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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Extracurricular activities entail the activities which are needed by the students to strengthen

and improve their potentials that they can use in their studying. These potentials include their

talents, knowledge, and skills among others. Some of these things are for personal purposes that

can help them to cope with challenges in school. These improvements like being more active in

Physical Education classes can be a big opportunity for them to strive harder and aim for the better.

It is important to harness these extracurricular activities for the school to have greater

opportunities in having a lot more enrollees and reputation. It is also important to improve this

because we are lack of equipment for our activities in the Physical Education classes which can be

the cause of the student’s lower performance in school.

It can also add to the senior high school student’s choices for still choosing this school for

the continuation of their college courses. It is not just the teacher, student must be aware of when

enrolling but they must also consider the education system and extracurricular activities of their

chosen school.

Education is very important for it can be the basis of their employment and better life. As a

graduating student, they can easily compete to the other country after our college degrees and use

these learnings to help our own country. They can easily get scholarships regarding sports and can

go to different schools.
The researchers have chosen this topic because they want to know more about the

extracurricular school activities that needed improvements. It can also help the University because

they can use this research as their additional basis if they need to improve and add extracurricular


In addressing the research problem, the researchers will give survey questionnaires to the

respondents to get their point of view about it. With these information, it can easily determine the

existing extracurricular activities that are still effective for the students and can provide ways for

the improvement of these extracurricular activities.

Researchers evaluated the data collected from the survey questionnaires answered by the

respondents and organized it. With these information, they will test their hypothesis and

demonstrate it.

Whenever the study will become a successful one, this will help both the student and the

school to properly implement what needs to be address in providing a solution to the problem.

Students will feel at ease in campus and this will be the reason for them to always come earlier

with an active body and mind to school.

Statement of the problem

This study is to identify possible room of improvements in extracurricular activities of the

University of the East – Caloocan. Specifically, this following statements will determine:

1. Factors affecting the Senior High School student’s perception regarding extracurricular


2. The effects of extracurricular activities to the perception of the Senior High School students.

3. The Senior High School student’s expectation and satisfaction with the school’s
extracurricular activities.

Significance of the Study

This study which entitled “Extracurricular Activities: Factors in Attracting College

Freshmen in University of the East – Caloocan” implies a connection between the topic and the


The essence of this study is to show to the University the benefits of improving

extracurricular activities for attaining freshmen college enrollees which are intended to inform the

students, teacher and management, researchers, and future researchers.

To the students. This study will help them to decide and speak for their personal desired

activities. It could reach their satisfaction to become more committed to the University. They can

also add knowledge of what really extracurricular activities are and can help them to gain more


To the teacher and management. This study will help them to become aware of the

importance of extracurricular activities to the students. With this research output, they can decide

of what improvement of desired activities are needed to polish up that tend to meet their student’s


To the researchers. This study is intended to broaden our knowledge in regards to the

improvement of extracurricular activities that will satisfy our desire in school and help us to decide

and continue our journey to the University.

To the future researchers. The output and findings of this study will help them to encourage

future researchers to conduct studies related to this topic and this might serve as their basis in

making further researches.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will discuss the improvements of extracurricular activities to attain Senior High

School students to become freshmen college enrollees in University of the East – Caloocan. It will

tackle the different activities that needed to improve for the satisfaction of the Senior High School

students in terms of physically, emotionally and socially. It also includes the perception of the

Senior High School students on how they are affected by the University’s limited activities such

as Sports Festivals, Foundation Week and Caloocan Week.

This study will only focus on the Senior High School students as they have the biggest

number in the University. This study disregards the academic discipline that the University of the

East is already capable of. It will not include the programs which are connected to the academic

aspects like symposium and institutional activities as it will only discuss the extracurricular

Chapter II


Local Literature and Study

Based on the essay of Rose Fres Fausto (2015) she stated one of the benefits of

extracurricular activities are food for the soul, because they get a higher attainment when they

accomplish the goals outside of the academic requirements. It is also stated that it is not only for

the improvement of the self, but also raise their self-esteem and also nourish their soul. So,

extracurricular activities are not just beneficent for the improvement of an individual, but to also

raise their self-actualization and to bring up their souls.

