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Published November 2, 2017

Soil Physics & Hydrology

Bimodal Soil Pore Structure Investigated by a

Combined Soil Water Retention Curve and X-Ray
Computed Tomography Approach
Well-structured soils are considered to have bimodal pore structure, includ-
Hu Zhou ing textural pores between particles and structural pores between aggregates.
State Key Laboratory of Soil
Pore structure can be inferred from the soil water retention curve (SWRC)
and Sustainable Agriculture
Institute of Soil Sciences
but our understanding of the 3-D pore geometry that regulates this curve
Chinese Academy of Sciences is limited. This study investigated the pore structure of a paddy soil under
71 East Beijing Road different fertilization regimes by both SWRC and X-ray micro-computed
Nanjing 210008 tomography (micro-CT) imaging with the aim of comparing the two meth-
P.R. China ods. Undisturbed soil aggregates and cores were collected from the surface
layer of long-term unfertilized (CK), inorganically fertilized (NPK), and
Sacha Jon Mooney organically and inorganically fertilized (NPKOM) paddy soils. Aggregates and
Division of Agricultural and cores were scanned with micro-CT and pore structures were analyzed. The
Environmental Sciences SWRCs were measured on the same CT-scanned cores. Three unimodal mod-
School of Biosciences els, three bimodal models, and one trimodal model were evaluated for fitting
Univ. of Nottingham the SWRC and to derive soil pore size distribution (PSD). Results showed the
Sutton Bonington Campus
SWRC of the paddy soil were best fitted with the bimodal lognormal (BLN)
Leicestershire LE12 5RD
and double-exponential (DE) models, with the derived PSD showing distinct
UK bimodality. The micro-CT images revealed the hierarchy structure of the
paddy soil and a bimodal pattern in the PSDs. The structural porosities from
Xinhua Peng* BLN, DE models and CT imaging were consistent and correlated with the nat-
State Key Laboratory of Soil ural logarithm of saturated hydraulic conductivity. Long-term application of
and Sustainable Agriculture NPKOM increased structural porosity though no significant differences were
Institute of Soil Sciences recorded in the textural porosity compared with the NPK and CK treatment,
Chinese Academy of Sciences while the latter two showed a near identical pore structure. These results
71 East Beijing Road demonstrated the benefits of both approaches especially for soil structures
Nanjing 210008 with a bimodal pore structure such as the well-structured paddy soil.
P.R. China
Abbreviations: BC model, Brooks and Corey model; BLN model, bimodal lognormal
model; CT, computed tomography; DE model, double-exponential model; BVG, bimodal
van Genuchten model; LN model, lognormal model; ME, mean error; PSD, pore size
distribution; SWRC, soil water retention curve; TE, triple-exponential model; VG model,
van Genuchten model.

he pore geometry of a soil influences the soil water dynamics, aeration,
microbial activities, and root elongation and therefore is widely used as
an important indicator of soil quality for both upland and paddy soils
(Dexter and Richard, 2009; Pagliai and Vignozzi, 2002). Pores in well-structured
Core Ideas soils are generally considered to have a hierarchical organization, with textural
pores defined as the pores between soil particles and structural pores considered
• Soil water retention curves of the
as those between soil aggregates (Dexter et al., 2008; Dexter and Richard, 2009).
paddy soil were bested fitted with
bimodal models. Quantification of the entire pore network, including different soil pore domains,
is increasingly necessary to understand soil processes and functions with respect to
• Computed-tomography imaging and
their impact on soil quality.
retention curves generated similar
bimodal pore structure.
• Combined use of organic and
Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81:1270–1278
inorganic fertilizers increased doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.10.0338
structural porosity. Received 19 Oct. 2016.
Accepted 23 July 2017.
• Textural porosity was not affected by *Corresponding author: (
fertilization treatments. © Soil Science Society of America, 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison WI 53711 USA. All Rights reserved.

