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-. •.• rA I ••1

Subject and object questions City adjectives Person and city profiles
Recycling Compound nouns Newspaper article about
Present Simple & Past SimpIe The Real Thing London
Question words a bit (ai] ... Promotional texts

Past SimpIe and Past Describing people Article about meeting !

Continuous Relationship verbs partners
used to The Real Thing Questionnaire about
Recycling -ish friendship
Past Simple

Present Perfect
for & since
J obs
Job adjectives
Short text about Priends

Web page about job

, Present perfect + yet The Real Thing Quiz about stress
'1Recycling you see / let me see Article about the 'rat race'
....Present Perfect & Past Simple Sh t' b d ~ d !'

<i ••.•'.(.> ..' or JO a vens an

~Flashback 1, page 32 ..

and don'tofhave
Modals to
obligation: Sports equipment
sports ... and places Umbro
Articleabout '.
Recycling mustn't Attributes for sport Biography of Nike and star
a sports .1

can / can't
have to, must
have to / don't
/ mustn't The Real Thing
so, such Article
emblemsabout Olympicl 1.•
will and going to Holiday items TraveI itinerary
might TraveI collocations Article about gap years
Recycling Hotel room facilities
Holiday e-mails
going to for intentions The Real Thing
50 do I / Nor do I

(not) as ... as Fast food Quiz about junk food

more /less / fewer + noun + Recipe words Article about chocolate
than TheReal Thing
the most /least + noun Synopsis of a TV
far / by far programme
First conditional
Comparatives and superlatives


Interviewing a partner Describing how a city has A short text about Word stress Classroom
Describing your city changed a classmate language
Talking about films Describing famous cities 'Sell your town' -
and famous cities Song: New York, New York an advert

Discussing physical Describing partners A love story from IJI Chatting up

appearance Talking about best friends picture prompts
Talking about how A soap opera
peoplemeet each other WORKBOOK
Describing personal Writing stories

Hypothesising about Describing jobs A job application IjI and IdSI A job interview
jobs Discussing choices letter
Discussing stressful Job interviews
Discussing job
T interviews

Discussing favourite Talking about favourite sports Poster presentation and IUI
InI Joining a gym
sports Descriptions of various sports WORKBOOK Connected speech
Discussing celebrity A TV advert discussion Writing about an
endorsements interest

Discussing holidays Talking about holiday A holiday e-mail Contractions with wil1: /li Booking a hotel
Talking about gap preparations
years Describing gap year plans
Practising making People making decisions

Talking about diet Talking about fast food A recipe and lul
lu:1 Ordering food
Interview with a WORKBOOK Food
Talking Writing about
your opinions
Listening to a reCipe
Passive voice - present and Money collocations Questionaire about
past make and do money
Present Perfect for recent The Real Thing Company histories
events (withjust and a1ready) I I
suppase / guess Text about anti-
Recycling globalisation
Present Perfect

Past Perfect The press Biographical texts

Recycling see, watch, 100k at Short newspaper
Passive voice The Real Thing articles
Past tenses don't you think? isn't he? Report of a survey on

Second conditional Gadgets Article about attitudes

Reported statements Time verbs to technology
Recycling The Internet Quiz about mobile
First conditional Machine nouns and verbs phones
The Real Thing
Na way!

Flashback 3, page 88
Adverbs Foreign words Article about
Relative pronouns: who, The Real Thing Spanglish
which, that, where kind of / 10ads af / abaut Artide about
Recycling languages
Adverbs Advert for a language

-ing form Clothes nouns and adjectives Short descriptions of

Adjective order Street styles people's clothes
The infinitive The Real Thing Personality colour quiz
sturf Questionaire about

Definite and zero article Forms of transport Article about cars

speculation: cou1d, might, get + preposition Artide about
may, must, can't -ed / -ing adjectives protesters
Recycling The Real Thing Nove! extract
Future structures actuaIIy, to be honest, in fact
Description of future

Flashback 4, page 776

Communication Bank page 778 Irregular verb list page 126 Phonetic chart page 727
: .::"';"'~t-:t:.~~<é{}7:~~"t

Discussing market Describing spending An aclvert IDI and IAI Apologies and excuses
leaders and habits
globalisation A live news report
Analysing and Dlscussing adverts
describing adverts

I Talking
Discussing celebrities
Ihl and
A Song:
time technology
'A day
Mobile in with
the I life
of heard
phone film
aboutcelebrities aÍtthrough
story a
ofabout larl Gossiping
nes , grapevÍne

Telephoning -
business 01' pleasure?

r Discussing life abroad Anecdotes about life as
an expat
Quiz questíons
ItJI and Ik/ Giving advice
j Analysing small talk

, Asking and answering

quiz questions
Snippets of small talk
People persuading a
friend to learn a language
Writing about
advantages and
• Discussing classroom
l rules

Talking about changes Describing fashion style Writíng sentences IJI and 131 Clothes shopping
I ofimage A favourite item of about changes of look
II Describing personality clothing A description of an
Talking about favourite item of clothing
Talking about fashion
I music
Talking about dressing up
A class survey
.Discussing pros and Talking about transport Adiary Iju:1 and I AI Future plans
cons of cars Discussing protesters WORKBOOK
Disc:ussing fue future Writing a letter to a
Preparing a speech newspaper
Making predictions Discussing buildings
about the future
Song: DrÍvÍng Ín my cal'
Discussing buildings
The concrete jungle
• Present Simple & Past Sirnple • City adJectíves • \ilJord stress
• Questions • Cornpound Ilouns • Classrooill language

rvíy tOvV11
?peaki!}g & Reading~
1 Answer the questions.
1 Where are you from?
2 Do you like cities?
3 Do you live in the place where you were bom?
If noI, why did you move?
Z Read the profiles. Are these sentences true (T) or
false (F)? If false, explain why.
1 Everybody's parents have different nationalities. Carolina
f - \Z-af>nia'f>pare.ntf> are. botn from Inaia. Hi, I'm Carolina and I'm 21 years old. I live in
2 Everybody likes cities. Berlin, but I was born in the south of Italy. We
3 Linda likes heI' job.
moved here fram Italy when I was 14 because of my
4 Carolina is the most positive about heI' city.
father's work. I'm half German, half Italian. I
5 Rashid was born in Bombay.
started working in the family business a few years
3 Complete these sentences with the correct name. ago - we have a jewellers' shop. I work in the shop
1 doesn't work. every afternoon except Sundays, but it's a bit boring.
2 can speak the most languages. The city is OK but I never have time to enjoy it -
3 thinks that the city helps him / heI' to be
creative. everything is so hectic. I often miss Italy.
The concrete jungle

Vocabul~EY ~__ 1 Underline the adjectives in the texts on page 6. Which are:
City adjectives a) positive b) negative c) neutral?
Doring - ncgàtivc

2 Are these adjectives positive or negative in your opinion?

G cosmopolitan
welcoming) ~'\

3 Which of the adjectives could you use to descríbe your city or town?

~anguag~Jgcus _ 1 Circle the verbs in the texts on page 6. Are they in the Present Simple ar Past
Present Simple and Simple tense?

Past Simple ,2 M Listen and complete the profile with verbs in the Present Simple ar Past Simple.

Hi there, I'm Rita. I I\'1M, DorQ in Jamaica, but Iniy
famiIy 2 to Paris when I 3 two years old.
We 4 our own business a few years ago and it's
going very welL I 5 Paris because there 6 _

so much to do and see. It's impossible to get bored.

The only probIem is everything 7 a fortune.

Which sentences are in the Present Simple / Past Simple tenses?

1 I study architecture.
2 I worked as a secretary.
3 I work in the shop everyafternoon.
4 We moved to Italy.
Which sentence talks about ...
... a present routine? a past state?
... a present truth / fact? a past action?
Turn each of the sentences into a negative
1 I didn't f>tud'l arGYlitu.ture.
Turn each of the sentences into a question
1 Did '10u i\tud'l arc.llite.c.ture?

See Reference Guide, pp. 2-3. See Workbook, pp. 3-4, exs 1-4.

Practice Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) for you and where you live? If false, make
the sentences true.
1 Most people work from 9am to 5pm.
f - MOi\t pe-op\e- don't work from qam to 'Spm. me'l work from qam to lpm.
2 The streets are often very noisy.
3 Eating out is expensive.
4 Most people traveI around by caro
5 My parents were born here.
6 I liked the city more when I was a child.

Speaking & Writi~ 1 Interview your partner using these prompts.

1 What / name? Wllat'f> '10ur name? 4 Where / bom?
2 How / old? 5 When / arrive / (place)?
3 What / do? 6 Do / Iike / the city? Why / Why not?

2 Write a short text about your partner from memory. Then swap texts with your
partner. Is the text about him / her correct?
Et1111ic COlTIlTIUnities
~peaking & Reading
1 Look at these pictures. Are they typically English images?
Why / Why not?

2 Make a list of ten nationalities that you would expect to find

living in London.

:3 Work in pairs. Read the magazine article about London.

<1 Student A: Turn to page 118. Student B: Turn to page 120.

<;: Discuss these questions.

1 Did anything in the article
surprise you?
2 Do you live in a multiculturaJ
area? \,Vhat different nationalities
live in your town / city?

A India B Poland
Most people from India This community represents
F· CULTURES arrived in London in the
1950s and 60s. Now there is
more than 1% of the UK's
total population and is
you know that London is a strong Asian presence here growing rapidly. In London,
of the most multicultural - in the shops, rnarkets and, many Polish people live in the
of course, the restaurants. Hammersmith area, in the
cities in the world? Here, there .. In fact, curry is Britain's west of the city. Here, there are

are about 300 different cultures == favourite takeaway nleal. several Catholic churches, and
A typical family has a curry delicatessens which seU the
living side by side. Forget tea:=
every two weeks, either country's specialities such as
and sandwiches, now it is more == ••• delivered or bought ready- beetroot soup (barszcz) or
common for a Londoner to =
made from the supermarket. Polish cakes and snacks. Were
drink cappuccino for breakfas~, Indian people live ali over they right to come? Young
and eat Thai food for lunch in London. Southali, in the far Poles say they can easily earn
west of the city, is one of three times as nluch money
the local pub. Let's see how life many places weU known for here as at home, where
has changed in Britain's capital. its Indian culture. unem.ployment ren1.ains high.
The concrete jungle

Langu~fºgJ-'? . _ Subject and object questions

Subject questions
in London.---1ifiJlO lives in London?
Yes / No questions
subject subject
Look at the examples from the Speaking and Reading
Does the word order change in subject questions?
section and complete the gaps.
_ they typically English images? Object questions
Rashid lives in Lóillion. ~re does Rashid live?
they right to come?
object object
In questions with the verb _ J we put the
In object questions, where does the auxiliary verb go?
subject afteL the verbo
you live in a multicultural area? Find a subject and an object question from the
anything in the artic1esurprise you? article on pages 8-9 .
We use the auxiliaries and does in Present See Reterence Guide, p. 3. See Workbook, pp. 4, exs 5-1
Simple questions, and in Past Simple
questions. These go l;?efore the subject_
Question words
Match the question words used in the speaking task with 1 Make questions from the prompts_
their contexts:
1 Who / live / with? Wno do ~ou \ivt witn?
When to earn money 2 What / languages / speak?
3 What / do / yesterday?
What in Hammersmith 4 Who / arrive / late / today?
Who \ a11 night
the Chinese seamen
2 Which are subject questions7
How often ~ yams
in the and rice
1950s and60s
Why by eating in Chinese restaurants :1 Work in pairs. Ask each other the questions.
How long every two weeks Report the answers to the class_
fabio \ivts withhis parwts and his sisttr Adriana.
Complete the gaps below with question words. Read the
texts again and answer your questions. Add three more 'Who ...?' questions. Find someone
_...._.. does the Notting Hill Carnivaltake place? (time) in the class who can answer 'yes' to ali of them .
arrived in London in the 1990s? (people)
Wno pla,!s an instrumtnt?
_ typical Polish food can you buy in London?

C West Africa D China E The Caribbean

West Africans - mainly Chinese people first carne to During the 1950s, people from the
fram Ghana and Nigeria - Britain in 1885. The first arrivals Caribbean islands arrived in London
have brought a wealth of were mostly seamen who worked to start a new life. Their reggae music,
languages, music and on steamships. In the 1950s, many steel drums and culture are ali now
culture to the British Chinese people settled in the part of the capital's atmosphere,
capital. Many London central Soho area of London. This especialiy during the Notting Hill
/{ markets sell their area is called Chinatown. Here, Carnival, Europe's largest and lllost
traclitional foods like yams you can experience ataste of vibrant street party. When does it take
and different types of rice. China by eating in London's best place? You can catch it every year at
A lot of Nigerians live in Chinese restaurants and shopping the end of August. One of the centres
the south-east London area, for Chinese vegetables, herbal of the Caribbean comnlunity is in
in suburbs like Deptford. medicines and gifts. Brixton, in the south of London.

Who says that living in a foreign land can't be fun? The Brazilians certainly make London a livelier place.
In fact, there are bars and restaurants in the Bayswater area where you can dance samba and listen to
Portuguese alI night longo The exodus to the UK started in the 1990s when young Brazilians carne to study
and look for worl<. Nowadays, a caipirinha is as easy to find in the capital's bars as a gin and tonic.
:;: Which words from the Vocabulary section does
Jacquie mention?
L How has your town ar city changed over the past
Match a word in column A with a word in column B to
five years?
form compound nouns.
sports b)
g) B
f) jam
The Real Thing: a bit (of) ou

1 M Listen to these extracts. How many times

do vou hear the phrase a bit?

2 Complete the gaps.

a bit
a bit of a
a bit
,c Match the compound nouns to images a-h To soften opinion, we can use a bit to modify
adjectives and a bit of a to modify nouns.
". Which of these things does your town 01' city have?
A bit and a bit of a ... are often used with
negative words.
LJstenil]g. __ ~ ~ ~_~ ~_
3 M Listen and complete the gaps. Where do
M Listen to Jacquie talking about life in London now vou think the speakers are?
and five years ago. Tick the things she talks about. 1 No. It's a bit _
1 offiees 4 nightclubs 2 Sorry, she's a bit _. .
2 traffie./ 5 shops 3 It's a bit af a
3 restaurants and bars 6 flats
4 What do vou like / dislike about your city? Try
2. Listen again. What has changed? Which changes are: to use a bit in vou!" answers.
a}positive? b} negative? War\\2\w'\\ 2\ bit c.row"e-c\.

more- G3r5 3nc\ traffic. jam5 - ne.gative.

Listening~ ~ ~ ~__ ~peaking.., _
Which city in the world would vou most like to Work in pairs. Think of a city. Describe where vou are. Include
visit? Which would vou least like to visit? Why? a building, a famous landmark and the weather in your
description. Your partner has to guess the city.
2: ií.5) Listen to Imogen, David, Frank and Laura.
What cities are they describing? What words A: l'm in a big 5Cjuare-. I \'>e-e- a c.atDe-oral witD towe.r5 of
helped vou decide? mani diffe-re-nt c.olour\'>. \t' \'> ve-~ c.olo. WDe-re- 21m I?
B: Mo\'>c-ow?

Match the photos (a-d) with the cities. A: T\1at' \'> rigDtl

5: Listen again. Which speakers are: Pronunciation

1 in the city now? \Nord stress
2 going to visit the city in the future?
3 talking about a visit in the past? M Listen to these extracts. Write down the adjectives
vou hear. live-1i
-f; Which of these adjectives does each person use?

r:- beautiful crowded difficult exotic ~ 2 Listen again and indicate the stress in each adjective.
\ friendly helpful impossible incredible \ive-\i
\~resting -Hve±y- nice sophisticated
.::;, Put them in the correct column below. Which adjective
lmoge-n - \ive-\i does not fit in the table?

~ What does each person think of the city? Group 2 - 000

M Listen and check.

~~§-ªkit:lR . _
Work in groups. Match the film titles (1-6) with the cities where they
are set (a-O. Look at the film posters for clues.
1 ]Y[oulin Rouge a) Rio de Janeiro
2 City of God b)London
3 Crash c) Tokyo
4 The Lives of Others d) Los Angeles
5 Lost in Tz-anslation e) Berlin
6 lVIatch Point f) Paris

What do vou know I would like Vou to know about these films?

Read the opening lines of the movie Crash:

'It's the sense of touch. In any real city,you walk, you know? Youbrush
past people, people bump into you. In L.A.,nobody touches you. We're
always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so
much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something.'

What does this say about Los Angeles? Do vou think it could apply to
Tokyo? Why I Why not?

Which of these words and phrases might vou assoeiate with:

a) Tokyo b) Los Angeles c) both?
beaches--business- temples subway -lonely-'
corruption sushi glamour crime dangerous
expensive gardens ~
Read the descriptionsbelow. Whieh words from Exercíse 2 are used
to deseribe each city?

Find examples of the following in the texts:

Positive words Imperatives Exaggeratíon Negatíve words
beautifu\ '1wrk nard . paradi5e nigntmare
on eartn

Lost in TI~an5lation
Welcome to Tokyo - business capital of the
world. Work hard and play hard. Enjoy the
world's best sushi restaurants and most
modern shopping malls. Then, there's Japan's
traditional culture to discover: beautiful
temples, gardens and monasteries. The most
exotic and exciting place on earth!
But that's only half the story. If you don't
speak Japanese, it can be hard to integrate,
The streets are packed, there are tower
blocks and traffic jams, and the subway at
rush hour is a nightmare. No one nas time
for you. Life is expensive. Wl1en things get
lost in tl'anslation, Tokyo can be a !onely
and alienating placl:!.

I ,c..·.~;.

The concrete jungle I ~~

WIj!ing _
Sell your tovvn
I Write an advert for a city / town. Look at the table on page 12 and add
expressions to describe the town vou have chosen.
-PMitive- word - dinamic.

2 Now write the advert. Complete the gaps.

Come- to -Pisa, the- most dinamic. plac.e. in Ita\i!

__ (imperative) to __ (your city / town), the most __ (adjective) place in

__ (country)I There are hundreds of __ (noun) to (verb). You can visit
__ (place) and __ (place), and then __ (verb). And at night you can __
(verb) until the early hours.
But that's only half the story. __ (place) is __ (pos. adjective), but don't
forget that it's __ (neg. adjective) toa! 80, be careful that you don't __
(verb phrase). Remember, it can be __ (negI adjective) and __ (neg.
adjective) if you're on your own, __ , (lmperative)!!

:5 Look at other students' work. Which description sounds the most / least
attractive? Why? Take a class vote to decide on the best.

.í.8) Listen to six short dialogues. What does each student want?

2 Listen again and complete.

1 A: I leave tvienty minutes early today?
B: Yes, OK.
2 A: Sorry, I open the window?
B: .Of course you can ...
3 A: , please? I couldn't hear toa well.
B: Fine. I was explaining how ...
4 A: what we have to revise for the exam?
B: Of course ...
5 A: - for us, please?
B: No problem ...
6 A: we write in pencil?
B: It would be better in pen if you have one.

3 M Listen and repeat.

1 Is it OK if we finish the class early?
2 Could you repeat that one more time, please?
3 Do you mind if I hand in my work tomorrow?
4 Can you say it more slowly, please?
5 Does it matter if I arrive five minutes late?
6 Could you let us know the marks, please?
4 Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer, using these prompts.
1 I / borrow your pen / please
2 you / play the recording again
3 I/use a dictionary / please
4 I / write with a red pen
5 you / ask the question again
6 you / write it on the blackboard / please

~ New York, New York: See resource sheet 1B.

Lives and laves
• Past Simple & Past Continuous • Desmbing people • Ifl
• used to • Relationship verbs • Chatting up

Ideal partners

Speaking Vocabulary
1 Look at the photos of the celebrities. Who
Describing people
are they? Why are they famous? 1 Look at these dialogues. Which refers to appearance and
2 Rank the stars in order of most to least which to personality?

attractive, in your opínion. 1 '\Vhat's he like?' 'He's really frienàly.'

2 'What does she look like?' 'She's tal!.'
3 What characteristics do vou consider
particularly attractive? 2 Put the adjectives into the carrect categary: persanality (P)
ar appearance (A).
I likc intc\ligcnt pe.oplc.
I'm into girls witn blondc nair bald - A e.asi-going - "P


àark -easyintelligent

sensible tannecl


SI1. ort slim ) I

Lives and laves

Speaking & U~tenio~g _

1 Look at the photos. In pairs, desc.ribe
each person. What do they look like?
What are they like, do you think?
'a' na5 got b\onde- nair.
'i:Jne-100\::5 5porti

2 Each person in photos a-d knows

one of the people below. Who knows
who? Guess their relationship.
'i:Jopnie- - d. \ tnin\( tne-i're- brotne-r
and 5i5te.r.

3 (1) Listen and check your answers.

Match the names below with people

(carrie Matthew James rete)

4 Listen again. Match adjectives from
Vocabulary, Exercise 2 with people
Mattne.w - fle.n5ible, tannec\

5 Why does each partner like the

other? Give one reason.

'i:Jopnie li\::e5 Mattnew beGau5e. 5ne.

Gan tal\( to nim.

lhe Real lhing: -ish

1 (à; Listen to Luke and Sophie again.

2 Look at the examples and answer the questions.

1 He's shortish ...
Is Pete very shart ar quite shart?
2 He's fortyish now.
What does -ish mean here?

3 How would you say the examples above in your language? Pronunciation
-ish is added to adjectives to show that something is
similar but not exactly the same as the adjective.
1 How do you say this word?
4 Complete the sentences with these words.
British /'bntII/
fiftyish eightish shortish
straightish reddish 2 (2.4) Listen and check. Write down the words

1 I knew he was embarrassed because he went a you hear and titk the ones with the III sound.
colour. 5ugar ,/
2 Let's meet after wark - is OK with yau?
3 (2.5) Listen and repeat the sentences.
3 He's older than he looks. He must be
4 He's , with blande hair and blue eyes. 1 Trish is fifty but she looks fortyish.
5 He's attractive - dark, hair andlovely dark 2 I've finished washing the dishes.
eyes. 3 I wish you' d stop being so childish.

5 6.3) Listen and check. 4 Describe one of the people on this page.
Use -ish words where possible.

These days, you G311 find love in ali kinds of placas. We talked to fúur cOl/ples
from around the world who met their partner in a memorabie way.

Speaking & Reading

Tammy: 'I was very
1 Discuss these questions. sceptical alJout meeting
1 How do people meet each peopie on the Internet. But
other? one day I was surfing the
2 Do you know where your net and decidecl to go into
parents met? a chat room. It was quite
boring unt!1 a guy called
2 Work in pairs. Brad came in. We chatted
Student A: Read Tammy's story fOi' a long time and tl18n
and answer these questions. 8xchanged It vI/as
1 How did they meet? difficult because we were
2 Why was it difficult to start a going out with
relationship? sorneone at t118 tirne anel
'vve Vifere ! in different
Student B: Read Albert's story
states, but eventually we
and answer these questions.
élt'ranged to meet I~nd
1 How did they meet? now we're together"
2 What is Albert's only regret?

3 Tell your partner the story.

4 Read Petra's and Ricardo's

stories. Complete them with
verbs in the Past Simple tense.

(~ de.c.ide 90 happen
introduce invite have

5 Work in pairs. Match the headings

(1-4) with the four texts.
1 Across a crowded rOOlTl
2 Lave online
3 Mistaken identity
4 It's never toa late

A..lbert, 78 anel Joyce, 80 (DK)

~: .f
Petí"a: 'lt Hicardo: 'tt vI/as Nevv Year's

the othet" side ofthe roonl

Líves and laves

La!!&!@g~e~f~o_c_us _ Vocabulary & Writing

Past Simple and Past Continuous Relatianship verbs
I was reading the newspaper when
Joyce carne over to chat.


10 am
11 am
Joyce carne over i
12 am

There are two actions in thís sentence.

Which gives the context I background?
Underline the correct words in the rules.
We use Past Continuou!'; / Past Simple to
describe actions in progress in the pasto
We use Past Continuous / Past 5imple for
shorter, completed events in the past.
Find an example of each in the texts on
page 16.
A Past Simple action (main event)
often interrupts one in the Past
Continuous (background).
I was rnaking some drinks when I
noticed this woman.
Find two more examples in the texts.
can use when, while and as to join
the two tenses in a sentence:
I was making some drinks when I
noticed this woman.
When / As / While I was making
some drinks, I noticed this woman.
Which can go before the Present
Continuous (background), and which
before the Past Simple (main event)?

See Reterence Guide, p. 4.

See Workbook, pp. 9- 70, exs. 7-4.

Practice 7 The pictures show different stages of a couple's relationshíp. arder

the pictures to make a story. I - b
7 Answer the questions with a verb ín the
Past Continuous. What were you doing: 2 Match a verb with each picture.

1 at 2am? I WàS sle-e-ping stay friends meet b) get engaged split up fali in love
2 at 4pm last Sunday afternoon? go out together get married argue fancy each other
3 at midnight last Saturday?
4 just before this lesson started? 3 Tell the story to your partner.

me-'1 me-t at à pàrt'{. 'PàU\à WàS nàving à drink, wne-n sne- notiGe-d Sd .
2 Guess what your partner was doing at
these times. Check with him I her to 4 Write the story using the Past Simple and Past Continuous. Use
see if you were right. these time expressions.

3 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past a year later after six months eventually
from time to time immediately soon the next day
Sim pie ar Past Continuous tense.
I' (meet) my girlfriend while In groups, compare your stories.
we 2 (study) at university. On
the first day, I 3 (listen)to the 5 Listen to each other's stories. Whose version has the happiest I
lecturer when a beautiful girl 4 _
most tragic I most entertaining ending? Why?
(arriveJlate and 5(sit)down
next to me. When the c1ass 6 _

(finish), asked her ou!, and that was it!

~ 17
Language focus
used to
1 iPJ Listen and complete the sentences.
1 We always together at
2 'l/Veboth . ín Oxford.
3 Believe it 01' not, my IJ8st friene! _
___ myex-girlfriene!.
Turn to Reference Guide, page 39, and check your
answers In transcript 2.7.

2 Look at transcript 2.6 In your Reference Guide,

Speaking & Listening page 39. Underline ali the sentences with used to.

1 Discuss these questions.

Look at the examples and underline the correct word in
1 Who would you say ís your best fríend? the rule.
2 When did you meet? We used to do everything iogether, but rww we don 't.
3 Why are you dose? We used to play togethcr ai school.
4 How often do you see each other?
5 Do you ever argue? We use used to to talk about habits or states in the
present / past that are not true now.
2 66) Listen to three people talking about best friends.
Answer the questions below. ~I I used to work at home.
I didn't use to sleep welJ when I was younger.
Steve ? I Did you use to play basketbal1?
1 Name of best friend? \?i\\
2 Where did they meet? Fran I Liam Correct the sentences below.
3 \i\Thy do / did they get on 1 I didn't used to go to nightclubs .
welJ? 2 Did you used to go to school? .
4 Do / did they ever argue? 3 I use to speak French .
5 Are they still in touch? If
not, what is the reason? See Reference Guide, p. 5.
See Workbook, p. 70, exs: 5-8.
Match the friends with their photos a-c.
Lives and laves I

1 Make but
before nowhe
were in]one.
used had
accident? (I/
child?(you / 2
3562 never
2 Make
nim /// not
We ago. /
children. /
1 Think about ~ow
Personality/ city
Appeõeacce ""ct ha;c 11009 ha;,
/ /
has and time)
with ~v~'{
used now
yourself now
toI Ten
a list.
ten ago

You are at a party. Your best friend is ill because he / she

has drunk toa much. You ,..
a) go home and leave him / her at the party - he / she
knows what he / she's doing.
b) take him / her home with you.
e) pretend you don't know him / her - it's embarrassingl

Your best friend desperately needs some money to pay the

rent. You ...
a) givehim / her the money~ It's a present.
b) lend him / her the money.
e) don't give him / her the money - money and friendship
don't go together!


Your best friend has bought an outfit just like yours. You ...
- i
a) tell him / her to change it - you don't want to look like
- II twins.
- i -.J
b) feel happy about it - it shows that you have similar tastes.
i 2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
about how your Iives have changed. e) don't think about it - these things happen.
- !
Whose life has changed more? 4 Your best friend tells you a really big secret. You ...
I A: 110wnai> '{our app~aranc.e c.nan9ed? a) don't tell anyone.
I B: \ ui>ed to nave lon9 nair but now b) try not to tell anyone but it's toa difficult! Soon a lot of
I i1' i> i>nort.
people know.
- II e) tell one other good friend.
I Reading & Speaking
! 5 Your new partner doesn't get on with your best friend. You ...
1 Are vou a true friend? Do the a) stop being friends - your newpartner is more important.
- ,
questionnaire on the right then turn to b) explain to your partner that your best friend is really
-- II page 122 to find out. important to you.
e) never see both of them at the same time.
2 In pairs, compare your scores. Who is a
better friend? Do vou agree with the 6 Your best friend is having problems with his / her partner.
results? You ...
a) don't want to hear about it. It's your best friend's problem.
b) think your best friend is right.
e) can see both sides of the story.
A soap opera
1 Work ín pairs. Design your own soap opera. Choose
THE BOYS THE GIRLS three men and three women from the list of characters.

2 Decide on the background. Complete the gaps.

The programme takes p1ace in . lives
with o shares a flat with o _

is going out with ois 's gir1friend.