Another thing from Fausto (2015), “Extracurricular activities (ECAs) are imperative in an

understudy's life. Shockingly, since they are not reviewed and don't shape some portion of the QPI

(Qualitative Point Index) or GPA (General Point Average) which decides if an understudy can

keep contemplating in his school, they are not the need in an understudy's survival in school. More

often than not issues on additional curricular exercises are a staple in parent-kid contentions, “Your

grades are not good enough! I think you should quit your org.” “But Ma! That’s what I want to do;

it’s the thing that makes me want to go to school!” For a family that is scarcely making a decent

living, it's likewise the first to go as most extracurricular activities require extra costs.” In this

scenario, a mom and son/daughter having a conversation about the extracurricular activities that

affects her child’s grades and her mom told that he/she should stop his/her org. and the

son/daughter don’t want to stop it because it is his/her one of the reason why he/she continue to

go to school.
Furthermore, it is stated on the study of Charlene Joy E. Chua, et al. “Extracurricular

activities are being promoted in some college institutions considering that it benefits students in

ways that would prepare them for their future. Certain companies focus on investing on leadership

development of their employees to make them globally competitive.” Moreover, extracurricular

activities are a factor affecting students to prepare for their future and can also be a big factor to

consider on getting jobs to a particular company.

According to Rodolfo A. Ignacio, et al. (2017), “Sports involvement and academic success

of student-athletes had been a topic of discussion long time ago. Critics observed that participation

in sports may reduce the time available for studying and learning, since students-athletes were

having difficulties in managing their time between hectic schedules of sports training and

requirements of academic subjects.” However, sports enthusiasts claimed that sports participation

can motivate student-athletes to achieve harder, raise scholastic ambition, can keep them attending

school, can improve students’ academic grades, develop awareness the benefits of good health,

fitness and exercise, and understanding the spirit of team work, sportsmanship and camaraderie.

In addition, researches showed pieces of evidence that student participating in sports and physical

activities lead to developed mental and physical alertness, mentally and physically alert students

always improved their performances, accomplished more, and likely to continue attending classes

in school.

Foreign Literature and Study

It is highlighted in the essay of an anonymous person (2016), “Extra-curricular activity is

a non-academic activity. It is as parts of developmental modules which can make the students think

from a rather plain point of view of themselves and the world around them.” Therefore,

extracurricular activities do not have a grading system, it is only an activity that would enhance

the students to think from their beliefs and be aware to their environment and real world.

Alexandrov and Ivaniushina also conclude that structured sports activities – the most

common type of extracurricular activities – not only contribute to better health, but also help

youngsters develop positive attitudes towards school and learning. Further, extracurricular

activities can improve youngster’s greater physical condition, also to become optimistic in their

school and knowledge.

According to Anna Han and Kyungbin Kwon (2018), “the students who recognize the

Extra Curricular Activities (ECA) system beneficent and easy were advantageous to their

curriculum, knowledge, and to the growth of their career.” Furthermore, some of the schools didn’t

realize how extracurricular activities can be a huge factor affecting the student’s growth in their

desired professions.

Moreover, according to Syafiq Shamsudin, et al. (2014), “the positive effects of

extracurricular activities are positive behavior, better grades, school completion, positive aspects

to become successful adults, and a social aspect.” These positive benefits therefore attract the

interest of educators and policy makers who search for ways to enrich student’s academic, social,

and emotional enrichment development. The researchers believe that it’s right to continue

encouraging students to participate in extracurricular activities.

Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

Improving Extracurricular

Gathering the Determining the Evaluating the

perceptions and effects of suggested activities
feedback of the Senior extracurricular by the Senior High
High School students activities to the School students to be
about the University’s perception of the added in Foundation
extracurricular Senior High School Week and Caloocan
activities. students. Week.

