn, HTO OH Me ‘onoacer Gonest, push (drive) sb to the wall ‘puoxcamd Koz0-2. Kk cmene; Doeecmu Bo Kpatinocmu ‘The bad situation inthe ezonomy pushed him 1 the Thioxas 9koHOMMNECKaN c#TTyALMs HOBesa ero 10 xpaflwocri. put a brave face on it dears eud, xm nuezo ne enyrucioc’s She has lost her ob, but is putting a brave face on it. — (Ona norepsuta paGory, Ho xpaGprrea put all one’s eggs in one basket Gename cmaery na oOKy Kapmy When John wanted to invest all his money into one company, his father said: “Don’t put all your eggs into ‘one basket.” Korna Jbkopxpe xoren BAOKHTS nce CBOM JEHETH OMY KoMmanim, eo oTeu exazax: «He zesait crapky Ha omity xapry”. ‘put stop (an end) to sth ‘nperpamume Put an end to this stupid quarrel. ~ Mpexparu ary raynyio ccopy. put on weight npubaeumo 6 6ece John says that I’m too slim, so I'll have to put on some weight, ~ TbxoW ronop, 40 5 CMMIIKOM XYREMBKAR, TAK TO Mie mIpHeres:npuGanicth 8 Bece. mm hao put one in one's place cmaauim Kozo-a. a Meco This gentleman is getting too familiar. I'll put, ‘him in his place. — Dror WKCHTADMEH CTAHOBHTCH CAMUIKOM chaMWIbAD- ruin, Soctaniio ero Ha MeCTO. put one’s cards om the table ‘packpsimp ace xapmoi Put your cards on the table. I want to know what you really want to do. — Pacxpoit sce Kapthi. A xouy 3Harb, WTO TH sAeHeTBH- ‘TenbHo Hamepenaemmbcs enaTb. put out (sth) ‘noeacums ui atucsrouum 4mo-2. Put out the fire immediately. — Tloracute oro HememIeHHO. Please put out the light and go to sleep. — Tloxasylicta, pknoun per 1 1OXMCB craTb. put sb on a pedestal ‘upesmepno yeancam wt s106tuM KO20-2. She has put him on a pedestal and thinks he is perfect. ~ Onia nostiecra ero Ha nbetecTan Kayser, 170 OH CAMO conepurencrs0. pt sb or sth at sb’s disposal ‘npedocmasiums Kaz0-A. Wil 4MmO-A. @ Ube-2, pacnoproKe- ue ‘When you'll need me, I'l put your disposal. Kora a Te6e nonaroGawes, # Gyn B THOeM pacropA- KEN *put (sb or sth) away ‘yOpam Koeo~2. wrt mO~2 ie putsb to bed | put the eart before the horse Mark, put away your toys. — put sth right Map, ySepm eson wrpyimkr. ‘enpasums, evnpasum sm0-2. [Emory that We mace a misake, Wer pur st riht put sb to bed immediately. ~ ‘yiodeum 020-2. nam | Monit, sro vax nonyernm oumnxy. Mi noe He- She wants granny to put her to bed. — eqieno nenpann Ona xover, wro6 GaGyunka yroauuna ee ena, | put sth straight put (sth) forward | xpcue? Gost» He rubbed salt in the wound by telling me how beautiful iy girl-friend was in the past. ~ (Ok Hackman coms Ha pany, cka3am Mie, 870 B MpOMLLTON Mos Tlonpyra Otula OveH» xopouta COBO. rule of thumb npuGauxcennan oenka; epy6uit mmnupureckuit me- mod Although his methods are more or less rule of thumb, he gets good results. — ‘Xors ero Meroabl Consiue onpaiores! Ha ero npaKtu- MeCKMii OnbIT, a He Ha HayHHBIH NOAXON, OF TomysaeT Xopoute peayitsrarsl. run after nnpecaedoams The thief ran away and the policeman ran after him. ~ Bop yGexai, H NORMUeMICKHI norHaica 3a HUM, run a (the) risk (of sth) nolimu Ha puck He didn’t want to run the risk of losing his job, — One ne xoten wrrn 1a puck norepu paGoTs “run away (with sb or sth) yOeneamb CEMA. Wal CHeM-A., CBe>Kan® Jim ran away with his girl-friend and got married. — Toxnm cGexkast co cooeit nonpyron H KeHHLAIeA Ha welt 130 The watch has run down, I need a new battery (the old ‘one has run down). — Yachi ocraxosnance. Me nyxcia Hopas Garaperika (crapan acer). Fun for one’s life Geacams pad enacenus Many were killed by the blast, but some ran for their lives. — Muorue Ginn yOurst sspsinom, Ho KexoTopste Ye kam H cracmtes, *runinto aexams na 4mo- ‘The car ran into a lamp-post. — Maura naexama Ha (ponapHntit cron. ‘trun off (with sb or sth) eBesicams © KeM-A. wi € HeM-s.; yRpacmb 4mo-n. wn saxeamume K020-2. The robber ran off with her purse, — Bop cGexxai ¢ ee KouestbKOM. run out of sth ‘ocmameca Ge 4220-1 ‘He ran out of petrol, and had to stop at the petrol station, — Y ero sakonwutca GeHSHH, HOH BLHY:IIEH GLUT OC ‘TAHOBHTTECH OKOMIO BeH3OKOOHKH. ‘run out of time He uMem» Goasme epemenu He ran out of time and couldn't finish the job. — Emy He xmarito Bpemeni, W oH He cMor sakOHITTE abory, a 13 run over (sb ors) scrape sth together rum over (sb or sth) naexamb (a aemomoGuae u m.d.) Ha KOz0-A. uau umo-a. It was dark when he ran over the old lady. — Buuro temso, Korjla OM Haexan Ha CrapyisKy. run short of sth ucnoxesoaame nowmu ace Ges ocmamia ‘We were running short of bread, so I bought a loaf on my way home. — Y Hac NONTH He OcTaqocs xuTe6a, TAK TO A KYMINT Gy~ xanKy no nyrH 10Moih ‘run up against a stone wall ynepemses ¢ npenamemaue ‘We've run up against a stone wall in our research. Mot Haronxnysitch Ha Gone TPYAMOCTHE B HALEN MccaeHOBaHIH. ssafe and sound ewewe u sdoposue twas a dangerous trip, but we returned home, safe and sound. ‘Bro BAiNo onacHoe MyretllecTBME, HO MBI BepHysINCE OMOI AMBBINICM SOPORDIMI salt of the earth ‘econb semiuo (0 xopotuex u docmoitwoxe wenoaeKe) His mother is the salt of the earth. She comes to her neighbours’ help whenever somebody needs it. — ime here mowe, # cozaacen George: I want to take a taxi Mary: Same here. — Tbxop ax: 5 xouy nase Taken. Moput: H x toxe. ume old story ‘emapan necis Peter is asking for 10 dollars. It’s the same old sto- = Therep npocur 10 xoanapon, Crapast ects! | | ssave sth for a rainy day coxpanuis wmo-1. (OB4no deuseu) na vepnbit dee They were not wel off, bt they saved some money fora rainy day. ~ (Ont Gru ne Gorarst, 10 exorutH Hemnoro.AeHer Ha sepa tern. say sth out loud ‘ckasams umo-a. Bcayx Stop whispering. Say it out loud. ~ Tlepectanre nrenrrarscsi. Ckaxarre 310 BCnyX. say sth (right) to