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WHEREAS, Acts of sexual molestation of children by paid and volunteer church workers are
illegal, immoral and antithetical to the mission of churches and para-church organizations;

WHEREAS, Some church leaders ignore the risk because "It couldn't happen in our church,” and
thereby unknowingly fail to take reasonable steps to prevent abuse and therefore expose a
church to ‘punitive damages’; and

WHEREAS, To ignore the problem and potential risk seriously damages the name of Christ in
the community, as well as subjecting children to serious emotional trauma, from which
they may never recover;

WHEREAS, The church should be a place of safety for all vulnerable members, participants,
attendees, and parishioners including children and youth, persons with disabilities, the
newly arrived, and the elderly.



religious non-profit corporation of the State of Oregon, as follows:

Section 1. PURPOSES: The following policy directives are established for the following

A. To protect children from physical or sexual abuse (as defined by the laws of the state
where the act or acts may occur) in the fields where Village Missions provides spiritual

B. To protect the church and congregation where Village Missions is providing leadership
from legal liability;

C. To protect the Village Missionary from legal liability; and

D. To protect Village Missions as an organization from legal liability.

E. To protect victims and their families with a sincere commitment to their spiritual and
emotional well-being.
F. To protect transparency and openness within the community while at the same time
guarding privacy.


A. For the purposes of this Policy, "SEXUAL ABUSE" is defined by the laws of the State
where the act or acts are alleged to have occurred.

B. The terms "child" or "children” include all persons under the age of 18 years and those
persons whose mental capacity is that of a child as defined herein.

Section 3. BACKGROUND CHECK: All applicants for staff service and applicants for certain
volunteer positions with Village Missions will submit to a national criminal background
check. References will be obtained from at least two sources that are of an institutional
nature, preferably from organizations where the applicant has worked with children in the

Section 4. POLICIES: Village Missions will follow the Child/Youth Protection Policies
containing the elements listed under Section 6 A - G, below, for all Mission sponsored
activities that involve children. (e.g. Staff or Mini Conferences).

Section 5. PROOF OF INSURANCE: The District Representative shall obtain written proof
from each church served by Village Missions within his District, that the church carries a
policy of liability insurance covering professional liability for the pastor, general liability
for the church, and acts of sexual molestation occurring on church property or at any
activity sponsored by the church, and whether the coverage has been limited in any way.
The coverage for sexual abuse/molestation must provide a minimum of Three Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) coverage. Where permissible, Village Missions shall be
named as an additional insured on such policy. The District Representative shall make a
copy of a Certificate of Insurance which will be retained in the DR's files and the original
will be sent to the Village Missions office to be filed in the Field's file.


Representative is to verify that each church served by Village Missions has adopted a
Children/Youth Protection Policy by obtaining a copy of it. The DR shall make a copy of said
Policy to be held in the DR's file for that field and send the original to the Village Missions
office. Upon receipt of the policy from the DR, the office will make a copy of it and forward
such copy on to the agent for the Mission's insurance company for approval by the company.

The Policy will include, at a minimum, the following elements:

A. Six Month Rule: No volunteer will be considered for any position involving contact
with minors until they have been involved with the church for a minimum of six (6) months.
B. Annual training of all volunteers and staff will be conducted involving the C.A.P. Policy
of the church and general information regarding the prevention and recognition of child abuse
and other forms of abuse. Village Missions will work with the local church to obtain such
training and supply updated information as needed.

C. Written Application: All persons seeking to work with children must complete and sign
a written application. The application will request basic information from the applicant and will
inquire into previous experience with children, previous church affiliation, reference and
employment information, as well as disclosure of any previous criminal convictions and the
names and addresses of at least three references. The application must be accompanied by a
signed statement authorizing a criminal background check, which statement will be kept on file
with the application. The application form will be maintained in confidence on file at the church
and be made available for inspection by the District Representative.

D. Reference Checks: Before an applicant is permitted to work with children, at least two
of the applicant’s references will be checked. These references should be from an organization,
preferably from organizations where the applicant has worked with children in the past. If such
an organizational reference is not available a family or neighbor reference will be sufficient.
Documentation of the reference checks will be maintained in confidence on file at the church and
be made available for inspection by the District Representative.

E. Criminal Background Check: A national criminal background check is required for all
employees (regardless of position) and for the following categories of volunteers:

1. Those who will be involved in school/preschool/day care center;

2. Those who will be in involved in overnight activities with minors;

3. Those counseling minors;

4. Those involved in one-on-one mentorship of minors; and

5. Those having occasional one-on-one contact with minors (that is, church sponsored
athletic team coaches and vehicle drivers).

Documentation of the background checks, but not the actual results, will be maintained in
confidence on file at the church.

F. Disqualified Persons Will Not Serve: Generally, convictions for an offense involving children
and/or for offenses involving violence, dishonesty, illegal substances, indecency and any conduct
contrary to our Mission will preclude someone from being permitted to work with children.
Failure to disclose a criminal conviction on the application form will also be a disqualifying
event. What constitutes a disqualifying offense that will keep an individual from working with
children will be decided by the governing body of the church on a case-by-case basis in light of
all the surrounding circumstances. Decisions regarding disqualified persons will be documented.
Decisions allowing otherwise disqualified persons to serve will be documented, enumerating the
conditions under which service may be performed. Such agreements will be acknowledged by all
parties in writing.

G. Two Adult Rule: It is the goal that a minimum of two unrelated adults workers will be in
attendance at all times when children are being supervised during programs or activities. In
those situations where the workers are related the door of the classroom must remain open. In
those situations where there is only one adult teacher in attendance during class session in a
youth class, the door of the classroom must remain open and there should be no fewer than three
students with the adult teacher. Children are not to be left alone with one adult unless it is in a
counseling situation, and then only if they can be readily observed.

H. Response to Allegations: In the event that an individual involved in the care of children
becomes aware of suspected abuse or neglect under his/her care, it will be reported immediately
to the Village Missionary for further action, including reporting to authorities as may be
mandated by state law. If the Village Missionary is the alleged perpetrator, the chair of the
church board shall be notified immediately or if not available, then the District Representative.

In the event that an incident of abuse or neglect is alleged to have occurred at the church, or during
a sponsored activity, the following steps shall be taken:

1. The parent or guardian of the child will be notified immediately.

2. The worker alleged to be the perpetrator of the abuse or misconduct will be immediately
placed on leave from working with children pending the completion of an investigation.

3. The church's insurance company will be notified, and .the church will complete an
incident report.

4. The church will comply with the state's requirements regarding mandatory reporting of
abuse as the law then exists.

5. The District Representative will be notified.

6. The church will cooperate with any investigation of the incident by state or local

7. Church leadership will act only in consultation with their insurance company and/or

8. In the event it is found that the alleged abuse or misconduct did occur, the person
involved shall immediately and permanently be removed from any position involving
contact with children or youth.
9. A church leader will be designated as spokesperson to the media concerning incidents of
abuse or neglect, unless he or she is alleged to be involved. All others will refrain from
speaking to the media. Any public statements shall be limited to a statement that an
incident involving sexual misconduct is alleged to have occurred, an investigation is
being conducted, and that the church has the utmost concern for any victims of abuse.

ADOPTED at the regularly scheduled mid-year meeting of the Board of Directors of Village
Missions November, 2010.

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