Soil Science Society of America Journal

The measurement of soil pore structure, however, is not tion. The development of bimodal and multimodal models from
straightforward because of the opacity of soil (Hajnos et al., unimodal models has greatly improved our understanding of soil
2006). Several different methods have been used to investigate pore structure (Dexter and Richard, 2009), as well as assisting
pore structure, some methods are based on directly two-dimen- with prediction of soil hydraulic properties (Durner, 1994).
sional (2-D) (Pagliai et al., 2004) or three-dimensional (3-D) The bimodal or multimodal SWRC models were theoreti-
imaging (Mooney and Morris, 2008; Munkholm et al., 2012; cally founded on the assumption the soil PSD was also bimodal
Naveed et al., 2014; Peth et al., 2008), while others are based or multimodal. However to date these models have not been vali-
on indirect calculation according to the assumed relationship dated using the true soil PSD based on measured data of the pore
between pore structure and specific soil properties (e.g., water geometry. The reason lies in the difficulty to obtain a soil’s PSD
retention, gas transport) (Hajnos et al., 2006; Pires et al., 2008). that ranges over several orders of scale. In recent years the appli-
The soil water retention curve (SWRC) can be used to in- cation of X-ray micro-CT and associated image analysis meth-
fer the arrangement of soil pore system (Pires et al., 2008). The ods has been employed to quantify three-dimensional (3-D) soil
SWRC illustrates the soil water content (q) under equilibrium structure from pore scale to core scale (Wildenschild et al., 2002;
as a function of soil water suction (h). The measurement of Wildenschild and Sheppard, 2013; Helliwell et al., 2013). Zhou
SWRC is normally conducted at limited water suctions and a et al. (2013) employed synchrotron, industrial and medical CT
model is used to fit the unmeasured points. Numerous SWRC systems to reveal micro- to macro-scale soil structure. The PSD
models, both numerical and theoretical, have been developed data obtained from different scales can be combined using a scale
due to its importance in modeling soil water dynamics and fusion methods proposed by Schlüter et al. (2011). A broader
solute transport. For example, the widely used van Genuchten PSD can therefore be obtained from micrometer to centimeter
(1980) (VG) model uses a closed form equation with several scales with measurement at the nanoscale now within reach on
adjustable parameters to empirically fit the SWRC. While the some of the latest CT scanners. Although the mm–cm scale only
lognormal (LN) model by Kosugi (1994) is derived theoreti- broadly corresponds to the wet range of the SWRC (from satu-
cally from a lognormal pore-size distribution (PSD). Despite ration, 0 to –100 kPa) and is not well suited to the finer pores
the form of the SWRC model, a soil PSD can be derived from that usually exist between particles (textural pores) it is more ap-
SWRC based on the assumption that soil water drains progres- propriate for structural pores, which are more liable to change, or
sively from decreasing sized pores along with progressive de- at least more rapidly change, under environmental or anthropo-
creases in soil matric potential. genic impacts (Dexter and Richard, 2009).
The available SWRC models can be broadly classified as Paddy soils with high clay content can have complex pore
unimodal, bimodal and multimodal models according to the systems at both aggregate and core scales (Lennartz et al., 2009;
shape of the derived soil PSD. The VG and LN models, as well as Zhou et al., 2016), hence it is reasonable to hypothesize that they
the widely used Brooks and Corey (1964) (BC) model are uni- have bimodal or multimodal PSDs. In this study, we measured
modal. Durner (1994) first reported a bimodal van Genuchten SWRC of the paddy soil under different fertilization regimes
(BVG) model by superimposing two van Genuchten equations. (that can generate differences in soil structure) and scanned
Two components of the PSD, corresponding to the inter-parti- undisturbed soil samples at both the aggregate and core scales.
cle pores and inter-aggregate pores respectively, were identified The specific objectives were to: (i) compare the performance of
for the aggregated soils with the BVG model (Durner, 1994). unimodal, bimodal, and trimodal SWRC models on paddy soil,
Similar to Durner (1994), Kutílek et al. (2006) developed a (ii) compare and contrast the pore structure obtained from the
bimodal lognormal (BLN) model through superimposing two SWRC models and from CT scanning, and (iii) investigate the
LN equations. The BLN model can segregate the pore system to effect of different fertilization regimes on the soil pore structure.
structural and textural domains assuming each domain has a log-
normal distribution (Romano et al., 2011). Here the structural Materials and Methods
and textural pores have similar meanings as the inter-aggregate Sampling and Measurement
and inter-particle pores (Durner, 1994), respectively; henceforth Soil samples were collected from a long-term field experiment
we will use the former names in this study. More recently, Dexter of Jiangxi Institute of Red Soil, Jinxian County, Jiangxi Province,
et al. (2008) proposed a five-parameter bimodal model in the China (116°10¢ E, 28°21¢ N). The field experiment was estab-