3 Write the outline for an episode. The setting is a party.

Decide who meets who and what happens. Here are
some ideas:
Andrew (33): A rich Marta (21): A Spanish au X saw that Y was dancing with Z ...
English lawyer. He's pair just arrived in the city. X to1d Y a secret about Z ...
looking for a girlfriend.
X arrived with Y but 1eft the party with Z ...
Remember to use the appearance / personality
adjectives, relationship verbs and Past Simple /
Continuous tenses where possib1e.

4 Read your stories to the class. Which episode sounds

most interesting? Why?

Humberto (24): A Puerto Isabel (30): A single mother. A chat-up line shows someone that you are
Rican model and She's a singer. interested in hím I her and you want to break the ice.
Can you think of any chat-up tines in your language?

Claude (30): A divorced Amy (28): An American

businessman with a child. actress and sports enthusiast.
1 6.8) Listen to three couples. Where are they?

2 Listen again. Tick (.r) the chat-up lines you hear.

Are they successful?'
a) Do you come here often?
b) Can I get you a drink?
c) Are you on your own?
d) How do you know X?

Patrick (25): A French Cathy (32): An English

l~~ e) Has anyone ever to1d you you've got
beautifu1 eyes?
professional footbaU businesswoman. She works f) Excuse me, have you got the time?
player. in advertising. g) Your face is really familiar.

3 How good are the chat-up lines in exercise 2?

Give them a score (10 = the best, 1 = the worst).
Compare your answers with a partner.

4 In paírs, invent your own dialogues. Choose a

place and a chat-up tine - good or badl
A: \-\,lf, tm~one. to\c\ ~ou ~ou've. got
be.3utifu\ e.~e.r,?
Seb (22): An out-of-work Tanya (27): A fashion
B: Srrr, no. 'Se.e. ~oul
English artist. designer and guitarist.

Work it out
• Pres"nt Períect • Present Períect + 8.~/d:s I
PI-eS(Hlt Pertcn + • p, job

____ .._ .•,__ ~ __ kllJ~L~Yoca1:>_I:IIªfY
. ·_'w ~ ~_~_~
What would be your ideal job? Why?

Match the adjectives with the jobs in the photos.

-• n_n ' o .. ----
badly paid boring creativ-e---interestTng-~
tepetitive skilled sociable stressful
tiring well-paid

In pairs, discuss your ideas.

A: 1?oll\1ce-r" have- a ve-ri "oc.iab\e- job.
B: I OO\1't thi\1k it'" "oc.iab\e- bUallf>e- iOll OO\1't have-
time- to talk to pe-op\e-.

Rank these phrases from most to least positive.

l'd really like to be a ...
I wouldn't mind being a ...
I'd lave to be a .
I'd hate to be a .

Which af these jobs would you like to do? Which would

you dislike? Why?
1'0 hate- to be- a bOll\1c.e-r"e- \ OO\1't \ike- \1i9htc.\ub".

I..Ist~lQg ~~~~__ ~ _
M Listen to three people talking about their
jobs. What do they do? How long have they
done tr',ese jobs?

') Listen again and answer the questions.

1 \,i\'ho works in an office? 'Sadie-
2 \Alho is badly paid?
3 Who wears a uniform?
4 Who has a 10t of experience?
5 Who only works at night?
6 Who has a repetitive job?
Check your answers.with a partner.

::> Who is the most positive about his / her job?

Who is the most negative? Why?

Presellt Perfect Practice

Underline the correct verb form: Past Simple or Present Perfect.
Look at the example.
1 I had / have had a job in a warehouse last year.
SADIE: 1 don't know why I've worked here for 2 My sister went / has been for a job interview yesterday.
so longo It's been nearly two years. 3 Jason has a greatjob in New York - he worked / has
15Sadie talking about a job she did in the past or worked there for two years.
one she does now? I
4 When was a student I
wanted / have wanted to be an
The Present Perfect can be used for actions astronaut.
that started in the past and continue into the 5 I didn't do / haven't done much work recently.
present. 6 She earned / has earned more money than me last
Complete the rule. I
7 never went / have never been to China, but d love r
We form the Present Perfect with have / has + to go one day.
8 knew / have knOl/Vilmy next-door neighbour for years.

Look at these sentences.

JilYs a doetor. She started working twenty
years ago.
The Real Thing: yotl see / let me see
}Q.Y.~~!',~. 1 M Listen and complete.
*; __ • m

__ .m~

Now (2008)
RICHARD: What are the good points?! - well, it
gives me extra money for the summer and free time
Put the information into one sentence.
during the day. only work at nights and at the
weekends, .
Jj1J a doetor for twenty
years. 2 Complete the rules with yau see and let me see.
___ is used when you are trying to remember or
Present Perfect and Past Simpie think of something.
She worked in a shop for two years. ___ is used when you are trying to explain
She has been a famous aetressfor over 25 years. something.

Which time period is finished? Which continues 3 Work in pairs. Answer the questions with you see / let me
up to now? Which tense do we use for each? see and continue the conversations.
Put the time expressions into the correct Iis15. 1 A: Which countries have you visited?
B: ... l've been to ...
Finished time Time up to now
2 A: Can you come to the party tonight?
two years ago for ten years last night B: No, I
, have to go ...
this week yesterday never 3 A: When are you going on holiday?
B: We're leaving on ... ... on Thursday ...
See ReterenceGuide,pp.< 5-6. 4 A: Did you pass the exam?
See Warkbook, p.15, exs.7-3. B: No, I
, didn't study very hard ...

Ir 23
The best carldidate
?peaking & Reading~ _
1 Discuss these questions.
1 Is it easy to find work where you live?
2 Which of these factors is most important
in getting a good job? Are there any
other important factors?
appearance contacts
personality qualifications

2 Read the information below about Debbie and

Alonso. Who do they need and why?

Debbie wants someone to take photos of

her wedding and the party afterwards. She
is looking for an experienced
photographer who is friendly and sociable.
She hopes to find someone who charges a
reasonable price.

Look at the examples and complete the rules with for ar since.
Nathan has workecl as a photographer for five years.
Dr Dance has worked as a DJ since he was 20 .
........shows the point at v\fhich a period of time begins .
.. is used with periods of time.
Find one more example of each from the texts.
Complete the table 50 that the information is correct from today:
since for
yesterday = 24 hours
I was ten
my last English class
Alonso wants to have his 210t birthday Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions in the
party in a pub and good music is essential. Present Perfect. Use for or since in the repiies.
He is looking for a DJ who has a ]"rge Ho",,' 1011ghavc .l/ou studied Eng1ish?
record collection. He wants people on the How 1011ghave you 1ivecl i}1 this tovvn / city?
dance fIoor all night! How 10ng have you k110W11your teacher?
3 Debbie and Alonso found two candidates for See Reference GrAde, p. 6. See Workbook, pp. 75-76, exs. 4-6.
each job (see right). Who do Vou thínk they
chose, and why?
1 M Listen to Debbie and Alonso talking about the
person they chose. Answer the questions.
1 Who did they each choose?
2 How did they make their choice?
3 Were they happy with their choice? Why /Why not?
2 65) Listen and complete the sentences.
1 She's an excellent job.
2 We haven't all the photos yet.
3 She's __ us the photos of the ceremony.
4 I haven't him yet.

:3 Were they happy with their decision? Why? / Why not?

Language focus
Present Perfect -t; yet
Look at the examples and choose the correct word to
complete the rule.
I haven't paid DJ Wicked yet.
Has Alonso paid DJ Wicked yet7
We use yet in positive / negative sentences and
questions to mean 'any time up to the present'.

See Reference Guide, p. 6. See Workbook, p. 76, ex. 7


Complete the dialogues with for, since ar yet.

1 A: Have you seen the new Bond film ?
B: No. Actually, I haven't been to the cinema _
Practice 2 A: I haven't done my homework o

B: Really? But you've had it last Tuesdayl

J A Listen and write down the words you hear. Put 3 A: Have you ever been to Iceland?
for or since before each phrase. B: No. I haven't been , but I really want to go.
1 for f>i1'-mont\%
2 Make true sentences about yourself starting I
haven't. .. for the phrases in Exercise 1 /j/ yet and /d3/ jet
I haven't been to the c.inema for f,i1'-monthf, ...
1 (6) Which word do you hear?
I haven't been on ho\ic\ai f,inc.e Januari ...
1 yet / jet 3 jaw / your 5 joke / yolk
3 Compare your sentences with your partner's. How 2 yell / gel 4 jÇJb/ yob 6 used / juice
similar are your experiences?
2 M Practise saying these words. Listen and repeat.

4 Write three facts about yourself. yacht yeah yellow yoga yoghurt young
I \ive in Ber\in.
:3 68) Listen and repeat these words. How many
different ways of pronouncing y are there?
5 Work in pairs. Student A: Tell Student B one of your
facts. Student B: Ask questions with how long ... ? + pretty really you yoga system type reply try
Present Perfect.
A: I \ive in Berlin.
4 M Practise saying these sentences. Listen and check.
1 I don't like that type of yoghurt.
B: \-\ow lons have iOU \ivec\ there?
2 That's a job for yuppies.
A: I've livec\ in Berlin for about fifteen iearf, I f,inc.e 3 I really like skiing in January.
I waf, a c.hi\c\.

Swap roles.

Re~<:lin~L&Listeningc ~~ _
Look at the photos and discuss these questions. i In pairs, ask and answer the questions in the stress test. If
1 Which of the situations would you find most the answer is 'it depends; say why.
stressful? Why?
2 Work out your partner's total score from both sections.
2 What things in your working / student life
make you stressed? Work
3 In what ways can stress be good for you? 'Yes' = Opoints, 'It depends' = 5 points, 'No' = 10 points
'Yes' = 10 points, 'It depends' = 5 points, 'No' = Opoints

Do J,r«m ou
~ .. _"_~_._~ __ ,.> ".L_~·_ ~,_
les, I do tIo, I fllm't
1 sleep on average less than seven hours a night?
2 drink more than three cups of coffee a day?
:} smoke more than ten cigarettes a day?
4 often miss deadlines and hand in work late?
5 arrive at work or college late more than once a week?
I) work at home at weekends and / or in the evenings?
1 get angry with people at work / college for no reason?
8 ." often feel worried about your work ar studies?
9 feel tired ali the time?
10 feel that you never have enough time?

Do ym~... Yes, 1110 NO,I !:101ft

·T":~·:'·dõ-sport or exercisê-ãt least twice a week?

2 go out with friends regularly?
3 have a hobby or activity that you do at least once a week?
4 read books for pleasure?
li have some time to relax every day?
I] have a healthy diet?
1 have a good circle of friends?
8 talk about your feelings with family or friends?
9 enjoy your job or studies?
regular ho!idays ar breaks?
~ 6ôJ Listen to lifestyle guru Chad, and match
the advice with the scores.
1 150-200 points
2 100--150points
3 50-100 points
4 0~50 points
a) Try anything "-meditation, yoga,
therapy ...
b) Don't relax toa much. Ambition
isn't always a bad thing.
c) You should try to relax more m
the evenings and don't let work
worry you.
d) You should definitely work less, Fiona
relax nlOre and make more time
After university, I was on the dole
for yourself.
for a few months. I didn't have
4 Listen again and note down in more detail 3 any maney, 80 I was really pleased

what your results mean. Do you agree with to get an office job ... but it was
them? very boring! I gave it up and went
! 'i>c.ore-e\ Gt:j pointf:>. C\iac\ f:>ai'i> t'm re-a\\'{ 6 to do voluntary work for the VSO
but ac.tua\\'{ I'm quite- \iapp'{! - Voluntary Service Overseas - in
Rwanda. I teach old people and
9 children to read and write. It's not
Reading ~"
the most comfortable of jobs but
1 What are the alternatives to a conventional
it's great to be doing something of
12real use for once.
2 Read the article. What jobs did these people
dobefore and what do they do now? Andy
:1 Answer the questions with Fiono, Andy or
I used to be a freelance news
Emmo. Who ... journalist. It was very stressful
3 and I had to traveI a lot. I applied
1 didn't have a job for a while?
fiona for loads of other jobs with no
2 has turned an interest into a profession? success, so I started to think
3 has his / her own company? 6 about my real interest - football!
4 feels he / she is doing something useful? N ow, I work fram home and
5 was influenced by a film that he / she write football articles for press
saw? 9 agencies araund the world. It's a
I} Find phrases in the article that mean:
full-time job but I have much
more free time. I'm my own boss
1 to be unemployed - to be- on tne- c\o\e-
12and I can get up when I want!
2 to stop (working)
3 work that is unpaid, but is important
for you to do Emma
4 to ask for a work position I used to be a teacher and I
5 work that you do all day, five days a worked 40 hours a week. Then, I
3 saw the movie American Beauty
6 to study or train
7 to start a new company and thought I could change my
life too! I did a course in
5 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of: 6 acupuncture and shiatsu massage.
1 working from home It took four years to get qualified
2 working abroad but now I have set up my own
3 doing voluntary work 9 business. Shiatsu is very popular
4 setting up your own business these days because people are so
Which of these four would you most enjoy? stressed and you can earn quite
12 good money.

111 t118 110t seat
~peak_i_ng_&_R_e_a~d'~rng~ _
1 Have you ever had a job interview?
If yes, was the experience good or bad?
If no, how do you think you would feel in an interview?

2 Connect the verbs and nouns to make expressions

related to 'how to behave in a job interview'.

ask on time
fold company literature beforehand
dress yourself
establish ~
arrive smartly
eye contact
introduce a firm handshake
read lots of questions
have your arms

3 Is the advice good or bad? Why?

lf '{ou dre.% too 5martl'{, '{ou c.ou\d fe.e.1 unc.omfortable. ...

4' Look at the three job adverts. Work in pairs. Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of each job.
A: for tne. mode.1 job '{ou nave. to 5tart \'-Ior\(
imme.diate.\'{, tnàt' 5 bad.
f>: f>ut '{ou Gan trave.I a5 a mode.l, 50 tnat' 5 9°0<:\.

5 Find words in the adverts which have a similar meaning

to these:
new fre.5\1
date for delivering work
If you're confident,
eye-catching and ambitious,
call US!
needed for young marketing company. ~ • No experience needed
• Excellent presence and personal skills a lllUSt!
Do you have: • Ability to start at once
• experience in softwore design? • Time off on request
• fresh ond originol ideos?
We offer:
Are you able to: • Excellent prospects: a chance to work with
• work outside normol office hours? the finest fàshion designers
• work under pressure? • Attractive salary (hourly contracts available)
• keep to strict deodlines? suitable for students and schoolleavers
We offer: • Possibility to travel
• Posts available for both men and women
Competitive salary and f1exible conditions
Full- or part-time employment for the right applicant Please apply (with full fàce photo and cv) to


Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing in response to your advertisement in The Evening Standard of 9th May.

I am 22 years old and studying computer science at the University of London. I am

currently in my final year and I hope to work in IT in the future.

At the moment, I'm looking for work in a different field because I plan to take a year off. I have
never worked as a __ before but people tell me that I have potential. I have long, light
brown hair and brown eyes (see attached photo). I'm prepared to work hard and wciuld be
happy to traveI. I would be able to start in two months time when I have finished my exams.

I look forward to hearing from Vou soon.

Yours faithfully,

Heather Black


Writing~ ~~ ~ _ 2 Listen again and answer the questions.

A job application letter 1 Which job are the candidates applying for?
2 What experience does each candidate have?
1 These are common expressions when applying for a 3 What do they have in common?
job. Decide if they are used to open the letter (O), to 4 Who has a better interview - Tom or Hannah?
finish it (F) or to give information in the middle (I). Why? What mistakes does the other make?
Iam good at ... -ing. l
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
I am writing in response to your advert ...
I have experience / worked as a ...
I am currently ...
I am interested in applying for ... j Work in two groups.

2 Read the application e-mail and check your answers. Group A: Look at the job adverts on page 118.
Which phrases are not used?
Group B: Look at the job adverts on page 120.
You work for a job agency. You are going to
3' Work in pairs. Look at the job adverts on page 28 again. interview candidates for these jobs. Make a
1 Which job is Heather applying for? Complete list of ten questions to ask applicants.
the gap in the letter. \-lave. '{ou worke.d (in tl1i5 fie.ld)?
2 Do you think she'll get the job? Why? Why not? '{ou (work at nigl1t)?
I think 5he. wil\ ge.t it. 'She. Gan trave.\ ... Are. '{ou (wmpute.r \ite.rate.)?

4 Write your own job application letter for one of the 2 Work in A / B pairs.
other jobs on page 28. Student A: You are the interviewer.
Student B: You are the candidate .
•:> Show your letter to your partner: Does he / she think
that vou will get the job? Why / Why not? Student A, interview your partner and decide
which of your jobs suits Student B best.
Listening_~__ ~._
.. . _
~, Change roles. Student B, interview your
-: M Tom and Hannah both have an interview for one partner and decide which of your jobs suits
of the jobs opposite. Listen to the two interviews. Who Student A best.
says the following: Tom, Hannah or the interviewer?
Work in your groups from Exercise l.
Have you had any experience in this area?
Oh yes, it's my passion. Who were the best candidates for the jobs7
This looks really creative. Report back to the rest of the class.
I've got some experience. \(arina wa5 tl1e. De.5t Gandidate. for tl1e.
Oh, this and that. likguard DuaU5e. 5he.'5 a 5wimme.r and
I've worked in web design for the Iast three years. 511e.Gân wor\( in tne. wmme.r.
Now you're out of work, aren't you?
Jobs and cities

Travis & Sarah Michael Julieta & Oliver Gill

Introduction 2 Find the opposite adjectives in the box.

stressful boring ~
1 Work in pairs. Test your memory. Where are these
(J)(pcnsi'óc quiet exciting noisy \ )
people from? Do you remember anything else
about them? c.neap ~ el'penflive

211 [00:00-01 :22] Watch the introduction and Which of these adjectives would you use to describe
check your answers. your city?

Vox P0I!S While YOU watch

Sequence 1 [02:02-03:14]
11I [01:23-02:01] Watch the vox pops and answer
the on-screen questíons. prop /prnp/ (n): a pieee af furniture ar small abjeet used
in a play ar a film.
1 Watch again. Who says it?
1 It's a ver)' busy p lace '" 1'1 Watch sequence 1 and answer
2 Ilike it because it's a big mess ... the questions.
3 lt is toa big and it is toa expensive.
I Which topics does Zheng talk about?
.2 Test your memory. Complete the gaps. Her name
MICHAEL: If you're in a __ mood, it's a __ Her current job
place to live. If you're in a __ mood, it Her studies
can get very __ o Her home
LUKE: It's got lots of __ things and lots of Her family
__ things, but it's where I'm from. Her futu re p Ians
OLlVER: Ilike London but it is toa __ and it is
toa :1 Zheng talks about four world cities. Match them to the
sentences on the right.
Watch again and check your answers.
London She studied Gommunications there.
Beijing She went there with her father.
Before IOU watch Delhi She lives and works there.
Leeds She went to school there.
1 Discuss in pairs. What do you think of your city I
II When the sequence has finished, work in pairs and
EXAMPLE: liKe it bec.aufle it' fl big 3nd intereflting ... discuss exactly what a prop master does.

Sequence 2 [0315-0402]
Watch sequence 2 and answer the questions.

1 listen to Zheng talking about her job.

1 How long has she been a prop master?
2 What does she like about her job?
3 What did she do before?

2 Listen to Zheng talking about two af her props.

Which prop ...
1 did she paint blue?
2 was difficult to find?
3 appeared in a children' s TV programme?
4 is called Freddie?
5 taught childrenabout colours?
6 was needed for a particular scene?

Sequence 3 [04:03-04:52]
1 What would you expect to find in Chinatown? 1 JoshuaGordon Iives and works in Hong Kong. We asked
him some questions about his life there.
2 •• Watch the sequence and answer these
questions. Why did you come here? To
work for an English bank. I have
1 Why does Zheng like going to Chinatown?
a two-year contraet.
2 What does she do there?
What language do people
3 Zheng compares london and Beijing. Which of the speak here? Most people speak
things below does she say are a) similar Cantonese, but over a third of
b) different? the population speak English.
This is beeause Hong Kong used
people culture atmosphere prices
to be British - the handover to
4 When the sequence has finished, discuss this China was in 1997.
questiono What do you like about the city? It's an amazing, vibrant
plaee - a real mixture of sounds, sights and smells. l1's
Do you think Zheng likes London? Why / Why not?
here that 'East meets West'.
Can you explain how 'East meets West'? Well, you might
Sequence 4 [04:53-06:35]
find a Taoist shrine in the middle of an ultra-modern
1 Watch the sequence and answer these questions. skyscraper. You can eat in local Chinese places or in
European restaurants.
1 Does Zheng enjoy her job? Why/ why not?
2 Does she see it as her lifetime career? Is there anything you dislike about Hong Kong? Well, the
divide between rich and poor is very noticeable here. Also,
2 .• c •• Watch the sequence again and answer these It's crowded and quite dirty and the humidity in the
questions summer is unbearable.

What props is Zheng preparing today? What kind And what about the people? The Chinese are usually
of programme are they for? friendly but they can be rude on the metro in the rush
2 What' s her next job going to be? What props
does she need for ii? Can you tell us one last thing you especially love? The
restaurants are the best in the world!
3 What are her future plans?
Can you tell us one last thing you hate? The cost of
Watch the whole OVOagain and answer the everything, and the obsession with mobile phones.
on-screen questions. And any advice for visitors? Come in the spring or
autumn - the summer ís just too hot and humid.

After ~OU watch 2 Answer the questions.

Can you remember? 1 Why do many people speak English in Hong Kong?
1 What props are there in the prop shop? 2 When are the people not very friendly?
2 What colours does Zheng paint the bottles? 3 Why is it not a good idea to visit in the summer?
4 Why is Hong Kong a unique city for Joshua?
5 What positive and negative adjectives does Joshua use
to descríbe Hong Kong?
6 Would you like to visit Hong Kong?

Flashback 1

Vocabulary & Speaking

1 a Make eight compound nouns.
€efI'tFe- traffic block store theme
industrial sports ring road centre
department tower estate park jam

SDopping ce.ntre.
Look at Unit 1 to check your answers.
b In pairs, discuss where vou can find these things in
your town I city.

2 a Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 We had lunch together and we fel! in love.·
2 Six months later, in June, we got ... 3 a Match the words below with the questions.
3 I was at a conference when I met '" good Ioobng noisy grey-haired kind
4 The good thing is we have stayed ... crowded badly paid touristy tiring •
5 Things got worse anel we decided to split ... skilled easy-going sensible trendy
6 Years later we still keep in '" sociable polluted tanned
7 We had busy lives and didn't start going ...
8 We went skiing that Christmas and decided
1 What's your city like?
to get ... 2 What does he / she look like'? 9ooo-loo~in9
9 We fancied '" 3 What are you like'?
4 What's your job like'?
10 After the wedding,we were happy but soon
we ... b Look at Units 1-3 to check your answers. Find one
a) touch by e-mai!. more adjective to answer each questiono
b) out together untillater that year.
c) married. Listening
d) my first husband.
e) friends. 1 a {Fi1) Listen to the job interview. What job is it for?
f) were arguing about everything. b Complete these sentences about the interviewee.
g) in lave immodiatcly.
h) each other from the st.'1rt. 1 He's \'Jor~e.d [ti a "'DOpbe.foce.
2 He used to
i) engaged on New Year's Eve. 3 He hasn't
j) up. 4 He's interested
b In pairs, order the sentences to make a love story. 5 He can
I \ 'Nas 2\t 2\ 'Nne.n\ me.t ... 6 He's available o

c Close your books. Te!1each other the story from c Listen again and write the interviewer's questions.
memory. r1ave.'{OLl 'Nor~e.d in a sl10p be.fore.?

Flashback 1

Language focus AMERICAN

1 Write questions about the fiim American Beauty. Use
the poster to help you find the answers.
Winner of ilve Oscars
1 How rnélny Oscars / win? I-\ow miln'{ Of>C-3rS eliel it
win? five. Best pictllre * Best director * Best actor * Best screenplay

2 Who / direct / film?

42-year-old Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey)
3 Who / play / leading role?
is having a rnid-life crisis. Her5i?els bored
4 What role / lmnette Bening / play?
5 Who / Lester / fall in love with? and frustrated
(Annette at work.
Bemng) At teel'
and bis horíl his wife
6 'Nhat / be / film about? daughter (Thora Birch) don't talk to
7 Who / write / screenplay? him. But everything changes when
Lester falls in lovewíth his,,,~aughter's
2 a Complete the descriptions of famous film scenes school friend Angela (1
with the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous. He remembers that life
to be so du

1 Scarlett tookAshley
into a room. When he
' __ (ask) her what
she 2 __ (do), she
told him she loved

him,Ashley told her he

3 __ (not have) the
same feelings. Scarlett
4 __ (not know) that 1 a Work in pairs. Think of an unusual job. Write
.questions for an interview for the job. Interview
in a dark comer of the room Rhett 5 __ (Iisten) to the
other students, but don't say what the job is.
conversation. Ashley left and Scarlett threw a vase at b Discuss the candidates and choose the best
the wall in frustration. Rhett got up and asked, lHas the person for the job. Can the interviewees guess
war started?' what the job is?

2 Write a review of a book or film. Compile a class

magazine of book and film reviews.
2 Rick ' __ (play) Ofi
cards in his bar when
3 Write a love story based on the photos below.
pianist Sam 2 __ Describe the following:
(start) playing the song • Appearance and personality
As Time Coes By. Rick • How and when they met
• What happened in their relationship
3 __ (get up) angrily
Include vocabulary and structures from Units 1- 3.
to ask Sam why he
4 __ (play) the song.
Suddenly Rick saw
why. His ex-Iover lisa 5 __ (stand) next to the piano.
Rick and lisa looked at each other in silence until

Inspector Renault and Ilsa's husband

b Write a description of a famous meeting in a film.

Read your description to the class. Can other
students guess the film and the actors?

• Modal verbs • Attributes for sport • Connected speech
• Sports equipment and places • Inl & lul • Joining a gym

Gn the ball
Discuss these questions.
1 Which is your favourite sport?
Why do you like it?
2 Do you play it, watch it or both?
3 What sports do you dislike? Why?
4 Which sports do you associate
more with men or women? Why?

Vocabulary 3 Put the sports into the correct columns.

Sports play go for a

baf,\::e-tba\\ bi\:e. rice-
1 Match photos a-f with sports 1-6. Do you know who
the sportsmen and women are?
1 athletics f - !\f,afa ?owe-\\ 4 golf
2 motor racing 5 tennis
3 football 6 boxing (OCObiCO
runnmg athl,tio,
sknng .__
SWlm fflke-floo'\
2 In pairs, make a Iist of other sports. Which ones can ~ windsurfing
cYcli~g foot~all yoga
golf ::jOgJ \
you play on your own, which in a team and which
Note: Go for a is used in other common expressions,
against a single opponent?
e.g. go for a drink / walk / drive.

134 f

1 ,'4.1) Listen to five people talking about their favourite sports
and complete the table. Choose from these sports. (You will
not need twa af them.)
football gym hockey
skiing r;'.vimmina
yogajOgging) -

! What sport do ['How often do I Why do they

they do? I they do it? I enjoy it?
Lara ! "wimming

Craig I not ve.r~ ofte.n




2 Listen again and answer true (T) or false (F). If false,

explain why.
1 Lara is an excellent swimmer.
2 There is something Craig doesn't like about skiing.
3 Jess plays in a professionalleague.
4 Alex enjoys everything about jogging.
5 Melissa says yoga is a sport like any other.

lhe Real Thing: so, such

1 A Listen and complete the sentences.
1 LARA: It's to be in the water.
2 CRAIG: But now I can do it really well and it's

3 CRAIG:And it's to have the snow all

around you. Pronunciation
4 JESS: It's , and it's a great /n/ win and /fJ/ wing
feeling when you score a goa1.
5 ALEX: When I finish I'm so relaxed. It's _ 1 M Which word do you hear?
1 sin I sing 4 ban I bang
6 MELISSA: I like it because it's o
2 ran I rang 5 ton I tongue
7 MELISSA: 1t's to do. 3 win I wing 6 sun I sung
2 Look at the examples and underline the correct words in The letters ng at the end of a word are always
the rules. pronounced IIJ/.
It'5 50 nice. It'5 5uch fun. 2 How do you say these sports?
We use 50 befoteàn adjective I a noun. cycling jogging skiing
We use 5uch before an adjective I a noun. swimming trekking
A Listen to the examples and mark the stress. How (4.5) Listen and check. Practise saying the
would you say them in your language? words.

3 In pairs, talk about the sports in Listening, Exercise 1. Try 3 M Sometimes we add a 191 sound when the
to use 50 and 5uch and adjectives from the box. letters ng are followed by another syllable.
boring difficult exciting great Listen and underline the words that have a 191
interesting relaxing tiring sound.
anqer angle bringing finger
A: I love. jogging. It'" ju5t 50 re.\ã)(.ing.
hanging language longest
B: IZ-e.ã\IP 1 tnin\é it'" 5Uc-n ã boring "port.
ringing singer younger
I pre.fe.r hoc-\ée.~.
Practise saying the words.

