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JULY 2018

This Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS) Report has been prepared by SENET (Pty) Ltd
(SENET), in collaboration with Reminex on behalf of la Société des Mines de Mandiana S.A.
(SMM) (both companies being subsidiaries of Managem), and various external consultants,
namely Golder Associates Africa (Pty) Ltd (Golder), ABS Africa (ABS), Epoch Resources
(Epoch), BBA Inc. (BBA) and (SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc. (SRK) and presents the
proposed design concept, estimated costs, and development schedule for SMM’s Tri K project
in Guinea.

This BFS is a compilation of the reports from all the consultants that have been involved in the
feasibility studies within their respective scope of services:

• SRK: Geology and mineral resources studies

• BBA: Mineral reserves and mining studies
• Epoch: Tailings storage facility studies
• Golder:Hydrological and flood protection studies
• ABS: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) development and
rehabilitation and closure costs
• SENET: Process plant, on-site infrastructure, overall BFS management,
development of financial model, review of Managem/Reminex scope of work
and technical report compilation

Each consultant’s responsible person approved and validated their scope of work.

Based on the foregoing,

• Each consultant’s liability is only with respect to the section of the BFS that such
consultant prepared; the consultant does not assume joint or several liability for the
report sections of the other consultants.
• Although SENET’s logo appears on all the pages of the BFS, that logo was inserted
only for the purpose of the compilation of the BFS and does not imply any liability of
SENET with respect to the studies and report sections of the other consultants included
in the BFS.
• No consultant assumes liability for the use that SMM or its shareholders may have of
the BFS.
• The BFS is provided “as is”, and no consultant assumes any liability for any matters
outside the matters covered by the consultant’s report section.
• The BFS cannot be construed as providing any legal or financial advice to carry out
the Tri-K project.
• No consultant assumes any liability for any events or circumstances occurring after the
issuance of the BFS.

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Nithia Chetty Pieter Theron Philemon Bundo

SENET Project Manager SENET Project Sponsor SENET Process Director


Logo Company Name


Hatim Sebti
Mohamed Boutyb


SRK Consulting Sébastien Bernier

BBA Jeffrey Cassoff

Epoch Resources George Papageorgiou

ABS Africa Fanie Coetzee

Golder Associates
Trevor Coleman

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DISCLAIMER....................................................................................................................... 2
SENET LEAD CONSULTANT SIGNATORIES.................................................................... 3
CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS ............................................................................................... 3
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................... 24
1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 24
1.2 Scope of Services ............................................................................................ 24
1.3 Geology and Mineral Resources ...................................................................... 25
1.3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 25
1.3.2 Property Description and Ownership .................................................. 25
1.3.3 Geology and Mineralisation ................................................................ 25
1.3.4 Drilling, Sample Preparation, Analyses, and Security ......................... 26
1.3.5 Data Verification ................................................................................. 26
1.3.6 Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates ............................. 27
1.4 Mineral Reserves and Mining ........................................................................... 31
1.5 Metallurgical Test Work and Process Plant ...................................................... 36
1.5.1 Metallurgical Test Work ...................................................................... 36
1.5.2 Process Plant Design ......................................................................... 39
1.6 Tailings Storage Facility ................................................................................... 41
1.7 Human Resource Element and Manpower ....................................................... 43
1.7.1 Human Resource Element ................................................................. 43
1.7.2 Manpower .......................................................................................... 44
1.8 Project On-Site Infrastructure ........................................................................... 45
1.9 Off-Site Infrastructure....................................................................................... 45
1.10 Mine Closure and Sustainability ....................................................................... 46
1.10.1 Reclamation and Closure Planning .................................................... 46
1.10.2 Financial Provision for Closure ........................................................... 46
1.11 Environmental Assessment.............................................................................. 47
1.11.1 Baseline Environment ........................................................................ 47
1.11.2 Public Consultation ............................................................................ 49
1.11.3 Key Environmental and Social Impacts .............................................. 50
1.11.4 Socio-Economic Impacts .................................................................... 52
1.11.5 Mitigation and Management Measures ............................................... 52
1.12 Capital Cost and Operating Cost Estimates ..................................................... 52
1.13 Marketing and Financial Analysis ..................................................................... 54
1.14 Implementation ................................................................................................ 56
1.15 Risks, Opportunities, Recommendations and Conclusions .............................. 60
1.15.1 Risks .................................................................................................. 60
1.15.2 Opportunities ...................................................................................... 61
1.15.3 Conclusions and Recommendations .................................................. 62
2 SCOPE OF SERVICES ............................................................................................ 65
2.1 SRK’s Scope of Services ................................................................................. 65
2.2 BBA’s Scope of Services ................................................................................. 65
2.3 Epoch’s Scope of Services .............................................................................. 65
2.4 Golder’s Scope of Services .............................................................................. 67
2.4.1 Hydrogeological Study ....................................................................... 67
2.4.2 Hydrological and Flood Protection Study ............................................ 67

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2.5 ABS’s Scope of Services ................................................................................. 68
2.5.1 Review of Regulatory Framework....................................................... 68
2.5.2 Public Consultation and Disclosure Strategy and Action Plan ............ 68
2.5.3 Project Description (Mine Characterisation) ....................................... 69
2.5.4 Impact Assessment and Mitigation ..................................................... 69
2.5.5 Management and Monitoring Plans .................................................... 69
2.6 Reminex/Managem’s Scope of Services .......................................................... 69
2.6.1 Coordination of Consultants ............................................................... 69
2.6.2 Compilation of Costs for the BFS ....................................................... 70
2.7 SENET’s Scope of Services............................................................................. 70
2.7.1 Study Management ............................................................................ 70
2.7.2 Metallurgical Test Work Programme Management ............................. 70
2.7.3 Process Plant Design ......................................................................... 71
2.7.4 Process Plant Associated Infrastructure and Logistics ....................... 71
2.7.5 Capital and Operating Cost Estimate ................................................. 71
2.7.6 BFS Report ........................................................................................ 71
3 GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES ............................................................... 72
3.1 Introduction and Terms of Reference ............................................................... 72
3.1.1 Scope of Work.................................................................................... 72
3.1.2 Work Programme ............................................................................... 72
3.1.3 Basis of Technical Report .................................................................. 73
3.1.4 Qualifications of SRK and SRK Team ................................................ 73
3.1.5 Site Visit ............................................................................................. 73
3.1.6 Declaration ......................................................................................... 74
3.2 Reliance on Other Experts ............................................................................... 74
3.3 Property Description and Location ................................................................... 74
3.3.1 Mineral Tenure ................................................................................... 75
3.3.2 Underlying Agreements ...................................................................... 77
3.3.3 Permits and Authorisation .................................................................. 77
3.3.4 Environmental Considerations............................................................ 77
3.3.5 Mining Rights in Guinea ..................................................................... 77
3.4 Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure, and Physiography ...... 79
3.4.1 Accessibility ....................................................................................... 79
3.4.2 Climate ............................................................................................... 79
3.4.3 Local Resources and Infrastructure .................................................... 79
3.4.4 Physiography ..................................................................................... 80
3.5 History ............................................................................................................. 81
3.5.1 Artisanal Mining.................................................................................. 82
3.5.2 Exploration History ............................................................................. 83
3.5.3 Historical Production .......................................................................... 85
3.5.4 Previous Mineral Resource Estimate.................................................. 85
3.6 Geological Setting and Mineralisation .............................................................. 86
3.6.1 Regional Geology............................................................................... 86
3.6.2 Property Geology ............................................................................... 89
3.7 Deposit Types .................................................................................................. 96
3.8 Exploration ....................................................................................................... 99
3.8.1 Introduction – Historical work ............................................................. 99
3.8.2 Geochemistry (WEGA Mining, 2006-2008; Avocet, 2011) .................. 99

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3.8.3 Geophysics (Alliance, 1995-1996; WEGA Mining, 2007-2008; Avocet,
2011)................................................................................................ 100
3.8.4 SMM (2016 – Present) ..................................................................... 102
3.9 Drilling............................................................................................................ 102
3.9.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 102
3.9.2 Historical Drilling (1996-2006) and WEGA Mining (2006-2009) ........ 105
3.9.3 Avocet (2009-2016) .......................................................................... 106
3.9.4 Due Diligence by Managem (2016) .................................................. 106
3.9.5 SMM (2016 – Present) ..................................................................... 108
3.9.6 Drilling Pattern and Density .............................................................. 108
3.9.7 SRK Comments ............................................................................... 109
3.10 Sample Preparation, Analyses, and Security ................................................. 109
3.10.1 Sample Preparation and Analyses ................................................... 109
3.10.2 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Programmes ........................ 111
3.10.3 SRK Comments ............................................................................... 114
3.11 Data Verification ............................................................................................ 114
3.11.1 Verifications by SMM........................................................................ 114
3.11.2 Verifications by SRK ........................................................................ 115
3.12 Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Testing ................................................ 119
3.13 Mineral Resource Estimates .......................................................................... 120
3.13.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 120
3.13.2 Mineral Resource Estimation Methodology ...................................... 121
3.13.3 Resource Database ......................................................................... 122
3.13.4 Geological Modelling ........................................................................ 122
3.13.5 Compositing and Capping ................................................................ 123
3.13.6 Specific Gravity ................................................................................ 126
3.13.7 Block Model Definition ...................................................................... 126
3.13.8 Variography...................................................................................... 127
3.13.9 Estimation Strategy .......................................................................... 129
3.13.10 Block Model Validation ..................................................................... 130
3.13.11 Mineral Resource Classification and Preparation of Mineral Resource
Statement......................................................................................... 132
3.13.12 Reconciliation with Previous Mineral Resource Statement ............... 136
3.14 Interpretation and Conclusions ...................................................................... 137
3.15 Recommendations ......................................................................................... 137
4 MINERAL RESERVES AND MINING ..................................................................... 139
4.1 Mineral Reserves ........................................................................................... 139
4.1.1 Mining Dilution and Ore Loss ........................................................... 139
4.1.2 Open-Pit Optimisation ...................................................................... 141
4.1.3 Open-Pit Design ............................................................................... 148
4.2 Mining ............................................................................................................ 161
4.2.1 Mining Methodology ......................................................................... 161
4.2.2 Contractor Obligations...................................................................... 162
4.2.3 Waste Rock Dump Design ............................................................... 163
4.2.4 Mine Production Schedule ............................................................... 166
4.2.5 Mining Equipment ............................................................................ 179
4.2.6 Workforce......................................................................................... 183

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5.1 Metallurgical Test Work ................................................................................. 184
5.1.1 Summary.......................................................................................... 184
5.1.2 Background ...................................................................................... 187
5.1.3 Feasibility Study Metallurgical Test Work ......................................... 188
5.1.4 BFS Metallurgical Test Work Programme......................................... 189
5.1.5 Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................ 233
5.2 Process Plant Design..................................................................................... 233
5.2.1 Process Plant Design Criteria........................................................... 233
5.2.2 Engineering Design Criteria.............................................................. 245
5.2.3 Block Flow Diagram ......................................................................... 254
5.2.4 Process Description ......................................................................... 254
5.2.5 Mechanical Equipment List .............................................................. 277
5.2.6 Equipment Data Sheets and Pump Schedule ................................... 277
5.2.7 Plant Control Philosophy .................................................................. 277
5.2.8 Hazard and Operability Study........................................................... 293
6 TAILINGS STORAGE FACILITY ............................................................................ 294
6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 294
6.2 Project Location and Topography .................................................................. 294
6.3 Terms of Reference ....................................................................................... 295
6.4 Scope of Work ............................................................................................... 295
6.4.1 Battery Limits ................................................................................... 297
6.4.2 Exclusions ........................................................................................ 297
6.4.3 Design Criteria and Legislation ......................................................... 298
6.4.4 Available Information ........................................................................ 298
6.5 Hydrological Design Parameters .................................................................... 299
6.5.1 Average Annual Rainfall ................................................................... 299
6.5.2 Annual Evaporation .......................................................................... 300
6.5.3 Extreme Storm Design Event ........................................................... 300
6.6 Geotechnical Investigations ........................................................................... 301
6.6.1 Geotechnical Site Investigation ........................................................ 301
6.6.2 Geotechnical Investigation of the Tailings Residue .......................... 304
6.7 Preliminary Tailings Geochemistry ................................................................. 306
6.8 Selection of a Preferred TSF Site................................................................... 308
6.9 Tailings Storage Facility Design ..................................................................... 311
6.9.1 Tailings Storage Facility Safety Classification .................................. 311
6.9.2 Tailing Storage Facility Layout ......................................................... 313
6.9.3 Return Water Dam and Storm Water Dam ....................................... 327
6.10 Water Balance ............................................................................................... 329
6.10.1 Water Balance Objectives, Constraints and Criteria ......................... 330
6.10.2 Models and Modelling Philosophy .................................................... 331
6.10.3 Overall Water Balance Modelling Philosophy ................................... 331
6.10.4 Water Balance Results ..................................................................... 333
6.11 Seepage Analysis .......................................................................................... 335
6.12 Slope Analyses .............................................................................................. 337
6.12.1 Static Slope Stability Analysis .......................................................... 338
6.12.2 Pseudo-Static Slope Stability Analysis ............................................. 340
6.12.3 Results of the Analyses .................................................................... 342
6.12.4 Recommendations ........................................................................... 343

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6.13 Rehabilitation, Closure and Aftercare ............................................................. 343
6.14 Conclusions ................................................................................................... 343
6.15 Recommendations ......................................................................................... 345
7 HUMAN RESOURCE ELEMENT AND MANPOWER ............................................ 347
7.1 Human Resource Element ............................................................................. 347
7.1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 347
7.1.2 Recruitment Policy ........................................................................... 348
7.1.3 Remuneration Policy ........................................................................ 352
7.1.4 Accommodation Policy ..................................................................... 353
7.1.5 Industrial Relations Policy ................................................................ 355
7.1.6 Safety and Health Policy .................................................................. 356
7.1.7 Emergency Response Procedure ..................................................... 360
7.1.8 Disease Prevalence ......................................................................... 361
7.1.9 Training and Development ............................................................... 362
7.1.10 Community Relations Policy ............................................................. 365
7.1.11 Procedure for Management of Grievances ....................................... 367
7.1.12 Security Policy.................................................................................. 367
7.2 Manpower ...................................................................................................... 370
7.2.1 Direct and Subcontractor Labour ...................................................... 370
7.2.2 Mine Management Labour ............................................................... 372
7.2.3 General and Administration Labour .................................................. 373
7.2.4 Mining Labour .................................................................................. 376
7.2.5 Process Plant ................................................................................... 378
8 PROJECT ON-SITE INFRASTRUCTURE .............................................................. 382
8.1 In-Plant Access Roads................................................................................... 382
8.2 Plant Buildings ............................................................................................... 382
8.2.1 Security Office and Change House .................................................. 383
8.2.2 Plant Control Room .......................................................................... 384
8.2.3 Plant Workshop ................................................................................ 384
8.2.4 Plant Office Building ......................................................................... 384
8.2.5 Assay Laboratory ............................................................................. 385
8.2.6 Plant Warehouse.............................................................................. 385
8.3 Plant Reagents and Consumables Stores...................................................... 386
8.3.1 Reagents Store A: Sodium Cyanide ................................................. 386
8.3.2 Reagents Store B: Acids/Basics/Toxic ............................................. 386
8.3.3 Reagents Store C: Acids/Flammables .............................................. 387
8.3.4 Reagents Store D: Quicklime ........................................................... 387
8.3.5 Reagents Store F: Acids/Basics/Toxic for SWD Discharge Treatment
......................................................................................................... 387
8.4 Process Plant Site Drainage .......................................................................... 388
8.4.1 Berms .............................................................................................. 388
8.4.2 Side Drains ...................................................................................... 388
8.5 Sewerage Disposal ........................................................................................ 388
8.6 Security.......................................................................................................... 389
8.7 Water Supply ................................................................................................. 389
8.7.1 Potable Water Distribution ................................................................ 390
8.7.2 Fire Water Distribution...................................................................... 390
8.8 Communications ............................................................................................ 391

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8.9 Power Supply................................................................................................. 391
8.9.1 Power Demand ................................................................................ 391
8.9.2 Medium Speed HFO Generation ...................................................... 391
8.9.3 Electrical Infrastructure..................................................................... 392
8.9.4 Medium Voltage Switchgear ............................................................. 392
8.9.5 Transformers .................................................................................... 394
8.9.6 Low Voltage Distribution................................................................... 394
8.9.7 Motor Control Centres ...................................................................... 394
8.9.8 Electrical Motor Control Stations ...................................................... 394
8.9.9 Earthing and Lightning Protection .................................................... 395
8.9.10 Electrical Cables .............................................................................. 395
8.9.11 Cable Racking .................................................................................. 395
8.9.12 General Process Plant Area ............................................................. 395
8.9.13 Cyanide, Acid and Sodium Metabisulphite Exposed Area ................ 396
8.9.14 Lighting ............................................................................................ 396
8.9.15 Fire Detection and Suppression System........................................... 396
8.10 Fuel Supply and Storage ............................................................................... 396
8.10.1 HFO ................................................................................................. 396
8.10.2 Diesel ............................................................................................... 396
9 PROJECT OFF-SITE INFRASTRUCTURE AND LOGISTICS................................ 397
9.1 Off-Site Infrastructure..................................................................................... 397
9.1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 397
9.1.2 Airstrip .............................................................................................. 397
9.1.3 Rail................................................................................................... 398
9.1.4 Access Road between the Loila Village and Plant Site ..................... 398
9.1.5 Mining Infrastructure ........................................................................ 398
9.1.6 Power Supply and Electrical Standards and Specifications .............. 399
9.1.7 Communications .............................................................................. 403
9.1.8 Accommodation Facilities ................................................................. 404
9.1.9 Solid Waste Management ................................................................ 406
9.1.10 Raw Water Supply and Potable Water Distribution ........................... 406
9.1.11 Camp Firefighting System ................................................................ 407
9.1.12 Camp Sewage Treatment ................................................................ 407
9.1.13 Fencing ............................................................................................ 407
9.1.14 Fuel Storage and Distribution ........................................................... 407
9.1.15 Export Facility .................................................................................. 408
9.1.16 Transport.......................................................................................... 408
9.2 Logistics and Transport .................................................................................. 409
9.2.1 General ............................................................................................ 409
9.2.2 Routing ............................................................................................ 409
9.2.3 Port Facilities ................................................................................... 414
9.2.4 Project Logistics Documents and Execution Plan ............................. 416
9.2.5 Project Cargo ................................................................................... 417
10 MINE CLOSURE AND SUSTAINABILITY.............................................................. 419
10.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 419
10.2 Framework for Rehabilitation and Mine Closure Plan ..................................... 419
10.2.1 LOM Plan ......................................................................................... 419
10.2.2 Policy Guidelines and Legislative Requirements .............................. 420

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10.2.3 Post-Closure Land Use Objectives ................................................... 421
10.3 Reclamation and Closure Completion Criteria................................................ 421
10.4 Conceptual Rehabilitation and Closure Plan .................................................. 422
10.4.1 General Reclamation and Closure Activities ..................................... 422
10.4.2 Reclamation and Closure Activities Applicable to Specific Infrastructure
Areas ............................................................................................... 424
10.5 Post-Closure Land Use .................................................................................. 426
10.6 Rehabilitation Monitoring, Aftercare and Maintenance ................................... 426
10.7 Financial Provision for Closure ...................................................................... 426
............................................................................................................................... 429
11.1 Environmental Legislation and Permitting ...................................................... 429
11.2 Environmental Baseline Setting ..................................................................... 430
11.2.1 Physical Environment ....................................................................... 430
11.2.2 Biological Environment ..................................................................... 435
11.3 Social Baseline Setting .................................................................................. 440
11.3.1 Upper Guinea and Mandiana Prefecture .......................................... 440
11.3.2 Settlements and Community Structure ............................................. 443
11.3.3 Social Context .................................................................................. 443
11.4 Economic Baseline Setting ............................................................................ 449
11.4.1 Income ............................................................................................. 449
11.4.2 Artisanal Mining................................................................................ 450
11.4.3 Agriculture ........................................................................................ 450
11.4.4 Other Sources of Income ................................................................. 450
11.4.5 Expenses ......................................................................................... 450
11.4.6 Savings and Loans........................................................................... 450
11.5 Public Consultation and Disclosure ................................................................ 451
11.6 Environmental and Social Impacts ................................................................. 451
11.6.1 Soils and Land Capability ................................................................. 451
11.6.2 Groundwater .................................................................................... 452
11.6.3 Surface Water .................................................................................. 453
11.6.4 Flora................................................................................................. 453
11.6.5 Fauna ............................................................................................... 454
11.6.6 Aquatic Ecosystems ......................................................................... 455
11.6.7 Surface Water .................................................................................. 457
11.6.8 Air Quality ........................................................................................ 457
11.6.9 Greenhouse Gas Emissions ............................................................. 458
11.6.10 Environmental Noise ........................................................................ 458
11.6.11 Archaeology and Heritage ................................................................ 459
11.6.12 Blasting and Vibration ...................................................................... 459
11.7 Environmental and Social Management Plan ................................................. 459
11.8 Environmental Monitoring Plan ...................................................................... 460
11.9 Opportunities, Risks and Recommendations ................................................. 460
11.10 Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 461
12 CAPITAL AND OPERATING COST ESTIMATES.................................................. 462
12.1 Project Requirements .................................................................................... 462
12.1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 462
12.1.2 Scope of the Estimates .................................................................... 462

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12.1.3 Responsibilities ................................................................................ 462
12.1.4 Estimate Accuracy ........................................................................... 462
12.1.5 Exclusions ........................................................................................ 463
12.1.6 Escalation ........................................................................................ 463
12.1.7 Exchange Rates ............................................................................... 463
12.2 Capital Cost Estimate .................................................................................... 464
12.2.1 CAPEX Summary............................................................................. 464
12.2.2 Process Plant, TSF and On-Site Infrastructure ................................. 465
12.2.3 Off-Site Infrastructure ....................................................................... 482
12.2.4 Owner’s Pre-Production Costs ......................................................... 493
12.2.5 Sustaining Capital ............................................................................ 494
12.2.6 Working Capital ................................................................................ 495
12.3 Operating Cost Estimate ................................................................................ 496
12.3.1 OPEX Summary ............................................................................... 496
12.3.2 Mining Operating Cost Estimate ....................................................... 496
12.3.3 Process Plant Operating Costs ........................................................ 499
12.3.4 TSF Operating Cost ......................................................................... 519
12.3.5 Raw Water Supply Operating Cost ................................................... 520
12.3.6 Site General and Administration Costs ............................................. 520
13 MARKETING AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS ........................................................... 525
13.1 Marketing ....................................................................................................... 525
13.2 Financial Analysis .......................................................................................... 525
13.2.1 Evaluation Method ........................................................................... 525
13.2.2 Assumptions .................................................................................... 525
13.2.3 Financial Analysis Results ................................................................ 527
13.2.4 Summary of Financial Analysis ........................................................ 528
13.2.5 Project Life Cash Flow ..................................................................... 529
13.2.6 Sensitivity Analysis ........................................................................... 529
13.2.7 Conclusion ....................................................................................... 531
14 IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................................ 532
14.1 Project Schedule............................................................................................ 532
14.2 Permitting ...................................................................................................... 536
14.3 Engineering, procurement and construction management ............................. 537
14.3.1 Drawings and 3D Modelling.............................................................. 539
14.3.2 Procurement .................................................................................... 540
14.3.3 Construction Management ............................................................... 542
14.4 Construction .................................................................................................. 545
14.4.1 Site Mobilisation and Demobilisation ................................................ 545
14.4.2 Plant and Equipment ........................................................................ 545
14.4.3 Construction Planning ...................................................................... 546
14.4.4 Security ............................................................................................ 546
14.4.5 Material Control ................................................................................ 546
14.4.6 Industrial Relations Management Plan ............................................. 546
14.4.7 Infrastructure and Facilities .............................................................. 547
14.4.8 Medical Facilities .............................................................................. 549
14.4.9 Financial........................................................................................... 549
14.4.10 Client Coordination ........................................................................... 549
14.4.11 Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality (SHEQ) .......................... 549

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14.4.12 Construction Rosters ........................................................................ 551
14.4.13 Personnel Availability ....................................................................... 551
14.5 Commissioning .............................................................................................. 551
14.5.1 Broad Approach ............................................................................... 551
14.5.2 Pre-Commissioning .......................................................................... 551
14.5.3 Cold Commissioning ........................................................................ 552
14.5.4 Hot Commissioning .......................................................................... 553
14.5.5 Training and Operational Assistance ................................................ 553
15.1 Risks .............................................................................................................. 554
15.1.1 General Risks .................................................................................. 554
15.1.2 Mining Risks..................................................................................... 555
15.1.3 Processing and TSF Risks ............................................................... 556
15.1.4 Environmental Risks ........................................................................ 560
15.2 Opportunities ................................................................................................. 561
15.2.1 Mineral Resources and Reserves..................................................... 561
15.2.2 Coarser Grinds for Oxides ................................................................ 561
15.2.3 Transition Ore .................................................................................. 561
15.2.4 Flotation Processing on Kodiaran Sulphides .................................... 561
15.2.5 Grid Power ....................................................................................... 561
15.2.6 Solar PV Hybrid Plant....................................................................... 562
15.2.7 Execution Schedule ......................................................................... 562
15.2.8 Gold Price ........................................................................................ 562
15.3 Conclusions and Recommendations .............................................................. 562
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 564

Table 1.1: Mineral Resource Statement*, Kodiaran Deposit, Tri-K Project, SRK 26 June 2018
.................................................................................................................................... 29
Table 1.2: Mineral Resource Statement*, Koulekoun Deposit, Tri-K Project, SRK 26 June
2018............................................................................................................................. 30
Table 1.3: Tri-K Mineral Reserve Estimate by Deposit ........................................................ 32
Table 1.4: Tri-K Mine Production Plan ................................................................................. 35
Table 1.5: Metallurgical Test Work Summary ...................................................................... 36
Table 1.6: Comminution Design Values .............................................................................. 38
Table 1.7: Design Values Selected for Gold Recovery ........................................................ 38
Table 1.8: Values Selected for the Plant OPEX................................................................... 38
Table 1.9: Summary of Manpower Distribution .................................................................... 45
Table 1.10: CAPEX Summary (US$)................................................................................... 53
Table 1.11: OPEX Summary ............................................................................................... 53
Table 1.12: Financial Analysis Inputs .................................................................................. 54
Table 1.13 : Project Milestones ........................................................................................... 56
Table 3.1: Mineral Tenure Information ................................................................................ 76
Table 3.2: Summary of Historical Exploration in the Tri-K/Mandiana Project Area............... 84
Table 3.3: Mineral Resource Statement for the Tri-K Deposits ............................................ 85
Table 3.4: Summary of the Deformation Events Affecting the Siguiri District ....................... 88

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Table 3.5: Summary of Geochemical Sampling Completed by WEGA Mining Between 2006
and 2008.................................................................................................................... 100
Table 3.6: Drilling Activity from 1996 to 2017 .................................................................... 103
Table 3.7: Details of Drilling Conducted between 1996 and 2008 at Kodiaran and Koulekoun
.................................................................................................................................. 106
Table 3.8: Significant Intersections from the 2016 Due Diligence Drilling Survey at Kodiaran
by Managem .............................................................................................................. 107
Table 3.9: Significant Intersections from the 2016 Due Diligence Drilling Survey in Koulekoun
by Managem .............................................................................................................. 107
Table 3.10: Types of Drilling Completed in 2017 by SMM ................................................. 108
Table 3.11: Summary of Control Samples Used by SMM on the Tri-K Project (2016-2018)
.................................................................................................................................. 112
Table 3.12: Avocet’s Standard Procedure for Quality Control Sample Insertion Rates, Tri-K
Project ....................................................................................................................... 113
Table 3.13: Summary of Control Samples used by SMM on the Tri-K Project (2016-2018)
.................................................................................................................................. 113
Table 3.14: Summary of Analytical Quality Control Data Produced by Avocet on the Kodiaran
Deposit (2011-2013) .................................................................................................. 116
Table 3.15: Summary of Analytical Quality Control Data Produced by SMM on the Tri-K Project
(2016-2018) ............................................................................................................... 117
Table 3.16: Tri-K Project Comminution Testwork Results ................................................. 119
Table 3.17: Cyanidation Leach Test Results on Metallurgical Composites ........................ 120
Table 3.18: Basic Statistics for the Kodiaran Deposit ........................................................ 124
Table 3.19: Basic Statistics for the Koulekoun Deposit...................................................... 124
Table 3.20: Tri-K Gold Project Block Model Specifications ................................................ 127
Table 3.21: Variogram Parameters for the Kodiaran Deposit ............................................ 128
Table 3.22: Variogram Parameters for the Koulekoun Deposit .......................................... 128
Table 3.23: Summary of Estimation Search Parameters for Gold ..................................... 129
Table 3.24: Volume Estimated per Pass ........................................................................... 129
Table 3.25: Assumptions Considered for Conceptual Open Pit Extraction ........................ 132
Table 3.26: Mineral Resource Statement*, Kodiaran Deposit, Tri-K Project, SRK 26 June 2018
.................................................................................................................................. 134
Table 3.27: Mineral Resource Statement*, Koulekoun Deposit, Tri-K Project, SRK 26 June
2018........................................................................................................................... 135
Table 3.28: Comparison Between the Avocet (2013) and SRK (2018) Mineral Resource
Statements................................................................................................................. 136
Table 4.1: Dilution and Ore Loss – Koulekoun .................................................................. 140
Table 4.2: Dilution and Ore Loss – Kodiaran ..................................................................... 140
Table 4.3: Pit Optimisation Parameters ............................................................................. 142
Table 4.4: Pit Optimisation Results – Koulekoun ............................................................... 143
Table 4.5: Pit Optimisation Results – Kodiaran ................................................................. 146
Table 4.6: Densities .......................................................................................................... 149
Table 4.7: Weathered Slope Design Recommendations ................................................... 150
Table 4.8: Fresh Rock Slope Design Recommendations .................................................. 151
Table 4.9: Modified Weathered Slope Design Recommendations ..................................... 153
Table 4.10: Modified Fresh Rock Slope Design Recommendations .................................. 153
Table 4.11: Tri-K Mineral Reserve Estimate by Deposit .................................................... 158
Table 4.12: Tri-K Mineral Reserve Estimate by Rock Type ............................................... 158

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Table 4.13: Mineral Reserves by Phase ............................................................................ 159
Table 4.14: Foundation Shear Strength Parameters ......................................................... 163
Table 4.15: Mine Production Schedule .............................................................................. 168
Table 4.16: Mine Equipment Fleet..................................................................................... 179
Table 4.17: Truck Hours (h/a) ........................................................................................... 180
Table 4.18: Truck Cycle Time ........................................................................................... 180
Table 4.19: Truck Productivities (2023) ............................................................................. 181
Table 4.20: Drilling and Blasting Parameters .................................................................... 182
Table 5.1: Metallurgical Test Work Summary .................................................................... 184
Table 5.2: Comminution Design Values ............................................................................ 186
Table 5.3: Design Values Selected for Gold Recovery ...................................................... 186
Table 5.4: Values Selected for the OPEX.......................................................................... 186
Table 5.5: Summary of the Feasibility Results................................................................... 188
Table 5.6: Phase 1 Samples Received ............................................................................. 190
Table 5.7: Phase 2 Samples Received ............................................................................. 191
Table 5.8: Summary of the Pre-Leach Results .................................................................. 196
Table 5.9: Storage Flowabilities ........................................................................................ 198
Table 5.10: Chute Flowability ............................................................................................ 199
Table 5.11: Summary of the Multi-Element Head Assays .................................................. 200
Table 5.12: Summary of the Duplicate Gold Head Assays ................................................ 200
Table 5.13: Summary of the Triplicate Gold Head Assays ................................................ 201
Table 5.14: Diagnostic Leach Appraisal of the Five Master Composites ........................... 201
Table 5.15: Summary of the EGRG Results ...................................................................... 204
Table 5.16: Predicted Plant GRG ...................................................................................... 204
Table 5.17: Gravity Recovery to Produce Products for Cyanidation .................................. 205
Table 5.18: Summary – Intense Leach on Gravity Concentrates ....................................... 205
Table 5.19: ROM versus Gravity Gold Recovery ............................................................... 206
Table 5.20: Summary of the Preg-Robbing Rate Tests ..................................................... 208
Table 5.21: Summary of the Cyanide Addition Results...................................................... 210
Table 5.22: Effect of Cyanide Addition – Contribution to Operating Margin ....................... 211
Table 5.23: Effect of Percentage of Solids – Summary of Results ..................................... 212
Table 5.24: Effect of Sparging Air or Oxygen during Leach ............................................... 213
Table 5.25: Rate of Gold Dissolution Results .................................................................... 214
Table 5.26: Gold Cyanidation Results with and without an Aachen Reactor...................... 216
Table 5.27: Summary of the Bulk Leach Test Work Results .............................................. 217
Table 5.28: Oxygen Uptake Test Work Results ................................................................. 219
Table 5.29: CIL Oxygenation Requirement ....................................................................... 220
Table 5.30: Cyanide Detoxification Results of the Slurry ................................................... 220
Table 5.31: Cyanide Detoxification Results of the Leach Filtrate ....................................... 221
Table 5.32: Continuous Cyanide Detoxification Results of the Slurry ................................ 221
Table 5.33: Carbon Loadings Kinetics and Equilibrium Isotherms ..................................... 222
Table 5.34: Dynamic Thickening and Rheology Results.................................................... 222
Table 5.35: Phase 1 Variability Comminution Results Summary ....................................... 224
Table 5.36: Power Modelling ............................................................................................. 225
Table 5.37: Phase 2 Variability Comminution Results Summary ....................................... 227
Table 5.38: Phase 1 Variability Gold Head Assays ........................................................... 228
Table 5.39: Multi-Element Head Assays............................................................................ 228
Table 5.40: Phase 1 Variability Diagnostic Leach Results ................................................. 229

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Table 5.41: Phase 2 Variability Diagnostic Leach Results – Oxides .................................. 230
Table 5.42: Phase 2 Variability Diagnostic Leach Results – IQP ....................................... 230
Table 5.43: Phase 2 Variability Diagnostic Leach Results – Tuff ....................................... 231
Table 5.44: Phase 2 Variability Diagnostic Leach Results – KD Sulphide ......................... 231
Table 5.45: Phase 1 Variability Gold Recovery Results Summary..................................... 232
Table 5.46: Phase 2 Variability Gold Recovery Results Summary..................................... 232
Table 5.47: Jaw and Pebble Crusher Liner Wear Rates* .................................................. 242
Table 5.48: Raw Water Pond ............................................................................................ 243
Table 5.49: Process Water Pond ...................................................................................... 243
Table 5.50: Design Parameters ......................................................................................... 244
Table 6.1: Design Criteria for the Tri-K TSF ...................................................................... 298
Table 6.2: Monthly Rainfall Data Provided by Golder ........................................................ 299
Table 6.3: Monthly Evaporation Provided by Golder ......................................................... 300
Table 6.4: Estimated Storm Intensities Provided by Golder ............................................... 300
Table 6.5: Estimated Storm Depths Provided by Golder ................................................... 301
Table 6.6: Summary of Proctor Tests Results ................................................................... 303
Table 6.7: Summary of the Material Parameters Obtained Through Laboratory Testing of the
In-situ Samples .......................................................................................................... 304
Table 6.8: Design Parameters Recommended by Inroads ................................................ 304
Table 6.9: Tailings Geotechnical Parameters .................................................................... 306
Table 6.10: Summary of the Leach Test Results ............................................................... 307
Table 6.11: ABA Test Results Summary ........................................................................... 308
Table 6.12: Summary of the Final Site Selection Options for the Tri-K TSF ...................... 310
Table 6.13: Tailings Storage Facility Classification as per SANS 10286 ........................... 312
Table 6.14: TSF Safety Classification ............................................................................... 313
Table 6.15: Summary of the Minimum Requirements Associated with a Medium Hazard Safety
Classification.............................................................................................................. 313
Table 6.16: Key Parameters Associated with the Tri-K TSF .............................................. 314
Table 6.17: Storm Decant Volumes and Durations Associated with the Tri-K TSF ............ 326
Table 6.18: Key Properties of the RWD and SWD ............................................................ 328
Table 6.19: Design/Modelling Criteria associated with the TSF ......................................... 330
Table 6.20: TSF Water Balance Circuit and Outputs ......................................................... 333
Table 6.21: Material Parameters Adopted for the TSF Seepage Analyses ........................ 335
Table 6.22: Minimum FoS Requirements .......................................................................... 338
Table 6.23: Material Parameters Adopted for the TSF, RWD and SWD Slope Stability
Analyses .................................................................................................................... 338
Table 6.24: TSF Static Slope Stability Analysis Results .................................................... 339
Table 6.25: Slope Stability Results of the RWD................................................................. 340
Table 6.26: Slope Stability Results for the SWD................................................................ 340
Table 6.27: FoS Results for the Pseudo-Static Slope Stability Analysis ............................ 341
Table 6.28: RWD Pseudo-Static Analysis Results Summary............................................. 341
Table 6.29: SWD Pseudo-Static Analysis Results Summary ............................................. 342
Table 7.1: Criteria for Candidates ..................................................................................... 349
Table 7.2: Company Housing Policy ................................................................................. 354
Table 7.3: Number of People per Camp ............................................................................ 354
Table 7.4: Personal Protective Equipment ........................................................................ 358
Table 7.5: Summary of Manpower Distribution .................................................................. 370
Table 7.6: Total Direct Labour Complement ...................................................................... 370

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 15 of 566

Table 7.7: Total Subcontractor Labour Complement ......................................................... 371
Table 7.8: Mine Management Labour Summary................................................................ 372
Table 7.9: General and Administration Labour Summary .................................................. 373
Table 7.10: General Management Labour Summary ......................................................... 374
Table 7.11: Accounting Labour Summary ......................................................................... 374
Table 7.12: Control Management Labour Summary .......................................................... 375
Table 7.13: Safety and Health Labour Summary ............................................................... 375
Table 7.14: Purchasing Warehouse and Logistics Labour Summary................................. 375
Table 7.15: Conakry Office Labour Summary ................................................................... 376
Table 7.16: Plant Labour Summary ................................................................................... 378
Table 7.17: Process Plant Labour Summary ..................................................................... 379
Table 8.1: Staffing and Assumed Outflows for the Process Plant ...................................... 388
Table 8.2: HFO Gensets ................................................................................................... 392
Table 8.3: Power Plant Incomers ...................................................................................... 393
Table 8.4: Feeders and Overhead Line Feeders ............................................................... 393
Table 8.5: Transformer Feeders ........................................................................................ 393
Table 8.6: Ring Main Unit Feeders .................................................................................... 393
Table 9.1: Average Annual Power Demand ...................................................................... 400
Table 9.2: Transformers .................................................................................................... 400
Table 9.3: List of Light Vehicles ........................................................................................ 408
Table 9.4: Plant Operational Vehicles ............................................................................... 408
Table 9.5: Typical Planes and Payloads............................................................................ 413
Table 9.6: Summary of Project Cargo ............................................................................... 417
Table 10.1: Tri-K Gold Project – Financial Provision for Reclamation and Closure............ 427
Table 10.2: Tri-K Gold Project – Reclamation and Closure CAPEX Schedule ................... 428
Table 11.1: Aquifer Zones in Mining Areas........................................................................ 433
Table 11.2: Air Quality Sampling Locations and Parameters ............................................. 434
Table 11.3: Vegetation Associations ................................................................................. 437
Table 12.1: Exchange Rates ............................................................................................. 463
Table 12.2: CAPEX Summary ........................................................................................... 464
Table 12.3: Process Plant, TSF and Infrastructure CAPEX Estimate Summary ................ 465
Table 12.4: Earthworks BOQ ............................................................................................ 469
Table 12.5: Civil Works BOQ ............................................................................................ 470
Table 12.6: Mechanical Drawings ..................................................................................... 471
Table 12.7: Structural BOQ ............................................................................................... 472
Table 12.8: Piping and Valves BOQ .................................................................................. 475
Table 12.9: Control and Instrumentation Drawings and Data Sheets ................................ 476
Table 12.10: Control and Instrumentation BOQ................................................................. 477
Table 12.11: First Fills ....................................................................................................... 478
Table 12.12: Vendor Services ........................................................................................... 479
Table 12.13: Shipping Estimate for Process Plant, On-Site Infrastructure and TSF .......... 480
Table 12.14: Capital Cost Estimate for the TSF ................................................................ 481
Table 12.15: Off-Site Mining Infrastructure CAPEX ........................................................... 483
Table 12.16: Water Management and Supply CAPEX ...................................................... 484
Table 12.17: Raw Water Dam CAPEX .............................................................................. 485
Table 12.18: Raw water supply CAPEX ............................................................................ 485
Table 12.19: Pits Dewatering CAPEX ............................................................................... 486
Table 12.20: Protection (Attenuation) Dam and Diversion Channel CAPEX ...................... 487

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Table 12.21: Off-Site Infrastructure CAPEX ...................................................................... 487
Table 12.22: Owner’s Pre-Production Costs ..................................................................... 493
Table 12.23: Sustaining Capital ........................................................................................ 495
Table 12.24: Summary of Operating Costs ....................................................................... 496
Table 12.25: Mine Operating Costs by Activity per Deposit ............................................... 497
Table 12.26: Mine Operating Costs by Rock Type ............................................................ 497
Table 12.27: LOM Operating Costs ................................................................................... 500
Table 12.28: Individual Ore Operating Costs – Process Plant ........................................... 502
Table 12.29: Operating Costs – SWD Discharge Treatment Plant .................................... 503
Table 12.30: Plant Manning Requirements and Costs....................................................... 504
Table 12.31: SWD Discharge Treatment Plant – Manning Requirements and Costs ........ 506
Table 12.32: Consumables and Reagents Costs .............................................................. 506
Table 12.33: Crusher Liner Costs...................................................................................... 507
Table 12.34: Mill Liner Costs ............................................................................................. 508
Table 12.35: Grinding Media Costs ................................................................................... 508
Table 12.36: Cyanide Costs (CIL and ILR) ........................................................................ 509
Table 12.37: Cyanide Costs (Elution) ................................................................................ 509
Table 12.38: Lime Costs ................................................................................................... 510
Table 12.39: Sodium Metabisulphite Costs ....................................................................... 511
Table 12.40: Copper Sulphate Costs ................................................................................ 511
Table 12.41: Hydrogen Peroxide Costs ............................................................................. 512
Table 12.42: Carbon Costs ............................................................................................... 513
Table 12.43: Caustic Costs ............................................................................................... 513
Table 12.44: Hydrochloric Acid Costs ............................................................................... 514
Table 12.45: Plant Diesel Costs ........................................................................................ 515
Table 12.46: Smelting Reagent Costs ............................................................................... 515
Table 12.47: Ferric Chloride Costs .................................................................................... 516
Table 12.48: Flocculant Costs ........................................................................................... 516
Table 12.49: Power Cost................................................................................................... 517
Table 12.50: Plant Maintenance Costs.............................................................................. 519
Table 12.51: Summary of General and administration Costs............................................. 520
Table 12.52: Site Office General and Administration Costs ............................................... 520
Table 12.53: Financial Costs ............................................................................................. 521
Table 12.54: Personnel Costs ........................................................................................... 521
Table 12.55: Contract Costs.............................................................................................. 522
Table 12.56: Community Relations Costs ......................................................................... 522
Table 12.57: Other General and Administration Costs ...................................................... 522
Table 12.58: Administration Labour Costs......................................................................... 523
Table 13.1: Financial Evaluation Assumptions .................................................................. 525
Table 13.2: Exchange Rates ............................................................................................. 527
Table 13.3: Summary of LOM Production and Capital Costs............................................. 527
Table 13.4: Summary of Operating Costs ......................................................................... 528
Table 13.5: Summary of Financial Analysis Results .......................................................... 528
Table 13.6: Gold Price Sensitivity ..................................................................................... 529
Table 13.7: CAPEX Sensitivity .......................................................................................... 530
Table 13.8: OPEX Sensitivity ............................................................................................ 530
Table 13.9: Recovery Sensitivity ....................................................................................... 530
Table 13.10: Head Grade Sensitivity ................................................................................. 530

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Table 14.1: Project Milestones .......................................................................................... 532
Table 14.2: Permits Required............................................................................................ 536
Table 15.1: General Risks ................................................................................................. 554
Table 15.2: Mining Risks ................................................................................................... 555
Table 15.3: Processing and TSF Risks ............................................................................. 556
Table 15.4: Environmental Risks ....................................................................................... 560

Figure 1.1: Mine General Layout (Koulekoun) ..................................................................... 33
Figure 1.2: Mine General Layout (Kodiaran) ....................................................................... 34
Figure 1.3: Overall Process Flow Diagram .......................................................................... 40
Figure 1.4: NPV Sensitivity at 5 % Discount Rate ............................................................... 55
Figure 1.5: Project Schedule Summary – Page 1 ................................................................ 58
Figure 1.6: Project Schedule Summary – Page 2 ................................................................ 59
Figure 3.1: Location of the Tri-K Gold Project in Guinea ..................................................... 75
Figure 3.2: Map of Tri-K Permits ......................................................................................... 76
Figure 3.3: Tri-K Project Core Shack................................................................................... 80
Figure 3.4: Typical Savannah Landscape in the Koulekoun and Kodiaran Areas ................ 81
Figure 3.5: Methods and Tools used to Detect and Extract Gold ......................................... 82
Figure 3.6: Artisanal Mining Site at Koulekoun .................................................................... 83
Figure 3.7: Geological Map of the West African Craton ....................................................... 86
Figure 3.8: Geological Map of the Siguiri Basin and Location of the SMM Permits.............. 87
Figure 3.9: Deformation Scheme for the Siguiri Deposit ...................................................... 88
Figure 3.10: Geological Map of the Tri-K Project ................................................................. 90
Figure 3.11: Geological Map of the Kodiaran Deposit ......................................................... 91
Figure 3.12: Core Photograph and Diagram Showing the Relationship Between Lithological
Variations, Alteration, Structures and Gold Grades ...................................................... 92
Figure 3.13: Geological Map and Interpretation of the Mineralised Envelopes of the Koulekoun
Deposit ........................................................................................................................ 94
Figure 3.14: Relationship between Gold Grades, Vein Density and Lithologies in Koulekoun
.................................................................................................................................... 95
Figure 3.15: Orientation of the Quartz-Carbonate Veins from the Avocet Dataset for Koulekoun
.................................................................................................................................... 96
Figure 3.16: Setting and Nature of Orogenic Gold Deposits ................................................ 98
Figure 3.17: Results of the 2006 Termite Mound and Soil Geochemical Campaign (WEGA
Mining) ......................................................................................................................... 99
Figure 3.18: First Vertical Derivative of the Analytical Magnetic Signal used during the 2007
Télédétection Survey Mandated by WEGA Mining ..................................................... 101
Figure 3.19: Interpretation Maps ....................................................................................... 102
Figure 3.20: Distribution of Drilling .................................................................................... 103
Figure 3.21: Distribution of Drilling in the Southern Part of the Tenements (Kodiaran Area)
.................................................................................................................................. 104
Figure 3.22: Distribution of Drilling in the Northern Part of the Tenements (Koulekoun Area)
.................................................................................................................................. 105
Figure 3.23: Gold Domains for the Kodiaran Deposit (A) and Koulekoun Deposit (B)........ 122
Figure 3.24: Sampling Length at the Kodiaran and Koulekoun Deposits ........................... 123

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 18 of 566

Figure 3.25: Basic Statistics of Block 2 at the Kodiaran Deposit ........................................ 125
Figure 3.26: Summary of the Specific Gravity Database ................................................... 126
Figure 3.27: Gold Variogram for Block 2 at the Kodiaran Deposit, Forming the Basis for
Variogram Fitting........................................................................................................ 127
Figure 3.28: Validation of the Gold Block Estimates for Block 2 at the Kodiaran Deposit .. 131
Figure 4.1: Dilution and Ore Loss ...................................................................................... 140
Figure 4.2: Pit Optimisation Results 1 – Koulekoun ........................................................... 144
Figure 4.3: Pit Optimisation Results 2 – Koulekoun ........................................................... 145
Figure 4.4: Pit Optimisation Results 3 – Koulekoun ........................................................... 145
Figure 4.5: Pit Optimisation Results 1 – Kodiaran ............................................................. 147
Figure 4.6: Pit Optimisation Results 2 – Kodiaran ............................................................. 147
Figure 4.7: Pit Optimisation Results 3 – Kodiaran ............................................................. 148
Figure 4.8: Inter-Ramp Design Recommendations at Kodiaran and Koulekoun ................ 152
Figure 4.9: Haul Road Design ........................................................................................... 154
Figure 4.10: Design of Koulekoun Pit ................................................................................ 156
Figure 4.11: Design of Kodiaran Pits ................................................................................. 156
Figure 4.12: Koulekoun Phase Design .............................................................................. 160
Figure 4.13: Kodiaran South Phase Design ...................................................................... 160
Figure 4.14: Kodiaran Central Phase Design .................................................................... 160
Figure 4.15: Kodiaran North Phase Design ....................................................................... 161
Figure 4.16: Kodiaran Extreme North Phase Design ......................................................... 161
Figure 4.17: Waste Rock Dump Configuration .................................................................. 164
Figure 4.18: Mine General Layout (Koulekoun) ................................................................. 165
Figure 4.19: Mine General Layout (Kodiaran) ................................................................... 166
Figure 4.20: Annual Gold Production ................................................................................ 169
Figure 4.21: Total Material Movement ............................................................................... 169
Figure 4.22: Mill Feed by Rock Type ................................................................................. 170
Figure 4.23: Mill Feed by Rock Type (Oxides/Sediments/Porphyry) .................................. 170
Figure 4.24: Material Mined by Deposit ............................................................................. 171
Figure 4.25: Mill Feed by Resource Classification ............................................................. 171
Figure 4.26: Koulekoun End of 2021 ................................................................................. 172
Figure 4.27: Koulekoun End of 2022 ................................................................................. 172
Figure 4.28: Koulekoun End of 2023 ................................................................................. 173
Figure 4.29: Koulekoun End of 2024 ................................................................................. 173
Figure 4.30: Koulekoun End of 2025 ................................................................................. 174
Figure 4.31: Koulekoun End of 2026 ................................................................................. 174
Figure 4.32: Koulekoun End of 2027 ................................................................................. 175
Figure 4.33: Koulekoun End of 2028 ................................................................................. 175
Figure 4.34: Kodiaran End of 2020 Q2 .............................................................................. 176
Figure 4.35: Kodiaran End of 2020.................................................................................... 176
Figure 4.36: Kodiaran End of 2021.................................................................................... 177
Figure 4.37: Kodiaran End of 2022.................................................................................... 177
Figure 4.38: Kodiaran End of 2023.................................................................................... 178
Figure 4.39: Kodiaran End of 2024.................................................................................... 178
Figure 4.40: Truck Requirements and Productivities ......................................................... 181
Figure 5.1: Plan View of the Location of the Kodiaran Deposit Samples ........................... 192
Figure 5.2: Plan View of the Location of the Koulekoun Deposit Samples ......................... 193
Figure 5.3: Phase 1 Test Work Flowsheet......................................................................... 195

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 19 of 566

Figure 5.4: KD Oxide Viscosity Results ............................................................................. 197
Figure 5.5: KLK Oxide Viscosity Results ........................................................................... 197
Figure 5.6: KD Sulphide Viscosity Results ........................................................................ 197
Figure 5.7: KLK IQP Viscosity Results .............................................................................. 198
Figure 5.8: KLK Tuff Viscosity Results .............................................................................. 198
Figure 5.9: Proposed Further Test Work on the Refractory Sulphide Samples (Phase 3) . 203
Figure 5.10: Effect of Grind Results .................................................................................. 207
Figure 5.11: Rate of Gold Dissolution ................................................................................ 214
Figure 5.12: Gold Grain Association on Final Leach Tailings ............................................ 218
Figure 5.13: Overall Process Flow Diagram ...................................................................... 256
Figure 6.1: Location of the Tri-K Project ............................................................................ 294
Figure 6.2: Topographical Map of the Tri-K Site ................................................................ 295
Figure 6.3: Storm Depths for Various Storm Durations (Using Adamson’s Method) .......... 301
Figure 6.4: Idealised Geological Section Between BH1 and BH2 ...................................... 302
Figure 6.5: Tailings Particle Size Distribution .................................................................... 305
Figure 6.6: Initial Site Selection Options ............................................................................ 309
Figure 6.7: General Arrangement of the Tri-K TSF ............................................................ 311
Figure 6.8: Tri-K Theoretical Zone of Influence Based on SANS 10286 ............................ 312
Figure 6.9: Development of Tri-K TSF as at Year 2, at Starter Wall Elevation 421 m.a.m.s.l.
.................................................................................................................................. 315
Figure 6.10: Development of Tri-K TSF as at Year 4, at an Elevation of 427 m.a.m.s.l (a total
height of 21 m) ........................................................................................................... 315
Figure 6.11: Development of Tri-K TSF as at Year 6, at an Elevation of 432 m.a.m.s.l (a Total
Height of 26 m) .......................................................................................................... 316
Figure 6.12: Development of Tri-K TSF as at Year 8.7, at an Elevation of 438 m.a.m.s.l (a
Total Height of 32 m) ................................................................................................. 316
Figure 6.13: Oxide:Sulphide Slurry Contributions .............................................................. 320
Figure 6.14: Typical Construction of a Day Wall Paddock ................................................. 321
Figure 6.15: Day Wall Paddock on an Operating Gold TSF............................................... 322
Figure 6.16: Day Wall Paddock being Deposited into, the Finer Fraction Draining Through the
Outlet ......................................................................................................................... 322
Figure 6.17: Cycloning of Coarse Tailings onto the Elevated Toe Drains .......................... 323
Figure 6.18: Penstock Decant Infrastructure ..................................................................... 323
Figure 6.19: Typical Configuration of an Energy Dissipator and Silt Traps ........................ 324
Figure 6.20: Pool Wing Wall and Catwalk Extending to the Final Penstock Outlet ............ 325
Figure 6.21: Definition of Freeboard within a TSF ............................................................. 326
Figure 6.22: 1 in 100 year 1 d Storm Event Pool Extent .................................................... 327
Figure 6.23: TSF Water Balance Circuit ............................................................................ 332
Figure 6.24: TSF Water Balance Circuit and Outputs ........................................................ 334
Figure 6.25: Seepage Regime Through Operational TSF (As per design)......................... 336
Figure 6.26: Seepage Regime Through Operational TSF, with a Storm Size Pool ............ 336
Figure 6.27: Seepage Regime Through Operational RWD Wall, with an Empty SWD (As per
design) ....................................................................................................................... 336
Figure 6.28: Seepage Regime Through Operational RWD Wall, with a Full SWD (As per
design) ....................................................................................................................... 337
Figure 6.29: Seepage Regime Through Operational SWD (As per design) ....................... 337
Figure 7.1: Steps of the Recruitment Campaign ................................................................ 351
Figure 7.2: Development of Training Programmes ............................................................ 363

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 20 of 566

Figure 7.3: Detailed Organogram of Internal Administration, Geology and Mine ............... 377
Figure 7.4: Detailed Process Plant Organogram ............................................................... 381
Figure 8.1: Water Balance Tailings ................................................................................... 390
Figure 9.1: Raw Water Supply Dam embankment layout – Koulekoun.............................. 406
Figure 9.2: Containerised Cargo from Conakry to Site ...................................................... 410
Figure 9.3: Abnormal Loads/Break Bulk Cargo from Dakar to Site .................................... 411
Figure 9.4: Logistics Transit Time Summary (Durban to Site via Conakry) ........................ 411
Figure 9.5: Logistics Transit Time Summary (Durban to Site via Dakar)............................ 412
Figure 9.6: Logistics Transit Time Summary (Abnormal Loads from Dakar to Site) ........... 412
Figure 9.7: Conakry Airport, Guinea .................................................................................. 413
Figure 9.8: Port of Durban, South Africa............................................................................ 414
Figure 9.9: Conakry Port, Guinea ...................................................................................... 415
Figure 9.10: Dakar Port, Senegal ...................................................................................... 416
Figure 11.1: Location of Project Area ................................................................................ 441
Figure 11.2: Location of the 13 Villages of the Project Area .............................................. 442
Figure 12.1: Mine Operating Costs.................................................................................... 498
Figure 13.1: NPV Sensitivity at 5 % Discount Rate ........................................................... 531
Figure 14.1: Project Schedule Summary – Page 1 ............................................................ 534
Figure 14.2: Project Schedule Summary – Page 2 ............................................................ 535
Figure 14.3: Organogram: Design and Management ........................................................ 538
Figure 14.4: Organogram: Site Construction ..................................................................... 543

Appendix 3.1: Analytical Quality Control Data and Relative Precision Charts
Appendix 3.2: Base Statistics and/or Variograms
Appendix 3.3: Mineral Resource Model Checks

Appendix 4.1: SRK Geotechnical Feasibility Study of the Tri-K Project

Appendix 5.1: Greentechnical Bulk Solids Flow Report (Report No. A782)
Appendix 5.2: JK Tech SMC Test Report Maelgwyn (Report No. 17002/P7)
Appendix 5.3: JK Tech SMC Test Report Maelgwyn (Report No. 17002/P18)
Appendix 5.4: Maelgwyn Mineral Services Africa Report (Report No. 16/145)
Appendix 5.5: OMC Phase 1 Sample Selection Report (Report No. 7801-01)
Appendix 5.6: OMC Preliminary Flowsheet Assessment (Report No. 7801-02)
Appendix 5.7: OMC Preliminary Phase 2 Assessment (Report No. 7801-03)
Appendix 5.8: OMC 2.3 Mtpa BFS LOM Modelling (Report Nos 7801-06 and 7801-07)
Appendix 5.9: Peacocke & Simpson Test Work Report – KD Sulphide Master Composite
Appendix 5.10: Peacocke & Simpson Test Work Report – KLK Oxide Master Composite
Appendix 5.11: Peacocke & Simpson Test Work Report – KLK IQP Master Composite
Appendix 5.12: Peacocke & Simpson Test Work Report – KLK Tuff Master Composite
Appendix 5.13: Peacocke & Simpson Test Work Report – KD Oxide Master Composite
Appendix 5.14: Peacocke & Simpson Modelling of Proposed Gravity Recovery Circuit
Appendix 5.15: SJT MetMin Report
Appendix 5.16: Vietti Slurrytec Thickening and Rheology Report
Appendix 5.17: Vietti Slurrytec Tri-K Gold Project (Report No. MMS-TRK-8590NFTR02)
Appendix 5.18: SIMCIL Modelling Outputs

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 21 of 566

Appendix 5.19: SENET Process Design Criteria
Appendix 5.20: Total Plant Water Balance
Appendix 5.21: SWD Discharge Management Trade-Off Study
Appendix 5.22: Golder Water Balance Modelling Report
Appendix 5.23: SENET Civil Specifications
Appendix 5.24: SENET Structural Specifications
Appendix 5.25: SENET Mechanical Equipment Specifications
Appendix 5.26: SENET Piping Specifications
Appendix 5.27: SENET Valve Specification
Appendix 5.28: SENET Corrosion Specifications
Appendix 5.29: SENET Electrical Specifications
Appendix 5.30: SENET Instrumentation Specifications
Appendix 5.31: Block Flow Diagram
Appendix 5.32: Process Flow Diagrams
Appendix 5.33: Mechanical Equipment List
Appendix 5.34: Equipment Data Sheets and Pump Schedule
Appendix 5.35: Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams
Appendix 5.36: Hazard and Operability Study (Level 2) Report

Appendix 6.1: Golder Associates Technical Memorandum

Appendix 6.2: Inroads Consulting - Site Geotechnical Report
Appendix 6.3: Tailings Geotechnical Laboratory Results
Appendix 6.4: Future Flow – Geochemical Assessment Report
Appendix 6.5: TSF Site Selection Report
Appendix 6.6: BFS Drawings
Appendix 6.7: Stage Capacity Curves
Appendix 6.8: Water Balance Report
Appendix 6.9: Seepage and Slope Stability Report

Appendix 7.1: Managem’s Recruitment Procedure

Appendix 7.2: Managem’s Internal Mobility Procedure

Appendix 8.1: Block Plan Layout Drawing

Appendix 8.2: Security and Change House Infrastructure Drawing
Appendix 8.3: Plant Maintenance Building Infrastructure Drawing
Appendix 8.4: Administration Building Infrastructure Drawing
Appendix 8.5: Assay Laboratory Infrastructure Drawing
Appendix 8.6: Warehouse Building Infrastructure Drawing
Appendix 8.7: Plant Reagents Consumptions and Storage Requirements
Appendix 8.8: Reagents Store A Drawing
Appendix 8.9: Reagents Store B Drawing
Appendix 8.10: Reagents Store C Drawing
Appendix 8.11: Reagents Store D Drawing
Appendix 8.12: Reagents Store F Drawing
Appendix 8.13: SENET Power Trade-Off Study
Appendix 8.14: Overall Reticulation Drawing
Appendix 8.15: Medium Voltage Single Line Diagram
Appendix 8.16: Motor Control Centre Single Line Diagrams

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 22 of 566

Appendix 8.17: Motor Control Centre Schematics

Appendix 9.1: Overall Tri-K Site Layout

Appendix 9.2: Airstrip Design and Drawings
Appendix 9.3: Access Road between the Loila Village and the Plant Site
Appendix 9.4: Haul Road linking Kodiaran and Koulekoun
Appendix 9.5: SMM Mine Administrative Building Drawing
Appendix 9.6: Electrical Single Line Diagram
Appendix 9.7: Expatriates’ Camp and Building Layouts
Appendix 9.8: Technicians’ Camp and Building Layouts
Appendix 9.9: Military Camp Layouts
Appendix 9.10: Comprehensive Waste Management Plan
Appendix 9.11: Design of the Potable Water Supply Concept
Appendix 9.12: Firefighting Concept
Appendix 9.13: Detailed Logistics Documents and Execution Plan
Appendix 9.14: Bolloré Logistics – List of Equipment and Track Record
Appendix 9.15: Conakry/Dakar to Site Route Survey Report

Appendix 12.1: Earthworks Bill of Quantities

Appendix 12.2: Civil Works Bill of Quantities
Appendix 12.3: Mechanical Drawings
Appendix 12.4: Structural Bill of Quantities
Appendix 12.5: Tank Schedule
Appendix 12.6: Piping and Valves Bill of Quantities
Appendix 12.7: Instrument Index
Appendix 12.8: Control System Architecture
Appendix 12.9: Control and Instrumentation Drawings and Data Sheets
Appendix 12.10: Control and Instrumentation Bill of Quantities
Appendix 12.11: TSF Bill of Quantities
Appendix 12.12: IT Equipment Cost Estimate
Appendix 12.13: TSF Operating Costs

Appendix 13.1: Convention de Base Pour L’Exploitation des Gisements d’Or dans La
Prefecture de Mandiana 19 12 2016
Appendix 13.2: Straight-Line Method of Depreciation
Appendix 13.3: Project LOM Cash Flows by Year

Appendix 14.1: Detailed Project Schedule

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 23 of 566



With the completion of the previous bankable feasibility study in 2013, by Avocet, which
considered both heap leach and carbon in leach (CIL) process routes at differing annual
throughputs, the conclusion was that the heap leach option would not be attractive.

The CIL option, however, did indeed exhibit favourable economics, so much so that la Société
des Mines de Mandiana S.A. (SMM) made the logical decision to carry the project to the next
step and perform a full bankable feasibility study (BFS) for the Tri-K project located
approximately 90 km northeast of Kankan, in Guinea.

Since the previous BFS, exploration has added to the resource base of the project and
continued feasibility investigations have led to better definition of the project. The improving
gold price, as well as improved metallurgical knowledge through additional test work, has led
to a reassessment of the project economics.

The results of all work carried out to date have been compiled into this BFS report and
conclusions and recommendations have been made.


SMM approached SENET (Pty) Ltd (SENET) with a view to appointing them as lead consultant
to compile the full BFS report. SMM also appointed various other consultants (SRK Consulting
(Canada) Inc. (SRK), BBA Inc. (BBA), Golder Associates Africa (Pty) Ltd (Golder), ABS Africa
(ABS)) to assist SENET. SENET engaged Epoch Resources (Epoch) to carry out the tailings
storage facility (TSF) design for the BFS. The Tri-K project is envisaged to encompass a
2.3 Mt/a open-pit mining operation and a gravity/CIL process gold recovery plant.

During the study period, Reminex/Managem was SMM’s representative and was responsible
for the coordination and distribution of information between the consultants, as follows:

• SENET: Process plant, on-site infrastructure and overall BFS management and
technical report compilation
• SRK: Geology and mineral resources
• BBA: Mineral reserves and mining
• Epoch: Tailings storage facility
• Golder: Water management and supply
• ABS: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) development and
rehabilitation and closure costs

In addition, Reminex was responsible for the development of SMM’s costs, which were
reviewed by SENET.

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1.3.1 Introduction

In January 2017, SMM commissioned SRK to provide ongoing technical support, visit the Tri-K
property (comprising the Kodiaran1 and Koulekoun2 deposits), and to prepare a geological and
mineral resource model for the Tri-K project. Ongoing technical support was provided between
February 2017 and May 2018, leading to the preparation of the mineral resource statement
and the mineral resource model that form the basis of this BFS.

A previous mineral resource statement for the Tri-K project was generated by CSA Global for
Avocet Mining PLC (Avocet) and documented in a technical report on 12 September 2013.
The mineral resource statement for the Tri-K project prepared by SRK was prepared following
the guidelines of the Canadian Securities Administrators’ National Instrument 43-101 and
Form 43-101F1, and in conformity with the generally accepted Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best
Practice Guidelines.

1.3.2 Property Description and Ownership

The Koulekoun and Kodiaran exploration licences are part of the Tri-K project, located within
the Mandiana Prefecture in the northeastern sector of Guinea. The property covers a total
area of 490 km2 and is situated northwest of the town of Mandiana and 90 km northeast
(approximately 2.5 h drive) from Kankan, the second largest city in Guinea.

SMM holds 85 % of the Tri-K project, and the remaining 15 % is owned by the Guinean
government represented by the SOGUIPAMI Company. The mineral rights, which were
previously owned by Avocet, comprise seven permits, which were acquired by SMM through
SEM (Société d’Exploration de Mandiana) as five exploration concessions covering an area
of 490 km2, including 463 km2 of exploration permits (SEM) and 27.05 km2 of exploitation
licences (SMM).

1.3.3 Geology and Mineralisation

The Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits are hosted in both sedimentary and intrusive rocks.
The intrusive rocks in the Tri-K project area are felsic to intermediate, dominantly porphyritic
granodiorite and dacite. A spatial relationship exists between the intrusive rocks and gold
mineralisation in both the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits. Regional-scale faults are mainly
NW-trending and associated with dextral strike-slip kinematics. Some NE-trending faults were
also recognised and may be a part of a conjugate set in relation to NW-trending faults.

The Kodiaran deposit is associated with north-northwest-striking silicified shear zones and
dilational jogs. Haloes of quartz-carbonate veins developed along pre-existing structural
heterogeneities, such as stratigraphic contacts between turbiditic rocks and granodiorite

1Due to the compilation of this BFS from several sources, the spelling of Kodiaran has been used for consistency.
Note, however, that the reference documents may refer to Kodiéran or Kodieran, or other variant spellings.

2Due to the compilation of this BFS from several sources, the spelling of Koulekoun has been used for consistency.
Note, however, that the reference documents may refer to Koulékoun or other variant spellings.

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dykes, and deeper incipient structures. Vein density is typically higher in more competent
rocks, such as granodiorite dykes and layers of coarse grained volcanoclastic rocks.
Mineralisation typically coincides with silicification, sericitisation and an increase in
disseminated sulphides.

The Koulekoun deposit is associated with gold-bearing quartz-carbonate veins developed in

quartz-feldspar porphyry (IQF) dykes and in the surrounding turbiditic sedimentary rocks.
Similar to the Kodiaran deposit area, vein density is typically controlled by rock competency,
but also by steep northeast-trending incipient structures in the surrounding sedimentary rocks.
Vein orientations are consistent between the sedimentary rocks and the IQF. The vein
orientations at Tri-K are almost identical to the vein orientation observed in Siguiri, a world-
class orogenic gold district hosted in turbiditic sequences located approximately 80 kilometres
north-northwest of the Tri-K project.

All gold occurrences in the Tri-K property are structurally controlled (e.g. veins, shear zones,
or rheological controls on disseminated mineralisation) and are interpreted to be classified as
orogenic in nature.

1.3.4 Drilling, Sample Preparation, Analyses, and Security

Between 1996 and 2017, an estimated 268 312 m have been drilled in the Tri-K property
(combined diamond drilling (DD), reverse circulation (RC), air core (AC), rotary air blast (RAB),
geotechnical and hydrological drilling). SRK is of the opinion that the drilling procedures
adopted by SMM are consistent with generally recognised industry best practices. SRK
concludes that the applied drill pattern is generally sufficiently dense to interpret the geometry
and the boundaries of the gold mineralisation with confidence.

Avocet and SMM have used various certified laboratories to prepare and assay samples
collected for the Kodiaran and Koulekoun resources. These include the ALS Chemex (ALS)
and Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS) Laboratory in Bamako, Mali, the SGS Laboratory
in Siguiri, NE Guinea, and the Centre de Recherche et Valorisation (CRV) Laboratory in
Marrakesh, Morocco.

SRK reviewed the field procedures and analytical quality control (QC) measures used by SMM
and historical operators, where possible. In the opinion of SRK, SMM personnel used care in
the collection and management of the field and assaying exploration data.

In the opinion of SRK, the sampling preparation, security and analytical procedures used by
SMM are adequate for the purpose of informing mineral resources. In addition, SRK
recommends that SMM consider introducing improved data management procedures to
manage historical data informing mineral resources.

1.3.5 Data Verification

SMM has applied QC procedures and undertaken quality assurance measures to provide
adequate confidence in the data collection and processing. Furthermore, SMM has
undertaken database verifications and used adequate analytical quality assurance and QC

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 26 of 566

External analytical QC measures were used by SMM on all sampling. Assaying protocols
involve inserting QC samples (blanks and certified reference materials) and performing check

In 2016, Managem implemented a due diligence programme to test the reliability of assay data
provided by Avocet. A total of 889 pulp samples were submitted to SGS Bamako from the
Tri-K project (663 from Kodiaran and 226 from Koulekoun) for check assay testing. A select
number of core duplicates from each deposit were also submitted during this programme,
totalling 238 samples.

SRK analysed the analytical QC data produced by SMM from the 2016 and 2018 sampling
programmes. In general, SRK considers the analytical results from sampling conducted by
SMM on the Tri-K project satisfactory for the purpose of mineral resource estimation.

The analytical QC data reviewed by SRK confirms that the assay results delivered by the
primary laboratory used by SMM are adequately reliable, however, gaps in the QC data are
noted in the historical work, especially for Avocet assays for the Koulekoun deposit. Although
QC data prior to 2016 is incomplete, previous assay results produced by Avocet have been
replicated by SMM without evidence of obvious analytical bias and are, therefore, sufficient
for the purpose of resource estimation.

1.3.6 Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates

The mineral resource model prepared by SRK considers 1 120 RC and core boreholes for the
Kodiaran deposit, and 1 104 RC and core boreholes for Koulekoun deposit, all drilled by
Managem and Avocet during the period of 2011 to December 31, 2017. The resource
estimation work was completed by Mr Sébastien Bernier, PGeo (APGO#1847), an appropriate
independent Qualified Person as this term is defined in National Instrument 43-101. The
effective date of the Mineral Resource Statement is 26 June 2018.

The database used to estimate the Tri-K project mineral resources was audited by SRK. The
construction of the mineral resource model for the Kodiaran and Koulekoun gold deposits was
a collaborative effort between SMM and SRK. Managem provided the borehole database,
preliminary gold mineralisation wireframes, and economic parameters for the cut-off grade
determination. The construction of the three-dimensional lithological and resource domains
was completed by SRK.

The mineral resources reported herein were estimated using a geostatistical block modelling
approach informed by RC and core borehole data, all constrained within gold domain shells
using a cut-off grade of 0.2 g of gold per tonne (g/t gold). At the Kodiaran deposit, quartz
veinlets-associated gold mineralisation is highly controlled by granodiorite dykes as well as
broad shear zones. At the Koulekoun deposit, the majority of the quartz veinlets-associated
gold mineralisation is associated with igneous quartz porphyry (IQP) dykes with minor quartz
veinlets in the sedimentary rocks. In both deposits, the 0.2 g/t gold domains were restricted to
lithological units. A lateritic profile was also modelled independently for both deposits.

The mineral resources were classified in accordance with the CIM Definition Standards for
Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (2014), which consider the “reasonable prospects
for economic extraction” requirement, which generally implies that the quantity and grade
estimates meet certain economic thresholds and that the mineral resources are reported at

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 27 of 566

an appropriate cut-off grade that considers extraction scenarios and processing recoveries.
For this purpose, mineral resources are reported within conceptual pit shells to align with
industry best practice. The mineral resource statement for the Tri-K project is reported at
different in-situ cut-off grades, which accounts for the different levels of oxidation and the
slightly different economic parameters for the two deposits.

SRK is satisfied that the geological modelling honours the current geological information and
knowledge. The location of the samples and the assay data are sufficiently reliable to support
resource evaluation. SRK considers the deposits to be amenable to extraction by a large-scale
open-pit mining method. The sampling information was acquired primarily by RC and core
drilling on pierce points spaced at 25 m to 100 m. Most areas were sampled by a sufficient
number of boreholes to model the spatial variability of the gold grades. Accordingly, all block
estimates with holes spaced at 25 m or less, estimated by the first and second estimation
passes and demonstrating a reasonable continuity at the reporting cut-off grade can be
classified as a Measured mineral resource. Areas informed by drilling between 50 m and
100 m can be classified as Indicated, with the remaining areas of the geological model being
classified as an Inferred mineral resource.

All the Measured and Indicated and the majority of the reported Inferred mineral resources are
located within modelled geological domainal wireframes. Inferred resources are also,
however, reported outside of modelled gold domains. These blocks, which are external to
modelled domain wireframes, are located in densely drilled areas where the estimation was
performed by the first pass and the resulting estimates demonstrated a reasonable continuity
above the reporting cut-off grade to ensure a reasonable prospect for extraction. Any other
material outside of the gold domains is considered unclassified.

The mineral resource statement for the Tri-K project is given in Table 1.1 (Kodiaran deposit)
and Table 1.2 (Koulekoun deposit). Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not
have demonstrated economic viability.

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Table 1.1: Mineral Resource Statement*, Kodiaran Deposit, Tri-K Project,
SRK 26 June 2018

Quantity Grade Contained Metal

Resource Category Material Type
kt Au (g/t) Au (oz)
Oxidised 6 005 1.68 325 000
Transition 730 1.91 45 000
Fresh 3 075 1.98 196 000
Subtotal 9 810 1.79 565 000
Oxidised 1 761 0.96 55 000
Transition 146 1.36 6 000
Fresh 2 690 1.71 148 000
Subtotal 4 597 1.41 209 000
Oxidised 7 766 1.52 379 000
Transition 876 1.81 51 000
Measured + Indicated
Fresh 5 766 1.85 344 000
Subtotal 14 407 1.67 774 000
Oxidised 1 100 1.20 42 000
Transition 119 1.43 5 000
Fresh 1 108 1.68 60 000
Subtotal 2 328 1.44 108 000
* Reported at a cut-off grade of 0.40 g/t gold for the oxidised, 0.56 g/t gold for the transition, and 0.63 g/t gold
for the fresh material, using gold recoveries of 93 %, 90 % and 80 %, respectively. All reported material is
constrained within a conceptual open-pit shell assuming 100 % mining recovery, 5 % mining dilution and a
gold price of US$1 500/oz. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimates. Mineral
resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.
# The reported Inferred mineral resource includes resources inside and outside of the modelled gold
domains but still inside the conceptual pit shell.

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Table 1.2: Mineral Resource Statement*, Koulekoun Deposit, Tri-K Project,
SRK 26 June 2018

Quantity Grade Contained Metal

Resource Category Oxidation Level Rock Type
kt Au (g/t) Au (oz)
Laterite - - -
Oxidised IQP 2 885 1.39 129 000
Sediment - - -
IQP 72 1.66 4 000
Measured Transition
Sediment - - -
IQP 2 762 1.75 155 000
Sediment - - -
Subtotal 5 719 1.57 288 000
Laterite 387 0.65 8 000
Oxidised IQP 512 0.75 12 000
Sediment 1 597 0.79 40 000
IQP 45 0.98 1 000
Indicated Transition
Sediment 88 1.21 3 000
IQP 12 523 1.63 654 000
Sediment 3 717 1.62 194 000
Subtotal 18 868 1.51 914 000
Laterite 387 0.65 8 000
Oxidised IQP 3 397 1.29 141 000
Sediment 1 597 0.79 40 000
IQP 117 1.40 5 000
Measured + Indicated Transition
Sediment 88 1.21 3 000
IQP 15 284 1.65 810 000
Sediment 3 717 1.62 194 000
Subtotal 24 587 1.52 1 202 000
Laterite 235 0.73 6 000
Oxidised IQP 184 0.78 5 000
Sediment 642 0.86 18 000
IQP 28 0.92 1 000
Inferred# Transition
Sediment 54 0.87 2 000
IQP 2 041 1.40 92 000
Sediment 1 313 1.93 82 000
Subtotal 4 498 1.41 204 000
* Reported at a cut-off grade of 0.39 g/t gold for the oxidised, 0.54 g/t gold for the IQP (transition and fresh),
and 0.61 g/t gold for the sedimentary rock (transition and fresh) material, using gold recoveries of 93 % for
the oxidised, 90 % for the IQP (transition and fresh) and 80 % for the sedimentary rock (transition and fresh),
respectively. All reported material is constrained within a conceptual open-pit shell assuming 100 % mining
recovery, 5 %mining dilution and a gold price of US$1 500/oz. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative
accuracy of the estimates. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated
economic viability.
# The reported Inferred mineral resource is within the conceptual pit shell and includes mineral resources inside
and outside of the modelled gold domains.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 30 of 566


The Mineral Reserve Estimate for the Tri-K project was prepared by Jeffrey Cassoff, PEng, of
BBA, based in Montreal, Canada. Mr Cassoff is a Qualified Person according to both the
NI 43-101 and Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) guidelines. The Mineral Reserves are
the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources that have been identified as being
economically extractable and which incorporate mining losses and the addition of waste

BBA received the Mineral Resource block models prepared by SRK on April 4, 2018 and April
22, 2018 for the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits respectively. Both of the block models were
provided in the Datamine file format and were prepared as sub-blocked models with sub-cell
sizes of 0.25 m. The block models contained the gold grade, density, rock type, and resource
classification for each block. SRK also provided the wireframe solids for the mineralised zones,
as well as surfaces representing the contacts between the oxidation zones (laterite, saprolite,
transition and fresh rock).

Using the MineSight software, BBA regularised the sub-blocked Mineral Resource models for
both the Koulekoun and Kodiaran deposits to block sizes of 5 m × 5 m × 3 m high. This block
size was selected to represent the SMU (smallest mining unit) for the project.

Pit optimisation analyses were conducted for both deposits to determine the economic limits
of the orebodies at a range of selling prices. The optimisations considered a base gold price
of US$1 250/oz and mining and processing costs, as well as mill recoveries, that were
developed during the BFS. The pit optimisations took into account the pit slopes that were
recommended by SRK Consulting (UK) Limited in their report titled “Geotechnical Feasibility
Study of the Tri-K Project, Guinea”. Since the study is at a feasibility level, Inferred Mineral
Resources were not considered in the pit optimisation and mine plan, and have been
considered as waste rock. The optimised pit shells that were selected were then used as
guides for the open-pit design.

Cut-off grades were calculated for each deposit and rock type to determine whether the
material being mined will generate a profit after paying for the processing and general and
administrative (G&A) costs. Material that is mined below the cut-off grade is either sent to the
waste dump or stockpiled for potential future processing. The cut-off grades for the Kodiaran
deposit are 0.63 g/t Au for the oxides and 1.05 g/t Au for the sulphides. The cut-off grades for
the Koulekoun deposit are 0.51 g/t Au for the oxides, 0.72 g/t Au for the porphyry sulphides,
and 0.97 g/t Au for the sediment sulphides.

Open pits were designed for each deposit, which includes smoothing the pit walls, adding
ramps to access the pit bottom, and ensuring that the pit can be mined safely and efficiently
using the selected fleet of mining equipment. The bench heights are 9 m high and the ramps
were designed for double-lane traffic with a width of 16 m and a maximum grade of 10 %.

The Koulekoun deposit has a main open pit that contains 97 % of the Mineral Reserves, as
well as a smaller pit that abuts to the northeast side of the large pit. Both pits are circular in
shape. The Koulekoun main pit reaches a depth of 124 m, resulting in an overall height of
286 m below surface.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 31 of 566

The Kodiaran deposit has four distinct open pits named South, Central, North and Extreme
North. The shape of the South pit is an ellipse while the other three pits are circular. The
Central and North pits are connected. The depths of the Kodiaran pit range from 105 m to
120 m.

The Mineral Reserves for the Tri-K project, which are inclusive of mining dilution and ore loss
are 10.4 Mt of Proven Mineral Reserves with an average gold grade of 1.97 g/t Au and 8.8 Mt
of Probable Mineral Reserves with an average gold grade of 1.71 g/t Au. The stripping ratio to
access the Mineral Reserves is 3.3 to 1. The reference point for the Mineral Reserves is the
mill feed. The Mineral Reserves are presented by deposit in Table 1.3.

Table 1.3: Tri-K Mineral Reserve Estimate by Deposit

Ore Gold Ounces In Situ

t g/t Au oz Au
Proven 5 511 104 2.24 396 768
Probable 1 433 707 1.49 68 784
Total Proven and Probable 6 944 811 2.09 465 552
Proven 4 904 254 1.68 264 149
Probable 7 394 726 1.75 417 089
Total Proven and Probable 12 298 980 1.72 681 238
Total for Tri-K Project
Proven 10 415 358 1.97 660 917
Probable 8 828 432 1.71 485 873
Total Proven and Probable 19 243 790 1.85 1 146 790

In order to maximise the net present value (NPV) of the project, pushbacks (phases) that target
higher grade areas early in the mine plan and defer waste stripping have been designed. Nine
phases were designed for Kodiaran, including the final phases, which establish the ultimate
pit limits. Five phases were designed for Koulekoun. A minimum mining width of 30 m was
considered between phases to ensure that they can be mined safely and efficiently.

The Tri-K mine will be operated in a conventional manner (drill, blast, load and haul) using a
contract miner for the operations with technical services and management by the Owner. Ore
and waste will be drilled and blasted on 9 m benches. In the oxide formation, it has been
assumed that 85 % of the material will be free-dug while 15 % will require drilling and blasting.
All of the sulphide rock will be drilled and blasted. Mining will be carried out in 3 m flitches
using an excavator with a backhoe configuration. The excavator will sit on the production
bench and the haulage trucks will be loaded on the level below.

The mining sequence will begin with clearing, removal and stockpiling of any usable soil, and
construction of pit protection berms and diversion drains. Laterite material will be hauled to
the laterite stockpile and waste rock will be hauled to the waste rock dump. At Koulekoun, ore
mined will be hauled either directly to the primary crusher or to one of the ore stockpiles that
will be located close to the ROM (run-of-mine) pad. At Kodiaran, all of the ore mined will be
stockpiled to the north of the laterite stockpile, at the north end of the deposit. The ore will then

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 32 of 566

be rehandled by a wheel loader into a fleet of trucks that will haul the ore to the Koulekoun
site roughly 24.5 km to the north. Some of this ore will be directly dumped into the primary
crusher and the rest will be placed in one of the ore stockpiles by the ROM pad.

Mining operations will be conducted on a 24-hour basis, 7 days per week and 52 weeks per

Laterite stockpiles and waste rock dumps were designed at each deposit. Following the results
of a hydrogeochemical investigation completed by Golder, and the currently available
information, it was determined that at both Koulekoun and Kodiaran it should be assumed that
15 % of the sulphide rocks, as well as the first 5 m of saprolite below the laterite, are potentially
acid generating (PAG).

Golder recommended that the PAG material be stockpiled independently of the non-acid
generating (NAG) material and be completely encapsulated within an outer shell of NAG
material. The outer shell provides a barrier to minimise water infiltration and will limit the
oxidation of the PAG material. The topography beneath the waste rock dump will be capped
with saprolite to achieve a minimum thickness of 5 m. The PAG material will be placed on the
inside of the waste rock dump and the outer shell of saprolite will have a minimum width of
20 m. Following completion of the mine plan, the construction of the waste rock dumps was
sequenced per year in order to estimate the haulage distances but also to ensure that the
construction sequencing is feasible.

Figure 1.1 and Figure 1.2 show the general layouts of the Koulekoun and Kodiaran mines,
respectively, with the location of the open pits, waste rock dumps, and the haul road layout.

Figure 1.1: Mine General Layout (Koulekoun)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 33 of 566

Figure 1.2: Mine General Layout (Kodiaran)

A mine production schedule was developed quarterly for Years 1 and 2 and annually
thereafter, resulting in a total mine life of nine years. The mine production schedule was
prepared in MSSO (MineSight Schedule Optimiser) with the objective of maximising the NPV
of the project.

The following operational constraints were considered to develop the life of mine plan:

• A minimum 3-month stockpile of mill feed at start-up, to be maintained throughout the

life of mine (200 000 t).
• During Phase 1 (prior to the installation of the ball mill in 2023), the sulphide ore has
been limited to a maximum of 8 % of the total mill feed.
• During Phase 2 (following the installation of the ball mill in 2023), the oxide ore has
been limited to a minimum of 18 % of the total mill feed;
• The bond work index has been capped at 14.64 kWh/t per year.
• The quantity of laterite does not exceed 20 % of the total mill feed.
• The vertical advance rate has been capped at 7 × 9 m benches per year (or 63 m
vertical advance per year) at Kodiaran and 8 × 9 m benches per year at Koulekoun
(72 m vertical advance per year). This was reduced to 5 × 9 m benches per year at the
bottom of the Koulekoun pit;
• The maximum ROM material has been capped at 14 Mt/a.
• In order to account for the annual rainy season, production capacity for the mining fleet
has been reduced by 10 % and 20 % in the second and third quarters, respectively.

The mine plan begins in January 2020 with a 3-month period of pre-production where mine
development will occur at the Kodiaran deposit. During this period, a total of 2.8 Mt of waste
will be mined and 325 000 kt of ore will be stockpiled at an average grade of 2.02 g/t Au. The
mill will begin production in April 2020, with ramp-up rates of 87.5 %, 90.8 %, and 100 % of

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 34 of 566

maximum capacity in the first three quarters, respectively, for a total mill feed of 1.6 Mt in 2020.
The mill is planned to operate at its nominal capacity of 2.3 Mt/a from 2021 until 2027 and
process 1.5 Mt in 2028, the final year of production.

Mining at the Kodiaran deposit will be completed in 2024. Mining at the Koulekoun deposit will
begin in the second quarter of 2021 and will last until 2028 when all of the current Mineral
Reserves are depleted. The overall mining schedule is given in Table 1.4.

Table 1.4: Tri-K Mine Production Plan

Combined Life of Mine
Production (LOM)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Ore Processed kt 19 243 920 1 600 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 1 544

Fractional Throughput 0.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7

Plant Feed Grade g/t 1.8537 1.91 1.78 2.06 2.19 1.99 1.88 1.59 1.57 1.65

Overall Recovery % 87.48 91.8 91.5 90.0 81.6 83.9 88.3 88.3 87.5 86.5

Contained Gold kg 35 673 3 061 4 091 4 744 5 043 4 574 4 334 3 668 3 618 2 541

Total Gold Produced kg 31 208 2 810 3 742 4 270 4 117 3 836 3 828 3 240 3 166 2 197

Payable Doré koz 1 002 90 120 137 132 123 123 104 102 71

The fleet of mining equipment to carry out the mine plan was estimated and results in a peak
of 17 articulated haul trucks with a payload of 41 t, four backhoe excavators with operating
weights in the 70 t class category and equipped with a 4.6 m3 bucket, as well as a fleet of
production drills, wheel loaders and other support equipment.

A separate fleet of 12 trucks with a payload of 40 t will be used to rehandle the ore from
Kodiaran, which will be hauled 24.5 km to the ROM pad at Koulekoun. This fleet was estimated
assuming 24 h/d haulage.

The mine workforce was estimated to peak at 292 contractor employees and 84 employees
from the Owner’s team.

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1.5.1 Metallurgical Test Work

Metallurgical test work was conducted on the Tri-K ore deposit to characterise the ore and to
develop the design criteria and optimal process route for the beneficiation of gold (Au). Table
1.5 shows a summary of the test work results achieved.

Table 1.5: Metallurgical Test Work Summary


Test Work Parameter/Unit
Oxide Oxide Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide
% solids at which slurry becomes
Viscosity on ROM 50 50 65 65 65
viscous (%)
kWh/t (average) 6.68 8.87 16.50 17.40 18.97
Bond Ball Work Index
(BBWi) – Average
kWh/t (85th percentile) 8.95 11.93 - 18.03 22.61

kWh/t (average) - - 2.92 18.30 17.60

Bond Rod Work Index
(BRWi) – Average
kWh/t (85th percentile) - - - - 21.38

g (average) 0.007 0.12 0.3425 0.08 0.13

Abrasion Index (Ai) –
Average th
g (85 percentile) 0.010 0.1875 0.3865 0.104 0.195

average 76.5 30 21.75 21.93 50.39

85th percentile - - 22.55 24.96 64.59

Underflow % solids (%) 58 76

Pre-Leach Thickening Solids flux rate (t/(m2·h)) 0.35 0.45

Flocculant dosage (g/t) 70 60

Head Grade Au g/t 1.51 1.63 2.54 1.24 1.90

Extended Gravity
% Au 56.6 38.6 86.0 61.0 63.8
Recoverable Gold (EGRG)
Modelled GRG % Au 31.9 20.1 52.3 38.4 32.6
Intense Leach Reactor
% Au 90.98 97.68 93.41 90.81 73.09
Effect of an Aachen
Increase in gold dissolution (% Au) 0.00 0.94 1.49 - 4.44
% Au dissolution 81.99 89.00 81.88 66.67 67.82
Bulk Leach at Optimum
Cyanide consumption (kg/t) 2.12 1.7 0.85 1.12 1.38
Lime consumption (kg/t) 0.73 0.23 0.16 0.19 0.34

Overall Gold Recovery % Au 84.86 90.74 87.91 75.94 69.54

Final weak acid dissociable cyanide
< 25 < 25 < 25 < 25 < 25
Cyanide Detoxification on (WAD CN) (ppm)
Slurry (SMBS-Air) at Sodium metabisulphite (SMBS)
1.5 times the Excess of the addition (g/g) 5.48 5.48 5.48 7.31 7.31
Stoichiometric Ratio
CaO addition (g/g) 0 0 0 0 0
Sodium metabisulphite (SMBS)
5.86 7.13
Continuous Cyanide addition (g/g)
CaO addition (g/g) 0.8 0.5

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 36 of 566

Test Work Parameter/Unit
Oxide Oxide Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide
Final WAD CN (ppm) 0 0 0 0 0

Cyanide Detoxification on H2O2 Addition (g/g) 3.93 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62
Leach Filtrate (H2O2)
CuSO4 5H2O addition (g/g) 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196

Freundlich 'a' 4 128 12 148 7 296 7 938 15 801

Carbon Loadings Kinetics
and Equilibrium Isotherms
Freundlich 'b' 0.2 0.2 0.5 2.0 0.5
Feed solids concentrate in feed well
- 7.5 12.5
Flocculant dosage (g/t) - 90-100 50

Solids flux rate (t/(m2·h) - 0.25 0.5

Post-Leach Thickening
Underflow % solids (%) - 53.25 70.7
Underflow unsheared yield stress
- 245 1 228

Underflow sheared yield stress (Pa) - 80 109

The following was established from the test work:

• Variances in the gold head grade showed the presence of coarse gold.
• Gravity recovery test work showed that the Tri-K ore has high gravity recoverable gold.
Modelling gravity recoverable gold (GRG) results showed that the expected plant
gravity gold recovery ranges from 20.1 % (Kodiaran (KD) Oxide) to 52.3 % (Koulekoun
(KLK) Igneous Quartz Porphyry (IQP)).
• Diagnostic leach results showed that the Tri-K ore has high preg-robbers that are
active in the initial low residence time of 2 h. At a leach time of 24 h, preg-robbing
ranged from 7.49 % to 27.45 %.
• Viscosity test work indicated that the oxide ore starts to become viscous at 50 % solids
while the sulphide ore becomes viscous at 65 % solids.
• Pre-leach thickening test work showed solids flux rates of 0.35 t/(m2·h) and
0.45 t/(m2·h) for the oxide ore and sulphide ore, respectively. Both the oxide and
sulphide thickener underflows consolidate to a high percentage of solids (58 % and
76 %, respectively).
• Leach optimisation test work on the gravity middlings and tailings showed the following
optimum leach conditions:

o Grind: 80 % passing 75 µm
o Residence time: 24 h
o Oxygen sparging during leach
o pH: 10.5
o Cyanide additions: Maintain at 600 ppm
o Leach process: Carbon in leach (CIL)
o Per cent solids 45 % w/w

• The Aachen reactor pre-oxidation test work marginally increased gold dissolution and
marginally reduced cyanide consumption and a decision was made not to include the
Aachen reactor in the Tri-K process flowsheet.

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Variability comminution tests were performed and design values for the comminution circuit
were selected from the variability test work results. Table 1.6 shows the comminution design
values that were selected.

Table 1.6: Comminution Design Values

Parameter BBWi (kWh/t) A×b Ai (g) Ore Specific Gravity (SG)

Oxide 10.9 59.9 0.017 2.58
Sulphide 21 30.9 0.318 2.63
Oxide 4.7 71.6 0.030 2.71
IQP 17.2 21.8 0.343 2.71
Tuff 18.9 19.7 0.082 2.72

Variability gold recovery test work was conducted using the process route of gravity
concentration together with intensive leach of the gravity concentrates, and CIL on the gravity
middling and tailing. Leaching of the gravity middling and tailing was performed under the
optimum leach conditions selected from the leach optimisation programme. Table 1.7 shows
a summary of the design values selected for the gold recovery circuit.

Table 1.7: Design Values Selected for Gold Recovery

Parameter Evaluation KLK Oxide KLK IQP KLK Tuff KD Oxide KD Sulphide
Overall Gold Recovery (%) For Design 93.27 88.32 66.71 92.35 75.00
Cyanide Consumption (kg/t) For Design 1.71 0.85 1.12 1.33 1.38
Lime Consumption (kg/t) For Design 1.07 0.16 0.65 1.34 1.07

The optimum reagent consumption values for sodium cyanide, lime, SMBS and copper
sulphate were reviewed, verified and applied in the final operating cost (OPEX) calculation.
Table 1.8 shows a summary of the reagent values selected for the OPEX.

Table 1.8: Values Selected for the Plant OPEX


Description Evaluation
Oxide IQP Tuff Oxide Sulphide
Cyanide Consumption (kg/t) For OPEX 1.41 0.54 0.69 0.62 0.61
Lime Consumption – CIL only (kg/t) For OPEX 0.58 0.09 0.21 0.86 0.55
SMBS (g/g WAD) For OPEX 4.69 5.89 5.89 4.69 5.89
Copper Sulphate (ppm) For OPEX 25 25 25 25 25
Lime – Cyanide detoxification only
For OPEX 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
(g/g WAD)

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1.5.2 Process Plant Design

The proposed process plant design is based on well-known and established gravity/CIL
technology, which consists of crushing, milling, gravity recovery of free gold followed by
leaching/adsorption of gravity tailings, elution and gold smelting, and tailings disposal.
Services to the process plant will include reagent mixing, storage and distribution, water and
air services.

The plant will treat 2.3 Mt/a of oxide, transition and sulphide ore campaigned through the plant
separately or in a combination, if required. Both oxide, transition and sulphide rock will be
crushed through a primary jaw crusher and stockpiled with bypass allowances directly to the
milling circuit for the softer and stickier ores.

Milling will consist of a primary SAG mill, secondary ball mill, and a pebble crusher. The SAG
mill will be operated in a single stage in the initial phase of the project when treating
predominantly oxide ores, while the ball mill will be in closed circuit with a hydrocyclone cluster
and installed when the more competent transition and sulphide rock is mined. Pebbles
generated from the SAG mill will be conveyed to a pebble crusher where they will be further
reduced in size and re-circulated to the SAG mill, especially when treating competent ore. The
discharge from both mills will be combined in a cyclone feed sump and will be pumped to the
cyclone cluster for classification.

A proportion of the cyclone underflow will be bled to the gravity circuit for recovery of gravity
gold, with the balance gravitating to the ball mill for further size reduction. Gold will be
recovered from the gravity concentrates through a combination of intensive cyanidation and
electrowinning facilities. The gravity recovery tailings will be transferred back to the mill feed
for further liberation. Gold that is not gravity recoverable is recovered through the CIL process.

The overflow from the cyclone cluster will be pumped to a pre-leach thickener. The thickener
underflow will feed the seven-stage CIL circuit, where gold will be dissolved and adsorbed
onto carbon. Both the oxide and sulphide ores exhibit varying degrees of preg-robbing as
confirmed by test work. The preg-robbing nature of the ores negates the use of a pre-leach
tank. The resultant CIL tailings slurry will be subjected to a partial cyanide destruction process,
prior to being pumped to the tailings disposal and storage facilities.

Loaded carbon from the CIL circuit will be acid-washed prior to elution, followed by reactivation
of the eluted carbon. The solution from the elution circuit will be subjected to electrowinning,
where gold will be deposited onto cathodes as sludge. Periodically, the sludge will be washed
off the cathodes and dried. The dried gold “sludge” will then be smelted to produce gold bullion,
which will be shipped to the refinery.

A simplified process flow diagram is shown in Figure 1.3.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 39 of 566

Trash Linear

ROM Rock Br eaker

Pr ocess
Cyclone Cluster Water
Static Grizzly

Vibrating Gr izzly
Apron Feeder U/F
Gravity Splitter
Pr imar y Jaw

Ball Mill
Ball Mill
Pr imar y Crusher Trommel
Dischar ge Conveyor C1

Concentrator Future

St ockpile SAG Mill

SAG Mill

Reclaim Feeders

SAG Mill Feed

Conveyor C3

Mill Feed
Weightometer Mill Discharge
Sump Cyclone Feed Intense Leach
Pumps 1/2
Loaded Carbon
Transfer Scr een

Regener ated
Eluted Carbon Carbon Scr een CIL Feed
Holding T ank Splitter Box

Regener ation

Reclaim Heat Tails Screen

Kiln Screw
Exchanger Feeder
Eluant Mixer
Feed Tank

Elution Acid Wash

Column Column

M Elution Pumps Tails Pumps

Eluant Tank

Gravity and CIL

Cathode High Electrowinning Cells M CIL Tank 1 to 7
Cathode Wash Cyanide Detox Cyanide Detox
Pr essure Wash Pump Tails Sump
Tank Agitators Tanks
Main Heat
Exchanger Acid Wash
Pumps Acid Drum SWD Discharge Ef fluent
Acid Wash
Gold Sludge Elution Heaters
Tank Treatment Plant
Filter Press
Carbon Transfer Tailings Storage
Gold Sludge
Water Tank Facility

Carbon Transfer
Water Pump

Pr ocess Water

Gold Sludge Bullion Bar

Moulds Return Water Pond

Calcining Furnace Smelting Furnace

Gold Mould
Cascade Trolley

Storm Water Pond


Figure 1.3: Overall Process Flow Diagram

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 40 of 566


The scope of work for the BFS comprised the following:

• A new TSF
• A new return water dam (RWD) and/or storm water dam (SWD) associated with the
• The storm water management and associated infrastructure for the TSF (perimeter
slurry deposition pipeline, drainage, perimeter access road, and boundary fencing)

The following legislation, regulations and design standards have been taken into account
during the BFS design of the TSF:

• International Cyanide Code Standard of Practice

• International Finance Corporation (IFC) Guidelines
• Since Guinea does not have legislation pertaining specifically to the design of TSFs,
“Appropriate Best Practice Measures” have been adopted.

Within the current mine tenement, nine potential TSF sites were identified for consideration.
Of the nine options, a final site was selected (on which the BFS design has been conducted),
as a result of the following:

• There are fewer flood protection measures required for this option.
• It lies downstream of the plant and pit, therefore, in the event of a failure it would not
affect these structures.
• It is located in close proximity to the plant, thereby minimising the pumping distances
associated with the slurry deposition pipeline and return water pipelines.
• Based on the high-level capital costs, it was one of the more economical, lower risk
• This site can be expanded should the LOM increase.
• There is sufficient space available for the construction of an RWD/SWD system
downstream of the TSF.

The key features of the TSF are as follows:

• A conventional high-density polyethylene (HDPE) lined ring-dyke TD, with an initial

starter wall embankment (15 m high), to be compacted with remoulded
lateritic/saprolitic material sourced from suitable borrow pits within the allocated areas.
The TSF converts to an upstream self-raising facility above the starter wall elevation
to a final height of 32 m high. The facility is designed to store 20 million tonnes over
the LOM at a depositional rate of 191 667 t/month and a dry density of 1.35 t/m3.
• The TSF has an average rate of rise 2.52 m/a and an overall upstream slope of 1V:3H.
• A concrete-encased penstock decant system, that decants supernatant water into the
energy dissipator and silt trap system before reporting to the RWD and SWD complex.
• An HDPE-lined RWD, which consists of a maximum wall height of 2.8 m above natural
ground level (NGL) and a basin excavated a maximum of 1 m below NGL. The RWD
has been sized to cater for 5 d of slurry water with a storage capacity of 47 700 m3 and
has a footprint area of 3.74 ha.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 41 of 566

• An HDPE-lined SWD, with a storage capacity of 356 000m3 and an area of 12.3 ha. It
has been sized to cater for the storm water runoff of the 1 in 100 year, 7 d storm onto
the TSF footprint at an average runoff coefficient of 0.85. The SWD consists of a
maximum wall height of 5.5 m above NGL and a basin excavated a maximum of 2.3
m below NGL.
• Associated infrastructure (i.e. slurry delivery line, storm water diversion trenches, toe
drains, solution pipeline, silt traps, and energy dissipator)

A site geotechnical investigation was undertaken, and the following idealised soil profile has
been identified within the TSF:

• A shallow topsoil region, with an average depth of 0.1 m

• A laterite horizon comprising various sized gravels in a clayey silt matrix to a depth of
2.7 m
• A clayey silty alluvium below the topsoil, for a depth of 4 m
• Two clayey silt saprolite horizons between a silt saprolite horizon
• A well-cemented laterite horizon comprising angular ferruginous gravels in a clay silt
• A clayey silty saprolitic horizon lying beneath the lateritic zone
• Shallow refusal depth due to dense laterite. The refusal depth ranged from 4 m to
0.01 m, creating a depth limitation within the RWD and SWD excavations.

Geotechnical test work was undertaken on samples of the gold tailings provided by SENET.
These results classify the oxide as clayey silt with some plasticity and the sulphide as a slightly
plastic sandy silt. The specific gravity (SG) has been determined as 2.64 for the sulphide and
2.69 for the oxide, which have 91 % and 70 % passing the 0.075 mm sieve, respectively. The
settlement tests indicate that a dry density of 1.35 t/m3 is achievable.

Preliminary geochemical test work was undertaken on the two tailings samples, and a potential
for both arsenic and acid rock drainage has been identified. Based on the preliminary results,
it is likely that the TSF should be lined, with an HDPE or a sufficiently impermeable layer.

A TSF deterministic monthly water balance has been developed in Microsoft Excel, based on
average monthly, wettest year monthly, driest year monthly rainfall figures and average
monthly evaporation figures and the simulated flow of water between the various facilities
within the TSF over the operational LOM. The outcomes of the balance indicate the following:

• The TSF water balance is a water positive balance resulting in the need to
treat/detoxify and discharge water into the downstream environment between two and
five months of the year.
• A treatment/detoxification plant of 8 000 m3/d capacity is likely to operate from 3 d to
30 d or 31 d of a month (20 000 m3/month to a maximum of 240 000 m3/month) in order
to ensure that the SWD does not discharge untreated water into the downstream
• The TSF is able to supply the process plant with 80 % of the required process water
volume at all times during the LOM.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 42 of 566

The following recommendations are proposed for consideration and evaluation during the
detailed design of the TSF:

• An extension of the survey around the TSF, to finalise the design of the storm water
management infrastructure. This is particularly for the western perimeter.
• As only two test pits have been excavated in the RWD and SWD, it is recommended
that additional test pits be excavated and profiled, to confirm the assumed depth of
these facilities.
• The detailed design of the spillways, solution pipelines, silt traps, energy dissipator and
spillways should be undertaken.
• The filter design of the elevated and NGL toe drain systems should be undertaken.
• Additional geotechnical testing should be undertaken during the next phase to improve
upon the strength parameters of the in-situ soils and the final tailings products to be
deposited in the TSF.


1.7.1 Human Resource Element

SMM understands that a company’s success in industry is largely a result of the quality of
manpower it possesses. For this reason, it considers the “Human Resource Element” to be
fundamental in its quest to develop a successful gold mining development company.

The Company has spent considerable time and effort developing policies that represent
fairness and equity for all concerned. At the same time, the policies address those particular
characteristics that are associated with the mining industry in the world today. To guarantee
the development of African human capital, local recruitment at the level of the host country is
a preliminary and decisive phase in the success of each project. Thus, the human resources
(HR) team ensures the development of partnerships with recruitment and training institutions
in Guinea that can select, support and prepare future Guinean collaborators.

Managem’s HR process also integrates the reinforcement of the transfer of know-how through
the transfer of expertise. To this end, an active sharing policy is set up to best guarantee this
transfer to Guinean employees.

Managem also offers the new recruits an integration programme to facilitate their integration
and the development of the skills necessary to better fulfil their mission.

In order to create a high level of competence in the local workforce, a strong emphasis will be
placed on the training and hence upgrading of the local workforce. This is something that has
already been achieved in some African countries such as Sudan and Gabon.

SMM possesses a core of professional and managerial employees, whose job it is to ensure
that the mine is developed according to a predetermined plan, including the sourcing of a
suitable mix of skills in the main workforce. This people-skill mix will change depending on the
Company strategy at any point in time. However, the key policy will be to ensure that the
Company attracts and develops, motivates and retains the best people available, whilst at the
same time pursuing a policy of “localisation”. It is important, therefore, that the manpower
policy be congruent with the overall and comprehensive human resources policy pertaining to
the Company and its values.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 43 of 566

The human resource element involves a range of issues that, if addressed correctly, will
benefit the stakeholders, some of which are listed below:

• Manpower or workforce
• Surrounding communities
• Incumbent businesses in the area
• Guinean government
• Company management

A balanced strategy will be created to satisfy the expectations of the above-mentioned

stakeholders. This section describes the fundamental factors that the strategy will take into

The list of company policies (the principles of which will be followed in this venture) is as

• Recruitment
• Remuneration
• Housing
• Industrial Relations
• Safety and Health
• Emergency Response Procedure
• Training and Development
• Community Liaison
• Grievance Mechanisms
• Security

The above-mentioned policies are essential for the preparation of a broad all-inclusive and
satisfactory policy for addressing the human resource element requirements. These policies
are meant to ensure that a successful mine development operation, which satisfies the
requirements and expectations of all involved, is attained.

This section describes the principles to be adopted in the implementation of the above areas.

The proposed workforce is also described in some detail. This has been drawn up based on
a large database of experience with other mines, both within and outside of Morocco. The
figures and descriptions provided are considered to accurately reflect the requirements of the
Tri-K project.

1.7.2 Manpower

This section was developed by SMM (General and Administration) and SENET (Plant). The
total manpower working on site is 816 employees. Those employees are distributed as shown
in Table 1.9.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 44 of 566

Table 1.9: Summary of Manpower Distribution

Description Type Managers Technicians Operators TOTAL

Direct Local 22 85 220 327
Expatriate 18 4 0 22
Subtotal 40 89 220 349
Internal Subcontractors Local 0 0 0 0
Expatriate 2 5 10 17
Subtotal 2 5 10 17
Subcontractors Local 10 37 396 443
Expatriate 7 0 0 7
Subtotal 17 37 396 450
Grand Total 59 131 626 816

This calculation did not include the 55 persons from the estimated military contingent to ensure
site security.


The selected Tri-K site is a greenfield site without any existing infrastructure although some
laterite roads do exist, providing access to local villages scattered around the area.

The on-site infrastructure required will be related to the processing plant and the supporting
facilities as follows:

• In-plant access roads

• Plant buildings
• Plant reagents and consumables stores
• Process plant site drainage
• Sewerage disposal
• Security
• Water supply
• Communications
• Power supply


This section presents a description of the off-site infrastructure facilities located at the
Koulekoun mine/plant site and at the Kodiaran mine site.

The proposed infrastructure will support the mining and plant operations. Camp
accommodation will also be provided at the site for the mine and plant site personnel. The
main off-site infrastructure required for the development of the project will be the following:

• Airstrip
• Rail
• Access road between Loila village and the plant
• In-pit mining haul roads

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 45 of 566

• Access haul road between the Kodiaran and Koulekoun sites
• Mining infrastructure
• Camp and catering facilities
• Power plant
• Water supply system
• Solid waste management
• Sewage disposal site


Due to the proposed development, some community members and their economic activities
may be affected by the proposed development. For the 2018 BFS, a Resettlement Framework
was developed, with a view to establishing a comprehensive Resettlement Action Plan as part
of the detail design phase of the project. As the proposed development will not result in the
resettlement of communities or households, but rather impact on existing cultivated fields and
other economic activities by community members, resettlement will not be required.

1.10.1 Reclamation and Closure Planning

The conceptual closure plan developed for the project was based on the requirements of the
Mining Code, the Environment Code, and in accordance with international mining industry
best practice. The specific closure objectives are as follows:

• Legal compliance
• Integrated closure planning
• Concurrent rehabilitation
• Landform stability
• Ecosystem re-establishment
• Water management structures and water quality
• Public safety
• Removal of infrastructure not required to support post-closure land use
• Agreed post-closure land uses

1.10.2 Financial Provision for Closure

The financial provision requirements associated with the proposed development were
calculated for the concurrent rehabilitation, decommissioning, reclamation, and post-closure
and maintenance phases of the proposed development. The total financial provision
requirements are as follows:

• Concurrent Rehabilitation: US$2 506 693

• Decommissioning Phase: US$2 933 226
• Reclamation Phase: US$4 63 872
• Post-closure and maintenance: US$1 607 123
• Total: US$11 685 913

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 46 of 566


During 2013, an ESIA was undertaken for Wega Mining Guinea (WMG) for the Tri-K Project.
The ESIA was subsequently approved and the project permitted.

In 2016, Avocet entered into a joint venture agreement for the Tri-K gold project in Guinea with
Managem to create SMM, who is currently updating the ESIA.

1.11.1 Baseline Environment Geomorphological, Geological and Soils

The soil zones are divided into three distinct land units with characteristic soil properties:

• Shallow and concretionary (plinthic) soils in convex landscape positions

• Variable depth, highly bleached silt-rich plinthic soils in concave landscape positions
• Variable depth silt-rich fluvial soils along stream and river channels.

The land capability/suitability for the project area is linked to the soil distribution as follows:

• Shallow and concretionary (plinthic) soils in convex landscape positions: The land
capability/suitability is limited to the planting of tree crops.
• Variable depth, highly bleached, silt-rich plinthic soils in concave landscape positions:
These soils are suited to a range of annual cash crops that include maize, rice and
vegetable crops.
• Variable depth silt-rich fluvial soils along stream and river channels: These soils should
not be cultivated and excavated for brick-making purposes. Drainage and Surface Water

The project is located within the Upper Niger Basin. The major drainage line in the project area
is the Fié River, which flows in a general north-easterly direction.

In the project area, the main uses of water include drinking, washing, fishing, cooking, bathing,
irrigation, fishing and artisanal mining.

Water quality in the catchment is generally good and samples collected within the project area
correlate with available data from the larger catchment area. Most metals are present in very
low concentrations. Total iron concentrations exceeded drinking water quality standards for
some sampling points, which is believed to be associated with the geology and soils of the
area. Groundwater

Drilling and aquifer testing data was obtained from the drilling of four boreholes in the Kodiaran
area and three boreholes at Koulekoun. Three aquifer zones are present in the area:

• Saprolite: Completely and Highly Weathered Zones

• Saprock: Moderately Weathered Zone
• Fractured Bedrock: Slightly Weathered Zone

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 47 of 566 Geochemistry

A geochemical assessment was undertaken on various samples selected for static and kinetic
geochemical testing. The findings are summarised below:

• The bulk of the waste rock material is non-acid generating, with localised areas of low
to moderate risk of acid generation.
• Some of the Koulekoun ore is potentially acid generating, but none of the Kodiaran ore
samples were acid generating.
• Arsenic is mainly found in ore, where most samples showed leachable concentrations
exceeding IFC standards.
• High total concentrations of arsenic are also found in the “mottled zone” below the
laterite – but this material is not significantly leachable and is probably a result of
oxidation and adsorption of arsenic on laterite and accumulation at the base.
• No other elements’ leachable concentrations, including copper and uranium, exceeded
IFC standards.
• Arsenic levels in the tailings slurry process water are expected to be elevated:
concentrations are expected to be around fifty times the IFC standards and this is
inherent to the ore.
• Copper levels also significantly exceed IFC standards. Air Quality and Noise

Monitoring commenced with baseline/pre-development ambient air quality sampling. The

sampling was undertaken to cover both the dry and wet seasons of the area.

Recorded LAeqs3 at most sites are currently above the limits for residential areas. LAeqs
ranged from 46.2 dBA to 66.7 dBA during the day and were between 46.9 dBA and 58.9 dBA
during the night. Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

Sixteen sites of archaeological importance are located near the Koulekoun project area. Of
the sixteen sites, the former fortified village of Djingbadanin remains of importance because
of its state of conservation. Seven metallurgical sites have also been considered important
because of the wealth of iron-casting techniques in evidence and the relative rarity of this type
of archaeology in Guinea.

Only two sites of archaeological and/or cultural importance were located in the Kodiaran
project area. Remnants of defence fortification were found within the Kodiaran project area
and these marked the boundaries of the former Balaladjing village (KD-01). Fauna and Flora

The Tri-K project area is situated within the “Sudanian Woodland with abundant Isoberlinia”
vegetation type. Dominant woody species in these Sudanian woodlands are Isoberlinia

LAeq (T): The A-weighted equivalent sound pressure level, where T indicates the time over which the noise is
averaged (calculated or measured) (in dBA).

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 48 of 566

species, especially Isoberlinia doka, as well as Afzelia africana, Burkea africana, Combretum
spp. and Terminalia spp.

Eight floristically and structurally distinct vegetation associations were identified during the
desktop phase and confirmed during fieldwork. Seven of these communities represent Natural
Habitats and one is a Modified Habitat. Freshwater Ecoregion

The project’s ecoregion is characterised by a high diversity of fish. The Upper Niger
Freshwater Ecoregion has been classified as “Nationally Important”, and the global
conservation status has been classified as “Vulnerable”. However, the conservation priority of
the ecoregion has been classified as “Very Low”. The area is characterised by savannah and
dry forest and large floodplains that are important spawning grounds for fish. The proposed
development is located within a Ramsar site. Socio-Economic Baseline Setting

In Upper Guinea, 49 % of the population, including Mandiana, lives below the national poverty
line (GNF8 800/d) and nearly 17 % live in extreme poverty (less than GNF4 500/d).

The annual population growth has seen a significant overall increase, probably due in part to
the increase in the price of gold since 2004 and the start of WMG’s exploration activities, which
attracted regional interest. Over the entire project area, the growth rate of the population
between 1996 and 2017 is estimated at more than 42 %.

The most vulnerable groups of people are those who, because of gender, ethnicity, age,
physical or mental disability, have an economic or social disadvantage that may expose them
more to the impacts of the project than other individuals.

Access to health services is a challenge for local communities because of the remoteness,
cost and quality of medical care available. In the project area, there are seven health stations.

According to household reports, malaria is the disease that most affects households (53 %).
Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(HIV/AIDS) prevalence rates in the project area are expected to be quite low.

The agricultural practices of the project area are relatively homogeneous. Of the households
surveyed, 59 % reported agriculture as an activity practised during the year. Of the households
that practise agriculture, more than 88 % cultivate on hillsides.

Gold panning is a major activity in the project area after agriculture. In general, 75 % of
households surveyed practise gold panning.

1.11.2 Public Consultation

There are no other large-scale mining operations in the prefecture. The stakeholder
engagement undertaken as part of the ESIA revealed that community knowledge about the
project is generally low. In general, the inhabitants of the area seem optimistic about the
effects of the project. However, they also expressed several expectations and fears,
particularly with regard to the possibility of employment, access to land, social impact,

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 49 of 566

compensation, environmental impacts, impact on cultural heritage sites, the physical
relocation of dwellings, the impact of mining infrastructure on community health, the future of
artisanal mining, governance and local development.

1.11.3 Key Environmental and Social Impacts Groundwater

On completion of mining at Kodiaran, the simulated cone of depression reaches approximately

800 m south of Kodiaran Pit 4, approximately 450 m north of Kodiaran Pit 3 and approximately
400 m to 600 m west and east of Kodiaran Pits 1 and 2. The following receptors may become
impacted due to water level drawdown:

• The Fié River is likely to experience a reduction in groundwater contribution to

baseflow along the reach adjacent to the mining area. However, due to the high surface
runoff, this reduction in groundwater contribution is likely to be negligible.
• No community dug wells occur within the simulated cone of depression.

On completion of nine years of mining, drawdown at Koulekoun is expected to extend

approximately 3 km in a west and east direction and approximately 4 km from the pits in a
north-south direction.

Receptors expected to be impacted by drawdown are summarised below:

• Diagagbekouda village dug well (Diagagbe DW1 & 2)

• Koba village dug well (Koba DW 1)
• Loilani village dug wells (Loilani DW1 & DW2)
• Reduction in groundwater contribution to baseflow is expected on the tributary of the
Fié River located north of the Koulekoun Pit. The tributary will, however, be affected in
any event by surface infrastructure development and consequently the reduction in
groundwater contribution is unlikely to contribute significantly to the overall impact. Surface Water

It is anticipated that treated water will be released from the SWD on an annual basis at a rate
of approximately 240 000 m3/month towards the end of the wet season. The simulations of the
base case showed that the SWD would spill every year. The installation of a treatment plant
with a capacity of 8 000 m3/d would reduce the spill frequency to acceptable levels.

The discharge of treated water into the environment, during the wet season, is estimated at a
rate of approximately 8 000 m3/d. The expected discharge of treated water from the SWD is
not expected to have a significant impact on the mean annual runoff (MAR) of the affected
catchment, especially as the discharge will be limited to the wet season. Air Quality and Noise

The cumulative impacts as a result of the baseline/pre-development air quality and

construction operations are likely to be medium to high with and without mitigation applied due
to the existing elevated PM10, PM2.5 and NOx concentrations.

The total maximum CO2 emissions for the project are approximately 102 t/a.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 50 of 566 Environmental Noise.

Noise simulations indicate that an exceedance of the Guinea environmental noise limit (ENL)
will not occur at nearby communities. The 45 dBA impact area extends approximately 800 m
from mining activities, 300 m from the processing plant, and between 50 m and 100 from the
haul road between Kodiaran to the processing plant. Vibration and Blasting

The negative impact of fly rock will be most severe for structures and people within 1 000 m
of blasting, but with mitigating measures in place, there will be no impact at distances further
than 500 m and low impact at distances between 100 m and 500 m from blasting. Archaeology and Heritage

No sites are likely to be affected by the project in the Kodiaran area, provided that the
necessary mitigation measures are implemented. Some sites of local importance may be
impacted by the Koulekoun development. Biodiversity

The following key impacts on fauna have been identified:

• Loss of faunal habitat due to construction and operational activities

• Disturbance/loss of fauna species due to construction and operational activities
• Introduction and invasion of alien fauna and spread of diseases
• Habitat fragmentation and associated reduced/disrupted ecosystem functioning
• Loss of natural habitat resulting from pre-construction and construction activities,
clearing of vegetation for site access, infrastructure siting and mining of open pits
• Loss of conservation-important plant species due to construction of access/haul roads
and siting of facilities
• Loss of medicinal plants and/or access to these plant species due to construction of
access/haul roads and siting of facilities
• Introduction/proliferation of alien invasive species due to construction and operational
activities at the mine
• Increased utilisation of plant resources as a result of an influx of people into the project
• Ecosystem degradation and loss of ecosystem services

The key potential impacts on the aquatic ecosystems, arranged in order of decreasing
significance before mitigation, are listed below:

• Impact of stream diversion on aquatic ecosystems

• Impact of increased human population on aquatic resources
• Impact of stream crossings on aquatic ecosystems
• Impact of altered water quality on aquatic ecosystems
• Impact of habitat disturbance on aquatic ecosystems
• Impact of altered flows on aquatic ecosystems

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 51 of 566

1.11.4 Socio-Economic Impacts

The key socio-economic impacts are listed below:

• Migration and urbanisation

• Increase in social tension/conflict
• Loss of cultural cohesion and traditional customs and structures
• Loss of gold washing areas
• Loss of agricultural resources
• Income restoration
• Change in land use management
• Degradation of conditions of access to natural resources
• Agricultural productivity and food security
• Inequalities in socio-economic structures
• New economic opportunities
• Dust/noise/vibrations
• Access to healthcare
• Diseases and the risk of transmission of HIV/AIDS
• Access to education
• Erosion of the traditional culture and loss of identity

1.11.5 Mitigation and Management Measures

The overall responsibility for the mitigation and management functions rests with the Director
General Operations. Under the supervision of the Director General are the positions of the
Director of Safety, Health and Environment (SSE) and the Director of Community Affairs. Each
of these directors is responsible for ensuring that the project is conducted in accordance with
SMM policies, applicable legislative standards and stated commitments throughout the
construction of the project, its operations and its closure.