form of a double-exponential (DE) equation with each expo- lished in 1982 to explore the effects of different fertilization strate-
nential term representing textural and structural pore spaces, re- gies on soil quality. Three fertilization treatments were examined:
spectively. By extending the DE equation to a triple-exponential (a) a control without fertilization, CK; (b) an inorganic fertiliza-
(TE) equation, the macropores can be characterized by a third tion with 90 kg N ha–1, 20 kg P ha–1, and 62 kg K ha–1 for each
exponential term (Dexter and Richard, 2009). It needs to be not- growth season, NPK; and (c) a combination of organic manure
ed that the BVG and BLN models can also be extended to multi- (22.5 t ha–1) and same amount of inorganic fertilizers as NPK,
modals models in theory, but the number of parameters could hereafter NPKOM. The experiment followed a randomized block
be close to or larger than the number of SWRC points usually design with three replicated blocks. There were a total of nine
measured which could cause inaccuracy in the parameter estima- plots, with each plot having an area of 46.67 m2. 1271
A bulk soil sample and two undisturbed soil cores (diameter structural domain, respectively. The ai and ni are shape factors
5.0 cm, height 5.1 cm) were collected from the surface layer (0– of the textual domain (i = 1) and structural domain (i = 2), re-
10 cm) in each plot. The bulk samples were air-dried and three spectively. The DE and TE models include two and three expo-
aggregates (~3 mm in diameter) were randomly selected for CT nential terms, respectively; C is the residual water content; A1,
scanning. The cores were subjected to CT scanning at field mois- A2, and A3 are the water content at saturation of the textural,
ture content before measurement of saturated hydraulic conduc- structural, and macropore space, respectively; and h1, h2, and
tivity (Ks) and SWRC. The Ks was measured using the constant h3 are suctions to empty soil water in the textural, structural,
water head method. The SWRC was determined with a sand- and macropores, respectively. The difference between the DE
box at the wet range (0, 5, 10, 30, 60, and 100 hPa), and using and TE models is the macropore term, which corresponds to
a pressure plate method at large suction (150, 330, 1000, 3000, big cracks or bio-pores that are too large to hold water at field
5000, 10000, and 15000 hPa). The cores were then dried in an conditions (Dexter and Richard, 2009).
oven at 105°C for 24 h to determine bulk density. Total porosity The equivalent PSD function f(r) can be obtained from
was calculated assuming soil density of 2.65 g cm–3. One sample SWRC models using the differential equation:
was spoiled during the measurement, and therefore a total of 17
f ( r ) = d q/d r [1]
SWRCs were collected.
where r is the pore radius, which is assumed to be related to h for
Retention Curve Models and Pore Size Distribution a given saturation by the capillary pressure function:
Three unimodal models (BC, LN, and VG model), three 2 g cos b
bimodal models (BVG, BLN, and DE model), and a trimodal h= [2]
r w gr
(TE) model were employed in this study. The equations and es-
timated parameters are listed in Table 1. The qs and qr represent where g is the surface tension between the water and air (7.29 ×
the saturated water content and residue water content, respec- 10–2 N m–1), b is the contact angle, which was taken as zero in
tively. The BC model incorporated the air entry value (hb) in the this study, r is the density of water (1 Mg m–3), and g is the ac-
model and l as the shape factor. The LN model was developed celeration of gravity (9.8 m s–2).
assuming a lognormal PSD with hm and s representing the mode
and variance of the PSD, respectively. The erfc is the comple- Curve Fitting and Calculation
mentary error function. The VG model has five parameters: qs, All the SWRC models were fitted by the nonlinear least-
qr, a, n, and m. Previous studies showed n and m are not indepen- square curve-fitting method with Matlab R2014a (Mathworks,
dent and the Mualem (1976) constraint (m = 1–1/n) is usually 2014). The initial values, lower and upper boundaries of the fit-
used. In this study we follow the constraint and therefore four ting parameters were provided for each fitting. The PSD was de-
parameters were estimated. rived from SWRC models using Eq. [1] and (2). For the bimod-
The BLN model is developed by superimposing two LN al PSD the minimum between two peaks was determined and
models, with each term representing the matrix and structural set as the boundary between structural and textural domains.
domain, respectively. The w1 is a weighting factor which cor- Structural and textural porosity was calculated as the cumulative
responds to the pores within the soil matrix, and 1– w1 cor- porosity for the structural and textural domains, respectively.
responds to the structural pores; hmi and si represent the
modes and variance of the PSD of the matrix domain (i = 1) X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography
and structural domain (i = 2), respectively. Similar to the BLN Soil cores were scanned using an industrial Phoenix
model, the BVG model was developed by superimposing two Nanotom X-ray micro-CT (GE, Sensing and Inspection
VG models, with each term representing the soil matrix and Technologies, GmbH, Wunstorf, Germany). Detailed informa-

