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Background of the study

Social media not only benefits students, but also provides new

opportunities for communication among teachers and administrators. A students

used of social media students who are already engaged in social media could

benefit from incorporating it into curriculum.

This study emphasized that these new social media aimed to capitalize on

the enormous populating of online social media while simultaneously providing a

more secure and regulated platform for social media activities. As the debate on

the role technology and social media play in the classroom contains, proponents

on both sides were fighting to find a balance between the importance of

innovation and the safety of students.

Social media was also describes an individual’s ability to appeal other

peoples thinking in a social online community. The more influence a person has

the more appeal that individual who wants to promote an idea and also becoming

in integral part of life online as social web sites and applications. Most traditional

online media included social components such as comment fields for users.

Social media exploded as a category of online discourse which enables

people to create contents, share them, bookmark them and network at a

prodigious rate (Jha and Bhardwaj, 2012).

This has breached the gab that existed in communication where people

had to rely solely on traditional methods such as letters and phone calls as a

mode of getting in touch with friends and relatives. Today, communication is as

easy as walking into a neighbours’ residence to deliver piece information or vice

versa through the use of social media. Social media is fast changing the public

discourse in the society and is getting trends and agenda in topics that ranges

from the environment and politics to technology and the entertainment industry

(Asur and Huberman, 2010).

The driving factors for adoption of social media are the progressively

ubiquitous access, convenience, functionality, and flexibility of social

technologies (Brown, 2010; Schroeder, Minocha and Schneider, 2010). These

factors have made the adoption of social media very easy and have

tremendously improved mankind’s life by exposing him to different ways of

creating and sharing information. An additional benefit of social technologies

provided on the internet is that they are frequently free or require marginal

investment, thereby eliminating a potential barrier to adoption (Brown, 2010).

Research has proved the heavy presence of social media usage among

students. Wiley and Sisson (2006), for instance argue that previous studies have

found that more than 90% percent of tertiary school students use social

networks. It is also found out that, students use social networking sites (SNSs)

approximately thirty (30) minutes throughout the day as part of their daily routine

(Nichole, Charles, and Cliff, 2007). This shows the level at which students are

patronizing these sites and this may bring along both positive and negative

effects on students as far as their academic performance is concerned.


Conceptual framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable



Figure 1: Research Paradigm of the study in the above diagram, social

media is the independent variable and academic performance is the dependent


Statement of the Problem

This study generally aimed to determine the relationship between social

media exposure of students and its effect on their academic performance.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What type of social media are the students more exposed to?

1.1 Facebook/messenger,

1.2 Instagram,

1.3 Twitter,

1.4 Viber,

1.5 IMO,

1.6 Skype,

1.7 Youtube,

1.8 Wattpad,

1.9 Pinterest, and

1.10 Snapchat

2. What is the level of students’ exposure to social media?

2.1 Junior high school students, and

2.2 Senior high school students

3. What is the level of students’ academic performance?

3.1 Junior high school students, and

3.2 Senior high school students?

4. Is there a significant difference on social media exposure of Junior High

School students and Senior High School students?

5. What is the effect of social media on the academic performance of junior

and senior high school students?

Research Hypothesis

Ho: There is no effect of social media on the academic performance of junior and

senior high school students.

Significance of the study

This study will give benefits to the teachers because it will give them ideas

on the effects of the social media to the academic performance of the students.

Through this study, they can create some strategies that will help their students

to focus more on their studies than on social media.

Also, this study will help also the parents. This study will enable them to

monitor and guide properly their children in terms of their exposure to social


Lastly, through this research, students will become aware on the possible

effects of social media to their academic performance.


Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study focused on the exposures of students to social media and its

effect to their academic performance. This study was conducted in Esperanza

National High School during the second semester of the School Year 2018-2019.

The respondents of the study were the Grade 7 and Grade 12 students of

the said school.


Operational Definition of Terms

Effect – is a change that results when something is done/happens in event,

condition or state of affairs that is produced by a cause.