The Director General will ensure that the site's capital expenditure and operating expenses
budget provides for an appropriate margin for Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE)
expenditures, including relevant staffing requirements for the implementation of the
Environmental Management Plan (EMP).

Each person working on the site will be responsible for ensuring that the EMP mitigation
measures are implemented. The SSE director will manage the implementation of the EMP.


The capital cost (CAPEX) estimate includes engineering, procurement, construction, start-up
and cold commissioning for the process plant, infrastructure, TSF and mining. Provision has
also been made for the Owner’s costs. The base date for pricing is Q1 2018, with some
contractors amending rates subsequent to tender clarifications.

The estimate is within the required accuracy level of 10 % to 15 %. The estimate covers the
direct field costs of executing the project; the indirect costs associated with the design,
construction and commissioning of the new facilities; and the Owner’s support costs for items

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 52 of 566

such as management teams, operational staff, environmental, permitting, insurance and
utilities such as water supply, bulk power and construction power.

The estimate is presented in United States Dollars and all costs have been calculated using
the Client-approved study exchange rates. The method of project execution applied to the
estimate calculation assumes an engineering procurement and construction management
(EPCM) contract. A summary of the capital cost estimate is given in Table 1.10.

Table 1.10: CAPEX Summary (US$)

CAPEX EPCM Contingency Total

US$ US$ % US$ % US$
Initial CAPEX
Mining, water management
24 198 454 2 048 395 8 1 641 040 7 27 887 889
and supply
Plant 66 922 765 10 134 106 15 6 542 982 10 83 599 853
TSF 24 459 270 610 000 2 2 502 808 10 27 572 077
Infrastructure 21 308 031 2 498 827 12 1 979 158 9 25 786 016
Compensation 2 000 000 2 000 000
Sterilisation 1 913 600 1 913 600
Pre-Production Costs 6 916 866 6 916 866
Total Initial CAPEX 147 718 985 15 291 328 10 12 665 988 9 175 676 301
Deferred CAPEX
Plant 5 873 480 436 150 7 397 354 7 6 706 984
Mining, water management
5 873 713 587 371 10 793 362 14 7 254 447
and supply
Total Deferred CAPEX 11 747 194 1 023 521 9 1 190 716 10 13 961 431
Rehabilitation and Closure
11 685 913 11 685 913
Sustaining Capital 16 344 193 16 344 193
Overall CAPEX - Initial +
Deferred + Rehabilitation 187 496 285 16 314 849 8.7 13 856 704 7.4 217 667 838
+ Sustaining

The operating cost (OPEX) estimate base date is June 2018 and is presented in US Dollars.
The OPEX estimate was developed to a level of accuracy of 10 % to 15 % and is based on
the values given in Table 1.11.

Table 1.11: OPEX Summary

LOM Operating Costs

US$ thousand US$/t US$/oz Au

Mining costs (based on total rock movement) 279 633 3.38

Mining costs (processed tonnages) 279 633 14.53 278.7

Processing plant including SWD (processed tonnages) 296 257 15.39 295.3

TSF operating costs 7 960 0.41 7.9

Raw water supply 1 928 0.10 1.9

General and administration 53 466 2.78 53.3

Direct Operating Costs 639 244 33.22 637.12

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A discounted cash flow analysis was developed to evaluate the project based on agreed
capital and operating cost estimates and a defined mining plan.

When evaluating the project at a 5 % discount rate (after tax), the resulting NPV is
US$190.4 million with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 27.5 %, indicating a payback period
of 3.4 years.

All figures are expressed in 2018 US Dollars or real terms. No allowance was made for inflation
or real cost escalation.

The project value is determined on the cash flow after tax basis and discounting was
performed starting from the first year of CAPEX outflow. A simplistic tax model was included
in the analysis to provide an estimate of the after-tax project value.

The mine plan was developed for eight years and this was the basis for the analysis.

The analysis is based on the underlying economic assumptions given in Table 1.12.

Table 1.12: Financial Analysis Inputs

Financial Parameter Unit Value


Gold Price US$/oz 1 250

Discount Rate % 5

Selling cost of contained value % 99.9

Fuel Prices

Diesel US$/L 0.85

HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil) US$/L 0.59

Power Costs

HFO Rental Costs US$/kWh 0.234


Tax Free Holiday Years 6

Tax Rate Year 0 -6 % 0

Tax Rate > 6 years % 30

Royalty (Government) % 3.00

Managem commission % 2.50

Communities Tax % 1.00

Depreciation 1 % 11

Depreciation Period 1 Years 9

Depreciation 2 % 20

Depreciation Period 2 Years 5

Depreciation 3 % 33

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 54 of 566

Financial Parameter Unit Value

Depreciation Period 3 Years 3

Conversion Factors

Kilograms to Ounces troy oz/kg 32.1505

Exchange Rate ZAR:US$ 13

Refining Charges, Doré Transport and Insurance US$/oz 13.58

Process Plant Residual Value % 12

Infrastructure and Vehicle Residual Value % 2

A sensitivity analysis was performed on the project to gauge its robustness against favourable
and unfavourable changes to project variables.

Figure 1.4 demonstrates how the project value is influenced by the following variables: gold
price, total CAPEX, OPEX and recovery.



Gold Price
NPV 5% (USD M)

Head Grade (g/t)


Total Operating Cost

100 (USDM)
Gold Recovery (%)
Capital Cost (USDM)

-40% -20% 0% 20% 40%
Change In Factor

Figure 1.4: NPV Sensitivity at 5 % Discount Rate

Figure 1.4 indicates that the project is mostly exposed to changes in the gold price, followed
by head grade, OPEX and finally CAPEX. The results indicate that the project is robust enough
to remain viable in the ranges tested for the analysed variables.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 55 of 566


The project execution schedule reflects the work required from detailed design and
engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of the following work packages:

• Mine engineering and mine operations

• Metallurgical process plant
• Off-site infrastructure
• Tailings storage facility
• Raw water dam and attenuation dam
• Security fence
• Airstrip and roads

The work packages are detailed in the project work breakdown structure (WBS) with final
handover to SMM to start with operation and production.

The project schedule assumes that there will be a seamless advancement of the project
between the various phases of the project evolution. It is also recognised that this is a very
aggressive schedule and that it will require diligent progress and coordination of all the parties

The project milestones are given in Table 1.13.

Table 1.13 : Project Milestones

Project Milestone Project month

Client funds available for project execution Month 1
Commencement of detailed engineering Month 1
Commencement of procurement and contracts administration Month 1
Placing orders for long-lead delivery items Month 1
Mobilisation for earthworks construction contractor Month 4
SMPP construction contractor Month 8
Mill delivered to site Month 13
Power plant delivered to site Month 15
Tailings storage facility complete Month 18
Construction complete Month 18
Commissioning complete Month 19
First gold and production ramp-up Month 19

The project execution schedule was developed on the basis that the process design
completed during the BFS is of such a standard that the key equipment duty sheets, which
were generated during the study, were approved by SMM for the procurement of the
equipment. The approved duty sheets form the basis of the adjudicated vendor’s offer and will
be used to fast-track the procurement of the equipment.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 56 of 566

To complete the project construction phase in the 19-month period from SMM funding
availability, all the procurement activities associated with the long-lead items must be
completed and all the negotiations with the adjudicated vendors must be concluded in Month 2
from project start. Placing the long-lead items purchase orders is crucial not only to ensure
that the equipment is on site in time to allow for a seamless construction sequence and a
successful project execution, but also to obtain the certified information from the supply
vendors on their equipment to complete the detailed engineering phase of the project.

The key long-lead equipment for the project is as follows:

• Mill
• Primary crusher
• Pebble crusher
• Apron feeder
• Regen kiln
• Lime plant
• Gravity concentrator
• Intensive cyanidation package
• Mixers/agitators
• Cyclone cluster
• Linear screens
• Vibrating screens
• Thickener
• Vibrating feeders
• Gantry cranes
• Oxygen plant
• Interstage screens
• Tower crane
• Pumps

The rainy season for the geographical region of the project is from June to September. It is
important to note that no rain delay has been allowed for in the project execution schedule.
The completion of the bulk earthworks and the construction of the tailings storage facility must
be planned in such a way that the works are executed during the dry season as material
compacting activities are not possible during the wet season.

The summarised project schedule is shown in Figure 1.5 and Figure 1.6.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 57 of 566

Figure 1.5: Project Schedule Summary – Page 1

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Figure 1.6: Project Schedule Summary – Page 2

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1.15.1 Risks Gold Price Fluctuations

The risk of pricing regression of gold and/or the US Dollar under the price of the BFS will
increase the potential impact on the project profitability. Based on the average production cost
of US$732/oz Au versus the assumed gold price of US$1 250/oz Au, there is enough of a
buffer if the gold price should marginally drop. According to Managem’s experience, hedging
of the gold price minimises the risk of price fluctuation. Logistics

The Tri-K project is remotely located in the interior of Guinea and the control of the logistics
and their cost implications will be fundamental in maintaining reasonable operating costs.

Especially vulnerable is the import of essential commodities such as project equipment, diesel
fuel, HFO, explosives materials, plant reagents and consumables.

SMM has a standing contract with a Guinean logistics transporter that provides lower transport
rates than those utilised for the BFS. This provides a buffer for the transportation component
of the project cost estimate

A construction period of 19 months has been estimated and is considered adequate, with
respect to logistics. Fuel Price and Deliveries

The quantity of diesel and HFO required to run the mining fleet and power station is
significantly high and Vivo Energy, the company that provided the quotation, has not delivered
these quantities before, which poses a supply risk.

In addition, the fuel price is unstable, and power is one of the major elements of the operating
costs and an increase in fuel price will, therefore, have a negative impact on the operating

In order to mitigate this risk, a large fuel storage facility is envisaged at the mine site area.
Furthermore, close liaison with the selected fuel supplier is envisaged, as well as the possibility
of using two fuel suppliers to reduce the risk. Hydrology, Geotechnics and Groundwater Conditions

Final definition of the final excavated slope angles and ultimately the mining reserves has
been assessed with the completion of either the geotechnical study and the hydrogeological
drilling, test work and modelling study.

The current BFS has been developed based on the design that all the working faces within
the operating pits can be de-watered prior to mining, thus enabling a steeper angle of working.

Although the results of drilling and pump test work show that the pit slopes can be de-watered,
more analysis is required to improve knowledge and confirm detailed design.

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This risk can be mitigated with compliance with the geotechnical recommendations and the
action plan, as well as the permanent monitoring of stability. In addition, other mitigating
measures include the following:

• Realisation of systematic structural surveys and identification of critical fault corridors

that may generate local or global slope instabilities
• Installation of a dynamic and automatic (Real Time) auscultation of ground movements
at the pits to predict any movement, based on the Slope Stability Radar (SSR)

A programme of detailed work will be required as part of the initial mine development to
improve the knowledge of and confirm detailed design of ground water conditions.

1.15.2 Opportunities Mineral Resources and Reserves

Opportunities exist to increase the mineral resources through the following:

• Classification of additional proven underground reserves and lateral extensions with

continued exploration of the exploitation permit area (27 km2)
• Increasing ore reserves by upgrading the Inferred Mineral Resources through further
drilling, as well as completion of appropriate technical studies demonstrating their
technical feasibility and economic viability
• Further drilling, specifically targeting the areas that have not been closed off by drilling
and further exploration at the Gbilini, Fowaro, Kodiafaran, and North Koulekoun
• Continued exploration of additional orebodies within the exploration permit area
(460 km²), which have been secured through subsequent exploration licences and are
adjacent to the existing exploitation permit Coarser Grinds for Oxides

The grind optimisation tests showed that recoveries are similar for oxides at fine and coarse
grinds. A grind of 80 % -75 µm was, however, selected as the optimum grind to accommodate
the sulphide ore types. According to test work results, oxides could be milled at a coarser grind
(80 % -106 µm), which could result in reduced power consumption. Milling of the oxides to a
coarser grind could also result in an increase in throughput resulting in higher gold production.

The reagents and consumables consumption could also be reduced at the coarser grind,
resulting in lower plant operating costs. Flotation Processing on Kodiaran Sulphides

Scoping study test work was undertaken by SMM on the Kodiaran sulphides and it showed
an enhanced gold leach dissolution and recovery compared to the current CIL recovery. Based
on industry norms, flotation OPEX is generally lower than CIL OPEX, hence further test work
to increase gold recovery and reduce plant OPEX is recommended for non-economic sulphide
ores and inferred sulphide ore resources.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 61 of 566 Grid Power

The Guinea-Mali electrical interconnection consists of a 225 kV line, approximately 713.6 km

long (125.6 km for Mali and 588 km for Guinea) linking the Sanonkoroba substation in Mali
and the N’Zérékoré substation in Guinea, passing through the cities of Siguiri, the future
hydroelectric plant of Fomi, Kankan, Kérouané and Beyla. The project foresees the extension
of the Sanonkoroba and N'Zérékoré substations and the construction of 225/33 kV substations
in Siguiri, Fomi, Kankan, Kérouané and Beyla.

This expected power facility will provide a potential opportunity for reducing power costs
substantially when realised. Though it is unlikely that the facility will be online for the start of
production at Tri-K, the inherent benefits of that power over those of fuel oil generator sets in
terms of unit power costs would result in significantly lower processing operating costs at
almost any stage of the project’s life. Solar PV Hybrid Plant

Commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) power has been proven to provide lower cost energy for
longer life cycle projects in the industry. The lower PV energy cost, in combination with a
reliable microgrid, unlocks the potential to offset diesel and HFO consumption by generating
solar power during day time and using conventional thermal power at night or during overcast
days. Although solar PV power is intermittent, the respective power generation components
can be optimised to ensure a reliable grid with a secured spinning reserve. The variability of
the system design is most affected by the cost of thermal energy production and the load
profile, however, the flexibility of the microgrid allows a phased approach to introduce
additional energy generation or storage components as the economy changes over the life of
the project.

The Tri-K project has the potential to save 25.3 million litres of HFO per year by adding a
7.5 MWp DC, 6.0 MW AC solar PV plant in parallel with conventional thermal power
generation. The renewable energy offset also reduces carbon emissions by 9 000 t/a. Execution Schedule

Ordering long-lead items as early as is practically possible, even prior to detailed engineering,
can greatly improve the project schedule. Gold Price

A gold price of US$1 250/oz Au was assumed in the financial analysis against the actual cost
of greater than US$1 260/oz Au. If the price of gold is greater than US$1 250 at the time of
operation, this will result in an increased NPV and IRR.

1.15.3 Conclusions and Recommendations

Since SMM became involved in Guinea, considerable effort and expenditure have been
incurred to certify what is now believed to be a significant gold resource and reserve at Tri-K.
This BFS attests to the extensive amount of exploration, tests and study work carried out on
the project. It is believed that the level of accuracy used herein is sufficient to consider this
report to be bankable with its demonstration of the technical feasibility to develop a gold mine

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 62 of 566

at Tri-K that will produce in excess of 1 million ounces of recovered gold over a 9-year
production period.

There are several orebodies associated with this project, all of which have been well defined
and demonstrate good continuity of geology and grade. The orebodies have significant width
in places and mining and associated grade control practices will need to be well controlled.
SMM, in association with their respected advisor consultants, is confident of the successful
implementation of this project, both from a mining and a process point of view. Only proven
and tested technologies have been considered for both mining and processing. The
metallurgy of the various ore types has been extensively tested and is consequently well

The BFS has demonstrated that the Tri-K ore deposits can be economically mined using the
open-pit method and processed through conventional gravity/CIL technology at an annual rate
of about 2.3 Mt/a.

Project economics reveal the following salient factors pertaining to the Tri-K project:

• Processed Tonnage: 19.24 Mt

• Grade: 1.85 g/t Au
• Recovery: 87.48 %
• Throughput: 2.3 Mt/a
• Life of Mine: 8.7 years
• Average annual gold production: 120 000 oz Au/a
• Total cash costs: US$732/oz Au
• Capital Cost: US$220.133 million (including sustaining and initial
working capital)

At a gold price of US$1 250/oz Au, the NPV, IRR and payback period may be expressed as

• NPV at 0 % discount rate: US$294 million

• NPV at 5 % discount rate: US$190 million
• NPV at 10 % discount rate: US$119 million.
• IRR: 27.5 %
• Payback period: 3.4 years

These returns are considered attractive and commensurate with returns warranted by the risk
involved for an investment in a gold project in West Africa.

There still remains considerable upside to extend the reserves and life of mine by confirming
underground and lateral extensions and by continued exploration of the permit area for
additional orebodies.

Other than a higher long-term gold price, further upside possibilities include the conversion of
resources to reserves, reduced power costs by using future Malian hydroelectric power and
reduced reagent consumptions.

The robust and attractive economic indications expressed above demonstrate the benefits of
implementation of the project. It is, therefore, recommended that the commencement of the

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 63 of 566

development of the Tri-K project be approved with the intention of producing first gold at the
beginning of the second quarter of Year 2020.

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The Tri-K project is envisaged to encompass a 2.3 Mt/a open-pit mining operation and a
gravity/CIL process gold recovery plant.

SMM approached SENET with a view to appointing them as lead consultant to compile the
full BFS report. SMM also appointed various other consultants (SRK, BBA, Golder and ABS)
to assist SENET. SENET engaged Epoch to carry out the TSF design for the BFS.

This section describes the scope of services of the individual consultants.


The scope of services, as defined in the letter of engagement executed on 30 January 2017
between SMM and SRK, includes the construction of a mineral resource model for the gold
mineralisation delineated by drilling on the Tri-K project, and the preparation of an independent
technical report in compliance with the National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) and
Form 43-101F1 guidelines. The Tri-K project comprises the geologically distinct Kodiaran and
Koulekoun deposits, and SRK’s scope of services typically involves the assessment of the
following aspects:

• Topography, landscape, access

• Regional and local geology
• Exploration history
• Audit of exploration work carried out on the project
• Geological modelling
• Mineral resource estimation and validation
• Preparation of a Mineral Resource Statement
• Recommendations for additional work


BBA’s scope of services encompasses the following:

• Complete the pit optimisation and mine design.

• Prepare a mine plan and estimate the mineral reserves for the project.
• Carry out mine equipment fleet selection and sizing.
• Estimate the capital and operating costs for the mining part of the BFS.


The BFS engineering design work included the following activities:

• General Layout – including main embankment cross section, tailings delivery route,
water reclamation and spillway locations, where required.
• Volume – a volume/depth relationship based on available topographic surveys
undertaken by SMM.
• Hydrological Design – BFS design of the TSF to attenuate normal precipitation
events, runoff from the 1 in a 100 year storm event, probable maximum flood (PMF).
To prevent overtopping of the confinement structure, an emergency discharge facility

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(side slope gradient) shall be sized to safely release excess runoff under controlled
• Geotechnical Design – based on a geotechnical investigation and laboratory testing,
preliminary geotechnical design parameters are to be established, together with
identifying founding depths for the main embankment works, confirming potential
borrow material source(s), and evaluating the permeability characteristics for the TSF
impoundment area.
• Stability Appraisal – based on the main embankment cross section and geotechnical
design parameters, a zoned embankment configuration (if required) shall be analysed
both under static and pseudo-static loading (maximum credible earthquake) conditions
to optimise material utilisation and ensure long-term stability.
• Seepage Control – to ensure effective control of the phreatic surface in the tailings
depository, the magnitude of any seepage from the TSF through the embankment and
from the inundation area will be evaluated using ‘SEEPW’ industry-recognised
software and interception requirements designed. Preliminary designs for seepage
control drains and seepage collection facilities shall be developed for economic
• Basal Liner – based on the permeability characteristics of the TSF inundation area,
geotechnical and geochemical characteristics of the tailings and supernatant release,
international best practice and local permitting requirements, the requirement for an
unlined TSF or a total lined system will be confirmed, and the extent and general
arrangements of a potential basal lining system evaluated.
• Water Balance – a tailings dam water balance shall be undertaken for the TSF, which
will include seepage, as well as treated discharge criteria. It is assumed that the
depository will be operated to limit discharge as far as is practical. In the event that
discharge is required, depending on water quality, it shall be controlled and treated
prior to release to the environment. The BFS design of the water treatment plant will
be undertaken by others.
• Delivery System – based on the design topographical information and the selected
plant location, the routing of the tailings delivery system (from the discharge point
downstream of the plant), together with discharge arrangements, will be established to
optimise capital and operating costs. Epoch Resources has assumed that the preferred
tailings delivery system will be slurry transport with sub-aerial hydraulic discharge at
the TSF. Based on the confirmed tailings characteristics and pulp densities, a slurry
transport analysis shall be undertaken by others to optimise delivery pipe diameter and
pipe material.
• Water Return System – the type of decant facility to be operated at the site will be
dependent on the actual mine water balance and the owner’s requirement for seasonal
supernatant water abstraction. It has been assumed that the preliminary design
recommendations for the facility, sizing of the pumps and water return pipeline will be
undertaken by Epoch Resources in association with SENET. Calculations will be to a
level suitable for a BFS design.
• Emergency Discharge – using parameters derived from the hydraulic design and
recommendations based on the TSF water balance, basic hydraulic and general
arrangements will be undertaken for an emergency overflow spillway facility (if

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 66 of 566

• Instrumentation – to monitor the ongoing integrity of the TSF, embankment
instrumentation requirements shall be reviewed.
• Deposition Civil Works – based on a staged construction strategy, the sequential
development of the TSF shall be appraised, with a view to optimising capital/operating


Golder was appointed to undertake the hydrogeological and surface hydrological work for the
BFS for the Tri-K project. The scope of services includes the following:

• Hydrogeological study
• Hydrological and flood protection study

2.4.1 Hydrogeological Study

The following tasks form part of the scope of the hydrogeological study:

• Task 1: Hydrogeological study of the mining area

o Data collection and desktop study

o Field investigation:

▪ Hydro-census investigation
▪ Setting investigation borehole positions
▪ Aquifer testing interpretation
▪ Drilling data analysis

o Hydrogeochemical investigation

• Task 2: Groundwater modelling and dewatering

o Conceptual model
o Numerical model
o Groundwater inflows and dewatering strategy

• Task 3: Solute transport modelling

o Simulation of solute transport from the TSF/waste rock/plant

o Remediation scenarios

• Task 4: Risk assessment and water balance calculation

• Task 5: CAPEX and OPEX calculation
• Task 6: Groundwater raw water supply

2.4.2 Hydrological and Flood Protection Study

The following tasks form part of the scope of the hydrological and flood protection study:

• Task 1: Meteorological analysis

• Task 2: Hydrological analysis:

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o Calculation of design rainfall events from daily rainfall
o Calculation of design flood peak flows

• Task 3: Conceptual storm water management plan:

o Define flood lines

o Flood mitigation methods
o Delineate clean and dirty catchments
o Placement of infrastructure
o Design of storm water infrastructure
o CAPEX calculation

• Task 4: Water balance (dynamic water balance)

• Task 5: Surface raw water supply


The ABS scope of services to update the existing ESIA study, includes the following:

• Review of regulatory framework

• Public consultation and disclosure strategy and action plan
• Project description (mine characterisation)
• Baseline surveys
• Impact assessment and mitigation
• Management and monitoring plans

2.5.1 Review of Regulatory Framework

The ESIA will provide a comprehensive description of the applicable Guinean regulations
affecting management of the environmental and socio-economic impacts of mining projects.

Initial review has uncovered many regulations that may relate to the ESIA. The Tri-K gold
project will comply with all relevant Guinean laws, regulations, and environmental standards.

The ESIA will also identify all potential regional and local permits and licences that are required
for the construction, operation, closure and post-closure phases of the project.

2.5.2 Public Consultation and Disclosure Strategy and Action Plan

Development of the consultation, disclosure and public participation strategy and action plan
for the whole project life (development, construction, operation) includes communication
methods applicable to each identified target group, detailed scheduling of activities during the
ESIA phase, resources, and implementation arrangements (personnel, community information
centre or other, etc). Compliance with the Equator Principles implies that consultation should
include, as a minimum, one stage before the ESIA terms of reference are finalised, and
another once the draft ESIA is available and before it is finalised. The updated International
Finance Corporation (IFC) guidelines of 2007, now emphasises ongoing consultation
throughout the ESIA process. The implementation of disclosure and consultation strategies
will build on work to date, including the recent field activities by SMM and the social team.

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2.5.3 Project Description (Mine Characterisation)

The project description will be updated to reflect the most current mine plan in ongoing
engineering feasibility studies. The project description will include evaluation of all mine site
and related infrastructure features, including alternatives identified for the processing plant,
waste rock, and tailings dam. If new alternatives are identified through engineering studies,
these will also be evaluated. The project description and related assessments of project
activities will consider all the life cycle phases of project development.

2.5.4 Impact Assessment and Mitigation

Impact analyses will be performed for the identified main potential impacts. Impact analysis
consists of five main steps:

• Identification of project activities that could contribute to environmental change

• Evaluation of the potential effects
• Description of mitigations for potential effects
• Analysis and characterisation of residual effects
• Identification of monitoring to evaluate and track performance.

2.5.5 Management and Monitoring Plans

Management and monitoring plans will be developed for key components, including an
environmental management plan (EMP), a social/community development plan, an ongoing
public consultation plan, and an emergency response plan (ERP). These plans are part of the
ESIA, although it is recognised that they will grow in required detail as the project develops.


During the study period, Reminex/Managem provided the following services:

• Coordination of consultants
• Compilation of costs for BFS

2.6.1 Coordination of Consultants

During the study period, Reminex/Managem was SMM’s representative and was responsible
for the coordination and distribution of information between consultants, namely:

• SENET: Process plant and on-site infrastructure

• Epoch: TSF
• Golder: Water management and supply
• BBA: Mining
• SRK: Geology and mineral resources
• ABS: ESIA development and rehabilitation and closure costs

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2.6.2 Compilation of Costs for the BFS

During the study period, Reminex/Managem were responsible for the compilation of the
operation and capital costs within SMM’s scope, namely:

• Compiling G&A and owner’s pre-production costs

• Incorporating OPEX and CAPEX costs from other consultants into the study:

o Mining
o Water management and supply
o Environmental and social
o Rehabilitation and closure
o Off-site infrastructure
o Sustaining capital
o Working capital

The following costs were reviewed by SENET, and deemed to be acceptable:

• Owner’s pre-production
• G&A
• Off-site infrastructure
• Working and sustaining capital
• Refining charges


During the study period, SENET will provide the following services:

• Developing the financial model

• Study management
• Metallurgical test work programme management
• Process plant design
• Process plant associated infrastructure and logistics
• Capital and operating cost estimate
• BFS report

2.7.1 Study Management

SENET will be responsible for collating the overall BFS report.

2.7.2 Metallurgical Test Work Programme Management

Metallurgical test work programme management involves the following:

• Review of all historical metallurgical test work carried out to a pre-feasibility study level.
• Design a comprehensive laboratory test programme to establish technical data
necessary for batch laboratory tests consistent with a BFS.
• Interface with Orway Mineral Consultants (OMC) geological professionals to ensure
that the different ore types are properly identified, sampled and evaluated.

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• Select an internationally accredited metallurgical laboratory to carry out the proposed
test work.
• Supervise the laboratory to ensure that the test work schedule is adhered to and that
timeous decisions, if required, are made during the test period.

2.7.3 Process Plant Design

The process plant design involves the following:

• Define the process plant design criteria in line with the findings of the laboratory test
work and selected treatment route.
• Define operating and control philosophies.
• Develop process flowsheet design and detailed engineering to the level of accuracy
consistent with BFS requirements.
• Carry out a water balance of the plant and provide information to other consultants, in
particular Epoch, for incorporation into the overall document.

2.7.4 Process Plant Associated Infrastructure and Logistics

The process plant associated infrastructure and logistics involved the following:

• Optimisation of power supply (HFO vs diesel).

• Conducting infrastructure planning and design.
• Conducting a logistical study insofar as the importation of materials into Guinea and
subsequent road transportation to site.

2.7.5 Capital and Operating Cost Estimate

SENET is responsible for generating reliable detailed plant and infrastructure project capital
and operating cost estimates of -10 % to +15 % accuracy.

2.7.6 BFS Report

SENET is responsible for

• Preparing the process plant and infrastructure report for inclusion into the overall BFS
• Preparing the overall BFS document by incorporating information from all consultants.

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The Tri-K project is an advanced stage gold exploration project, located approximately 90 km
northeast of Kankan, in Guinea.

In January 2017, la Société des Mines de Mandiana (SMM) commissioned SRK Consulting
(Canada) Inc. (SRK) to provide ongoing technical support, visit the Tri-K property, and to
prepare a geological and mineral resource model for the Tri-K project.

SRK provided ongoing technical support between February 2017 and May 2018, and this
section documents the mineral resource statement and mineral resource model that form the
basis of this BFS.

3.1.1 Scope of Work

The scope of work, as defined in the letter of engagement executed on 30 January 2017
between SMM and SRK, includes the construction of a mineral resource model for the gold
mineralisation delineated by drilling on the Tri-K project, and the preparation of an independent
technical report in compliance with the National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) and
Form 43-101F1 guidelines. The Tri-K project comprises the geologically distinct Kodiaran and
Koulekoun deposits. The scope of work typically applied by SRK for this type of assignment
involves the assessment of the following aspects:

• Topography, landscape, access

• Regional and local geology
• Exploration history
• Audit of exploration work carried out on the project
• Geological modelling
• Mineral resource estimation and validation
• Preparation of a mineral resource statement
• Recommendations for additional work

3.1.2 Work Programme

The mineral resource statement reported herein is a collaborative effort between SMM and
SRK. The exploration database for the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits was compiled and
maintained by SMM and was audited by SRK. The geological model and outlines for the gold
mineralisation for the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits were constructed by SRK from two-
dimensional geological interpretations provided by SMM. In the opinion of SRK, the geological
models are a reasonable representation of the distribution of the targeted mineralisation at the
current level of sampling. The geostatistical analysis, variography and grade models were
completed by SRK in close collaboration with SMM during the months of February to
May 2018.

The mineral resource statement was presented to SMM on 29 May 2018.

The mineral resource statement was prepared following the guidelines of the Canadian
Securities Administrators’ NI 43-101 and Form 43-101F1, and in conformity with the generally

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 72 of 566

accepted Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Exploration Best
Practices Guidelines and the CIM Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best
Practice Guidelines.

3.1.3 Basis of Technical Report

This BFS section comprises the technical report, which is based on information collected by
SRK during a site visit from 10 to 19 December 2017 and on additional information provided
by SMM throughout the course of SRK’s investigations. SRK has no reason to doubt the
reliability of the information provided by SMM.

The sources of information were as follows:

• Discussions with SMM personnel

• Inspection of the Tri-K project area, including outcrop, drill core and logged data
• Review of exploration data and interpretations collected by SMM
• Additional information from public domain sources
• The technical report “Mineral Resource Estimate for the Tri-K Development Project in
Guinea West Africa” by Avocet Mining PLC on September 12, 2013
• Report contributions provided by Managem/SMM

3.1.4 Qualifications of SRK and SRK Team

Globally, the SRK Consulting group of affiliated companies comprises more than 1 400
professionals, offering expertise in a wide range of resource engineering disciplines. The
independence of SRK and its affiliates is ensured by the fact that it holds no equity in any
project it investigates and that its ownership rests solely with its staff.

The resource evaluation work and the compilation of the technical report were completed by
and under the guidance of Mr Sébastien Bernier, PGeo (APGO#1847). By virtue of his
education, membership of a recognised professional association, and relevant work
experience, Mr Bernier is an independent Qualified Person as this term is defined by
NI 43-101.

Additional contributions were provided by Dr Erwann Lebrun and Mr Simon Craggs (geology
and domain modelling) and Ms Joycelyn Smith, PGeo (APGO#2963) (analytical control data
analysis and technical report compilation).

Mr Glen Cole, PGeo (APGO#1416), a Principal Consultant (Resource Geology) with SRK,
reviewed drafts of the technical report prior to their delivery to SMM, as per the SRK internal
quality management procedures. Mr Cole did not visit the project area.

3.1.5 Site Visit

To provide on-site technical support to the geological modelling of the gold mineralisation and
its controls at the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits and also in accordance with NI 43-101
guidelines, Mr Craggs and Dr Lebrun visited the project area on 10 to 19 December 2017,
accompanied by Mr Driss Mounji (Director of Guinea Operations), Mr Hassan Outaghat and
other SMM Tri-K project staff.

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The purpose of the site visit was to review the digitalisation of the exploration database and
validation procedures, review exploration procedures, define geological modelling procedures,
examine the drill core, interview project personnel, and collect all the relevant information for
the preparation of a revised mineral resource model and the compilation of a technical report.
During the visit, particular attention was given to the geological modelling of lithologies and
gold mineralisation at the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits.

The site visit was also aimed at investigating the geological and structural controls on the
distribution of the gold mineralisation to aid the construction of three-dimensional gold
mineralisation models at the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits.

SRK was given full access to the relevant data and conducted interviews with SMM personnel
to obtain information on the past exploration work, and to understand the procedures used to
collect, record, store and analyse historical and current exploration data.

3.1.6 Declaration

SRK’s opinion contained herein and effective 26 June 2018 is based on information collected
by SRK throughout the course of SRK’s investigations. The information in turn reflects various
technical and economic conditions at the time of writing this section of the BFS. Given the
nature of the mining business, these conditions can change significantly over relatively short
periods of time. Consequently, actual results may be significantly more or less favourable.

This section includes technical information that requires subsequent calculations to derive
subtotals, totals, and weighted averages. Such calculations inherently involve a degree of
rounding and consequently introduce a margin of error. Where these occur, SRK does not
consider them to be material.

SRK is not an insider, associate or an affiliate of SMM or Managem, and neither SRK nor any
affiliate has acted as advisor to either group, its subsidiaries or its affiliates in connection with
this project. The results of the technical review by SRK are not dependent on any prior
agreements concerning the conclusions to be reached, nor are there any undisclosed
understandings concerning any future business dealings.


SRK has not performed an independent verification of land title and tenure information as
summarised in Section 3.3. SRK did not verify the legality of any underlying agreement(s) that
may exist concerning the permits or other agreement(s) between third parties but has relied
on the copies of exploration permits provided by SMM for review (Arrete 3394 to 3398). SRK
is only qualified to comment on the legality of these permits. The reliance applies solely to the
legal status of the rights disclosed in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2.

SRK was informed by SMM that there are no known litigations potentially affecting the Tri-K


The Koulekoun and Kodiaran exploration licences are part of the Tri-K project, located within
the Mandiana Prefecture in the northeastern sector of Guinea. The property covers a total

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 74 of 566

area of 490 km2 and is situated northwest of the town of Mandiana and 90 km northeast
(approximately 2.5 h drive) from Kankan, the second-largest city in Guinea (see Figure 3.1).

The centre of the property is located at approximately 10.56 degrees latitude north and
8.90 degrees longitude west.

Figure 3.1: Location of the Tri-K Gold Project in Guinea

3.3.1 Mineral Tenure

SMM holds 85 % of the Tri-K project, and the remaining 15 % is owned by the Guinean
government represented by the SOGUIPAMI Company. The mineral rights, which were
previously owned by Avocet, comprise seven permits, which were acquired by SMM through
SEM (Société d’Exploration de Mandiana) as five exploration permits and one exploitation
permit covering an area of 484 km2 (see Figure 3.2 and Table 3.1).

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 75 of 566

Source: SMM
Figure 3.2: Map of Tri-K Permits

Table 3.1: Mineral Tenure Information

Tenement Tenement
Permit No. Grant Date Expiry Date Surface Area (km²)
Name Type
A2017/3394/MMG/SGG Permit 1* 8/4/2017 8/3/2020 79.71
A2017/3395/MMG/SGG Permit 2 8/4/2017 8/3/2020 92.91
A2017/3396/MMG/SGG Permit 3 8/4/2017 8/3/2020 98.39
A2017/3397/MMG/SGG Permit 4* 8/4/2017 8/3/2020 86.57
A2017/3398/MMG/SGG Permit 5 8/4/2017 8/3/2020 99.42
Kodiaran* Exploitation
A2018/012/DIGM/CPDM 2/7/2018 2/6/2033 27.22
Koulekoun* Permit
* Tenement containing mineral resources

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3.3.2 Underlying Agreements

SMM holds 85 % interest in the Tri-K project containing the Kodiaran and Koulekoun gold
deposits through its wholly-owned subsidiary, SMM. SRK is not aware of any underlying

3.3.3 Permits and Authorisation

Wega Mining acquired the original exploration permit on the Tri-K area in 2006 for a licence
area of 250 km2. In 2009, the permit renewal process resulted in the licence area decreasing
to 116 km2. From 2006 to 2009, Wega Mining undertook initial exploration activities on the
Koulekoun and Kodiaran deposits.

Avocet undertook additional exploration of the two deposits during 2009 to 2013, which
included rotary air blast (RAB), diamond (core) drilling (DD) and reverse circulation (RC)

3.3.4 Environmental Considerations

No environmental licences or authorisations are required in the exploration phase for the Tri-K
project. SRK is not aware of any other environmental considerations.

3.3.5 Mining Rights in Guinea

The Guinean Mining Code (amended in 2013) provides a framework for the exploration and
mining processes in the country with specific definition and emphasis on the following:

• Title
• Surface and mining rights

o Key rights and obligations

o Application process
o Renewal process

• Additional permits and licences

• Closure and remediation of mining projects
• Environmental and social considerations

Key aspects of prospecting, exploitation permits, and mining concessions are discussed in
this section. Prospecting Permits

Prospecting permits cannot be transferred, sold or used as collateral. Any direct or indirect
change in the control of the company owning a mining title should be submitted to the Minister
of Mines for approval. Moreover, any acquisition of 5 % or more of the company’s shares
should be submitted to the Minister of Mines for approval.

An individual or entity cannot hold

• More than three prospecting permits for bauxite and iron ore within a maximum limit of
1 050 km2

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 77 of 566

• More than five mine prospecting permits for other substances within a maximum limit
of 250 km2 for industrial prospecting permits, and 80 km2 for semi-industrial
prospecting permits

While the area of a prospecting permit cannot exceed 500 km2 for industrial prospecting
permits for bauxite and iron ore, it cannot exceed 100 km2 for industrial prospecting permits
for other substances, including gold, and 16 km2 for semi-industrial prospecting permits.

Under the new mining code, individual mining agreements can only supplement, not derogate
from, the provisions of the mining code. While the industrial prospecting permit is granted for
three years and can be renewed twice for two-year periods, the semi-industrial prospecting
permit is granted for two years and can be renewed only once for one year. For each renewal,
the prospecting area is reduced by half. However, for the renewal of the permit, the reduced
area transferred to the government must be accessible and, if possible, constitute a block, the
sides of which are attached to one of the sides of the permit area. Exploitation Permits

Exploitation permits can be transferred, sold or used as collateral. Any direct or indirect change
in the control of the company owning a mining title should be submitted to the Minister of Mines
for approval. Moreover, any acquisition of 5 % or more of the company’s shares should be
submitted to the Minister of Mines and Geology for approval.

Under the new mining code, an industrial exploitation or operating permit will be granted for
15 years (it was granted for 10 years under the old mining code), while a semi-industrial
exploitation permit is granted for five years. It can be renewed for five-year periods, provided
the titleholder complies with its obligations. Upon non-commencement of work within a year
of the issuance of an exploitation permit for industrial operations, the previous monthly fine of
GNF5 million has been revised to GNF10 million, imposed for the first three months, with a
monthly increase of 10 % of the penalty amount thereafter. Mining Concessions

Mining concessions can be transferred, sold or used as collateral. Any direct or indirect change
in the control of the company owning a mining title should be submitted to the Minister of Mines
and Geology for approval. Moreover, any acquisition of 5 % or more of the company’s shares
should be submitted to the Minister of Mines and Geology for approval. This approval is then
confirmed by an executive order for mining concessions.

A mining concession grants its holder the exclusive right to conduct any work of field
exploitation of mineral substances for which the licence is issued within its perimeter, without
depth limitations. It is granted for large ore deposits that involve important investments and
the scope of infrastructure as defined by a feasibility study. A mining concession is granted for
25 years and can be renewed for 10-year periods.

A project is deemed to be a mining concession if it involves the investment of at least

US$1 billion in the case of bauxite, iron ore and radioactive substances. However, it has been
reduced to US$0.5 billion for projects covering other substances. Upon non-commencement
of work within a year of the issuance of a mining concession, the monthly fine has been
increased from US$250 000 to US$2 million per month for the first three months.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 78 of 566 Mining Convention

The granting of a mining concession and an exploitation permit must be accompanied by the
mining convention. The maximum duration of a mining convention is 25 years, renewable for
one or several periods of 10 years. Mining conventions are subject to an executive order and
will be signed by the Minister of Mines, following the advice of the National Mining Committee
and the authorisation of the Council of Ministers. Mining conventions will then be submitted
for the legal opinion of the Supreme Court and ratified by Parliament.



3.4.1 Accessibility

The Tri-K property is located in the northeastern sector of Guinea (Upper Guinea), 90 km
northeast of Kankan, the second-largest city in Guinea. Kankan is accessible by paved road
from Bamako (approximately 400 km) or from Conakry (approximately 780 km).

The Tri-K property is accessed by a poorly maintained gravel road (N7 national road) from
Kankan to Mandiana, via the village of Kodiaran. Typically, it is a two-hour drive from Kankan
to the site. The Kodiaran deposit area is located approximately 2 km east of the Kodiaran
village. The Koulekoun deposit area is located 10 km north of the Kodiaran village, in the
direction of the village of Loila (22 km north of Kodiaran).

Conakry and Bamako can be accessed from North America and Europe via regular flights. An
airstrip, called Siguiri airport, is located in the town of Siguiri, 134 km north of Kankan, and
can be accessed via one-hour charter flights from the cities of Bamako, Dakar or Conakry. A
paving initiative for the road linking Kankan to Mandiana was launched in 2016. The project
remains on standby after the completion of 17 km of roadway.

3.4.2 Climate

The Tri-K project area is characterised by a tropical and generally dry climate. Maximum
temperatures often reach 45 °C during summer, whereas the minimum temperatures in the
winter are commonly as low as 15 °C. The rainy season is limited between May and October
and the months of August and September are typically very wet, contributing to a total annual
rainfall amount of 1 100 mm to 1 500 mm. High temperatures are due to the continental effect,
which creates a strong, dry wind, called Harmattan, that blows from the north during the
months of December to February.

Gravel roads to the project area are accessible year-round, however, on occasion they have
been washed out during the rainy season and, therefore, proper care should be taken on these
roads during the months of August and September.

Exploration and mining in the area can take place throughout the year.

3.4.3 Local Resources and Infrastructure

Most of the resources to support the Tri-K project are sourced from local villages in the
Mandiana prefecture (12 825 km2, population of 335 999) and from the cities of Kankan

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 79 of 566

(population of 193 830) or Conakry and Bamako (populations of nearly 2 million each). Local
labourers were hired by SMM from the nearby villages, as well as from Kankan and Conakry.

The project infrastructure comprises two base camps constructed by WEGA Mining in 2006
located in Loila and Komana, and a core shack constructed by WEGA Mining in 2006 located
at the Koulekoun Laboratory (see Figure 3.3).

Source: Managem

Figure 3.3: Tri-K Project Core Shack

3.4.4 Physiography

The topography of the Tri-K area is characterised by moderately dipping ridges lying above
the floodplain of the Fié River. The elevation of the area varies between 430 m and 480 m
above mean sea level.

The Fié River is located on the eastern part of the project area and flows north into the Niger

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A small tributary of the Fié River, called the Boumaninko River, flows eastward and is located
along the northern half of the Koulekoun deposit area. Both rivers are centred in wide,
relatively flat valleys that slope gently towards the east.

The majority of the land is covered by re-cemented ferricrete pebbles and pesoliths, a colluvial
product of weathered laterite plateaus (ferricrete and lateritised clays). A thin residual soil and
pisolitic gravel layer overly the ferricretes and lateritised clays. Breaks in the ferricrete occur
in areas of higher relief and are typically accompanied by the presence of quartz vein systems
and/or dolerite dykes.

Vegetation cover is primarily described as wooded savannah. Areas of slash-and-burn

agriculture are common, whereas virgin vegetation is rarely observed. Figure 3.4 illustrates
the typical landscape at Kodiaran.

Source: SMM

Figure 3.4: Typical Savannah Landscape in the Koulekoun and Kodiaran Areas


The Tri-K project is located in the southeast quadrant of the Siguiri Basin, which hosts a
number of gold deposits, including the world-class orogenic gold deposit of Siguiri (Lebrun et
al., 2017). The discovery of gold in the Siguiri Basin dates back to the 13th century during the

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 81 of 566

Manding Empire of West Africa; however, modern gold exploration only began in the late
20th century.

3.5.1 Artisanal Mining

Gold mining is the main activity of the local aboriginal population. Gold is typically extracted
using a mixture of rudimentary and advanced tools such as sluices, trenching, panning and
metal detectors (see Figure 3.5), and it is generally hosted in the saprolite or oxidised quartz
veins of the lateritic profile, occasionally from the laterite itself. Gold miners typically target
coarse nuggets of gold.

Source: SMM.

Figure 3.5: Methods and Tools used to Detect and Extract Gold

Artisanal mining occurs throughout the year and is conducted through the construction of
circular wells dug to approximately 1 m in diameter. In gold-rich areas, the wells are
interconnected and make way for large excavations that are often over 10 m deep (see Figure

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 82 of 566

Source: SMM

Figure 3.6: Artisanal Mining Site at Koulekoun

3.5.2 Exploration History

The Tri-K area has a long exploration history dating back to 1937. Multiple companies explored
the area in the last eight decades. A summary of the historical exploration is given in Table
3.2 and was compiled by SRK from the historical Ashanti reports (1997), WEGA Mining Report
(Scott Wilson, 2008) and supplementary data provided by SMM.

During a reconnaissance survey in 1937, R. Goloubinow from the University of Copenhagen

did a reconnaissance geology map of the area at 1:500 000. This work was followed by
numerous reconnaissance missions in 1961 (Soviet team) and 1986 (Chinese/Guinean team)
exploring for alluvial gold in the Mandiana prefecture area. Aerial photographs and a magnetic
and scintillometer survey were also conducted by an unknown source in 1981.

The first systematic exploration for non-alluvial gold started in 1990 when various artisanal
workings were visited by J. Meillon on behalf of Cyprus Minerals Co. This visit was followed
up in 1994 by Cyprus-Amax with further investigation of artisanal workings at Daoule and
Karakani and seven diamond drill holes (DDHs). In 1995, the “Alliance” of Ashanti, AGEM and
Cluff Resources conducted geochemical and geophysical surveys on four permits purchased
around the current location of the Tri-K project.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 83 of 566

Table 3.2: Summary of Historical Exploration in the Tri-K/Mandiana Project Area

Year Company or Individual Exploration Work Completed Event of Notice

1937 R. Goloubinow (I.G.N) 1:500 000 reconnaissance geology map

1961 Soviet mission Exploration for alluvial gold in the

Mandiana Project Area
1981 Geosurvey Aerial photographs, magnetic and
scintillometer survey (5 km line spacing)
1986 Chinese and Guinean Exploration for alluvial potential in parts of
mission the Fié Valley
1990 J. Meillon Visit to various workings
(Cyprus Minerals Co.)
1994 Cyprus-Amax Examination of workings and drilling of 7
diamond drill holes at Daoule and
1995 Alliance 22-month-long exploration. Identification of 4 permits are taken in the project
(= Ashanti, AGEM, Cluff 3 gold geochemical anomalies in the area, collectively referred to as the
Resources) Koulekoun project area. Geophysical data Mandiana Concession
was also collected (Magnetics, very-low-
frequency (VLF), induced polarisation (IP))
with little reported success, as well as
aerial photography, geologic mapping and
small-scale pit excavation.
1996 Guinean and German Study of economic potential Study of economic potential
1998 BACA (Guinean Acquisition of the exploration licence for
company) Koulekoun and Kodiaran. During the
period of 1998 until 2006, BACA did not
conduct any work on the project.
2006- WEGA Mining Termite mound and soil sampling Wega Mining initiated exploration in
2008 Sep-Oct 2006
2006- WEGA Mining Development of Koulekoun, Kodiaran and
2013 other prospects in the neighbourhoods by
2 drilling programmes (DD, RAB, air core
(AC), RC and diamond drill shanks (DH)).
2007 WEGA Mining Remote sensing study using regional-
scale airborne magnetics and radiometrics
data, ASTER & Landsat imagery, and
topographic data.
2008 WEGA Mining 8 trenches excavated, 5 of which are in the
main mineralised area of Koulekoun. IP
2009- Avocet Mining Exploration and delineation of known Avocet acquires WEGA Mining in
2013 mineralised areas using RC and DD 2009
2011 Avocet Mining Heliborne V-TEM and multi-element pXRF
2016 Managem (SMM), Signature of the agreement
Avocet Mining between Managem and Avocet
followed by a 3-month DD on the
project and negotiation of a mining
agreement with the Guinean State.
2017 SMM Exploration and BFS studies Launch of certification
Source: SMM

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 84 of 566

A Guinean company called Bureau d’Achat et de Commercialisation Aurifère (BACA) acquired
the exploration licences for Koulekoun and Kodiaran in 1998 but did not conduct any
exploration work until 2006 when BACA entered a joint venture with WEGA Mining. WEGA
Mining initiated exploration in September of 2006 and conducted two drilling campaigns, a
remote sensing study in 2007, and a trenching programme involving the digging of eight
trenches in mineralised zones in 2008. In 2009, WEGA Mining was acquired by Avocet, who
conducted DD and RC drilling as part of exploration work in Koulekoun and Kodiaran until

In 2016, Managem (SMM) signed a joint venture agreement with Avocet (becoming SMM
together) followed by a 3-month due diligence project. SMM started exploration and EDF work
in 2017.

Exploration work performed on the Tri-K gold project is described in greater detail in Section

3.5.3 Historical Production

There has been no historical production reported on the Tri-K gold project besides that by
small-scale activities in and around the concession by local villagers/artisanal miners.

3.5.4 Previous Mineral Resource Estimate

A historical mineral resource statement was generated by CSA Global for Avocet Mining PLC
(Avocet) and documented in a technical report on 12 September 2013. This mineral resource
statement (see Table 3.3) was reported at a cut-off grade of 0.50 g/t gold and the reported
mineral resources are not constrained by a conceptual pit shell.

Table 3.3: Mineral Resource Statement for the Tri-K Deposits

Quantity Grade Contained Metal

Resource Category
kt Au (g/t) Au (koz)
Kodiaran (2013)
Indicated 9 720 1.91 595
Measured + Indicated 9 720 1.91 595
Inferred 2 390 1.67 128
Koulekoun (2012)
Indicated 31 345 1.38 1 402
Measured + Indicated 31 345 1.38 1 402
Inferred 22 762 1.22 893
Indicated 41 265 1.51 1 997
Measured + Indicated 41 265 1.51 1 997
Inferred 25 152 1.26 1 020
Source: CSA Global Technical Report 12 September 2013

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3.6.1 Regional Geology

The Tri-K project is located in the north-western part of the Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-Mossi
domain, which covers the majority of the Man-Leo shield in West Africa (see Figure 3.7). The
Birimian terranes (ca 2210–2040 million years ago (Ma)) of the Paleoproterozoic Baoulé-
Mossi domain were accreted against the Archean Kénéma-Man domain in the southwestern
part of the West African craton during the Eburnean orogeny (ca 2210–2040 Ma). Both
domains are unconformably overlain by rocks of the Neoproterozoic Taoudeni Basin, which
covers a large part of the craton. The Siguiri Basin covers approximately 40 000 km² in Guinea
and adjacent Mali (see Figure 3.8). This basin consists of upper Birimian sedimentary,
volcaniclastic, and volcanic/intrusive rocks. The upper Birimian sediments were derived from
Paleoproterozoic volcanic rocks and felsic intrusions that were emplaced during the early
stages of the Eburnean orogeny. The sedimentary and volcanosedimentary rocks from the
Siguiri Basin were metamorphosed at sub-greenschist to greenschist facies during the
Eburnean Orogeny.

Taken from Lebrun et al. (2016)

The Siguiri Basin is highlighted by the red rectangle.

Figure 3.7: Geological Map of the West African Craton

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 86 of 566

Figure 3.8: Geological Map of the Siguiri Basin and Location of the SMM Permits

The Siguiri Basin is bordered to the southwest by the Niandan komatiite suite and the mafic
to felsic volcanic rocks of the Kéniéro Range, dated at ca 2095 Ma (Lebrun et al., 2016). The
Sassandra fault to the south juxtaposes rocks of the Kénéma-Man Archean domain with those
of the Siguiri Basin. The Siguiri Basin is bordered to the east by the Yanfolila granite-
greenstone belt, consisting of volcaniclastic sedimentary and mafic to intermediate volcanic
rocks intruded by felsic intrusions. The flat-lying sandstones of the Neoproterozoic Taoudeni
basin unconformably overlie rocks of the Siguiri Basin to the north.

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Paleoproterozoic intrusive rocks were emplaced into the Siguiri Basin sediments. These
include the Maléa monzogranite to the north, and a granodiorite, and biotite-, amphibole- and
biotite-amphibole-granite at the border with the Kénéma-Man Archean Craton. Mesozoic sills,
lava flows, and typically ENE-striking dykes truncate or overlie rocks of the basin and are
related in timing to the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean.

Four regional deformation events have been documented for the Siguiri district (denoted D1
to D4) and are summarised in Table 3.4. These structures can be found within the Siguiri Basin
and are related in timing to the formation of the Eburnean orogeny (Lebrun et al., 2017). A
schematic representation of the movements associated with these deformation events is
shown in Figure 3.9.

This deformation scheme is understood to be an analogue of the deformation experienced by

the host rocks in the Tri-K property. This analogy is further discussed in Section

Table 3.4: Summary of the Deformation Events Affecting the Siguiri District

Event Description
NW-SE compressional event. Observed as a penetrative cleavage that overprints the
D3 gold-bearing veins in all rock units.
Progressive deformation evolving from an E-W transpressional movement to a transient period of
D3 NNW-SSE transtension. The bulk of quartz-veining in the Siguiri district is associated with the
transtensional movement and represents the main stage of gold deposition.
Dominant E-W to ENE-WSW-directed compressional event responsible for the bulk of deformation
affecting the Siguiri Basin metasedimentary rocks.

D1 N-S shortening event.

Taken from Lebrun et al. (2017)

Figure 3.9: Deformation Scheme for the Siguiri Deposit

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3.6.2 Property Geology

A structural geology review was undertaken by SRK during a site visit in December 2017. The
purpose of the structural review was to study the Tri-K gold project and assist with geological
interpretation and modelling focused on the following aspects:

• Review available core to identify and characterise the main structures controlling gold
• Define the preferential orientation and controls on gold mineralisation.
• Determine how gold grade domains should be modelled for resource estimation.

The Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits are hosted in both sedimentary and intrusive rocks.
The intrusive rocks in the Tri-K project area are felsic to intermediate, dominantly porphyritic
granodiorite and dacite (see Figure 3.10). A spatial relationship exists between the intrusive
rocks and gold mineralisation in both the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits. Regional-scale
faults (Lebrun et al., 2016, 2017) are mainly NW-trending and associated with dextral strike-
slip kinematics. Some NE-trending faults were also recognised and may be a part of a
conjugate set in relation to NW-trending faults.

The Mandiana area was mapped by the Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières
(BRGM) in 1999 at a 1:200 000 scale (Tri-K permits are on the Falama-Manakoro geological
map sheet). According to this map, the volcano-sedimentary units of the Siguiri Basin, which
cover all permits, are mainly composed of fine sedimentary rocks (siltstone, argillite, feldspar
sandstone) and are weakly metamorphosed to greenschist facies. Recent alluvial formations
overlie the metasedimentary rocks, such as those observed in the bed of the Fié River in the
eastern part of the Tri-K permits. Monzogranitic plutonic rocks intrude through the
metasedimentary rocks in the Tri-K area. The BRGM geological map shows two large NE-
trending quartz veins that dip 60° W in the southeastern and southern part of the permits.
Based on the BRGM map, the continuity of these veins is likely inferred based on very local
outcrop observations. Geology and Mineralisation – Kodiaran

The Kodiaran deposit is located approximately 2 km east of the Kodiaran village and
approximately 20 km south of the Koulekoun deposit. The Kodiaran deposit is hosted in fine-
grained turbiditic sedimentary rocks, rare beds of coarse volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, and
in at least two suites of intrusive rocks of dioritic and granodioritic composition. The intrusive
rocks are represented by northwest- to north-northwest-trending subvertical dykes. A large
(500 m × 500 m) batholith of granodiorite is also present in the northernmost part of the deposit
(see Figure 3.11). The dioritic intrusive bodies are interpreted to be less extensive than the
granodioritic bodies. The lateritic profile (laterite, saprolite, and transition zone) at Kodiaran
regularly exceeds 150 m in depth. The top part of the lateritic profile consists of a 2 m to 5 m
thick section of laterite/cuirass/duricrust that is composed of pisolitic gravel, rock fragments
and soil. No fresh rock outcrop was found at the surface in the project area.

The depth of the lateritic profile and lack of holes drilled below the oxidised zone make it
difficult to precisely determine the geology and the controls on gold mineralisation.

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Source: SMM, 2018

Figure 3.10: Geological Map of the Tri-K Project

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Source: SMM

The dykes are now interpreted to be dominantly northwest- to north-northwest-trending.

Figure 3.11: Geological Map of the Kodiaran Deposit

High-grade gold mineralisation appears to be associated with the development of large shear
zones and the presence of quartz-carbonate-chlorite conjugate veins, and coincides with
pyrite and/or chalcopyrite mineralisation. Earlier silicification and/or brecciation of the host
rocks, as well as lithological variations, and vein density may also have played a role in
localising fracture development and mineralised veins by providing rheological contrast (see
Figure 3.12). SMM interpreted the bulk of gold mineralisation to be hosted in the granodiorite
dykes and in sedimentary rocks proximal to dyke contacts. Sericite alteration is also common
near areas of high-grade gold mineralisation.

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Note the increase in veining in the cores around the shear zone.

Figure 3.12: Core Photograph and Diagram Showing the Relationship Between
Lithological Variations, Alteration, Structures and Gold Grades Geology and Mineralisation – Koulekoun

The Koulekoun deposit is hosted in weakly metamorphosed fine-grained carbonaceous shale,

siltstone, interbedded and sporadically-graded greywacke and in quartz-feldspar porphyritic
granodiorite dykes that are subvertical and trend north-northwest and northeast.

The metasedimentary rocks are characterised by fine- to medium-grained gray, greenish-gray

to black turbidite sequences. Based on their chlorite-rich mineralogy and existing interpretation
at the regional scale (Egal et al., 1999), these rocks are interpreted to be volcanosedimentary
in origin. The turbidite sequences have varying thicknesses with irregular contacts between
each sequence. Irregular contacts usually represent undulating ripple marks, load structures,
and rip-up structures. The volcanosedimentary rocks were interpreted by SMM to be steeply
dipping to the east.

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The porphyry rocks (termed IQP) are grey-white to pale pink in colour, and medium-grained
with phenocrysts of quartz and potassium feldspar or potassium-rich plagioclase. The
porphyry thickness typically varies between 20 m and 80 m, and was intercepted up to a depth
of 400 m. The total extent of the porphyry has not been defined and is open at depth and
along-strike. A large north-northwest-trending subvertical porphyry dyke is the main host of
gold mineralisation (see Figure 3.13). SMM interpreted that this dyke was intruded along the
antiformal axis of a weakly folded sequence of the volcanosedimentary rocks. This fold is
associated with a regional northeast-trending shortening direction. This shortening orientation
is close to the east-west orientation proposed by Lebrun et al. (2017) for the D2 shortening
stage associated with early gold mineralisation in the Siguiri district. The silicification and
sericitisation of the porphyry, spatially associated with gold mineralisation, is locally pervasive
and overprints the IQP phenocrysts.

The metasedimentary rocks and porphyritic intrusive rocks were intruded by a black, barren,
approximately 15 m thick sill of Mesozoic-age dolerite. This dolerite sill is responsible for
controlling the vertical extent of the lateritic profile. As a result, rocks above the dolerite are
strongly altered, while rocks below are fresh. The dolerite sill contains significant magnetite
and can be easily identified with a magnet in the drill core.

The weathering profile extends to a depth of up to 80 m, consistent with the depth of the
dolerite sill. The top part of this weathering profile is composed of a 2 m to 5 m thick section
of cuirass (duricrust) composed of pisolitic gravel, rock fragments and soil. Fresh rock outcrop
has not been documented at the surface of the project area.

In Koulekoun, gold is typically associated with quartz-carbonate veining and disseminated

pyrite, arsenopyrite, and minor chalcopyrite. The rheological contrast between sedimentary
rocks and IQP rocks results in higher vein and fracture density in the IQP. Gold mineralisation
dips moderately to steeply to the south-southeast in the sedimentary rocks and moderately to
steeply to the southeast in the IQP. Only one phase of gold mineralisation was identified by

There is an observed relationship between elevated gold grades, areas of high silicification
and the density of quartz-carbonate veins with haloes of crystalline to amorphous
disseminated arsenopyrite and pyrite (see Figure 3.14). SMM identified two veining events
with younger, white quartz veins crosscutting older smoky gray quartz veins. SRK identified
four main types of veins:

• Relatively younger quartz-chlorite extensional veins

• Quartz-albite-chlorite veins within the IQP
• Quartz-carbonate and possibly pyrite-arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite extension veins
• Relatively older laminated and sheared quartz veins

In the sedimentary rocks, gold-bearing veins have a principal orientation of approximately

70°/165° (dip/dip direction). In the IQP, conjugate veins are common and trend to the north-
northeast and east-northeast. Data were insufficient to establish a clear relationship between
vein orientation and gold grades.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 93 of 566

Source: SMM

Figure 3.13: Geological Map and Interpretation of the Mineralised Envelopes of the
Koulekoun Deposit

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Figure 3.14: Relationship between Gold Grades, Vein Density and Lithologies in

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 95 of 566

A subvertical northeast-trending gold-bearing corridor in the sedimentary rocks, associated
with intense quartz-carbonate-sulphide veining was interpreted to the northeast of the main
porphyritic intrusive body. This corridor is interpreted to be the expression of an incipient,
shear zone at depth. The most significant mineralised intersections occur at the intersection
between these NE-SW structures and the porphyry.

Based on the orientation of gold-bearing quartz-carbonate veins measured by Avocet on the

Tri-K property (see Figure 3.15), the deformation event associated with gold mineralisation
and mineralised veining at Tri-K is understood to be an equivalent of D3 NNW-SSE
transtension from the Siguiri district deformation scheme (Lebrun et al., 2016). At Tri-K, D3
NNW-SSE transtension is slightly rotated to a NW-SE orientation and can be termed D3T (T for
Tri-K). Based on current structural data available, it is not possible to characterise the nature,
intensity or orientation of other deformation stages affecting the rocks of the Tri-K property
expressed elsewhere in the Siguiri Basin.

Source: Avocet, 2018

Figure 3.15: Orientation of the Quartz-Carbonate Veins from the Avocet Dataset for


The Kodiaran deposit is associated with north-northwest-striking silicified shear zones and
dilational jogs. Haloes of quartz-carbonate veins developed along pre-existing structural
heterogeneities, such as stratigraphic contacts between turbiditic rocks and granodiorite
dykes, and deeper incipient structures. Vein density is typically higher in more competent
rocks, such as granodiorite dykes and layers of coarse-grained volcanoclastic rocks.
Mineralisation typically coincides with silicification, sericitisation and an increase in
disseminated sulphides.

The Koulekoun deposit is associated with gold-bearing quartz-carbonate veins developed in

quartz-feldspar porphyry (IQF) dykes and in the surrounding turbiditic sedimentary rocks.
Similar to the Kodiaran deposit area, vein density is typically controlled by rock competency,

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 96 of 566

but also by steep northeast-trending incipient structures in the surrounding sedimentary rocks.
Vein orientations are consistent between the sedimentary rocks and the IQF. The vein
orientations at Tri-K are almost identical to the vein orientation observed in Siguiri (Lebrun et
al., 2017), a world-class orogenic gold district hosted in turbiditic sequences located
approximately 80 km north-northwest of the Tri-K project.

To summarise, all gold occurrences in the Tri-K property were found to be structurally
controlled (e.g. veins, shear zones, or rheological controls on disseminated mineralisation)
and are interpreted to be classified as orogenic in nature.

Orogenic gold deposits are intimately associated with the formation of orogenic belts, although
typically without any clear plutonic association. Most commonly, these deposits occur in
secondary structures of major faults at the transition between ductile and brittle domains (see
Figure 3.16). They are found in a context of rapid exhumation (up to 1 cm/a) bringing deep,
warm areas of the crust (e.g. amphibolite facies) to the surface (Jébrak and Marcoux, 2008).
Orogenic gold deposits are found at all metamorphic levels, although they are more common
in the greenschist facies. They can be hosted in a multitude of host rock lithologies.

The genesis of epigenetic orogenic gold deposits is linked to hydrothermal circulation in

reverse faults, strike-slip or normal faults, invariably on structures with little displacement.
These are typically secondary faults reactivated after a major slip event. The passage of fluid
in subvertical reverse-fault structure occurs in a pulsative manner, creating crack-and-seal
textures. The source of gold remains uncertain but in the case of sedimentary environments,
it is theorised that gold comes from devolatilised sedimentary or diagenetic sulphides or deep
syn-orogenic magmatic fluids.

Exploration techniques used to explore orogenic gold deposits include surface rock and soil
sampling in conjunction with detailed structural and geological mapping. Geophysical surveys
involving magnetic, electromagnetic, and induced polarisation methods are useful in defining
structural zones that may be auriferous.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 97 of 566

Source: Groves et al. (1998)

A: Plate tectonic environments of formation of orogenic gold deposits and other largely syn-volcanic or syn-
intrusive gold-rich deposit styles.
B: Depth profile of orogenic gold deposits.

Figure 3.16: Setting and Nature of Orogenic Gold Deposits

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3.8.1 Introduction – Historical work

Historical exploration work completed in the area of the Tri-K property started in 1937 and is
summarised in Table 3.2. The following sections detail the type and nature of work conducted
from 1937 until the Managem-Avocet joint venture in 2016.

3.8.2 Geochemistry (WEGA Mining, 2006-2008; Avocet, 2011)

The main results from the soil and termite mound geochemical campaign conducted by WEGA
Mining from 2006 to 2008 are summarised in Figure 3.17. The campaign was divided into two
separate phases:

• A reconnaissance phase from 2006 to 2007 (19 profiles each 14 km long, 1 000 m ×
200 m and 1 000 m × 80 m sampling)
• A semi-detailed phase (100 m × 40 m) on some of the reconnaissance-scale anomalies
in the Koulekoun, Kodiaran and Kodiafaran project areas (see Table 3.5). A total of
12 anomalous zones were sampled, trenched and mapped during the semi-detailed
phase (on the right in Figure 3.17), in order to guide drilling.

Source: SMM, 2018

The map on the right shows the main anomalous areas covered by a 100 m × 40 m semi-detailed sampling. Red
dots represent sampling locations.

Figure 3.17: Results of the 2006 Termite Mound and Soil Geochemical Campaign
(WEGA Mining)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 99 of 566

Table 3.5: Summary of Geochemical Sampling Completed by WEGA Mining Between
2006 and 2008

Phase Number of
Reconnaissance 1 000 m × 200 m 1 695
Reconnaissance 1 000 m × 80 m 11 769
Semi-detailed 100 m × 80 m 22 126
Total 35 590
Source: SMM, 2018

In addition, Avocet conducted a multi-element geochemical survey using portable XRF

(INNOV-X) on 1 689 samples from the Koulekoun deposit area to characterise pathfinder
elements in 2011. This study determined that arsenic is strongly correlated to gold and that
copper, iron and potassium are moderately correlated to gold.

3.8.3 Geophysics (Alliance, 1995-1996; WEGA Mining, 2007-2008; Avocet,


In addition to geochemical surveys, historical geophysical surveys were also conducted.

Geophysical datasets were collected by the Ashanti-AGEM-Cluff Resources Alliance in 1995-
1996, including magnetics, VLF and IP surveys, accompanied by aerial photography,
geological maps and minor trenching.

In 2007, WEGA Mining mandated MIR Télédétection to interpret remote-sensing datasets

including magnetic and radiometric regional datasets, ASTER images, Landsat and
topography (see Figure 3.18). They also reinterpreted the Alliance datasets collected in 1995-
1996. This 2007 study highlighted the regional structural framework of the Siguiri Basin,
dominated by N-S lineations linked to regional shear zones. It was also found that the NW part
of the Siguiri Basin is characterised by NW-SE regional structures, and that the southern part
of the Basin is characterised by ESE-trending shear zones interpreted to be associated with
the accretion of the Paleoproterozoic onto the Archean craton.

In 2008, WEGA Mining mandated SAGAX Afrique to conduct a reinterpretation of the ground
IP data collected in 1996 by the Ashanti-AGEM-Cuff Resources Alliance. The ground IP
reinterpretation highlighted the extent of the porphyry dykes in Koulekoun, which are very

In 2011, Avocet conducted a ground IP survey along E-W lines, spaced by 200 m globally and
by 50 m in the Koulekoun and Kodiaran deposits (see Figure 3.19). Avocet also mandated
Geotech Airborne in 2011 to conduct a heliborne VTEM (Versatile Time Domain Electro-
Magnetic) campaign (see Figure 3.19). The VTEM survey was conducted along 3 000 m long
flight lines spaced at 200 m, for a total of 5 420 linear km. This work helped to identify
prospective structures.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 100 of 566

Figure 3.18: First Vertical Derivative of the Analytical Magnetic Signal used during the
2007 Télédétection Survey Mandated by WEGA Mining

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 101 of 566

Source: SMM

A: IP survey over the Koulekoun project area.

B: Heliborne VTEM survey conducted by Avocet in 2011

Figure 3.19: Interpretation Maps

3.8.4 SMM (2016 – Present)

Since 2016, SMM has conducted a variety of exploration work, including the following:

• A series of historical core sampling and drilling during the due diligence in 2016
• A lithostratigraphic and petrographic study, conducted by Dr Lisard Torró, Moha
Ikenne, Dr Joaquín A. Proenza, Júlia Farré-de-Pablo and Núria Pujol Solà.

Avocet conducted a reinterpretation of the 2011 IP and VTEM surveys. This new interpretation
is currently being used to make a detailed geological map of the area (the current version is
Figure 3.10.), followed by extended RC and oriented diamond drilling programs (detailed in
Section 3.9).


3.9.1 Introduction

Since the first holes drilled in 1996 to date, 268 312 m have been drilled in the Tri-K property.
The detail of this drilling is shown in Figure 3.20 and Table 3.6 summarises the volume of
drilling from 1996 to 2017. Figure 3.21 and Figure 3.22 show the location of drill holes to date
at Kodiaran and Koulekoun, respectively.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 102 of 566

Figure 3.20: Distribution of Drilling

Table 3.6: Drilling Activity from 1996 to 2017

Drilling Historical WEGA Mining Avocet SMM

Conducted 1996 1997 2006 2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2016 2017

DD (m) - - - - 9 446 3 282 17 263 9 750 8 899 - 4 816 53 456

RC (m) - 4 161 4 175 - 16 464 9 234 48 649 23 800 29 841 1 820 34 658 168 641
AC (m) - 741 - - 6 781 876 15 200 6 767 - - 30 365
RAB (m) 4 095 1 945 - - - - - - - - 6 040
Geotechnical (m) - - - - - - - - 1 750 - 1 675 3 425
Hydro (m) - - - - - - - - 622 - 768 1 390
Source: SMM, 2018

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 103 of 566

Figure 3.21: Distribution of Drilling in the Southern Part of the Tenements
(Kodiaran Area)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 104 of 566

Figure 3.22: Distribution of Drilling in the Northern Part of the Tenements
(Koulekoun Area)

3.9.2 Historical Drilling (1996-2006) and WEGA Mining (2006-2009)

Much of the historic data from the Alliance between 1996 and 2006, is not available. However,
known drilling work conducted by the Alliance, and drilling conducted by WEGA Mining
between 2006 and 2009, is summarised in Table 3.7.

WEGA Mining conducted two drilling programmes following the permit acquisition in 2006.
The first programme started at the end of 2006 and the second in November 2007. The
objective was to test a geological model at Koulekoun compiled by the Alliance. The drilling
was done by West African Drilling Services (WADS). All WEGA Mining collars and some from
the Alliance were surveyed by differential GPS at the end of the 2009 drill programme.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 105 of 566

Most of the drilling was conducted in the vicinity of the Koulekoun deposit, with only 23 RC
holes drilled through the Kodiaran deposit. Drilling at Koulekoun included RAB, AC, RC, DD
and DH but much of the historical data is not available. Most of this drilling was carried out on
sections oriented east-west. However, a few holes were drilled to the north and a few more
were drilled to the southeast.

Table 3.7: Details of Drilling Conducted between 1996 and 2008 at

Kodiaran and Koulekoun

Historical WEGA Mining

Work Conducted Total
1996 1997 2006 2007 2008
Number of DD holes - - - - - 0
DD drilling (m) - - - - - 0
Number of RC holes - - - - 23 23
RC drilling (m) - - - - 2 358 2 358
Number of DD holes - - - - 49 49
DD drilling (m) - - - - 9 446 9 446
Number of RC holes - 48 55 - 56 159
RC drilling (m) - 4 161 4 175 - 5 770 14 106
Number of AC holes - 31 - - - 31
AC drilling (m) - 741 - - - 741
Number of RAB holes 149 66 - - - 215
RAB drilling (m) 4 095 1 945 - - - 6 040
Source: SMM, 2018

3.9.3 Avocet (2009-2016)

After the acquisition of the Tri-K project by Avocet in 2009, Avocet focused on the exploration
and delineation of deposits already known, with the completion of core and RC boreholes.
Most of the drilling (~ 80 % of the holes) was carried out along east-west oriented sections (to
the west before 2011, and to the east from 2011), and 15 % of the holes were drilled towards
the southeast. The remaining holes were drilled in a north-south direction.

3.9.4 Due Diligence by Managem (2016)

A due diligence was carried out by Managem on the Tri-K project in 2016, the main objectives
of which were to control the following:

• The grades and mineralised thicknesses intercepted by the Wega Mining holes
• The geological model and the continuity of mineralisation as interpreted by Avocet's
• The densities used by WEGA Mining in their EDF reports
• The zonation of oxidation

During the due diligence, 18 RC holes totalling 1 868 m were drilled, including 11 holes in
Kodiaran totalling 1 071 m and 7 holes in Koulekoun totalling 797 m of RC drilling. Table 3.8
and Table 3.9 summarise the main results.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 106 of 566

Table 3.8: Significant Intersections from the 2016 Due Diligence Drilling Survey at
Kodiaran by Managem

From To Length Grade

Hole ID
(m) (m) (m) (g/t Au)
KDRSD1 10 81 71 1.97
KDRSD2 13 70 57 2.74
KDRSD3 0 49 49 1.80
KDRSD3B 0 70 70 2.03
KDRSD4 34 64 30 1.5
KDRSD 5 0 36 36 7.53
0 16 16 2.59
27 74 47 2.34
25 49 24 1.63
71 81 10 13.70
KDRSD 8 31 70 39 1.78
17 23 6 4.48
48 58 10 0.89
15 21 6 1.41
46 61 15 0.84
KDRSD 10 1 48 47 2.37
KDRSD 10B 0 54 54 2.54
16 40 24 1.95
49 81 32 4.42

Table 3.9: Significant Intersections from the 2016 Due Diligence Drilling Survey in
Koulekoun by Managem

From To Length Grade

Hole ID
(m) (m) (m) (g/t Au)
2 26 24 0.54
KLKSD1 36 82 46 1.44
90 129 39 2.39
9 26 17 0.75
KLKSD2 64 90 26 1.52
103 129 26 3.97
37 43 6 0.49
KLKSD3 61 75 14 0.40
87 106 19 0.65
0 13 13 0.41
65 120 55 1.19
2 6 4 0.27
KLKSD5 42 79 37 1.76
93 129 36 0.70
4 20 16 0.91
KLKSD6 37 91 54 1.89
100 116 16 1.12
0 18 18 0.56
25 34 9 0.48

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3.9.5 SMM (2016 – Present)

Prior to the 2016 joint venture between Avocet and Managem, the Tri-K mineral resources
were classified as both Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources. Drilling density was not
considered tight enough to confirm both the continuity in thickness and the grades of the
mineralised zones. To confirm these mineral resources, a verification drilling programme was
established by SMM following the 2016 due diligence. Its objective was to transform over 30 %
of Avocet’s Indicated Resources into Measured Resources.

The 2017 certification and exploration drilling were designed to better define and extend the
Kodiaran and Koulekoun mineralised trends, and to target new prospective zones around
Koulekoun, namely Kouroumadou, Fowaro, Kodiafaran and Gbilin. Drilling was carried out by
Minerex, SBDG, and TechSub drilling companies utilising a variety of rigs including M3, M5
and CS14 types. The drilling undertaken by SMM in 2017 is provided in Table 3.10. This table
documents the contributions made by each drilling company and the type/purpose of the
drilling undertaken (including geotechnical and metallurgical).

Table 3.10: Types of Drilling Completed in 2017 by SMM

Drilling Contractor
Type Project
TechSub Minerex SBDG Total
Kodiaran 10 805 1 202 5 945 17 952
RC Koulekoun 10 575 5 647 16 222
Other 474 474
DD Koulekoun 528 528
RC Koulekoun
DD Koulekoun 2 996 2 996
Kodiaran 585 585
Geotechnical DD
Koulekoun 1 090 1 090
Kodiaran 508 508
Metallurgical DD
Koulekoun 784 784
Total 28 354 6 849 5 945 41 148

3.9.6 Drilling Pattern and Density

The certification programme was established along vertical sections, generally transversal to
mineralised trends and oriented E-W, throughout Kodiaran and Koulekoun in a non-systematic
way. Positioning of the drill holes was constrained by the following:

• Grade variability from hole to hole within the same mineralised lens
• Thickness variability from hole to hole within the same mineralised lens

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 108 of 566

• Sudden breaks in the continuity of gold mineralisation, possibly due to the presence of
late faults

To refine the drilling pattern and gain more confidence in the geological model established by
the SMM geologists, a complementary drilling survey was established following specific cross
sections for each deposit. At Kodiaran (previously drilled by Avocet at a mesh size of 25 m ×
25 m), the additional certification drilling survey was conducted on E-W vertical sections
spaced by 12.5 m, with a spacing between holes of 25 m. At Koulekoun (previously drilled
using an overall mesh of 25 m × 50 m), the certification drilling survey complement was
conducted along E-W and NW-SE sections spaced by 25 m, 12.5 m and 37.5 m with 12.5 m,
25 m and 25 m drill hole spacing, respectively.

3.9.7 SRK Comments

SRK is of the opinion that the drilling procedures adopted by SMM are consistent with
generally recognised industry best practices. SRK concludes that the applied drill pattern is
generally sufficiently dense to interpret the geometry and the boundaries of the gold
mineralisation with confidence.


3.10.1 Sample Preparation and Analyses

Avocet and Managem have used various laboratories to prepare and assay samples collected
for the Kodiaran and Koulekoun resources. These include the ALS Chemex (ALS) and SGS
Laboratory in Bamako, Mali, the SGS laboratory in Siguiri, Guinea and the CRV laboratory in
Marrakesh, Morocco.

ALS and SGS are commercial laboratories independent of Avocet and Managem. The ALS
Bamako laboratory is part of the ALS Group of laboratories that operates under a global quality
management system accredited to ISO 9001 and also participates in international proficiency
testing programmes such as those managed by Geostats Pty Ltd. The SGS Bamako and
Ouagadougou laboratories are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by SANAS. The SGS laboratory
in Siguiri is not accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 but is part of the SGS Group of laboratories that
operates under a global quality management system accredited to ISO 9001:2008 for low and
high-level gold analysis. The CRV laboratory in Marrakesh is not accredited to ISO/IEC 17025. WEGA Mining (2006-2009)

All samples collected by WEGA Mining were analysed by fire assay on a 50 g aliquot with an
atomic absorption finish by ALS Bamako. The laboratory analysis protocol is similar to that
outlined in Section, with fine crushing to 2 mm and pulverisation of 1.5 kg to at least
85 % passing a 75 µm mesh. Avocet (2009-2016)

All drilling samples for both Kodiaran and Koulekoun properties were collected under the
secure control of Avocet staff.

RC drilling samples were taken in 1 m intervals with > 75 % sample recovery. The samples
were processed through a cyclone and split using a riffle divider to produce roughly 3 kg

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 109 of 566

portions. Half the material was bagged, labelled and sent to an on-site sample preparation
laboratory. The remaining half was labelled according to drill hole and depth interval and
stored on site for reference. At the sample preparation laboratory, 1 L of the sample is
measured by graduated instrument, sieved and washed to +2 mm. Geological information is
recorded by a geologist and a small representative sample is washed at +2 mm and stored
for reference. The remaining sample is dried, weighed and ground to -2 mm. It is then bagged
with an identifying sample tag and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

The DD core is laid out, cleaned, photographed and marked along the core axis. It is sawn in
half with a diamond saw prior to being logged by a geologist. Half the core is bagged with an
identifying sample tag and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Sample intervals are generally
1 m in length, except for geological contacts. The remaining core is stored on site for

Avocet submitted samples for analysis to SGS Siguiri from November 2010 to December
2011. Samples were simultaneously submitted to the ALS and SGS laboratories in Bamako
from December 2011 to February 2012, and to two SGS laboratories in Ouagadougou and
Bamako from January to May 2013. The purpose of using two laboratories was to increase
the rate of return for results. All samples were assayed for gold at the above-mentioned
laboratories using the same analysis protocols, as outlined below:

• Individual samples weighing 2 kg to 3 kg are dried at 105 °C.

• The entire dry samples are crushed to -6 mm. Samples weighing more than 2.0 kg are
riffle split to fractions weighing less than 1.5 kg. The remaining residual sample is kept
in the original sample bag.
• The biggest split (around 1.5 kg) is pulverised in a chromium steel bowl to a least 85 %
passing a 75 µm mesh.
• Sub-samples weighing 200 g are mat-rolled and bagged, and the residual pulp is
retained in a pulp bag.
• A 50 g sample is fused with a litharge-based flux cupel.
• The prill is dissolved in aqua regia.
• The gold grade is determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry with a detection
limit of 0.01 ppm. SMM (2016 to Present)

All drilling samples for both Kodiaran and Koulekoun properties were collected under the
secure control of SMM staff.

Cuttings collected through RC drilling were processed through a cyclone and split by a riffle
divider. Samples were collected in 1 m intervals and weighed. Roughly 3.5 kg of the sample
was collected in a plastic bag labelled with an identifying sample tag to be sent to the
laboratory for further mechanical preparation and analysis. Each sample was logged by a
geologist on site for lithology, colour, alteration and the presence of veining, sulphides and

If the sample is initially wet, it is dried securely in the sun or an oven of the workshop on site
prior to its division. The remaining sample of roughly 25 kg is securely stored on site for an
undefined time for use in further testing (duplicate, multi-element or metallurgical), where

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 110 of 566

necessary. The geologist collects an additional 1.5 kg of samples that are sulphidised or
saprolitised at the time of logging. These samples are washed by a 2 mm sieve and kept in
plastic boxes, which are stored with detailed descriptions for reference. All drilling equipment
used in contact with the sample is cleaned with compressed air, machetes and wire brushes
in regular 6 m drilling intervals. If the sample is wet, a more thorough cleaning is performed
and documented.

Core produced by diamond drilling is transported to an on-site facility, laid out and
photographed. All technical data including rock quality data (RQD) and recovery information
is recorded at the drill. Oriented core is marked along the core axis by a geologist. The core
is sawn in half with a diamond saw, perpendicular to the orientation line, if present. Half of the
sample is bagged with an identifying sample tag and sent to the laboratory for analysis.
Samples are generally 1 m in length, except for the presence of lithological contacts or discrete
zones of quartz veining. The remaining core is stored on site for reference.

Samples are transported by SMM staff to a field office where they are sorted into batches,
documented and shipped by land to the laboratory for further mechanical preparation and
analysis. Sample preparation from the DD core and RC chips is done at the laboratory (SGS

Samples were sent to SGS in Bamako and assayed using standard fire assay procedures on
50 g aliquots with an atomic absorption spectrometry finish. The preparation and analysis
protocols for gold assay at the above-mentioned laboratories are the same as outlined for
Avocet. Specific Gravity and Metallurgical Sampling

Metallurgical test work was completed by SMM in two phases between 2016 and 2018. The
samples used in the first phase were selected from existing core samples produced by SMM
and totalled 115 kg of material. The second phase of metallurgical sampling focused on
highlighting any variability and involved core samples of new boreholes, totalling 6 t of

Specific gravity determination was carried out by SMM staff in 2016 through gravimetric
analysis involving water submersion. The weights of the dried sample, the sample wrapped in
cellophane, and the wrapped sample submersed in water were recorded on an electric scale.
Paraffin and household candle wax were sometimes substituted for cellophane.

Samples were sent to the SGS Ouagadougou and CRV laboratories for metallurgical testing.
The test work involved measurements on grinding characteristics, grade, gold recovery, and
cyanide leaching. Samples involved 27 composite pulp samples and 15 composite core
samples from the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits.

3.10.2 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Programmes

Quality control measures are typically set in place to ensure the reliability and trustworthiness
of the exploration data. These measures include written field procedures and independent
verifications of aspects such as drilling, surveying, sampling and assaying, data management,
and database integrity. Appropriate documentation of quality control measures and regular

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 111 of 566

analysis of quality control data are important as a safeguard for the project data and form the
basis for the quality assurance programme implemented during exploration.

Analytical control measures typically involve internal and external laboratory control measures
implemented to monitor the precision and accuracy of the sampling, preparation, and
assaying. They are also important to prevent sample mix-up and to monitor the voluntary or
inadvertent contamination of samples. Assaying protocols typically involve regular duplicate
and replicate assays and insertion of quality control samples. Check assaying is normally
performed as an additional reliability test of assaying results. This typically involves re-
assaying a set number of rejects and pulps at an umpire laboratory. WEGA Mining (2006-2009)

WEGA Mining implemented quality control procedures in November 2007. At that time, the
insertion of field duplicates, blanks and certified reference material (CRM) were implemented
at a rate of approximately 1 in 20 for each. The results of this data were not available. Avocet (2009-2016)

Avocet followed a quality assurance/quality control protocol which, according to the

documents provided to SRK, involved the following:

• The insertion of CRMs

• The insertion of field-prepared blank material
• The insertion of field duplicates in reverse circulation holes

Control samples documented by Avocet included up to ten different types of CRMs acquired
from Geostats Pty Ltd., Western Australia. CRMs cover grades ranging from 0.21 g/t gold to
13.20 g/t gold, summarised in Table 3.11. Blank material was prepared from sterile granite
aggregate and packaged in 2 kg bags.

The insertion rate of blank, CRM and duplicate samples from drill holes was approximately
1 in 20 for each, as outlined in Table 3.12. Duplicates were taken at 20 m intervals starting
from the 10th metre. Blank samples were inserted at 20 m intervals starting from the 15th metre
and CRMs were inserted at 20 m intervals, starting from the 20th metre.

Field duplicate samples were collected systematically from reverse circulation boreholes. No
field duplicates were collected for the drill core.

Table 3.11: Summary of Control Samples Used by SMM on the Tri-K Project

Low Grade Gold (0 ppm – 1 ppm) Medium Grade Gold (1 ppm – 5 ppm) High Grade Gold (> 5 ppm)
Standard Expected Standard Expected Standard Expected
SD Inserts SD Inserts SD Inserts
ID Value ID Value ID Value
G903-10 0.21 0.02 9 G910-9 1.78 0.042 493 G301-10 5.57 0.21 180
G996-4 0.51 0.05 523 G906-4 1.93 0.09 30 G907-8 6.78 0.28 176
G909-1 0.52 0.05 - G998-1 2.95 0.12 - G399-10 13.2 0.88 181
G399-5 0.87 0.05 -
Total 532 Total 523 Total 537
SD Standard Deviation

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Table 3.12: Avocet’s Standard Procedure for Quality Control Sample Insertion Rates,
Tri-K Project

Description Blanks CRMs Field Duplicates

Core drilling 1 every 20 1 every 20 None
Reverse circulation drilling 1 every 20 1 every 20 1 every 20
Acceptable limits 0.01 g/t Au ± 2SD ± 30 %
Failure limit ± 2SD ± 2SD -
SD Standard Deviation SMM (2016-2018)

The exploration work conducted by SMM was carried out using a quality assurance and quality
control programme meeting generally recognised industry best practices. Standardised
procedures were used in all aspects of the exploration data acquisition and management
including drilling, sampling, sample security, assaying, and database management.

Managem used analytical quality control measures as part of the routine standard sampling
procedures on the Tri-K project, which involved the following:

• The insertion of CRMs

• The insertion of field-prepared blank material
• The insertion of field duplicates for reverse circulation holes

Commercial CRMs (over a range of gold grades) were sourced from Rocklabs Limited
(Rocklabs) of Auckland, New Zealand and Geostats Party Limited (Geostats) of Australia.
SMM has used a total of 18 reference material types between 2016 and 2018, summarised in
Table 3.13. Blank material continued to be sourced from local granitic aggregate assumed to
have zero gold value.

The insertion rate of blank CRM and field duplicate samples was 1 in 20 for each, mirroring
that of Avocet and accounting for approximately 15 % of samples.

Analysis of umpire laboratory testing was performed during the 2016 sampling programme. A
total of 974 pulp samples were submitted to the CRV laboratory in Marrakesh, Morocco to test
the reliability of assay results produced by Avocet prior to 2016.

Table 3.13: Summary of Control Samples used by SMM on the Tri-K Project

Standard ID Expected Value SD KD Inserts KLK Inserts

Low Grade Gold (0 ppm – 1 ppm)
GLG310-4 0.088 0.03 25 7
GLG305-1 0.102 0.01 30 9
G903-10 0.21 0.02 272 166
G909-10 0.52 0.05 - 46
OXE113 0.609 0.014 20 38
G399-5 0.87 0.05 189 108
Total 536 374

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 113 of 566

Standard ID Expected Value SD KD Inserts KLK Inserts
Medium Grade Gold (1 ppm – 5 ppm)
SG66 1.086 0.032 22 31
Si64 1.78 0.042 29 42
G906-4 1.93 0.09 257 165
OXJ120 2.365 0.063 30 41
Total 338 279
High Grade Gold (> 5 ppm)
G301-10 5.57 0.21 271 166
OXN117 7.679 0.207 21 43
SN74 8.981 0.222 23 44
HISILP1 12.05 0.33 44 80
G399-10 13.2 0.88 214 154
OXP91 14.82 0.30 50 89
OXQ90 24.88 0.56 29 42
SQ83 30.64 0.58 27 43
Total 679 661
SD Standard Deviation
KD Kodiaran
KLK Koulekoun

3.10.3 SRK Comments

SRK reviewed the field procedures and analytical quality control measures used by SMM and
historical operators, where possible. In the opinion of SRK, SMM personnel used care in the
collection and management of the field and assaying exploration data.

In the opinion of SRK, the sampling preparation, security and analytical procedures used by
SMM are adequate for the purpose of informing mineral resources. In addition, SRK
recommends that SMM consider introducing improved data management procedures to
manage historical data informing mineral resources. This could include further resampling of
historical core when available or twinning certain historical boreholes.


3.11.1 Verifications by SMM Laboratory Visit

On April 14, 2016 Mr Driss Mounji and Mr Hassan Outaghat of Managem visited the SGS
laboratory in Bamako, escorted by the director of the laboratory. The purpose of this visit was
to investigate the state of the facility and procedures used by SGS staff. The laboratory was
found to be in good maintenance and the staff demonstrated proper care in the handling of
samples. Managem staff found no evidence to support the possibility of sample contamination
at any point in the analysis process.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 114 of 566 Verifications of Analytical Quality Control Data

SMM has employed quality control procedures and taken quality assurance actions to provide
adequate confidence in the data collection and processing. Furthermore, SMM (and
subsequently Managem) has undertaken database verifications and used adequate analytical
quality assurance and quality control programmes.

External analytical quality control measures were used by SMM on all sampling. Assaying
protocols involve inserting quality control samples (blanks and CRMs) and performing check

In 2016, Managem implemented a due diligence programme to test the reliability of assay data
provided by Avocet. A total of 889 pulp samples were submitted to SGS Bamako from the
Tri-K project (663 from Kodiaran and 226 from Koulekoun) for check assay testing. A select
number of core duplicates from each deposit were also submitted during this programme,
totalling 238 samples.

Managem commissioned the CRV laboratory in Morocco to perform umpire check assay
testing in 2016. A total of 85 samples were sent for analysis, constituting approximately 5 %
of the samples sent to SGS in Bamako. The analysis of this testing is discussed below.

SMM also submitted 2 233 field duplicates to SGS Bamako and CRV Morocco taken
systematically as part of the analytical data verification for the 2017 sampling programme. The
samples cover a range of gold values and were assayed by fire assay with an atomic
absorption finish on 50 g aliquots (SGS method code FA50-AAS).

3.11.2 Verifications by SRK Site Visit

In accordance with the NI 43-101 guidelines, Mr Simon Craggs, PGeo, and Dr Erwann Lebrun,
PGeo, from SRK visited the Tri-K property from 10 to 19 December 2017 accompanied by
Mr Driss Mounji and Mr Hassan Outaghat.

The purpose of the site visit was to gain a better understanding of the geological context of
the gold mineralisation, investigate geological modelling methods, review drilling and sampling
procedures, examine drill core, and interview project personnel.

SRK was given full access to relevant data and conducted interviews with project personnel
to understand procedures used to collect, record, store and analyse exploration data. Verifications of Analytical Quality Control Data

SMM provided SRK with external analytical control data containing assay results for the quality
control data produced during the 2011 to 2013 and 2016 to 2018 sampling programmes
conducted by Avocet and Managem. All data was provided in Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

SRK aggregated the assay results of the external analytical control samples for further
analyses in support of the resource statement. Control samples (blanks and standards) were
summarised on time series plots to highlight their performance and paired data (field and pulp
duplicates) was analysed using bias charts, quantile-quantile, and relative precision plots. A

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 115 of 566

selection of the charted data is given in Appendix 3.1. The type of analytical quality control
data collected and their associated performances are discussed below. Analytical Quality Control Data by Avocet (2011-2013)

SRK analysed the analytical quality control data produced by Avocet from the 2011 to 2013
sampling programmes.

The analytical quality control data provided to SRK for the Tri-K project during this period was
incomplete, therefore, conclusions are based on limited datasets. A summary of the analytical
quality control data provided to SRK is displayed in Table 3.14. The assay results for the CRMs
used for the Koulekoun deposit prior to 2016 were unavailable.

In general, analysis of blank samples yielded acceptable results with gold values near or below
the detection limit of the laboratory; however, some instances of contamination were observed.
Blank material submitted to ALS exhibited slightly higher failure rates with 2 % of data
analysed above the detection limit, which may indicate minor contamination during blank
material preparation.

Table 3.14: Summary of Analytical Quality Control Data Produced by Avocet on the
Kodiaran Deposit (2011-2013)

Number of
Description % Source Gold (g/t)
Sample Count 59 532
Blanks 2 686 4.51 Field Blank
Quality Control (QC) samples 1 592 2.67
G903-10 9 Geostats Pty Ltd. 0.21
G996-4 523 Geostats Pty Ltd. 0.51
G910-9 493 Geostats Pty Ltd. 1.51
G906-4 30 Geostats Pty Ltd. 1.93
G301-10 180 Geostats Pty Ltd. 5.57
G907-8 176 Geostats Pty Ltd. 6.78
G399-10 181 Geostats Pty Ltd. 13.2
Field Duplicates 579 0.97 Core+RC+Pulp
Total QC Samples 4 857 8.16

Avocet has documented the use of up to 10 CRMs between 2011 and 2013. Analytical results
for 5 of these materials were provided to SRK for the Kodiaran deposit. In its review of quality
control data, SRK identified a high failure rate of 26 % for standard G910-9 from
3 to 6 December 2011. This period of consistent negative bias is marginal and appears to be
a function of the analytical processes. After December, the performance of the reference
material improves and shows no evidence of analytical bias.

Overall, the performance of these materials is adequate with failure rates ranging from 0 to
26 %, typically below 5 %. Obvious outliers can be mainly attributed to the mislabelling of
reference materials.

Paired field duplicate data suggests that gold grades display a minor nugget effect. Half
absolute relative difference (HARD) plots suggest that approximately 52 % of RC drilling field

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 116 of 566

duplicates have an HARD below 10 % (see Appendix 3.2). The reproducibility does not appear
to be constrained to samples nearing the detection limit, and there is no evidence of bias that
could have been introduced by preferentially submitting the more mineralised portion of the
drill core for assay. Poor reproducibility of field duplicates is not unexpected for sampling
mineralisation characterised by coarse gold.

No umpire sampling was conducted by Avocet. Analytical Quality Control Data by SMM (2016-2018)

SRK analysed the analytical quality control data produced by SMM from the 2016 and 2018
sampling programmes, summarised in Table 3.15. The analytical quality control data
represents approximately 19 % of all assays returned during this period, approximately 45 812
total samples.

In general, analyses of blank samples consistently yielded gold values near or below the
detection limit of the laboratory. The performance of blank samples is acceptable with very
little sample contamination detected. A discrete set of samples display assay results above
the detection limit (0.02 g/t) for RC drilling samples of both Kodiaran and Koulekoun data
series. This may indicate minor contamination, which may have occurred during the
mechanical preparation. The remaining data series are adequate with less than 3 % returning
values above 10 times the detection limit.

SMM used a total of 18 CRMs with a variable range in expected gold values (see Table 3.15).
The majority of the reference material returned assay values within 2 standard deviations of
the expected value and had a common failure rate of less than 5 %. Many obvious outliers
can primarily be attributed to the mislabelling of CRMs.

In the review of quality control data, SRK identified a high failure rate for certain control
samples. Reference material sourced from Rocklabs exhibits higher overall failure rates than
those sourced from Geostats and includes three certified reference materials (standards) with
failure rates over 10 %. The sample count for materials with higher failure rates are low (under
70) and, therefore, the statistical performance of these materials may be unevolved or
undetermined. Reference materials SN74, OXE113 and SG66 should be investigated and
discussed with the laboratory (SGS). If not improved, replacement should be considered.
Overall, the performance of CRM is satisfactory and continued diligence in monitoring quality
control data is strongly encouraged.

Table 3.15: Summary of Analytical Quality Control Data Produced by SMM on the Tri-K
Project (2016-2018)

Description Kodiaran % Koulekoun % Total % Source
Sample Count 25 989 19 823 45 812
Blanks 1 428 5.49 1 126 5.68 2 554 5.57 Field Blank
QC samples 1 553 5.98 1 314 6.63 2 867 6.26
GLG310-4 25 7 32 Geostats Pty Ltd. 0.088
GLG305-1 30 9 39 Geostats Pty Ltd. 0.102
G903-10 272 166 438 Geostats Pty Ltd. 0.21
G909-10 - 46 46 Geostats Pty Ltd. 0.52

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 117 of 566

Description Kodiaran % Koulekoun % Total % Source
OXE113 20 38 58 Rocklabs Ltd. 0.609
G399-5 189 108 297 Geostats Pty Ltd. 0.87
SG66 22 31 53 Rocklabs Ltd. 1.086
Si64 29 42 71 Rocklabs Ltd. 1.78
G906-4 257 165 422 Geostats Pty Ltd. 1.93
OXJ120 30 41 71 Rocklabs Ltd. 2.365
G301-10 271 166 437 Geostats Pty Ltd. 5.57
OXN117 21 43 64 Rocklabs Ltd. 7.679
SN74 23 44 67 Rocklabs Ltd. 8.981
HISILP1 44 80 124 Rocklabs Ltd. 12.05
G399-10 214 154 368 Geostats Pty Ltd. 13.2
OXP91 50 89 139 Rocklabs Ltd. 14.82
OXQ90 29 42 71 Rocklabs Ltd. 24.88
SQ83 27 43 70 Rocklabs Ltd. 30.64
Pulp Replicates 663 2.55 226 1.14 889 1.94
Field Duplicates 1 392 5.36 1 115 5.62 2 507 5.47 Core+RC+Pulp
Total QC Samples 5 036 19.38 3 781 19.07 8 817 19.25
Check Assays
SGS and CRV 724 2.79 250 1.26 974 2.13

Approximately 4 % of samples analysed by SGS were field duplicates to check the

reproducibility of assay data. The paired data suggests that gold grades display a nugget
effect. Rank HARD plots suggest that approximately 55 % of field duplicates have an HARD
below 10 %. This indicates that SGS had difficulty in reproducing the original field duplicate
assay results. The poor reproducibility is not limited to samples nearing the detection limit.
Assays grading over 20 g/t appear to contain on average higher amounts of gold when
reanalysed by SGS, suggesting a small analytical bias. The population of samples above this
grade, however, is minimal and further reanalysis of high grade (> 20 g/t) samples should be
considered. Overall, the data examined by SRK did not present any major or obvious evidence
of analytical bias and is sufficiently reliable.

Umpire sampling was conducted by SMM by submitting pulp duplicate samples to CRV
Morocco to compare the repeatability of assay results between SGS and CRV. Similarly,
coarse gold appears to have an effect on reproducibility, as HARD plots suggest that
approximately 60 % of pulp duplicates have an HARD below 10 %. SRK Comments

Overall, SRK considers the analytical results from sampling conducted by SMM on the Tri-K
project satisfactory for the purpose of mineral resource estimation.

The analytical quality control data reviewed by SRK confirms that the assay results delivered
by the primary laboratory used by SMM are adequately reliable, however, gaps in the quality
control data arise out of historical work, especially concerning the Avocet assays for the
Koulekoun deposit. Although quality control data prior to 2016 is incomplete, previous assay

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 118 of 566

results produced by Avocet have been replicated by SMM without evidence of obvious
analytical bias and are, therefore, sufficient for the purpose of resource estimation. SRK
recommends that a comprehensive re-organisation of historical databases be undertaken and
that a strong focus on exploration database management be continued for all future work.


This section summarises part of the metallurgical test work completed on representative
samples from Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits in 2017. A more comprehensive account of
the results achieved during the Tri-K metallurgical test work programme has been provided in
Section 5.

Samples were selected with assistance from Orway Mineral Consultants (OMC) based on rock
type, level of oxidation, and location with respect to the orebody. The primary purpose of test
work was to obtain design values to be used in the BFS plant design and involved two phases
of activity:

• Phase 1 was focused on optimisation test work on master composites to establish

optimum parameters, as well as variability test work on available samples. This phase
involved a total of 23 variability composites and five master composites.
• Phase 2 involved DDH drilling to obtain 27 composite samples, which were control
crushed, homogenised and split into 500 g charges.

Test work conducted in 2017 was performed at Maelgwyn Mineral Services Africa (MMSA),
Peacocke & Simpson, Greentechnical, Vietti Slurrytec, and (SJT) Metmin laboratories, and
included the following:

• Sample preparation
• Comminution testing (bond ball mill work index (BBWi), bond rod mill work index
(BRWi), abrasion index (Ai) determination, and semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) mill
comminution (SMC)
• Ore characterisation (head assays and model mineralogy)
• Grind establishment
• Gravity gold recovery and cyanide leach test work
• Cyanide detoxification and geochemical test work
• Thickening and rheology

Test work conducted to evaluate the hardness of the ore was performed on composites of
both Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits. The results are summarised in Table 3.16.

Table 3.16: Tri-K Project Comminution Testwork Results

Ore Type Ai (g) BBWi (kWh/t) A × B (P80 µm) Specific Gravity

Oxidised 0.017 10.9 59.9 2.58
Fresh 0.318 21 30.9 2.63
Oxidised 0.030 4.7 71.6 2.35
Quartz Feldspar Porphyry (QFP) 0.343 17.2 21.8 2.7
Tuff 0.082 18.9 19.7 2.76

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Sub-samples of each composite were submitted for gold extraction test work. A 500 g
sub-sample was submitted for cyanidation testing.

Direct cyanidation leach tests were conducted on samples to evaluate the extent of cyanide
recoverable gold in each sample (see Table 3.17). Gold and extraction results are analysed
based on ore type. Overall, cyanide consumption was variably low with values below 1.38 kg/t
for sulphide ore. Oxidised ore had a higher overall cyanide consumption of up to 1.71 kg/t.
Gravity separation indicated very high levels of gravity recoverable gold for oxidised ore,
typically above 90 %. Recoveries of unoxidised ores were more variable, typically between
67 % and 89 %.

Table 3.17: Cyanidation Leach Test Results on Metallurgical Composites

Overall Au Extraction Consumption (kg/t)

Ore Type
(%) NaCN Lime
Oxidised 91.85 1.33 1.34
Fresh 74.62 1.38 1.07
Oxidised 92.77 1.71 1.07
QFP 88.81 0.85 0.16
Tuff 66.21 1.12 0.65
Source: SMM

SMM carried out flotation test work for unoxidised ores at an internal research centre in
Marrakesh, Morocco. Preliminary results involved a 92 % recovery from Kodiaran samples
with a saleable concentrate of greater than 100 ppm and a concentrated weight yield of 1 %.
Further test work is required to confirm recovery rates of unoxidised ores.


3.13.1 Introduction

The mineral resource statement presented herein represents the second mineral resource
evaluation prepared for the Tri-K project in accordance with the Canadian Securities
Administrators’ NI 43-101.

The mineral resource model prepared by SRK considers 1 120 RC and core boreholes for the
Kodiaran deposit, and 1 104 RC and core boreholes for the Koulekoun deposit, all drilled by
Managem and Avocet during the period of 2011 to 31 December 2017. The resource
estimation work was completed by Mr Sébastien Bernier, PGeo (APGO#1847), an appropriate
independent Qualified Person as this term is defined in NI 43-101. The effective date of the
mineral resource statement is 26 June 2018.

This section describes the resource estimation methodology and summarises the key
assumptions considered by SRK. In the opinion of SRK, the resource evaluation reported
herein is a reasonable representation of the global gold mineral resources found in the Tri-K
project at the current level of sampling. The mineral resources were estimated in conformity
with the CIM Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practices

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Guidelines and are classified according to the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources
and Mineral Reserves (CIM, 2014). The mineral resource statement is reported in accordance
with Canadian Securities Administrators’ NI 43-101. Mineral resources are not mineral
reserves and have not demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that all or any
part of the mineral resource will be converted into a mineral reserve.

The database used to estimate the Tri-K project mineral resources was audited by SRK. SRK
is of the opinion that the current drilling information is sufficiently reliable to interpret with
confidence the boundaries for gold mineralisation and that the assay data is sufficiently reliable
to support mineral resource estimation.

The construction of the mineral resource model for the Kodiaran and Koulekoun gold deposits
was a collaborative effort between SMM and SRK. Managem provided the borehole database,
preliminary gold mineralisation wireframes, and economic parameters for the cut-off grade
determination. The construction of the three-dimensional lithological and resource domains
was completed by Dr Erwann Lebrun with support from Mr Simon Craggs and was informed
by a site visit to the Tri-K gold project conducted by Dr Lebrun and Mr Craggs during 10 to 19
December 2017. Mr Sébastien Bernier (APGO #1847) completed the resource evaluation
work in close collaboration with Managem. Finally, this assignment benefited from the senior
review of Mr Glen Cole, PGeo (APGO#1416).

3.13.2 Mineral Resource Estimation Methodology

The mineral resources reported herein were estimated using a geostatistical block modelling
approach informed by RC and core borehole data, all constrained within gold domain shells
using a cut-off grade of 0.2 g of gold per tonne (g/t gold). At the Kodiaran deposit, quartz
veinlets-associated gold mineralisation is highly controlled by granodiorite dykes, as well as
broad shear zones. At the Koulekoun deposit, the majority of the quartz veinlets-associated
gold mineralisation is associated with quartz porphyry (IQP) dykes with minor quartz veinlets
in the sedimentary rocks. In both deposits, the 0.2 g/t gold domains were restricted to
lithological units. A lateritic profile was also modelled independently for both deposits.

The evaluation of the mineral resources for the Tri-K gold project involved the following

• Database compilation and verification

• Construction of three-dimensional lithological model
• Construction of three-dimensional 0.2 g/t gold domains containing the gold
• Data extraction and processing (compositing and capping), statistical analysis, and
• Selection of estimation strategy and estimation parameters
• Block modelling and grade estimation
• Assessment of “reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction,” and selection
of the reporting assumptions using an optimised open-pit shell
• Validation, classification, and tabulation
• Preparation of the mineral resource statement

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3.13.3 Resource Database

As of 31 December 2017, the exploration data available to evaluate the mineral resources for
the Kodiaran deposit included 1 120 RC and core boreholes (99 542 m – 96 855 assays), all
drilled by Managem and Avocet. Similarly, for the Koulekoun deposit, 1 104 RC and core
boreholes (106 585 m – 98 569 assays) were available, all drilled by Managem and Avocet.

The collar position of each borehole was assessed using a hand-held GPS unit with
accuracies generally within a few metres. When required, the elevation of the boreholes was
adjusted using a high-resolution topographic profile provided by Managem.

SRK received the borehole sampling data in Datamine Studio RM format. SRK performed the
following validation steps:

• Checked minimum and maximum values for each quality value field and
confirmed/edited those outside of expected ranges.
• Checked for gaps, overlaps and out of sequence intervals in assay tables.

No errors were found and SRK is satisfied with the quality of the database received from

3.13.4 Geological Modelling

From the granodiorite dykes modelled at the Kodiaran deposit, 64 different gold domains were
generated using a 0.2 g/t gold threshold. These were subsequently subdivided into five distinct
blocks on the basis of orientation and dip. While each gold domain was estimated
independently, the capping analysis was established on a block basis to ensure that adequate
information was available (see Figure 3.23).

For the Koulekoun deposit, the four distinct geological units (NW, NE, Flat, Dolerite) served
the premise for the construction of the 31 gold domains, also using a 0.2 g/t gold threshold
(see Figure 3.23).

Figure 3.23: Gold Domains for the Kodiaran Deposit (A) and Koulekoun Deposit (B)

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For both deposits, a lateritic unit was modelled and estimated independently. No further gold
sub-domaining was required for the lateritic profile. A low-grade dolerite unit was also
modelled at Koulekoun.

Based on the field observations, SRK is satisfied that the geological modelling honours the
current geological information and knowledge of the Tri-K gold project.

3.13.5 Compositing and Capping

RC and core sampling assay data were extracted from the 0.2 g/t gold domains, as well as
the lithological domains and the lateritic profile, and were considered in the determination of
an appropriate composite length (see Figure 3.24). Block model cell dimensions and
anticipated large-scale open-pit mining methods were also considered in the selection of the
composite length. A modal composite length of 1.0 m was applied to all data, honouring the
gold domain boundaries.

Figure 3.24: Sampling Length at the Kodiaran and Koulekoun Deposits

The impact of gold outliers was examined on composite data using log probability plots and
cumulative statistics. In collaboration with Managem, SRK determined that a capping analysis
should be performed based on the different structural blocks, as well as the lateritic profile at
Kodiaran. For Koulekoun, the different geological units and the laterite served as the basis for
the capping analysis. Basic statistics for assays, composites, and capped composites are
summarised in Table 3.18 and Table 3.19. Basic statistics, histograms, and cumulative
probability plots were considered to determine appropriate capping grades. These are shown
in Figure 3.25 using Block 2 at Kodiaran as an example.

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Table 3.18: Basic Statistics for the Kodiaran Deposit

Element Sample Standard Coefficient Capped

Domain Minimum Maximum Mean
(g/t) Count Deviation of Variation Count
Original Assays
Block 1 Au 1 278 0.00 100.00 1.05 3.04 2.89
Block 2 Au 4 575 0.00 67.60 1.89 2.94 1.56
Block 3 Au 8 257 0.00 104.00 1.63 4.42 2.72
Block 4 Au 4 739 0.00 117.00 1.64 4.50 2.74
Block 5 Au 844 0.00 100.00 2.70 6.87 2.54
Laterite Au 8 929 0.00 84.90 0.38 2.04 5.41
Block 1 Au 1 273 0.00 100.00 1.05 3.04 2.89
Block 2 Au 4 617 0.00 67.60 1.89 2.94 1.56
Block 3 Au 8 330 0.00 93.90 1.63 4.35 2.67
Block 4 Au 4 706 0.00 117.00 1.64 4.48 2.73
Block 5 Au 844 0.00 100.00 2.70 6.87 2.54
Laterite Au 8 918 0.00 84.90 0.38 2.03 5.37
Capped Composites
Block 1 Au 1 273 0.00 8.00 0.97 1.20 1.24 6
Block 2 Au 4 617 0.00 27.30 1.87 2.63 1.41 5
Block 3 Au 8 330 0.00 42.00 1.59 3.90 2.45 19
Block 4 Au 4 706 0.00 23.60 1.53 3.11 2.04 26
Block 5 Au 844 0.00 26.30 2.39 4.08 1.71 6
Laterite Au 8 918 0.00 18.40 0.34 1.12 3.26 13

Table 3.19: Basic Statistics for the Koulekoun Deposit

Element Sample Standard Coefficient Capped

Domain Minimum Maximum Mean
(g/t) Count Deviation of Variation Count
Original Assays
NW Au 14 702 0.00 100.00 1.23 3.09 2.50
NE Au 5 658 0.00 106.00 0.71 2.91 4.09
Flat Au 1 233 0.00 12611.08 44.55 718.42 16.13
Laterite Au 3 179 0.00 9610.28 11.97 335.54 28.03
Dolerite Au 4 996 0.00 19.60 0.22 0.79 3.60
NW Au 15 188 0.00 100.00 1.23 3.06 2.48
NE Au 5 633 0.00 106.00 0.71 2.83 3.99
Flat Au 1 234 0.00 12611.08 44.48 717.84 16.14
Laterite Au 3 276 0.00 9610.28 11.98 335.60 28.02
Dolerite Au 4 996 0.00 19.60 0.22 0.79 3.60
Capped Composites
NW Au 15 188 0.00 46.00 1.22 2.80 2.29 8
NE Au 5 633 0.00 27.30 0.67 1.87 2.82 11
Flat Au 1 234 0.00 10.60 0.94 1.75 1.87 18
Laterite Au 3 276 0.00 7.30 0.25 0.57 2.33 7
Dolerite Au 5 026 0.00 11.00 0.21 0.70 3.27 3

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Figure 3.25: Basic Statistics of Block 2 at the Kodiaran Deposit

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3.13.6 Specific Gravity

For the lithological units with a similar overall density, independent of the gold grades, specific
gravity is largely influenced by the weathering of the rocks. Profiles were generated by SRK
using a qualitative description of the weathering in either RC chips or core from the boreholes.
Specific gravity measurements were obtained through water displacement of waxed core
samples by both Avocet and Managem. A total of 785 and 5 129 specific gravity
measurements were taken within the alteration profile at Kodiaran and Koulekoun,
respectively (see Figure 3.26). Due to the limited information, both in amount and three-
dimensional location, the average value was applied for the different levels of weathering. At
Koulekoun, where no density information was available for the laterite, the density of the oxide
material was applied.

Figure 3.26: Summary of the Specific Gravity Database

3.13.7 Block Model Definition

The criteria used in the selection of block size included the borehole spacing, composite assay
length, the geometry of the modelled grade shells, and the anticipated open pit mining
technique for both the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits. In collaboration with Managem, SRK
selected a block size of 5 m × 5 m × 3 m on X, Y and Z, respectively.

Sub-cells at 0.25 m resolution on X and Y, and 0.375 m on Z were used to honour the geometry
of the modelled grade shells. Sub-cells were assigned the same grade as the parent cell. The
block model is not rotated. The characteristics of the final block model are summarised in
Table 3.20.

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Table 3.20: Tri-K Gold Project Block Model Specifications

Block Size (m) Number of Rotation Rotation

Deposit Axis Origin*
Parent Sub-cell Cells Angles Priority
X 5 0.25 512 500 300 - -
Kodiaran Y 5 0.25 1 167 400 500 - -
Z 3 0.375 100 150 - -
X 5 0.25 508 000 400 - -
Koulekoun Y 5 0.25 1 190 000 400 - -
Z 3 0.375 -50 190 - -
* UTM grid (NAD 83 datum)

3.13.8 Variography

Variography was used to assess the spatial continuity of the gold data and to assist with the
selection of estimation parameters. At the Kodiaran deposit, SRK evaluated the spatial
distributions using variograms and correlograms on data from Block 2 of the deposit, where
the drilling density is greater, and the geology better understood. The modelled variogram
direction and dip were adjusted to match the gold domain wireframes for the other blocks. At
the Koulekoun deposit, a variogram model was established for each lithological unit.

Continuity directions were assessed based on the orientation of the mineralisation relative to
the lithological units and their spatial distribution. Furthermore, variogram calculations
considered sensitivities on orientation angles prior to finalising the correlation orientation. All
variogram analyses and modelling were performed using Datamine Studio RM and the
Geostatistical Software Library (GSLib). A sample modelled variogram from Block 2 at
Kodiaran is shown in Figure 3.27.

All the variogram parameters for both deposits are summarised in Table 3.21 and Table 3.22.

NOTE: The solid lines correspond to the fitted model, while the dashed lines correspond to the experimental
variogram in those same directions.

Figure 3.27: Gold Variogram for Block 2 at the Kodiaran Deposit, Forming the Basis
for Variogram Fitting

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Table 3.21: Variogram Parameters for the Kodiaran Deposit

R1xa R1ya R1za Anglea Anglea Anglea Axisa Axisa Axisa

Domain Structure Contribution Model
(m) (m) (m) 1 2 3 1 2 3
C0 0.20 Nugget - - - 98 -50 15 3 1 3
C1 0.25 Exp 1 5 5 98 -50 15 3 1 3
Block 1
C2 0.45 Exp 4 5 5 98 -50 15 3 1 3
C3 0.10 Sph 100 70 15 98 -50 15 3 1 3
C0 0.20 Nugget - - - 30 -42 15 3 1 3
C1 0.25 Exp 1 5 5 30 -42 15 3 1 3
Block 2
C2 0.45 Exp 4 5 5 30 -42 15 3 1 3
C3 0.10 Sph 100 70 15 30 -42 15 3 1 3
C0 0.20 Nugget - - - 98 -50 15 3 1 3
C1 0.25 Exp 1 5 5 98 -50 15 3 1 3
Block 3
C2 0.45 Exp 4 5 5 98 -50 15 3 1 3
C3 0.10 Sph 100 70 15 98 -50 15 3 1 3
C0 0.20 Nugget - - - 72 -42 15 3 1 3
C1 0.25 Exp 1 5 5 72 -42 15 3 1 3
Block 4
C2 0.45 Exp 4 5 5 72 -42 15 3 1 3
C3 0.10 Sph 100 70 15 72 -42 15 3 1 3
C0 0.20 Nugget - - - 45 -60 15 3 1 3
C1 0.25 Exp 1 5 5 45 -60 15 3 1 3
Block 5
C2 0.45 Exp 4 5 5 45 -60 15 3 1 3
C3 0.10 Sph 100 70 15 45 -60 15 3 1 3
C0 0.20 Nugget - - - 98 0 0 3 1 3
C1 0.25 Exp 1 6 1 98 0 0 3 1 3
C2 0.50 Exp 7 9 3 98 0 0 3 1 3
C3 0.05 Sph 75 100 9 98 -50 15 3 1 3
Exp exponential
Sph spherical
The rotation angles and exponential variogram search ranges are presented in Datamine RM convention.