Table 1. Description of three unimodal models, three bimodal models, and a triple-modal model.
Categories Model Abbr. Equation Parameters
Unimodal Brooks and Corey (1964) BC q(h) = qr + (qs –qr)(hb/h)–l for h < hb, q(h)=qs for hb ≤ h ≤ 0 qs, qr, hb, l
Lognormal pore-size
distribution (Kosugi, 1994)
LN q ( h ) = q r +( q s −q r )1/2 erfc  ln ( h/hm )/ ( )
2s  qs, qr, hm, σ

van Genuchten (1980) VG q(h) = qr + (qs –qr)[1+(ah)–n]m qs, qr, a, n, m

Bimodal van Genuchten
model (Durner, 1994)
q (h) = q r +(q s −q r ) w1[1+(a 1h)
− n1 1−1/n
] 1
+(1−w1 )[1+(a 2 h)
− n2 ]
} qs, qr, w1, a1, n1,
a2, n2
Bimodal lognormal model
(Romano et al., 2011)
q ( h ) = q r +( q s −q r ) w11/2 erfc  ln ( h /hm1 )/ ( )
2s1  +(1−w1 )1/2 erfc  ln ( h /hm2 )/ ( )}
2s2  qs, qr, w1, hm1, a1,
hm2, a2
Double-exponential equation
DE q(h) = C + A1exp(–h/h1) + A2 exp (–h/h2) C, A1, h1, A2, h2
(Dexter et al., 2008)
Triple-exponential equation C, A1, h1, A2, h2,
Trimodal TE q(h) = C + A1exp(–h/h1) + A2 exp (–h/h2)+ A3 exp (–h/h3)
(Dexter and Richard, 2009) A3, h3