Social Media – is forms of electronic communication, (Websites for micro

blogging) through which users create online communities to share

information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos).

Academic Performance – courses of study taken at a school or college and

person who is academic in background, outlook, or methods.

Exposure- is the process causing (someone) to experience something or to be

influenced or affected by something.




This chapter presented an overview of social media, primarily on findings

from the literature review. It included a brief description of social media and

highlights how students uses social media.

Social media

Social media continuously keeps changing and as such it is difficult to

assign a fixed definition to it as Jacka and Scott (2011), argued that there is no

single recognize definition for social media, however some scholars have defined

it in different perspectives over the past years. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010),

defined social media as a group of internet based applications that build on the

ideological and technological foundation of Web 2.0 and allow the creation and

exchange of user generated content. The oxford dictionary (2011) also defined

social media is that it is communication channel which is very popular, extremely

fast and broad, has proven to be highly effective, as well as trusted by billions of

people, to share and discover content concerning individuals, brands,

information, entertainment and knowhow (Dearborn,2014). One theme that all

these definition underpin is that social media involves some form of

communication between individuals over the internet.

Also the study conducted by Maya (2015), revealed that social media

use contribute to lower academic performance, low self-perceptions and less

interest in school oriented carriers. The internet is today the most important

source of information and the growing dimensions of the use of social media by

students cannot be underestimated. It has been observed that students devote

more attention and time to social media than they do for their studies and they

cannot pass their examinations well if they do not learn (Osharie, 2015).

Students Academic Life

Students academic life has moved to a different dimensions since the

introduction of these social media networks, and several studies have affirmed

that social media plays an important role on students in higher education

including the study conducted by Wheeler, Yeomans,(2008): The answers to the

cause of flexible studies today across the globe might not be farfetched from the

great contribution that social media are providing when used judiciously. Even

though, there have been other school of thought that states that social media is a

nuisance to students academic life such as Kuppuswamy and Narayan(2010),

who argued in their study that social networks distracts the attention and

concentration of the students toward learning and converts it towards non

educational activities such as useless and unnecessary chatting, there have

been several studies conducted afterwards whose findings are contrary to this

claim. For instance, the study conducted by Jain, Verma and Tiwari(2012). On

the point of academic performance or excellence, performance is used to label

the observable manifestation of knowledge, skills, concepts, and understanding

and ideas. Thereby, performance is the application of a learning product that at

the end of the process provides mastery. It is the acquisition of particular grades

on examinations indicates candidate’s ability, mastery of the content, skills in

applying learned knowledge to particular situations. A students success is


generally judged on examination is a crucial indicator that a student has

benefited from a course of study. One significant of effect of these channels is on

the student’s academic performance and several empirical studies have reported

that the excessive unproductive time spent on social media has affected the

student’s grades. Time wasting is a major issue in this regard. Social media are

highly addictive to those people who cannot control themselves into constantly

using these sites, prioritize entertainment over work and gives to much attention

to social acceptance and affiliation. The students gives too much time to social

media, there is an ultimately decrease in its academic performance.

Social Media purposes

This study provides that social media like facebook, twitter etc, can play a

vital role to increase the engagement of students and increase the desired

grades which can be helpful in future. Also this study provides the evidence that

students and faculty members were highly related to increase the learning

process through communications and connection. It also helps to share the new

ideas between the students and faculty who gives the different suggestions that

how to develop the new ideas. So this study gives the evidence that social media

have the positive effects on students, it helps for active learning, co-ordination

among students, emphasizing on task and respecting diversity. In addition,

companies have also begun using social media sites as a way to better

communicate with customers. According to Hyllegard, Ogle, Yan, and Reitz

(2011), between 66%-96% of consumer goods companies have adopted social

media, including facebook”. One feature of this site is the ability of users to “fan”

particular products or brands so that they receive information about these

products. According to LaDuque (2010), companies can also utilize social media

platforms to create personalized experiences, to increase brand loyalty, also to

generate sales leads, and to increase exposure. For example, companies which

provide entertaining videos or valuable incentives may have their offerings

shared between social media users through electronic word-of-mouth

communication. In Addition, social media sites may also allow companies to

communicate directly with customers to improve products or address issues.