sb’s face ‘ckasam umo-a. npaso @ 2uyo I said what I thought about her, right to her face. — AL eKasasia, 70 50 Heft AyMaIO, TIPAMO B MHTIO. serape sth together ‘uaekpeemu, exonumte Please try to scrape something together for break- Ero war — «com Sevonity. Orla mpHXOn0T a n0- fast, — Motus cOcemM, KAK TOmKO KTO-H60 OKASHBACTER Tloxanyiiora, noctapaties Hacxpeeri ro-nuGo na Bese. sabrpak, 12 133 screw up one’s courage screw up one’s courage colpamt ace cooe Myoeecmso, mycamtecn You'll have to screw up your courage fo have your tooth pulled. ‘TeGe mpnneres coGpars nce cnoe MyXKeCTO Mepest Yaa~ seHHeN 3368. second-rate ue nymutezo Kayecmaa, émopoe0 copma They are building second-rate housing. ~ (Onn erposr wise Broporo copra. second to none nenpessotidennvilt John isa splendid teacher, second to none. ~ Toxon orauunetit yauTem, nyse BCeX. see sb home npoeodumts x020-2. dono Sam saw his niece home, because it was already dark. ~ Com mposoni cHov0 ruexesieity ROMOH, TAK KAK YE Guuno TeMHo. *see (sb) off Tonpowumben ¢ KeM-a. @ a2ponopmy, Ha Goxzaze u ma. They saw off their two boys, who were going toa summer camp. — Oni mposoaiin cboux apyx MambuNKoB, Koropuie oexasn B neTAMii aareps. *see (sb) out ‘nposodume zocms do daepu When the guests leave, the host usually sees them out, ~ Korna rocti noxijaior 40M, X03aMHt OGDt'H0 TPOBO- 2xaeT HX 10 BEI 134 send ome about one’s business ¢ (sth) through mpocaedums 3a vem-2. do xonya ‘The President decided to sec the political decision thro- vgh. — Tipesuzentr peu npocsemrrs 9a gTHM nomMTHKeC~ HIM pellieH eM 0 Kortua, stars youdem ueKpss (38e30%) nocxe ydapa 6 zaaoay ‘He saw stars when he was hit on the head by the stone. — Y Hero noceinaanct HCKpH 43 Tas ocTe yaapa KAM HEAL 8 rostOBy. *sceto ‘sam Ka ceba, noGecnoxoumscs 0 4eM-2. | Ifyou can provide the wine I'll see to the food, — EGHM Tid MoxeUIb OGECeYHTS BHHOM, 70 ROSKMY Ha § ce6neny. *sell off ‘npodams no Hesticoxoi ene ‘We are selling off the remainder of our stocks. — ‘Mii mpoaen rio HeBsicoKOH Lee OCTATOK HMeKOMLHX- on ToBapon, sell out pacnpodams ‘This shop is selling out. Everything is so cheap. — B o1om Marasite uaer pacnponaxa. Bee Tak seute- send one about one’s business ocaams koz0-1. npows, o6b4Ko 6 nedpyocecmeeHHON mone ‘Send that nasty boy about his business. — Tporonn stro nporusnoro wansuuKy, 135, ‘send sb out on an errand send sb out on an errand nocaam Koz0-A. daa sbinoanenua nopy¥enua Mike’s father sent him out on an errand. — Oreu Maitxa niocaan ero ¢ nopyyenien. ‘send sth off ‘omnpacume «0-2. I sent the letter off, this morning. — Al ytpom ormpaniita ncbMo. serve sb right cnpasediuso nakasam’ Ko2o-A. 3a npocmynok It would serve Jane right if'she were left at home. — Tak eff nasi, ecm JbxeiH OCTaBRT OMA. set fire to sb or sth, nodowcens Koza~A. wu 40-2. The hooligans set fire to the hut. — Xymuranel nooxran HS6yLIKy. set in ‘vemanooumuca (o nozode, nepuode u m0.) Winter has set in. I’s time to wear your fur coat. — Suma yoraHosntacs. Topa tebe HaxeTs MexoBoe naire. set off for somewhere omnpasumen xyoa-A. ‘They set off for the scaside in the early morning. — Ont ormpanrctnce Ha Geper Mops paishitM YTPOM. set sal (for somewhere) omnpasumbca xyda-s. na sodke usu na KopaGne When does he set sail for Australia? — Konia of otnpanaaetea 8 nnapaume K Ancrpa- amin? ‘sew (sth) up ume Koe0-A, ua 4mo-A. took off the net and set the cat free, — (CHAN CeTKY ¥ OCBOGOMHIT KOUIKY. (sth) aside ‘meepenyms (omaoreums) umo-a, ‘We'll have to set aside your demand. We are sure that are wrong. — Have nputeresi ormepriyrs naute tpeSopanie, Ms yBe- Dente, 70 bx He mpanss. ascore with sb Guuacnume omHoWeNUA C KeM-2., c5ecmu CHEB “Tom settled a score with our neighbour. — Tom cen cern ¢ Hamm cocesIOM. the table ‘maxpeeme wa cmon Mummy, would you please set the table? ~ ‘Mamouxa, Haxpoil, noxanylicra, wa cros. *settle down yenoKoumea Te’s time for the kids to settle down and go to bed. — PeGaran nopa yenoKomrsea Ht Xe crt, *set up ocymecmeum 4mo-2., Yemanoeumne pexope He set up a new record in the 100m race. — On yeranionie Hopati pexops 8 Gere Ha 100 MerpoB. ‘sew (sth) up ‘autuime 4mo-n. Please sew up this hole in my glove. — Toxanyiicra, saueit aTy abipy B Mocit nepyarke. 136 Bt shake hands (with sb) single sb or sth out shake hands (with sb) ‘npucememsoeams k020-2. pykonoacamuen We were glad to meet each other and shake hands. — Ma Gouin past pcrperirses H noxars pyr Apyry yk. “shake (sb or sth) off ‘Omexsambves om Ko20-1. Ut 4ee0-2, wish T could shake off Tim. He’s such a scoundrel. — 51 6m xores omnenaTscx oT Toma. Ont TaKOIE MEp3a~ Be. shame on sb ‘kak we emudno When Betsy spilt the soup on the carpet, mother said: “Shame on you”. ~ Tocae Toro kak Bercu nponuna cynt Ha KOBcp, Mana cexasara eli: «Kax TeGe me criantiol» ‘shed light on sth ‘nponueams caem ua 4m0-A., MonchuMe 4mo-a. Henowam- woe ‘Their debate has shed light on the results obtained. Wxo6cyxeHHe npoxiino cReT Ha namy"eHHBle pesyitb ran. short of sth He umems ue20-n, 6 neoGrodusom KonuMecmae ‘She wanted to bake a cake, but was short of flour. ‘Ona xoresta nce Mv;por, Ho y Hee He xBATAIO MYKHt, “show off ‘ecmu cebn maxun o6pazom, mob npuenexam k ceb— enunanue She loves to show off. — ‘Ona oGoxkaeT npmmlexarh x ceBe mMMNANMe. 