Table 3.22: Variogram Parameters for the Koulekoun Deposit

R1xa R1ya R1za Anglea Anglea Anglea Axisa Axisa Axisa

Domain Structure Contribution Model
(m) (m) (m) 1 2 3 1 2 3
C0 0.15 Nugget - - - 235 -65 10 3 1 3
NW C1 0.77 Exp 2 4 2 235 -65 10 3 1 3
C2 0.08 Sphc 120 80 15 235 -65 10 3 1 3
C0 0.20 Nugget - - - 150 -70 -10 3 1 3
NE C1 0.72 Exp 2 2 3 150 -70 -10 3 1 3
C2 0.08 Sph 80 60 20 150 -70 -10 3 1 3
C0 0.20 Nugget - - - 143 15 -5 3 1 2
Flat C1 0.65 Exp 3 2 3 143 15 -5 3 1 2
C2 0.15 Sph 80 30 15 143 15 -5 3 1 2
C0 0.20 Nugget - - - 145 -5 2 3 1 2
Laterite C1 0.65 Exp 3 3 2 145 -5 2 3 1 2
C2 0.15 Sph 40 40 15 145 -5 2 3 1 2
C0 0.20 Nugget - - - 150 -2 -5 3 1 2
Dolerite C1 0.72 Exp 3 11 2 150 -2 -5 3 1 2
C2 0.08 Sph 100 120 15 150 -2 -5 3 1 2
Exp exponential
Sph spherical
The rotation angles and exponential variogram search ranges are presented in Datamine RM convention.

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3.13.9 Estimation Strategy

Table 3.23 summarises the general estimation parameters used for the gold estimation at both
the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits. As the drilling density and the variogram ranges are
similar for both deposits, after a significant amount of validation, SRK concludes that the same
estimation parameters could be adequately used for both deposits. All individual wireframes
were estimated independently. In all the cases, grade estimation used ordinary kriging and
four passes informed by capped composites (see Table 3.24).

Table 3.23: Summary of Estimation Search Parameters for Gold

Parameter 1st Pass 2nd Pass 3rd Pass 4th Pass

Interpolation method OK OK OK OK
Search range X (relative to variogram range) 1x 1x 1x 2x
Search range Y (relative to variogram range) 1x 1x 1x 2x
Search range Z 1x 1x 1x 2x
Minimum number of composites 10 5 5 2
Maximum number of composites 16 16 16 16
Octant search Yes Yes No No
Minimum number of octant 5 3 - -
Minimum number of composites per octant 2 1 - -
Maximum number of composites per octant 12 12 - -
Maximum number of composites per borehole 4 4 4 0

Table 3.24: Volume Estimated per Pass

Volume Estimation Percentage Estimated

Deposit Estimation Pass
(m3) (%)
1 6 314 843 66
2 1 953 037 21
3 572 613 6
4 658 928 7
1 18 318 200 52
2 7 241 169 21
3 2 019 316 6
4 7 500 273 21

The first pass was the most restrictive in terms of search radii and number of boreholes
required. Successive passes usually populate areas with less dense drilling, using relaxed
parameters with generally larger search radii and fewer data requirements. SRK assessed the
sensitivity of the gold block estimates to changes in minimum and maximum number of data,
use of octant search, and the number of informing boreholes. Results from these studies show
that globally, the model is relatively insensitive to the selection of the estimation parameters
and data restrictions, mainly due to the relative uniformity of the gold grade distribution.

For the first estimation pass, it was necessary to estimate blocks using composites from at
least three boreholes, informed by at least five of the search ellipsoid octants. The second

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 129 of 566

pass also used restrictive octant search options, but only three octants were required.
Because of their unique geological characteristics, the gold domains were estimated
independently using a hard boundary. The oxidation level, other than the lateritic profile
domain, was not considered during the estimation. Only the rock density was assigned by
oxidation level.

3.13.10 Block Model Validation

The block model estimates were validated through the following:

• Comparison of the basic statistics of ordinary kriging estimates with nearest neighbour
estimates and with the original capped composite source data. (see Figure 3.28 and
Appendix 3.3).
• Comparison of kriged estimates against inverse distance (power of two) estimates to
assess the potential impact of the negative kriging weights.
• Visual comparison of block estimates to original borehole data on plans and sections.

Validation checks confirm that the block estimates are a reasonable representation of the
informing data, considering the current level of geological and geostatistical understanding of
the deposits.

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Figure 3.28: Validation of the Gold Block Estimates for Block 2 at the Kodiaran

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3.13.11 Mineral Resource Classification and Preparation of Mineral Resource

The CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (2014) define a
mineral resource as

A concentration or occurrence of solid material of economic interest in or on the Earth’s

crust in such form, grade or quality and quantity that there are reasonable prospects for
eventual economic extraction. The location, quantity, grade or quality, continuity and
other geological characteristics of a Mineral Resource are known, estimated or
interpreted from specific geological evidence and knowledge, including sampling.

The “reasonable prospects for economic extraction” requirement generally implies that the
quantity and grade estimates meet certain economic thresholds and that the mineral resources
are reported at an appropriate cut-off grade that considers extraction scenarios and
processing recoveries. Block model quantities and grade estimates were classified according
to the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (2014) by
Mr Sébastien Bernier, PGeo (APGO#1847) and validated by SMM.

The mineral resource statement for the Tri-K gold project is reported at different in-situ cut-off
grades, which account for the different levels of oxidation and the slightly different economic
parameters for the two deposits (see Table 3.25).

Table 3.25: Assumptions Considered for Conceptual Open Pit Extraction

Kodiaran Koulekoun
Parameters Unit Deposit Deposit
Value Value
Gold Price US$/oz 1 500 1 500
Mining Cost* – Oxidised US$/t mined 2.66 2.90
Mining Cost* – Transition US$/t mined 3.35 3.09
Mining Cost* – Fresh US$/t mined 3.35 3.09
Milling Cost – Oxidised US$/t of feed 16.50 16.50
Milling Cost – Transition US$/t of feed 22.50 22.50
Milling Cost – Fresh US$/t of feed 22.50 22.50
Milling Recovery – Oxidised % 93 93
Milling Recovery – Transition % 90 90 IQP / 80 Sediment
Milling Recovery – Fresh % 80 90 IQP / 80 Sediment
Pit Wall Angle – Oxidised degrees 40 50
Pit Wall Angle – Transition degrees 50 55
Pit Wall Angle – Fresh degrees 50 55
Selling Cost US$/oz 43.54 43.54
Mining Recovery % 100 100
Mining Dilution % 5 5
Milling Capacity t/a 2 000 000 2 000 000
In-Situ Cut-Off Grade – Oxidised g/t Au 0.40 0.39
In-Situ Cut-Off Grade – Transition g/t Au 0.56 IQP 0.54 / Sediment 0.61
In-Situ Cut-Off Grade – Fresh g/t Au 0.63 IQP 0.54 / Sediment 0.61
* Including General and Administrative Costs

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Mineral resource classification is typically a subjective concept, and industry best practices
suggest that resource classification should consider the confidence in the geological continuity
of the mineralised structures, the quality and quantity of exploration data supporting the
estimates, the geostatistical confidence in the tonnage and grade estimates, and the continuity
at the reporting cut-off grade. Appropriate classification criteria should aim at integrating these
concepts to delineate regular areas at a similar classification.

SRK is satisfied that the geological modelling honours the current geological information and
knowledge. The location of the samples and the assay data are sufficiently reliable to support
resource evaluation. SRK considers the deposits to be amenable to extraction by a large-scale
open-pit mining method. The sampling information was acquired primarily by RC and core
drilling on pierce points spaced at 25 m to 100 m. Most areas were sampled by a sufficient
number of boreholes to model the spatial variability of the gold grades. Accordingly, all block
estimates with holes spaced at 25 m or less, estimated by the first and second estimation
passes and demonstrating a reasonable continuity at the reporting cut-off grade, can be
classified as a Measured mineral resource. Areas informed by drilling between 50 m and 100
m can be classified as Indicated, with the remaining areas of the geological model being
classified as Inferred. All the Measured and Indicated and the majority of the reported Inferred
mineral resources are located within modelled geological domainal wireframes. Inferred
mineral resources are also, however, reported outside of the modelled gold domains. These
blocks, which are external to the modelled domain wireframes, are located in densely drilled
areas where the estimation was performed by the first pass and the resulting estimates
demonstrated a reasonable continuity above the reporting cut-off grade to ensure a
reasonable prospect for extraction. Any other material outside of the gold domains is
considered unclassified.

The mineral resource statement for the Tri-K gold project is given in Table 3.26 (Kodiaran
Deposit) and Table 3.27 (Koulekoun Deposit). Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and
do not have demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that all or any part of the
mineral resources will be converted into mineral reserves. SRK is unaware of any
environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-economic, marketing, and political or
other relevant issues that may materially affect the mineral resources.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 133 of 566

Table 3.26: Mineral Resource Statement*, Kodiaran Deposit, Tri-K Project,
SRK 26 June 2018

Quantity Grade Contained Metal

Resource Category Material Type
kt Au (g/t) Au (oz)
Oxidised 6 005 1.68 325 000
Transition 730 1.91 45 000
Fresh 3 075 1.98 196 000
Subtotal 9 810 1.79 565 000
Oxidised 1 761 0.96 55 000
Transition 146 1.36 6 000
Fresh 2 690 1.71 148 000
Subtotal 4 597 1.41 209 000
Oxidised 7 766 1.52 379 000
Transition 876 1.81 51 000
Measured + Indicated
Fresh 5 766 1.85 344 000
Subtotal 14 407 1.67 774 000
Oxidised 1 100 1.20 42 000
Transition 119 1.43 5 000
Fresh 1 108 1.68 60 000
Subtotal 2 328 1.44 108 000
* Reported at a cut-off grade of 0.40 g/t gold for the oxidised, 0.56 g/t gold for the transition, and 0.63 g/t gold
for the fresh material, using gold recoveries of 93 %, 90 % and 80 %, respectively. All reported material is
constrained within a conceptual open-pit shell assuming 100 % mining recovery, 5 % mining dilution and a
gold price of US$1 500/oz. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimates. Mineral
resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability.
# The reported Inferred mineral resource includes resources inside and outside of the modelled gold
domains but still inside the conceptual pit shell.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 134 of 566

Table 3.27: Mineral Resource Statement*, Koulekoun Deposit, Tri-K Project,
SRK 26 June 2018

Quantity Grade Contained Metal

Resource Category Oxidation Level Rock Type
kt Au (g/t) Au (oz)
Laterite - - -
Oxidised IQP 2 885 1.39 129 000
Sediment - - -
IQP 72 1.66 4 000
Measured Transition
Sediment - - -
IQP 2 762 1.75 155 000
Sediment - - -
Subtotal 5 719 1.57 288 000
Laterite 387 0.65 8 000
Oxidised IQP 512 0.75 12 000
Sediment 1 597 0.79 40 000
IQP 45 0.98 1 000
Indicated Transition
Sediment 88 1.21 3 000
IQP 12 523 1.63 654 000
Sediment 3 717 1.62 194 000
Subtotal 18 868 1.51 914 000
Laterite 387 0.65 8 000
Oxidised IQP 3 397 1.29 141 000
Sediment 1 597 0.79 40 000
IQP 117 1.40 5 000
Measured + Indicated Transition
Sediment 88 1.21 3 000
IQP 15 284 1.65 810 000
Sediment 3 717 1.62 194 000
Subtotal 24 587 1.52 1 202 000
Laterite 235 0.73 6 000
Oxidised IQP 184 0.78 5 000
Sediment 642 0.86 18 000
IQP 28 0.92 1 000
Inferred# Transition
Sediment 54 0.87 2 000
IQP 2 041 1.40 92 000
Sediment 1 313 1.93 82 000
Subtotal 4 498 1.41 204 000
* Reported at a cut-off grade of 0.39 g/t gold for the oxidised, 0.54 g/t gold for the IQP (transition and fresh),
and 0.61 g/t gold for the sedimentary rock (transition and fresh) material, using gold recoveries of 93 % for
the oxidised, 90 % for the IQP (transition and fresh) and 80 % for the sedimentary rock (transition and fresh),
respectively. All reported material is constrained within a conceptual open-pit shell assuming 100 % mining
recovery, 5 %mining dilution and a gold price of US$1 500/oz. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative
accuracy of the estimates. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated
economic viability.
# The reported Inferred mineral resource is within the conceptual pit shell and includes mineral resources inside
and outside of the modelled gold domains.

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3.13.12 Reconciliation with Previous Mineral Resource Statement

A mineral resource statement for the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits was generated by
CSA Global for Avocet and documented in a technical report on 12 September 2013. A
comparison between the Avocet (2013) mineral resource statements for the Kodiaran and
Koulekoun deposits and the SRK (2018) mineral resource statements for these deposits
documented in this section is provided in Table 3.28.

Table 3.28: Comparison Between the Avocet (2013) and SRK (2018) Mineral Resource

Quantity (kt) Grade Au (g/t) Contained Metal (koz)

Resource Category
2013a 2018b Variance 2013a 2018b Variance 2013a 2018b Variance

Measured 9 810 n/a 1.79 n/a 565 n/a
Indicated 9 720 4 597 -53% 1.91 1.41 -26% 595 209 -65%
Measured + Indicated 9 720 14 407 48% 1.91 1.67 -13% 595 774 30%
Inferred 2 390 2 328 -3% 1.67 1.44 -14% 128 108 -16%
Measured 5 719 n/ a 1.57 n/a 288 n/a
Indicated 31 345 18 868 -40% 1.38 1.51 9% 1 402 914 -35%
Measured + Indicated 31 345 24 587 -22% 1.38 1.52 10% 1 402 1 202 -14%
Inferred 22 762 4 498 -80% 1.22 1.41 16% 893 204 -77%
Measured 15 529 n/ a 1.71 n/a 853 n/a
Indicated 41 265 23 465 -43% 1.51 1.49 -1% 1 997 1 123 -44%
Measured + Indicated 41 265 38 994 -6% 1.51 1.58 4% 1 997 1 976 -1%
Inferred 25 152 6 826 -73% 1.26 1.42 13% 1 020 312 -69%
Avocet (2013) mineral resources are reported at a uniform cut-off grade of 0.50 g/t gold, not constrained by a
conceptual open pit shell
SRK (2018) Kodiaran mineral resources are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.40 g/t gold for the oxidised, 0.56 g/t
gold for the transition and 0.63 g/t gold for the fresh material, using gold recoveries of 93 %, 90 % and 80 %
SRK (2018) Koulekoun mineral resources are reported at a cut-off grade of 0.39 g/t gold for the oxidised material, 0.54 g/t
gold for the IQP (transition and fresh) and 0.61 g/t gold for the sedimentary rock (transition and fresh) material, using gold
recoveries of 93 % for the oxidised, 90 % for the IQP (transition and fresh) and 80 % for the sedimentary rock (transition
and fresh) respectively.
All SRK (2018) reported material is constrained within a conceptual open-pit shell assuming 100 % mining recovery, 5 %
mining dilution and a gold price of US$1 500/oz.

Measured category mineral resources are classified for the first time in 2018. For the Kodiaran
deposit, the SRK (2018) mineral resource statement reports 48 % more tonnes, a 13 % lower
gold grade, but an overall 30 % higher contained metal in the combined Measured plus
Indicated category than the Avocet (2013) model.

For the Koulekoun deposit, the SRK (2018) mineral resource statement reports 22 % less
tonnes, a 10 % higher gold grade, but an overall 14 % lower contained metal in the combined
Measured plus Indicated category than the Avocet (2013) model.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 136 of 566

For the combined deposits, the SRK (2018) mineral resource statement reports 6 % less
tonnes, a 4 % higher gold grade, but an overall 1 % lower contained metal in the combined
Measured plus Indicated category than the Avocet (2013) model.

Besides reflecting different geological domaining and grade estimation methodologies, an

important differentiator between the two mineral resource statements is that the SRK (2018)
mineral resources are reported within an optimistic conceptual open pit shell, which will ensure
that reported mining study tonnages and grades will be closer aligned to reported mineral
resources. The Avocet (2013) estimation was not constrained by a conceptual open pit shell
and was reported at a single cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t gold.


The Kodiaran and Koulekoun exploration licences are part of the Tri-K Gold Project located
within the Mandiana Prefecture in the northeastern sector of Guinea. SMM holds 85 % of the
Tri-K project, and the remaining 15 % is owned by the Guinean government represented by
the SOGUIPAMI Company.

The Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits are hosted in both sedimentary and intrusive rocks.
The intrusive rocks in the Tri-K project area are felsic to intermediate, dominantly porphyritic
granodiorite and dacite. A spatial relationship exists between the intrusive rocks and gold
mineralisation in both the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits.

As of 31 December 2017, the exploration data available to evaluate the mineral resources for
the Kodiaran deposit included 1 120 RC and core boreholes (99 542 m – 96 855 assays), all
drilled by Managem and Avocet. Similarly, for the Koulekoun deposit, 1 104 RC and core
boreholes (106 585 m – 98 569 assays) were available, all drilled by Managem and Avocet.

SRK witnessed the extent of the exploration work during a site visit and, after verification and
validation, confirms that the exploration data and geological interpretation are sufficiently
reliable to support geological modelling and mineral resource evaluation.

The Mineral Resource Statement prepared by SRK reflects the current level of information
available for the Tri-K Gold Project. In most cases, the spacing between samples is too large
or the geological information insufficient to allow modelling of the internal waste within the gold
domains but also outside them with confidence, in particular where only RC drilling data is
available. For those areas, infill diamond drilling along a tighter drill pattern would improve the
confidence in the geological model and allow the removal of some internal barren waste inside
the gold domains. This represents an opportunity to improve the grade and the continuity of
some of the modelled gold domains.


SRK considers the Kodiaran and Koulekoun deposits to be deposits of merit that represent
significant accumulations of mineralisation and that the mineral resource models documented
in this section adequately represent the current data and knowledge of these deposits. These
mineral resource models are suitable for use in this BFS to estimate the economic viability of
the extraction and processing of these mineral resources.

The mineral resource models are sensitive to the data informing them and as such SRK notes
that certain fringe areas require additional infill and extensional drilling to define additional and

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 137 of 566

potentially upgrade the current mineral resources. The economic outcome of this BFS may be
sensitive to the definition of mineral resources in areas of low drilling density and as such it
would be important that the SMM geologists stay closely involved with the study to determine
whether any opportunity exists to further refine the mineral resource model to optimise the
BFS outcomes.

The Tri-K property has significant potential for organic growth through exploration and mineral
resource expansion. Over the short term, the deposits are still open both laterally and vertically
and a delimitation programme should be planned. This drilling programme could be supported
by geophysics in drilling and should consider post-mineralisation tectonics. In addition, other
advanced exploration targets on the property have also been highlighted by mapping,
geochemistry and geophysics, which need to be followed up.

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The Mineral Reserve Estimate for the Tri-K Project was prepared by Jeffrey Cassoff, PEng, of
BBA Inc., based in Montreal, Canada. Mr Cassoff is a Qualified Person according to both the
National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) and Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC)
guidelines. The Mineral Reserves are the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources that
have been identified as being economically extractable and which incorporate mining losses
and the addition of waste dilution.


4.1.1 Mining Dilution and Ore Loss

The first step in the estimation of Mineral Reserves is to convert the Mineral Resource model
into a mining model by applying modifying factors. The two most important factors that result
from the mining operation are mining dilution and ore loss. Typical sources of mining dilution
and ore loss are as follows:

• Rock movement from drilling and blasting activities

• Practical identification of the ore waste contacts (grade control)
• Practical selectivity of the mining excavators
• Errors in the dumping location of materials (waste hauled to the crusher and ore hauled
to the waste dump)

For the Tri-K project, the first step was to regularise the sub-blocked geological model that is
presented in Section 3. The sub-cell size for both the Kodiaran and Koulekoun block models
is 0.25 m.

The mining block models were regularised to block sizes of 5 m × 5 m × 3 m high. This block
size was selected to represent the SMU (smallest mining unit) for the project. This SMU was
determined by taking into account that the mining operations will be carried out using an
excavator with a bucket capacity of 4.6 m3 (such as a CAT 374 or equivalent) and a bucket
width of 2 m. The regularised blocks for this project do not carry an ore percentage value,
therefore, the grades of the blocks within the mineralised zones are thus fully diluted.

The next step in the creation of the mining model is to identify small isolated areas of
mineralisation that will not be practical to mine as ore and send to the mill, as well as small
waste zones within the larger mineralisation that will not be practical to separate and send to
the waste dump. In order to complete this step ore and waste must be flagged using the
appropriate cut-off grades. The cut-off grades were determined using the economic
parameters given in Section 4.1.2.

Using a script in MineSight, all the ore blocks that are completely isolated (i.e. do not have a
neighbouring ore block) are flagged as an ore loss, shown in green in Figure 4.1. A similar
script is used to identify all the waste blocks that are completely surrounded by ore blocks,
which are then flagged as ore, shown in purple in Figure 4.1. Table 4.1 and Table 4.2 show
the effects this step has on the Mineral Reserves (within the ultimate pit limits) for Kodiaran
and Koulekoun, respectively. It should be noted that the ounces are slightly different from
those in the Mineral Reserves statement due to rounding.

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Figure 4.1: Dilution and Ore Loss

Table 4.1: Dilution and Ore Loss – Koulekoun

Tonnes Grade Ounces

t g/t oz

Regularised Model 12 417 020 1.72 686 261

Ore Losses 305 211 0.85 8 386

Internal Waste Dilution 187 171 0.55 3 323

Mining Model 12 298 980 1.72 681 198

Table 4.2: Dilution and Ore Loss – Kodiaran

Tonnes Grade Ounces

t g/t oz

Regularised Model 6 966 256 2.08 466,889

Ore Losses 90 109 0.96 2,791

Internal Waste Dilution 68 663 0.64 1,411

Mining Model 6 944 811 2.08 465 510

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4.1.2 Open-Pit Optimisation

The next step in the estimation of Mineral Reserves is to conduct an open-pit optimisation
analysis to determine the extent to which the deposit can be mined profitably.

The pit optimisation was done using the pseudo-flow algorithm in the Economic Planner
Module of MineSight. The algorithm determines the economic limits of the open pit at a range
of selling prices based on input of mining and processing costs, revenue per block, and
operational parameters such as the mill recovery, pit slopes and other imposed physical
constraints. Since this study is at the feasibility level, Inferred Mineral Resources are not
considered in the pit optimisation and mine plan, and are treated as waste rock. Pit Optimisation Parameters

For the mine design work and Mineral Reserves estimation, laterite and saprolite have been
considered as oxide material while transition and fresh rock have been considered as sulphide
material. Table 4.3 presents the parameters that were used for the pit optimisation. It is
important to note that the costs used for the pit optimisation are preliminary estimates for
developing the economic pit limits and may be different from the operating costs subsequently
developed for the BFS that are based on the mine plan presented in Section 4.2.4 and
presented in Section 12. Following the completion of the study, the mining and processing
costs both resulted in slightly lower values than those used in the pit optimisation.

The mine operating costs are based on a budgetary proposal from Mota-Engil that was
received in April 2018. Mota-Engil is a Portuguese mining contractor who is currently working
at the neighbouring Anglo Ashanti Siguiri gold mine and has considerable experience in West
Africa. The Mota-Engil costs were based on a preliminary mine plan that was supplied by
Reminex and were validated with an alternative budgetary quotation. The mining costs
consider a diesel price of US$0.85/L and assume that 15 % of the oxide material will require
drilling and blasting.

Additional mine operating costs have been included for owner supervision and contract
administration, closure and rehabilitation, as well as for grade control of the ore. All of the ore
from Kodiaran will be stockpiled adjacent to the pit and rehandled into a separate fleet of trucks
for the 25 km haulage to the mill site. For the optimisation, it was assumed that 40 % of all ore
will be stockpiled and rehandled ahead of the primary crusher. The general and administration
(G&A) cost of US$2.70/t of ore is based on the assumption that the total G&A costs will be
US$6.2 million per annum.

As mentioned in Section 3, there is a 15 m thick horizontal dolerite sill that intersects the
Koulekoun orebody approximately 50 m below surface, which has been considered as waste

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 141 of 566

Table 4.3: Pit Optimisation Parameters

Parameter Unit Koulekoun Kodiaran

Annual Production Mt/a 1 150

Discount Rate % 10
Conversion Factor 31.1035
Gold Price (ounces) US$/oz 1 250
Gold Price (grams) US$/g 40.19
Royalties (3 %) US$/g 1.21
Selling Costs US$/g 0.50
Net Gold Price (grams) US$/g 38.48
Net Gold Price (ounces) US$/oz 1 196.95
Mining Costs (Contractor)
Ore – Oxide US$/t 3.00 2.21
Ore – Sulphide US$/t 4.60 3.35
Waste – Oxide US$/t 2.19 2.22
Waste – Sulphide US$/t 3.56 3.34
Mining Costs (Owner)
Supervision (ore and waste) US$/t 0.20
Rehabilitation (ore and waste) US$/t 0.21
Grade Control (ore) US$/t 0.10
Processing Costs
Oxides US$/t 15.12 13.81
Sulphides US$/t 21.58 22.22
Rehandling – Oxides US$/t 0.00 1.59
Rehandling – Sulphides US$/t 0.00 1.15
Haulage from Kodiaran to the Mill US$/t 0.00 3.70
Stockpile Rehandling to the Crusher US$/t 1.23 (only on 40 % of tonnage)
General and Administration US$/t 2.70
Mill Recoveries
Oxides % 92.8 91.9
Sulphide – Porphyry % 88.8
Sulphide – Sediment % 66.2

The pit slopes used for the pit optimisation follow the geotechnical recommendations provided
by SRK (which are presented in Section and have been adjusted for the pit
optimisation to account for the access ramps that will be incorporated into the detailed pit

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 142 of 566

Using the cost and operating parameters, a series of 25 pit shells were generated for each
deposit by varying the selling price (revenue factor) from US$400 /t to US$1 825 /t in US$100
increments for the low and high revenue factors and in US$25 increments for the main target
area. This process creates a series of nested pit shells that prioritise the mining of the most
profitable material first, which progressively increases as less profitable material is mined with
increasing revenue factors.

The net present value (NPV) for each pit shell was then calculated using a discount rate of
10 % and analysed using the industry standard pit-by-pit graph. The NPV values allow for a
relative comparison of the different optimised pits. Note that these values are hypothetical in
nature as they are not derived from a detailed mine plan nor do they include any capital or
sustaining costs. Pit Optimisation Results

Table 4.4, Figure 4.2 and Figure 4.3 present the results of the pit optimisation for Koulekoun
and Figure 4.4 shows a typical cross section of the deposit, highlighting the selected pit shell,
the revenue factor of 1 pit shell, and the pit with the maximum NPV. The pit shell that was
selected to be used for the detailed design of the Koulekoun deposit was Pit Shell No. 117,
which was run with a revenue factor (RF) of 0.97. This pit shell contains 12.3 Mt of ore at an
average gold grade of 1.72 g/t and a stripping ratio of 2.9:1. There are 608 979 recoverable
ounces of gold in this pit shell. Even though the NPV of this pit shell of US$171.9 million is
slightly lower than the maximum NPV of US$175.1 million, it was selected for the following

• One of the highest undiscounted cash flows

• One of the highest NPVs at a 10 % discount rate
• Incremental NPV drops for the subsequent shells
• Reasonable incremental stripping ratio
• The final mine operating costs that resulted from the BFS were slightly lower than the
input parameters for the optimisation

Table 4.4: Pit Optimisation Results – Koulekoun

Ounces NPV
Ore Au Waste Rock Incremental Mine Life
Pit RF Recovered Strip Ratio (US$
(Mt) (g/t) (Mt) Strip Ratio (years)
(oz) million)
101 0.33 0.0 1.84 225 0.0 1.68 0.00 0.0 0.2
102 0.42 1.2 1.63 56 142 1.3 1.14 1.37 0.8 35.3
103 0.50 3.1 1.79 160 551 4.6 1.51 1.90 2.3 90.5
104 0.58 5.5 1.78 284 904 9.1 1.65 2.09 4.2 137.7
105 0.67 6.9 1.76 353 669 12.4 1.79 2.58 5.3 153.9
106 0.75 9.5 1.76 477 946 21.5 2.27 4.19 7.2 172.0
107 0.77 9.5 1.75 479 194 21.6 2.27 2.91 7.2 172.2
108 0.79 9.9 1.76 501 023 23.7 2.38 5.86 7.5 173.8
109 0.81 10.5 1.75 527 911 26.2 2.49 4.98 8.0 175.0
110 0.83 10.6 1.75 528 873 26.3 2.49 1.68 8.0 174.9
111 0.85 10.9 1.74 545 288 28.1 2.57 6.11 8.3 175.1
112 0.87 11.0 1.74 551 122 28.7 2.60 5.18 8.4 174.9
113 0.90 11.1 1.74 553 705 29.0 2.61 11.77 8.4 175.0

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 143 of 566

Ounces NPV
Ore Au Waste Rock Incremental Mine Life
Pit RF Recovered Strip Ratio (US$
(Mt) (g/t) (Mt) Strip Ratio (years)
(oz) million)
114 0.92 11.4 1.73 568 503 30.8 2.69 6.20 8.6 174.3
115 0.94 12.0 1.73 592 817 34.0 2.84 7.74 9.0 173.2
116 0.96 12.1 1.72 595 077 34.2 2.84 3.93 9.0 173.1
117 0.97 12.3 1.72 608 979 36.2 2.94 8.17 9.3 171.9
118 1.00 12.8 1.72 630 046 39.3 3.07 7.81 9.6 170.0
119 1.01 13.3 1.72 654 009 43.1 3.24 8.83 10.0 167.2
120 1.04 13.5 1.72 661 021 44.1 3.28 12.24 10.1 166.7
121 1.13 14.4 1.72 701 182 50.7 3.52 12.06 10.5 161.5
122 1.21 15.1 1.71 731 482 56.4 3.73 10.96 11.0 155.2
123 1.29 16.0 1.72 770 929 65.2 4.06 26.73 11.3 146.5
124 1.38 16.7 1.71 798 740 71.7 4.29 11.03 11.8 137.0
125 1.46 17.0 1.71 812 808 75.5 4.43 21.92 11.9 132.3

Figure 4.2: Pit Optimisation Results 1 – Koulekoun

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 144 of 566

Figure 4.3: Pit Optimisation Results 2 – Koulekoun

Figure 4.4: Pit Optimisation Results 3 – Koulekoun

Table 4.5, Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6 present the results of the pit optimisation for Kodiaran,
and Figure 4.7 shows a typical cross section of the deposit, highlighting the selected pit shell,
the revenue factor of 1 pit shell, and the pit with the maximum NPV. The pit shell that was
selected to be used for the detailed design of the Kodiaran deposit was Pit Shell No. 116,

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 145 of 566

which was run with an RF of 0.96. This pit shell contains 7.1 Mt of ore at an average gold
grade of 2.08 g/t and a stripping ratio of 3.7:1. There are 406 857 recoverable ounces of gold
in this pit shell. Even though the NPV of this pit shell of US$157.0 million is slightly lower than
the maximum NPV of US$158.8 million, it was selected for the following reasons:

• One of the highest undiscounted cash flows

• One of the highest NPVs at a 10 % discount rate
• Incremental NPV drops for the subsequent shells
• Reasonable incremental stripping ratio
• The final mine operating costs that resulted from the BFS were slightly lower than the
input parameters for the optimisation

Table 4.5: Pit Optimisation Results – Kodiaran

Ounces Waste Mine NPV

Ore Au Strip Incremental
Pit RF Recovered Rock Life (US$
(Mt) (g/t) Ratio Strip Ratio
(oz) (Mt) (years) million)
101 0.33 0.4 2.91 30 112 0.5 1.37 0.00 0.3 24.4
102 0.42 1.0 2.65 75 073 2.1 2.12 2.54 0.9 54.3
103 0.50 3.1 2.30 203 751 7.6 2.47 2.64 2.7 121.8
104 0.58 3.8 2.24 242 151 9.6 2.53 2.80 3.3 135.4
105 0.67 5.0 2.16 301 393 13.7 2.77 3.54 4.3 150.3
106 0.75 5.8 2.14 344 959 17.6 3.03 4.57 5.0 157.2
107 0.77 5.9 2.13 349 717 18.1 3.06 4.82 5.1 157.7
108 0.79 6.0 2.13 353 857 18.5 3.09 5.05 5.2 158.0
109 0.81 6.1 2.13 360 988 19.4 3.16 6.31 5.3 158.4
110 0.83 6.2 2.12 363 610 19.6 3.17 3.50 5.4 158.5
111 0.85 6.4 2.12 373 258 21.0 3.29 7.09 5.6 158.8
112 0.87 6.5 2.11 380 129 21.8 3.35 6.06 5.7 158.8
113 0.90 6.7 2.10 387 667 22.9 3.42 6.15 5.8 158.4
114 0.92 6.8 2.10 392 945 23.8 3.50 8.31 5.9 158.1
115 0.94 7.1 2.08 405 272 25.8 3.64 7.12 6.2 157.1
116 0.96 7.1 2.08 406 857 26.0 3.66 6.51 6.2 157.0
117 0.98 7.2 2.07 412 160 27.0 3.72 7.69 6.3 156.5
118 1.00 7.3 2.07 416 682 27.8 3.78 8.72 6.4 156.1
119 1.02 7.5 2.07 425 717 29.4 3.90 8.31 6.6 154.9
120 1.04 7.6 2.07 427 329 29.7 3.92 7.14 6.6 154.6
121 1.13 7.7 2.06 432 902 30.7 3.99 7.91 6.7 153.6
122 1.21 7.9 2.05 442 217 32.7 4.12 8.59 6.9 151.0
123 1.29 8.4 2.03 463 164 38.3 4.56 11.91 7.3 143.8
124 1.38 8.5 2.02 469 084 40.1 4.69 12.47 7.4 141.5
125 1.46 8.3 2.03 459 665 42.8 5.14 -12.65 7.2 135.3

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Figure 4.5: Pit Optimisation Results 1 – Kodiaran

Figure 4.6: Pit Optimisation Results 2 – Kodiaran

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Figure 4.7: Pit Optimisation Results 3 – Kodiaran Cut-Off Grades

Using the economic parameters presented above, cut-off grades were calculated for each
deposit and rock type to determine whether the material being mined will generate a profit
after paying for the processing and G&A costs. Material that is mined below the cut-off grade
is either sent to the waste dump or stockpiled for future processing.

The mining costs are excluded from the cut-off grade calculation, although the double-handling
and ore haulage transportation costs to the mill site are included.

The cut-off grades for the Kodiaran deposit are 0.63 g/t Au for the oxide ore and 1.05 g/t Au
for the sulphide ore. The cut-off grades for the Koulekoun deposit are 0.51 g/t Au for the oxide
ore, 0.72 g/t Au for the porphyry sulphide ore, and 0.97 g/t Au for the sediment sulphide ore.

4.1.3 Open-Pit Design

The following section presents the design criteria that have been developed for the open-pit
design for the Tri-K Project. The open-pit design adopts the optimised pit shells that have been
selected as a guide, includes smoothing of the pit walls and adding ramps to access the pit
bottom, and ensures that the pit can be mined safely and efficiently using the selected fleet of
mining equipment. Material Properties

The material properties described for the different rock types are density, swell factor and
moisture content. These properties are important in estimating the Mineral Reserves and the
equipment fleet requirements, as well as the dump and stockpile design capacities.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 148 of 566 Density

The in-situ dry densities, which were introduced in Section 3 of this report, are given in Table

Table 4.6: Densities

Rock Type
Laterite 1.46
Saprolite 1.73
Transition 2.15
Rock 2.66
Laterite 1.80
Saprolite 1.80
Transition 2.36
Rock 2.62
Dolerite 2.63 Swell Factor

The swell factor reflects the increase in volume of the material from its in-situ state to its state
after it is blasted and loaded into the haul trucks. The swell factor is an important parameter
that is used to determine the loading and hauling equipment requirements, as well as the
dump and stockpile designs. A swell factor of 30 % was used for the oxide ore and 40 % for
the sulphide ore, which are typical values for these material types. Once the rock is placed on
the waste dump, the swell factor is reduced by 10 % due to compaction. Moisture Content

The moisture content reflects the amount of water that is present within the rock formation. It
affects the estimation of haul truck requirements and must be considered during the payload
calculations. The moisture content is also a contributing factor for the process water balance.
A moisture content of 10 % was used for the oxide ore and 3 % for the sulphide ore. Topography

The topographic surface used for the mine design is based on the following two data

• Surveyed collar elevations from the exploration programme

• Contours extracted from World View 1 Photostat satellite imaging with a resolution of
50 cm. The images cover a surface area of 70 km2 for Koulekoun and 185 km2 for
Kodiaran and are based on an image taken on 4 March 2017.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 149 of 566 Geotechnical Pit Slope Parameters

The following section summarises the results and recommendations from the report titled
“Geotechnical Feasibility Study of the Tri-K Project, Guinea” which was completed by SRK
Consulting (UK) Limited and is provided in Appendix 4.1. Weathered Rock Slope

The recommended slope parameters in the weathered rock (oxide ore) are presented in Table
4.7 and described below:

• The bench height should be no higher than 10 m for Koulekoun and Kodiaran.
• The bench face angle (batter angle) should be no steeper than 60°.
• A bench width of 15.8 m is proposed for an inter-ramp slope height greater than 30 m,
resulting in an inter-ramp angle (IRA) of 24.9°.
• A bench width of 14 m is proposed for an inter-ramp slope height shallower than 30 m,
resulting in an IRA of 26.8°.

Table 4.7: Weathered Slope Design Recommendations

Inter-ramp Bench Face Bench Width Bench Height

IRA (°) Factor of Safety
Height (m) Angle (°) (m) (m)
> 30 m 60 15.8 10 24.9 1.2 – 1.3
≤ 30m 60 14.0 10 26.8 1.2 – 1.3

The SRK report provided the following additional recommendations:

• Considerable effort should be employed in order to identify the saprolite/saprock

contacts, as well as saprock/unweathered rock contacts as they vary throughout the
pit. If the contacts are identified as being at a shallower depth than initially proposed,
slope optimisation can occur with unweathered rock slope design parameters coming
into effect. If, however, the contacts are much deeper than initially proposed, this can
result in a revised overall slope angle (OSA), resulting in a flatter slope.
• During mining, excavation in the weathered material zones should be done in 3.33 m
lifts at a bench face angle of 60°. Three lifts will be required to mine a 10 m bench.
• Depressurisation of the saprolites, with the use of vertical wells, is critical and should
commence as soon as possible due to the relatively low permeability of saprolites.
• Horizontal drains should be considered at each bench if the target depressurisation
using vertical wells is not achieved. This is considered very likely in saprolite slopes.
Horizontal drains should be installed prior to further excavation of the pit; this will
prevent working in saturated conditions.
• Geotechnical risk and risk management strategies are required during mining.
• Saprolite slopes are considered to be primarily structurally controlled. Mapping
exercises must be carried out, the results of which will inform a review of the planned
slope designs.
• A programme of ongoing testing should be included in the geotechnical management
plan. This should include regular Atterberg and grading tests, which are done relatively

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 150 of 566

easily, augmented with occasional triaxial tests. This is to ensure that the exposed
slopes do not vary significantly from the conditions analysed in this study. Fresh Rock Slope

The slope design recommendations in the fresh rock for the Koulekoun and Kodiaran pits were
generated based upon the merging of findings from kinematic analyses and overall slope
stability modelling. The analyses show that the maximum overall slope angle for the fresh rock
is constrained by the bench and berm geometry, designed to minimise the kinematic instability
and trap potential rock fall. The slope design recommendations for the fresh rock are given in
Table 4.8 and shown in Figure 4.8.

Table 4.8: Fresh Rock Slope Design Recommendations

Slope Dip Bench Bench Face Berm Inter-Ramp Maximum

Description Direction Height Angle (BFA) Width Angle Inter-Ramp
(°) (m) (°) (m) (°) Height (m)

Domain 1 Kodiaran 000-120 20 75 6.0 60.4 60

Domain 2 Kodiaran 120-210 20 75 8.0 56.3 60

Domain 3 Kodiaran 210-000 20 75 6.5 59.3 60

Domain 4 Koulekoun 000-180 20 80 5.5 65.7 90

Domain 5 Koulekoun 180-000 20 80 7.5 61.1 90

If the distance between slope toe and fault is < 20 m, the slope is to follow
Domain 6 Kodiaran West the fault plane provided by the Client, otherwise recommendations are to
be as per Domain 3.

In Domain 6, two major faults have been interpreted sub-parallel to the pit wall. The existence
of these faults, and of any other brittle faults encountered at Koulekoun and Kodiaran, needs
to be confirmed. If these faults are confirmed, further analyses will have to be undertaken
when the final BFS pit location and the distance between the pit wall and the fault are known.

Fresh rock slope stability analyses were based on pits provided by the Client. It should be
noted that the maximum inter-ramp height should be limited to a maximum of 60 m for
Kodiaran and 90 m for Koulekoun. If no ramp is planned within the engineered pit slope
design, a 20 m geotechnical berm should be constructed at the bottom of the high inter-ramp
to respect the maximum inter-ramp heights.

Analyses show that steep slope angles can technically be achieved; however, it may be
practically challenging to achieve the recommended inter-ramp angle and a strong design
implementation strategy will be required. Rock fall analysis results were based on clean
berms. Scaling to remove loose rock from the bench faces, followed by clean-up of loose
material along the bench toe, should be implemented in order to significantly reduce the rock
fall hazard.

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Figure 4.8: Inter-Ramp Design Recommendations at Kodiaran and Koulekoun

A relatively low confidence was given to the structural dataset used to derive the fresh slope
configuration. Structural data collection should be undertaken as soon as the first bench is
excavated in order to validate or update the kinematic analyses results.

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At the start of the mine design work for this BFS, BBA requested that SRK review the pit slope
recommendations to be based on a 9 m bench height in order to be in line with the
5 m × 5 m × 3 m SMU. Following this review, SRK recommended that the berm width in the
weathered slope be adjusted accordingly to maintain the inter-ramp angle. However, in the
fresh rock, SRK proposed to maintain the berm width and readjust the inter-ramp angle to
accommodate the lower bench height of 9 m. The reasoning was that the inter-ramp angle is
derived from the results of a kinematic analysis that would need to be redone and verified to
confirm a shallower slope.

Table 4.9 and Table 4.10 present the updated slope design parameters that consider a 9 m
bench height.

Table 4.9: Modified Weathered Slope Design Recommendations

Inter-ramp Bench Face Bench Width Bench Height Factor of

IRA (°)
Height (m) Angle (°) (m) (m) Safety
> 30 m 60 14.2 9 24.9 1.2 – 1.3
≤ 30 m 60 12.6 9 26.8 1.2 – 1.3

Table 4.10: Modified Fresh Rock Slope Design Recommendations

Slope Dip Bench Bench Berm Inter-ramp Maximum

Description Direction Height Face Angle Width Angle Inter-ramp
(°) (m) (°) (m) (°) Height (m)

Domain 1 Kodiaran 000-120 18 75 6.0 59.0 60

Domain 2 Kodiaran 120-210 18 75 8.0 54.5 60

Domain 3 Kodiaran 210-000 18 75 6.5 57.8 60

Domain 4 Koulekoun 000-180 18 80 5.5 64.3 90

Domain 5 Koulekoun 180-000 18 80 7.5 59.3 90

If the distance between slope toe and fault is < 20 m, the slope is
Domain 6 Kodiaran West to follow the fault plane provided by the Client, otherwise
recommendations are to be as per Domain 3. Hydrogeological Study

Golder Associates Africa (Pty) Ltd was appointed to undertake the hydrogeological work for
the Tri-K BFS.

A drilling programme including pumping tests targeting the study area was undertaken with
four boreholes at Kodiaran and three at Koulekoun. At Koulekoun, the water level was
recorded at depths between 22 m and 74 m, the borehole yields varied significantly between
2 L/s and 30 L/s and the order of magnitude of the transmissivity was higher than predicted,
varying between 14 m2/d and 592 m2/d. At Kodiaran, the water level was recorded at depths
between 62 m and 84 m, the borehole yields varied significantly from 0.1 L/s (dry) to 10 L/s
and the transmissivity varied between 0.3 m2/d and 13 m2/d.

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A three-dimensional numerical model was established incorporating the following four
hydrogeological zones: saprolite, saprock, fractured bedrock and fresh bedrock. The thickness
of the strata was assumed based on the geological logs for both the Koulekoun and Kodiaran

The pumping requirements to dewater the pits from rainfall and groundwater inflows were
estimated following completion of the mine plan. Koulekoun will require five diesel-powered
submersible pumps with 50 m3/h pumping capacities and two diesel-powered sump pumps
with 230 m3/h capacities. Kodiaran will require four sump pumps with 30 m3/h capacities. Haul Road Design

The haul roads have been designed for haulage with 23.6 t sized articulated mining trucks
such as the CAT 740 or equivalent. For double-lane traffic, industry practice indicates the
running surface to be a minimum width of 3 times the width of the largest truck. The overall
width of a 23.6 t articulated mining truck is 3.8 m, which results in a running surface of 11.4 m.
The allowance for berms and ditches increases the overall width to 16 m as shown in Figure
4.9. An overall width of 11.5 m was used for single-lane traffic, which is based on a running
surface of twice the width of the largest truck. A maximum ramp gradient of 10 % was used in
the design.

Figure 4.9: Haul Road Design

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 154 of 566 Other Pit Design Parameters

In order to minimise the waste to ore stripping ratio, the final three 9 m benches will have a
single-lane access ramp. A good-bye cut with a depth of 6 m has also been incorporated into
the design of each of the pits. This final bench will not have ramp access and will be mined in
retreat. A minimum mining width of 15 m has been used to ensure that the equipment can
operate safely and efficiently. Open-Pit Design Results

The following section presents the open-pit designs that were completed for the study.

The Koulekoun deposit has a main open pit that contains 97 % of the ore, as well as a smaller
pit that abuts to the northeast side of the main pit. Both pits are circular in shape. The
Koulekoun main pit reaches a depth of 124 m, resulting in an overall height of 286 m below
surface. The perimeter of the main pit is approximately 2 000 m and the surface area is 26 ha.
The contact between the oxide ore zone and the sulphide ore zone is found around the 364 m

The pit ramp for the main Koulekoun pit enters at the 400 m elevation on the southeast side.
The ramp descends one bench (9 m), incorporates a switch back, and then heads in a counter-
clockwise direction down to the final bench at the bottom of the pit.

The smaller pit has a perimeter of 750 m and a surface area of 4 ha. The pit bottom is at the
352 m elevation, resulting in a total depth from surface of 40 m. The ramp enters the pit on
the south side and heads in a clockwise direction.

The Koulekoun pit designs contain 12.3 Mt of ore with an average grade of 1.72 g/t Au at a
stripping ratio of 2.9 to 1. There are 681 238 oz of gold contained within the Koulekoun pits,
which translate into 605 874 oz of recoverable gold. The ore at Koulekoun is composed of
3.9 Mt of oxide ore, 7.8 Mt of sulphide ore in the porphyry, and 0.6 Mt of sulphide ore in the
sediments. There are 4.9 Mt of Proven Mineral Reserves at an average grade of 1.68 g/t Au,
and 7.4 Mt of Probable Mineral Reserves at an average grade of 1.75 g/t Au.

Figure 4.10 shows the detailed pit design for the Koulekoun pit. The pit slopes in the oxide
zones are in yellow, while the pit slopes in rock are in green. The centre line of the pit ramp is
in red.

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Figure 4.10: Design of Koulekoun Pit

The Kodiaran deposit has four distinct open pits named South, Central, North and Extreme
North, which are presented in Figure 4.11. The shape of the South pit is an ellipse while the
other three pits are circular. The Central and North pits are connected. The optimisation
exercise identified a small pit to the southeast with approximately 90 000 t of ore at a grade of
1.05 g/t Au. It was deemed not worthwhile to include this small resource into the BFS since it
does not add much value.

Figure 4.11: Design of Kodiaran Pits

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The South pit reaches a depth of 308 m resulting in an overall height of 110 m below surface.
The perimeter of the pit is approximately 1 600 m, and the surface area is 17 ha. The contact
between the oxide ore and the sulphide ore is found around the 359 m elevation.

The haulage ramp enters the pit at the 410 m elevation on the northeast side. The ramp
descends through the oxide formation along the south wall and joins the north wall once
reaching the rock formation. The south Kodiaran pit contains three bottoms.

The Central pit reaches a depth of 299 m, resulting in an overall height of 120 m below surface.
The perimeter of the pit is approximately 1 900 m, and the surface area is 21 ha. The contact
between the oxide and the sulphide ores is found around the 359 m elevation.

The haulage ramp enters the pit at the 410 m elevation on the east side. The ramp descends
through the oxide formation along the east wall and meanders its way to the bottom of the pit
in a clockwise direction. The central pit has a small shallow pit (adjacent to the southwest side
of the pit) that only contains a few benches and reaches the 383 m elevation. The central pit
has been designed such that the small pit must be mined out first.

The North pit, which connects to the central pit, reaches a depth of 290 m resulting in an
overall height of 115 m below surface. The perimeter of the pit is approximately 1 400 m and
the surface area is 12 ha. The contact between the oxide and the sulphide ores is found
around the 359 m elevation. The haulage ramp enters the pit at the 405 m elevation on the
east side and descends to the bottom of the pit in a clockwise direction.

The Extreme North pit has the highest strip ratio of the Kodiaran pits, but it also contains the
highest average gold grade. The extreme north pit reaches a depth of 290 m, resulting in an
overall height of 105 m below surface. The perimeter of the pit is approximately 1 100 m, and
the surface area is 9 ha. The contact between the oxide and the sulphide ores is found around
the 359 m elevation. The haulage ramp enters the pit at the 395 m elevation on the northeast
side and descends to the bottom of the pit in a clockwise direction.

The Kodiaran pit designs contain 6.9 Mt of ore with an average grade of 2.09 g/t Au at a
stripping ratio of 4.0 to 1. There are 465 552 oz of gold contained within the Kodiaran pits,
which translate into 397 546 oz of recoverable gold. The ore at Kodiaran is composed of 4.8 Mt
of oxide ore and 2.1 Mt of sulphide ore. There are 5.5 Mt of Proven Mineral Reserves at an
average grade of 2.24 g/t Au and 1.4 Mt of Probable Mineral Reserves at an average grade
of 1.49 g/t Au. Mineral Reserve Results

The mineral reserves for the Tri-K project, which are inclusive of mining dilution and ore loss,
are 10.4 Mt of Proven Mineral Reserves with an average gold grade of 1.97 g/t Au and 8.8 Mt
of Probable Mineral Reserves with an average gold grade of 1.71 g/t Au. The stripping ratio to
access the mineral reserves is 3.3 to 1. The reference point for the mineral reserves is the mill
feed. The mineral reserves are presented by deposit in Table 4.11. The breakdown by rock
type is presented in Table 4.12.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 157 of 566

Table 4.11: Tri-K Mineral Reserve Estimate by Deposit

Ore Gold Ounces In Situ

t g/t Au oz Au
Proven 5 511 104 2.24 396 768
Probable 1 433 707 1.49 68 784
Total Proven and Probable 6 944 811 2.09 465 552
Proven 4 904 254 1.68 264 149
Probable 7 394 726 1.75 417 089
Total Proven and Probable 12 298 980 1.72 681 238
Total for Tri-K Project
Proven 10 415 358 1.97 660 917
Probable 8 828 432 1.71 485 873
Total Proven and Probable 19 243 790 1.85 1 146 790

Table 4.12: Tri-K Mineral Reserve Estimate by Rock Type

Ore Au
Rock Type
t g/t
Laterite 556 023 1.34
Saprolite 4 284 106 1.94
Transition 400 984 2.53
Fresh 1 703 697 2.59
Total 6 944 811 2.09
Laterite 242 952 0.78
Saprolite 3 668 119 1.30
Porphyry – Transition 56 590 1.74
Porphyry – Rock 7 754 324 1.98
Sediment – Transition 16 435 1.60
Sediment – Rock 560 560 1.30
Total 12 298 980 1.72
Total for Tri-K Project
Laterite 798 974 1.17
Saprolite 7 952 225 1.64
Transition – Kodiaran 400 984 2.53
Fresh – Kodiaran 1 703 697 2.59
Porphyry – Transition 56 590 1.74
Porphyry – Rock 7 754 324 1.98
Sediment – Transition 16 435 1.60
Sediment – Rock 560 560 1.30
Total 19 243 790 1.85

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 158 of 566 Phase Designs

In order to maximise the NPV of the project, pushbacks (PBs) or phases that target higher
grade areas early in the mine plan and defer waste stripping have been designed. Nine phases
were designed for Kodiaran, including the final phases, which establish the ultimate pit limits.
Five phases were designed for Koulekoun.

The phases were designed using the pit shells from the optimisations that were run with lower
revenue factors as guides. A minimum mining width of 30 m was considered between phases
to ensure that they can be mined safely and efficiently. Figure 4.12, Figure 4.13, Figure 4.14,
Figure 4.15 and Figure 4.16 present a typical cross section showing the phase designs for
each pit. Note that Phase 1 for the Kodiaran central pit does not appear in the figure because
it was not possible to find a representative section that includes all three phases in Kodiaran
Central. Table 4.13 presents the mineral reserves for each phase.

Table 4.13: Mineral Reserves by Phase

Ore Gold Waste Strip

t g/t Au t Ratio


South – PB1 894 601 1.92 1 902 129 2.1

South – PB2 1 365 425 2.05 6 509 341 4.8

Central – PB1 288 921 2.50 1 188 771 4.1

Central – PB2 1 156 182 1.94 3 748 523 3.2

Central – PB3 1 153 599 1.97 5 022 993 4.4

North – PB1 348 966 2.05 769 836 2.2

North – PB2 1 139 635 1.96 4 455 830 3.9

Extreme North – PB1 105 374 3.10 650 471 6.2

Extreme North – PB2 492 107 2.93 3 828 191 7.8

Total 6 944 811 2.09 28 076 085 4.0


PB1 612 213 1.35 749 026 1.2

PB2 1 238 047 1.57 2 515 375 2.0

PB3 3 870 093 1.85 9 073 797 2.3

PB4 6 217 596 1.75 22 058 605 3.5

PB5 361 030 1.09 964 129 2.7

Total 12 298 980 1.72 35 360 931 2.9

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 159 of 566

Figure 4.12: Koulekoun Phase Design

Figure 4.13: Kodiaran South Phase Design

Figure 4.14: Kodiaran Central Phase Design

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 160 of 566

Figure 4.15: Kodiaran North Phase Design

Figure 4.16: Kodiaran Extreme North Phase Design


4.2.1 Mining Methodology

The Tri-K mine will be operated in a conventional manner (drill, blast, load and haul) with the
mining operations outsourced to a mining contractor with supporting technical services and
mine management provided by the Owner. Ore and waste will be drilled and blasted on 9 m
benches. In the oxide formation, it has been assumed that 85 % of the material will be free-
dug while 15 % will require drilling and blasting. All of the sulphide rock will be drilled and
blasted. Mining will be carried out in 3 m flitches using an excavator with a backhoe
configuration. The excavator will sit on the production bench and the haulage trucks will be
loaded on the level below.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 161 of 566

The mining sequence will begin with clearing, removal and stockpiling of any usable soil, and
construction of pit protection berms and diversion drains. Laterite material will be hauled to
the laterite stockpile and waste rock will be hauled to the waste rock dump. At Koulekoun, ore
mined will be hauled either directly to the primary crusher or to one of the ore stockpiles that
will be located close to the ROM (run-of-mine) pad. At Kodiaran, all of the ore mined will be
stockpiled to the north of the laterite stockpile, at the north end of the deposit. The ore will then
be double-handled by a wheel loader into a fleet of trucks that will haul the ore to the
Koulekoun site roughly 24.5 km to the north. Some of this ore will be directly dumped into the
primary crusher and the rest will be placed in one of the ore stockpiles by the ROM pad.

The ore stockpiling area at the Koulekoun site will include separate high-grade and low-grade
stockpiles for both oxide and sulphide ores. Mining will be selective and includes an allowance
for grade control as there is a requirement to mine ore and waste with a minimum of dilution
and maximum recovery.

Standard auxiliary equipment will be used, where necessary, to achieve smooth graded floors,
and face clean-ups.

Mining operations will be conducted on a 24-hour basis, 7 days per week and 52 weeks per

4.2.2 Contractor Obligations

The mining contractor must ensure that an ample supply of ore is delivered to the ROM pad
and primary crusher, and that all works are carried out in accordance with the health and
safety and environmental standards of the Owner.

The mining contractor’s scope will include the following:

• Construct, operate and maintain his own camp including accommodation, workshops,
offices, warehouses, magazines, and canteen facilities.
• Drill and blast ore and waste rock according to the mine plan provided by the owner,
including the supply of all explosives, blasting accessories and consumables.
• Load, haul and dump ore and waste rock according to the mine plan provided by the
• Feed the primary crusher with ore from the ROM pad and manage the stockpiles,
including all double handling.
• Operate the mine dewatering systems that will be supplied, assembled and maintained
by the Owner.
• Supply diesel fuel for his fleet of equipment, as well as the fuelling of his fleet.
• Conduct secondary blasting of oversize ore.
• Perform mine road maintenance.
• Provide dust control along the haul roads.
• Develop all activities in accordance with the Client’s environmental management plan,
social plan and work plan.

The mining contractor’s scope will exclude the following (which will be provided by the owner):

• Permitting
• Surveying

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 162 of 566

• Ore grade control
• Long-term mine planning.

4.2.3 Waste Rock Dump Design Geotechnical Considerations

A civil geotechnical evaluation was completed by SRK Consulting (South Africa) Pty Ltd in
order to determine the material characteristics for the waste rock dump foundations. The
evaluation included the excavation of 16 tests pits, as well as data sourced from geotechnical

The soils found in the top 5 m below the surface are predominantly described and graded as
laterite or sandy clays (CL) material. The CL soils are loosely described as inorganic clay or
silt with low plasticity. Table 4.14 presents the soil shear strength parameters, as well as their
standard deviation. These parameters were used to determine the slope parameters of the
waste rock dumps.

Table 4.14: Foundation Shear Strength Parameters

Cohesion Friction Angle Unit Weight

Material Type
kPa ° kN/m3

CL-Inorganic Silt (ML) 15 ± 10 30 ± 4 21 ± 1.5

CL 20 ± 10 27 ± 4 20 ± 1.5

The waste rock dump designs follow the parameters presented below:

• Lift height: 15 m
• Maximum dump height for saprolitic material: 45 m
• Berm width: 12 m (allows for minor surficial slips)
• Bench face angle: 35°
• Overall slope angle: 27° (for 3 lifts with 2 berms)
• Maximum ramp grade: 8 %. Potentially Acid Generating Material

Following the results of the hydrogeochemical investigation completed by Golder Associates

Africa (Pty) Ltd, and the currently available information, it was determined that at both
Koulekoun and Kodiaran, it should be assumed that 15 % of the sulphide rocks, as well as the
first 5 m of saprolite below the laterite, are potentially acid generating (PAG). Golder
Associates recommended a storage concept to mitigate the lasting environmental effects.

The PAG material will be stockpiled independently of the non-acid generating (NAG) material
and will be completely encapsulated within an outer shell of NAG material. The outer shell
provides a barrier to minimise water infiltration and will limit the oxidation of the PAG material.

The topography beneath the waste rock dump will be capped with saprolite to achieve a
minimum thickness of 5 m. The PAG material will be placed on the inside of the waste rock

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 163 of 566

dump and the outer shell of saprolite will have a minimum width of 20 m. The final lift of the
waste rock dump will be saprolite and will have a minimum thickness of 3 m. Figure 4.17
presents a typical cross section showing the waste rock dump configuration.

At Koulekoun, a total of 2.7 Mm3 of PAG material, 8.1 Mm3 of NAG material, and 8.0 Mm3 of
saprolite are contained within the open pit, as well as 1.2 Mm3 of laterite. At Kodiaran, a total
of 3.0 Mm3 of PAG material, 1.3 Mm3 of NAG material and 11.0 Mm3 of saprolite are contained
within the open pit, as well as 4.2 Mm3 of laterite.

Following completion of the mine plan, the construction of the waste rock dumps was
sequenced per year in order to estimate the haulage distances but also to ensure that the
construction sequencing is feasible. Since there will be no saprolite mined during the final
years at Koulekoun, the material required for the 3 m cover will need to be double-handled
from a small saprolite stockpile that should be constructed during the operations. A total of
0.5 Mm3 of saprolite is required to cover the PAG material.

Figure 4.17: Waste Rock Dump Configuration Waste Dump Design and Layout

In order to minimise operating costs by reducing trucking hours, waste rock dumps are located
as close to the open pit as possible while maintaining a minimum distance from the pit crest
to ensure geotechnical stability. It is also important to ensure that the placement of the waste
rock dumps does not infringe on environmentally sensitive areas and that they do not sterilise
potentially economic resources. The waste rock dumps have been designed a minimum
distance of 100 m from the pit crests and a minimum distance of 50 m from the pit limit of a
hypothetical pit that was conceptualised at a gold price of US$2 000/oz and includes Inferred

At Koulekoun, a laterite stockpile has been designed, as well as two waste rock dumps, one
for the PAG material and one for the NAG material. The laterite material will be stockpiled
separately since it will be used as construction material, for road maintenance and for closure
and reclamation.

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The laterite stockpile at Koulekoun is located on the northeast side of the pit, has a footprint
area of 7 ha, and a capacity of 1.3 Mm3. The PAG waste rock pile is located on the east side
of the pit, has a footprint area of 36 ha, and a capacity of 11.1 Mm3. The NAG waste rock pile
is located on the south side of the pit, has a footprint area of 33 ha, and a capacity of 8.1 Mm3.
The corridor between the PAG and the NAG piles will be used as the access between the
Koulekoun pit and the processing plant.

The laterite stockpile at Kodiaran is located on the northeast side of the pit, has a footprint
area of 18 ha, and a capacity of 3.1 Mm3. The waste rock pile at Koulekoun is located on the
east side of pit, has a footprint area of 61 ha, and a capacity of 17.1 Mm3.

Figure 4.18 and Figure 4.19 present general layouts of the Koulekoun and Kodiaran mines,
respectively, showing the location of the open pits, the waste rock dumps, and the haul road

Figure 4.18: Mine General Layout (Koulekoun)

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Figure 4.19: Mine General Layout (Kodiaran)

4.2.4 Mine Production Schedule

A mine production schedule was developed for the feasibility study using the mineral reserves
that were presented in Section 4.1. The mine production schedule was developed quarterly
for Years 1 and 2 and annually thereafter. The mine production schedule was prepared in
MSSO (MineSight Schedule Optimiser) with the objective of maximising the NPV of the

The following operational constraints were considered to develop the life of mine plan:

• A minimum 3-month stockpile of mill feed at start-up, to be maintained throughout the

life of mine (200 000 t).
• During Phase 1 (prior to the installation of the ball mill in 2023), the sulphide ore has
been limited to a maximum of 8 % of the total mill feed.
• During Phase 2 (following the installation of the ball mill in 2023), the oxide ore has
been limited to a minimum of 18 % of the total mill feed.
• The bond work index has been capped at 14.64 kWh/t per year.
• The quantity of laterite does not exceed 20 % of the total mill feed.
• The vertical advance rate has been capped at 7 × 9 m benches per year (or 63 m
vertical advance per year) at Kodiaran, and 8 × 9 m benches per year at Koulekoun
(72 m vertical advance per year). This was reduced to 5 × 9 m benches per year at the
bottom of the Koulekoun pit.
• The maximum ROM material has been capped at 14 Mt/a.

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• In order to account for the annual rainy season, production capacity for the mining fleet
has been reduced by 10 % and 20 % in the second and third quarters, respectively.

The mine plan begins in January 2020 with a 3-month period of pre-production where mine
development will occur at the Kodiaran deposit. During this period, a total of 2.8 Mt of waste
will be mined and 325 000 kt of ore will be stockpiled at an average grade of 2.02 g/t Au. The
mill will begin production in April 2020, with ramp-up rates of 87.5 %, 90.8 %, and 100 % of
maximum capacity in the first three quarters, respectively, for a total mill feed of 1.6 Mt in 2020.
The mill is planned to operate at its nominal capacity of 2.3 Mt/a from 2021 until 2027 and
process 1.5 Mt in 2028, the final year of production.

Mining at the Kodiaran deposit will begin in the South, Central and North pits, with the Extreme
North pit coming online in 2021. All four pits will be actively mined from 2021 to 2024, when
the current Mineral Reserves will be depleted. A total of 1 Mt of ore from Kodiaran will be
stockpiled during the operation, representing 15 % of the production from that deposit.

Mining at the Koulekoun deposit will begin in the second quarter of 2021 and will last until
2028 when all of the current mineral reserves are depleted. The majority of the activity at
Koulekoun from 2021 to 2022 will be from the main pit, while ore production from the satellite
pit to the northeast will occur in 2023 and 2024. A total of 2.3 Mt of ore from Koulekoun will be
stockpiled during the operation, representing 19 % of the production from that deposit.

The double-handling of ore from the stockpiles averages approximately 10 % for the first seven
years of the operation and reaches an average of 53 % during the last two years. This is partly
due to the fact that the stockpiles will have approximately 2 Mt of lower-grade material towards
the end of the mine life, as well as the fact that production from the lower benches in Koulekoun
will limit that pit’s capacity to feed the mill.

Table 4.15 presents a summary of the mine production schedule. Figure 4.20, Figure 4.21,
Figure 4.22, Figure 4.23, Figure 4.24 and Figure 4.25 present various charts relating to the
mine production schedule. Figure 4.26 to Figure 4.39 present end of period maps showing the
advance of the pits and waste dumps throughout the mine life.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 167 of 566

Table 4.15: Mine Production Schedule

2020 2021
Description Unit 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Total
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Total Mill Feed kt 0 503 522 575 575 575 575 575 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 1 544 19 244

Average Grade g/t 0.00 2.28 1.82 1.68 2.02 1.29 2.15 1.66 2.06 2.19 1.99 1.88 1.59 1.57 1.65 1.85

Recovered Ounces koz 0 34 28 29 34 22 36 28 137 132 123 123 104 102 71 1 004

kt 0 414 455 546 520 494 575 575 2 300 2 195 2 289 1 846 1 824 1 222 629 15 885
ROM to Mill
g/t 0.00 1.93 1.82 1.69 2.11 1.32 2.15 1.66 2.06 2.20 1.99 2.08 1.75 2.07 2.87 2.05

kt 325 67 28 46 13 116 30 157 1 003 495 429 194 455 0 0 3 359

ROM to Stockpile
g/t 2.02 0.93 0.82 0.83 0.79 0.67 0.86 0.73 1.06 1.05 0.96 0.99 1.10 0.00 0.00 1.10

kt 0 89 67 29 55 81 0 0 0 105 11 454 476 1 078 914 3 359

Stockpile to Mill
g/t 0.00 3.92 1.79 1.46 1.15 1.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.11 1.83 1.11 0.98 1.01 0.80 1.10

Waste Rock kt 2 825 2 129 1 850 3 129 3 437 2 459 2 195 3 293 10 697 10 005 10 508 3 287 5 726 1 618 280 63 437

Total Material Moved kt 3 150 2 700 2 400 3 750 4 025 3 150 2 800 4 025 14 000 12 800 13 237 5 781 8 480 3 918 1 824 86 039

Total ROM kt 3 150 2 611 2 333 3 721 3 970 3 069 2 800 4 025 14 000 12 695 13 225 5 327 8 005 2 840 910 82 681

Stripping Ratio 8.7 4.4 3.8 5.3 6.5 4.0 3.6 4.5 3.2 3.7 3.9 1.6 2.5 1.3 0.4 3.3

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Figure 4.20: Annual Gold Production

Figure 4.21: Total Material Movement

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Figure 4.22: Mill Feed by Rock Type

Figure 4.23: Mill Feed by Rock Type (Oxides/Sediments/Porphyry)

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Figure 4.24: Material Mined by Deposit

Figure 4.25: Mill Feed by Resource Classification

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Figure 4.26: Koulekoun End of 2021

Figure 4.27: Koulekoun End of 2022

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Figure 4.28: Koulekoun End of 2023

Figure 4.29: Koulekoun End of 2024

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Figure 4.30: Koulekoun End of 2025

Figure 4.31: Koulekoun End of 2026

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Figure 4.32: Koulekoun End of 2027

Figure 4.33: Koulekoun End of 2028

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Figure 4.34: Kodiaran End of 2020 Q2

Figure 4.35: Kodiaran End of 2020

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Figure 4.36: Kodiaran End of 2021

Figure 4.37: Kodiaran End of 2022

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Figure 4.38: Kodiaran End of 2023

Figure 4.39: Kodiaran End of 2024

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4.2.5 Mining Equipment

The following section discusses equipment selection and fleet requirements in order to carry
out the mine plan. Table 4.16 presents the list of major and support equipment required during
peak production. Although the specific equipment selection will be done by the mining
contractor, the Caterpillar equivalent has been identified to provide an idea of the size of each

Table 4.16: Mine Equipment Fleet

Equipment Typical Model Description Quantity

Haul Truck CAT 745 Payload – 41 t 17

Excavator CAT 374 Bucket Payload – 7 t 4

Wheel Loader – 1 CAT 980 Bucket Payload – 7.5 t 1

Wheel Loader – 2 CAT 966 Bucket Payload – 6 t 1

Ore Haulage Truck MAN 33.480 Payload – 40 t 12

Track Dozer CAT D8T Operating Weight – 40 t 3

Road Grader CAT 16M Operating Weight – 32 t 4

Water Truck CAT 740 40 000 L tank 3

Utility Excavator CAT 349 Operating Weight – 50 t 2 Haul Trucks

The haul truck selected for the project is an articulated mining truck with a payload of 41 t. A
fleet of 14 trucks is required in 2020, followed by 17 between 2021 and 2023. The truck fleet
requirements begin to drop in 2024 with the decline in waste stripping requirements. The fleet
size was estimated using the following parameters (which result in 5 658 working hours per
year for each truck as given in Table 4.17):

• Mechanical Availability: 85 %
• Use of Availability: 86 % (100 min of standby time per shift)
• Nominal Payload: 41 t (25 m3 heaped)
• Shift Schedule: 12 h per shift, two shifts per day, 360 d per year (5 d of
major weather delays have been considered per year)
• Operational Delays: 72.5 min/shift (this accounts for shift change, coffee and
lunch breaks, and refuelling)
• Rolling Resistance: 3%
• Maximum Speed Limit: 50 km/h

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 179 of 566

Table 4.17: Truck Hours (h/a)

Description Hours Details

Total Hours 8 760 365 d/a, 7 d/week, 24 h/d

Hours Down Mechanically 1 314 85 % availability

Available Hours 7 446 Total hours minus hours down mechanically

Standby Hours 1 034 100 min per shift

Gross Operating Hours 6 412 Available hours minus standby hours

Operating Delay Hours 754 72.5 min per shift + Weather delays

Net Operating Hours 5 658 Gross operating hours minus delays

Haul routes were generated for each material type, for each phase and for each period of the
mine plan to calculate the truck requirements. These haul routes were imported in Talpac©, a
commercially available truck simulation software package that BBA has validated with mining
operations. Talpac calculated the travel time required for a 41 t articulated haul truck to
complete each route. Table 4.18 shows the various components of a truck’s cycle time. The
load time is calculated using an excavator with a 4.6 m3 bucket as the loading unit. This size
excavator (see Section can load a 41 t haul truck in six passes.

Table 4.18: Truck Cycle Time


Spot at Excavator 30

Load Timea 180

Travel Time Calculated by Talpac

Spot at Dump 30

Dump Time 30

Six passes at 36 seconds per pass minus the first bucket.

Haul productivities were calculated for each haul route using the truck payloads and cycle
times. Table 4.19 shows the cycle times and productivities for the ore and waste haul routes
for the year 2023 as an example.

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Table 4.19: Truck Productivities (2023)

Cycle Times (min) Productivity

Travel Spot Load Dump Total (Loads/h) (t/h)

Koulekoun – Ore 11.41 0.50 3.00 1.00 15.91 3.77 136

Koulekoun – Waste 8.98 0.50 3.00 1.00 13.48 4.45 155

Kodiaran – Ore 10.85 0.50 3.00 1.00 15.35 3.91 152

Kodiaran – Waste 13.08 0.50 3.00 1.00 17.58 3.41 119

Truck hour requirements were then calculated by applying the tonnages hauled to the
productivity for each haul route. Figure 4.40 shows the truck requirements by year, as well as
the truck productivities and total ROM material hauled by year.

Figure 4.40: Truck Requirements and Productivities

The one-way haul distance for the Koulekoun ore during the life of mine averages 3.7 km and
2.2 km for waste rock. The one-way haul distance for the Kodiaran ore to the Kodiaran ore
stockpile during the life of mine averages 2.2 km and 2.2 km, as well for waste rock.

Since the densities of the laterite and saprolite are quite low, it is recommended that
sideboards be used to increase the volume capacity of the haul trucks when mining in these

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 181 of 566

materials. If not, the 41 t haul truck is limited to the 25 m3 heaped capacity, which reduces the
payload by several tonnes. Excavators

The loading machine selected for the project is a backhoe excavator with an operating weight
in the 70 t class category and equipped with a 4.6 m3 bucket. This excavator has a bucket
capacity of 7 t, which can load the haul trucks in roughly five to six passes, depending on the
material type. Using an 85 % mechanical availability, 80 min per shift in operating delays, and
100 min per shift in standby delays, it was estimated that four excavators will be required to
manage the tonnages of ore and waste rock in the mine plan. The utilisation of the fleet of
excavators was calculated to average 79 % during the life of the mine. Drilling and Blasting

Production drilling for ore and waste rock will be carried out with down-the-hole track drills that
will drill 140 mm (5.5”) holes. As previously mentioned, it has been assumed that 15 % of the
oxide ore and 100 % of the sulphide ore will require blasting. Using a mechanical availability
of 75 %, 80 min per shift in operating delays, and 250 min per shift in standby delays, it was
estimated that that one drill will be required at the start of production and a second drill should
be added to the fleet from 2022 to 2025. The drilling calculation is based on a penetration rate
of 40 m/h for oxide ore and 25 m/h for sulphide ore, as well as a re-drill percentage of 6 %.

Bulk emulsion will be used for blasting and the calculations have been done assuming an
explosive density of 1.20 g/cm3. The contractor is responsible for the supply and storage of
the explosives and accessories, as well as the loading of the blast holes and firing of the shots.
Table 4.20 presents the drilling and blasting parameters that have been used for the BFS.

Table 4.20: Drilling and Blasting Parameters

Description Unit Oxide Sulphide

Explosive Density g/cm3 1.20 1.20
Bench Height m 9 9
Blast Hole Diameter mm 140 140
Burden m 5.1 4.0
Spacing m 5.8 4.0
Sub-Drilling m 0.5 0.5
Stemming m 3.0 3.0
Powder Factor kg/m3 0.45 0.83

During the first three years of production, the quantity of explosives averages approximately
600 000 kg/a since most of the mining will be in the oxide ore zones. In 2023, the explosives
requirements increase to 1.9 million kg followed by 3.2 million kg in 2024 and 1.7 million kg in
2025. The peak in 2024 represents 125 000 kg of explosives every two weeks.

Final pit walls in the sulphide formation will be pre-split to achieve more accuracy in reaching
the final design and to provide a more stable wall. The pre-split holes will be spaced 1.2 m
apart and will have a 127 mm (5”) hole diameter.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 182 of 566 Ore Transport from Kodiaran to the Mill Site

The ore from Kodiaran will be double-handled into a fleet of off-road trucks with a payload of
40 t using a wheel loader with a bucket capacity of 6 t (4.3 m3) and hauled 24.5 km to the ROM
pad at Koulekoun. The fleet was estimated assuming 24 h/d haulage and results in a total of
12 trucks required during the first year of production, followed by 10 trucks in 2021 and 2022,
7 trucks in 2023 and 4 trucks in 2024. The speeds were limited to a maximum of 60 km/h for
the calculation. One wheel loader is sufficient to load the trucks. Auxiliary Equipment

A fleet of support equipment (including track dozers, road graders, water trucks and a utility
excavator) has been included in the fleet. The fleet also includes service equipment such as
a fuel truck, an explosives truck, a mechanic’s service truck, pickup trucks, a transport bus,
lighting plants, and a low boy to transport the tracked equipment.

4.2.6 Workforce

In order to operate the mine, the contractor will require 292 employees during peak production
in 2022 and 2023, assuming a three-crew rotation. The contractor’s workforce will include a
Project Director, a Mine Manager, and Administrative Manager, a Health and Safety Manager
and a Human Resources Manager. The contractor’s workforce will also include shift
supervisors, several engineers, surveyors, technicians, as well as the equipment operators
and mechanics.

The mine owner’s crew will include 84 employees during the peak years of production and will
include a Mine Manager, an Engineering Manager, a Director of Geology, a Director of
Exploration, and a Senior Surveyor, all of whom will be expatriates. The Owner’s local team
will include supervisors, mining engineers, geologists, surveyors, and ore quality samplers.

The BFS includes 11 pickup trucks for the mine owner’s team, as well as an allowance for
computer software and survey equipment.

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5.1.1 Summary

Metallurgical test work was conducted on the Tri-K ore deposit to characterise the ore and to
develop the design criteria and optimal process route for the beneficiation of gold (Au). Table
5.1 shows a summary of the test work results achieved.

Table 5.1: Metallurgical Test Work Summary


Test Work Parameter/Unit
Oxide Oxide Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide
Viscosity on run of mine % solids at which slurry becomes
50 50 65 65 65
(ROM) viscous (%)
kWh/t (average) 6.68 8.87 16.50 17.40 18.97
Bond Ball Work Index
(BBWi) – Average
kWh/t (85th percentile) 8.95 11.93 - 18.03 22.61

kWh/t (average) - - 2.92 18.30 17.60

Bond Rod Work Index
(BRWi) – Average
kWh/t (85th percentile) - - - - 21.38

g (average) 0.007 0.12 0.3425 0.08 0.13

Abrasion Index (Ai) –
g (85th percentile) 0.010 0.1875 0.3865 0.104 0.195

average 76.5 30 21.75 21.93 50.39

85th percentile - - 22.55 24.96 64.59

Underflow % solids (%) 58 76

Pre-Leach Thickening Solids flux rate (t/(m2·h)) 0.35 0.45

Flocculant dosage (g/t) 70 60

Head Grade Au g/t 1.51 1.63 2.54 1.24 1.90

Extended Gravity
% Au 56.6 38.6 86.0 61.0 63.8
Recoverable Gold (EGRG)
Modelled GRG % Au 31.9 20.1 52.3 38.4 32.6
Intense Leach Reactor
% Au 90.98 97.68 93.41 90.81 73.09
Effect of an Aachen
Increase in gold dissolution (% Au) 0.00 0.94 1.49 - 4.44
% Au dissolution 81.99 89.00 81.88 66.67 67.82
Bulk Leach at Optimum
Cyanide consumption (kg/t) 2.12 1.7 0.85 1.12 1.38
Lime consumption (kg/t) 0.73 0.23 0.16 0.19 0.34

Overall Gold Recovery % Au 84.86 90.74 87.91 75.94 69.54

Final weak acid dissociable cyanide
< 25 < 25 < 25 < 25 < 25
Cyanide Detoxification on (WAD CN) (ppm)
Slurry (SMBS-Air) at Sodium metabisulphite (SMBS)
1.5 times the Excess of the addition (g/g) 5.48 5.48 5.48 7.31 7.31
Stoichiometric Ratio
CaO addition (g/g) 0 0 0 0 0
Sodium metabisulphite (SMBS)
5.86 7.13
Continuous Cyanide addition (g/g)
CaO addition (g/g) 0.8 0.5

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 184 of 566

Test Work Parameter/Unit
Oxide Oxide Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide
Final WAD CN (ppm) 0 0 0 0 0

Cyanide Detoxification on H2O2 Addition (g/g) 3.93 2.62 2.62 2.62 2.62
Leach Filtrate (H2O2)
CuSO4 5H2O addition (g/g) 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196 0.196

Freundlich 'a' 4 128 12 148 7 296 7 938 15 801

Carbon Loadings Kinetics
and Equilibrium Isotherms
Freundlich 'b' 0.2 0.2 0.5 2.0 0.5
Feed solids concentrate in feed well
- 7.5 12.5
Flocculant dosage (g/t) - 90-100 50

Solids flux rate (t/(m2·h) - 0.25 0.5

Post-Leach Thickening
Underflow % solids (%) - 53.25 70.7
Underflow unsheared yield stress
- 245 1 228

Underflow sheared yield stress (Pa) - 80 109

The following was established from the test work:

• Variances in the gold head grade showed the presence of coarse gold.
• Gravity recovery test work showed that the Tri-K ore has high gravity recoverable gold.
Modelling gravity recoverable gold (GRG) results showed that the expected plant
gravity gold recovery ranges from 20.1 % (Kodiaran (KD) Oxide) to 52.3 % (Koulekoun
(KLK) Igneous Quartz Porphyry (IQP)).
• Diagnostic leach results showed that the Tri-K ore has high preg-robbers that are
active in the initial low residence time of 2 h. At a leach time of 24 h, preg-robbing
ranged from 7.49 % to 27.45 %.
• Viscosity test work indicated that the oxide ore starts to become viscous at 50 % solids
while the sulphide ore becomes viscous at 65 % solids.
• Pre-leach thickening test work showed solids flux rates of 0.35 t/(m2·h) and
0.45 t/(m2·h) for the oxide ore and sulphide ore, respectively. Both the oxide and
sulphide thickener underflows consolidate to a high percentage of solids (58 % and
76 %, respectively).
• Leach optimisation test work on the gravity middlings and tailings showed the following
optimum leach conditions:

o Grind: 80 % passing 75 µm
o Residence time: 24 h
o Oxygen sparging during leach
o pH: 10.5
o Cyanide additions: Maintain at 600 ppm
o Leach process: Carbon in leach (CIL)
o Per cent solids 45 % w/w

• The Aachen reactor pre-oxidation test work marginally increased gold dissolution and
marginally reduced cyanide consumption and a decision was made not to include the
Aachen reactor in the Tri-K process flowsheet.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 185 of 566

Variability comminution tests were performed and design values for the comminution circuit
were selected from the variability test work results. Table 5.2 shows the comminution design
values that were selected.

Table 5.2: Comminution Design Values

Parameter BBWi (kWh/t) A×b Ai (g) Ore Specific Gravity (SG)

Oxide 10.9 59.9 0.017 2.58
Sulphide 21 30.9 0.318 2.63
Oxide 4.7 71.6 0.030 2.71
IQP 17.2 21.8 0.343 2.71
Tuff 18.9 19.7 0.082 2.72

Variability gold recovery test work was conducted using the process route of gravity
concentration together with intensive leach of the gravity concentrates, and CIL on the gravity
middling and tailing. Leaching of the gravity middling and tailing was performed under the
optimum leach conditions selected from the leach optimisation programme. Table 5.3 shows
a summary of the design values selected for the gold recovery circuit.

Table 5.3: Design Values Selected for Gold Recovery

Parameter Evaluation KLK Oxide KLK IQP KLK Tuff KD Oxide KD Sulphide
Overall Gold Recovery (%) For Design 93.27 88.32 66.71 92.35 75.00
Cyanide Consumption (kg/t) For Design 1.71 0.85 1.12 1.33 1.38
Lime Consumption (kg/t) For Design 1.07 0.16 0.65 1.34 1.07

The optimum reagent consumption values for sodium cyanide, lime, SMBS and copper
sulphate were reviewed, verified and applied in the final operating cost (OPEX) calculation.
Table 5.4 shows a summary of the reagent values selected for the OPEX.

Table 5.4: Values Selected for the OPEX


Description Evaluation
Oxide IQP Tuff Oxide Sulphide
Cyanide Consumption (kg/t) For OPEX 1.41 0.54 0.69 0.62 0.61
Lime Consumption – CIL only (kg/t) For OPEX 0.58 0.09 0.21 0.86 0.55
SMBS (g/g WAD) For OPEX 4.69 5.89 5.89 4.69 5.89
Copper Sulphate (ppm) For OPEX 25 25 25 25 25
Lime – Cyanide detoxification only
For OPEX 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
(g/g WAD)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 186 of 566

5.1.2 Background

In December 2016, SENET was requested to conduct a bankable feasibility study (BFS) for
the Tri-K Gold processing plant. SENET reviewed the results from the feasibility metallurgical
test work programme that was carried out by SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance) under
the supervision of Tenova Bateman and proposed an advanced metallurgical test work
programme to support the process flowsheet development required for a BFS.

In the 2013 feasibility study, heap leach was the preferred gold process route given the depth
of weathering, relatively low capital requirements, and the high amenability of the ore to
cyanidation, even at coarser crush sizes. The feasibility study metallurgical test work results
are contained in the Tenova Bateman report, “Feasibility Study of the Kodiaran and Koulekoun
Project”, August 2013.

In the BFS, test work results indicated that the Tri-K ore was amenable to gravity recovery,
therefore, a gravity followed by cyanidation process route was used.

The BFS test work was conducted under SENET’s supervision, and a list of the reports from
these laboratories is provided below:

• Greentechnical “Bulk Solids Flow Report – SENET, Tri-K Guinea Gold Ore Samples”,
Project No. A782 Rev 0, September 2017 (see Appendix 5.1)
• JK Tech “SMC Test Report Maelgwyn”, Report No. 17002/P7, June 2017 (see
Appendix 5.2)
• JK Tech “SMC Test Report Maelgwyn”, Report No. 17002/P18, June 2017 (see
Appendix 5.3)
• Maelgwyn Mineral Services Africa, “Metallurgical Testwork on a Gold Bearing Ore
Sample from Guinea – West Africa, Report No. 16/145, February 2018 (see Appendix
• OMC “Phase 1 Sample Selection Report”, Report No. 7801-01 Rev C, April 2017 (see
Appendix 5.5)
• OMC “Tri-K Project-Preliminary Flowsheet Assessment”, Report No. 7801-02 Rev A,
April 2017 (see Appendix 5.6)
• OMC “Tri-K Project – Preliminary Phase 2 Assessment”, Report No. 7801-03 Rev A,
December 2017 (see Appendix 5.7)
• OMC “Tri-K Project – 2.3 Mtpa BFS LOM Modelling”, Report No. 7801-06 Rev 1, March
2018 and “2.3 Mtpa BFS Mine Plan Amendment”, Report No. 7801-07 Rev 0 June
2018 (see Appendix 5.8)
• Peacocke & Simpson “Test Work Report – KD Sulphide Master Composite”, Report
No. PS/149/17, June 2017 (see Appendix 5.9)
• Peacocke & Simpson “Test Work Report – KLK Oxide Master Composite”, Report
No. PS/149/18, June 2017 (see Appendix 5.10)
• Peacocke & Simpson “Test Work Report – KLK IQP Master Composite”, Report
No. PS/149/19, June 2017 (see Appendix 5.11)
• Peacocke & Simpson “Test Work Report – KLK Tuff Master Composite”, Report
No. PS/149/20, June 2017 (see Appendix 5.12)
• Peacocke & Simpson “Test Work Report – KD Oxide Master Composite”, Report
No. PS/149/21, June 2017 (see Appendix 5.13)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 187 of 566

• Peacocke & Simpson “Modelling of Proposed Gravity Recovery Circuit”, Report
No. PS/149/22, June 2017 (see Appendix 5.14)
• SJT MetMin “Gold Deportment Studies on Leach Tailings Samples from the Tri-K
Project Guinea”, Report No. 7764, November 2017 (see Appendix 5.15)
• Vietti Slurrytec “Thickening and Rheology Report – Tri-K Gold Project” MMS-TRK-
8590R01 Rev0, 24 October 2017 (see Appendix 5.16)
• Vietti Slurrytec “Tri-K Gold Project”, Report No. MMS-TRK-8590NFTR02 Rev 0, 24
November 2017 (see Appendix 5.17)
• Kemix, “SIMCIL Adsorption Modelling” (see Appendix 5.18)

5.1.3 Feasibility Study Metallurgical Test Work Review of the Feasibility Study Test Work

This section provides a summary of the feasibility study test work results. Details of the origin
of samples, test methods and detailed results are contained in the feasibility study document
produced by Tenova Bateman in August 2013 entitled “Feasibility Study of the Kodiaran and
Koulekoun Project”.

Heap leach test work was conducted on oxide samples from the Koulekoun and Kodiaran
deposits (Koulekoun, Kodiaran Composite 1 and Kodiaran Composite 2 samples). The results
obtained from this test work phase are summarised in Table 5.5.

Table 5.5: Summary of the Feasibility Results

Kodiaran Kodiaran
Test Work Unit Koulekoun
Composite 1 Composite 2
Head Grade Au g/t 1.57 2.16 0.44
a b b
Column Heap Leach Au Dissolution % Au 82.9 93.1 70.2
Cement Addition kg/t 25 25 25
At a crush size of 25 mm
At a crush size of 12 mm Limitations of the Feasibility Study Test Work

After a review of the feasibility study test work results, the following limitations or shortfalls
were noted:

• Only oxide ore was investigated; no sulphide ore or transition ore was investigated.
• The only gold recovery route investigated was heap leach. Typically, heap leach is not
applicable to the deeper sulphide ore and flotation or gravity followed by cyanidation
would need to be investigated.
• No gravity tests were performed to determine if gravity recoverable gold is present in
the Tri-K ore. Heap leach typically does not recover coarse gold and any coarse gold
available in the ore would be lost to the tailings, therefore, representing an inefficient
gold recovery process route.
• No variability comminution or recovery test work was performed to cover the entire
orebody so as to understand how the different lithologies and oxidation zones will

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 188 of 566

respond to the selected process route in terms of gold recovery and reagent

5.1.4 BFS Metallurgical Test Work Programme Introduction

Following a review of the feasibility study metallurgical test work results, SENET proposed a
comprehensive test programme with the following aims and objectives:

• Characterise the Tri-K ore deposit and determine the maximum gold recovery that can
be achieved on the various ore sources.
• Determine plant design data for each ore type that could be used for the BFS plant
design. Sample Selection and Preparation

Orway Mineral Consultants (OMC) performed a site visit to

• Discuss the ore geology with the site geologist.

• Inspect the core and select samples to be used for the BFS.

The detailed sample selection and sample locations are shown in the OMC report provided in
Appendix 5.5.

The available core could not provide the number of variability samples required for a BFS,
therefore, it was proposed to split the test work into two phases:

• Phase 1 would be performed on the available samples (master composite and

variability samples)
• Phase 2 would be conducted after further drilling, when more variability samples that
cover the entire orebody are available

The Tri-K orebody consists of two main deposits to be mined: Koulekoun and Kodiaran.

The orebodies have been classified according to the following oxidation states and designated

• COX – Complete Oxidation

• SOX – Strong Oxidation
• MOX – Moderate Oxidation
• WOX – Weak Oxidation
• UOX – Un-Oxidised

COX, SOX and MOX zones have been classified as oxide ore, and WOX and UOX as fresh

By reviewing the HQ core drill hole logs and assays with the Managem geological team, the
oxidation states and lithologies containing most of the mineralisation were identified.

A preliminary review of the metallurgical test work on Koulekoun has indicated that the IQP
samples tested were achieving lower recoveries when leached compared to the tuff material.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 189 of 566

Given this fact, it was proposed that the two major sulphide ore types in Koulekoun (IQP and
tuff) be tested separately. Furthermore, the IQP ore represents a significant quantity of the
ounces to be recovered, further justifying testing it separately.

No prior test work was supplied on Kodiaran to assess whether there is any difference in the
responses of granodiorite-type material and sedimentary material. However, these lithologies
are closely stacked and it might not be possible to mine them separately at times. They also
represent a smaller proportion of the ounces and the available sample quantity is low. Given
this information, a decision was made to test the two lithologies as a combined sulphide ore
composite to utilise the available sample.

Based on the size of the deposits and breakdown of the major ore types, the sampling and
testing requirements were determined. The sample number was based on producing a master
composite for each ore type for each orebody for the metallurgical recovery circuit flowsheet
design and optimisation. A further ten metallurgical variability samples were selected and
tested for each orebody. In addition to the metallurgical recovery circuit test work, ten samples
from each orebody were selected for comminution testing. Comminution sampling is
undertaken by lithology and spatial representation, and the samples are, therefore, variability
samples, rather than composite samples.

Table 5.6 shows the Phase 1 samples that were received by Maelgwyn Mineral Services Africa
(MMSA) and indicates the drill holes from where the samples were collected

Table 5.6: Phase 1 Samples Received

Type of Samples Sample ID Drill Hole

KLDD0002, 003, 004,
KLK Oxide KL000546, 548, 631, 549, 632, 644, 650, 658, 659 and
Master Composite KLK IQP KLDD001,002, 003, KLRD002004.018,549, 631,632,645
Samples KLK Tuff KLDD003,004, KLRD001,2,3.4,5,18
KD Oxide KD000384, 428, 433,431, 434, 436, 437, 441, 443, 446, 428
KD Sulphide KDD0002,384,428,434,436,437,428
KLK Met Var 1 (Oxide) KLRD0004
KLK Met Var 2 (Oxide) KLRD0001,017, 023,549,632
KLK Met Var 3 (IQP) KLRD0002
KLK Met Var 4 (IQP) KLDD0004

Variability Recovery KLK Met Var 5 (IQP) KLDD002, KLRD002,018

Samples KLK Met Var 6 (IQP) KLDD0001,3
KLK Met Var 7 (Tuff)
KLK Met Var 8 (Tuff)
KLK Met Var 9 (Tuff)
KLK Met Var 10 (Tuff)
KLK Com 1 (Oxide) KLDD0001
KLK Com 2 (Oxide) KLDD003
KLK Com 3 (IQP) KL00645
Comminution Samples
KLK Com 4 (IQP) KL000627
KLK Com 5 (IQP) KLRD0004, 0005

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 190 of 566

Type of Samples Sample ID Drill Hole
KLK Com 6 (IQP) KLDD0002
KLK Com 7 (Tuff) KLDD0001, 0003
KLK Com 8 (Tuff) KLRD0014
KLK Com 9 (Tuff)
KLK Com 10 (Tuff)

The Phase 2 samples were primarily variability samples meant to supplement the Phase 1
variability samples.

Table 5.7 shows the Phase 2 samples received by MMSA and indicates the drill holes from
where the samples were collected.

Table 5.7: Phase 2 Samples Received

Type of Sample Sample ID Drill Hole

Oxide KD Com 5 KD000436
Oxide KD Com 6 KD000673
Fresh KD Com 7 KD000340
Fresh KD Com 8 KD000700
Variability Comminution
Fresh KD Com 9 KD000436
Fresh KD Com 10 KD000479
IQP KLK Com9 WKL0102
Tuff KLK Com10 KLDR0018
Oxide KD MV1 KD00572
Oxide KD MV2 KD000436
Oxide KD MV3 KD000673
Oxide KD MV4 KD000688
Fresh KD MV5 KD000340
Variability Recovery
Fresh KD MV6 KD000572
Fresh KD MV7 KLDD002
Fresh KD MV8 RC0029
Fresh KD MV9 WKL0102
Fresh KD MV10 KLDR0018

Figure 5.1 shows a plan view of the samples collected from the Kodiaran deposit.

The detailed sample locations are shown in Appendix 5.5.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 191 of 566

Figure 5.1: Plan View of the Location of the Kodiaran Deposit Samples

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 192 of 566

Figure 5.2 shows a plan view of the samples collected from the Koulekoun deposit.

The detailed sample locations are shown in Appendix 5.5.

Figure 5.2: Plan View of the Location of the Koulekoun Deposit Samples

On receipt, the individual composite samples were air dried (where necessary) prior to
commencing the test work. The samples were composited to make a bulk sample per ore

Each composite sample was subjected to sequential stages of crushing while selecting the
appropriate sub-samples of the relevant particle sizes required for the various comminution
and metallurgical assessments.

For gold recovery test work, the bulk sample was crushed to 100 % passing 1.7 mm.
Representative sub-samples were split as required for the test work programme. Test Work on the Master Composite Samples (Phase 1)

The Phase 1 test work was aimed at ore characterisation and optimising leach parameters for
a process route of gravity followed by cyanidation. Figure 5.3 shows the test work conducted
for Phase 1.

The test work was performed on five master composite samples:

• Koulekoun Oxide
• Kodiaran Oxide

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 193 of 566

• Koulekoun IQP
• Koulekoun Tuff
• Kodiaran Sulphide

Variability samples were also available, and these were tested for variability comminution and
variability gold recovery using the optimum conditions established during the leach
optimisation test work.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 194 of 566




• Ai
Bulk Solids Pre-leach Diagnostic HEAD ASSAYS • SMC
Flow Thickening Leach • Au (× 3)
• Ag, As, Sb, Hg
• SG
• Full ICP Scan
• Carbon package
Gravity Recovery
• Sulphur package Gravity
(with and without Intense Leach
hand panning)

Gravity Midds & tails


• Effect of grind
• Effect of preg-robbing
• Effect of cyanide addition
• Effect of per cent solids
• Effect of air or oxygen sparging
• Effect of preconditioning
• Effect of residence time (rate tests)
with and without O2
• Oxygen uptake
• Effect of Aachen reactor
• Carbon loadings kinetic and
equilibrium isotherms

Bulk leach at the

optimum leach

• Thickening and
• Geochemical
• Cyanide Detox

Figure 5.3: Phase 1 Test Work Flowsheet

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 195 of 566 Pre-Leach Thickening Test Work

The pre-leach thickening test work was conducted on the following two composite samples:

• Oxide composite – KLK Oxide and KD Oxide

• Sulphide composite – KLK IQP Var 3 to 6 and KLK Tuff Var 7 to 10.

Table 5.8 shows a summary of the pre-leach results.

Table 5.8: Summary of the Pre-Leach Results

Pre-Leach Pre-Leach
Parameter Unit
Oxide Sulphide
Solids flux t/(m2·h) 0.35 0.45
Maximum mud bed solids concentration after 24 h % m/m 58 76
Overflow clarity (wedge) 44 7
Thickener type High Rate High Rate
Thickener feed solids concentrate % m/m 10 10
Flocculant type M919 M919
Flocculant dosing concentration % 0.025 0.025
Flocculant dose g/t 70 60

The following conclusions were established from the thickening test work:

• The pre-leach sulphide material consolidates to a significantly higher solids

concentration than the pre-leach oxide material over the same residence time.
• In order to operate under optimum conditions at all times, thickener control is essential.
High variability in underflow density and rheology should be catered for in the pumping
• Overflow clarity is expected to be very poor for the pre-leach sulphide material. Viscosity Test Work

Viscosity tests were performed to determine at what percentage of solids the Tri-K ore starts
to become viscous. The results indicated the following:

• The oxide samples start to become viscous at 50 % solids; both at the natural and
elevated pH of 10.5 (see Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5).
• The sulphide samples start to become viscous at 65 % solids; both at the natural and
elevated pH of 10.5 (see Figure 5.6, Figure 5.7 and Figure 5.8).

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 196 of 566

Figure 5.4: KD Oxide Viscosity Results

Figure 5.5: KLK Oxide Viscosity Results

Figure 5.6: KD Sulphide Viscosity Results

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 197 of 566

Figure 5.7: KLK IQP Viscosity Results

Figure 5.8: KLK Tuff Viscosity Results Materials Handling Test Work

Materials handling test work to determine the flowability characteristics of the Tri-K ore was
performed on only four of the master composite samples as there was insufficient KD sulphide
sample. The materials handling results allow for increased confidence in the design and
engineering of materials handling systems, thereby eliminating unnecessary risk and ensuring
a smooth integration between construction and operation. Table 5.9 shows the flowability of
the four ore samples for mass and funnel flow storage design.

Table 5.9: Storage Flowabilities

Sample ID Tested Moistures Flowability Mass Flow Funnel Flow

KD Oxide Master Composite 7 %, 11 % and 15 % Cohesive Preferred Acceptable
KLK Oxide Master Composite 7 %, 11 % and 15 % Cohesive Preferred Acceptable
KLK IQP Sulphide Master Composite 7 %, 11 % and 15 % Fair Flowing Preferred Acceptable
KLK Tuff Sulphide Master Composite 7 %, 11 % and 15 % Fair Flowing Preferred Acceptable

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 198 of 566 Feeders

The most suitable feeder for oxide material containing mostly fines is a belt feeder. For ROM
material with large lump sizes, apron feeders are the best option. Vibrating feeders should be
avoided as they will cause flow problems and blockages.

The most suitable feeder for sulphide material is a vibrating or belt feeder (only for maximum
lump sizes < 100 mm). Vibrating feeders can also be used, depending on the −4 mm size
fraction and the operating moisture. For ROM material, vibrating or apron feeders should be

The recommended liner for bins or hoppers is Rio-Carb (Ultra Smooth), VRN-500 or ceramics.
The Rio-Carb (Ultra Smooth) liner has the lowest friction and will result in the shallowest
hopper angles for mass flow design. Transfer Chutes

Table 5.10 summarises the chute flowability of the four samples.

Table 5.10: Chute Flowability

Dead Sliding
Sample ID Tested Moistures Flowability
Boxes Chutes
KD Oxide Master Composite 7 %, 11 % and 15 % Very Cohesive Avoid Acceptable

KLK Oxide Master Composite 7 %, 11 % and 15 % Very Cohesive Avoid Acceptable

KLK IQP Sulphide Master Composite 7 %, 11 % and 15 % Cohesive Acceptable Acceptable

KLK Tuff Sulphide Master Composite 7 %, 11 % and 15 % Cohesive Acceptable Acceptable

Transfer chutes handling oxide material should not be designed with dead boxes. Careful
consideration should be given to build-up angles, material velocities, and bulk stream particle
size distributions. For oxide material, sliding or diverter-type chutes are recommended.

Transfer chutes handling sulphide material can be designed with dead boxes, but careful
consideration should be given to build-up angles, material velocities, and bulk stream particle
size distributions. For bulk streams with a high percentage of fines contents (−4 mm and
lower), sliding or diverter-type chutes are recommended.

The Rio-Carb (Ultra Smooth) liner produced the lowest chute friction values for all the tested
samples. Ideally, a chute handling fine oxide material should be lined with Rio-Carb (Ultra
Smooth) or Tivar-88 liners. For bulk streams containing large lump sizes, VRN-500, CB8000
or Rio-Carb (Ultra Smooth) liners should be used. Wear due to impact can be addressed by
using VRN-500 or CB8000 liners. Wear due to sliding can be addressed by using VRN-500,
Rio-Carb (Ultra Smooth) or ceramic liners.

Liner ledges should be minimised, and round corners should be installed for all transfer chutes.
As a general rule, in a bulk stream containing larger lumps and fines, the bulk stream’s impact
angle relative to the impact surface should not be greater than 30° unless proved otherwise
with chute velocity calculations.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 199 of 566

For oxide fines and duff chutes, Rio-Carb (Ultra Smooth) or Tivar-88 liners should be
considered. A duff or fines chute should also have rounded corners and should be set at 90°
to the horizontal.

For sulphide fines and duff chutes, Rio-Carb (Ultra Smooth), VRN-500 or Tivar-88 liners
should be considered. A duff or fines chute should also have rounded corners and should be
set at 75° to 90° to the horizontal. Head Assays

Multi-element head assays were conducted on the five master composites. Full inductively
coupled plasma (ICP), Au (via fire assay), As, Ag (via atomic absorption), sulphur (via wet
chemistry), Hg (via ICP Mass Spectroscopy) and specific gravity (SG) (via pycnometer) head
analyses were carried out on the five master composite samples before the metallurgical tests
were performed.

The detailed head assays can be seen in the MMSA test work report (see Appendix 5.4).

Table 5.11 shows a summary of the head assays.

Table 5.11: Summary of the Multi-Element Head Assays

Au Ag S2- Cu As C Total CO32- C Organic

Sample ID
g/t g/t % % ppm % % %
KLK Oxide 1.11 3.0 0.012 0.003 689 0.16 0.50 0.070
KLK IQP 2.84 <1 0.091 0.001 1 940 0.52 1.72 0.174
KLK Tuff 1.20 5.0 0.093 0.005 1 842 1.23 5.14 0.200
KD Oxide 1.49 4.0 0.001 0.004 878 0.07 0.28 0.010
KD Sulphide 1.98 3.0 0.171 0.002 4 040 0.18 0.90 0.001

Table 5.12 shows a summary of the duplicate gold head assays performed on the five master
composite samples.

Table 5.12: Summary of the Duplicate Gold Head Assays

Au (g/t) Au (g/t)
Sample ID Average
Assay 1 Assay 2
KLK Oxide Master Composite 2.05 1.77 1.91
KLK IQP Master Composite 8.17 8.3 8.24
KLK Tuff Master Composite 1.39 1.63 1.51
KD Oxide Master Composite 2.01 1.62 1.82
KD Sulphide Master Composite 1.18 0.83 1.01

The gold grades did not tie in with the gold grades from the drilling programme, therefore,
triplicate head assays were performed. Table 5.13 shows a summary of the triplicate gold
head assays.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 200 of 566

Table 5.13: Summary of the Triplicate Gold Head Assays

Au (g/t) Au (g/t) Au (g/t)

Sample ID Average
Assay 1 Assay 2 Assay -3
KLK Oxide Master Composite 1.48 1.46 1.59 1.51
KLK IQP Master Composite 2.91 2.18 2.54 2.54
KLK Tuff Master Composite 1.4 1.08 1.24 1.24
KD Oxide Master Composite 1.62 1.43 1.85 1.63
KD Sulphide Master Composite 1.84 2.08 1.77 1.90

The results obtained from the triplicate head assays were more in line with the drilling
campaign head assays. However, the difference in the head assays indicates the presence of
coarse gold. For the KLK IQP ore, the gold head grade from the duplicate assays was 8.24 g/t
Au, yet the triplicate assays gave an average of 2.54 g/t Au. Due to the significant difference
in the head assays, metallic screen head assays were performed to determine the head grade,
and these showed a gold grade of 3.93 g/t Au. Diagnostic Leach Tests

Diagnostic leach tests were performed on the five master composite samples to obtain an
initial idea of the gold recovery that can be achieved and to understand the gold association.
Details of the procedure used are contained in the report issued by MMSA (see Appendix 5.4).

The results obtained from the diagnostic leach tests are shown in Table 5.14.

Table 5.14: Diagnostic Leach Appraisal of the Five Master Composites

Test KD Oxide KD Sulphide KLK IQP KLK Oxide KLK Tuff

Quartz (balance) 1.2 0.9 0.6 1.9 6.5
Carbonaceous 1.4 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8
HNO3 digestible 1.1 1.3 0.9 0.7 16.8
HCl digestible 1.5 31.6 21.9 2.7 4.3
Preg-robbing 12 22 15.2 7.2 18.6
Direct cyanidation 82.7 43.6 60.9 86.7 52.9
Carbon in leach (CIL) 94.7 65.6 76.1 93.9 71.5

The results indicated the following:

• Fine milling will not significantly increase gold extraction because 0.6 % to 1.2 % of the
gold is locked in quartz.
• The ores contain high preg-robbers with preg-robbing ranging from 7.2 % to 22 %. The
KLK Tuff showed the highest preg-robbing tendencies.
• Both the KLK Oxide and KD Oxide are free-milling ores with an expected gold
extraction via CIL of 93.9 % and 94.7 %, respectively. The sulphide samples show a
lower gold extraction, with the KLK Tuff showing the lowest gold extraction of 65.6 %
via CIL.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 201 of 566

Since the sulphide samples proved to be refractory, SENET proposed that a separate process
route be investigated for the sulphide samples, which involved flotation followed by
concentrate handling test work. This possible process route is designated Phase 3 and the
different stages (Phases 3A to 3D) are shown in Figure 5.9. Phases 3A to 3D show the
sequential flow of the test work

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 202 of 566


Multi-element head analysis Note 1: Mineralogy test work to get an understanding of the gold association and to determine if flotation can be done
and gold deportment

Flotation scouting test work Note 2: To determine if sulphides can be floated Hyper oxygenation (Aachen at P80 of 75 µm and 53 µm)

Flotation Optimisation
Effect of grind
Effect of reagents
Effect of time
Effect of cleaner/recleaner and regrind
PHASE 3B Locked cycle testwork (LCT)

Concentrate Tailings

"As is" leach at excess conditions O 2 sparging "As is" leach at excess conditions O 2 sparging
Fine mill to 15 µm followed by hyper oxygenation - Aachen reactor (Leachox process)

Bulk Flotation at Optimum Conditions Storage


Bio Oxidation (BIOX)

Select best concentrate handling route

Optimisation test work

Optimise parameters for the selected concentrate handling route
Variability test work
At the selected route under the optimum conditions

Note 3: Phases 3A to 3D are in logical sequence and the preceding phase must be successfully completed before the next phase can commence.

Figure 5.9: Proposed Further Test Work on the Refractory Sulphide Samples (Phase 3)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 203 of 566 Gravity Recoverable Gold Test Work

Sub-samples from each of the five master composite samples were supplied to Gravity
Concentrators Africa (GCA) for extended gravity recoverable gold (EGRG) test work. Table
5.15 shows a summary of the EGRG results.

Table 5.15: Summary of the EGRG Results

Assayed Head GRG EGRG
Sample ID Head
g/t Au g/t Au % Au % Au
KLK Oxide 0.93 0.86 50.6 56.6
KD Oxide 1.28 1.39 37.6 38.6
KLK IQP 4.93 4.83 70.8 86.0
KLK Tuff 0.73 0.84 39.1 61.0
KD Sulphide 1.61 1.57 37.2 63.8

The results indicated that the Tri-K ore contains gravity recoverable gold. This ties in with the
variability of assaying results of the gold head samples, which indicated the presence of
coarse gold (nugget affect) in the Tri-K ore.

GCA was requested to model the EGRG results to determine the expected plant gravity
recovery that can be achieved. Table 5.16 shows the expected plant gravity gold recovery
assuming a 30 % circulating load.

Table 5.16: Predicted Plant GRG

Sample ID
KLK Oxide Master Composite 31.9
KLK IQP Master Composite 52.3
KLK Tuff Master Composite 38.4
KD Oxide Master Composite 20.1
KD Sulphide Master Composite 32.6 Gravity Recovery Test Work

Gravity recovery test work was conducted to produce the following:

• Gravity middlings and tailings for leach optimisation

• Gravity concentrates for intense leach test work

Table 5.17 shows a summary of the gravity recovery test work to produce products for

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 204 of 566

Table 5.17: Gravity Recovery to Produce Products for Cyanidation

% Gravity Gold Recovery to

Sample ID
Primary Concentrate
KD Oxide 40.77
KD Sulphide 26.01
KLK IQP 38.52
KLK Tuff 58.03
KLK Oxide 40.77

The gravity middlings and tailings produced from the gravity test work were used for the leach
optimisation test work. The gravity concentrate produced from the gravity test work was used
for intense leach test work. Intense Leach Cyanidation on the Gravity Concentrates

Intense leach cyanidation was performed on the gravity concentrates to obtain an indication
of the gold dissolutions achievable.

Table 5.18 shows the gold dissolutions achieved on the gravity concentrates for the five
master composites.

Table 5.18: Summary – Intense Leach on Gravity Concentrates

Intense Leach
Sample ID
(% Au Dissolution)
KD Oxide 97.68
KD Sulphide 73.09
KLK IQP 93.41
KLK Tuff 90.81
KLK Oxide 90.98

The KD Sulphide sample showed low gold dissolution. This ties in with the diagnostic results,
which indicated that the KD Sulphide does not respond well to cyanidation. Leach Optimisation Test Work

The gravity middlings and tailings produced for each of the five master composites underwent
leach optimisation test work to determine the optimum leach parameters for maximum gold
dissolution. ROM vs Gravity Recovery

Test work was conducted to assess whether a gravity concentration and intensive cyanidation
circuit is required in the Tri-K process plant to improve the overall gold recovery.

Table 5.19 compares the gold recoveries achievable with and without the inclusion of a gravity
concentration and intensive cyanidation circuit for the five master composites. The ROM gold
dissolution refers to the expected dissolution achieved without the use of the gravity circuit.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 205 of 566

This is compared to the overall gold recovery achievable when a gravity concentrator is used
in the flowsheet, followed by the intensive cyanidation of the gravity concentrate for the five
master composites. Note that the overall recovery refers to the test results when using gravity
concentration, intensive leaching on the gravity concentrate, as well as CIL on the gravity
middlings and tailings.

Table 5.19: ROM versus Gravity Gold Recovery

Intensive Leach on Overall

Leach on the Gravity Recovery
Gravity Recovery
Gravity Middlings including
Concentrate and Tailings ROM
Sample ID Cyanidation
Primary Gravity Concentrate and
Au Au Intensive
Mass Gravity Dissolution Dissolution Leach
Pull Recovery
(%) (%) (g/t Au) (%) (%) (%) (%)
KD Oxide 2.0 39.96 32.7 97.7 88.52 92.19 94.49
KLK Tuff 2.7 58.03 31.2 90.8 30.98 65.69 44.82
KLK IQP 3.7 38.52 49.8 93.4 53.76 69.03 60.89
KLK Oxide 2.0 40.77 19.1 91.0 92.10 91.65 92.13
KD Sulphide 3.3 26.01 14.5 73.1 57.68 61.69 64.30

The results indicated the following:

• KD Oxide – This sample showed a higher gold dissolution via ROM cyanidation
(94.49 %) compared to the overall gold recovery when using gravity and intensive
cyanidation (92.19 %). The gold dissolution and gold recovery values are comparable;
however, a gravity circuit will have the advantage of removing the free and gravity
recoverable-gold early in the circuit.
• KLK Tuff – This sample showed a higher gold recovery (65.69 %) with gravity and
intensive cyanidation compared to ROM gold dissolution (44.82 %). The use of a
gravity concentration and intensive cyanidation circuit would be recommended in this
case to improve the overall recovery.
• KLK IQP – This sample showed a higher gold recovery (69.03 %) with gravity and
intensive cyanidation compared to ROM gold dissolution (60.89 %). The use of a
gravity concentration and intensive cyanidation circuit would be recommended in this
case to improve the overall recovery.
• KLK Oxide – This sample showed a slightly higher gold dissolution via ROM
cyanidation (92.13 %) compared to the overall gold recovery via gravity and
cyanidation (91.65 %). The gold dissolution and gold recovery values are comparable,
but a gravity concentration and intensive cyanidation circuit will have the advantage of
removing the free-gold early in the circuit.
• KD Sulphide – This sample showed a higher gold dissolution via ROM cyanidation
(64.30 %) compared to the overall gold recovery via gravity and cyanidation (61.69 %).
The gold dissolution and gold recovery values are comparable, but a gravity and
intensive cyanidation circuit will have the advantage of removing the free-gold early in
the circuit.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 206 of 566

Based on the results, it was proposed that a gravity concentration and intensive cyanidation
circuit be retained at this level of study because of the recovery advantage associated with
the KLK Tuff composite. Effect of Grind

Leach tests were performed on the gravity middlings and tailings milled to varied grinds. Figure
5.10 shows a summary of the effect of grind results. From the results, an optimum grind of
80 % passing 75 µm was selected for the Tri-K ore.




70.00 KD Sulphide
KD Oxide
KLK Tuff
% Au
Dissolution KLKL IQP

40.00 KLK Oxide




0 50 100 150 200 250
Grind P80 (microns)

Figure 5.10: Effect of Grind Results Effect of Preg-Robbing

Preg-robbing rate tests were performed on each of the five master composite samples. The
preg-robbing tests were performed by conducting leach tests with and without carbon addition.
The difference between the two tests would represent the preg-robbing component of the ore
at the particular time interval. Table 5.20 shows a summary of the preg-robbing rate tests.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 207 of 566

Table 5.20: Summary of the Preg-Robbing Rate Tests

KLK Oxide KD Oxide KLK IQP KLK Tuff K D Sulphide

Time Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au
Preg- Preg- Preg- Preg- Preg-
Dissolution Dissolution Dissolution Dissolution Dissolution Dissolution Dissolution Dissolution Dissolution Dissolution
Robbing Robbing Robbing Robbing Robbing
(CIL) (Direct CN) (CIL) (Direct CN) (CIL) (Direct CN) (CIL) (Direct CN) (CIL) (Direct CN)

h Au % Au % Au % Au % Au % Au % Au % Au % Au % Au % Au % Au % Au % Au % Au %

0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

1 52.4 46.0 6.3 74.00 59.67 14.33 72.22 70.29 1.93 40.20 34.31 5.88 57.70 35.63 22.07

2 56.6 52.4 4.2 76.33 67.67 8.67 74.15 72.46 1.69 47.06 35.29 11.76 61.38 35.86 25.52

4 61.9 52.4 9.5 81.33 70.00 11.33 79.71 72.46 7.25 64.71 36.27 28.43 63.22 35.86 27.36

8 63.5 55.6 7.9 86.00 71.00 15.00 80.19 73.19 7.00 64.71 37.25 27.45 65.52 39.77 25.75

16 78.4 55.6 22.8 90.00 73.33 16.67 80.19 73.19 7.00 72.06 37.25 34.80 65.98 50.80 15.17

24 82.5 58.7 23.8 90.67 74.00 16.67 80.68 73.19 7.49 67.65 40.20 27.45 66.90 52.41 14.48

32 81.0 60.8 20.1 90.67 72.67 18.00 81.16 73.19 7.97 71.57 40.69 30.88 69.66 52.18 17.47

36 84.1 60.8 23.3 91.33 75.33 16.00 82.61 76.57 6.04 68.38 42.16 26.23 70.11 52.18 17.93

48 80.4 61.9 18.5 92.00 76.00 16.00 83.09 74.15 8.94 65.69 41.67 24.02 67.59 50.57 17.01

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 208 of 566

The results indicated the following:

• All five master composite samples showed high preg-robbing tendencies. At a

residence time of 24 h, preg-robbing ranged from 7.49 % to 27.45 % for the five master
composite samples. The KLK Tuff ore showed the highest preg-robbing tendencies.
Carbonate head assays on the five master composites were high, also supporting the
fact that the ore has high preg-robbing tendencies. The KLK Tuff ore had the highest
carbonate (5.14 %) and organic carbon (0.2 %) assays, which explain the high preg-
robbing tendencies. Due to the high preg-robbing nature of the ore, the gold recovery
process route selected for cyanidation is carbon addition.
• The preg-robbing rate tests indicated that the preg-robbers are active in the initial hours
of cyanidation. Therefore, if the CIL plant has a pre-leach tank without carbon, there is
the possibility of losing gold to preg-robbers. Effect of Cyanide Addition

The initial cyanide optimisation tests were performed by adding a set amount of cyanide varied
at 0.5 kg/t, 1 kg/t, 2 kg/t, 3 kg/t and 5 kg/t, without maintaining the cyanide levels. These tests
yielded high cyanide consumption values since the more cyanide that is added, the more
cyanide will be consumed. Therefore, the cyanide optimisation tests were repeated, but this
time the cyanide levels were maintained in the leach to avoid overfeeding any cyanide
consumers. The cyanide was maintained at the following varied levels:

• 300 ppm
• 400 ppm
• 600 ppm

Table 5.21 shows a summary of the cyanide addition results.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 209 of 566

Table 5.21: Summary of the Cyanide Addition Results

Pregnant Solution Head Residue Reagent Consumption Dissolution (Assay) Dissolution (Calculated)
Solution + Solution +
Sample ID NaCN CaO Au Assayed Calculated Au NaCN CaO Solid Solid
Initial pH Carbon Carbon
(ppm) (%) (ppm) Au (g/t) Au (g/t) (g/t) (kg/t) (kg/t) Au (%) Au (%) Au (%) Au (%)

300 0.007 8.6 0.05 1.45 3.05 0.82 0.76 0.18 48.32 43.2 45.98 45.98

KD Sulphide 400 0.006 8.6 0.01 1.45 2.84 0.64 1.04 0.19 53.64 55.9 54.86 54.86

600 0.008 8.6 0.02 1.45 2.98 0.64 1.42 0.17 58.7 55.9 57.08 57.08

300 0.016 7.5 0.01 1 2.06 0.12 1.13 0.5 90.96 88 88.34 88.34

KD Oxide 400 0.003 7.5 0.01 1 2.04 0.09 1.49 0.66 92.8 91 91.16 91.16

600 0.003 7.5 0.01 1 2.12 0.08 2.02 0.66 97.89 92 92.45 92.45

300 0.008 9.1 0.08 3.27 6.49 0.47 0.49 0.08 84.87 85.6 85.52 85.52

KLK IQP 400 0.008 9.1 0.09 3.27 6.51 0.4 0.8 0.08 87.48 87.9 87.82 87.82

600 0.007 9.1 0.07 3.27 7.05 0.31 0.99 0.09 98.14 90.4 91.1 91.1

300 0.004 8.9 0.09 0.68 1.56 0.4 0.76 0.16 55.6 41.2 48.59 48.59

KLK Tuff 400 0.008 8.9 0.07 0.68 1.44 0.34 0.91 0.06 56.14 50 52.89 52.89

600 0.007 8.9 0.05 0.68 1.37 0.32 1.23 0.08 53.93 52.9 53.40 53.40

300 0.006 7.7 0.05 0.63 1.29 0.17 1.82 0.41 75.13 72.5 73.19 73.19

KLK Oxide 400 0.004 7.7 0.01 0.63 1.21 0.12 2.18 0.44 77.36 81 80.24 80.24

600 0.004 7.7 0.01 0.63 1.26 0.08 2.79 0.44 87.21 87.3 87.29 87.29

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 210 of 566

An analysis was performed to determine the gold dissolved against the cyanide consumptions
in order to obtain the contribution to the operating margin for each of the cyanide addition

The following were inputs to the analysis:

• Cyanide costs: US$2 950/t

• Hydrated lime costs: US$250/t
• Gold price: US$1 275/oz

Table 5.22 provides a summary of the contribution to the operating margin for each of the
cyanide addition levels.