1272 Soil Science Society of America Journal

tion on the scanning parameters can be found in Zhou et al. Image processing was performed with the open-source soft-
(2016). Briefly, the samples were scanned at a voltage and current ware ImageJ v.1.47 (Rasband, 2011) except for the segmenta-
of 100 kV and 100 mA, respectively. The filtered back-projection tion which was conducted with the software Quantim (http://
algorithm, which was implemented in the Datos|x 2.0 software, verified 26 July 2017). Image
(GE Sensing and Inspection Technologies, GmbH, Wunstorf, quantification was performed using a script running in Matlab
Germany) was used to reconstruct the image slices. A total of (Mathworks, 2014).
2000 slices were collected with a size of 2000 × 2000 voxels, with
each voxel representing a volume of 30 × 30 × 30 mm3. The slices Statistical Analysis
were stored in 8-bit format and each voxel had a grayscale value The coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square
between 0 and 255 representing the attenuation coefficient of error (RMSE), and the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)
the corresponding material. were used to compare the overall performance of SWRC models
The scanning of aggregates from the bulk samples was calculated within Matlab (Mathworks, 2014). The R2 was cal-
conducted at a higher resolution with a synchrotron-based culated as
micro-CT at beam line BL13W1 of the Shanghai Synchrotron
SSE [3]
Radiation Facility. Details of scanning and image reconstruction R 2 = 1−
can be found in Zhou et al. (2016). The image stack for each
aggregate included 1200 slices with a size of 2000× 2000 voxels. where SSE is the residual sum of squares, and SST is the total
The slices were stored in 8-bit format and had a resolution of sum of squares.
3.7 × 3.7 × 3.7 mm3. The RMSE was calculated as
∑ ( q mean −q fitted ) [4]
Image Processing and Analysis RMSE =
Image preprocessing, segmentation, and quantification
have previously been detailed in Zhou et al. (2016) and are only where N is the number of data points, qmean is the mean value of
briefly described here. For the core-scale samples, a region of in- measured water content, and qfitted is the fitted water content.
terest, 1000 × 1000× 1000 voxel3, was selected from the central The AIC was calculated as:
part to avoid artifacts at the boundary. For the aggregate-scale  SSE 
samples, a region of interest of 500 × 500 × 500 voxel3 was se- AIC= 2 k + N ln   [5]
 N 
lected from the central part. The final size of the cubic region of
interest among soil cores and aggregates were 30 and 1.85 mm, where k is the number of parameters to be estimated in the mod-
respectively. A 3-D median filter was used to reduce noises be- el. As N is small, the corrected AIC (AICc) was used:
fore segmentation. Images were segmented by a bi-level method
2 k ( k +1 ) [6]
(Vogel and Kretzschmar, 1996). =c AIC+
Porosity was determined as the percentage of pore volume to N − k +1
the total volume of the region of interest. The PSD was obtained The mean error, ME, was used here to compare model per-
by morphological “opening” operations, which first “erode” the formance at different data points. The ME was calculated for
pores with a spherical structural mask and then “dilate” the erod- each measured data point separately:
ed pores with the same structural mask. This process removes
pores smaller than the size of the structural mask. By progres- ME = ∑ q measured −q fitted [7]
sively increasing the size of the structuring element and deter-
mining porosity after each “opening” operation the PSD was de- where n is the number of fitted curves, qmeasured is the measured
termined. The PSD of soil cores and aggregates ranged from 30 water content at certain suction.
to 2878 mm and from 3.7 to 115 mm, respectively. The PSD from The statistical analysis of the soil porosities was performed
the imaging at the two different scales was merged together to with the SAS software program (SAS Institute, 2011). We used
have a broader range. As the PSD of the two scales overlapped at an ANOVA to compare the differences in soil porosities among
the range 30 to 115 mm, only the greater porosity was used in the different treatments. Mean values were tested using the Fisher’s
combined PSD. A more detailed description of this procedure least significant difference (LSD) at the P = 0.05 level. Pearson
can be found in Schlüter et al. (2011). There are two main issues correlation coefficients were conducted to evaluate the linear re-
to be addressed with this approach. The first one is that the aver- lationship between soil porosities and the natural logarithm of
aged PSD of the aggregates from each plot was used to combine Ks, hereafter ln(Ks).
with the PSD from the soil cores from the same plot. The sec-
ond one is that the heterogeneity of soil structure was not fully Results
considered and the PSD of aggregates hypothesized to be able Fitting of Soil Water Retention Curves
to represent aggregate-scale PSD of the corresponding soil cores. All the tested SWRC models showed good overall per-
formance with the lowest mean R2 of 0.95 for the BC model 1273
Table 2. Predictive performances of the tested models on measured soil water retention data. Models tested included the Brooks
and Corey model (BC), lognormal model (LN), van Genuchten model (VG), bimodal van Genuchten model (BVG), bimodal lognor-
mal model (BLN), double-exponential model (DE), and triple-exponential model (TE). The presented values are: mean (low, high).
R2† 0.95 (0.89, 0.97) 0.96 (0.93, 0.98) 0.96 (0.90, 0.98) 0.98 (0.95, 1.00) 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.99 (0.99, 1.00) 1.00 (0.99, 1.00)
RMSE‡ 0.021 (0.009, 0.029) 0.0177 (0.0081, 0.0255)0.0195 (0.0089, 0.0118 (0.0020, 0.0045 (0.0014, 0.0076 (0.0020, 0.0050 (0.0017,
0.0270) 0.0279) 0.0072) 0.0146) 0.0081)
AICc§ −90.5 (-110.4, −81.3) −94.9 (-114.2, −84.4) −92.4 (-111.8, −82.9) −95.72 (-132.6, −64.1) –113.2 (–141.1, −99.3) –110.8 (–146.1, −94.3) –113.5 (–136.7, −96.3)
† R2, the coefficient of determination.
‡ RMSE, root mean square error
§ AICc, the corrected Akaike Information Criterion.