Just do it! 5 Work in pairs. What influences you when you shop for
c1othes? Rank these factors in order of importance:
Brand name
Speaking & Reading Country that the brand is from
LeveI of social responsibility
1 Work in pairs. How many sports brands / labels can Price of the products
you think of? Stars who endorse the clothes
Style of the clothes
2 Do you buy these brands? Why / Why not?
Quality of the clothes

Nowadays, the most weIl-known

stars who wear Umbro are John
Other famous sports stars who have Terry and Michael Owen, along with
worn the Nike logo include the members of England's national
Brazilian footballer Ronaldo, the football squad. Umbro currently
make shirts for more than 30 national
American golfer Tiger W oods and
the British marathon runner Paula footbal! teams. t
Radcliffe. ti

3 Work in pairs. I Vocabulary. _

Student A: Read the text about Nike.
Student B: Read the text about Umbro.
Sports equipment and places
Then ask your partner these questions. 1 Match the words (a-j) with the. clothes and equipment
1 Who founded the company? in the photos (1-10).
2 When and where did the company start business? a) boots 4 f) shorts
3 What is the name of the logo? b) cap g)socks
4 Which stars have worn it? c) leggings h) tracksuit
d) goggles i) trainers / sneakers
4 Find words or phrases in the texts that mean the
e) racket j) trunks
Nike: Umbro: 2 Match the sports (1- 5) with the places where they
good results f,U(.C.CM cornpany are played (a-e).
equipment connections 1 athletics - a) court
introduced sports team 2 b)course
football \
appeared 3 c) pitch
4 swimming cl)pool
5 golf
tennis ~ e) track

..Vocabulary ~ _ Listening
Attributes for sport
1 Complete the sentences with these
calm concentration muscular
patient q~1ickrcf1cxc:; stamina
1 He avoided the accident, because
he had very quic:k re-fle.y.e.I'>.
2 Marathon runners need to have
more than other runners. 1 M Listen and match descriptions ·'-8 with pictures a-h.
3 If there is a fire, stay and I - b footba\\
try not to panic.
4 I hate exams. My only lasts 2 Listen again. Which attribute is mentioned for each sport?
an hour, then I can't work well. I- fal'>t
5 Be , there are buses every 15
minutes. 3 Complete the sentences with haveto, don't have to, can or can't.
6 She goes to the gym everyday, so 1 SKIING: You nave. to have strong legs, otherwise you _
she's very strong and o do it for long: ~
2 FOOTBALL: You play in the street or the park.
2 Which of the words in the box are 3 SQUASH: You have quick reflexes to hit the ball.
adjectives, and which are nouns? 4 CHESS: You do this anywhere, but most people play at
3 What sports are represented in pictures 5 GOLF: You hit the ball well when you're stressed.
a-h above right? Which attributes do vou 6 CYCUNG: You cycle up the hills. You can get off and push.
think are important for playing them? 7 MARATHON RUNNING: You have great stamina.
t'>al'>ke.tba\\ p\a'je.rl'> nave. to be. ta\\ ano 8 BASKETBALL: You be tall to play this sport, but it helps.
nave. quic:k re.fle·y.e.I'>.
3 Match the headings (a-e) with the
Heroes paragraphs (1-5).
a) His life and interests autside the paal
Reading & Speaking b) His background
c) His fame
1 Who is he? d) His sporting achievements
He was barn in 1982. e) His physique
He has size 54 feet.
4 Test 'lour partner's memory. Look at the
He is the David Beckham af Australia.
pictures and ask six questions.
2 Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and guess what relationship WD21t niz.e. fe.e.t doe.n De. D21Ve.?
the'l have with the person described.
5 Who are the sporting heroes in 'lour
Read the article. How man'l did 'lou guess correctl'l? country? Wh'l are the'l are 50 famous?

1 Ian Thorpe was bom in Paddington, Australia

on 13th Oetober 1982. His father, Ken, always
wanted him to be a cricketer. But when Ian
overcame a childhood allergy to chIorine, his
only dream was to join his sister Christine in
the paol.

2 It's easy to seewhy. His 1.95 metres, 96 kilos

and size 54 feet give him an awesome
presence in the water. It was his feet which
brought him his first nickname, 'Flipper'. He
swims so fast that he seems to fly through the
water. So how did it all start?

3 Thorpe made his frrst appearance 1.'1

international competition at the age of 14. Bis
greatest feat carne on1ythree years later when he
won three gold medals at the 2000 Sydney
Olympic Ganles.His success and popularity have
dane much to raise the proflle of the sport.

Listenin.& Language tocus

Modal verbs

Match the modal verbs (1-5) with their meanings (a-e).

One of the modal verbs has two meanings.

2 can't b) it is not allowed

31 can ~a)
have I has to c) it is
it is possible
4 don'! I doesn't have to d) it is not necessary
5 mustn't e) it is not possible

1 M Listen to two advertising executives Complete the sentences with mustn't or don't have to:
discussing a possible candidate for a TV advert. You wear a helmet to go cyc1ing.

Which picture shows the idea they choose? = It is not necessary. There is no obligation.
You .mmm. touch the ball in football.
2 Listen again and answer the questions. = It is prohibited or not allowed.
1 What is the advert for?
2 What will the candidate have to do in See Reference Guide, pp. 6-7See
Workbook, p. 25, exs. 4-5.
the advert?
3 What does the man want at first?
4 Why does the woman disagree?
5 What candidate do they decide on in 1 Complete the sentences with mustn't, have to or don't have to.
the end? Why? 1 In goli, you muntrd hit the ball twice.
3 M Listen again and complete the sentences. 2 In boxing, you wear specia1 gloves.
1 It na" to be someone with a good body. 3 Sprinters run a long distance.
2 It be anyone famous, just 4 In speed skiing, you tum - you can ski straight
someone attractive. downhill.
3 No, it be someone famous. We 5 In tennis, you let the ball bounce more than once.
____ have someone unknown. 6 To be a successful sportsperson, you train every day.
4 We do more than a minute -
2 Invent your own examp"les about other sports and test your
we don't have the budget for more partner. Use as many modal verbs as you cano
than that.
4 Australia is a nation of water babies. 85% of its ~
population live within 3 O milesof the beach
and its swimmers enjoy a pin-up status similar
II Connected speech
1 ~ Listen and complete the dialogues.
á. to footbalIers like David Beckham in the UK. In 1 A: You mu"tn't do ir, do you understand?
B: OK, but you shout about it.
fact, for a time, Thorpe was Australia's number
2 A: I stand that new teacher.
one national hera. There were special Australian
B: I know you , but what we do?
stamps to celebrate his victories in the
3 A: I work really hard next week.
Olympics. Now, there is even a fragrance calIed B: You I'l1 give you a hand ifyou want.

'Ian Thorpe for Men' and a range of men's

underwear. 2 Listen again and mark the modal verbs that are stressed. How
do we pronounce these words when they are not stressed?
5 But in spite of this superstar status, Ian has a 1 have to a) !hrev tu I b) Ihref t~1
friendly relationship with the media. He is 2 can a) !krenl b) lkanl
3 can't a) Ika:nt/ b) Ik~ntl
happy to discuss his love of philosophy, .
grunge music, ]apanese food, computer games » 3 Practise the dialogues in Exercise 1.

media work clothes.

and Armani is light-hearted.
However, Since hisThorpe's
not alI .• Speaking
retirement fram professional swimming in
2006, he has founded his own charity calIed
1 Which celebrities advertise products in your country? Work in
pairs to make a list.
'Pountain for Youth' . This organisation fights to
bring positive changes to children's lives by 2 Work in small groups. Look at the products on page 123 and
impraving health and education, especialIy for the stars on page 34. Decide who should 'sell' which product.
Aboriginal communities in Australia. 3 Choose one celebrity endorsement and plan the advert. Report
back to the c1ass with details of your campaign.

4 Read the article and check your answers to Exercise 3.
Which two are not represented? What do Vou think
they symbolize?

Signs of Olympia
Olympic fever hits the globe every four years. For
the hosts, the Games are an opportunity to show
off their city to the world. We look at how the
Olympic logo can help.

Moscow 1980
This emblem shows a running track rising into a
tower, typical of Moscow1s buildings. At the top is
a star, representing its former Communist status.
One of the main aims of the 1980 Olympics was
to aid understanding and cooperation between
east and west. However, more than 60 countries
refused to compete because of the 1979 Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan.

Barcelona 1992
The red and yellow of the leaping athlete reflect
the Catalan and Spanish f1ags, while the figure1s
1 Work in pairs. Make a list of cities that have held the head reminds us of the Mediterranean Sea. The
Olympic Games and, if Vou can, in which year.
fine weather, fascinating museums and galleries
~'1c\nef 2.000
and attractive buildings and monuments provided
Do vou know which cities will hold the Games in the
an ideal backdrop to the Gomes. The event helped
turn Barcelona into a major tourist destination.
2 What do vou know about these cities7 Think about
their geography, culture and history. Can vou think of Athens 2004
a famous building or place in each one? Athens has held the modem Games three times and
Barcelona Athens Moscow
was chosen most recently in 2004, partly because
London Sydney Beijing
of its history as home of the Olympics. The emblem
Lonc\on is in f,ng\anc\. It l1as a river Ga\\ec\ tl1e Tt1ames. shows a laurel wreath, which refers to the ancient
p,. famous bui\c\ing ii>~t 'Paul' s Catl1ec\ral. Games, where laurel wreaths were awarded to the
3 Match the lagos (a-f) to the cities. winners. The white and blue of the emblem
represent the colours of the Greek countryside.
Beijing 2008
This figure is both a running athlete, and the
Chinese symbol for jing (as in BeijingL meaning
*' capital. The design is clean, simple and echoes
traditional Chinese culture and handwriting. With
the fastest growing economy in the world and
money to invest in stunning new stadiums and
arenas, it was only time before this new-Iook
superpower took centre stage.
5 Read the article again.
1 VJhich city has hosted the Games
more than once?
2 Vl,lhich logos reflect the country's
3 Which city's Olynlpics coincided
with its economic expansion?
4 VVhich Games did some countries
not attend?

6 According to the article, which of these

ideas were important for each city's
Olympic bid? Which words or pl1rases
helped you decide? .
climate culture architecture
setting history
economic / political situ~
1 What do you need to know before joining a gym? In pairs,
MO'i>c.ow:arc.nitec.ture (tower, bui\dingi>). .. write a Iist.

2 Complete the conversation. Choose from these verbs.

Speaking & Writing
Poster presentation
( can hasto haveto mustn't )
CUSTOMER: Hello, I' d like to join the gym. What do I
1 Look at these factors for choosing an 1 nave to do to become a member?
Olympic city. Rank them from 1, most RECEPTIONIST: Well, first you 2 fil! in this form with
important, to 7, least important. your name, address and bank details. The prices are all
good transport links there on the formo
number of hotels etc. CUSTOMER: And what does membership include?
good climate RECEPTIONIST: You 3 use the swimming pool, gym
beautiful setting and squash courts, and there are aerobics classes too.
existing sporting facilities But you 4 arrive late for those - the teacher won't
local public support let you in if you're late!
political situation CUSTOMER: OK. 5 I come any day of the week?
RECEPTIONIST: Yes. We're open every day.
2 Work in groups. Choose a city that has
CUSTOMER: And 6 I bring a friend with me?
not already hosted the Olymplc Games
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, but your friend 7 buy a one-day
and think of four reasons why It would ticket.
be a good choice. CUSTOMER: That's fine. 50 when 8 I start?
RECEPTIONIST: Right now, if you like. If you fil! in the form,
3 Prepare a group poster presentation to
explain why your chosen city should I'll give you atemporary cardo One more thing - you
host the next Olympic Games. Include 9 wear those trainers in the gym - they '0 _

be clean!
your reasons from Exercise 2.
CUSTOMER: Oh, all right ... thanks for your help.
4 Present your arguments to the class. ~ Now listen and check.
Together, vote for the winning city.
3 Match the two halves of the questions.

321 Can I Ihave

Do bring
start to wearl b)
a) the.
sauna programme?
fitness and jacuzzi for free?
4 Do I have to follow d) a cap in the pool?
5 Can I use e) a friend with me?

4 In pairs, act out a dialogue.

Student A: You want to join a gym and you need
information about timetable, facilities and prices.
Prepare some questions and act out the dialogue.
Student B: You work at the reception of the gym. Write
down basic information (facilities, opening times, prices,
etc.) and act out the dialogue.
In transit
• wií/ • Hollday items • Contract!CI'\s "!Ith
• wií/ I::~gomg to • Travei collocations • Book!llg a hOl·~1
• might • Hotel room faolltles
f;: sightseeing

1 Look at the photos, Which would you choose as your

next holiday? Why?
I' c\ C.llo0fle. tlle. c.ruifle. be.c.aufle. ...

I'c\ \ike. I pre.fe.r to go c.amping be.c.auM .. '

2 In pairs, discuss these questions,

1 Do you travellight?
2 \Nhat do you take with you when you go on
3 What could you not survive without?

Holiday items
1 Match the words (1-14) with the pictures (a-n).
1 binoculars j 8 penknife
2 boots 9 magazine
3 camera 10 phrase book
4 compass 11 rucksack
5 first-aid-kit 12 sleeping bag
6 flip-flops 13 suntan cream
7 guidebook 14 traveller's cheques
2 Which would you take on the holidays in the photos?
Would any be useful on ali three holidays?

;":; .. ">.~

®~k ..•', .•

In transit

bistenil}g _ Pronunciation

1 M Listen to three people preparing to go on

Contractions with will: /lI
holiday. Match the conversations with the holidays in
the photos.
1 M Listen and complete the sentences.
1 ~ be really cold in winter.
2 Listen again and complete the table. 2 be lots of places to visito
3 need a good map to get around.
What take?
they should What will
year timeit be?
of I What willbethelike?
weather 4 tel1 you where you need to go.
5 lend you his camera.
1 I rUGk~aGk, ... 6 be useful.
2 GOld
Listen again and check. Practise saying the sentences.
2 M Listen to four conversations. In which ones is J'!/

Language focus pronounced correctly?

will 3 M Listen and repeat. Practise saying the sentences.
1 1'11just go and check. 4 1'11give you a hand.
Look at the examples and complete the rule.
2 1'11take it thanks. 5 1'11tell you later.
1 The nights will be cold. 3 1'11see what I can do.
2 Wi11it be easy to find a hotel?
3 You won 't need much.
4 1'11take a notebook to write my novelo
We can use + infinitive to refer to future time,
h •• hh'h ••• h 1 Are these sentences predictions (P) or decisions (D)?
including predictions and spontaneous decisions. 1 It'lI rain tomorrow. 'P
You will (You'l1)need a good rucksack.
-I- 2 1'11have a white coffee and toast.
- You vl1illnot (won't) need much. 3 You won't find a ticket for the match.
? Will it be easy to find a hotel? 4 1'11phone her now.
Predíctions 5 She'l1love the campsite.

You'll need a rea11ygood rucksack. 2 An American family is going to spend their summer
The nights wilT be cold. holíday where you Iive. Are these sentences true (T)
Look at transcript 5.1 in your Reference Guide, or false (F)?
page 45. Find two more predictions wíth will. 1 11'11be really hot.
2 They won't find a hotel easily.
3 The town / city will be very crowded.
Write four more predictions about your town to send
Spontaneous decisions to the family.
Of course, vaccinations ... rI! do those tomorrow.
A phrase book? I think my brother's got one. Yll :; Work in groups. Compare your predictions. Who gave
borrow his. the most useful / original information?
Which of examples 1-4 above is a spontaneous
decision? 'hhh ••• hhh'hh,hhhh Speaking
We often use will when we order food and drink. 1 You're planning a surprise trip to go on with your
1'11have fish and chips, please. partner. Think of a destination.

SeeReterence Guide, p. 8. 2 Work in paírs. Ask your partner questions about the
See Workbook, p. 30, exs. ]-2. destination he / she has chosen for you.
Wllat wlll tlle. we.atlle.r be. like.?
Wil\ it be. e.a'bi to ... 7

Can you guess where you are going?

City breaks Vocabulary
Travei collocations

Speaking Match the verbs (1-7) with the nouns (a-g).

1 book a) a guidebook
Answer the questions. 2 buy b) a hotel room
1 What is the difference between
3 go ~ c) the sights
these holidays? 4 go on d) sightseeing
~ day trip guided tour 5 pack e) a souvenir
6 read f) your suitcase
package holiday weekend break
7 see g) a trip
2 How often do you go on holiday or
Note: Travei is usually used as a verb, e.g. I travei a lot for my work.
for weekends away? How long do
We say go on a trip not go 0,'1 a tra',c1.
you go for?
3 What's your favourite holiday
destination? Why?
Speaking & Reading
1 When you visit a new city, do you like to:
1 see alI the sights or just a few?
2 folIowa guidebook or follow your nose?
3 go on a guided tour or discover the city on your own?

2 What do you know about Lisbon?

3 Read the travei itinerary. Is it a relaxed or a busy schedule?


Congratulations on booking your holiday with Sunshine Tours!! Here's
your traveI itinerary for the long weekend.

THURSDAY 18th June

A Sunshine Tours rep will meet you at Lisbon airport and a coach will take
you to your hotel.

FRIDAY 19th June

ln the morning, we will take one of the city's famous yellow trams up to
the Castelo de São Jorge, with fabulous views over the city. The afternoon
is free for you to explore the Baixa district with its interesting shops and
cafés. ln the evening, we will go to the Bairro Alto area for dinner and to
hear the wonderfully melancholy fado music.

SATURDAY 20th June

A day of contrasts. ln the morning, a trip to the oldest neighbourhood,
Alfama. Its little cobbled streets are charming but it is also one of the
poorest parts of the city. We will have lunch in the central Praça do
Comércio and then take the metro to the modern Parque das Nações - the
site of the Expo, which has some stunning architecture. ln the evening,
you are free to enjoy whatever part of thecity you wish.

SUNDAY 21" June

A coach will take us out of the city to visit Sintra, summer residence of the
kings of PortugaL Here, we will see the breathtaking Palácio Nacional and
walk around Sintra's beautiful woods and parks, On our way back, we will
stop at Cascais, just half an hour from the capital. This is a real Portuguese
beach resort, fuII of local people and crarnmed with restaurants, beach cafés
and discos. After a relaxing dinner on the beach, the coach will take us back to
the hotel. Our retum flight leaves early on Monday morning.
In transit I

<'1 Are these sentences true or false? If false, explain why.

1 There is nothing organised on the Friday afternoon. lhe Real Thing: 50 do I / Nor do I
2 On Saturday afternoon, you will visit an ole!part of 1 Look at the examples and answer the
the city. questions.
3 Cascais is popular with Portuguese people.
MRS SMITH: r reaIly needed a holiday.
4 Vou will spend evening outside Lisbon.
MR SMITH: 50 did I.
5 Find words or expressions in the text that mean the same MRS SMITH: rdon't like fado at a11.
as the words below. MR SMITH: Nor do r.
1 tour guide (Thursday) 4 beautiful (Saturday) Does Mr Smith agree or disagree with his
2 sad lFriday) 5 impressive (Sunday) wife?
3 delightful (Saturday) 6 packed (Sunday) Note: We can use nar do 1 ar neither do I.

6 tabulous and stunning are positive adjectives. How many 2 M Listen and complete the conversations.
others can you find? Why are there 50 many in this text?
1 A: I hate package holidays.
B: ""·0 00·1.
SpeaJ<ing &_L_is~te_n_i_n_g _ A: Voujust don't have any freedom to
do what you want.
1 What things can go wrong on holiday? Tell your partner
2 A: I didn't like the food in the hotel.
I, about a problem you have had when travelling.
I 2 Mr and Mrs Smith went on the trip to Lisbon. They had A: It was really disgusting, wasn't it?
i problems with ali of the topics below. Predict what went 3 A: I don't like travelling by plane.
wrong for each one. B:

~ach crowds entertainment flights "\ A: It's really scary, isn't it? Especially
the take-off and landing.
J \~tel room local transport sights weather )
4 A:
I went on holiday in July.

A: Really? Where did you go?

I Listen again and mark the stress. Practise
saying the responses.

3 Match the sentences 1-4 to responses a-d

to make rules.

1 positive sentence a use neither / nor

2 negative sentence b use so
3 present simple c use did
sentence d use do
4 past simple sentence

3 M Listen to Mr and Mrs Smith describing their trip. Oid

4 Work in pairs. Imagine these sentences are
true for you. Agree with them and then give
you guess correctly? more information.

4 When they get home, the Smiths write to the travei agency. I like travelling on my own.
Listen again and complete their letter of complaint with the ""o 00 \. Vou um 00 f-1'ac.t\i wnat iOU want.
problems in brackets. 1 I travei a lot for my work.
Dear Sirs, 2 I went to the beach last summer.
3 I don't enjoy camping.
We took your trip to Lisbon last weekend and it was
4 I have two holidays every year.
terrible! First of ali, 1 tne flignt wa" late (flights). When
5 I didn't go onholiday last year.
we finally arrived, 2 (hotel roam).
On Friday, 3 (local transport). Then,
on Sunday morning, 4 (sights) and
5 (crowds). That afternoon,
_________ (beach) and then finally
_________ (weather).
As you can see, we had an awful time and expect you to
return our money.
Yours faithfully,
Mr and Mrs Smith

~eaking & Reading
1 Discuss these questions.
1 What is a gap year?
2 How long does it last?
3 When and why do people
take one?

2 Read the text and check your



Teachers and students agree - a gap

year is a unique experience that
can change your life forever. Gap
years usually begin when a student
leaves school in June and last uhtil
they start higher education in
October of the following year.
Prince William's decision to have a
gap year in Patagonia was typical of
young people in the UK - theytake
1 M Listen to four people talking about their plans for a gap year Match
the speakers with the photos (a-d)
a break from studying and see some
of the warld before going on to 2 Listen again and complete the table.
university ar college. It's an
opportunity to enjoy a bit of
adventure, travei, maybe gain some
work experience or spend some
--------+'-------- place? there? study?
are they Why have they IWhat are they II What are they

time helping other people. Sarah

Adam I"going? chosen this
Wànt~ to I1e-Ip
I going to do I
I" going to

peoplc in tl1c
ckvcloping I'wrlol
3 Discuss these questions. Raff Notl1ing
Karen I
1 Have you ever taken a gap
year? Where did you go? .3 In your opinion, whose gap year is going to be the most
2 Where would you like to go
1 adventurous 2 relaxing 3 boring 4 interesting7
if you could spend a gap
year anywhere in the world? Give reasons for your answers.
I hé:mguªg~fº~C:_lI~ ~ _ L" "
~tenmg ~
[fi ![afiS!! IBJ,;
wi/I and Çjoing to 1 Are you indecisive? Do you find it difficult to
I make a decision?
I Look at the example and complete the rules.

I I'm going to try Rome tIrst because I think there'll be more :1 M Listen to three conversations. What is
job opportunities there. each about? Do the speakers make a
decision? If so, what is it?
II We use _ + infinitive to talk about plans.
We use + infinitive to make predictions.
I Langl.J.ªg~tos_~s _
I Turn to Reference Guide, page 46. Look at transcript 5.8 and
find other examples of plans and predictions. Write some here.
i Plans Predictions I might stay in, or I might go to the cinema.
I I might not go to the party.
Read the examples above and underline the
Remember! correct word in the rule.
We also use wi11+ infinitive for spontaneous decisions.
We use might
• I (not) + infinitive when
Match the sentences (1- 3) with the uses (a-c). something is certain / uncertain.
a) plan b) prediction c) spontaneous decision In conversation, we often say I might do and
1 I'm tired. I think nl go to bed. I might not as an answer to a questiono
2 I'm going to study abroad next year. A: Are you going to buy a new watch?
3 My parents wjJ] be lonely without me. B: I might do.
Note: going to is also used for predictions when there is A: Are you going to buy your own flat soon?
some present evidence for this prediction: B: I might not. I quite like living with my
That car is going to crash. (it is travelling too fast) parents.
Sometimes, both wi11and going to can be used: What other ways do you know of saying I might
Hurry up, or we'll be late / we're going to be late. do and I might not?
Note: For plans that are sure to happen, we use the
Present Contin1.lous, not going to. See Reterence Guide, p. 9.
See Workbook, p. 37, exs. 5-7
I'm flying to Rio de Janeiro tonight. Look - here's the
plane ticket!

â~ª king _

See Reterence Guide, pp. 8-9.
See Workbook, pp. 30-37, exs. 3-4.
Se indecisive! Answer the questions with might,
giving at least two possibilities.

1 Are these sentences plans, predictions or spontaneous j

decisions? Complete them with will or going to + verbo
( carry_~ study tak~ wear
1 I'm sure the meeting .'illll.J& very sucessful.
:;in )
2 Next year, 1 Japanese in Tokyo.
3 That suitcase looks heavy. Give it to me and 1 it
for you.
4 It's very sad, but Arsenal (not) the league.
5 What (you) to the wedding? 1 AT THE BAR: What are you going to have?
6 'Oh no, look at the time]' 'Don't worry, Jim you I don't Know. I might '" or I might ... or \
to the station.'
might ...
2 IN THE SHOPS: What are you going to buy
2 Write five sentences about your plans for next year.
your mum?
I'm going to 100K for 3 ne.wjob. 3 BOOKING A FLIGHT:When are you going to f1y?
Read your partner's sentences. Who has the most 4 GOING TO A DINNER PARTY: What are you
adventurous plans? going to take as a present?
5 AT UNIVERSITY: What subjects are you going
to study this year?
~ ~ ~S Print
Reply Reply Ali .. Forward
Attachments: phot01.jpg
Subject: Wish Vou were here

Do vou ever send e-mails when Vou Hi! Having a lovely time here. Photo attached.
are on holiday? Who to? What Went surfing yesterday - waves fantastic. As for the tapas, the fried fish is just amazing.
information do vou include? Georgina loves that, of course!
Tomorrow we're going to cross the Straits.
,..;, Read Mike's e-mail and answer the 11'11 be strange to be in a different
questions. continent. Still, it's only 14km from here.
Hope you're both OK and Mum and Dad
1 Where is it frem? How do you
are fine. We'lI bring vou back an exotic
present from Africa!
2 What do you think Mike's
relationship is with: Miss Vou lots.
a) Ben and Tina b) Georgina? Love
Is the text formal or informal?
Explain your answer with examples
frem the text.

Work in pairs.
Student A: Complete the e-mail for
Raff. He's on holiday in Brazil.
Student 8: Complete the e-mai! for
Sarah. She's teaching English in

Use a word or phrase frem each

paír ín the box.
·-·---j;each I t~;;;~hing
surfing Ilanguage
guided tour I camping trip
students I waves
Tuscany I the jungle
cappuccino,' caipirinha

2 Imagine Vou are in another country,

either working or on holiday. Write an
e-mail to your friends ar family. ~ F~

--"Ç. X
Reply Reply An Forward Print Delete

To: <the gang>

Yºfª_º-l.Jlar~ Subject Hi!
I roam facilities
Hi everybody!
Match the two columns.
So far, so good ... Having a great time here. I'm sitting ín
1 sea
air suite
satellite g) b)
h) connection
c) terrace
conditioning a café drinking an authentíc 1 c.appUc.c.ino/Gaipirinna -
8 5473
26 they're much better than in England! Really enjoyíng the
2 the 3 are fantastic. I'm doing very well
wíth my 4 course. It's really not 50 difficult to
learn. I'm going on a 5 in 6 at the weekend
Private1a) ,e",ice with some friends. 1'11 send vou another e-mail from there.

Well, take care, and 1'11 wríte again soon.

Love Raff / Sarah

2 When vou stay in a hotel, which of
these facilities are ímportant to vou?
Julie and Jeanette want to book a hotel on the
coast of Ireland for a few nights.Julie is looking for
I a comfortable room with sea views.Jeanette

I doesn't mind being further frem the sea; she would

prefer sornewhere cheap but with a rnini-bar:
's I

li······ II M Listen to their phone conversations with


three hotels and complete the table.

I How much is a double
IIs breakfast included? I What faciJities are there?
I room per night?
Shannon Hotel

Murphy's Hotel I 4q curo",

Atlantic Hotel
I air c.onc\itioning,

Which hotel do you think they should choose? Why?

<~ M They phone to make a reservation at one of the hotels. What was the problem?
Listen again and cornplete the conversation.
R: Hello, um ?
JE: Yes, I called earlier. a double room for next weekend.
R: Certainly, madam. a 10% deposit on the room with a credit card?
JE: Of course. How much was the room again?
R: Er, '" 95 euros, in total.
JE: Vou told us it would be 85!
R: That offer has finished, madam.
JE: Oh. a mini-bar though?
R: Yes, all the rooms have a mini-bar.
JE: OK, the reservation anyway. Thanks. My visa number is ...
..d Work in pairs. Look at these phrases. Which ones would a) the hotel receptionist say,
b) the customer say?
Can I help you? Could you leave a deposit of. ..? What other facilities are there?
l' d like to book ... Does the room have ... ? How much is it?
I was looking for ... Let me see / check. Can I ring back to confirm?
ú Act out a dialogue between a hotel receptionist and a custorner. Use the phrases above to help you.
Student A: Turn to pagel19
Student.B:Turn to page 121
Food to go
• Comparatives and superlatives • Fast food • lu:1 & lul
• First condítional • Recípe words • Orderíng food

Fast food, junl< food

Speaking & Reading
1 Discuss these questions.
1 What is junk food? Think of some examples. Which of these do you eat?
2 Is fast food the same as junk food?
3 Why is junk food so popular these days?
4 Where can you eat fast food in your town?
5 Would you ever eat anything like 'The Full Monty'?

2 Do the questionnaire. What kinds of people do Vou think A, B and C are?

Turn to the key on page 119. Do vou agree with the results?

____"\" r)" rirI
1'\ ..J....J

Where do VOU usually !lave your evening meal? 5 15 fast food good for vou?
A At home. A No. Most of it has no nutritional value at ali.
B It depends. Sometimes out and B Some things like sandwiches are OK.
sometimes at home. C I don't care about that. Ilike the taste and
C In a sandwich bar or fast food restaurant. tha1's the important thing.