Table 5.22: Effect of Cyanide Addition – Contribution to Operating Margin

Cyanide Addition Level
Sample ID Consumption*
300 ppm 400 ppm 600 ppm (kg/t)
KD Oxide US$71 785 012 US$68 006 731 US$62 312 701 1.13
KLK Oxide US$141 896 419 US$150 022 429 US$152 691 389 2.79
KLK IQP US$496 868 728 US$497 075 907 US$500 365 461 0.99
KLK Tuff US$178 261 330 US$193 503 981 US$195 847 835 1.23
KD Sulphide US$41 426 038 US$47 781 063 US$47 002 370 1.04
* The cyanide consumption shown is only for the selected cyanide addition level (shaded in green).

By considering the maximum contributions to the operating margin given in Table 5.22, the
optimum cyanide addition was selected. The proposed optimum cyanide additions are as

• KD Oxide: 300 ppm

• KLK Oxide: 600 ppm
• KLK IQP: 600 ppm
• KLK Tuff: 600 ppm
• KD Sulphide: 400 ppm

To cater for all ore types, a cyanide addition maintained at 600 ppm was selected as the
optimum. Effect of the Percentage of Solids

Gold dissolution tests were performed on the gravity middlings and tailings products for the
five master composites to determine the optimum percentage of solids required for leach.
Three varied percentages of solids (40 %, 45 % and 50 %) were investigated. Table 5.23
shows a summary of the gold dissolution values achieved at the various percentages of solids.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 211 of 566

Table 5.23: Effect of Percentage of Solids – Summary of Results

% Gold Dissolution on the Gravity

Middlings and Tailings Optimum %
Sample ID Highest Gold Dissolution
40 % Solids 45 % Solids 50 % Solids
KLK Oxide 90.5 92 92.1 92.1 % at 50 % solids 45*
KLK Tuff 50.6 34.9 31 50.6 % at 40 % solids 40
KLK IQP 90.5 90.6 53.8 90.6 % at 45 % solids 45
KD Sulphide 53.3 58.2 57.5 58.2 % at 45 % solids 45
KD Oxide 92 91.9 88.5 92.0 % at 40 % solids 40
* The KLK Oxide sample showed the highest gold dissolution at 50 % solids. However, viscosity test work
indicated that at 50 % solids, the oxide ore starts to become viscous. Gold dissolution at 50 % solids (92.1 %)
is comparable to gold dissolution at 45 % solids (92.0 %), therefore, 45 % solids was selected for the KLK

From the test work results, the optimum percentages of solids are as follows:

• KLK Oxide: 45 % solids

• KLK Tuff: 40 % solids
• KLK IQP: 45 % solids
• KD Sulphide: 45 % solids
• KD Oxide: 40 % solids

To cater for all samples, an optimum percentage of solids of 45 % was agreed upon. Effect of Air/Oxygen Sparging

Optimisation tests were performed to establish whether air or oxygen sparging will be required
for the Tri-K ore. The following tests were performed on each of the five master composites:

• Base case (no air or oxygen sparging)

• Air sparging only during leach
• Oxygen sparging only during leach

Table 5.24 shows a summary of the results.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 212 of 566

Table 5.24: Effect of Sparging Air or Oxygen during Leach

KLK Oxide KD Oxide KLK IQP KLK Tuff KD Sulphide

Test Au CN Au CN Au CN Au CN Au CN
Dissolution Consumption Dissolution Consumption Dissolution Consumption Dissolution. Consumption Dissolution Consumption
(%) (kg/t) (%) (kg/t) (%) (kg/t) (%) (kg/t) (%) (kg/t)
Base Case
(No sparging, air 72.41 1.66 89.33 1.24 79.71 0.32 58.82 0.68 56.55 0.89
or oxygen)
Air Sparging 80.46 1.86 90.67 1.58 79.23 0.59 64.71 0.81 60.46 1.15

Oxygen Sparging 84.67 2.27 89.33 1.77 80.19 0.79 67.65 1.1 68.7 1.44

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The results indicated the following:

• Generally, oxygen sparging provided the highest gold dissolution.

• Cyanide consumption generally increased from no sparging to air sparging to oxygen
sparging because oxygen oxidises the cyanide, resulting in increased cyanide
consumption. Effect of Residence Time

Leach rate tests were performed via discrete bottle roll tests to determine the optimum
residence time for leach. Table 5.25 shows a summary of the rate tests. A residence time of
24 h was selected to cater for all five samples (see Figure 5.11).

Table 5.25: Rate of Gold Dissolution Results

KLK Oxide KD Oxide KLK IQP KLK Tuff K D Sulphide

Time Au Dissolution Au Dissolution Au Dissolution Au Dissolution Au Dissolution

h Au % Au % Au % Au % Au %
0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 52.4 74.00 72.22 40.20 57.70
2 56.6 76.33 74.15 47.06 61.38
4 61.9 81.33 79.71 64.71 63.22
8 63.5 86.00 80.19 64.71 65.52
16 78.4 90.00 80.19 72.06 65.98
24 82.5 90.67 80.68 67.65 66.90
32 81.0 90.67 81.16 71.57 69.66
36 84.1 91.33 82.61 68.38 70.11
48 80.4 92.00 83.09 65.69 67.59

KLK Oxide
KD Oxide
% Au 50.0 KLK IQP
Dissolution KLK Tuff
30.0 KD Sulphide

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Time (h)

Figure 5.11: Rate of Gold Dissolution

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 214 of 566 Effect of an Aachen Reactor

Test work was conducted to determine the impact of an Aachen reactor on the cyanide
consumption and gold recovery for the Tri-K ore. These results can be used to assess whether
the Aachen reactor system provides a benefit in the CIL process.

The Aachen reactor uses high shear oxygen injection (fine bubbles) into the slurry at above
atmospheric pressure, which has the effect of oxidising any sulphide matrix locking gold
particles. Oxidation of the sulphide matrix liberates the gold for cyanidation and subsequently
increases gold dissolution. The Aachen reactor also oxidises any cyanide consumers and can,
therefore, reduce cyanide consumption.

The Aachen reactor increases mass transfer of oxygen to the ore surface. For certain ores,
the use of Aachen reactors has resulted in lower cyanide consumptions in the CIL circuit. The
Aachen reactor system is attached to the CIL tank. It involves the addition of a high-pressure
pumping system to withdraw slurry from the CIL tank to the Aachen reactor, which is located
on top of the CIL tank. Oxygen is injected into the Aachen reactor at high velocities to mix with
the slurry, and the slurry is then returned to the same CIL tank. The system generally involves
using multiple recirculating loops of slurry between the Aachen pipe reactor and the CIL tank.

The test work was conducted on the following samples:

• KLK Oxide
• KD Sulphide
• KD Oxide

Table 5.26 shows a summary of the cyanidation results with and without an Aachen reactor.

The test work showed that for three of the four samples tested, the Aachen reactor reduced
the cyanide consumptions. Gold dissolution increased with the use of an Aachen reactor,
except for the KLK Oxide sample.

After a review of the results, it was decided not to include the Aachen reactor in the Tri-K
process flowsheet.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 215 of 566

Table 5.26: Gold Cyanidation Results with and without an Aachen Reactor

KLK Oxide KLK IQP KD Sulphide KD Oxide

Cyanide Cyanide Cyanide Cyanide

Gold Dissolution Gold Dissolution Gold Dissolution Gold Dissolution
Residence Consumption Consumption Consumption Consumption
(% Au) (% Au) (% Au) (% Au)
Time (kg/t) (kg/t) (kg/t) (kg/t)
No With No With No With No With No With No With No With No With
Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen Aachen

2 0.84 0.60 81.90 83.81 0.50 0.45 55.84 61.04 0.38 0.40 40.00 66.67 0.57 0.48 74.78 74.72

4 1.28 0.73 82.86 87.14 0.57 0.53 71.43 85.71 0.59 0.46 60.00 73.33 0.70 0.68 76.09 77.54

6 1.16 0.92 88.57 88.57 0.68 0.56 76.62 88.31 0.62 0.49 62.22 73.33 0.67 0.67 88.71 89.22

20 1.20 1.08 88.57 88.57 0.84 0.80 81.82 88.31 0.86 0.78 66.67 73.33 0.82 0.67 88.93 91.66

24 1.23 1.03 88.57 88.57 0.84 0.77 83.12 89.61 0.89 0.79 68.89 73.33 1.02 0.91 88.24 89.18

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 216 of 566 Bulk Leach at Optimum Conditions

A bulk leach was performed on each of the five master composite samples at the optimum
conditions established from the optimisation test work. The bulk leach was performed mainly
to generate slurry samples for further test work, namely

• Cyanide detoxification
• Thickening and rheology test work
• Carbon kinetics loading and equilibrium isotherms

Table 5.27 provides a summary of the bulk leach test work results.

Table 5.27: Summary of the Bulk Leach Test Work Results

ILR on
Gravity Gold Overall Cyanide Lime
Sample ID Recovery Dissolution Recovery Consumption Consumption
% Au % Au % Au % Au kg/t kg/t
KLK Oxide 40.77 91.0 81.99 85.66 2.12 0.73

KD Oxide 39.96 97.7 89.00 92.48 1.70 0.23

KLK IQP 38.52 93.4 81.88 86.32 0.85 0.16

KLK Tuff 58.03 90.8 66.67 80.67 1.12 0.19

KD Sulphide 26.01 73.1 67.82 69.19 1.38 0.34

As expected, the sulphide samples (KD Sulphide and KLK Tuff) yielded a low gold dissolution
of 67.82 % and 66.67 %, respectively. Mineralogy Test Work on Final Leach Tailings

After the bulk leach test work, conducted at optimum conditions, mineralogy test work was
conducted on the leach tailings to determine why the remaining gold did not leach. Figure 5.12
shows an overview of the gold grain associations of the leach tailings samples. Note that no
chart is available for the KD Oxide sample as no gold grains were found on this sample due
to the low head grade.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 217 of 566

Quartz PlagioclaseMica Chlorite Pyrite PyrrhotiteArsenopyrite
Galena Gersdorffite
Apatite Other
KLK Oxide 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
KD Oxide - - - - - - - - - -
KLK Tuff 71.3 0.9 0.0 5.2 12.8 4.7 3.6 0.6 0.0 0.8 0.0
KLK IQP 45.91 0.00 24.33 0.40 11.22 0.00 15.36 0.00 0.00 2.50 0.27
KD Sulphide 1.00 21.12 0.00 6.88 52.21 0.00 15.08 0.00 3.10 0.00 0.62


KLK Oxide KD Sulphide
Arsenopyrite Galena Apatite 3%
Apatite Other Other Quartz
Pyrrhotite 3% 1% 3% Plagioclase
1% Arsenopyrite 0% Other 1%
5% 0% Pyrite 21%
15% 1%
11% Arsenopyrite
13% 15%

Chlorite 46%
Plagioclase 7%
Quartz Mica Pyrite
1% 24%
71% 52%

Figure 5.12: Gold Grain Association on Final Leach Tailings

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 218 of 566

The mineralogy test work results showed the following:

• Oxide Samples:

o The oxide samples contained the lowest gold grades at 0.16 g/t Au (KLK Oxide)
and 0.18 g/t Au (KD Oxide).
o No gold grains were detected in the KD Oxide sample. Only two gold grains were
found in the KLK Oxide sample. Both gold grains occurred in the form of native
gold (Au-Ag) and were fine grained (~1 µm). One grain represented a well-liberated
and exposed gold grain, and the other grain was locked or enclosed within a
coarse-grained pyrite crystal.
o KLK Oxide has 100 % of the gold associated with pyrite. It is suspected that the
KLK Oxide is either a transition ore sample or a non-refractory sulphide sample.

• Sulphide Samples:

o QUEMSCAN (quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electron microscopy)

results indicated that < 3 % of the gold grains were liberated, showing that
cyanidation leach tests were effective.
o Figure 5.12 shows that significant amounts of gold particles are associated with
pyrite and arsenopyrite, therefore, flotation can potentially increase gold recovery.

Due to the gold-sulphide mineral associations, upfront sulphide flotation and ultrafine grinding
of the concentrate is recommended. However, the fine-grained nature of the gold, together
with the gold-silicate losses, may preclude recoveries from exceeding 85 % to 90 %. Further
grind test work should be conducted since optimisation of the primary grind will partially offset
the gold-silicate losses. Oxygen Uptake Test Work

Oxygen uptake tests were conducted on the five master composite samples.

The test work was initially conducted on each of the five master composite samples. But
erroneous results were achieved, therefore, the test work was repeated. However, insufficient
samples remained from the master composites to repeat the tests, therefore, an oxide and
sulphide composite was made from the variability samples as follows:

• Oxide: Oxide Var 1 (KLK) + Oxide Var 2 (KLK)

• Sulphide: Var 3 to 6 (KLK-IQP) and Var 7 to 10 (KLK-Tuff)

The oxygen uptake test work results are given in Table 5.28.

Table 5.28: Oxygen Uptake Test Work Results

Oxygen Uptake
Sample ID
Oxide 0.025

Sulphide 0.069

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 219 of 566

The measured oxygen utilisation rates for the oxide composite (0.025 mg/L/min) fall within the
low classification range and show that aeration will be required. The sulphide composite (0.069
mg/L/min) rates fall in the medium classification range and indicate that oxygen sparging will
be required during the plant operation when treating the sulphides (see Table 5.29).

Table 5.29: CIL Oxygenation Requirement

Laboratory Tests O2
Classification Action/Design
Low < 0.05 Aeration
Medium > 0.05 - 0.4 Oxygen Sparging
High > 0.40 Hyper-oxygenation or peroxide addition Blend Test Work

Preliminary metallurgical test work was carried out to determine whether blending the various
orebodies would have an effect on the recoveries and reagent consumptions.

In the absence of a finalised mine plan, this test work was carried out on assumed blends.

Since the preliminary metallurgical test work was completed before the mine plan was
finalised, its results cannot be used in this BFS. The final blend test work will be carried out in
the detailed design phase. Cyanide Detoxification Test Work

Cyanide detoxification test work was conducted on the leached slurry and on the filtrate. SMBS
(or the INCO process) was investigated for the leached slurry, while hydrogen peroxide was
investigated for the leach filtrate.

Table 5.30 shows the SMBS detoxification results of the leached slurry.

Table 5.30: Cyanide Detoxification Results of the Slurry

Experimental Experimental
SMBS (100 %) CaO
Feed Detoxification Final Detoxification
Detoxification Consumption Consumption
Sample ID Level Level
WAD CN (ppm) WAD CN (ppm) g/g g/g

KLK Oxide 201 < 25 5.48 0
1.5 × excess
KLK IQP 382 < 25 5.48 0
1.5 × excess
KLK Tuff 179 < 25 7.31 0
1.5 × excess
KD Oxide 397 < 25 5.48 0
1.5 × excess
KD Sulphide 311 36.9 7.31 0
2 × excess

All the samples except the KD Sulphide achieved a WAD CN of less than 25 ppm at 1.5 times
the excess of the stoichiometric ratio. For the KD Sulphide, even 2 times the stoichiometric
ratio could not reduce the WAD CN to less than 25 ppm. A higher stoichiometric ratio (above

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 220 of 566

2 times) will be required to reduce the WAD CN to less than 25 ppm on the KD Sulphide

Table 5.31 shows a summary of the hydrogen peroxide detoxification results of the leach

Table 5.31: Cyanide Detoxification Results of the Leach Filtrate

Experimental Feed Experimental Final H2O2 CuSO4·5H2O

Detoxification Detoxification Level Detoxification Level Addition Addition
Sample ID
WAD CN (ppm) WAD CN (ppm) g/g g/g
KLK Oxide 182 0 3.93 0.196
3 × excess
KLK IQP 397 0 2.62 0.196
2 × excess
KLK Tuff 113 0 2.62 0.196
2 × excess
KD Oxide 413 0 2.62 0.196
2 × excess
KD Sulphide 288 0 2.62 0.196
2 × excess

Hydrogen peroxide will reduce the WAD CN in solution to 0 ppm at the addition of the specified
reagents in a period of 120 min. This can be used for emergency detoxification of the solution. Continuous Cyanide Detoxification Test Work

Continuous cyanide detoxification test work was performed on an oxide composite sample
and sulphide composite sample. Initial batch-scale cyanide detoxification test work indicated
that the SMBS/air process can effectively reduce the WAD CN to the required levels. The
continuous cyanide detoxification test work was conducted at the following stoichiometric

• Oxide: 1.5 × Equivalent

• Sulphide: 2.5 × Equivalent

Table 5.32 shows a summary of the continuous cyanide detoxification results.

Table 5.32: Continuous Cyanide Detoxification Results of the Slurry

Reagent Addition
Feed to Detoxification After Detoxification
(g/g WAD CN)
As Cu Ni As Cu Ni
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
(ppm) (ppm)
Oxide 215 0.8 1.46 < 0.05 18.00 0.6 31.25 < 0.05 0.8 5.86

Sulphide 123 23.0 42.20 0.06 0.37 16.0 0.08 < 0.05 0.5 7.13

• Both tests achieved the required target of < 50 ppm WAD CN after detoxification.
• For design, the sulphide SMBS consumption will be used.
• As expected, lime consumptions were low. Head assays showed that the Tri-K ore
contains carbonates, and this will reduce lime consumptions.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 221 of 566

• The sulphide sample showed high arsenic levels after detoxification. It was decided to
use a water treatment plant to treat water prior to discharge to the environment. Carbon Loadings Kinetics and Equilibrium Isotherms Test


Carbon loadings kinetics and equilibrium isotherms tests were performed on the five master
composite samples (see Table 5.33).

Table 5.33: Carbon Loadings Kinetics and Equilibrium Isotherms

Freundlich Constant
Sample ID
a b
KLK Oxide 41 258 0.2
KD Oxide 12 148 0.2
KLK IQP 7 296 0.5
KLK Tuff 7 938 2.0
KD Sulphide 15 801 0.5 Post-Leach Thickening Test Work

Static thickening test work was performed on each of the five master composite samples and
the following was established:

• All five samples were found to be naturally coagulated (settling) in the unflocculated
state, even though slow-settling ultrafine particles were observed during the settling
• The three sulphide samples behaved similarly and, therefore, a sulphide composite
sample was prepared for dynamic testing to determine the thickener operating and
sizing parameters.
• For the oxides, the KD Oxide sample represented the worst-case behaviour in terms
of thickening and was, therefore, tested on its own for the determination of thickener
parameters (dynamic thickening test work).

Table 5.34 shows a summary of the dynamic thickening and rheology results.

Table 5.34: Dynamic Thickening and Rheology Results

Parameter Unit KD Oxide Sulphide Composite

Thickener type High Rate High Rate
Feed solids concentration (in the feed well) % m/m 7.5 12.5
Flocculant dosage g/t 90 - 100 50
Flocculant dosing concentrate %m 0.025 0.025
Solids flux rate t/(m2·h) 0.25 0.5
Unsheared yield stress Pa 245 1 228
Sheared yield stress Pa 80 109
Mud bed solids concentrate % m/m 53.25 70.7

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 222 of 566

The results indicated the following:

• The thickener underflow rheology data showed that the unsheared yield stress values
for both the Sulphide Composite and the KD Oxide samples are high. The high yield
stress needs to be taken into account when designing the rake drive.
• Due to the large difference in settling properties between the Sulphide Composite and
the KD Oxide samples, the thickener operation will need to be closely controlled in
order to mitigate the changing conditions in the event of an ore change occurring. Geochemical Test Work

Geochemical test work was conducted on the samples produced after leach and after cyanide

Acid Base Accounting (ABA) test work was performed to determine whether the samples will
likely be a source of acid mine drainage. The ABA test work indicated that only the KD
Sulphide sample is likely to be acid generating.

Synthetic Precipitation Leach Procedure (SPLP) test work was conducted on the five master
composite samples. The objective of the SPLP test work is to classify a waste as hazardous
or non-hazardous in terms of contaminating groundwater. The filtrate from the SPLP was
analysed and the results indicated that arsenic, copper and nickel were above the
environmentally acceptable standards when using the International Finance Corporation’s
Environmental Health and Safety Regulations for Mining.

Mineralogical and chemical analyses performed on the five master composite samples
supported the findings of the ABA and SPLP test work and showed that the KD Sulphide
sample has the highest sulphide content at 1.41 % S2- and the highest arsenopyrite content. Test Work on the Variability Samples (Phase 1 and Phase 2)

The following variability test work was conducted on the Phase 1 and Phase 2 variability

• Variability comminution test work

• Variability head assays
• Variability diagnostic leach test work
• Variability gold recovery test work (gravity followed by cyanidation) Variability Comminution Test Work

Variability comminution tests were performed on the Phase 1 and Phase 2 variability samples. Phase 1

Table 5.35 shows a summary of the Phase 1 variability comminution results.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 223 of 566

Table 5.35: Phase 1 Variability Comminution Results Summary

Ai A b A×b
Sample ID (106 µm)
g - - - kWh/t
KLK Com1 oxide 0 56.1 1.37 77 4.34
KD Com1 oxide 0.01 10.6
KLK IQP Com3 0.4 100 0.21 21 16.5
KLK Tuff Com7 0.11 100 0.21 21 16.5
KLK Com2 oxide 0.01 65.9 1.15 76 5.1
KD Com4 oxide 0.01 3.5
KLK Tuff Com8 0.05 100 0.21 21 -
KD Com2 oxide 0.66 89.4 0.33 30 -
KLK IQP Com4 0.34 100 0.22 22 -
KLK IQP Com5 0.26 100 0.21 21 -
KLK IQP Com6 0.37 100 0.23 23 -
KLK Tuff Com9 0.1 100 0.18 18 -
KLK Tuff Com10 0.08 78.5 0.3 24 -
Average Oxides 0.138 70.5 1 60.7 5.89
Average Sulphides 0.2138 97.3 0.2 21.3 16.5

The results indicated the following:

• The Oxides showed an average Abrasion Index (Ai) of 0.1380 g, indicating that they
are low abrasive. The Sulphides showed an average Ai of 0.2138 g, indicating that
they are medium abrasive. Crusher and mill liner wear is not expected to be significant
due to the low Ai.
• The Oxides showed an average Bond Ball Work Index (BBWi) of 5.89 kWh/t, indicating
that they are soft in terms of milling. The Sulphides showed an average BBWi of
16.50 kWh/t, indicating that they are hard in terms of milling.
• SAG Mill Comminution (SMC) test work showed A × b values of 60.7 for the Oxides,
indicating that they are soft for semi-autogenous grinding (SAG)/autogenous grinding
(AG) milling. The Sulphides showed A × b values of 21.3, indicating that they are very
hard for SAG/AG milling. Since the Sulphides are very hard, scats build-up will be high
in SAG/AG milling.

OMC Circuit Modelling

OMC conducted a preliminary comminution circuit modelling based on the Phase 1

comminution results.

Three circuit options were considered for Oxide and Sulphide:

• Primary crushed SAG and ball milling (SABC)

• Secondary crushed SAG and ball milling (SABC)
• Tertiary crushed ball milling

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 224 of 566

Note that the power efficiency in SAG milling (fSAG) is high, suggesting that the circuit will have
extremely poor power efficiency in the SAG milling configuration compared to the tertiary crush
ball milling.

Table 5.36 shows the modelling results.

Table 5.36: Power Modelling

Primary Crush SABC Secondary Crush SABC Tertiary Crush Ball Mill
Parameter Unit
Oxide Sulphide Oxide Sulphide Oxide Sulphide
Ore Parameters
BBWi kWh/t 8.2 17.9 8.2 17.9 8.2 17.9
A×b 65.8 19.3 65.8 19.3 65.8 19.3
Ore SG 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7
Feed Rate t/h 250 250 250 250 250 250

Feed Size F80 mm 80 150 21 40 10 10

Product Size P80 µm 75 75 75 75 75 75

SAG Mill Specific Energy kWh/t 6.4 17.1 4.1 11.1 - -

Ball Mill Specific Energy kWh/t 7.2 13.9 6.5 16.7 8.9 21.7
Total Milling Specific Energy kWh/t 13.6 31 10.6 27.8 8.9 21.7

fSAG 1.49 1.55 1.18 1.42 - -

SAG Mill Pinion Power Required kW 1 593 4 275 1 030 2 764 - -

Ball Mill Pinion Power Required kW 1 812 3 475 1 619 4 183 2 219 5 431
Total Milling Pinion Power kW 3 405 7 750 2 649 6 947 2 219 5 431

The mine plan depicted an Oxide and Sulphide blend over the life of mine (LOM). The first
three years have a very high Oxide contribution, with Year 4 roughly 50:50. The competent
Sulphide ore becomes the majority of the feed from Year 5 onwards.

Due to the poor power efficiency in SAG milling (f SAG of 1.56), the Sulphide ore should be
crushed, and ball milled. Sulphide crushing the Oxides may, however, result in ore handling
challenges, which are often encountered when the feed blend is variable. As a result, there is
not one ideal circuit for this variable blend. Therefore, the selection will have to be based on
which is the best compromise.

Option 1 – ROM Ball Mill followed by Tertiary Crush Ball Mill

This option concept is as follows:

• Install the ball mill at a suitable size for the Sulphide material. An indicative mill size of
6.1 m Ø × 9.5 m mill length (effective grinding length (EGL)) and 6.5 MW could be
considered, but the mill will require a variable speed drive (VSD) to treat Oxides. The
mill will be oversized for the Oxide treatment, but this will provide some flexibility when
processing the variable Sulphide content in the blend.
• Feed the Oxide material as primary crushed feed to the ball mill. The selection of the
primary crusher will also be a challenge, considering the extremely competent nature

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 225 of 566

and reasonably high Ai of the Sulphide portion of the blend. A jaw crusher will most
likely be the safer option.
• Consider a recycle crusher to deal with scats if the mill is operated in an overflow
configuration. Most of the plants with these circuits end up with scats handling
problems and these should be considered upfront. Alternatively, the mill could be
operated as a grate discharge high ball charge SAG mill for the first three years of
operation to minimise scatting. In both cases, the ball mill feed chute and trunnion must
be adequately sized to handle primary crushed material.
• After Year 3, a tertiary crushing circuit should be added for the Sulphide ore. There are
some elevated abrasion indices, with the highest at 0.66. To realise the power benefit,
a fine crush will be required, but with such a highly competent ore, maintenance on the
crushing circuit will be high.
• Another alternative ideally suited to this ore would be the use of High-Pressure
Grinding Rolls (HPGR) in the tertiary crushing stage. The HPGR will have better wear
properties and produce a much finer product, thereby improving efficiency. However,
diligent maintenance of the HPGR is important, as poor maintenance can result in
exponential increases in operating costs. This risk must be taken into account if
considering the HPGR. The operating and maintenance skill levels in Guinea might
not be adequate to operate and maintain a higher technical piece of equipment like an
• This is expected to be a high capital cost (CAPEX) option.

Option 2 – Single Stage (SS) SAG followed by SABC

A lower overall CAPEX option may be to consider an oversize SAG mill initially, and the
addition of a ball mill and possibly secondary crushing around Year 5.

This option concept is as follows:

• Install a SAG mill of approximately 6.5 MW (similar power to the mill in Option 1) with
a recycle crusher (the crusher might or might not be needed in the initial period, but it
will be required later).
• Operate the circuit with primary crushed feed only, under moderately high ball charge
conditions while treating mostly Oxide ore. The mill will operate in a single-stage
• When expanding, add an additional ball mill. This mill will be considerably smaller than
the SAG mill. Given the power split between the SAG and ball mill, the new ball mill
would likely be fed a portion of the cyclone underflow with the SAG mill still operating
partially in closed circuit.
• Given the ore hardness, provision in the design and layout for the possible installation
of partial secondary crushing, if required, is recommended. Phase 2

Variability comminution test work was also completed on the Phase 2 samples. Table 5.37
shows a summary of the comminution results.

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Table 5.37: Phase 2 Variability Comminution Results Summary

Sample ID 106 µm
(kWh/t) (g) A×b DWi (kWh/m3) SG
Sulphide KD Com9 20.33 19.70 0.16 36.31 7.23 2.63
Tuff KLK Com10 38.87 18.30 0.07 25.66 10.71 2.74
Sulphide KD Com10 12.98 11.00 0.02 75.33 3.23 2.43
Sulphide KD Com8 23.59 22.10 0.21 39.53 6.79 2.68
Oxide KD Com7 22.99 17.10 0.24 32.48 7.95 2.60
Oxide KD Com6 12.50 - 0.01 - - -
IQP KLK Com9 - 1.54 0.02 - - -
Oxide KD Com5 - 1.42 0.03 - - -
Oxide KD Com4 - 4.42 0.02 - - -
DWi Drop Weight Index

Generally, the Phase 2 comminution results were comparable to the Phase 1 results.

OMC Comminution Modelling

The Phase 2 variability test work relooked at the comminution circuit modelling performed on
the Phase 1 results.

OMC determined the power requirements for treating the Oxide and the Sulphide ore blends
based on the LOM plan. KD transition is assumed to be Sulphide ore and KLK Sulphide is a
50:50 blend of Tuff and IQP.

From the last round of modelling, a 5.8 MW SAG mill and 4.3 MW ball mill were selected. The
SAG mill would operate in a single-stage configuration for the first three years on high Oxide
blends and would then change to SABC operation.

Based on the OMC analysis, the previous SAG mill size is appropriate for the duty, driven by
the Year 1, 2 and 8 duties. The ball mill size is also appropriate, driven by the Year 6

A new mine plan for the Tri-K Gold Project was provided with a throughput of 2.3 Mt/a and the
comminution circuit modelling was updated to reflect the new power demands. The equipment
previously selected (i.e. crushing circuit, the 5.8 MW SAG mill, the 4.3 MW ball mill and the
HP3 crusher) was still suitable, however, some modifications to the milling circuit configuration
were recommended.

A two-phase approach was recommended for the comminution circuit operation. During
Phase 1, the SAG mill will be operated in a single-stage closed circuit with classification,
treating mainly oxides. In Phase 2, the ball mill will be brought online, and the circuit operated
in an SABC configuration.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 227 of 566 Variability Head Assays Gold Assays

Triplicate gold head assays were conducted on each of the Phase 1 recovery variability
samples. Table 5.38 shows a summary of the gold head assays.

Table 5.38: Phase 1 Variability Gold Head Assays

Au Au Au
Au - Average
Sample ID Assay 1 Assay 2 Assay 3
g/t g/t g/t g/t
KLK Met Var 1 Oxide 1.49 1.80 1.76 1.68
KLK Met Var 2 Oxide 3.78 3.69 3.21 3.56
KLK Met Var 3 IQP 2.59 2.43 2.19 2.40
KLK Met Var 4 IQP 16.59 15.41 17.17 16.39
KLK Met Var 5 IQP 0.66 0.66 0.64 0.65
KLK Met Var 6 IQP 2.00 2.30 2.06 2.12
KLK Met Var 7 Tuff 8.39 8.68 8.09 8.39
KLK Met Var 8 Tuff 1.70 1.53 1.39 1.54
KLK Met Var 9 Tuff 1.08 0.82 0.94 0.95
KLK Met Var 10 Tuff 1.02 0.98 0.90 0.97

The triplicate gold head grades showed variability between the three values, indicating the
presence of coarse gold in the samples. Multi-Element Head Assays

A multi-element head assays were conducted on the variability samples to characterise the
ore. Table 5.39 shows a summary of the multi-element head assays.

Table 5.39: Multi-Element Head Assays

Ag Cu Ni CO32- As Hg Sb
(sulphide) (organic) (inorganic)
Sample ID
g/t % % % % % % ppm ppm ppm

KLK Met Var 1 Oxide <1 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.087 0.44 280 <1 <5

KLK Met Var 2 Oxide 4 0.004 0.005 0.002 0.039 0.002 0.01 767 <1 <5

KLK Met Var 3 IQP <1 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.089 0.010 0.581 2.90 1857 <1 <5

KLK Met Var 4 IQP 1 0.001 < 0.001 0.087 0.059 0.628 3.14 2 239 <1 <5

KLK Met Var 5 IQP <1 0.001 0.001 0.058 0.006 0.758 3.79 1238 <1 <5

KLK Met Var 6 IQP 2 0.001 < 0.001 0.099 0.040 0.798 3.99 2 260 <1 <5

KLKL Met Var 7 Tuff 2 0.003 0.004 0.094 0.022 1.332 6.66 1 893 <1 <5

KLKL Met Var 8 Tuff 1 0.005 0.005 0.099 0.021 1.244 6.22 1 428 <1 <5

KLKL Met Var 9 Tuff 3 0.004 0.004 0.143 0.002 1.308 6.54 2 457 <1 <5

KLKL Met Var 10 Tuff <1 0.003 0.003 0.092 0.043 1.333 6.66 1 702 <1 <5

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The multi-element head assays indicated the following:

• Carbonate assays in the IQP and Tuff samples were high, therefore, the lime
consumptions in these samples during cyanidation are expected to be low.
• Arsenic levels in the IQP and Tuff samples were also elevated. Gold dissolution is
expected to be low due to the presence of arsenic.
• Silver levels are not high, therefore, no problems in elution are expected due to silver
co-loading with gold onto the activated carbon.
• Mercury levels were low; therefore, no mercury handling equipment will be required in
the gold room. Variability Diagnostic Leach Test Work

Variability diagnostic leach test work was performed on the Phase 1 and Phase 2 variability
recovery samples. Phase 1

Table 5.40 shows a summary of the Phase 1 diagnostic leach results.

Table 5.40: Phase 1 Variability Diagnostic Leach Results

Diagnostic Oxide Oxide IQP IQP IQP Tuff Tuff Tuff Tuff Tuff
Leach stage
Var 1 Var 2 Var 3 Var 4 Var 5 Var 6 Var 7 Var 8 Var 9 Var 10
4.5 2.3 1.7 1.2 4.6 3.0 2.4 8.4 13.9 2.9
Carbonaceous 0.8 2.0 1.7 0.1 3.0 2.4 0.3 2.5 3.2 8.2
HNO3 Digestible 0.4 0.0 15.8 1.9 12.2 0.6 8.7 17.8 23.9 25.4
HCl Digestible 3.5 1.3 3.1 0.4 5.7 18.3 2.8 9.7 12.5 5.6
Carbon in Leach 2.5 3.2 8.5 9.9 8.9 15.9 13.1 12.9 21.9 6.9
88.4 91.2 69.1 86.5 65.5 59.8 72.8 48.7 24.6 51.0

The results indicated the following:

• The KLK IQP Sulphide showed that 65.5 % to 86.5 % of the gold is amenable to
cyanidation via CIL. The KLK IQP master composite showed that 60.9 % of the gold is
amenable to cyanidation (CIL). The results indicated that there is variability in terms of
gold dissolution in the KLK IQP ore.
• The KLK Tuff Sulphide showed that 24.6 % to 72.8 % of the gold is amenable to
cyanidation via CIL. The KLK Tuff master composite showed that 52.9 % of the gold is
amenable to cyanidation (CIL). The results indicated that there is variability in terms of
gold dissolution in the KLK Tuff ore.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 229 of 566 Phase 2

The Phase 2 variability diagnostic leach tests were conducted on variability samples from the
following ore types:

• Oxides
• Tuff
• KD Sulphide

Table 5.41 to Table 5.44 show a summary of the variability diagnostic leach results for oxides,
IQP, Tuff and KD Sulphide.

Table 5.41: Phase 2 Variability Diagnostic Leach Results – Oxides


Diagnostic Leach
Composite Oxide Oxide Composite Oxide Oxide Oxide Oxide
KD Oxide MV3 MV4 KLK Oxide Var 1 Var 2 MV8 MV9

Direct Cyanidation 82.7 75.0 85.7 86.7 88.4 91.2 90.9 91.8
Carbon in Leach 12.0 0.0 1.1 7.2 2.5 3.2 2.8 3.6
HCL Digestible 1.5 0.0 0.0 2.7 3.5 1.3 1.4 2.3
HNO3 Digestible 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
Carbonaceous 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.8 2.0 0.0 0.0
Quartz (Balance) 1.2 25.0 13.2 1.9 4.5 2.3 4.9 2.2
Average Assayed
1.5 0.3 0.6 1.1 1.7 3.7 1.6 3.4
Head for These Tests

Table 5.42: Phase 2 Variability Diagnostic Leach Results – IQP

Process Var 3 Var 4 Var 5 Var 6 MV 9 MV 11
Direct Cyanidation 60.9 69.1 86.5 65.5 59.8 71.8 66.7
Carbon in Leach 15.2 8.5 9.9 8.9 15.9 1.1 2.8
HCL Digestible 21.9 3.1 0.4 5.7 18.3 0.0 3.3
HNO3 Digestible 0.9 15.8 1.9 12.2 0.6 15.0 0.0
Carbonaceous 0.5 1.7 0.1 3.0 2.4 0.3 0.0
Quartz (Balance) 0.6 1.7 1.2 4.6 3.0 11.8 27.2
Average Assayed
2.8 1.1 7.3 1.0 1.7 0.5 0.3
Head for These Tests

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Table 5.43: Phase 2 Variability Diagnostic Leach Results – Tuff


Diagnostic Leach
Composite Tuff Tuff Tuff Tuff Tuff Tuff Tuff
KLK Tuff Var 7 Var 8 Var 9 Var 10 MV12 MV13 MV14
Direct Cyanidation 52.9 72.8 48.7 24.6 51.0 58.0 76.5 63.2
Carbon in Leach 18.6 13.1 12.9 21.9 6.9 0.6 4.7 5.7
HCL Digestible 4.3 2.8 9.7 12.5 5.6 6.6 8.1 10.1
HNO3 Digestible 16.8 8.7 17.8 23.9 25.4 21.4 0.0 8.0
Carbonaceous 0.8 0.3 2.5 3.2 8.2 1.0 0.0 0.2
Quartz (Balance) 6.5 2.4 8.4 13.9 2.9 12.4 12.6 12.8
Average Assayed
1.2 3.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.7 0.7 0.6
Head for These Tests

Table 5.44: Phase 2 Variability Diagnostic Leach Results – KD Sulphide

Diagnostic Leach
Composite Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide Sulphide
KD Sulphide MV5 MV6 MV7 MV8 MV9 MV10
Direct Cyanidation 43.7 87.2 31.2 56.5 56.9 8.3 28.6
Carbon in Leach 22.0 0.0 12.1 0.3 18.3 43.5 19.0
Carbon in Leach 65.7 87.2 43.2 56.8 75.2 51.9 47.6
HCL Digestible 31.6 3.9 13.4 8.7 2.6 10.3 5.7
HNO3 Digestible 1.3 3.1 30.1 19.9 12.5 8.2 16.8
Carbonaceous 0.5 5.6 0.7 3.8 4.3 0.0 6.2
Quartz (Balance) 0.9 0.3 12.6 10.8 5.4 29.6 23.8
Average Assayed
2.0 2.2 1.9 1.1 1.5 0.2 0.9
Head for these tests:

The Phase 2 results confirm the Phase 1 diagnostic results and indicate that the oxides are
amenable to cyanidation via carbon in leach. Gold dissolution with carbon addition on the Tuff
samples ranges from 46 % to 86 %. Gold dissolution with carbon addition on the KD Sulphide
ore ranges from 43 % to 87 %, therefore, the Tuff and KD Sulphide ores will potentially result
in low gold dissolution around 40 % Variability Gravity and Leach

Variability gold recovery test work was performed on the Phase 1 and Phase 2 variability
recovery samples. The variability recovery test work was meant to assess the applicability of
the selected process route and the selected optimum leach conditions applied to the entire
orebody. The optimum leach conditions for both the Phase 1 and Phase 2 samples are as

• Grind: 80 % passing 75 µm
• Residence time: 24 h
• Carbon addition: 20 g/L
• Cyanide addition: maintained at 600 ppm throughout the leach.
• pH: 10.5
• Per cent solids 45 % w/w

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 231 of 566 Phase 1

Table 5.45 shows a summary of the Phase 1 variability gold recovery results.

Table 5.45: Phase 1 Variability Gold Recovery Results Summary

Leach on Average Reagent

Gravity Final
ILR Middlings and Overall Au Consumption
Recovery Residue
Sample ID Tailings Recovery Summary
NaCN Lime
% Au % % Au % Au % Au
(kg/t) (kg/t)
KLK Var 1 Oxide 61.71 98.20 88.1 0.08
95.33 1.46 0.08
KLK Var 2 Oxide 61.19 99.30 91.7 0.12
KLK Var 3 IQP 78.70 97.90 71.1 0.24
KLK Var 4 IQP 32.28 95.80 84.8 0.59
81.74 0.52 0.06
KLK Var 5 IQP 37.98 84.80 70.1 0.21
KLK Var 6 IQP 37.17 85.10 62.4 0.41
KLK Var 7 Tuff 45.52 92.30 80.0 0.46
KLK Var 8 Tuff 36.67 62.50 38.9 0.29
KLK Var 9 Tuff 26.47 46.80 29.7 0.51
64.88 0.55 0.40
KLK Var 10 Tuff 38.99 62.10 53.6 0.26
KLK MV13- Tuff 39.81 90.00 79.3 0.08
KLK MV14- Tuff 39.23 85.00 79.1 0.08

The KLK Oxide, IQP and Tuff show average overall gold recoveries of 95.3 %, 81.7 % and
64.88 %, respectively, with corresponding cyanide consumptions of 1.46 kg/t, 0.52 kg/t and
0.55 kg/t, respectively. Phase 2

Table 5.46 shows a summary of the Phase 2 variability gold recovery results.

Table 5.46: Phase 2 Variability Gold Recovery Results Summary

Final CIL on Overall Cyanide Lime Overall Reagent

Gravity ILR
Residue Tailings Recovery Consumption Consumption Recovery Consumption
Sample ID
Cyanide Lime
g/t Au % Au % Au % Au % Au kg/t kg/t % Au
(kg/t) (kg/t)
0.08 40.36 96 89.38 92.05 0.46 2.34
0.08 28.99 98 65.71 75.07 0.5 1.82
81.85 0.36 0.36
0.08 61.21 98 63.46 84.60 0.39 1.72
0.14 24.02 97 68.94 75.68 0.08 1.46
0.35 40.32 95 77.39 84.49 0.34 1.07
0.42 36.91 86 59.68 69.39 0.52 0.32
0.25 29.93 64 58.66 60.26 0.17 0.56
69.02 0.39 0.88
0.20 39.02 84 73.21 77.42 0.44 0.46
0.08 58.75 71 20.00 49.96 0.43 2.12
KD MV10-
0.29 66.17 89 40.54 72.61 0.42 0.75

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 232 of 566

The KD Oxide and KD Sulphide samples showed average overall gold recoveries of 81.85 %
and 69.02 %, respectively, and corresponding cyanide consumptions of 0.36 kg/t and
0.39 kg/t, respectively.

5.1.5 Conclusions and Recommendations

The proposed process route for the Tri-K ore (gravity followed by cyanidation) was more
applicable to the oxide ore. The sulphide ore will most likely require a recovery process route
such as gravity followed by flotation and concentrate handling of the flotation concentrates.
Flotation can be used as an enhancement route to improve gold recovery for the sulphide ore.


5.2.1 Process Plant Design Criteria

The design criteria of the Tri-K process facility were devised based on metallurgical test work
results obtained from MMSA (see Section 5.1) and assumptions, where necessary. The plant
design is based on the simultaneous treatment of ore from both the Koulekoun (KLK) and
Kodiaran (KD) pits over the life of mine (LOM).

The throughput is based on the mining plan and the process plant will be designed to treat the
following tonnage:

• 2.3 Mt/a of a mixed feed consisting of predominantly oxide ore blended with transition
and sulphide ore for Phase 1 of the LOM.
• 2.3 Mt/a of a mixed feed consisting of predominantly sulphide ore blended with the
remaining oxide ore for Phase 2 of the LOM.

The proposed process design criteria have been devised for specific ore composites based
on the mineralogical and lithological classification from either pit. These are listed as follows:

• Koulekoun Oxide (KLK Oxide)

• Koulekoun Tuff (KLK Tuff)
• Koulekoun IQP (KLK IQP)
• Kodiaran Oxide (KD Oxide)
• Kodiaran Fresh (KD Fresh)

The design of the plant consists of the following sections:

• Crushing and ore stockpiling

• Grinding
• Pre-leach thickening
• Carbon in leach
• Cyanide destruction
• Tailings disposal
• Storm water dam (SWD) discharge treatment
• Acid wash
• Elution
• Electrowinning and gold room
• Carbon regeneration

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 233 of 566

• Reagents services
• Air services
• Plant water services

The data used in the process design criteria was derived from the various references listed

• Managem (Client)
• Metallurgical test work
• Calculated data
• Vendor data or recommendation
• Industry standard or practice
• Engineering handbook
• Assumption based on experience
• External consultants

The process design criteria are provided in Appendix 5.19. Ore Characteristics

The comminution test results, together with the specific gravity determinations obtained from
historical test work and confirmed with current test work, were used to characterise the ore.
The test work results derived from variability testing on the various composites were analysed
and the comminution parameters characterising the orebodies were obtained and
recommended by OMC. Plant Throughput and Operating Schedule

The plant has been designed for a throughput of 2.3 Mt/a. The average and LOM milling rates
were determined for all the composites by using the operating schedule and the relative
abundances of the type of ore to be treated as given in the mining schedule. Hard and soft
ore crushing will be via a primary jaw crusher, the overall productivity of which is assumed at
64 %, after deducting maintenance hours, and based on operating experience from similar
plants. The overall productivity of the milling plant will be assumed at 91 %. Plant Recovery

The laboratory dissolution test results for each individual orebody were obtained from the
variability tests and used to determine the recoveries in the design basis. These were agreed
by Managem. Crushing

The design of the crushing and milling circuit was based on SENET’s experience with previous
projects when treating material with similar characteristics, together with recommendations
obtained from OMC.

The mine blend will consist of oxide and fresh rock. Phase 1 of the LOM will have a very high
oxide contribution. The competent ore becomes the majority of the feed during Phase 2.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 234 of 566

Crushing the oxides, however, may result in ore handling challenges that have to be managed
when the feed blend is variable. There will be a single primary crushing station to treat soft
and competent hard ore from either the KLK or the KD pit. Both the crushing and milling circuit
will be designed to cater for the variation in ore handling required during the LOM.

When treating the softer oxide material, the crusher product will be conveyed directly to the
SAG mill feed with no stockpiling, as this might result in ratholing in the stockpile due to the
presence of excessive amounts of fines. Soft rock can also potentially cause materials
handling problems when processed through a jaw crusher, therefore, a bypass from the feed
bin directly onto the stockpile has been allowed for the undersize. The soft ore can, at times,
contain high quantities of clay and moisture that cause flowability constraints and, therefore,
this configuration is considered prudent.

The balance of the ore, which will include medium and hard rock types, will be treated through
a primary crushing circuit to produce a mill feed. A static grizzly will be installed above the
ROM bin and this will allow for direct tipping or front-end loader feeding with no risk of oversize
material reporting to the crusher. Due to the hard and potentially abrasive nature of the
medium and hard ores, an apron feeder will be installed for the withdrawal of ore from the
ROM bin to a vibrating grizzly feeder to scalp off fines ahead of the primary crusher, since the
fines will result in accelerated wear on the crusher liners.

A single-stage primary jaw crusher (single toggle) will be designed for primary crushing as it
is easy to operate and to maintain, and it can easily withstand heavily abrasive ores when
compared to double-toggle jaw crushers. Crushed material will be conveyed to a conical,
covered stockpile with a 10 h live capacity. Withdrawal of the crushed product from the
stockpile will be handled by apron feeders (two operating and one on standby).

Conveyors will be designed to transport the wet equivalent of the rated dry capacity at the
design bulk density. Milling and Classification

The milling and classification circuit was designed by taking into account the following:

• Input from OMC regarding the expected variability of the feed material during the LOM
• Variability test work conducted on the orebodies
• Rheological characteristics and comminution test work results
• Classification of various orebodies into soft and hard (performed by OMC)

A trade-off between the various comminution circuit options was conducted to ascertain the
most favourable circuit. The trade-off was conducted based on a preliminary mining plan for
an annual plant throughput of 2 Mt/a. The results of the trade-off are presented in OMC Report
No. 7801-02 (see Appendix 5.6). Two possible options were selected:

• Option 1: ROM ball mill initially, followed by a tertiary crushing ball mill
• Option 2: Single-stage semi-autogenous grinding (SS SAG) initially, followed by a
SAG, ball and pebble crushing (SABC) circuit

The trade-off identified poor power efficiency for the SAG milling, therefore, it was
recommended that the more competent ore be crushed and ball milled from a power efficiency

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 235 of 566

perspective. Crushing the oxides, however, may result in ore handling challenges that are
often difficult to manage when the feed blend is variable. The Client, however, advised that
the Oxide and Sulphide ore cannot be separated for feed into separate crushing circuits
(required for Option 1). Neither option is ideal; however, given the variable blend, the circuit
selection was based on a compromise. Option 2 was, therefore, selected. The SABC circuit
will provide the flexibility to treat the variable mill feed (soft and hard ores).

Once Option 2 was selected, OMC was asked to size the SABC circuit option based on the
available comminution test work results, which included the expected variability of the
orebodies. The resulting milling design criteria and subsequent sizes of the SAG and Ball Mill
were presented in OMC Report No. 7801-02 (see Appendix 5.6).

Upon finalisation of the plant throughput by the Client at 2.3 Mt/a, and the mining plan, OMC
reconfirmed the mill sizes by performing a LOM comminution circuit modelling exercise, taking
into account the blends of hard and soft rock envisaged during the project. The results of this
exercise and the confirmed design criteria and sizes of the milling circuit are presented in OMC
Report Nos 7801-06 and 7801-07 (see Appendix 5.8). The exercise also details the milling
power requirements, throughput limitations, and the mode of operation of the SS SAG and
SABC milling configuration over the LOM.

Ore can be campaigned in the mill by ore type or by combining soft rock with hard rock,
depending on the availability of ore types. Based on the power requirements, the mills were
selected to suit the harder sulphide ore types, but also by taking the large contribution of softer
oxide in the first phase into consideration. The LOM comminution circuit modelling exercise
shows that the operation of the ball mill will be deferred until Year 4, and that the circuit will
operate in a single-stage configuration until then.

The variable speed drive will be installed on the SAG mill to cater for variations in the hard
and soft ore characteristics during the LOM. A SAG mill bypass conveyor will be allowed for
to feed the ball mill directly, should the need arise. The SAG milling circuit, particularly when
operating in a single-stage configuration, requires a reasonably consistent feed blend to
ensure stable operation. When the blend has little competent material that can act as grinding
media, allowance has been made for the mill to be operated at high ball charge and slow
speed. On the other hand, if a reasonable amount of competent material is present in the feed,
the mill will be operated at low ball charge and high speed.

The installed pebble crusher will operate when needed and is required for hard ore handling.
The pebble crusher will assist in returning the recycled pebbles that do not readily break down
during SAG milling. This will result in improved power usage and throughput.

Classification of the milled product will be through hydrocyclones. A cyclone cluster will be
designed, from which a 25 % solids cyclone overflow product will be targeted to be fed to a
pre-leach thickener. Based on the results of the OMC LOM comminution circuit modelling
exercise, an allowance has been made in the design for recycling the cyclone underflow to
the SAG mill, required for certain periods during the the LOM.

A linear trash screen will be included in the design prior to the leach to remove tramp material.
The trash screen will be configured such that the undersize from the trash screen will gravitate
to a sump and will be pumped to the pre-leach thickener.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 236 of 566 Pre-Leach Thickening

The variable operation of the milling circuit due to the varying competency of the materials
being treated will require the classification circuit to cater for a range of overflow densities
expected during operation as mill recirculating loads and feed water dilution are adjusted. To
stabilise the control of the SAG and ball milling circuit when treating the more competent ore,
a dilute overflow solids density from the cyclone cluster (25 %) will be required during
operation. This is much lower than the optimum carbon-in-leach (CIL) tank solids density
(45 %). Pre-leach thickening will, therefore, be required to densify the milled product to the
optimum solids concentration required in the CIL tanks. The basis of design for the pre-leach
thickener and associated flocculant make-up system includes settling rates obtained from
thickening and rheology test work conducted by specialist thickening consultants.

The information used in the basis of design is provided in the following reports:

• Vietti Slurrytec “Thickening and Rheology Report – Tri-K Gold Project” MMS-TRK-
8590R01 Rev0, 24 October 2017 (see Appendix 5.16)
• Vietti Slurrytec “Tri-K Gold Project” Report No. MMS-TRK-8590NFTR02 Rev0, 24
November 2017 (see Appendix 5.17) Gravity Concentration

The results of the gravity recoverable gold (GRG) batch laboratory tests indicated that free
gold is available in all the ore types in significant quantities. In addition, intensive cyanidation
of the resultant gravity concentrates from most of the ore types showed favourable leach
kinetics and gold extraction. As a result, a gravity circuit consisting of a centrifugal
concentrator, intensive cyanidation reactor and a dedicated electrowinning cell for handling
the pregnant leach solution will be designed to recover free gold from a portion of the cyclone
underflow. This circuit will improve the overall gold recovery and reduce the residence time in
the CIL circuit. Simulation results from the GRG tests and the concentrate leach extraction
parameters obtained from the tests were used as the basis of the design. Carbon in Leach

Gold dissolution on the milled ROM and gravity tailings products will be effected via a seven-
stage CIL circuit as opposed to carbon in pulp (CIP). The decision to use a seven-stage CIL
train, which excludes a pre-leach tank, was based on two factors:

• The test work results, which indicated a potential for preg-robbing in the ores, which
could result in gold losses if a pre-leach tank is used
• The ease of operation of a CIL circuit

The design will allow for space to include an additional CIL tank if needed during the project.
Cyanidation tests conducted on all the composites indicate reasonable gold dissolution within
a leaching time of 24 h on gravity middlings and tailings of most of the oxide ores under normal
CIL conditions. The leach circuit will be designed to treat feed from the thickener underflow at
a solids concentration of 45 %. Tests were conducted at natural oxygen levels and the
introduction of oxygen will potentially enhance leach kinetics on the sulphides. In addition,
oxygen uptake rate tests have indicated that aeration is sufficient to meet the demand for
oxide treatment only, but that oxygen sparging will be required when treating sulphides. The

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 237 of 566

design, therefore, allows for both air and oxygen sparging into the first six CIL tanks. The dual
sparging system in the tanks allows for flexibility in meeting the oxygen demand under the
varying feed requirements expected during the project. A carbon addition of 10 g/L will be
sufficient for the gold adsorption in the CIL circuit.

The leaching and adsorption kinetics obtained from the test work were modelled using SIMCIL
software by an independent consultant to assess the stage-wise efficiencies of carbon
adsorption across the tanks. The exercise confirmed the selected volume, as well as the
carbon to gold loading ratios achievable. These results were then used to confirm the selected
daily elution capacity based on the expected carbon movement per day. The outcome of the
SIMCIL modelling indicated that adequate gold adsorption could be achieved across the seven
stages for all the Tri-K composites tested. The resulting carbon movement per day was
confirmed to be not larger than 6 t. The SIMCIL modelling outputs, therefore, support the
current CIL and elution circuit design. The SIMCIL modelling outputs are indicated in Appendix

The flow from one CIL tank to another will be through intertank launders, and all tanks will
have a bypass facility to ensure continuity in production during periods when a tank is taken
offline for maintenance.

The design of the CIL area will also incorporate a fixed tower crane, which will be used during
the construction and operating phases. During the operating phase, it will be used to facilitate
cleaning of the interstage screens and general maintenance.

The results from optimised extraction and rheological tests were used as the basis for the CIL
design. The feed density to the CIL tanks will be designed at 45 % solids to cater for flow
through the interstage screens, especially during times when soft oxide ore, which tends to be
associated with higher viscosities, is being processed. Interstage Screens

The interstage screens will be designed to accommodate the flow that can be expected to
arise when treating the ores in the CIL tanks. Mineral processing separating pumping (MPS
(P)) screens were considered for the design as these would maintain the same pulp level in
the CIL tanks, as the pumping action of these screens would allow pulp movement from one
tank to the another while carbon is retained in tanks. Loaded Carbon Screen

Loaded carbon from the first CIL tank will be pumped onto a screen, where the screen oversize
(washed loaded carbon) will gravitate to the acid wash cone, and the undersize (slurry) will
report to the first CIL tank. A vibrating screen will be used for this function. Cyanide Detoxification

A linear screen will be incorporated into the design to recover any fugitive carbon.

The results of the batch and continuous laboratory tests indicated that cyanide destruction
could be effected by using sodium metabisulphite and copper sulphate as catalysts for a
period of 1 h, reducing weak acid dissociable (WAD) cyanide in the final tailings to less than

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 238 of 566

50 ppm. The cyanide detoxification process will thus be designed as two-stage agitated
reactors into which compressed air will be blown.

Using these results, the cyanide detoxification facility in the process plant was designed to
achieve a nominal WAD CN concentration limit of 50 ppm in the final tailings to render the
slurry suitable to be stored in a lined tailings facility according to environmental guidelines. If
there is a need to detoxify the slurry to a lower WAD cyanide concentration, then additional
SMBS, copper sulphate and lime will be required. The design of the reagents storage area,
therefore, makes provision for the storage of enough reagents to detoxify the tailings slurry to
a lower discharge concentration of 50 ppm WAD cyanide. Allowance has been made for a
secondary cyanide detoxification facility in the SWD discharge treatment plant to cater for the
detoxification of the residual cyanide present in the SWD discharge water. The SWD discharge
treatment plant will be a vendor-supplied plant. The design of this facility is based on vendor
information, which will need to be validated by test work during the detailed design phase. Acid Wash

A cold acid wash circuit capable of handling the full 6 t loaded carbon batch will be included
to remove any carbonates that might otherwise foul the carbon. The circuit will be designed to
acid wash every batch of carbon before it is eluted by circulating 3 % hydrochloric acid through
the carbon in the acid wash column. The acid wash cone will be designed with an overflow
weir to facilitate elutriation of the loaded carbon prior to the acid wash step. The elutriation
process will remove trash from the carbon (such as wood chips and plastics), which might
otherwise interfere with the flow through the strainers during elution. Elution

Based on the carbon loadings and the amount of gold to be produced per month, the number
of elutions has been estimated to be 25 per month and a pressure ZADRA elution method was
selected to strip gold from the loaded carbon in 6 t carbon batches. Even using this method
for elution, the number of elutions per month is conservative. This will allow for an increased
number of elutions should peaks in the gold grade to the CIL circuit be experienced. Heating
of the eluant will be achieved through diesel-fired thermic oil heaters. Electrowinning

Pregnant solution exiting the column will be directed to three electrowinning cells, operating
in parallel for CIL, via a flash/header tank where gold will be deposited on the cathodes as
sludge and the barren solution will be circulated back to the elution tank. A dedicated header
tank and electrowinning cell will be used to recover gold from the gravity pregnant solution.
Electrowinning will be effected through sludging-type electrowinning cells. Reactivation

A carbon reactivation facility will be designed to treat the entire eluted carbon batch in a period
of 20 h. The reactivation kiln will be diesel fired. Calcining and Smelting

Fully loaded cathodes will be periodically removed from the cells, and the gold sludge will be
washed off using a high-pressure washer and the solution decanted. The gold sludge will be

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 239 of 566

calcined (dried) in an electric calcination furnace. The calcined sludge will then be mixed with
fluxes and loaded into an induction smelting furnace. During smelting, metal oxides will form
slag and, once the furnace crucible contents are poured into cascading moulds, gold will
solidify at the bottom while slag separates easily from the gold. The gold bullion bar(s) will be
cleaned, labelled, assayed, and readied for shipping. Reagents

Facilities to mix, store and distribute reagents and consumables will be allowed for in the
design. These reagents and consumables will include grinding media, cyanide, caustic, lime,
flocculant, sodium metabisulphite (SMBS), copper sulphate, hydrogen peroxide, diesel (for
plant use only), hydrochloric acid, and smelting fluxes. The reagent consumptions obtained
during the test work for each oxide and fresh composite were used to estimate the size of the
equipment associated with mixing, storage and distribution. The storage area will allow for
three-month stock holding capacity for grinding media, carbon, caustic, flocculant, copper
sulphate, hydrogen peroxide, hydrochloric acid and smelting fluxes. It is expected that the
reagent consumptions for hydrated lime, sodium cyanide and SMBS will vary during the LOM,
based on the blends of oxide and fresh ore being treated. The reagent consumptions used for
sizing the storage area for these reagents were, therefore, based on the average expected
consumption over the LOM. Lime

It was decided to procure quicklime for use in the process plant and the SWD discharge
treatment plant, with an available calcium oxide (CaO) content of 90 % to 93 %. The lime
circuit is designed to cater for the lime used for the CIL, detoxification of the plant tails and the
SWD discharge treatment plant. The lime requirements for the SWD discharge treatment plant
are based on vendor information, which will need to be validated by test work during the
detailed design phase. The lime circuit will be designed to have a lime storage silo and a lime
slaker. The capacity of the silo will vary between a minimum of 1 d and a maximum of 2.6 d,
depending on the blend of oxide and fresh ores being treated. The slaked lime dosing facility
will be equivalent to 1 d in the tank. An allowance has been made for a stock holding capacity
of three months for bagged quicklime, based on the highest lime consumption expected when
treating blends containing KD oxide. Cyanide

Cyanide make-up and dosing facilities will be designed by taking into account the total cyanide
usage in CIL, elution and intensive cyanidation and will allow for at least two make-ups per
day with a 1 d storage capacity for the dosing and storage tank. A minimum stock holding
capacity of 2.6 months for bagged sodium cyanide is expected during the first few years of the
project, when treating the oxide and fresh blends. Caustic Soda

Caustic soda usage will be on a batch basis and thus the make-up tank will also be a dosing
and storage tank. The total caustic usage in the plant (elution, intensive leach and acid
neutralisation) will be used to determine the size of the tank, assuming a storage capacity of
6 d.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 240 of 566 Sodium Metabisulphite

The design of the SMBS make-up and storage facilities will be based on at least one make-up
every 4 d and 24 h storage and dosing. A minimum stock holding capacity of 2.7 months for
bagged SMBS is expected in the final years of the project, when treating the oxide and fresh
blends. Copper Sulphate

The design of the copper sulphate make-up and storage facilities will be based on at least one
make-up every 4 d and 24 h storage and dosing. Hydrochloric Acid

HCl will be used in the process plant and the SWD discharge treatment plant. The design will
assume that the HCl will be delivered in drums at a strength of 33 % HCl, which can be
pumped into the acid wash tank using a drum pump. Similarly, the acid will be pumped into
the acid holding tanks in the SWD discharge treatment plant. The SWD discharge treatment
plant will be a vendor-supplied plant. The acid requirements of this facility are based on vendor
information, which will need to be validated by test work during the detailed design phase. Ferric Chloride

Ferric chloride solution will be used as a reagent in the SWD discharge treatment plant. The
solution will be delivered in drums at a strength of 43 % (w/w) ferric chloride, which can be
pumped into the holding tank using a drum pump. The SWD discharge treatment plant will be
a vendor-supplied plant. The design requirements for ferric chloride are based on vendor
information, which will need to be validated by test work during the detailed design phase. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) solution (60 % strength) will be used for short periods only, as
backup oxygenation to the CIL tanks when the oxygen plant is offline. It can also be used as
a source of oxygen supply for the intensive leach reactor in the gravity circuit. Continuous
detoxification test work has indicated that the WAD cyanide levels in the CIL tailings can be
adequately detoxified to the required discharge limits by using SMBS only. An allowance has,
however, been made in the process design for peroxide supply to the detoxification tanks if
this is required for short periods during operation.

Hydrogen peroxide will also be used as a reagent in the SWD discharge treatment plant for
secondary detoxification of the residual cyanide present in the water discharge from the dam. Activated Carbon

Granulated activated carbon will be delivered in bulk bags and used as an absorbent for the
leached (dissolved) gold in the CIL process, and it will be regenerated on a cyclic basis. The
consumption rate of carbon is associated with losses arising from breakage, spillage or
degeneration based on standard industry practice and confirmed by suppliers.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 241 of 566 Flocculant

Flocculant will be used in the pre-leach thickener and the SWD discharge treatment plant. The
flocculant consumption for the thickener is based on information obtained from thickening and
rheology test work conducted by specialist thickening consultants for the various orebodies
being treated, as detailed in Section The flocculant requirements for the SWD
discharge treatment plant are based on vendor information, which will need to be validated by
test work during the detailed design phase. The design will cater for the flocculant powder
being delivered in 25 kg bags and stored in the reagents storage facility. Plant Diesel

Plant diesel will be distributed from the storage vessel to elution and regeneration where there
will be a header tank for general plant use. Smelting Fluxes

The consumptions of smelting fluxes: borax, sodium carbonate, and silica were estimated by
assuming a flux ratio of 50 %, 25 %, and 25 %, respectively, to the weight of calcine, as per
standard industry practice. Grinding Media

The SAG and ball mill grinding media consumptions were based on Bond’s estimating method
using abrasion index results obtained from laboratory tests and OMC’s recommendations. The
consumptions for grinding media were estimations performed by OMC based on the LOM
comminution modelling exercise. Mill Liners

Similarly, the SAG and ball mill liner consumption was based on Bond’s estimating method
using abrasion index results obtained from laboratory tests. Consumptions for liners were
based on estimations performed by OMC based on the LOM comminution circuit modelling
exercise. Jaw and Pebble Crusher Liners

The estimated number of liner changes per annum was determined using the abrasion indices
obtained from laboratory tests and the expected liner life for the individual composites. The
expected liner life (see Table 5.47) was estimated by OMC based on the LOM comminution
circuit modelling exercise.

Table 5.47: Jaw and Pebble Crusher Liner Wear Rates*

Fixed Jaw Moving Jaw Cone Liner

Ore Type
(h) (h) (h)
KLK Oxide 2 000 3 000
KLK Tuff 1 300 1 900 2 420
KLK Fresh (IQP) 1 300 1 900 2 420
KD Oxide 2 400 3 400
KD Fresh 800 1 200 1 760
* See Appendix 5.8.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 242 of 566 Air and Oxygen Services

Oxygen uptake results obtained through test work will be used as the basis for the sizing of
the pressure swing adsorption (PSA) unit oxygen plant. Air requirements for the detoxification
process and general plant needs will be supplied by low-pressure blowers (operating and
standby). Instrument air requirements for the entire plant will be supplied by a dedicated small
compressor and air dryer with a provision to tap from the main plant compressors should
standby facilities be required. Water Services

The process water and raw water ponds were sized based on accommodating a 24 h
residence time in each. Two submersible pumps will be installed in the raw water storage
facility to enable pumping of water to the process and raw water ponds located in the plant.
These pumps will be sized to cater for commissioning, and dry and wet seasons, where raw
water demands vary significantly. A water balance for these three scenarios has been used
as the basis to size the transfer pumps, the raw and process water ponds, the gland water
tank and all the water pumps including a fire water facility. The total plant water balance is
provided in Appendix 5.20.

The sizes of the raw and process water pond are shown in Table 5.48 and Table 5.49,
respectively. The sizes for the ponds were based on the average water requirements during
the project, rather than the maximum requirement during commissioning. A provision has been
made for the raw water requirements for the plant to be accessed directly from the raw water
source during plant commissioning.

Table 5.48: Raw Water Pond

Raw Water Unit Average Maximum (Commissioning) Minimum

Type of Reservoir Pond Pond Pond
Specified by Specified by Specified by
Source of Water
Process Water Top-Up m3/h 55 284 0
Raw Water Demand m3/h 74 74 74
Total m3/h 129 358 74
Residence Time h 24 24 24
Raw Water Reservoir Volume m3 3 103 8 596 1 774
Selected Raw Water Storage m3 3 100

Table 5.49: Process Water Pond

Process Water Unit Average

Type of Reservoir Pond
Source of Water Return Water and Raw Water Top-Up
Total Process Water m3/h 284
Residence Time h 24,00
Process Reservoir Volume m3 6 822
Selected Process Water Storage m3 8 000

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 243 of 566 Storm Water Dam Discharge Treatment Plant

According to the mining plan, the oxides from either pit will be the predominant feed to the
plant during the first three years. Thereafter, the sulphides will be blended in significant
quantities, resulting in higher concentrations of arsenic in the plant tails reporting to the tailings
storage facility (TSF). Consequently, the resulting water in the return water dam (RWD) and
storm water dam (SWD) will contain the arsenic contaminant.

The excess water contained in the SWD will discharge into the environment during the wet
season. The water balance modelling exercise conducted by Golder has indicated that arsenic
and cyanide concentrations in the discharge from the SWD will be above the IFC guideline
limitation during the course of the project. This is supported by the geochemical test work
conducted on the tailings material by the environmental team (ABS Africa and Golder). The
water will be contaminated with arsenic when the sulphide ore is treated in significant
quantities after the first three years. However, cyanide contamination of the discharge water
from the dam will result from the first year. The SWD discharge contents will need to be
managed over the LOM to be environmentally compliant.

A trade-off was conducted to compare the use of a treatment plant against cannon evaporators
to manage the excess water at the SWD. The trade-off identified the treatment plant as being
the more economical solution. The treatment plant will be installed to be operated from the
first year of the project and will have the capability for arsenic removal and secondary cyanide
detoxification to render the discharge from the SWD environmentally compliant. The treatment
plant has, therefore, been included as a prospective solution to managing the excess water
from the SWD. The treatment plant is a vendor-packaged plant provided by a single equipment
supplier, Multotec. Detailed test work will be required during the detailed design phase to
confirm the vendor selection, plant sizing, as well as the interfacing with the process plant.

At this level of study, the SWD discharge treatment plant was sized based on the information
supplied by Golder and indicated in Table 5.50.

Table 5.50: Design Parameters

Parameter Unit Value Source

SWD Excess Water Treatment Rate m3/d 8 000 Golder
Operating Months months/a 5 Golder
Feed Arsenic Concentration mg/L 11 Golder
Feed Cyanide Concentration mg/L 2 Golder
Feed Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/L 600 Golder
Product Arsenic Concentration mg/L 0.1 IFC Guideline
Product Cyanide Concentration mg/L 0.1 IFC Guideline
Product TDS mg/L < 450 IFC Guideline

The trade-off is included in Appendix 5.21. The Golder water balance modelling report is
indicated in Appendix 5.22.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 244 of 566

5.2.2 Engineering Design Criteria

The engineering design criteria consist of the following sections:

• Civil work
• Structural
• Plate work
• Mechanical equipment
• Piping
• Valves
• Painting and corrosion protection
• Vendor equipment
• Hand railing and knee railing, stanchions and stair treads
• Rubber lining
• Electrical, control and instrumentation

All engineering, designs and construction will be based on sound engineering principles and
good practice.

Safety must be considered as a prime objective and all equipment supply and installation shall
comply with the South African Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act No. 29 of 1996) and
recognised international practice. In all instances, equipment manufacturers’ installation,
maintenance and operation recommendations will be complied with. This will be recorded and
submitted to the Client for approval before detail engineering commences.

The design criteria will, at all times, take into account ease of maintenance and capital cost
will not be reduced at the expense of operating cost. Civil Work

Civil work will be supplied and installed in accordance with the following specifications:

• Civil design and construction will comply with the relevant sections of SANS 10100
(Parts 1 and 2). The design will be approved by a Registered Professional Engineer.
• Concrete strengths at 28 d will be as follows:

o 25 MPa for foundations, slabs and walls

o 10 MPa for mass concrete and blinding

• Concrete finishes will be wood float on all floors

• Walls and bunds will receive smooth off-shutter finish above ground, Tolerance
Class II.
• Slump and cube tests will be performed as required by SANS 10100.
• All wet area floor slabs will slope at 1:500 at the valley to a sump area.

The following SENET civil specifications (see Appendix 5.23) will be applicable:

• SP-SPEC-CIV-01, Civil Engineering Specification

• SP-SPEC-CIV-02, Building Works Specification
• SP-SPEC-CIV-03, Concrete Technical Specification

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 245 of 566 Structural

Structural steelwork will be supplied and installed in accordance to the following specifications:

• Structural steel will be supplied in accordance with SANS 10160 (Parts 1 to 8).
• Where installed, roof and side sheeting will be corrugated, hot-dip galvanised, and roof
sheeting will be 0.8 mm thick and side sheeting will be 0.6 mm thick.
• Translucent side sheeting will be at least 15 % of the area where sheeting is utilised.
• Flooring will be RS40 × 25 × 4.5 open-grid type.
• Where applicable, wind loading will be allowed in accordance with the prevailing winds
in the area.

The following SENET structural specifications (see Appendix 5.24) will be applicable:

• SP-SPEC-STR-01, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steelwork

• SP-SPEC-STR-02, Structural Steel Design Specification Plate Work

Plate work will be supplied and installed in accordance with the following specifications:

• Plate work will be a minimum of 5 mm mild steel and painted on all non-process contact
• Liners will be installed in wear areas as follows:

o Liners will be a minimum of 6 mm thick in the case of Bennox or similar suitable

wear resistant/impact resistant steel.
o All steel liners shall be man-handleable and fixed with countersunk bolts. Mechanical Equipment

The broader mechanical equipment scope is as specified in the mechanical equipment list
(see Section 5.2.5).

The following SENET mechanical equipment specifications (see Appendix 5.25) will be

• SP-SPEC-MECH-10, Agitators and Mixers

• SP-SPEC-MECH-11, Belt Feeders
• SP-SPEC-MECH-12, Flotation Cells
• SP-SPEC-MECH-13, Thickeners
• SP-SPEC-MECH-14, Hydrocyclones and Feed Distributors
• SP-SPEC-MECH-15, Compressed Air Package
• SP-SPEC-MECH-16, Hydraulic Power Packs
• SP-SPEC-MECH-17, Overband Belt Magnets
• SP-SPEC-MECH-18, Linear Screens
• SP-SPEC-MECH-19, EOT Cranes
• SP-SPEC-MECH-20, Electrical Hoists
• SP-SPEC-MECH-21, EOT Cranes for EW Buildings
• SP-SPEC-MECH-22, Metal Detector

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 246 of 566

• SP-SPEC-MECH-23, Weightometer
• SP-SPEC-MECH-24, Weighbridge
• SP-SPEC-MECH-25, Conventional Belt Conveyor Packages
• SP-SPEC-MECH-26, Radial Stacker and Spreader Conveyor
• SP-SPEC-MECH-27, Elution Columns
• SP-SPEC-MECH-28, Potable Water Plant
• SP-SPEC-MECH-29, Blowers
• SP-SPEC-MECH-30, Flocculant Mixing Plant
• SP-SPEC-MECH-31, Ultra Fine Grinding Mills
• SP-SPEC-MECH-32, Gold Room Equipment
• SP-SPEC-MECH-33, Electrowinning Cells (Cu and Co)
• SP-SPEC-MECH-34, Elution Heating System
• SP-SPEC-MECH-35, Vezin Samplers
• SP-SPEC-MECH-36, Bolted Modular Tanks
• SP-SPEC-MECH-37, Evaporative Water Cooling Towers
• SP-SPEC-MECH-38, Grinding Mills
• SP-SPEC-MECH-39, Tower Crane
• SP-SPEC-MECH-40, Mechanical Hoists
• SP-SPEC-MECH-41, Carbon Regen Kiln Piping

Piping will be supplied and installed in accordance with the following specifications:

• Piping up to 150 mm Nominal Bore: SANS 62-1, medium grade, flanged, screwed or
welded connections
• Piping 200 mm NB and larger: SANS 719, Grade B, wall thickness 4.5 mm minimum
or thicker to suit operating duty, flanged or welded connections
• Flanges: SANS 1123, 600/3, 1 000/3 or 1 600/3, etc. depending on the line operating
• Materials of construction: Carbon steel for all applications, unless otherwise specified
• Abrasive slurries: transported in heavy wall, carbon steel, rubber-lined piping or high-
density poly urethane piping
• Connections in piping of diameter 40 mm NB and less: screwed connections
• Piping with a nominal bore exceeding 50 mm: flanged or welded, depending on the
physical installation, provided that all lines, regardless of size, have adequate flanged
connections to ensure ease of removal/maintenance/unblocking

The following SENET piping specifications (see Appendix 5.26) will be applicable:

• SP-SPEC-PIP-01, Fabrication, Supply, Erection and Testing of Piping and Valves

• SP-SPEC-PIP-02, Piping Design Criteria
• SP-SPEC-PIP-03, Piping Thermal Insulation
• SP-SPEC-PIP-04, Fire Water Supply and Distribution

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 247 of 566 Valves

Valves will be supplied and installed in accordance with the following specifications:

• Process and raw water and other clear solution isolation and control valves will be of
the butterfly type.
• Slurry isolation valves will be of either knife gate or diaphragm Saunders type KB.
• All slurry pump suction lines will be fitted with a manual Saunders type KB dump valve.
• Ball type valves will be used on water hosing and compressed air points.
• All compressed air points will be equipped with a 25 mm quick release coupling.

The following SENET valve specification (see Appendix 5.27) will be applicable: SP-SPEC-
PIP-06, Supply of Valves. Painting and Corrosion Protection

The painting and/or corrosion protection system shall be applied ín accordance with the paint
manufacturers’ surface preparation and application requirements. The following specifications
will be applicable:

• SANS 121/ISO 1461, Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles –
Specifications and test methods
• SANS 12944-5/ISO 12944-5, Paints and varnishes – Corrosion protection of steel
structures by protective paint systems – Part 5: Protective paint systems
• SANS 2808/ISO 2808, Paints and varnishes – Determination of film thickness
• SANS 2409/ISO 2409, Paints and varnishes – Cross-cut test
• SANS 5772, Preparation of steel substrates before the application of paints and related
products – Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel surfaces – Profile
of blast-cleaned surfaces determined by a micrometer profile gauge (see also ISO
8503 (all parts), Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
products – Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates)
• All touch-up work on site and paint repair work will be carried out in accordance with
SANS 1200 HC, Corrosion protection of structural steelwork

The following SENET corrosion specifications (see Appendix 5.28) will be applicable:

• SP-SPEC-GEN-01, Corrosion Protection

• SP-SPEC-GEN-02, Colour Coding and Labelling of Plant Vendor Equipment

Vendor equipment will be supplied according to vendor standard paint specifications and
colour. Hand Railing and Knee Railing, Stanchions and Stair Treads

Tubular hand railing, knee railing and stanchions will be supplied to site with the vendor’s zinc
chromate finish.

A final coat will be supplied once the hand railing has been installed.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 248 of 566 Rubber Lining

Rubber lining will be supplied in accordance with the following specifications:

• The mild steel surface will be abrasive blast cleaned in accordance with ISO 8501-1
Grade SA 2½ and such that the profile depth is 40 to 70 microns.
• All rubber lining will be 6 mm thick, apart from flanges where the lining will be 3 mm
• Rubber lining will be in accordance with SANS 1198.
• Rubber lining will be natural rubber of 40 to 50 Shore.
• Mill discharge launders and mill sump high wear areas will be lined with either SKEGA,
Solidur low friction liner or ceramic tiles. Electrical, Control and Instrumentation Design Criteria

The electrical and instrumentation plant design has been based on the provision of the best
options with respect to the cost of design and the safety of personnel and equipment available
to the engineering team at the time of writing. The Project Electrical Engineer will, during the
implementation phase, optimise the design so as to minimise the final cost of the installation.

The proposed electrical, control and instrumentation (C&I) design criteria consist of the
following sections:

• Applicable standards, regulations and codes of practice

• Power supply philosophy
• Power distribution philosophy
• Switchgear and transformers
• Containerised motor control centres (MCCs) and distribution boards (DBs)
• Electric cables
• Earthing and lightning protection
• MCC and substation fire protection and detection
• Instrumentation and programmable logic controller (PLC) control system Applicable Standards, Regulations and Codes of Practice

The following standards and codes have been considered in the design criteria:

• South African national standards (in particular SANS 10142-1)

• International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards.

The following SENET electrical specifications (see Appendix 5.29) will be applicable:

• SP-SPEC-ELEC-01, MCCs and Large Distribution Switchboards

• SP-SPEC-ELEC-02, Low and Medium Voltage Power and Control Cable
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-03, AC Variable Speed Drives
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-04, Electrical Design Criteria
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-05, Low and Medium Voltage Motors
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-06, Fire Protection and Detection System
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-07, Electrical Installation
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-08, Distribution Transformers

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 249 of 566

• SP-SPEC-ELEC-09, Lighting Design Criteria
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-10, Prefabricated Buildings for Low Voltage Motor Control Centres
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-11, Indoor Medium Voltage Switchgear
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-11-1, Switchboard Checklist
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-11-2, Switchboard Panel Test Sheet
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-12, Low Voltage Diesel Alternator Sets
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-13, Reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) Engine Driven
Generating Sets
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-14-1, Earthing and Lightning Protection – Design
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-14-2, Earthing and Lightning Protection – Installation Testing and
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-15, Electrical Equipment Supplied with Mechanical Packages
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-16, Power Factor Correction Capacitor Banks/Harmonic Filters
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-17, Miniature Substations
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-18, Uninterruptible Power Supplies
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-19, Electrical Substations Design Guide
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-20, Lighting Distribution Boards
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-21, Low Voltage Busbar Trunking System
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-22, Low and Medium Voltage Motors – USA Standards
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-23, Network Study
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-24, Dry Type Distribution Transformers Power Supply Philosophy

The voltage will be as follows:

• Medium voltage applications: 22 kV and 6.6 kV

• Low voltage distribution for power to motors: 690 V, three-phase, 50 Hz, IE3 or IE4.
• Lighting and small power distribution (normal): 400 V/230 V single-phase or three-

Emergency lighting shall be fed from an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Power Distribution Philosophy Surface Backbone Reticulation

The electrical design will be based on a rental diesel-powered generating station, split into two
operational phases. Low Voltage Distribution

The maximum transformer rating for low voltage supplies shall be 2 500 kVA.

Each transformer shall feed a 690 V AC MCC that supplies power to a dedicated section of
the plant. Feeds to the MCCs shall be single feeds only. Economical Light Emitting Diode
lighting shall be supplied for plant illumination.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 250 of 566 Lighting and Small Power

A 230 V single phase or 400 V AC, three-phase lighting and small power distribution board
shall be supplied from a 690/400 V AC lighting transformer to the dedicated MCCs. Instrumentation and Control Power Supplies

Instrumentation and control voltages shall be a combination of 230 V AC, single phase, 50 Hz
and 24 V DC, as per the specific equipment power requirements.

Instrumentation power supplies shall not be derived from lighting power supplies, but from a
dedicated power transformer.

The control system power shall be supplied from a UPS. Switchgear and Transformers Medium Voltage Switchgear

Medium voltage switchgear shall be in accordance with SP-SPEC-ELEC-11, Indoor Medium

Voltage Switchgear (see Appendix 5.29). Transformers

Low-loss dry-type transformers shall be supplied in accordance with SP-SPEC-ELEC-24, Dry

Type Distribution Transformers (see Appendix 5.29). Containerised MCCs and DBs

Containerised MCCs and DBs shall be in accordance with the following specifications (see
Appendix 5.29):

• SP-SPEC-ELEC-01, MCCs and Large Distribution Boards

• SP-SPEC-ELEC-10, Prefabricated Buildings for Low Voltage Motor Control Centres
• SP-SPEC-ELEC-20, Lighting Distribution Boards

The control circuit voltage to be supplied within the containerised MCCs and DBs shall be
220 V AC.

The communication protocol PROFIBUS shall be utilised within the MCCs. Electric Cables (High Tension, Low Tension and


Electric cables shall be in accordance with SP-SPEC-ELEC-02, Low and Medium Voltage
Power and Control Cable (see Appendix 5.29). Cable Racking

Cable racking shall be used where cables are running on structures or indoors, or where cable
support is required.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 251 of 566

The requirements for cable racking are as follows:

• Hot dipped galvanised steel, where applicable

• Welded construction
• Standard straight length of 6 m
• Side rail height of 75 mm Variable Speed Drives

Variable speed drives shall be in accordance SP-SPEC-ELEC-03, AC Variable Speed Drives

(see Appendix 5.29). Earthing and Lightning Protection

Provision has been made for earthing of all electrical equipment and buildings where

The earthing philosophy for the supply of plant equipment (690 V) shall be the low tension
system comprising a neutral earthing resistor (NER). The current limited by the NER shall be
confirmed in the detail design phase. The earthing philosophy of lighting distribution (400 V)
shall be the LT system.

Earthing readings shall be conducted to finalise the design during the implementation phase.

A survey of the site will be conducted to determine the requirement surrounding the lightning
protection design. Thereafter, a detail design of a lightning protection system for the plant shall

High mast lighting shall form part of the plants lightning protection system and will serve as
lightning surge asserters.

The plant earthing and lighting shall be in accordance with SP-SPEC-ELEC-14-1, Earthing
and Lightning Protection – Design (see Appendix 5.29). MCC and Substation Fire Detection and Suppression System

The fire detection and suppression system for MCCs and substation buildings shall be
supplied in accordance with SP-SPEC-ELEC-06, Fire Protection and Detection System (see
Appendix 5.29). Instrumentation and PLC Control system

Provision has been made for all the instrumentation as per the piping and instrumentation
diagrams (P&IDs).

The following SENET instrumentation specifications (see Appendix 5.30) will be applicable:

• SP-SPEC-INST-01, C&I Design Criteria

• SP-SPEC-INST-02, Instrument Cable
• SP-SPEC-INST-03, Instrumentation Installation
• SP-SPEC-INST-04, General Instrument Specification
• SP-SPEC-INST-05, Process Control System

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 252 of 566

• SP-SPEC-INST-06, Installation Preamble
• SP-SPEC-INST-07, Requirements for Mechanical Packages
• SP-SPEC-INST-08, Instrumentation Installation Scope of Work
• SP-SPEC-INST-09, Closed Circuit Television Scope of Work
• SP-SPEC-INST-10, Site Communications
• SP-SPEC-INST-11, Construction and Installation Quality Assurance
• SP-SPEC-INST-12, System Integration Scope of Work
• SP-SPEC-INST-13, Procured Items
• SP-SPEC-INST-14, Ethernet Specification
• SP-SPEC-INST-15, Managing Radioactive Sources
• SP-SPEC-INST-15-1, Radiation Management Plan Template

The Tri-K Gold project control system consists of a supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) and PLC system. The automation backbone consists of a local area network (LAN),
utilising Ethernet and proprietary control protocols.

The system architecture is based on a SCADA system consisting of two dual screen operator
stations, two redundant Input/Output servers, one dual screen engineering station and a

The SCADA system will back up all the data for a pre-defined period and store it in an
Structured Query Language data format for extraction/interface with other systems
(Management Information System, Manufacturing Execution System or Enterprise Resource
Planning, outside of this scope).

The purpose of the webserver is to give controlled access to the real-time screens and
information of the control system in a secure manner. This means that privileged information
can only be seen/accessed on the internet in a secure and controlled manner, by the persons
with the authorised viewing rights.

The system architecture also includes a PLC system, with remote I/O stations situated in the
plant. Two PLCs are indicated on the architecture drawing, the first to control the front end of
the plant up to the mill, and the second to control the rest of the plant. In this way, the front
end of the plant and the rest of the plant can be operated separately and will not influence one
another if, for some reason, the one plant is without power.

The PLC and equipment room is located next to the control room (situated in the same
containerised prefabricated building).

The PLC and SCADA system hardware will be housed in the PLC and equipment room, which
will normally be locked or have limited access and will also be climate controlled. Extension
cables for the operator stations (dual screens, mouse, keyboard) will be run from the PLC and
equipment room to the control room, as the computer Central Processing Units will be kept in
an environment that is secure and tamper-free, as well as climate controlled and dust-free.

The PLC and SCADA software will be based on the P&IDs and the functional specifications.
Standards will be used as much as possible to make factory acceptance testing (FAT) and
site acceptance testing (SAT) as seamless as possible, and to ensure that future additions
and deletions to software are done in a well-orchestrated manner.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 253 of 566

Software licences for the PLC and SCADA system were sized adequately to enable future
expansions if needed. The PLC hardware was designed to allow for a 20 % populated spare
capacity, with an additional 20 % unequipped spare capacity. The automation network is
based on an Ethernet topology, where the main backbone is a fibre-optic network. Copper
Category6 Unshielded Twisted Pair cable is utilised to connect the control equipment located
in the control room and equipment room.

5.2.3 Block Flow Diagram

The block flow diagram (BFD) of the process is provided in Appendix 5.31 and provides an
outline of the unit operations in the plant.

5.2.4 Process Description Introduction

An overall process flow diagram of the process plant is shown in Figure 5.13.

The proposed process plant design is based on well-known and established gravity/CIL
technology, which consists of crushing, milling, gravity recovery of free gold followed by
leaching/adsorption of gravity tailings, elution and gold smelting, and tailings disposal.
Services to the process plant will include reagent mixing, storage and distribution, water and
air services.

The plant will treat 2.3 Mt/a of oxide, transition and sulphide ore campaigned through the plant
separately or in a combination, if required. Both oxide, transition and sulphide rock will be
crushed through a primary jaw crusher and stockpiled with bypass allowances directly to the
milling circuit for the softer and stickier ores.

Milling will consist of a primary SAG mill, secondary ball mill, and a pebble crusher. The SAG
mill will be operated in a single stage in the initial phase of the project when treating
predominantly oxide ores, while the ball mill will be in closed circuit with a hydrocyclone cluster
and installed when the more competent transition and sulphide rock is mined. Pebbles
generated from the SAG mill will be conveyed to a pebble crusher where they will be further
reduced in size and re-circulated to the SAG mill, especially when treating competent ore. The
discharge from both mills will be combined in a cyclone feed sump and will be pumped to the
cyclone cluster for classification.

A proportion of the cyclone underflow will be bled to the gravity circuit for recovery of gravity
gold, with the balance gravitating to the ball mill for further size reduction. Gold will be
recovered from the gravity concentrates through a combination of intensive cyanidation and
electrowinning facilities. The gravity recovery tailings will be transferred back to the mill feed
for further liberation. Gold that is not gravity recoverable is recovered through the CIL process.

The overflow from the cyclone cluster will be pumped to a pre-leach thickener. The thickener
underflow will feed the seven-stage CIL circuit, where gold will be dissolved and adsorbed
onto carbon. Both the oxide and sulphide ores exhibit varying degrees of preg-robbing as
confirmed by test work. The preg-robbing nature of the ores negates the use of a pre-leach
tank. The resultant CIL tailings slurry will be subjected to a partial cyanide destruction process,
prior to being pumped to the tailings disposal and storage facilities.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 254 of 566

Loaded carbon from the CIL circuit will be acid-washed prior to elution, followed by reactivation
of the eluted carbon. The solution from the elution circuit will be subjected to electrowinning,
where gold will be deposited onto cathodes as sludge. Periodically, the sludge will be washed
off the cathodes and dried. The dried gold “sludge” will then be smelted to produce gold bullion,
which will be shipped to the refinery.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 255 of 566

Trash Linear

ROM Rock Breaker

Cyclone Cluster Water
Static Grizzly

Vibrating Grizzly
Apron Feeder U/F
Gravity Splitter
Primary Jaw

Ball Mill
Ball Mill
Primary Crusher Trommel
Discharge Conveyor C1

Concentrator Future

Stockpile SAG Mill

SAG Mill

Reclaim Feeders

SAG Mill Feed

Conveyor C3

Mill Feed
Weightometer Mill Discharge
Sump Cyclone Feed Intense Leach
Pumps 1/2
Loaded Carbon
Transfer Screen

Eluted Carbon Carbon Screen CIL Feed
Holding Tank Splitter Box


Reclaim Heat Tails Screen

Kiln Screw
Exchanger Feeder
Eluant Mixer
Feed Tank

Elution Acid Wash

Column Column

M Elution Pumps Tails Pumps

Eluant Tank

Gravity and CIL

Cathode High Electrowinning Cells M CIL Tank 1 to 7
Cathode Wash Cyanide Detox Cyanide Detox
Pressure Wash Pump Tails Sump
Tank Agitators Tanks
Main Heat
Exchanger Acid Wash
Pumps Acid Drum SWD Discharge Effluent
Acid Wash
Gold Sludge Elution Heaters
Tank Treatment Plant
Filter Press
Carbon Transfer Tailings Storage
Gold Sludge
Water Tank Facility

Carbon Transfer
Water Pump

Process Water

Gold Sludge Bullion Bar

Moulds Return Water Pond

Calcining Furnace Smelting Furnace

Gold Mould
Cascade Trolley

Storm Water Pond


Figure 5.13: Overall Process Flow Diagram

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 256 of 566

The process plant consists of the following sections:

• Primary Crusher, Stockpile and Reclaim

• Milling
• Gravity and Intensive Cyanidation
• Pre-Leach Thickening
• Carbon Safety and Detoxification
• Tailings Dam and Return Water
• SWD Discharge Treatment
• Acid Wash
• Elution
• Electrowinning
• Carbon Reactivation
• Gold Room
• Cyanide and Caustic
• Lime
• SWD Discharge Treatment Reagents
• Detoxification Reagents
• Compressed Air and Diesel Services
• Process Water Distribution
• Raw Water Distribution Primary Crusher, Stockpile and Reclaim

This section should be read in conjunction with Process Flow Diagram (PFD) SS0656 2200
D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

Crushing consists of a single-stage primary jaw crusher, crushing onto a covered stockpile.

Blending is critical to maintain the target plant throughput and prevent significant feed grade
variations that may disrupt operations at the process plant. A run-of-mine (ROM) pad is
established adjacent to a tipping bin where ore is stockpiled for blending before feeding to the

Ore is fed into the ROM bin (22-BINS-01) using a front-end loader. An apron feeder (22-
APRF-01), located under the ROM bin, is used to withdraw ore from the bin at a controlled
rate, and discharges onto a vibrating grizzly feeder (22-FEDG-01). The grizzly feeder scalps
off the fines, allowing only the oversize from the feeder to report to the jaw crusher (22-CRUJ-
01) while the fines drop onto the sacrificial conveyor (22-CONV-01). The feed rate to the
primary crusher is controlled by varying the speed of the apron feeder using a locally mounted
dial-type speed controller. The jaw crusher product joins the grizzly feeder undersize onto the
sacrificial conveyor (22-CONV-01).

The sacrificial conveyor discharges into a bifurcated diverter chute (22-DIVC-02), which allows
material to bypass the stockpile onto the stockpile bypass conveyor (22-CONV-03), which in-
turn transfers the material onto the mill feed conveyor (22-CONV-05). The material is fed to
the SAG mill from the mill feed conveyor (22-CONV-05). This configuration allows for direct
feeding into the SAG mill from the primary crusher and may be required when treating oxide

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 257 of 566

ore, or to keep the mill running while the stockpile is under maintenance, or when feeding wet
ore with high fines content.

The primary crusher in normal operation crushes onto the crushed ore stockpile (22-STPL-
01). The stockpile is designed to have a surge capacity to allow for the mill to continue running
during maintenance in the crushing plant.

Normal feed to milling is from the crushed ore stockpile. Ore is withdrawn from the stockpile
using apron feeders (22-APRF-02/03/04) in the tunnel at the bottom of the stockpile.

Belt weightometers are included on the stockpile feed conveyor (22-CONV-02) and the mill
feed conveyor. The crushing weightometer is used to control the crushing rate, while the mill
feed conveyor is used to control the mill feed rate and for metallurgical accounting purposes.
The weightometers have a local and a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
display of instantaneous and totalised tonnages.

Conveyor skirting, dust enclosures, and dust suppression systems (22-DUSP-01/02) are
included in the design as a means of containing the dust produced from the crushing section.
The dust suppression system uses fine water sprays at the main dust-generating points (the
ROM bin tipping point, crushing discharge and secondary screen).

A pebble crusher (22-CRUC-01) is included in the design. The pebble crusher is used to crush
the scats prior to feeding back into the milling circuit. The pebble crusher processes a varying
circulating load of scats between the mill discharge and the mill feed. The scats are received
into the pebble crusher feed bin (22-BINS-02) to create surge capacity to ensure that, together
with the pebble crusher feeder (22-FEDP-01), the crusher is choke fed. The crushed product
from the pebble crusher is discharged onto the pebble transfer conveyor (22-CONV-06), from
where it is fed to the mill feed conveyor to charge the SAG Mill.

Electric hoists (22-HYST-01/02/03/04) are included in the crushing section to facilitate


The design includes a rock breaker (22-RBKR-01) to break down oversize rocks that are
tipped onto the static grizzly.

The stockpile area is equipped with a spillage pump (22-PMPV-01) to collect and pump, to the
mill discharge sump, any spillage that accumulates in the tunnel. Milling

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 3100 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

The milling circuit initially consists of a single ROM SAG mill with a pebble crusher, with the
later addition of a secondary ball mill. Crushed ore is conveyed from the crushed ore stockpile
to the SAG mill (31-MILS-01). The SAG mill has a variable speed drive, which allows the power
input to the mill to be varied when processing ores requiring different milling energy inputs.
The mill circuit is sized to process different blends of oxide and fresh ore. The blend ratio is
expected to vary over the LOM as per the mining plan for oxides and fresh material.

Tailings return water is the primary source of process water, used for mill feed dilution and
cyclone feed dilution. Fresh raw water is only used as a top-up to the process water if there is

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 258 of 566

insufficient tailings return water for the process requirements. The mill feed dilution water is
ratio-controlled to the mill feed rate to maintain the required mill discharge density. Mill feed
dilution water is measured by a magnetic flowmeter on the process water line feeding the
water into the SAG mill feed chute. The ratio control constant is adjusted from the relevant
SCADA screen to account for varying ore moistures.

The SAG mill product discharges through the trommel screen (31-TRSC-01), which removes
the oversize scats. The scats discharge onto the scats discharge conveyor (31-CONV-01) and
are transferred into the pebble crusher feed bin. A weightometer measures the weight of the
scats being produced and is used for process control. There is also a magnet (31-MAGT-01)
that removes steel balls discharged together with the mill scats. A metal detector is placed
after the scats magnet to detect any metal that has been missed by the scats magnet. The
metal detector trips the conveyor if metal is detected on the belt.

The undersize from the trommel screen gravitates to the mill discharge sump (31-TKDS-01).
The mill discharge is diluted to the required density in the mill sump. The dilute mill discharge
is pumped to a cyclone cluster (31-CYCL-01) by the cyclone feed pumps (31-PMPC-01/02),
one duty and one standby. The pumps are equipped with variable speed drives.

The cyclone underflow gravitates into the gravity splitter box (31-TKBX-01), from where a
portion of the cyclone underflow is directed to feed the gravity gold recovery circuit. The
balance of the cyclone underflow slurry gravitates to the cyclone underflow velocity breaker
(31-TKBX-02). The velocity breaker is used for directing cyclone underflow to either the SAG
mill or secondary ball mill feed.

The cyclone overflow gravitates to the linear trash screen (35-LISC-01). The trash screen
removes oversize material (such as misplaced oversize particles, vegetal debris, plastic
fragments, blast fuses, and wires) from the cyclone overflow stream before it gravitates into
the pre-leach thickener feed sump. The trash oversize material discharges into a trash basket
(35-BSKT-01). Process water drains through the trash basket and gravitates to the spillage

The milling area is bunded to contain spillage and is equipped with two spillage pumps: one
at the mill feed end (31-PMPV-01), and one at the mill discharge end (31-PMPV-02). The
spillage is pumped back to the mill discharge sump.

The ball mill uses grinding media. Grinding media are added to the mill to maintain the
specified mill power draw. The grinding media are delivered in drums of different ball sizes
and stored in the grinding media storage bunker (31-BNKR-03). The grinding media are
charged into the mill using a ball loading hopper (31-BLHP-01) that is lifted onto the ball
loading chute using the tower crane (41-HYST-01). The tower crane (41-HYST-01) is also
used for milling maintenance purposes. Mill balls are discharged into the mill by lowering the
ball loading hopper to its rest position, located directly above the mill feed chute(s). Gravity and Intensive Cyanidation

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 3300 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

A portion of the cyclone underflow is bled off to feed the vibrating gravity scalping screen (33-
SCRN-01). The vibrating gravity scalping screen is fitted with 2 mm aperture panels to scalp

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 259 of 566

off oversize material from the gravity concentrator feed. Dilution process water is added to the
scalping screen feed box to achieve the optimum slurry solids concentration required for the
feed to the centrifugal concentrator. The scalping screen oversize gravitates via the oversize
chute to the SAG mill feed chute. The scalping screen undersize is fed to the gravity
concentrator (33-CONC-01), which recovers the free gold from the gravity feed stream.
Tailings from the concentrator gravitate back to the mill sump (31-TKDS-01).

The centrifugal gravity concentrator operates in a batch mode on a set operating cycle. The
slurry is fed to the concentrator for a pre-set time (typically 1 h to 2 h), or as determined by
on-site optimisation. The length of the concentrating cycle can be adjusted to suit the ore type
being treated by using the machine countdown timer.

Ore particles are subjected to a centrifugal force of between 60 and 120 gravities in the
centrifugal concentrator. Water is injected into the rotating concentrating cone through a series
of fluidisation holes. The feed slurry is introduced into the rotating concentrating cone through
the central vertical feed tube. Once the slurry reaches the bottom of the cone, it is forced
outward and up the cone wall, filling each ring to capacity to create a fluidised concentrating
bed. Once optimum fluidisation has been achieved, higher specific gravity particles are
retained in the concentrating cone and lower specific gravity particles are discharged into the
concentrator tailings. The quantity of high specific gravity particles in the concentrating bed
increases progressively during the concentration cycle.

Water is pumped into the concentrator to keep the concentrating bed fluidised for efficient
classification of the heavier gold-bearing particles from the lighter gangue material. Clean raw
water is used for fluidising water, as suspended solids present in the process water may result
in blinding of the internal concentrating cone.

At the end of the cycle, the concentrator feed valve is closed, and the screen underflow
bypasses the concentrator and returns to the mill sump while the unit undergoes a flush cycle
to discharge the concentrate accumulated in the bowl into the concentrate batch tank. Flushing
the concentrator takes a period of 1 min to 2 min, after which the unit begins the next
concentrating cycle.

The recovered gravity concentrate is treated through the intensive cyanidation process.
Typically, sufficient concentrate to run the intensive cyanidation process is recovered on a
daily basis. Once a full concentrate batch is collected, an automated intensive leach cycle is
initiated. Intensive cyanidation is achieved using a cyanide-caustic solution. Hydrogen
peroxide solution is added to the leach reactor to provide the oxygen required for the gold
dissolution process. A batch of concentrate is treated through the intensive cyanidation
process for a period of between 14 h and 24 h. The concentrate leach process produces a
batch of pregnant solution. The pregnant solution is pumped to the gravity electrowinning tank
located in the electrowinning area. The leached and washed solids are pumped back to the
mill discharge sump.

Spillage in the gravity area is contained in a bunded area and a spillage pump (33-PMPV-01)
pumps the spillage to the intensive cyanidation system or mill discharge sump.

Due to the use of sodium cyanide solution and caustic, a safety shower (33-SASH-01) is
provided in this area. The safety shower is activated by a foot pedal and is equipped with an
eye bath.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 260 of 566 Pre-Leach Thickening

This section should be read in conjunction with SS0656 PFD 3500 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

The underflow slurry from the trash screen (35-LISC-01) will gravitate to the pre-leach
thickener feed sump (35-TKDS-02). The slurry will be diluted with process water and pumped
(35-PMPC-03/04) to the agitated dilution tank (35-TKSO-02), from which it will overflow into
the thickener feed well, where it will be mixed with diluted flocculant. The pre-leach thickener
(35-VEND-01) is a vendor-supplied high-rate thickener package with an automatic feed
dilution system. The pre-leach thickener underflow is thickened to 44 % to 45 % solids by
mass and is pumped by the underflow pumps (35-PMPC-05/06) into the CIL leach feed splitter
box. The pre-leach thickener overflow is collected in an overflow tank (35-TKSO-03) and
pumped using the overflow pumps (35-PMPC-07/08) to the silt trap of the process water pond.
The pre-leach thickener feed, pre-leach thickener underflow and pre-leach thickener overflow
pumps are VSD pumps.

A flocculant make-up and distribution system is provided for pre-leach thickening. A vendor-
supplied mixing and hydration system (35-VEND-02) is used to prepare the 0.025 % strength
flocculant solutions by using raw water for make-up. The flocculant powder is supplied from
the reagent stores and fed to the make-up tank. After mixing the flocculant, it is stored in the
dosing tank before being diluted with an inline mixer and pumped to the dilution tank.

Spillage in the pre-leach thickener section is contained in a bunded area, from where it is
pumped using the spillage pump (35-PMPV-02) to the pre-leach thickener dilution tank. CIL

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 4100 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

The thickener underflow slurry is pumped through the Vezin-type slurry sampler (41-SAMP-
01) to the CIL feed box (41-TKBX-01). The sampler cuts samples from the CIL feed slurry
stream at set time intervals to collect a shift composite sample for metal accounting purposes.
The slurry gravitates from the CIL feed box (41-TKBX-01) to either the first CIL tank (41-TKFO-
01) or CIL Tank 2 (41-TKFO-02), if the first tank is being bypassed. The leach slurry gravitates,
via tank launders, through the tank train to the final CIL tank. The CIL slurry tailings gravitate
from the final CIL tank to the detoxification and tailings pumping circuit.

The CIL section consists of seven tanks (41-TKFO-01 to 07) in series. The dual-impeller
mixers maintain the slurry and carbon particles in suspension.

The CIL section is designed with the ability to bypass any tank if required (e.g. for
maintenance). There are two launder outlets from each tank and each is equipped with a
launder gate valve. The launder gate valve that allows slurry to flow into the subsequent tank
is normally open, while the second launder plug valve to bypass the subsequent tank is closed.

Each CIL tank is equipped with mechanically swept wedge-wire cylindrical interstage screens
(41-INSC-01 to 07), which prevent the migration of carbon from one CIL tank to another. The
tank slurry levels are the same for all the CIL tanks. The transfer of slurry from tank to tank is
achieved by the pumping action of the internal impeller mechanisms of the interstage screens.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 261 of 566

The wedge-wire screens periodically become blocked with near-size carbon. Therefore, each
screen is lifted from the tank onto the interstage screen wash frame for periodic cleaning. A
spare interstage screen is provided to replace any screen that is removed for cleaning or
repairs. A high-pressure, low-volume wash pump (41-PMPW-01) is used to clean the blocked
interstage screens while they are in the wash frame.

Allowance has also been made for either air sparging via a low-pressure compressor or pure
oxygen sparging from an oxygen plant into the first six tanks in the series. These gases can
be introduced into the tanks via the agitator shaft and/or sparger.

The cyanide solution is pumped via dedicated cyanide dosing pumps to the first CIL Tank.
The addition of cyanide is a controlled operation by increasing or decreasing the speed of the
dosing pumps, depending on the cyanide levels in the CIL tanks. In the event that the
determined cyanide concentrations are low, provision is made to dose cyanide into CIL Tank 2
and CIL Tank 3.

Lime slurry is pumped via a ring main from the lime dosing tank to the mill and the CIL area.
The majority of the pH adjustment is achieved in the mill. Provision is made to add lime to the
CIL feed box (41-TKBX-01) and further down the CIL train in the event that the slurry pH is
lower than 9.5.

Loaded carbon is transferred from CIL Tank 1 to the acid wash column (61-COLM-01) via the
loaded carbon screen (41-SCRN-01). The design allows for the movement of a batch of loaded
carbon on a daily basis. However, if the carbon loading in CIL Tank 1 is too low (below
750 g Au/t), daily transfer of carbon may be skipped in order to improve the loaded carbon

CIL slurry-bearing loaded carbon is pumped to the loaded carbon screen (41-SCRN-01) using
recessed impeller vertical spindle Carbon Transfer Pump 1 (41-PMPV-01) in CIL Tank 1. The
intertank carbon transfer pump in CIL Tank 2 (41-PMPV-02) is sized to be able to transfer
loaded carbon from CIL Tank 2 to the loaded carbon screen in the event that CIL Tank 1 is

The loaded carbon screen undersize gravitates to CIL Tank 1 or CIL Tank 2 if CIL Tank 1 is
offline. The loaded carbon is washed with spray water and gravitates to the loaded carbon
holding tank. The carbon is moved upstream from the last CIL tank, counter-current to the
leach slurry flow, using the recessed impeller vertical spindle interstage carbon transfer pumps
(41-PMPV-01 to 07). Spillage in the CIL area is contained in the CIL bunded area. The bunded
area is equipped with two spillage pumps (41-PMPV-09 and 41-PMPV-10), which pump
spillage from either side of the CIL tank train back into the CIL feed box or CIL tank
respectively. The same tower crane used for maintenance at the milling section (31-HYST-
01), as well as for loading grinding media into the mill, is also used for the periodic removal of
interstage screens for cleaning and for the maintenance of the mixers.

Three safety showers (41-SASH-01/02) are provided in the CIL area. There is a safety shower
on either side of the CIL bunded area, and the third is located on the CIL platform.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 262 of 566 Carbon Safety and Detoxification

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 5100 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

The plant design includes a cyanide detoxification process for the CIL tails slurry. SMBS and
air are used as the detoxification reagents. Copper sulphate solution is added to provide the
copper ions that act as a catalyst during the detoxification process.

Leached slurry from the last CIL tank gravitates to the tails screen feed box to feed the tails
screen (51-LISC-01). The tails screen recovers fugitive carbon from the CIL tails.

Carbon is lost in the CIL stream due to a number of reasons, which include the following:

• Fine carbon passes through the interstage screen mesh.

• Carbon escapes through damaged, worn out or incorrectly installed interstage screens
in the final CIL tank.

The carbon recovered on the screen gravitates to the carbon basket (51-BSKT-01), from
where it is inspected and assessed for re-introduction into the CIL circuit. The recovered
carbon cannot be reused in the CIL circuit if the majority of the carbon is fine and platy. In the
event that the recovered carbon is suitable for re-introduction into the CIL circuit, fine carbon
is screened out before the carbon is returned to the last CIL tank.

The detoxification process occurs in two stages. First, the undersize slurry from the tails
screen gravitates to the first detoxification tank (51-TKFO-01), where SMBS and copper
sulphate solution are added, and the process of detoxification is initiated. The slurry will then
overflow into the second tank (51-TKFO-02), where the process of detoxification will be
completed. Low-pressure compressed air (for oxygen supply) is fed into the detoxification tank
via a sparging ring to ensure maximum dispersion throughout the slurry.

The cyanide species present in the tailings slurry are oxidised to the more stable cyanates by
the addition of sulphur dioxide and oxygen according to the following reaction:

CN-WAD + SO2 + O2 + H2O = OCN- + H2SO4

Sulphur dioxide is provided from the SMBS solution. Oxygen is provided by the air blown
through the slurry in the detoxification reactor. The cyanide detoxification reaction results in
the formation of sulphuric acid; therefore, lime slurry is added to the tank to maintain an optimal
operating pH range of 8 to 10. The detoxification reaction requires the presence of copper ions
acting as a catalyst at concentrations of approximately 50 mg/L. The copper ions are added
to the process in the form of copper sulphate solution.

The slurry from the detoxification tank gravitates to the tails hopper (51-TKDS-03), from where
the final tails are pumped to the TSF using the tails pumps (51-PMPC-01A/B/C and 51-PMPC-
02A/B/C), three duty and three on standby. The tails pumps are fitted with variable speed

A slurry sampler (51-SAMP-01/) is installed on the detoxification tank overflow. The sampler
collects samples at regular intervals. A shift composite sample is collected at the end of each
shift for analysis.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 263 of 566

Spillage in the detoxification and tailings area is contained within a bunded area, equipped
with a spillage pump (51-PMPV-01). Spillage is pumped back to the tails screen feed box.

Due to the use of detoxification reagents in this area, a safety shower (51-SASH-01) is located
close to the detoxification reactor. The safety shower is activated by a foot pedal and is
equipped with an eye bath. Tailings Dam and Return Water

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 5500 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

Detoxified tailings slurry is pumped to the TSF (55-TLDM-01). Return water from the tailings
dam will flow via a penstock to the RWD. Return water from the TSF is collected in the RWD
(55-POND-01) and pumped back to the process water pond (84-POND-01) using the return
water pumps (55-PMPC-01/02). Storm water is collected separately in the SWD (55-POND-
02) and can be pumped back by the storm water pump (55-PMPC-03) to the RWD when
needed during the dry season. A facility to pump from the SWD directly into the return water
line to the plant is also included.

During the wet season, water will be discharged from the SWD. The SWD discharge handling
system is a vendor-supplied packaged water treatment plant (55-VEND-01) located at the
process plant. This facility, supplied by Multotec, will treat the surplus contents of the SWD
during the wet season to prevent any discharge of contaminated storm water to the
environment. Depending on operational requirements, the treatment plant is expected to be
used continuously for a five-month period during the year or during the rainy season only to
contain the risk of contaminated overflow from the dam. The storm water pump (55-PMPS-
03) will also be used to feed the water treatment plant. An allowance is made for a spare SWD
water treatment plant feed pump (55-PMPS-04) in the plant stores. Both the feed and
discharge pumps are within SENET’s scope. SWD Discharge Water Treatment Facility (Multotec Scope)

A detailed description of the treatment facility is part of the vendor scope of supply and can be
referenced in the tender submission.

In summary, the water treatment plant consists of the following major fixed equipment supplied
by the vendor:

• Three rapid-mixing chambers

• Three slow-mixing chambers
• Six lamella settlers
• A single polymer dosing station
• Two dosing tanks for ferric chloride
• Two dosing tanks for hydrochloric acid
• A single sludge buffer tank
• A single holding/buffer tank for lime slurry
• A potable water plant
• A compressor system

Arsenic in the feed water is removed by a precipitation process conducted in two stages.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 264 of 566 First Stage

In the first stage, the feed water to the plant is dosed with ferric chloride in an agitated rapid-
mixing chamber and the pH is controlled at 4.5 by the addition of hydrochloric acid. Polymer
and flocculant are then added in another agitated chamber to encourage the stable flocculation
of the precipitate formed in the first stage. The product from the first stage is pumped to the
first series of high-rate lamella settlers. The precipitate containing ferric arsenate is separated
in the underflow. The clarified overflow from the first stage is then fed to the rapid mixing
chamber of the second stage. Second Stage

In the second stage, further pH control at 4.5 takes place with lime addition and dosing with
ferric chloride. The product from the second stage undergoes separation in a second series
of high-rate lamella settlers. Further separation of the precipitate from the second stage will
take place in the underflow. Polymer and flocculant are then added in another agitated
chamber to encourage the stable flocculation of the precipitate formed. The treated overflow
is then fed to the third rapid-mixing chamber for cyanide removal. Cyanide Removal

In the third rapid-mixing chamber, lime is added to control the pH at 9 and the cyanide in the
water is oxidised to cyanate by adding hydrogen peroxide. Polymer and flocculant are then
added in another agitated chamber to encourage stable flocculation and precipitation. The
precipitated product from the cyanide removal section is then separated from the water by a
third series of high-rate lamella settlers. The overflow from the settlers is the effluent water
and is expected to meet IFC standards in terms of arsenic and cyanide content. The overflow
is collected in a discharge sump, from which it will flow to the environment. An allowance has
been made to pump the treated effluent water back to the process water pond (84-POND-01)
by using the SWD water treatment plant discharge pump (55-PMPS-05), which is located in
the discharge sump. Sludge Collection

All the underflow collected from the first stage, second stage and cyanide removal sections is
intermittently pumped into an agitated sludge receiving tank. The sludge is then pumped from
the sludge receiving tank to the detoxification tails sump (51-TKDS-03), from which it will be
removed with the detoxified plant tailings slurry to the TSF. Lime Supply

Dosing of the lime to the required mixing chambers will be done by dedicated lime dosing
pumps (running and standby), which will draw lime from a holding tank. The quicklime slurry
will be pumped by the treatment plant lime pump (72-PMPC-08/09) from the process plant
dosing tank (72-TKFC-02) to the lime holding tank on a daily basis, when required. Flocculant Make-Up

Polymer and flocculant make-up is conducted in a dedicated make-up and dosing station.
Bags of flocculant will be supplied by forklift to the dosing station.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 265 of 566 Ferric Chloride Make-Up

Ferric chloride solution (43 % m/m) will be supplied in drums. Transfer pumps will transfer the
solution to two dedicated ferric dosing tanks. Dosing will be conducted by dedicated dosing
pumps (running and standby). Hydrochloric Acid

Hydrochloric acid solution (33 % m/m) will be supplied in drums. Transfer pumps will transfer
the solution to two dedicated acid dosing tanks. Dosing will be conducted by a set of dedicated
dosing pumps (running and standby). Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide solution (60 % m/m) will be supplied from a dedicated intermediate bulk
container (IBC). Dosing will be conducted by a set of dedicated dosing pumps (running and
standby) directly from the IBC. Utilities

Potable water for reagent make-up and safety showers will be supplied by a containerised
plant capable of producing 5 m3/h of potable water from the SWD discharge water for use in
the treatment plant. Air requirements will be supplied by a dedicated compressor system. Spillages

Three dedicated spillage pumps (55-PMPV-06/07/08) supplied by SENET will handle the
reagent and sludge spillages. Spillages will either be sent to the detoxification tails sump (51-
TKDS-03) or returned to the treatment plant depending on the type of spill. Acid Wash

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 6100 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

The loaded carbon is moved from the first CIL tank on line into the acid wash column (61-
COLM-01). The loaded carbon batch is washed with clean spray water on the loaded carbon
screen and is discharged directly into the acid wash column. Once a batch (6 t of carbon) has
been accumulated, the carbon is washed with dilute hydrochloric acid to remove scale that
builds up on the carbon in the CIL circuit.

The acid wash process is carried out in three steps: elutriation, acid wash and rinse. At the
end of the acid wash process, a batch of loaded carbon is ready for transfer into the elution
column for gold stripping. Elutriation

Elutriation is the process of partially fluidising the carbon bed in order to free and remove
trapped light contaminants from the loaded carbon. The carbon batch is washed with raw
water to remove any light trash such as slimes, plastic and organic fibrous material captured
in the bed. Blowing small amounts of air through the acid wash column often assists in lifting
trapped trash during the elutriation process. The trash is flushed to the tails screen feed box
via a gravity pipeline.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 266 of 566 Acid Wash Process

A 3 % by mass HCl solution is made up in the acid wash tank (61-TKFC-01) using
concentrated HCl and raw water.

The dilute acid solution is pumped through the loaded carbon bed in the acid wash column
using the acid wash pump (61-PMPC-01/02). The acid solution overflow gravitates back to the
acid wash tank. The carbon bed expands with the acid wash solution upflow, and this enables
optimum contact between the surfaces of the carbon particles and the slow-flowing acid

The duration of the acid wash operation depends on the severity of the scaling. A normal acid
wash cycle is 1 h to 2 h. However, if there are still signs of gas evolution (bubbling) from the
acid wash process, the loaded carbon still has some scaling and acid washing should be
allowed to continue until the bubbling is no longer visible, and the acid is drained back to the
acid wash tank prior to the start of the rinse step. Rinse

After being washed with 3 % HCl, the carbon is rinsed with raw water and the rinse effluent is
directed to the tails sump. Spent Dilute Acid Disposal

A batch of dilute acid wash solution is used to wash typically four batches of loaded carbon,
after which the dilute acid batch normally becomes too contaminated to use.

The spent acid wash solution is neutralised with an excess of sodium hydroxide solution soda
and is pumped to the tails screen sump.

A spillage pump (61-PMPV-01) is provided in the acid wash section. Spillage is pumped to the
tails screen feed box.

Two safety showers (61-SASH-01 and 02) are provided in this area. Each safety shower is
activated by a foot pedal and is equipped with an eye bath.

Once the process of acid wash and rinsing has been completed (the pH of the rinse solution
is equal to that of the wash water), the acid-washed carbon batch is drained by gravity into the
transfer line and hydraulically transferred into the elution column (62 COLM 01).

