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BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15

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Global warming description using Daisyworld model with greenhouse

Susana L.D. Paiva, Marcelo A. Savi *, Flavio M. Viola, Albino J.K. Leiroz
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPE – Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.O. Box 68.503, 21.941.972 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Article history: Daisyworld is an archetypal model of the earth that is able to describe the global regulation that can
Received 23 January 2014 emerge from the interaction between life and environment. This article proposes a model based on the
Received in revised form 9 September 2014 original Daisyworld considering greenhouse gases emission and absorption, allowing the description of
Accepted 10 September 2014
the global warming phenomenon. Global and local analyses are discussed evaluating the influence of
Available online 16 September 2014
greenhouse gases in the planet dynamics. Numerical simulations are carried out showing the general
qualitative behavior of the Daisyworld for different scenarios that includes solar luminosity variations
and greenhouse gases effect. Nonlinear dynamics perspective is of concern discussing a way that helps
Global warming
the comprehension of the global warming phenomenon.
Carbon cycle ã 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nonlinear dynamics

1. Introduction about the literature associated with the Daisyworld, emphasizing

the model main characteristics and different analysis approaches.
Climate change is a growing global concern, and a topic of Spatial aspects and variants of the model are discussed.
considerable research. Global warming is within this general issue Adaptability is an important issue that defines system evolution
being related to the increase of earth’s temperature (Houghton, by natural selection. In brief, it is possible to say that Daisyworld
2005). While the consequences of global temperature changes allows one to perform a qualitative description of the climate
remain unknown, it is possible to use mathematical models to system, permitting the investigation of different aspects of the
evaluate different scenarios. There are several general modeling system behavior. Because of that, several researches are dedicated
approaches (Alexiadis, 2007). A first strategy makes use of time- for variants and extensions of the Daisyworld.
series analysis to build predictive models of future temperature An important discussion about Daisyworld characteristics is
change (Viola et al., 2010). A second approach makes use of related to the antagonism between altruism and competition of
mathematical models to describe system behavior using governing the daisy populations. In this regard, several researches were
equations based on fundamental principles of involved phenome- developed trying to investigate adaptive behavior of the Daisy-
na (Jorgensen, 1999). Phenomenological models are a considerably world, incorporating competition and mutation aspects of life.
simpler approach, useful for some descriptions (Kay et al., 2009). Lenton and Lovelock (2000) discussed some adaptive aspects of
Daisyworld is an archetypal model that represents the earth the Daisyworld based on the idea that it is a Darwinian model in
describing the global regulation that can emerge from the the sense that there is a competition among different types of life
interaction between life and environment. Daisyworld is a with heritable variation in a trait, which represents a kind of
mathematical description of the Gaia theory of the earth natural selection (Robertson and Robinson, 1998). Daisy colors (or
representing life by daisy populations while the environment is planetary albedo) and optimum growth temperature are the main
represented by temperature. It was originally proposed by Watson parameters related to the Daisyworld adaptation.
and Lovelock (1983) in order to describe the self-regulation of the Restrictions on environmental conditions define some evolu-
planetary system. Wood et al. (2008) presented a general overview tion changes. Cohen and Rich (2000) introduced an extra source of
competition that describes the interaction among daisy species in
order to retain temperature in an appropriate range in order to
make the planet habitable. Boyle et al. (2011) pointed that
* *Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S.L.D. Paiva),
homeosthasis of the Daisyworld can be promoted by symbiotic
? (M.A. Savi), (F.M. Viola), physiology. Qualitative comparisons are evaluated with and
(A.J.K. Leiroz). without the consideration of symbiotic physiology.
0303-2647/ ã 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15

Table 1
Parameters of the Daisyworld.

aw 0.75
ab 0.25
ag 0.5
g 0.3
q 2.06  109 K4
Topt 295.5 K

Table 2
Parameters of the Daisyworld considering different timescales.

Different timescales

W m2 J day1 m2

s 8
5.67  10 4
(K ) 4.90  103 (K4)
S 915 7.91 107
c 950 (K1) 8.21 107(K1)

Fig. 1. Gaussian representing the optimum condition and limits of life.