Attract more Freshmen

College Enrollees in UE -

Table 1: Conceptual Framework

This research focuses on the improvements of extracurricular activities of the University

of the East – Caloocan to attain Freshmen College Enrollees in UE – Caloocan. It is expected to

gather the perception of the Senior High School students about the activities of the University to

see its relevance on the topic.

It will also determine the effects of extracurricular activities to the perception of the Senior

High School students. However, it will only focuses on the three big activities such as Sports

Festivals, Foundation and Caloocan Week.

Lastly, the evaluation of the suggested activities by the Senior High School students to be

added in Foundation Week and Caloocan Week. Those all activities really matters to gain

reputation and loyalty of the students that tend to them to stay in the University in their college

Definition of Terms

Allocate – distribute for a particular purpose.

Credible - able to be believed Non-sectarian- not involving or relating to a specific

religious sect or political group.

Cultivate - try to acquire or develop (a quality, sentiment, or skill).

Exposure - the revelation of an identity or fact, especially one that is concealed or likely

to arouse disapproval.

Extracurricular activities – are those that fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum

of school or university education, performed by students.

Favorable - expressing approval. Multilevel- relating to or involving many levels.

Foundation - an underlying basis or principle.

Implement - put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.

Leisure - is the time when you are not working and you can relax and do things that you


Longitudinal - involving information about an individual or group gathered over a long

period of time.

Logistic - is the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation.

Mean – number that is the result of adding a group of numbers together and then dividing

the result by how many numbers were in the group.

Modernization - the process of adapting something to modern needs or habits.

Perception - a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental


Potential - having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the


Satisfaction - fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived

from this.

Self-perceived - is defined as the way they see ourselves in relation to others and the world.

Socio-demographic - refers to a group defined by its sociological and demographic


Symposium - is a conference in which experts or academics discuss a particular subject.

Validate - check or prove the validity or accuracy of (something).

Chapter III


This chapter deals with the methodology and procedures of the study. Also it describes the

nature of research locale, research design, population and sample, respondents of the study,

research instruments, and the procedures for data collection. Moreover, this chapter also tells us

about the instrument and its validation.


The researchers used descriptive research to emphasize subjective measurements of data

gathered by determining its mean. Mean is the central value of a set of numbers in a particular

data. The method used is to show the relationship of improving extracurricular activities as one of

the factors to attain Freshmen College Enrollees in UE - Caloocan.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at the University of the East Caloocan-Campus which is a private,

non-sectarian higher education institution in Caloocan City, Philippines. The respondents were

Senior High School students from different strands at the University. It is an accurate place for the

arising problem and have the additional valuable information from its students.

Nature of the Subject and Respondents

The researchers conducted a survey through survey questionnaires for this study. The

researchers used Stratified Random Sampling as they properly allocated and chose the

respondents. This method was used in the survey with the total number of 100 Senior High School
students wherein there are 50 respondents in Grade 11 and 50 in Grade 12. Moreover, each strand

will have 10 representatives to provide accurate and efficient data. Stratified Random Sampling is

the target population's elements which are divided into distinct groups or strata were within each

stratum the elements are similar to each other with respect to select characteristics of importance

to the survey. Therefore, the subgroups of the respondents in this study were the strands such as

Accountancy and Business Management, Science Technology Engineering and Math, General

Academic Strand, Humanities and Social Sciences and PHSTAD.

Data and their Sources

The data contained in our research were gathered from different sources such as scholarly

articles found in Google and with the help of survey questionnaire. The valuable data came from

Senior High School students from the University of the East Caloocan as characters of the study.

They will be the foundation of this study to be able to provide sufficient and credible sources.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a closed type of survey questionnaires as it only falls to extracurricular

activities topic which serves as a research instrument. It includes the profile of the respondents as

well as the questions that may determine the role of students in this study. The researchers also

interviewed the respondents to fully understand their ideas and perception in improving

extracurricular activities.

