Stonewall Democrats of Dallas Newsletter - November 2010

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Stonewall Democrats of Dallas • November 2010

The Stonewall
A monthly publication for members of the SDD

DISD to adopt a comprehensive

anti-bullying code
By Jesse Garcia
electronically transmitted acts – i.e.
The Dallas Independent School internet, cell phone, personal digital
District will soon vote on adopting assistant (pda), or wireless hand held
a comprehensive anti-bullying code device) that is reasonably perceived as
that mirrors strong platforms taken on being motivated either by any actual or
by other large metro areas across the perceived characteristic, such as race,
United States. ethnicity, color, religion, ancestry,
national origin, gender, sex, sexual ori-
This past fall LGBT advocates, entation, gender identity and expres-
which included members of Stonewall sion, marital status, socio-economic
Democrats, met with school board background, social/family background,
trustees to work on the language that linguistic preference, political beliefs,
will now include sexual orientation or a mental, physical, or sensory dis-
and gender identity and expression as ability, difference, or impairment; or
protected classes. by any other distinguishing character-
istic or because of one’s association
Nine board trustees will consider with a particular person or group of
adding that language during their persons. Bullying also includes, but not
board meeting being held at 5:30 p.m., limited to, any threatening, insulting,
Thursday, Nov. 18, at DISD headquar- or dehumanizing gesture, by a student,
ters, located at 3700 Ross Ave., Dallas, that has the potential to create an in-
TX 75204. timidating, hostile, or offensive educa-
tional environment or cause long term
All Stonewall members are urged damage; cause discomfort or humili-
to attend to show support. Prior to the ation; or unreasonably interfere with
Nov. 18 meeting, Stonewall members the individual’s school performance or
that live in the DISD district are asked
Stonewall Democrats to contact their respective trustee and
participation, is carried out repeatedly
and is often characterized by an imbal-
ask him or her to vote in favor of the
of Dallas anti-bullying code that includes sexual
ance of power.
orientation and gender identity and DISD is the second largest school
4209 Parry Avenue expression. DISD board trustees may district in Texas and the 12th largest
Dallas, TX 75223 be reached at in the United States. Current enroll-
about/boardpage.htm. ment (pre-kindergarten to 12th grade)
P.O. Box 192305 is 158,000-plus. The district employs
The following is the proposed code: more than 10,000 teachers and 2,200
Dallas, TX 75219
support staff. Its annual budget is $1.6
It is further defined as any unwanted billion.
214 506-DEMS purposeful gesture or written, verbal, graphic, or physical act (including
Page 2 The Stonewall Advocate November 2010