(Table  2). An example of the fitting of SWRC of the studied SWRC was not as good as BLN and DE models. The TE model
paddy soil with different models is shown in Fig. 1. The bimodal was able to segregate the macropore space as well as the textural
and trimodal models showed superior performance than any and structural pore spaces. However, in this study the macro-
of the tested unimodal modals (Fig. 1). The best fit was found pores were ascribed to structural pores. In this case the difference
for the BLN, TE, and DE models, with R2 close to 1 and low- between the DE and the TE model were negligible and only the
est RMSE and AICc values (Table 2). Figure 2 shows the mean DE model was further considered. The structural and textural
ME at different suctions. The ME increased considerably from porosity calculated from BLN and DE models are shown in Fig.
low to high suctions for the unimodal models, while ME was 4. The structural porosity derived from DE model was lower
constantly low over the whole range for the multimodal models than those from the BLN model, while the textural porosity
except BVG model. showed an opposite trend. Both the structural and textural po-
rosities derived from the BLN and DE models were significantly
Pore Structure from Retention Curve Models positively correlated (P < 0.001), respectively.
The derivative of SWRC can be easily transformed to the Application of NPKOM significantly increased structural
PSD by converting suction to an equivalent pore diameter us- porosity relative to CK and NPK treatments (P < 0.05), while
ing Eq. [2]; an example of the derivative is shown in Fig. 3. It the latter two treatments showed no significant difference (P >
is not surprising that all the unimodal models failed to capture 0.05) (Table 3). No significant difference in textural poros-
the second modal of the PSD. Considerable differences were
found for the shape of PSD among
the unimodal models, with the peak of
the modal shifted rightward from BC
to the VG and LN models. Distinct
bimodality was found for the deriva-
tives of all the samples with BLN and
DE models. The BVG model was able
to capture the bimodality for 11 of the
17 samples. The TE model showed tri-
modality with the two peaks in the left
region very close. The estimated suc-
tions where the PSD peak overlapped
at the textural domain for BLN, DE,
and TE models is shown in Fig. 3. For
the structural domain, the suctions at
the peaks of BVG, BLN and DE model
overlap between the peaks of structur-
al and macropore domain of the TE
model (Fig. 3).
A segregation of pore space into
the textural and structural domains
was possible with the bimodal and
multimodal models. The BVG model
was not further considered partially
because it failed to capture the bimo- Fig. 1. Example fitting of the soil water retention curve with unimodal (left) and bimodal and multi-
dality of 6 out of the 17 samples and modal (right) models. BC model, Brooks and Corey model; BLN model, bimodal lognormal model; DE
also because its performance in fitting model, double-exponential model; BVG model, bimodal van Genuchten model; LN model, lognormal
model; VG model, van Genuchten model; TE model, triple-exponential model.