138 (sb) around ‘eodumt K020-1. ¢ Yeabio o3taKoMaenuR When I moved to a new flat close to my friend’s house, she showed me around. ~ Korna s nepeexana wa HoBylo Keapripy BOauSH 10- Ma moeil NOpYTK, OHa MHE NOKaswIa, 4rO THe Haxo- mutes. ‘shut (sb) up gacmagum 020-2. saMonuamte, «samKKymb» KO20-2. ‘You said so much; please shut up. ~ ‘Tutyxxe cronpxo ckasana. Toxasyiicra, saMon4H (saT- xanice). “shut (sth) down apo (aaeky, aacacut, Gustec) ‘Trade was so bad that many shops were shut down. — Toprons 6sura HacTombxo nAOxOl, 70 MHOTO Mara- ion SaKpsTOCt. sick and tired of sb |" pasdpancer, yemax om xa20-2. Pim sckand tired of his singing. Pve had enough. — Mke xpaiine nagoeno ero neue. C Mens XBaTHT. ‘sign in ‘sanucameca, sapezucmpuposamvcs Go to the next room and sign in. — ‘Von p caenyrontyio KoMHsaTy H Sapernerpapytics. single sb or sth out ‘ui6pams (suideaums) Koz0-A. wn umo~1. fall those present he singled out Mary for the special aif. — ‘Visuneaa scex npucyrerayiouix on bx6pan Mapu na Bpy¥eHnst efi cneusanbHoro noapKA. 19 stack smoke (sb) out *sit back aceaaSumbes, nepecmam’ paomams Pe worked hard all my life; it’s time to sit back. — 31 sc10 x13 HanpsExeHHO paGoTaN; Mopa OTsASEKATL sit on one’s hands huwezo ne cOetame, ne oKasam» neoGxooUmoll NoMOWUH ‘When I needed help from Tom, he just sat on his hands, — Korna mie Hyokia Otisia momo Towa, OM HMGerO He conemau. sit on the fence He satunams wseit-a. émopour; He deaams 4emKozo ‘seiGopa mexcdy Jayna eosmocnocmante He cannot decide which of the two candidateshe prefers; he’s just sitting on the fence. — On He Moxer ora» mpenmowreHite KH OnHOMY 13 ABy< KANAMRATOB WHE MPUHUMAeT KAKOPO-AGO pe- uurenus, “sit with sb cudemo c Kes-2., ocoGenno c Goasusen She had to sit with her granny tonight. ~ Eit npruiocs Koubto yxaxnBar» 3a cBoeit Ga6yLLKOH. pit aby», nponyemu What I said is not important. Skip it, — “iro a cxasan, He uMeeT sHaveHns. 3a6yan! slap in the face ‘ocxop6nenue, nowenuna Losing the Presidential election proved to be a slap in the face for the candidate. — Tlopaxenne Ha mpestulentexux BbiGopax oKasanoce TOWeyHHOR Aa KansHtaTa. 40 like a log ‘ename Kare yur When Judy's husband goes to bed after a day of hard work, he sleeps like a log. — Korda uyx Dbxyan noxwres enare nocne Tsexes0H paGorer, on CMT KaK yOuTEIA. The company made a lot of money, so the workers wanted a slice of the cake. Kommanns sapaGoraa wore aexer, H paGoulre xoTe~ JM TIONY'HITE CBOW 103110. slip away ‘yoxonvanyme, ckpwimbcn He wanted to slip away with his gri-friend, — (On x0Ten nesaMeTHo eKpEITECs Co CBOE NERYEIKOH ‘small fry ‘mopocmenennie suya, Mestosza, sean couxa “The police have caught the small fry, bu the gang leader vanished. — Tloamura nojimana wenxyio coumy, a rasapp Gari cexpbutc ‘smear campaign (against sb) anmanus, uMeroiuan yenb ucnopmums wI0-2. penyma- uo Mr. Smith isstartinga smear campaign against hisoppo- nent. Mucrep Cytitr nasuuniaer kawmaxnio no aeKpesttra- ‘tH KONKypeHTa smoke (sb) out ‘euikypums kozo~2. Wau mio ; ua ‘smooth sth out sort (th) out He smoked the mice out of the kitchen. (On BEIKypHa MEET HS KYXHH. “smooth sth out cenadume pasuoenacua LLet’s stop arguing and try to smooth things out. — avait npexparin crop w nonsrraemes ersasitr cH ‘yawn. ‘so-and-so ‘maxotl-eakott can’t stand this so-and-so. ~ On rakoit-caxon. $1 ero He Tepmmo, sobeit Gyds umo Gydem She decided to run off with the crook, so be it. — (Ona pemsura cGexart c THM 2kyanKom. Bysb 70 Gy- et. 0 far, so good ‘noKa ace udem xopowo ‘Our project is continuing: so far, so good. — ‘Haut npoekr nponomxaercs; noKa nee weT Xopowto. solong Go coudanwe, noxa ‘Tanya left her friends in the room saying: so long, see you later. — ‘Tans octapua cBoux apyselt p KomataTe, ckasan: «flo epnanist, MOKA». 50-50 ‘max cefie (nu xopowo, nu naoxo) — How are you? — Kax noxuaete? = So-so. = Tax cebe, to speak Imax crazam, Kak 6 (Koe0a ct08a KemguHo atipaaca- Yom cxasanioe) Idon’t have many friends. My cat is.a substitute, so to ak. — Fares nao apyoed. Mon xounca snagercn xax 6x samenor. (o the skin npamoxuyms do numxu, mposoxnyme nackeo3® He was caught in the storm and got soaked to the skin, ~ Inverts HactTur ero, WOH MPOMOK sO HHTKA. ‘some new blood “ceexeax xpoar (Hogoe nonannentue) This team needed new blood; now they've got two excellent players. ~ Stoll Kowaitxe HYKIO Obi70 cHeKee NoMOAHEHHE. Celiac y Hix mMcIOTCR moa OTAHEMX MrpOKA. something of the sort ewmo nodo6noe She bought a raincoat or something of the sort. — Ona xynita noxnenHK nae He4To nOmOGHOE. something’s up sumo-mo cayswnoe® She looks very upset. I think something's up. (Ona netrnaai overt pacerpoenoit. Hanepttoe, #70- ‘To npows0uUI0. sort (sth) out (Pa0bpamoch 6 4eM-A. ‘Now that he has left, I can sort out my life. — Tertepp, nocne Toro Kak OH yules, sl Mory paso6parscs 1B choe#t HHH. ‘ 5 ‘ : 2 i 5 speak one's mind ‘speak one’s mi ‘exasame omepoeenno Alina always speaks her mind. You can know what she really thinks. — Aamia Beersa FOBOpHT OTKPOBEHHO, But MOxeTe y') are, 0 eM ona aywaer. speak out against sth evickazamsea (npomua 820-2.) His behaviour is disgusting. 1 will speak out against it, - Ero nosenenne oreparitresbHo. I BbIcK@xychs Ha Stor caer *speed (sb or sth) up nomoponum Ko20-2. usu moa He is walking too slowly, please speed him up. — On mer emiukom Memento. Hoxaryiicta, noropo- mre ero. ‘spell (sth) out Pastoocum no Bykeam, pacckasame nodpobno ‘The instructions in the book are spelt out very carefully. — Huetpyxnim p xmuire ustoxexet O4eHb TulaTeABHO, spell trouble cynume, e2ews sa coGoit Kenpuamuocmu His wild look spells trouble. — Ero aWkii narnag eynur HenpustocTH. spick and span Geaynpexno wucmoe u onpamnoe She always wished to have everything spick and span around her. — Ona nceraa xenaza, “ToGu1 BOKpYT Hee BCe 6110 6e- aympestio 4HeTO H ONpsTHO, stand down (step down) ‘deal wecmnan cdenca This company does not often provide a square deal to its clients. — Sra Konan evacro conepuraeT HecTHBIe CHeAKIL 0 eon