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Type of fermentation


1. The bacteria are inoculated into the 1. The fresh medium flows into the
bioreactor (always stirred tank fermentor continuously, and part of the
bioreactor). medium in the reactor is withdrawn from
2. Then, under certain conditions the fermenter at the same flow rate of the
(temperature, pH, aeration, etc.) the inlet flow.
bacteria go through all the growth phases 2. The bacteria is grown under certain
(lag, exponential, stationary) conditions (temperature, pH, aeration)

Advantages: Advantages:
• can be used for diff reactions every day. • Works all the time: low labor cost, good
• Safe: can be properly sterilized. utilization of reactor
• Little risk of infection or strain mutation • Often efficient: due to the autocatalytic
• Complete conversion of substrate is nature of microbial reactions,.
possible • the productivity can be high.
• Automation may be very appealing.
• Constant product quality

Dis-advantages: Dis-advantages:
•High labor cost •promised continuous production for months
•Much idle time – Sterilization, growth, fails due to a. infection. b. spontaneous
cleaning mutation of microorganisms to non
•Safety – filling emptying, cleaning. producing strain
Fed Batch cultivation
 Batch cultivation have low productivity

 Though continuous cultivation

productivity is higher it cannot be used for
secondary metabolites

 Fed batch cultivation is semi open system

 Here nutrients are fed slowly into

medium either continuously or

discontinuously in stages.

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