1274 Soil Science Society of America Journal

clearly seen. The cumulative porosities of
aggregates (with pore diameter 3.7–114.7
mm) and cores (with pore diameter 30–2878
mm) were combined to create a wider range
(3.7–2878 mm) and the associated PSD de-
rived (Fig. 6). The PSD showed distinct bi-
modality, with two peaks observed for all the
samples (Fig. 6). The two peaks located in
the intra- and inter-aggregates domains re-
spectively, which were separated by the mini-
mum of the PSD between the two peaks.
The intra- and inter- aggregate porosities,
corresponded to the structural and textural
porosities, respectively, were determined
based on the separation of two domains.
Fig. 2. Mean fitting errors (ME) of the soil water retention curve fitted to different models. BC The porosity of the NPKOM treatment was
model, Brooks and Corey model; BLN model, bimodal lognormal model; DE model, double- significantly higher than the CK and NPK
exponential model; BVG model, bimodal van Genuchten model; LN model, lognormal model;
treatments, at 0.17 cm3 cm–3 as compared
VG model, van Genuchten model; TE model, triple-exponential model.
with 0.07 and 0.11 cm3 cm–3 respectively
ity was found among the different fertilization treatments (P > (Table 3). Application of NPKOM signifi-
0.05) (Table 3). cantly increased the CT imaging-derived structural porosity
and textural porosity relative to the CK and NPK treatments
Pore Structural Characteristics (P < 0.05), while the latter two treatments showed no signif-
The structure of the paddy soil differed at both the ag- icant difference (P > 0.05) (Table 3). The most marked dif-
gregate and core scale (Fig. 5). A wide range soil pores was ferences were in the CT imaging-derived structural porosity,
observed for the core scale samples, where the structures are where porosity ranged from 0.12 cm3 cm–3 in the NPKOM
generally composed of aggregates that were separated by pores treatment to 0.08 cm3 cm–3 in the NPK and 0.04 cm3 cm–3 in
in the form of cracks, planes or channels. In the NPKOM treat- the CK treatment.
ment an enhanced soil porosity could be clearly seen (Fig. 5)
with a wider range of pore sizes and shapes than in the NPK Relationship with Bimodal Porosity and Soil Ks
and CK treatments. The aggregates had a much denser struc- The CT imaging-derived structural porosity was lower than
ture than the soil structure observed at the core scale with the structural porosities from the SWRC models (structural
most inter-aggregate pores appearing disconnected, though porosity derived from DE model, and structural porosity from
a greater porosity in the NPKOM treatment could still be the BLN model), but they were positively correlated (P < 0.01)
(Fig. 7). A key limitation for CT imaging is that
it can only reveal pores larger than the specified
minimum voxel size (excluding the effects of
noise in the images), which was 3.7 mm in this
study, and therefore this approach cannot pro-
vide complete information of textural porosity
as per the definition. The CT imaging-derived
textural porosity was therefore much lower
than textural porosities estimated from SWRC
by the DNL or DE models to the extent that no
significant correlation was found between them
(P > 0.1).
The relationship between ln(Ks) and
the structural porosities and total porosity is
shown in Fig. 8. The total porosity, structural
porosity derived from the DE model, struc-
tural porosity derived from the BLN model,
Fig. 3. Pore size distribution patterns derived from soil water retention curves with unimodal
(left) and bimodal and multi-modal (right) models. BC model, Brooks and Corey model; and the CT imaging-derived structural poros-
BLN model, bimodal lognormal model; DE model, double-exponential model; BVG model, ity were all lineally correlated with ln(Ks) with
bimodal van Genuchten model; LN model, lognormal model; VG model, van Genuchten P < 0.05. The structural porosity derived from
model; TE model, triple-exponential model. 1275
DE model and structural porosity derived from the BLN mod-
el did not improve the correlation as compared with total po-
rosity. A stronger Pearson correlation coefficient was found be-
tween the CT imaging-derived structural porosity and ln(Ks)
(R2 = 0.57, P < 0.001), indicating that the CT imaging-derived
structural porosity is more closely related to the saturated hy-
draulic conductivity.

Bimodality of Pore Space in Paddy Soil
Well-structured soils are believed to have hierarchical struc-
tures, and their pore space can be segregated between textural
pores that exist between soil particles and structural pores that lie
between aggregates (Dexter et al., 2008). Quantification of the
structural and textural porosity can be readily conducted with Fig. 4. Correlation of the structural and textural porosities, respectively,
SWRC models (Bruand and Cousin, 1995; Pires et al., 2008). between the bimodal lognormal model (BLN) and double-exponential
(DE) models.
However, as seen in Fig. 3 the modality of the PSD depends
heavily on the SWRC model employed. In this study, we first gested by the SWRC models and showed linear correlation with
compared seven widely used SWRC models, including three un- them. Moreover, the CT imaging-derived structural porosity,
imodal models (BC, LN, and VG model), three bimodal models structural porosity derived from the DE model, and structural
(BVG, BLN, and DE models), and a trimodal (TE) model. The porosity derived from the BLN model were all positively corre-
fitting of the SWRC using all the seven models was generally lated with ln(Ks) with the CT imaging-derived structural poros-
good and with R2 > 0.95. However, the goodness of fit, as shown ity showing the highest correlation. The CT imaging-derived
in Fig. 2 and Table 2, indicated that bimodal models (BLN and textural porosity, however, only included pores >3.7 mm due to
DE model) best fitted the SWRC data and revealed the exis- resolution limitation and was therefore lower than the textural
tence of a bimodal PSD for paddy soils (Fig. 3). These results porosities calculated from the SWRC (Table 3). These results
supported the application of bimodal models to investigate the suggest SWRC or CT imaging is well suited to quantify the
hierarchical pore structure in the paddy soil. The PSD derived structural porosity, but SWRC modeling is appropriate for in-
from both the BLN and DE models showed evident bimodal vestigating textural porosity. Compared with SWRC modeling,
structure and that the structural and textural porosities inferred CT imaging is fast and can provide more specific information
from both models were linearly correlated (Fig. 4). on the macropores such as shape and connectivity that are more
The CT imaging revealed hierarchical structure of the related with soil water transport processes (Luo et al., 2008). The
paddy soil as shown in Fig. 5. By combining the PSD of soil ag- extra information concerning the pore network available by im-
gregates and cores, a bimodal pore structure was also observed agery represents a significant advantage the ability to visualize
(Fig. 6), however without this observation at opposing scales this features such as cracks, channels associated with roots and other
crucial information would not have been noted. From SWRC pedofeatures can help account for a soils hydraulic behavior. It
modeling, morphological observation of CT images and quan- is possible now to scan and obtain pore morphology data now
titative image analysis, there is sufficient evidence to conclude in <1  h whereas a SWRC typically takes 1 to 2 mo and often
the paddy soils in this study had a bimodal pore structure, which longer. However there remains an issue concerning limited acces-
was in consistent with previous study on other structured soils sibility and high price of the nondestructive CT devices though
(Durner, 1994; Kutílek et al., 2006; Resurreccion et al., 2010). this is something that is improving with time. Another difficulty