2 What do Vou normally !lave for supper? 6 How often do vou have snacks like crisps
A A full three-course meal. or chocolate bars between meals?
B It depends. Sometimes a full meal and A Not very often. Perhaps if I'm travelling.
sometimes a sandwich. B Often. TheV give vou energy when Vou
C Whatever I can find in the fridge. need it.
C Alwavs. The temptation is toa great.
3 How ofien do vou have breakfast standing up?
A Never. 7 Do Vou ever buV convenience or trazEmfoods?
B Sometimes. A Never. I always cook with fresh ingredients.
C Very often. B Sometimes, when there's nothing in the fridge.
C Ali the time. I live on miorowave meals.
4 How often do Vou go to a fast fooe!
restamant (e.g. McDonald's)? 8 What would Vou like for Vou!" main mea! today?
A Onlv in absolute emergencies. A A vegetarian salad and grilled fish.
B From time to time - if I'm in a hurrv. B A Chinese takeawav.
C Often. l1's quicker and more fun than eating C A hamburger and French fries.
at home or in a traditional restaurant.

150 ~.
3 Match the shopping receipts to A, B or C people. 4 Work in groups of three. Adopt the roles of A, B and C
Then think of a few more items to add to each list. people. Imagine that you have just met outside the
supermarket. Talk about what you have bought and why.

® o
Organic carrots fl.05
Fish fingers fl.49 spaghetti
1. 2 kilos fO.80
Frozen pizza f2.99 Sliced white bread
Fresh orange juice fI. 25
Haagen-Dazs ice-cream f1.80 Skimmed milk Microwave meal
pringles EO.92 6 cans of beer
Low fat yoghurt f1.29
fI. 35
Chocolate chip cookiesfO.45 Apples 0.8 kilos BananaS 1.4 kilos

Vocabulary & Listening 4 Which is the healthiest food? Which is the least
Fast food healthy? Is that a surprise?

1 Which ingredients do youassociate with these fast

5 Test your memory. Complete the extracts from the
foods? Put the words into the correct column. Some recording with these adjectives.
words can go in more than one column. best hcnlthicr least healthy
most popular much better
1 A good, standard burger is a lot l1e.a\tl1ie.rthan
you imagine.
2 I imagine pizzas are for you than
3 One of the dishes these days is the pizza.
hamburger pizza I baked potato 4 This makes the pizza one of the fast
bnf foods.
5 The baked potato is definitely the fast
-Beef-butter cheese French fries food option.
fried onion lettuce olives
sesame seed bun tomato ketchup tuna Pronunciation
/m/ tood and /u/ cook
1 A Listen to the sentences. Which word, cook or
tood, is pronounced with a longer vowel sound?
She's a great cook.
They serve great food.

2 Read the information. Then circle the /u:/ sounds

and underline the /u/ sounds in the phrases below.
Cook is pronounced like put. It is a shorter
2 M Listen to a food expert. Which of the ingredients Food is pronounced like school. 1t is a longer
in Exercise 1 does she mention for each type of fast sound./u:1
1 a b@t:ifuls@p
2 fast food is good for you
3 Listen again and complete the table.
3 a superb menu
calories fat advice 4 wonderful mushrooms
burger 5 unusual fruit
pizza 3 A Listen and check. Practise saying the phrases.
baked potato I Ve.r~fe.w
2 Do you think these sentences about chocolate are true
Death by chocolate or false?
1 Women buy less chocolate than men.
Speaking & Reading 2 There is evidence that chocolate is addictive.
3 Chocolate raises your blood cholesterollevels and
1 Discuss these questions. gives you spots (acne).
1 Are you addicted to any foods or drinks? 4 Chocolate contains caffeine.
2 How long have you been addicted? 5 Youshould avoid chocolate if you suffer from migraines.
3 How much do you eat / drink of this 6 The world's greatest chocolate eaters are the British.
product every day?
Read the article and check your answers. Rewrite the false
4 Do you like chocolate? How much of it do sentences.
you eat and in what form?
3 Which fact do you find most surprising?

oc L
bar on theloves
bus -chocolate.
the BritíshA are
cup obscsscd
of cocoa with
it. gaing to bcd Briton
Thc average ar a Mars
eats 10kg of chocolate a year. \Vomen eat far more chocolate than men,
an amazing 67% af total chocolate consumption. And the most popular
snacl<.is KitKat - fifty are eaten every secolld in tbe DI<.

Chocoholics are peop1c with a chocolate obscssion. Eut are thcy

addicts? Not according to reccnt research. This shows that chocolate is
not as addictive as eoffec - in f.let, therc is no proof that chocolate
creates addiction at alI. Anel it's a lot better for you than \ve thought.
Some scicntists say that it releascs the same chemicals that your body
produces when Y0l! are in love. Now that can't be a bad. thing!

Some more good nev,'5 - ir doesn't r;Úse your chokstcroI leve! 01'
give YOll acne, as peoplc bclievc, and it can even bc good
for your tccth! It does, howcver, contain
caffeinc anel is bad ifyou get headachcs. 50 .
the kast scnsiblc time to cat it,is at nigbt.

The British lave chocolate but they are

not as obsesscd as the Swiss. Thc Swiss
J.rc officially theworld's grcatest
chocolate caters - b11tthcn
Syviss chocolate is
the best!




lili 152
l_~ __ J
Food to go

Language tocus 2 Listen again and answer these questioilS

Comparatives and superlatives 1 How long has he been a chocoholic?

'5ioc.e he \<J3f,3 c.hild.
2 How much chocolate does he eat a day?
Comparative sentences 3 When does he eat chocolate?
Which sentence has a different meaning frem the others? 4 Why did he start eating so much?
1 Coffee is more addictive than chocolate. 5 Why does he want to stop?
2 Coffcc is as addictive aS chocolate. 6 What does he think he should do?
3 Chocolate is not as addictive as coffee.
4 Chocolate is 1essaddictive than coffee. 3 Turn to the Reference Guide, page 48, and
look at transcript 6.4. Find phrasal verbs that
Complete the rules. match these definitions.
To compare two things that are the same, we use: 1 increase (weight) put 00 4 stop (a habit)
as + adjective + . 2 reduce (a habit) 5 recover from
To contrast two things, we can use: 3 start (a habit) (an illness)
• more /less + adjective + .
4 What else can people beco me addicted to?
• not as + adjective + .
Make a list with
I your partner. Which are the
We can also compare using more / less / tewer + noun + than. most dangerous? Why?
There are more chocoholics in Switzer1and than in the UK
Chocolate has less caffeine than coffee.
The British eat fewer Mars bars than KitKats. The Real Thing: far, by far
With uncountable nouns, we use more 01' . 7 Look at the examples and answer the
With plural countable nouns, we use 01' fewer. questions.

Superlative sentences It's far wol'so whon 1haven 't got much 0150
to do.
The least sensible time to eat chocolate is at night
The Swiss eat the most chocolate. 1t was by far the most dclicioLls thinO I'd
evel' tastcd.
VVhoeats the fewest vegetab1esand the least fruit?
1 What do f11r and by far rnean here?
1 With countable nouns, we use the .
2 \ÍVhichdo we use with comparatives?
2 With uncountable nouns, we use the .
3 Which do we use with superlatives?
See Reterence Guide, pp. 9- 70.
See Workbook, pp. 36-7, exs. 7-6.
2 (6:5) Listen and complete the sentences.
1 Don't buy Cruithere. lt's f3r c.h~ at
the rnarket.
Practice 2 Don't go to work if you're li!. It's _
to resto
1 Complete the sentences with comparative or superlative 3 Christmas is time 01' the year.
adjectives. Se careful! These ones are irregular. 4 Take the plane - it's way to Det
1 Coca Cola is (good) drink in the world. there.
2 The (bad) time to eat fruit is at night. Listen again and mark the stress.
3 Being a vegetarian is (good) than eating red m&at.
Do you agree with these statements?

2 How many sentences can you make comparing the

following things?

chocolate & fruit Britain & your country

summer & winter
fruit if,o't 3f, OiC.f 3f, C.hOW\3k

Listening & Vocabulary

1 M Listen to an interview with chocoholic Oliver Penrose.
Are these sentences true or false?
1 Oliver is overweight.
2 His chocolate obsession doesn't worry him.
3 His mother gave him his first chocolate bar.
4 He has tried to give up.

The big diet
I Speaking & Reading

I 1 Discuss these questions.

I 1 Do you know the 1V programme Big
Brother? What happens in it?
2 What do you think happens on a 1V
programme called The Big Diet?
THE I?L-/\Y6\Z-'5: 12 overweight people (some
2 Read the information on the right and check
your answers.
weighing over 100 kilos) - six men and six women.

3 Complete the headings with these words.

THE 2 To go on an extreme diet.

Contestants have to Iose approximately two kilos a

PLAYI:n.S MISSION PRESSURE week. They aIso have to do strict exercise and gym

4 Which is the best summary of the THE LIMIT: The contestants are allowed to
programme? Which information is false in the consume only 1,200caIories a day.
other two summaries?
THE 3 The contestants are trapped in a

Iuxury mansion somewhere in the middIe of the

SummaryA countryside.
12 overweight people are locked in an old
THE 4 :42 cameras watch their every move
house where cameras watch them. They and broadcast them 24 hours a day on television and
have to follow a strict diet and cannot eat the internet.
any unhealthy food. After 100 days, the 1V
audience picks the person who they think THE CHALLENGE: Contestants have to avoid
has lost the most weight. the 'temptation fridge', which is in the house and
contains all their favourite snacks like chocolate,
ice-cream and cakes.

THE 5 : If contestants give way to temptation

Summary B or fail to Iose two kiIos a week, they have to Ieave
the programme.
12 overweight people are trapped in a
mansion and their mission is to lose as THE 6 The person who manages to Iose the

much weight as possible. The winner is the most weight after 100 days.
person who loses the most weight in 100
days. The contest is made more, difficult THE ' : The winner will receive the weight
he / she has Iost in gold.
because there is a lot of tempting food in
the house.
THE CONTROVERSY: Many people have
criticised the programme for encouraging anorexia
among young people and for promoting the idea
that being overweight is an essentially bad thing.
Summary C
12 people over 100 kilos in weight have to
live together in a country house, while 1V
cameras watch them suffer. They have to
eat two kilos of food a week; if they don't,
they have to leave the house. The winner is
the first person to lose 20 kilos.
r i
1 lII II,I
Speaking Language focus
~ I First conditional
I 1 What do you think of programmes like this? Why do
I you think they are so popular?
M Listen and complete the sentences.
if clause main clause
2 Look at this advice for losing weight. Do you agree /
If you __ a lot af meat, you'll __ fat for sure.
disagree? Why?
If your weight __ a problem, this will __ YOU.
1 Vou shouldn't eat meat.
2 Vou should have snacks between meals. Look at the sentences above and choose the correct
3 Vou should take up smoking. words to complete the rules.
4 Vou should fali in lave.
First conditional refers to past I present I future time.
5 Vou shouldn't eat late at night. The main clause willl will not definitely happen.
6 Vou should keep a note of the food you eat.
Complete the rule with infinitive, present simp/e and wi//.
7 Vou should drin};.lots of water.
To form a first conditional sentence, we use:
8 Vou should have an operation.
If + +.
Other real conditionals
We can use shouldn't + infinitive to give advice.
Look at Reference GtJide page 48-9, transcript 6.6 and
See Reference Guide, pp. 70-17. complete the gaps.
See Workbook, p. 37, ex. 7. Ifyôu want to 10seweight, in love.
Ifyou want to be hea1thy, you smoke.
Listening What other structures can we use in real conditionals?

1 M Listen to four people talking about losing weight. See Reference Guide, p. 77.
See Workbook, p. 38, exs. 8-9.


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verb in brackets. Be careful! Some are negative.
1 If I want to lose weight this summer, I Y-ii\\ 90
(go) on a diet.
2 I (take) a tablet, if I (feel) sick on
the trip
3 IfI (need) to relax, 1 (go) on
4 1 (buy) a new car, ifI (make)
enough money this year.
5 IfI (have) time at the weekend, I _
(gol and see my parents.
6 IfI (have) anything to do, I _
(watch) television.

Work in pairs. Listen to your partner's problem and give
him / her advice.

f-.: I ne.ed to \e.21rn Sn9\inn f2lnt.

\'7: If '(ou Y-i21tc.nfi\mn in Sn9\inn, '(ou'\1 \e21rn re21I\'( quiC.k\'f-
Student A
I can't sleep at night.
I need to learn English fast.
I'm stressed out with work.
I'm worried about my exams.
Match the speakers (1-4) with their pictures (a-d). Student B
I get a lot of bad headaches.
2 Listen again. Which advice from Speaking exercise 2 I feel depressed and I can'! get out of bed in the morning.
do they mention? I never have any money.
1 - 2lvoic\ c.21rbol1'(c\r21ten I find it hard to meet new people.
4 Complete the recipe using ingredients and verbs
Eat in ar takeaway? from Exercises 2 and 3.

1 the walnuts.
2 a saucepan of water.
Recipe words 3 Reducethe heat and melt the and
in a bowl over the hot water.
1 Discuss these questions.
4 Beat the and sugar together in a
1 Are you a good cook?
2 What recipes do you know? separate bowl.
3 Do you know any typical US or British recipes? 5 the sugar and eggs to the chocolate
2 Match photos a-i with verbs from this list. 6 Add the and flour and stir well.
add bake beat boil chop 7 the mixture into a baking tray.
melt pour serve stir 8 in the oven for about 30 minutes.
9 Removethe brownie and let it cool. eut it into
squares and with cream. Oeliciousll

1 M Listen to someone telling a friend how to make
a well-known dish. Answer the questions.
1 What ingredients does she mention? mina,d m~ât,'"
2 1sthe dish easy or difficult to make?
3 What do you think the recipe is for?

2 Listen again and tick the Iinking expressions you hear.

Finally First of al1./ 1nthe first place Next
Then To finish To start with When that's done
_ When that's finished When that's ready
Turn to the Reference Guide, page 49, transcript 6.8
and check. Compare it to the written recipe in
Exercise 4. What differences do you notice?

Speaking & Writing_

Your own recipe
1 Tell your partner how to cook something. Use linking
expressions from Listening, Exercise 2.

2 Write down your recipe. Use the chocolate brownie

recipe to help you.
Put the ingredients first.
List the actions step by step (1, 2, 3 ...)
Use imperatives: i\dd '" c..l1op ...

3 Look at other students' recipes. Which one would

you most like to eat / cook? Why?

3 Complete the list with ingredients needed for the 1 Look at these words. Do any words have the same or
recipe. Look at the photos and use your imagination! very similar spelling in your language?
banlina biscuit chocolate fruit cake ketchup
Makes 16 brownies margarine sandwich toffee vinegar yoghurt
100 g Two large
50 g
2 How do you say the words in English? Mark the stress.
100g __ 50 g flour (~ Listen é;lndcheck. Which words sound most
different from your language?

I l;:r~~-R
Food to go

1 Answer the questions. 6 Look at these phrases. Who would say

1 How often do you eat out? them: the waiter / waitress or the
2 What type of food do you like?
3 Think of your favourite place to eat. Why do you Can I have cream with the apple pie?
like it so much? Here you are, madam.
Are you ready to order?
2 GôJ Listen and complete the questions. Mark the I'll have the moussaka.
stress and intonation. Certainly, sir.
1 Are you re.ào'[ to ? Can I get you anything else?
2 Can we have the , please? I'd like to see the wine list, please.
3 Can we see the menu in , please?
4 Can I get you anything ? 7 In pairs, practise ordering food in a
5 Would you like to see the ?
Student A: You are the waiter / waitress
Who is asking each question: the waiter / waitress or the at Café Deco.
Student B: You are a customer at Café
3 Match questions 1-5 above with answers a-e. Deco.

a) No, thanks. Just some water, please.

b) Of course, sir. Sorry about that.
c) Yes. I'll have the fried fish.
d) No, thanks. Just the bill, please.
e) Certainly; sir. Starters
Avocado salad
~ Listen and check.
Melon with ham
Carrot and coriander soup
4 ~ Listen to three dialogues. What type of restaurant
are the people in? Main courses
Cod and chips
5 Listen again. What does each couple order? Complete Vegetarian pie
the table. Lamb moussaka
food I drink Desserts
Chocolate cake
1 I\àOàf>witn>e./notouioe.o
2 Home-made apple pie
3 Strawberries and cream
The Cinnatnon Club


VOX~I!S While you watch

Sequence 1 [08:29-10:06]
[07:42-08:28] Watch the vox pops and
answer the on-screen questions. Iqbal Wahhab is the owner ofthe Cinnamon Club, a new restaurant in
the heart of London.
1 Watch again. Who says it?
1 I think it'd have to be Italian food,
2 Ilike French food.
li Watch sequence 1 and answer the questions.

;) My favourite food in the world is sushi.

1 What do these numbers refer to? Make sentences.
;) 2000
1 11 months = 1I1e-re-st3ur3nt ope-ne-dli months 390.
2 Test your memory. Complete the gaps. 2 230 4 1894
IQBAL: I four times a week.
TRAVIS: Probably __ , a week ...
2 The building was originally ...
LUKE: Once in a moon. a) a shop b) a nightclub c) a library

Watch again and check your answers. lJ Circle the correct answer.

a) When did Iqbal's family come over to Britain?

Before you watch 1964/1968/1974

1 Discuss in pairs. b) How old was Iqbal when they arrived?

8 months / 12 months / 18 months
1 What's your favourite type of food?
c) What did his parents do? They were ...
2 How often do you eat out?
;) Where's your favourite place to eat? Why journalists / restaurateurs / academics
do you like it? Watch again and check.

:2 Which of these adjectives would you use to

Sequence 2 [10:07-11:28]
describe the food where you live?
fast fattening
li Watch sequence 2 and answer the qUestions.

spicy varied
1 Where does Iqbal want to open other new restaurants? Tick the

What are the typical dishes?

cities you hear.
Athens Berlin
Amsterdam Bombay
Dublin"! London New York Paris
:5 The Cinnamon Club is a restaurant. What
type of restaurant do you think it is?
2 At lunchtime, the Cinnamon Glub serves a lot of ...
cinnamon /'SIn3ffi3n/ (n): a brown spice a) students b) Members of Parliament c) celebrities
which comes from the bark of a tree. It
comes in a brown powder ar small stick. lJ In the evening, the Cinnamon Club serves a lot af ...
a) business people b) media people c) TV personalities

Sequence 3 [11:29-13:10]

li [11:29-12:12] Watch part 1 of sequence

.Herbsand spices
3 and answer the questions. Without herbs and spices, our food would be very boringl The herbs
and spices that we use every day come from ali over the world.
1 How often does the Cinnamon Club change
its menu? 1 Find these herbs and spices in the box. (Words may be
horizontal, vertical or diagonal.)
2 Iqbal says that British cuisine ...
a) is still quite traditional
b) is a mixture of ali the world's cuisines.
c} has changed a lot in recent years.

:; Iqbal talks about going out to eat in

London. Which nationalitíes does he
mention? Tick the words you hear.
Bangladeshi Belgian Brazilian
Egyptian Eritrean Ethiopian.l garlic mustard
French Indian Italian
Cc 1

4 [12:13-13:10] Watch
the rest ofthe
sequence. Listen to the chef and complete
the gaps.

We opened the CinnamonClub in ' __

last year after long, long delays. I'm here
from 2 __ every morning up until, you
know, the end of the night, six days, 3 __
days a week. We've got tandoori ovens, which
are tike clay ovens which are coal-fired, and
they go up to ' __ of 2500 to 3500
mint pepper oregano
centigrade - really, really fired and, yau
know, hot.
2 Match each herb or spice with a definition.
Watch the whole DVO again and answer the This comes from Asia and has a strong, sweet flavour with a
on-screen questions. cool aftertaste. It is used in salads, Moroccan tea and
After you watch 2 This is a seed. The French add it to cold meats and cheeses,
and the Americans put it on their hamburgers.
Can you remember? Tick the furniture and
3 This spice comes from Sri is used in cakes and biscuits
objects that you see in the Cinnamon Club.
and you can put it on top af cappuccino coffee.
~ a bar bookcases a bowl of petals
4 A dried leaf with a strong smel!. It is used in tots of Italian
i a fountain an Indian carpet a mirror
foods, especially pizza.

l~ a painting velvet
a plant
curtains a staircase
5 This spice has been available since Roman times. There are
three main types: green, white and black. tt comes from India
and Brazil.
6 This is a round white vegetable but it is used as a spice in the
farm of a dry powder. It has a very strong smell and flavour
and is essential in the Mediterranean diet.
Flashback 2
Vocabulary & $peaking 2 a Match the nouns with the verbs beiow.
football athletics sightseeing holiday
1 Work in pairs. Write three words / phrases in
a diet swimming camping jog skiing
each category. Who finishes first in your c1ass?
bike ride tennis golf cycling yoga a trip
1 Sports you play in a team - footba\\, '" windsurfing basketball exercise aerobics
2Things you can use as a pizza topping
3Sports you can do on your own playfootba\\, go ... do ... go for a ... go on ...
4Things you need in the mountains h 'Collocation Snap: Write verbs and nouns on pieces of
5Things you need to play tennis paper and divide into two piles. Tum over verbs and
6Things you could do to lose weight nouns until the noun matches the verbo Shout 'Snap!'
7Things you take on a cruise
8Things you do on a city holiday
Language focus
9Places where sports are played
10 Ways of preparing food 7 a Work in pairs.
11 Ingredients of chocolate brownies Student A: Read the lifeguard notes.
12 Things you wear to go swimming Student B: Read the teacher notes.
Look at Units 4-6 to check your answers. Use have to / don't have to / must / can / can't / should /
shouldn't to write job descriptions.
EXAMPLE: You nave. to watc.n tl1e.~wimmi\'19poo\ a\\ tl1e.time..
b Tell your partner about the job.
c Write a description of another job. Read it to your
partner. Can he / she guess what the job is?


Lifeguard Pni11ar!f schoo/ teacher
prohibited - leave the pool unattended l'rolu/;iterf - sem! dllí~.{rC/1home ear(g
necessary - watch the swimming pool ali the time l1ecessmy - arrivc fifteel1 mimrtes /icfõre the C,~1SS b<:glÍ1s

not necessary - stay In the lifeguard's chair 1J0tnccessa!!j - looi<afieI' clu1drC/1dunf~'l the IUl1ch break
possible - walk around the pool possibíe - take cÍt'/drcn 011scl1iJd trips tw/ce a !fet1r
not possible - swim ar train while working f10tposslhle - take Íto;,.•1ü!)S duril~'l the se/1oo1term I
a 300(.{ faca
.J / . L 'LI t' J"I I
a good idea - pay extra attention to children
- ao pr~'Jel~LSWlcl1 fie c 11ldrel1
I ~f"'iiomcwo}"/( I
not a good idea - listen to music or read l10t a!ll'Or: idea - !live a wt !,

Flashback 2

2 a Write down your plans for the next ten years. Use Listening
going to and might. Use these ideas to help you.
1 a •.'F2:i) Listen to the conversation. Which of the
I'm gOing to restaurants in Exercise 3 are the people in7
fall in love learn to speak Greek
change jobs go and live in another country b Listen again and write down the orders.
work in television become famous
work ir; an office win the lortery buy a flat
study abroad go on holiday to Cuba

b In pairs, make predictions about your partner's life

in the next ten years. Use wi!/ and might.
I thin\.: iOU'\\ c.hâ

c Compare your predictions to your partner's plans. c Listen again and vvrite dovvn the phrases they use
to order their food.
3 a Discuss these questions.
Turn to the Reference Guide, page 50, transcript
1 Where's your favourite restaurant?
F2.1, to check your ansvvers.
2 \i\That type of places do you like?
b Look at the advertisements for three restaurants.
Write sentences comparing them. Use the words
below to help you. 1 a Vou are a holiday company rep. Prepare a
big cheap comfortable convenient welcome speech for a group of tourists. Include
early exotic expensive late small the follovving:
tasty traditional trendy • What the weather will be like
• What they'll do during their stay
'Tó\.:e.'i:Junhi' in tre.naie.r thân '[li no' n'.
• Places they'll visit
'6lino' n' inn't ân e.r-pe.nsive.ân 'Tó\.:e.'i:Junhi'.
• Things they might eat and drink
c Work in groups. Which of the restaurants would
b Give your vvelcome speech to your classmates.
you prefer and why?
Ansvver any questions they have .

~ 2 Work in groups of five. Role-play the following
. Pasta & pizza situation.

·>'GINO'S Student A: You've finished school and you're

•••• p;=' totowo
at the best prices - trying to decide what to do next.
from 1::1 Q. Student B: You're Ns friend. You play together in
Seating for 30 people. a bando You think you should try to become
professional musicians.
Open 7pm - 2am. Student C:You're Ns boyfriend / girlfriend. You'd
like to go travelling together for a year.
Student D: You're Ns teacher. You think A should
go to university.
Student E:You're Ns mother / father. You work in
an office and can get A a job there.
Who is the most persuasive?
Specia/ities' sushi and sashimi

From 1;15

Localed in lhe Aciria 3 a Work in groups. You're going to open a

cinema complex. restaurant where you live. Plan your restaurant
Open8pm - midnight dai/y. Think about ...
• the menu • the décor • the location
• the opening times • prices
b Present your proposal to the class. Take a class
vote on the best restaurant

Money talks
• Passive voice - present & past • Money collocations • iD/ 2" iAi
• Present Perfect for recent events • Make & do • Apologles & excuses

Spend, SlJend_, spendJ

Yº-~abul~EY _

• Look at the pictures. Do you think they are a good

use of money or a waste of money? Why?

.• Match the two columns. There is more than one

correct answer.
bet money _ in a bank account .;.i Complete the sentences and then compare with your
earn money on clothes 1 I waste a lot of money on but I don't
mvest money from a fnend spend much money on o

borrow money
save money ~ on cigarettes
- on a horse race 2 I like to save about % of the money I have.
spend money on the lottery 3 Sometimes I borrow money from .
waste money in property 4 I once won / 10st a 10t of money on o

win money at work 5 I'd like to buy a but I can't afford it.

Money talks

Are you generous or mean? Do you like to save or What have you spent money on in the last week?
do you spend extravagantly?
-M Listen to three people's answers to the question
Do the questionnaire and then look at the key on above. Who is the most careful with money? Who is
page 121. Do you agree with the results? the most extravagant?

::; In pairs, write two more multiple-choice questions for ., Listen again and complete the table.
the questionnaire. Choose from these topics.
~-------~---------~--- What did they spend Was it
I buying food choosing a holiday "\ , their money on? expensive?
, s~.'::~9 ~king a ta.:.~ ~ 1 fooa No

Do Vou shop for c10thes in the sales? Boris 1

Almost never. The clothes Ilike aren't usually in the
sales. 2
Always. Clothes are toa expensive otherwise.
Sometimes. It depends if I can find a bargain. 3

O How much do Vou leave as a tip after a good meal in 1

an expensive restaurant?
10%, or more if the waiters were really nice. 2
I never leave a tipo Waiters earn enough money
anyway. 3
It depends on the service but I usually leave some

Ü A good friend needs to borrow money to pay his / her

The Real Thing: I suppose / I guess
rent. What do Vou do?
Give him / her the money without asking questions. We use I suppose / I guess when we reflect on
Don't lend him / her anything, because I might never something or we are not sure about it.
get it back.
1 M Listen and complete the sentences.
lend the money if it's really important.
Well, \ 9ue,f,5 I spencJ a 10t 01' my money on music.
Yes, _,~_ I'm very careful wilh money.
O A homeless person stops Vou in the street and asks Vou
That's where the money really Çjoes, .
for money. What do vou do?
I also like expensive things, ~ __ .
~, Give some money, even if it's only a little.
Walk past without giving anything. I don't think it 2 M Now listen and complete these dialogues.
hei ps these people. 1 A: Do you want to carn more money?
It depends. I sometimes give money if the person

B: I 9Ue,55 50.
looks ill or very thin. 2 A: Can you help me do the washjn~l up?
o Your favourite pop group is giving a concert in your
Mark the stress on the missing words.
town but the only tickets left are really expensive.
What do Vou do? 3 In pairs, practise dialogues using guess and
A Buy a ticket anyway. suppose. Use these prompts to help you.
Save my money. I can watch the concert on TV for free.
( carry my bag
lend me money '\ II
Go and buy a CD of their music instead. live in a nice-, .. place
~ like your job -._--~-_ .. _~.

o It's your grandmother's 75th birthday. What do vou A: C.ou\a '{ou \e,na me, 5Ome, mone,'{ unti\ friaa'(?
give her? B: I 5UPP05e, 50. \10'N muc.\1 ao '{ou ne,e,a? ...
Something that she would really like. It doesn't
matter how much it costs.
An old present that someone gave me but that I
didn't like.
I: Something special if I can afford it.
2 Guess the correct answer.
1 McDonald's was founded in:
a) New York b) California c) Texas
2 Coca-Cola was invented by:
a) a pharmacist b) a doctor c) a nutritionist
3 Nokia is based in:
a) Japan b) Korea c) Finland
4 The first pair of Levi's@jeans were made in:
a) 1853 b) 1873 c) 1903

:} Read the company profiles and check your answers.