HCl is delivered in (1 000 L) IBCs at 33 % HCl concentration by weight. When required, the
HCl containers are transported using a forklift from the storage area to the acid wash bund,
close to the concentrated acid wash tank (61-TKFC-01). The total volume of acid is pumped
from the IBC to the acid wash tank using the acid transfer drum pump (61-PMPD-01). Elution

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 6200 D001 and PFD SS0656
6400 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

The elution process utilises the Pressurised ZADRA Elution System.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 267 of 566

Gold is stripped from the loaded carbon by circulating a hot caustic cyanide solution, typically
3 % NaOH and 2 % NaCN, through the column at 125 °C under pressure. The eluate solution
from the elution column is passed through electrowinning cells (EWCs) to recover the gold
from the circulating eluate stream, and the electrowinning tails solution is returned to the eluant
tank before being pumped back through the column.

The elution process involves two main stages:

• Stage 1: Heating the eluant solution, elution column and contents to operating
• Stage 2: Circulating the eluate through the electrowinning cells and back to the eluant
tank Stage 1

The eluant solution is pumped through the elution column via a system of recovery and primary
heat exchangers, and back to the eluant tank (62-TKFC-01). The secondary heat exchanger
(62-HEXR-02) recovers heat from the solution exiting the elution column. The eluant solution,
preheated by the recovery heat exchanger, is passed through the primary heat exchanger
(62-HEXR-01) where the solution is heated to temperature (125 °C) before entering the elution
column (62-COLM-01).

Hot oil is circulated through the primary heat exchanger from the elution heater bank
(62-HETR-01) to heat the eluant solution to the temperature required for the elution process.

The solution (eluate) exits the elution column via externally mounted (duty and standby)
Elution Strainers 1 or 2 (62-STRN-01/2). The strainers prevent the carbon from migrating out
of the column to the secondary heat exchanger.

The eluant is recycled back to the elution tank during the heating stage. Once the column, its
contents, and the eluate exiting the column reach the operating temperature, the eluate is
directed to the electrowinning cells and Stage 2 of the elution process commences. Stage 2

The eluant solution at the elution temperature is pumped through the column and the cooled
eluate is passed through the electrowinning cells for a period of up to 14 h. The electrowinning
tailings are circulated back to the eluant tank. The column operates under pressures of
typically 300 kPa to 350 kPa.

At the end of the elution cycle, the heaters are switched off. Eluant continues to be pumped
through the column until the solution exiting the column is approximately 90 °C. The cooled
and eluted carbon is hydraulically transferred to the carbon reactivation section. The carbon
transport water required to transfer eluted carbon from the column to the eluted carbon holding
tank (64-TKSO-01) is pumped from the carbon transfer tank (64-TKFO-01) using the carbon
transfer pump (64-PMPC-01/02).

A fresh batch of eluant is reused to strip up to four batches of loaded carbon, after which the
level of contamination in the eluant becomes unacceptable for the eluant to be used for the
elution process. The spent eluant is drained from the eluant tank into the elution bunded area
and is pumped by the spillage pump (62-PMPV-01) to the leach feed splitter box in the CIL

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 268 of 566

section. The cyanide available in the spent eluant is utilised in the CIL section and the residual
gold values in the eluant are recovered onto the carbon.

A spillage pump (62-PMPV-01) is provided in the elution section. Spillage is pumped to the
CIL leach feed splitter box (41-TKBX-01).

Two safety showers (62-SASH-01/02) are provided in the elution area. Each safety shower is
activated by a foot pedal and is equipped with an eye bath. Electrowinning

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 6300 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

The electrowinning (EW) circuit consists of two dedicated circuits:

• CIL gold EW circuit: Two EW cells (63-EWCL-02/03)

• Gravity gold EW circuit: One EW cell (63-EWCL-01) CIL Electrowinning

The pregnant electrolyte from elution is directed to the electrowinning cell feed tank (63-TKFC-
02). This allows de-aeration of the electrolyte to the cell and distributes the solution among
the cells. The pregnant electrolyte gravitates from the feed tank and is equally distributed
between the two electrowinning cells. Any excess electrolyte from the cell feed tank overflows
with the return electrolyte from the cells.

Sludging-type stainless steel mesh cathodes are utilised to electrowin gold from the pregnant
electrolyte. An electric current is applied across the cell electrodes and gold is deposited as
fine sludge, loosely adhering to the pad of stainless-steel knit mesh contained in the cathode
basket. The electrowinning cycle takes place over a period of approximately 9 h. Samples of
the electrowinning tails (barren electrolyte) are taken at regular intervals during the
electrowinning process. These are analysed for gold, caustic, and cyanide concentrations in
solution. Electrowinning is complete once the gold tenor in the barren electrolyte reaches the
required level of 5 ppm. When an electrowinning cycle is complete, the barren electrolyte is
sent, on demand, to the eluant tank (62-TKFC-01). Gravity Electrowinning

The pregnant solution from the intensive cyanidation circuit is pumped to the gravity pregnant
liquor tank (63-TKFC-01). The pregnant solution is pumped from the tank through the gravity
electrowinning cell (63-EWCL-01) using the gravity EW cell feed pump (63-PMPC-01/02).
Gold is deposited onto the stainless-steel mesh of the cell cathodes as a weakly bound fine
sludge. The electrolyte tails from the gravity electrowinning cell are recycled back to the gravity
pregnant liquor tank. The electrolyte continues to circulate until a final gold tenor in the
electrowinning tailings solution reaches the required level of 5 ppm. When an electrowinning
cycle is complete, the barren electrolyte is pumped to the CIL feed box (41-TKBX-01).

Cathodes are periodically lifted from the cells and washed of deposited gold sludge. The
electrowinning hoist (63-HYST-01) is provided for lifting loaded cathodes. The cathodes are
lifted onto the cathode wash tank (63-TKSO-01). The cathode wash pump (63-PMPW-01)
provides high-pressure water spray to remove the sludge adhering to the cathode mesh. The

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 269 of 566

sludge accumulated on the floors of the electrowinning cells is washed into the cell sludge
tank (63-TKSC-01).

The sludge from the cathode wash tank is washed into the cell sludge tank. The sludge is then
manually tapped off from the cell sludge tank into the sludge filter press using a bucket. The
filter press dewaters the sludge and produces a gold sludge filter cake at approximately 60 %
solids by mass. The filter cake is placed in trays and taken to the calcining furnace (65-CALO-
01) to remove surface moisture from the filtered gold sludge.

A fume extraction system (63-FAN-01) on the electrowinning cells extracts potentially

poisonous and explosive gases that evolve during the electrowinning process. A fresh air fan
is installed to force air into the gold room to improve ventilation inside the building. Carbon Reactivation

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 6400 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

Eluted carbon is transferred hydraulically from the elution column to the kiln feed hopper (64-

Excess water and carbon fines drain through strainers fitted at the bottom and at the overflow
of the hopper. The excess water and carbon fines discharge into the carbon transfer water
tank (64-TKFO-01).

Carbon is fed from the kiln feed hopper to the reactivation kiln (64-REGN-01) using a variable
speed screw feeder (64-FEDS-01). The speed of the screw feeder is set in the vendor’s local
control panel. The screw feeder moves carbon from the feed hopper into the kiln at a constant
rate as set on the vendor’s control panel. The carbon passes through the different reactivation
zones as it is moved along the diesel-fired rotary regeneration kiln drum.

The reactivated carbon exiting the kiln is immediately quenched with water in the quench pan
(64-PAN-01) to prevent oxidation reactions with atmospheric oxygen as it exits the kiln. The
quenched carbon is passed over the quench screen (64-SCRN-01), where water sprays are
applied to help remove fines before it gravitates from the screen panel to the eductor tank (64-
TKSC-03). The carbon is hydraulically transferred with the aid of the carbon transfer pumps
(64-PMPC-01/02) from the eductor tank to the last CIL tank by pressurising the carbon in the
tank and extruding it into the transfer line. The fines from the quench screen gravitate to the
carbon transfer water tank (64-TKFO-01).

Fresh batches of activated carbon are discharged into the carbon attritioning tank (64-TKSO-
02), where the carbon is mixed, wetted and attritioned using a mixer (64-MIXR-01). From this
tank, the carbon gravitates to the quench screen (64-SCRN-01) for removal of fine carbon.

A spillage pump (64-PMPV-01) is provided in the area, and the slurry collected is pumped to
the tails screen feed box.

Fresh activated carbon is delivered to site in 500 kg bulk bags. A forklift is used to transport
the bags from the storage area to the CIL tank area. The tower crane (41 HYST 01) is used
to lift the bags onto the CIL platform. The fresh carbon make-up can be added to the carbon
attritioning tank (64-TKSO-02), from where it is conveyed with regenerated carbon to the last

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 270 of 566

CIL tank (41-TKFO-07). It can also be added to CIL tank 6 (41-TKFO-06) if the last CIL tank
is offline. Gold Room

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 6500 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

Filtered gold sludge is loaded onto drying trays and the trays are loaded into the cathode
sludge calcining furnace (65-CALO-01). The dried sludge is allowed to cool down and is then
mixed with smelting fluxes at the required ratios. The fluxed, dried gold sludge is loaded into
the smelting crucible, which is fitted into the smelting furnace (65-SMFU-01). Supply of diesel
to the smelting furnace is by gravity from the diesel header tank (82-TKFC-01).

The diesel-fired smelting furnace operates at temperatures between 1 200 °C and 1 400 °C.
The furnace is fitted with a temperature control system and has a hydraulic tilting system for
use during gold pour. The smelting furnace is covered by a fume hood with a flue duct that is
vented outside the gold room.

At the completion of a smelt, the furnace firing system is switched off and the molten contents
of the crucible are poured into bullion moulds mounted on a cascade trolley. The bullion
collects in the first mould with any excess collected in the second mould, while slag overflows
and collects in a slag collection crucible on the last cascade.

The heavy metallic phase sinks to the bottom of the moulds whilst the light slag phase floats
on top of the metallic phase. When both phases cool down and solidify, the glassy slag phase
is easily broken away from the metallic phase, and the gold bar remains.

The bullion bar is further cleaned by chipping off and wire-brushing the slag adhering to the
surface of the bar. The cleaned bullion bar is sampled using the prill drill (65-DRIL-001).
Samples are drilled out from two opposing long faces of the bar. The bar is then labelled,
weighed and stored in a safe, prior to dispatch to the refinery.

The gold room is equipped with two scales:

• Bullion scale, which measures the weight of the bullion and bullion samples
• Flux scale, which measures the weight of the flux

The gold room will be equipped with a self-contained ventilation system (65-VENT-01). The
gold room extraction fan (65-FAN-01), equipped with a filter (65-FILA-01) extracts hot air from
the room.

Spillage from the electrowinning cells gravitates to a central drain pipe and discharges into the
bunded area below the electrowinning cells. The collective spillage inside the gold room is
pumped to the sludge tank. Spillage generated from the gravity and CIL pregnant liquor tanks
gravitates into a separate bunded area and is pumped back into the gravity pregnant
electrolyte tanks.

A safety shower (65-SASH-01) is provided in the elution area. The safety shower is activated
by a foot pedal and is equipped with an eye bath.

Once cooled, the bullion mould contents will be cleaned, stamped and dispatched.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 271 of 566 Cyanide and Caustic

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 7100 D001 (see Appendix 5.32). Cyanide

Sodium cyanide is delivered to site in bulk bags packed onto wooden crates. The wooden
crates provide additional containment in the event of spillage during transportation. The
cyanide crates are transported using a forklift from the cyanide storage area to the cyanide
make-up area. Cyanide is made up in batches equivalent to a whole number of cyanide bags.
The required number of cyanide bags is lifted one by one, using the reagent hoist (71-HYST-
01), onto the bag breaker (71-BBRK-01) fitted onto the cyanide make-up tank (71-TKFC-01).

The cyanide make-up tank is equipped with a cyanide mixer (71-MIXR-01). The cyanide make-
up tank is half-filled with raw water. Cyanide briquettes are then added to the half-filled tank.
The cyanide solution is mixed using the cyanide mixer to ensure that the briquettes are
completely dissolved during the make-up process. The tank is topped up to level with raw
water to make a concentration of 25 % cyanide by weight. Cyanide mixing continues for 30 min
to 60 min to ensure that all the cyanide briquettes are dissolved. The made-up cyanide solution
is pumped to the cyanide dosing tank (71-TKFC-02) using the single duty cyanide transfer
pump (71-PMPP-01).

Two dedicated variable speed progressive cavity pumps (71-PMPP-01/02) are used to dose
cyanide to intensive cyanidation, the CIL tanks and elution. Any cyanide spillage occurring
during the make-up process is immediately hosed down with hosing water and reports to the
cyanide spillage sump. It is pumped back to the cyanide make-up tank or to leach feed splitter
box in the CIL section, using the cyanide spillage pump (71-PMPV-01). Spillage in the cyanide
dosing area is contained in a dedicated bund and gravitates to the elution area spillage bund.

A safety shower (71-SASH-01) is located close to the cyanide make-up and dosing tanks. It
is activated by a foot pedal and is equipped with an eye bath. Caustic

Caustic is delivered to site (in the form of caustic pearls) in 25 kg bags packed onto pallets.
The pallets are transported using a forklift from the caustic storage area to the caustic make-
up tank (71-TKFC-03). A pallet of caustic bags is lifted onto the platform above the caustic
tank using the reagent hoist (71-HYST-01). The caustic make-up tank is half-filled with raw
water, after which the operator manually lifts one bag at a time onto the bag breaker (71-
BBRK-02), enough to make up a solution of 20 % by weight caustic solution. The tank is
topped up to level with raw water and the solution is mixed using a caustic mixer (71-MIXR-
02), which ensures that the caustic pearls are completely dissolved during the make-up

The caustic dosing pump (71-PMPC-04/05) is only run for the time required to deliver the
various batch quantities of the reagent to the various distribution points: acid wash, elution,
and intensive cyanidation.

A safety shower (71-SASH-02) is located close to the caustic make-up tank. It is activated by
a foot pedal and is equipped with an eye bath.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 272 of 566 Lime

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 7200 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

The lime area consists of a vendor-supplied package that consists of a dry direct storage
system and a wet slaking system. Quicklime is delivered to site in bulk bags. The bulk bags
are transported using a forklift from the lime storage area to the lime silo in the lime make-up
area for lime make-up.

Lime is manually delivered in bulk bags and roller conveyed to be hoisted (72-HYST-01) into
a bag breaker located on top of the lime bag hopper (72-HOPR-01). Dry lime is pneumatically
fed from the lime bag hopper to the lime silo (72-SILO-01) by the lime blower rotary feeder
(72-FEDR-01) from the bottom of the hopper. The pneumatic transfer is aided by the lime
transfer blower (72-AIBL-01). Lime is discharged from the silo through a rotary feeder (72-
FEDR-02) onto a screw feeder (72-FEDS-01), which feeds the lime onto the mill feed conveyor
(22-CONV-05). A secondary discharge of lime from the rotary feeder (72-FEDR-03) on the
screw feeder (72-FEDS-02) will feed the lime into the slaker (72-SLAK-01).

A lime slaking plant is used to produce sufficient lime slurry for the leach process and the SWD
discharge water treatment plant. The lime slaker converts dry powdered calcium oxide
(quicklime) into calcium hydroxide or slaked lime in the form of a slurry of controlled
consistency, and then dilutes it to the required density concentration of between 15 % and
20 % solids (w/w). The water to the lime slaker will be supplied by raw water distribution pumps

The lime slaker consists of three agitated compartments and a grit removal facility. Raw water
and lime powder are added in measured proportions and vigorously agitated by the mixer in
the first compartment. The shape of the vessel promotes a turnover flow to improve slaking
efficiency and overflow into the adjacent compartments, which are similarly agitated. This
ensures the necessary retention time and prevents the discharge of unslaked material. The
temperature will be between 70 °C and 80 °C, depending on the temperature of the incoming
water, as well as the characteristics of the lime.

The slaked lime overflows from the first to the second compartment, which overflows to the
third compartment of the slaker, where the density is dropped in order to assist grit settling.
The unit contains a grit removal screw to remove grit as a settled sludge from the floor of the
third compartment into a collection bin (72-BINS-01). The grit from the bin is manually fed back
into the SAG mill via the mill feed conveyor (22-CONV-05).

The lime is discharged from the lime slaker transfer pumps (72-PMPC-05/06) into the lime
transfer tank (72-TKFC-01). The tank is topped up to level with process water and the lime
mixer (72-MIXR-02) ensures adequate mixing and suspension of lime solids into a
homogenous lime slurry. The lime make-up tank is vented to the atmosphere to minimise dust

The lime slurry is transferred from the make-up tank to the lime storage and dosing tank (72-
TKFC-02) using the lime transfer pump (72-PMPC-01/02). The dosing tank is also equipped
with a mixer (72-MIXR-01) to ensure that the solids in the lime slurry are kept in suspension.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 273 of 566

Lime Dosing Pumps 1 and 2 (72-PMPC-03/04), one duty and one standby, are used to pump
the lime slurry into the lime ring main, which transports the lime slurry from the lime dosing
tank to the mill feed chute, the CIL tanks, and detoxification tanks, and back to the lime dosing
tank. The water treatment plant lime pumps (72-PMPC-08/09), one standby and one duty, are
used to pump the lime slurry to the lime holding tank in the SWD disharge treatment plant (55-

Spillage in the lime dosing area is contained in a bunded area with two spillage pumps (72-
PMPV-01 and 02), which are used to pump the spillage back into the lime transfer tank and
dosing tank, respectively. There is an allowance to pump the spillage from the make-up tank
to the mill discharge sump and from the dosing tank to the SAG mill, respectively. The spillage
from the slaking plant is pumped back into the slaker (72-SLAK-01) by a separate spillage
pump (72-PMPV-03).

A safety shower (72-SASH-01) is provided close to the make-up tank. It is activated by a foot
pedal and is equipped with an eye bath. Detoxification Reagents

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 7400 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

These reagent dosing tanks are located adjacent to the detoxification facility SMBS

SMBS is delivered to site in bulk bags. The bulk bags required for batch make-up are
transported using a forklift from the storage area to the SMBS mixing and dosing area.

The SMBS make-up tank is half-filled with raw water. The reagent hoist (74-HYST-01) is used
to lift the bags onto the bag breaker (74-BBRK-02) and SMBS powder is discharged into the
SMBS make-up tank (74-TKFC-03). The SMBS powder is dissolved batch-wise to a 25 %
concentration by weight. The tank is topped up to level with raw water and the SMBS make-
up mixer (74-MIXR-02) ensures adequate mixing.

The SMBS solution is transferred to the SMBS dosing tank (74-TKFC-04) using the single
duty transfer pump (74-PMPC-04). Variable speed SMBS dosing pumps (74-PMPP-05/06),
one duty and one standby, are used to pump the SMBS solution to the detoxification circuit at
a controlled rate.

The SMBS make-up and dosing tanks are equipped with dedicated extraction fan systems
(74-EFAN-01 and 74-EFAN-02) to extract dust and vapours formed during make-up and
dosing. Copper Sulphate

Copper sulphate is delivered to site in bulk bags. The bags are transported using a forklift from
the storage area to the copper sulphate mixing and dosing area for make-up. The copper
sulphate crystals are dissolved in raw water to make up a solution batch of 15 % concentration
by weight.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 274 of 566

The copper sulphate bags delivered to the make-up area are lifted onto the platform on top of
the copper sulphate make-up tank (74-TKFC-01) using the reagent hoist (71-HYST-001). The
operator lifts the bags onto the bag breaker (74-BBRK-01), which discharges the copper
sulphate crystals into the copper sulphate make-up tank half-filled with raw water. Once the
required number of bags has been added to the make-up tank, the tank is topped up to level
with raw water. The copper sulphate tank is equipped with a mixer (74-MIXR-01), which
ensures that the crystals are dissolved completely during the make-up process.

The copper sulphate solution is pumped to the copper sulphate dosing tank (74-TKFC-004)
using the single duty transfer pump (74-PMPC-01). Variable speed copper sulphate dosing
pumps (74-PMPP-02/03), one duty and one standby, are used to pump copper sulphate
solution to the detoxification circuit at a controlled rate.

A safety shower (74-SASH-01) is provided in the detoxification reagent make-up area, close
to the tanks. It is activated by a foot pedal and is equipped with an eye bath.

Spillage is contained in a bunded area. The spillage pump (74-PMPV-01) is used to pump the
spillage from the detoxification reagent make-up area to the tails screen, and the spillage from
the detoxification reagent dosing area is washed down and gravitates to the detoxification and
tailings bunded area. Compressed Air and Diesel Services Compressed Air

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 8100 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

The air blowers (81-AIBL-01/02/03/), supply the low-pressure air requirements to the CIL and
detoxification tanks.

The high-pressure (HP) compressors (81-COMP-01/02), one duty and one standby, supply
the HP air requirements for crushing dust suppression, acid wash pumping, and
instrumentation via a general plant air receiver (81-RECV-01).

Compressed air for crushing dust suppression and acid wash pumping is stored in the general
plant air receiver (81-RECV-01) and air is passed through either of the duty or standby air
filters (81-FILA-01/02).

Instrument air is passed through either of the duty or standby air filters (81-FILA-03/04) and
the instrument air dryer (81-ADRY-01/02). Dried instrument air is filtered again through
another duty or standby air filter set (81-FILA-05/06) before it is stored in the instrument air
receiver (81-RECV-02). The instrument air receiver distributes the instrument air to all the air-
operated instruments throughout the plant.

Oxygen will be supplied at 93 % purity to the CIL tanks from a modularised dedicated PSA
oxygen plant (81-OXPL-01). The modularised approach to the oxygen plant will allow for
additional upgrading capacity to be easily included during the operation, if needed.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 275 of 566 Diesel

Diesel is transferred via a supply tanker from the fuel farm into the diesel storage tank (81-
TKFC-03). A dedicated diesel supply pump (81-PMPC-01) will pump diesel to the header
tanks located in the elution section. The header tank (62-TKFC-02) supplies diesel to the
elution heaters and the reactivation kiln. The diesel for the smelting furnace is drawn from a
separate header tank (65-TKFC-01) by gravity. Process Water Distribution

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 8400 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

The process water pond (84-POND-01) supplies the process water requirements of the plant.

Tailings dam return water is preferentially pumped directly to the process water pond (84-
POND-01). Additional sources of process water are raw water overflow from the raw water
pond if the tailings dam return water is unavailable. Raw water can also be pumped directly
from the raw water supply line to the process water pond if needed for top-up or during plant
start-up and commissioning.

Process water is used in the milling, gravity concentration and detoxification sections and
supplied by dedicated operating and standby process water pumps. It is also used as service
water for flushing, hosing and spraying applications. Process water is distributed to the plant
by three separate streams with dedicated pumps for each stream:

• Spray water is supplied by the spray water pumps (84-PMPC-03/04)

• Hosing water is supplied by the hosing water pump (85-PMPC-05)
• Flocculant make-up, milling, gravity concentration and detoxification water is supplied
by process water pumps 1 and 2 (84-PMPC-01/02)

The process water stream is a high-volume, low-pressure flow. The spray water and hosing
water streams are high-pressure, low-volume flows. The use of different pumps for these
streams allows more efficient sizing and utilisation of the pumps.

Spray water is used on the mill trommel screen, trash screen, gravity scalping screen, carbon
safety screen, loaded carbon screen, and quench screen.

Spillage in the process water distribution area is collected in the area sump and pumped back
into the process water pond using the process water spillage pump (84-PMPV-01). Raw Water Distribution

This section should be read in conjunction with PFD SS0656 8500 D001 (see Appendix 5.32).

Plant raw water is pumped from the raw water supply source and stored in the raw water pond
(85-POND-01). An allowance has been made for the raw water from the supply source to be
diverted to the process water pond (84-POND-01) for top-up and during plant commissioning.
Raw water is used for gland service, gravity concentrator fluidising water, reagent make-up,
washing, potable water supply and fire water. Each system is supplied by dedicated pumps,
depending on the duty. Gland service water, which is stored in the gland water tank, is used
as a sealant for selected slurry pumps in the plant and is supplied from a dedicated set of

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 276 of 566

gland water pumps (85-PMPC-05/06). The raw water pumps (85-PMPC-01/02) supply water
to the gland water tank (85-TKFC-01) in addition to the crushing, gravity and intensive
cyanidation, CIL, acid washing, elution, electrowinning, regeneration, detoxification and all the
reagent make-up sections of the plant. The distribution of gland water to the slurry pumps in
the milling, detoxification and lime make-up sections of the plant is performed by a dedicated
set of operating and standby pumps (85-PMPC-05/06). The gravity concentrator fluidisation
process makes use of dedicated concentrate fluidising water pumps (85-PUMP-09/10).

The raw water pond is also reserved for firefighting water. The fire water system is part of a
vendor package that includes a primary electric pump (85-PMPC-03/4) and a jockey pump
(84-PMPJ-01) to maintain the fire system continually pressurised.

Spillage from the raw water distribution area gravitates to the process water spillage sump
and is pumped back into the process water pond.

Raw water supplied to the water treatment plant is treated in the potable water treatment plant
(85-WATP-01) for potable water distribution. The potable water is stored in the potable water
storage tank (85-TKFC-02) and delivered to the potable water hydrospheres using the potable
water pumps (85-PMPC-07/08).

The potable water hydrospheres (85-HYDS-01/02) are used to maintain the required pressure
in the potable water distribution header. Potable water is distributed to the plant safety
showers, the Camp 1 and Camp 2 potable water tanks, site administration offices, the on-site
laboratory, and the ablution block.

5.2.5 Mechanical Equipment List

The mechanical equipment list (MEL), describing the specifications of equipment in the plant,
is provided in Appendix 5.33.

5.2.6 Equipment Data Sheets and Pump Schedule

The equipment data sheets and pump schedule are provided in Appendix 5.34.

5.2.7 Plant Control Philosophy Introduction

This section summarises the control elements that will be in place to assist the plant personnel
to operate the Tri-K gold plant safely and efficiently. The process plant piping and
instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) are given in Appendix 5.35 and provide the detail of the
control elements used to operate the plant.

A fully automated system via a programmable logic controller (PLC) and supervisory control
and data acquisition (SCADA) control allows a trained control room operator (CRO) to monitor
and control all the relevant process operations for the gold plant. Equipment operations are
controlled remotely, but a field operator (FO) can also stop equipment in the field, if required.

Continuous measurement of the process parameters allows management to monitor the

performance of the processing plant and to maximise production through process continuity.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 277 of 566 General Control Philosophy PLC and SCADA

Plant drives and valves critical to production will be operable automatically from the control
room via a SCADA system. The SCADA will operate the control loops and will be utilised for
overall plant control. The plant will be controlled by PLCs housed in the various motor control
centres (MCCs).

Each drive will have the following inputs to the PLC:

• MCC Healthy
• Field Start
• Stops Healthy
• Drive Running

Each drive, except for the spillage pumps, will have a Run Command output from the PLC.

The CRO will use the SCADA system situated in the central control room (CCR) to observe
and operate the plant. The distinct plant areas will be presented in graphic form on individual
screens. Each screen will display all the drives and instruments in that area, as well as the
status of the drives and the current value of the instruments. Alarms will be generated and
displayed in a dedicated portion of the screen for the operator to action.

Drives can be individually started from the SCADA system and all interlocking between drives
will be carried out in the PLC. The CRO can place each drive into field control, when required.

The drive interlocks associated with process equipment can be disabled and run in
maintenance mode from the field stop/start station. Safety interlocks will not be bypassed.
Once the drive is placed back in SCADA mode, the interlocks will automatically be enabled.
The drives will then have to be started in the correct sequence. The operators will be required
to walk through the plant before start-up to make sure that it is safe to start any drive.

All control loops indicated on the piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) will be
monitored and controlled from the SCADA. All analogue values will be logged into a historical
file for a period sufficient to store the historical data of the plant operation. Stopping and Starting

All the major mechanical equipment can be started and stopped from local control panels
located at the mechanical equipment. All motors will be fitted with a local emergency stop
button situated in a suitable position close to the equipment affected by the emergency stop.
Activation of the emergency stop will cause a warning light to illuminate on the MCC panel. All
the drives will have smart relays fitted to enable storage of measurement data and to process
that data to provide utilities with complex information about the power system conditions. A
facility for lockout of any of the drives, for maintenance purposes, will be installed on the panels
in the MCC buildings.

The jaw crusher, apron feeders, mills and conveyor motor starts will be fitted with a 10 s time
delay on start-up and an audible warning siren.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 278 of 566

Spillage pumps will be started manually on high sump level and fitted with low-level switches,
which will stop the pumps automatically on low sump levels. Sumps that contain cyanide
spillage will start the spillage pump on high level and automatically stop on low level, in order
to pump cyanide back into the mixing tank. The start-stop action on the spillage pumps can
also be operated manually to prevent overflow of the destination tank. Cyanide spillage can
also be manually diverted from the cyanide spillage sump to the CIL leach feed splitter box.
The spillage pumps will be indicated with a flashing light, on the SCADA system in the control
room, and an audible alarm to indicate high level.

Tailings pumps will be equipped with an automatic flushing system in the event of pump
stoppage or failure. Equipment Protection

Apart from running a plant efficiently, maximum life is also required from the operating
equipment. Therefore, equipment protection is considered in every design aspect of the plant.

All conveyors will be fitted with pull-wire switches along their entire accessible length and
emergency stop speed sensors for low speed detection. Belt drift and tear switches and rip
detectors will be installed on all long conveyors.

Where applicable, dead boxes will be used to protect sliding or impact areas from excessive
wear. Wear lining is used in cases where clay materials are present or dead boxes are not
practically possible.

Feed bins will be protected from the direct impact of falling material by maintaining the bin
level high enough to ensure that impact occurs onto the feed material.

Agitators will be fitted on all slurry tanks, with an alarm indication sent to the SCADA system
to warn of accidental stoppage or motor trips. The agitator and/or pump will be interlocked with
the tank low level to prevent agitator and/or pump damage.

The mills will be fitted with sirens to warn of start-up.

Flow and pressure switches fitted on gland water service lines feeding the slurry pumps will
send an alarm to the CRO when low gland water flow or pressure is measured. Pressure
gauges will be installed on the gland service lines located at these pumps to provide a visual
indication of the gland water pressure. Gland service water pressure will be regulated by
pressure regulation valves fitted on the pipelines feeding gland water to these pumps.

Positive displacement pumps will be equipped with pressure relief valves and low flow
switches to ensure that the pumps cannot run dry.

Acid wash pumps will be interlocked with automated discharge valves to avoid running the
pumps against closed heads. Running and Standby

The transport of processing material forms the heart of the process. Once a transport medium
is not functional, the plant loses available running time.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 279 of 566

All the major pumps (except spillage pumps) are fitted with a running and a standby pump and
the switchover from operating to standby will either be manual or automatic, depending on the
process requirement.

The CIL circuit allows for bypassing of a tank to an alternate tank in the series to permit
required maintenance without stopping the plant. Measure and Control

The status of all critical drives (running, stopped or tripped) is visible on the SCADA screens.

Essential flow rates are measured and controlled, where necessary, by the PLC; this is often
essential on reagent and water flows. Hoisting and Lifting

Electrically powered hoists will be equipped with a handheld control operating keypad.
Overhead cranes will be operator driven. A continuous audible siren will sound when the hoists
and cranes are travelling.

Crawl beams will be fitted to assist maintenance to areas that cannot be reached by the tower
crane or mobile cranes. Health and Safety

The Tri-K gold plant operation will comply with the relevant health and safety requirements
specified by the Client and world standards. Lifting and moving of equipment or consumables
play an integral role in the day-to-day running of the process plant, therefore, Tri-K will utilise
lifting equipment only where necessary, and with the required precautions in place to minimise
any associated risks.

Safety showers will be equipped with a flow switch that, when activated, will activate an audible
siren and a flashing light to alert the plant operating team that an incident has occurred. This
will mobilise the necessary emergency response team to attend to the injured party.

Gas detection systems, fitted with audible sirens, are in place at relevant process areas to
warn personnel of any hazardous gases.

The large operating valves that will be impractical to operate manually will be remotely
operable by pneumatic actuation. Minor process valves and hosing and flushing points, gland
service, pump and tank drain valves will be operated manually.

Dust suppression will be conducted at the primary crushing tip area by using water sprays that
will be activated by the crusher operator once a load of ROM ore is dumped into the tip bin.
Further dust suppression will be conducted on the jaw crusher and crusher discharge by
linking the dust suppression system to the minimum tonnage set point from the mill feed
conveyor. If the tonnage drops below the minimum, the dust suppression system will
automatically stop until the minimum tonnage is exceeded.

Cyanide storage, mixing or dosing areas will be fenced off to prevent unauthorised access,
which will reduce the risk of injury. Any flanges that will be used on a cyanide transporting line

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 280 of 566

will be fitted with a flange cover. Cyanide drain and flush valves will be fitted with a second
isolation valve and a blank flange with a weeping hole to indicate leakage.

The plant will be fitted with appropriate signage, in the appropriate languages, to warn
personnel of any hazard or safety risk present in the relevant area. Security

The high commodity value of the final product requires serious consideration for security to
protect Tri-K against gold theft.

A closed-circuit television system will be installed to cover the gold room sections. These areas
will be under constant multiple video camera surveillance with recording facilities. Monitors
will be installed in the plant offices, security guardhouse and general/plant manager’s office.

Access to plant areas will be by means of turnstiles opened by swipe-card reading devices.
Each employee’s security clearance status will be programmed into his/her swipe card. Crushing

The objective of process control and instrumentation in the crushing plant is to maintain
operating conditions that result in an optimum throughput-product size relationship, obtaining
maximum throughput at a constant product size.

Process control and instrumentation are included in the crusher section to

• Allow the plant to operate at a chosen target.

• Minimise the effect of disturbances.
• Reduce the effect of ore variability.
• Provide for safe and efficient start-up, operation and shutdown of the process.

The ROM or tipping bin will be equipped with an ultrasonic level transmitter to ensure that
adequate operating levels in the bin are maintained in order to reduce equipment (bin liners
and apron feeder) damage from excessive impact during tipping of ore into the bin.

The belt weightometer installed on the stockpile feed conveyor controls the feed rate to the
primary crusher by varying the speed of the apron feeder. The mass flowmeter will be used
for metallurgical accounting purposes and will have local and SCADA displays of the
instantaneous and totalised tonnage.

The belt magnet will be installed directly after the primary crusher discharge to remove any
tramp metal. A metal detector will be installed on the stockpile feed conveyor as an additional
precaution. If the belt magnet does not remove a piece of tramp metal, the metal detector will
send a signal to stop the conveyor.

A siren located in the crushing area will activate on start-up of the crushing conveyors. Both
conveyors will be equipped with low speed sensors.

Belt drift switches will be installed on the stockpile feed conveyor. An alarm will activate for a
period (typically 10 s) and will trip the conveyor if the alarm condition still exists after this

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 281 of 566

Belt tear switches will be installed on long conveyors (stockpile feed conveyor and mill feed

Under normal operating conditions, the diverter chute will be activated so that the ore is
discharged onto the stockpile feed conveyor. The diverter chute will be powered by a hydraulic
pack that will move the flopper to either side of the chute. Based on feedback from mining, the
diverter chute will be activated from the SCADA system to allow saprolite or clay material to
bypass the stockpile. Prior to feeding the ore, an operator in the field must ensure that the
flopper is diverted to the correct conveyor. ROM Stockpile

The mill feed conveyor weightometer will be used to control the feed rate to the SAG mill by
varying the speed of the stockpile apron feeders.

One of three apron feeders will deliver ore from the stockpile to the mill feed conveyor. The
speed of the apron feeder will be governed by a weightometer (belt scale) installed on the mill
feed conveyor. The operating feeder is selected by the shift supervisor as a function of the
stockpile profile.

The weightometer will measure the instantaneous and cumulative mass flow rate (t/h) fed to
the SAG mill. The weightometer will, therefore, be used for both plant control and metallurgical
accounting purposes. Local and SCADA displays of the instantaneous and totalised tonnages
will be available.

A siren will be located at the head pulley of the mill feed conveyor and will be activated upon
starting the conveyor. This conveyor will be equipped with low speed sensor and belt drift
switches, as well as pull trip-switch cords along the accessible length of the conveyor.

Lime addition to the mill feed will be controlled as a cascade loop. Under normal operating
conditions, lime powder will be fed onto the mill feed conveyor by the lime screw feeder at a
ratio-controlled feed rate relative to the tonnage fed to the SAG mill. The facility to dose lime
slurry into the mill feed chute is available for alkalinity correction, when necessary. Grinding

The milling process consists of a SAG mill, and allowance will be made for a future ball mill.
This circuit will be the most energy intensive. Effective and practical control, and proper
instrumentation are, therefore, critical to allow the milling circuit to run smoothly and as close
to optimum as possible.

The milling circuit control objectives are as follows:

• Achieve the design throughput whilst maintaining the mill discharge density.
• Achieve the optimum grind (80 % passing size 75 μm) whilst maintaining the plant
design throughput.
• Achieve consistently optimum cyclone overflow slurry solids concentration whilst
satisfying all the other requirements.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 282 of 566

A weightometer will be installed on the SAG mill feed conveyor, as previously noted, and will
allow for the control of the SAG mill feed tonnage, and process water addition into the SAG
mill feed and discharge sump for dilution purposes and metallurgical accounting purposes.

Magnetic flowmeters and air-actuated valves will be installed on the process water line in the
milling section to ratio control water addition to the SAG mill discharge sump to maintain set
densities in the mill discharge and the feed to the cyclone cluster, respectively.

The motor current draw and power draw of each mill will be indicated on a display in the control
cabin. The future ball mill power draw will be adjusted by charging more balls.

The SAG mill feed dilution process water flow will be measured by a flowmeter and modulating
valve installed on the process water pipe line to the feed chute to achieve the desired mill
discharge solids content by weight.

The mill discharge sump will be equipped with an ultrasonic level transmitter to control the
sump level by varying the speed of the mill pumps. The feed pressure to the cyclone cluster
will be controlled automatically through the SCADA system, by opening and closing the
cyclone feed-actuated pressure control valves, to achieve the set pressure (to be specified by
the vendor) in the feed distributor, which is measured by a pressure transmitter.

The cyclone underflow splitter box will be equipped with three plug valves to enable feeding a
portion of the underflow to the gravity circuit and the rest of the underflow to the SAG mill. The
third plug valve will be fitted but blanked off for the future installation of the ball mill. These
valves will be actuated and only operated from the field using a manual solenoid lever.

The SAG mill’s lubrication control philosophy will be part of the vendor supply. The control
philosophy will encompass instrumentation that will monitor mill drive motors, gear sprays and
trunnion bearings. The control philosophy will provide permissive signals, as well as alarms
and trip signals for the mills. Gravity and Intensive Cyanidation

A portion of the cyclone underflow will gravitate to the gravity scalping screen. The slurry feed
to the screen will be controlled manually by adjusting the modulating plug valve in the splitter
box. On gravity bypass, the plug valve will close, which will direct the flow to the SAG mill (or
the future ball mill). The oversize from the scalping screen will gravitate to the SAG mill feed,
with the screen underflow feeding the gravity concentrator.

Magnetic flowmeters and air-actuated control valves installed on the process water lines in
the gravity section will be used to ratio control water addition to the scalping screen feed box
and to maintain set densities in the feed to the gravity concentrator, respectively. Provision
was made for the installation of a second gravity concentrator.

The gravity concentrator control philosophy will be part of the vendor supply and interface with
the slurry feed/slurry bypass and fluidising water feed.

Air-actuated valves will be supplied to enable these interfaces. During the rinse cycle of the
gravity concentrate cycle, the gravity concentrator feed valve will close, which will direct the
flow to the concentrator tails line that reports back to the mill discharge sump.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 283 of 566

The intensive cyanidation circuit control philosophy will be part of the vendor supply. Interfaces
with slurry feed, reagents, raw water and plant air will be provided. The intensive cyanidation
plant will be fenced and secured against entry, with proximity switches warning of the gate
opening on the SCADA system. Pre-Leach Thickening

Cyclone overflow gravitates to a trash screen. The trash screen underflow will feed the pre-
leach thickener feed sump, from where it will be diluted and pumped to the pre-leach thickener
dilution tank. The slurry will overflow from the dilution tank into the thickener feed well.

Manual isolation valves will be installed on the spray water lines to the trash linear screen.
These valves will be fully open during normal operation. The operator will need to check in the
field that these valves are open prior to start-up.

The pre-leach thickener feed sump will operate under level control and be linked to the speed
of pre-leached thickener feed pumps. The pre-leach thickener feed pumps are equipped with
variable speed motors, which will regulate the feed to the thickener dilution tank and maintain
the level in the pre-leach thickener feed sump.

The instrumentation and the control philosophy for the pre-leach thickener and flocculant plant
will be supplied by the equipment supplier as part of the vendor package. The control
philosophy will include instrumentation that will monitor the thickener rake torque, bed level
and bed mass and/or bed pressure.

A flowmeter and a densitometer will be installed on the common discharge line of each
thickener underflow pump. The flowmeter and densitometer, together with the thickener
pressure transmitter (installed at the base of each thickener), will be used to control the
underflow density of the thickener by varying the speed of the variable speed thickener
underflow pumps. This will ensure a constant inventory of solids in the thickener.

When the thickener underflow density is too low, and the thickener underflow pump is
operating at minimum speed, a control loop will be available to enable the recycling of the
underflow to the thickener until the density increases to above the set point.

Furthermore, the bed level transmitter installed on the thickener will be used to monitor and
control the bed level within the thickener by varying the speed of the thickener underflow

Flocculant flow to each thickener can be controlled in either automatic mode or manual mode.
The flocculant dosing pumps are variable speed pumps. In automatic mode, the flocculant
flow controller receives a flow set point from the thickener bed level controller. As the bed level
set point varies, the flocculant flow will be regulated by the speed of the dosing pumps and
vary accordingly to maintain the bed level set point.

In the case of a manual override, the operator sets the pump speed output required from each
thickener flocculant dosing pump. Regular visual checking of each thickener overflow will be
required to confirm the clarity of each thickener overflow solution.

The post-leach thickener overflow tank will be fitted with a level transmitter, which is
interlocked to trip the overflow pumps on low-low level.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 284 of 566

The instrumentation and the control philosophy for the flocculant make-up and dosing plant
will be supplied by the equipment supplier as part of the vendor package. The control
philosophy will include instrumentation that will monitor the make-up tank level and dosing
tank level. The flocculant transfer pump, which will pump the solution from the make-up tank
to the dosing tank, will in turn be interlocked with the make-up tank level. Similarly, the variable
speed dosing pumps will be interlocked with the dosing tank level. Raw water will be used for
flocculant make-up and be fed to the make-up tank. The required volumes of raw water will
be adjusted by control valves on the supply line and regulated by tank level control. CIL Sampling

A slurry sampler will be installed on the CIL feed. The sampler configuration comprises a
primary cross-cut slurry sampler and/or secondary Vezin sampler, which will deliver timed pulp
increments into a sealed sample bucket representing a shift composite. A small volume of
ferrous sulphate will be added to the tailings sample container at the start of each shift to
prevent leaching of the sample in the container.

The CIL circuit will mostly be controlled manually by the operators. A cabin equipped as a shift
laboratory will be provided on top of the CIL tanks. Slurry samples taken manually from the
various tanks will be filtered, where necessary, and used for process control and accounting
purposes. Regular sampling and analysing of the following will ensure proper control and
accounting of the circuit:

• Slurry feed density

• Lime concentration
• Cyanide concentration
• Carbon concentration
• Oxygen concentration Reagents Control

Lime addition to the mill feed will be controlled as a cascade loop. Under normal operating
conditions, lime powder will be fed onto the mill feed conveyor by the lime screw feeder at a
ratio-controlled feed rate relative to the tonnage fed to the SAG mill. If required, lime will be
automatically added to the leach feed splitter box to achieve a set pH of 9.5 to 10.5. A pH
probe located in CIL Tank 1 will be used to monitor the pH levels reporting to the CIL section.
In the event of this falling below a certain set point, the modulating lime feed valve will be
controlled using outputs from the pH probe until the pH rises to the required values. Redundant
manual pH measurement will be allowed for, due to the sensitivity of the pH control in the

The control of cyanide addition to the CIL Tanks will be by means of feedback control from the
CIL solution cyanide concentration measurement in the first CIL tank. This is achieved by the
automatic dosing of the cyanide solution via a control valve mounted on the supply line
branching off from a ring main. Cyanide can also be added to the other tanks via manual
control valves. Cyanide measurement will also take place in the final CIL tank.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 285 of 566

The operation will monitor hydrogen cyanide concentrations wherever significant exposure to
the gas or sodium cyanide dust is possible, and readings will be linked to local emergency
alarms. This includes the offloading areas, distribution areas, CIL, elution, electrowinning and
detoxification areas. Safety showers and emergency breathing apparatus will be available in
all these areas. There will be a fully equipped cyanide exposure treatment room located for
rapid access in the event of an emergency.

Oxygen is injected into the first six CIL tanks by means of spargers. Oxygen will be fed from
a dedicated oxygen plant. A flowmeter will be installed on each line feeding oxygen, and the
flow will be manually set with hand valves. Monitoring of the dissolved oxygen in each tank
will be conducted manually. Intertank Flow

Intertank flow will be controlled manually by opening and closing the respective gate valves
feeding each tank. Carbon transfer will be started manually, and the installed timers will stop
the pump automatically. Carbon Management

Carbon management will be a manual process. Intertank carbon transfers will be done in a
way that minimises abrasion. The carbon concentration in the CIL tanks will be maintained at
the required concentration in the slurry by regular sampling and measuring from the tanks and
tails carbon screen, followed by operator corrective action to mitigate any losses from the
circuit. Any carbon make-up will be done by operator intervention daily or as required during
normal operation. Allowance will be made for spillage collection and return to the circuit. All
loaded carbon handling will be conducted in access-controlled areas. Detoxification and Tails Discharge

Cyanide gas emissions from the detoxification area will be monitored by cyanide gas
detectors. If cyanide gas emissions reach unacceptably high levels, a siren will sound and the
alarm on the SCADA system will indicate to the operator where the problem is. The residual
cyanide in the CIL tails must be degraded to at least 50 ppm WAD cyanide before disposal in
the tailings dam. Cyanide detoxification takes place at a pH range of 8 to 9. The process of
detoxification produces acid, which will reduce the pH below the optimal operating point. Lime
must be dosed into the tank at a controlled rate to counter this effect. Two detoxification tanks
with the same control system in each tank have been installed. Both pH and WAD cyanide
measurements have been allowed for in each of the tanks. Cyanide concentrations in the
detoxification tanks will be analysed using the WAD cyanide analyser and the pH will be
monitored online. The pH measurements will be used to adjust the lime addition rate by means
of a flow control valve from the ring main. The required SMBS dosing rate will be adjusted by
a flow control meter. Copper sulphate and air will be dosed at a required rate into the system
by operator control from the PLC.

The detoxification tanks are configured such that they can operate in parallel or in series.
Manual gate valves are used to control the intertank flow between the first and second tank,
as well as from the overflow of the final tank to the tails sump. Operators must be diligent with
regard to the tank discharge plug positions.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 286 of 566

The final tailings tank will be equipped with an ultrasonic level transmitter to control the tank
level by varying the speed of the tailings dam feed pumps. The tailings dam feed pumps will
be interlocked with the level of the tails tank and the motor drives of each pump.

A slurry sampler will be installed on the detoxification tank overflow discharge stream. The
sampler configuration will incorporate a primary cross-cut slurry sampler and/or secondary
Vezin sampler that will deliver timed pulp increments into a sample bucket that will contain a
shift composite sample. The bucket will be lined with a plastic bag to prevent any sample
spillage. A small volume of ferrous sulphate will be added to the tailings sample container at
the start of each shift to prevent leaching of the sample in the container.

The final tailings discharge control philosophy into the tailings dam will be part of the TSF
designer’s scope of work. Tailings Dam and Return Water

The control philosophy for the tailings dam will be part of the TSF designer’s scope of work.
Return water will be pumped under operator control to the process water pond, as required.

The storm water discharge will be pumped under operator control to the SWD discharge
treatment plant when required. The treated effluent water from the treatment plant will be
pumped under operator control to the process water pond only when required.

The control philosophy of the SWD discharge treatment plant will be part of the vendor’s
scope. The vendor’s scope will include a containerised control room and SCADA system. The
control interfaces will need to be addressed after test work and confirmation of vendor
selection during detailed design. Acid Wash

Loaded carbon will be transferred to the acid wash column and then to the elution columns by
controlling the appropriate carbon transfer and discharge valves from the PLC. The acid wash
operation will be via a step-by-step operator-initiated SCADA sequence and will be controlled
by the PLC to ensure that all flow and temperature controls are achieved. Operator
intervention might be required at various times. Acid Wash Tank

The acid wash tank will be equipped with an ultrasonic level transmitter to measure the level
of fluid in the tank. The level transmitter will also be used to stop the acid wash pumps on low
tank levels and will stop the dilute hydrochloric acid transfer pump on high level in the acid
wash tank.

A pH probe will be installed in the acid wash tank to control the addition of caustic during the
acid neutralisation stage. The same probe will be used to determine when a fresh acid batch
is required.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 287 of 566 Acid Wash Column

This will be equipped with the following devices for safety and ease of operability:

• Pressure gauge and pressure transmitter, which will trip the acid wash pumps and/or
hydraulic carbon transfer pumps if the pressures in the column exceed the maximum
set value
• Pressure relief valve, which will relieve to the floor into a seal
• Bursting disc, which will be an added precaution for overpressure in the column
• Vacuum relief valve Acid Wash Process

A combination of air-actuated valves, magnetic flowmeters and timers will be used to control
the acid wash, carbon neutralisation, and column-emptying sequences via the PLC.

The acid wash cycle will be initiated by the operator from the local control panel. Loaded
carbon will be acid-washed for 1 h in 3 % HCl, after which the circulation pump will stop

Acid rinse will be initiated at the local control panel and raw water will be introduced into the
column and allowed to flow for 2 h. The rinse step will terminate automatically from the rinse
water timer and the column will be left full of water prior to the carbon transfer to the elution
column. A manual stop of the rinse cycle can also be achieved by activating the stop button
on the local control panel. Elution

Elutions will be performed via operator-initiated SCADA sequences to ensure that all flow and
temperature controls are achieved. Operator intervention or acknowledgement will be required
at various instances during the sequences.

All reagent make-up duties in the elution circuit will implement flowmeters in the reagent and
water lines feeding the make-up tanks. Eluant Tank

The eluant tank will be equipped with an ultrasonic level transmitter to measure the level of
fluid in the tank. The level transmitter will also be used to stop the elution wash pumps on a
low tank level.

Eluant make-up will be a semi-automated process. The addition of the required amounts of
caustic and cyanide to the eluant tank will be through a combination of magnetic flowmeters
and actuated valves, together with the measured level in the tank. Elution Column

The elution column will be equipped with the following instrumentation for safety and ease of

• Temperature gauge and transmitter to measure the column exit temperature

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 288 of 566

• Pressure gauge and transmitter to trip the elution pumps and/or carbon transfer pumps
if pressures in the column exceed the maximum set value
• Pressure relief valve
• Bursting disc, as an added precaution for overpressure in the column
• Vacuum relief valve Elution Step

A combination of air-actuated valves, magnetic flowmeter, eluant inlet temperature transmitter

and instruments will be used to control the elution cycle and the emptying of the column.
Temperature and pressure gauges will be installed on the inlet and outlet pipes of the heat

The elution cycle will be initiated at the local control panel and will be controlled by the PLC.

The automatic sequence will carry out the following steps:

• Circulate the solution through the elution column in closed circuit with the eluant tank,
via the heat exchangers until the exit temperature reaches 120 °C
• When the column exit temperature of 120 °C is reached, circulate the solution through
the elution column in closed circuit with the electrowinning circuit for a period of ± 14 h. Elution Heaters

This will be a vendor package complete with its own control philosophy. All signals will be
relayed to the PLC. Carbon Regeneration

The regeneration kiln will have a dedicated control panel and will be locally operated in the
field. Kiln motor status and zone temperatures will be repeated to the PLC for information to
the SCADA system.

Once the kiln has reached the required temperature, it will allow carbon feed via the screw
feeder to pass through the regeneration kiln. The regenerated carbon will discharge into a
quench pan to cool the carbon down before it is screened to remove any carbon fines.

The screened regenerated carbon will gravitate to the last CIL tank. Electrowinning

Sample points will be included on the electrowinning cell inlet and outlet to monitor the process

The gravity pregnant tank will be equipped with ultrasonic level transmitters to measure the
level of fluid in the tank. The level transmitter will also be used to stop the pregnant pumps on
low tank level.

Air-actuated valves will direct solution from elution to the CIL electrowinning cell feed/header
tank and will enable the addition of caustic solution to the electrowinning cells and gravity
electrowinning tank.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 289 of 566

The eluate to electrowinning will have sufficient caustic (3 %) to maintain a high pH in order to
reduce anodic corrosion. This will also ensure that the eluate has the required conductivity to
promote rapid electrowinning.

An extraction fan will operate continuously to remove any potentially explosive mixture of
hydrogen and oxygen gases that could be generated during electrowinning.

The current and voltage of all the electrowinning cells will be indicated at the rectifier, located
in the rectifier room outside the gold room and at the SCADA station in the control room. The
controller potentiometers will be located at the rectifiers. Gold Room

The gold room will be equipped with access control, video surveillance, and clean and dirty
change house facilities.

The calcine and smelting furnaces will be part of a vendor package that will include
temperature control systems. A float valve in the smelt furnace diesel tank will prevent diesel
from overflowing the tank.

The bullion strong room will be equipped with a timer and a digital keypad-type combination
lock system, as well as full dual locks for two separate designated key holders.

The calcining in the oven and smelting in the furnace will be conducted manually by the
operators. Compressed Air Services

The compressors and blowers will have their own vendor-supplied automatic controllers,
which will continuously measure the system pressure and will start and stop the units, as and
when required. The controller will alternate between the operating and standby units and will
start these units when the system pressure requires it.

The air receivers will be fitted with automatic condensate drain valves that will drain any
accumulated moisture from the vessel, as well as a pressure gauge and pressure relief valve
to prevent overpressure in the receivers.

Dedicated pressure switches will be installed on the plant and instrument air headers to
indicate the operating pressure on the SCADA system.

The oxygen plant will be a vendor package complete with its own control philosophy. All
signals will be relayed to the PLC. Water Circuits Process Water Circuit

A hydrostatic level transmitter will be installed in the process water pond. Process water
pumps will be protected by interlocks with the level transmitter. If a low level is measured for
an extended period, and after frequent alarms, the process water pumps will be stopped, thus
stopping the ore feed to the plant.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 290 of 566

Water returned to the process water pond from the tailings facility will be controlled by the
level in the pond. An air-actuated valve, with indication on the SCADA system, will enable the
return water to discharge into the process water pond. Raw Water Circuit

Raw water will be pumped from the river, raw water storage dam or other supply sources. The
transfer pumping system will be interlocked with the level transmitters in the corresponding
upstream staging tanks, and the delivery lines of each transfer stage will be fitted with pressure
gauges in the field. A flow transmitter will be used to determine the water fed to the raw water
dam and will have a SCADA display of the instantaneous and totalised flow rate.

A hydrostatic level transmitter will be installed in the raw water pond. The signal from the level
transmitter will be used to control the air-actuated valve used to enable raw water flow into the
pond. Upon a high-high level, the actuated valve will close. If a low-level alarm is activated,
an alarm signal will be sent to the SCADA system for the operator to take action in the event
of no top-up water being fed to the raw water pond.

The hydrostatic level transmitter will also be interlocked with the transfer pumps. When a low-
low level alarm in the pond is measured, the transfer pumps will stop. Potable Water Circuit

Raw water will be treated in a water treatment plant to produce potable water for use in the
office buildings, ablution blocks and for the supply of clean treated water to the safety showers
and drinking water stations. The instrumentation and the control philosophy of the water
treatment plant will be supplied by the equipment supplier as part of the vendor package.

Hydrospheres will be used to maintain the pressure in the potable water headers. Pressure
switches will be interlocked with the upstream potable water pumps that will keep the
hydrospheres full and pressurised. Gland Water

Gland water will provide gland sealing water for all the slurry pumps with the required flow
rates and pressures. The pumps will be protected by a level transmitter on the gland water
tank. The filters on the pump discharge line will be installed with pressure switches. The gland
water pumps will be interlocked with the pressure switches and, when a high-pressure alarm
is activated across the water filter, the pump will stop. Fire Water

A pressure transmitter on the pump discharge line will be used to control the start-up of the
electrical fire water pumps. If the pressure in the line drops below a specified set point, the
electrical pump will start. In the event that there is an electrical failure and the pressure in the
line has dropped below the set point, the diesel pump will start.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 291 of 566 Reagents Lime

Quicklime make-up will be automated and will be part of the vendor control philosophy.

The quicklime bags will be manually fed to the lime hopper by the operator at a rate determined
by the required loading rate, within 6 h to 12 h. An operator will use a hoist to place the bulk
bag of lime into the bag breaker to discharge into the lime hopper. The handling of lime for
transfer from the hopper into the silos will be operated from a local control panel with
sequences for control of the transfer operation driven from the plant PLC. The rotary feeder
will control the withdrawal of the lime from the silo. The speed of the feeder discharging onto
the feed conveyor will be adjusted by varying the drive speed to match the set point calculated
from the ratio applied to the feed tonnage measure by the mill feed weightometer and the
desired lime dosing rate. Similarly, when the level in the lime dosing tank reaches 30 % full,
or at the commencement of the day shift, the operator will start the second feeder discharging
into the lime slaker, which will be adjusted to the lime slaker feed rate. The operator will run
the lime slaker until the level in the dosing tank is between 80 % and 85 % full, after which the
lime transfer will be stopped, and the transfer pipeline will be flushed.

Lime slaking operations are conducted only on the day shift, preparing sufficient slaked lime
(which is stored in the lime dosing tank) for a 24 h plant operation. Slaking operations are,
therefore, started up at the beginning of the day shift and shut down at the end of the shift.
The lime make-up water will be added by manual operation and level control. The make-up
water will be added manually by opening and closing the raw water isolation valve to feed the
water to the battery limits of the vendor package. The control of water, lime and temperature
to the slaker within the vendor battery limits, and the instrumentation, valve operation and
sequences for control of the slaking operation will be part of the vendor control package. The
sequences will be run from the plant PLC.

Lime transfer and dosing tanks will be equipped with ultrasonic level transmitters to monitor
the levels in the tanks. When the level in the lime transfer tank is below a set point, the pumping
of the slaker transfer pump will initiate to fill the lime transfer tank. Lime dosing to the mill, CIL
and detoxification tanks will be via the ring main, using flow control valves and pH controllers.
The lime dosing to the SWD treatment plant will be done by a separate set of pumps
interlocked with the level transmitter of the lime holding tank in the water treatment plant. When
the level in the holding tank is below a set point, the pumping sequence will be initiated to fill
the holding tank. Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide)

The caustic make-up will be by manual operation and level control. The caustic tank will be
equipped with an ultrasonic level transmitter that will be used to control the water addition
during make-up by opening and closing the level control valve. Dosing to the cyanide make-
up tank acid wash, elution and electrowinning will be controlled manually, when necessary.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 292 of 566 Cyanide

The cyanide make-up will be by manual operation and level control. The cyanide make-up and
dosing tank will be equipped with an ultrasonic level transmitter that will be used to control the
water addition during make-up by opening and closing the level control valve.

Cyanide dosing to the CIL and intensive cyanidation will be via the ring main, and flow control
will be achieved by using a flow control valve and magnetic flowmeter. Cyanide dosing to
elution will be conducted by adding cyanide to the eluant tank and controlled by the
combination of a magnetic flowmeter and air-actuated valve.

As a safety precaution, the cyanide make-up and dosing tank will be equipped with a high-
level alarm that will close off the actuated feed valve to avoid overflowing of the tank. Manual
isolation valves will also be installed on the water feed line and the reagent make-up lines that
will be closed after the cyanide make-up has been completed.

A hydrogen cyanide gas detector will be installed at the cyanide make-up and dosing points
(throughout the plant), and it will set off an audible alarm and rotating light if high levels are
exceeded. Copper Sulphate

The copper sulphate make-up will be by manual operation and level control. The make-up
water will be added manually by opening and closing the raw water isolation valve. The
ultrasonic level transmitter on the mixing tank will be used to determine when sufficient water
has been added to the tank. The level transmitter will be used to control the dosing pumps by
stopping them on a low-low level.

Copper sulphate dosing will be controlled by variable speed peristaltic pumps. Sodium Metabisulphite

The sodium metabisulphite make-up will be by manual operation and level control. The make-
up water will be added manually by opening and closing the raw water isolation valve. The
ultrasonic level transmitter on the mixing tank will be used to determine when sufficient water
has been added to the tank. The level transmitter will be used to control the dosing pumps by
stopping them on a low-low level.

Sodium metabisulphite dosing will be controlled by variable speed peristaltic pumps. Hydrogen Peroxide

The hydrogen peroxide supply to the CIL and detoxification tanks will be administered by
manual operation to regulate the pumping from an IBC.

Hydrogen peroxide dosing will be controlled using variable speed peristaltic pumps.

5.2.8 Hazard and Operability Study

A Hazard and Operability Study (Level 2) was conducted on the process plant design to
identify safety, environmental, operability and reliability concerns. The study report is provided
in Appendix 5.36.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 293 of 566



Epoch Resources (Pty) Ltd (Epoch) has been appointed to undertake the BFS design of the
tailings storage facility (TSF) associated with Tri-K, by SENET (Pty) Ltd (SENET), the overall
study lead consultant.

This section describes the BFS design of the TSF. The associated capital and operating cost
estimates based on a Class 2 AACE International classification (Association for the
Advancement of Cost Engineering International) with an accuracy range of +15 %, −10 %)
have been provided in Section 12.


The Tri-K mine is located in Guinea, approximately 60 km northeast of the town of Kankan,
which is in close proximity to the border between Mali and Guinea. Figure 6.1 displays the
approximate location of the project site and Figure 6.2 displays the topography of the site and
its surrounding areas.

The area is characterised by moderate elongated ridges and laterite outcrops lying above the
valley of saprolitic soils, which is considered as a floodplain of the Fié River. Elevations vary
between 430 mamsl and 480 mamsl. There are no major streams passing through the area,
although there are several streamlets that flow during the rainy season, these lie within the
two pit areas.

Figure 6.1: Location of the Tri-K Project

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 294 of 566

Figure 6.2: Topographical Map of the Tri-K Site


The terms of reference that Epoch was responsible for, included the design of the TSF
comprising the following:

• A new tailings storage facility (TSF)

• A new return water dam (RWD) and/or storm water dam (SWD) associated with the
• The storm water management and associated infrastructure for the TSF (perimeter
slurry deposition pipeline, drainage, perimeter access road, and boundary fencing)


The scope of work for the BFS comprises the following:

• Collect and review all the available information pertinent to the TSF design, i.e. survey,
past design work, design criteria such as production rates, mine schedule, base line
climatic data, and determination of regional and local soil conditions, geology and
• Undertaking a preliminary site selection, considering three to four potential site
locations for the TSF and rating them from a technical, geohydrological, environmental,
financial and risk perspective to identify the preferred site.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 295 of 566

• Provide limited input/assistance to others (who will undertake a geotechnical site
investigation of the preferred TSF site and conduct the laboratory test work on the
tailings materials), involving the following:

o Digging a number of test pits covering the preferred site. Profiling the pits and
obtaining disturbed samples for geotechnical laboratory testing, in order to identify
the type, extent and characteristics of the near-surface soils for stability and
seepage assessments of the TSF, as well as to identify and characterise suitable
borrow and construction materials.
o Conducting geotechnical laboratory tests of the tailings product to define its
geotechnical properties, e.g. triaxial tests and permeability tests.
o Conducting preliminary geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of the
tailings, e.g. acid rock drainage (ARD) and heavy metal generating potential. The
results from these tests will influence the design of several TSF components and
determine whether facilities are required to be lined, etc.

• Design the TSF, taking cognisance of the material properties, method of placement,
as well as environmental constraints. Such a design is inclusive of the following:

o Stage capacity characteristic curve associated with the TSF

o Design of the TSF
o Slurry delivery pipeline and slurry distribution pipeline around the TSF
o Sizing of the RWD and/or SWD system
o Design of the key preparatory works associated with the TSF

• Analyse the side slope stability and seismicity of the TSF and RWD/SWD based on
the geotechnical properties of the founding material and tailings.
• Assess the seepage of the TSF and RWD/SWD to determine the following:

o The impact of the seepage from the facility on the surrounding environment
o The location and size of the under-drains
o The expected location of the phreatic surface within the TSF and RWD/SWD for
the slope stability analyses

• Determine an average monthly water balance associated with the TSF.

• Provide drawings indicating layouts, sections, details, etc. associated with the TSF
(approximately 15 drawings).
• Compile a bill of quantities (BOQ) associated with the TSF to determine capital costs
to an accuracy of +15 %, −10 %.
• Provide an operating cost estimate associated with the TSF to an accuracy of ± 20 %
(i.e. day-to-day management and operation of the facility, pipe replacement and valve
costs, and review and monitoring costs by external consultants).
• Provide an annualised cash flow model associated with the TSF over the life of mine
(LOM) for inclusion into the overall BFS financial model.
• Provide recommendations for the next phase of the project.
• Compile and document the above work into a BFS report for inclusion into the overall
project report.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 296 of 566

6.4.1 Battery Limits

The battery limits associated with the design of the TSF are as follows:

• The perimeter fence around the TSF

• Downstream of the point where the slurry delivery pipeline intersects the TSF starter
• Upstream of the first flange exiting the RWD or the SWD outlet pipes, prior to the
RWD/SWD pump station

6.4.2 Exclusions

The following are excluded from the scope of work:

• Ground survey work

• Evaluation/trade-off studies for a number of TSF depositional/production tonnage
• Trade-off studies of various depositional strategies for the TSF, e.g. paste versus
• Liaising or obtaining permission from various government authorities (licences,
permits, relocation of major services, etc.)
• Geotechnical site investigational work and associated geotechnical laboratory test
• Hydrological, geohydrological and other environmental investigations or studies
required for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or for engineering design
purposes. Some of the results from these studies are, however, required for the design
of the TSF.
• Plant hire and the excavation of test pits
• Logistics and costs associated with transporting the various soils and tailings samples
to South Africa for laboratory testing
• Determination of flood lines along water courses
• Stream diversions
• Water supply studies
• Participation and consultation with interested and affected parties
• Generating of tender or enquiry documentation
• Tender adjudication
• Design and costing of mechanical works, e.g. pumps, electrics, process controls and
• Slurry delivery pump station at the plant, including pumps, motors, electrics, process
control, instrumentation etc.
• Slurry delivery pipeline from the plant to the edge of the TSF
• Closure, rehabilitation and aftercare design and costing
• RWD/SWD pump stations, valves, pumps, motors, electrics, instrumentation etc.
• Return water pipeline from the RWD/SWD to the plant.

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6.4.3 Design Criteria and Legislation

The design criteria associated with the Tri-K TSF have been summarised in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1: Design Criteria for the Tri-K TSF

Item Design Criteria Value Source/Comment

1 Tailings material Gold Tri-K Project Specific

2 Design life of facility 8.7 years Reminex/Managem

3 Tailings deposition rate 2.3 Mt/a Reminex/Managem

4 Total tonnage 20 Mt Reminex/Managem

Epoch – Assumed/
5 Tailings SG 2.7
Laboratory Tested
6 Slurry % solids by mass 42 % to 46 % SENET – Assumed

7 Tailings void ratio 1 Epoch – Assumed

8 Terminating rate of rise of limit of the TSF 3 m/a Epoch

9 Rate of rise limit of the starter wall 2.5 m/a Epoch

The following legislation, regulations and design standards have been taken into account
during the BFS design of the TSF:

• International Cyanide Code Standard of Practice

• International Finance Corporation Guidelines
• Since Guinea does not have legislation pertaining specifically to the design of TSFs,
“Appropriate Best Practice Measures” have been adopted.

6.4.4 Available Information

The following information was made available to Epoch for the BFS design:

• A 2 m contour interval survey of the site was provided by Reminex/Managem. The site
selection process was conducted on this survey, after which a more detailed survey of
the site was undertaken.
• A 0.5 m contour interval survey of the selected site was provided by
Reminex/Managem, on which the BFS design was conducted.
• The location of the mine infrastructure associated with Tri-K was provided by SENET
(plant location, pit location, water courses, etc.).
• A geotechnical site investigation and report (complete with laboratory tests) was
provided by Inroads Consulting Civil Engineers (Inroads) in conjunction with Fondasol.
• Climatic data and design storm events were provided by Golder Associates (Pty) Ltd

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The following section displays the hydrological design parameters associated with the Tri-K
mine. These parameters have been utilised during the BFS design of the following

• Penstock decant tower, outlet pipes and the flow rates associated with the decant
• Toe paddocks, storm diversions and other associated storm water management
• Storm water dam size and discharge capacity
• Deterministic average, wet and dry monthly water balances (determining the
percentage slurry water that can be returned to the plant and the volume of water
discharged from the TSF)

All evaporation and rainfall data quoted in this section has been extracted from the Golder
Technical Memorandum (Assessment of Available Rainfall and Evaporation Data for use in
BFS, Golder Associates Project No.: 1665719, April 2017) provided in Appendix 6.1.

6.5.1 Average Annual Rainfall

The Tri-K site falls within the typical West African climatic region, where the wettest months
fall between May and October during the summer period and the dry months are from
November to April. Table 6.2 displays the average year, wettest year and driest year rainfall
data for the site, with the mean annual precipitation (MAP) of the average year equal to
1 426 mm.

Table 6.2: Monthly Rainfall Data Provided by Golder

Rainfall (mm)
Average Year Wettest Year Driest Year
Jan 2 0 0
Feb 3 0.9 0

Mar 21 8.4 57.7

Apr 61 63.1 10.2

May 137 187.7 58.9

Jun 185 279.5 223.5

Jul 248 130.8 242.4

Aug 338 360.4 151.3

Sep 296 612.5 268.3
Oct 117 295.2 16.4
Nov 18 44.6 1.7
Dec 0 0 0
MAP 1 426 1 983.1 1 030.4

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6.5.2 Annual Evaporation

The annual evaporation for the site has been assumed as the average of the three stations,
as per the Golder Technical Memorandum and is given in Table 6.3. The mean annual
evaporation is 1 591 mm.

Table 6.3: Monthly Evaporation Provided by Golder

Average Evaporation

Jan 189

Feb 194

Mar 221

Apr 192

May 142

Jun 91

Jul 76

Aug 65

Sep 62

Oct 82

Nov 119

Dec 158

Mean Annual Evaporation 1 591

6.5.3 Extreme Storm Design Event

The estimated storm intensities and storm depths for various probabilities and durations are
given in Table 6.4 and Table 6.5, respectively. This information was extracted from the Golder
Technical Memorandum, and Figure 6.3 displays the rainfall depths for various storm
durations (using Adamson’s Method).

Table 6.4: Estimated Storm Intensities Provided by Golder

Estimated Storm Intensities (mm/min)

Annual Probability (1:X)
2 5 10 20 50 100 200
15 27 36 44 52 62 72 82
30 38 52 63 74 90 103 117
60 50 50 68 82 97 117 134
120 60 82 98 116 140 161 184

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Table 6.5: Estimated Storm Depths Provided by Golder

Estimated Storm Depth (mm)

Annual Probability (1:X)
2 5 10 20 50 100 200

1 83 114 136 161 195 224 255

2 110 143 167 192 227 255 267

3 131 169 192 214 242 263 283
4 148 189 216 243 276 302 327

5 157 204 235 265 304 333 362

6 169 218 250 280 320 350 380

7 182 238 276 312 360 396 433

Source: Golder Technical Memorandum

Figure 6.3: Storm Depths for Various Storm Durations (Using Adamson’s Method)


6.6.1 Geotechnical Site Investigation

Inroads conducted a geotechnical investigation within the site identified for the design,
construction and operation of a TSF and process plant. Reminex consulted Fondasol, a
company from Morocco, to assist with the geotechnical investigation and profiling. Personnel
from Inroads profiled a few of the test pits and logged all of the borehole cores.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 301 of 566

The following idealised soil profile has been identified within the TSF between BH1 and BH2
(as seen in Figure 6.4 extracted from the Inroads report, presented in Appendix 6.2):

• A shallow topsoil region, with an average depth of 0.1 m

• A laterite horizon, comprising various sized gravels in a clayey silt matrix to a depth of
2.7 m below BH1
• A clayey silty alluvium below the topsoil in BH2, for a depth of 4 m
• Two clayey silt saprolite horizons between a silt saprolite horizon
• A well-cemented laterite horizon comprising angular ferruginous gravels in a clay silt
• A clayey silty saprolitic horizon lying beneath the lateritic zone

Figure 6.4: Idealised Geological Section Between BH1 and BH2

The test pits excavated in the TSF site generally show transported clayey silts of varying
thickness underlain by clayey silt saprolite occurring in the low-lying valley depression. The
flanks of the valley have dense or very dense laterite occurring at a shallow depth, on top of
which is a nodular laterite in a clayey silt matrix. BH2 is located near the TSF starter wall and
showed no signs of the lateritic horizon, however, within the test pits around the TSF footprint,
a shallow refusal depth was identified due to dense laterite. The refusal depth ranged from
4 m to 0.01 m deep, creating a depth limitation within the RWD and SWD excavations.

Groundwater was encountered in three test pits only, at depths of between 1.6 m and 3.8 m
below surface, averaging at 2.4 m below surface. Within the two boreholes drilled (in the TSF
area), groundwater was encountered at depths of 2.48 m and 4.21 m below surface.

No major excavation difficulties are envisaged for the penstock outfall pipe, but the perimeter
solution pipeline and storm water diversions may require hard ripping and even blasting in the

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hardpan laterite areas. Bedding and cover material can be sourced from the laterite gravel
borrow pits on the valley flanks. Material for the construction of the starter wall can be sourced
from the TSF basin and from the laterite gravel borrow pits.

Representative samples were taken of the various soils within the TSF and a range of
laboratory tests were conducted, including the following:

• Tri-axial tests
• Foundation indicator tests
• Permeability tests
• Compaction tests

Based on the proctor results from Table 6.6 some of the samples were remoulded and the
overall strength parameters determined in triaxial tests. The specimens tested behaved as
normally consolidated materials and the final triaxial results and permeabilities obtained have
been summarised in Table 6.7.

The complete geotechnical investigation report by Inroads is provided in Appendix 6.2.

Table 6.6: Summary of Proctor Tests Results

Test Pit or
Maximum Dry Optimum
Borehole Depth
Density (ρd) Moisture Material
Hole (m)
(kg/m3) Content (%)
TP9 2.0 – 2.4 2 020 11 Clayey Gravel – Laterite
TP22 3.0 – 3.2 1 918 11.4 Clayey Laterite Gravels

TP23 3.5 – 4.0 1 660 22.1 -

TP24 3.8 – 4.0 1 782 12.4 Silt Clay

TP45 1.0 – 1.2 2 162 11.5 Laterite Gravel in a Silt Matrix
TP49 0.0 – 1.0 2 250 8.1 Laterite Gravel in a Clayey Silt Matrix
TP50 0.0 – 1.5 1 780 16.2 Clayey Gravel – Transported
TP51 1.0 – 2.4 1 850 16.2 Clayey Gravel – Laterite
TP55 1.0 – 1.7 1 930 17 Laterite Gravel in a Clayey Silt Matrix
BP2/1 0.3 – 1.4 2 270 12.8 Laterite Gravel in a Clayey Silt Matrix
BP2/2 0 – 2.0 2 260 8.9 Laterite Gravel in a Clayey Silt Matrix
BP2/2 0.6 – 0.9 2 300 7.5 Laterite Gravel in a Clayey Silt Matrix
BP2/3 0 – 2.0 2 300 11.2 Laterite Gravel in a Clayey Silt Matrix
BP1/1 0.6 – 0.9 2 200 7.5 Laterite Gravel in a Clayey Silt Matrix

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Table 6.7: Summary of the Material Parameters Obtained Through Laboratory Testing
of the In-situ Samples

Test Pit or Effective

Borehole Depth Friction Permeability
Material Cohesion (ϕ')
Hole (m) Angle (c') (m/s)
Number (degrees)
Silt – Saprolite BH1 5.14 – 5.45 0.6 26 2 × 10-9
Silt – Saprolite BH1 6.73 – 7.0 15 22 2 × 10-9
Clayey Silt –Saprolite BH2 4.21 – 4.50 26 29 1 × 10-10
Clayey Silt – Saprolite BH2 5.11 – 5.43 26 29 7 × 10-11
Clayey Silt – Saprolite BH2 6.40 – 6.75 30 23 2 × 10-10
Laterite Gravels in Clayey Silt
BP1/1 0.6 – 0.9 27 15 1.18 × 10-4
Laterite Gravels in Clayey Silt
BP2/1 0.3 – 1.4 23 19 1.38 × 10-4

Due to the laboratory test results showing very high cohesions under drained effective stress
conditions, Inroads recommended shear strength parameters for the various materials. These
recommendations are given in Table 6.8 and are the material properties that have been
utilised in the design of the TSF.

Table 6.8: Design Parameters Recommended by Inroads

Effective Effective Friction

Material Cohesion (ϕ') Angle (c')
(kPa) (degrees)

Laterite Gravel in a Clayey Silt 0 31 -

Laterite Gravel – Remoulded 7 28 10-4

Clayey Silt – Transported – In-situ 2 25 10-7

Clayey Silt – Transported – Remoulded 5 28 10-9

Silt - Saprolite – In-situ 0 30 10-7

Clayey Silt –Saprolite – In-situ 5 26 10-8

6.6.2 Geotechnical Investigation of the Tailings Residue

Two test work samples representing the potential gold plant tailing stream were provided by
SENET, noted as being from the treatment of the sulphide ore and the oxide ore respectively.
Both samples were subjected to various laboratory testing undertaken by Geosure (Pty) Ltd
(Geosure), a geotechnical laboratory in South Africa.

The tailings samples were subjected to the following set of laboratory tests in order to
determine their geotechnical properties:

• Foundation indicator tests (Atterberg limits, particle size distribution (PSD), and particle

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 304 of 566

• Flexible wall permeability tests
• Settlement tests (drained and undrained)
• Consolidated undrained tri-axial tests with pore pressure measurement

The PSD curves for the two tailings samples are shown in Figure 6.5 and illustrate that the
distributions are relatively similar. The sulphides are slightly finer above the 0.05 mm sieve
aperture size; however, the oxides have a higher clay fraction, < 0.002 mm. The sulphides
and oxides have a fines content of 91 % and 70 % passing 75 microns, respectively.

Figure 6.5: Tailings Particle Size Distribution

Table 6.9 summarises the various geotechnical parameters associated with the two tailing
products. Based on the results of the geotechnical test work completed on the tailing material
contained in Appendix 6.3, the following conclusions can be drawn:

• The SG of the two tailings materials is 2.64 (sulphide) and 2.69 (oxide).
• The tailings materials are classified as slightly plastic and have a Unified Soil
Classification System classification of an inorganic silt (ML) for the sulphide and an
inorganic clay (CL) for the oxide.
• The flexible wall permeability test indicates a permeability of 2.75 × 10-6 m/s and 4.85 ×
10-7 m/s for the sulphides and oxides, respectively.
• The triaxial tests indicate a cohesion of 5.88 kPa and 5.28 kPa and a friction angle of
22.8° and 23° for the sulphides and oxides, respectively. These are considered
abnormal results (as gold tailings would not normally have cohesion), and it is
recommended that these test results be reconfirmed during the detailed design.
• At a load of 4.5 kPa, a void ratio of 0.66 and 0.57 was found for the oxides and
sulphides, respectively. This correlates to a dry density of between 1.66 t/m 3 and
1.68 t/m3 for the oxides and sulphides, respectively.

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• At a load of 400 kPa, a void ratio of 1.055 and 0.78 was found for the oxide tailings
and sulphide tailings, respectively. This correlates to a dry density of between 1.31 t/m3
and 1.49 t/m3 for the oxides and sulphides, respectively.
• These tests indicate that an average dry density of 1.35 t/m3 is achievable and more
on the conservative side. The dry density assumed may potentially be optimised during
the next phase of the study.

Table 6.9: Tailings Geotechnical Parameters

Parameter Sulphide Oxide

Light grey, slightly clayey, Yellowish orange, slightly
Material Description
sandy silt clayey, sandy silt
Unified Classification ML CL
PSD % passing the 75 µm aperture size 91 72
Plasticity Index Slightly Plastic 8
Particle Specific Gravity 2.64 2.69
Permeability (m/s) 2.75 × 10-6 4.85 × 10-7
Void Ratio (at 100 % saturation, under no load) 0.776 1.055
Drained Settled Density (t/m3) (under no load) 1.49 1.31
Drained Settled Density (t/m3) (under 400 kPa load) 1.68 1.66
Effective Friction Angle (°) 22.8 23.09
Effective Cohesion (kPa) 5.88 5.28


The two tailings samples were sent to Future Flow Groundwater and Project Management
Solutions (Future Flow), for the preliminary tailings geochemical test work and interpretation.

The scope of the work was to conduct the preliminary geochemical analysis of the tailings
samples, (qualitative and quantitative) to ascertain whether the residue conforms to the IFC
guidelines, in particular the Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines – Mining (EHS). For
this project, it entailed conducting a series of accelerated leach tests on the provided sulphide
and oxide samples to evaluate the potential for acid rock drainage (ARD) in the material.

The following tests were conducted during the preliminary geochemical assessment:

• ARD characterisation testing following the Modified Sobek method (EPA-600), which
includes the following:

o Paste pH
o Acid potential (AP)
o Neutralisation potential (NP)
o Net neutralising potential (NNP)
o Neutralising potential ratio (NPR)
o Total sulphur percentage (LECO)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 306 of 566

• Metal leaching tests – two sets of tests were performed:

o Quantitative analysis (total concentration test) of metals and inorganic ions that can
reasonably be expected to be present in elevated concentrations in the material
o Qualitative analysis (leach concentration test) of metals and inorganic ions that can
reasonably be expected to be present in elevated concentrations in leachate
emanating from the stockpiling of the material

Appendix 6.4 contains the geochemical results and detailed report by Future Flow. The leach
test results are summarised in Table 6.10, where they are compared to the IFC effluent
guidelines for mining operations (where IFC guideline values are available). It has been
highlighted that the arsenic level of 0.496 mg/L exceeds the IFC guideline value of 0.1 mg/L
in the oxides.

Table 6.10: Summary of the Leach Test Results

Constituent Unit IFC Guideline Values Sulphides Oxides

pH 6–9 5.9 7.4
Arsenic (As) mg/L 0.1 0.014 0.496
Cadmium (Cd) mg/L 0.05 < 0.003 < 0.003
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+) mg/L 0.1 < 0.010 < 0.010
Copper (Cu) mg/L 0.3 < 0.010 < 0.010
Cyanide – total (CN) mg/L 1 < 0.05 < 0.05
Lead (Pb) mg/L 0.2 < 0.010 < 0.010
Mercury (Hg) mg/L 0.002 < 0.001 < 0.001
Nickel (Ni) mg/L 0.5 0.029 < 0.025
Zinc (Zn) mg/L 0.5 < 0.025 < 0.025
Boron (B) mg/L No Guideline (NG) < 0.025 < 0.025
Barium (Ba) mg/L NG 0.037 < 0.025
Cobalt (Co) mg/L NG < 0.025 < 0.025
Chromium – total (Cr) mg/L NG < 0.025 < 0.025
Manganese (Mn) mg/L NG 0.496 < 0.025
Molybdenum (Mo) mg/L NG < 0.025 < 0.025
Antimony (Sb) mg/L NG < 0.020 < 0.020
Selenium (Se) mg/L NG < 0.010 < 0.010
Vanadium (V) mg/L NG < 0.025 < 0.025
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) mg/L NG 82 80
Chloride (Cl) ppm NG <2 3
Sulphate (SO4) mg/L NG <2 <2
Nitrate – N (NO3-N) mg/L NG 0.2 < 0.1
Fluoride (F) mg/L NG < 0.2 < 0.2
NOTE: Green shading indicates the high arsenic levels in the oxides.

The ARD has been measured through acid base accounting (ABA) testing, as per the
guidelines provided by Robertson and Broughton (1992). From the ABA test results
summarised in Table 6.11, and the measuring criteria, it can be concluded that there is some

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 307 of 566

uncertainty as to whether the oxide and the sulphide material can be expected to be ARD
forming. This is based on a combination of the following:

• The NNP for both materials fall within the “uncertain” range of between −20 and 20.
• The total sulphur percentage for both materials is lower than 0.3, which points towards
a lower possibility for acid conditions to form in the long term.
• The NPR for the oxides is 1.97, which indicates that it is possibly ARD generating. The
NPR for the sulphides is 0.714, which indicates it is likely ARD generating.

Overall, it can be said that both the oxides and sulphides can possibly be ARD forming, with
the oxides being more likely to be ARD forming than the sulphides.

Table 6.11: ABA Test Results Summary

Parameter Sulphides Oxides

Paste pH 7.3 8.4
Total sulphur (%) 0.09 0.22
Acid potential 2.75 6.88
Neutralisation potential 1.96 14
Net neutralisation potential −0.788 6.64
Neutralising potential ratio 0.714 1.97
Rock type
(intermediate acid-forming potential) (intermediate acid-forming potential)

Based on the above preliminary test results and the potential for both arsenic and ARD
generation, it is likely that the TSF should be lined, with HDPE or a sufficiently impermeable
layer. This observation is to be confirmed through the detailed geochemical test work
conducted by Golder.


A site selection study was conducted during the initial stages of the project to find the optimum
site for the TSF (the detailed site selection report is presented in Appendix 6.5). The qualifying
criteria were that the candidate sites had to accommodate a volumetric storage capacity of 20
million dry tonnes (i.e. 12 500 000 m3 with an average dry density of 1.6 t/m3 based on
assumptions by SENET), at a production rate of 2 Mt/a for a 10-year LOM. The facility was
assumed to be a self-raising TSF with a rate of rise (RoR) limit of 3 m/a and a starter wall RoR
limit of 2.5 m/a.

Furthermore, the following additional criteria were considered in the TSF site selection

• Proximity to the Koulekoun pit, located in the north of the Tri-K concession
• Proximity to the plant (i.e. pumping distances and pipeline lengths)
• Proximity to sensitive receiving environments (i.e. villages, drainage lines, rivers and
flood lines)
• Topography of the area
• Ease of operation of the site

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• Potential for expansion should the LOM be extended, or the tailings production rate be
• A high-level capital cost of the major earthworks and HDPE lining for each facility

Within the current mine tenement, nine potential TSF sites were identified for further
consideration. These nine options are shown in Figure 6.6. Of the nine options considered,
Options 1, 2, 5 and 8 were submitted as the preferred options. A Client representative team
performed a site visit of the preferred options and Epoch provided additional information for
the four sites, including the following:

• Stage capacity curves

• Tailings height above the starter wall
• Total height of the TSF
• Storage tonnage
• Storage volume
• A ratio of the high-level capital cost to storage capacity of the TSF (€/m3)

Figure 6.6: Initial Site Selection Options

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 309 of 566

Table 6.12 provides a summary of the preferred TSF options. Option 5 has been selected as
the final site on which the BFS design will be conducted, as a result of the following:

• There are fewer flood protection measures required for Option 5 than for Option 1.
• It lies downstream of the plant and pit, therefore, in the event of a failure it would not
affect these structures.
• It is located in close proximity to the plant, thereby minimising the pumping distances
associated with the slurry deposition pipeline and return water pipelines.
• Based on the high-level capital costs, it was one of the more economical, lower risk
• This site can be expanded should the LOM increase.
• There is sufficient space available for the construction of an RWD and/or SWD system
downstream of the TSF.

Table 6.12: Summary of the Final Site Selection Options for the Tri-K TSF

Item Description Unit Option 1 Option 2 Option 5 Option 8

Starter Wall Elevation (Initial

m.a.m.s.l 448.5 469 464 449
Height of Dam Wall)
Final Tailings Elevation m.a.m.s.l 469 487 483 464

Tailings Height above Starter Wall m 20.5 18 19 15

Starter Wall Height m 6 22.5 13.5 10.5

Top Crest Width m 6 6 6 6

Length of Starter Wall and Bund Wall m 3 034 3 001 3 112 3 491

Storage Tonnage t 20 204 001 20 187 446 20 019 151 20 166 590

Storage Volume m3 12 627 501 12 617 154 12 511 970 12 604 118

Basin Slope Area m2 702 054 665 259 671 020 825 691

Total Wall Volume m3 110 679 1 100 995 289 329 111 112

Total Earthworks 4 247 547 20 401 090 7 077 215 4 682 247

Total Liner 5 164 310 4 893 646 4 936 022 6 073 781

Total Measured Works 9 411 857 25 294 736 12 013 237 10 756 028

Preliminary and General Costs (30 %) 2 823 557 7 588 421 3 603 971 3 226 808

Total Capital Cost 12 235 414 32 883 157 15 617 208 13 982 836

Storage Ratio (€/m3 stored) 0.97 2.61 1.25 1.11

Score According to Cost 1 2 1 1

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The TSF has been designed to store a total of 20 million dry tonnes over an approximate 8.7-
year LOM (which has been updated from the original site selection process) and comprises
the following facilities:

• A conventional HDPE-lined ring-dyke TSF, with an initial starter wall embankment

(15 m high), to be compacted with remoulded lateritic/saprolitic material from suitable
borrow pits within the allocated areas. The TSF converts to an upstream self-raising
facility above the starter wall elevation to a final height of 32 m.
• A concrete-encased penstock decant system.
• An HDPE-lined RWD, into which decant water from the TSF is discharged.
• An HDPE-lined SWD, to cater for the storm water on the TSF footprint up to a capacity
of 356 000 m3, after which a controlled release into the downstream environment
• Associated infrastructure (slurry delivery infrastructure, storm water diversion
trenches, toe drains, solution pipeline, silt traps, energy dissipator, etc.).

Figure 6.7 displays the general layout of the TSF.

Figure 6.7: General Arrangement of the Tri-K TSF

6.9.1 Tailings Storage Facility Safety Classification

The Tri-K TSF has been classified in terms of its safety rating as outlined by the South African
National Standard for mine residue (SANS 10286), summarised in Table 6.13. This
classification provides the basis for the implementation of safety management practices for
specified stages of the life cycle of TSFs. The standard prescribes the aims, principles and

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minimum requirements that apply to the classification procedure. The classification, in turn,
gives rise to minimum requirements for investigation, design, construction, operation and
decommissioning. The safety classification serves to differentiate between high, medium and
low hazards on the basis of their potential to cause harm to life or property.

Table 6.13: Tailings Storage Facility Classification as per SANS 10286

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5

Number of residents Number of workers Depth to

Value of third-party property
Incident in the zone of in the zone of underground Classification
in the zone of influence
Influence Influence mine workings

0 < 10 0 – ZAR2 million > 200 m Low Hazard

Values 1 – 10 11 - 100 ZAR2 million – ZAR20 million 50 m – 200 m Medium Hazard
> 10 > 100 > ZAR20 million < 50 m High Hazard

The zone of influence of a TSF may be described as the extent of the area around it that may
be affected with time taking into consideration possible impacts that may arise from the TSF
e.g. flow slide, dust, surface and groundwater contamination, and sterilisation of arable land.
Figure 6.8 displays the zone of influence determined for the Tri-K TSF and based on the
criteria assessment in Table 6.14, the TSF has been classified as a medium-hazard dam.

Figure 6.8: Tri-K Theoretical Zone of Influence Based on SANS 10286

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Table 6.14: TSF Safety Classification

Criteria Value
Number of residents in the
There are 1-10 residents within the zone of influence. Medium Hazard
zone of influence
The TSF intersects the exploration camp, as well as the
Number of workers in the zone road from the local technician’s camp and airport to the
Medium Hazard
of influence plant and TSF, which has a possibility of 11-100 workers
within the zone of influence.
The RWD and SWD are not classified as third-party
Value of third-party property in
property and there is no additional infrastructure within the Low Hazard
the zone of influence
zone of influence.
Distance to underground mine There are currently no underground mining operations,
Low Hazard
workings both open pits are further than 2 km away from the TSF.

The minimum requirements associated with medium-hazard TSFs as outlined by SANS 10286
are summarised in Table 6.15.

Table 6.15: Summary of the Minimum Requirements Associated with a Medium Hazard
Safety Classification

Operation/Commissioning Decommissioning
Planning Stage Design Stage
Stage Stage
1) Conceptualisation by 1) Geotechnical report 1) Risk analysis optional 1) Pr. Eng. appointed to
owner required 2) Suitably qualified person monitor
2) Preliminary site 2) Residue responsible for operation 2) Pr. Eng. to audit
selection by owner characterisation verified 3) Pr. Eng. appointed to every two years
3) Geotechnical by laboratory analysis monitor
investigation by 3) Design by Pr. Eng. 4) Pr. Eng. to audit every
suitably qualified 4) Risk analysis optional two years
person 5) Construction
supervision by suitably
qualified person

6.9.2 Tailing Storage Facility Layout

The TSF layout is shown in Drawings 152-020-700, 152-020-710 and 152-020-716 in

Appendix 6.6 and has been designed taking cognisance of the following aspects:

• The topography and surrounding environment and infrastructure

• A total tonnage of 20 Mt, at a deposition rate of 2.3 Mt/a (191 667 t/month) for the LOM
of 8.7 years
• The average placed dry bulk density of the gold tailing was taken as 1.35 t/m3
• The RoR being limited to 3 m/a once the TSF elevation has exceeded the starter wall
• An overall outer side slope of 1V:3H to be adopted on the TSF

Table 6.16 summarises the key layout parameters.

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Table 6.16: Key Parameters Associated with the Tri-K TSF

Tailings Storage Facility Parameters Value

Total Footprint Area of the TSF (including starter wall) 81.2 ha

Total Surface Area at Final Height 64.6 ha

Maximum Design Elevation 438 m.a.m.s.l

Maximum Design Height 32 m

Average Outer Side Slope Profile 1V:3H (18.44°)

Starter Wall Elevation 421 m.a.m.s.l

Maximum Starter Wall Height 15 m

Time Period for Deposition to Reach the Starter Wall Height 2 years

Rate of Rise at Starter Wall Elevation 3 m/a

Average RoR Above the Starter Wall 2.5 m/a

Terminating RoR 2.72 m/a Stage Capacity Curves

The stage capacity curve for the TSF, reflecting the relationship between tailings elevation,
RoR, storage volume, footprint area, cumulative tonnage and time (i.e. the development of the
TSF over time). The stage capacity curve for the Tri-K TSF has been included in Appendix 6.7.

The initial compacted starter wall is 15 m high, corresponding to an elevation of 421 m.a.m.s.l
and serves to accommodate the higher RoR’s associated with deposition early in the life of
the TSF. During this stage, while deposition occurs behind the TSF starter wall, the facility
acts as a full containment TSF. After the first 2 years, the tailings deposition level reaches the
height of the starter wall and the RoR falls below 3 m/a, which is when the TSF converts into
a self-raising facility by means of day wall paddocking. This will continue for the next 6.7 years
until the end of the LOM.

Once above the TSF starter wall, the RoR decreases to 2.37 m/a, which corresponds to a
period when the depositional area is at its largest and the TSF is converted into an upstream
facility. At this turning point, the RoR starts to increase until a terminal RoR of 2.6 m/a is
reached. The TSF will operate at an average RoR of 2.52 m/a, which has been found as
acceptable on gold TSFs in West Africa, provided that the facility is well managed, with an
acceptable freeboard and optimum water management (i.e. a small pool is maintained on the
TSF). Overall Staged Development

The staged development of the TSF at the end of Year 2, Year 4, Year 6 and Year 8.7 of
operation is presented in Figure 6.9, Figure 6.10, Figure 6.11, and Figure 6.12, respectively.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 314 of 566

Figure 6.9: Development of Tri-K TSF as at Year 2, at Starter Wall Elevation
421 m.a.m.s.l.

Figure 6.10: Development of Tri-K TSF as at Year 4, at an Elevation of 427 m.a.m.s.l

(a total height of 21 m)

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Figure 6.11: Development of Tri-K TSF as at Year 6, at an Elevation of 432 m.a.m.s.l
(a Total Height of 26 m)

Figure 6.12: Development of Tri-K TSF as at Year 8.7, at an Elevation of 438 m.a.m.s.l
(a Total Height of 32 m)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 316 of 566 Side Slope Profile

An overall external side slope profile of 1V:3H has been adopted for the TSF. This overall side
slope profile lends itself to producing acceptable overall slope stability factors of safety and
facilitates easy rehabilitation by topsoiling and grassing or rock cladding. Preparatory Works

The preparatory works associated with the TSF are shown in the drawings in Appendix 6.6
and comprise the following:

• Topsoil stripping to a depth of 0.1 m within the TSF footprint

• A box cut to a depth of 0.5 m beneath the compacted earth starter wall
• A compacted earth starter wall embankment, constructed with suitably sourced
material from within the identified borrow areas, with the following dimensions:

o 15 m high (i.e. crest elevation of 421 m.a.m.s.l)

o 4 m wide crest
o 1V:2H internal side slope
o 1V:2H external side slope

• A compacted earth bund wall where the NGL exceeds an elevation of 421 m.a.m.s.l,
with the following dimensions:

o 1 m high (i.e. the crest lies 1 m above NGL)

o 4 m wide crest
o 1V:2H internal side slope
o 1V:2H external side slope

• A compacted liner protection layer within the basin of the TSF, constructed from
material sourced from the borrow pits
• A 1.5 mm HDPE liner placed across the entire TSF basin in addition to the inside
slopes of the starter wall and bund wall
• A 3 m wide elevated toe drain located on a platform at an elevation of 416 m.a.m.s.l.
The toe drain is positioned along the inside toe of the compacted earth starter wall
embankment and comprises the following:

o 160 ND slotted HDPE Drainex pipe

o Suitably graded filter sand
o 6.7 mm stone
o 19 mm stone
o Non-woven geo-fabric

• A 3.0 m wide NGL toe drain extending the length of the inside toe of the starter
embankment above an elevation of 416 m.a.m.s.l. The toe drain is comprised of the

o 160 ND slotted HDPE Drainex pipe

o Suitably graded filter sand
o 6.7 mm stone

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 317 of 566

o 19 mm stone
o Non-woven geo-fabric

• 160 mm ND non-slotted HDPE Drainex pipes spaced at specified intervals along the
perimeter of the elevated and NGL toe drain systems from which seepage water
collected by the drains is to be channelled into the solution pipeline. Five of these
drainage outlet pipes run below the TSF, to drain the lower sections found within the
higher ridges.
• 160 mm ND HDPE Drainex outlet pipes that run below the TSF, placed in a trench and
covered with 19 mm granular stone
• A 355 mm OD HDPE solution pipe to collect drainage water on the eastern perimeter
and a 355 mm OD HDPE pipeline beneath the TSF to collect and drain the drainage
water on the western perimeter
• Drainage collection manholes
• A storm water diversion channel with its associated cut-to-fill berm wall with the
following dimensions:

o 1.5 m deep
o 2 m wide
o 1V:1.5H side slopes

• A storm water diversion outlet channel on the western perimeter with the following

o 2 m deep
o 3 m wide
o 1V:1.5H side slopes

• A seepage interception drain downstream of the TSF to a maximum depth of 5 m below

NGL or to hard cemented laterite. The interception drain is constructed out of 19 mm
stone and selected and approved granular material.
• Seepage interception drain manholes (and associated pumps designed by others)
• A 5.0 m wide perimeter access road, constructed with suitable road-building material
• A 5 m wide, 2 m high pool wall/penstock access wall
• A 3 m wide, 3 m high compacted earth penstock mound
• Toe catchment paddocks, 25 m in length perpendicular to the TSF toe and 50 m in
width parallel to the starter wall toe. These paddocks manage storm water runoff, off
the TSF side slopes. The perimeter paddock walls are 1 m high and the cross walls
are 0.75 m high. The catchment paddocks feed into a concrete-lined sump on the
western perimeter, which drains via two 355 OD HDPE pipes below the TSF to the
energy dissipator and, on the eastern perimeter, these paddocks cascade into each
other until the lowest one, which is connected to the energy dissipator through 355
mm OD HDPE pipes.
• A concrete-lined energy dissipator for the collection of supernatant water from the
penstock, seepage water from the toe drains, and seepage cut-off trench and runoff
water from the catchment paddocks.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 318 of 566

• Two concrete-lined siltation ponds (dual compartments). Water from the energy
dissipator feeds into the siltation ponds, to capture any silts before flowing into the
• Typical specifications for the filter materials within the toe drains and elevated toe

o The materials are filter sand with aggregate sizes of 6.7 mm and 19 mm stone
o Thoroughly washed (clean of dust), free of deleterious materials (roots/organic
o PSD of no more than 5 % passing the 75 µm
o Wet sieve grading analyses are to be conducted on the possible sources
o In addition to the above, the aggregate material (6.7 mm and 19 mm stone)
requires a hardness value below 21 and a flakiness index of 25 %
o Typical particle sizes:

▪ +0.075 mm, −4 mm for the filter sand

▪ +4 mm, −10 mm for the 6.7 mm stone
▪ +12.5 mm, −22 mm for the 19 mm stone
▪ However, the exact size and grading specification can only be provided once a
filter design has been conducted during the detailed design phase of the

• A Rocla 750 ND class 150 D spigot-socket precast concrete penstock pipeline

comprising two intermediate intakes and one double final vertical 510 mm OD precast
concrete penstock ring inlet. The penstock pipeline is half encased in reinforced
concrete along most of its length with a section beneath the TSF starter wall that is
fully encased.
• The self-raising portion of the TSF is battered at an overall side slope of 1V:3H.
• Wooden catwalks shall be constructed off the final intakes to allow access to the
penstocks during operation of the TSF.
• A 560 mm OD, PE 100, PN 16 – SDR 11 HDPE slurry distribution pipeline along the
perimeter length of the TSF starter wall. TSF Depositional and Operational Methodology

Two tailings products will be produced at Tri-K, oxides and sulphides, and the current ratio
between the two materials is shown in Figure 6.13 over the LOM. The LOM distribution and
exact plan are still to be finalised.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 319 of 566

Figure 6.13: Oxide:Sulphide Slurry Contributions

Both of these materials are to be deposited into the TSF, which is lined with a 1.5 mm thick
HDPE liner. The in-situ saprolitic material underlying the TSF will be ripped and re-compacted
in the areas where this material is available, to create a suitable lining surface. In the areas
where the lateritic outcrops are exposed, a compacted fill layer will be constructed to serve as
liner protection.

The depositional characteristics of any tailings product are based upon the physical
characteristics of the material, the slurry density and the PSD. This influences the following:

• Tailings behaviour upon deposition

• Beach formation and profile
• Rate of drying out, desiccation/consolidation and associated strength gain
• Particle segregation along the beach
• Pool control
• General TSF operations and deposition practices

The proposed depositional methodology for the Tri-K TSF is by means of a self-raising day
wall paddock system. Initially, the TSF will operate as a full containment facility where
deposition occurs behind the TSF starter wall, this will convert to the upstream self-raising
paddocks once the tailings reaches 1 m below the starter wall elevation. The RoR at the point
of conversion is approximately 3 m/a.

The typical construction of a day wall paddock system is shown in Figure 6.14, and Figure
6.15 and Figure 6.16 illustrate day wall paddock operations currently being implemented in
West Africa.

The day wall paddocks are constructed in 0.3 mm lifts around the perimeter of the TSF. These
paddocks are filled with tailings via off-take tees from the main slurry delivery line (see Figure
6.15) and are able to drain into the basin through pipes placed within the inside paddock wall
(see Figure 6.16). Thus, allowing the coarser fraction of tailings to settle and remain within the
day wall paddocks and the finer fraction to drain into the TSF basin. This creates a coarse,

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 320 of 566

more stable perimeter wall to contain the finer graded tailings within the basin. The day wall
paddocks are generally operated during the day, when supervised, and full deposition into the
TSF basin occurs during the evenings.

Figure 6.14: Typical Construction of a Day Wall Paddock

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Figure 6.15: Day Wall Paddock on an Operating Gold TSF

Figure 6.16: Day Wall Paddock being Deposited into, the Finer Fraction Draining
Through the Outlet

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 322 of 566

It is crucial that the tailings deposited during the initial commissioning stage are not deposited
directly onto the toe drains and elevated toe drains, as this would cause erosion or blinding of
the drainage system. The tailings will be deposited into the basin by means of open-ended
deposition using flexible hosing at ± 30 m interval offtakes. Prior to the tailings reaching the
elevated toe drains, the drains are to be covered with coarse tailings by means of cycloning
or the “spray bar system”. Figure 6.17 illustrates cyclones covering the elevated drains with
coarse material, as the basin level rises.

Figure 6.17: Cycloning of Coarse Tailings onto the Elevated Toe Drains

Supernatant and storm water collected on the TSF shall be decanted through vertical penstock
inlets and a penstock pipeline to the RWD, via the silt traps and energy dissipator. Figure 6.18
displays the final double penstock intakes, penstock rings and outlet into the energy dissipator
in operation. The penstock rings are utilised to raise the final penstock towers as the TSF
basin rises to its final height.

Figure 6.18: Penstock Decant Infrastructure

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Figure 6.19 shows a typical configuration of the energy dissipator and silt traps, sitting directly
upstream of the lined RWD.

Figure 6.19: Typical Configuration of an Energy Dissipator and Silt Traps

During commissioning and the initial development of the TSF, decanting shall occur through
two single intermediate penstock inlets located along the main path of the pool migration from
the starter embankment wall, towards the final location of the pool. It is at this final location
where the double penstock inlets and the pool wing wall/ catwalk configuration shall be
situated. The intermediate inlets are progressively sealed as the pool is relocated to an
adjacent upstream inlet. Figure 6.20 displays the pool wing wall and catwalk extending into
the TSF basin to the final penstock outlets.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 324 of 566

Figure 6.20: Pool Wing Wall and Catwalk Extending to the Final Penstock Outlet TSF Water Management Philosophy

Surface water accumulating onto the TSF emanates from the following sources:

• Supernatant slurry water on the TSF

• Storm water runoff from the surface of the TSF
• Storm water from the dirty water catchments around the TSF

Water collected on the TSF is decanted via the buried penstock pipeline into the RWD from
where it is pumped back to the plant as process water. During the wet season each year, there
is an excess of water within the TSF footprint, which cannot be contained in the RWD or
pumped back to the process plant. The excess water is discharged into the SWD for storage
and reuse during the dry season. The SWD is sized to store 356 000 m3, however, due to the
high rainfall experienced and depth restriction of the cemented laterite layer below the SWD,
the SWD is unable to accommodate the average year’s rainfall onto the TSF footprint. The
region could be classified as a water-positive region as there is an excess of water
accumulated on the TSF, over and above the process plants water demands. Based on this,
a controlled discharge has been implemented from the SWD via a spillway into the
downstream environment. The quality of the water being released into the environment is to
be monitored and a treatment/detoxification system is being employed to ensure that any
water being released meets the environmental specifications and IFC guidelines.

The TSF has been designed as an upstream TSF, thus, the pool is to be kept to an operational
minimum. At all times, a minimum total vertical freeboard of 1.5 m is to be maintained and the

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 325 of 566

pool is not allowed within 150 m from the inner day wall paddock toe. Refer to Figure 6.21 for
the definition of freeboard.

Figure 6.21: Definition of Freeboard within a TSF

The penstock has been sized to decant the 1 in 100 year, 7 d storm event of 396 mm, which
equates to 255 827 m3 of runoff water from the TSF final surface area. There are two 510 ND
penstock towers at the final penstock intake and, assuming a maximum operational decant
depth of 300 mm, the penstocks will have a decant rate of 0.483 m3/s. This corresponds to the
storm event being decanted in 6.1 d, through the penstock towers. Table 6.17 summarises
the potential volumes of water accumulating on the TSF during the various 24 h recurrence
storm events and the time required to decant the water. Figure 6.22 shows the estimated
extent of the pool size assuming the 1 in 100 year 1 d storm event occurs instantly onto the
final TSF surface area.

The final penstock towers feed into a 750 ND penstock pipeline with a longitudinal profile of
1V:180H, which results in a 0.605 m3/s flow rate when the internal diameter of this pipe is at
70 % full. Under these conditions, the system is not pressurised, and the operating conditions
are considered acceptable.

Table 6.17: Storm Decant Volumes and Durations Associated with the Tri-K TSF

Rainfall TSF Surface

24-h Recurrence Volume of Water Time to Discharge
Depth Area
Interval in X years (m3) (d)
(mm) (m2)
2 83 646 027 53 620 1.3
5 114 646 027 73 647 1.8
10 136 646 027 87 860 2.1
20 161 646 027 104 010 2.5
50 195 646 027 125 975 3.0
100 224 646 027 144 710 3.5
200 255 646 027 164 737 3.9

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 326 of 566

Figure 6.22: 1 in 100 year 1 d Storm Event Pool Extent

One final (double) and two (single) penstock intake towers are to be constructed from stacked
precast penstock rings founded on a concrete penstock intake structure. The intakes serve to
convey the water from the towers into the outfall pipe. The outfall pipe is constructed out of
precast concrete spigot and socket pipes, strapped down onto concrete saddles, and half-
encased in reinforced concrete. The outfall pipe conveys water underneath the TSF into the
energy dissipator, silt traps and RWD.

Storm water runoff outside the TSF footprint area is classified as “clean” water and is diverted
away from TSF via storm water diversion trenches around the perimeter. Dirty runoff water
emanating from the tailings side slopes and within the TSF footprint is collected in the
catchment paddocks, located along the toe of the TSF starter wall embankment and is drained
through outlet pipes into the energy dissipator prior to entering the silt traps and RWD.

6.9.3 Return Water Dam and Storm Water Dam

The RWD is a 1.5 mm HDPE-lined facility that lies to the east (downstream) of the TSF in a
region where the maximum cut depth has been limited due to the presence of shallow lateritic
areas. The RWD consists of a maximum wall height of 2.8 m above NGL and a basin
excavated a maximum of 1 m below NGL. This RWD has been sized to cater for 5 d of slurry
water with a storage capacity of 47 700 m3 and it has a footprint area of 3.74 ha.

During the high rainfall/storm events, any excess water in the RWD is able to spill into the
SWD via a spillway. The SWD lies to the east of the RWD in the same region, where the
lateritic outcrops restrict the depth of excavation in the SWD. The SWD has a storage capacity
of 356 000m3 and an area of 12.3 ha, which has been sized to cater for the storm water runoff
of the 1 in 100 year, 7 d storm onto the TSF footprint at an average runoff coefficient of 0.85.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 327 of 566

The SWD consists of a maximum wall height of 5.5 m above NGL and a basin excavated a
maximum of 2.3 m below NGL.

The following factors were included as part of the design of the RWD and SWD:

• A minimum freeboard of 1 m is required.

• The facilities are to be HDPE lined to prevent seepage into the environment.

The SWD (capacity of 356 000 m3) shall discharge yearly, based on an average year’s rainfall.
Attempts were made to increase the size of the SWD and reduce the volume of discharge into
the environment; however, due to the depth restrictions in the founding in-situ conditions, the
capacity of the SWD could only be increased by increasing the area of the facility as the
amount of discharge is a function of the area of the SWD, i.e. the bigger the area the larger
the catchment area for rainfall accumulation, and the more discharge into the environment.

The capacity of the SWD has been fixed and a treatment plant has been sized to treat the
volume of water to be discharged into the downstream environment. This is discharged
through a spillway, which has been incorporated onto the SWD wall.

The key properties of the RWD and the SWD have been summarised in Table 6.18.

Table 6.18: Key Properties of the RWD and SWD

Description Value Unit

Footprint Area of RWD 3.74 ha
Storage Capacity of the RWD 47 700 m3
Full Supply Level 406 m.a.m.s.l
RWD Wall Elevation 407 m.a.m.s.l
Maximum Depth of the RWD Excavation below NGL 1 m
Maximum Height of RWD Embankment above NGL 2.8 m
Thickness of HDPE Liner within the RWD 1.5 mm
Footprint Area of SWD 12.3 ha
Storage Capacity of the SWD 356 000 m3
Full Supply Level 405.6 m.a.m.s.l
SWD Wall Elevation 406.6 m.a.m.s.l
Maximum Depth of the SWD Excavation below NGL 2.3 m
Maximum Height of SWD Embankment above NGL 5.5 m
Thickness of HDPE Liner within the SWD 1.5 mm RWD and SWD Preparatory Works

The layout and preparatory works associated with the RWD and SWD are shown in
Drawings 152-020-710 to 152-020-715 in Appendix 6.6 and comprise the following:

• Topsoil stripping to a depth 0.1 m beneath the entire RWD/SWD footprint area
• A box cut to a depth of 0.5 m beneath the embankment walls

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 328 of 566

• Compacted earth embankment walls with the following dimensions:

o 6 m wide crests
o 1V:3H external side slopes
o 1V:2H internal side slopes
o A maximum wall height of 2.8 m in the RWD and 5.5 m in the SWD

• 1 m of freeboard above full supply level

• A maximum excavation of 2.3 m below NGL in the SWD basin and 1 m below NGL in
the RWD basin, in order to satisfy the storage capacity requirements
• A 10 m wide spillway on the centre wall of the RWD/SWD, allowing the RWD to
overflow into the SWD during the wet season
• A 10 m spillway on the northern embankment of the SWD, allowing for discharge into
the downstream environment on an annual basis. This is where the
treatment/detoxification plant shall be located.
• A 1.5 mm HDPE liner overlying both the basin and the inner side slopes of the RWD
and the SWD
• A 0.3 m wide leakage detection drain composed of the following:

o 160 ND slotted HDPE Drainex pipe

o 19 mm stone
o Non-woven geo-fabric

• 160 ND non-slotted HDPE Drainex outlet pipes, to drain the slotted leakage detection
system, below the HDPE liner, to the outlet manholes. The pumps at these manholes
are designed by others and allow for the seepage collected to be pumped back into
the RWD/SWD.
• A non-woven geotextile placed between the HDPE liner and the in-situ soil/cemented
lateritic basin. This geotextile is to provide a protective layer for the HDPE liner (A6
bidim on the side slopes and A10 bidim within basin).
• A 0.75 m wide curtain drain, excavated to 1 m below NGL in both the RWD and the
SWD. These curtain drains connect to a localised point from which seepage water is
to be pumped.
• A 1 m deep, 5 by 5 m concrete-lined sump within the RWD and the SWD basin from
which water shall be drained through two 315 NB HDPE, PE 100 outlet pipes
connecting to the various drainage outlet manholes and associated pumping systems
(designed by SENET).

The specified size of the spillway has been based on preliminary design calculations and
should be re-evaluated during the detailed design phase of the project.


A TSF deterministic monthly water balance was developed in Microsoft Excel, based on
average monthly, wettest year monthly, and driest year monthly rainfall figures; average
monthly evaporation figures; and the simulated flow of water between the various facilities
within the TSF over the operational LOM. The detailed water balance report is presented in
Appendix 6.8.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 329 of 566

6.10.1 Water Balance Objectives, Constraints and Criteria

The objectives of the water balances are to determine the following:

• The flow philosophy and management of water across the TSF

• The volume of surplus or shortfall of water within the TSF water balance and thus the
volume of make-up water required, or volume of water discharged (treated) into the
receiving environment.

The following key constraints were applied to the water balance:

• Any water discharged from the TSF into the downstream environment is required to be
treated/detoxified to meet environmental discharge standards.
• The water treatment/detoxification plant has a maximum treatment capacity of
8 000 m3/d as stipulated by SENET.
• The process plant is only able to accept a maximum of 80 % of the water volume
contained in the tailings slurry pumped to the TSF.

The TSF water balance design criteria are as outlined in Table 6.19.

Table 6.19: Design/Modelling Criteria associated with the TSF

Description Value Source
1 LOM 8.7 years SENET

2 Particle SG of tailings 2.8 SENET

Placement dry density of Laboratory Test Work/

3 1.40 dry t/m3
tailings Epoch Experience
1.35 t/m3
4 Slurry density SENET
(40 % solids and 60 % liquid by dry mass)

Interstitial water lockup

5 36 % by dry mass Epoch Experience
within deposited tailings

Seepage losses into

6 0 % as facilities are HDPE-lined SENET/Epoch
underlying founding material

15 % of total depositional area and 0.5 m

7 Pool size Epoch Experience
depth for a penstock decant operation

The overall TSF water balance comprises the following main facilities:

• An HDPE-lined TSF for the storage of the oxide and sulphide tailings
• An HDPE-lined RWD of storage capacity 47 000 m3
• An HDPE-lined SWD of storage capacity 356 000 m3
• A water treatment/detoxification plant located at the RWD/SWD and able to treat a
maximum volume of 8 000 m3/d for release into the downstream environment when

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 330 of 566

Any shortfall in the plant process make-up water, not sourced from the TSF, shall be sourced
from other mine sources, e.g. open pit dewatering, mine water supply dam, and water
treatment plant water.

6.10.2 Models and Modelling Philosophy

The following water balances were developed:

• Average Monthly Water Balance – A monthly water balance over the LOM, based on
average monthly climatic conditions and steady-state modelling parameters
• Wettest Monthly Water Balance – A monthly water balance over the LOM, based on
the wettest year monthly rainfall figures, average monthly evaporation figures, and
steady-state modelling parameters
• Driest Monthly Water Balance – A monthly water balance over the LOM, based on the
driest year monthly rainfall figures, average monthly evaporation figures, and steady-
state modelling parameters

6.10.3 Overall Water Balance Modelling Philosophy

The TSF water balance is shown in Figure 6.23 and is summarised as follows:

• A process plant from which tailings are pumped in slurry form to an HDPE-lined TSF
• An HDPE-lined RWD to which slurry supernatant and storm water from the TSF is
• Water reporting/stored in the RWD is

o Pumped to the process plant as make-up water, or

o Stored in the RWD for utilisation in the following month(s), or
o Discharged into the downstream SWD if the RWD storage capacity is exceeded.

• An HDPE-lined SWD to which storm water from the RWD is discharged

• Water reporting/stored in the SWD is

o Pumped to the process plant as make-up water, or

o Stored in the SWD for utilisation in the following month(s), or
o Treated by the treatment/detoxification plant and discharged into the downstream

The pertinent modelling parameters/assumptions associated with the water balances are
summarised in Table 6.20.

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Figure 6.23: TSF Water Balance Circuit

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Table 6.20: TSF Water Balance Circuit and Outputs

Description/Parameter Value/Comments
1 TSF surface area 901 566 m2
2 RWD surface area 30 790 m2
3 RWD storage capacity 47 000 m3
4 SWD surface area 108 087 m2
5 SWD storage capacity 356 000 m3
Runoff coefficient applied to water bodies and lined
6 1
Runoff coefficients applied to unlined surfaces: Average Wettest Driest
January 0 0 0
February 0 0 0
March 0 0 0
April 0.2 0.2 0
May 0.5 0.5 0
7 June 0.8 0.9 0.8
July 0.9 0.8 0.9
August 0.95 0.95 0.9
September 0.95 0.95 0.9
October 0.8 0.95 0
November 0.5 0.5 0
December 0 0 0

6.10.4 Water Balance Results

The overall outputs for the various balances are presented in Figure 6.24.

The key outcomes associated with the water balance are as follows:

• The TSF is a positive water balance.

• The TSF is able to provide the process plant with 80 % slurry water make-up volume
all year round and for the three modelled scenarios, i.e. average, wettest and driest.
• A treatment/detoxification plant of 8 000 m3/d capacity will ensure that uncontrolled
discharge from the SWD into the downstream environment does not occur, i.e. that it
is first processed by the treatment/detoxification plant. This entails the
treatment/detoxification plant operating between two and five months of the year, at
20 000 m3/month to a maximum of 240 000m3/month capacity (3 d to 30 d or 31 d of a

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 333 of 566

Figure 6.24: TSF Water Balance Circuit and Outputs

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A steady-state seepage analysis of the TSF has been undertaken utilising the finite element
program, SEEP/W (GeoStudio 2012) in order to determine/ascertain the following:

• The seepage regime, as well as the pore water pressure distribution, within each of
the respective facilities at final design height
• The effectiveness of the toe drain systems in managing the phreatic surface within the
• The effect of the liner in preventing seepage into the underlying soils
• The seepage regime/phreatic surface to be utilised in the slope stability assessments

The TSF has been modelled under steady-state conditions to a final elevation of 438 m.a.m.s.l.
The following four seepage scenarios were undertaken on the TSF, for normal operational
pool conditions (0.9 m deep), as well as for a storm size pool set 150 m away from the outside

• A scenario where the liner and drains are operational as per design.
• A scenario where the liner is operational, and the drains are non-functional.
• A scenario where the liner is damaged, and drains are operational.
• A scenario where both the liner and drains are not functional.