Stonewall elects new officers News Briefs

in November
By Jesse Garcia “I have enjoyed becoming active in Demo-
cratic politics and learning about the political
Members of the Stonewall Democrats of Dal- process,” said McCue. “I look forward to serv-
las will elect new leadership at the next general ing as treasurer of Stonewall Democrats once
meeting taking place Tuesday, Nov. 16, at 6:30 again.”
p.m., at Ojeda’s Restaurant, located at 4617
Maple Ave., Dallas, TX 75219. Vice President
Running for vice president, is Michael Wetter.
Members need to be current with their mem- Wetter has worked hard to get out the Demo-
bership dues in order to vote; $35 member- cratic vote in Northwest Dallas. He is a pre-
Current Stonewall President Erin Moore
ships may be paid at the beginning of the cinct chair in Coppell and member of Coppell
and Candidate for President of Stonewall
meeting to participate in the election. Nomi- Democrats, Metrocrest Democrats and Stone-
Democrats, Omar Narvaez, holding the
nations will be taken off the floor. Elections wall Democrats. This past election cycle Wetter
trophy for Best Non-Profit
will be conducted on Robert’s Rules of Order. was an active volunteer for the campaigns of
The following members have announced their Bill White, Tina Yoo, Loretta Haldenwang,
candidacies. Cass Calloway and the Dallas County Coordi-
nated Campaign. n Stonewall meets on :
Secretary The November General Meeting takes place
Candidate for secretary is Phyllis Guest, a “I look forward to being a solid, active backup Tuesday, November 16, at 6:30 p.m., at
current board member of the SDD board and for the president,” said Wetter, who lived in Ojeda's Restaurant, located at 4617 Maple
longtime member. Her political experience Dallas County since 2003. “I would like to con- Avenue in Dallas.
includes volunteer work with ACLU, PFLAG tinue to extend the reach of Stonewall Demo- n Annual Stonewal Holiday Party:
and Veterans for Peace (as an adjunct mem- crats by making strong connections to other On Monday, December 6th, at 7 pm,
ber). In her professional career, Guest has been organizations throughout the area.” Stonewall Democrats of Dallas will hold
a writer, copy editor and proofreader. She’s our annual Holiday Party at the Round Up
worked for American Airlines and small New Before moving to Dallas County, Wetter was Saloon on Cedar Springs Rd. Please join us
York City agencies. the president of the Union Hill Homeowners for a relaxed evening of fun and to celebrate
Association (Kansas City), and was a member our local victories. There will be free food
“I would like to serve as the club’s secretary,” of the Board of Commissioners of the Union and a cash bar available.
said Guest. “Other than the secretary’s custom- Hill Special Business District (a City of Kansas
ary note-taking and reporting duties, I want City Missouri commission which administers n Officer Elections:
to work with other clubs and groups across special needs of the historic district.) Members need to be current with their
the county on voter education, especially for membership dues in order to vote; $35
young people, and on a Stonewall member- He currently is the co-owner and director of memberships may be paid at the beginning
ship campaign. We need more members, new Professional Services for Inscio, LLC. Inscio of the meeting to participate in the election.
members, fresh energy and ideas!” is a leading reseller of Microsoft Dynamics GP Nominations will be taken off the floor.
and integrated information solutions for small, Elections will be conducted on Robert’s
Guest has lived in Dallas County since 1979. medium and large businesses throughout the Rules of Order.
“People should vote for me because I am reli-
able, detail-oriented, and eager to help with “I am excited to keep working hard for GLBT
and learn about our web use and other techy and Democratic causes in Dallas County,” Wet- serves on the city of Dallas’ Community De-
issues,” said Guest. ter said. “My strong Democratic network, com- velopment Commission.
bined with my professional and political experi-
Treasurer ence, will help me to be a great resource.” “I believe that I am a natural born motivator. I
The sole executive officer returning for another enjoy coaching people how to register voters.
year is Mike McCue for treasurer. President I enjoy organizing GOTV efforts. I’ve been a
Current SDD political affairs chair Omar Nar- yellow dog Democrat since I was 5 years old,”
“During my early years in Dallas, I got vaez will seek the Stonewall presidency. said Narvaez, who works in finance. “My first
involved in local gay rights/AIDS activism campaign experience was for Jimmy Carter in
through my friendships with William Way- “As president, I will increase membership, 1979 when I was in Kindergarten. We learned
bourn and John Thomas,” said McCue, who increase voter registration drives, increase voter about voting, and I asked my mom if we were
graduated from Texas A&M University with education, continue electing pro-LGBT candi- Democrats of Republicans. She said Demo-
an accounting degree. “I participated in several dates, build bridges between other Democratic crats because they help people. So, I went to
ACT UP protests at Parkland and City Hall. I clubs and groups, and keep Dallas County mov- the two houses on either side of our house
still treasure my time working beside those ing forward one voter at a time,” said Narvaez, because I wasn’t allowed to go any further,
pioneers of gay rights during those scary times who has lived in Dallas County since 1998. and knocked on my neighbors’ doors and
in the early ‘90s.” asked them to vote for Jimmy Carter. Then I
Prior to being SDD’s political affairs chair, Nar- organized my class and we had our little mock
McCue has lived in Dallas County since 1989. vaez was the membership chair. He also served vote, and President Carter won in a landslide...
He has been a certified public accountant since on the National Stonewall Leadership Board. sadly, the nation didn’t get it right like Miss
1991 and has held jobs as controller or ac- He is also active in LULAC 4871, the city of Cardenas’ Kindergarten class did. I have vol-
counting manager for local companies. Dallas’ LGBT Task Force, and Southwest Voter unteered on campaigns ever since.”
Registration Education Project. He currently
November 2010 The Stonewall Advocate Page 3