/: Test your partner's memory. What do these numbers
refer to (two per product)?
(/8 hours 45 million 1886 200 million\ I
~~~ __ ~91 _ 1960~ 20/0..../
, Make sentences.
, i\ ne-w Mc.Donalc\' D r%t21ur21nt ope-nD e-ve-r'( e.igl1t l1ourD.

Discuss these questions in groups.

I 1 How often do you eat fast food? Do you ever go

to McDonald's?
2 Do you drink Coca-Cola? Do you prefer Pepsi?
How much cola do you drink?
3 Have you got a Nokia mobile now ar have you
~peaking~ Readil)_g owned one in the past? Do you like mobiles?
Why / Why not?
What companies do vou associate with the products 4 Do you think Levi'sq make the best jeans? How
above? Do vou know which company ís the market often do you buy a pair of jeans?
leader in your country?


i'mlovin' it™
The hamburger was invented in 1889, and the first Coca-Cola is the most successful product in history
McDonald's opened in 1948 in San Bernadino, and today it is sold in 185 countries. The drink was
California. Now a new McDonald's restaurant opens invented in 1886 by pharmacist John Pemberton in
every eight hours somewhere in the world. The Atlanta, Georgia, while he was trying to stop his
restaurant chain serves about 45 million customers
addiction to morphine. It is estimated that 200 million
every day. The corporation's yellow M is recognised by cans ar bottles of coke are seM every 24 hours. 80% of
people all over the world as a symbol of dynamism, Coca-Cola's profits now come from outside the United
happiness and, above ali, America. The busiest States.
restaurant, however, is in Moscow.

Passlve voice - pre~,E::Tit and past 1 Look at the verbs underlined in the texts below.
Which are in the passive voice?
a) Coca··Cola ís sold in 185 countries.
b) Coca-Cola was invented by John Pembertol1. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
Look at the examples and complete the rules: verb in brackets - Past Simple or Present Simple,
We form the passive with the verb + past active or passive.
participle. 1 N owadays, 25 % of the world's cars arB madB
The verb can be in any tense. (make) in Asia.
The subject / object of the verb in the active 2 Before 1980,most Levi's®jeans (produce)
sentence becomes the subject / object of the verb in the USA.
in the passive sentence. 3 1n the 1980s, Levi Strauss & eo. (open) a
Active: John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola. lot of jeans factories in Latin America and Asia.
4 86% of the world's goods (use) by 20%
SUbje~ject of the world's population.
Passive: Coca-Cola was invented by John Pemberton. 5 Half the world - nearly 3 billion people - _
subject agent (live) on $2 a day:
Match usage 1 and 2 to examples a and b above: 6 Over a quartel' lof the world's goods _
1 We can use the passive voice when it is not (produce) by 200 multinational companies.
important (ar we don't know) who did the action. 71n 1999, more than half a million people _
2 We can use the passive voice to emphasize who (demonstrate) in Seattle in an anti-globalisation
did the action (the agent).
Find one more example of each usage in the texts. c' Which of the sentences above do you think give
good or bad news? Why?
See Reterence Gwde, pp, 77- 72.
See Workbook, pp. 45-6, exs. 7-5. The passive voice is often used in journalism to
achieve an impersonal style. Think of recent news
reports and tell the news to your partner.
A WB\\Kl10wnmurdBrBr waf, arrBf>kd thif, wu·K.
b'l Tarantil1o.
T\1Büf,Gar for 17BMDirutor waf, 1'1011

1ronically, the Nokia Corporation started life as a papel' Levi Strauss & CO. was founded in 1853 and 20 years
manufacturer - the original form of communication. later they produced their first pair of jeans~ The
Nearly 150 years later, this Finnish company is the trousers were designed as tough, long-lasting work
world's largest mobile phone producer and accounts clothes for the workers of San Francisco. 1n the 1960s,
for more than a quartel' of Finland's total economy. blue jeans became very popular and since then they
N okia was the pioneer of mobile phone have Dever gone out offashion. It is estimated that Levi
communication. 1n fact, the first text message was sent Strauss & Co. now make approximately 2% of the
by the mayor of Helsinki on a Nokia mobile in 1991. world's clothes.


Vocabulary .. _
Nake and do
1 Look at the flag below. What do Vou think it represents? Can
Vou identify any of the logos? 1 In the exercises on the left we saw the
expressions make fun of something /
2 Read the text and check your answers to the first question in
Exercise 1. someone and do some good. Complete
these expressions with make or do .
.3' Answer the questions. i~ some good 5 money
i Why do you think the flag is called the 'Brands and Bands'? 2 your best 6 damage
2 What are anti-globalisation demonstrators protesting about? 3 a mess 7 business
3 Do you think their protests do any good? 4 a difference 8 progress
4 Are there any products 01' brands that you don't buy?
do Complete the interview between a protestor
Why not?
and a journalist. Use words from exercise 1.
These are the opinions of some Americans on the Corporate J: Do you really think your protests
America flag. Who is in favour of the flag? make a 'ei
P: Yes. If enough people join us, we can
change the way that big corporations
It's shocking to make fun of our national flag like this. do 2 At the moment, North

America and Western Europe make a

lot of 3 in poor countI'ies, but
It's a great way to make people aware of the prob1em. they don't use this money to help the
people theI'e. We have to do ouI'
4 to stop this.
J: But don't you agI'ee that violent
Sadly it won't have any effect on the general publico pI'otests do a lot of 5 to youI'
campaign? ProtesteI's make a 6 _

in the streets, with graffiti and bI'oken

I have no idea what it means, but it's cool! glass. People get angI'y. How does this
help you to make a ' ?
P: If we can do some 8 in the woI'ld,
It's offensive and an insult to all Americans. a few broken windows don't matter .

.3 M Listen and check your answers.

This is the Corporate America flag - the
'Brands and Bands'. It is a symbo1 of the anti-
globalisation movement. The flag was first used
in demonstrations across the United States on f

July 4th 2001, the USA's Independence Day.

It represents the activists' belief that global
companies have too much power.
Listening _ Language focus
Present Perfect for recent events

Jenny Petersan has already dane a day's work.

The mayor has just declared a state of emergency.
Look at the examples and complete the rules with just
or alreadr.
We often use the Present Perfect withjust and
already to describe recent events .
...= recently / a very short time ago
_= recently / earlier than expected
What is the difference between these two sentences?
They've just 1eft.
They've a1ready left.

See Reference Guide, p. 73.

See Workbook,
, p. 46, exs. 6- 7.


Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect

and just or already.
1 Do you have an exam today? No. I 've- z.\re-z.c\'{
(finished) them. My final one was last
2 Excuse me, is Susan Jones here? Yes, she is. She
____ (come in). She's over there taking off
her coat.
3 Have you made plans for your holiday? Oh yes,
I've (book) everything. I did it months
ago - I like to be organised.
4 Have you heard the news? Yes! A friend
____ (ca11)me this minute. I can't believe it!
5 Would you like a coffee? No thanks, I _
(have) three today.
1 (í5) The first major anti-globalisation protest took
place in Seattle in Oecember 1999_ Listen to this Pronunciation
news report and answer the questions. lul hot and IAI son
1 Are the police and the demonstrators fighting at
the moment? 1 The O in English is not always pronounced as in hot.
Look at the first syllable of each word. Where is it
2 Which four companies are mentioned in the
pronounced like hot and where like son?
coffee colour dollar gossip government
/ Burger King McDonald's Netscape
Benetton London lovely money office orange
Microsoft Starbucks.l'
sorry worry
Boeing IBM
3 Which two people does the correspondent {ij;j Listen and check.
( a police officer
a conference
a protester
delegate / I
2 {U)
Listen and repeat. Practise saying the sentences.
There's not a lot of money left for our trip to
2 Listen again and answer true (T) or false (F). 2 Did you hear the gossip about the government?
1 The windows of Starbucks have been smashed. 3 Sorry, I forgot to pay for my coff~e.
4 Don't worry. It's only two dollars!
2 The police used tear gas and rubber bu11ets on
5 Look at the sky! It's a lovely orange colour.
the protesters.
3 Jenny Peterson has already done a day's work.
4 The mayor of Seattle has just declared a state of

Work in pairs. Make a Iist of places where
vou see advertising.
in tl1e- r,tree-t, in màgninef> ...
Are there any products which can't be

" Look at adverts a and b above and

describe each one.
1 What is the image?
2 What do you think it is a1dvertising?
Turn to page 124 and look at the complete
adverts. Were Vou right?

M Listen to two marketing students.

Which advert is each one describing?

Listen again and answer the questions.

1 How do the speakers describe the
images? What adjectives do they use?
2 Who are the adverts targeted at?
3 What is the message for each one?
Describe the advert on the right.
1 What does the image show?
2 What is it advertising?
3 Who is it targeted at?
4 What do you think the message is? SWI5) """'I;IE St"'CE U60

1:1 :



Look at the photos and complete the adverts

using these expressions. Then invent a slogan.
-ti: ne" ]001: cJass and elegance
I solid silver our wide range
~p~~~fld_~Cl.rnfCJl'l __Unr_ep~atable offer

Wear the best sunglasses money can buy.

f\ ne.," \oor.:for this summer. Choose from

of frames and colours. You won't regret i1.

Sonne-Ban: LDD\( GDDD IN 11\(, ~UN!

A watch that will last a Iifetime.

Made fram quartz and .

__ o A sign of __ , (&. Listen and match the dialogues (1-4) with the
wherever you go. pictures (a-d).

Alpha: ~ Listen to these requests and responses again.

Complete the sentences.
1' the bill, please?' 'Yes, of course.'
2 ' breakfast brought to room 209, please?'
'Straight away, madam.'
3 ' by credit card?' 'Sure, just one moment.'
4 ' holding the line?' 'We11, OK.'
5 ' some money, please.' 'Certainly, sir.'
6 ' some tickets for tonight's show, please?'
'No problem.'
Which of these requests is not made by the customer?
Drive the best car an earth, combining at a
The customers are having problems. Match the
fantastic price. Make the mast af this o

apologies and excuses they are given (1-4) with the

You'll never get the chance again. pictures above (a-d).
Sapphire: ! 1 1'm sorry, sir. We're having problems with the line.
2 Sorry about the confusion. Now, how much did
you want to change?
_ Work in groups. Choose a product from page
125 and plan an advert. Look at the
3 OK, 1'11see what can do. 1'm afraid we're short of
staff tonight.
examples above and think about the
4 1'm terribly sorry, but there's nothing here for 209.
questions in Speaking & Lístening, Exercise 5.
~ Listen and check.
Present your advert to the class. Whose
product would you buy? Why? In pairs, choose a place from pictures a-do The
customer has a problem. Act out the conversation.
A: Cân I hâVe. the bill. pleâ5e?
B: C.ertâinli, 5ir ...


• Past Perfect • see, watch, fook at • Ihl
• Past Simple Passive • The press • Gossiping

Stars in their eyes

Name Why are they [VVhere are thev Are they living
Ifrom? ~
or dead?

b) I\<2lrcn C2lrp~nte-r
i) ;

The Real Thing: don't you thin/r? iSI1't 11e?

Speaking & Listening 1 M Listen and complete the sentences.
1 In pairs, look at the He's still reaily attractive, 7 She's from Australia .. ?
photos. How much of the She's incredibly beautifuL ? She's a better actorthan he !s, ?
table can youcomplete?
Why do we use these expressions? \Vhat would vou say in )four language?
2 Swap partners and Note: VVeonly use isn't he / she / it? \vith the \Te;'b to ]]8.\\'lt11 other verbs
compare your answers. we use doesn't 11eI she I it?

3 6i) Listen to three 2 63) Listen to three conversations and answer the questions for each one.
conversations. Which 1 VVhat are t11ey talkil1g about?
celebrities are the people 2 VVhich of the above expressions dicl you heélJ-":'
talking about?
3 Work in pairs. Talk about another celebrily. Try to use the new expressions.
Do ~ou \i\C~ v\till 'Smith? \·k'", re,2lIl~ t"lIe-ntfA1. dorÚ 'jOl' thin\C? ..
Reading Language focus
Past Perfect
1 Vou are going to read about three musicians. Turn to
page 122 and match the musicians to the photos of
their fans. Look at the example and complete the rule.
When they died, they had made lots af recards.
To form the Past Perfect, we use the verb +

We use the Past Perfect to show that one action

happened befoLe another in the past.

-Iearlier past
make records ..
. ~~
The contraction of had is 'd. Be careful not to confuse

it with 'd = wauld.

Match the sentences (1- 3) with the pictures (a-c).

1 When I got home, my mother had supper.
2 When I got home, my mother was having supper.
3 When I got home, my mother had had supper.

2 In groups, decide which of the three - John Lennon,

Karen Carpenter or Kurt Cobain:
1 wasn't born in the United States.
2 died under the age of 30.
3 p1ayed music with his / her brother.
4 was famous in the 60s.
5 had an eating disorder.
6 was married to a famous singer. See Reterence Guíde, p. 73.
See Warkbaak, pp. 57-2, exs. 7-5.
3 Write questions for these answers.
1 10 million copies. 3 32 years 01d.
2 In New York. 4 One daughter. Practice

4 What did the three musicians have in common? Complete the sentences in the Past Perfect.
Complete the sentences, using the past participles of (ask drink 1eave -tese- win see )
these verbs.
1 He had no money because he \13d IOl\t his job
( be bccomc have make spend write ) the month before.
When they died they had ali ... 2 He was depressed because his wife him
for a divorce.
1 be-c.ome- very famous.
3 She was worried because her daughter _
2 10ts of records.
home without warning.
3 big hits in the charts. 4 He was sick because he too much beer.
4 married. 5 She was excited because she a 10tof
5 a 10t of time in the USA.
money on the 10ttery.
6 some great songs. 6 She never a snake before she
carne to Brazil.

The press
Match the words (1- 6) with items in
the pictures (a-O.
1 an article
2 a broadsheet newspaper
3 a headline
4 a magazine
5 the paparazzi
6 a tabloid newspaper
I - f

Listening & Reading

A day in the !ire af a papar_a_.z_zn_.j~~. _
Discuss these questions.
1 Who are the most 1 Look at the three pictures. Imagine the story that they tel!.
photographed celebrities in
your country?
2 What celebrity scandals have
taken place recently?
3 How do you find out about
celebrity gossip?
4 What sort of photographs do
the paparazzi take?

. r2
~"- __ ~c;o_L.~
.... -~_ ... _._._-~_.~------

2 You are going to listen to the paparazzo telling the Vocabulary

story Look at the questions. What do vou think the
see, watch, /ook at
answers are?

1 vVhere is the paparazzo? 1 Look at the examples and read the explanation.
2 \Alho does he see? Isee George Clooney and his new girlfriend.
3 Does he get a good photo in the end? I watch the first celebrities arriving.
4 \A1hy does he have to hurry? I look at my watch.
5 How does he feel at the end? Vv'hy?
• VI/esee everything that comes in front of
(sÃ) Listen and check.
our eyes, sometimes without trying.
• VI/ewatch a footbal! match, or children
3 Choose eight verbs from the box to complete the
sentences. playing - usually something that is happening.
• We look at a watch, a timetable, a photo -

1 1~
be phone
chase, search
a cal! from Pepe.
feelsee ~ take hide
~ "')
something that we find useful or interesting.
We often use the imperative: Look at me!
Look at that car!
2 I my editor. Note: We watch television, but we usually see a
3 1 behind the bushes. film, a p1ay, a TV1programme.
4 1 George Clooney.
5 1 the limousine. 2 Complete the sentences with see, watch or look at.
6 1 a perfect shot. 1 I television for two hours last night.
7 1 for the filmo 2 I like to photos on my computer as a
8 I really stupid. slideshow, it's so easy!
Listen again and check.
3 From my bedroom window, I can 10ts of
things. 1t's a great view.
4 Use the verbs in the box above to complete the blog 4 1 __ a football match every weekend if 1cano
entry Use either the Past Sim pie or Past Perfect tense. 5 1 can't anything without my glasses!
6 that cloud! 1 think it's going to rain.

3 Which sentences are true for vou? Make them true

where appropriate.

1 Look at the two photos. In what ways are they

different? For each one, what do vou think of the

2 Do vou agree or disagree with these statements? Why?

1 Sports stars and celebrities are paid toa much.
2 People enjoy hearing about celebrities' lives
because they are jealous of their success.
3 Newspapers should not censor paparazzi-based

3 Form two large groups and hold a debate.

Group A: Vou are in favour of the paparazzi.
Group B: Vou are against the paparazzi.
Prepare your arguments, and present your case.
Take a class vote. Which side won?
Exposed! 1 Mateh the newspaper artieles (1-4)
with the headlines (a-f). You will not


need two of the headlines.

iilll 2 Are these statements true or false? If

false, explain why.
1 The zoo said they were responsible
for the monkey's escape_
2 Helen took her clothes off as a joke.
3 Sergei hadn't had much experience
with animaIs.
4 Justin wanted to hide his sexuality.

Language facus Review

HOSPITALISED Past Simple passive

Look at the articles and underline verbs

in the Past Sim pie passive. Are any of
the verbs irregular?
Complete the rule.
The Past Simple passive is formed with
- "" +"
CD Whieh verb form is used in the
headlines? Why do you think this is?
See Reterence Guide, p. 72.
See Workbook, pp. 52-3, ex. 6
1 The monkey who escaped from Bristol
Zoo last weekend was discovered by
school children yesterday. Police say that Practice
the animal, who was found in a school
1 Choose the eorreet sentenee, a) or b).
playground, was fine but a little hungry.
The zoo admitted that it need~d to 1 a) The monkey was discovered by
school children_
improve its security.
b) The monkey discovered the
school children.
2 Hollywood resident Helen Hicks was
2 a) Helen Hicks was stopped by
stopped by police early on Sunday police.
morning after dancing around heI' b) Heler; Hicks stopped the police.
neighbourhood with no clothes on. Hicks 3 aJ Sheba was seriously injured by
had drunk half a bottle of vodka, after an Sergei lvanov.
argument with heI' rock guitarist boyfriend b) Sheba seriously injured Scrgei
Johnny Hedges. A friend says that Ms lvanov.
Hicks was suffering from depression.
2 Change these_ headlines into sentenees
"1 i 3 Lion tamer Sergei Ivanov was seriously in the Past Sim pie passive.

injured by his lion, Sheba, during last Dog bites owner.

night's performance of the Moscow An o'tme.r wa\) bitte.n b~ hi\) ! \Ie.r d09.
Circus. Ivanov has worked in the circus for Hunter attacked by bear.
over 25 years. He was taken to Springfields A \Iunte.r wa\) attaGkcd b~ a Dcar.
General Hospital last night. Doctors say 1 Gangster shoots mafia boss
that he is lucky to be alive. 2 ClA find drugs in rap group's bags
3 French elect new president
4 Super-rich male model Justin Orlando's 4 Police arrest top model
love affair with British pop singer Ross 5 City centre destroyed by fire
Curtis was exposed this week. The two 6 Celebrities invited to Queen's party
men were photographed together in a
London restaurant. Orlando, who has
never tried to hide his sexuality, said that
he was very happy with his new partner.

I r ~.

~::~c '~'''~ffi_"~' ,~w'h __ c_c_c c '' __ -c-c --'-- ,,-


Reading ._ .. _
1 Put these events from the Helen Hicks story into
the correct order.
a) She went home.
b) She was taken to the police station and
c) Neighbours heanl shouting.
d) She spent the night with her rock star
e) She took off her nightdress.
D She left the house angrily.
g) A Los Angeles police car picked her up.
Read a longer newspaper article about Helen
Hicks and check.

2 Match the paragraphs in the article (1- 5) with

the descriptions (a-e).
a) background information on Helen Hicks
b) how Helen Hicks felt
c) a summary 01' the news story
d) the end 01' the story
e) an eye-witness account 01' what happened

1 HOLLYWOOD. 36-year-old multi-millionairess divorcee

Writing Helen Hicks was arrested early on Sunday morning by Los
A news story Angeles police after she had walked around her
neighbourhood drunk and completely naked.
Write a newspaper article using one of the other
headlines on page 74. Organise your story in five 2 Helen is the dose friend of a number of Hollywood stars. She
paragraphs. had spent the night with her rock guitarist boyfriend Johnny
Paragraph 1: Summary 01' news story Hedges at her home. The house is in Somerset Gardens Paradise,
Paragraph 2: Background information on main one of the most exdusive neighbourhoods in Hollywood.
3 Neighbours say that at about Iam they heard people
Paragraph 3: \!\lhat happened (eye-witness account)
shouting inside the house. Then Ms Hicks ran out of the
Paragraph 4: How the sto1'Yended
house wearing only her nightclothes. 'She was really drunk.
Paragraph 5: How everyone felt in the end
She couldn't even walk in a straight line; said neighbour
Dorothy Sánchez. 'I saw her waIking down the road in a
terribIe state and then she started taking off her nightdress. I
/h/ was so embarrassed!'

1 Look at this sentence. Which of the four hs is 4 At around 1.45am, a Los Angeles police car picked up Ms
silent? Hicks. She was taken to Mount PIeasant police station where
What happened to Helen in Hollywood? she gave evidence and was charged with indecent exposure.
At about Sam she was allowed to go home.
(aS) Listen and repeat.
5 'I had drunk toa much and I dídn't know what I was doíng.
2 Look at these words. Which hs are silent? I have been very depressed recently,' said Ms Hicks in the
alcohol character ghost hangover morning. She admitted that she had a terribIe hangover.
headline honest hour hurry
neighbourhood vehicle which whole

(s:6) Listen, check and repeat.

3 Practise saying these tabloid newspaper

1 Hollywood hotel in hurricane hell
2 Hippy hit for Harriet
3 Honest Harry in hospital again
4 Hangover for hungry horse
M Listen and check.

A good luck story: Try exs. 1-3 on your Cl)-Rom.

You mustbe
Discuss these questions.
1 What is gossip?
2 Is gossip always a bad thing?
3 Why do you think gossip is popular?

1 Do men and women gossip about
different things? Read the article and
find out what Michael and Sharon think.

2 Answer the questions.

Sharon gossip about?

2 According to Sharon, what does
1 Michael
gossip about? what does
to Michael,
3 What do they think of gossip?

4 According to Sharon, why do men


say that they don't gossip?

3 Find wards ar expressians in the text
that mean the same as these.
1 finish a relationship "plit Llp
2 a cheap offer in the shops
3 hate
4 type of thing
5 boring
6 laugh at
7 relax



176 ~


1 Continue the dialogues (1-5) with a suitable question (a-e).

a) VVhoto? d) Are you sure?
b) ',A.Thcrc'(lcrc thcy: e) What was the problem?
c) VVho'sthe moth~r?
1 A: Did you hear the news? The other day, we saw Tracy
kissing Gary.
B: That's incredible! Wnere were tnep
2 A: Did you know that Harry and June broke up last week?
B: Are you serious? _
3 A: Have you heard that Robin's got engaged again7
B: You must be joking! _
1 M Listen to four conversations and 4 A: Did you know that Brian's got a kid?
answer the questions. B: No! 1 don't believe it!

1 Match the conversations 0-4) 5 A: Everyonesays that it's over. She wants toleave him.
B: Really? _
with the pictures (a-d). What
are they talking about? {a9} Listen to the dialogues and check your answers.
2 What is the speakers'
relationship? 2 Find five ways of reacting to gossip / expressing surprise in the
schoolfriends neighbours above dialogues.
cousins col1eagues
3 Work in pairs. Continue one of the dialogues to make a
2 Listen again. Who uses these gossipy conversation.
expressions? Write the conversation A: Dic\ iOU near tne new'Ô?We 'ÔawTraei \Ci'Ô'Ôing
number. B: mat''Ô inerec\ibk! tne.i?
a) She's only got herself to blame. :z. A: !n tne pub, in front of eve.riboc\i-
b) It was really funny. B: l2-e.a\\i? Wno elne wa'Ôtnere? ...
c) lt's in really bad taste.
d) Good for her.
e) lt's her own fault.
f) I'm dead jealous. Song
g) lt's completely absurdo
{ajõj I heard it through the grapevine: See resource sheet 88.
3 What do the speakers think of the
person they are gossiping about?

• Second conditíonal • Time verbs • cl 8,
• Reported staternents • Tlle internet • /<1I!
• Gadgets • Machíne nouns 8, verbs • Telepllolllng - business or pleasure?

Y-ºcabuL~lY _
1 Match the words below with pictures a-j.
Which gadgets do you own?
MP3 player SatNav
laptop mobile phone
games console printer
digital camera flash drive
DVD player microwave
:;:: Match the gadgets to their uses. Then
write sentences about the gadgets.
"People.u"e. M"P3 pla'{e.r" to li"te.n to mu"ic..
1 taking photographs or making short
2 printing documents and photographs
3 cooking food quickly
4 transferring files from computer. to
5. listening to music
6 talking to people or sending text
7 watching films
8 getting directions to places
9 working away from your desk
10 playing games

ListeniI'!R~_~peakir!.g _ Vocal?uIaIL _
Tjrne verbs
r How much time do you spend doing these things each week? Is ít
a waste of time?
Complete the sentences with the correct
1sending text messages 5 watching satellite TV channels form of these verbs.
2 playing computer games 6 writing e-mails
3 shopping online 7 surfing the net ,/ kill run out of save .~
\,~ s_pen~ \f\!~~~~_._. __ . ~/
4 chatting online 8 phoning friends
1 Going by plane me a lot of time
2 6i\Four teenagers are talking about how technology wastes and because the train takes elght hours.
saves their time. Listen and complete the table. 2 The bus leaves in an hour. Let's
Abdul Darren an nour
___ some tinle in the book shop.
c.natting Y:1. dai I
'0 3 My exams start next week so I've got
time him / her save time? I to time studying this weekend.
4 Yousl1ouldn't time cleaning. You
should hire som.eoneto do it for you.
5 \-\7e'11
have to stop there. V'le'vejust

1i '.

; 78
i .-
i; :

t~-- .j__
Readin.g & Spealsing
1 Look at the photos and the title of the article. What do 4 Discuss these questions.
you think it's about? 1 Are you a digital native?
2 Do you think that, in general, children
2 Read the article to check. What is a 'digital native'?
know more about technology than adults?
:3 Read the article again and say whether these sentences 3 What are some advantages and
are true (T) or false (F). If false, explain why. disadvantages of kids knowing a lot about
1 David is a digital native. technology?
4 Should teachers use more technology in
2 Marc Prensky is interested in teaching with technology.
3 Digital natives are comfortable using laptops and
flash drives.
4 Many teachers think computer games are only for
having fun ar killing time.
5 People read books and websites in the same way.

David is not very comfortable with new technology The divide between digital natives and non-cligital
and he does not have many gadgets. Lucy loves natives can cause problems at school because
new technology. She owns a games console, an students and teachers grow up with very different
MP3 player, and a mobile phone with built-in digital ideas about technology. Many teachers think that
camera. David is a teacher. Lucy is his student. playing computer games is a waste of time and that
technology has made children unable to concentrate.
Like Lucy, many children grow up using computers
Howeve r, many students think their classes are slow
almost every day and often know more about
and boririg, and want to use computers to study.
technology than adults. Educator Marc Prensky
calls children like Lucy 'digital natives', Digital Prensky believes that digital natives have learned
natives can quickly learn how to use new gadgets a lot from technology, but that they learn things in
and new software, while non-digital natives spend a different way. For example, reading a website is
a lot of time reading manuais and worrying about different from reading a book, so digital natives
computer viruses. In fact, many parents try to save are good at finding the information they need and
time by asking their thildren to teach them how to choosing what they want to read. So perhaps
use new technology! teachers need to change the way they teach and
use more technology in c1ass- because the number
ofdigital natives will keep increasing!
~~ rh'"'le~s
. 0


LanguaKe~ocu~ _ :2 Complete the sentences in the left-hand column of

Second conditíonal Exercise 1 so that they are true for you.
If I had more- time-. I would 90 to the- c.ine-ma
Look at the examples and complete the rules. more- ofte-n.

lf lleft my phone at home, I would go home to get it. :; Do you think these things are probable (P) or
I would only send a text message if I had no other improbable (I) in your life? Make a first or second
choice. conditional sentence for each one.
To form the second conditional we use:
1 my computer breaks down
If + , would + .
I - lf mi c.ompute-r broKe- down, I would
The contracted form of would is 105e- alI mi worK.
The negative form of would is . 2 lose my mobile
Note: The if clause can come either before or after 3 appear on television
the main clause. 4 do an online English course
Look at the examples and complete the rules. 5 go to the gym every day
6 be sunny tomorrow
First conditional:
7 fail my exams
If you caIl him, he will be reaIly happy. 8 get a new job
If I have enough money, I will buy a new mobile .
Second conditional: .c; Compare your sentences with a partner. Would you
If Angelina Jolie caIled him, he would be really happy. do the same things?
If I had a lot of money, I would buy a new laptop.
We use the .._ conditional for situations that are Listening
likely to happen.
We use the _ conditional for situations that are
impossible, imaginary orvery unlikely to happen.
Choose the correct ending for the rule.
We can use the second conditional to talk about the
present or past / present or future.
See Reference Guide, p. 74.
See Workbook, pp. 57-8, exs. 7-5.

'd and 'li
1 M Listen to these conditional sentences. In which
do you hear 'd and in which do you hear 'lI?

2 Turn to Reference Guide, page 55, and look at transcript

9.2. Practise saying the sentences with short forms.

1 Match the columns to make sentences in the second
M You
M Listen
the whole 3c)e)d)
to hear
toone phone
of a lot
and your
Listen and
soguess what the
match conversations
other speaker is
have a
re sport, b) I would study more to do.
1 If I had more time,~ a) I wouldn't know what
~r 14 :2007; La5l. up@JM b~