Social media denotes the use of social tools, like YouTube, which allow anyone

with basic computer skills to upload digital media (a video in this case) and

commence a discussion with multiple users through a comments’ feature. Social

media are also a web-based tool that is used for computer-mediated

communication. Social media are practical tools for supporting distance

collaborations relatively inexpensively while offering the added benefit of placing

selected information in online spaces that facilitate discovery and discussion with

clinical providers. Social media sites for physicians are those where they can

participate in online communities; listen to class, or creating a class so that

resources such as videos, websites, articles, and photographs could be shared.

Media sharing sites such as YouTube can also be used in the classroom to

stimulate discussion, to illustrate a point, or to reinforce a concept, Students can

view a video and then respond to question that promote clinical reasoning.



In this study, a quantitative research survey was created to analyze the

effect of social media on the academic performance of students. This chapter

presents the Research Design, Respondents of the Study, Locale of the Study,

Sampling Technique, Data Gathering Instrument, Data Gathering Procedure, and

Statistical Treatment.

Research Design

The researcher used descriptive-correlational research design because it

best served to answer the questions and the purpose of the study. So first, we

carried out a survey of the available data for collection of this information, in

order to understand the problem and carry out the research in a good way, the

study also indicates that students were aware of protecting their social identity.

Respondents of the study

Students from grade 7 to 12 were the respondents of this study, at

Esperanza National High School for the school year 2018-2019.

Locale of the study

This research study was conducted at Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat officially

the Municipality of Esperanza. It is believed that the first baby born in the first

settled area in the wildness of Dulawan was baby girl whom the early settlers

called Esperanza, with the anticipation that with the birth of child, the name alone

could inspire the coming in of peace, unity and prosperity to the settlers. There

are 19 barangays and 13 schools. Esperanza celebrated the very first Hinabyog

in November 2005. The word Hinabyog translates to the English word “swayed”

the resembled to the idea of a “Bamboo swing” or more likely to be a hammack

made in bamboo wood, which are very popular in the place. The participants for

the competitions must be performed by students from schools around the

municipality. And also Esperanza has a hot and cold spring located at Brgy.

Marguez, Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat, it has a hot and cold pool located near

each other. The area is enclosed in lush vegetation and isolated from the busy

activities of the town. One can enjoy the serenity of life and richness of its

unspoiled nature.

Sampling Technique

In this research, quota sampling technique was employed in the study to

determine the number of sample. Simple random sampling using lottery method

was employed for selecting the participants in this study. This technique was

employed to determine the actual respondents per each grade level. The

stratification was based on social media exposure of students and its effect on

their academic performance.

Data Gathering Instrument

This study used data gathering instrument which is a survey questionnaire.

The survey questionnaire was made up of researchers and questions that the

respondents could answer properly.

Data Gathering Procedure

In this research, research instrument is the best method to get the most

accurate data for our research, so first we presented to the research adviser for

approval and content validity after the approval we decided to distribute a


questioner to gather the data. Before the distribution of printed question forms,

we explained the objectives of the research and the importance of accurate data.

The questionnaire was well structured and the responses were sought from the

respondents. The nature of the questions was such that it avoided ambiguous

responses from the respondents and it also help in quick analysis of the data


Statistical Treatment

The responses of the students were calculated. To determine the level of

students who are using social media at Esperanza National High School,

weighted mean, simple mean was used for research questions. And also

Pearson r, ranking, t-test was used to this study; it assesses how well the

relationship between two variables can be described.

Base on questionnaire a 5-point Likert-Scale was used to in rating.