One of the most important characteristics of the Daisyworld is the
capability to describe either global or local phenomena. Global
analysis assumes that the translational movement of the planet is the
Weaver and Dyke (2012) discussed Daisyworld model from main component of temperature variation, being the planet
timescale perspective. Basically, it is considered temperature, subjected to temperature changes according to seasons of the year
changes in insolation, and self-organisation of the biota using an or aspects of the planet. Under this assumption, Daisyworld is related
analytical approach. to the entire planet. On the other hand, local analysis defines a

Fig. 2. Classical Daisyworld response (Nevison et al., 1999). (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature dynamics; (c) projection of the state space showing the daisy subspace.
S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15 3

specific region of the planet. Therefore, either rotation or translation Daisyworld can be employed for global warming description. In
of the planet influence solar energy input to the planet since a specific essence, greenhouse gases affect Daisyworld behavior in a similar
region is subjected to temperature changes due to solar luminosity way of the black daisies in terms of radiation absortion.
variations associated with days and nights, and also with seasons. Nevetheless, the interaction with environment has an important
Staley (2002) and Charlson et al. (1987) discussed the differences difference. Viola et al. (2013) incorporated greenhouse gases in the
between the global and local effects on the planet dynamics. Daisyworld considering prescribed time series that alter system
The Daisyworld model was also studied considering albedo. Besides, a sinusoidal variation of the solar luminosity
spatio-temporal behavior. Adams et al. (2003) proposed a represents climate variability. Hence, the Daisyworld is employed
one-dimensional model incorporating a distribution of incoming for global warming description and complex dynamical responses
solar radiation and heat diffusion consistent with a spherical planet. are observed. Chaotic behavior was of concern showing that this
Biton and Gildor (2012) added seasonal solar radiation forcing to the kind of response is possible under certain conditions. Zeng et al.
latitudinal-depended one-dimensional Daisyworld model. Wood (1990) and Wood et al. (2008) also investigated possibilities
et al. (2006) included a mutation of the optimal growth temperature related to the chaotic behavior of the Daisyworld.
and of the albedo in a two-dimensional Daisyworld model This paper deals with the description of the global warming
determining the temperature oscillations. Ackland (2004) used a using the Daisyworld model considering that greenhouse gases are
two-dimensional Daisyworld model considering the temperatures included in the model with the aid of an extra equation motivated
and albedos on a grid indexed by longitude and latitude positions. by the carbon cycle dynamics and predator–prey models. The

Fig. 3. Daisyworld with greenhouse effect where a = 104 and b = 0. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature and greenhouse effect dynamics; (c) projection of the state space
showing the daisy-greenhouse effect subspace; (d) subspace projections.
4 S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15

Fig. 4. Daisyworld with greenhouse effect where a = b = 104. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature and greenhouse effect dynamics; (c) projection of the state space showing
the daisy-greenhouse effect subspace; (d) subspace projections.

temperature dependence of life is represented by a Gaussian of organic and inorganic nature. Furthermore, the transfer time and
function avoiding life extinction observed on the classical peak storage of carbon compounds in each reservoir can vary from years to
function of the Daisyworld model. Emissions and absorptions of millennia. For example, the lithosphere contains a large amount of
greenhouse gases are treated showing the capability of the model carbon trapped in sedimentary rocks formations of mineral
to describe global warming scenarios. Numerical simulations show carbonates and organic compounds such as oil, natural gas and
this general qualitative capability presenting several simulations coal. The redistribution from the lithosphere reservoir to another is
related to greenhouse gases effect and also changes in solar associated with millions of years, until all the geological process,
luminosity. Results are analyzed considering a nonlinear dynamics such as chemical decomposition and deposition, occurs. Therefore,
perspective that provides a comprehension about system behavior. the lithosphere is considered a relatively inactive component of the
carbon cycle when preserved in its natural state. The active reservoirs
2. Daisyworld model and the carbon cycle are divided between the atmosphere, the terrestrial biosphere and
the hydrosphere. As the absolute sum of the amounts of active carbon
The climate system is a complex system based on several reservoir is maintained close to the steady state value by slow
phenomena. The carbon cycle is associated with chemical and geological processes, biogeochemical processes that lead to redis-
biological interactions of great importance to define the origins and tribution of carbon between active reservoirs occur more rapidly.
the destinations of this element. Carbon is stored in four main The Daisyworld represents self-regulation of the planet that is
reservoirs of the earth: atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere and basically composed of the environment, represented by the
hydrosphere. Each reservoir contains a variety of carbon compounds temperature, and life, represented by daisy populations.
S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15 5