th,m<>oo !1'.ímrte a;<>
~ h-~-";.,-o. ?-nt ~_~""" ,?-.-",,»\ •. '1";.~~~~ ~"',:..~ .<:.....,.~.'"" "F'" ""'c~,,;!.)7--< '1i'ft~"A
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,~}f T'~'""" l~,*,,\""'<"'!~~

towards compromi5-e deal
í ,I!I 1
I!I,:i !I
!í -I

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Vocabulary Listening~_~I?~aking~~ _
The íntemet
(5) Listen to Nat talking about his
favourite website and choose the
Look at the websites, Which ones do Vou know?
correct screenshot from above.
2 Which website would vou visit if vou wanted to
Listen again and answer the questions.
a) read the latest news?
b) search for websites? 1 How often does Nat visit the
c) buy and seI! things? website. and for how long'(
2 What is his favourite section of the
d) look up information?
.j Look at these lists of words. Which verbs can go with which nouns? 3 What other features does he
Verbs Nouns
4 Does Nat only get information
chat to the Internet fram the Internet?
download music
e-mail photographs ~; Discuss these questions with a partner,
log into a message 1 How much time do you spend
look up your friends online?
post video clips 2 V!hat are ycu favourite websites?
send a website 3 What do you use them for?
surf information
upload a chat room
a file
c\o'tm\o"c\ mu\Õic. ! pnotogràpn\Õ

Language focus
1 Discuss these questions. Reported statements
1 Have you cver used a chat room?
M Listen and complete the reported statements.
2 If you met someone in a chat room,
wou1d you meet them face to face? Direct statement Reported statement
Iam talI anel hanelsome. 1 He tolel me that he ,<,!;jf? talI
:2 Read this chat rüom conversation and and handsome.
answer the questions. Iam living in a fantastic ~ 2 He said he in a
1 Do the two peop1e know each fiat. fantastic fiat.
other well? I will take you to a smart ~ 3 He said that he .....................
2 Have they met before? restaurant. to a smart restaurant.
3 What do you think will happen on I have bought you a ~ 4 He told me he me a
their date? special present. special present.
I studied at Oxford. ~ 5 He said he at Oxford.
Cute_Chick_24: 80, shall we meet Complete the rules for the tense changes.
up and have a drink? Direct statement Reported statement
Present Simp1e ~ 'Past Simp1e
~ Past Continuous
wilI + infinitive ~ .............................

Cute_Chick_24: What are you doing ~ !

was were going to
at the weekend? Present Perfect ~ .
~ Past Perfect (or Past Simp1e)
Boy_NexCDoor: On Sunday, nothing. Complete the rules for using said and told.
Cute_Chick_24: Let's eat out. We use + object + (that) + statement
We use + (that) + statement
Note: Using that to introduce a reported statement is optional.

See Reterence Guide, p. 74. See Workbook, pp. 58-9, exs. 6-8.


1 Rewrite these direct statements as reported statements.

1 Vou are really funny. (He said) rle. D21iel.t021t I ,,"21Dre.a\\i funni-
2 We'll be at the restaurant at 9pm. (\'Ve to1d her)
3 I've sent him 10ts of e-mails but I haven't met him. (She said)
4 We went home straight after the meal. (She to1d me)
5 In the summer I'm going to study English in Seatt1e. (He said)
6 They are really excited about their date. (She said)

3 66) Listen to Cute_Chick_24 telling a 2 Write two false sentences and one true sentence about yourself. Read
friend about her date with your partner's sentences and guess which facts are true and false.
BOLNext_Door. Answer the questions. 'Soe. Daiel.toat DOe.,,"21D\e.21rning Coine.De.. I toin\( toat' D faIDe.. 'Soe.
1 Did the date go well? 021te.DDtuel.iing!
2 Where did they go?
3 What happened in the end? The Real Thing: No way!
4 What does she think about chat
rooms now?
1 Look at Cute Chick_24's final comment. Underline the correct
word in sentences 1-2 below.

4 Boy _Next_Door told lots of lies. Listen 1'11 never go back into a chat room again in my life! No way!
again. For each topic, write down what 1 She's sure that she will! won't go back.
he said, and the truth. 2 No way! is a formal! an informal expression.
a) physica1 appearance
2 Write responses to these statements, using No way!
b) job
c) home 1s it easy to leam to drive? No wai! I founel. it re.alli el.iffiwlt.
d) education 1 Do you think the Green Party will win the election?
e) present 2 Do you want to work late tonight?
3 Are you going shopping on Saturday?
21}'S2Iiel.:oe. ,,"2IDt2l11 2Inel.02lnel.Dome.,
Truto: oe. ,,"2IDDoort M Listen and compare. Which word is stressed in No way!
-" Look at the verbs in bold in Exercise 2. Which verbs
don't have an object?
r What can go wrong with the following equipment?
4 Which of these sentences is incorrect? Why?
(~ alarm doek Iaptop mierowave ~
\,-~_~~_~~~<:lc.:.-0pier DVD pIayer /) 1 You have to turn on the machine.
2 You have to turn the machine on.
69'J Listen to three people talking about the problems 3 You have to turn on it.
they have had. What equipment are they talking about? 4 You have to turn it on.
Listen again. What happened ín each case?
Have you ever had a problem Iike thís? What happened?
Givillg instructions

Yº~ªpula~y~ ~ _ 1 Complete these instructions using verbs from the

vocabulary section and the words in brackets.
~lélClline nouns and verbs
1 Firs1, unwind the power eable and _~ __ Ut).
i Match pictures a-d to nouns 1-4. 2 Nex1, ~ (the machine) using the power
1 button 2 light 3 pIug 4 switeh button.
3 Then, eheek that the bag is not full. A red light
will when you need to ehange the bago
4 After that, pus h the machine over the earpet to
elean it. If you want to elean hard floors,
____ (the brush fUl1ction).
5 Finally, (the machine), unplug i1,and
put it away.
Which machine are these instructions for?

, I'.)

/é Now write instructions for another machine. Can your

partner guess what it is?


• Mark the stress on these words. Underline the

syllables with the (ari sound.
rriobile file dial website private mierowave
flash drive satellite

z 6iOJ Listen and check. Practice saying the words.

L Rank these technology problems from most serious (1 )

to least serious (8). Which problems have you had?
a) My alarm didn't go of1'.
b) There was nowhere to plug in my laptop.
e) I forgot to switch off and unplug the iron.
d) The photoeopier took ages to warm up.
e) I ran out of petrol beeause the warning light
hadn't come on.
f) I forgot to turn the light offwhen I went out.
g) I couldn't turn the TV on, 50 I missed my
favourite programme.
h) I didn't know which button to press to switch
rny MP3 player on!


aG,Listen to three telephone conversations. Work in pairs. 'Have phone conversations for the
For each one, decide if it is a business or a following situations. Take turns to be the caller and to
personal call. Which words helped you decide? answer the phone. Use the chart below to help you.
The caller wants to speak to:
~> Listen again and answer the questions.
1 Chris Leavy about a business meeting on Friday.
1 What happens to ali three callers? 2 his/her friend Dave about going to the cinema
2 Which caller: tomorrow.
a) speaks to the switchboard? 3 his/her classmate about yesterday's homework.
b) leaves his name? 4 Sue Walker about a job advertisement.
c) gets a mobile number?
Person answering phone Caller
-. Look at the expressions below. Are they from
Greet the pe;::;;on'
a business call (8) or a personal call (P)? who answers.
The cal ler
C0~ Ask for the
Ask for the
a) Yeah, thanks. It's Nick. ? caller's name.
person you want
b) It's Denise Forrest here. to speak to.
c) I'll try again later.
d) r d like to speak to Mandy Stephenson, while you find the
Ask they want.
the caller to waJ<'t~ Give yc:..urn_am0
The person who receives the call
e) Sorry, he's not in at the momento
f) Yeah. Anything else?
.' .~ SayOK. )
g) How can I help you? and ask if they want
h) Just one moment, please. toTell
person is aunava.ilable
the message.
caller th~' / . .
i) I'm afraid he's engaged.
j) Hold the line, please, and I'll put you _~ / Leave a message:J
through. message.
k) Hang on a secoI'll just get a peno ~akethe ( Thank the person"
1) Can I ask who's calling? and say goodbye.
Listen again and check your answers. ( S<1)TÇJ~o~bye.

Retail therapy
Vox pops

[14:15-15:39] Watch the vox pops and

answer the on-screen questions.

1 Watch again. Who says it?

1 I hate shopping.
2 Like ai/ women, I lave to shop.
3 / normally spend my money on clothes,
music and eating out.

2 Test your memory. Complete the gaps. Tracey

JULlETA: I a house if I had
more money. While you watch
IQBAL: If I had more money, / would buy a Sequence 1 [15:40-17:05]
__ house.
JULlETA: I buy in Spain. Tracey is an actress. She lives in London and she loves shoppingl
OLlVER: Julieta buys my clothes __
Watch the sequence and answer the questions.
__ inSpain.
IQBAL: I buy my clothes from __ o

1 Work in pairs. Are these statements true (T) 01' false (F)? If
Watch again and check your answers. false, explain why.
1 Tracey is from the United States. f-
~\le.'" fram C.otloc\à
Beforeyou watch 2 Tracey has lived in London for eight years.
3 Tracey's husband is from England
1 Discuss in pairs. 4 The only problem with London is that it is expensive.
1 Do you like shopping? 5 Tracey particularly likes the cinema in London.
2 What do you spend your money on? 6 Tracey doesn't run heI' own business.
3 How many designeI' labels can you think of?
2 Watch the sequence again. TicK the adjectives that you hear.
2 What's the difference, do you think, amazing beautiful buzzy exciting exhilarating
between these two shops? What can you fantastic fun great incredible./ rewarding
buy in each? '- satisfying terrible unbelievable wonderful /

Which adjectives refer to a) London, b) the theatre and c) both?

incre.c:\ible. - Lonc:\on

Sequence 2 [17:06-19:271
Watch the sequence and answer the questions.

1 Who says it - Tracey 01' the shop assistant?

1 Gan I help you at ali? ,,\lap o""iôtotlt
Bond Street, London 2 Oh, I don't know ... medium-ish.
3 Well, this is quite nice, isn't it?
4 Do you like the length? Do you /ike the colour?
5 I qUite like this. How much is this one?
6 How do you pay? Cash 01' card?
7 OK, /'11 take itl

2 Test your memory.

1 How many coats does Tracey try on in the sequence?
2 How much does Tracey's~oat cosP
;) How does she pay for iP

Camden Market, London

Sequence 3 [19:28--21 :02] Global fashion
li Watch the sequence and answer the
questions. 1 Nowadays, designe r labels are everywhere - Nike ... Ralph
Lauren ... Lacoste! How many of these fashion labels can you
1 Tick the adjectives which Tracey uses to identify?
describe her taste in clothes.
casual.! designer elegant formal
informal second-hand smart stylish

2 Which item of clothing does she think

people should wear more?
a) hats b) jeans

:J What does she buy in Camden Market?

a) a white jacket b) a white shirt

4 Why does she Iike shopping in markets?

a) It's very cheap.
b) There's a great variety of clothing.

Sequence 4 [21 :03-22:38] 2 Match the fashion labels with their countries of origin on the
map. (Some of the labels come from the same country.)
11· Watch the sequence and answer the
questions. 8urberry Hugo 80ss Camper Dolce and Gabbana
Tommy Hilfiger Donna Karan (DKNY) Lacoste
1 What can Tracey buy in London? Tick the
things you hear.
bãgs jewellery leather goods shoes
trousers umbrellas wallets watches

2 What are the differences between shopping

in London and Canada? Circle the correct

London is more expensive / cheaper than , )

2 Shopping in Canada is not as excitíng /
as exciting as shopping in London.
3 The inside of shops in Canada are older /
newer than in London.

:J Which is Tracey's favourite department ;$ Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

store? Why? 1 Which other fashion designers do you know?
a) Selfridges b) Harrods c) Fenwicks 2 Where do you think your clothes are made? Why?
3 Do you think people from different countries wear different
Watch the whole DVD again and answer the kinds of clothes?
on-screen questions. 4 What's fashionable in your country at the moment? Think of
colours, clothes and styles.
After you watch
4 Can you complete the fashion quiz? Answer the questions with
Can you remember? Work in pairs. What the correct fashion designer.
clothes do we see Tracey wearing during the
(Calvin Klein Gianni Versace Carolina Herrera Ralp~Laurer0
Who '"
1 started their career making ties?
2 was shot in 1997?
3 . is well known for underwear?
4 used controversial adverts?
5 is famous for women's clothes?
6 has a perfume called 202?

Flashback 3
1 a Mateh the extraets (1-6)
•Money • •
the newspaper seetions (a-c).
b Classify the important
voeabulary from Exereise 1a
into a) money, b) gossip or ... a government study reports that mobile phones don't
c) teehnology. represent a hea1th risk ...
c) mobile. pnone.

c In pairs, add five more words

and expressions to each list.
Look at Units 7-9 to help you.
o ... most people can't afford to save and have to borrow
cash to buy a new car ...

Writing & Speaking

.,. the majority of people have a laptop but, in the future,
1 a Work in pairs. Turn to page
® most people \vill probably use a palmtop .,.

b (F3":1") Listen to the phone

eonversations. Compare them ... make sure it's plugged in. Then switch it on and you'll
with your versions. see a red light ...
c Role-play your eonversations .

Language focus ® ... confirming the rumour that the 23-year-old celebrity is
spending time at a Los Angeles drug rehabilitation centre ...
1 Write the news story from the
notes. Use the correet form of
the underlined verbs in the
aetive or passive. waiters don't earn a big salary but most people leave a tip .. ,

Text message C.\imbe.r re."we. '{%te.rdil'{ ilfkr

ne.\ic:opte.r to find him.
te.l'-t me.""ilge. he.\p

saves man's tire Don C.\, 3S, c.\imb in 'Snowdoniil whe.n ne. L'll\

. ,x
anel bre.ilk il \e.g

He. u"e. hi" pnone. to make qqq'{\\ ilnc\

re."we. ne.\ic.opte.r f>e.n.:tto \ook for him.

He.lic.opte.r c.iln't find c.\imbe.r ilnd pilot dtc.ide. to

f>e.nelte.l'-t me.""ilge.. Mr C.le.e." me.""ilge. ilnel
phone he.\ic.opte.r. 'Pi\ot u"e.\\ to \Oc.ilte him.

Mr C.lee."e. tilke. to ho"pitil\ in oilngor but he. f>e.nel

home. e.ilrl'{ thi" morning.

A climber was rescued yesterday after a text

'I @ÍY..f: phone. il5 il C.hrif>tmil5 pre·~,e.nt,' he. "iliel. 'Ir"
message helped a helicopter to find him. the. be.5t prene,nt I f,ve.r hill/f'.

Don Cleese, 38 .. ,

Flashback 3

2 a Complete the quiz with wi/I or would.

Do you lave the world af gossip?

1 If there 's a programme on TV tonight about rhe 4 If a colieague is gossiping in your office tomorrow,
private lives of famous people, you ... ___ you ...
a) watch ir? a) pay fuli attention?
b) swirch to a different channe1? b) ignore him / her?
c) have it on in the background? c) pretend not to listen?
2 If you won the lottery, you ... 5 If a famous sports / music personality comes to
a) teli your story to ali the newspapers? your town in the near future, you ...
b) keep it secret? a) wait for hours to see them?
c) teli only your family and friends? b) read about ir in the newspaperthe next day?
3 If you could meet anyone in the world, _ c) go to see them ifyour friends want to?
you ... 6 Vou go to a TV studio if ...
a) meet a popular star? a) ali your friends could see you.
b) meet a politician? b) there was a serio~s debate.
c) meet SOlTleOneyou've adrnired for a long time? c) it was a show you realiy liked.

b In pairs, ask and answer the questions. Turn to the

results key on page 124. Do you agree? 1) This is the thlrd month of the touro Are you very
3 Complete the gossip column using the interview notes.
'J'm very happy with the touro Everythlng's going well.
We started the tour eight weeks ago and the public
has been fantastic:
2) Have you had time to see London?
'Well, i got up very late and haven't had time to go
out. But i'll be back later in the year and 1'/1 spend a
blt more time here:

3) Is It true that you've split up with your husband'?

'Everythlng's fine between usoWe've decided to spend
some time apart for artistic reasons:

Put together a class magazine. Work in groupsand

choose one of the article ideas below.

1 Write an article about how technology, e.g. a

mobile phone, saved someone's life.

2 Write a questionnaire asking what your classmates

will / would do in different situations.

Lilita was in town this week on touro After the gig

I spoke to her. 3 Interview a famous person.

I asked her if she was very tired but she said a Work in two groups. Choose a famous person
that 511e-wà5 ve-ri l1àPPi witl1 tl1e- tour ànd tl1àt and write questions.

e-ve-ritl1in9 ... b Work with someone frem the other group.

Role-play the interview, then swap roles.
When I asked her if she'd had time to see
London, she said ... c Write a report of your interview.

We ali want to know if there's any truth in the Put ali the articles together, and read your magazine!
rumours about her marriage. She said ...

Global chat
• Adverbs • Words of foreign origin • !tIl & Ik/
• Relative pronouns: who, which, that, where • Giving advice

Culture shock Listening

1 (íô.1) Listen and match expats Carl, Marina and Ellen
with cities a-c and jobs i-iii.
i lawyer ii English teacher iii tour guide
Discuss these questians.
2 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) ar false (F)?
1 Think of five reasons why people move to other
If false, explain why.
2 Would you lilzeto live in a foreign country? If so, 1 Carl uses Chinese in his job, í
where? If not, why not? 2 He spends most of his time with locais.
3 What problems do people have when they move 3 Marina is trying hard to improve her Arabic.
abroad? 4 She would like a new job.
4 If you lived abroad, would you socialise with 5 Ellen didn't like living in Japan when she
people from your country or try to learn the couldn't speak the language.
language and meet the locais? 6 She speaks to her Japanese boyfriend's
friends and family in English.

3 (íÕ2JListen to Car!, Marina and Ellen discussing strategies for Practice
language learning. Matd-I the speakers with the techniques in the
pictures (a-c). 1 Make adverbs from these adjectives.
automatic bad careful
eventual fantastic fast fortunate
good happy incredible lazy
normal punctual sad serious
stráight strange terrible

2 Use any adverb to complete the

sentences so they are true about you.

4 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 I usually write English very o

2 I \A/Titedown new words in

1 Who talks about the following? What do they say? my notebook.
a) vocabulary d) reading 3 I don't like people who speak .
b) speaking e) following a conversation 4 , I have never been to _
c) technical terms (choose a place name).
2 Who is happy with his / her progress? Who is unhappy? Why? 5 If I Jived abroad, I would _
eat local food.
5 Do you think these âre good ar bad strategies for learning
6 I think I did this exercise _
English? Why? Can you think of any other good ories?
3 Compare your answers in groups. Who
Language focus are you most similar to?
(Ío3). Listen and complete the sentences with the adverbs you hear
1I carry the book around with me.
!tJI chat and Ikl cat
2 I can learn 50 words every week. 1 [oÃ')Listen and complete the sentences.
3 I read very . 1 , I'm able to traveI a lot.
4 I get a chance to speak.
2 , I missed the bus.
5 Now I can speak quite
3 He arrived very

6 I can talk in Japanese now.

4 they left the party.

Divide the adverbs from the sentences above into two groups: 2 Listen again and mark the stress on the
Adverbs of manner: CjUiC.k\'1 adverbs. What sounds do these words
Adverbs offrequency: $ome-time.$ have in common?
Complete the table with rules for forming an adverb from an adjective:
3 G5! Underline the /tJ/ sounds that you
Adjective Adverb Rule hear.
stupid stupidly :!:..\.'1 . chaos character chatting chemist
terrible terribly Y.: .... :!:..'I. . chocolate choose headache
lucky lucki1y match research rich
basic basically
beautiful beautifully Which words don't have a /tJ/ sound?
usual usually How else is ch sometimes pronounced?

Note: Some adverbs are irregular or don't change. 4 6l6'J Listen and repeat these words with
good ~ well fast ~ fast straight ~ straight /tJ/.
Look at the examples and complete the rules: adventure catch chicken child
I can speak quite fluent1y. furniture future kitchen picture
Adverbs of manner usually go at the of the sentence. switch unfortunately culture
I always carry the book around with me.
I can usually learn 50 words every week.
I'm often wrong.
Adverbs of frequency usually go the main verb, but
the verb to be.

See Reference Guide, p. 75. See Workbook, pp. 66-7, exs. 1-4.

Small tall< The Real Thing: kind of / loads of / about

7 G9J Listen and match the speakers (1-4) with the pictures I
Speaking & Listening (a-d). Do we use kind of, loads af and abaut to mal<e
something more or less specific? r

1 Discuss these questions.

1 What is small talk?
2 When do people make small talk?

3 Which of these topics are good for

small talk? Which do you like talking
weather religion recent news
sports polities your weekend
personallife events
friends school / work

2 fo?J Listen to five people making small talk. !

ViJhichtopics are they talking about? What I
words helped you decide?
TopiG: we.atne.r
, I
Worel,,:, wlel
Ii I
3 68) Listen to the rest of the last dialogue "
and answer these questions.
1 Where did the woman go? I •
2 What did she do?
3 How did she feel the next day? I
4 Listen again and mark these sentences as I
true (T) or false (F).
1 She counted the number of people in
the cocktail bar.
2 Listen again and complete the phrases. II
1 It's big for you, isn't it? II
2 She doesn't say how many margaritas 2 There's chilli in this. I
she drank. I
3 She describes the nightclub in a lot of
3 He was tall. And he looked forty. I
4 \Nalk up that road for __ half a kilometre.
detail. I
4 She isn't sure what time they went 3 Which phrase is used here to be vague about ...
a) a quantity of something.
5 Gn Sunday, she got up at exactly 3
b) information (size or height). I
c) a number (age or time). I - ~
Tum to transcript 10.8 on pages 58-59 of
the Grammar Reference and check your 4 Describe your weekend to a partner. Try to use kind af,
r I
answers. laads af and abaut.

Vocab_ulaCy . I,
Words of foreign origin
1 Which of these English words are used in your language?
Are the words used in the same way in English?
0001 fashion feeling internet look úK ~)
~ party sandwieh show walkman weekend ./
2 These words are used in English but come from other
languages. What do the words mean?

au pair bungalow chie "

macho sauna shampoo siesta

Check your answers in a dictionary. I

3 {o'~i1ar:~ the stress on the words in Exercise 2 and guess I,
which language they come from. Then listen and check. I,,

ReadinR- & Speaking 3 Test your partner. What do these
numbers in the text refer to?
1 Read this article on Spanglish in I'Jew York. Which is the best title? 1 1.2 million 3 400,000
a) Spanç:.rlish - a dead language 2 1 in 5 4 3rd
b) A history of Spanglish
c) Spanglish invades New York 4 Discuss these questions.
d) Spanglish - in defence of a new language 1 Are there any regions in
your country where two
2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? If false, explain why.
languages are spoken? Do the
1 The Spanish-speaking population has grown very fast recently. í tvvo languages get confused?
2 More people are interested in studying Spanish than before.
2 Do you know any other
3 Spanglish is mainly used in formal contexts.
languages that have been
4 Norma Rodríguez doesn't notice when she is speaking Spanglish. mixed like this? Can you think
5 Juan Cortés doesn't speak Spanglish because he feels stupid when
of any other languages that
he tries.
might be mixed with English?
6 Most academics don't like Spanglish because they see it as vulgar.

In which city can you read signs like 'Aparca your car aquí' or 'Cuidado
con 10s pickpockets'? Travelguide investigates.
1.2 million Hispanics live in the Big Apple and one life now: 'Sometimes, you don't realise that
in five New Yorkers speaks Spanish at home. In you're mixing the two languages. You just hear
the last ten years, the Hispanic population has them both alI the time and find that you're
grown by 400,000. This reflects the enormous inventing new words.' Other people, however,
increase in the Hispanic population in the States. are fighting against this new street language.
There are now 42 million Hispanics resident in the Businessman Juan Cortés sees it as a sign that the
USA, representing 15% of the total population. Spanish language is being destroyed. 'It' s
difficult, but I try not to speak it - it feels vulgar
There is a new language, SPANGLISH - a tome.'
strange mixture of Spanish and English - which
is invading the city. TheNew York Times recent1y Meanwhile, a surpnsmg number of academics
said that it had become the city's third official have spokenin favour of Spanglish. José María
language. Its use is colloquial and often limited Ruiz, from NY State University, even runs courses
to short sentences and signs. Many New Yorkers in Spanglish and has written a dictionary. 'It is a
now .' wear .socketines on· their. feet, drop dialogue between two languages and cultures.
something on the carpeta, shopfor grocerias and We have to accept that languages change and
have cornfley ('cornflakes') for breakfast. evolve. The only languages that never change are
dead ones.'
Norma Rodríguez, a 45-year-old Cuban living in
Washington Heights, says it forms a part of heI'

2 Read the article again and find ideas to complete the
World lingo table.
Reasons people have to Reasons people choose to
Listening learn a new language learn a new language

A Listen to five people speaking in different languages

and answer the questions.
1 Can you guess which languages they are speaking?
2 Each person is saying the same thing in their Add some of your own to each column.
language. What are they saying?
3 Can you say something in any other languages? 3 Find words in the article that mean.
What can you say? 1 dead; no Ionger here
2 people entering another pIace and taking contraI
Reading & Speaking 3 the movement of people from one place to another
4 power; contraI; importance
1 Rank these languages from the highest ( 1 ) to the lowest
5 in danger of disappearing ar dying out
(5) number of native speakers( 5).
Arabic Mandarin Chinese 4 Discuss these questions.
_ English _ Spanish 1 How many languages are spoken in your country?
_ Hindi 2 Which are becoming more ar less common. Why?
Now read the article and check your answers. 3 Do you think the same languages will be used in
your country in 200 years?
4 Should we try to save endangered languages?
5 How can people make sure a language does not
become extinct?
Languages in Danger!
There are over 6,000 languages in the world today, but
experts have published a study which predicts that more Because so many people speak these languages, they
than half of these wil! become extinct within the next have become the major globaIIanguages in business,
hundred years. They give three main reasons why these films, music, and the internet. This means that even
languages are in danger. more people want to Iearn them and, as a result, they
One reason is invasion. Countries take over other areas where become even more dominant. EngIish, for exampIe, is
now spoken as a first ar additionallanguage by over I
people speak a different Ianguage. This means that the people
biUion people - nearly a sixth of the world's population.
need to start speaking the language of their new rulers.
This dominance clearly causes smaller languages to die
Another reason is migration. This could be because of war,
out. Some people think that this is a good thing. They
disaster 01'the search for work. When they move to a new
say that communication wiU be easier, cheaper and
country, these people need to Iearn the 10caIIanguage.
quicker. Others beIieve we should pratect endangered
Perhaps the main reason, however, is the dominance of the languages. These people beIieve that when a Ianguage
world's most common native Ianguages - .Mandarin dies, many of the traditions of the speakers are Iost
Chinese (870 miUion speakers), Spanish (320 miUion too. They argue that we can use the Ianguage to Iearn
speakers), EngIish (310 million' speakers), Arabic (200 a Iot about the history and cuIture of the people that
million speakers) and Hindi (180 milIion speakers). speak it.

870 million peopie now

speak Mandar!n Chinese
as their first ianguage.
Language focus Practice
Relative pronouns: who, which, that where 7 Complete the sentences vvith who, that, which or where.

Experts have pllblished a study. 1 New York is a city wne-re-lots of people speak
It says many 1anguages ,,\1i11 becomc extinct. Spanish.
-.- Experts have pub1ished a study that -# says 2 Gaelic is a language is dying out.
many languages will becorne extinct. 3 People are bilingual are very lucky.
4 German is the language 1 want to learn
We use who, wmch, and that to replace pronouns (he,
right now.
she, it etc.l when we join two sentences together.
5 The Basque country is a p]ace many
We can aiso use where to join tVI10sentences together. people speak two languages.
Countries take over other areas. 6 The thing r find most difficult in English
In other areas, peop1e speak a different 1anguage. is the pronunciation.
-.- COllntries take over other areas In othe! arcas
where peop1e speak a different 1anguage. 2 Join the tvvo sentences using who, theit, which or where.

Look at the examples and complete the rules.

1 r went to an area of Canada.
Peop1e move to areas where they can get better jobs. They speak French and English there.
I we.r.t to an are-a pf Canada wne-re- tne-i npe-a\(.
Peop1e 1eam the 1angllage which / that is spoken in
fre-nGl, ana Cng\inl1.
their new cmmtry.
2 Patagonia is a place in Argentina.
There are lots of students who / that study English In Patagonil1 some peoplé speak Wélsh.
We use or for things. 3 r have a friend.
We use or for people. He can speak five ]anguages.
We use for places. 4 Eyak is an endangered ]anguage.
rt is spoken in Alaska.
See Reference Guide, p. 75. 5 L.L. Zamenhof was a doctor.
See Workbook, pp. 67-8, exs. 5-8. He invented a language called Esperanto.

Writing & Speaking

Countries whose first language is ...
1 Ask and ansvver these quiz questions vvith a partner.
Who can get the most correet answers?

Language quiz
1 Name five countries where people
speak English as a first language.
2 Name the five languages that have
the most speakers.
3 Name three celebrities who can
speak two languages.
4 Name three countries which use
more than one main language.
5 Name two countries where
hundreds of different languages
are spoken.

2 In pairs, write your own quiz. Choose your own topie

or use one of these ideas:

capital cities famous people food

your town or city