The SWD and RWD have been modelled under steady-state conditions. The RWD models
include the SWD at full supply level (an elevation of 405.9 m.a.m.s.l) during the wet season,
and empty as if it were during the dry season. The following three seepage scenarios were
modelled on each facility:

• Liner operational and drains functional as per the design

• Liner damaged and drains functional
• Liner damaged and drains non-functional.

The geometry of the facilities upon which the seepage analyses were conducted have been
adopted from the cross sections outlined in Sections and, respectively, and the
soil profile is as described in Section 6.6.1. The cross sections can be found within the
seepage and slope stability report in Appendix 6.9. The various material parameters utilised
in the seepage analysis are summarised in Table 6.21.

Table 6.21: Material Parameters Adopted for the TSF Seepage Analyses

Material Vertical to Horizontal Ky Permeability

Permeability Ratio (Ky/Kx) (m/s)
Gold Tailings (Coarse) 1/20 3.0 × 10-6
Gold Tailings (Intermediate) 1/10 1.8 × 10-6
Gold Tailings (Fine) 1/5 5.3 × 10-7
Remoulded Clayey Silt with Laterite Gravels (Embankment) 1 1.0 × 10-6
In-situ Clayey Silt with Laterite Gravels 1 1.0 × 10-5
Cemented Laterite (Bedrock) 1 1.0 × 10-9
Filter Material 1 1.0 × 10-4
Liner 1 5.4 × 10-10

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The results of the seepage analysis indicate that the toe drain within the TSF has a significant
effect in reducing the elevation of the phreatic surface and the liner within the TSF, RWD and
SWD would mitigate seepage into the environment. Figure 6.25 to Figure 6.29 show the
seepage regime within the TSF, RWD and SWD, operating as per design with an operational
liner and fully functional drains. The detailed report pertaining to the above-mentioned
seepage analysis is documented in Appendix 6.9.

Figure 6.25: Seepage Regime Through Operational TSF (As per design)

Figure 6.26: Seepage Regime Through Operational TSF, with a Storm Size Pool

Figure 6.27: Seepage Regime Through Operational RWD Wall, with an Empty SWD (As
per design)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 336 of 566

Figure 6.28: Seepage Regime Through Operational RWD Wall, with a Full SWD (As per

Figure 6.29: Seepage Regime Through Operational SWD (As per design)


Both deterministic and probabilistic slope stability analyses, using Slope/W, were undertaken
on the Tri-K TSF at final design height, incorporating the phreatic surfaces determined by the
seepage analysis documented in Section 6.11. These were conducted to determine the Factor
of Safety (FoS) against failure and the probability of failure of the various facilities (and
associated side slopes).

The deterministic analysis calculates the FoS of a slope, based on fixed material parameters
and specified conditions. The application of the deterministic FoS approach, on its own, fails
to recognise the level of variability associated with the input parameters used in a slope
stability analysis and, therefore, the potential variability in the FoS. This variability is assessed
in terms of the probability of failure and the reliability index. The probability of failure is
computed by relating the number of trials that fell below a FoS of 1.0 (failed) and expressing
that as a percentage of the number of Monte Carlo trials that were completed. The reliability
index describes the stability of a slope by the number of standard deviations separating the
mean FoS from the defined FoS failure value of 1.0, i.e. the reliability index is an indication of
how far away the mean FoS is from the defined failure value of 1.

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The minimum FoS requirements for Tri-K have been summarised in Table 6.22 and the
acceptable probability of failure and reliability index values for Tri-K have been defined as
< 0.0007 % (< 1:143 000) and > 4.35, respectively, based on the literature summarised in
Appendix 6.9 (U.S Army Corps of Engineers, 1997, European Standards, EN 1990 Annex C
and Cole, K. 1993, Building over Abandoned Shallow Mines. Paper 1: Considerations of Risk
and Reliability, Ground Engineering, pp. 35-37).

Table 6.22: Minimum FoS Requirements

Failure Mode Loading Scenario
Minimum FoS
Upstream and Downstream End of Construction (including staged construction) 1.3
Downstream Long Terma 1.5
Downstream Maximum Surcharge Pool 1.4
Upstream Rapid Drawdown 1.1b – 1.3c
Downstream (high pool) or Earthquake (Pseudo-Static Analysis) 1.1
Upstream (Intermediate pool) Post-Earthquake (Post liquefaction strength) 1.1
a Long-term seepage includes steady seepage, maximum storage pool and spill way crest.
b FoS = 1.1 for drawdown from the maximum surcharge pool.
c FoS = 1.3 for drawdown from the maximum storage pool.

6.12.1 Static Slope Stability Analysis

Laboratory test work conducted on the tailings material and the in-situ materials detailed in
Section 6.6 have been used to populate Table 6.23, which summarises the material parameter
utilised in the slope stability assessment conducted for Tri-K.

Table 6.23: Material Parameters Adopted for the TSF, RWD and SWD Slope Stability

Effective Friction Effective Cohesion

Unit Weight
Material Angle (φ’) (c’)
(degrees) (kPa)
Gold Tailings 18.6 22.8 (-1.5, +3.2) 1 (± 1)
Remoulded Clayey Silt with laterite gravels 18.6 28.0 (± 2) 7 (± 2)
In-Situ Clayey Silt with laterite gravels 17.5 29.0 (-3, +2) 1 (-1, +2)
Liner 9.0 11.0 0
Filter Sand 18.0 17.0 0
Cemented Laterite 21.0 30.0 (-0, +2) 50 (-0, +3)

The slope stability analyses were undertaken using the Morgenstern-Price limit equilibrium
method, in which the following scenarios were investigated:

• TSF:

o Liner present and functional drains

o Liner present and non-functional drains
o Liner damaged and functional drains

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 338 of 566

o Liner damaged and non-functional drains

• RWD and SWD:

o Liner present and functional drains

o Liner damaged and functional drains
o Liner damaged and non-functional drains

Table 6.24, Table 6.25 and Table 6.26 summarise the results obtained for the various static
slope stability assessments, highlighting the scenarios that do not meet the minimum
requirements. The highlighted scenarios are discussed in further detail in Section 6.12.3. The
figures indicating the location of the critical slip circles and a more detailed explanation of the
stability analyses are contained in Appendix 6.9.

Table 6.24: TSF Static Slope Stability Analysis Results

Minimum Deterministic Probability Reliability

Slope Stability Analysis and Failure Type
FoS FoS of Failure Index
Tailing Storage Facility Failure
Operational Pool, Liner Operational, Drains Functional 1.5 1.55 < 1/143 000 25.02
Operational Pool, Liner Operational, Drains Non-
1.3 1.47 < 1/143 000 22.44
Operational Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.3 1.49 < 1/143 000 24.77
Operational Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains Non-Functional 1.3 1.47 < 1/143 000 23.64
Storm Pool, Liner Operational, Drains Functional 1.5 1.55 < 1/143 000 25.02
Storm Pool, Liner Operational, Drains
1.3 1.44 < 1/143 000 20.96
Storm Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.3 1.46 < 1/143 000 23.45
Storm Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains
1.3 1.35 < 1/143 000 18.38
Tailing Storage Facility Starter Wall Failure
Operational Pool, Liner Operational, Drains Functional 1.5 1.50 < 1/143 000 21.19
Operational Pool, Liner Operational, Drains
1.3 1.50 < 1/143 000 21.12
Operational Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.3 1.36 < 1/143 000 14.46
Operational Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains Non-Functional 1.3 1.32 < 1/143 000 12.88
Storm Pool, Liner Operational, Drains Functional 1.5 1.50 < 1/143 000 21.12
Storm Pool, Liner Operational, Drains
1.3 1.50 < 1/143 000 20.93
Storm Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.3 1.32 < 1/143 000 12.44
Storm Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains
1.3 1.29 < 1/143 000 11.13

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Table 6.25: Slope Stability Results of the RWD

Minimum Deterministic Probability Reliability

Slope Stability Analysis of the RWD
FoS FoS of Failure Index
Empty RWD Downstream Slope Failure 1.3 1.81 < 1/143 000 18.50
Empty RWD Upstream Slope Failure 1.3 2.03 < 1/143 000 22.21
SWD Empty, Liner Operational and Drains Functional 1.5 1.84 < 1/143 000 18.32
SWD Empty, Liner Damaged and Drains Functional 1.3 1.5 < 1/143 000 10.96
SWD Empty, Liner Damaged and Drains
1.3 1.06 0.05 1.47
SWD Full, Liner Operational and Drains Functional 1.5 3.12 < 1/143 000 36.03
SWD Full, Liner Damaged and Drains Functional 1.3 2.27 < 1/143 000 24.23
SWD Full, Liner Damaged and Drains
1.3 1.52 < 1/143 000 9.98

Table 6.26: Slope Stability Results for the SWD

Minimum Deterministi Probability Reliability

Slope Stability Analysis of the SWD
FoS c FoS of Failure Index
SWD Downstream Slope 1.3 2.32 < 1/143 000 33.97

SWD Upstream Slope 1.3 1.66 < 1/143 000 19.29

SWD Full, Liner Operational, Drains Functional 1.5 2.32 < 1/143 000 34.01

SWD Full, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.3 2.11 < 1/143 000 25.67

SWD Full, Liner Damaged, Drains Non-Functional 1.3 1.66 < 1/143 000 25.98

6.12.2 Pseudo-Static Slope Stability Analysis

Earthquakes impose additional loads on TSFs and embankment dams over and above those
experienced under static conditions. The earthquake loading is of short duration, cyclic and
involves motion in the horizontal and vertical directions. To assess whether a dam can safely
absorb these additional earthquake-induced loads, a pseudo-static analysis is performed.

The approach involves a conventional limit equilibrium stability analysis and incorporates a
horizontal inertia force to represent the effects of the earthquake loading. The vertical force is
usually ignored in a pseudo-static analysis since most earthquakes produce a peak vertical
acceleration less than the peak horizontal acceleration, and the vertical pseudo-static force
usually has much less of an effect on the stability of a slope. The horizontal inertia force is
expressed as a product of a seismic coefficient (k) and the weight of the sliding mass.

For Tri-K, a horizontal inertia force, or seismic coefficient of 0.039 g has been utilised, as
detailed in Sections 3.2 and 5.4 of the seepage and slope stability report attached in
Appendix 6.9.

Table 6.27, Table 6.28 and Table 6.29 summarise the pseudo-static results for the TSF,
highlighting the scenarios that do not meet the minimum requirements. The highlighted
scenarios are discussed in further detail in Section 6.12.3.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 340 of 566

Table 6.27: FoS Results for the Pseudo-Static Slope Stability Analysis

Minimum Deterministi Probability Reliability

TSF – Pseudo-Static with 0.039 g
FoS c FoS of Failure Index
Tailing Storage Facility Failure
Operational Pool, Liner Operational, Drains
1.1 1.38 < 1/143,000 18.70
Operational Pool, Liner Operational, Drains
1.1 1.31 < 1/143,000 15.61
Operational Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.1 1.33 < 1/143,000 17.50
Storm Pool, Liner Operational, Drains Functional 1.1 1.38 < 1/143 000 18.70
Storm Pool, Liner Operational, Drains
1.1 1.28 < 1/143,000 14.19
Storm Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.1 1.30 < 1/143,000 16.03
Tailing Storage Facility Starter Wall Failure
Operational Pool, Liner Operational, Drains
1.1 1.35 < 1/143 000 14.06
Operational Pool, Liner Operational, Drains
1.1 1.34 < 1/143 000 14.00
Operational Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.1 1.23 < 1/143 000 8.39
Storm Pool, Liner Operational, Drains Functional 1.1 1.35 < 1/143 000 15.81
Storm Pool, Liner Operational, Drains
1.1 1.33 < 1/143 000 14.60
Storm Pool, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.1 1.20 < 1/143 000 7.08

Table 6.28: RWD Pseudo-Static Analysis Results Summary

Minimum Deterministic Probability Reliabilit

RWD Pseudo-Static Analysis with 0.039g
FoS FoS of Failure y Index
SWD Full, Liner Operational, Drains Functional 1.1 2.72 < 1/143 000 33.33

SWD Empty, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.1 1.36 < 1/143 000 7.84

SWD Full, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.1 1.96 < 1/143 000 20.34

SWD Empty, Liner Damaged, Drains Non-Functional 1.1 1.03 0.97 -2.24

SWD Full, Liner Damaged, Drains Non-Functional 1.1 1.33 < 1/143 000 6.99

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 341 of 566

Table 6.29: SWD Pseudo-Static Analysis Results Summary

Minimum Deterministic Probability Reliability

SWD Pseudo-Static Analysis with 0.039g
FoS FoS of Failure Index

SWD Empty, Upstream 1.1 1.51 < 1/143 000 15.36

SWD Full, Liner Operational, Drains Functional 1.1 2.06 < 1/143 000 29.76

SWD Full, Liner Damaged, Drains Functional 1.1 1.86 < 1/143 000 21.40

SWD Full, Liner Damaged, Drains Non-Functional 1.1 1.46 < 1/143 000 21.60

6.12.3 Results of the Analyses

Based on the results of the seepage and slope stability analyses, the following may be

• The seepage analyses show that operational drains and an operational liner have a
significant impact on the position of the phreatic surface.
• The size of the pool has an effect on the phreatic surface, a larger pool increases the
phreatic surface.
• The TSF has been designed with working drains, therefore, the drains should be
monitored throughout the design life of the TSF. Non-functional drains decrease the
stability of the TSF.
• Under the designed operational conditions, the TSF, RWD and SWD are considered
stable, as the minimum requirements for FoS, probability of failure and reliability are
• In the case of a seismic event, based on the pseudo-static analysis, catastrophic failure
of the TSF, RWD and SWD is unlikely as the minimum FoS is above 1.1 under the
designed operational conditions.
• There is one scenario where the RWD does not meet the minimum requirements (as
highlighted in Table 6.25 and Table 6.28), and would be considered unstable. This is
under an upset condition during the dry season when the SWD is empty, the RWD
liner is damaged, and the curtain drain is non-functional. Under static conditions the
following results were achieved:

o FoS: 1.06
o Probability of failure of 0.5 (where 1 would be considered failure)
o A reliability index of 1.47

• Under pseudo-static conditions, the above-mentioned scenario (of an RWD with a

damaged liner and non-functional drains) is worsened, with the following results being

o FoS: 1.03
o Probability of failure of 0.97 (where 1 would be considered failure)
o A reliability index of -2.24

• This scenario (during the dry season when the SWD is empty, the RWD liner is
damaged, and the curtain drain is non-functional) is considered an upset condition and

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 342 of 566

could be avoided if the correct quality assurance and quality control standards are
implemented during construction and the curtain drain manhole is routinely inspected
and maintained during operations. However, it can be eliminated by flattening the
downstream slope of the RWD during the detailed design phase of the TSF.
• Slope stability analyses show that operational drains increase the stability of the TSF.
Furthermore, having an operational liner further increases the stability of all the
facilities within the TSF.
• The side slopes of the TSF are adequate and allow for factors of safety, probability of
failure, and a reliability index to satisfy the recommended values.

6.12.4 Recommendations

Based on the results of the analyses and the conclusions drawn, the following are

• The downstream slope of the RWD is to be re-evaluated during the detailed design,
and possibly flattened to improve the stability for the unlikely event that the liner is
damaged, and the curtain drain is non-functional.
• Toe drains are to be installed on the inside perimeter of the TSF and a curtain drain is
to be installed in both the RWD and SWD. These drains are to be monitored during
the life of the TSF as they aid in reducing the elevation of the phreatic surface,
increasing the safety of the facility.
• The TSF pool is to be maintained small throughout the life of the facility.
• A monitoring programme should be developed and piezometers installed into the TSF
to determine and record the location of the phreatic surface. The location of the
phreatic surface should then be compared to the seepage analyses predicted in this
section for any variations or discrepancies.


The TSF closure, rehabilitation and aftercare have been covered by Reminex and ABS Africa,
under the overall mine closure and rehabilitation (see Section 10). Some of the tasks
associated with the closure of the TSF include the following:

• Closing of the penstock

• Earth compacted capping of the TSF
• Widening of the spillways
• Treatment and drainage of the RWD and SWD, once the TSF has been capped
• Widening of the spillways
• Post-closure monitoring and repairs.


The following conclusions may be drawn from the work documented in this section:

• A BFS design of the TSF associated with the Tri-K Gold mine has been undertaken to
sufficient detail to determine the following:

o A capital cost estimate to an accuracy of +15 %, -10 %

o Operating costs to an accuracy of ± 20 %

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 343 of 566

• The TSF has been designed taking cognisance of the surrounding environment (rivers
and any environmental constraints), the location of the plant and pit, and technical and
financial constraints.
• The TSF has been designed to accommodate a volumetric storage capacity of 20 Mt
over an 8.7-year LOM and comprises the following facilities:

o An HDPE-lined self-raising TSF with a maximum height of 32 m and a footprint

area of 81.2 ha
o An HDPE-lined RWD designed to accommodate 5 d of slurry water with a capacity
of 47 700 m3 and a footprint area of 3.74 ha
o An HDPE-lined SWD with a capacity of 356 000 m3 and a footprint area of 12.3 ha
o Associated infrastructure (i.e. slurry delivery infrastructure, access roads, a
penstock, solution pipeline, toe drains, storm water diversions, silt traps, and an
energy dissipator)

• The zone of influence for the TSF has been determined and the facility has been
classified as a medium-hazard dam.
• The proposed depositional methodology for the Tri-K TSF is by means of a self-raising
day wall paddock system. Deposition occurs behind the starter wall for 2 years, from
which it is converted to the upstream day wall paddock system for the remaining
6.7 years, to a final height of 32 m above NGL. The facility operates at an average
RoR of 2.52 m/a.
• Seepage and slope stability analyses have been undertaken on the TSF, RWD and
the SWD (static and pseudo- static) and indicate that the facilities are considered
stable with a low probability of slope failure under designed operational conditions. The
following has been noted:

o The seepage analyses show that operational drains and an operational liner have
a significant impact on the position of the phreatic surface.
o The HDPE liner is necessary to prevent seepage into the underlying soils.
o The size of the pool has an effect on the phreatic surface, a larger pool increases
the phreatic surface.
o The TSF has been designed with working drains, therefore, the drains should be
monitored throughout the design life of the TSF. Non-functional drains decrease
the stability of the TSF.
o The facilities are considered stable with a low probability of slope failure and an
acceptable reliability, under the designed operational conditions.
o Slope stability analyses show that operational drains increase the stability of the
TSF. Furthermore, having an operational liner further increases the stability of all
the facilities within the TSF.
o In the case of a seismic event, based on the pseudo-static analysis, catastrophic
failure of the TSF, RWD and SWD is unlikely as the minimum factor of safety is
above 1.1 under the designed operational conditions.
o The side slopes and overall embankment profile of the TSF and SWD are adequate
and allow for an acceptable FOS and low probabilities of failure.
o Under the designed operational conditions, the RWD meets the minimum criteria;
however, there is one scenario where the RWD does not meet the minimum
requirements and would be considered as unstable. This upset condition is during

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 344 of 566

the dry season when the SWD is empty, the RWD liner is damaged and the curtain
drain is non-functional. This scenario can be avoided if the correct QA/QC
standards are implemented during construction and the curtain drain manhole is
routinely inspected and maintained during operations. However, this scenario can
be eliminated by flattening the downstream slope of the RWD during the detailed
design phase.

• A TSF deterministic monthly water balance has been developed in Microsoft Excel,
based on average monthly, wettest year monthly, and driest year monthly rainfall
figures; average monthly evaporation figures; and the simulated flow of water between
the various facilities within the TSF over the operational LOM. The outcomes of the
water balance indicate the following:

o The TSF water balance is a water positive balance resulting in the need to treat
and discharge water into the downstream environment between two and five
months of the year.
o A treatment/detoxification plant of 8 000 m3/d capacity is likely to operate from 3 d
to 30 d or 31 d of a month (20 000 m3/month to a maximum of 240 000 m3/month)
in order to ensure that the SWD does not discharge untreated water into the
downstream environment.
o The TSF is able to supply the process plant with 80 % of the slurry water volume
pumped to the TSF via the tailings slurry at all times during the LOM.

• The total capital cost associated with the TSF has been determined as
US$23.73 million, to an accuracy of +15 %, -10 %.
• The operating costs associated with the TSF have been estimated at US$7.99 million
over the LOM, which is a total of US$0.88 million per annum.
• The TSF closure, rehabilitation and aftercare have been undertaken by others.
• The total LOM cost associated with the TSF over the duration of the project life has
been estimated at US$32.32 million, with a net present value of a zero-discount rate.


The following recommendations are proposed for consideration and evaluation during the
detailed design of the TSF:

• An extension of the survey around the TSF, to finalise the design of the storm water
management infrastructure. This is particularly for the western perimeter.
• As only two test pits have been excavated in the RWD and SWD, it is recommended
that additional test pits be excavated and profiled, to confirm the assumed depth of
these facilities.
• The detailed design of the spillways, solution pipelines, silt traps, energy dissipator and
spillways should be undertaken.
• The filter design of the elevated and NGL toe drain systems should be undertaken.
• Additional geotechnical testing should be undertaken during the next phase to improve
upon the strength parameters of the in-situ soils and the final tailings products to be
deposited in the TSF.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 345 of 566

• The downstream slope of the RWD should be re-assessed, to determine if the upset
conditions of a damaged liner, non-functional drains and an empty SWD can be
• Various construction and operational QA/QC documentation, a particular
specifications document, operational and inspection manuals should be developed.
• A more detailed BOQ can be obtained for the detailed design and construction of the

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 346 of 566



7.1.1 Introduction

SMM understands that a company’s success in industry is largely a result of the quality of
manpower it possesses. For this reason, it considers the “Human Resource Element” to be
fundamental in its quest to develop a successful gold mining development company.

The Company has spent considerable time and effort developing policies that represent
fairness and equity for all concerned. At the same time, the policies address those particular
characteristics that are associated with the mining industry in the world today. To guarantee
the development of African human capital, local recruitment at the level of the host country is
a preliminary and decisive phase in the success of each project. Thus, the human resources
(HR) team ensures the development of partnerships with recruitment and training institutions
in Guinea that can select, support and prepare future Guinean collaborators.

Managem’s HR process also integrates the reinforcement of the transfer of know-how through
the transfer of expertise. To this end, an active sharing policy is set up to best guarantee this
transfer to Guinean employees.

Managem also offers the new recruits an integration programme to facilitate their integration
and the development of the skills necessary to better fulfil their mission.

In order to create a high level of competence in the local workforce, a strong emphasis will be
placed on the training and hence upgrading of the local workforce. This is something that has
already been achieved in some African countries such as Sudan and Gabon.

SMM possesses a core of professional and managerial employees, whose job it is to ensure
that the mine is developed according to a predetermined plan, including the sourcing of a
suitable mix of skills in the main workforce. This people-skill mix will change depending on the
Company strategy at any point in time. However, the key policy will be to ensure that the
Company attracts and develops, motivates and retains the best people available, whilst at the
same time pursuing a policy of “localisation”. It is important, therefore, that the manpower
policy be congruent with the overall and comprehensive human resources policy pertaining to
the Company and its values.

The human resource element involves a range of issues that, if addressed correctly, will
benefit the stakeholders, some of which are listed below:

• Manpower or workforce
• Surrounding communities
• Incumbent businesses in the area
• Guinean government
• Company management

A balanced strategy will be created to satisfy the expectations of the above-mentioned

stakeholders. This section describes the fundamental factors that the strategy will take into

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The list of company policies (the principles of which will be followed in this venture) is as

• Recruitment
• Remuneration
• Housing
• Industrial Relations
• Safety and Health
• Emergency Response Procedure
• Training and Development
• Community Liaison
• Grievance Mechanisms
• Security

The above-mentioned policies are essential for the preparation of a broad all-inclusive and
satisfactory policy for addressing the human resource element requirements. These policies
are meant to ensure that a successful mine development operation, which satisfies the
requirements and expectations of all involved, is attained.

This section describes the principles to be adopted in the implementation of the above areas.

The proposed workforce is also described in some detail. This has been drawn up based on
a large database of experience with other mines, both within and outside of Africa. The figures
and descriptions provided are considered to accurately reflect the requirements of the Tri-K

7.1.2 Recruitment Policy

To strengthen its human capital, the SMM team has set itself the goal of recruiting
approximately 349 direct employees in the various fields: mining, geology, process plant,
logistics, etc.

For this purpose, the project team, in close collaboration with the Human Resources
Department, have mapped the workforce needs based on the target organisation of the future

Within the setting of the current exploration initiative, a policy has been established to prioritise
the recruitment of personnel from the surrounding areas and the Mandiana Prefecture for
operators, and from the whole country for specialised people. It is envisaged that this policy
will not change fundamentally for the implementation of the project or the operation thereafter. Summary

For the purposes of recruitment, several aspects need to be considered in order to match the
right person with the right job. These aspects will include requirements from potential
employees pertaining to their level of competence, education, experience, geographical
origin/mobility and aspirations. These selection criteria will permit the mobilisation of an
effective workforce, able to successfully develop and operate a modern gold mine.

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As part of the recruitment process, SMM will set up a committee of business experts, which
will be responsible for the evaluation, pre-selection and selection of candidates. Criteria for Candidates

Table 7.1 provides the criteria for the candidates.

Table 7.1: Criteria for Candidates

Criterion Description
Competence and First and foremost, potential recruits must understand the requirements of and be
Education (Qualifications) qualified for a particular job, including its health and safety aspects.
Experience Preference will be given to those persons who are able to exhibit proof of
experience in terms of years worked in the particular trade of relevance. This will
also allow the Company to develop a career path for the candidate.
Integrity The integrity of the potential employee should be easily demonstrated (he/she
should not have a record of anti-social or dishonest behaviour). This criterion
makes it possible to have a degree of confidence between the employee and the
Teamwork It is only through inter-disciplinary teamwork that an operation of this size and type
can be run successfully. Therefore, candidates who can demonstrate this ability or
experience will be favoured.
Training Culture A culture of training is one of the most important aspects of SMM’s policy, i.e. there
needs to be a skills transfer from experienced staff to new staff via formal internal
training or on-the-job training, as well as external formal training where appropriate.
It is of relevance to every level within the organisation, from senior management to
junior labour staff. It is of key importance because Guinea has significant mining
experience and possesses a pool of operational talent in the mining industry.
Within the framework of the training, strategies will be put in place to the advantage
of workers to enable them to improve themselves and to acquire lasting knowledge
and skills, which they will be able to use elsewhere at the end of the life of mine.
Promotion Every worker will be entitled to be promoted on certain occasions, subject to the
level and quality of his services and the availability of a suitable position, through a
formal evaluation or performance appraisal process.
Skills SMM expects every employee to organise and perform his work according to the
specified task requirements, so as to be safe, efficient and effective.
Social Partnership Based on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles of the Company,
trade-union freedom and the freedom of expression of the representatives of
workers are guaranteed. Regular meetings take place between the Company and
the representatives of the personnel within a committee named CCLM (Comité de
prévention des conflits dans les sites miniers: Conflict Prevention Committee in
Mining Sites) in order to discuss problems relating to the work conditions within the
Non-Discrimination SMM is willing to recruit any person regardless of his race, colour, creed (religion),
gender or age. SMM actively engages in a policy of non-tolerance towards any
transgression of this policy. It offers an equal chance to all personnel to reach
positions of responsibility according to their aptitude.
Multiculturalism It is a matter of course that personnel recruited for this operation on behalf of SMM
will come from several different cultures, e.g. local and expatriate personnel. There
will be a variety of different nationalities each with its own distinct culture. For this
reason, an atmosphere of understanding, tolerance and mutual respect will be
Safety Taking into account the inherent risks of the gold mining industry and the particular
dangers involved, the Company has developed and adapted specific applicable
procedures which are to be followed by both the Company and the employees in
order to minimise the risk of industrial accidents to both body and property.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 349 of 566 Availability of Skills

The major criteria that will be used by the Company will be the level of competence and
experience that a potential employee brings to a given position, as well as the capacity for
transfer of these skills so as to create an efficient and effective workforce. Thus, in supervisory
positions, an ability to communicate in Malinke, French and English would be preferred, in
addition to the inherent skill base or sufficient technical know-how that the potential recruit

However, the reality of the socio-economic situation of the immediate external environment
must also be considered. In short, not all skills will be available locally. Requests for personnel
are posted on recruitment notices on communication boards established in the local villages
in order to inform the local population. At the same time, these requests will be published in
Conakry and other Guinean cities such as Kankan, Siguiri, and also through the AGUIPE
(Agence Guinéenne de Promotion de L’emploi: Guinean Employment Promotion Agency) etc.
and eventually possibly abroad.

Initially, candidates will be chosen from the neighbouring localities; recruiting will only be
opened to wider zones in the event that the required skills cannot be found locally. Effective Recruiting

SMM is an exploration and development company focused on the exploitation of gold deposits.
Its success is subject to its effectiveness in recruiting skilled and diligent personnel. Therefore,
the company cannot recruit personnel according to subjective criteria, e.g. based on who one
knows, nepotism or arbitrary recommendations. The Company will ensure that discrimination
is avoided and that a fair chance is given to all applicants. It is imperative that only suitably
qualified people are engaged.

Thus, for the short, medium and long term, the aims of the recruitment policy are to reinforce
the following:

• Social justice: Recruitment of personnel will be conducted based on clearly stated

objective criteria. All applicants will be subject to a preliminary evaluation.
• Professionalism: Procedures and tasks will conform to a norm considered to be
professional and fair.
• Positive partnerships: Stakeholders in the area will co-exist in a spirit of mutual
cooperation to benefit all.
• Positive corporate image: It is necessary to foster SMM’s positive corporate image
both locally and at national level, so as to avoid unnecessary confrontations and
conflicts of interest.

All of the above precepts are to be transparent and readily accessible by all. To this end,
recruitment notices will be published in Malinke and French and be placed in the relevant
zones concerned. Recruitment Procedure

The recruitment of national employees will be conducted in accordance with the steps
described in Managem’s recruitment procedure as provided in Appendix 7.1.

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The internal mobility of Managem's experts, according to the need for critical skills, will be
done following Managem’s internal mobility procedure as shown in Appendix 7.2.

The steps of the recruitment campaign are summarised in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1: Steps of the Recruitment Campaign Conclusion

It must be taken into account that the Tri-K Project will comprise two phases:

• A transient implementation or construction phase, which will last approximately two

• The subsequent operational phase, which will last until the end of the life of mine

During the first phase, there will be a steady increase in the number of personnel to a
maximum, whereupon it will by necessity be downsized as the construction nears completion.
Personnel recruited for this phase will need to understand the limited nature of the work and
so will be recruited for periods to suit the construction programme. A job-for-life policy simply
cannot be accommodated during this phase.

The subsequent operational phase, which will last until the end of the life of mine becomes
more important towards the end of the construction phase. This will be the permanent

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workforce. For this reason, greater care will be taken when recruiting for this period, as this
involves career choices, as well as ensuring competence for the various disciplines involved
in such a venture.

However, there will be a link between the construction and the operational phases. Preference
will be given to those personnel involved in the construction phase who have shown
exceptional initiative and a desire and record of acquiring new skills rapidly. Such persons can
only be of benefit to the Company going forward in its quest for success. Such a policy is
known to work, based on numerous other experiences with the building of new mines in Africa,
where it has paid huge dividends in ensuring the right person is selected for the right job. This
policy will be actively encouraged and supported by the Company.

7.1.3 Remuneration Policy

Remuneration will comply with all the legal requirements of Guinea. It will also be aligned to
the Mining Industry Collective Agreement, once this is agreed and signed. The remuneration
policy will be guided by the above, as well as be complemented by any future agreements at
an operational level such as a collective agreement that might occur between the Company
and the workforce.

The Company further aims to have a remuneration policy that rewards and recognises
performance, and the Company will monitor salaries paid to similar positions in the industry

Based on Mercer's job market compensation surveys in Guinea, SMM has designed a pay
grid and a classification system of the different grade levels correlated to Mercer’s ranks and
based on best practices. Salary Levels

Mine operational remuneration levels will be set so that the required skills can be attracted to
and retained by the mine. The remuneration for each category of job will reflect the minimum
salary scales as defined in the Mining Industry Collective Agreement, to ensure that all legal
requirements are met. That said, however, the philosophy of the Company will be to pay
affordable and competitive salaries, which for the most part will be defined in the collective
agreement and will likely exceed these prescribed minimum levels.

An annualised salary will be agreed with each employee and stipulated in the Contract of
Employment. The annualised salary will be paid in equal instalments. Salary Review

The Company proposes to adopt a policy of performance-related pay, i.e. good performers
should be paid more than poor performers. Thus, advancement will be linked to a performance
management system based on results, which will be manifested by a performance appraisal

Salaries will be reviewed annually and will be in accordance with the collective agreement
and/ or memoranda of understanding with the social partners.

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An employee’s salary will be reviewed by taking into consideration the following:

• Individual performance
• Cost of living/inflation in the country
• Devaluation of the GNF compared to the USD
• Negotiations with the social partners
• Improving the retention of skills, and the level of external competitiveness in the job
• Market movement
• Company performance and the capacity of the Company to pay Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal will be an ongoing process involving the employee and his or her
supervisor. Its purpose will be to

• Improve individual performance.

• Provide an objective process for reviewing salaries.
• Identify means of improving company performance.

When a performance appraisal takes place, the employee is given the opportunity of
completing a self-assessment. An interview between the employee and supervisor is held to
discuss the respective job aspects prior to the supervisor assessing the performance.

The appraisal is also concerned with aspirations and methods of improving performance. It
should be completed and approved by the supervisor prior to the interview.

Performance appraisals should be completed once a year at a time agreed by the relevant

It will be the responsibility of the General Manager to review the performance appraisal
process and ensure that it has been fair, accurate and comprehensive.

7.1.4 Accommodation Policy

The Company recognises that employees will originate from many different sources, possess
different cultural backgrounds and levels of skill. For this reason, a housing policy has been
developed to cater for this wide range of requirements.

It is clear that expatriates and senior managers will need to be housed directly on the mining

Other personnel will be sourced both locally and nationally, and the policy will be to maximise
the local recruitment drive as much as possible so as to minimise the influx momentum that
so often accompanies such ventures. This influx momentum not only places a strain on the
current resources in the surrounding area, particularly on food and water resources, but also
introduces added strain to the waste management system.

The recruitment of national employees from other regions will, however, be unavoidable
particularly where they possess the skills that match the Company’s needs. Integration into
the local community of these personnel will be encouraged, however, by the very nature of

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their elevated skills base, they will most likely already possess their own living accommodation
elsewhere in the country. In such cases, separate dedicated accommodation arrangements
will be used to facilitate this portion of the Tri-K Project envisaged manpower.

The Company housing policy is outlined in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2: Company Housing Policy

Type of Employee Description Type of Housing

Expatriates Employees who have skills, International-grade housing at the expatriate
knowledge or experience that is camp on the mine property.
unavailable in the host country and The camp will have central catering and
who are required to be available on a lounge facilities.
seven-days-a-week, 24-hours-a-day
basis to the operation.
Senior Managers Employees who need to be close to Housing at the expatriate camp on the mine
(Nationals of Host the operation in order to manage property
Country) emergency situations as and when
they arise and to manage their
responsibilities effectively.
National Technicians Employees recruited by the mine In terms of the Social Impact Assessment
(from the Local Area) from the local area recommendations, technicians from local
villages will be encouraged to remain in their
existing accommodation and contribute to
the economic well-being of their
National Technicians Employees recruited by the mine Housing via a housing allowance or the
(from Outside the Local from outside the local area provision of single status accommodation.
Area) To minimise transport costs, mine housing
will be located close to the mine (~6 km).
National Operators National Operators will live in one of SMM will ensure transport of these
the neighbouring villages (Loila, employees from their villages to the mine
Koromandugu, Kodiaran, Komana, location.

As a matter of policy and in line with the Social Impact Study recommendations, mine housing
will be located adjacent to an existing village so that the structures will be sustainable and
form part of the village into the future. This policy also facilitates employees taking part in
cultural and community religious activities and making use of local infrastructure such as

Table 7.3 summarises the number of people hosted per camp.

Table 7.3: Number of People per Camp

Camp Number of People

Expatriate Camp 85
Technician Camp 108

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 354 of 566

Central facilities are available in the neighbouring villages (Loila, Kormandugu, Kodiaran,
Komana, Marena) and they include the following:

• City/Town Hall
• Gendarmerie
• Meeting hall
• Market
• Bus station
• Football field

7.1.5 Industrial Relations Policy

This pertains in particular to the relationship that will exist between the Company management
and the workforce. It is important that such a relationship be based on sound and tested
principles that are posted and understood by all concerned. To this end, the Company has
undertaken to outline the criteria or framework within which this relationship should conduct
its affairs as follows:

• The Company will follow the Guinean Labour Code and all other applicable texts and
laws in its Industrial Relations Policy.
• The Company recognises the right to unions, and union representation of all workers.
• The Company will negotiate a collective agreement with the employee representatives,
which will govern the detailed relationship between the Company and its employees.
It will cover, but not be limited to, the following:

o Classification of workers according to the descriptions of the tasks for the various
o Salary scales linking the various classifications of jobs and levels of experience
o Equivalent work week for the various job classifications, overtime and holidays
o Seniority
o Vacation and leave (paid days off)
o Premiums and indemnities
o Evaluation and promotion
o Medical care
o Place of hire different from the work site
o Rights and obligations of the Company and those of the union and its members
o Terms and working conditions for employees
o Articles designed to establish and continuously strengthen harmonious working
relationships within the Company
o A section relating to the development and maintenance of workplace discipline,
mutual respect, mutual trust and a cooperative spirit between management and
employees, in order to ensure the success of the project/mine, which will benefit
both parties and benefit the country as a whole
o Dispute resolution procedure
o Disciplinary procedure/code
o Grievance procedure
o Retrenchment procedure (dismissals due to operational reasons)
o Communication systems/procedures including regular joint meetings to ensure
rapid problem solving and transparency between the parties

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o Safety rules and procedures

• The Company’s recruitment policy forms an integral part of this industrial relations
• The Company’s internal regulations deal with disciplinary issues. This is also part of
the industrial relations policy and ensures the morality of the employees.

7.1.6 Safety and Health Policy

Safety is of prime importance to the Company, and all employees will be required to perform
their duties in accordance with the Company's Safety Rules and Regulations and any legal
requirements in this regard, and to take responsibility for their own and their fellow employees’
health and safety.

It will be the prime responsibility of the senior manager on site to ensure that the Safety and
Health Policy is understood and enforced throughout the operations. Each departmental
superintendent will ensure the same within his department. Incident frequency rates will be
measured and targeted for each quarter.

The Company will undertake to ensure that all employees are thoroughly briefed on the safety
rules and regulations. The mine will have safety training programmes, the objective of which
will be to ensure that employees have the knowledge to recognise and manage hazards and
are enabled to work safely and healthily. The environmental and safety manager, in co-
operation with the medical officer will coordinate the programmes.

The Company will provide safety equipment as required by each worker. The safety and
protective equipment provided by the Company must be utilised by employees as outlined in
the safety rules and regulations and taught at safety courses. To ensure that these rules and
regulations are followed, any breach will result in disciplinary action being taken by the
Company. Such equipment will remain the property of the Company and must be maintained
in good condition and returned to the Company on termination of service.

A joint management/employee company safety committee will operate during both the
construction and mining phases of the project and liaise closely with the union and its hygiene
and security committees.

The requirements of the Labour Law will be adhered to.

All employees (including permanent, part-time and casual employees) and contractors will be
required to accept the following responsibilities as a condition of employment:

• To perform all work in the safest possible manner through recognition and
management of hazards prior to starting a task.
• To obey all lawful written and verbal safety and health instructions.
• To use correctly all personal protective clothing and equipment.
• To take corrective action to eliminate or isolate all hazards recognised.
• To report and seek appropriate first aid or medical treatment for injuries, however
• To assist with the investigations of all accident incidents.

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• To only perform tasks for which they have been trained and in which they are
• Employees are forbidden to perform any task that they consider to be unsafe. They
must call their supervisor and make it safe. Safety Meetings

Each functional discipline will hold workplace safety meetings (tool-box talks) such that every
employee will be involved. Central Committee

This committee is made up of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the general managers of
activities and led by the director of safety and working conditions. Site Security Committee

This committee is made up of the operations director and heads of department and is hosted
by Occupational Health Safety Manager of the site. Site Security Subcommittee

This committee is made up of the head of department, engineers, technicians, and operators
and is hosted by one of the members of the committee alternatively. Health and Safety Tours

Regular tours will be taken of the work sites by teams composed of members of the safety
department, the departmental superintendent, direct supervisors, and employee
representatives to ensure that the Safety and Health Policy is being properly applied in the
work place. Safety Issues Discussions

The safety issues discussions are conducted with the aim of observing and encouraging safe
behaviour and correcting risk situations.

Each senior staff member conducts safety issues discussions according to a monthly schedule
that defines the place of visit. Safety Anomalies Detection

Operational staff conduct safety anomalies detection actions according to a pre-established

checklist. Inspection

At least once a year, inspections are carried out on the following by experts:

• Electrical equipment
• Pressure equipment
• Steam equipment

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• Mining equipment
• Geotechnical and field control Safety Interventions

On a regular basis, the senior manager, intermediate managers, departmental

superintendents, and supervisors will have one-on-one sessions with the employees to ensure
that they know and understand the hazards of their job, and that they have taken the necessary
steps to remove or isolate the associated hazards.

At any time, where personnel see a hazard while going about their normal business, they have
the power to stop the job and have it removed.

Each site has a Rescuers’ unit called “EPI” First Intervention Team. The mission of this team
is to

• Save human lives.

• Minimise material damage.
• Cover all activities of the Tri-K Project. Personal Protective Equipment

Upon engagement, each employee will be provided with personal protective equipment (PPE)
as required for the job (see Table 7.4). Replacement of these items of protective clothing will
be on a fair wear and tear basis. It will be a condition of employment for the employee to wear
the protective clothing and equipment when and where directed.

Table 7.4: Personal Protective Equipment

Description of PPE Safety Signs

Minimum PPE required to wear on site:

• Safety Helmet
• Safety Glasses
• Visibility Jacket
• Gloves
• Safety Shoes

Extra PPE depending on activity and work location:

• Face protection
• Ear protection:
• Dust or Gas musk
• Fall harness = 1.80 m

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 358 of 566 Pre-Employment Medical

Prior to permanent employment, the Company will ensure that an examination is conducted
by its medical practitioners at the Company’s expense to:

• Ensure that the employee is not exposed to an unacceptable level of risk through the
performance of his or her duties.
• Ensure that other employees or persons are not exposed to unacceptable risk due to
the medical condition of the employee.
• Provide baseline data on the health of employees.

The above will be subject to all other company policies already mentioned and the principles
of confidentiality will be observed.

All employees will be required to pass a pre-employment medical examination.

Expatriates will be medically examined at their place of recruitment before travelling to site
and local employees will be medically examined for fitness to work by the mine clinic or at their
place of recruitment if outside the area. Health Monitoring

As part of the Company’s commitment to the protection of employee’s health, the Company
may, from time to time, monitor the effect of certain aspects of the work environment (including
but not limited to dust, noise and chemicals) on the health of individual employees.

Monitoring programmes will be developed and implemented in consultation with the

employees concerned. Any information collected as part of the process will be made available
to the individual and will be treated as confidential. The results of monitoring may, where
appropriate, be used to develop strategies for maintaining or improving the health of an
individual employee or changing the work environment, work practices or materials to maintain
or improve employee health in general. Medical Facilities

A single-structure medical facility will be built on the mine property and will cater for minor
injuries and stabilisation of serious injuries prior to evacuation to a hospital. This facility will
also cater for periodic medical examinations of employees to detect and prevent the
development of disease or health impairment as a result of the working environment. The
clinic will also treat minor ailments but will not provide treatment for chronic conditions. Medical
records will be maintained for each employee and an active immunisation programme will be
maintained. A dispensary will also be housed in the same structure.

Evacuation to a hospital will take place by road in a suitably equipped ambulance or by air
from the mine's airstrip.

Programmes to help the local communities with respect to health care, malaria, AIDS and
vaccination awareness will be administered from this facility by the mine doctor and his staff.

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The mine will employ a doctor and nurses. During the initial construction phase, a paramedic
will be employed on the site, and will be able to call on the services of a company doctor when
required. As work progresses, a doctor will be made available to the site.

An evacuation procedure for seriously ill patients will be in place at all phases of construction
and mining operations.

7.1.7 Emergency Response Procedure

It is important to have in place an effective and comprehensive emergency response plan,

which has the potential to save lives, prevent unnecessary damage to company and other
property, and to manage/minimise environmental risk. The purpose of this procedure will be
to provide guidance to all mine employees and contractors as to their responsibilities in the
event of an environmental emergency.

An emergency is an unplanned event, which has the potential to result in a significant adverse
environmental (biophysical and socio-economic) or other impact and could result in legal
liability to the Company in terms of legislation commitments. The event occurs over the short
term and requires an immediate response.

A procedure will be developed so as to provide guidance to ensure that

• Danger to the environment, personnel, contractors and the public is minimised.

• Legal liability is managed and minimised.
• Public relations are effectively managed during and following an emergency.
• Reporting is effective and corrective follow-up actions are implemented.

The procedure will define the responsibilities from management level down to labourer level
in the event of

• A potentially hazardous chemical or effluent spill

• Fire
• Gaseous emissions
• Breakout of contaminated workings
• Pit slope failure
• Power outage
• Other emergencies requiring special services e.g. transportation accidents
• Natural forces, e.g. major rainfall event or seismic action
• External forces, e.g. war

The procedures that are put in place seek to address any emergency in both the short term
(to minimise detrimental effects) and the long term (to attempt to prevent recurrence, report
on the incident and/or to propose improvements to the reaction plan). Both phases will require
a suitable communication network to be in place. This will be manifested by the already
proposed adequate physical communications hardware on site, but also the establishment of
appropriate communication channels, so that the necessary personnel and legal entities
(emergency response personnel, communities affected and governmental bodies) are

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7.1.8 Disease Prevalence

According to household reports, malaria is the disease that most affects households (53 %).
There was no formal malaria awareness and prevention campaign conducted by the
government apart from some interventions and ad hoc initiatives by some NGOs. In surveys,
80 % of households said they had at least one net, but none of them used it. Two-thirds of
households are aware of the means of malaria transmission, but the others still have poor

HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the project area are expected to be relatively low, as the
conservative sexual norms of the population are likely to reduce the spread, but in the absence
of more accurate data, it is difficult to know the prevalence rate with certainty.

In Guinea, unprotected sex is the leading cause of HIV transmission, and approximately 1.7 %
of the adult population was estimated to be HIV positive in 2015 (USAID, 2016).

Eighty-five per cent of Guinean children were vaccinated, but this rate varies according to sub-
prefectures (100 % for the Dala Diaram sector and 86 % for the Mandiana CU and the
Koundian SP).

Pregnant women and children under five years of age are considered at risk because they are
more vulnerable and exposed to disease. Possible Future Interventions

The Company intends to undertake some future interventions subject to dialogue and
agreement with various community initiatives already in place. Such interventions will include
the following:

• An NGO may be approached to help neighbouring populations win the fight against
malaria. The safety representatives from all departments, contractors and the
representatives of neighbouring populations would take part in such training.
• Malaria signs and symptoms with the methods used to prevent and treat malaria will
be presented.
• HIV/AIDS will be presented by peer educators from an NGO to all safety
representatives and the medical personnel from the local clinics will be trained
regarding STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), their associated treatment, and
• The immunisation process will be explained to convince the population that

o Immunisation is one of the most cost-effective health investments, with proven

o It can be delivered effectively through outreach activities
o Vaccination does not require any major lifestyle change

As a result of its awareness and education programmes, the Company would expect the
outcomes to include the following:

• Minimised workplace disruption and lost productivity

• Reduced health care costs for employees and their family (by helping to prevent

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• Clear demonstration of the Company’s concern for the welfare of employees and their
• Establishment of the medical department as a reliable and up-to-date source of
information and assistance
• Assurances that those employees infected with or affected by transmitted disease,
sought appropriate counselling, medical and social support as made available through
company resources.

7.1.9 Training and Development Mining Personnel Introduction

The remote location of the Tri-K Gold Project dictates that certain additional requirements be
fulfilled to ensure that the plant is largely self-sufficient and utilises local resources as much
as possible, especially in terms of manpower. SMM intends to employ selected personnel with
specific remote location operational experience, as well as to recruit and train people from the
local communities, where possible. It is contemplated that some of the site construction crew
will be transitioned to operational roles once the mine is operational in order to provide a solid
background and understanding of the facility.

Providing its employees with a framework of developing skills and revealing talent is not only
key to SMM’s success, but also a duty and an integral part of its social responsibility.

Thus, SMM has included training as a major focus of its human resources development plan,
with the following strategic objectives:

• Developing SMM’s expertise in safety and performance

• Promoting the culture and values of Managem
• Capitalising on know-how
• Accompanying national and international projects

Managem chose to adopt the competency approach to develop training programmes tailored
to the needs of these entities as shown in Figure 7.2.

This approach was developed as part of a partnership with the Canadian CEGEP (French
acronym for Collège d'enseignement général et professionnel), which accompanied Managem
to develop its training centre programmes.

Mining operations will be mainly subcontracted. Only supervisory positions will be internally

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 362 of 566


Analysis of
Evaluation work

Development Identification
of training of
programmes competences

Figure 7.2: Development of Training Programmes Overview

To ensure that all positions are filled in accordance with the implementation schedule, SMM
will start a recruitment campaign prior to commencement of construction. It is essential that
positions requiring specific skills be filled initially by expatriates, who will provide knowledge
and experience for the mining operations and will train the lesser experienced personnel. It is
expected that as the knowledge base increases more local personnel will fill more senior and
supervisory positions.

All staff will undergo a mandatory safety induction prior to entering the site. Once an appointee
has been selected for a position, a suitably competent person will train that employee. No
person will be allowed to perform work for which they have not received training.

Regular refresher training will be provided and will be conditional on returning from leave or
long absence.

All mine operations will be subject to the laws of Guinea pertaining to the employment and
training of personnel.

Preference will be given to the recruitment of local labour, and particular skills will be sourced
from the whole of Guinea, as necessary. Manpower of other nationalities will only be employed
where it is not possible to recruit a Guinean worker who possesses the qualifications and
competencies required for a particular job. It will be the policy to train and upgrade Guinean
personnel to replace expatriate labour over time where possible.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 363 of 566 Employment Programme

The smooth transition from a geological exploration camp to an efficient mining camp will
require the employment of several experienced expatriate personnel. Initially, there will be a
large requirement to run the mining operations and to train the local workforce.

The mining department is comprised of three important facets:

• Mining operations (subcontractor)

• Mine maintenance (subcontractor)
• Management and technical support (direct and subcontractor)

By 2019, the workforce of the Tri-K mine will reach 383 people (84 employees part of SMM’s
direct mine supervision team and 299 employees from the mining subcontractor’s team).

All the operators (100 %) will be recruited into the local environment through a selection
process based on their technical and behavioural skills.

All the project staff will benefit from the training programme.

A health and safety awareness programme will also cover all the staff, including the
subcontractors’ staff. Plant Operating and Maintenance Personnel

The training plan for the Tri-K project was developed in collaboration with all the project
stakeholders. It aims to prepare the operational workforce by taking into account HR
perspectives in local recruitment, mobility and career development. It is based on the content
of Managem's training offer. Its implementation is planned from 2018 in response to the
following HR objectives of the project:

• Preserve the health and safety of the personnel assigned to the project by transferring
Managem's operational standards and know-how.
• Promote the recruitment and development of communities around the mine.
• Successfully integrate new recruits, by enabling them to acquire the qualifications
required for their job.
• Accompany the teams to achieve the expected performance of the project.

The training programme is specific to the plant operators but can be used for plant
maintenance and administration personnel as well.

The training programme will commence during the construction phase, approximately nine
months before production and will intensify towards commissioning. This is because there is
a need to recruit metallurgical and maintenance training officers in time for them to identify
training needs and assist in the recruitment of quality operators/assistants. In addition, these
training officers will ensure that the locals are continuously developed for the replacement of

Every attempt will be made to ensure that the training officers are complemented by French-
speaking experienced expatriate operators capable of assisting with training of the locals prior

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 364 of 566

to commissioning and that they are also able to effectively run the operations while supervising
and training the semi-skilled operators.

Wherever possible, the locals employed by the EPCM contractor will be given employment
opportunities as they will be familiar with the safety aspects required and, in the case of
assistants for the artisans, they will have already been trained during the construction period.

It is necessary to train some locals to be trainers; as they understand the culture, they will be
very useful in the training of other locals.

The selection of quality operators from the onset is key, so the Human Resources Department
should and will, if required, call in external resources that will help with the identification of
skills within the country. In addition, departmental heads could be used for this function if
recruited in time.

Suppliers of critical equipment and reagents will be used in specialised training such as
cyanide safety aspects, operation of mills, maintenance of mills, etc. This normally takes place
during commissioning. However, the mine management could enter into maintenance
contracts with suppliers of critical equipment to ensure that relevant knowledge is continuously
passed to the labour force.

Once the plant is commissioned, experience has shown that the plant superintendent and his
technical staff tend to be focussed on production-related issues, often neglecting the need to
train the local operators. External consultants will, therefore, likely be brought in from time to
time to assist the training officers to ensure that expatriates are replaced over time. It is thus
imperative that a proper ongoing skills development programme be in place, against which
the relevant departmental head will be measured.

7.1.10 Community Relations Policy

The Company recognises how important it is to co-exist harmoniously with the surrounding
community. The community should be encouraged to develop in line with both governmental
expectations, as well as its own inherent desires. It is the duty of the Company to facilitate
realistic ideas to this end and to provide a measure of tangible support, so that the entire
region might benefit from an increased level of economic activity.

In general, the Community Liaison Policy of the Company is based on measures that ensure
and promote mutual understanding and partnership. These measures are to be applied in
respect of the Company, as well as the communities’ goals and interests.

This policy includes the creation of a Public Relations Office with a Community Liaison Officer
position to ensure that the correct information concerning the Company’s partnership
objectives is received by the stakeholders and that the issues and concerns from the
communities are addressed.

The main elements of the Company’s partnership objectives are as follows:

• The Company is there to make a profit with the eventual exploitation and sale of gold.
• The Company will share some of the benefits with

o local communities

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 365 of 566

o governing ministries
o NGOs, to develop certain sectors such as health and education

• In order to make this project work, the Company requires, among other things,

o Competent, moral manpower

o Security in the region
o Local agriculture and animal husbandry
o Construction materials (wood, bricks)
o Furniture for offices and houses
o Cloth and clothing
o Road development from Conakry to Kankan

For those willing to supply or develop the items mentioned above, a reasonable lifestyle in
terms of social development may be gained. Such businesses will have a moderate measure
of durability.

The Company has undertaken a number of initiatives to foster community involvement and
participation in the Tri-K Project so as to encourage the expected mutual benefits. These
initiatives are briefly summarised as follows:

• The investigation of the villages and households to determine their standard of living,
and to assess their concerns regarding the project.
• The creation of a Community Consultative Committee (CCC) as a close and regular
community partner with the end goal of enhancing communication and improving the
stakeholders’ management of their participation in the project.
• The planning of indemnification/compensation for people whose activities may be
• The installation of communication boards in the surrounding villages to ensure that all
stakeholders are regularly informed and aware of the project activities and progress.
Thereafter, to accept their feedback and concerns.
• The distribution of Project Information Documents (PIDs) in both French and Malinke,
and a slide show to explain the Company, its plans, its needs and benefits to the
• The establishment of a grievance mechanism that provides the opportunity for
stakeholders to express their grievances so that the Company can manage them
• The establishment of focus groups to respond to questions and concerns of local
• The encouragement of local market gardening through the purchase of local vegetable
and fruit produce.

Though far from exhaustive, the above gives an indication of where the focus will lie for the
project. Whilst being engaged in the above activities, the Company will intensify its
communication efforts with stakeholders in national, regional and local government, NGOs
and other community actors in the area immediately surrounding the Tri-K project.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 366 of 566

It will be equally important, once these communication channels have been opened, that they
remain both effective and maintained, necessitating a degree of formality to be adopted to
document meetings, concerns and follow-up actions.

Great care will be taken to ensure that expectations within the communities are not inflated
(which is common to many mining projects), but that when the implementation and operational
phases finally commence that expectations remain aligned with reality and are understood as

A Code of Conduct will likely be drawn up to indicate how all parties should interact. This
should include a grievance mechanism in the event of there being conflicts between the

During the feasibility study of this project, technical staff accommodations, the locations of
communities, and archaeological sites have been taken into account with a view to minimising
the social impact of the project.

As a result, it is acknowledged that the Company will compensate agricultural lands on the
project areas that need to be occupied. Negotiations regarding these compensation issues
will be attended to by the appropriate judicial authorities and the affected communities.

7.1.11 Procedure for Management of Grievances

In addition to the typical grievance procedures that will be in place within the work
environment, the Company has also put in place a simple mechanism to manage complaints
from the community based on the procedure below:

• Deposit of complaints at the main gate or through the CCLM.

• Reception of complaints or the plaintiffs by the Community Relations Department
• Visit to the site of the problem by the plaintiff and the Community Relations Officer to
note the damage.
• Handling of the problem by the Community Relations Officer by the following

o Complementary explanations in the case of simple misunderstanding.

o A just and adequate compensation of loss of agriculture or other livelihood based
on a logical system of accounting for such according to the laws in effect.

• Grievances that cannot be settled amicably will be transferred to local authorities for
• Grievances that remain unresolved after this last attempt will be transferred to the
courts by one of the parties.

7.1.12 Security Policy

The Company recognises the requirement for a workforce and community to be able to live
and work, i.e. co-exist in a secure environment. It further recognises that the development of
this mine may result in an influx of persons to the surrounding area whose expectations will
include that of an increased beneficial position due to directly obtaining employment with the
mine or simply benefiting from the inherent spin-off gains that are bound to occur. It is highly
likely that not all expectations will be satisfied, which may lead to a certain amount of

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 367 of 566

discontent. Whilst every attempt will be made to educate everyone to a realistic vision of
expectations, it is clear that an increased security presence in the area will be of benefit to all.

In addition to the above, it will be necessary to protect the assets of the investors (new
equipment and infrastructure) both on and off the mine. These assets represent a considerable
investment and, therefore, assurance of security is mandatory so as to give a degree of
confidence of all equipment and other facilities remaining in good working order for the life of

There will also be several processes associated with mining that could result in injury to the
local population unless they were made aware of it and protected from it. Such processes
include mine blasting, where there is the use of explosives; the metallurgical facility, which
uses potentially harmful chemicals; and the tailings storage facility (TSF), an impoundment
used for the storage of the waste sludge from the operation. Though not exhaustive, these
elements necessitate the use of extensive security fencing and patrols thereof, both for the
benefit of the mine and the surrounding communities.

Last but not least, there is the need for security surrounding the production, storage and transit
of such a rare and precious commodity as gold. The presence of this material in concentrated
form may provide a source of attraction to undesirable criminal elements, hence there will be
a need for a visible security presence to act as a deterrent.

The above issues, therefore, require a security policy that is both integrated yet seamless, and
which seeks to address each and every aspect of the implementation, operational and closure
stages of the Tri-K project.

SMM proposes to have the following security arrangements in place:

• In-house senior security manager, whose responsibility it will be to ensure coordination

between all aspects of security, as well as to abide by the principles involved.
• Contractor-sourced mine security force, whose purpose will be the security within the
mine perimeter. They will be responsible for patrolling the perimeter fence and
monitoring all operations deemed to be of a critical nature, including the plant boundary
fence and gold room. The security force will consist of both roving guards and mine
access guards.
• A small military contingent will be required to protect the explosives that will be used
in the mining operations and gold production. The military contingent will live in the
military camp near the expatriate camp, subject to a negotiated per-diem remuneration
agreement. Their number was estimated to be 55 people.

SMM further proposes to abide by the following principles when drawing up the encompassing
security elements:

• Consultation – Professional services have already been consulted in respect of the

risk assessment process, as well as the level and structure of the recommended
security arrangements in place.
• Training – Effective training will be required for all security elements in particular
concerning the subjects of in-migration, grievance procedures and the principles of
asset protection, both human and otherwise. A suitable understanding of risk
management will be mandatory.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 368 of 566

• Communication – The Company will maintain communication with the government, the
community liaison officer, and the commander of the security force at the site. This to
include an understanding of the hierarchy involved.
• Transparency – This is important so that all stakeholders can see and understand the
implications of the safety and security measures in place and will be facilitated by the
following tenets:

o Role definition
o Record keeping

SMM also proposes the consideration of Voluntary Principles, including following:

• Acknowledging that security is important to companies, communities and governments

• Understanding that governments are the primary protector of human rights.
• Emphasising the importance of protecting company personnel and property. At the
same time, the Company recognises a commitment to comply with the laws of the host
country, to consider the highest international standards, and to promote the
observance of applicable international law enforcement principles (e.g. the United
Nations Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials and the United Nations Basic
Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials)
• Taking note of the importance of dialogue with the affected local communities.
• Understanding that sharing generic security information is very useful to ensure an
effective security policy.
• Recognising that external entities could assist host countries with security sector
development and reform.

Observation of IFC Performance Standard 4 (IFC, 2012), some principles of which are re-
iterated here:

• When a company provides security to safeguard its personnel and property, it must
assess risks to those within and outside the project site posed by these very security
arrangements. The Company should be guided by the principles of proportionality,
good international practices in terms of hiring, rules of conduct, training, equipping and
monitoring of such personnel, and applicable law.
• Where government security personnel are employed, the risks need to be assessed
arising from such use, and more importantly the arrangements and intentions clearly
communicated to both the community and relevant authorities.
• A grievance procedure should be in place to address allegations of unlawful or abusive
acts by security personnel, so that appropriate actions can be taken to prevent

In conclusion, one can state that the usual principles of fairness and transparency will be
observed with this policy as have been evident with most of the other policies included above.
Only those relating to personnel confidentiality will be the exceptions. As such, it is hoped that
the security arrangements will conform to the standards acceptable to all the stakeholders for
the Tri-K Project and the surrounding area.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 369 of 566


This section was developed by SMM (General and Administration) and SENET (Plant). The
total manpower working on site is 816 employees. Those employees are distributed as shown
in Table 7.5.

Table 7.5: Summary of Manpower Distribution

Description Type Managers Technicians Operators TOTAL

Direct Local 22 85 220 327
Expatriate 18 4 0 22
Subtotal 40 89 220 349
Internal Subcontractors Local 0 0 0 0
Expatriate 2 5 10 17
Subtotal 2 5 10 17
Subcontractors Local 10 37 396 443
Expatriate 7 0 0 7
Subtotal 17 37 396 450
Grand Total 59 131 626 816

This calculation did not include the 55 persons from the estimated military contingent to ensure
site security.

7.2.1 Direct and Subcontractor Labour

In order to effectively manage the operations of the Tri-K project, the direct labour schedule
was drawn up by assuming three main areas: mining, processing and administration. These
three main areas were in turn broken down into the respective disciplines. Table 7.6 gives a
summary of the total direct labour complement.

Table 7.6: Total Direct Labour Complement

Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
General and Administration
Expatriates 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Local 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68
Subtotal 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
Expatriates 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Local 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77
Subtotal 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84
Expatriates 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Local 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 182
Subtotal 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188
GRAND TOTAL 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349 349

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 370 of 566

In addition to the direct labour, some subcontractors (especially for mining operations) will be
on site. Table 7.7 summarises the subcontractor labour estimation.

Table 7.7: Total Subcontractor Labour Complement

Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Drilling Subcontractor
Expatriates 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Subtotal 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Expatriates 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Subtotal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Mining Subcontractor
Expatriates 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Local 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294 294
Subtotal 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299 299
Diesel Distribution
Local 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Subtotal 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Local 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
Subtotal 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31
Video Surveillance
Local 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Subtotal 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Local 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Subtotal 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Local 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Subtotal 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Transport Staff
Local 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Subtotal 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
TSF Management
Expatriates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Local 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39
Subtotal 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 371 of 566

Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Power Station
Expatriates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Local 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Subtotal 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

GRAND TOTAL 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467 467

In developing the Tri-K staffing levels, the following assumptions were made:

• 1 × 12 h shift operation per day, 7 d/week for mining labour and supervisory staff.
Management, technical and maintenance staff for mining will work the day shift only.
• 1 × 8 h shift operation per day, 7 d/week for the process plant operators and
supervisory staff. Management, technical and maintenance staff for the process plant
will work the day shift only.
• Fly in and fly out on a seven-weeks-in and three-weeks-out basis for all the expatriate
• 1 × 8 h shift operation, five days a week for most of the general and administration

7.2.2 Mine Management Labour

Mine management will be headed by a mine manager, a mining geology manager and a
mining surveyor. They will be supported by departmental managers as shown in Table 7.8.

Table 7.8: Mine Management Labour Summary

Description Position Type Number

Mine Manager Expatriate 1

Mining Planning Engineer Expatriate 1
KLK Pit Production Engineer Local 1
KDR Pit Production Engineer Local 1
Transport Manager Local 1
KLK Mine Supervisor Local 4
KDR Mine Supervisor Local 4
Ore Transport Supervisor Local 2
Mining Planning Technician Local 1

Drivers Local 8

Mining Geology Manager Expatriate 1

Exploration Manager Expatriate 1
Exploration Geologist Local 3
Technician Exploration Local 4
Geology Manager Expatriate 1
KLK Pit Geologist Local 1

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 372 of 566

Description Position Type Number

KDR Pit Geologist Local 1

KLK Geology Supervisor Local 3
KDR Geology Supervisor Local 3
KLK Pit Sampling Operators Local 8
KDR Pit Sampling Operators Local 8
Administrator of Geological Database Expatriate 1
Geological Database Agent Local 2

Drivers Local 8

Mining surveyor Expatriate 1

Technicians Mining Surveyors Local 4
Assistant Mining Surveyors Local 8

Driver Local 2


Expatriate 7

Local 77

7.2.3 General and Administration Labour

The total general and administration complement is estimated to be 77 in the general

management, accounting, control management, safety and health, purchasing warehouse and
logistics and Conakry office. A labour summary is given in Table 7.9.

Table 7.9: General and Administration Labour Summary

Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
General Management
Expatriates 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Local 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Subtotal 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Expatriates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Local 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Subtotal 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Control Management
Expatriates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Local 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Subtotal 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Safety and Health
Expatriates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Local 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19
Subtotal 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 373 of 566

Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9
Purchasing Warehouse and
Expatriates 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Local 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21
Subtotal 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
Conakry Office
Expatriates 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Local 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Subtotal 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
GRAND TOTAL 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 General Management

General management will be headed by the Director of the Mine as shown in Table 7.10.

Table 7.10: General Management Labour Summary

Position Type Number

Director of the Mine Expatriate 1
Deputy Director Expatriate 1
Assistant Director Local 1
General Services Manager Local 1
Camp Manager Local 1
Drivers Local 10
HR Manager Local 1
Payroll Agent Local 1
IT Technician Local 1 Accounting

The Accounting and Finance Manager will head the accounts and cashiers as shown in Table

Table 7.11: Accounting Labour Summary

Position Type Number

Accounting and Finance Manager Expatriate 1
Accounting and Finance Assistant Local 1
Cashier Local 1
Accounting Manager Local 1
Accountants Local 4

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 374 of 566 Control Management

The control management labour team is given in Table 7.12.

Table 7.12: Control Management Labour Summary

Position Type Number

Project Control Manager Expatriate 1

Project Control Agent Local 2 Safety and Health

The safety and health labour team is given in Table 7.13.

Table 7.13: Safety and Health Labour Summary

Position Type Number

Doctor Expatriate 1
Nurses Local 4
Medical Assistant Local 1
Social and Societal (Communities) Manager Local 1
Occupational Health Safety Manager Local 1
Supervisor Health Occupational Safety Local 4
Environmental Supervisor Local 3
Social and Societal (Communities) Agents Local 4

Drivers Local 1 Purchasing Warehouse and Logistics

The logistics manager will be in charge of warehouses and procurement and will be assisted
by the logisticians, supply agents and buyers. Table 7.14 summarises the labour for the
purchasing, warehouse and logistics department.

Table 7.14: Purchasing Warehouse and Logistics Labour Summary

Position Type Number

Store Manager Local 1
Supply Agent Expatriate 1
Buyer Expatriate 1
Buyer Local 1
Store Operators Local 12
Logistics Manager Expatriate 1
Logistician Local 1
Drivers Local 6

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 375 of 566 Conakry Office

To ensure a close working relationship of the TRI-K mine administration, a labour complement
in charge of relations with the Guinean administrations will be put in place. Table 7.15 is an
outline of the Conakry office labour.

Table 7.15: Conakry Office Labour Summary

Position Type Number

SMM representative in Conakry Local 1

Assistant Local 1
Drivers Local 1

Buyer/Logistician Expatriate 1

7.2.4 Mining Labour

The mine will be operated by a mining subcontractor and will require 299 employees,
assuming a three-crew rotation. The contractor’s workforce will include a project director, a
mine manager, an administrative manager, a health and safety manager, and a human
resources manager. The contractor’s workforce will also include shift supervisors, several
engineers, surveyors, technicians, as well as the equipment operators and mechanics. The
manpower requirement for the mining and associated operations has been based upon the
equipment required to achieve the production schedule at the productivities and performances
already described in Section 4.

It is recognised that the selection and training of direct local staff is a priority, and this will
commence well in advance of the start of mining, with particular attention being directed to the
advanced training of local supervisors. Additional expatriate staff will be employed on a short-
term basis during the initial training and setup period.

A mining superintendent will head the mining operations, technical services and maintenance.

The mine owner’s crew will include 84 employees and will include a mine manager, an
engineering manager, a director of geology, a director of exploration, and a senior surveyor,
all of whom will be expatriates. The owner’s local team will include supervisors, mining
engineers, geologists, surveyors, and ore quality samplers.

Figure 7.3 shows the detailed organogram of the internal administration, geology and mine.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 376 of 566

Mine Planning
Mine Planning Engineer

KLK Pit production

4 KLK Mine Supervisor

Mine Manager
KDR Pit production
4 KDR Mine Spervisors

2 Ore Transport
Transport Manager

8 Drivers

4 Exploration
Exploration Manager 3 Exploration Geologist

3 KLK Geology 8 KLK Pit Sampling

KLK Pit Geologist
Supervisors Operators
Geology Manager
Mining Geology 3 KDR Geology 8 KDR Pits Sampling
KDR Pit Geologist
Manager Supervisors Operators

Geological Database 2 Geological Database

Administrator Agents

8 Drivers

4 Technical Mining 8 Mining Surveyors

Surveyors Attendants
Mining Surveyor

2 Drivers

Accounting and Finance

Accounting Manager 4 Accountants
Accounting and Finance
4 Nurses Cashier


1 Medical Assistant

Assistant Director
Project Control
2 Project Control Agents
TRI-K Mine Director Manager

Deputy Diretor
Store Manager 12 Store Operators

Assistant 1 Driver
SMM Representative in
4 Social and Societal
Social and Societal
3 Environmental

4 Health and Safety

Health and Safety
1 Driver

Supply Agent

Purchasing Manager


1 Logistician

Logistics Manager

6 Drivers

10 Drivers
General services
Camp Manager

Payroll Agent

HR Manager

IT Technician

Figure 7.3: Detailed Organogram of Internal Administration, Geology and Mine

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 377 of 566

7.2.5 Process Plant Summary

The total plant complement is estimated to be 188 personnel and is shown in Table 7.16.

Table 7.16: Plant Labour Summary

Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Plant Management 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Control Room 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Crushing 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Stockpile and Reclaim, Pebble Crusher 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Milling (Includes Gravity) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
ILR 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
CIL, Elution 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
Gold Room 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Tailings 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Reagents 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Metallurgical Laboratory 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Assay Laboratory Management 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Assay Laboratory (Grade Control) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
Assay Laboratory (Normal) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Process Plant Maintenance 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
General Maintenance Engineering
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
General Maintenance Engineering Labour 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Electrical Maintenance Labour 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

Instrumentation Maintenance Labour 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

TOTAL 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 188 Process Plant Operations Labour

Table 7.17 summarises the positions required for the process plant operations.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 378 of 566

Table 7.17: Process Plant Labour Summary

Description Position Type Number

Process Plant Manager Expatriate 1

Process Plant Superintendent Expatriate 1
Plant Maintenance Superintendent Expatriate 1
Senior Metallurgist Expatriate 1
Plant Management
Plant Metallurgist Local 1
Production Supervisor Local 4
TSF Supervisor Local 1

Shift Foreman Local 4

Control Room Control Room Operator Local 4

Crushing Shift Operator Local 4

Stockpile and Reclaim, Pebble Crusher Shift Operator Local 4

Shift Operator Local 4

Milling (Includes Gravity) Attendants – Mill Discharge Local 4

Attendants – Cyclones Local 4

ILR Attendants Local 4

Shift Operator Local 4

Elution Operator Local 4

CIL, Elution Attendants – CIL Local 4

Attendants – Elution Local 4

Driver Tower Crane Local 2

Gold Room Supervisor Expatriate 1

Gold Room
Gold Room Operator Local 2

Shift Operator Local 4

Attendants Local 4

Reagent Supervisor Local 1

Operators Local 4
Attendants Local 4

Drivers Local 4

Test Work Laboratory Technician Local 1

Metallurgical Laboratory Plant Sampling Attendants Local 4

Attendants – Sample Preparation Local 8

Laboratory Manager Expatriate 1

Assay Laboratory Management
Chemist Local 1

Laboratory Technicians Local 4

Assay Laboratory (Grade Control)
Attendants – Sample Preparation Local 8

Assay Laboratory (Normal) Attendants – Sample Preparation Local 8

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 379 of 566

Description Position Type Number

Mechanical Foreman Local 4

Crane Drivers Local 4

Process Plant Maintenance Riggers Local 4

Rubber Liner Local 1

Greaser Local 2

Maintenance Support-General Local 1

Planner-Process Maintenance Local 1
Maintenance Engineer-Process
Mechanical Engineer Local 1

Electrical Engineer Local 1

Fitter Local 2
Fitter Operator Local 2

General Maintenance Engineering Rigger Assistant Local 2

Labour Service Operator Local 6
Mechanic Assistant Local 6

Light Vehicle Drivers Local 12

Electrical Foreman Local 4

Electrical Maintenance Labour Electrical Operator Local 6

Electrical Assistants Local 6

Instrumentation Maintenance Labour Technicians Local 4


Expatriate 6

Local 182

Figure 7.4 shows the detailed organogram of the process plant.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 380 of 566

Process Plant Manager

Process Plant Plant Maintenance

Senior Metallurgist Laboratory Manager
Superintendent Superintendent

4 Production Planner-Process Maintenance General

1 Tailing Supervisor Mechanical Engineer Electrical Engineer Plant Metallurgist Chemist
Supervisor maintenance Support

1 Gold room 4 Tailing operators and 4 Electrical 4 Instrumentation 2 Filter and 2 Filter 1 Testwork Laboratory 4 Laboratory
4 Shift Foremen 1 Reagent Supervisor 4 Mechanical Foremen 12 Drivers
Supervisor 4 Attendants Foremen technicians Attendants Technician technicians

6 Mechanical 6 Electrical
4 Control Room 4 Reagent Operators maintenance maintenance 4 Plant Sampling 8 Sample preparation
2 Gold room Operators 6 Riggers
Operators and 4 Attendants operators and operators and Attendants Operators
6 Attendants 6 Attendants

8 Sample preparation 8 Laboratory

4 Crushing Operators 4 Drivers 4 Drivers 1 Rubber Liner
Operators Operators

4 Stockpile Operators 2 Greasers

4 Milling Operators
and 4 Attendants - Mill

4 Cyclone

4 ILR Operators

4 CIL Operators

4 Elution Operators
and 4 Attendants

2 Tower crane Drivers

Figure 7.4: Detailed Process Plant Organogram

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The selected Tri-K site is a greenfield site without any existing infrastructure although some
laterite roads do exist, providing access to local villages scattered around the area.

The on-site infrastructure required will be related to the processing plant and the supporting
facilities as follows:

• In-plant access roads

• Plant buildings
• Plant reagents and consumables stores
• Process plant site drainage
• Sewerage disposal
• Security
• Water supply
• Communications
• Power supply


The plant access roads will be constructed by ripping and compacting the roadbed to a depth
of 200 mm, and then topping it with 150 mm of gravel all-weather wearing course material.
Drainage ditches and culverts will be placed in accordance with the drainage requirements.

In plant roads will be constructed by removing the organic material, compacting the roadbed
to a depth of 200 mm, and then topping it with two 150 mm layers of gravel all-weather wearing
course material. Drainage ditches and culverts will be placed in accordance with the site
drainage requirements. All roads on site will be 6 m wide.

The plant roads will provide access to all the plant infrastructure buildings, such as the
warehouses, workshops and offices. They will also provide access to the main plant
infrastructure, such as the crushing, stockpiling, milling, carbon-in-leach (CIL), and gold room
areas, as well as the power generating plant and tailings storage facility.


The plant buildings will consist of the following:

• Security office and change house

• Plant control room
• Plant workshop
• Plant office building
• Assay laboratory
• Plant warehouse

The layout of the process plant is detailed in the block plan layout drawing (SS0656-1000-M-
LAYT-00101), provided in Appendix 8.1.

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8.2.1 Security Office and Change House

This section should be read in conjunction with the security and change house infrastructure
drawing (SS0656-1090-C-GNRL-00200), provided in Appendix 8.2.

A prefabricated, Chromadek panel security office/change house block (60.4 m × 10 m) will be

constructed at the main access to the plant and will include a security office, change house,
laundry, first-aid room and dining/conference room. The prefabricated structure will be
founded on a mesh reinforced concrete slab. A 2 m concrete apron slab will form a walkway
around the building, which will be covered by an awning.

Personnel access control will be monitored through the fully furnished security office. All
workers and visitors will enter the plant through the reception area. Workers can then either
proceed through to the change house or into the secured area of the plant via access-
controlled doors. A security office and closed-circuit television (CCTV) room is located
adjacent to the plant reception.

The change house will contain both male and female ‘clean’ change areas consisting of
lockers and benches for the process plant staff to store their clothes when they arrive for their
shift. The staff will then move through a search zone into the ‘dirty’ change area where they
will change into their work clothes and proceed into the medium-security area on the way to
the process plant. At the end of shift, the staff will return to the ‘dirty’ change area, remove
their dirty work clothes (which will be washed in the adjacent laundry), shower, and then
proceed through the search area to the ‘clean’ change area, where they will retrieve their own

The change house has been sized for a maximum of 94 workers passing through the change
house per shift with an average of 64 workers per shift for three shifts per day. A total of 250
workers will utilise the change house (including those on rest and relaxation (R&R)), with a
total of 194 workers using the change house in a 24 h day (excluding those on R&R).

The male change house has been sized as follows:

• 125 double lockers in the ‘clean’ change area (1 locker per person)
• 125 double lockers in the ‘dirty’ change area (1 locker per person)
• 20 showers (1 shower per 5 people maximum per shift)
• 8 toilets (1 toilet per 12 people maximum)
• 8 Wash Hand Basins (1 WHB per 12 people)
• 6 Urinals (1 urinal per 15 people maximum)

The female change area has been sized as follows:

• 6 double lockers in the ‘clean’ change area

• 6 double lockers in the ‘dirty’ change area
• 2 showers
• 1 toilet
• 2 WHBs

A fully equipped laundry room (5 000 mm × 5 035 mm), where all the overalls from the shifts
will be washed, will be provided adjacent to the change house.

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A first-aid room (5 000 mm × 5 085 mm) will be provided for the treatment of minor injuries
sustained within the process plant, or as a holding room before evacuation from the process
plant site.

A fully furnished dining room (10 120 mm × 6 850 mm), designed to accommodate 90 shift
workers, will be provided. A section of the room can be partitioned off to form a
conference/training room. The dining room will be utilised only for the serving of food. The
food will be prepared off site in the main kitchen of the mine camp.

8.2.2 Plant Control Room

A dedicated plant control room will be located adjacent to the mill building. The control room
will house the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. The control room will
consist of a converted 12 m container, elevated on a structural steel platform.

8.2.3 Plant Workshop

This section should be read in conjunction with the plant maintenance building infrastructure
drawing (SS0656 1150 C GNRL 00200), provided in Appendix 8.3.

A workshop will be established to the southeast side of the process plant, adjacent to the CIL
tanks and within the working radius of the tower crane to enable maintenance and repair of
the plant equipment.

The workshop will consist of a steel pre-engineered portal frame building enclosed by
Chromadek roof and side wall sheeting. The steel columns will be founded on reinforced
concrete plinths and spread footings, and the workshop floor will consist of a mesh reinforced
concrete slab.

The workshop floor area will be 450 m2 (30 m × 15 m), which will be split into a mechanical
repair shop of 300 m2 and an electrical repair shop of 150 m2, both of which will be serviced
by a 5 t overhead gantry crane.

A two-storey brick work annex will be provided adjacent to the workshop floor area within the
steel portal frame structure. An instrument workshop, tool store, male and female ablutions
and crib room will be provided on the ground floor and four fully furnished offices for plant
maintenance staff and a 12 m × 5 m store will be provided on the first floor.

A 30 m × 6 m storage area will be available adjacent to the two-storey brick work annex under
the workshop roof and will be enclosed by security fencing.

The appropriate plant workshop tools will be provided for the workshop.

8.2.4 Plant Office Building

This section should be read in conjunction with the administration building infrastructure
drawing (SS0656 1140 C GNRL 00200), provided in Appendix 8.4.

A fully furnished, prefabricated, Chromadek panel construction plant office building will be
provided for the process plant management personnel.

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The plant office building will be located on the south side of the process plant, and will
comprise the following:

• 17 m² plant manager’s office

• 22 m² mechanical and electrical office
• 12.5 m² metallurgists’ office
• 2 × 12 m² plant supervisors’ offices
• 20 m² meeting room
• 10 m² clerk office
• 11 m² store room
• 7.5 m² kitchenette
• Male and female ablutions

8.2.5 Assay Laboratory

This section should be read in conjunction with the assay laboratory infrastructure drawing
(SS0656 1230 C GNRL 00200) provided in Appendix 8.5.

A single-storey, prefabricated, Chromadek panel construction assay laboratory building will be

provided, and it will be fully equipped to perform a daily analysis of mining and process
samples. The assay laboratory will be located on the south side of the process plant, adjacent
to the plant office building, and will be enclosed with security fencing. The assay laboratory
will comprise the following:

• 27 m² cyanidation laboratory
• 45 m² furnace room
• 15 m² weighing room
• 16 m² effluent treatment
• 32 m² reagents store, complete with shelving
• 30 m² demineralisation/leaching room
• 24 m² atomic adsorption spectroscopy room
• 6.5 m² furnished manager’s office
• Ablution facilities

8.2.6 Plant Warehouse

This section should be read in conjunction with the warehouse building infrastructure drawing
(SS0656 1160 C GNRL 00203), provided in Appendix 8.6.

A 330 m2 enclosed steel structure warehouse will be provided to the south of the process plant
for the purpose of storing spares and equipment for the process plant. Suitable shelving and
racking will be incorporated in this building to store and manage the stored items.

An unfenced laydown area is located adjacent to the plant store.

The warehouse includes a brickwork stores dispatch room with service counter and waiting
area (5 300 mm × 4 000 mm) and a warehouse management office (4 300 mm × 2 400 mm).

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This section should be read in conjunction with the process plant block plan layout drawing,
provided in Appendix 8.1.

The reagents stores are located to the north of the process plant, in close proximity to the
reagents make-up area to facilitate unrestricted access to the make-up area. Reagents will be
offloaded to the north of the stores and a ring road has been provided around the storage area
to facilitate the safe exit of the delivery trucks. The layout of the storage area has been
designed to facilitate the first-in last-out principle, with roller shutter doors provided on both
the north and south sides of the stores and a central 4 m wide alley that will allow forklift

A dedicated reagents store will be provided for the SWD discharge treatment plant, which will
be located adjacent to the treatment plant to the south of the ponds. A ring road will be
provided around the treatment plant terrace to facilitate delivery of reagents to this store.

The reagents will be contained within the following storage areas:

• Reagents Store A: Sodium Cyanide

• Reagents Store B: Acids/Basics/Toxic
• Reagents Store C: Acids/Flammables
• Reagents Store D: Quicklime
• Reagents Store F: Acids/Basics/Toxic for SWD Discharge Treatment

The reagents stores will comprise a steel-clad structure and concrete floor slab, complete with
drainage and spillage handling facilities.

A concrete, paved area will be provided on both sides of the reagents store to facilitate loading
into the store, and movement from the store to the reagents make-up area.

Three months' stockholding of the reagents has been assumed when sizing the stores. The
plant reagents consumptions and storage requirements are provided in Appendix 8.7.

Reagents will be accommodated in the storage areas as set out below.

8.3.1 Reagents Store A: Sodium Cyanide

This section should be read in conjunction with the Reagents Store A drawing (SS0656 1160
C GNRL 00 200_01), provided in Appendix 8.8.

The store is 36 m × 18.43 m and 6 m in height to eave level to accommodate 709 bulk boxes
of cyanide, which will be stacked three boxes high. A concrete slab, complete with drainage
and spillage handling facilities, will be provided for the safe offloading of the sodium cyanide
boxes. Store A will be located within a fenced, gated and locked area.

8.3.2 Reagents Store B: Acids/Basics/Toxic

This section should be read in conjunction with the Reagents Store B drawing (SS0656 1160
C GNRL 00 201_02), provided in Appendix 8.9.

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The store is 60 m × 21.1 m and 6 m in height to eave level. Store B will accommodate the
following reagents:

• Copper sulphate (supplied in 25 kg bags): Provision for a total of 239 pallets stacked
3 high (24 bags per pallet)
• Sodium metabisulphite (supplied in 25 kg bags): Provision for a total of 1 040 pallets
stacked 3 high (24 bags per pallet)
• Caustic soda (supplied in 1 t bulk bags): Provision for 71 bags stacked 3 high
• Sodium nitrate (supplied in 25 kg bags): Provision for 1 pallet (24 bags per pallet)
• Borax (Flux) (supplied in 25 kg bags): Provision for 2 pallets (24 bags per pallet)

8.3.3 Reagents Store C: Acids/Flammables

This section should be read in conjunction with the Reagents Store C drawing (SS0656 1160
C GNRL 00 202_01), provided in Appendix 8.10.

The store is 18 m × 18.43 m and 6 m in height to eave level. Store C will accommodate the
following reagents:

• Hydrochloric acid (supplied in 290 kg intermediate bulk container (IBC)): Provision has
been made for 126 IBCs stacked 2 high
• Activated carbon (supplied in 500 kg bags): Provision for 29 bags stacked 2 high
• Magnafloc flocculant (supplied in 750 kg bags): Provision for 71 bags stacked 2 high
• Sulfamic acid descalant (supplied in 25 kg bags): Provision for 2 pallets (24 bags per

The activated carbon will be separated from the other reagents by a brick wall.

8.3.4 Reagents Store D: Quicklime

This section should be read in conjunction with the Reagents Store D drawing (SS0656 1160
C GNRL 00 204_00), provided in Appendix 8.11.

The store is 42 m × 24.6 m and 6 m in height to eave level. The store will accommodate
1 650 bulk bags of quicklime stacked 3 high. Reagents Store D makes provision for quicklime
storage for both the process plant and the SWD discharge treatment plant.

8.3.5 Reagents Store F: Acids/Basics/Toxic for SWD Discharge Treatment

This section should be read in conjunction with the Reagents Store F drawing (SS0656 1160
C GNRL 00 206_00), provided in Appendix 8.12.

The store is 42 m × 18.43 m and 6 m in height to eave level. Store F will accommodate the
following reagents for the SWD discharge treatment plant:

• Hydrochloric acid (supplied in 1 200 kg IBCs): Provision for 54 IBCs stacked 2 high
• Magnafloc flocculant (supplied in 25 kg bags): Provision for 546 pallets stacked 3 high
(38 bags per pallet)
• Ferric chloride solution (supplied in 1 520 kg IBC): Provision for 209 IBCs stacked
2 high

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Hydrogen peroxide solution will be supplied in 1 200 kg IBCs and will be stored in a 12 m
container, which will be fenced and located a minimum of 10 m away from other infrastructure.
A total of 5 IBCs are required for a stockholding of three months.


The process plant area will be constructed with berms and side drainage as required to ensure
that any water run-off not contained in the bunded areas and returned to the process is
diverted to a drainage channel discharging to a silt trap prior to discharge into the storm water

8.4.1 Berms

Storm water cut-off berms will be constructed to prevent storm water from entering lower lying
areas from areas with a higher elevation. The berms will be constructed using the material
from the bulk excavations when the bulk earthworks are carried out.

8.4.2 Side Drains

Surface drainage of the plant area will be achieved by using side drains. The surface of the
plant shall be sloped to allow the water to flow freely away from the plant. The plant roads will
be built to have a single cross fall of between 2 % and 4 % in the direction of the side drain.


A 55 m3/h containerised sewage treatment plant will be provided to the east of the main plant
terrace for the treatment and disposal of the sewage generated. The basis for the sizing of the
sewage treatment plant is detailed in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1: Staffing and Assumed Outflows for the Process Plant

No. of Sewage per Person Total Sewage per

Process Plant
People per Day (L) Day (m³/d)
Assay Laboratory 8 150 1.2
Plant Operations (Change House and Laundry) 194 200 38.8
Access Control 2 150 0.3
Plant Security 3 150 0.5
Plant Office 15 150 2.3
Power Plant Security 2 150 0.3
Power Plant Operations 3 150 0.5
Workshop 15 150 2.3
Mine Administration Office 25 150 3.8
Clinic 6 200 1.2
Mechanical Preparation Laboratory 5 150 0.8
Totals 278 51.7

Sewerage reticulation piping and manholes will be provided to facilitate the flow of sewerage
under gravity to a collection manhole located adjacent to the sewage treatment plant. The
sewerage will be pumped via a submersible pump into the containerised treatment plant.

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The technology selected is compact, simple and robust, and is based on a standard activated
sludge system, where the Biochemical Oxygen Demand is broken down using air and bacteria
that grow in this medium. This system provides optimised nitrification and an effluent quality
to a standard that complies with the requirements of the Department of Water Affairs and
Forestry for the release of treated effluent back into the environment, in accordance with the
General Limit Values in terms of Section 39 of the National Water Act, 1998 (At No. 36 of


The plant site will be enclosed by a 2.1 m Econo Mesh fence to keep out range animals and
unauthorised people. Access to the plant site will be restricted to one access point at the main
gate, which will be equipped with a gatehouse, manned 24 hours per day. Other emergency
access gates will be provided but will be kept locked at all times.

A 1.2 m fence will be erected around the perimeter of the process and raw water dams.

A 2.4 m high ClearVu security fence, including 700 mm ripper flat wrap at the top of the fence
and 730 mm ripper concertina coil at the base of the fence, will be erected around the gold

Gold will be transported by means of a pick-up truck to the landing strip once a week, with
suitable security arrangements in place.

Furthermore, the plant will be fitted with CCTV cameras installed at strategic locations. The
cameras will be integrated with the plant’s overall network, and dial-up into these cameras via
the Internet will be enabled. Views from the cameras will be fed to a central security control
room situated in the security office of the change house block.


A return water dam (RWD) and storm water dam (SWD) will be constructed to ensure
uninterrupted supply of water to the plant.

The interaction of the various flows for the process plant and TSF is shown in Figure 8.1,
which resulted in the water balance in Section 6.10. This water balance was developed during
the study and was used as the basis for sizing the water storage dam. Water stored in the
RWD will be pumped to the process plant for make-up operations.

Two submersible pumps will be installed in the RWD to enable pumping of water to the process
water ponds located in the plant. One submersible pump will be installed at the SWD to pump
water into the RWD, and this pump will also be able to pump water to the process water pond
via the same line that is used by the return water pumps. Pumps from the raw water storage
dam (Epoch scope) will pump water to the raw water pond located in the plant. These pumps
will be sized to cater for commissioning and the dry and wet seasons, where raw water
demands vary significantly.

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Figure 8.1: Water Balance Tailings

8.7.1 Potable Water Distribution

Raw water will be supplied from the raw water pond to the potable water storage tank situated
in the potable water treatment plant. Potable water will be supplied to all the areas inside the
plant via buried overland piping or piping running above ground in the plant area. Potable
water will be supplied directly to safety showers.

The potable water plant will be a containerised unit capable of producing 15 m 3/h of potable
water. The water will be chemically oxidised, and the pH will be adjusted. Then the water will
flow through an arsenic removal filter and an activated carbon filter.

Purified potable water from the potable water storage tank situated in the plant will be
transferred to Camp 1 and Camp 2 via a pump and pipeline reticulation system. SMM will be
responsible for the supply and installation of this facility.

8.7.2 Fire Water Distribution

There will be an electric and a diesel-powered fire water pumping system. The electric-
powered pump will be used in the event of a fire and the diesel pump will be a backup in case
the motor control centres (MCCs) are on fire. A jockey pump will be provided to maintain the
pressure in the fire water header during normal plant runs. An alarm will be sounded at the
plant site for low system pressure.

The fire water system will consist of a buried fire water loop and hydrant system at the plant
site, ancillary buildings and at the process plant. Hose cabinets will be placed at the fire
hydrant locations and the system will be supplemented with portable fire extinguishers placed
within the process plant facilities. The administration building, mine change house and canteen
will have sprinkler systems, hose reels and portable fire extinguishers.

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A complete self-contained fire alarm system will be installed in all buildings in order to comply
with the local codes and insurance underwriter’s regulations for fire protection.


The communications system for the plant will be supplied by SMM.


After considering the results established in the power supply trade-off study (provided in
Appendix 8.13). SMM plans to have electricity supplied from an independent power producer

8.9.1 Power Demand

Two operational power demands have been established for the TRI-K Gold Project:

• During the first three years of operation (oxide ore phase)

• From Year 4 to Year 9 (fresh ore phase) Year 1 to Year 3 (Oxide Phase)

The steady-state energy demand was calculated at 7 622 kW with the semi-autogenous
grinding (SAG) mill drive being the only load of critical relevance to the energy demand. The
SAG mill drive will be driven by a squirrel cage motor and controlled by a variable speed drive
(VSD). It can be reasonably anticipated that the VSD will reduce the starting power demand
of the SAG mill to a maximum of 1.6 times the rated capacity of the motor. Starting the SAG
mill will, therefore, result in a short duration (± 20 s to 30 s), maximum demand of up to
12 544 kW. The power plant shall, therefore, be designed and/or configured appropriately to
meet this short duration demand without interruptions to other loads. Year 4 to Year 9 (Fresh Ore Phase)

The steady-state energy demand was calculated as 12 275 kW with the ball and SAG mill
drives being the only loads of critical relevance to the energy demand. The ball mill drive will
be driven by a wound rotor induction motor, coupled to a liquid resistance starter (LRS). It can
be reasonably anticipated that the LRS will reduce the starting power demand to a maximum
of 1.8 times the rated capacity of the motor. The SAG mill details will remain as per the power
demand details indicated for Years 1 to 3.

The starting philosophy for the fresh ore operational phase will be to start up the SAG mill and
ball mill sequentially, i.e. only when the SAG mill has started up and reached its steady-state
demand will the ball mill be started up. Starting the ball mill will, therefore, result in a short
duration (± 20 s to 30 s), maximum demand of up to 16 182 kW. The power plant shall,
therefore, be designed and/or configured appropriately to meet this short duration demand
without interruptions to other loads.

8.9.2 Medium Speed HFO Generation

The medium speed heavy fuel oil (HFO) power generation plant will be designed, financed,
owned and operated by an IPP for nine years. The capacity charge offered by the IPP allows

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 391 of 566

the investment to be amortised fully and all the debt to be paid off after the seven-year contract

Thereafter, the IPP offers the option of having the asset transferred to the mine at no additional
cost. The IPP would still carry out the operations and maintenance of this plant, at a lower
charge-out rate to be negotiated with the mine.

The medium speed HFO generators are configured to operate in a continuous operating
mode. This will ensure that a reliable and steady power supply is provided throughout the
contract period, and that the equipment supplier’s warranty and service requirements for the
generators are not compromised. Table 8.2 provides the HFO gensets.

Table 8.2: HFO Gensets

Item Description
Model ABC 8DL36‐750
Engine Manufacturer ABC
Prime Rated Power 6 133 kVA /4 906 kWe at 0.8 pf (power factor)
Sound Level (dB) 75 dB at 7 m
Rated Voltage 11 kV
Installed Capacity Phase 1 24.53 MVA/ 19.62 MW at 0.8 pf
Installed Capacity Phase 2 30.67 MVA / 24.53 MW at 0.8 pf
Optimal Fuel Consumption 199.9 L/h

The rationale behind selecting these units, which are larger than the market‐related
containerised units, is driven by the fact that the larger units will de‐rate less than the smaller
units would, taking into account the altitude and ambient conditions experienced at the Tri‐K
site. Therefore, the capital equipment is effectively utilised without needing to add extra
generators. This also results in fewer personnel, less equipment at site, less risk and less
spare parts requirements, as well as a physically smaller footprint requirement.

8.9.3 Electrical Infrastructure

The Tri-K mine will include various electrical infrastructure items required for operation. In
addition to the process plant requirements, the electrical supply facilities will feed the mine
accommodation camps, mining infrastructure, fuel storage, administration building,
metallurgical building, clinic building, storehouses, workshops and TSF.

Power reticulation will be done at the following voltages:

• Medium Voltage: 22 000 V

• Low Voltage: 690/400 V
• Control Voltage: 230 V AC

The overall reticulation drawing is provided in Appendix 8.14.

8.9.4 Medium Voltage Switchgear

A common 22 kV containerised medium voltage substation has been allocated for the on-site
and off-site mine infrastructure as identified on the site layout.

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The switchgear will be rated using the following details:

• Medium voltage: 22 kV
• Frequency: 50 Hz
• Main bus bar rating: 1 250 A
• Basic insulation level: 125 kV
• Short circuit rating: 25 kA – 3 s

Power factor correction to improve the power quality and to optimise the efficiency of the power
plant will be finalised during the implementation phase.

The protection scheme requirements given in Table 8.3 to Table 8.6 are proposed general
requirements. Once the implementation phase of the project is reached, then the protection
schemes will be finalised, with the emphasis on stability and reliability.

Table 8.3: Power Plant Incomers

ANSI Code Description ANSI Code Description

50/51 Phase Overcurrent 81L Under frequency
50G/51G Sensitive Earth Fault 81H Over frequency
50BF Breaker Failure 87 Differential Protection
27 Undervoltage Relay 32P Directional Active Overpower
46 Negative Sequence Unbalance 26/63 Thermostat
59 Overvoltage Relay

Table 8.4: Feeders and Overhead Line Feeders

ANSI Code Description ANSI Code Description

50/51 Phase Overcurrent 50BF Breaker Failure
50G/51G Sensitive Earth Fault 50N/51N Earth Fault

Table 8.5: Transformer Feeders

ANSI Code Description ANSI Code Description

50/51 Phase Overcurrent 50BF Breaker Failure
50G/51G Sensitive Earth Fault 26/63 Thermostat
50N/51N Earth Fault

Table 8.6: Ring Main Unit Feeders

ANSI Code Description ANSI Code Description

50/51 Phase Overcurrent 26/63 Thermostat
50G/51G Sensitive Earth Fault 87 Differential Protection
50N/51N Earth Fault

The medium voltage single line diagram is provided in Appendix 8.15.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 393 of 566

8.9.5 Transformers

Distribution transformers will be manufactured in accordance with IEC 60076 and other
relevant international standards and will be as follows:

• Dry-type, housed within a building

• Insulation medium air (AN/AN) Air natural/Air natural
• Three-phase
• Copper windings
• Vector Group Dyn 11
• Off Load Tap changer ± 2 × 2.5 %

8.9.6 Low Voltage Distribution

The maximum transformer rating for low voltage supplies will be 2 500 kVA. Each transformer
will feed a 690 V MCC that supplies power to a dedicated section of the plant. Feeds to the
MCCs will be single feeds only.

The MCCs will feed the lighting transformers that will supply lighting and small power
distribution (normal) at 400 V/230 V (single phase or three phase).

8.9.7 Motor Control Centres

Five containerised MCCs have been allocated for the process plant.

MCCs will be of the compartmentalised, non-withdrawable type with moulded case circuit
breakers, magnetic contactors and earth bus, and shall comply with IEC 61439-2 and shall
carry the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) stamp of approval.

The MCCs will have the following features:

• Enclosures will be of the general-purpose type for indoor service (IP 54 as defined in
IEC 60529) or weatherproof type for outdoor service (IP 65), as required.
• Main buses will have a minimum capacity of 400 A.
• Each MCC will have a single 400/230 V AC control transformer rated for each MCCs
control circuit requirements.
• The control circuit will have Uninterrupted Power Supply backup rated at 10 kVA, in
the event of a power failure.
• Outgoing power and control wiring will be brought out to terminals in the wireways.
• Siemens equipment will be used with the SIMOCODE Pro V relay for efficient and
reliable motor protection.

The MCC single line diagrams are provided in Appendix 8.16 and the MCC schematics are
provided in Appendix 8.17.

8.9.8 Electrical Motor Control Stations

The electric motors are as per the requirements on the equipment list. Motors shall be of
Efficiency Class IE3 (premium efficiency) in accordance with IEC 60034-30-1.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 394 of 566

The control of these motors can be summarised as follows:

• START-STOP/Emergency - STOP push-button stations will be located at each motor.

• Stations located in wet process areas or outdoors will be of watertight construction.

8.9.9 Earthing and Lightning Protection

Provision has been made for earthing of all electrical equipment and buildings where

The earthing philosophy for the supply of plant equipment (690 V) shall be the LT system
comprising a neutral earthing resistor (NER). The current limited by the NER shall be
confirmed in the detail design phase. The earthing philosophy for lighting distribution (400 V)
shall be the neutral to ground system.

Provision has been made for earth resistivity testing prior to the installation. Earth mats shall
be installed at all medium voltage substations, ring main units and transformers.

The minimum earth wire size provided is 70 mm2 between the MCCs, substations and the
power plant.

High mast lighting shall form part of the plant’s lightning protection system by serving as
lightning surge arrestors.

8.9.10 Electrical Cables

The following shall apply to electrical cables:

• All cables specified shall comply with the relevant part of SANS 1507.
• All outdoor cables will be either buried in the ground or placed on cable racking.
• Cables will cross underneath roads in dedicated sleeve Polyvinyl Chloride pipes.
• Grouped cables will be de-rated in accordance with SANS 10142-1 for 600/1 000 V

8.9.11 Cable Racking

Cable racking shall be used where cables are running on structures or indoors, or where cable
support is required.

8.9.12 General Process Plant Area

Cable racking shall have the following specifications:

• Hot dipped galvanised steel

• Heavy duty application
• Welded construction
• Standard straight length of 6 m
• Side rail height of 75 mm

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 395 of 566

8.9.13 Cyanide, Acid and Sodium Metabisulphite Exposed Area

Cable racking shall have the following specifications:

• Materials of Construction using 316 stainless steel

• Heavy duty application
• Welded construction
• Standard straight length of 6 m
• Side rail height of 76 mm

8.9.14 Lighting

Provision has been made for LED (light emitting diode) lighting that will be structure-mounted
to ensure safe working conditions. Lighting will also be installed to ensure that visual security
monitoring can be conducted at all times in and around the process plant and associated
infrastructure to maintain a safe work environment. The final design and layout will be
confirmed during the implementation phase.

8.9.15 Fire Detection and Suppression System

All of the medium voltage switchgear, transformer buildings, MCCs, server room and control
room are equipped with a Pyrogen fire detection and suppression system.

The Pyrogen IG55 system is a clean agent using an inert gas blend (50 % argon/
50 % nitrogen) that is fully approved. Pyrogen is an inert non-toxic solid that remains stable
until electrically or thermally activated, whereupon it produces a gas-like extinguishing aerosol.
The aerosol attacks the fire chemically and physically, resulting in virtually instant
extinguishment and preventing re-ignition and, in certain instances, explosions.


8.10.1 HFO

The HFO for the rental power generation plant will be supplied by Vivo Energy fuel suppliers,
a reputable supplier in Guinea, who is currently supplying neighbouring mines.

The storage of the HFO will be at the HFO power plant, where allowance has been made for
two months storage of HFO for the power generation plant usage.

8.10.2 Diesel

The diesel for plant usage will be supplied by means of a diesel bowser, to a self-bunded
diesel storage tank. The self-bunded storage tank can store 12 000 L of diesel.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 396 of 566



9.1.1 Introduction

This section presents a description of the off-site infrastructure facilities located at the
Koulekoun mine/plant site and at the Kodiaran mine site, as shown in the overall Tri-K site
layout, which is provided in Appendix 9.1.

The Tri-K project site can be accessed from the city of Kankan via a gravel road with a total
travel time from Kankan to the site of approximately 2 h by vehicle. The nearest airport to the
project site is the Sénou International Airport in Bamako.

Kankan is accessible from Bamako via 380 km of sealed road, with a total travel time of
approximately 6 h to 8 h, depending on delays at the border crossing. Kankan is also
accessible from Conakry via 600 km of road, with an approximate travel time of 12 h to14 h.

The Kodiaran permit area is located to the east of the village of Kodiaran, just north of the N7
road, which links Kankan to Mandiana. The Koulekoun permit area is located 6 km to 7 km
due west of the small village of Loila. The main exploration camp is located in Loila. The
Kodiaran exploration areas are located approximately 23 km to the south of Loila and

The proposed infrastructure will support the mining and plant operations. Camp
accommodation will also be provided at the site for the mine and plant site personnel. The
main off-site infrastructure required for the development of the project will be the following:

• Airstrip
• Rail
• Access road between Loila village and the plant
• In-pit mining haul roads
• Access haul road between the Kodiaran and Koulekoun sites
• Mining infrastructure
• Camp and catering facilities
• Power plant
• Water supply system
• Solid waste management
• Sewage disposal site

9.1.2 Airstrip

The Tri-K project site will have its own airstrip in order to facilitate the safe transport of gold
ingots exports, and it will possibly also be utilised to transport mine personnel, in future.

The airstrip has been designed according to the standards and recommendations of the
International Civil Aviation Organisation (Organisation de l’Aviation Civile Internationale
(OACI)) and has been sized to accommodate a Beechcraft King 90 aircraft. The airstrip has
been classified as a Type 2 B standard, according to the reference standards of TICA (the

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 397 of 566

Technical Instruction on Civil Aerodromes). It will have a private airstrip status, in accordance
with the regulations in force defined by the Agency of Air Navigation.

The airstrip area will be stripped of organic material and engineering compacted granular fill
will be surfaced with a 50 mm thick bitumen/aggregate layer. Profiling of the surface will be
done in accordance with the above-mentioned standards and guidelines.

The airstrip design and drawings are provided in Appendix 9.2.

The airstrip will comprise the following:

• A 1 000 m long and 23 m wide runway with a 1.5 m wide shoulder on either side
• A 3 600 m long barbed wire fence delineating the total area of the airstrip
• A rainwater drainage system of approximately 2 500 m (the drainage channels will be
lines with stone pitching)
• A prefabricated administrative building, approximately 8 m × 4m
• Other equipment including

o Meteorology equipment
o Radio communication equipment
o Rescue and firefighting equipment
o Emergency temporary lighting for possible night landing.

9.1.3 Rail

There is no rail infrastructure in the country that the project can benefit from.

9.1.4 Access Road between the Loila Village and Plant Site

The access road between the Loila village and the plant site will be a 5 m wide gravel road
with a 1 m shoulder on either side.

Conceptual designs and details of the access road are given in Appendix 9.3.

9.1.5 Mining Infrastructure In-Pit Haul Roads

A system of mining haul roads will be constructed at both Koulekoun and Kodiaran to connect
the open pits with the laterite stockpiles, the WRDs and the ROM pad. These roads will be
constructed by a mining contractor and will have a total width of 20 m, including the allowance
for berms and ditches. During the mine development phase, 4.6 km of these roads will be
constructed at Kodiaran. An additional 3.2 km will be constructed when the Koulekoun mine
begins to operate. Refer to Section 4 of this report for design details. Access Haul Road between the Kodiaran and Koulekoun Sites

The road between the Kodiaran ROM pad and the mill facilities at Koulekoun will have a total
distance of approximately 27 km. The construction of this road must be complete prior to the
start of the mine operations. Detailed engineering has already been completed on the road
design and layout. Detailed designs and drawings for the haul road linking Kodiaran and
Koulekoun are given in Appendix 9.4.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 398 of 566 Other Mining Infrastructure Mining Administrative Buildings

The main mining administrative building will be supplied by the contractor and will be located
in the mining contractor’s camp between the Koulekoun pit and the plant.

The mining administrative building to accommodate SMM personnel will be supplied by SMM
and will be located near the mining camp.

The SMM mine administrative building drawing is provided in Appendix 9.5. Mining Contractor’s Equipment Workshop

The mining contractor is responsible for the installation of his own equipment workshop and
will provide the appropriate tooling required. This facility will also include areas dedicated to
equipment maintenance, a wash station, and a warehouse facility. The Owner’s responsibility
is to provide the contractor with a level, prepared platform, in a suitable location. Light Vehicle Workshop

The light vehicle workshop will be located in the same vicinity as the mining contractor’s
equipment workshop. This facility is designed to cater for the maintenance of two light vehicles
at the same time. Mining Equipment Refuelling Facility

The mining contractor is responsible for refuelling the mining equipment. A refuelling facility,
which will be constructed by the Owner’s fuel supply subcontractor, Vivo Energy, will be
available in the Koulekoun area. The mining contractor will evaluate the merits of having a
second facility at Kodiaran. The average daily fuel consumptions for the mining fleet are a
minimum of 19 000 L with a maximum peak demand of 28 000 L. Explosives Magazine Storage

The mining contractor is responsible for the supply and storage of the explosives and blasting
accessories required for the liberation of ore. The Owner will provide a pad, as well as access
to this facility. The contractor must ensure that the facility is properly secured and that it
complies with the requirements of the Guinean Standard for the construction of explosives

9.1.6 Power Supply and Electrical Standards and Specifications Power Supply and Distribution

The power for the off-site infrastructure will be supplied from the Rental HFO Power Plant that
will be constructed at the plant site.

It was calculated that the average annual power demand for the infrastructure will be 1.5 MW
(not including the TSF and the plant infrastructure load). The loads are given in Table 9.1.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 399 of 566

Table 9.1: Average Annual Power Demand

Average Annual Power

Description Source of Supply
Demand Loads
Mine infrastructure Koulekoun
Overhead power line
(including raw water distribution pumps and 356 kW
(2.5 km)
dewatering pumps)
Mine infrastructure Kodiaran
210 kW Generator set
(including dewatering pumps)
Overhead power line
Technicians’ Camp 374 kW
(6 km)
Overhead power line
Expatriates’ Camp 342 kW
(1 km)
Overhead power line
Other Infrastructure 105 kW
(3 km)

The power plant in the vicinity of the process plant will supply power by means of electric
overhead power lines, and the medium voltage (MV) power supply will then be stepped down
by means of transformers (22 kV/0.4 kV or 0.69 kV) as given in Table 9.2.

Table 9.2: Transformers

(22 kV/0.4 kV or 0.69 kV)
Mine infrastructure Koulekoun
630 kVA
(including raw water distribution pumps and dewatering pumps)
Mine infrastructure Kodiaran
500 kVA Generator Set
(including dewatering pumps)
Technicians’ Camp 630 kVA
Expatriates’ Camp 315 kVA
Other Infrastructure 315 kVA

For the Kodiaran mine area, which is 22 km away from the power plant station, SMM will
supply power by means of a 500 kVA 660 V diesel generator.

The electric overhead power line (22 kV) layout is shown in the single line diagram, provided
in Appendix 9.6. SMM Electrical Standards and Specifications

The electrical installations are based on International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and
Reminex standards and specifications.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 400 of 566 Standards

Low voltage switchboards (main switchboard (MSB), motor control centre (MCC)) must
comply with the following NFC (Norme Française Classe) standards:

• NF C46: French standard relating to measures and control of industrial processes

• NF C60-61-63: French standard relating to protective equipment and low voltage
• NF C15-100: French standard relating to low voltage electrical installations
• NF C30-31-32: French standard relating to wires and cables
• NF C13-100: French standard relating to high voltage installations Voltage Levels

The project will be realised with a 50 Hz power system frequency and the following voltage

• 22 kV: Power generation from plant

• 6.6 kV: Electricity production, big motors and electrifying of remote areas
• 0.69 kV: Big motors (for pit dewatering)
• 0.4 kV: For lighting
• 220 V: Lighting and auxiliary circuits Neutral System Low Voltage

The low voltage distribution is based on an isolated neutral system. The neutral system for the
electrical distribution system is Isolated Neutral. High Voltage

The neutral system for high voltage distribution that has been adopted is low resistance
grounding. Control Voltage for the Motors

The control voltage for the MCCs will be 2 × 220 V 50 Hz. This voltage will also supply the
contactors of the motor starters. Lighting Network

The neutral system for lighting is a neutral to ground system, which is provided by a local
connection to earth.

The voltage classification for lighting shall either be 3-phase (400 V) or a single phase
220 V AC system, with a neutral to ground distribution. MV Switchgear and Distribution

Type-tested switchgear installed in the consumer substation building will serve as the main
distribution point.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 401 of 566

Provision will be made for feeder panels to provide energy to each of the plant area step-down
transformers. Transformers and Substations

Step-down transformers will be installed in close proximity to the areas of use and will reduce
the voltages from 22 kV to 690 V or 22 kV to 400 V.

The distribution and power transformers will generally be oil-insulated, double-wounded,

3-phase, 50 Hz, Dyn11 transformers that comply with the relevant standards. Air Conditioning System

The air conditioning system is connected to lighting transformers. Lightning Protection

The project is located in a very-lightning prone area in the world, therefore, all units are
expected to be protected by anti-lightning systems. MCC Panels

MCC panels consist of electric fixed starters, a motor circuit breaker and a contactor. The
panels are single-sided, waterproof IP55, even if they are of the indoor type.

The short-circuit current of all equipment will be a maximum of 75 kA. The MCC panels have
the following general specifications:

• Arrival: Withdrawable circuit breaker with a current rating at least

equal to the rated current of the transformers that supply it.
• Rated main bus bar: Not less than the rated current of the incoming circuit.
• Short-circuit current: Between 20 kA and 75 kA
• Insulation: 1 000 V
• Ingress protection rating: IP 55 PLC Panels

The digital input cards will be 24 V DC with 32 channels electrically isolated. Each digital card
input must be protected by a circuit breaker. Each digital input is connected to an interface
relay with a signalling light emitting diode (LED.

The digital output cards will be 24 V DC with 32 channels electrically isolated. The outputs will
be wired to the relay interfaces equipped with indicator LEDs. The relay is designed for
220 V AC/10 A. Each digital output board must be protected by a circuit breaker.

The analogue input cards will be Type 4-20 mA with eight analogue inputs electrically isolated.
These cards will allow the detection of broken wire and an exceeded measuring range. The
resolution must be at least 12 bits (4096 points). Each analogue input card must be protected
by a circuit breaker.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 402 of 566

The analogue output cards will be Type 4-20 mA with eight inputs electrically isolated. These
cards will allow the detection of broken wire. Each analogue output board must be protected
by a circuit breaker.

All input and output (analogue and digital) cards, communications, power modules, the CPU
or controller must be able to be removed and inserted easily.

9.1.7 Communications

SMM will implement an information system that meets the following requirements:

• Facilitate the integration and governance of SMM by ensuring performance and

effective access to SMM's information system, which drives SMM's procedures and
management rules.
• Improve business productivity and efficiency by taking advantage of the latest
software, hardware and information technology, and by promoting communication and
• Encourage the digitalisation of SMM by providing innovative solutions to its operational
issues. Telecommunication Service of SMM Sites

SMM plans to negotiate with one of the Guinean telecommunications operators to set up a
dedicated Internet link through a radio access link in the SMM site. The radio equipment will
be installed on a 40 m high tower, at the SMM site.

SMM will install a firewall and wide area network optimisation equipment to

• Secure and protect the SMM network against threats and unauthorised access.
• Block suspicious mail and web sites or those containing viruses or malware.
• Optimise bandwidth and manage the network quality of service. Internal IT Infrastructure

A computer cabling system will cover most of the mine buildings. SMM expects to install
internal UTP (unshielded twisted pair) Category 6 cabling and an optical fibre interconnection
between buildings.

SMM also plans to install a wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) network that will cover the administration,
camp and the warehouse (Oracle Warehouse Management System).

In order to meet the communications needs of the SMM sites, including internal and external
telephony, videoconferencing and collaboration applications, SMM site will be integrated to
the Cisco Unified Communication solution of Managem.

SMM expects 8 telephone lines, 100 Internet protocol (IP) phone and 1 videoconferencing

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 403 of 566 Internal Radio Network

To ensure communication between employees, SMM plans to install a radio communication

network that will cover the plant and the pits. The solution will consist of two VHF (very high
frequency) relays interconnected with a UHF (ultra-high frequency) radio link. The relays will
be installed on 40 m high towers.

SMM expects 5 fixed stations and 20 mobile radio. Software

SMM will use its own information system including the following:

• Oracle E-Business Suite for finance, purchasing and inventory management

• HR Access for payroll and administrative staff management
• Specific developments, such as cost accounting.

Datamine and Geovia software will be used for geology and mine planning.

Furthermore, SMM will integrate its proven business software packages:

• Thermo Fisher Sample Manager for LIMS (Laboratory Information Management

• Coswin and Siveco software for CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management
• Mine-prod, specific development designed and developed by SMM for the
management of production data

SMM will deploy Microsoft Exchange as the corporate mailing system. Video Surveillance

The storage of video data will be in a central server, in the administration building. Video data
will be retained on a CCTV system for three months. Hardware

SMM will provide its employees with 2 servers, 50 computers (25 desktop and 25 laptops),
35 uninterrupted power supply (UPS) systems, 10 printers (20) and 2 plotters.

9.1.8 Accommodation Facilities

Three permanent camps will be constructed:

• Expatriates' camp: This will be on the mine property and house the expatriates and
local managers, and there will also be an allowance for visitor and guest
• Technicians’ camp: This will be located in the vicinity of the Loila village (~ 1 km) and
house local technicians.
• Dedicated camp for military personnel.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 404 of 566

Mine site operators will live in one of the neighbouring villages. SMM and its subcontractors
will ensure the transportation of these employees from their villages to the different mine

A guest house in Kankan is available to accommodate expatriates travelling to and from either
the Conakry or Mali airports. Expatriates and Local Managers’ Camp

The expatriates and local managers’ camp will be constructed of prefabricated panels, be
located approximately 800 m from the plant, and will consist of the following:

• 75 rooms for technical staff (includes visitors), and 10 rooms for directors (includes VIP
• Entertainment club
• Restaurant and kitchen
• Laundry
• Gymnasium
• Gate and gatehouse for security control
• Mosque

This camp’s perimeter will be fenced by 2.5 m high fencing.

The expatriates’ camp and building layouts are provided in Appendix 9.7. Local Technicians’ Camp

The local technician’s camp will be constructed of prefabricated panels, be located

approximately 1 km from the Loila village, and will consist of the following:

• Housing for local technicians consisting of 108 rooms

• Gymnasium
• Gate and gatehouse for security control

Catering will not be provided in this camp. Staff will be given an allowance to buy meals in the
local village.

This camp’s perimeter will be fenced by 2.5 m high fencing.

The technicians’ camp and building layouts are provided in Appendix 9.8. Military Camp

The military camp will be constructed of prefabricated panels, be located approximately 600 m
from the plant, and will consist of the following:

• Housing consisting of 28 double rooms for military personnel and 1 room for the chief
military officer
• Office for the chief military officer
• Gate for security control

This camp’s perimeter will be fenced by 2.5 m high fencing.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 405 of 566

The military camp layouts are provided in Appendix 9.9.

9.1.9 Solid Waste Management

Solid waste generated from the mine plant site, including ancillary buildings, will primarily be
domestic and industrial non-hazardous waste. A comprehensive waste management plan has
been developed for the project and is provided in Appendix 9.10.

The solid waste management unit will include an incinerator with a waste shredder and a
waste disposal plant for recoverable waste. The unit can handle over 3 t/d.

The solid waste management plan has been approved as part of the environmental impact

9.1.10 Raw Water Supply and Potable Water Distribution Raw Water Supply

A water management model was developed for the site. The model was used to size a raw
water supply dam to supply the mine’s raw water demands.

The raw water supply dam, located on the north eastern side of the mining pit, is proposed for
the supply of plant raw water and potable water. The maximum capacity of the storage dam
that can be practically built at the site (see Figure 9.1) is estimated to be 706 264 m3. Spillage
from the raw water supply dam will discharge via a spillway into the river

A pipeline conveying eight million litres of water per day from the raw water supply dam to the
plant was designed. The pipeline length is 3 530 m. Its profile has been optimised to minimise
the cut and fill volumes while also maintaining a gradual pipeline profile. The pipeline route in
the plant area has been selected to ensure minimal exposure to mobile equipment.