A ¼ a w aw þ a b ab þ a g ag (4)
Daisyworld model represents life by daisy populations, which
evolution is described by the following equations: The functional form for b is usually assumed to be a symmetric
  single-peak function. Here, a Gaussian function is assumed as
a_ w ¼ aw ag bðT w Þ  g (1)

bðT i Þ ¼ Be s ðT i T opt Þ

1 2
a_ b ¼ ab ag bðT b Þ  g (2)
where B is a parameter related to environmental characteristics, s
For the sake of simplicity, only two daisy populations are is the variance and Topt is the optimal temperature, usually
considered: white (aw) and black (ab) daisies. The dot represents considered as Topt = 295 K = 22.5  C. The Gaussian form of this
time derivative and b = b(Ti) represents the growth rate that is function is shown in Fig. 1 and it is convenient to avoid a drastic
temperature dependent and g is the population death rate. The population extinction observed on the classical peak function of
variable ag is the fractional area coverage of the planet represented the Daisyworld model.
by The local temperature of each population is defined as follows:
ag ¼ p  aw  ab (3) T 4w ¼ qðA  aw Þ þ T 4 (6)
where p = 1 represents the portion of land suitable for the growth
of daisies. The mean planetary albedo of the Daisyworld, A, can be
estimated from the individual albedo of each daisy population (aw T 4b ¼ qðA  ab Þ þ T 4 (7)
and ab), and from the ground albedo (ag):

Fig. 5. Daisyworld with greenhouse effect where a = 104 and b = 103. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature and greenhouse effect dynamics; (c) projection of the state space
showing daisy-greenhouse effect subspace; (d) subspace projections.
6 S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15

emission while b represents the absorption. Note that when b

vanishes, no interaction occurs and the effect of greenhouse gases
T 4g ¼ qðA  ag Þ þ T 4 (8) is only related to the emissions. From now on, the greenhouse
where T is the globally-averaged temperature of the Daisyworld, variable E is referred as greenhouse effect.
and q is a constant used to calculate local temperature as a function
of albedo. Finally, it is important to establish the thermal balance of 3. Numerical simulations
the Daisyworld (Foong, 2006). Therefore, the absorbed energy is
given by (Nevison et al., 1999): The Daisyworld model can represent global or local aspects of
the planet dynamics. Global analysis considers that Daisyworld is
T_ ¼ ½SLð1  AÞ  s T 4 ð1  EÞ (9) related to the entire planet. On the other hand, local analysis
c defines a specific region of the planet. Numerical simulations are
where L is the solar luminosity and S is the solar constant that carried out considering both situations and different scenarios.
establishes the average solar energy represented by SL; s is the Initially, numerical simulations are performed considering a
Stefan–Boltzmann constant; c is a measure of the average heat global analysis. Three different models are treated: the original,
capacity or thermal inertia of the planet. Finally, E represents the without greenhouse gases; a model with greenhouse gases; and a
greenhouse effect that alters the thermal balance, described by the model with emission and absorption of greenhouse gases.
following differential equation. Moreover, luminosity variations are also investigated representing
the profile of solar activity. In this regard, three different scenarios
E_ ¼ a  bEðaw þ ab Þ (10)
are considered: constant value; linear increase; and climate
This new equation establishes the interaction between gases variability represented by a sinusoidal modulation over a linear
and daisy populations being motivated by the general predator– growth.
prey equation and the carbon cycle where life is responsible for the The Daisyworld model can be simulated using classical
absorption of the gases (Novak, 2006). Parameter a is related to gas procedures for numerical integration. Here, a fourth order

Fig. 6. Daisyworld with greenhouse effect where a = b = 0. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature dynamics; (c) projection of the state space showing the daisy subspace.
S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15 7

Runge–Kutta method associated with an iterative process is greenhouse gases are not considered in the model, which is
employed. Time steps smaller than 102 are assumed for the represented by a = b = 0. Fig. 2 presents Daisyworld response
global analysis while local analysis assumes time steps smaller showing consistent results compared with the classical Daisy-
than 103. These time-step values are defined after convergence world (Nevison et al., 1999). Fig. 2a shows the dynamics of daisy
analysis. Tables 1 and 2 show the values of the parameters populations while Fig. 2b shows the temperature dynamics. Fig. 2c
employed in all simulations. presents a projection of the state space in daisy subspace. Note
that the interaction between the two daisy species, white and
3.1. Global analysis black, limits temperature values within a proper range for life
existence. The increase of white daisies tends to decrease of
This section presents the global analysis of the Daisyworld. temperature, while the increase of black daisies causes the
Three different luminosity scenarios are discussed: constant value; increase of temperature due to the respective albedo.
linear increase; and climate variability. Each of these analyses may A scenario with greenhouse gases emissions is now investi-
represent a scenario related to different timescales, for instance. gated, but the planet is not able to absorb these gases. This
For each one of them, three different situations are treated: the analysis is accomplished by considering a = 104 and b = 0. Fig. 3
original model, without greenhouse gases; a model with green- presents results of this case showing that the increase of gases
house gases; a model with emission and absorption of greenhouse causes a general increase of planet temperature. Basically, Fig. 3a
gases. shows the time history of daisy populations while Fig. 3b shows
the temperature and the greenhouse effect dynamics (repre-
3.1.1. Constant luminosity sented by variable E). Fig. 3c shows a projection of the state space
A situation where greenhouse gases are not involved is used to considering daisy populations and greenhouse effect. Fig. 3d
start the analysis. Therefore, emissions or absorptions of presents some projections of the subspace of Fig. 3c. Results show

