Assignment Prep - 09

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Reflect on the impact that this has had on you as a person and the way you feel about

module, your studies and the way you studied in this module, your work and/or involvement in
your community.

Information Communication Technology Development

As I studied the learning unit one, that elaborated about the development of ICTs and its impact
around the communities. I was very much amazed. That is because they are used to connect people
around the globe, educate people and used as mediums that enable businesses to compete beyond
its parameters of establishments. More and more governments are seeing this factor added with the
fourth industrial revolution, this is forcing them to invest in this sector by means to building the
necessary infrastructure, teaching the citizens the skills necessary and also to enable businesses to
venture in that area without strict legislations.

Another fact that had an impact on me was that through the fact that the ICTs can be used to
connect people, businesses can be enabled easily to compete beyond its borders and this will boost
many countries economically. Countries like China and India used this factor to their advantage and
have become one of the giant global producers of different products. Ultimately they are evidence
that ICTs can have big impacts on nations.

This has had a strong impact on me as a learner because before I studied EUP, I took for granted the
impact that ICTs has in our daily lives. The fact that small gadgets can have a big impact of that
magnitude is enormous. This module was very much eye opening in the sense that I will be an
informed citizen regarding technology. Furthermore, when I will be looking for employment in my
field of studying, I will share this information with whichever company that I will serve and if allowed
even try to integrate the company to use online services more than manually.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, I would love to sponsor research in the ICT sector and also the scholars
that may need to persue their studies in this valuable department. This is because, since they are
African and in particular South African, who knows the struggles that the continent faces and how
far behind we are technologically. They will invent ways, gadgets and other products that will help
Africa for the best and communities in general. Another project that I would like to engage myself in,
is the one that will use the township schools as places that I will offer free classes that involve
awareness campaigns about the use of ICTs more especially to the elderly who are left behind. This
will benefit them to use the internet and perform basic functions like instant messages, e-banking
and e-government services.

Over and above, this module had a big impact on me. I learnt a lot and will continue to learn and
update myself about the latest technologies and the efforts that the government is implementing to
help. Should the government need help, I will always find ways to help on the ground roots level.

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