The water is abstracted by means of a barge from the raw water supply dam and discharged
into the raw water pond at the plant.

Figure 9.1: Raw Water Supply Dam embankment layout – Koulekoun

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 406 of 566

Reference should be made to the Hydrogeological, Hydrological and Flood Protection Study
report by Golder and Associates, provided in Appendix 5.22. Potable Water Supply and Water Distribution in the Camps

The potable water supply scheme will consist of two supply pipelines from the potable water
treatment plant in the plant site to the relevant storage tanks at the camps. The potable water
distribution in the camps will be provided by two elevated tanks. The potable water to the
mining subcontractor’s camp will be supplied by water tanker from the water storage tank that
supplies water to the expatriate and military camps. The mining subcontractor will utilise his
own tanker for this activity.

The design of the potable water supply concept is provided in Appendix 9.11.

9.1.11 Camp Firefighting System

The firefighting system for the camps will entail the installation of a fire hydrant in the vicinity
of the potable water treatment plant. A fire truck will be acquired to extinguish fires, and all the
buildings will be equipped with 6 kg dry powder fire extinguishers.

Details of the firefighting concept are provided in Appendix 9.12.

9.1.12 Camp Sewage Treatment

Each camp will have a network of sewer lines transferring the sewage to a containerised
sewage treatment plant, which will consist of separate chambers for anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic
treatment with chlorine injection, and the discharge to the environment will be according to
World Health Organization standards. The capacity of treatment is 27.5 m 3/d for each
containerised plant.

The mining subcontractor will be responsible for the management of the sewage in his camp,
which will adhere to the mine health and safety plan.

9.1.13 Fencing

The perimeter of the following areas will be fenced off with wire mesh fencing of 2.5 m in

• Camp housing for expatriates and local managers

• Camp housing for local technicians
• Camp housing for military staff
• Koulekoun and Kodiaran pits

9.1.14 Fuel Storage and Distribution

Diesel and lubricants will be stored and distributed near the mining infrastructure.

This storage and distribution facility will be constructed and managed by the SMM fuel
supplier, Vivo Energy, to ensure a 1-month storage of 1.1 million litres of diesel on site, along
with required lubricants.

The SMM fuel supplier, Vivo Energy, will develop and manage the used oil at the TRI-K site.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 407 of 566

The monthly diesel requirement is 1.055 million litres.

9.1.15 Export Facility

The study has assumed that gold will be exported to refineries in Europe, but no investigation
of markets or sales agreements have been conducted.

9.1.16 Transport Light Vehicles

The selection of vehicles is based on the SMM organogram for mining, process plant and
administration staff. The resultant fleet is given in Table 9.3.

Table 9.3: List of Light Vehicles

Usage Vehicle Description Quantity

Mine Director Land Cruiser VX V8 4.5 L – 4×4 Full Option 1
Deputy Mine Director Land Cruiser LC 200 VX TD 4.5 LT 1
Geology Toyota Pickup HILUX DC 4x4 double cabin 4
Mine Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 3
Survey Team Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 2
Treatment Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 2
Maintenance plant Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 2
Maintenance vehicle Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 1
Laboratory Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 1
Human Resources Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 1
Finance Administrator Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 1
Doctor Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 1
Ambulance Toyota Hardtop 1
Health, Safety and Environmental
Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 1
Liaison VIP Land Cruiser 200 VX+ 2
Service vehicle Pickup Hilux DC 4×4 double cabin 4
Bus Bus Toyota Coaster 30 S 1 Plant Operational Vehicles

The fleet shown in Table 9.4 will form part of the plant operational vehicles.

Table 9.4: Plant Operational Vehicles

Designation Quantity
Forklift 5 t MX 50-2 1
Telehandler 4 t MT-X1440 2
70 t mobile crane 1

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 408 of 566 Personnel Transport

The transport of SMM staff will be provided by a subcontractor.


The detailed logistics documents and execution plan are provided in Appendix 9.13.

9.2.1 General

Logistics and transport studies were carried out to

• Define the possible access routes to site.

• Identify port facilities and capabilities at the point of discharge.
• Determine the most efficient routing and method of transport to site.
• Determine road/bridge upgrade requirements to ensure the safe delivery of all
• Investigate project insurance requirements.
• Determine total logistics budget to complete the movement to site of all project cargo.
• Complete a methodology to enable control of all movements.
• Establish a shipping procedure specific to the project.
• Identify staff resource requirements along the supply chain and at the project site.
• Determine customs and excise requirements in Conakry and Dakar and the effect on
the project programme/budget.

Bolloré Logistics was nominated as the freighter forwarder to conduct the route survey due to
their proven track record and experience in West Africa. Furthermore, Bolloré Logistics are
recommended for project execution. The Bolloré Logistics list of equipment and track record
are provided in Appendix 9.14.

9.2.2 Routing

Three routing options were considered:

• Durban (South Africa) to Conakry (Guinea) by sea, and Conakry to site by road freight
(for containers)
• Durban (South Africa) to Dakar (Senegal) by sea, and Dakar to site by road freight (for
abnormal loads/break bulk)
• Johannesburg (South Africa) to Conakry Airport (Guinea) via commercial airlines (for

Based on project requirements and practicalities, the Durban-Conakry-site route was selected,
therefore, the main portion of the transport and logistics study was focused on this route.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 409 of 566 Durban-Conakry/Dakar-Site Route

Towards the end of October 2017, a full route survey was initiated from Durban via Conakry
to site to determine the requirements for the movement of all cargo. This included the survey
of all low water bridges and river crossings. This survey also determined the transit times en
route and at border crossings. The proposed route from Conakry to site is shown in Figure

Due to bridge restrictions, the Conakry route is not suitable for abnormal loads. Prior to project
execution, the roads require further assessment to ascertain any changes in road conditions.

Figure 9.2: Containerised Cargo from Conakry to Site

Further to the Conakry route survey, at the beginning of February 2018, Bolloré Transport and
Logistics Senegal, having a good working knowledge of the Dakar route, drove from Mandiana
to the Dakar Port and confirmed that the Dakar route is suitable for all abnormal loads (see
Figure 9.3).

Appendix 9.15 provides the Conakry/Dakar to Site Route Survey Report.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 410 of 566

Figure 9.3: Abnormal Loads/Break Bulk Cargo from Dakar to Site

It was concluded from this Route Survey Report that it would take approximately 40 d to
transport containerised cargo from Durban to the mine site via Conakry (see Figure 9.4), and
approximately 47 d via Dakar (see Figure 9.5), including the 18 d required from the Dakar Port
to the mine site for abnormal loads (see Figure 9.6).

Figure 9.4: Logistics Transit Time Summary (Durban to Site via Conakry)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 411 of 566

Figure 9.5: Logistics Transit Time Summary (Durban to Site via Dakar)

Figure 9.6: Logistics Transit Time Summary (Abnormal Loads from Dakar to Site)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 412 of 566 Charter Aircraft and Airfreight

Conakry International Airport, also known as Gbessia International Airport, is located in the
capital of the Republic of Guinea in West Africa (see Figure 9.7).

Figure 9.7: Conakry Airport, Guinea

In the event that the project programme requires chartering an aircraft to swiftly transport
goods into the country, the aircraft can be deployed into Conakry International Airport. These
costs would have to be negotiated at the time of shipment.

The landing runway at Conakry International Airport has the following specifications:

• Runway: 3 300 m
• Direction: 06/24
• Elevation: 72 ft/22 m
• Surface: Asphalt

The landing runway, therefore, meets the landing runway distances required for types of
airplanes and specified payloads stated in Table 9.5.

Table 9.5: Typical Planes and Payloads

Maximum Runway Main Hold Main Door

Aircraft Payload Requirement Size Size
kg m cm (l × w ×h) cm (w × h) m³
Antonov An-124 120 000 3 000 3 648 × 640 × 440 640 × 440 750

Boeing B747-400F 120 200 3 170 4 800 × 486 × 304 340 × 312 735

Ilyushin IL-96-400T 88 000 2 500 4 444 × 571 × 286 485 × 287 580

Ilyushin IL-76 TF 60 000 1 800 3 114 × 345 × 325 345 × 325 400

Ilyushin IL-62 40 000 3 150 2 798 × 317 × 212 345 × 200 230

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 413 of 566

Cargo can also be airfreighted to Conakry on scheduled daily flights, provided that the cargo
weighs less than 3 t, and its dimensions are less than 3.0 m (length), 2.0 m (width) and 1.50 m

9.2.3 Port Facilities Port of Durban

The Port of Durban (see Figure 9.8) is Africa's biggest container port in terms of capacity.
Located on some of the world's busiest shipping routes, it is South Africa's main port for
general cargo and containers. It handles an average of 83 000 containers each month at the
Port of Durban Container Terminal.

The Port of Durban covers over 1 800 ha of land and water, and it is protected by two
breakwaters that are 335 m and 700 m (1 099 ft and 2 296 ft) long. It contains 302 km of rail
tracks, and the harbour is only one block away from Durban's Central Business District.
Pilotage is required for all vessels entering the port from a point 4.8 km northeast of the
entrance to the port, and tug assistance is also required. The port also offers extensive safe
anchorage outside the port.

Figure 9.8: Port of Durban, South Africa

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 414 of 566 Port of Conakry

Conakry is the capital and largest city of Guinea. It is also a port city that serves as the
economic, financial and cultural centre of Guinea.

Container terminal “P10” has a wharf length of 270 m with draught of 10.5 m, and a container
yard of 20 ha and an empty container yard space of 2.6 ha. The Conakry Port handling
equipment comprises ship-to-shore gantries, mobile harbour cranes and reach stackers.
Pilotage and tug boats are required for port entrance.

The Conakry Port (see Figure 9.9) handles various shipping containers, namely, ACG Alumina
(Alumina Company of Guinea), cement/clinker, general cargo, (roll-on-roll-off) ro-ro containers
and SBK (Société des bauxites de Kindia) bauxite and tankers.

There are road restrictions during the day; trucks can only leave between 10h00 and 15h00
and after 18h00.

On 11 March 2011, Bolloré Africa Logistics was awarded a 25-year concession for the
container terminal at the Conakry Port. The mission to manage and develop the terminal is
part of a public-private sector partnership with the Port Authority.

Figure 9.9: Conakry Port, Guinea

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 415 of 566 Dakar Port

Dakar is a major seaport and the capital city of Senegal (Western Africa).

Its exceptional geographical position (the most advanced point of the West African coast and
at the intersection of the routes linking Europe to South America, and North America to South
Africa) allows vessels coming from the north to have a navigation gain of two to three days
compared to other ports on the West African coast.

The Container Terminal in the North Zone of the Dakar Port covers an area of 24 ha; it has a
quay line of approximately 700 m with three berths between 12 m and 13 m, and modern
handling equipment. It is comprised of four docks (including two Panamax ports), four 100 t
Gottwald cranes on wheels, ten gantry cranes, 15 reach stackers, and 400 refrigerated outlets.
The Dakar Port (see Figure 9.10) is one of the few ports on the West African coast that vessels
of all types can access at all times due to the exceptional nautical conditions of the site
(maximum tide levels vary between 0.20 m and 1.80 m).

Figure 9.10: Dakar Port, Senegal

9.2.4 Project Logistics Documents and Execution Plan

In order to ensure effective management of logistics and for all parties’ expectations of the
project to be met, a written project logistics guide and execution plan will be required. This
logistics execution plan will outline the responsibilities of all the stakeholders
(contractor/company/suppliers/other interested parties) and will indicate how cargo
management and control from time of receipt by the contractor to time of delivery is to be
achieved. Comprehensive project logistics documents and an execution plan applicable to the
TRI-K Project were developed during the study and are provided in Appendix 9.13.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 416 of 566

9.2.5 Project Cargo

Table 9.6 provides a summary of the project cargo, outlining tonnages, number of containers
and shipping method.

Table 9.6: Summary of Project Cargo

Freight Quantity
Item Description Shipping Method
Mass (t) Containers

Structural Steelwork and Plate Work 1 676 140 Containerised

Structural Steelwork and Plate Work: Thickener 102 9 Containerised

Mechanical: Excluding Mill 1 434 144 Containerised

Containerised (Tower Crane:
Mechanical: Excluding Mill - Conakry To Site 176 18
8 × HC + 1 × O/T by 1.3 m)
Mechanical: Thickener 112 13 Containerised

Mechanical: Thickener 1 Flat rack

Mills and Components:

SAG Mill Containerised / Break Bulk

SAG Mill - Special Tools and Relining Machine
Containerised / Break Bulk
(Conakry To Site)
Ball Mill Containerised / Break Bulk
Delivery at Place (DAP) Cost - SAG (Dakar To
10 Containerised
DAP Cost - Ball (Dakar To Site) 10 Containerised

Plant Piping and Valves:

Piping 597 75 Containerised

Valves 28 4 Containerised

Piping - Ball Mill 20 3 Containerised

Electrical - Excluding Ball Mill 41 Containerised

Electrical - Ball Mill 3 Containerised

6 C&I 4 Containerised

7 Civil / Earthworks 35 3 Containerised

Plant First Fills:

8 SAG First Fill - Grinding Media 209 11 Containerised

Ball First Fill - Grinding Media 348 18 Containerised

9 Water Treatment Plant 2 Containerised

10 Sewage Treatment Plant 2 Containerised

11 Effluent Treatment Plant 2 Containerised

12 Tanks 521 58 Containerised

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 417 of 566

Freight Quantity
Item Description Shipping Method
Mass (t) Containers

Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings (Steel) -
187 16 Containerised
Conakry To Site
Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings (Sheeting) -
50 5 Containerised
Conakry To Site
Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings (Steel) -
59 5 Containerised
13 Conakry To Site
Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings (Sheeting) -
10 1 Containerised
Conakry To Site
Prefabricated Buildings & Furniture 16 Containerised

Workshop Tools / Gantry Crane / Fencing 7 Containerised

Weighbridge 1 Containerised


14 HDPE Lining and Geotextile - Conakry To Site 90 Containerised

HDPE Lining Installation Equipment 2 Containerised

15 Spares 13 Containerised

TOTAL 5 563 727

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 418 of 566



SMM appointed ABS Africa (Pty) Ltd to compile a conceptual reclamation and closure plan for
the Tri-K project, based on the planned configuration of the proposed development. This
section presents a conceptual closure plan and the estimate of costs associated with the
proposed Tri-K Gold Project in the Republic of Guinea. The project consists of various pits, a
processing plant, waste rock facilities, a TSF and associated RWD complex, water supply
dams, and a stream diversion.


During the planning and implementation stages of the mining project, the focus of reclamation
and closure planning is to ensure that

• The proposed post-closure land use(s) for the site are defined and agreed with the
regulatory authorities and local communities.
• The nature, scale and cost of the works required to return the site to a condition
consistent with the requirements of the post-closure land use(s) are defined and
• The necessary financial provisions are made for closure and that these are included
in the assessment of the project’s economic viability.
• A plan is developed for the implementation of the reclamation and closure works to
ensure that the process proceeds concurrently with mining operations wherever
• The build-up in reclamation and closure liabilities over the LOM is limited through
appropriate mine planning and concurrent reclamation to mitigate as far as possible
the impacts of premature or unplanned closure.

The framework within which the conceptual reclamation and closure plan has been developed
is described below in terms of the following:

• LOM plan
• Policy guidelines and legislative requirements
• Post-closure land use objectives

10.2.1 LOM Plan

The project description includes the following key components:

• Open-pit mine sites and associated waste rock dumps (WRDs) in the Koulekoun and
Kodiaran mining areas
• Supporting infrastructure at the two open-pit mine areas, comprising an explosives
magazine, vehicle maintenance yard, diesel storage facilities and mine offices
• Gold extraction through a carbon-in-leach (CIL) processing plant and associated
infrastructure situated at Koulekoun
• A TSF and associated RWD, SWD and pollution control structures situated near

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 419 of 566

• A gravel-surfaced 26 km, two-lane mine haul road with a design width of 14 m, between
the two open-pit mine areas
• An aerodrome near Koulekoun
• Extraction of approximately 19.24 Mt of run-of-mine (ROM) ore from the open pits
• LOM projection of 9 years

Mining operations and mineral processing are proposed to take place on a continuous basis
throughout the year (24 hours per day, 7 days a week). Conventional open-pit mining methods
will be used to extract the ore. This will involve ripping, drilling and blasting in sequential
benches to facilitate loading and hauling. Mining of waste to the final pit walls will be carried
out on 10 m benches. Ore will be blasted on 5 m benches. Following blasting, ore and waste
rock will be loaded into dump trucks using excavators and front-end loaders. Haul trucks will
move within the pit using roads on the surface of the benches with ramps extending between
two or more benches.

The mine haul road, as well as other selected infrastructure, will be returned to the government
following the closure of the mine.

10.2.2 Policy Guidelines and Legislative Requirements

Decommissioning, reclamation and closure will be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the Mining Code of the Republic of Guinea (2011 Mining Code as amended by
the 2013 Bill), the Code on The Protection and Development of The Environment
(Environmental Code, Order No 045/PRG/87), as well as the International Mining Industry’s
Best Practice Guidelines, and will be in compliance with the conclusions and
recommendations of the ESIA and the related Management Plan.

The Mining Code specifies the closure and rehabilitation needs, including opening a trust
account and making the necessary financial provisions to ensure that rehabilitation activities
can be completed. The Code requires that, as far as is practicable, the site must be restored
to a stable land form that is close to the original condition of the land. The rehabilitation must
be acceptable to the Government departments responsible for mining and the environment in
terms of safety, agricultural productivity and visual impacts. All facilities, including plant
facilities, must be removed at the cessation of mining activities. Land that was previously
useful for agricultural purposes must be restored to the same state and forest land must be

The closure planning process has been developed to conform to the requirements of Best
Practice Guidelines (which require concurrent and decommissioning rehabilitation) and
describes the unit costs and provides a detailed cost estimate. The cost estimates of
rehabilitation, closure and aftercare have been structured so that the rehabilitation and closure
costs incurred during the LOM can be distinguished from those that will be incurred at closure.

Rehabilitation funding guarantees will be provided to the regulatory authorities based on the
expected extent of surface disturbances, as per the approved ESIA, at selected time periods
throughout the LOM, based on the completed, planned as well as ongoing rehabilitation and
closure works. Reclamation activities will be designed to achieve a post-mining land use as
close as possible to the level of productivity and biodiversity present at pre-mining levels.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 420 of 566

10.2.3 Post-Closure Land Use Objectives

SMM’s objective for the rehabilitation and closure of the mine is to ensure that the site is left
in a condition that is safe and stable, that long-term environmental impacts are minimised, and
that any future liability to the community and future land use restrictions are minimised. The
final post-mining land use will be determined in consultation with the local communities, the
Ministry of Mines and Geology, and any other departments responsible for environmental and
social aspects.

The land uses to be identified during this process are likely to include the following:

• Areas for agriculture

• Areas for livestock grazing
• Wildlife habitats

For health and safety reasons, as well as the protection of specific rehabilitation works, specific
areas within the mine lease may be designated as exclusion zones. Natural soil cover and
vegetation will, as far as possible, be re-established over these areas but access by humans
and/or livestock will be prohibited.

The following closure objectives form part of the conceptual closure plan:

• All structures not desirable or usable post-closure will be demolished and building
material removed or disposed of.
• Hazardous material, equipment and contaminated soils and steel structures will be
disposed of safely and in an environmentally acceptable manner.
• The process plant and other areas used for the handling and storage of hazardous
materials will be decontaminated.
• Disturbed areas will be rehabilitated to a final land use capability that is practical and
best suited for the final landform, taking into consideration the socio-economic
activities of the receiving communities.

At the end of the mine life, the residual facilities will include open pits, WRDs, a TSF, diversion
structures and supporting infrastructure.

The ultimate end use of the rehabilitated areas is considered to have three major objectives:

• Re-establishment to the greatest feasible degree of vegetation on the disturbed areas

within the concession.
• Re-integration of the disturbed areas outside the project footprint into the agricultural
and other prevalent economies.
• Re-development of the disturbed land by working with and involving local people to
assist them in working towards a more sustainable form of livelihood.


The objective of the rehabilitation closure process is to restore as much as possible of the
disturbed area during the mine operations to a land use as close as possible to that previously
practised before the mining operations. While the total area disturbed may ultimately be

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different to that surveyed, the objective will be to maintain the balance of land use and return
as much of the disturbed area to productive use.

Rehabilitation and closure of areas disturbed by mining and related operations will be
considered to be complete when

• All structures, equipment and infrastructure not consistent with the post-closure land
use have been decommissioned, demolished and removed from site.
• Ownership of all the remaining infrastructure and services required to support the
proposed post-closure land use has been formally transferred to the local authority
responsible for the administration of the area.
• The area has been made safe for all post-closure land users and livestock.
• All surface disturbances and remaining landforms are structurally and ecologically
stable and have sustainable soil and vegetation covers where applicable.
• Surface water management structures are in place and are free of damage due to
• All surface and groundwater discharges from the site satisfy agreed target water quality


As various facilities reach the end of their period of use, SMM will initiate rehabilitation
activities concurrent with ongoing mining operations. Rehabilitation activities will be
undertaken during all the phases of the project in order to restore the land to a sustainable
and usable condition. The key activities and actions are as follows:

• General reclamation and closure activities

• Reclamation and closure activities applicable to specific infrastructure areas

10.4.1 General Reclamation and Closure Activities Protection and Harvesting of Resources for Rehabilitation

Construction activities will be undertaken with a view to ensuring the following:

• Minimise the area to be occupied by mine infrastructure.

• Ensure that construction crews restrict their activities to the planned areas.
• Pre-strip topsoil and overburden material from areas earmarked for development to be
used during final rehabilitation, taking soil depths and soil stripping guidelines into
• Establish seed banks and a nursery to be used during rehabilitation activities. Preparation and Placement of Topsoil

The following activities will be undertaken as part of the topsoil placement process:

• Previously disturbed areas should be graded and ripped to ensure that the area is
ready for the placement of overburden and topsoil material, depending on the site-
specific requirements.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 422 of 566

• Compaction will be minimised by using appropriate equipment and replacing soils to
the greatest possible thickness in single lifts.
• Soils will be moved when dry to minimise compaction. If soils must be moved when
wet, shovel and truck methods should be used.
• Where multi-layer soil profiles are re-created, running over the lower layers with heavy
equipment should be minimised.
• Minimise compaction during smoothing of replaced soils by using dozers rather than
• Following placement, all soils should be ripped to full rooting depth.
• Where natural revegetation is not possible, the soils should be tilled to produce a
seedbed suitable for the plant species selected for seeding. Revegetation

Prior to initiating the proposed rehabilitation vegetation plan, SMM will evaluate growth media
replacement depths for various exposures by conducting revegetation trials to arrive at a
specification that accounts for location and soil type.

The following considerations apply:

• Species selected for rehabilitation must meet the biodiversity objectives.

• Rehabilitation species selection must be based on practical considerations.
• Appropriate methods will be used for vegetation establishment.
• Planting should be done when climatic conditions are most likely to ensure success.
• No specialised biodiversity objectives have been set but, should these be identified
during the detailed closure planning process, the necessary expertise will be acquired
to ensure the successful implementation of the rehabilitation plan.
• The revegetation objectives should be set to meet the post-closure land uses that have
been agreed for the site. These could be the re-establishment of the native vegetation,
erosion control for the protection of water resources, establishment of high-quality
grazing or the preparation of lands for arable use. Ore Stockpiles

It is expected that ore stockpiles will be removed by the end of the mine life and that the
stockpiled areas will be reclaimed by grading and revegetating to blend with the natural
landscape. Where this is not possible, stockpiled ore will be reshaped and rehabilitated
according to the post-closure risk posed to the receiving environment. Contaminated Soils

Contaminated soil from solvents and lubricants and other hydrocarbon sources will be
removed and placed in an approved disposal facility, most likely on the lined TSF.

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10.4.2 Reclamation and Closure Activities Applicable to Specific
Infrastructure Areas Processing Plant and Associated Infrastructure

The following measures apply to the processing plant and associated infrastructure:

• The removal of infrastructure will occur at the time of general mine closure. Special
measures to protect adjacent structures, which may otherwise remain operational,
have not been considered.
• Infrastructure will be removed to a depth of 1 m below ground level or, if more cost-
effective, foundations will be covered to a depth of 1 m, provided this does not affect
surface water runoff. Sub-surface structures will be backfilled or sealed off.
• Structures will not be dismantled but will be pushed over or dropped using explosives
and then loaded for removal using mechanical equipment.
• Inert rubble will be removed to tailings dams or disposed of underground.
• Contaminated rubble will be assessed for degree of contamination and disposed of in
the appropriate hazardous waste disposal sites, probably the lined TSF. TSF and Associated Water Management Structures

At closure, the TSF will remain a permanent feature on the landscape and will blend in with
the surroundings. The rehabilitation and closure of the TSF will include activities that take
place concurrently with its development and operation, as well as those associated with its
final decommissioning and closure. Rehabilitation of the side slopes will be carried out

Tailings material generally contains very low sulphur content and, therefore, exhibits a very
low risk of producing sulphide-related acid mine drainage, with only a small fraction of the
materials (~ 10 %) classified as potentially acid forming.

Trace element total concentrations showed the following:

• Arsenic is mainly found in ore, but also in the mottled zone below the laterite.
• Uranium and copper are also high in the mottled zone.
• Copper is higher in the waste rock than in the ore, and high in one tuff sample.

Trace element leachable concentrations showed the following:

• Leachable arsenic in two of the four ore samples from Koulekoun exceeded the IFC
(2007) standards.
• No other elements, including copper and uranium, exceeded the IFC standards.

The samples had a moderate number of elemental enrichments, with arsenic classed as
enriched in some samples. As such, a cover system should be constructed on closure to
isolate the tailings from the environment.

Based on the proposed environmental control measures (i.e. low permeability soil liner and
underdrainage system), seepages through the base of the facility should not have a negative

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 424 of 566

effect on shallow surface water or groundwater. However, as a precaution, the TSF should be
fenced to prevent access by terrestrial animals. Waste Rock Facilities

The WRDs will be constructed to the specified parameters considered suitable and stable for
the type of material to be deposited, taking the topography and receiving environment into
consideration. Grading will minimise the potential for slope failures or rill erosion, facilitate
rehabilitation activities (seeding and mulching), and provide a surface that will enhance water
retention and support vegetation. Rehabilitation of the side slopes will be carried out
concurrently once each lift is completed. At closure, the final slopes and crest will be
rehabilitated. The top of the WRDs and remaining safety benches will be graded to promote
runoff of water (free-draining), prevent ponding or impounding of water, and limit erosion.
Angular features, including tops and edges of the WRDs, will be rounded. Topsoil and growth
media will be redistributed over the WRD material.

Trace element total concentrations showed the following:

• Arsenic is found in the mottled zone below the laterite.

• Uranium and copper are also elevated in the mottled zone.
• Copper is elevated in the waste rock, and high in one tuff sample.

Trace element leachable concentrations showed the following:

• Leachable arsenic exceeded the IFC (2007) standards in one waste rock sample from
Kodiaran (dacite) and one tuff waste rock sample from Koulekoun.
• No other elements, including copper and uranium, exceeded the IFC standards. Open Pits

The open pits will cause a permanent change in the landform of the proposed project area
and will remain a permanent feature. It has been assumed that the pits have been designed
to ensure stability of the walls post-closure.

Potential issues related to public safety at the open pits following active mining include
individuals falling from heights due to the presence of steep pit slopes and the existence of
pits that will be filling with water. To mitigate concern for public safety associated with the
hazards that may be present due to the open pits, SMM will implement the following:

• Conduct public awareness programmes. Prior to mine closure, a campaign will be

conducted to make the public in the surrounding communities aware of the open-pit
closure and to inform them of the potential dangers that could be present.
• Provide suitable fencing to prevent people from gaining access to the pits.
• Provide safety berms to the north and south of the opencast mine to further inhibit
access to the pit.

A post-closure pit water quality assessment has not been completed for the mine, but it is
anticipated that the pit water quality will not be suitable for discharge into the natural

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The infrastructure likely to remain following the closure of the mine includes the following:

• Pits and diversions
• Sediment control ponds

These will remain as the main features, but in a rehabilitated form. Post-closure land uses of
the opencast mine will need to be confirmed once the expected post-closure water quality has
been confirmed.


Provision has been made for ongoing monitoring and maintenance following the completion
of the final rehabilitation and closure activities. Monitoring typically includes the following

• Alignment of the actual final topography to the agreed planned landform, which is free-
• Actual depth of topsoil placement, as well as the chemical, physical and biological
status of the replaced soil
• Presence of erosion and the actual cause of the erosion
• Surface water quality, as well as the presence of ponding in low-lying areas, resulting
in breeding areas for mosquitos
• Groundwater quality at agreed monitoring locations
• Vegetation basal cover
• Vegetation species diversity
• Crop growth and yield (on sites rehabilitated to agricultural end uses)

Provision has been made for the collection and analysis of environmental monitoring data
(surface and ground water, air quality) and the compilation of monitoring reports for a period

• 18 months after closure, to coincide with the decommissioning and rehabilitation phase
of the project
• An additional 5 years after completion of the decommissioning and closure phase.

A risk-based approach will be taken to post-closure monitoring and will be discontinued once
monitoring data shows that the closure objectives have been achieved and that no further
intervention or monitoring is required.


The financial provision requirements associated with the proposed development were
calculated for the concurrent, decommissioning, closure and post-closure phases of the
proposed development. The financial provision requirements are given in Table 10.1, and the
capital cost (CAPEX) schedule is given in Table 10.2.

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Table 10.1: Tri-K Gold Project – Financial Provision for Reclamation and Closure

Concurrent Decommissionin Reclamation
Care and TOTAL
Description Rehabilitation g Phase Phase
Maintenance (US$)
(US$) (US$) (US$)
CIL Plant and Associated Infrastructure - 599 728 705 384 44 888 1 350 001
Buildings and Infrastructure - 50 000 50 000 10 000 110 000
Roads – Access and Haul Roads - 10 000 62 012 3 514 75 526
Open Pits
Koulekoun Pits (combined) 117 030 175 000 29 335 1 886 323 251
Kodiaran Pits (combined) 147 969 150 000 37 393 2 404 337 765
Waste Rock Disposal Facilities
Koulekoun Non-Acid Generating (NAG) WRD 192 237 61 899 9 441 263 577
Koulekoun Potential Acid Generating (PAG) WRD 477 324 65 961 11 323 554 607
Koulekoun Laterite WRD 105 913 105 913 14 626 226 452
Kodiaran WRD 1 384 265 224 989 236 027 19 557 864 838
Kodiaran WRD 2 125 879 91 445 93 429 7 012 317 765
Tailings Storage Facility 426 466 484 083 1 124 771 75 016 2 110 335
Dams and Sediment Control - 193 207 578 804 40 516 812 527
Waste Site - - 103 261 228 103 489
Post-Closure Water Treatment and Management - 335 046 2 391 423 867 761 304
Post Closure Environmental Monitoring - 402 196 603 294 1 005 490
SUBTOTAL 1 977 082 2 313 498 3 658 777 1 267 572 9 216 928
Contingency (unquantified works) at 5 % 98 854.09 115 675 182 939 63 379 460 846.42
Contractors Preliminary and General Costs at 15 % 311 390.37 364 376 576 257 199 643 1 451 666.23
Permitting, Closure Plan, Project Management, Closure Design at 5 % 119 366 139 677 220 899 76 530 556 472.06
TOTAL 2 506 693 2 933 226 4 638 872 1 607 123 11 685 913

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Table 10.2: Tri-K Gold Project – Reclamation and Closure CAPEX Schedule

Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
and Closure 313 337 313 337 313 337 313 337 313 337 313 337 313 337 313 337 9 179 221
Costs (US$)

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During 2013, an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) was undertaken for
Wega Mining Guinea (WMG) for the Tri-K gold project in Guinea. The ESIA was undertaken
by Earth Systems, in association with Insuco, on behalf of WMG, a wholly-owned subsidiary
of Avocet Mining PLC (Avocet). The ESIA was based on the 2013 Feasibility Study, which
included a heap leach facility that would process only the oxide portion of the orebody,
producing an average of 55 000 ounces of gold per year. The ESIA was subsequently
approved and the project permitted.

In 2016, Avocet entered into a joint venture agreement for the Tri-K gold project in Guinea with
Managem S.A. (Managem). Managem is a Moroccan mining group listed on the Casablanca
Stock Exchange. La Société des Mines De Mandiana S.A. (SMM) is a subsidiary of Managem
and is the holder of the permit for the Tri-K gold project. ABS Africa (Pty) was appointed,
together with Insuco, to update the ESIA as well as undertake the environmental feasibility
study for the project.

The Qualified Persons (QPs) understand that the only significant permit required to develop
the proposed Tri-K project is the approval of an ESIA and its associated Environmental and
Social Management Plan (ESMP). As the project is also expected to result in economic
displacement, a Resettlement Action Plan Framework is required to be submitted as part of
the ESIA for approval.

The applicable governance framework comprises the following:

• Mining company policies, procedures, and agreements

• In-country legislative framework
• International conventions and treaties to which Guinea is a signatory
• International policies, directives and standards (International Finance Corporation
(IFC) Performance Standards (2012) and the Equator Principles (2013)

The obligation to carry out an ESIA of a project likely to have an impact on the environment is
provided for in Articles 82 and 83 of the Code of Protection and Development of the
Environment (Ordinance 045/PRG/87 of May 28, 1987, modified by the order of 10
022/PRG/89 March 1989), and more particularly for the mining sector in Article 142 of the
Mining Code of 2011 (L/2011/006/NTC).

Decree D/2014/014/ PRG/SGG of January 12, 2014 provides the procedures for completing
an ESIA of mining operations.

The ESIA and associated feasibility study were undertaken in compliance with Guinean

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Over and above the local Guinean laws, directives and guidelines, additional best practice
guidelines considered for the project are summarised below:

• The International Cyanide Management Code (ICMI) is a voluntary initiative for the
gold mining industry, the producers and transporters of the cyanide used in gold
• The Equator Principles (EPs) have been developed in conjunction with the IFC in an
attempt to establish an international standard with which companies must comply in
order to apply for approved funding. The EPs apply to all new Project financings
globally across all sectors. These EPs are an attempt to “encourage the development
of socially responsible Projects, which subscribe to appropriately responsible
environmental management practices with a minimum negative impact on Project-
affected ecosystems and community-based upliftment and empowering interactions”
(Equator Principles Association, 2013).
• The IFC’s Sustainability Framework includes the Policy and Performance Standards
on Social and Environmental Sustainability and provides the private sector clients with
a clear and comprehensive view of requirements early in their engagement with IFC.
The IFC has provided a range of technical reference documents with general and
industry-specific examples of Good International Industry Practice (GIIP).

The IFC’s Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) guidelines are technical reference
documents with general and industry-specific examples of GIIP. These general EHS
guidelines are designed to be used together with the relevant industry sector EHS guidelines
(such as for mining).

The general EHS guidelines consist of the following aspects:

• Air emissions
• Ambient air quality
• Energy conservation
• Wastewater and ambient water quality
• Water conservation
• Hazardous materials management
• Waste management
• Noise
• Contaminated land


11.2.1 Physical Environment Geology and Geochemistry

The Koulekoun and Kodiaran projects represent a porphyry hosted orogenic disseminated
style system. The dominant geological feature is massive, NW striking and steeply E dipping,
quartz feldspar porphyry typically 20 m to 80 m wide with a maximum vertical drilled depth of
300 m and open at depth and along strike. This porphyry unit is the primary host to gold
mineralisation and has intruded along the anticlinal axis of a folded sequence of volcanogenic

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 430 of 566

sedimentary rocks. These have a regional NE and steep easterly dip; and comprise turbidites,
pelites, schistose pelites, sandstones, greywackes, and arkose sandstones and tuffs.

The static geochemical assessment concluded the following:

• The bulk of the waste rock material is non-acid generating, with localised areas of low
to moderate risk of acid generation.
• Some of the Koulekoun ore is potentially acid generating, but none of the Kodiaran ore
samples were acid generating.
• Arsenic is mainly found in ore, where most samples showed leachable concentrations
exceeding IFC standards.
• High total concentrations of arsenic are also found in the “mottled zone” below the
laterite – but this material is not significantly leachable and is probably a result of
oxidation and adsorption of arsenic on laterite and accumulation at the base.
• No other elements’ leachable concentrations, including copper and uranium, exceeded
IFC standards.
• Arsenic levels in the tailings slurry process water are expected to be elevated:
concentrations are expected to be around fifty times the IFC standards and this is
inherent to the ore.
• Copper levels also significantly exceed IFC standards.

The static test work undertaken to date is considered conservative and by nature generally
represents a worst-case scenario in terms of leachate concentrations and acid mine drainage
(AMD) potential. Further kinetic test work is underway to update the geochemical risk
assessment. The waste management approach and associated mitigation measures will be
reviewed and updated based on the outcome of the kinetic test work. Soils and Land Capability

Areas of easy access, and often with exposed profiles (such as borrow pits for road
construction material and new mine pits) were investigated and the profiles described and
photographed. From the investigation, a clear trend in terms of soil distribution emerged in the
project area. The soil zones are divided into three distinct land units with characteristic soil

• Shallow and concretionary (plinthic) soils in convex landscape positions

• Variable depth, highly bleached silt-rich plinthic soils in concave landscape positions
• Variable depth silt-rich fluvial soils along stream and river channels

The shallow and concretionary soils form the location for most human settlements and are
subject to several land degradation challenges, including the following:

• Artisanal mining and gold panning

• Excavation of material for road construction with associated dumping of rubbish and
even hazardous medical waste in some cases
• Significant oil and hydrocarbon pollution due to motorcycle servicing in villages

The data indicates that a large proportion of the soil volume in the shallow plinthic soils is
composed of Fe concretions that fall into the gravel size fraction. The bulk of the soil samples
collected in the project area exhibit the profile of Ca>Mg>K>Na concentrations.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 431 of 566

The land capability/suitability for the project area is linked to the soil distribution as follows:

• Shallow and concretionary (plinthic) soils in convex landscape positions: These soils
occur in convex landscape positions and represent areas with shallow soils and low
water-holding capacity. Consequently, the land capability/suitability is limited to the
planting of tree crops that are suited to the utilisation of water resources within the
weathering rock/laterite profiles. Annual crops are not suited to this area as the soil
profiles are too shallow and gravelly for adequate root development and water supply.
• Variable depth, highly bleached, silt-rich plinthic soils in concave landscape positions:
These soils occur in depressions and concave landscape positions and are wetter than
the soils in the convex landscape areas. Due to the deeper (thicker) soil profiles, higher
water holding capacity and regular water supply, these soils are suited to a range of
annual cash crops that include maize, rice and vegetable crops.
• Variable depth silt-rich fluvial soils along stream and river channels: The soils along
the stream and river channels often exhibit alluvial depositional characteristics and are
sensitive to erosion. Although many of these soils are included in maize and rice
production areas they are better suited to natural vegetation for stability purposes.
These soils should not be cultivated and excavated for brick-making purposes. In
cases where such activities take place, care should be taken regarding the stabilisation
of stream / river banks to prevent accelerated degradation due to human activities. Climate and Meteorology

Guinea’s climate is generally considered tropical, although the inland climate varies
significantly from the coastal region. The inland area is characterised by a pronounced dry
season (from November to March) and the wet season (April to October).

Average temperatures and annual rainfall vary considerably in Guinea, often relative to the
distance from the coast. Average coastal precipitation is approximately 4300 mm/a with an
average annual temperature of 27°C. In the Project area the average annual rainfall is
approximately 1 500 mm. Sahelian Upper Guinea has a shorter rainy season and greater daily
temperature variations. There is a dry season (December to May) with north-easterly
harmattan winds.

The average annual temperature at Kankan was relatively stable from 1981 to 2011, with a
mean maximum of 33.5 °C and an average minimum of 20 °C.

The wind field was dominated by winds from the WSW, SW and NE. Calm conditions occurred
almost 3 % of the time. Night-time airflow had more frequent winds from the NE and SW
sectors than the daytime and lower wind speeds. The dry season reflects the prevailing wind
direction as being from the NE. The wet seasons reflect the prevailing wind direction as from
the south-west sector. Surface Water

The project is located within the Upper Niger Basin. The Niger River is a major river in
continental Africa that crosses nine countries and supports the livelihoods of more than
100 million people.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 432 of 566

The major drainage line in the project area is the Fié River, which flows in a general north-
easterly direction. Its source is approximately 15 km southeast of the Kodiaran deposit in the
project area. The Fié River crosses a significant length of the project area, along the western
boundary and into Mali where it joins the Niger River.

In the project area, the main uses of water include drinking, washing, fishing, cooking, bathing,
irrigation, fishing and artisanal mining. There is currently a lack of water supply and distribution
infrastructure in the project area. Water supply is mainly from traditionally constructed
groundwater wells and surface freshwater sources. Water treatment is limited and may include
at most boiled water for consumption purposes. During the rainy season, water resources are
abundant, but during the dry season, the groundwater wells and seasonal watercourses dry
up, and people have to travel relatively long distances to obtain water.

Water quality in the catchment is generally very good and samples collected within the project
area correlate with available data from the larger catchment area. Results indicate good water
quality with moderately low pH and very low salinity. Very little variability in water quality was
observed between control points. Most metals are present in very low concentrations, at levels
below laboratory limits of detection. Total iron concentrations exceeded drinking water quality
standards for some sampling points, which is believed to be associated with the geology and
soils of the area. Groundwater

Drilling and aquifer testing data obtained from the drilling of four boreholes in the Kodiaran
area and three boreholes at Koulekoun, a review of selected geological cores and literature of
similar environments were used to describe the aquifer zones present within the two mining
areas (see Table 11.1).

Table 11.1: Aquifer Zones in Mining Areas

Zone Type of Zone Description of Zone

Saprolite Completely and Highly The thickness of the saprolite is variable in space and is dictated by the
Weathered Zone degree of weathering of the rock. In the local environment, the thickness of
the saprolite exceeds 80 m in places. The aquifer hydraulics of this zone
are characterised by low conductivities and high storage values as a
consequence of the abundant clay minerals. The saprolite forms the main
groundwater storage unit in the project area (apart from the flood plain
deposits). However, it is generally not possible to obtain well yields greater
than 0.5 L/s from the saprolite.
Saprock Moderately Weathered In terms of hydrogeology, this zone is typically characterised by moderate
Zone to high storage values and moderate to high hydraulic conductivity.
Fractured Slightly Weathered This zone comprises fractured bedrock material and the fractured network
Bedrock Zone provides secondary porosity for low conductivity rock material. Hydraulic
conductivities and storativity values are assumed to be moderate in this
Fresh Fresh Zone The fresh bedrock comprises unfractured and unweathered metavolcanic
Bedrock and metasedimentary rocks. Granite and granodiorite intrusions are also
widespread through the model domain. The hydraulic conductivity and
storativity of this zone are low.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 433 of 566 Air Quality

An air quality monitoring programme was implemented that included both the wet and dry
seasons associated with the project area. The sampling sites are described in Table 11.2.

Table 11.2: Air Quality Sampling Locations and Parameters

Site Parameter to be
Description Reasoning
No. Sampled
1 Loïla Dust fall Existing dust fall sampling location.
2 Koromandougou Dust fall Existing dust fall sampling location.
In the maximum impact zone, the most affected air
3 Kodiaran Dust fall and NO2 quality sensitive receptor (AQSR). Existing dust fall
and NO2 sampling location.
Existing dust fall sampling location. The weather
Dust fall and station is currently located here, and this is a
4 Komana
meteorological data reasonable location; however, vegetation clearing
surrounding the station is suggested.
Dust fall, PM10, PM2.5, In the maximum impact zone, most affected AQSR.
5 Koba
and NO2 Existing dust fall sampling location.

Sources of atmospheric emissions include gaseous and particulate matter (PM) emissions
from artisanal mining operations, miscellaneous fugitive dust sources including roads and
windblown dust from open areas, vehicle exhaust and transport activities, household fuel
burning and biomass burning (e.g. wild fires). An air quality monitoring programme was
implemented during October 2017 to monitor dust fall, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations, as well
as the passive diffusive sampling of SO2 and NO2 concentrations at selected locations.

Dust fall is generally elevated in the area with selected guidelines exceeded at Sites 1, 2 and
3. PM10 and PM2.5 World Health Organisation (WHO) Interim Target (IT) 3 limits are exceeded
at the selected sampling sites. NO2 levels generally comply with the WHO Air Quality
Guidelines (AQG), although calculations show that Site 1 could possibly exceed the 1-hour
WHO AQG limit value. Environmental Noise

Recorded LAeqs4 at most sites are currently above the limits for residential areas. LAeqs
ranged from 46.2 dBA to 66.7 dBA during the day and were between 46.9 dBA and 58.9 dBA
during the night. The differences between recorded LAeqs and LA90s5 (6.9 dBA to 17 dBA)
are typical of areas with occasional very noisy incidents such as vehicle pass-bys and
community activities as were observed during the survey.

LAeq (T): The A-weighted equivalent sound pressure level, where T indicates the time over which the noise is
averaged (calculated or measured) (in dBA).

LA90: The A-weighted 90 % statistical noise level, i.e. the noise level that is exceeded during 90 % of the
measurement period. It is a very useful descriptor that provides an indication of what the LAeq could have been in
the absence of noisy single events and is considered representative of background noise levels (LA90) (in dBA).

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 434 of 566

11.2.2 Biological Environment

The project area falls within the Sudanian regional centre of plant endemism, near the border
with the Guinea-Congolia/Sudania Regional Transition Zone. The project area vegetation type
is characterised as “Sudanian Woodland with abundant Isoberlinia”. Dominant woody species
in these Sudanian woodlands are Isoberlinia species, especially Isoberlinia doka, as well as
Afzelia africana, Burkea africana, Combretum spp. and Terminalia spp.

The proposed mine is located in the Upper Niger Freshwater Ecoregion, which comprises the
Niger River Catchment upstream of the Inner Niger Delta. This ecoregion is characterised by
a high diversity of fish, many adapted to fast currents and rock-bottomed streams that occur
in the Fouta Djalon and central Guinea Highlands. The fish species composition is similar to
that found in the Senegal River, and it is likely that the Upper Niger used to be a tributary of
the Senegal until sand dunes that developed during a dry period in the late Pleistocene
diverted the flow of the Upper Niger towards Timbouctou, its current course. The Upper Niger
Freshwater Ecoregion has been classified as “Nationally Important”, and the global
conservation status has been classified as “Vulnerable”. However, the conservation priority of
the ecoregion has been classified as “Very Low”.

The proposed development is located within the Sankarani-Fié Ramsar Site. This site covers
an area of some 10 152 km² and was declared as a wetland of international importance in
2002. The area is characterised by savannah and dry forest and large floodplains that are
important spawning grounds for fish. Fauna

A baseline survey of mammals within the project area was conducted during the wet season
fieldwork in August 2017 and the dry season fieldwork in January 2018, during which time
14 mammal species were confirmed to occur (32 camera-trap nights only yielded photographs
of several Gambian Pouched Rats (Cricetomys gambianus)). The low TrailCam success rate
and the paucity of large mammal spoor points to low mammal densities in the project area.
The mammal most commonly sighted during the day was the Gambian Sun Squirrel, while the
most commonly encountered spoor evidence was of the Marsh Mongoose and most frequently
encountered dung was that of the Savannah Hare. Ten International Union for Conservation
of Nature (IUCN) red-listed species potentially occur within the vicinity of the project area in
eastern Guinea, although seven of these species have a low likelihood of occurring because
of a lack of suitable habitat and/or disturbance associated with the proximity to human
populations. Two species, the African Clawless Otter (Aonyx capensis) and the Straw-
coloured Fruit Bat (Eidolon helvum), have a high likelihood of occurring because of the
presence of a suitable habitat and food sources. One species was confirmed to occur near
the project area during wet season fieldwork. Birds

During the wet season fieldwork, 143 bird species were recorded in the project area and during
the dry season fieldwork, 146 species were recorded, resulting in a combined total of
198 species.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 435 of 566

The most frequently recorded species during the wet season were almost all generalist
woodland species that are equally common in degraded, secondary habitats, including the
following species (reporting rates in parentheses):

• Vinaceous Dove Streptopelia vinacea (0.05)

• Black-billed Wood Dove Turtur abyssinicus (0.04)
• Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu Uraeginthus bengalus (0.03)
• Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus (0.03)
• Scarlet-chested Sunbird Chalcomitra senegalensis (0.02)
• Yellow-fronted Canary Crithagra mozambica (0.02)
• Northern Grey-headed Sparrow Passer griseus (0.02)
• Black-crowned Tchagra Tchagra senegalus (0.02)
• Black-winged Red Bishop Euplectes hordeaceus (0.02)

An influx of certain dry season visitors and the departure of wet season species resulted in a
noticeably different dry season bird fauna, with the following species being the most common
(reporting rates in parentheses):

• Bush Petronia Gymnoris dentata (0.05)

• Vinaceous Dove (0.05)
• African Grey Hornbill Tockus nasutus (0.04)
• Common Bulbul (0.04)
• Black-billed Wood Dove (0.03)
• Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird Pogoniulus chrysoconus (0.02)
• Northern Grey-headed Sparrow (0.02)
• Pygmy Sunbird Hedydipna platurus (0.02)
• Laughing Dove Spilopelia senegalensis (0.02)
• Lesser Blue-eared Starling Lamprotornis chloropterus (0.02).

An analysis of the MacKinnon list revealed five bird assemblages while Sørensen Coefficients
of Similarity indicated the degree of similarity between the different assemblages, including
Forest/Thicket Assemblage, Woodland Assemblage, Grassland Assemblage, Degraded
Woodland Assemblage and Wetland/Open Water Assemblage. Reptiles

The project area falls within the Afrotropical Zoogeographic Region (previously called the
Ethiopian Region) which is characterised by the amphibian genus Kassina and the reptilian
genera Dasypeltis and Agama. Within the Afrotropical Zoogeographic Region, the "Northern
Subcentre" of the Savanna Biome which stretches from Senegal to Sudan was considered to
be one of seven herpetofauna evolutionary centres. The "Northern Subcentre" of the Savanna
Biome is currently considered to comprise two terrestrial ecoregions and the project areas fall
within the West Sudanian Savanna ecological region.

Six distinctive herpetofaunal assemblages are present within the project area, namely
Woodland Assemblage, Grassland Assemblage, Riparian Forest Assemblage, Laterite
Thicket Assemblage, Wetland/Open Water Assemblage and Degraded Habitat Assemblage.
The species diversity within each assemblage comprises the species that occur in several
different habitat types (habitat generalists), and the species that are confined to specific

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 436 of 566

habitats (habitat specialists). Seventeen reptile species and 18 amphibian species were
confirmed to occur within the project area during the fieldwork. No amphibian species of
conservation concern are expected to occur within the general vicinity of the project area. Two
threatened reptile species potentially occur in the general vicinity of the project area. These
are the Slender-snouted Crocodile Mecistops cataphractus (Critically Endangered) and the
African Dwarf Crocodile Osteolaemus tetraspis (Vulnerable).

The project area is situated within the broad West Sudan ecoregion which contains very few
endemic herpetofauna species, none of which are expected to occur within the project area.
None of these endemics or other range-restricted species are expected to occur in the project

There is no legislation that could be obtained that documents, at a national level, the protection
of specific herpetofauna species in Guinea. While no protected amphibians are expected to
occur in the project area, ten reptile species that are protected under Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) could potentially
occur. While the majority of these are species that are not currently considered to be in need
of any conservation action and are simply protected from trade, the two crocodile species
discussed above are of genuine conservation concern. Flora

Eight floristically and structurally distinct vegetation associations were identified during the
desktop phase and confirmed during fieldwork (see Table 11.3). Seven of these communities
represent Natural Habitats and one is a Modified Habitat.

Table 11.3: Vegetation Associations

Type Description Species

Broad-leaved Broad-leaved Semideciduous Woodland 125 species were recorded in Broad-leaved
Semideciduous would have been the most widespread and Woodland during fieldwork, representing 42 % of the
Woodland dominant vegetation association in the species recorded during the wet season fieldwork.
project area, covering all landform types, Prominent canopy trees in this community are
particularly crests and mid-slopes, although Pterocarpus erinaceus, Detarium microcarpum,
present on valley bottoms. However, much Isoberlinia doka, Pericopsis laxiflora, Parkia
of this association has been transformed or biglobosa, Lannea acida, L. microcarpa, Monotes
degraded through agricultural activities and kerstingii, Prosopis africana, Terminalia macroptera
human settlement, leaving a patchwork of and Combretum collinum.
fragments of untransformed habitat within a Two red-listed species, both classified as Vulnerable,
mosaic of cultivated. The vegetation were recorded in this vegetation association. Khaya
structure is mostly Closed Woodland. The senegalensis is the most prominent within the
canopy height is 8 m to 12 m, and canopy Riparian Forest, but scattered trees were found at a
cover varies from 50 % to 80 %. Soils are number of sites within Broad-leaved semideciduous
fine to coarse ferricrete gravels and are woodland away from riparian zones. Afzelia africana
usually quite shallow. was found to be uncommon but widespread in this
woodland type within the project area, although in low
Degraded This is a widespread vegetation community 70 species were recorded in Degraded Secondary
Secondary in the project area, occurring across the full Woodland during the fieldwork, representing 21 % of
Woodland range of landforms and on various soil types the species recorded in the entire project area.
and usually in a mosaic with patches of Degraded Secondary Woodland is characterised by
Broad-leaved Semi-deciduous Woodland. a high proportion of pioneer species adapted to
colonising disturbed ground and that are not found in
other undisturbed vegetation communities.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 437 of 566

Type Description Species
Riparian Forest This is a clearly defined vegetation 110 species were recorded in the Riparian Forest
community, both in physical structure and during the wet season fieldwork, representing 36 %
species composition, occupying a clearly of the project area species list. Khaya senegalensis,
defined narrow belt along the banks of an IUCN red-listed species with a status of
streams throughout the project area. Vulnerable, is an occasional, locally common species
throughout this association, elevating the
conservation value of the Riparian Forest.
Termitaria Thickets This is a very small and fragmented 30 species were recorded in Termitaria Thickets
vegetation association that is found on large during the wet season fieldwork, representing 9 % of
termitaria in the Broad-leaved the overall project area species list. No IUCN red-
Semideciduous Woodland community but is listed species were located in this association during
poorly represented in the project area. fieldwork.
Thickets on This is a small and fragmented vegetation 50 species were recorded in Thickets on Laterite
Laterite Scarps community that is associated with level Scarps during the wet season fieldwork, representing
sheetrock at the edge of the laterite 17 % of the species recorded in the entire project
hardpans. Vegetation structure is Low to area. This plant association has a moderate level of
Tall Thicket, with a canopy height of 4 m to species fidelity, with 12 species (24 %) being
8 m and a canopy cover of 100 %. confined to it.
Grassland on This is a scattered and fragmented 67 species were recorded in Grassland on Laterite
Laterite Hardpans vegetation community that is closely Hardpans during the fieldwork, representing 20 % of
associated with the shallow soils and bare the project area species list. These grasslands have
sheetrock on laterite hardpans throughout a high level of species fidelity, with 48 % of the plants
the project area. Vegetation structure is not found in any other association in the project area,
mostly Low Closed Grassland. Grasses are highlighting community floristic uniqueness.
usually not higher than 350 mm, while Sørensen’s Coefficients of Similarity indicate that
scattered woody shrubs and small trees are Grasslands on laterite hardpans have a moderate
present wherever cracks in the laterite allow affinity with Broad-leaved Woodlands (Ss = 0.20), but
soil to accumulate. little affinity to any of the other associations in the
project area. One of the laterite grasslands that were
surveyed had a small population of a threatened
species, namely Lepidagathis epacridea, which is
assessed as Endangered (EN B2ab(iii)).
Wetlands on This is a very localised vegetation Only 14 species were recorded in wetlands on laterite
Laterite Hardpans association that is confined to depressions hardpans during the wet season fieldwork. None of
in laterite hardpans that hold water through these wetlands held water during the dry season
the wet season. fieldwork. Almost all of the species located in laterite
wetlands were diagnostic for this association and
were found nowhere else in the project area.
Hydrophytic grasses characteristic of these wetlands
are Brachyachne obtusiflora and Panicum afzelii, and
herbs such as Dopatrium senegalensis and
Monochoria brevipetiolata.
Wetlands on These wetlands are found along all major 32 species were recorded in this vegetation
Valley Bottoms streams in the project area but are most well community during fieldwork. Grasses and sedges are
developed along the large floodplains of the the dominant life forms in this association.
Fié River, particularly in the vicinity of Loïla Sørensen’s Coefficients of Similarity indicate that
village. Vegetation structure is Closed these wetlands share little to no affinity with the other
Grassland, with grass height varying from vegetation associations in the project area.
300 mm to 3 000 mm.

Seventy-nine plant species occurring in Guinea are red-listed by the IUCN (IUCN, 2012),
although most of these are from isolated mountain regions such as the Fouta Djalon or Mount
Nimba. Fourteen species have a moderate likelihood of occurring in the project area because
of the presence of a suitable habitat, while one Endangered species, five Vulnerable species
and one Near Threatened species have been confirmed to occur.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 438 of 566 Aquatic Environment Aquatic Ecosystems

Four types of aquatic ecosystems were identified within the project area, excluding the
impoundment at Koundian:

• Seasonal Lower Foothill Streams. These were the most common aquatic ecosystems,
and included the Bomani South, Djabagbeko, and Körannin Streams.
• Lowland River. The Fié River was the only large, lowland river, and it supported an
extensive floodplain, typically approximately 1.3 km wide.
• Seasonal Valley Bottom Wetlands. These were present along portions of the
Djabagbeko, Bomani South and Franin Streams.
• Seasonal Depression. There is one small (1 ha) seasonal depression, located on the
higher ground between the Fié and Bomani South Valleys. Field Water Quality

The field water quality recorded in August 2017 showed little variation over the project area,
except for high levels of suspended material downstream of artisanal mining activities. The pH
was neutral to slightly acidic, and ranged between 6.3 and 7.0 at most sites, except in the
Valley Bottom Wetland at KL04, where the pH was slightly alkaline, at 7.8. Electrical
conductivity was very low, and ranged between 1.2 mS/m and 2.9 mS/m at most sites, with
the notable exception of the Djabagbeko Stream at KL07, where conductivity was elevated, at
5.1 mS/m. The reason for the elevated conductivity in this stream in unknown. Filamentous Algae

The abundance of filamentous algae was generally low, particularly in the seasonal streams,
therefore, nutrient levels in these streams were very low. A moderate abundance of
Oscillatoria sp. and Spirogyra sp. (indicative of mild nutrient enrichment) was recorded in the
Franin Wetland, at KL08. The most likely cause of organic enrichment in this wetland is the
use of the wetland for grazing of livestock. The riffle habitat in the Fié River downstream of
Koundian Dam had small patches of Stigeoclonium sp. The presence of this alga is attributed
to organic enrichment caused by decomposition of vegetation within the recently inundated
impoundment. Benthic Diatoms

The composition and abundance of benthic diatoms at two sites in the Fié River, upstream of
the impoundment at Koundian, indicated that biological quality water was Excellent, with very
low nutrient, salinity and organic pollution levels. The biological water quality downstream of
the dam deteriorated compared to the upstream quality but was rated as Good. Diatoms in
the Bomani South Stream downstream of artisanal mining activity was rated as Moderate,
mainly because of elevated sediments, nutrients and organic pollution levels. Indicator species
associated with anthropogenic activity were present at low abundance. Diatoms in the Franin
Wetland indicated that biological water quality was Good. No anthropogenic-related impacts
were reflected by the diatom community composition, but there was evidence of elevated
nutrients. No valve deformities were noted at any of the sites suggesting that metal toxicity
was below the detection limits at the time of sampling.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 439 of 566 Aquatic Macrophytes

Aquatic Macrophytes: Aquatic ecosystems were characterised by a high diversity of

indigenous aquatic macrophytes, and no evidence of alien macrophytes. Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

Aquatic macroinvertebrates were characterised by low diversity and abundance of most taxa,
except for Odonata and Hemiptera, which were abundant and diverse. The most common
taxa, recorded at more than half the sites, were Coenagrionidae, Libellulidae, Veliidae,
Baetidae, Corixidae, and Gerridae. Most taxa recorded are hardy, tolerant taxa that are
typically associated with seasonal systems. Four species of blackflies (Simuliidae) were
recorded, including the pest blackfly Simulium damnosum (complex), which was recorded in
high abundance in the fast-flowing, riffle habitat downstream of the Koundian Dam. Fish

Fish were characterised by a low diversity of indigenous, tolerant species, all of which prefer
standing water. Fourteen species were recorded during the initial baseline survey, in March
2013, and fifteen were recorded during the field survey, in August 2017. The total number of
fish species confirmed in the project area during the two surveys is 21. The most widespread
species in the project area was Enteromius macrops, which was recorded at 14 (88 %) of the
16 sites sampled during the two surveys. No fish species of conservation concern were
recorded or expected in the project area. Current Threats

The main threats to the aquatic ecosystems in the project area identified during the baseline
survey in 2017 were the following:

• Alluvial gold mining and associated mobilisation of sediment

• Cultivation
• Subsistence fishing
• Recent impoundment of the Fié River at Koundian


11.3.1 Upper Guinea and Mandiana Prefecture

The Tri-K project is in the Kankan administrative region in Upper Guinea, about 525 km east
of Conakry and 225 km southwest of Bamako. Specifically, the mine concession area is in the
prefecture of Mandiana and includes the urban commune of the Mandiana sub-prefecture and
the two sub-prefectures of Koundian and Balandougou (see Figure 11.1).

After Siguira and Kankan, Mandiana is the third-most populated prefecture of the region, with
17 % of the total population residing in this prefecture as per the General Population and
Habitat Census of 2014. It is characterised by shifting subsistence food crop production that
remains dependent on slash-and-burn crops and traditional and extensive low productivity
livestock systems.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 440 of 566

The emergence of plantations, mainly of cashew trees, has been increasingly important since
2010. Activities encountered in the project area include logging, fishing, hunting and honey
harvesting. Artisanal mining also plays an important role. The informal economy is dominant.

In Upper Guinea, 49 % of the population, including Mandiana, lives below the national poverty
line (GNF8 800/d) and nearly 17 % live in extreme poverty (less than GNF4 500/d) (year
reference: 2012, in the INS Statistical Yearbook 2015).

Figure 11.1: Location of Project Area

The socio-economic baseline evaluated as part of the ESIA included all settlements including
residential areas and/or lands located within or immediately adjacent to the identified project

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 441 of 566

Six main districts or villages linked to six small permanent settlements have been identified
near the project area. In addition, a permanent satellite village (Dala Diaran) have been
identified near to Kodiaran. Located on the outskirts of the project's exploration area to the
south, the village is an integral and dependent part of Kodiaran (see Figure 11.2).

Figure 11.2: Location of the 13 Villages of the Project Area

Upper Guinea is one of the four natural regions of the country and is divided into two
administrative regions:

• The region Kankan including the prefectures of Kankan, Siguiri, Mandiana, Kouroussa
and Kérouané
• The region of Faranah composed of the prefectures of Faranah, Dabola and

The socio-economic situation in the Mandiana Prefecture is characterised by low rates of

access to basic services, coupled with the persistence of inequalities between urban and rural
areas. Girls and women are the first to suffer from this situation, both in terms of access to

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 442 of 566

education and health and access to the economic sphere, where the lack of accompanying
measures limits women's access to income-generating activities.

11.3.2 Settlements and Community Structure Rural Communities

In the project area there are two rural communities, whose boundaries correspond to
associated sub-prefectures: Koundian and Balandougou. The rural community of Koundian is
composed of five official districts, and three sectors; Balandougou comprises 1 sector located
in the project area (Dala Diaran). Villages and Districts

Thirteen key villages, six of which have been classified as formal districts, have been identified
within the project area. The villages become districts when they reach a certain size (1 000
inhabitants) and importance as determined by the authorities. The district is the smallest unit
recognised in the Basic Law on Local Authorities of 1996. The central districts are the
administrative centres (Koundian and Mandiana in the case of the project area), which shelter
both the representative institutions of the decentralised and deconcentrated power at the sub-
prefectural level.

The sector is a territorial unit and not an administrative unit, as it is not recognised by the
Fundamental Law on Decentralisation (2006). It usually includes a village and its satellite
communities. The area manager is nevertheless considered as the official representative of
the village.

Thirteen key villages have been identified within the project area. Six of these thirteen villages
have been classified as formal districts. The villages become districts when they reach a
certain size (1 000 inhabitants) and importance as determined by the authorities. The district
is the smallest unit recognised in the Basic Law on Local Authorities of 1996. The central
districts are the administrative centres (Koundian and Mandiana in the case of the project),
which shelter both the representative institutions of the decentralised and deconcentrated
power at the sub-prefecture level.

The sector is a territorial unit and not an administrative unit, as it is not recognised by the
Fundamental Law on Decentralisation (2006). It usually includes a village and its satellite
communities. The area manager is nevertheless considered as the official representative of
the village.

11.3.3 Social Context Population Growth and Migration

The quantitative population data for the project area was updated by extrapolating the 2013
data with data obtained from a comprehensive enumeration of three villages (Kodiaran, Köba
and Diabagbe Köda). The measured population growth of these three villages was used to
estimate a differentiated population growth rate for the ten other villages in the project area.
In each of the 13 villages in the area, a representative sub-sample was selected for
undertaking a household socio-economic survey.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 443 of 566

The socio-economic survey carried out in the 13 main villages in the project area made it
possible to estimate the population at 41 346 individuals or 8 099 households. The villages of
Kodiaran (in which the satellite village of Dala Diaran is included) and Loïla are the most
densely populated.

The annual population growth has seen a significant overall increase, probably due in part to
the increase in the price of gold since 2004 and the start of WMG's exploration activities, which
attracted regional interest. Over the entire project area, the growth rate of the population
between 1996 and 2017 is estimated at more than 42 %. Growth is also due to a high natural
rate of increase (high birth rate and increased life expectancy), as well as positive net
migration (economic migration).

About 61 % of migrants (people who have settled since 1985 and whose father is not from the
prefecture) have settled in the area in search of work opportunities. For 91 % of them, gold
panning motivated their choice. Ethnicity, Language and Religion

The project area is populated by 93 % Malinkés (Bidou, 2002). Of the villages surveyed, 85 %
are Malinké (including 5 % Koniankés). Apart from this ethnic group, among the households
interviewed are Fulani from Wassoulou (3 %), Fulani (3 %), Kissis (2.5 %), Kpélés (1 %) and
Soussou (1 %).

The Kissis and Kpélé ethnic groups are of forest origin, the Peuls of Middle Guinea, while the
Malinké and Wassoulous originate from the area.

This ethnic distribution reflects the provenance of migrant household heads and varies
insignificantly within the project area. In the end, the attractiveness of the area and the
subsequent migration flows have not resulted in significant ethnic heterogeneity in the project
area, which contributes to maintaining a strong cohesion within the population.

In Upper Guinea, Islam is the dominant religion. In the sample surveyed, 97.5 % of the
individuals declared themselves Muslims and 2.5 % Christians. The number of cultural
heritage sites still in use illustrates the persistence of animist practices. Vulnerable Groups

The majority of people in the Mandiana Prefecture have low purchasing power with over 40 %
of the population living below the poverty line. In the project area, the average annual
household income is GNF131.5 million, but large disparities are noted. The median value is
GNF19.1 million per household per year.

The most vulnerable groups of people are those who, because of gender, ethnicity, age,
physical or mental disability, have an economic or social disadvantage that may expose them
more to the impacts of the project than other individuals.

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Households identified as vulnerable were categorised as follows:

• Households responding to poverty indicators defined by the World Bank, including

those who are landless
• Divorced or widowed women with low incomes and heads of multi-person households
• Households made up of people with physical or mental disabilities or people with
serious illnesses
• Households made up of elderly people without means of subsistence
• Households with no cash income

There are no vulnerable indigenous peoples as defined by IFC Performance Standard 7 (IFC,
2012) in the project area. Community Health

Access to health services is a challenge for local communities because of the remoteness,
cost and quality of medical care available. In the project area, there are seven health stations.

Health station staff usually consist of a pair of nurses and a midwife. The services provided
are limited to childbirth, treatment of malaria, intestinal and gastric problems, as well as family

In addition, there is a private clinic in Kodiaran built in 2017 and a care cabinet in Faranindou
built in 2013, as well as several pharmacies. The use of traditional healers or remedies sold
by traditional healers/herbalists is relatively common.

According to household surveys, 48 % of the surveyed population in the project area had been
ill in the past six months. Of the households that had ill members, 87 % went to a health facility
while 2 % did not consult anyone. In general, patients do not return to the health facility for a
second consultation.

Some households will consult and provide themselves with medication outside official health

Informal drug sales are on the rise in Guinea and throughout the region. This is characterised
in two ways: the increase of unauthorised pharmacies and the unauthorised street vending of
pharmaceuticals whose origin, composition, and expiration date are often unreliable.

According to household reports, malaria is the disease that most affects households (53 %).
At the time of the update of the ESIA, there was no formal malaria awareness and prevention
campaign conducted by the government, apart from some interventions and ad hoc initiatives
by some Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). In surveys, 80 % of households said they
had at least one net, but none of them used it. Only two-thirds of households are aware of the
means of malaria transmission.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

(HIV/AIDS) prevalence rates in the project area are expected to be quite low, as the
conservative sexual norms of the population are likely to reduce the spread, but in the absence
of more accurate data, it is difficult to know the prevalence rate with certainty.

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In Guinea, unprotected sex is the leading cause of HIV transmission, and approximately 1.7 %
of the adult population was estimated to be HIV positive in 2015.

Rates of domestic and sexual violence against women have not been collected during
fieldwork, but studies indicate that there is a ubiquitous culture of violence against women in

According to the surveys completed, 85 % of children were vaccinated, but this rate varies
according to the sub-prefectures. It is 100 % for the Dala Diaram sector, and 86 % for
Mandiana and Koundian.

An estimated 3.1 % of households in Mandiana fall within the severely food-insecure category.
Around 22.9 % of households are within the moderate food-insecure category (ENSAV, 2012).

In the project area, cases of malnutrition (particularly among children under five years old) are
regularly recorded at health stations in the area. Education

The educational institutions present in the area are limited to primary education.

In general, public schools have water points and toilets and the infrastructure is in relatively
good condition. The distances students must travel to school vary between villages.

Public primary education in rural areas is partly dependent on the involvement of communities
and development partners. After primary school, students pursuing secondary education must
go to Faralako, Koundian or Mandiana colleges as there are no secondary schools in the
Project area. Only a minority of students continue their studies in secondary school.

The household surveys indicated a French literacy rate of 43.6 % for men and 15 % for women
over the age of 15, and 45 % of individuals over the age of seven are in or have been to
school. Koranic education is more popular than the formal system. Observations from the
surveys indicate that men are still more educated than women and that the younger
generations are more educated than the older generations.

The ratio of girls to boys under 15 attending school was recorded to be higher (0.60) than that
of the Kankan Region (0.84).

Regarding qualifications, approximately 86 % of men and 94 % of women over 20 have no

qualifications. Only 9 % of men and 2 % of women have completed the final primary

As for completion of secondary schooling, only 6 % of men and 1 % of women have their
BEPC6. People with higher education represent less than 1% of the population.

Among the household members surveyed, approximately 17 % of young people over the age
of 7 have either attended an apprenticeship or vocational training.

Brevet d’Etudes du Premier Cycle Certificate - Certificate of Undergraduate Studies

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 446 of 566 Cultural Heritage

The first inhabitants of the surrounding area were the Bambara, known for the introduction of
traditional artisanal gold mining in the project area. However, the Bambara did not establish
settlements in the project area. The first colonies are attributed to the Kouroumas. The project
area straddles two specifically micro-regional residential areas: Kounadou (territory of the
Konaté lineage) and Sackodou (Sacko territory).

In addition to family groups based on lineages, castes are subgroups of the population that
have a well-defined role and possess special skills within the society in which they live. In the
project area, the most popular castes are Noumou (blacksmiths), Djéli (griots), Donsso
(hunters) and Mory (marabouts). Each of these castes has specific ritual sites, different
initiation practices, meetings and qualities of distinctive character.

The Archaeological Study completed in 2013 (Insuco, 2013) identified 140 sites of cultural
importance in the project area. None of these sites was found to be destroyed and no new
sites were identified as part of the 2017 survey. Housing, Basic Services and Other Infrastructure Housing

The traditional housing structure is a round hut built with mud. However, houses are now being
built differently in various localities, partly thanks to the income from artisanal gold panning.
According to surveys, the construction of "modern" houses is one of the main sources of
household expenditure. Only 9 % of households live in permanent housing structures, 42 %
live in semi-permanent structures, while just under 48 % live in houses built only of traditional
materials. Potable Water

In the project area, 65 % of surveyed households obtain their potable water from wells drilled
and equipped with pumps, while 26 % of households rely on traditional wells and 5 % use non-
traditional wells. Sanitary Facilities and Sanitation

More than 51 % of households dispose of their wastewater directly into the environment
outside of their individual property, 28 % in cesspits or cesspools and 21 % directly within their
property. More than 90 % of households have access to toilets and for 84 % of households,
facilities are shared with other families. Traditional toilets are widely used in the area.

Just under 48 % of households dispose of their solid waste directly into the environment, while
38 % burn their household waste and 14 % dispose of their waste at community-selected sites
in the area. Built Infrastructure

The built infrastructure in most villages includes places of religious worship, markets and
traditional wells or even boreholes. In some villages, there are primary schools and health
stations. There are no secondary schools in the project area.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 447 of 566 Individual Assets

The household wealth indicator was determined from an inventory of the number of assets
commonly found in the households of the village communities surveyed. The number and
quality of assets owned can also be considered as indicators of the consumer behaviour of
individuals/households and reveal consumer trends, needs and preferences. To a large
extent, homes are considered as the main assets for most of the households surveyed.

In terms of equipment, mobile phones are widely available among the households surveyed.
More than 50 % of households have a radio while other electrical devices are rare. A third of
the households surveyed have a television.

Motorcycle ownership is also quite widespread: 66 % of households reported owing at least

one motorcycle. This is the main means of transport used.

More than half of the households surveyed (53 %) reported the ownership of animals. Cattle
farming (39 %) is the most widespread, followed by farming with poultry (35 %) and goats
(23 %). Road Infrastructure

Road infrastructure in the Project area consists of inland roads and secondary tracks in poor
condition. There are no paved roads, making travel difficult and not facilitating access to basic
services and markets, especially during the rainy season. Access to Power

The national power supply utility, Electricité de Guinée (EDG), has no electricity infrastructure
in the project area. Most households do, however, have access to electricity (63 %), which is
supplied through individual solar panels or via diesel generators operated by local service

Energy for cooking is derived predominantly from wood (90 % of households), followed by
coal (9 %). Access to Communication Infrastructure

Of the households surveyed, 73 % own at least one radio. The most popular radio stations
are Kankan and Madiana, followed by Djoliba and Radio Télévision Guinéenne (RTG)

The mobile telephone network coverage in the prefecture and especially in the project area is
constantly improving. All the villages on the Kodiaran-Faranindou road have a good signal. Of
the households surveyed, 93 % have at least one mobile phone. Livelihood Agriculture

Of the households surveyed, 59 % reported agriculture as an activity practised during the year,
and more than 88 % cultivate on hillsides. This is mainly due to the higher production costs

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 448 of 566

(labour and inputs) associated with growing crops like rice in areas prone to seasonal flooding

Perennial crops are grown by 89 % of farm households, of which cashew is the most dominant
(87.5 % of households surveyed). Of the households surveyed, 95 % reported selling their
total cashew harvest. The preference for cashew is due to national incentives to develop
cashew nut production, the high added value of which contributes significantly to improving
income for farmers. Mango is the second-most valued perennial crop. Artisanal Mining

The extent of artisanal mining activities in the project area has grown significantly since 2013.

In 2013, an estimated 18 active artisanal mining sites were identified in the Koulekoun area
and a further 4 sites were identified in the Kodiaran area. In 2017, more than 60 active sites
have been estimated in the project area.

Two major factors explain this increase:

• The diffusion and integration of techniques and technologies accelerate and intensify
• The traditional system of natural resource management has undergone a major
change. Traditionally, artisanal mining followed a strict principle as to the choice of
sites and the duration of operations. The prospect of larger-scale exploitation, leading
to the permanent loss of resources, has changed this long-term management ideology.
This has led to the reopening of old sites, the intensification of artisanal mining, and
the extension of the operating schedule.

Gold panning is a major activity in the project area after agriculture. In general, 75 % of
households surveyed practise gold panning. This activity involves all individuals, regardless
of age group or gender.

The artisanal mining affects the entire project area. It is practised with different techniques:

• The traditional technique of gold panning (which remains dominant) around mine
• The technique of washing gravel in "surface" gold zones with the use of a metal

The practice of artisanal gold panning takes place mainly during the dry season, which is when
time is also devoted to the identification of potential new artisanal mining sites.


11.4.1 Income

Of the households sampled, agriculture contributes 40 % of the gross income generated,

followed by artisanal mining (up to 22 %), and retail trade, small business and the trades of
artisans (13 %). Salaried employment contributes only 5 % of the gross income.

In comparison with the level of income observed in 2013, the average income over the entire
project area has more than doubled in four years. A comparison between the 2013 and 2017

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 449 of 566

minimum and maximum incomes also indicates a widening gap in the minimum and maximum
income levels.

11.4.2 Artisanal Mining

Artisanal mining for gold is one of the activities that contributes the most to household income.
Within the sample households surveyed, the average gross income per household per year is
GNF217 million (€20 341 at the rate of €1 = GNF10 667).

11.4.3 Agriculture

The gross income from annual and perennial crops varies according to the type of crop
produced. For example, cashew nuts alone account for 38 % of the total value of production
in the villages. Rice and maize respectively account for 18 % and 17 % of the total value

Despite a significant portion of the harvest being used for self-consumption, households still
generate cash income (36 % of the net value of all crops). These revenues mainly concern
cashew nuts.

Only 5 % of hunting and fishing catches are sold. 98 % of the collected firewood is self-

11.4.4 Other Sources of Income

Apart from agriculture, livestock farming and gold panning, some of the households surveyed
have other sources of income, particularly craftsmen like food artisans, ironworkers,
mechanics, and textile artisans. Very few households in the sample group receive income
from salaried employment (from the public or private sector).

11.4.5 Expenses

Overall, the main categories of expenditure for respondents are food, fuel supply (for travel or
electricity), and health.

More than one in two households (59 %) practising agriculture use agricultural and daily

Revenues from gold washing are mainly used to support the family and for the purchase of
motorcycles or for the construction of a house.

11.4.6 Savings and Loans

There are no microfinance or other institutions offering loans in the project area. These types
of services (banking or rural credit) are in Mandiana or Kankan. As a result, more than 92 %
of households do not have access to this type of service and only 7.5 % have access to rural
credit services in Mandiana.

Monetary circulation is usually facilitated by seasonal migration, although over the past three
years, the development of the telephone network and transfer operators in the project area
has further facilitated the flow of money between households and their families.

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In addition, informal structures such as village tontines allow households to have access to
cash for the organisation of social events or unforeseen events.

In addition, almost a quarter of households (22.5 %) report having made money or goods
available to other households in the past year.


A public consultation and disclosure process was undertaken in accordance with the guiding
principles of the Mining Code (2011) and Decree D/2014/014/PRG/SGG. The approach to
consultation and disclosure was also informed by IFC PS 1 (IFC, 2012). The engagement
augmented that which was undertaken for the Tri-Gold Project as part of the ESIA completed
in 2013.

The consultation process was conducted in parallel with the socio-economic survey and
comprised several participatory public meetings, held with the local communities and
authorities in each of the 13 villages potentially impacted by the project.

More than 300 people were engaged as part of the consultation process. The consultations
endeavoured to provide identified vulnerable groups, including women, with opportunities to
express their views.

The consultations revealed that community knowledge about the project is generally low. In
general, community members are optimistic about the effects of the project. However,
communities also expressed several expectations and fears, particularly with regard to the
possibility of employment, access to land, social impact, compensation, environmental
impacts, impact on cultural heritage sites, the physical relocation of dwellings, the impact of
mining infrastructure on community health, the future of artisanal mining, governance and local

The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) developed through the consultation process
describes the recommended strategy and approach to ongoing engagement with stakeholders
who may be affected or interested in the project. The SEP also includes a recommended
complaints mechanism, to be implemented by SMM, and by which stakeholders may
communicate their concerns and comments on the project.


11.6.1 Soils and Land Capability

The construction of the Mine Complex (open pits and process plant) and its support activities
(TSF, WRDs, ROM stockpile and water control/management facilities) will have a definite
negative impact on the environment due to the loss of the soil area and thus the use of the
utilisable soil resource (completely built-up and altered to mining and industrial usage). Other
identified impacts include the following:

• Activities may result in contamination (hydrocarbon and reagent chemical spills, raw
materials and spillage of the raw product, etc.)
• Compaction of working/laydown areas and storage facility footprint
• Potential for erosion (wind and water – dust and suspended solids) over unprotected

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 451 of 566

11.6.2 Groundwater

The groundwater may be contaminated by possible hydrocarbon spills from vehicles and
heavy machinery used to construct the proposed infrastructure and transport to site. With good
housekeeping, such as storage of potentially hazardous material within properly constructed
and lined or paved areas, the risk is considered minimal. Oil traps will be sized, operated and
maintained to contain all discard oil from working areas etc.

The extent of drawdown at life of mine, where water levels are expected to exceed 5 m, may
result in a significant impact on the surrounding receptors.

On completion of mining at Kodiaran, the simulated cone of depression reaches approximately

800 m south of Kodiaran Pit 4, approximately 450 m north of Kodiaran Pit 3 and approximately
400 m to 600 m west and east of Kodiaran Pits 1 and 2.

The following receptors may become impacted due to water level drawdown:

• The Fié River is likely to experience a reduction in groundwater contribution to

baseflow along the reach adjacent to the mining area. However due to the high surface
runoff this reduction in groundwater contribution is likely to be negligible.
• No community dug wells occur within the simulated cone of depression.

On completion of nine years of mining, drawdown at Koulekoun is expected to extend

approximately 3 km in a west and east direction and approximately 4 km from the pits in a
north-south direction. Receptors expected to be impacted by drawdown are summarised

• Diagagbekouda village dug well (Diagagbe DW1 & 2)

• Koba village dug well (Koba DW 1)
• Loilani village dug wells (Loilani DW1 & DW2)
• Reduction in groundwater contribution to baseflow is expected on the tributary of the
Fié River located north of the Koulekoun Pit. The tributary will however be affected in
any event by surface infrastructure development and consequently the reduction in
groundwater contribution is unlikely to contribute significantly to the overall impact.

The tailings facility will be lined and hence negligible seepage from this facility is expected.
Estimated leakage rates are in the order of 2 mm/a. The waste rock dumps are unlined.
Estimated seepage rates based on field testing in similar rainfall environments yield seepage
rates of unlined facilities in the order of 5 % of the mean annual precipitation (MAP) or
approximately 70 mm/a in this case.

The key constituents of concern are arsenic, nickel and copper. The mass transport scenarios
indicate that with the exception of community borehole Lolani DW2, which occurs in the area
of the proposed TSF, no community boreholes identified as part of the 2017 hydrocensus
occur within areas where potential pollution plumes may develop.

At the Koulekoun pit, the groundwater inflows together with rainfall far exceed the evaporation
and consequently the pit floods quickly during the initial stages of the closure phase. However,
due to the high transmissivity values of the saprock overlying the dolerite sill, decant of the pit

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 452 of 566

is unlikely. Rather the final pit water level equilibrates with the surrounding aquifer, i.e. inflows
and outflows are balanced.

11.6.3 Surface Water

It is anticipated that treated water will be released from the SWD on an annual basis at a rate
of approximately 240 000 m3/month towards the end of the wet season. The simulations of the
base case showed that the SWD would spill every year. The installation of a treatment plant
with a capacity of 8 000 m3/d would reduce the spill frequency to acceptable levels.

The discharge of treated water into the environment, during the wet season, is estimated at a
rate of approximately 8 000 m3/d. The water treatment plant will ensure that the water quality
meets the IFC effluent standards prior to discharge.

The expected discharge of treated water from the SWD is not expected to have a significant
impact on the mean annual runoff (MAR) of the affected catchment, especially as the
discharge will be limited to the wet season. The impact is not expected to be significant and
will be limited to the immediate sub-catchment affected.

11.6.4 Flora

Pre-construction activities (such as location of infrastructure) and construction activities (such

as clearing of vegetation for site access and creation of open pits) are likely to result in a loss
of Natural Habitat within the project area. The pre-mitigation impact significance will be High.
The post-mitigation impact significance can thus only be reduced to Medium in areas of high
biodiversity value (BV) but avoiding all high or very high Biodiversity Value Natural Habitat
would result in a Low significance rating.

The following red-listed flora species were identified during the fieldwork:

• Lepidagathis epacridea (Endangered)

• Afzelia africana (Vulnerable)
• Khaya senegalensis (Vulnerable)
• Pavetta lasioclada (Vulnerable)

The key vegetation communities that contain the bulk of the populations of these species are
Grasslands on laterite hardpans and Riparian Forest, although both Afzelia africana and
Khaya senegalensis also occur as scattered individuals in the Broad-leaved Semideciduous
Woodland community. Avoidance is the only reasonable action for the site at which this
species was found. The post-mitigation impact significance can thus only be reduced to Low-

It is likely that people living in the villages in the mining lease area are dependent on medicinal
plants which occur in the area. Clearing of vegetation during the preparation, construction and
operational phases will potentially destroy some medicinal plants, and the frequency of these
activities will be regular, with a possible high frequency of impact. A long-term solution would
be for the mine to reduce the pressure on the natural habitat as a source for traditional
medicine by contributing towards the development of more modern health care facilities for
surrounding communities. These measures can ensure that this impact is reduced to Low-
Medium significance throughout the life of the operation.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 453 of 566

Disturbance of indigenous habitats produces an environment that is vulnerable to the
establishment of populations of alien invasive species in exposed areas, such as along cleared
road verges. From the preparation phase, through to mobilisation, construction and operation,
vehicles and equipment entering the site will furthermore increase the risk of these alien
species being introduced to the project area. An eradication programme aimed at continuously
removing existing and new alien invasive species, particularly along roadsides and
construction sites within the tenement area, as well as continuously checking existing
disturbed areas and newly disturbed areas for seedlings, and removing these immediately,
will reduce the post-mitigation impact significance and is a critically important part of the
Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The post-mitigation impact can thus be managed to
be of Low-Medium significance.

The development of the mine is likely to attract an influx of people seeking employment. Higher
numbers of people residing in the vicinity of the project area will place more pressure on
natural resources such as firewood or arable land, resulting in higher levels of utilisation of
these resources. The control of the influx of people and their utilisation of natural resources
within the mining lease area is unlikely to be possible apart from in the immediate vicinity of
the infrastructure.

Continuous land clearing, transportation, open-pit mining, deposition of waste and continuous
erosion cumulatively reduces the availability of natural habitat, soils and species and degrades
the quality and integrity of the ecosystem over time. This leads to deterioration of the
ecosystem functioning and has the potential to reduce the ecosystem services (to the
surrounding flora, fauna and humans) over time. Mitigation and management of this impact
will depend heavily on containing the mining impacts within the site footprint and maintaining
a zero-discharge policy. The elements of the ecosystem, namely soils, land, flora, fauna, air
and water (surface- and ground-) need to be protected by maintaining all emissions within
legal limits. No unnecessary destruction outside of operational areas should take place and
all disturbed areas should be rehabilitated as soon as possible. A combination of these
measures could reduce the post-mitigation impact significance, by reducing the frequency and
severity of the impacts, as well as the spatial extent thereof. This can assist in lowering the
post-mitigation significance to within Low-Medium levels.

11.6.5 Fauna

Clearing of vegetation during the construction and operational phase of the project will
inevitably disturb the fauna habitat, shelter and food sources. The potential development of
settlements along the major roads will result in increased crop cultivation and human-wildlife
interactions due to animals raiding these food sources will also increase. The siting of
infrastructure away from the natural habitat wherever possible, and progressive rehabilitation
and reinstatement of disturbed areas could reduce the spatial scope and severity of the
impacts. In this way it could be possible to reduce the post-mitigation impact significance to

Many activities during the construction and operational phase of the project will potentially
disturb or harm fauna within the mining lease area. Clearing of vegetation will inevitably disturb
the fauna habitat, shelter and food sources and cause disturbance and possibly loss of certain
fauna. The risk of accidents on the various access, haulage and construction roads, as well
as increased human-wildlife contact due to improved access into the area, will increase. The

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 454 of 566

potential development of settlements along the major roads could result in an increase in
human-wildlife interactions due to animals raiding these food sources. The improved access
to the Natural Habitat can also lead to increased hunting activities. Continuous environmental
awareness raising, and training should aim at minimising the impacts on fauna. This should
also involve an induction training programme, where appropriate conservation principles,
safety procedures, snake-bite avoidance and first-aid treatment are taught through the use of
easy-to-understand study material. Designated staff must be trained to be able to safely
capture and relocate potentially dangerous snake species.

Strict implementation of speed control measures, as well as warnings at animal crossings and
along all access roads, could reduce the risk of incidents. All noise-generating activities should
be mitigated to be within legal noise limits, and disturbance levels should be kept to a minimum
and restricted to operational areas. Progressive rehabilitation and reinstatement of disturbed
areas could assist in reducing the spatial scope and severity of the impacts. It could thus be
possible, through a combination of various measures, to reduce the post-mitigation impact
significance to Low-Medium.

General waste management on site has the potential of attracting not only scavenging
indigenous fauna, but also alien species. They can furthermore also be introduced by vehicles
moving in and out of the site. These species have no natural enemies and, as with alien
vegetation, can proliferate quickly if not controlled. They can invade indigenous areas and
disrupt ecosystems, as well as introduce and spread diseases.

The frequency of the waste management activities will be daily throughout the life of the
operation, with the frequency of the impact being seldom. The severity of the impact is likely
to be small, the spatial scope area specific, and the duration the life of the operation. The pre-
mitigation impact significance is thus likely to be Low-Medium.

The construction of various mine access, construction and haul roads, the siting of
containment facilities such as the TSF and WRDs, as well as the construction of the open pit,
will result not only in the loss of flora species and habitat, but also the secondary impacts of
fragmenting/splitting habitats and loss of biodiversity. The duration of the impact (frequency of
the activity) in the case of the pit, WRDs and TSF will be permanent.

The impact of the loss of biodiversity and habitat fragmentation will thus be permanent in
certain areas. The severity of the impact is moderately significant, the spatial scope area
specific. The pre-mitigation impact significance will thus be Medium-High. With proper
mitigation measures, the overall post-mitigation impact significance can be reduced to Low-

11.6.6 Aquatic Ecosystems

Diversion of the Bomani South Stream is certain to have permanent, localised negative
impacts on the riparian habitat, and this will disrupt the ecological integrity, particularly
connectivity, and cause long-term fragmentation of the stream ecosystem. The ecological
sensitivity of the Bomani South Stream is low, and the present state of the stream downstream
of artisanal mining in August 2017 was critically degraded. The overall ecological significance
of this impact, before mitigation, is rated as Medium-High.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 455 of 566

All phases of the proposed development are likely to increase sediment transport in surface
waters, particularly during the wet season. There are likely to be multiple causes of sediment
mobilisation, such as vegetation clearance, bulk earthworks, vehicle traffic, and fines from

The impacts of sediment deposition could affect aquatic habitats as far as the impoundment
at Koundian. The Fié River is particularly susceptible to the long-term impacts of sedimentation
because of its low gradient, unstable substrate and unconfined topography. The overall
ecological significance of this impact, before mitigation, is rated as Medium-High.

The proposed development is certain to lead to an influx of work-seekers into the area, and
this is likely to increase the pressure on aquatic resources because of increased harvesting of
aquatic resources, clearing additional land for cultivation, increased abstraction, sanitation,
washing, etc. The overall ecological significance of this impact, before mitigation, is rated as

The proposed haul road between Kodiaran and Koulekoun will cross several aquatic
ecosystems, including the Fié River, the Franin wetland (200 m width), four seasonal streams,
and what appear to be two smaller episodic wetlands/drainage lines. The impacts at each
crossing are expected to have a small footprint, but the cumulative impacts of multiple
crossings will have a larger footprint, which was rated as “local” in terms of the scoring system
used to assess impacts. The overall ecological significance of this impact, before mitigation,
is rated as Medium-High.

The proposed mine is likely to affect the water quality of the receiving surface waters during
all phases of the development, particularly during construction and operation. The biggest
impacts, excluding acid mine drainage, are likely to take place following the first significant
rains of the season. There are likely to be multiple sources of wastewater pollution, and these
can be broadly divided into four categories as follows:

• Domestic Wastewater
• Complex Industrial Wastewater
• Dewatering
• Seepage from the TSF

Aquatic biota in the project area comprises mostly hardy taxa that are able to tolerate extreme
variations in environmental conditions, so most taxa are likely to be largely resilient to changes
in water quality. However, there were sufficient sensitive taxa in low numbers to suggest that
changes in water quality could have measurable impacts on aquatic biodiversity. The overall
ecological significance of this impact, before mitigation, is rated as Medium-High.

During the pre-construction and construction phases, water is expected to be abstracted from
the Fié River, and Bombani South Stream, while water will also be abstracted from boreholes
to be established in the area. Abstraction is unlikely to make a significant difference to flow
patterns in the Fié River. By contrast, abstraction of water from the seasonal Bomani South
Stream, and other seasonal tributaries, could have a significant impact on flow patterns in
these smaller streams. These streams do not support flow-dependent fish species, but they
do support temporary populations of a few flow-dependent macroinvertebrates. However,
these taxa are adapted to seasonal cessation of flow, and so they are likely to tolerate flow
cessation caused by excessive abstraction. During the operational phase, the water

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 456 of 566

requirements of the mine will be supplied by the dewatering programme, and excess water
will be discharged into the receiving streams. Discharge of mine water is likely to create
permanent discharge. The quality of this water is expected to be good. The potential of
elevated flows from the dewatering programme causing stream bank erosion is low because
of the low gradient in the area. However, elevated flows could increase the abundance of pest
blackflies. The dewatering programme will cease when the mine is decommissioned, and the
water level in the open pits will recover due to natural recharge.

Operation of the proposed impoundment(s) could have indirect negative impacts on the
Bomani South Stream because of alterations in flow patterns, and these could extend as far
as its confluence with the Fié River, a distance of 7.5 km.

The time for the proposed impoundment to become operational following closure is an
important period because there is usually a strong motivation not to supply the downstream
water requirements until the dam has filled sufficiently to start supplying downstream demands
(i.e. at least filled the dead storage). However, cessation of river flow during this period, at
least during the dry season, is unlikely to have long-term detrimental ecological implications
because the Bomani South Stream is naturally seasonal.

Reduced high-flow events and constant seepage from the dams(s) is expected to lead to an
increase in woody riparian vegetation downstream of the dam(s). The ecological sensitivity of
the Bomani South Stream is low, and the present state of the stream downstream of artisanal
mining in August 2017 was critically degraded. The overall ecological significance of this
impact, before mitigation, is rated as Medium-High.

11.6.7 Surface Water

The expected discharge of treated water from the SWD is not expected to have a significant
impact on the MAR of the affected catchment, especially as the discharge will be limited to the
wet season. The impact is not expected to be significant and limited to the immediate sub-
catchment affected.

11.6.8 Air Quality

PM and gaseous emissions will be released during the construction, operational and
decommissioning phases of the project. Only the operational phase air quality impacts were
quantified since construction and decommissioning phase impacts will likely be similar or less
significant than the operational phase impacts. The significance of construction-related
inhalation health impacts is considered low. Since fugitive dust from construction activities is
easily managed, the significance of its impact could be reduced to very low if the management
and additional mitigation measures recommended in the EMP are implemented effectively.

The cumulative impacts as a result of the baseline/pre-development air quality and

construction operations are likely to be low to medium with and without mitigation applied due
to the existing elevated PM10, PM2.5 and NO2 concentrations.

During the operational phase, vehicle entrainment of dust from unpaved roads was estimated
to contribute most notably to PM emissions. Stack releases contribute most significantly to
diesel particulate matter (DPM), SO2 and NOx emissions. Vehicles contribute the most to CO
and volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions. Simulated PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 457 of 566

were found to exceed both short-term and long-term selected criteria at air quality sensitive
receptors (AQSRs) and the significance of the impacts on AQSRs are considered medium to
high. Since source group contribution analyses indicated vehicle entrainment of dust from
unpaved roads as the main contributors to PM2.5 and PM10 impacts, efforts aimed at further
reducing emissions from these should be made to limit exceedances of the selected criteria
at AQSRs.

DPM impacts of low significance are as a result of diesel generator exhaust emissions.
Ground-level DPM concentrations were found to exceed assessment criteria but not at
AQSRs. Inhalation health NO2 impacts were found to have medium to high significance at
AQSRs when mitigation measures are not implemented. Inhalation health CO, SO2 and VOC
impacts, as well as nuisance dust fall impacts were found to have very low significance with
no exceedances of assessment criteria. The cumulative impacts as a result of the
baseline/pre-development air quality and construction operations are likely to be medium to
high with and without mitigation applied due to the existing elevated PM10, PM2.5 and NO 2

11.6.9 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The total maximum CO2 emissions for the project are approximately 102 t/a. This represents
a contribution of

• Less than 0.0004 % to the 2010 national CO2-e7 emissions estimate (28.87 Mt CO2-e)
• Approximately 0.051 % of the 2010 national CO2-e emissions estimate for the
industrial process category
• Less than 0.0002 % of the global total Green House Gas (GHG) emissions estimate
for the manufacturing industry and construction sector
• Approximately 0.01 % of the manufacturing industry and construction sector emissions
due to liquid fuel use

11.6.10 Environmental Noise

Simulations indicate an exceedance of the Guinea environmental noise limit (ENL) during the
day and at night at the Contractors’ Camp and Military Camp, but not at the nearby
communities. The night-time IFC noise level guideline (NLG) is also exceeded at the
Contractors’ Camp and Military Camp. The 45 dBA impact area extends approximately 800 m
from mining activities, 300 m from the processing plant, and between 50 m and 100 m from
the haul road between Kodiaran to the processing plant. Given its proximity to the Koulekoun
mining area, and estimated baseline noise levels in the order of 40 dBA, the increase in noise
levels at the Contractors’ Camp, Military Camp, and Expatriate Camp may exceed the 3 dBA
limit and according to SANS 10103, result in ‘little’ to ‘medium’ reaction. Complaints may be

The increase in noise levels at the nearby communities of Koromandougou, Koba, Kodiaran,
Loïla, and Komana are, however, expected to be small, mostly undetectable. Complaints are
not expected.

carbon dioxide equivalent

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 458 of 566

11.6.11 Archaeology and Heritage

The ethnoarchaeological investigation has identified a number of archaeological sites in the

general project area, as well as the surrounding area.

No sites are likely to be affected by the project in the Kodiaran area. However, some sites of
local importance may be impacted by the Koulekoun development. A total of seven
metallurgical sites, two ancient villages, two ceramic sites, one historic and one old barn have
been registered near the Koulekoun site.

The ancient villages, the ancient barn site, and the historic cave site are of local importance
to people from nearby villages. The impact of the project on archaeological sites of value and
major archaeological sites are expected to be minimal, due to the local significance of the
sites, as well as the mitigation measures to be implemented, as per the EMP.

11.6.12 Blasting and Vibration

The estimated vibration levels are based on waste blasting, which will generate the highest
ground vibration amplitudes because the holes will be deeper than those applied to ore
blasting and will, therefore, contain a larger bulk of explosives per hole. Vibration amplitudes
will depend on the initiation system used and the design applied by a blasting engineer. With
proper mitigation measures, the blasting engineer will be able to control the vibration
amplitudes so that they are lower than 7.5 mm/s at any building or structure. The project is,
therefore, unlikely to impact neighbouring buildings and structures and the impact is, therefore,
considered to be negligible.

People living downwind of the open-cast operation will be more negatively impacted by air
blast levels than other people around the mine. Very effective mitigation measures are
available to contain air blast levels thus making the negative impact significance Medium-Low
with these measures in place. To achieve low negative impact significance, air blast levels
need to be kept below 125 dB at any point of concern for all blasting operations.

The negative impact of fly rock will be most severe for structures and people within 1 000 m
of blasting, but with mitigating measures in place, there will be no impact at distances further
than 500 m and a low impact at distances between 100 m and 500 m from blasting. The
mitigation measures require special control on stemming and clearing of people in the zone
closer than 500 m to blasting.

Dust and fumes from blasting will be carried downwind from the blasting areas. Poisonous
fumes (mainly nitrous oxides (red in colour) and carbon monoxide) disperse very quickly into
the atmosphere, and will not pose a risk to people or animals at distances greater than
approximately 1 000 m. At distances closer than this, there is a risk to people’s health and this
will fall into the occupational health category.


SMM will implement an environmental management system that will include the
implementation of the mitigation measures as per the EMP, undertaking regular monitoring to
show compliance and to identify areas that require further mitigation measures, as well as
develop a series of specific management plans appropriate for the proposed development.

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Through the EMP, SMM is further committed to the following:

• Ensure compliance with the environmental legislation of the Republic of Guinea as well
as the adopted international standards and best practice guidelines.
• Implement the mitigation and management measures, in accordance with the
hierarchy of mitigation.
• Ensure that contractors and suppliers to the project comply with the policies, plans and
procedures for the site.
• Develop, implement, and maintain a management system that addresses
environmental health and safety aspects associated with the activities on site.
• Implement a reclamation plan to restore the site, in accordance with national
legislation, as well as the international standards relevant to the project.
• Respect local customs and culture of the surrounding communities and integrate the
surrounding communities through its Community Development Plan.


To determine the impact, change, deterioration, and improvement of the environment,

monitoring and inspections will be conducted as outlined in the individual sub-sections of the
EMP. This environmental monitoring will be to determine the impact, change, deterioration
and improvement of the environment as a result of site activities. The monitoring plan will
address aspects such as water quality, air quality, noise and vibration, heritage, socio-
economic indicators, crime, community health factors, biodiversity, hydrocarbon management
and contamination, as well as water consumption.

For the post-closure phase, environmental monitoring data (surface and groundwater, air
quality, etc.) will be collected and analysed, and monitoring reports compiled for a period of:
60 months after the closure to coincide with the phase of decommissioning and reclamation
of the project.


Based on the ESIA undertaken and the relevant assumptions and limitations adopted for the
BFS, certain risks and opportunities have been identified. These are discussed below,
together with certain recommendations relating to ongoing work:

• The pollution risk associated with the WRDs and TSF is based on the static
geochemical test work undertaken to date, which is considered conservative. It is
recommended that kinetic geochemical test work be continued to better define the risk
associated with poor quality leachate to determine the need for water treatment at the
SWD, as well as the lining of the RWD, SWD and TSF facilities.
• It is recommended that the development of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and
associated asset register be continued to confirm the number of cultivated fields and
other economic activities affected by the proposed development, as well as the
material implications associated with the compensation programme to be
implemented. As no residential or other dwellings are affected by the proposed
development, the RAP will address aspects relating to affected cultivated fields,
income restoration and availability of alternative cultivated land.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 460 of 566

• The air quality impact assessment was based on the use of diesel fuel as fuel for the
generators to be used for the generation of electricity. With the proposed use of HFO
for the generators, the air quality impact assessment would need to be updated as well
as the GHG emissions assessment.
• Minor changes were made in relation to the haul road alignment, as well as the location
of selected WRDs at Kodiaran. The air quality and noise impacts assessments are
currently being updated to address these changes in the ESIA.


The Tri-K project is being undertaken with due consideration of biophysical, social and
economic factors, as well as the relevant Guinean legislative requirements, Equator Principles
and IFC Performance Standards. The economic benefits of such a development are
numerous, however, as in any mining project of this nature there are also negative impacts
that will require planning, monitoring and mitigation during construction, operation,

None of the impacts identified are considered fatal flaws and, as indicated, high significance
impacts, after implementing mitigation measures will be of low to medium significance.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 461 of 566



12.1.1 Introduction

The purpose of the capital cost (CAPEX) and operating cost (OPEX) estimates is to provide
costs to an accuracy of 10 % to 15 % that can be utilised to assess the economics of the Tri-K
Gold Project when treating 2.3 Mt/a and to target gold production in excess of 110 000 oz/a.

12.1.2 Scope of the Estimates

The capital and operating cost estimates were developed for a conventional open-pit mining,
carbon-in-leach process plant and the supporting infrastructure for an operation capable of
treating 2.3 Mt of ore per annum.

The BFS was initially commissioned on the basis of a 2 Mt/a mine, based on an interim mining
plan. The market was engaged to obtain costs for this scope and a minimum of three vendors
were approached to submit quotations. Technical and commercial adjudications were
completed and a CAPEX and OPEX was compiled for the 2 Mt/a mine.

In February 2018, SMM advised that the BFS should be updated to a 2.3 Mt/a mine, due to
new estimated mineral resources and reserves, which led to an updated mining plan.
Consequently, SMM and SENET, together with their relevant consultants, updated all the
costs for the BFS, based on the new throughput. The costs were derived by approaching only
the selected vendors from the previous 2 Mt/a BFS to update their proposals based on the
updated throughput and subsequent changes. These proposals were technically and
commercially adjudicated.

12.1.3 Responsibilities

The responsibilities for the capital and operating cost estimates are listed below:

• Process Plant: SENET

• Plant On-Site Infrastructure: SENET
• Plant Off-Site Infrastructure: SMM/Reminex (reviewed by SENET)
• Mining: BBA
• TSF: Epoch
• Raw Water Supply and Management: Golder
• Environmental Management: ABS
• Owner’s costs: SMM/Reminex (reviewed by SENET)

12.1.4 Estimate Accuracy

The level of accuracy of the capital and operating cost estimate is within 10 % to 15 % of the
overall project costs as of the first quarter of 2018 and does not include any escalation factors.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 462 of 566

12.1.5 Exclusions

The following were not included in this CAPEX and OPEX estimate:

• Scope changes
• Escalation beyond the first quarter of 2018
• Financing costs
• Schedule delays such as those caused by

o Unidentified ground conditions

o Labour disputes
o Environmental permitting activities
o Receipt of information beyond the control of the EPCM contractors

• Taxes and duties (These have been accounted for in the economic model.)
• Permits
• Sunk costs
• Currency fluctuations
• Force majeure
• Import duties (There is an agreement in place between SMM and the Guinean
government for the exemption of duties for the construction period.)

12.1.6 Escalation

No escalation has been allowed for in the capital and operating cost estimate. The EPCM
contractor’s rates reflect the rates expected in the first quarter of 2018.

12.1.7 Exchange Rates

The exchange rates given in Table 12.1 were used.

Table 12.1: Exchange Rates

Currency Description Rate of Exchange Source Base Date

EUR (EUR per USD) 1.18 OANDA 25/04/2018
ZAR (ZAR per USD) 13.00 OANDA 25/04/2018
AUD (AUD per USD) 0.79 OANDA 25/04/2018
MAD (MAD per USD) 9.47 OANDA 25/04/2018
ZAR (ZAR per EUR) 16.80 OANDA 25/04/2018
MAD (MAD per EUR) 11.07 OANDA 25/04/2018

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 463 of 566


12.2.1 CAPEX Summary

The total estimated cost of bringing the project into production is US$217 667 838, which is
inclusive of contingency and EPCM and is summarised in Table 12.2. This cost excludes any
costs for feasibility studies scheduled prior to the start of basic engineering.

Table 12.2: CAPEX Summary

CAPEX EPCM Contingency Total

US$ US$ % US$ % US$

Initial CAPEX

Mining 17 846 452 1 413 195 8 811 044 5 20 070 690

Water Management and Supply 6 352 002 635200 10 829 997 13 7 817 199

Plant 66 922 765 10 134 106 15 6 542 982 10 83 599 853

TSF 24 459 270 610 000 2 2 502 808 10 27 572 077

Infrastructure 21 308 031 2 498 827 12 1 979 158 9 25 786 016

Compensation 2 000 000 2 000 000

Sterilisation 1 913 600 1 913 600

Pre-Production Costs 6 916 866 6 916 866

Total Initial CAPEX 147 718 985 15 291 328 10 12 665 988 9 175 676 301

Deferred CAPEX

Plant 5 873 480 436 150 7 397 354 7 6 706 984

Mining 1 332 000 133 200 10 139 860 11 1 605 060

Water Management and Supply 4 541 713 454 171 10 653 502 14 5 649 387

Total Deferred CAPEX 11 747 194 1 023 521 9 1 190 716 10 13 961 431

Rehabilitation and Closure Costs 11 685 913 11 685 913

Sustaining Capital 16 344 193 16 344 193

Overall CAPEX (Initial + Deferred +

187 496 285 16 314 849 8.7 13 856 704 7.4 217 667 838
Rehabilitation + Sustaining)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 464 of 566

12.2.2 Process Plant, TSF and On-Site Infrastructure

The process plant, TSF and on-site infrastructure capital costs are summarised in Table 12.3.

Table 12.3: Process Plant, TSF and Infrastructure CAPEX Estimate Summary

Initial Capital Total Capital
Description Capital


Direct Costs

Earthworks 3 311 126 0 3 311 126

Civil Works 6 027 978 0 6 027 978

Structural Steel 4 536 231 0 4 536 231

Plate Work 1 287 490 0 1 287 490

Tankage 2 076 838 39 160 2 115 998

Machinery and Equipment 17 905 410 3 159 756 21 065 167

Piping 1 411 542 51 226 1 462 768

Valves 383 963 0 383 963

Electricals 3 764 006 106 797 3 870 803

Instrumentation 1 331 708 10 715 1 342 423

Commissioning Spares 355 692 25 024 380 717

Vendor Services 1 239 845 463 290 1 703 135

Transport (SENET) 6 172 776 666 177 6 838 954

Transport (Vendor) 823 925 362 999 1 186 924

First Fills 645 655 348 373 994 028

Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I) Installation 1 601 015 199 589 1 800 604

Structural, Mechanical, Piping, and Plate Work (SMPP) 5 237 389 211 000 5 448 389
Treatment Plant 5 203 175 5 203 175

Subtotal 63 315 765 5 644 107 68 959 872

On-Site Infrastructure

Mine Administration Office 156 294 156 294

Clinic 47 643 47 643

Mechanical Preparation Laboratory 27 452 27 452

Plant Sewerage Treatment Plant 202 000 202 000

Weighbridge 34 293 34 293

Change House 270 857 270 857

Plant Office 73 026 73 026

Assay Laboratory 79 910 79 910

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 465 of 566

Initial Capital Total Capital
Description Capital


Gatehouse Building 17 659 17 659

Weighbridge Control Room 14 431 14 431

Pre-Engineered Plant Workshop 411 070 411 070

Pre-Engineered Warehouse 41 000 41 000

Pre-Engineered Reagents Store Buildings 202 100 202 100

Infrastructure Preliminary and General (P&G) 222 959 222 959

Transport 365 348 365 348

SMPP Installation 230 964 230 964

Site Communications 0

On-Site Civil works 2 112 515 2 112 515

On-Site Earthworks 625 716 625 716

Installation of Steel Prefabricated Buildings 0

Power Plant: Civil works 548 950 548 950

Power Plant: Terrace 443 759 443 759

Subtotal 6 127 946 6 127 946


TSF Construction 20 536 637 0 20 536 637

TSF Liner Supply and Installation 3 152 850 0 3 152 850

TSF Liner Transport 527 612 0 527 612

Subtotal 24 217 099 24 217 099

Other Costs

2-Year Operational Spares 1 538 447 14 035 1 552 483

Insurance and Critical Spares 1 405 951 157 185 1 563 136

Plant and TSF Insurance 904 773 58 153 962 926

Subtotal 3 849 171 229 373 4 078 545

Management Costs

TSF EPCM Costs 610 000 610 000

Plant and On-Site Infrastructure EPCM Costs 11 114 924 436 150 11 551 074

Subtotal 11 724 924 436 150 12 161 074

Contingency 9 631 776 397 354 10 029 130

TOTAL 118 866 680 6 706 985 125 573 665

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 466 of 566 Basis of Estimate and Assumptions

The capital cost estimate is based on the following technical documents:

• Process plant design criteria

• General layouts of the process plant
• Process flow diagrams
• Process plant equipment list
• Piping and instrumentation diagrams
• Mechanical equipment lists
• Equipment data sheets
• Line lists
• Valve lists
• Instrument lists
• Motor lists
• Various discipline material take-offs
• Electrical single line diagrams
• Budget quotations from vendors on major mechanical and/or process equipment
• EPCM schedule
• SENET in-house historical database

The following assumptions were made in the preparation of this estimate:

• The work will be executed as a single EPCM contract.

• The site work will be continuous and not be constrained by the Owner.
• The construction schedule will run approximately 18 months.
• The chosen site is suitable for the foundations and there are no specific problems due
to excess precipitation or groundwater, and no rock excavation will be required during
• Piling will not be required.
• Construction will not be in an earthquake zone. Contracting Strategy Earthworks Contract

Plant earthworks will be performed by a local contractor, BCM International, and the contract
will be based on a bill of quantities (BOQ), against which quoted rates will be applied. The
contractor will provide accommodation for his own workforce and will be completely self-
sufficient. Civil Contract

Plant civil works will be performed by a local contractor, Consortium d'Entreprises (CDE), and
the contract will be based on a BOQ, against which quoted rates will be applied.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 467 of 566 SMPP Installation and Erection Contract

The SMPP works will be performed by a local contractor, Global Construction Afrique,
originating from Senegal, and the contract will be based on a BOQ, against which quoted rates
will be applied. E&I Installation Contract

The E&I installation will be performed by a local contractor, CA2E, originating from Morocco,
and the contract will be based on a BOQ, against which quoted rates will be applied. Earthworks Geotechnical Investigation

A topographical survey of the process plant was conducted by SMM once the site selection
had been finalised, and a contour plan was provided of the process plant site with contours at
1 m intervals.

A geotechnical investigation was then conducted at the process plant area, where 7 boreholes
were drilled and logged, and 24 test pits were excavated and profiled by a geotechnical
engineer. Geotechnical findings and recommendations for design are included in Inroads
Consulting “16132/g - Geotechnical Investigation Report”, in Appendix 6.2. In summary, the
site is underlain by approximately 0.3 m of topsoil that is typically underlain by a dense to very
dense cemented laterite layer ranging from 3 m to 8.5 m thick. In the vicinity of boreholes BH
05 and BH 06, the laterite is overlain by a 1.7 m thick layer of hillwash. The excavator reached
refusal at the cemented laterite layer. Design

The terrace design philosophy was to limit excavation into the cemented laterite layer to limit
blasting into the cemented laterite layer. The main plant terrace is, therefore, located on a
single terrace comprising mostly G6 laterite fill material compacted in 200 mm layers to 95 %
MOD AASHTO. All vegetation, topsoil and hill wash will be removed down to the cemented
laterite layer and the G6 fill material will be compacted above this layer. The G6 laterite
material will be sourced from borrow pits located within 2 km of the site. In the vicinity of the
mills, the cemented laterite layer is approximately 2.5 m below the mill raft formation level, and
a cement stabilised layer will be constructed under the mill foundation to meet bearing
pressure and settlement requirements.

The ROM stockpile, ROM crushing area and power plant will be located on separate terraces
following the same design philosophy as described above. The ROM wall will be a
mechanically stabilised earth design using the Maccaferri Terramesh® system, consisting of
gabion baskets with 2 m tie backs, a ParaGrid® geogrid of up to 11 m in length to form the
soil reinforcement, and a MacDrain® drainage system.

The process water pond and raw water pond are designed with a 1.5 mm HDPE lining and a
granular bedding to prevent the HDPE liner from puncturing. The slopes of the ponds are
based on a 1 to 1.5 gradient in order to obtain a stable slip slope. The ponds are based on
excavating and shaping in-situ material; however, built-up walls are to be formed using
competent import material, layered and compacted accordingly so as to produce stable

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 468 of 566

embankments. Ponds are designed with a 0.5 m high freeboard to allow for emergency
containment. Bill of Quantities

A BOQ for the process plant earthworks has been prepared in accordance with SANS 1200 A
and SANS 1200 D, using the earthworks terrace drawings and designs as described above
as a basis for measurement.

The earthworks BOQ is as per Table 12.4 and provided in Appendix 12.1.

Table 12.4: Earthworks BOQ

MTO Number Description

SS0656-BB001-1B8-067 Tri-K Plant Earthworks BOQ Rev 0B CAPEX Compilation

Tender documents were drawn up for the Tri-K 2.0 Mt/a BFS in accordance with the
International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) red book and the earthworks
package was sent to five West African earthworks contractors and six international earthworks
contractors. Seven tender bids were received and were commercially and technically

Updated tender documents and BOQ for the Tri-K 2.3 Mt/a BFS were issued to the adjudicated
vendor only, in order to obtain updated rates and pricing for the CAPEX compilation of the
process plant earthworks.

The ROM tip wall material will be free-issued to the earthworks contractor.

HDPE lining for the ponds has been excluded from the earthworks contractor’s scope.
Separate supply and installation enquiry packages were sent out to the market for HDPE
lining. Battery Limits

The perimeter of the new terraces will be the battery limits for this area. Civil Works Scope of Work

The scope of work for the Tri-K processing plant includes the following:

• Construction of reinforced concrete foundations for the support of mechanical

equipment, structural steelwork and plate work
• Construction of reinforced concrete surface beds and bund walls with trenches and
sumps to contain spillages within the processing plant
• Installation of acid-proofing membranes to the acid wash, elution and reagents make-
up areas
• Construction of site storm water drainage including a network of v-drains

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 469 of 566

• Construction of reinforced concrete foundations and surface beds for

o The process plant prefabricated buildings

o The process plant pre-engineered steel buildings (reagents stores, plant workshop
and warehouse)

• Building works and architectural finishes for the brickwork offices and stores within the
plant workshop and warehouse
• Construction of reinforced concrete foundations for the plant containerised motor
control centres (MCCs), control room and server room
• Construction of brickwork transformer bay buildings
• Installation of sewerage reticulation for the processing plant, and trenching for
electrical, potable water and fire water reticulation
• Installation of security fencing for the processing plant Bill of Quantities

A BOQ for the process plant civil works has been prepared in accordance with SANS 1200 A
and SANS 1200 G. Quantities have been measured from mechanical general arrangement
drawings and the site block plan layout. Foundation sizing was estimated based on experience
using similar designs from previous projects as a guide.

The civil works BOQ is as per Table 12.5 and provided in Appendix 12.2.

Table 12.5: Civil Works BOQ

MTO Number Description

SS0656-CC005-1C8-071 Acid Proofing BOQ Rev 0A
SS0656-CC003-1C8-070 Civil BOQ Rev 0B CAPEX Compilation

Tender documents were drawn up for the Tri-K 2.0 Mt/a BFS in accordance with the FIDIC
red book and the civil works package was sent to six West African civil works contractors and
six international civil works contractors. Seven tender bids were received and were
commercially and technically adjudicated.

Updated tender documents and BOQ for the Tri-K 2.3 Mt/a BFS were issued to the adjudicated
vendor only, in order to obtain updated rates and pricing for the CAPEX compilation of the
process plant civil works.

All civil materials of construction are included within the civil contractor’s scope of supply
(cement, reinforcement, mesh, HD bolts, bricks, etc.) with the exception of acid proofing and
the supply of security fencing.

Acid proofing for surface beds (where applicable) has been excluded from the civil contractor’s
scope. A supply and installation enquiry package was sent out to the market for acid proofing.
The vendor was selected based on both technical and commercial adjudications.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 470 of 566

Security fencing material for the process plant will be free-issued to the civil contractor. A
supply enquiry package was sent out to the market for security fencing. The vendor was
selected based on both technical and commercial adjudications. Battery Limits

The battery limits for this area will be the construction of the reinforced concrete supports
related to the new equipment and structures. Mechanical (Equipment)

Quantities were derived from the equipment lists and process flowsheets.

The mechanical scope of work for the Tri-K project is to supply, inspect, install and commission
the equipment as detailed in the mechanical equipment list (see Appendix 5.33).

The mechanical drawings are as per Table 12.6 and provided in Appendix 12.3.