Fig. 7. Daisyworld with greenhouse effect where a = 104 and b = 0. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature and greenhouse effect dynamics; (c) projection of the state space
showing the daisy-greenhouse effect subspace; (d) subspace projections.
8 S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15

Fig. 8. Daisyworld with greenhouse effect where a = 104 and b = 101. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature and greenhouse effect dynamics; (c) projection of the state space
showing the daisy-greenhouse effect subspace; (d) subspace projections.

that in this situation, the balance between life and environment is

lost, and daisy populations cannot compensate the greenhouse
effect. It is noticeable the persistence of white daisies for a longer
time, acting to delay the life extinction caused by the excessive
increase of temperature. It should be highlighted that the
extinction is related to an escape imposed by the variable E,
clearly shown in state space projection (Fig. 3d).
The planet capacity to absorb greenhouse gases is now of
concern by assuming a = b = 104. In this scenario, daisy
populations contribute to gas absorption. Fig. 4 presents the
response of the Daisyworld for this case. It is clear the increase
of the self-regulation is caused by the absorption capacity.
Nevertheless, this is not enough to avoid the extinction of life on
the planet. The increase of the absorption capacity can be
represented by considering a = 104 and b = 103. This increase
avoids the extinction as shown in Fig. 5. Note that this new
scenario is related to a stabilization of the system response for a
specific variable E, which is clear in the state space projections
(Fig. 5d). Fig. 9. Luminosity representing climate variability.
S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15 9

3.1.2. Linear increase of the luminosity showing the system capacity to avoid extreme situations. Note
In order to represent a more realistic solar activity, a linear however, that there is still an extinction of life that occurs when the
increase of the luminosity is considered as: luminosity reaches a critical value.

L ¼ 1:9  104 t þ 0:75 (11) 3.1.3. Luminosity representing climate variability

Once again, three scenarios are treated: the original model, Climate variability is now in focus assuming a sinusoidal
without greenhouse gases; a model with greenhouse gases variation of the luminosity over a linear increase as follows:
emissions; and a model with greenhouse gases emission and
ðSL Þglobal ¼ S þ ðNsinwtÞ (12)
absorption. Initially, the dynamic behavior of the Daisyworld
without greenhouse gases, represented by a = b = 0, is observed. where (SL)global is the global solar energy and corresponds to SL,
Fig. 6 presents the general behavior of the Daisyworld where an where S is the solar constant and L is the luminosity; N is the
increase of luminosity causes a temperature increase, which leads amplitude and w is the forcing frequency. Here, it is considered
to unfavorable environmental conditions, causing the life extinc- N = 2.89  1012 and w = 0.01 that is related to a behavior presented
tion. The emission of greenhouse gases (a = 104 and b = 0) in Fig. 9.
accelerates this tendency even more, as shown in Fig. 7. Once Initially, situations without greenhouse gases (a = b = 0) are
again, it is possible to associate the extinction with the greenhouse considered. Under this condition, the dynamics of daisy popula-
effect variable escape observed in the projections of the state tions and temperature levels are presented in Fig. 10. Note that
space, Fig. 7d. Daisyworld presents a more complex behavior due to sinusoidal
The absorption capacity can change the scenario associated excitation.
with emissions. By considering a = 104 and b = 101 (Fig. 8), the A situation with greenhouse gases emission but without
Daisyworld presents similar results of the one presented in Fig. 6, absorption, represented by a = 104 and b = 0, is now considered.

Fig. 10. Daisyworld without greenhouse effect where a = b = 0. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature dynamics; (c) projection of the state space showing the daisy subspace.
10 S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15

Fig. 11. Daisyworld with greenhouse effect where a = 104 and b = 0. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature and greenhouse effect dynamics; (c) projection of the state space
showing the daisy-greenhouse effect subspace; (d) subspace projections.