xnHesTaM. sb in the back awecmu ydap @ cnuny, npedam» Koe0-2. T never expected him to stab me in the back. We were ‘00d friends. — SL wukorga Ke AyMarT, 970 OH MoxeT MEH peat, Mit eb OBLU XOPOUIENN ApysBRM. stamp (sth) out usbaeurnsea om aaa (Gonesneil) ; They didn’t know how to stamp out the SARS viru: 2003. — : B 2003 roay oun we aka, xax noGaBMTBeH OT DHPYCA _arunwsKor mesmonitt. ‘stand a chance wera wane He stands a real chance of winning the race. — Y nero ects peanbuniit wae BbIMTpath TOHKY. stand by (sb) ‘Gums @ cocmonnuu Zomoenocm; npodoascams noddep- ucuaams K020-A. u noMozaMs KOMY A. The bus will leave in five minutes. Please stand by. ~ npurorosstech. No matter what happens, I'll stand by you. Yro Gur HH caysnu0es, # Bysty TeGA MoMIep:KNBAT. stand down (step down) ‘omxagameca om yuacmust s west-a, wi om Goaokenocmmu 144 | Anro6yc ompapirres uepes nats mameyr. Tloxanyiicra, i eas us a_i It's time for the mayor to stand down. His performance is so weak, ~ Tlopa apy yitra ¢ sanumaemoro nocra. On cmtunkon, cima6 kax pykoroaurens, “stand (Keep) still cmoams exupno ‘Stand still or you'll falloff the ladder. — Croii cMampHo wn ror ynanet ¢ nectrMs, start (get) the ball rolling ‘Hawams wno-n.; anyemume Kakoli-a. npouecc He got the ball rolling and the others began helping, — On Hat1ax nen0, w apyrue ctann emy nonoraTs, state-of-the-art ‘na Yooone Hogeiuuux docmuscenuli mexnanoeuu @ onpe- Genennoit o6xacmu We are very proud of our state-of-the-art computers. — Mut overt ropanncs Haun KoMmbioTepaMlt, coOT- BETCTBYIOUUUMH MA4POBOMY ypOBItO. *stay up te aoneumice sospens enams ‘Children never want to £0 to bed at the proper tim they always want t sty up late, Aletu nuxorna ne xormt noxuTECA ‘ClaTb BOBPEMA; OHH bucerna Xora ciaers aonoama Eny 11e cneayer Gecnioxowrsca. 1 Gyzy nostepxifaTs 9, TO OMI HN CHYUTOCE. (sth) up a a =—- This letter should be stuck up on the notice bo: a ‘Bro NUchMo citexyeT MpUKNeHTE Ha LOCKy OObsABI! stick together ; imecs emecme tiie guy of fiends stuck together for more tan 10 Sra rpynna apyselt nepxanach nueore Gone sea ser stop toting oe ‘neped uem He Gaerne sa sop et nething on - Sve ccraonmoes tt nepe eu, TOG eps ror moet stop short of doing sth - rmecst om Kako20-A. deliemsun ‘They quaneled but hin stopped shot of punching his fiend. — “step (sth) up ‘Onn roccopiancs, Ho JbkHN enepskaren H He YAaPHT ekopume amon apyra. arrangements to step up production. — Sabon He pbmyckan aocratouHoro KoMMNeCTBa :LBHTa~ Teselt, 1 onM mpHHaAH Me} Menino) wx npouspoacrsa. itaway epasy ae Let's goto Patis straight away. — Tlanait cpasy xe oTnpasuates! » Tlapiox. Da TO YeKoperitio (yest. 6 ' ‘The plant was not making enough engines so they made pe 7 * ‘ieee take a hand in sth strike a bargain ‘At the end of the meeting the director summed it up: cooepuum cdeaxy We argued for an hour before we struck a bargain. — Mui chopwin n texenne aca no conepmteniia cie-nKit strike the right note Oocmuenyme awceraenoco peayasmama. His speech failed to strike the right note at the meeting, — Ero peu Ha masrunire He Rocturna xenaeworo peaynt- ara, stroke of luck nemnozo eeeiea Thad stroke of tuck and found Jane at the tennis court, — ‘Mute noses, 1 s Hamen Jpxetinr na TentHcKom Kopre. stumble across sb or sth hamkimeca wa Kozo-a. un wmo-A, He stumbled across a very interesting novel i bookstore yesterday. — Buepa ott Harkrlyaca Ha O4eHB MirTepecrtEt posan p KIoxHOM Maran. subject to sth orm nodeeporcenneun wenty-2. My grandfather is subject to heart attacks, — Mofi zeayuixa noanepxen cepaewiisin mpncrynam. such is life ‘maxosa weuatis U'msorry you failed yourexam. Such is life! Take it again, — “Well, some of you will be fired.” — : B Kone co6paxua aupextop mompex ror: «Ja, He~ Opole H3 Hac BY:LYT YBONEHEI, against the tide ime mpomus mevenun : He docs what everybody else does. He'll never swim jst the tide. — ‘Oninenaer 10, Tov oe. On Korma He Gyaer nak Mporne Teves. T take a break npepeame paGomy daa kpamxospesennozo omdbexa Its 11 o'clock, and time to take a break. — Yxe 1] waco — ppems nepenoxiyrs. fake a chance (a risk) pucknyms 1etimes one is forced to take a risk. — Thnoraa obsrorrensreaseraanner ar apex ee ‘oxodums Ha pode He takes after his grandfather who had red hair too. — On noxox Ha cBoero seayuIKy, TOT To>Ke 6H phi xh. ib, 470 Tat NpoBATH.I 9K3aMeH, TakoBa xU3Hb. Te- “take a hand in sth . eonait ero. npuname yaacmue (noxove) 6 naanuposanuu wnu ocywe- cmonenun 4e20-A. sum (sth) up He tooka hand in organizing the jubilee, nadeccmu umoz On npiiiaa yuactie 8 opranisatin w61ute, 148 19 take for take a hint nonanis nase nan take @ hint, but prefer to hear clear ‘statements. ory noHsTsHaxe, Ho npenTowte : KHe 3anBIeHHA. Smuuae ne take a look at sb or sth ‘Sen a Riou on, naked his fiend to take look at his an, which econ at his car, whic ‘OW Honpochn cxoero apyranatMaNyro na ero aa- ‘UlMHy, KoTOpast cloManacs, mn vom take a stand (against sb or sth) area nose (eoicmynums) npamus xoeo-n,. Y The lawyer took a firm stand against the witness. Aawokar satin Taepayio nosnuito mporie conze- take a turn for the better awunam ucnpasaambcs:; nonpasasmeca ‘Aftera lengthy illness, his wife took a turn for the better — Tocre amrrenstoit Goneanx ero xeHa crana nonpan- 3 >xewa crana nonpan take a turn for the worse vung syuamecn was happy with my work; howe. took a turn for the worse. ee een igs 1 Gust aononent enoeh paboron OM wYepa ‘MaMa yxyaurarbcs., — take advantage of sb or sth gocnonsaoeamocs Kena, Wit HeM-a. @ cooux unmepecax He isa highly qualified specialist, and tage of his potential, — erica On oxen knanveuumposaretit crema, 451 