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207 Topic 3: Histology

Study Objectives
Use our lecture slides as your primary resource for addressing each objective. It is strongly
recommended that you use your textbook as a tool to further your understanding. Sections
of the Top Hat textbook containing information relevant to an objective are listed in
parentheses when possible.

Epithelial Tissue (3.4)

 Describe the general features of epithelial tissue.
 Identify the two main types of epithelial tissue.
 Discuss how covering and lining epithelia are classified.
 List the description, function, and location of the following types of simple
o Simple squamous
o Simple cuboidal
o Simple columnar
 Nonciliated
 Ciliated
o Pseudostratified columnar
 Nonciliated
 Ciliated
 List the description, function, and location of the following types of stratified
o Stratified squamous
 Nonkeratinized
 Keratinized
o Transitional
 Define gland, and explain the difference between exocrine and endocrine glands.
 Describe the structural and functional classifications of exocrine glands.

Connective Tissue (3.5)

 Describe the general features of connective tissue, including cells, ground substance,
and fibers.
 List the description, function, and location of the following types of loose connective
o Areolar
o Adipose
o Reticular
 List the description, function, and location of the following types of dense connective
o Dense regular
o Dense irregular
o Elastic
 Describe the general features of cartilage

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 List the description, function, and location of the following types of cartilage:
o Hyaline
o Fibrocartilage
o Elastic
 Describe the general features of bone.
 List the description, function, and location of bone.
 Describe the components of blood, including plasma and the cell types.

Muscle Tissue (3.6)

 Describe the general features of muscle tissue.
 Compare and contrast the structure, function, and location of skeletal, cardiac, and
smooth muscle.

Nervous Tissue (3.7)

 List and describe the two cell types in nervous tissue.
 Describe the structure, function, and location of nervous tissue.

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