Name: Fajar Eka Putra No: 08 Class: Ek-3A Individual Presentation 2 The Diodes

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NO : 08

Hai guys, Good Morning. Do you know The Diode ? That is an electronic component. I’m
standing here to tell you about my topic, that are the diodes. I will describe the five sub topics
of diodes, that are the meaning of diodes, the materials of diodes, many types and symbol of
diodess, the function and characteristic of diodes, and the last is application of diodes in the
electronics circuit.
1. The Meaning of diodes.
The diode is an electronic component which can change alternating current become
direct current. The diodes have an ability to pass the current if Anoda voltage is bigger
than Katoda Voltage. It is one of active component in the electronic circuit. The active
component is an electronic what need a power supply to operate. The first man who find
the diodes is Frederick Guthrie in the 1873.

2. The materials of diodes.

In general, diode is made by one semiconductor element, this is silicon or germanium.
The materials of diode are semiconductor elements. It is not conductor or isolator.
Because in the time of periode, the diodes can change conductor and in the time else can
change isolator. For more information, let see my picture below.

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3. Types and Symbols of Diodes.
Diodes have many types and every types have a different materials. But we can divide by
5 types. The diodes have a polarity, the arrow assignment that indicated N junction or
Katoda and the junction else is P junction or Anoda, so we must be carefully to connect
to electronic circuit. The 5 types of diodes are .
a. Rectifier Diode
This type is a diode rectifier diode current or voltage applied, such as counter current
(AC) is rectified to produce a direct current (DC). Diodes of this type has
characteristics that vary according to voltage capacity owned.
b. Zener Diode
Zener diodes are symbolized by a dart toward the right followed by a horizontal line
that ran through both sides of her that, with bounded by the vertical line with the
addition of a small line horizontally to the right to the top, and a horizontal line to the
left on the bottom indicating stabilizing the voltage or current (DC).
c. Varactor Diode
Dioda jenis ini merupakan dioda yang unik, karena dioda ini memiliki kapasitas yang
dapat berubah-ubah sesuai dengan besar kecilnya tegangan yang diberikan kepada
dioda ini, contohnya jika tegangan yang diberikan besar, maka kapasitasnya akan
menurun,berbanding terbalik jika diberikan tegangan yang rendah akan semakin besar
kapasitasnya, pembiasan dioda ini secara reverse. Dioda jenis ini banyak digunakan
sebagai pengaturan suara pada televisi, dan pesawat penerima radio.
d. Photo Diode
Diodes of this type is a light-sensitive diodes, which work on the specific areas that
the current reverse certain light to pass through, the diode is commonly made using
silicon base material and geranium. Light-emitting diode is currently widely used for
alarm, the data tape perforated useful as a sensor, and a light meter (Lux Meter).
e. Light Emitting Diode (LED)
LED diodes are often abbreviated this is one of the electronic devices that combine
the two elements, namely optics and electronics, also known as Opteolotronic.dengan
each electrode in the form of an anode (+) and katroda (-), diodes of this type is
categorized based on the direction of bias and diameter the light produced, and its

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For more clearly, you can see the picture below, it show you symbol and the name of
types of diode, and you can add your knowledge.

4. The function and characteristic of diodes

The function of diode in general, is rectifier electrical current in an electronic circuit but
every types have different function with else.
a. The function of light-emitting diode is often used for alarm
b. Capacity diode function is more widely used as the controller of the sound on the
c. Rectifier diode function is to convert the alternating current or AC current into direct
current or DC
d. Zener diode function is to align the incoming voltage and outgoing
And every types of diodes have the grapic of characteristic.

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5. Application of diode in the electronic circuit.

The diodes have many application in the electronic circuit, such as power supply
circuit. It is source of Direct Current for other the electronic circuit. We can design and
build the power supply circuit with the electrolyte diode. Of course, we must know the
formula to choose the value of diode rightly.
When the voltage source (input) is turned on, the output of diode will conduction.
Filter In the Wave Rectifier have function to obtain a flat unidirectional output voltage of
the rectifier circuit. The purpose of rectification is to obtain a direct current. In the
rectifier, we did not get pure DC Current but also AC current. This voltage variation is
called ripple voltage.
To reduce voltage ripple we can use filter. There are so many filter such as
inductor and capacitors but for the efeciency we use capacitors filter. Because capacitors
have a characteristic for blocking AC and allowed DC. By adding a capacitor and
Resistor in parallel circuit at half-wave rectifier circuit,so we can reduce the ripple
voltage better. The time of the charge and discharge of capacitors is up to the Value of R
and C combination with the formula T = R x C , R in ohm, C in Farad, T in second.
As we know, the capacitor can store energy. At the time of the source voltage
rises, the capacitor will be charged until it reaches the maximum voltage. At the time of
the source voltage decreases, the capacitor will release energy that store by itself through
the load (since at this time the diode is not conduction). Therefore the load will still get
the energy flow though the diode is not conducting. Furthermore, if the diode conduction
again, the capacitor will be charged and stored energy will be released again when the
diode is not conducting and so on. Filters of this kind can of course also be used on a full
wave rectifier.

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