BOC- TONssyl0Cb eTO HOTEHILANTBEEIMH BOSMOKHOCTAMH. an interest in sth ‘saunmepecosamuen 4x2. T hoped that Jonnie would take an interest in playing, chess. — ‘Annageses, ro J}kOHNM saueTepecyerea maKMaraMH. “taken aback Goumd yOuasenneum, nopacennes ‘When he told me that he was going to swim across the English Channel, I was completely taken aback. ~ Korsa on mie ckasan, «70 neperuustser poss Jla- ‘Marni, Gaur xpagine yauntent. take care of sb or sth, ‘eam Ha cea sa6omy 0 KoM-A., OneKY Had KeNA She takes care of her neighbour's baby during the day. — (Ona ocraeres ¢ peGeHKOM COcesIKH B TeHeHMe JHA. take charge of sb or sth ‘eaim a ceGs omeemcmeennocme, ynpasnente KEM. When the new manager took charge of the business, things began to improve. — Koraa nonsil ynpanisiountit ssn wa cea pykonon- TBO OHsHeCOM, esa Haya ynysUIATEes. *take down ‘sanucam (npoduxmoeanneve c1osa) ‘Heread out theirnamesand the secretary tookthem down. — (On aaxurran mMena, M cexperaps wx sartHcaza. take for ‘out604NO npunam Ko20-2. 3a KO20~ 150 151 ite take on She took him for his brother. — (Ona npuuisiia ero 3a ero 6para take heed (of sth) Gpawamo snunanue, Gums ocmopoocnein You should take heed of the c diving into this lake. — ie ‘Tai 20mkex o6paTuTs bHMNAHMe Ha BosMOxHYIO onAC~ HocTS, Mepex TeM KaK HLIpsTb 8 3TO o3epo, take hold of (or get hold of sb or sth amuses 9a Koco, at a 4m0-2; Kenko 6am K020-A. uau 4mo-A. 6 pyKu he . Take hold of that boy, Please, and bring him closer to me Txaayiera, exper aroro wansuna x no6xke Ko Mie. — take ill or be taken ill 3a6on0m», saxsopame He was taken ill: he had a terrible headache this mor- On sa60nen: y Hero Guia yxactas ri ts Ox sone -yxactasi TONOBHasl Gos ce- take it easy Ne npununaiime OnusKo « cepduy Fake iteasy with John, He's ina bad mood. — fe Ronnyftrect no noBo; a. Y wero nu ss cn nay oko TO HWIOXOE Ha: take it orleaveit punt mo, unio eemb, au 206) ‘his is my last suggestion. Take i orleave it. ~ O MOE RocueaHee npeaioxerite. Tpit 3r0 wo UNH ero rom take note (of sth) ‘ofpamunts snusanue u sanomnums wno-2. He told his students to take note of these rules. — On ckasan cHouM eryseHTaM, TOOK OHH OGpatIunNt BHMMaHMe 1a 9TH TIpABHLA. take notice (of sb or sth) ‘O6pamume enunanue Ha Koe0-a. unu wMmO-A. Don’t take notice of him. He's just teasing you. — He oSpamiait Humanist Ha wero. OH ToNbKO past reOs. “take off ‘cums (odexcdy); esnemem ¢ seMau He took off his hat. On cris caov0 unnany. ‘The plane took off at 12 a.m. ~ Camoner noveren Bonen, take office ‘ecmynums 8 ceou o6xzanniocmu ‘The mayor took office on July the 16, ~ Msp actymiot 6 cnow o6s3aHMocTH 1 Hons, take one’s time "ucnonsioaams cmonvxo EpeMenu, eKoseKo HeoGxoduNo; He moponumocs Take your time. The meeting will begin in the eve~ ning. ~ He topomurecs. Mittiir Hasierea Beepom. *take on ‘exam ua ceba paGomy ‘She took on the job and began looking after the child. — ‘Ona nosach 38 ory paGory m Havana ripneMaTpMBaTD 3a peGeHKkoM. 132 153 take (s6)out *take over npuiustam> omeememsennocms (paboxyro cneny) ‘Westop workingat 10o’clockand the night shift takes over. — Mp1 konyaem » 10 wacos, H Howtiaa cmena npactyna- er x paGore, take pains fo do sth ‘npednpuname younue, «mote cdenams umo-n. She took pains to cook the dinner in time, Oxia ove» nocrapanact, nprtrotonitrs oGen, noRpeMa, take part in sth Apunams yracmue @ ven-1, ‘They took part in the expedition. — Onn mpmnsun yuacrie p oxcneamun, “take to same sa npuawuKy He took to borrowing money. — Ont 8380 3a mpuebraKy oxLxupaTD emer, take pity (on sb or sth) noxKaaem» KOZ0-. uaU uMo-A. Please take pity on the poor dog. — Toxanyiicra, noxazeitre Beatyio coGaKy. take place mpousoiimu, cocmonmsea The match will take place tomorrow. — Maru coctontea saerpa, take sides Npunams usto-a, emopony 8 cnope She went home because she didn’t want to take sides, — Ona yuna soMoi, Tak Kak ona He XoTeNA npMHTD ‘ub}O-s1G0 CTOpOHY B erope, 1st take sb for an idiot (or for a foo!) ‘npunumams koz0-A. 3a 2aynua I never do things like that, Please, don’t take me for an idiot. 3 HKoraa He senai0 TaxXuK Beuelt. Toxkanyhera, We TIpnyimali mena 3a wanoTa. take sb for sb or sth ‘owutGOXnO npunams Ko20-A. 2a KOEO-A, WALL 4MO-a. He took Mary for hersister Ann. — ‘Ox mpunan Moput 3a ee cectpy Sun. *take sth apart ‘pasobpams wmo-n, na wacmu He took the engine apart and fixed it. — Ont paso6pan nsurareab M nowHH ero. take sb or sth by surprise uonyeame uau youeume Koe0-A. au Hm0-1.; noReuMBeH neooxeudanno neped Ken-A. ‘We came into the room and took the fighting children by surpise. — Moi 3auuit » KOMHaty H sacramH nepymnxes meTem ‘pacmiox. take sb or sth into account moMmumo w npuname Koe0~2. Wau 4mo-a. 6 pacvem Please take Fred into account when you hand out the money. ~ Tloxanyiicta, ne sa6ymure @pena, Kora BBI Gyzere BEUIABATS JeHBTH, ‘take (6b) out npuenawam’ ko20-1. Ha ceudasue wu Kya. Robin often takes his sir!-fiend out on a date. Poswitwacro npitrnaiaer cno10 AeByKY KYE-HHO Ya» xa comnartne. 