English words we learned recently
3 Swap partners and ask your new partner the
questions. How many ean he / she answer correetly?
In and aut af class Reading"--
1 Look at the advert and answer the questions,

1 What is the advert for?

2 How does the product or service work?
Which of these ways of learning a language have you tried? 3 How much does it cost?
Which do you think is the best / worst way to learn? 4 How can you buy it?
1 going to classes once a week
2 Discuss these questions with a partner.
2 doing an online course
3 going to an English-speaking country for a month 1 Do you think the product will work?
4 going out with an English-speaking person Why / Why not?
5 studying at home with special books and / or CDs 2 What kind of person is the advert trying
6 listening to songs and watching TV in English to attract?
3 What do you think of this product?

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Global chat

1 Look at this list of languages. Whi:::h one would you 1 ~ Listen to four different teachers giving
most like to learn? Why? students some advice about studying. What
~ Anlbic French Japanese do the students want help with?
~ Portuguese Russian Spanish 1 writing letters in English
2 learning new words
2 ~ Listen to three people trying to persuade a friend
3 reading English newspapers
to learn one of these languages. Which languages are
they talking about? Which words helped you decide? 2 Listen again. What advice does each
teacher give?

1 fortugue.;>,e. Braz.ilian 3 ~ Complete the sentences with the teachers'

advice. Then Iisten to check your answers.
~ Language Words that helped
1 If I were you, I would ...
3 Listen again and look at the reasons for learning a 2 You ought to .
language below. Which reasons are mentioned in 3 You should .
conversations 1, 2 and 3? 4 I recommendI
a because he / she likes the culture
4 What do you think of this advice? Which idéa
b because it will be good for his / her career do you like best? Why?
c because he / she wants to go on holiday
d because the language is becoming more popular 5 Work in pairs. What advice would you give to
e because not many people speak the language these students?
f because he / she might move abroad

4 Can you think of any other reasons why people study

11 I want to do better ir'lmy exams. )
languages? Why are you studying English?
12 I want to improve my listening SkillS.)
Speaking 13 I want to practise speaking.)
1 Look at these rules for teachers and students at a
language school. Are these good rules or bad rules?
14" I want to study on the train every day.)
Why? 5 I want to understand films
and songs in English.

SUPER STRICT ENGLlSH ACADEMY 16 I want to use my computer to study. )

The TEACHER should:
• always set lots of homework
• always speak in English
• always correct students' mistakes
• often set surprise exams

The STUDENTS should:

• always sit in the same seat
• always speak in full sentences
• always writedown new words
• never use bilingual dictionaries

2 In groups, think of your own rules for teachers and

students. Does everyone agree?

Street styles
• -inQ form • Clothes nouns and adJectives • Ji & /:;/
• AdJective order • Street styles • Clothes ShOpplIlg
• The infinitive

o look
Clothes adjectives
1 Look at the photos and describe each look.
Which do you find most attractive? Why?

;> Match the opposites.

2 casual b) unfashionable
3 trendy c) tight
41 formal~a)
tidy d) informal
5 baggy e) scruffy

Re@ing & Listening

1 Match Matt, Alice, Lucy and Edwardwith texts 1-4.

2 Describe yourself and people you know. Use the

adjectives above.
M,/ c.ou5in alwa,/5 100\:::55mart. He- wcar5 a wit
and tie- e-ve-r,/ da,/-

3 Look at the four photos again. What type of

people do you think they are? Can you tell
somebody's character from their 'Iook'?
4 (íü) Listen to the four people describe their
personalities. Were you correct? Which two
believe their clothes reflect their personality?
S Each speaker uses three adjectives to describe their personality.
Listen again and make a note of them.
Matt: e-a5,/-going 0.0 I prefer wearing scruffy
Look at transcript 11.1 on page 60 of the Reference Guide o clothes, like old jeans. I haven't bo\!ght
and check your answers.
( anylabels.
new Buying
clothes in ages. fram
clothes I can'tsecond-nand
shops and markets is fun, and sometimes
you can find real bargains.

Looking after my
appearance is really imponant. I love
looking smart because ir makes me feeI better
about myself. I shave every day and put on a
nice, ironed shirt. It's simple; wearing good
clothes gives me confídence. Dressing up
for special occasions is really
as well.
Street styles
--_._---~--~ I
I•. ~.
.' .•..•....•..•..
. I
pronunga!ion . ~ __ â2.~ªl5.i.D~ __
I, r'a' •.-L'
ci7iC') 'r,I J :::>j~.1
L~J ICJ -n"Llol-..-."
C ...i_' Changes of look
,iU) Listen to trlese words. Can vou hear
the difference in pronunciation of the
underlined letters?
fashion /J/ cas.ual /3/

-, M Listen and tick (.I") the words with a/fi

occasion option.l" passion pleasure
special sweatshirt television treasure

Language focus
________ •. _ .. u. n ~


Match examples 1-2 with rules a-b.

1 I prefer wearing scruffy c1othes.
2 Dressing up is really good fun.
You can use the -ing form:
a) as the subject of a sentence.
b) after certain verbs (e.g. like, avoid, finishJ.

Find two more examples of each type in the

texts on page 98.
We often use the -ing form after verbs of
like / dislike.
How many can Vou find in the texts? Which
ones have similar meanings?

See Reterence Guíde, p. 76.

See Workbook, p. 72, exs. 7-2.

Complete the sentences with the -íng form of
trlese verbs.

G~ put ~ dressup

1 'Putting on make-up is a waste of time.


2 I like a lot of gel in my hair. 1 What do vou know about the people in the photos? What are
3 I'm not into second-hand clothes they famous for?
in markets. I prefer new things.
2 In pairs, discuss how their looks have changed. Describe the
4 I hate my job. as a model would be
photos and any other looks Vou can remember.
much more fun.
5 I adore in strange clothes. Dâvicl.B>ee-knâ nâve \onger nâir but tnen ...
6 I have a shave every day. I can't stand 3 Write sentences about how vou have changed your image ar
___ scruffy. look. You could include details of haircut, glasses, clothes etc.
7 a suit and tie is uncomfortable,
but I need to look smart at work. t uDed to \ove v.leâring b\âe-k dotheD, but nov.l ...
8 I don't mind more to have 4 Give your sentences to your teacher. You will be given someone
comfortable shoes. else's sentences. Ask other students questions until Vou find out
who wrote them.
How many of the sentences do vou agree with?
A: f-.âDnicl.,aia '(ou UDeto v.lear g\âDDeD?
\2-;No, \ aian't.
A: On, Ok. 'PâU\â, dia '(ou UDeto v.lC-ârg\a%eD?
'P: YeD, I aia.
A: Greât! Ana aia '(ou ...

Vocabul~,-,"-y~__~ __
ClotrlE5 DUns. a

,j Match the words (1-20) with the pictures (a-t).

1 belt r 11 skirt
2 blouse 12 socks
3 boots 13 suit
4 boxers 14 sweater
5 cap 15 tie
6 coat 16 tights
7 fleece 17 tracksuit
8 high heels 18 trainers
9 scarf 19 trousers
10 shirt 20 T-shirt

4 Put the clothes into these categories.

singular I plural

be.\t I trou5e-r5

upper body [lower body II both

f\e.e.c.e. 150C.k5

_ Put these adjectives into categories: material,

colou r or age.
--.----- ,--- -- --_.,.--~-_.-

bIack cotton green Ieather new

old pink red second-hand silk
c.o\our - b\àC.k

I...ªngué.'lge focus

Look at the sentence and complete tlle rule for adjective

order with these categories: material, colour; age.
An old black leather jacket.
The arder is: 1 ,2 J 3 ..
See Reterence Guide, p. 76.
See Workbook, pp. 72-3, exs. 3-5.


- Put these clothes descriptions into the correct order.

1 a plastic beIt red à re.d p\à5tiC. be.\t
2 shoes nevv brown Ieather
3 a white T-shirt cotton
4 a sweater green second-hand
5 a dress bIue silk neVl
6 boots Ieather pink
-. Work in pairs. Look at your partner for a minute
and think about how to describe him I her
Sit back to back and write a description of his I her
clothes using as many adjectives as possible.
,tI,ftel"a minute compare with the real thing.
Street styles

!:lstenLrlg_~_Y!'ritinJL _ :1 Compare your answers with your partner's.

Favourite clothes Turn to page 125. Analyse your partner's
I 641 Listen to a person describing a favourite item of clothing. Your favourite. c.olour wa" gre.e.n, 1I1i""
What is it? Is it for summer or winter? How do you know? Your Ie.a"t favourite. c.olour wa" ie.\\ow ...

2 Listen again and answer the questions. 4 What adjectives were used to describe
'1 What is it like? 4 How often does she wear it? your partner's character? Are the
2 V-lhere did she buy it? 5 What does it remind her of? adjectives positive, negative ar neutral?
3 How long has she had it?
!-aD.guage f_o_c_u__S _
.:: f'-1atchsentence beginnings a-c with categories 1- 3.
The infinitive
1 material a I've had it since / for '"
2 age b 1t reminds me of ... Match examples 1-4 with the rules a-b.
3 associations c 1t's made of '"
1 You find it difficu1t to relate to other people.
Write a description of a favourite item of clothing and read it to 2 You need to be more ambitious.
your partner. Can he I she guess what you are describing? 3 You are happy to live this way.
4 You p1a~ to do great things.
?peaking_~_ Readi.rlg__ m _
You can use to + infinitive:
a) after certain verbs (e.g. need, want
1 Answer the questions. Which colour: 1eam, p1an).
1 do you normally prefer for clothes? b) after certain adjectives.
2 do you never wear?
3 would you choose to decorate your bedroom? Find six more verbs in the 'Test your
4 makes you feel angry, calm or depressed? personality' text on page 125 that are
followed by to + infinitive.
') Look at the colour chart and put the eight colours in order of
preference. Be spontaneous!

Find two more example sentences in the

text in which adjectives are followed by to +

See Reference Guie/e, p. 16.

See Workbook, p. 73, exs. 6-8.


j Complete the sentences with to + infinitive

ar the -ing form of the verb in brackets.
1 1tisn't easy (buy) clothes for
2 I enjoy (wear) second-hand
3 I would like (spend) more
money on clothes.
4 Every year, I decide (throw)
away the clothes that I don't wear.
5 It's difficult (te11)somebody's
character from their clothes.
6 I hate (wear) bright colours like
red and yellow.
2 Are the sentences true for you? If not,
alter them so that they are true.
4. fve-ri, I ae.c.iae. to give. mi ola
c.\otl1e." to c.l1ariti ...

101 i!
2 Which fashion tribes do you associate with the following? Some items
can go with more than one fashion tribe.
Da99'l jcanl', - I',\(atcr

( baggy jeans baseball caps black cloth~b;dy pi~~rcing '--\

Match the fashion tribes (1-6) with \

I denim
long hair dyed mohicans
hair ethnic
~ilver j_ew_el_le_r_y
__ t_at_t_o_o_s
__ t_r_a_i~~./ j
the photos (a-f).
1 headbanger 4 goth .:::' Answer the questions.
2 hippy 5 rasta
6 skater 1 What type of music do you associate with these fashion tribes?
3 punk
2 What do you think of the people who like these musical styles?
3 Is there any 'look' associated with the music you listen to?

Street styles

Listening . _ Writing _
1 65J Listen to Brian, Jodie and Liz talking about their favourite Ciass survey
music. Match them with the fashion tribes on page 102. 1 In pairs, write three multiple-choice
2 Listen again and complete the table. questions for a c1ass survey. Choose
from these topics, or think of your own.
Favourite Reasons they I Misconceptions
groups / DJs like it music groups film stars~'
Brian TV programmes fashion labelS~j)

Jodie tl1at we are

l1ooliganD, c.rimina\D
Liz me- c:.11e-mic.a\~rotl1e-rD
fatbo'{ 'S\im .

Reading & Speaking c)

1 How important is your look? How much money do Vou spend on
clothes? Do Vou think vou are a fashion victim?

2 Complete the questionnaire. Compare your answers with your

2 Ask other students your questions and
note their answers. Ask them to explain
3 Turn to page 123. Calculate your partner's score and read the their answers where possible.
description. Do vou think it is true? Does your partner agree? Report the results to the class. Were
there any surprises?

I .n victim?

Are VOU a fa
1 Do you ever buy designer clothes? 5 Where do you normally buy your dothes?
a) Only for a very special occasion. a) My parents buy my dothes for me.
b) Never. I1's a complete waste of money. b) In exclusive fashion boutiques.
Quite often. The quality and design are worth the In department stores and chain stores.
extra cost.
How often do you change your winter wardrobe?
2 Would you ever pierce your belly button? a) Every year.
a) Maybe, but it would be really painful. b) Never. I've been wearing the same winter dothes
b) Why not? It would probably look great. for years.
No way. I'm not into self-mutilation. Every twoor three years.

Would you ever have a tattoo on your shoulder? 7 Have you ever dyed your hair?
a) Yes. It would be cool. a) No. I like my hair colour just as it is.
b) No, not if it was a permanent one. I would get bored b) Yes, but only as a joke.
ofit. Yes. I love to change my look!
No. I really hate tattoos.
8 Would you ever be a member of a fashion tribe?
4Do you ever buy second-hand dothes? a) No. I am an individual and would never be a
a) No. think i1's horrible to wear other people's things. done.
b) Only if it was something I couldn't find new. b) Maybe. It depends on the style.
Yes. You can find some real bargains in the markets. I am already!

11 The Real Thing: stuff
1 M Listen and complete the sentences.
~peakinR & Listening _ 1 A lot of people dressed up as famous people _
g Look at the photos. Which do you think are
suitable for these occasions? 2 I had a shiny red T-shirt and cape o

a fancy dress party

3 I wore this white suit and huge sunglasses _

a charity event Ha110ween

a street parade New Year's Eve 2 Does the word stuf{ make a sentence more or less
specific? How would you say and stuf{ in your language?
2 66) Listen to Mari, Rod and Antonia talking
about dressing up. Answer the questions. 3 M Listen and answer the questions.
1 VI/hat clothes did they dress up in? 1 vVhat are the speakers doing? Vl/here are they?
2 Vl/ho did they dress up as? 2 What does stuffrefer to in each case?
3 For what occasion?
4 Work in pairs. Turn to Reference Guide, page 61. Look at
Li~m:~n·again.Are these statements true (T) or transcript 11.8 and continue each conversation. Use the
false (F)? If false, correct the sentences. word stuf{.
1 Mari dressed up as a celebrity. A: .., me- h,n't big e-nougl1 for alI tl1i5 5tun iou've bougl1t.
2 Her brother didn't expect her to dress up. B: Wcll, wc't Ie-ave- it l1ere.

3 Rod doesn't often wear fancy dress. A: 01<. !'lI pl10ne Mar\;: anel a5\:: l1im to ta\::e 50mc 5tuff
in l1i5 ...
4 He kept the whole costume on a11day.
5 Antonia won the prize for best fancy dress.
6 She organised the competition herself.

,1[ Work in groups. Think of (or imagine) a time

you had to dress up. Describe the clothes, the
'Iook' and the event.
Onc.c I elrc%cel up a5 'Santa c..\àU5 ... it wa5
mi elaugl1ter' 5 c..l1ri5tma5 parti
Choose one story to tell the rest of the c1ass.

Street styles

,;j Put this conversation into the correct order.

SHOPASSISTANT:How would you like to pay?
CUSTOMER: Yes, please. 1'm looking for a winter coat.
sHOP ASSISTANT:No, no ... I think it fits you rea11y welI.
CUSTOMER: Fine. 1'11take it.
SHOPASSISTANT:Certainly, madam.
CUSTOMER: QK. Can I try it on?
1- SHOPASSISTANT:Can I help you, madam?
CUSTOMER: I don't think i1's big enough for me.
SHOPASSISTANT:11'sin the sale - 80 euros.
CUSTOMER: Rea11y? How much is it then?
SHOPASSISTANT:Fine. 1'n just put it in a bag for you.
CUSTOMER: Credit cardo
SHOPASSISTANT:This one will suit you, I think.

~ Listen and match the ~ Listen and check.

conversations (1- 3) with the
Who might say these phrases?
pictures (a-d). You will not need
one of the pictures. What problem a) the customer b) the shop assistant c) both
does each customer have? 1 Can I try it on?
2 Can I get you anything else?
Complete the sentences with 3 1t rea11y suits you.
phrasal verbs. 4 1'n take it.
1 Excuseme. Can I these 5 1'm looking for ...
shoes, please? 6 Is it OK if1 return this ... ?
2 They're not big enough. I can't 7 Of course / Certainly.
even them 8 Here you are.
3 When I them at 9 1t fits really welI.
home, I realised they didn't suit 10 1t'5 not quite big enough.
me at alI.
te" Act out two dialogues.
4 OK, why don't you those
___ and try these? Student A: Turn to page 119.
Student B: Turn to page 123.
~ Listen and check.

• The definite and zero article get + preposition • Iju:1 & IAI
• Modal verbs: speculation • -ed / -Ing adjectives • Future plans
• Transport

Car culture
Transport •
1 Which of these statements descríbes your relationship wíth cars?
1 I couldn't live without one.
2 A car is useful but not essentiaI.
3 I think a car improves your lifestyle.
4 I'm so against cars, I could never own one. É
5 Itjust gets me from A to B, that's alI.
2 Look at photos 1-4. Which car do vou think is the most attractive?

3 What alternative forms of transport are shown in the pictures

below? Match the words (1-8) with the pictures (a-h).
1 bike 2 bus 3 micro-scooter 4 moped 5 motorbike
6 rollerblades 7 skateboard 8 the underground
Which do vou like travelling on? Why? Can Vou thínk of any
other alternative forms of transport?

Listening & Vocabulary

get + preposition
1 G1J Which form of transport do Geert, Ray, Claudia
and Donna talk about?
~e.e.rt - bi\::e.

2 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 How long have they used this form of transport?
2 Why is it ideal for them?
3 Are there any disadvantages?
Complete these sentences from the recording with
get and the correct preposítion.
1 As soon as I ge.t 0\1 my bike I feel free.
2 I can work on them in about fifteen minutes.
3 I can quickly and it's a great form of exercise.
4 You can your board when you like and
walk for a bit.
5 The best way to this city is on a moped.
6 You can A to B really quickly.
G2J Listen and check.

Look again at the sentences in Exercise 3. Wllat does

get mean in each one?

Work with a partner. Describe your daíly íOutine

involving transport Use as many 'get' verbs as possible
\ UWà\\'{ Se-t 0\1 m'{ bi\::e- àt 3.'30 to 90 to \'wr\("

Speaking & Reading
1 In pairs, make a list of the advantages and
Cars --curse ar crale?
disadvantages of driving a caro Jahnny Watson 3lJ
It is easy to cribcise cars - they
i\c.\Vanta9e-5 Di5ac.\Vanta9e-5
cause poll,ution and accidents,
'kq c.onve.nie.nt '2>\0\'1 in traTIic. jam5
and so on. But what are the
2 Read what two people think about cars. Look at your list alternatives? Nobody wants to
and tick the advantages and disadvantages that they travei in a slow, smelly old bus
mention. Do they mention any others? when vou can relax in the
comfort of your own caro In most
3 Who do vou most agree with? countries, the public transport system is inadequate,
expensive and inefficient - and anyway, cities today are
Language Focus designed to meet drivers' needs, with fast roads and car parks
The definite and zero article everywhere. The car industry also provides thousands of jobs.
Roads are getting safer and more efficient every year, and
cars are causing less pollution because of
It is easy to criticise cars.
lead·free petrol and other technological
The public tranSDort system is inadequate.
improvements. What's the problem?
Look at the underlined nouns. Why does one take the
definite article (the) and one the zero article (0)? Amanda Rees, 33
Find an example for each of the following rules: I am much happier now that I don't have my
caro I used to spend an hour stuck in a traffic
We generally usethe definite article (the):
jam each morning and that made me angry
1 with superlative adjectives. The- \'IOr5t thil19 aDOut c.ar5 ...
and irritable for the rest of the day. I was so
2 when there is only one of something.
stressedl The worst thing about cars, though,
3 when it is obvious to both speaker and listener
is the number of accidents. Did Vou know
what is being referred to.
that somebody dies ina road accident in
We normally use the zero article (0) ... Britain every two and a half hours? Another
4 with abstract nouns in general. thing I hate is the way that road building is
S with plural and uncountable nouns in general. destroying the countryside. Finally, I would
6 with most countries, continents, states, lakes, love to live without that constant traffic noise coming through
mountains, towns and streets. the window. In fact, I think it's the noise that bothers me most.
15 the definite article used in the same way in your language?

See Reterence Guide, p. 71 Song

See Workbook, p. 78, exs. 7-2.
63) Driving in my caro See resource sheet 12A.
Speaking & Reading
1 In pairs, make a list of the advantages and
Cars -- curse ar Graze?
disadvantages of driving a caro Johnny Watson 30
It is easy to critjcise cars - they
f\dvanta9~" Di"advanta9~"
cause poll.ution and accidents,
\j~í'i c.onvf~nitnt S\O'IJ in traffie. jam"
and so on. Sut what are the
2 Read what two people think about cars. Look at your list alternatives? Nobody wants to
and tick the advantages and disadvantages that they travei in a slow, smelly old bus
mention. Do they mention any others? when vou can relax in the
comfort of your own caroIn most
3 Who do vou most agree with? countries, the public transport system is inadequate,
expensive and inefficient - and anyway, cities today are
Language Focus designed to meet drivers' needs, with fast roads and car parks
The definite and zero article everywhere. The car industry also provides thousands of jobs.
Roads are getling safer and more efficient every year, and
It Ís easy to critÍCÍse cars. cars are causing less pollution because of
The public tranSDort system Ís Ínadequate. lead·free petrol and other technological
improvements. What's the problem?
Look at the underlined nouns. Why does one take the
definite artiele (the) and ane the zero artiele (0)? Amando Rees, 33
Find an example for eaeh af the fallawing rules: I am much happier now that I don't have my
caroI used to spend an hour stuck in a traffic
We generally usethe definite article (the):
jam each morning and that made me angry
1 with superlative adjectives. Th~ 'lJor"t tl1in9 aDout" ...
and irritable for the rest of the day. I was so
2 when there is only one of something.
stressedl The worst thing about cars, though,
3 when it is obvious to both speaker and listener
is the number of accidents. Did vou know
what is being referred to.
that somebody dies in a road accident in
We normally use the zero article (0) ... Sritain every two and a half hours? Another
4 with abstract nouns in general. thing I hate is the way that road building is
5 with plural and uncountable nouns in general. destroying the countryside. Finally, I would
6 with most countries, continents, states, lakes~ loveto Iive without that constant traffic noise coming through
mountains, towns and streets. the window. In fact, I think it's the noise that bothers me most.
Is the definite artiele used in the same way in your language?

See Reterence Guide, p. 17 Song

See Workbook, p.78, exs. 7-2.
tGl Driving in my caro See resource sheet 12A.

: f ~
1 Look at the photos and headline. What
do Vou think the article is about? ~.

2 Read the text and answer the questions.

1 What are they protesting about?
2 Why is their protest important to J-
3 Do they think their protest will be

3 Who do Vou sympathise with most? Why?


Noah Rose, 29, is living in

a treehouse to protest
about a new road which
the local couneil is
planning to build.
'Sometimes you can get a
bit bored of living in a
treehouse. I mean, you
don't have any of the basic Nancy Barrett, 23, lives in a squat in New Cross Road.
things that yo'u're used to. The police want to evict her and other squatters from the
I'm here because I really houses in the area.
feel that this road should
'We have tied ourselves to the house, so the police can't
not be built. It will just add move us out. They've got no right. This house has been
to pollution and destroy empty for years and nobody owns it. We live here
some beautiful countryside. peacefully and don't do any harm to anyone. We don't
I know we'll succeed in the
believe in capitalism or consumerism, and that's why this
end - I'm sure we can beat
protest is important. A home is a home and you shouldn't
the Department of have to be grateful to the banks for that. Whatever happens,
Transport. Who needs more I know we'll have to leave in the end. It's depressing but
roads anyway?' that's how it is - the police always win.'

Vocabulary 3 Complete the sentences with these adjectives

-ed / -ing adjectives appallcd boring disgusting frightened

interested surprising
1 Look at these sentences from the text.
1 Iam àppà\\Cc\ by a lot of news that we see on televísion.
1 Sometimes you can get a bit bored. 2 Most political parties are really dull these days, their policies
2 It's depressing but that's how it is. are so
3 Sometimes I get quite frightened 3 1'm in green policies - more parties should pay
about that. attention to then-l.
4 It's the different kinds of people tl1at you meet Oil.
Which adjectives, -ed or -ing, refer to:
anti·war demonstrations. There are all sorts.
a) what a person feels? 5 Tl1eamount offood that we \vaste every day is really o

b) what a situation is? 6 1'm to go out at nigl1t in my tov'in, it's very dangerous.
2 Find other examples of -ed / -ing 4 Choose four of the adjectives and write sentences that are true
adjectives in the texts. for vou.

1 Work in groups. You are going to prepare a protest
speech. Decide what issue you will talk about. Here are
some ideas.

polítical (e.g. corruption)

environmental (e.g. pollution) social (e.g. crime)
prejudices (e.g. racism) economic (e.g. house prices)
2 Consider these questions:
Diane Hoyle, 24, has camped outside a well-known
laboratory for the last four nights. 1 What caused the problem? Who or what is
responsible for it?
Tm here because I'm an animallover. Inside this
2 When did it start? What is making it worse?
building, scientists are experimenting on cats, guine a 3 What needs to be done to solveit?
pigs and hamsters to test out beauty products. I'm 4 Who do you need to protest to?
amazed that our society allows this torture. It's
Try to imagine what the opposition would say, and think
scandalous, in factoSome people in our movement
of counter argument\ Make a list of the language and
have taken violent adion; they have attacked people any set expressions that you wish to use.
and even put bombs in labs. Sometimes I get quite
frightened about that - I don't agree with those 3 Prese'nt your arguments to the rest of the class and
tactics. We have to get our message across peacefully, answer any questions.
but I'm sure we will succeed in the end. !t's We. are. tire.eI of tne. nign tlOUf>e. pric.e.f> in tnif> C.iti. 1'ne.
interesting how much support we're getting from the f>ituation if> appa\\ing. 1'ne-i are. ac.tua\\i tne. nigne.f>t in
general public.' tne. c.ountri anel no one. if> eloing anitning to f>top it...

Listen to your classmates' speeches. Try to ask

Listening challenging questions.

G4J Listen to John and Margaret talking about the

demonstrators in the text. Answer the questions.
1 Who does John sympathise with? What about
2 Who do they both disagree with? Why?
3 What does John say about protests and
demonstrations in general?
4 Why does Margaret admire protestors?

The Real Thing: octuol/y, to be

honest, in foct
1 What does the word actua//y mean?
a) at the present time b) in reality Pronunciation
c) immediately
Ijur I student and IAI study
2 (Í2.5j Listen and complete the sentences.
1 Put the words into the correct column.
1 , 1sympathised with some more than hunt
argue beautiful computer future
number public reduce reduction result
2 , 1was thinking of giving them some
schedule Jtudcnt ~ stupid subject
3 , a Iot of them come from quite rich Iju: I IAI
f>tuele.nt f>tueli
4 , 1think it's really good what they're
doing. G6J Listen and check.
5 ... because, , we never do anything,
do we? 2 GJJ Listen and repeat these sentences.
Where do actua//y, to be honest and in fact 1 ln the future, studying computer science wil!
appear in the sentence? What word sometimes become very important.
appears before them? How would you say 2 We argued a lot about the results.
3 There has been a reductian in the number af
these expressions in your language?
students for this subject.
1 Look at these film stills showing how previous generations
imagined the future. What do they show? Have any of the
predictions come true?

2 What will the world be Iike in 2050? Match the topics

(1-6) with the predictions (a-f).
1 space traveI \ a) There won't be so many, but there
"vil! be more terrorism instead.
2 wars
geographydisasters b) There will just be one all over the
world, so life will be easier.
65 c) There will be a Iot more because
of global warming.
d) At Iast, we will discover !ife on
other pIanets.
e) Nations will break up into smaller
f) This won't existo Children will
take only their mother's name.

3 Make your own predictions on the same topics. Then

answer the questions.
1 What do you find exciting about the future?
2 What do you find frightening about it?
3 Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Why?
I fina it e.uiting tl1at ~e. c.ou\a live. to be. IDO ' ola.

1 Read this extract from a futuristic novei. Choose the best
summary of this vision of the future.
a) Life is great fun because computers do the boring
things for us.
b) Life is a bit boring because we are controlled by
c) Life is out of control and dangerous because
computers are in charge. Friday
8.00 When 1wake up, my pet computer, Daniel, smiles at me
2 Work in pairs to answer the questions.
I and says 'Good morning' He makes me a coffee and chooses
1 According to the text, what will pet computers do for my 'Iook' for the day.
us in 2050?
9.00 At the office again. I want sunshine today so Daniel
Tne.'l ~i\\ c.110M>e.our c.\otl1e.~, ... changes the lighting and air conditioning to create a sunny
2 What does Citizen KYZ606 like about his world? What
day. It's great here, beéause 1 don't have to think - the
does he dislike?
computers do everything. While Daniel organises my schedule,\(e.~: doing nothing at ~ork, ... I talk to friends on my mobile videophone. ...
11.30 At the gym. My computer knows exactly what I need to
3 Discuss these questions with your partner. do. I don't like doing so much exercise, but Daniel says 1'11have
1 How dose to reality do you think this vision is? Which a heart attack at the age of 53 if I don't.
aspects do you think are beIievabIe? 15.00 Lunch in the office restaurant We press some buttons on
2 How much of our lives is already controlled by the food-ordering machine, and the pills arrive quicklythrough