The questionnaires were prepared by the researchers and validated by the subject teacher.

Then, the validated questionnaires were given personally to the respondents which were the 100

Senior High School. Their answers served as a basis and primary data of the research. After the

collection of the questionnaire, these were tabulated and evaluated to determine the conclusions

for analysis.
Chapter IV


Presentation of Data

Strongly Strongly Total

Questions Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
1. The extracurricular activities of UE- 36 49 11 4 100
Caloocan are minimal.
2. The senior high school students are not
satisfied with the extracurricular activities of
UE-Caloocan such as:
2.1 Foundation Week 37 35 19 9 100
2.2 Caloocan Week 31 34 23 12 100
2.3 Sports Festivals 37 37 21 5 100
3. The UE-Caloocan extracurricular activities 9 31 41 19 100
that satisfied its students were no longer
needed to improve.
4. UE-Caloocan does not have proper venue for 16 29 42 13 100
each extracurricular activities.
5. Each extracurricular activities does not meet 20 46 27 7 100
the enough time needed.
6. In every phase of extracurricular activities of 12 52 29 7 100
UE-Caloocan, it is not fully planned and
handled to satisfy students’ expectation.
7. The students suggested activities in
Foundation Week and Caloocan Week to
include are:
7.1 Concert 64 28 4 4 100
7.2 Mr. & Ms. UE/Pageant 34 43 17 6 100
7.3 Field Trip 40 29 18 13 100
8. Intramurals or Sports Festivals are not 17 50 26 7 100
established and conducted well.
9. If UE-Caloocan successfully satisfied their 33 47 14 6 100
students’ expectations to the extracurricular
activities, the students will continue their
study in UE-Caloocan.
10. The successful extracurricular activities are 25 54 16 5 100
documented and posted online to promote the

Table 2: Presentation of Data

Treatment of Data

Formula: x̄ just stands for the “sample mean”

Σ means “add up”
x̄ = ( Σ xi ) / n
xi “all of the x-values”
n means “the number of items in the sample”

The weighted mean of the statement of the problem number 1 was computed using the results in

question 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 as follows:

x Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1 36 49 11 4

4 16 29 42 13

5 20 46 27 7

6 12 52 29 7

8 17 50 26 7

10 25 54 16 5

( Σ xi ) 126 280 151 43

n 6 6 6 6

x̄ 21 46.67 25.17 7.17

Table 3: Statement of the Problem 1 Weighted Mean

The weighted mean of the statement of the problem number 2 was computed using the results in

question 2, 3, and 9 as follows:

x Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

2.1 37 35 19 9

2.2 31 34 23 12

2.3 37 37 21 5

3 9 31 41 19

9 33 47 14 6

( Σ xi ) 147 184 118 51

n 5 5 5 5

x̄ 29.4 36.8 23.6 10.2

Table 4: Statement of the Problem 2 Weighted Mean

The weighted mean of the statement of the problem number 1 was computed using the result in

question 7 as follow:

x Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

7.1 64 28 4 4

7.2 34 43 17 6

7.3 40 29 18 13

( Σ xi ) 138 100 39 23

n 3 3 3 3

x̄ 46 33.33 13 7.67

Table 5: Statement of the Problem 3 Weighted Mean


Based on the data from questions 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 had a weighted mean of 46.67 that

Senior High School students agreed that the factors regarding extracurricular activities were not

satisfied them. It said that UE’s extracurricular activities were minimal, doesn’t meet the time

needed, lack of preparation, sports were not conducted well and needs a further improvement. It

also shows how the students were aware of having an unsatisfied feelings regarding UE’s

extracurricular activities.

In addition of that, questions 2, 3 and 9 got a weighted mean of 36.8 wherein the Senior

High School students were agree that there is a negative effect to them on how extracurricular

activities are conducted. It conveys that they are not contented with the extracurricular activities

during Foundation Week, Caloocan Week, and Sports Festivals. However, they also agree that if

UE will satisfy them, definitely, they will stay and continue their college in UE.