155 eee ee take sth at face value Npunam 4mo-A, 3a Mucmyto Monemy; mak, Kak ono nped- ‘cmagaeio She took his words at face value and that was @ mista ke, — (Ona npitnsita ero cxona 3a sucryio Moxey, H2T0 Gb1n0 ‘OUIMGKOHL, take steps to prevent sth npednpuname wacu (das moze, umo6w npedomepamums umo-A) She took steps to prevent this happening again. — Ona npeanpnssvia wars, sTo6s sv HnKoraa He no- Bropuioct.. take the floor 3Himo cnog0 (ewicmynume neped nyGauxolt) ‘She took the floor and spoke for a whole hour. — Ona nasa cxtoso u ropopiuta tient wc. take the trouble (to do sth) ‘npednpunam yeunue umo-2, edexams He never took the trouble to study maths, — Ont sutkorna He MpeanpHMat yoru sTOOsr aR MaTbca wateMaTHkoil {ake up arms (against sb or sth) ‘npwcomoaumven dpariecs npomue koed-8. ua 4ee0-n. Most of the people in town took up arms against the enemy. — Bon.uneroo 2ioxeli wst0 8 pykut opyxie, VTO6H orpasitrs Hartatenine para. *take up Hauaami sanumamscs, yeneuscn Hent-A, (enopmax, pe= ameczons u m.d.) tell the time He took up hockey and became a good player. — (On yanexes: NoKKeeM Cran XOpOUNI UEpOKOM take up sb’s time Sane tee-a. open nubo srumanie | ‘Yesterday he came and took up all my time with his question. — Bucpa o# npHuen ¥ CBOIM BOMPOCOM sans BCE Moe pen take (up) time ‘omnuname nno20 epemene This extra job is taking up too much of hi ‘91a nonoammTensiias paGora OTKuMaeT y Hero CHHUT- KOM Miforo BpeMentH. *talk over o6cydums Talk it over with your husband and give me your answer tomorrow — OGcyzuTe 910 co cBouM MyxKeM ILaastTe Mie Balk OT- ser saprpa. *tear (sth) down pasobpame wtu paspywums wmo-A. ‘They will tear the old building down next week. ~ Onn paspymiar crapoe suanie ua enenyioulelt He- sea. tell to the marines ‘sLmebe ne sepia; paccKa 3m0 KoNy-. Opveowy That sounds stupid. Tell it to the marines. — ro sey rayno. H-Te6e He Hep, tell the time ‘onpedeasme epena no wacan 136 See SS Sam is 4 years old and he still cannot tell the time. — Comy 4 fona, OH He yMeer eime onpenenT» BpeMs no wacas. that will do ‘am020 xeamum, docmamouto I've been listening to you for 20 minutes. That'll do, — Al cayntara Te6s w Teuexne 20 nuyr. Sore AocTATOAMHO, that’s how it goes ‘mar Bweaem cust Ann: I woke up with a smile, and now I want to ery. John: That’s how it goes. — ‘Sut: A mpocrynacn, yaniGasen, a celtuac ne xoueTeA muaKars, Zbxon: Tax Gxisaet BxHSHH. the bottom line canoe eaaenoe ¢ dannoil cumyayun Nouhave mentioned many factors. Whats the bottom ine? — Bur Hasnam mHoro dbaxropon, B eM xe cyTE? the odds are against sb ce cknadusaemca npomus (Ko20-2,) ‘The odds are against me, but | will apply for this job. — Lanes nenenikn, Ho. nomTaiock nonysitTs 970 Me- ero. the other day a duns, I saw Mary the other day. — ST suen Mapu ua ana, the party’s over ‘cuacmausoe spens nodowno x Konuy 138 throw away He’s going back to school. The party’s over. — ‘On onze siner B urkoxy. Konsert 6am! then and there pany (24e) told him then and there what J thought about him. — Sl emy cpasy Xe CKasaT, HTO #0 HeM /IYMaO. think out loud ckazams ecayx mo, 0 4eM dymceus Sorry for those remarks. 1 was thinking out loud. — Visonic sa 20x peruimki. 51 npocro nyman nenyx. *think sth over ‘npodsnamt smo-s., o6dymarte Please think it over and give me your decision at 2 o'clock. ~ Tloxanyticra, oGnymattre 370 # cooGuuuTe Me name pemtiertne B 2 vaca. ‘through thick and thin ‘yepes dobpese u nioxue epemena For 30 years we went together through thick and thin. — B revenue 30 er moi BMecre umH sepes ROGpEIe Ht nuoxie mpenena, through with sb or sth Npexpamum OmnoweHUs ¢ Ken-A. uau sasepuume umo-a. I’m through with Jim. ~ 51 nopsas orromrenns c Jbxnwom, He's through with the repait On saxorsn nowy, “throw away ei6pocumy 139 throw sb out (of sth) ‘try (sb or sth) out Throw away those old shoes. — BuiGpocere orn crapute Ty¢bit. throw sb out (ofsth) ‘ei6pocum oeo-t. omxyda-a. {is behaviour was outrageous, o they threw him out of Ero nlopenente 6nu10 noswyriTensHbaM, crumm c nesepimnic eee ‘tle (sb or sth) up caszam Ko20-2, uu umo-A. They managed to tic up the tiger. — Mm ynanocs cnssars Tarpa, time after time (time and again) (Pas 3a pasom (noamopna) ‘Time after time he told her to be careful. — Otteli store pas oe Pas ronop itt, "TOOL OHa Gutta ocropox- time is up pens eeiuso ‘Time is up! Hand in your test papers. — Bpema woo! Cualtre Kourpombitate paGores. toa great extent 8 Gonowoit cmenenu, eraenein o6pasom Toa great extent he is to blame for the quarrel. — B Gonsinoit erent oF cant nittiopar 8 ccope. to and fro myda-cioda The lion in the cage moved to and fro. — Slee p xnerke xoawa Tya-ciona, avail eayaomamno his efforts were to no avail. ~ ice ero You OkasaMHiCh GespesyAbTATHEIMH, (tit mildly jeuums umo-A., cKasaMe WINO-A. BeDKAUO ‘To put it mildly, you're not very pleasant. — Cxasars rose, To Me He over TIpuATeH. say the least = no mensweli mepe ‘To say the least, they are upset. — ‘Ou 110 mentuieit Mepe paccrpoenti. ygue-in-cheek neuckpennui, aykaseeit Tt was a tongue-in-cheek remark, so he didn’t take it seriously. — ‘Bro 6biTo MYTANBOE aMeNaHKe, WOH cro He BOCTIPH- Har acepbes. ‘hon sth ‘ynowsnyms wo He only touched on the subject, because there was no time left. — Ont TON1bKO YONI TeMy, TAK KAK y2ke He OcTaBa- loch BpeMeHt. *track (sb or sth) down. ‘omesedums wu npecaedoaam’ KO20-A. wats um0-A. ‘They tracked the thief down, two hoursafter the theft. — ‘Owit HactunaH Bopa wepes 2 vaca nocTe KPAKH. *iry (sb or sth) out Uensmam Ko20-A. uau umo2. das KaKolt-a. Yen 160 161 ‘fy sb's patience turn (sb or sth) down After trying out the new worker for ra je e on week we decided Coceoerreinornasoans He seu " PeLUMUI B3ATE ero. NOrene Ne try sb’s patience cnumaseame use-2. mepnenue Stop singing. You're trying my patience. — Tlepectanb ners. Tox nemsirsisaeiue Moe TepreHHe. *try (sth on ‘mpumepams umo-a. Te this shitt on. think ie will suit you. — lpuntcpere sty pyOaurky. A ayMato, - Tosi yMaio, S70 oFfa Bam no- ‘tune (sth) up acmpoume 4mo-a. lease tune up the engine. — Toxanyiicta, nacrpotire apurarens. turn a blind eye PMEuUAeHHO He 3aMeuam uno-2. Peterbea the gr, but his mother tumeda blind eye. — lrrep lobia evowek, Ho eTo MaMa Mpent Ds He saMerHTe, peaowaozere turn away ‘nasa co erode 1 hooligans