machines and computers? How much do they know a hole in the table. Evel-ything tastes really good today.
about us?
13.30 Back in the office, there's nothing to do so I take a nap.
Daniel will wake me up when I've had enough sleep.

16.00 Daniel has Vl'oken me up, but there's no work to do so i

do a bit of shopping online. I love shopping. Daniei helps me

find a shirt that will look good at the party tonight He really
knows what Ilike.

1 G"BJ Listen to two people discussing what life will be
like in 2050. What positive and negative aspects do
they mention?

2 ~ Listen and complete the sentences.

1 1nformation technology become the
most important thing.
2 People work from home more.
3 There __ -o be more unemployment.
4 Doctors find a cure for cancer.
5 There be life out there somewhere.

Language Focus
Modal verbs: Speculation

We use modal verbs to speculate about the future

and the present.
ln 2050, peop1e could / might / may work from
home more.
Work in pairs. Continue citizen KYZ606's diary for
There must be 1ife out there somewhere.
the next day. Use these notes to help vou.
There can't be 1ife on Mars - 10ts of scientists have
100ked but no one has found anything.
q.oo - Wake. up.
10.00 - De.c.ioe. to trave.l. Danie.1 5e.t5 tran5porte.r for Look at the examples and complete the rules with cou/d,
i\ntarc.tic.a. might, may, must, can't.
14.00 - IZ-eturn home.. Watc.h D;:mie.1c.\ the. flat Definite Possible Impossible
IlP.OO 1t'5 c.lou0'l- i\5k Danie.1 to C.har19e.the. we.athe.r
- Present ............ / /
2.1.00 - Look at the. Wn5e.t. Future will / / won't
1.2..00 - ...
When speculating, the opposite of must is
2 Compare your diaries with other pairs of students. Look at transcript 12.9 on page 63 of the Reference
Which is the best / funniest / saddest? Why? Guide. How many different ways of speculating about the
future can vou find?
19.00 Back at home, I watch a football match, although it's not very ! oon't think it will be. 50 ...
exciting because Daniel tells me the result before the end. He does that
See Reterenee Guide, p. 17
with films as well-I get really annoyed with him.
See Workbook, pp. 78-9, exs. 3-6.
21.00 Party in full swing. As soon as I arrive, Oaniel chooses me a
partner who will be compatible. She seems very nice. I order another
whisky and a red warning light goes on -I am drinking toa much againl

23.00 Time for bed. Oaniel prepares my pyjamas and my dreams for 1 Do vou think these things are certain, possible or
the night. I think I would prefer to dream on my own, but anyway ... It's impossible in the future? Complete the sentences
been a good day ... I think! with wil/, wan't, might, may ar eou/d.
1 English be everyone's first language.
2 The hole in the ozone layer get bigger.
3 A film star be the world's richest person.
4 People live longer.
5 Terrorism become more common.
6 They discover a cure for cancer.

2 Give your apinion using must, can't or cou/d / might /

may, and explain your answer.
1 Are fish intelligent?
fi5h't be. inte.\\i9e.nt. 'Tt1e.,/'re. re.a\l,/ e.a5,/ to
c.atc.n ano ...
2 Is there !ife on another planet?
3 Are ghosts real?
4 Is chocolate good for you?

~Qeaking & Listening 2 Discuss these questions.
1 vVhich of the buildings in the photos do you
1 Match the buildings (1-4) with the photos above (a-d) like most? Why?
and the descriptions (i-iv).
2 VVhatis the most famous building in your
1 The Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao city / town? VVhyis it famous? Do you like it?
2 The Pompidou Centre, Paris 3 Are there any new buildings you particularly
3 111eSydney Opera House like / dislike?
4 The Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur
3 Work in pairs. Look at photos a-f below.What are
these strange buildings for? Match uses 1-6 with
electricity are carried along brightly coloured the photos.
í'i-Th"iS ali over
a building the inside
turned building.
out. Water and
ii At 451 metres, this is the world's tallest building. 1 bus shelter 4 sauna
Its 88 floors cost $1.2 billion to build. 2 meditation shelter 5 storytelling pavilion
iii lts roof looks like a collection of shells. For many 3 public toilets 6 water tower
years it was considered impossible to build. First 'B>uiloing o mignt be- a sauna be-c.21use-it is màc\e-
designed in 1956,it was finally finished in 1973 of wooo ..
with the help of computers. 'B>uiloing e- c.iln't be- a wàte-r towe-r be-C.àUSe-it is
iv lt has glass walls in the shape of a ship, covered tne- wrong snape-.
in thin 'fish scales' of titanium.
~ Listen and check.
This is a very basic house with only one room, and it is so Architects: Claire Petetin and Philippe Gregoire
portable that it fits in your pocket. These houses are made of durable plastic materiaIs
The house has an interior area of 8 cubic metres and is often used in sports equipment. The units are kept flat
made from metallic polyester. The fabric is gold on one when not in use, but can be pulled out like a concertina
side to protect against the cold and silver on the other to on wheels to create a lide of temporary rooms.
keep the warmth in. Ir is even translucent so you can look
The architects who designed them want to change our
outside. Ir weighs only 200 grams and is inflated by
concept of mobile homes. They don't belong only in
blowing air into the fabric - a tent but without a frame.
caravan parks and green areas ~ they can aIso be used in
When you don't need a house, you can let out the air and use urban areas for homeless people, immigrants and
the fabric as a blanket. Or put it in your pocket and move refugees, depending on the city and the situation. The
on. And the best thing? Ir only costs around $50 to make. only problem? Each one costs around $100,000.

1 ~ Listen to three conversations about plans for the

weekend. Complete the table.
Conversation 1 Conversation 2 I Conversation 3

Plans for the nta'fil19 il1 a

weekend l1e-w hote-l il1

2 Listen again and complete the gaps.

1 A: What are you 1 this weekend?
B: We're 2 Benidorm.
4 Work in groups. Create your own future
2 A: What are you 3 ____ this weekend? home. Consider these questions:
1 Will it be luxurious or basic?
B: There 4 __ a problem. 2 Will it be mobile or permanent?
3 A: What have you 5 ~ this weekend? 3 Will it be cheap or expensive?
B: I'm 6 __ stay with some friends. 4 How many rooms and what
facilities will it have?
3 Have similar conversations in pairs.
Write a description and read it out to
Student A: Turn to page 119. the rest of the class. Which is the most
Student B: Turn to page 121.
original future home?
Who speaks English?
Voxpops While you watch
[23:45-25:10] Watch the vox
Sequence 1 [25:11-26:43]
pops and answer the on-screen Luke Meddings teaches
questions. English to foreign students in
a language school in West
1 Watch again. Who says it?
1 I speak Chinese and English
and a little bit of Hindi. Watch sequence 1
2 My languages are very, very and answer the questions.
bad ...
1 What do these numbers refer to? Make sentences.
3 I speak 3panish, English,
French and a bit of Catalan. 1 36 Lu\(e. i5 "3{P '1e.àr5 olcl. 2 1987 3 8.30 4 3 hours 5 12.00

2 1est your memory. Complete the 2 Did Luke like teaching when he started? Why I Why not?
:5 What does he Iike about teaching?
ZHENG: The best way to learn a
language is either to
Sequence 2 [26:44-28:03]
__ to that country ar
make friends with Watch the sequence and answer the questions.
people ... from the country.
LUKE: __ in lave with the 1 Complete the missing information.
culture. Name: Mauricio
OllVER: The best way to learn a Nationality: __
language is by __ Job: -- Name: Jon
time in that country. Nationality: __
JUlIETA: The best way to learn a Job:
language is __ a
person from that country. -~ Name: 3tella
Nationality: Slovakian
J What other things are these Job:
people studying at the moment? Name: Zora
1 Michael 3 Iqbal Nationality: __
2 3arah 4 Oliver Job:
Name: Marcela
\qb2\\ if> aOing 2\ bUf>ineM
Nationality: __
tr2\ining c.ourf>e.
Job: nanny

Defore lOU watch

Discuss in pairs.

What languages do you speak?

:1 Answer the questions.

What languages would you like to 1 How does Jon help in the school?
learn? 2 What does Zora love?
2 Look at Vox pops, exerci se 2. 3 Why does Mauricio do a different job to his usual job?
Whose opinion do you agree with
most? Sequence 3 [28:04-29:59]
3 What makes a good language
teacher? •• Watch part 1 of sequence 3 and answer the questions.

4 What do you like doing most in 1 Why do the students like Iiving in london? Match the names with the reasons.
your English class?
1 3tella a) museums
5 What's your favourite English
2 Mauricio b) parks
3 Jon c) multicultural mix of people
4 Marcela d) architectul'e

2 [28:54-29:59] Now watch the rest of
sequence 3. What do Luke's students say
Talking in
about him? Complete the gaps. 1 Read the text and match the countries below to the circles.
STEllA: He's very __ , we are doing a
Argentina Australia Belgium Canada Ghana
lot of , speaking, and it's
kind of relax. Puerto Rico Singapore South Africa Spain
JON: Ilike the way he teach because it's India Ireland Kenya Nigeria Portugal
",--Switzerland Thailand United States Zimbabwe
very __ 0'0

MARCELA: He's __ oI enjoy a lot the The way English has spread around the world can be presented in
classes with him. I . we practise a
o o
three concentric circles. In inner circle countries, English is
lot af speaking, we speak a lot in spoken as a first language. In outer circle countries, English
the classes and I think it's __ o
plays an important role as one of severa! officiallanguages, oiten
because of colonial links with Britain. In expanding circle
;$ Correct the four mistéikes ín red that the countries, English is taught as a foreign language.
students make in exercise 2 . ..-- -'.

expanding circle
Sequence 4 [30:00-30:41] ~razil
Watch the sequence and answer the
questions. outer circle

1 Luke is talking about what he is doing now Jamaica

and his future plans. Tick the verbs that he Hong Kong
(enjoy. start.l finish work play writeprefer

2 Match the verbs you ticked above with the

310 million
phrases below, to make sentences about

Luke. speakers
1 travelling (approx.)
2 a book for students
3 talking at conferences 375 million speakers
4 a couple of baoks (approx.)

Watch the whole OVOagain aild answer the

on-screen qllestions.
1.8 billion speakers

""'"", (approx.)
After you watch
1 Can you remember? Close YOllr books and Where would you place your country?
describe the five students, 8tella, Mauricio,
Marcela, Jon, and Zora. 2 These countries ali have high numbers of speakers of English
as a first language. Match the countries with the figures.
What other information can you remember
1 India a) 11 million
about them?
2 Nigeria b) 200 million
2 Circle 8tella and Mauricio's favourite 3 South Africa c) 2 million
words. 4 Singapore d) 60 million
STEllA: naturally, actually, intellectually,
virtually Let's talk
MAURICIO: enjoyable, comfortable, lovable, Oiscuss the questions.
1 What has been the best and the worstthing about learning
3 Practise saying the words in exerci se 2. English for you?
How many syllables does each word have? 2 How many native speakers of English do you know? How many
Can you think of other words that end in non-native speakers of English do you know? Who do you find it
-al/y or -able? easiest to understand?
3 Which English-speaking country would you most like to visit?
4 How do you hope your English will help you in the future?
Flashback 4
Vocabulary & Speaking 2 a Choose the correct form of the adjective.

1 a Complete the crossword. Look at Unit 11 if

vou need help.

1 It's really bored I boring. I used to be interested I

interesting when I was a student, but nobody talks
about real issues any more. Everyone just says what will
get them more votes. I find it very disappointed I

2 I absolutely love it. A lot of people get bored I boring

but I think it's really excited I exciting. You don't have
to buy anything. 1t's funjust to go around looking at
what's new. 1t's inspiring!

3 I hate them. l've been frightened I frightening of them

since I was a child. The city where I llve is full of them,
and it's really annoyed I annoying because people let
them run anywhere. And then they use the pavement as
3 5hoes, belts and sometimes trousers
a toilet. That's really disgusted I disgusting!
are made of this. (7)
4 Jeans and a sweatshirt are examples of
___ clothes. (6)
7 If you follow the latest fashions, you're b What topic is each person ta!king about? Choose from
__ .(6) the topics below.
9 Levi, Lacoste and Calvin Klein are all dogs fashion politics shopping
__ .(6) squatters teenagers
11 The opposite of tight for clothes. (5)
Down c Write v!hat vou think about one of the other topics. Read it
to a partner. Can he I she guess what you're talking about?
2 Rings, bracelets and necklaces are
examples of this. (9)
5 If an item of clothing is the right size Pronunciation
for you, it (4) o

1 a Cirele the underlined letter that is pronounced

6 Another way to say jumper 01' jersey. (7)
8 A shirt designed for a woman. (6)
10 Men often wear a suit and tie when 1 cullure fulure aclually @aos chat advenlure
they want to look (5) o
2 nalure chief church chocolate çhemist child
3 passion fashion sweatshirt op1ion pleas.ure
b Write definitions to describe other clothes
and street style vocabulary in Unit 11. Swap 4 televis.ion cas.uaJ trea:;;ure speçial unus.ual
them with a partner. occa:;;ion
c Work in pairs. Make a list of five different 5 p]Jnctual n]Jmber res]Jlt st]Jdent stlldy incQme
social situations. What would vou wear? 6 redllction beautiful stllpicl compllter ne\-\!
lf I mfõt m'{ bo'{frifõno.' s parents, \ 'Noulc\
Wfõar smart trouH·rs, b {F4.1) Listen and check.

Flashback 4

1 a {F4.2) Listen to the conversation and make a
note of Eric and Vanessa's plans for the surnmer.

Vanessa ~
3 (traveI) can make you a more open
person. Do you agree?
Where, when I Di5ne-i\3nd, 'P3ri5
and forhow 4 What is it about English that you fmd easiest
long? ___ (learn)?
Possible 5 Do you need (use) English now in your
problems and
solutions 6 1s there any type of music that you can't stand
___ (listen) to?
7 1s it really worth (go) to university?
b Make a list of the structures vou can use to talk
about future plans.
8 1sit difficult (find)work where you live?
\'m off to ... b In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

c Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about 4 a (F4.3) Listen to two students talking about this note that
your summer plans. Use your list. their classmate Sergio Gonzalez wrote. Who is Laura?

Laura Gonz.á\e.z ..
Language focus
1 Work in pairs. Write four sentences using adverbs b Listen again. Which expressions mean:
from Unit 10. Cut up the sentences and give them
a) It's possible. b) It's impossible. c) It's certain.
to your partner. Can he / she re-order them?
3} It c.ould be. ...
2 a Complete the definitions with who, which or

1 A person !ives in a foreign country. 1 a Work in groups. Look at Units 1-12 and write down
(Unit 10)
ten discussion points on pieces of cardo
2 The cupboard you keep your
clothes. (Unit 11) Life. i5 be.tte.r 35 3n e-l'p3t.
-me. inkrne.t i5 tne. be.5t inve.ntion of tne. :z.otn
3 A small shop sells expensive,
trendy clothes. (Unit 11) ce.ntur'{.
4 A person has dreadlocks and likes b Take turns to pick up a cardo Talk for two minutes
reggae music. (Unit 11) about the issue. The person with the strongest
5 A party women organise for their argument wins.
women friends before they get married.
(Unit 11)
6 A person lives for free in a house 2 a Work in pairs. Write six words that express your life
that isn't his / hers. (Unit 12) now ar your future plans.
b Find the words which match the definitions. 1) g3rde-n5

3 a Write the correct form of the verb in brackets. b Swap lists. Try to guess the meaning of the words.

1 Do you like (shop) for clothes? I} '\ tnin\:: '{ou mignt w3nt to bu'{ 3 nOU5e- witn 3
2 Would you like (live)in another g3rckn in tne. future-.' ''Sorr'{, no. íri 3g3in!'

Communication banl<
Unit 1 Unit 3
Landan: Melting pat af cultures Takeaway English; A jab interview
(pages 8-9) (page 29)
Student A 5tudent A
1 Complete the questions. Vou are looking for people who are suitable for
A lndia these jobs.
1 When aia mOf>t peop\c from Inaia arrive in Lonaon?
The 1950s and 60s.
2 How often ... 7
Every two weeks. Requirements:
B Poland • Own cal'
1 Where ... 7
The Hammersmith area . • Clean dl'iving licence
2 Why ... 7 • Five yeal's' experience as a driver
They can earn three times as much money in the UK.
C West Africa • Able to work night shift one day a week
1 What kind ... 7
Good conditions for the right person.
Yams and different types of rice.
2 What ... 7
South-east London.

2 Complete the questions with the eorreet question words.

(Wh8rl Why How long How Where Wfte)

D China
1 Wl10 were the first arrivals7
needed for Bellevue Hotel swimming pool
2 can you experience ataste of China 7
E The Caribbean
1 did people from the Caribbean islands Requirements:
arrive in the UK? (date) • Proflcient swimmer
2 does the Notting Hill Carnival take place7 • Some life-savingexperience necessary
(place) • Able to work weekends and overtime in summer
F Brazil season
1 do the bars and restaurants stay open7 (time) .Responsibilities:
2 did young Brazilians come to Britáin in the
1990s7 (reason) • C1ean pool and garden area
• Enforce rules and regulations in pool area
3 Answer your partner's questions on texts A-C. Do you
have the same questions?

4 Now ask your partner the questions in Exereise 2 on

texts D-F in Exereise 2. Do you have the same question
words? Write down the answers.

~.'!~. 1
Communication bank

Unit 5 Unit 6
Takeaway EnBlish: Booking a hotel Are you a junk food freak?
(page 49) (page 50)
Student A Key
1 You are the receptionist of the Hotel Belvedere. Look Mostly As: You are incredibly resistant to the fast
at the information about the hotel. food invasion. Eating we11is obviously important to
you and you think fast food is unhealthy. But donOtbe
toa obsessed. Super-healthy eating can get boring
and you should take a break from time to time. Don't
feel guilty about eating that chocolate biscuit - it's
quite normal, you know!
Double: 85 euros (Half board) Mostly Bs: You find convenience food useful because
Views of Kelvingrove Park you don't always have time or energy to cook a
En suite bathroom decent meal. You shouldn't worry too much - there's

Full room service and mini bar nothing wrong with a sandwich or a frozen pizza
Internet connection when there's nothing else. Maybe you should cook a
Satellite TV little more often, especia11yif you have guests. It can
be very therapeutic.
Ideal for business people.
Mostly Cs: You are an official fast food addict. You
hate cooking, and eating healthy food is a low priority
Answer your partner's questions. for you. You love a11things American, especia11yif you
can buy them at McDonald's. You should definitely try
2 Swap roles. You need a cheap hotel (around 50 to eat less chocolate. But don't worry too much,
euros) for the night with breakfast included. The area because soon you'l1 find out that fast food can be
is not important. Find out about the Hotel Douglas. healthier than manypeople think!

Unit 11 Unit 12
Takeaway English: Clothes shopping Takeaway English: Future plans
(page 105) (page 113)
Student A Student A

Dialogue 1: You are the customer. You want to buy a Conversation 1: You want to visit some friends in the
new suit / dress for work - something smart but not toa country, at their cottage by the sea. You are going with
expensive. Student B. You want to go by train.
Dialogue 2: You are the shop assistant. You are not Conversation 2: You think that there won't be enough
happy to take back the sweater. It looks dirty. snow because the weather has been very warm.
Unit 1 Unit 3
London: Melting pot of cultures Takeaway English: A job interview
(pages 8-9) (page 29)

Student B Student B

1 Complete the questions. You are looking for people who are suitable for
D China these jobs.
1 v\1ho we-re.tl1e.firnt arrivaln? ~.~' dIJ!!l

Seamen. They arrived on steamships.

2 How ... ?
By eating in Chinese restaurants and shopping for SANTA BARBARA INSURANCE
Chinese vegetables, herbal medicines and gifts.
Insurance company urgently seeks responsible
E The Caribbean
office worker.
1 When ... ?
During the 1950s. • Computer literate
2 Where ... ? • Good telephone manner
In Notting Hill in west London. • Office experience not necessary (fast typing
F Brazil a bonus)
1 How long ... ? • Smart appearance
All night. • Ideal first job
2 Why ... ?
They came to study and look for work.

2 Complete the questions with the correct question words.

(v\lhy .lAlfleft v\1here How often VVhat VVhat kind)
1 wl1e-ndid most people from India arrive in London?
2 does a typical family have a curry? for Hotel Caribe
B Poland
New city centre 5***** hotel reguires receptionist to
1 do many Poles live in London? (place) start immediately.
2 do many young Foles come here? (reason)
• Age 21 +
C West Afriea • Computer literate
1 offood do many London markets seU? • Knowledge of English essential
2 area do a lot of Nigerians live in?
• Able to work long shifts ar night and at weekends
• Impeccable appearance
3 Ask your partner the questions on texts A-C in Exercise 1.
Do Vou have the same question words? Write down the This position would suit someone wishing to gain
answers. experience in the tourist industry.
~--- ~~
.."~- -.·_o_~·_~~ ~_
4 Now answer your partner's questions on texts O-F.
Do vou have the same questions?



• Open personality and polite manner
• English an advantage
li Experience in catering preferred

• Working behind the bar
• Serving tables

Salary negotiable.

We are a rapidly expanding chain. There is opportunity

for fast promotion for the right person.
Communication bank I
Unit 5 Unit 7
Takeaway English: Booking a hotel Are you mean with money?
(page 49) (page 63)
Student B Key
1 You are a businessman and need a roam for a week. Mostly As: You're a kind and generous person.
You need an internet connection for your laptop Money is not the most important thing in the world
computer and full roam service. Find out about the and you're happy to share it with others. Be careful
Hotel Belvedere. not to give toa much money away, however - people
could take advantage of your kindness.
2 Swap roles. You are the receptionist of the Hotel
Douglas. Look at the information about the hotel. Mostly Bs: You're an incredibly mean person. Money
is obviously the most important thing in your life and
the problem is you want it a11for yourself. A word of
HotteD DõugDas ** warning: if you continue like this, you won't have many
friends left. So spend a little more next time, OK?
Double: 65 euros (Breakfast included) I

Views of George Square Mostly Cs: You're quite careful with money. It's good
Ensuite bathroom to be responsible and someone that people can trust,
Private terrace but why not be a bit more extravagant at times? Don't
think toa much before you spend. If you see
Central location something you like, just buy it!

Answer your partner's questions.

Unit 12
Takeaway English: Future plans
(page 113)
Student B
Conversation 1: You think there is a train strike. It is possible
that there will be a lot of people and very few trains.
Conversation 2: You're planning to go skiing this weekend
with Student A. You have already booked everything.
Unit 2 Unit 8
Are you a true friend? Music legends
(page 19) (page 71)
Work out your score. Can vou identifythe music legends and the groups
1 a) 10 points b) 15 points c) 5 points they belonged to? Match them with the photos of
2 a) 15 points b) 10 points c) 5 points their fans on page 71. Work in groups of three.
3 a) 5 points b) 15 points c) 10 points Student A: Read text A.
4 a) 15 points b) 5 points c) 10 points Student B: Read text B.
5 a) 5 points b) 15 points c) 10 points Student C:Read text C.
6 a) 5 points b) 15 points c) 10 points
He was bom in Liverpool in 1940 and died almost
Vou are a loyal and faithful friend. Vou stand by your
exactly 40 years later. He left school when he was
friends and help them if they have problems. But don't
16 and went to Liverpool Art College. There, he
forget to think of yourself too!
formed a group called The Quarrymen. Later they
50-70 points changed their name and became perhaps the most
Vou are a good friend when times are good, but you can popular music band of a11 time, with hits like I
be a bit selfish as well. Remember - a good friend is one Want To Hold Your Hand andA Hard Day's
af the most important things in life. Don't let them Night. In the 1960s, this group dominated the
disappear! music charts, having the most number one hits in
rock and pop history. He was well known for his
30-50 points
peace protests. Tragica11y, in 1980, he was shot dead
Vou are a selfish person and only think about yourself. A
in New York by a crazy fan. Even now, wherever
friend for you is someone who you can use to get what
you go in the world, you are still more likely to
you want. Vou should learn to think of other people or
hear his group's music than any other.
you could become a very lonely person!
She was bom in 1950 in New Haven, Connecticut

Unit 9 and became famous for the songs she recorded

with her brother Richard. Although they didn't
write their own songs, the duo becarne one of the
Vou and your messages most popular acts in the 70s, with hits like We've
(page 80) Only JustBegun and Top o/the World. They
developed a cult following that loved their soft,
romantic music. They sold more records than
anyone in the United States in that decade. She
died unexpectedly at the age of 32 from a heart
attack, caused by chronic anorexia. Her death
opened many people's eyes to this terrible disease.
He was bom in 1967 in Washington State. He
YELLOW:You hav~ fun with text messagesand became famous for introducing a new type of
you'vedevelopedan almost perfect relationship music called 'grunge' - a form of hippy punk
with your mobile ..You understand the limitsand the which became a cultural phenomenon in the early
potential of textmessages.Ifyou lostyour mobile 1990s. His band's songs - for example, Smells Like
tomorrow, you'd beupset but youwouldn't die! Teen Spirit and Come As You Are - were often
dark and depressing and spoke about his difficult
life. More than ten rni11ion copies of the group's
first LP were sold worldwide. He developed a
drug habit and was hospitalised for heroin abuse.
In 1994, he committed suicide in Seattle, leaving
his \Vife Courtney Love, also a well-known singer,
and a young daughter. His untimely death has
made him a popular music legend.

Communication bank I
Unit 11 Unit 4
Are you a fashion victim? Speaking
(page 103) (page 39)
1 a) '10 points b) 5 points c) 15 points
2 a) 10 points b) 15 points c) 5 points
3 a) 15 points b) '10 points c) 5 points
4 a) 15 points b) 10 points c) 5 points
5 a) 5 points b) 15 points c) 10 points
6 a) 15 points b) 5 points c) 10 points
7 a) 5 points b) 10 paints c) 15 points
8 a) 5 points b) 10 points c) 15 points

90-120 points
You are a total fashion victim. You get bored of looking at the
same face in the morning. You love trying out new looks and
I spend a lat of money on good quality c1othes. Be careful not to
change your look toa aften - people might not even recognise
Ii you the next time they see you!

I 65-90 points
I You don't mind dressing up for a special occasion but you don't
care toa much about what you wear. You sometimes like
,I surprising people with a ne,,\! outfit or unusual earrings, but in
I general you ljke casual c10thes and don't take toa many risks.
40-65 points
Clothes have no real importance for you. You have no interest
in shopping and consider designer c10thes a waste of maney.
I You are happy with the way yau loak - withaut tattoas,
I piercings and strange hairstyles - and prefer peaple to accept
you like that.

Unit 11
Takeaway English: Clothes shopping
(page 105)
Student B

Dialogue 1: You are the shop assistant. Everything really smart is

quite expensive. Encourage the customer to spend more.
Dialogue 2: You are the customer. You want to return an
unwanted gift - a sweater that your grandmother bought you.

Ul'lit 7
Advertising _
(page 68)

I. li



Flas11bacl< 3 P·
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1 Sl1h
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~rt~il]g_~ ?p~~ki'"!R ,_. _ º~you love j~_worlfL of gossiQ.? _

(pilge 88) (page 89)
Write down the following telephone dialogues. Key
1 You've just bought a new palmtop but there's a Mostly As: Yes,you love gossip. You probably know
problem with it. You telephone Computer Zone the names OIroyal families around the world, and the
and ask to speak to Pete Rogers, the sales assistant. intimate details of famous people's lives.
He's busy. You cal! again later and tell him about
lVlostly Bs: '{ou don't real!y like gossip. You prefer
the problem.
more serious newspapers and TV programmes to
2 You want to borrow your friend Rosa's laptop at magazines anel popular TV,
the 'Vveekend,You phone her but she isn't there,
You leave a message with her flatmate. You call Mostiy Cs: You don't follow the lives OIfamous
again later and ask Rosa if she can help you. pêople but you know more than you pretend, Admit
it you're a bit curious!


____ . ~·_c__~·
Communication bank I

Unit 7 UIlit 11
Writing: adverts Test your personality
(page 69) (page 101 )

Vou are an imaginative and adventurous person, Vou

are extremely sociable and seem to need the company
others. Vou have problems like everybody else but you
usually try to forget about them.
Putting yellow in the last position shows that you are
feeling a little shy.

Vouare a romantic person who is also a littleidealistic, so you
sometimes decide to trust the wrong people. Vouare
advellturous and plan to do great things in the future.
In the last place, pink indicates that you worry a lot about life.
Irregular verbs
be carne
put w
lit come
swet been
foundfound ung Iredl
knew shown
spoke hidden
bought spiltput
fought caught
learnt shake
spentbecome rise
ledthink sme11ed
ring in
sleep Iri:dl
gotten I (US)
Phonetic chart

Icei he
birdre d/
Ifu:1 Ipl Izu:1

.,-"..•. - ~v

·.Vg'Wel,,:DiphthOl1gs .
lerl where

Ijl yes Ijesl

Iwl when Iwen/

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4 King Street C10isters stored in a retrieva/ system ar transmitted in any form, e/ectronic,
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in writing of the pub/ishers.
London W6 OQT
United Kingdom ISBN: 978-84-668-1941-1
DL: M-14457-2008
© 2008, Santillana Educación, S.L.! Richmond Publishing Printed in Spain: Gráfica Internacional Madrid, S.A.

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Theme from "New York, New York"
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