By: Omar Narvaez & www.dallasdemo- crats endorsed candidates adding national,
Stonewall state, & county races together 73% of
President candidates won! (includes state house,
Erin Moore The Dallas County Democratic Party congress, and county races)
(DCDP) achieved a three-peat Nov. 2nd– a
third straight sweep of countywide races “This is a sweet victory for us, given the
– powered by what DCDP Chair Darlene strong headwind we all felt this year. The
Ewing described as “the most robust bottom line is that Dallas County vot-
coordinated campaign the Party has ever ers decided to stay the course with local
mounted.” Democratic elected officials who are doing
a great job,” said Ewing. “We knew this
This was probably the toughest battle we would be a battle given the national mood,
The elections are over and while faced as a county in a long while. Howev- but we had a great plan to tell voters the
we got spanked nationally and on the er, let’s keep our chins held high. It is sad real story of Democratic good government
statewide level, Dallas held its own. We that we lost so many good democrats out here at home as well as defend the record
thought we were moving forward, but, of the Texas House, but we must focus on of the administration.”
frankly, through a LOT of hard work the county level. Stonewall Democrats of
we were just able to stay put. Dallas Dallas played a vital role in keeping Dallas Winning Incumbents and Candidates
remains a blue island in a sea of red and County BLUE, so please do not let the Based on unofficial results posted by
that means our courts and our county national election or the statewide election Dallas County Elections, Democrats were
government are in good hands. get you too down. successful in all 36 contested county-
wide races as well as the race for County
For that hard work I thank you. If WE have a lot to celebrate about in Dallas Commissioner, District 4, and, in a mild
you participated in the endorsement County! Stonewall Democrats of Dal- surprise, in races for Constable and Justice
process, worked a voter registration las did our part to DEFEND CHANGE. of the Peace in Precinct 4.
shift, handed out push cards, block Efforts by groups like ours teamed with Contested countywide officials re-elected
walked, phone banked or wrote a check the Dallas County Coordinated campaign to office include D.A. Craig Watkins,
thank you. were able to elect 100% of county wide District Clerk Gary Fitzsimmons, County
Democrats! Clerk John Warren, and County Treasurer
On the down side, we lost some good Joe Wells. Democrats newly elected to of-
friends in the state house. We were WE took over commissioners court by fice are County Judge-Elect Clay Jenkins
already a minority but now we have electing the first ever Latino/a to Dallas and County Commissioner-Elect Dr. Elba
fewer voices to block bad bills and to County Commissioners court! Dr. Elba Garcia. Justices of the Peace-Elect for
ensure a fair redistricting process. The Garcia Precinct 4 are Katy Hubener and Stretch
newly elected, contrarian Tea Party WE elected the first openly lesbian Rideaux and Constable-Elect for Precinct
candidates are coming in full of empty African-American county wide judge to 4 is Roy Williams Jr.
promises and bluster and will want to office! Tonya Parker Contested countywide Democratic judges
pass bills that bear no relation to the WE elected the first Asian-American who are re-elected to office include Judges
state of our state. We must stay vigilant county wide judge to office! Tina Yoo Carlos Cortez, Gena Slaughter, Carl
and engaged and make sure that the WE did our part to defend change one Ginsberg, Ernest White, David Lopez,
progress we’ve made in recent years is voter at a time. Mark Stoltz, Rick Magnis, Larry Mitchell,
not undone in one session. Emily Tobolowsky, Lynn Cherry, Tena
Stonewall registered hundreds of vot- Callahan, Bill Mazur, D’Metria Benson,
On a personal note, it has been a ers, donated thousands of dollars, block Sally Montgomery, Mark Greenberg,
pleasure serving as your President for walked, knocked on doors, passed out Doug Skemp, Teresa Tolle, Angela King,
these past two years. We have a great literature, made phone calls, sent emails, Elizabeth Crowder, Peggy Hoffman, Ro-
organization and great people as mem- mailed flyers, sent text messages, cre- berto Canas, and Jeff Rosenfield.
bers. We are considered a model for ated advertisements, drove folks, hosted Democrats newly elected to judicial posi-
other democratic organizations and we fundraisers, had an early morning get tions are Judges-Elect Tonya Parker, Dale
will continue to fight the good fight. out the vote pep rally, drove voters to the Tillery, Teresa Hawthorne, James Martin,
polls, and lots and lots more. Stonewall Andrea Plumlee, Julia Hayes, Etta J. Mul-
Democrats make it happen! Because of our lin, Tina Yoo and Chris Wilmoth. Many
Talk to you later, strong efforts combined with the efforts other Democratic candidates for judicial
of other fine Democrats, OUR local re- positions ran unopposed.
Erin elected & newly elected officials will keep
Dallas County moving forward!
Stonewall Democrats endorsed candidates
specific to Dallas County won 95% of the
races. 53 of 56 candidates won! (includes
non-county wide races) Stonewall Demo-
Page 4 The Stonewall Advocate November 2010