were turned away from the mateh, — Xymiraviasc orkasasut Bo BxONe Ha MAM turn into (sth) ‘npeepamumsca 0 4mo-2. nseveral days this caterpillar will turn into a butter- y— Mepes eckomko aviell 91a rycemuua npenparires 1GouKy. of the century ‘Kone4 odnozo cnionemun u Havaso cnedyrowmero; nawano XX eoxa ‘We celebrated the turn of the century only a few years Se. — ‘Moi npasutionann Ha4ato HopOTO CTONeTHs Hilt He~ ‘CKONBKO JET TOMY Ha3A. . (switch) sth on or off ‘axrowumio usu euxasorume (ceem, paduo, Kpantsum.0.) It's so dark, Please tum the light on. — Yixe Tax Teno, BksnouMTe, Noxanylicra, coer. one’s back (on sb or sth) ‘noxuurymis (020-2, wi no-s.); omeepnymca (om KOz0~ a un 4620-2) He tumed his back on his best friends. — On oraepnyncs or cwowx ays apyaett. out (well, ete) ‘Bagepusumses, oBepuymacs HopstaabHo She always thinks that things will turn out well. ~ (Ona noeraa cunraer, Yo seta oOpasyiores. ‘turn out to be sb or sth ‘okagamben KeM-A, WAU HEM-A. ‘The cause of the distant rumbling turned out to be the ‘waterfall. — TIpHuntiof nuleKoro uysa oxasaica sonora, turn (sb or sth) down ‘omxasamb KoMy~1.j yaenbuutimb OBEN 4e20- -mep, mienaa, 36y%a, 600%, Oaanenus u m.0.) (nanpu- 1a 163 ae He applied for this job but they tured him down. — Ox: oOparuines 3a Stott paGoroit. Ho out emy OTK sam. It’s getting too hot in this small room. Please turn down, the heat. — B or0ft ManeHsxoit Komnare cranomres KapKo Yeeubuunre, noxarylicra, nocrynaeHue Tena, “turn (sb or sth) out ‘Gete0nAms (soicensme) Ko20-a. omKyBa-2.; npouseodumns (ounycxams) moa ‘This poor family was turned out for not paying the rent. ~ ‘Shy Gesylo centio muicemwnH M3 KBapTHpBi 3a Heys- nary. ‘This factory turns out 10 thousand pairs of shoes every day. ‘Sra ca6puxa exegHenrio BinycKaer 10 THe nap Gynt, ‘tur (sb or sth) over (to sb) nepedame Koz0-a. wu 40-2. (KOMY-A,) ‘They turned the thief over to the police. Oni mepeaann sopa nowauHH. ‘turn the tide Peako uamenums vanpaarenue (x09) cobeumuit Aftera whole year of discussions with opponents of the project, we managed to turn the tide and public opinion in our favour. — Tlocae wenoro rosa oGey-xstenus ¢ ormortenrraxi po- eokTa Ha YAGIOCL HaMeHAT xOM cOBLITHI M pasBep- YTS O6ulecTHertHO€ MiteHMe B HalLly HOAKAY, *turn up -weumeca 168 "upside down yut she didn’t turn up. — ‘We agreed to meet at the hotel, but she didn’ Mu noropopiviies crperiticn 8 rocrin, Ho ora Me seiacb. ‘construction IaxoOumsch @cocmoanuucmpoumenvcmad ‘This highway isstill under construction, so we'll have to travel to our relatives by train. — | Bro itiocce wee eute crpowTes, Tax NTO HaM TIpHaeTest TOCKATh K CHOHM POUCTBEHHTKAM 1102310. Foe indapmane ((pacony) ‘coomaememayrowyee cospeMennieus cmandapmant He wanted this room to be brought up to date. — (On xorea, «706s 9Ta KOMHaTa 6bUIa Mepenesaita B CO- orBercraii ¢ coupeMennsiaa TPeOoRAHIEAMH. ups and downs “xopouiue nioxue epenena; npeepamxocmu cyAb6ot ‘Most people go through their ups and downs. — BoxbulHcTso momeH MpoxosUT ¥epes XopomHe 1 u1oxute Bpemena. apyuuumns Meus. Raanot Tieome in the evening so as not to upset your plan SLnipuay nevepoMs, “TOOHI He Hapyuiar THOM TuiaHTOD. upside down ‘eepx mopmawasts . ‘The chicken lay upside down and couldn't move. ~ Kypiia stexaria BRepx TopMallikaMit i He MOT CABN~ HYTHCA. Iss = = — weather the storm =e (Ox mpaner nono nesaHo, TAK HTD AOC CMaTD ne aowiuaten 70. Although he was not apolite person, a Tanguage in front ladies,” Mer UseastrON Xora OH He Guin BEXIHDLIN eOBEKOM, OH HIIKON/Li ‘He PYTWICH BNPHCYTCTBHM naM. - (get) used to sb or sth ‘npussikame k KOMY-A. Unu YeMy-2. It's very difficult to get used to Mr. Smith. — Ovens Tpys010 NpuBuiKHyrs K MucTepy Canty, very thing ‘ma canan eews, Komopaa nyoena This serewdriver isthe very thing 1 need to repair ou ‘Sra orweprKa kak past 0, STO MC HY KH - ‘Ta Mamiero crona, SrRNPans peators wait on sb obcayacuaame kozo-2. doma unu 6 pect The man who was waiti nus wens The ma waiting om us ae , inexperienced, — * ian Yenosex, xoropualt oGen 2 ‘oGeayaxninast Hae B pect sae HeOMBITHBIM, ene ‘wait up (for sb or sth) Me cham @ oxcudanuu Koz0-A. uau weeo-1, He'll be He'llbe home late so go to bed, and don't wait up for away (with sth) ‘gutiepams wm0-2, OUCH’ Ae2KO Our football team walked away with first place. ~ Hawa yrGomnas KoMansla nerko wsIMTpATA NepBOE ecto. off (with sth) ‘yepacm 4m0-1. ‘Somebody walked off with our parcel. — ‘Kro-10 yxpaa Hallly lochuTky. ‘atch out (look out) for sb or sth ‘oBepeeamsen om KO20-A. UAlt 4620-1 ‘Watch out for that motoreyele. The driver is drunk. — Bepervich store MoTouHKata. Boswrests TAH. (to) water down ‘paslaeaum, ceraoxueams ‘You'll have to water down this article if you wantit tobe published. — Ban npHiletes cMaruirrh 9Ty CTaTHO, CCH RBI XOTITTE, ‘rob ee onyGaMKoBaMH ‘wear sb or sth out swocums umo-.; yemagame do usnemoorcenta Cheap clothes wear out quickly. ~ Jlemenas onexsia Opierpo HarranuABaeTes. He worked all night; we saw that he was worn out. ~ On paGoras Bolo HONG; Mat BITIENH, TO OH yeraM XO MSHEMOXKEHHE. ‘weather the storm ‘euideprcams wimopst (Kpuaic) 166 167 eam wee ‘To weather the storm, we'll have to cut down ourexpen ses. YroGsi nepekUTDITOT KPUSHC, HaMMpyLeTCR CHUSHT, ‘Haw pacxoat. welcome to do sth Gums coobodueum cdenams umo-— ‘You're welcome to see us, whenever you wish, — But woxere npuitrirx Han s.10G0e apes (Gyuem pants) ell off cocmonmenoneit Their family is well off, — Hix cemus coctoaressitas. what difference does it make? Kakoe 3mo umeem suawenue? Til Jeave when | wish. What difference does it make? — Al ompanmiocs, Kora saxouy, Kakoe 370 HMeeT 