Lastly, under the question 7, it had a weighted mean of 46 wherein the Senior High School

students were strongly agree to have an addition of activities during Foundation and Caloocan

Week for them to be satisfied and UE will meet their expectation on extracurricular activities. It

includes the Concert during Caloocan Week and Foundation Week, a Pageant during Foundation

Week and a Field Trip includes in Caloocan Week. With these results, it is clearly shown the needs

of improvements of UE’s extracurricular activities.

Chapter V


Summary of Findings

The result shows that 49% of the respondents agreed that UE – Caloocan’s extracurricular

activities are minimal and such case of the students didn’t anticipate that there are activities were


It also shows that 41% of respondents are agree that they are not satisfied with the

extracurricular activities of UE – Caloocan during Foundation Week which as they only enjoyed

the food stalls and nothing more.

In question 2.3 data presented, both strongly agree and agree choices got 37% wherein the

Senior High School students were not satisfied with the Sports Festival due to still having classes

even their classmates and fellow strand were already playing.

It is clear that 41% of the Senior High School students knew that those extracurricular

activities conducted in Foundation Week, Caloocan Week and Sports Festivals were need a room

of improvements for such things that they will be satisfied.

When it comes to proper venue of the school for each extracurricular activities, 42% of the

Senior High School students disagreed that there’s no proper place for the activities.

Based on the gathered data, 46% of the respondents agreed that each extracurricular

activities does not meet the time needed to conduct it.

The gathered data also shows that 52% of the respondents agreed that in every phase of

extracurricular activities of the University of the East - Caloocan it is not fully planned and handled

to satisfy students' expectations.

For question 7, based on the data gathered, 64% of the respondents strongly agreed that the

University of the East - Caloocan should include Concert in Foundation week and Caloocan Week.

While, 43% of the respondents agreed to include Mr. and Ms. UE pageant in Foundation Week.

Lastly, 40% of the respondents strongly agreed to include Fieldtrip in Caloocan Week.

On the other hand, 50% of the respondents did not agree that the intramurals or Sports

Festivals are established and conducted well.

As the results above, it shows that 47% of the respondents agreed that if UE- Caloocan

successfully satisfied its Senior High School student’s expectations to the extracurricular activities,

the Senior High School students will continue their study in UE- Caloocan.

Finally, based on the data gathered, 54% of the respondents agree that the successful

extracurricular activities are need to be documented and posted online to promote the school.


Based on the results, therefore, this study concludes that the University of the East – Caloocan

needs improvement to its extracurricular activities as one of the factors to attain those Senior High

School students to study here at the UE – Caloocan.

It is clear that the factors regarding UE’s extracurricular activities were not satisfied them

even though the school has a proper venue for the extracurricular activities.
It’s needed to improve those factors such as the time-frame, the number of activities to be

conducted, the preparation and Sports capability and stability.

Another thing is that, UE’s extracurricular activities have a negative effects to the Senior

High School students. The Senior High School students are not satisfied in the activities during

Foundation Week, Caloocan Week and Sports Festivals. In this case, it shows a low chances for

the Senior High School students to stay in UE due to its unsatisfying extracurricular activities.

However, it will have an opposite result if UE’s extracurricular activities will be improved.

Furthermore, addition of activities is one of the ways to satisfy and meet the Senior High

School student’s expectations. Based on the results, adding a Concert in Foundation Week and

Caloocan Week are more likely boosting a good view to the Senior High School students. Also,

including a pageant in Foundation Week and a field trip in Caloocan Week will be a big factor.

Specifically, extracurricular activities have a big role to the student’s life. It is one of the

factors that Senior High School students consider to look forward in choosing a school to study.


In general, the researchers highly recommend that the school’s extracurricular activities

needs improvement because most of the Senior High School students are highly interested in

extracurricular activities that will help them in their studies and in their personal goal in life. The

researchers also recommend to the future researchers to conduct a study related to this topic which

can help and support the schools in what other things they need to improve.