Stonewall Holiday Party!

By Jay Narey financial commitment to Stonewall Democrats Additionally, we will be collecting needed
of Dallas – this award will be presented to items for the Legacy Cottage at this year’s Holi-
On Monday, December 6th, at 7 pm, Stone- Bill Fry - an original founding member of this day Party. Needed items include: Paper Towels,
wall Democrats of Dallas will hold our annual organization. The other awards to be presented Laundry Detergent, Large Latex Gloves, Men’s’
Holiday Party at the Round Up Saloon on that evening are The Distinguished Democrat socks and underwear (new), Shampoo and Con-
Cedar Springs Rd. Please join us for a relaxed Award, The Pink Pump Award, The Member ditioner, Disposable razors and shaving cream,
evening of fun and to celebrate our local of the Year Award, the Board Member of Deodorant, Kleenex, Body Lotion (moisturiz-
victories. There will be free food and a cash bar the Year Award, and Ally Award... and the ers), Body Powder (baby powder). We strongly
available. Additionally, you can look forward to Nominees are .... encourage you to bring one or more of these
the presentation of our annual awards Distinguished Democrat : Gary Fitzsimmons, items for those in need and living at Legacy
as well as our ever popular Holiday Basket Tonya Parker, Elba Garcia, and Carl Ginsburg. Cottage. If you cannot bring items, please con-
Auction. This year we are limiting the number Pink Pump Award (straight ally): Delia Jasso, sider making a donation to Legacy Cottage.
of baskets to 25 – but hope that you will be Elizabeth Crowder, Tina Yoo, Elba Garcia,
able to bid on slightly more elaborate baskets. George Freeman. Finally, I’d like to take a personal moment
The top 5 baskets submitted will proceed to our Member of the Year: Pamela Curry, Michael to thank you, the Stonewall Membership for
“live” auction conducted by the ever popular Wetter, Laurie McClurg, Tony McMullin allowing me the privilege and honor of serving
Stonewall member Charles Griffith. Board Member of the Year : Presented by you as Vice President for the last few years. It
President Erin Moore to the Board Member of has been a labor of love for me, and although I
There will be 5 categories of awards – with her choosing. am stepping down from my role as an Officer
multiple nominees in each. Ally Award: Equality Texas, Dallas Gay & at the end of this year, I look forward to giving
There is a special award – The Polly Lou Lesbian Alliance, Dallas County Democratic someone else the opportunity to serve in a
Moore Award for Philanthropy. Because Party & Staff, Preston Hollow Democrats. leadership capacity and will see you at future
of his continual and outstanding personal and general meetings as always. Jay Narey.

* Reminder: November General Meeting

Tuesday, November 16, at 6:30 p.m.
at Ojeda’s Restaurant

P.O. Box 192305

Dallas, TX 75219
(214) 506-DEMS
The Stonewall Advocate is a monthly pub-
lication of the Stonewall Democrats of
Dallas. To contact the editor, e-mail Ken-
neth Denson at kenneth.denson@stone- No portion of
this newsletter may be reproduced without
President Erin Moore
Vice President Jay Narey
Treasurer Mike McCue
Secretary Kenneth Denson
SDD Annual Memberships:
$35 General Membership
$120 Truman Level
$300 Jefferson Level
$600 Kennedy Level
$1,200 Roosevelt Level
To join or renew, visit Happy Holidays!

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