Comparison of the Table 3. Total porosity, structural porosity, and textural porosity of soil from three treatments, deter-
SWRC Modeling and mined with the bimodal lognormal (BLN) model, the double-exponential (DE) model, and from CT
imaging. Undisturbed soil was collected from a long-term unfertilized control (CK), inorganically
CT-Imaging Methods fertilized (NPK), and organically and inorganically fertilized (NPKOM) paddy soils.
The BLN and DE
BLN model DE model CT imaging
models have distinct physi-
Treatment Treatment Treatment
cal meanings related to the
bimodal pore space and gen- ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– cm3 cm–3 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
erated consistent pore struc- Total porosity 0.55 b† 0.57 b 0.62 a 0.55 b 0.57 b 0.63 a 0.07 b 0.11 ab 0.17 a
ture information. The CT Structural porosity 0.15 b 0.16 b 0.24 a 0.13 b 0.14 b 0.21 a 0.04 b 0.08 ab 0.12 a
imaging-derived structural Textural porosity 0.40 a 0.41 a 0.38 a 0.43 a 0.41 a 0.42 a 0.03 b 0.03 b 0.05 a
porosity was comparable to † Values followed by the same lowercase letter are not statistically different (P < 0.05) between fertilization
the structural porosities sug- treatments within each porosity type. Statistical analyses were performed separately for each the BLN model,
DE model, and CT imaging.

1276 Soil Science Society of America Journal

Fig. 7. Correlation of the structural porosities from the bimodal
lognormal (BLN) and double-exponential (DE) models and from
CT imaging.

instrument access. As such it is not surprising that SWRC con-

tinue to be extensively used by soil physicists as they have been
proven to be able to provide valuable information about the pore
structure as long as the most appropriate models are used.

Fertilization Effects on Bimodal Pore Structure

The structural porosity is liable to change more rapidly
under external influences (e.g., compaction) while the textural
Fig. 5. Three-dimensional binary computer tomography images of porosity tends to be more stable and/or resilient (Bruand and
soil aggregates (1.85 × 1.85 × 1.85 mm3) and soil cores (30 × 30 × Cousin, 1995; Kutílek et al., 2006). Here we have shown that
30 mm3) from an unfertilized control (CK), inorganically fertilized
treatment (NPK), and an organically and inorganically fertilized
when soil is fertilized differently for a long term there are im-
treatment (NPKOM). plications for soil porosity in paddy soils and that they are
variable between scales and/or structural classes. Application
is that soil pores range over several orders of scale, which makes of NPKOM increased structural porosity relative to CK and
it impossible to quantify soil pores with any single imaging tech- NPK treatments but did not influence textural porosities. The
nique (Wildenschild et al., 2002) and a multi-scale approach as CT imaging-derived textural porosity was highest in NPKOM
employed is often required which present further challenges for probably because only large pores in the textural pore range were
included. However the differences were not consistent across all

Fig. 8. Correlation between total porosity (TP), structural porosities (Pstr)

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