The researchers recommend that factors affecting Senior High School student’s perception

to the extracurricular activities like Foundation week, Caloocan week, and Sports Festivals should
be improved and met its time needed in conducting it. Aside from this, it must be fully planned

and handled for the school to maximize the satisfaction of their Senior High School students in

these extracurricular activities. For other ways in promoting the school, the researchers

recommend that each extracurricular activities that successfully held can be documented and

posted online. It can help both the school and the students to easily evaluate and examine the past

events by visiting and viewing the uploaded files.

For the effects of extracurricular activities in the perception of the Senior High School

students, the researchers likely to recommend that the school should satisfy their expectations in

each event. The school can give survey questionnaires regarding their student’s reaction in a

conducted extracurricular activities. By doing so, the school can easily see if there are some things

that needs an improvement to help the students stay in the school. In addition for the Foundation

Week, the activities must be distinguished correctly in every phase of it, thus, resulting to a more

comprehend students.

The researchers recommend that the school should have an additional extracurricular

activities like a Concert and Mr. & Ms. UE pageant for Foundation Week, Field trip for the

Caloocan Week as suggested by the students. It is also applicable in the Caloocan Week wherein,

aside from the booth in the field, they can also add Field trips for educational purposes and for

other extracurricular activities. In these ways, the students can be more energized to go to school

and always waiting for the events that the University of the East - Caloocan will conduct.

Strongly Strongly Total

Questions Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
1. The extracurricular activities of
UE-Caloocan are minimal.
2. The senior high school students
are not satisfied with the
extracurricular activities of UE-
Caloocan such as:
2.1 Foundation Week
2.2 Caloocan Week
2.3 Sports Festivals
3. The UE-Caloocan extracurricular
activities that satisfied its students
were no longer needed to
4. UE-Caloocan does not have
proper venue for each
extracurricular activities.
5. Each extracurricular activities
does not meet the enough time
6. In every phase of extracurricular
activities of UE-Caloocan, it is
not fully planned and handled to
satisfy students’ expectation.
7. The students suggested activities
in Foundation Week and
Caloocan Week to include are:
7.1 Concert
7.2 Mr. & Ms. UE/Pageant
7.3 Field Trip
8. Intramurals or Sports Festivals
are not established and conducted
9. If UE-Caloocan successfully
satisfied their students’
expectations to the extracurricular
activities, the students will
continue their study in UE-
10. The successful extracurricular
activities are documented and
posted online to promote the

Strongly Strongly Total

Questions Agree Agree Disagree Disagree
1. The extracurricular activities of
UE-Caloocan are minimal.
2. The senior high school students
are not satisfied with the
extracurricular activities of UE-
Caloocan such as:
2.1 Foundation Week
2.2 Caloocan Week
2.3 Sports Festivals
3. The UE-Caloocan extracurricular
activities that satisfied its students
were no longer needed to
4. UE-Caloocan does not have
proper venue for each
extracurricular activities.
5. Each extracurricular activities
does not meet the enough time
6. In every phase of extracurricular
activities of UE-Caloocan, it is
not fully planned and handled to
satisfy students’ expectation.
7. The students suggested activities
in Foundation Week and
Caloocan Week to include are:
7.1 Concert
7.2 Mr. & Ms. UE/Pageant
7.3 Field Trip
8. Intramurals or Sports Festivals
are not established and conducted
9. If UE-Caloocan successfully
satisfied their students’
expectations to the extracurricular
activities, the students will
continue their study in UE-
10. The successful extracurricular
activities are documented and
posted online to promote the

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Shamsudin, Syaqif. Examining the Effect of Extracurricular Activities on Academic

Achievements among the Public University Students in Malaysia. Malaysia:

Canadian center of Science and Education, 2014.

Sobolevskaya, Obla Extracurricular Activities Build Students' Self-esteem. Russia: 2014.

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