5 Point Likert Scale

5 – Always

4 – Often

3 – Sometimes

2 – Rarely

1 – Never

Range Description

4.20 – 5.00 Very High

3.40 – 4.19 High

2.60 – 3.39 Moderately High

1.80 – 1.59 Low

1.00 – 1.79 Very Low




This chapter presents the findings, analysis and interpretation of data

gathered from respondents of the study. The specific problems raised in this

were answered sequentially. The study reviewed the answers of respondents

after the survey.

Social Media Where Students are more Exposed.

Table 1 present the type of social media where students are more


Table 1. Type of social media where students are more exposed.

Types of Social Media Rank

Facebook/Messenger 1
Twitter 2
Instagram 3
YouTube 4
Wattpad 5
Snapchat 7
Skype 8
Pinterest 9
Viber 10

As shown in Table 1, students are highly exposed to social media in terms of

facebook/messenger and this is ranked first by the students. This implies that students

always utilized facebook/messenger just to communicate and chat with their family and

friends. However, viber received the lowest rank. This means that students seldom use

viber this is because students prefer to use facebook/messenger.


This is because they were enjoying sharing their topic messages, pictures,

grouped, and more including social media topics. Aside from that, students lost

their intention to listen to their teacher. Hence, social media exposures can make

you suspense and sluggish.

Level of Students’ Exposure to Social Media

Table 2 present the exposure of students to social media

Table 2. Level of Students Exposure to Social Media

Type of Junior Description Senior Description Overall Description

Social High High
1.Facebook/ 4.42 Very High 4.78 Very High 4.54 Very High
2.Instagram 2.47 Low 1.56 Very Low 2.19 Low
3.Twitter 2.32 Low 1.78 Very Low 2.14 Low
4.Viber 1.68 Very Low 1.56 Very Low 1.64 Very Low
5.IMO 2.05 Low 1.89 Very Low 2.00 Low
6.Skype 2.63 Moderately 2.00 Low 2.43 Low
7.YouTube 3.95 High 4.33 High 4.07 High
8.Wattpad 3.47 High 2.44 Low 3.14 Moderately
9.Pinterest 3.42 Very High 2.11 Low 3.00 Moderately
10.Snapchat 1.89 Low 1.33 Very Low 1.71 Very Low
Overall 2.83 Moderately 2.38 Low 2.69 Low
Mean High

4.20 – 5.00 Very High (VH) 1.80 – 2.59 Low (L)

3.40 – 4.19 High (H) 1.00 – 1.79 Very Low (VL)
2.60 – 3.39 Moderately High (MH)

It can be seen in the table that junior high school students have an overall

mean of 2.83 which was moderately high; therefore junior high was exposed to

social media. In terms of senior high student, it has an overall mean of 2.38

which was low; therefore, senior high school students were not really exposed to

social media.

In terms of junior high school students, the highest mean was 4.42 which

is Facebook/messenger are very high and the lowest mean was 1.68 which is

Viber are very low. In terms of senior high students, the highest mean was 4.78

which are very high and the lowest mean was 1.33 which is very low. This

means, junior high students were more exposed to social media compare to

senior high students. In overall, the highest mean were 4.54 which were very

high and the lowest mean 1.64 which were very low. Thus, the table showed that

facebook/messenger was very high; therefore, students were exposed to


Level of Students Academic Performance

Table 3 presents the Level of students Academic Performance

Table 3. Level of Students Academic Performance

Indicators General Average Description

1. Junior High 88.60 Very Satisfactory
2. Senior High 90.60 Outstanding
Overall Mean 89.60 Very Satisfactory


Outstanding 90 – 100
Very Satisfactory 85 – 89
Satisfactory 80 – 84
Fairly Satisfactory 75 – 79
Did not Meet Expectation Below 75

It can be seen in the table that the Junior High School students have a

general average of 88.60 which is very satisfactory. In terms of Senior High

School students, they have a general average of 90.60 which is outstanding.


Overall, the academic performance of the students is very satisfactory revealed

by 89.60 Based on the results, it can be seen that senior high students were

more focused in terms of academic performance than junior high students.

However, junior high and senior high students have higher performance.