Fig. 11 presents the Daisyworld behavior showing the same over the nights and varies from zero to its maximum value during
complex response but causing the extinction event earlier when the day. For the sake of simplicity, it is possible to consider that
compared with the previous case, showed in Fig. 10. luminosity intensity vanishes for twelve hours and varies from
The inclusion of absorption, assuming a = 104 and b = 101, zero to its maximum value through the day. Here, it is assumed the
changes the system dynamics as shown in Fig. 12. Note that life is following function to represent day–night behavior together with
able to persist for a longer time, causing a regulation of the seasons:
temperature, similar to the situation without greenhouse gases.
ðSL Þlocal ¼ S½sinð2ptÞ½M1 sinðwtÞ þ M2  (13)
For later times, when luminosity reaches critical values, the life
ability for system regulation saturates and life extinction is where (SL)local is the incident solar energy and corresponds to SL,
achieved. where S is a solar constant equal to 7.9  107 J day1 m2 and L is the
luminosity; M2 = 2.8  107 and M1 = 32  107 are the amplitudes;
3.2. Local analysis w = 0.0175, such that sin(wt) corresponds to one cycle of the year.
Fig. 13 shows the general behavior of the luminosity.
One of the characteristics of the Daisyworld model is the Once again, three scenarios are of concern: a model without
capability to represent either global or local analysis (Wood et al., gases; a model with gases emissions; and a model with emission
2008). This section treats the local analysis by assuming that the and absorption of gases. Initially, consider a situation without
solar energy input occurs in an isolated point of the planet. A greenhouse gases, a = b = 0. Daisyworld behavior is presented in
proper description of this luminosity needs to be proposed. For Fig. 14. Fig. 14a shows the time history of daisy populations while
example, in a region near the Equator, the solar luminosity is zero Fig. 14b presents the projection of the state space showing the
S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15 11

Fig. 12. Daisyworld with greenhouse effect where a = 104 and b = 101. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature and greenhouse effect dynamics; (c) projection of the state space
showing the daisy-greenhouse effect subspace; (d) subspace projections.

Fig. 13. Dynamics of local luminosity and its highlight in 3 days.

12 S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15

Fig. 14. Daisyworld without greenhouse effect (a = b = 0). (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) temperature and luminosity dynamics; (c) projection of the state space showing the daisy
subspace; (d) projection of the state space showing the black daisy-temperature subspace;(e) projection of the state space showing the white daisy-temperature subspace.
S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15 13

Fig. 15. Daisyworld with greenhouse effect where a = 5  105 and b = 0. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) projection of the state space showing the daisy subspace; (c) temperature and
luminosity dynamics; (d) temperature and greenhouse effect dynamics.

daisy subspace. Fig. 14c shows temperature and luminosity increase over time. The state space allows one to identify a
dynamics. Fig. 14d–e presents different projections of the state creation of an equilibrium point with preponderancy of white
space showing respectively, the black daisy-temperature and daisies.
white daisy-temperature subspaces. Two important aspects
should be observed: the stabilization of the system behavior 4. Conclusions
and the change in representing the changes through the year.
The introduction of greenhouse gases in the analysis (a = 5  105 The Daisyworld model aims to illustrate the biota influence in
and b = 0) changes the general behavior, causing an extinction event their environment promoting self-regulation to benefit life. This
(Fig. 15). Now temperature increases dramatically after years of paper proposes a way to include greenhouse gases emission and
small increases in temperature. The state space shows a tendency to absorption into the model, allowing the description of the global
go to a stationary response at the origin, associated with the life warming and other related effects. Two different analyses are of
extinction. concern: global and local. For each one of these, three scenarios of
The effect of gas absorption changes again this general the Daisyworld are compared: a model without greenhouse gases;
behavior, bringing a proper balance through the system. By a model with greenhouse gases emissions; a model with
assuming a = 5  105 and b = 103, Daisyworld behavior greenhouse gases emissions and absorptions. Solar luminosity is
is presented in Fig. 16. The temperature regulation of the also changed in order to contemplate different scenarios. Basically,
environment is noticeable, but temperature also has a general global analysis considers three situations related to solar
14 S.L.D. Paiva et al. / BioSystems 125 (2014) 1–15

Fig. 16. Daisyworld with greenhouse effect where a = 5  105 and b = 103. (a) Daisy dynamics; (b) projection of the state space showing the daisy subspace; (c) temperature
and luminosity dynamics; (d) temperature and greenhouse effect dynamics.

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