3H ‘yenne what's the big idea? savem?; na Koil wepm? ‘Why did you put on that strange coat? What's the big idea? — Satem (ita Koi sepr) Tai Hayes TO erpatiitoe namsr0? what's up mo eayrusoce ?; 4mo empacaoce? Stop making a noise. What's up? — Tlepecrauure myers. Yro expacnocs? When it comes to sth ‘0200 deno daxodum do wee0-A. Whenit comesto playing football, Peter can forget about his homework. — 168 Korga ae10 aoxonur s10 ¢bytGoxa, Mutep Moxer 32- Gurr 0 3aanibix ypoxax. *win (sb) over doGumcs wseli-n, noddepreKu Her father was against their engagement, but she won him over. — Ec oreit Gur nporus x HloMOnBKM, Ho Oa cMor:Ia aoGrTBcH ero NoRLep:KKH. ‘wind (sth) up sasepuumd 4m “Tomorrow we will wind up our project with the Chinese. — arpa mot 3apepuINN Haul PoeKT ¢ KuTaMiniantH wipe (sb or sth) out Yaurumooieus Kozd-2. wauewmo~A ‘The bandits wiped out the only witness. — Basairet yausToxiem («saMouiwi) emusicrBeHKo- ro camteress. within limits @ onpedenenneax npedenax He was allowed to do what he wanted, within limits of course. — Emy Obuto paspeuieno lesan Bee, 410 OH xOTeN, HO B onpenenentisix mpenenax, KoHIeYHO. woe is me zope ane (oGwuno wyms) Woe is me. She's leaving me by myself for 2 hours. — Tope ane. Oua ocrasser mens onmoro Ha 2 vaca. 169 TIPHJIOXKEHHE Ne] CIMMCOK AHTO-PYCCKHX COOTBETCTBHI black day an way duckling ‘pms nen act yréu0K blue stocking paper tiger curmnt syn0K yan Trp dark horse red rag to a bull ‘Tea romana pachas psa san Buk a daylight robbery son of bitch TpaGex cpem Gena nna cya coin deep-rooted habit storm in teacup YykOpenMUIaKeH MpwoLINKA — Gyps ncraKable Homer a guinea pig Vicious circle NopeKas canna riopossih Kpyr ‘house of eards avarofnerves ‘Kaprowibit tow ovina Hepnow aman ofhis word wolf in sheep’s clothing ‘tenonex enowa, Bonk B onewselt unype an carly bird word of honour pans rrauuKa enon0 eer anivory tower the corridors of power ‘Gaus 43 exoHOBOH Koer 170 opiuzopst anacrt ‘the law ofthe jungle ‘saxon ZoKyrETTeR the moment of truth ‘the other sie of the coin oGoporias cropoxa menamH (wouerss) the ship of the desert opaGm nycronen the sprit of times ayxupenent ‘to be afraid of one’s shadow SGostoca coBerBeNHO TEA tobeas busy asa bee Geire aaneTBIM KaK PBC tobea scapegoat ‘GutTe KoarOM ornymenta to breed like rabbits rowers Kax Kpomakit tobrush aside ommecrt to burn one's boats Cexrare CHOKE KopaGint to cross swords cexpecTaTs winara to cross the Rubicon nnepocesh PyGHKoH to dig one’s own grave errs ceGe MorauTy tocat ike a bird yar Kax rsa to frighton sb to death MenyFats KOFO=I. sO Merit to-go down in history poli acropitio to-go through fire and water npoitra oront # Bomy to have a head on one’s show- ders sere ronowy na stiewax tohave a memory like a sieve verb naserre Kak cHTO to havea sharp tongue usteTs ocTpost 3361 tohavea thick skin eth ToAeTyO LIKYPy (KORY) tohitbelow the belt |Yaapiers HiDxe loge, to keep one’s powder dry snepxans nopox cyxin to leaf through a book Nepemncrate KHMEY to let the genie out ofthe bottle Bayern, naMHa HSByruLIKH {to lose one’s head nnorepars ronony (o play by the rules Lurpare to mpasueram m ‘0 play second fide lMrpare Bropyio expunicy {o prepare the ground nowrotonurs nowy {o puta spoke into sb’s wheel ‘eTanath nankitB KoA6Ca toretire into oneself yitrn w cc to rock the boat packaunsars 10nKky to seratch one’s head nnowecars ron0By to shed crocodile tears Ipo.1HBar’ KpOKORH:TOBS! to soak sth up lke a sponge ‘Bnievotsas Kax Ty6Ka {o stand the test of time uutepxare MCTBITAHKe Bpe ene to take sh under one's wing ‘3am Koro-s 10M cBoe plo {o take the bul by the horns ose Guaka 2a pora to talk the same language Fonopisr’ Ha OOM to swim with the tide unr no Teseni0 m ‘to reat sb like a dog ow OoGpautarsen ¢ KeMan KaK C coBaKoit ‘0 vote with one's feet ronoconarh HoraMit ‘to walla tight rope nt No HaTHRHyTOMY Kany to weigh one’s words fo work lke a horse DpaGoTat Kax owas ‘to worship the golden calf NOKHONSTACH 30OTOMY ‘resbuly all roads lead to Rome ce aoporu sexyrs Pra armed to the teeth Boopyaentititao 33608 arm twist /BIKPy¥HBaNIHe Pyk as cunning as a fox swept Kax Hea as sharp as a razor ‘ocrpsit xaK pura behind one’s back sa ubell-a. enunonh brainwashing, npowsraiite wosro3 robbery orpaGuienne cpens Gena ans. {ood for thought a so. passerines heaven on earth pai na semne if had a magic wand eon Guy wet Guana Boned Hag TON nother words pyran conan Inthe seventh heaven Ha cennaou Hebe it’s not the end ofthe world ato eulE we KowieticneTa light a the end of the tunnel cher B Kone TOHHER like balm to one's soul kak Bamisan ay like rats leaving the sinking ship aK xphich, Geryie © TOHy= ‘mero KopaGit live and et live 2xuDi nah eT pyri ‘manna from heaven Manna Heb money laundering orntnivanne acner ‘onthe tp of one’s tongue ‘once and for all asm wascerna ‘one’s days are numbered ‘anu Cones ‘over one’s dead body ‘aepea 4ell-a, tpyn. poor asa church mouse ‘Geact kax ucpkostiat MID rollup one’s sleeves, ‘aaeysrs pyxasa save one’s skin cmc cHow unkypy ‘second nature ‘ropaa warypa ‘Shuttle diplomacy Semounas AHIEIOMATIOR step by step lar 3a rao walls have ears cTeubi nmevor yu, when the left hand doesn’t now what the right hand is doing xorna ienas pyka we svar, "To sesaer npanast in 14 0} wnop 798 ‘spoo3 jepuasso ‘popuey-Kjdwo keme WOO | aKHKO1909 oHaEVHOHTIONE asuaoadu aud¥nD HAYUHLHY wHIYURHD aWnaemmNeva su30HL93n3H aH HaHHVEOrONaH aggodore HaHEHX. wana shalouavesan | anaioyair sewage snavmaxooa sanens MOHTH (GamveLHo) WEL (Wore duno) rewa1 younararaduo mmor¥6590 Hdu WovirH aMateEoeATOUD EE iN AMHAXKOUMA 174

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