Social Media Exposure of Junior High School Students and Senior High
School Students

Table 4 presents the t-test analysis on the social media exposure of junior

and senior high school students.

Table 4. t-test Analysis on the Social Media Exposure of Junior High School
and Senior High School Students

Students Mean t-comp t-critical

Junior High School 2.83 8.268 1.98
Senior High School 2.38

As shown in the table 4, there is a significant difference on the social

media exposure of junior high school students and senior high school students

and this is signified by the t-computed value of 8.268 which is greater than the t-

critical value of 1.98. This means that junior high school students are more

addicted to social media compared with the senior high school students.

Table 5 presents the Correlation Analysis between Social Media and


Table 5. Correlation Analysis between Social Media and Academic


Indicators r t-comp value t-critical value

Social Media -0.52 -3.22 -1.98

*- Significant @ 0.05 level

As shown in the table 4, social media exposure of students is negatively

related to their academic performance as indicated by r= -0.52

(t-comp = - 3.22 < t-critical = -1.98). This means that the higher the level of the

exposure of students to the social media, the lower the academic performance

they have in school. In other words, if the students are always exposed to social

media particularly during class hours, they don’t have time to listen to the

discussion of their teachers resulting to the low performance.



This chapter presents the summary of findings and conclusions drawn

from the study. The recommendations immediately followed for effective

disseminations of findings of the study.

Summary of findings

The findings of the study were summarized as the following:

1. Junior high students and senior high students were most exposed to

facebook/messenger, meanwhile the other types of social media, students

were least exposed, this is because they were enjoying sharing their topic

messages, pictures, grouped chat, watching videos and more including

social media topics. Aside from that students lost their intention to listen to

their teachers, hence, social media exposure can make you suspense and


2. The level of the students’ exposure to social media, junior high school

students has an overall mean of 2.83 which was (moderately high)

therefore, junior high was exposed to social media. In terms of senior high

school students, has an overall mean of 2.83 which was (low), therefore

senior high school students were not really exposed to social media. In

terms of junior high school students exposure to (facebook/messenger)

has a mean of 4.42 which are very high and (viber) has a mean of 1.68

which is very low. In terms of senior high students the highest mean was

4.78 (facebook/messenger) which are very high and the lowest mean 1.33

(Snapchat) which is very low. This means junior high school students were

more exposed to social media than to senior high students. In overall, the

highest mean were 4.54 which were very high and lowest mean 1.64

which were very low, thus the table showed that the facebook/messenger

was very high therefore students were most exposed to


3. Junior high and senior high students’ academic performance

achieved outstanding achievements in terms of their grades. However,

junior high students’ performance was higher than senior high students.

4. There is a significant difference on the social media exposure of junior

high school students and senior high school students and this is signified

by the t-computed value of 8.268 which is greater than the t-critical value

of 1.98. This means that junior high school students are more addicted to

social media compared with the senior high school students.

5. Social media exposure of students is negatively related to their

academic performance as indicated by r= -0.52

(t-comp = - 3.22 < t-critical = -1.98). This means that the higher the level of

the exposure of students to the social media, the lower the academic

performance they have in school. In other words, if the students are

always exposed to social media particularly during class hours, they don’t

have time to listen to the discussion of their teachers resulting to the low



Students are more exposed to facebook/messenger compared with other

types of social media. Junior high school students are more addicted to social media

compared with senior high school students. Their academic performances still

outstanding but academic performance of senior high school students are better than the

junior high school students.

Higher exposure of students to social media tends to decrease their

academic performance. However, if the students are not exposed to social

media, there is a high chance that their academic performance tends to



1. Junior high school students should be regulated with regards to social

media exposure while they are young so that as they grow older, they will

be more responsible in using social media.

2. Teachers should not allow the students to use gadgets inside the

classroom specifically during class hours to let them focus on their


3. Since the academic performance of the students is one of affected of

spending a lot of time on social media, students should use it in useful

ways such as searching an assignments, projects, and informative posts

about school activities.

4. Students should continue their good performance to achieve more

learning and achievements.

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