Table 12.6: Mechanical Drawings

Drawing Number Description

SS0656 2200 M GEAR 00 001 ROM Tip & Primary Crushing
SS0656 2200 M GEAR 00 005 Crushed Ore Stockpile
SS0656 2200 M GEAR 00 009 Pebble Crushing Layout
SS0656 2200 M GEAR 00 010 22-CV-01 Head End Support Layout
SS0656 3100 M GEAR 00 001 Milling Mechanical General Arrangement Plans
SS0656 3100 M GEAR 00 005 Milling 31-MAGT-01 Overband Magnet Layout
SS0656 3100 M GEAR 00 006 22-CONV-06 Pebble Crusher Feed Conveyor Layout
SS0656 3100 M GEAR 00 007 31-CONV-01 Scats Discharge Conveyor Layout
SS0656 3500 M GEAR 00 001 Pre-Leach Thickening
SP0656 4100 M GEAR 00 001 Carbon-in-Leach (CIL) Mechanical General Arrangement Plans
Carbon-in-Leach (CIL) Mechanical General Arrangement Sections &
SP0656 4100 M GEAR 00 002
SS0656 5100 M GEAR 00 001 Carbon Safety & Detoxification
SS0656 6200 M GEAR 00 001 Acid Wash & Elution
SS0656 6400 M GEAR 00 001 Carbon Re-Activation Mechanical General Arrangement
SS0656 6500 M GEAR 00 001 Gold Room Mechanical General Arrangement Plans
SS0656 6500 M GEAR 00 002 Gold Room Mechanical General Arrangement Sections & Elevations
SP0656 7100 M GEAR 00 001 Reagents - Mechanical General Arrangement Plans
SP0656 7100 M GEAR 00 002 Reagents - Mechanical General Arrangement Sections & Elevations
SS0656 8100 M GEAR 00 001 Compressed Air - Blowers - Blowers Mechanical General Arrangement
Compressed Air - Blowers - Compressed Air Mechanical General
SS0656 8100 M GEAR 00 002
SS0656 8400 M GEAR 00 001 Process Water - Mechanical General Arrangement
SS0656 8600 M GEAR 00 001 Water Purification Plant Layout

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 471 of 566 Structural Scope of Work

The scope of work for the Tri-K project was quantified based on plant sections and structures
of previous SENET gold projects, which were carefully selected to suit the Tri-K requirements.

The structural steel supplier will be responsible for detailing, supply and manufacturing of
steelwork according to SENET standards.

The SMPP contractor will be responsible for the erection of the supplied steel on site, which
will include collection, erection, touch-up of paint and handover of the complete structure.

Both the supply and erection scope of work will cater for the following steel sections:

• Structural Steel

o Light (0 – 25 kg/m)
o Medium (25.1 kg/m – 60 kg/m)
o Heavy (> 60.1 kg/m)
o Erection bolts

• Corrosion protection
• Handrailing and grating (grating includes kickflats and stair treads) Bill of Quantities

The structural BOQ is as per Table 12.7 and provided in Appendix 12.4.

Table 12.7: Structural BOQ

MTO Number Description

SS0656-0000-1S8-001 Structural steel BOQ Plate Work

The plate work scope of work entails shop detailing, supply, manufacturing, inspection,
corrosion protection, erection, site fabrication, touch-up and hand over of plate work in the
form of tanks as per the tank schedule in Appendix 12.5. Infrastructure Buildings

The CAPEX of the infrastructure buildings includes the following:

• Prefabricated plant buildings

• Pre-engineered steel buildings
• Process plant furniture

The civil works and earth works CAPEX associated with the plant infrastructure buildings as
described above have been included within the infrastructure CAPEX section.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 472 of 566 Prefabricated Plant Buildings

The following process plant buildings will be supplied as prefabricated buildings:

• Change house block

• Plant office building
• Gatehouse building
• Weighbridge control room

The prefabricated building package includes the supply and site installation of the building,
including all internal electrical reticulation and fittings, all internal water reticulation, plumbing,
sanitary fittings and air conditioning. The concrete foundations and floor slab will be provided
by the civil contractor.

The prefabricated building contractor has allowed for the relevant preliminary and general
costs for the installation of the buildings, including the supply of a tented construction camp.

A supply and installation enquiry package was sent out to the market for prefabricated
buildings. The vendor was selected based on both technical and commercial adjudications. Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings

The following pre-engineered steel buildings will be supplied:

• Plant Workshop
• Plant Warehouse
• Reagent stores A, B, C, D and F

The pre-engineered steel buildings package includes the design, fabrication and supply of the
steel buildings as described above. Site installation of the buildings and all internal electrical
reticulation and fittings are excluded from this package. The site installation of these buildings
is included within the SMPP contractor’s scope and the electrical installations are included
within the E&I contractor’s scope. The concrete foundations and floor slab will be provided by
the civil contractor.

A design, fabrication and supply enquiry package was sent out to the market for pre-
engineered steel buildings. The vendor was selected based on both technical and commercial
adjudications. Process Plant Furniture

A furniture list was produced for all the buildings as described above, and an enquiry was sent
out to the market for the supply and site installation of the process plant furniture. The vendor
was selected based on both technical and commercial adjudications. Electrical Work Scope of Work

The electrical scope of work was to design, supply, install and commission the equipment.
Bills of materials were produced and sent out to the market for quotations.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 473 of 566 Medium Voltage Switchgear

Preliminary designs were developed based on the plant layout, mechanical equipment list and
SENET specifications. The medium voltage switchgear will consist of the following:

• 2 × 1 250 A rated 24 kV circuit breakers

• 1 × 630 A power factor correction feeder breaker rated at 24 kV
• 3 × 630 A transformer feeder breaker rated at 24 kV
• 1 × 630 A overhead line feeder breaker rated at 24 kV
• 1 × 630 A SAG mill feeder breaker rated at 24 kV
• 1 × 630 A future ball mill feeder breaker rated at 24 kV
• 2 × 630 A ring main unit feeder breaker rated at 24 kV
• 1 × 630 A spare feeder breaker rated at 24 kV

All incomer and feeder breakers will be equipped with the required protection relays. Step-Down Transformers

Transformer sizing was based on allocating specific loads to individual transformers as per
the mechanical equipment list and plant layout. The sizing of the transformer was based on a
maximum start-up demand plus a 25 % spare capacity for future planting. The design of the
transformer was based on approved SENET specifications. Below is a list of transformers
allocated for the process plant:

• 22-TRF-001 (Crushing area)

• 31-TRF-002 (Milling area)
• 41-TRF-001 (CIL)
• 55-TRF-001 (Tailings and plant services)
• 84-TRF-001 (Reagents and gold room)
• 90-TRF-001 (Lighting and small requirement power plant)

The transformers will be of the dry type 22000/690 Vac Dyn11. Motor Control Centres

Preliminary designs were developed based on the latest mechanical equipment list. Below is
a list of MCCs:

• 22-MCC-001 (Crushing area)

• 31-MCC-002 (Milling area)
• 41-MCC-001 (CIL)
• 55-MCC-001 (Tailings and plant services)
• 84-MCC-001 (Reagents and gold room) Low and Medium Voltage Cables

Preliminary medium voltage cable routes were incorporated into the plant layout to define the
lengths and cable sizing. Low-voltage cable schedules were developed based on 80 m lengths
and the load list was developed from the mechanical equipment list (see Appendix 5.33).

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 474 of 566 Cable Racking, Luminaires and Earthing

Estimated quantities for the cable racking, luminaires and earthing materials were based on
the latest plant layout. Power Factor Correction Units

Preliminary sizing of the power factor correction units was based on the following assumption:

• Operating power factor of the plant: 0.8

• Improved power factor: 0.95 Battery Limits

The connection on motor terminal boxes of new motors as per the load list requirements. Piping and Valves Scope of Work

The scope of work relating to piping and valves is indicated in the piping and instrumentation
diagrams (P&IDs) and is provided in Appendix 5.35. Bill of Quantities

The piping and valves BOQ is as per Table 12.8 and provided in Appendix 12.6.

Table 12.8: Piping and Valves BOQ

BOQ Number Description

SS0656-0000-1P8-004 Manual Valves
SS0656-0000-1P8-001 Carbon Steel Piping
SS0656-0000-1P8-002 Stainless Steel Piping
SS0656-0000-1P8-003 Non-Metallic Piping
SS0656-0000-1P8-010 Fire Fighting Equipment
SS0656-0000-1P8-009 Piping Thermal Insulation Process Control

The PLC and SCADA costs were based on a typical plant configuration with full plant control
from a central control room. Provision was also made for a sequel server for constant data
logging and trending.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 475 of 566 Control and Instrumentation (C&I)

Instrumentation costs were based on instrument and valve lists.

The Tri-K Gold project requires the implementation of a process automation system (PAS).
The PAS comprises a SCADA, PLC and instrumentation. SCADA and PLC equipment will be
located in the plant control room and equipment room located adjacent to the plant control

The communications system consisting of an office LAN, satellite link for Internet and email,
telephone and radio systems, will be provided by the Client.

A security system, including CCTV cameras and access control to site and gold room, is also

The instrumentation BOQ was derived from the P&IDs. Refer to the instrument index provided
in Appendix 12.7.

Dedicated remote I/O panels, located in the specific plant areas, are utilised to connect the
field instruments to the PLC. Digital instruments are wired to the remote I/O panel via multipair
cables. Analogue instruments are connected to the remote I/O panels via a Profibus PA

The latest control system architecture is provided in Appendix 12.8. Drawings and Data Sheets

The control and instrumentation drawings are as per Table 12.9 and provided in Appendix

Table 12.9: Control and Instrumentation Drawings and Data Sheets

Drawing Number Description

SP0656-9300-I-SCHD-00001 Instrument Index
SS0656-9300-I-DETL-23001 to
Instrument Hook-up Diagrams
SS0656-9300-I-BLOC-20001 Control System Architecture

SS0656-0000-1I2-001 Instrument Datasheet - Analysers

SS0656-0000-1I2-002 Instrument Datasheet - Gas Detectors
SS0656-0000-1I2-003 Instrument Datasheet - Density Transmitters
SS0656-0000-1I2-004 Instrument Datasheet - Belt Alignment Switches
SS0656-0000-1I2-005 Instrument Datasheet - Belt Scales
SS0656-0000-1I2-006 Instrument Datasheet - Belt Tear Detectors
SS0656-0000-1I2-007 Instrument Datasheet - Blocked Chute Switches
SS0656-0000-1I2-008 Instrument Datasheet - Pull Wire Switches
SS0656-0000-1I2-010 Instrument Datasheet - Sirens
SS0656-0000-1I2-012 Instrument Datasheet - Speed Switches
SS0656-0000-1I2-014 Instrument Datasheet - Position Switches
SS0656-0000-1I2-015 Instrument Datasheet - Flow Transmitters

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 476 of 566

Drawing Number Description

SS0656-0000-1I2-016 Instrument Datasheet - Flow Switches

SS0656-0000-1I2-017 Instrument Datasheet - Rotameters
SS0656-0000-1I2-018 Instrument Datasheet - Level Transmitters
SS0656-0000-1I2-019 Instrument Datasheet - Level Switches
SS0656-0000-1I2-020 Instrument Datasheet - Float Level Switches
SS0656-0000-1I2-021 Instrument Datasheet - Pressure Transmitters
SS0656-0000-1I2-022 Instrument Datasheet - Pressure Gauges
SS0656-0000-1I2-023 Instrument Datasheet - Pressure Switches
SS0656-0000-1I2-025 Instrument Datasheet - Temperature Transmitters
SS0656-0000-1I2-026 Instrument Datasheet - Temperature Switches
SS0656-0000-1I2-027 Instrument Datasheet - Temperature Gauges
SS0656-0000-1I2-028 Instrument Datasheet - Modulating Valves
SS0656-0000-1I2-029 Instrument Datasheet - On/Off Valves
SS0656-0000-1I2-030 Instrument Datasheet - Inline Solenoid Valves
SS0656-0000-1I2-032 Instrument Datasheet - Hand Valves Bill of Quantities

The control and instrumentation BOQ is as per Table 12.10 and provided in Appendix 12.10.

Table 12.10: Control and Instrumentation BOQ

MTO Number Description

SP0656-0000-1I8-001 C&I BOQ Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM)

Engineering, project management and drawing office man-hours are based on the estimated
number of man-hours required to complete the project. Unit rates for man-hours represent
actual rates currently being charged on similar projects.

Site construction management is based on a highly skilled team of engineers and site staff
that will supervise the construction crew’s activities. This part of the estimate assumes that
construction will be subcontracted to construction companies for the earthworks, civil works,
SMPP and E&I construction companies.

This, however, requires a higher level of supervision on the part of the EPCM contractor. Contingency

An average contingency of 7.4 % (see Table 12.2) has been included to cover items that are
included in the scope of work, but that cannot be adequately defined at this time due to lack
of accurate detailed design information.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 477 of 566 First Fills

The first-fill costs were developed from first principles. These were defined as those costs
incurred prior to commissioning in preparing the circuit to accept ore. These costs included
the addition of steel balls (various sizes) to the SAG and ball mills to design charge levels,
which will constitute a graded charge and the addition of carbon at 10 g/L to the CIL circuit, as
well as filling the thermic oil system with oil.

The costs, which are summarised in Table 12.11, are exclusive of the store’s inventory of
reagents and consumables and fuel.

Table 12.11: First Fills

Initial Capital Deferred Capital Cost

(US$) (US$) (US$)
Primary Crusher 338 338
Pebble Crusher 3 304 3 304
Elusion Heating 6 351 6 351
Apron Feeder 9 231 9 231
SAG Mill - Lubricants 45 673 45 673
Ball Mill - Lubricants 45 673 45 673
SAG Mill - Grinding Media 202 933 202 933
Ball Mill - Grinding Media 302 700 302 700
Initial Carbon 377 825 377 825
Total 645 654 348 373 994 028 Operational Spares

The cost for operational spares indicated in Table 12.3 was based on actual quotes from
suppliers/vendors. Insurance or Strategic Spares

The cost for insurance or strategic spares indicated in Table 12.3 was based on actual quotes
from suppliers/vendors. Vendor Services

The cost for vendor services includes all the items where the presence of the vendor is
required during the construction phase in order for guarantees to be honoured. It also includes
items where construction supervision is required, particularly for the installation of the mills.
The costs are based on actual quotes obtained from the respective vendors as given in Table

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 478 of 566

Table 12.12: Vendor Services

Initial Capital Deferred Capital Cost

(US$) (US$) (US$)
Arsenic Treatment Plant Vendor Representative 144 641 144 641

Medicals and Inoculations 913 913

Training 2 692 2 692

Commissioning Services 125 238 125 238

Installation 166 154 166 154

Ball Mill Vendor Representative 464 196 464 196

Plant-Wide Vendor Representative 923 297 923 297

Total 1 362 935 464 196 1 827 131 Freight

Freight was estimated based on the project equipment list, and actual projected shipping
weights and volumes were used in calculating the total project shipping volume. Container
filling rates were based on historical project data. Actual quotes were obtained from local
freight forwarders, both in-country contractors and contractors based in Guinea.

Most rates utilised in this BFS have been obtained from third-party service providers and
statutory agencies involved in the management of shipments and documentation. Rates
offered by these bodies are subject to change without notice and, therefore, cannot be held
as fixed and firm. The contractor will have to negotiate these increases on an ad-hoc basis
with SMM as and when they arise, fully supporting the application with documentary evidence
of such increases.

To reduce total costs, the estimate has been calculated using a combination of shipping
methods, i.e. appointing dedicated charter vessels in addition to utilising scheduled
containerised vessels into Conakry.

The following should apply for shipping:

• Civil Works – Due to the high weight/volume ratio, the most cost-effective form of
transport would be to transport this cargo with mechanical equipment that has a low
weight/volume ratio.
• Structural Steelwork – As for civil works.
• Mechanical Equipment – The SAG and ball mills will be transported in sections on a
dedicated charter vessel to Dakar and in convoy from Dakar to site.
• Piping and Valves – The most effective transport method will be to use break bulk
cargo due to the volume constraints.
• Optimum Shipment Method – Containerised cargo.

A summary of the shipping estimate for the process plant, on-site infrastructure and TSF is
given in Table 12.13.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 479 of 566

Table 12.13: Shipping Estimate for Process Plant, On-Site Infrastructure and TSF

Freight Quantity Total Cost

Item Description Shipping Method
Mass (t) Containers US$
Structural Steelwork and Plate Work 1 676 140 Containerised 1 354 220
1 Structural Steelwork and Plate Work:
102 9 Containerised 87 057
Mechanical: Excluding Mill 1 434 144 Containerised 1 392 912
Mechanical: Excluding Mill – Conakry
176 18 (Tower Crane: 8 × HC + 101 654
2 To Site
1 × O/T By 1.3 m)
Mechanical: Thickener 112 13 Containerised 125 749
Mechanical: Thickener 1 Flat Rack 12 575
Mills and Components
SAG Mill Containerised/Break Bulk
SAG Mill – Special Tools and Relining
Containerised/Break Bulk 56 474
Machine (Conakry to Site)
Ball Mill Containerised/Break Bulk
Delivered at Place (DAP) Cost – SAG
10 Containerised 716 628
Mill (Dakar To Site)
DAP Cost – Ball Mill (Dakar to Site) 10 Containerised 506 486
Plant Piping and Valves
Piping 597 75 Containerised 725 475
Valves 28 4 Containerised 38 692
Piping - Ball Mill 20 3 Containerised 29 019
Electrical – Excluding Ball Mill 41 Containerised 396 593
Electrical – Ball Mill 3 Containerised 29 019
6 C&I 4 Containerised 38 692
7 Civil/Earthworks 35 3 Containerised 29 019
Plant First Fills
8 SAG Mill First Fill – Grinding Media 209 11 Containerised 62 121
Ball Mill First Fill – Grinding Media 348 18 Containerised 101 653
9 Water Treatment Plant 2 Containerised 19 346
10 Sewage Treatment Plant 2 Containerised 19 346
11 Effluent Treatment Plant 2 Containerised 543 010
12 Tanks 521 58 Containerised 561 034
Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings
246 21 Containerised 118 596
(Steel) - Conakry to Site
Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings
13 60 6 Containerised 33 885
(Sheeting) - Conakry to Site
Prefabricated Buildings and Furniture 16 Containerised 154 768
Workshop Tools/Gantry Crane/Fencing 7 Containerised 67 711
Weighbridge 1 Containerised 9 673
HDPE Lining and Geotextile - Conakry
14 90 Containerised 508 266
To Site
HDPE Lining Installation Equipment 2 Containerised 19 346
15 Airfreight Contingency 300 000
16 Bridge Survey 9 440
17 Spares 13 Containerised 125 749
TOTAL 5 563.6 727 8 304 709

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 480 of 566

The estimate for the transportation costs was made by taking the following into account:

• The road restrictions associated with the bridges in Guinea

• Size, mass and volume of cargo that will be moved (To obtain the optimum weight to
volume ratio, the cargo will be packed as a mixture of high volume and high weight,
which will optimise the number of containers to be shipped and hence lower the
transport costs.)
• Transport costs associated with moving cargo by road from the Conakry/Dakar Port to
• Method of containment to be applied to reduce the number of containers to be moved
while adhering to the weight and height restrictions

When developing the project cargo schedules, it was noted that, due to the weight to volume
ratio, the most cost-effective form of transport would be to combine the transportation of civil
works and structural steel cargo with mechanical equipment that has a high-volume ratio.

The same concept should be applied during the mine’s operating phase when shipping
reagents and consumables.

It was assumed that the SAG and ball mills will be transported in pieces that are not greater
than 50 t and that special charter vessels will be used for this. Power Plant and Fuel Storage

The expected plant power demand was generated and submitted to a reputable heavy fuel oil
(HFO) power generator supplier with experience in installing generators in Africa for sizing
and costing of the rental power plant and fuel storage facility. TSF

A local contractor (BCM) was approached by SENET (in April 2018) to provide rates for the
construction of the TSF. The total capital cost associated with the Tri-K TSF has been
determined as US$23.73 million. The BCM priced BOQ and accompanying liner capital costs
associated with the TSF can be found in Appendix 12.11.

The capital cost estimate for the TSF is given in Table 12.14.

Table 12.14: Capital Cost Estimate for the TSF

Item Description
(US$ Million)
1 Preliminary and General (as provided by BCM)
1.1 BCM 5.80
1.2 Lining Contractor 0.23
2.1 Site Clearance 0.86
2.2 Earthworks and Excavations 6.23
2.3 Drainage 1.93
2.4 Concrete Structures 0.58
2.5 Pipe Work 2.01

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 481 of 566

Item Description
(US$ Million)
2.7 Catwalk 0.07
2.8 Miscellaneous 0.22
2.9 Liner 2.03
3.1 Site Clearance 0
3.2 Earthworks and Excavations 1.26
3.3 Drainage 0.40
3.4 Concrete Structures 1.14
3.5 Miscellaneous 0.03
3.6 Liner and Geofabric Liner Protection 0.94
(Have been assumed as 0 % as included in overall contingency)

12.2.3 Off-Site Infrastructure

Off-site infrastructure includes the following:

• Mining infrastructure
• Water management and supply
• Other off-site infrastructure Mining Infrastructure

The mining capital costs for the project are US$15.3 million, which are broken up into
US$14 million for initial capital and US$1.3 million for deferred capital. These costs include
contractor mobilisation, haul road construction, clearing and grubbing, topsoil stripping, mine
development, and the purchase of survey equipment and mine design software.

The mining CAPEX estimate was extracted from the BBA mineral reserves and mining section
(see Section 4). Reminex included an 8 % EPCM cost based on total CAPEX, and a 5 %
contingency based on the total CAPEX and EPCM costs.

The CAPEX of the mining and haul road infrastructure is given in Table 12.15.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 482 of 566

Table 12.15: Off-Site Mining Infrastructure CAPEX

Initial CAPEX Deferred CAPEX Total CAPEX

(US$) (US$) (US$)

Site Clearance 1 146 000 1 028 000 2 174 000

Mine Development 8 475 362 - 8 475 362

Survey Equipment and Mine Design Software 220 000 - 220 000

Contractor Mobilisation 1 212 169 1 212 169

Contractor Installation and Facilities 2 502 331 2 502 331

Haul Roads

Mine Haul Roads (Pits Area) 446 500 304 000 750 500
Subtotal (BBA Estimate) 14 002 363 1 332 000 15 334 363
Haul Road (Kodiaran - Koulekoun) 3 844 089 3 844 089

Subtotal CAPEX 17 846 452 1 332 000 19 178 452

EPCM (8 %) 1 546 395

Contingency (5 %) 950 904

Total CAPEX 21 675 750 Contractor Mobilisation

A total of US$3.7 million of initial capital is required for contractor mobilisation, which will be
used to set up the contractor’s camp, the equipment workshop, the administrative facilities, as
well as for the mobilisation of his equipment and personnel on site. Haul Road Construction (Excluding Road from Kodiaran)

The system of mine haul roads that will be constructed at Kodiaran during the pre-production
phase of the project has been estimated to cost US$0.5 million using a unit rate of
US$95 000/km. An additional US$0.3 million will be required to construct the haul roads at
Koulekoun in 2021; this is considered deferred capital. Mine Development

The costs incurred during the first quarter of 2020 to develop the Kodiaran pit for mining and
to stockpile 325 000 t of ore at the Koulekoun ROM pad have been estimated to be
US$8.47 million. Clearing and Grubbing

A unit rate of US$3 500/ha has been used to account for clearing and grubbing within the pit
limits, as well as within the waste dump footprints, which results in US$0.4 million of the initial
CAPEX. An additional US$0.4 million is required as deferred capital for clearing and grubbing.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 483 of 566 Topsoil Stripping

A unit rate of US$5/m3 has been used to account for the stripping and stockpiling of topsoil
from within the pit limits. Assuming a topsoil thickness of 300 mm results in US$0.7 million of
the initial CAPEX. An additional US$0.6 million is required as deferred capital for topsoil
stripping. Survey Equipment and Mine Design Software

The mine capital cost estimate includes US$120 000 for the purchase of survey equipment
and US$100 000 for specialised mine design software. Haul Roads

The linking road between the Kodiaran ROM pad and the mill facilities at Koulekoun will have
a total distance of approximately 27 km.

The access haul road between the Kodiaran and Koulekoun sites will be constructed by a
local contractor, Transport-Terrassement-Minier (TTM), and the contract will be based on a
BOQ, against which quoted rates will be applied. The contractor will provide accommodation
for his own workforce and will be completely self-sufficient. Water Management and Supply

The water management CAPEX includes the following:

• Raw water dam construction

• Raw water supply to the process plant
• Koulekoun and Kodiaran pits dewatering
• Koulekoun protection dam and diversion channel construction

The water management and supply CAPEX estimate was extracted from the Golder,
“Hydrogeological, hydrological and flood protection study” report provided in Appendix 5.22.
Reminex included a 10 % EPCM cost based on the total CAPEX, and a 12 % contingency
based on the total CAPEX and EPCM costs.

The water management and supply CAPEX is given in Table 12.16.

Table 12.16: Water Management and Supply CAPEX

Initial CAPEX Deferred CAPEX Total CAPEX

(US$) (US$) (US$)
Raw water
Raw water dam 4 192 361 - 4 192 361
Raw water supply 1 426 109 1 426 109
Water management
Pits dewatering 733 532 733 532
Protection dam and diversion channel - 4 541 713 4 541 713
Subtotal CAPEX 6 352 002 4 541 713 10 893 715
EPCM (10 %) 1 089 372
Contingency (12 %) 1 483 499
Total CAPEX 13 466 585

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 484 of 566 Raw Water Dam Construction

The proposed raw water supply dam is to be built on a tributary of the Bomani South River.
The catchment area of the dam was measured to be 8.5 km2. The maximum capacity of the
storage dam that can be practically built at the site is estimated to be 706 264 m3. Spillage
from the raw water supply dam will discharge via a spillway into the river.

As described in Golder’s report, the construction of the raw water supply dam will be executed
by a local contractor, Belco, and the contract will be based on a BOQ, against which quoted
rates will be applied. The contractor will provide accommodation for his own workforce and
will be completely self-sufficient.

The raw water dam CAPEX is given in Table 12.17.

Table 12.17: Raw Water Dam CAPEX

Description CAPEX (US$)

Facility 3 323 964

Spillway and Drainage 557 852
P&G 310 545
Subtotal 4 192 361
Contingency (15 % of Measured Works) 582 272
TOTAL 4 774 633

An allowance of 10 % of the subtotal in Table 12.17 was added as an EPCM cost. Raw Water Supply to the Process Plant

An 8 000 m3/d pipeline conveying water from the raw water supply dam to the plant was
designed. The pipeline length is 3 530 m. Its profile has been optimised to minimise the cut
and fill volumes while also maintaining a gradual pipeline profile. The pipeline route in the plant
area has been selected to ensure minimal exposure to moving equipment.

The water is abstracted by means of a floating barge pump from the raw water supply dam
and pumped into the raw water pond at the plant.

The raw water supply cost was estimated by Golder, who compiled the feasibility study for this
scope. The raw water supply CAPEX is given in Table 12.18.

Table 12.18: Raw water supply CAPEX

Description CAPEX (US$)

Earthworks 404 458
Piping and pipe specials including installation 930 137
Concrete installation 36 114
Floating barge pump station installation 16 900
Raw water pump including installation 38 500
TOTAL 1 426 109

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An allowance of 10 % of the total CAPEX given in Table 12.18, was added as an EPCM cost.

An allowance of 10 % of the total CAPEX and the above-mentioned EPCM cost was added
as a contingency. Koulekoun and Kodiaran Pits Dewatering

The pumping requirements to dewater the pits from rainfall and groundwater inflows were
estimated following completion of the mine plan. Koulekoun will require one diesel-powered
sump pump with a 90 m3/h pumping capacity, two diesel-powered sump pumps with 230 m3/h
capacities and ten submersible pumps: five 11 kW pumps and five 30 kW pumps. Kodiaran
will require two sump pumps with 30 m3/h capacities and one with 90 m3/h.

The pits dewatering cost was estimated by Golder, who compiled the feasibility study for this

The pits dewatering CAPEX is given in Table 12.19.

Table 12.19: Pits Dewatering CAPEX

Description CAPEX (US$)

Pit dewatering pumps and installation 433 132
Pit dewatering borehole drilling 300 400
Total 733 532

An allowance of 10 % of the total CAPEX in Table 12.19, was added as an EPCM cost.

An allowance of 10 % of the total CAPEX and the above-mentioned EPCM cost was added
as a contingency. Koulekoun Protection Dam and Diversion Channel Construction

The Koulekoun pit is located on a watercourse, and a river diversion is required to prevent
runoff from entering the pit. Hence, construction of a dam across the watercourse to the west
of the pit is proposed. The dam will serve to divert the flood and flow into the diversion channel.

As described in Golder’s report, the protection dam and diversion channel will be constructed
by a local contractor, Belco, and the contract will be based on a BOQ, against which quoted
rates will be applied. The contractor will provide accommodation for his own workforce and
will be completely self-sufficient.

The protection (attenuation) dam and diversion channel CAPEX is given in Table 12.20.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 486 of 566

Table 12.20: Protection (Attenuation) Dam and Diversion Channel CAPEX

Description CAPEX (US$)

Facility 977 368
Spillway and Drainage 3 227 922
P&G 336 423
Subtotal 4 541 713
Allowable Contingencies (15 % of Measured Works) 630 794
Total 5 172 507

An allowance of 10 % of the subtotal in Table 12.20 was added as an EPCM cost. Other Off-Site Infrastructure

The proposed infrastructure will support the mining and plant operations and is summarised

• Airstrip
• Access road between Loila village and plant
• ROM pad
• Off-site power supply and distribution
• Information technology (IT) equipment
• Expatriates and local managers’ camp
• Local technicians’ camp
• Military camp
• Mine office and pit fences
• Core storage shed
• Solid waste management
• Potable water supply and distribution in the camps
• Firefighting system for the camps
• Camps sewage treatment
• Light vehicles
• Plant operational vehicles
• Medical equipment
• Off-site logistics costs

This off-site infrastructure CAPEX estimate is given in Table 12.21.

Table 12.21: Off-Site Infrastructure CAPEX

Initial CAPEX Deferred CAPEX Total CAPEX

(US$) (US$) (US$)
Expatriates and local managers’ camp 2 356 190 0 2 356 190

Local technicians’ camp 1 874 978 0 1 874 978

Military camp 575 917 0 575 917

Mine office and pit fences 545 739 0 545 739

Core storage shed 136 074 0 136 074

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 487 of 566

Initial CAPEX Deferred CAPEX Total CAPEX
(US$) (US$) (US$)
Light vehicles maintenance 69 209 0 69 209

Camps sewerage treatment plant 324 431 0 324 431

ROM pad 1 086 750 0 1 086 750

Electrical distribution 756 836 0 756 836

Solid waste management 445 000 0 445 000

Water distribution in the camps 291 972 0 291 972

Firefighting systems for the camps 204 000 0 204 000

Owner transport 650 154 0 650 154

Vendor transport 615 887 0 615 887

Airstrip 2 042 140 0 2 042 140

Access road 738 722 0 738 722

Light vehicles 1 079 494 0 1 079 494

Information technology (IT) equipment 628 334 0 628 334

Medical equipment 29 189 0 29 189

Mobile Crane 364 364 0 364 364

Forklifts and telehandler 364 707 0 364 707

Subtotal 15 180 085 0 15 180 085

Project management (EPCM) (10 %) 1 518 009 0 1 518 009

Contingency (9 %) 1 393 171 0 1 393 171

TOTAL 18 091 265 0 18 091 265 Airstrip

The Tri-K project site will have its own airstrip in order to facilitate the safe transport of gold
ingots exports, and it will possibly also be utilised to transport mine personnel, in future.

Airstrip construction will be performed by a local contractor, TTM, and the contract will be
based on a BOQ, which was compiled by Groupement Ingenieur Development (GID), against
which quoted rates will be applied. The contractor will provide accommodation for his own
workforce and will be completely self-sufficient. The GID “Rapport APD TRI-K Aérodrome”
report is provided in Appendix 9.2. Access Road between Loila Village and Plant

The access road between the Loila village and the plant site will be a gravel road and will be
5 m wide with a 1 m shoulder on either side. The CAPEX for this scope was determined
utilising a rate per kilometre from a tendered BOQ.

The access road between the Loila village and plant construction will be constructed by a local
contractor, TTM, and the contract will be based on a BOQ, against which quoted rates will be

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 488 of 566

applied. The contractor will provide accommodation for his own workforce and will be
completely self-sufficient. ROM Pad

The Rom pad was designed and costed for a three-month plant feed storage capacity. The
volume of backfill was estimated from the layout and available topography, and the ROM pad
will be constructed using the mine waste material.

The ROM pad construction will be performed by the mining subcontractor. The CAPEX
estimate is based on the mining subcontractor’s unit price. Off-Site Power Supply and Distribution

The power for the off-site infrastructure will be supplied from the rental HFO power plant that
will be constructed at the plant site.

Kodiaran facilities will be powered from a dedicated diesel-powered generator, which has been
costed based on a vendor quotation.

The supply CAPEX for the electrical equipment is based on a BOQ that was submitted to the
market for costing and was adjudicated and included in the CAPEX estimate.

The electrical installation will be performed by a local contractor, CA2E, originating from
Morocco, and the contract will be based on a BOQ, against which quoted rates will be applied.
The contractor will provide accommodation for his own workforce and will be completely self-
sufficient. Information Technology (IT) Equipment

This part includes the following:

• Telecommunication service of SMM sites

• Internal IT infrastructure
• Internal radio network
• Software
• Video surveillance
• IT hardware

The implementation will include three phases:

• Design, definition of requirements, request for quotation, bidding process, vendor

selection, drafting of contract
• Logistics of delivery, receipt, configuration, installation
• Deployment and commissioning on site

The CAPEX estimate is based on the costs applied to the latest IT infrastructure installed for
the existing camp (Loila) and also using costs from a similar, recent project in Managem’s
database. The details of this costing are provided in Appendix 12.12.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 489 of 566 Expatriates and Local Managers’ Camp

The expatriates and local managers’ camp will be constructed of prefabricated panels, be
located approximately 800 m from the plant, and will consist of the following:

• 75 rooms for technical staff (including visitors), and 10 rooms for directors (including
VIP visitors)
• Entertainment club
• Restaurant and kitchen
• Laundry
• Gymnasium
• Gate and gatehouse for security control
• Mosque

The prefabricated building package includes the supply and site installation of the buildings,
including all internal electrical reticulation and fittings, all internal water reticulation, plumbing,
sanitary fittings and air conditioning. The concrete foundations and floor slab will be provided
by the civil contractor.

The prefabricated building contractor has allowed for the relevant P&G costs for the installation
of the buildings. An allowance has been made in the P&G costs for the accommodation of the
prefabricated buildings construction team.

The CAPEX for the earthworks and civil works for this camp was compiled based on a BOQ,
where tendered rates from the plant contracts were applied, with a 15 % P&G cost allowance.

The CAPEX for the fencing of this camp was based on unit rates tendered by TTM.

The furniture required for this camp was listed for each building and costed by vendors,
including supply and assembly. Local Technicians’ Camp

The local technician’s camp will be constructed of prefabricated panels, be located

approximately 1 km from the Loila village, and will consist of the following:

• Housing for local technicians consisting of 108 rooms

• Gymnasium
• Gate and gatehouse for security control

Catering will not be provided in this camp. Staff will be given an allowance to buy meals in the
local village.

This camp’s perimeter will be fenced by 2.5 m high fencing.

The prefabricated building package includes the supply and site installation of the buildings,
including all internal electrical reticulation and fittings, all internal water reticulation, plumbing,
sanitary fittings and air conditioning. The concrete foundations and floor slab will be provided
by the civil contractor.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 490 of 566

The prefabricated building contractor has allowed for the relevant P&G costs for the installation
of the buildings. An allowance has been made in the P&G costs for the accommodation of the
prefabricated buildings construction team.

The CAPEX for the earthworks and civil works for this camp was compiled based on a BOQ,
where tendered rates from the plant contracts were applied, with a 15 % P&G cost allowance.

The CAPEX for the fencing of this camp was based on unit rates tendered by TTM.

The furniture required for this camp was listed for each building and costed by vendors,
including supply and assembly. Military Camp

The military camp will be constructed of prefabricated panels, be located approximately 600 m
from the plant, and will consist of the following:

• Housing consisting of 28 double rooms for military personnel and 1 room for the chief
military officer
• Office for the chief military officer
• Gate for security control

This camp’s perimeter will be fenced by 2.5 m high fencing.

The prefabricated building package includes the supply and site installation of the buildings,
including all internal electrical reticulation and fittings, all internal water reticulation, plumbing,
sanitary fittings and air conditioning. The concrete foundations and floor slab will be provided
by the civil contractor.

The prefabricated building contractor has allowed for the relevant preliminary and general
costs for the installation of the buildings. An allowance has been made in the P&G costs for
the accommodation of the prefabricated buildings construction team.

The CAPEX for the earthworks and civil works for this camp was compiled based on a BOQ,
where tendered rates from the plant contracts were applied, with a 15 % P&G cost allowance.

The CAPEX for the fencing of this camp was based on unit rates tendered by TTM.

The furniture required for this camp was listed for each building and costed by vendors,
including supply and assembly. Mine Office and Pit Fences

The mining administrative building will accommodate the SMM personnel.

This facility’s CAPEX was estimated based on costs from several prefabricated building
vendor quotations.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 491 of 566 Core Storage Shed

The core storage shed will be located near the mining camp.

The CAPEX for this scope was estimated by using a ratio of the plant’s pre-engineering steel
building costs. Solid Waste Management

The solid waste management unit will include an incinerator with a waste shredder and a
waste disposal plant for recoverable waste. The unit can handle over 3 t/d.

The solid waste treatment CAPEX was estimated by Compagnie d’Aménagement Agricole et
de Développement Industriel (ADI), who compiled the feasibility study for this scope and the
ADI “Etude-déchets_Tri-K-VD report” is provided in Appendix 9.10. Potable Water Supply and Distribution in the Camps

The potable water supply scheme will consist of two supply pipelines from the potable water
treatment plant in the plant site to the relevant storage tanks at the camps. The potable water
distribution in the camps will be fed by two elevated tanks.

The CAPEX of the potable water supply and distribution in the camps was estimated by ADI,
who compiled the feasibility study for this scope and the ADI reports,
“Etude_TriK_distribution_VD1 and Etude-TriK_Adduction d'eau_VD2” are provided in
Appendix 9.11. Firefighting System for the Camps

A fire truck will be acquired to extinguish fires, and all the buildings will be equipped with 6 kg
dry powder fire extinguishers.

The firefighting system CAPEX was estimated by ADI, who compiled the feasibility study for
this scope and the ADI “Etude_TriK_distribution_VD1 report” is provided in Appendix 9.12. Camps Sewage Treatment

Each camp will have a network of sewer lines transferring the sewage to a containerised
sewage treatment plant.

The CAPEX of this unit includes the following:

• Treatment unit costed by the same supplier adjudicated for the plant sewage treatment
• Trenches and piping estimated using a ratio of the plant sewage reticulation costs Light Vehicles

The CAPEX of the light vehicles is based on the selected vendor’s quotation, which was
commercially and technically adjudicated.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 492 of 566 Plant Operational Vehicles

The CAPEX of the operational vehicles was estimated using commercially and technically
adjudicated quotations from a vendor. The list of vehicles is given below:

• 1 × Mobile Crane
• 1 × Forklifts
• 2 × Telehandler Medical Equipment

The CAPEX of the medical equipment was estimated using costs from a similar, recent project
in Managem’s database. Off-Site Logistics

The off-site logistics cost includes the following:

• Vendor’s logistics cost: Freight to Conakry including insurances.

• Owner’s logistics cost: Freight costs from Conakry delivered to site.

This cost estimate was derived based on an existing SMM logistics contract.

12.2.4 Owner’s Pre-Production Costs

The owner’s pre-production costs are based on costs that will be incurred from the start of the
project implementation phase, up to the commissioning and handover to plant operations. A
summary of the owner’s pre-production costs is given in Table 12.22.

Table 12.22: Owner’s Pre-Production Costs

Description Total Cost (US$)

General and Administration Labour 1 555 255
Mining and Geology Labour and Maintenance 467 257
Process Plant Labour and Maintenance 598 787
Other Costs
Camp Catering Facility Cost 287 610
Camp Messing 306 757
General and Administration Supplies 310 527
Medical 321 945
Insurances 122 037
Financial 342 000
Contracts and Fees 1 505 093
Personnel (Training, Recruitment, Relocation) 959 967
General (Postage and Courier, Stationery, etc.) 18 088
TOTAL 6 795 323

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 493 of 566

The owner’s pre-productions costs comprise the following:

• General and administration salaries, including owner’s project team, Health, Safety
and Environmental (HSE) department, finance, procurement and human resources
• Mining department labour costs prior to commencement of pre-strip
• Plant and laboratory labour costs prior to commencement of plant commissioning
• Costs associated with the administration of an off-site office
• Camp catering costs
• Training package implementation and contractor engagement
• Vehicle running and maintenance costs
• The cost of other administrative support Pre-Production Labour

The pre-production labour cost for the 18-month construction period is US$2 558 461 and
includes the following:

• Pre-production labour salaries

• Pre-production labour flights
• Dedicated vehicle cost (diesel and maintenance)
• Recruitment costs Other Pre-Production Costs

The other pre-production costs for the 18-month construction period are US$4 358 405 and
include the following, which were based on the general and administrative costs:

• Camp Catering Facility

• Messing
• Off-Site Offices and Travel
• General and Administration Supplies
• Communications
• Medical
• Insurances
• Financial
• Contracts and Fees
• General (Postage and Courier, Stationery, etc.)

The personnel training costs, as defined in Section 14, have been estimated based on the
training costs from Managem’s database, which are inclusive of all the associated costs.

12.2.5 Sustaining Capital

Sustaining capital is defined as the capital expenditure occurring beyond the initial period
leading to gold production and including the purchase of new equipment for the support of
mining operations, haul roads, pit dewatering, replacement of mining pickup trucks, camp
maintenance, and the process plant replacement equipment. Table 12.23 is a summary of the
sustaining capital to be incurred during the life of mine.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 494 of 566

Table 12.23: Sustaining Capital

Mine Sustaining Plant Sustaining

Life of Mine Capital Capital

Thousand US$ Thousand US$ Thousand US$

Production Year 1
Production Year 2
Production Year 3 1 081 1 435 2 516
Production Year 4 1 059 1 934 2 993
Production Year 5 1 165 1 980 3 144
Production Year 6 558 1 970 2 527
Production Year 7 850 1 962 2 812
Production Year 8 390 1 961 2 352
Production Year 9
TOTAL 5 102 11 242 16 344

12.2.6 Working Capital

Working capital was defined as those fixed and variable costs incurred by the mine from
commissioning to the point where the realised revenue from gold sales can pay for the entire
mine’s operating costs.

The initial working capital has been estimated at US$2.5 million.

Table 12.32: Working Capital

Working Capital Movement in Working Capital

Life of Mine
Thousand US$ Thousand US$
Production Year 1 2 465 2 465
Production Year 2 3 577 1 112
Production Year 3 4 050 473
Production Year 4 4 403 352
Production Year 5 4 482 80
Production Year 6 4 659 177
Production Year 7 4 192 (467)
Production Year 8 4 074 (118)
Production Year 9 (4 074)
Total 31 901 -

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12.3.1 OPEX Summary

The project’s annual operating cost estimate for the life of mine (LOM) consists of the

• Mining operating costs estimated by BBA

• Process plant and TSF operating costs estimated by SENET
• Raw water supply operating costs estimated by Golder
• Site general and administration costs estimated by Reminex and reviewed by SENET

The OPEX summary is given in Table 12.24.

Table 12.24: Summary of Operating Costs

LOM Operating Costs

Description US$ US$/oz
thousand Au

Mining costs (based on total rock movement) 279 633 3.38

Mining costs (processed tonnages) 279 633 14.53 278.7

Processing plant including SWD (processed

296 257 15.39 295.3

TSF operating costs 7 960 0.41 7.9

Raw water supply 1 928 0.10 1.9

General and administration 53 466 2.78 53.3

Direct Operating Costs 639 244 33.22 637.12

12.3.2 Mining Operating Cost Estimate

The total mining operating cost includes the following:

• Mine operating costs

• ROM ore rehandling costs Mine Operating Costs

The mine operating costs have been estimated to total US$245.3 million, which equates to an
average of US$3.08/t mined over the life of mine. The mine operating costs include the

• The mining contractor’s scope

• The costs related to the owner’s supervisory personnel
• The costs for ore grade control

The mine operating costs by activity, per deposit are given in Table 12.25. The mine operating
costs by rock type are given in Table 12.26. The mine operating costs per period of the mine
plan are shown in Figure 12.1.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 496 of 566

Table 12.25: Mine Operating Costs by Activity per Deposit

Mining Cost Koulekoun Kodiaran

US$/t US$/t US$/t

Loading and hauling 2.31 2.45 2.10

Drilling and blasting 0.48 0.62 0.28

Pre-split blasting 0.09 0.09 0.08

Dewatering 0.08 0.12 0.03

Owner's supervision 0.10 0.12 0.08

Grade control (owner’s cost) 0.02 0.03 0.02

Total 3.08 3.42 2.58

Table 12.26: Mine Operating Costs by Rock Type

Oxides Sulphides
US$/t US$/t

Loading and hauling 2.10 2.60

Drilling and blasting 0.14 0.97

Pre-split blasting 0.00 0.21

Dewatering 0.05 0.13

Owner's supervision 0.08 0.14

Grade control (owner’s cost) 0.02 0.03

Total 2.39 4.07

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 497 of 566

Figure 12.1: Mine Operating Costs Mine Contractor’s Costs

The mine contractor’s costs have been estimated for the BFS using budgetary pricing that was
provided by a local mining contractor who has considerable experience in West Africa. During
the BFS, the contractor was supplied a preliminary mine plan in order to estimate budgetary
unit rates for drilling and blasting, loading and hauling, stockpile rehandling, pre-split blasting
for final walls, and mine dewatering. The unit rates were validated with a quotation from a
second local contractor and were benchmarked against similar projects.

In order to account for the different rock densities and material properties, the unit rates have
been detailed for the different rock types and by deposit. The loading and hauling rates have
also been provided at varying haulage distances in order to allow for greater accuracy in the
cost estimate.

The contractor’s rates include the supply of fuel and are based on a diesel fuel price of

Upon completion of the mine plan, BBA applied the contractor’s unit rates in order to estimate
the mine operating costs for each period of the mine plan, accounting for pit depth, haul
distances, rehandling quantities, and the surface area of the final pit wall development for pre-
split requirements.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 498 of 566

Since the mine contractor did not provide specifics related to the cost of labour, explosives,
and consumables it is not possible to present these in this report. Owner’s Supervision

The mine operating costs for the owner’s supervision are based on the salaries that will be
paid to the team of 84 employees, as well as the cost to operate and maintain the fleet of nine
pickup trucks. Grade Control

A unit rate of US$0.10/t of ore was used to estimate the cost for grade control. This unit rate
accounts for the cost of RC drilling and sampling. ROM Ore Rehandling

The unit rates to rehandle the Kodiaran ore from the ROM pad into the fleet of ore haulage
trucks is US$1.18/t for oxides and US$1.04/t for sulphides. The unit rate to haul the ore from
the Kodiaran ROM pad to the Koulekoun mill site is US$3.41/t. The unit rate to rehandle the
ore from the ROM pad at Koulekoun to the primary crusher is US$1.19/t.

12.3.3 Process Plant Operating Costs Summary

The annual process plant operating costs for the life of mine for the Tri-K project are
summarised in Table 12.27.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 499 of 566

Table 12.27: LOM Operating Costs

Description Unit LOM Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

Fixed Costs US$ 75 684 000 5 757 788 8 302 675 8 389 622 9 325 839 9 433 034 9 433 034 9 433 034 9 428 255 6 180 717

Consumables US$ 31 727 216 441 485 771 058 1 142 121 4 927 799 5 366 529 5 366 573 5 367 037 5 347 528 2 997 087

Reagents US$ 73 415 311 5 828 971 9 454 062 10 058 443 8 896 885 8 560 933 8 142 414 8 161 215 8 225 645 6 086 743

Variable Power – Crushing US$ 1 466 937 52 416 76 127 83 094 189 290 218 456 237 443 236 961 235 311 137 839

Variable Power – Milling US$ 105 827 614 6 215 040 8 075 262 8 004 905 14 222 207 14 959 196 15 171 862 15 151 797 15 113 405 8 913 938

Gold Production Variable Costs US$ 8 135 657 642 201 869 269 1 020 920 1 127 880 1 058 934 1 044 906 883 368 872 814 615 365

Combined LOM Costs US$ 296 256 734 18 937 901 27 548 453 28 699 105 38 689 900 39 597 083 39 396 232 39 233 412 39 222 958 24 931 689

Combined LOM Costs US$/t 15.39 11.84 11.98 12.48 16.82 17.22 17.13 17.06 17.05 16.15

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 500 of 566 Basis of Estimate

The plant operating costs were compiled from a variety of sources, notably:

• First principles, where applicable

• Supplier quotations on reagents and consumables
• SENET’s experience on similar-sized plants
• Reminex’s and Managem’s experience
• Vendor estimates on reagent and power consumptions for the SWD discharge
treatment plant

The major cost elements of the plant, for which estimates were compiled, are the following:

• Process plant operating and maintenance labour

• Process plant reagents and consumables
• Power
• Process plant maintenance costs and supplies
• Assay costs

Escalation, depreciation and taxation were not taken into account in compiling the plant
operating costs. In addition, no contingencies were allowed for in the estimate of operating
costs as there is a high level of confidence in the reagent consumptions determined during
test work. The subsequent quotations from the chemical suppliers are based on current supply
costs and there may be a risk of price variations due to market factors.

The operating costs for the process plant are summarised in Table 12.28. Operating costs
were compiled for the process plant based on the individual ore types from the Koulekoun and
Kodiaran orebodies. The costs are expected to vary across the life of the project as a result of
the differences in the feed ore.

Additional operating costs will also be incurred as a result of the introduction of the SWD
discharge treatment plant. The operating costs for the SWD discharge treatment plant are
summarised in Table 12.29.

Using this information, the overall weighted mean costs were generated by Reminex, taking
into account the ratios in which the ores will be treated as provided by the mining and
production schedule.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 501 of 566

Table 12.28: Individual Ore Operating Costs – Process Plant

KK Fresh
OPEX Component Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh

Labour US$/a 1 327 690 1 327 690 1 327 690 1 327 690 1 327 690

Fixed Component of Power US$/a 5 244 602 6 486 237 6 486 237 5 244 602 6 486 237
Maintenance Parts and Supplies US$/a 1 343 673 1 512 056 1 512 056 1 343 673 1 512 056
Assay US$/a 200 000 200 000 200 000 200 000 200 000


Consumables per tonne of plant feed

Jaw Crusher Liners US$/t 0.036 0.149 0.149 0.031 0.089

Pebble Crusher Liners US$/t 0.000 0.012 0.012 0.000 0.012
SAG Mill Liners US$/t 0.101 0.429 0.429 0.092 0.314
SAG Mill Grinding Media US$/t 0.186 0.875 0.875 0.154 0.640
Ball Mill Liners US$/t 0.000 0.376 0.376 0.000 0.490
Ball Mill Grinding Media US$/t 0.000 0.937 0.937 0.000 1.223
TOTAL CONSUMABLES US$/t 0.32 2.78 2.78 0.28 2.77
Reagents per Tonne of Plant Feed
Cyanide (CIL and ILR) US$/t 3.182 1.583 1.250 1.428 1.406
Quicklime (CIL, Detoxification 50 ppm) US$/t 0.385 0.249 0.193 0.515 0.406
Quicklime Treatment Plant US$/t 0.2822 0.2822 0.2822 0.2822 0.2822
Carbon US$/t 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134
Sodium Metabisulphite US$/t 0.537 0.681 0.681 0.537 0.681
Copper Sulphate US$/t 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330
Flocculant (ILR, Thickening) US$/t 0.2145 0.1838 0.184 0.214 0.184
Flocculant – SWD Discharge Treatment
US$/t 0.02877 0.02877 0.02877 0.02877 0.02877
Potable Water Treatment Plant
US$/t 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Hydrochloric Acid – SWD Discharge
US$/t 0.0272 0.0272 0.0272 0.0272 0.0272
Treatment Plant
Peroxide – SWD Discharge Treatment
US$/t 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018
Ferric Chloride – SWD Discharge
US$/t 0.1443 0.1443 0.1443 0.1443 0.1443
Treatment Plant
TOTAL REAGENTS US$/t 5.268 3.646 3.257 3.643 3.626
Variable Power Costs per Tonne of
Plant Feed
Jaw Crusher Variable Power US$/t 0.03 0.08 0.08 0.03 0.06
Pebble Crushing Variable Power US$/t 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.02
Milling Variable Power US$/t 2.36 7.42 7.42 3.88 7.39
Total Variable Power US$/t 2.39 7.54 7.54 3.92 7.48
Elution and Gold Production Costs
Cyanide US$/oz 1.45 2.38 1.66 1.39 1.75
Caustic US$/oz 1.62 2.66 1.86 1.55 1.96
Hydrochloric Acid US$/oz 0.55 0.90 0.63 0.53 0.66

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 502 of 566

KK Fresh
OPEX Component Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Smelting Reagents US$/oz 0.0539 0.0583 0.0593 0.0452 0.0540
Diesel (Elution and Regeneration) US$/oz 3.762 6.151 4.325 3.600 4.544

TOTAL ELUTION and GOLD COSTS US$/oz 7.43 12.15 8.54 7.11 8.97
Labour US$/a 1 327 690 1 327 690 1 327 690 1 327 690 1 327 690

Power US$/a 10 750 388 23 822 548 23 822 548 14 254 070 23 695 675
Maintenance Parts and Supplies US$/a 1 343 673 1 512 056 1 512 056 1 343 673 1 512 056
Reagents US$/a 11 336 098 7 684 431 6 836 600 7 738 550 7 777 660
Consumables US$/a 743 535 6 389 662 6 389 662 634 634 6 365 277
Assay US$/a 200 000 200 000 200 000 200 000 200 000
Diesel US$/a 217 979 298 768 346 017 361 329 442 420

TOTAL US$/a 25 919 364 41 235 156 40 434 573 25 859 947 41 320 778

TOTAL US$/t 11.27 17.93 17.58 11.24 17.97

Table 12.29: Operating Costs – SWD Discharge Treatment Plant

OPEX Component Unit Value

Operating Period Year 1 to Year 9
Labour US$/a 9 620
Fixed Power US$/a 345 004
Maintenance Parts and Supplies US$/a 151 235
Reagents US$/a 1 113 905
Quicklime US$/a 649 125
Flocculant US$/a 66 162
Ferric Chloride US$/a 331 882
Hydrochloric Acid (33 %) US$/a 62 614
Peroxide US$/a 4 122
Total US$/a 1 619 764
Total US$/t 0.70 Process Plant Operating and Maintenance Labour

This was derived from first principles where the actual labour complement was drawn up in
conjunction with Reminex and benchmarked against other operations of similar size and
complexity operated by Managem. A labour schedule is included in Table 12.30 and Table
12.31 and shows the estimated costs associated with each position, including the payroll
burden to cover such issues as insurances, medicals and travel. The costs are exclusive of
training, messing and safety clothing, which are covered in administration costs. Salaries for
expatriates are inclusive of taxation of the annual income.

The labour schedule has been developed assuming a 7-weeks-on and 3-weeks-off roster for
expatriates and three 8-hour shifts for the local labour.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 503 of 566

The salaries for expatriates and local labour were based on remuneration standards
established by Managem, considering the scenario of both qualified and unqualified labour
availability in the country. Due to lack of experienced personnel in Guinea, expatriates will be
employed in some managerial and supervisory positions. Expatriate labour was further split
into two categories on the basis of level of skill and management experience. Senior managers
constituted the higher-cost top management tier, whereas suitable middle manager or
foreman level and artisans were considered to be able to be sourced from the region, where
their skills have already been well developed due to existing operations.

Table 12.30: Plant Manning Requirements and Costs

Average Cost Total

Total Cost
No. of per Person Cost per
Position Category per Annum
Employees per Month Month
(US$) (US$)
Plant Management
Process Plant Manager Expatriate 1 9 283 9 283 111 390
Process Plant Superintendent Expatriate 1 4 147 4 147 49 765
Plant Maintenance Superintendent Expatriate 1 4 147 4 147 49 765
Senior Metallurgist Expatriate 1 4 147 4 147 49 765
Plant Metallurgist Local 1 1 412 1 412 16 947
Production Supervisor Local 4 912 3 649 43 785
TSF Supervisor Local 1 744 744 8 932
Shift Foreman Local 4 690 2 761 33 132
Control Room - -
Control Room Operator Local 4 424 1 697 20 369
Crushing - -
Shift Operator Local 4 267 1 069 12 826
Stockpile and Reclaim, Pebble
- -
Shift Operator Local 4 267 1 069 12 826
Milling (Includes Gravity) - -
Shift Operator Local 4 424 1 697 20 369
Attendants – Mill Discharge Local 4 267 1 069 12 826
Attendants – Cyclones Local 4 267 1 069 12 826
ILR - -
Attendants Local 4 424 1 697 20 369
CIL, Elution - -
Shift Operator Local 4 424 1 697 20 369
Elution Operator Local 4 424 1 697 20 369
Attendants – CIL Local 4 267 1 069 12 826
Attendants – Elution Local 4 267 1 069 12 826
Driver Tower Crane Local 2 424 849 10 184
Gold Room - -
Gold Room Supervisor Expatriate 1 2 852 2 852 34 222
Gold Room Operator Local 2 267 534 6 413
Tailings - -
Shift Operator Local 4 267 1 069 12 826
Attendants Local 4 267 1 069 12 826

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 504 of 566

Average Cost Total
Total Cost
No. of per Person Cost per
Position Category per Annum
Employees per Month Month
(US$) (US$)
Reagents - -
Reagent Supervisor Local 1 690 690 8 283
Operators Local 4 267 1 069 12 826
Attendants Local 4 267 1 069 12 826
Drivers Local 4 424 1 697 20 369
Metallurgical Laboratory - -
Test Work Laboratory Technician Local 1 912 912 10 946
Plant Sampling Attendants Local 4 267 1 069 12 826
Attendants – Sample Preparation Local 8 267 2 138 25 652
Assay Laboratory Management - -
Laboratory Manager Expatriate 1 4 147 4 147 49 765
Chemist Local 1 1 132 1 132 13 580
Assay Laboratory (Grade Control) - -
Laboratory Technicians Local 4 690 2 761 33 132
Attendants – Sample Preparation Local 8 424 3 395 40 738
Assay Laboratory (Normal) - -
Attendants – Sample Preparation Local 8 424 3 395 40 738
Process Plant Maintenance - -
Mechanical Foreman Local 4 744 2 977 35 728
Crane Drivers Local 4 424 1 697 20 369
Riggers Local 4 424 1 697 20 369
Rubber Liner Local 1 690 690 8 283
Greaser Local 2 267 534 6 413
General Maintenance Engineering
- -
Maintenance Support – General Local 1 1 132 1 132 13 580
Planner – Process Maintenance Local 1 1 412 1 412 16 947
Mechanical Engineer Local 1 1 412 1 412 16 947
Electrical Engineer Local 1 1 412 1 412 16 947
General Maintenance Engineering
- -
Fitter Local 2 424 849 10 184
Fitter Operator Local 2 267 534 6 413
Rigger Assistant Local 2 424 849 10 184
Service Operator Local 6 424 2 546 30 553
Mechanic Assistant Local 6 267 1 603 19 239
Light Vehicle Drivers Local 12 424 5 092 61 106
Electrical Maintenance Labour - -
Electrical Foreman Local 4 828 3 313 39 757
Electrical Operator Local 6 424 2 546 30 553
Electrical Assistants Local 6 424 2 546 30 553
Instrumentation Maintenance Labour - -
Technicians Local 4 690 2 761 33 132
TOTAL PROCESS PLANT LABOUR 188 62 138 110 641 1 327 690

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 505 of 566

Table 12.31: SWD Discharge Treatment Plant – Manning Requirements and Costs

Average Cost
Total Cost per Total Cost per
No. of per Person
Position Category Month Annum
Employees per Month
(US$) (US$)
Operators Local 3 267 802 9 620 Process Plant Reagents and Consumables

The plant reagents and consumables are variable costs, derived through a combination of
projected reagent consumptions obtained from test work for CIL cyanide, cyanide destruction
reagents and lime, first principle calculations for acid wash, elution, electrowinning and
smelting reagents, and delivered reagent costs for each ore type. The delivered costs are
inclusive of customs clearance, port handling and transportation from Conakry to the Tri-K
site, based on quotations obtained from the logistics company (Bolloré Logistics). A summary
of the reagents and consumables cost, based on the type of ore being treated, is given in
Table 12.32.

Table 12.32: Consumables and Reagents Costs

KK Fresh
OPEX Component Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh

Consumables per tonne of plant feed

Jaw Crusher Liners US$/t 0.036 0.149 0.149 0.031 0.089
Pebble Crusher Liners US$/t 0.000 0.012 0.012 0.000 0.012
SAG Mill Liners US$/t 0.101 0.429 0.429 0.092 0.314
SAG Mill Grinding Media US$/t 0.186 0.875 0.875 0.154 0.640
Ball Mill Liners US$/t 0.000 0.376 0.376 0.000 0.490
Ball Mill Grinding Media US$/t 0.000 0.937 0.937 0.000 1.223
TOTAL CONSUMABLES US$/t 0.32 2.78 2.78 0.28 2.77
Reagents per tonne of plant feed
Cyanide (CIL and ILR) US$/t 3.182 1.583 1.250 1.428 1.406
Quicklime (CIL, Detoxification 50 ppm) US$/t 0.385 0.249 0.193 0.515 0.406
Quicklime (Additional to achieve 5 ppm) US$/t - -
Quicklime Treatment Plant US$/t 0.2822 0.2822 0.2822 0.2822 0.2822
Carbon US$/t 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134
Sodium Metabisulphite US$/t 0.537 0.681 0.681 0.537 0.681
Copper Sulphate US$/t 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330
Flocculant (ILR, Thickening) US$/t 0.2145 0.1838 0.184 0.214 0.184
Flocculant – SWD Discharge Treatment Plant US$/t 0.02877 0.02877 0.02877 0.02877 0.02877

Potable Water Treatment Plant Reagents US$/t 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
Hydrochloric Acid – SWD Discharge Treatment Plant US$/t 0.0272 0.0272 0.0272 0.0272 0.0272
Peroxide – SWD Discharge Treatment Plant US$/t 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018 0.0018
Ferric Chloride – SWD Discharge Treatment Plant US$/t 0.1443 0.1443 0.1443 0.1443 0.1443
TOTAL REAGENTS US$/t 5.268 3.646 3.257 3.643 3.626

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 506 of 566 Crusher Liners

The primary crusher and pebble crusher liners cost was obtained from vendor information
(Metso) by estimating the number of liner changes per annum using the abrasion indices
obtained from laboratory tests for each ore type and the expected liner life for a given
throughput (The liner life was estimated by OMC). Quotations for the fixed jaw and movable
jaw liners, including the weights of the liners, were obtained from Metso. The estimated
delivered costs (using the customs clearance, port handling and transport costs to site
obtained from Bolloré Logistics) were made per ore type as given in Table 12.33.

Table 12.33: Crusher Liner Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Jaw Crusher Liners
Cost of Liners US$/a 80 475 336 159 336 159 69 509 201 186
Transport from Port of Entry to Site and
US$/a 1 662 6 822 6 822 1 415 4 156
Delivered Cost US$/a 82 137 342 981 342 981 70 924 205 342
Delivered Cost US$/t 0.04 0.15 0.15 0.03 0.09
Pebble Crusher Liners
Cost of Liners US$/a - 27 085 27 085 - 26 162
Transport from Port of Entry to Site and
US$/a - 796 796 - 769
Delivered Cost US$/a - 27 882 27 882 - 26 931
Delivered Cost US$/t - 0.012 0.012 - 0.012
Total Consumable Costs
Total Consumables Purchase Cost US$/a 80 475 363 244 363 244 69 509 227 348
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 1 662 7 619 7 619 1 415 4 925
Total Delivered Costs US$/a 82 137 370 862 370 862 70 924 232 273
Total Delivered Costs US$/t 0.04 0.16 0.16 0.03 0.10 Mill Liners

The SAG and ball mill liner costs were based on estimating the liner consumptions, by using
the abrasion index results obtained from test work. OMC used the test work data to simulate
the expected wear rates. This was further cross-referenced by wear rates from other operating
mines using the same type of liners and grinding media size based on SENET’s experience.
Current pricing for a set of steel liners for the SAG mill and rubber liners for the ball mill was
obtained from a liner supply vendor and used in the cost estimate based on the number of
liner changes per annum for a given throughput. The delivered costs were estimated using
the customs clearance, port handling and transport costs to site obtained from Bolloré
Logistics. The delivered mill liner costs are summarised in Table 12.34.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 507 of 566

Table 12.34: Mill Liner Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
SAG Mill Liners
Cost of Liners US$/a 208 575 881 397 881 397 188 390 645 909
Transport from Port of Entry to Site
US$/a 24 654 104 183 104 183 22 268 76 348
and Handling
Delivered Cost US$/a 233 229 985 580 985 580 210 658 722 257
Delivered Cost US$/t feed 0.10 0.43 0.43 0.09 0.31
Ball Mill Liners
Cost of Liners US$/a - 775 128 775 128 - 1 010 434
Transport from Port of Entry to Site
US$/a - 89 072 89 072 - 116 112
and Handling
Delivered Cost US$/a - 864 200 864 200 - 1 126 546
Delivered Cost US$/t - 0.38 0.38 - 0.49 Grinding Media

The grinding media costs were obtained by estimating the consumptions in the SAG and ball
mill based on Bond’s estimating method and using the standard method abrasion index results
that were obtained from laboratory tests. OMC used the test work data to estimate the
expected mill media consumptions. In addition, the mill throughputs and quotations for
125 mm and 50 mm balls were obtained through Reminex from suppliers. The delivered costs
were estimated using the customs clearance, port handling and transport costs to site obtained
from Bolloré Logistics. The costs are summarised in Table 12.35.

Table 12.35: Grinding Media Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide Kk Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
SAG Mill Grinding Media
Grinding Media Consumption kg/t 0.171 0.804 0.804 0.141 0.588
Grinding Media Consumption t/a 393 1 849 1 849 324 1 352
Grinding Media Cost US$/t 880 880 880 880 880
Grinding Media Cost US$/a 346 104 1 627 296 1 627 296 285 384 1 190 112
Container Loading t 26 26 26 26 26
No. of Containers 15 71 71 12 52
Transport and Handling Costs per
US$ 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 82 066 385 852 385 852 67 668 282 190
Delivered Cost US$/a 428 170 2 013 148 2 013 148 353 052 1 472 302
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of
US$/t 1 089 1 089 1 089 1 089 1 089
Delivered Cost US$/t feed 0.19 0.88 0.88 0.15 0.64
Ball Mill Grinding Media
Grinding Media Consumption kg/t - 0.86 0.86 - 1.12
Grinding Media Consumption t/a - 1 980 1 980 - 2 583
Grinding Media Cost US$/t 880 880 880 880 880
Grinding Media Cost US$/a - 1 742 664 1 742 664 - 2 272 952
Container Loading t 26 26 26 26 26
No. of Containers - 76 76 - 99

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 508 of 566

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide Kk Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Transport and Handling Costs per
US$ 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a - 413 207 413 207 - 538 945
Delivered Cost US$/a - 2 155 871 2 155 871 - 2 811 897
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of
US$/t 1 089 1 089 1 089
Delivered Cost US$/t feed - 0.94 0.94 - 1.22 Cyanide

Cyanide consumption in CIL was estimated from test work results. Cyanide consumption
associated with elution was calculated from first principles, taking into account the designed
number of elutions and the expected cyanide strength in the eluant. The sum of the cyanide
usage in these three areas over a given period, together with quotations obtained through
Reminex from reagent suppliers and the customs clearance, port handling and transport costs
to site obtained from Bolloré Logistics, were then used to estimate the delivered cyanide costs
(see Table 12.36 and Table 12.37).

Table 12.36: Cyanide Costs (CIL and ILR)

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Cyanide Consumption kg/t 1.433 0.713 0.563 0.643 0.633
Annual Cyanide Consumption t/a 3 296 1 640 1 295 1 479 1 456
Cyanide Cost US$/t 1 900 1 900 1 900 1 900 1 900
Cyanide Cost US$/a 6 262 210 3 115 810 2 460 310 2 809 910 2 766 210
Container Load t 20 20 20 20 20
No. of Containers 165 82 65 74 73
Transport and Handling Costs US$/container 6 416 6 416 6 416 6 416 6 416
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 1 057 325 526 080 415 404 474 431 467 053
Delivered Cost US$/a 7 319 535 3 641 890 2 875 714 3 284 341 3 233 263
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of
US$/t 2 221 2 221 2 221 2 221 2 221
Delivered Cost US$/t feed 3.18 1.58 1.25 1.43 1.41

Table 12.37: Cyanide Costs (Elution)

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Cyanide Consumption kg/batch 300 300 300 300 300
Annual Cyanide Consumption t/a 39 54 63 65 80
Cyanide Cost US$/t 1 900 1 900 1 900 1 900 1 900
Cyanide Cost US$/a 74 905 103 166 118 962 124 365 152 391
Container Load t 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0
No. of Containers 2 2 3 3 3
Transport and Handling Costs US$/container 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 8 946 12 321 14 208 14 853 18 200
Total Cost US$/a 83 851 115 487 133 170 139 218 170 591
Total Cost US$/oz 1.45 2.38 1.66 1.39 1.75

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 509 of 566 Quicklime

Quicklime consumption in CIL leaching was estimated from test work. The quicklime
consumption for cyanide destruction was estimated from test work results and industry
practice. Quicklime consumption for the SWD discharge treatment plant was provided by the
vendor (Multotec). Quotations obtained from reagent suppliers and the customs clearance,
port handling and transport costs to site obtained from Bolloré Logistics were then used to
estimate the quicklime costs given in Table 12.38.

Table 12.38: Lime Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Quicklime Consumption kg/t 0.89 0.58 0.45 1.20 0.94
Quicklime Consumption for SWD
kg/m3 treated 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.26
Discharge Treatment Plant
Annual Quicklime Consumption –
t/a 2 058 1 330 1 033 2 750 2 171
Process Plant
Annual Quicklime Consumption – SWD
t/a 1 508 1 508 1 508 1 508 1 508
Discharge Treatment Plant
Quicklime Cost US$/t 213 213 213 213 213
Quicklime Cost – Process Plant US$/a 437 234 282 656 219 592 584 384 461 339
Quicklime Cost – SWD Discharge
US$/a 320 535 320 535 320 535 320 535 320 535
Treatment Plant
Container Load – Process Plant t 25 25 25 25 25
No. of Containers – Process Plant 82 53 41 110 87
Transport and Handling Costs – Process US$/
5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Plant container
Transport and Handling Costs – Process
US$/a 448 221 289 759 225 110 599 070 472 932
Delivered Cost – Process Plant US$/a 885 455 572 416 444 702 1 183 454 934 272
Container Load – SWD Discharge
t 25 25 25 25 25
Treatment Plant
No. of Containers – SWD Discharge
60 60 60 60 60
Treatment Plant
Transport and Handling Costs – SWD US$/
5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Discharge Treatment Plant container
Transport and Handling Costs – SWD
US$/a 328 590 328 590 328 590 328 590 328 590
Discharge Treatment Plant
Delivered Cost – SWD Discharge
US$/a 649 125 649 125 649 125 649 125 649 125
Treatment Plant
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of
US$/t 430 430 430 430 430
Quicklime – Process Plant
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of
US$/t 430 430 430 430 430
Quicklime – SWD Treatment Plant
Delivered Cost – Process Plant US$/t feed 0.3849804 0.2488764 0.1933487 0.5145452 0.4062050
Delivered Cost – SWD Discharge
US$/t feed 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28
Treatment Plant Sodium Metabisulphite

The amount of sodium metabisulphite used for the purposes of cyanide destruction was
estimated from test work results and adjusted to reflect the partial cyanide destruction taking
place in the plant tails slurry from a WAD CN concentration of 150 ppm to a WAD CN
concentration of 50 ppm over the life of the project. Budget quotations obtained through

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 510 of 566

Reminex from suppliers, together with the customs clearance, port handling and transport
costs to site obtained from Bolloré Logistics, were then used to estimate the sodium
metabisulphite costs given in Table 12.39.

Table 12.39: Sodium Metabisulphite Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Sodium Metabisulphite Consumption kg/t 0.71 0.90 0.90 0.71 0.90
Annual Sodium Metabisulphite
t/a 1 633 2 070 2 070 1 633 2 070
Sodium Metabisulphite Cost US$/t 530 530 530 530 530

Sodium Metabisulphite Cost US$/a 865 490 1 097 100 1 097 100 865 490 1 097 100

Container Load t 24 24 24 24 24

No. of Containers 68 86 86 68 86

Transport and Handling Costs US$/container 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446

Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 370 555 469 718 469 718 370 555 469 718

Delivered Cost US$/a 1 236 045 1 566 818 1 566 818 1 236 045 1 566 818
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of
US$/t 757 757 757 757 757
Delivered Cost US$/t feed 0.537 0.681 0.681 0.537 0.681 Copper Sulphate

The amount of copper sulphate used for the purposes of cyanide destruction (in plant tails
slurry and tails return water) was estimated from test work results and adjusted to reflect the
partial cyanide destruction taking place. Budget quotations obtained from suppliers, together
with the customs clearance, port handling and transport costs to site obtained from Bolloré
Logistics, were then used to estimate the copper sulphate costs given in Table 12.40.

Table 12.40: Copper Sulphate Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Copper Sulphate Consumption kg/t 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
Annual Copper Sulphate Consumption t/a 290 290 290 290 290
Copper Sulphate Cost US$/t 2 390 2 390 2 390 2 390 2 390
Copper Sulphate Cost US$/a 692 622 692 622 692 622 692 622 692 622
Container Load t 24 24 24 24 24
No. of Containers 12 12 12 12 12
Transport and Handling Costs US$/container 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 65 760 65 760 65 760 65 760 65 760
Delivered Cost US$/a 758 382 758 382 758 382 758 382 758 382
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of
US$/t 2 617 2 617 2 617 2 617 2 617
Delivered Cost US$/t feed 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 511 of 566 Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is used in the SWD discharge treatment plant. The consumptions were
obtained from the vendor (Multotec). Budget quotations obtained from suppliers and the
customs clearance, port handling and transport costs to site obtained from Bolloré Logistics,
were then used to estimate the hydrogen peroxide costs given in Table 12.41.

Table 12.41: Hydrogen Peroxide Costs

Item Unit KK Tuff
Oxide (IQP) Oxide Fresh
Number of ILR Batches per Annum 365 365 365 365 365
Consumption per Batch L 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Consumption per Annum L 0 0 0 0 0
Delivered Hydrogen Peroxide Purity % 60 60 60 60 60
Bulk Consumption per Annum – Process Plant L/a 0 0 0 0 0
Bulk Consumption per Annum – SWD
L/a 3 888 3 888 3 888 3 888 3 888
Discharge Treatment Plant
Solution SG (60 %) t/m3 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29 1.29
Bulk Consumption per Annum t/a 5.02 5.02 5.02 5.02 5.02
Bulk Consumption per Annum kg/t 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
Hydrogen Peroxide Costs (60 % 1 200 kg IBC) US$/t 575 575 575 575 575
Hydrogen Peroxide Costs per Annum US$ 2 884 2 884 2 884 2 884 2 884
Container Load t 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6 21.6
No. of Containers 0 0 0 0 0
Transport and Handling Costs US$/container 5 333 5 333 5 333 5 333 5 333
Transport Costs US$ 1 238 1 238 1 238 1 238 1 238
Total Costs US$ 4 122 4 122 4 122 4 122 4 122
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of Reagent US$/t 822 822 822 822 822
Total Costs US$/t feed 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 Carbon

The carbon consumption was based on industry practice for CIL plants. Budget quotations for
carbon obtained from chemical suppliers through Reminex and the customs clearance, port
handling and transport costs to site obtained from Bolloré Logistics were then used to estimate
the carbon costs per annum for a given throughput. The selected carbon consumption and
delivered price were used to determine the costs given in Table 12.42.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 512 of 566

Table 12.42: Carbon Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Carbon Consumption kg/t 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Annual Carbon Consumption t/a 115 115 115 115 115
Activated Carbon Cost US$/t 2 400 2 400 2 400 2 400 2 400
Activated Carbon Cost US$/a 276 000 276 000 276 000 276 000 276 000
Container Load t 22 22 22 22 22
No. of Containers 5 5 5 5 5
Transport and Handling Costs US$/container 6 072 6 072 6 072 6 072 6 072
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 31 740 31 740 31 740 31 740 31 740
Delivered Cost US$/a 307 740 307 740 307 740 307 740 307 740
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of
US$/t 2 676 2 676 2 676 2 676 2 676
Delivered Cost US$/t feed 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 0.134 Caustic

The caustic consumption associated with elution/electrowinning and intensive cyanidation was
calculated from first principles, taking into account the designed number of elutions, the
volume of concentrates to be treated, and the expected caustic strength in these solutions.
Budget quotations obtained from suppliers and the customs clearance, port handling and
transport costs to site obtained from Bolloré logistics were then used to estimate the caustic
costs given in Table 12.43.

Table 12.43: Caustic Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Caustic Consumption kg/batch 450 450 450 450 450
Annual Caustic Consumption t/a 59 81 94 98 120
Caustic Cost US$/t 1 358 1 358 1 358 1 358 1 358
Caustic Cost US$/a 80 306 110 605 127 540 133 332 163 379
Container Load t 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0
No. of Containers 2 3 4 4 5
Transport and Handling Costs US$/container 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 13 419 18 482 21 311 22 279 27 300
Total Cost US$/a 93 725 129 086 148 851 155 611 190 679
Total Cost US$/oz 1.62 2.66 1.86 1.55 1.96 Hydrochloric Acid

The hydrochloric acid (33 %) consumption associated with acid washing was calculated from
first principles, taking into account the designed number of acid washes and expected acid
strength in the solution. The hydrochloric acid (33 %) required for the SWD discharge
treatment plant was obtained from the vendor (Multotec). Budget quotations obtained from

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 513 of 566

suppliers and the customs clearance, port handling and transport costs to site obtained from
Bolloré Logistics were then used to estimate the hydrochloric acid costs given in Table 12.44.

Table 12.44: Hydrochloric Acid Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
33 % HCl Consumption – Process Plant kg/t 455 455 455 455 455
33 % HCl Consumption – SWD Discharge kg/m3
0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Treatment Plant treated
Annual 33 % HCl Consumption – Process Plant t/a 60 82 95 99 122
Annual 33% HCl Consumption – SWD
t/a 117.74 117.74 117.74 117.74 117.74
Discharge Treatment Plant
33 % HCl Cost US$/t 302 302 302 302 302
33 % HCl Cost – Process Plant US$/a 18 044 24 852 28 657 29 959 36 710
33 % HCl Cost – SWD Discharge Treatment
US$/a 35 558 35 558 35 558 35 558 35 558
Container Load t 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7
No. of Containers 3 3 4 4 5
Transport and Handling Costs 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 13 730 18 910 21 805 22 795 27 932
Total Cost US$/a 31 774 43 762 50 462 52 754 64 642
Total Cost US$/oz 0.55 0.90 0.63 0.53 0.66
Total Cost US$/t feed 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03
No. of Containers – SWD Discharge Treatment
5 5 5 5 5
Transport and Handling Costs – SWD Discharge US$/
5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Treatment Plant container
Transport and Handling Costs – SWD Discharge
US$/a 27 056 27 056 27 056 27 056 27 056
Treatment Plant
Total Cost – SWD Discharge Treatment Plant US$/a 62 614 62 614 62 614 62 614 62 614
Total Cost US$/oz 0.84 0.61 0.53 0.50 0.41
Total Cost US$/t feed 0.27 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
HCl for Process Plant US$/oz (0.29) 0.29 0.10 0.02 0.25 Plant Diesel

The diesel consumption associated with elution (for the thermic oil heaters) and regeneration
was calculated from first principles, taking into account the designed number of elutions and
regenerations, and the diesel consumptions specified by the vendors for the respective pieces
of equipment. The number of elutions was estimated based on the feed gold grades provided
by SMM. The diesel cost excludes the fuel associated with in-plant vehicle use. Budget
quotations obtained from a fuel supplier were then used to estimate the plant diesel costs for
the life of mine (see Table 12.45).

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 514 of 566

Table 12.45: Plant Diesel Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Elution Heating L/a 55 587 76 560 88 282 92 292 113 090
Regeneration L/a 197 119 271 489 313 058 327 276 401 029
Gold Room Diesel L/a 3 740 3 443 5 738 5 525 6 375
Annual Diesel Consumption L/a 256 446 351 492 407 078 425 092 520 494
Delivered Diesel Cost US$/L 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850
Total Cost US$/a 217 979 298 768 346 017 361 329 442 420
Total Cost US$/oz 3.76 6.15 4.32 3.60 4.54 Smelting Reagents

The reagent consumption associated with smelting (used as fluxes) was calculated from first
principles, taking into account the designed number of smelts and the flux composition (as per
industry practice). Budget quotations obtained from suppliers and the port handling and
transport costs to site obtained from Bolloré Logistics were then used to estimate the smelting
reagent costs per annum for a given throughput, given in Table 12.46.

Table 12.46: Smelting Reagent Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Borax Consumption kg 684 613 1 026 982 1 137
Silica Consumption kg 400 368 616 589 682
Sodium Carbonate Consumption kg 400 368 616 589 682
Total Smelting Reagents Consumption kg 1 484 1 349 2 258 2 160 2 502
Borax Cost US$/t 1 435 1 435 1 435 1 435 1 435
Silica Cost US$/t 425 425 425 425 425
Sodium Carbonate Cost US$/t 975 975 975 975 975
Smelting Reagent Cost US$/a 1 541 1 395 2 335 2 234 2 587
Container Load t 10 10 10 10 10
No. of Containers 0,3 0,3 0 0 1
Transport and Handling Costs US$/container 5 333 5 333 5 333 5 333 5 333
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 1 583 1 439 2 409 2 304 2 669
Total Cost US$/a 3 124 2 833 4 744 4 538 5 256
Total Cost US$/oz 0.054 0.058 0.059 0.045 0.054 Ferric Chloride

The reagent consumption for ferric chloride solution (34 %), for use in the SWD discharge
treatment plant, was calculated from the consumptions provided by the vendor (Multotec),
taking into account the concentrations of the contaminants (WAD CN and arsenic) in the feed
water to the treatment plant. Budget quotations obtained from suppliers and the port handling
and transport costs to site obtained from Bolloré Logistics were then used to estimate the
reagent costs per annum for a given throughput, as given in Table 12.47.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 515 of 566

Table 12.47: Ferric Chloride Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Ferric Chloride Consumption kg/m3 treated 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44
Annual Ferric Chloride Consumption kg/a 522 000 522 000 522 000 522 000 522 000
Solution SG (43 %) t/m3 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45
Annual Ferric Chloride Consumption t/a 522.00 522.00 522.00 522.00 522.00
Ferric Chloride Cost US$/t 280 280 280 280 280
Ferric Chloride Cost US$/a 211 932 211 932 211 932 211 932 211 932
Container Load t 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7
No. of Containers 22 22 22 22 22
Transport and Handling Costs US$/container 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Transport and Handling Costs US$/a 119 950 119 950 119 950 119 950 119 950
Total Cost US$/a 331 882 331 882 331 882 331 882 331 882
Total Cost US$/t feed 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 Flocculant

The reagent consumption for the flocculant used in the thickener was obtained from testwork.
The consumption of flocculant used in the SWD discharge treatment plant was obtained from
the vendor (Multotec). Budget quotations obtained from suppliers and the port handling and
transport costs to site obtained from Bolloré Logistics were then used to estimate the reagent
costs per annum for a given throughput, as given in Table 12.48.

Table 12.48: Flocculant Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Consumption per Batch for ILR g/batch 125 125 125 125 125
Consumption per Annum for ILR kg 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.6
Consumption for ILR kg/t 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002
Flocculant Consumption for Thickening kg/t 0.070 0.060 0.060 0.070 0.060
Flocculant Consumption for SWD kg/m
0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018
Discharge Treatment Plant treated
Annual Flocculant Consumption – Process
t/a 161 138 138 161 138
Annual Flocculant Consumption – SWD
t/a 21.60 21.60 21.60 21.60 21.60
Discharge Treatment Plant
Flocculant Cost US$/t 2 700 2 700 2 700 2 700 2 700
Flocculant Cost – Process Plant US$/a 434 823 372 723 372 723 434 823 372 723
Flocculant Cost – SWD Discharge
US$/a 58 320 58 320 58 320 58 320 58 320
Treatment Plant
Container Load t 15 15 15 15 15
No. of Containers – Process Plant 10.73 9.20 9.20 10.73 9.20
Transport and Handling Costs – Process US$/
5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Plant container
Transport Costs – Process Plant US$/a 58 454 50 103 50 103 58 454 50 103
Total Costs – Process Plant US$/a 493 276.92 422 826.39 422 826.39 493 276.92 422 826.39
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of
US$/t 10 811 549 9 267 428 9 267 428 10 811 549 9 267 428

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 516 of 566

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Total Costs – Process Plant 0.21447 0.18384 0.18384 0.21447 0.18384
No. of Containers – SWD Discharge
1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44
Treatment Plant
Transport and Handling Costs – SWD US$/
5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446 5 446
Discharge Treatment Plant container
Transport Costs – SWD Discharge
US$/a 7 842 7 842 7 842 7 842 7 842
Treatment Plant
Total Costs – SWD Discharge Treatment
US$/a 66 162.24 66 162.24 66 162.24 66 162.24 66 162.24
Total Delivered Cost per Tonne of
US$/t 3 063 3 063 3 063 3 063 3 063
Total Costs – SWD Discharge Treatment US$/t
0.02877 0.02877 0.02877 0.02877 0.02877
Plant feed Power

The cost of power (fixed and variable) is given in Table 12.49.

Table 12.49: Power Cost

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Variable Power
Crushing Variable Power – Jaw kWh/t 0.13 0.36 0.36 0.14 0.27
Crushing Variable Power – Pebble kWh/t 0.00 0.63 0.63 0.00 0.44
Crushing Variable Power – Total kWh/a 299 000 1 176 802 1 176 802 322 000 864 608
Crushing Variable Power – Jaw kWh/a 299 000 828 000 828 000 322 000 621 000
Crushing Variable Power – Pebble kWh/a 0 348 802 348 802 0 243 608
Power Cost – Energy Charge US$/kWh 0.2340 0.2340 0.2340 0.2340 0.2340
Crushing Variable Power Costs US$/a 69 966 275 372 275 372 75 348 202 318
Total Crushing Variable Costs US$/a 69 966 275 372 275 372 75 348 202 318
Crushing Variable Power Costs 0.03 0.12 0.12 0.03 0.09
Jaw Crushing Power Costs US$/t 0.03 0.08 0.08 0.03 0.06
Jaw Crushing Pebble Costs US$/t - 0.04 0.04 - 0.02
Pebble Crushing Rate 0 0.1517 0.152 0.000 0.106
Milling Variable Power – Total kWh/t 10.10 31.70 31.70 16.60 31.60
Milling Variable Power –SAG Mill kWh/t 10.10 17.10 17.10 16.60 12.50
Milling Variable Power – Ball Mill kWh/t - 14.60 14.60 - 19.10
Milling Variable Power – Total kWh/a 23 230 000 72 910 000 72 910 000 38 180 000 72 680 000
Milling Variable Power – SAG Mill kWh/a 23 230 000 39 330 000 39 330 000 38 180 000 28 750 000
Milling Variable Power – Ball Mill kWh/a - 33 580 000 33 580 000 - 43 930 000
Milling Variable Power Costs US$/a 5 435 820 17 060 940 17 060 940 8 934 120 17 007 120
Total Milling Variable Costs US$/a 5 435 820 17 060 940 17 060 940 8 934 120 17 007 120
Milling Variable Power Costs 2.36 7.42 7.42 3.88 7.39
Total Variable Power Costs US$/a 5 505 786.00 17 336 311.78 17 336 311.78 9 009 468.00 17 209 438.29

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 517 of 566

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Fixed Power
Fixed Power – Process Plant kWh/a 19 274 006 24 580 136 24 580 136 19 274 006 24 580 136
Fixed Power – SWD Discharge
kWh/a 1 474 377 1 474 377 1 474 377 1 474 377 1 474 377
Treatment Plant
Fixed Power – On-site
kWh/a 1 664 447 1 664 447 1 664 447 1 664 447 1 664 447
Fixed Power Energy Charge US$/kWh 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.234 0.234
Fixed Power Cost – Process Plant US$/a 4 510 117 5 751 752 5 751 752 4 510 117 5 751 752
Fixed Power Cost – SWD
US$/a 345 004 345 004 345 004 345 004 345 004
Discharge Treatment Plant
Fixed Power Cost – On-Site
US$/a 389 481 389 481 389 481 389 481 389 481
Total Fixed Power – Process Plant US$/a 5 244 602 6 486 237 6 486 237 5 244 602 6 486 237
Total Fixed Power – SWD
US$/a 345 004 345 004 345 004 345 004 345 004
Discharge Treatment Plant
Total Power – Fixed and
US$/a 10 750 388.16 23 822 548.43 23 822 548.43 14 254 070.16 23 695 674.94

The average continuous power consumption was determined by taking into account the
installed power rating of each of the equipment in the plant and infrastructure, excluding
standbys and the projected running times. The fixed power draw includes the absorbed
operating loads associated with the process plant equipment as detailed in the mechanical
equipment list (see Appendix 5.33) and on-site infrastructure, including the following buildings:

• Sewage Treatment Plant

• Waste Management Unit
• Storage HFO and Distribution
• Change House
• Clinic Building
• Plant Office
• Assay Laboratory
• Administration Building
• Weighbridge Control Room
• Gatehouse 1
• Gatehouse 2
• Mechanical Preparation Laboratory
• Warehouse
• Reagents Stores
• Ball Storage and Bunker
• Workshop

The variable power component is based on the expected power variation in the crushing and
milling circuits resulting from treating hard and soft ores during the project. The variable power
is estimated using the gross specific energy reported by OMC for each ore type as detailed in
the process design criteria (see Appendix 5.19).

Power will be generated on site using HFO generating sets in a power supply plant. The unit
energy cost of US$0.234/kWh was recommended by SENET and determined in the Tri-K

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 518 of 566

power trade-off study (see Appendix 8.13). It is based on quotations for HFO from vendors.
The unit energy cost is inclusive of the amortised CAPEX required for the storage and supply
of the HFO. The power cost was determined by taking into account the total annual energy
requirements for the process facility. Process Plant Maintenance Costs and Supplies

Maintenance costs refer to the costs of operating spares and lubricants for both the process
plant and SWD discharge treatment plant. It has been assumed that the plant will experience
a moderate amount of wear and, therefore, maintenance costs have been allowed for at an
annual cost of 5 % of the installed mechanical equipment cost including instrumentation,
piping and valves.

Table 12.50: Plant Maintenance Costs

KK Fresh
Item Unit KK Oxide KK Tuff KD Oxide KD Fresh
Annual Maintenance Parts and Spares
US$/a 1 343 673 1 512 056 1 512 056 1 343 673 1 512 056
Cost - Process Plant
Annual Maintenance Parts and Spares
US$/a 151 235 151 235 151 235 151 235 151 235
Cost - SWD Discharge Treatment Plant
Combined Maintenance Parts and
US$/a 1 494 909 1 663 291 1 663 291 1 494 909 1 663 291
Supplies Assay Costs

The general plant assay costs were estimated to be US$200 000/a. These costs cater for
20 chemical analyses per shift with an average cost of US$10 per analysis, based on existing
laboratory contracts currently being undertaken by Managem operations.

12.3.4 TSF Operating Cost

The operating costs associated with the TSF have been estimated at US$7.99 million over the
LOM, this is a total of US$0.88 million per annum. These operating costs include the following:

• US$0.04 million in the first year of deposition for site establishment of the operational
• US$0.71 million per annum for operational management, comprising a team
leader/manager, a supervisor, unskilled labour and a spares workshop. This team will
be responsible for the following:

o Depositional management
o Upstream day wall paddock packing and control of raising the TSF
o Penstock management (increasing the rings, ensuring the sump does not
discharge, sleeving of the penstock)
o Maintaining the pool wall, catwalk and access to the penstocks
o Maintenance and repairs to the slurry delivery pipeline and valves
o Monitoring and cleaning the toe drains, leakage detection
o Return water pump monitoring/manhole drainage pump monitoring
o General maintenance (cleaning trenches, silt traps and the energy dissipator)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 519 of 566

o Monitoring various components (freeboard, drain flows, water returns, rainfall,
tonnes deposited, etc.).

• US$0.11 million per annum for pipeline and valve replacement costs and maintenance
• US$0.06 million per annum for quarterly inspections, monitoring and quarterly reports
by the design engineer

Details of the operating cost for the TSF can be found in Appendix 12.13.

12.3.5 Raw Water Supply Operating Cost

The raw water supply annual operating cost is estimated by Golder to be US$214.000. This
amount represents the power consumption of the pumps used for the supply.

12.3.6 Site General and Administration Costs

General and administration costs were estimated to be US$6.35 million per annum for
Years 1 to 9. The estimate was developed by Reminex, utilising Managem’s operation’s
database, and reviewed by SENET.

Table 12.51 gives a summary of the general and administration costs per annum.

Table 12.51: Summary of General and administration Costs

Description Cost (US$)

Site Office 587 400
Insurances 713 942
Financial 220 042
Personnel 696 605
Contracts 2 070 917
Community Relations 108 000
Other 287 970
Infrastructure Power 509 232
Subtotal 5 194 108
Administration Labour 1 158 303
Total 6 352 411 Site Office

The annual site office costs are estimated to be US$587 400 and are given in Table 12.52.

Table 12.52: Site Office General and Administration Costs

Item Annual Costs (US$) Notes

Communications 300 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Communications Maintenance 99 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Postage, Courier and Light Freight 90 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Stationery and Office Supplies 14 400 Based on similar Managem operation
Computer Supplies 12 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Software Licences 72 000 Based on similar Managem operation

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 520 of 566 Insurances

The annual insurance costs are estimated to be US$713 942, including insurances for the

• Damage on site and loss of production

• Third-party liability
• Doré product
• Gold transportation
• Site supplies
• Medical
• Work injury Financial

The annual financial costs are estimated to be US$220 042 and are given in Table 12.53.

Table 12.53: Financial Costs

Item Annual Costs (US$) Notes

Banking Charges 84 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Legal Fees 84 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Auditing Costs 30 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Accounting Consultants 20 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Permit taxes 2 042 Permits taxes on the concession Personnel

The annual personnel costs are estimated to be US$696 605 and are given in Table 12.54.

Table 12.54: Personnel Costs

Annual Costs
Item Notes

First-Aid and Medical Costs 144 000 Based on exploration costs

Safety Supplies 36 000 Estimate: 2 sets per year
Travel and Accommodation 345 000 Calculated
Allow 15 % of expatriate salaries at 25 %
Recruiting/Relocation – Expatriates 27 605
Training 48 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Recreational and Local Facilities 24 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Professional Memberships and Subscriptions 36 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Entertainment 36 000 Based on similar Managem operation

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 521 of 566 Contracts

The annual contract costs are estimated to be US$2 070 917 and are given in Table 12.55.

Table 12.55: Contract Costs

Annual Costs
Item Notes

Worker Transport Contract 342 000 Estimation of bus rental

Selected vendor, Aden
Camp, Catering and Cleaning Contract 962 619
Guest Houses 122 400 Based on actual payment
Collection and Analysis of Environmental Monitoring Data 72 098 Provided by ABS
Data Collection and Analysis and Compilation of
129 000 Provided by ABS
Monitoring Reports
Military Staff 202 800 Based on actual payment
Security Guards, including Armed and Video Surveillance 240 000 Contract Community Relations

The annual community relations costs are estimated to be US$108 000 and are given in Table

Table 12.56: Community Relations Costs

Annual Costs
Item Notes

Community Relations Expenses 36 000 Based on similar Managem operation

Community Projects 36 000 Based on similar Managem operation
Community Scholarships 36 000 Based on similar Managem operation Other General and Administration

The other general and administration annual costs are estimated to be US$287 970 and are
given in Table 12.57.

Table 12.57: Other General and Administration Costs

Annual Costs
Item Notes

Vehicle services 269 881 Estimated

Solid waste and potable water distribution 18 088 Estimated

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 522 of 566 Infrastructure Power

The annual infrastructure power costs are estimated to be US$509 232, and include the power
costs for the following facilities:

• Expatriates and local managers’ camp

• Technicians’ camp
• Potable water distribution pumps for camps
• Sewage treatment plants of camps
• Solid waste management Unit Administration Labour

The annual administration labour cost is estimated to be US$1 158 302, according to salaries
of administration labour given in Table 12.58.

Table 12.58: Administration Labour Costs

Average Cost
Total Cost Total Cost
No. of per Person per
Position Category per Month per Annum
Employees Month
(US$) (US$)
Administration Staff

Director of the Mine Expatriate 1 9 283 15 283 111 390

Deputy Director Expatriate 1 9 283 15 283 111 390

Secretary Local 1 744 744 8 932

General Services Manager Local 1 1 412 1 412 16 947

Camp Supervisor Local 1 1 412 1 412 16 947

Cashier Local 1 828 828 9 939

Drivers Local 10 424 4 244 50 922

HR Manager Local 1 1 878 1 878 22 540

Payroll Agent Local 1 912 912 10 946

IT Technician Local 1 828 828 9 939

Health (First Aid) and Environmental and Social and Safety Staff

Doctor Expatriate 1 4 147 5 647 49 765

Nurses 4 912 3 649 43 785

Medical Assistant Local 1 744 744 8 932

Social and Societal Manager (Communities) Local 1 1 878 1 878 22 540

Occupational Health Safety Manager Local 1 1 412 1 412 16 947

Supervisor Health Occupational Safety 4 912 3 649 43 785

Environmental Supervisor Local 3 828 2 485 29 818

Social and Societal Agents (communities) Local 4 828 3 313 39 757

Drivers 1 424 424 5 092

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 523 of 566

Average Cost
Total Cost Total Cost
No. of per Person per
Position Category per Month per Annum
Employees Month
(US$) (US$)
Accountant and Control department Staff

Accounting and Finance Manager Expatriate 1 9 283 10 783 111 390

Accounting and Finance Assistant Local 1 744 744 8 932

Accounting Manager 1 1 878 1 878 22 540

Accountants Local 4 912 3 649 43 785

Project Control Manager Expatriate 1 4 147 5 647 49 765

Project Control Agent 2 828 1 657 19 878

Store and Supply and Logistics Staff

Store Manager Local 1 1 412 1 412 16 947

Supply Agent 1 2 852 4 352 34 222

Buyer Expatriate 1 2 852 4 352 34 222

Buyer Local 1 744 744 8 932

Store Operators Local 12 267 3 207 38 478

Logistics Manager Expatriate 1 2 852 4 352 34 222

Logistician Local 1 744 744 8 932

Drivers Local 6 424 2 546 30 553

Offices Conakry

Representative in Conakry Local 1 1 412 1 412 16 947

Assistant Local 1 744 744 8 932

Drivers Local 1 424 424 5 092

Buyer / Logistician 1 2 852 4 352 34 222

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 524 of 566



At the time of the compilation of this BFS, a gold price of US$1 250/oz Au was considered
reasonable with respect to the prevailing market and was, therefore, used in the study.


The Tri-K project economic assessment has been prepared with input from SMM, BBA
Consulting (mining), Epoch (tailings management facility) and SENET (process, plant and
infrastructure). SENET has conducted an economic evaluation of the Tri-K project.

13.2.1 Evaluation Method

The Tri-K project economics have been evaluated using the discounted cash flow method, by
taking into account year-on-year milled tonnages and grades for the ore and the associated
recoveries, gold price (revenue), operating costs, bullion transport and refining charges,
royalties and capital expenditure (initial, deferred and sustaining).

The project has been evaluated as a stand-alone project, with 100 % equity financed, and no
debt financing.

13.2.2 Assumptions

The assumptions used in the financial analysis were provided by Reminex and are
summarised in Table 13.1 and explained below.

Table 13.1: Financial Evaluation Assumptions

Financial Parameter Unit Value

Gold Price US$/oz 1 250
Discount Rate % 5
Selling Cost of Contained Value % 99.9
Fuel Prices
Diesel US$/L 0.85
HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil) US$/L 0.59
Power Costs
HFO Rental Costs US$/kWh 0.234
Tax-Free Holiday Years 6
Tax Rate Years 0 – 6 % 0
Tax Rate > 6 years % 30
Royalty (Government) % 3.00
Managem Overheads % 2.50
Communities Tax % 1.00
Depreciation 1 % 11
Depreciation Period 1 Years 9

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 525 of 566

Financial Parameter Unit Value
Depreciation 2 % 20
Depreciation Period 2 Years 5
Depreciation 3 % 33
Depreciation Period 3 Years 3
Conversion Factors
Kilograms to Ounces troy oz/kg 32.1505
Exchange Rate ZAR:US$ 13
Refining Charges, Doré Transport and Insurance US$/oz 13.58 Gold Price

A gold price of US$1 250 per ounce was assumed. Fuel Price

A diesel price of US$0.85/L and HFO price of US$0.59/L were utilised, based on quotations
received from Vivo Energy, a Guinean fuel supplier, who also supplies other mines in the
region. Power Costs

A power cost of US$0.234/kWh was assumed, based on a rental agreement with Ignite, an
IPP, to supply power. Royalties

The Tri-K Guinea property is subject to a royalty, which is currently set at 3.0 % of the gross
revenue, payable to the government on production.

Community taxation of 1 % is also payable and is a percentage of the gross revenue.

The above tax indices are based on the signed mining agreement between République De
Guinée Et La Ste Mandiana – Avocet – Managem. La Convention de Base Pour L’Exploitation
Des Gisements D’or dans La Prefecture de Mandiana 19 12 2016 is provided in
Appendix 13.1.

In addition, the project is subject to a 2.5 % overhead fee of the gross revenue, payable to
Managem, from the date of commencement of the first commercial production. Tax

After six years of production, 30 % of the taxable income will be applicable, based on the
Guinean Tax Code. Depreciation

A straight-line method over three periods (3 years, 5 years and 9 years) from the time
production commences was used as the basis for depreciation for all mechanical equipment
and any other intangible capital associated with the Tri-K site (see Appendix 13.2).

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 526 of 566 Inflation

In line with the practice in the mineral industry, no inflation was applied to the cash flow
analysis. Currency

Cash flow analysis is reported in United States Dollars and, where applicable, the exchange
rates given in Table 13.2 were used.

Table 13.2: Exchange Rates

Currency Description Rate of Exchange Source Base Date

EUR (EUR per USD) 1.18 OANDA 25/04/2018
ZAR (ZAR per USD) 13.00 OANDA 25/04/2018
AUD (AUD per USD) 0.79 OANDA 25/04/2018
ZAR (ZAR per EUR) 16.80 OANDA 25/04/2018 Working Capital

The working capital has been distributed over the life of mine.

13.2.3 Financial Analysis Results

The financial analysis was developed based on the assumptions shown in Table 13.1, with
due consideration given to the production schedules and capital and operating costs
summarised in Table 13.3 and Table 13.4, respectively,

Table 13.3: Summary of LOM Production and Capital Costs

CAPEX EPCM Cost Contingency Total

(US$) (US$) (US$) (US$)
Initial CAPEX
Mining, Water Management and Supply 24 198 454 2 048 395 8% 1 641 040 7% 27 887 889
Plant 66 922 765 10 134 106 15 % 6 542 982 10 % 83 599 853
TSF 24 459 270 610 000 2% 2 502 808 10 % 27 572 077
Infrastructure 21 308 031 2 498 827 12 % 1 979 158 9% 25 786 016
Compensation 2 000 000 2 000 000
Sterilisation 1 913 600 1 913 600
Pre-Production Costs 6 916 866 6 916 866
Total CAPEX – Initial 147 718 985 15 291 328 10 % 12 665 988 9% 175 676 301

Deferred CAPEX
Plant 5 873 480 436 150 7% 397 354 7% 6 706 984
Mining 5 873 713 587 371 10 % 793 362 14 % 7 254 447
Total CAPEX – Deferred 11 747 194 1 023 521 9% 1 190 716 10 % 13 961 431
Rehabilitation and Closure Costs 11 685 913 11 685 913
Sustaining Capital 16 344 193 16 344 193
Overall CAPEX (Initial + Deferred +
187 496 285 16 314 849 8.7 % 13 856 704 7.4 % 217 667 838
Rehabilitation + Sustaining)

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 527 of 566

Table 13.4: Summary of Operating Costs

LOM Operating Costs

US$ Thousand US$/t US$/oz Au

Mining Costs (Based on Total Rock Movement) 279 633 3.38

Mining Costs (Processed Tonnages) 279 633 14.53 278.7

Processing Plant including SWD (Processed Tonnages) 296 257 15.39 295.3

TMF Operating Costs 7 960 0.41 7.9

Raw Water Supply 1 928 0.10 1.9

General and Administration 53 466 2.78 53.3

Direct Operating Costs 639 244 33.22 637.12

13.2.4 Summary of Financial Analysis

The financial analysis results are summarised in Table 13.5.

Table 13.5: Summary of Financial Analysis Results

Financial Summary Unit Value

LOM Tonnage Ore Processed t 19 243 920
LOM Feed Grade Processed g/t 1.85
LOM Gold Recovery % 87.48
LOM Strip Ratio 3.30
LOM Gold Production oz 1 003 345
Production Period years 8.67
Gold Annual Production – LOM oz 115 709
LOM Direct Operating Costs US$/oz 637
LOM Total Cash Operating Costs US$/oz 731.9
LOM Total Cash Operating Costs US$/t 38.2
LOM All-In Sustaining Cost US$/oz 748.2
Total Capital Costs US$/oz 216.9
Total Production Costs US$/oz 949
Post-Tax Net Present Value (NPV) US$ million 190.35
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) % 27.48
Discounted Payback Period years 3.4
Project Net Cash Flow after Tax and CAPEX US$ million 294.2

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 528 of 566

The major highlights of the financial analysis are as follows:

• Gold Production: LOM average production of 115 709 oz Au/a.

• Direct Operating Costs: LOM average cash operating cost of US$637 per troy ounce
is inclusive of mining, processing, assay, general and administration.
• Total Cash Operating Costs: LOM total cost of US$732 per troy ounce is inclusive of
direct operating cost, refining and royalty charges.
• Total Project Costs: Total project costs of US$949 per troy ounce are inclusive of
construction capital, LOM operating costs and sustaining capital. This cost represents
the break-even gold price for the project.
• NPV: The project will realise an NPV of US$190.4 million on a discount rate of 5 %
and a gold price of US$1 250 per troy ounce.
• Net Cash Flow: Net cash flow of US$294.2 million will be realised at a gold price of
US$1 250 per troy ounce.
• IRR and Payback Period: A project IRR of 27.5 % with a 3.4-year payback period will
be realised for the assumed production and capital expenditure.

13.2.5 Project Life Cash Flow

The project LOM cash flows by year are given in Appendix 13.3.

13.2.6 Sensitivity Analysis

A sensitivity analysis was performed on the after-tax profits by varying the major key variables
(gold price, CAPEX, OPEX and recoveries) to ± 30 % of the base case cash flow and each
sensitivity was performed independent of the other:

The results of the sensitivities are summarised in Table 13.6 to Table 13.10, which show gold
prices varying from US$875 to US$1 625 per ounce, CAPEX, OPEX at ± 10 %, and recovery
variations of ± 2 %.

Figure 13.1 shows the detailed sensitivity analysis of changing the key variables to ± 30 %.

Table 13.6: Gold Price Sensitivity

Gold Price IRR NPV (US$ Million)

US$/oz % 0% 5% 10 %

−30 % 875.00 −7 −53 −74 −87

−20 % 1 000.00 7 67 16 −17

−10 % 1 125.00 18 183 105 53

0% 1 250.00 27 294 190 120

10 % 1 375.00 36 405 276 187

20 % 1 500.00 44 516 361 254

30 % 1 625.00 52 627 446 321

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Table 13.7: CAPEX Sensitivity


US$ Million % 0% 5% 10 %

−10 % 587.3 32 312 207 136

0% 652.6 27 294 190 120

10 % 717.9 24 277 174 104

Table 13.8: OPEX Sensitivity

OPEX IRR NPV (US$ Million)

US$ Million % 0% 5% 10 %

−10 % 575.3 32 353 235 155

0% 639.2 27 294 190 120

10 % 703.2 23 236 145 84

Table 13.9: Recovery Sensitivity

Recovery IRR NPV (US$ Million)

% % 0% 5% 10 %

−2 % 85.7 26 273 174 107

0% 87.5 27 294 190 120

2% 89.2 29 207 207 132

Table 13.10: Head Grade Sensitivity

Head Grade IRR NPV (US$ Million)

g/t % 0% 5% 10 %

−10 % 1.67 20 203 121 65

−5 % 1.76 24 249 156 92
0% 1.85 27 294 190 120
5% 1.95 31 340 225 147
10 % 2.04 35 385 260 175

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Figure 13.1: NPV Sensitivity at 5 % Discount Rate

13.2.7 Conclusion

When ranked, the sensitivity analysis indicates that the project is most sensitive to gold price,
followed by gold recovery/head grade, OPEX and then CAPEX.

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The project execution schedule reflects the work required from detailed design and
engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of the following work packages:

• Mine engineering and mine operations

• Metallurgical process plant
• Off-site infrastructure
• Tailings storage facility
• Raw water dam and attenuation dam
• Security fence
• Air strip & roads.

The work packages are detailed in the project work breakdown structure (WBS) with final
handover to SMM to start with operation and production.

The project schedule assumes that there will be a seamless advancement of the project
between the various phases of the project evolution. It is also recognised that this is a very
aggressive schedule and that it will require diligent progress and coordination of all the parties

The project milestones are given in Table 14.1.

Table 14.1: Project Milestones

Project Milestone Project month

Client funds available for project execution Month 1
Commencement of detailed engineering Month 1
Commencement of procurement and contracts administration Month 1
Placing orders for long-lead delivery items Month 1
Mobilisation for earthworks construction contractor Month 4
SMPP construction contractor Month 8
Mill delivered to site Month 13
Power plant delivered to site Month 15
Tailings storage facility complete Month 18
Construction complete Month 18
Commissioning complete Month 19
First gold and production ramp-up Month 19

The project execution schedule was developed on the basis that the process design
completed during the BFS is of such a standard that the key equipment duty sheets, which
were generated during the study, were approved by SMM for the procurement of the
equipment. The approved duty sheets form the basis of the adjudicated vendor’s offer and will
be used to fast-track the procurement of the equipment.

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To complete the project construction phase in the 19-month period from SMM funding
availability, all the procurement activities associated with the long-lead items must be
completed and all the negotiations with the adjudicated vendors must be concluded in Month 2
from project start. Placing the long-lead items purchase orders is crucial not only to ensure
that the equipment is on site in time to allow for a seamless construction sequence and a
successful project execution, but also to obtain the certified information from the supply
vendors on their equipment to complete the detailed engineering phase of the project.

The key long-lead equipment for the project is as follows:

• Mill
• Primary crusher
• Pebble crusher
• Apron feeder
• Regen kiln
• Lime plant
• Gravity concentrator
• Intensive cyanidation package
• Mixers/agitators
• Cyclone cluster
• Linear screens
• Vibrating screens
• Thickener
• Vibrating feeders
• Gantry cranes
• Oxygen plant
• Interstage screens
• Tower crane
• Pumps

The rainy season for the geographical region of the project is from June to September. It is
important to note that no rain delay has been allowed for in the project execution schedule.
The completion of the bulk earthworks and the construction of the tailings storage facility must
be planned in such a way that the works are executed during the dry season as material
compacting activities are not possible during the wet season.

The summarised project schedule is shown in Figure 14.2 and Figure 14.2, and the detailed
project schedule is provided in Appendix 14.1.

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Figure 14.1: Project Schedule Summary – Page 1

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Figure 14.2: Project Schedule Summary – Page 2

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The Mining Code provides that prior to the issuance of an exploration or exploitation permit,
the Guinean Government and the future holder of the exploration or exploitation permit must
sign a Mining Agreement, which must be approved, and which will govern the relationship
between the parties.

This has already been accomplished by the Mining Agreement signed between
Managem/Avocet and the Guinean Government. In particular, the Mining Agreement for the
exploitation phase states the level of participation of the Guinean Government in the
exploitation company named SMM.

Table 14.2 summarises the authorisations and permits required for the construction and
operation phases.

Table 14.2: Permits Required

Activity under Legal and Regulatory

Field Statement
Constraints and/or Agreements

Exploration Permit Received

Operation Permit Received
Approval of Treatment Facilities for effluent To apply before starting
discharge discharge
Authorisation to install waste water treatment
To apply before installation
Authorisation for deforestation/ Licence to cut or
Water and Environment To apply before clearing
Environmental and Social Management Plan Included at acceptability phase
Authorisation to use water resources To apply before operation
To apply during construction
Permit for groundwater research
To apply at least 6 months
Local development convention
before production
Human Resources (HR) Local staffing programme
and Corporate Social To apply during construction
Career and succession staff plan
Responsibility period
Support plan for Guinean companies
To prepare before and during
Resettlement plan for affected populations
Good practice code To prepare before operation
Safety and Health Safety and hygiene Internal regulations To prepare during construction
HR/Training Training and development programme To apply during construction
Commercial Sale contracts greater than or equal to 3 years To apply before production
To apply accordingly during
Maintenance Pressure equipment

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The EPCM Contractor will manage the engineering, procurement, and construction
management, as well as the contract management, of the TRI-K project. The scope of services
for the works shall include the following:

• Detailed engineering design

• Project engineering and drawings
• Quality assurance/quality control
• Cost management
• Procurement, contracts administration and management of subcontractors
• Quality inspections, expediting and logistics/shipping
• Project planning and scheduling
• Project reporting (to include progress and performance measurement and any
scheduled or event-driven risks)
• Document control systems
• Project standards, specifications and systems
• Construction management
• Commissioning
• Recommendation for mechanical spare parts, consumables and reagent and
lubrication first fills

The design and management team organogram is shown in Figure 14.3.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 537 of 566

Project Manager

Procurement Process Engineering Engineering

Department Department Department


Process Design
Logistics Engineers

Inspection &

Lead Project

C&I Project Package Project

Engineer Engineer

Electrical Project Civil Project

Engineer Engineer

Piping Project
Project Planner

Cost Clerk Cost Engineer

C&I Project Engineer

Figure 14.3: Organogram: Design and Management

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 538 of 566

14.3.1 Drawings and 3D Modelling

The engineering plant and infrastructure are modelled in the Autodesk software platform.
Modelling with the 3D spatial platform facilitates the review of the operability, maintainability
and constructability of the plant.

Drawings (2D format) will be prepared in AutoCAD computer-aided drafting software to the
maximum extent practicable. The drawings include process flow diagrams (PFDs), piping and
instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), single line diagrams (SLDs), electrical schematics, general
arrangements, sections, elevations, and piping isometrics. A drawing register of all the
drawings for the project will be prepared.

Any new drawing will be deemed to include the full design, calculations and schedules upon
which the drawing will be based. Copies of all such designs will be made available by the
EPCM Contractor as and when required by SMM. Drawing hard copies will be of true scale,
such that all dimensions will be accurate for the listed scale, and generally prepared on both
A0 and A1 size sheets. A2 size sheets will be required in some cases to produce hard copy
drawings at a true scale. The drawings will be stamped “Approved for Construction” when

The drawings to be provided by the EPCM Contractor may be classified into the following five

• Process engineering drawings

• Layouts and general arrangement drawings
• Structural, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, piping and civil layouts, sections
and elevations
• Detailed concrete design drawings and reinforcing steel details
• Detailed infrastructure, services and ancillary drawings Process Engineering Drawings

At this stage, the EPCM’s project teams will review the feasibility study findings and establish
any further requirements. The deliverables resulting from this review will be a process
definition with flow diagrams covering all the processing areas, which will be signed off by all
parties and issued for detailed design. This will include a full hazard and operability (HAZOP)
study, which will be intended to ensure the safe and practical operation of the plant. During
this period, process design innovations and options, together with quantitative analyses to
enable the project team to evaluate and select the optimum process route and equipment, will
be considered. Layouts and General Arrangement Drawings

These are drawings in which the layout of the site is depicted, giving overall dimensions and
the positioning of all structures, major equipment items, service corridors, etc. dams,
topography and the like related to the surroundings, with due regard to access, services,
drainage and efficient material flows and plant arrangements. All layouts and general
arrangement drawings will include the mine grid coordinate system.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 539 of 566 Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Piping and
Civil Layouts, Sections and Elevations

These are detailed design drawings of all the site sections, which will be fully dimensioned
and include work points (WPs), set out points (SOPs), location points (LPs), tangent points
(TPs), intersection points (IPs), as well as equipment numbers, masses, capacities, etc. with
sufficient elevations, plans and sections to facilitate easy reading and interpretation, and will
be designed and drawn to the standards and codes of practice as specified. General
arrangements of piping on pipe racks will be provided and isometric drawings will be provided
from the rack tie-in to the installed equipment.

The completed drawings will provide the fabricator/supplier with all the necessary information
for complete fabrication/manufacture but will exclude shop detailing carried out by the

The civil layouts will provide the general foundation layouts of all site sections, inclusive of
imposed loadings, elevations, coordinates, SOPs, LPs, and the ghosted outline of plant and
equipment such that the composite design is illustrated. Detailed Concrete Design Drawings and Reinforcing Steel Details

These drawings will provide the details of all the civil work based on the civil layouts described
above. Detailed Infrastructure, Services and Ancillary Drawings

These drawings will include all the details required for the location and commissioning of all
infrastructure, services and ancillary works, including but not limited to buildings, workshops,
stores, water, air and power supply, sewerage disposal, pipeline and electrical reticulations,
communications, roads and hard standings, storm water drainage, contaminated waste and
effluent control, water supply, tailings disposal dams and associated pump stations, fencing,
and temporary construction facilities

14.3.2 Procurement

The schedule assumes that all the process and infrastructure equipment will be purchased
new and that the longest lead item, the mills, will take 40 weeks from issuance of purchase
order to delivery on site. The SAG mill will be purchased first with the purchase of the ball mill
deferred for a further 21 months.

The construction contract packaging plan will follow a typical breakdown, including the

• Civil, including plant-site grading, roads and site services

• Concrete supply and installation
• Mechanical/structural supply and installation
• Electrical/instrumentation supply and installation
• Modular mine building supply and installation

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The early bidding and selection of contractors will allow mobilisation of the civil and structural
concrete contractors on site as soon as is practical, following receipt of the ESIA approval and
applicable permits.

The EPCM Contractor will provide all the services necessary for the efficient accomplishment
of the procurement requirements for the timely completion of the project, including but not
limited to the following:

• Developing a contracting and procurement strategy for approval by SMM. The form of
purchase order and contract will be the EPCM Contractors’ standard terms and
conditions with such changes as may be required by SMM.
• Preparing bidders’ lists for approval by SMM.
• Preparing enquiries and tender documents for approval by SMM.
• Issuing enquiries for quotations and tenders.
• Expediting submissions of quotations and tenders.
• Preparing price comparisons and analyses of quotations and tenders, including
technical evaluations and spare parts where applicable.
• Preparing price comparisons with the budget where applicable.
• Submitting these comparisons to SMM with recommendations of a supplier or
• Obtaining SMM’s approval for the selection of recommended suppliers or
• Preparing and awarding of purchase orders and subcontracts.
• Following up and reviewing order acknowledgments.
• Resolving technical, commercial, contractual and other queries raised by suppliers and
• Obtaining approval from SMM on modifications of terms of purchase orders and
subcontracts (e.g. deviations of prices and/or payment terms).
• Expediting delivery of equipment/materials/goods/work, including the fabricators’ and
the suppliers’ drawings, data and sub-orders, if so required.
• Ensuring that adequate notice is obtained from the suppliers and the subcontractors
regarding availability for inspections.
• Arranging timely shipment of equipment/materials/goods/work.
• Ensuring that shipment arrangements are adequate, including specification of ocean
freight arrangements to achieve SMM’s requirements.
• Carrying out inspections of equipment/materials/goods/work in progress at the
premises of the suppliers, subcontractors, fabricators, manufacturers, etc.
• Ensuring that all the required documentation and assistance is given to the suppliers
and/or their agents to complete export and/or import formalities.
• Receiving equipment/materials/goods/work, order verification, acceptance, recording
receipts and processing of claims.
• Verifying, approving and submitting the suppliers’ and subcontractors’ invoices to SMM
for approval prior to direct payment by SMM, as required.
• Informing SMM of meetings affecting procurement and subcontracts.
• Preparing accurate, detailed minutes of meetings affecting procurement, and the
prompt distribution thereof.

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• Preparing, reproducing and punctual issuing of procurement documents as required
by SMM in accordance with distribution charts to be agreed between the EPCM
Contractor and SMM.
• Preparing/issuing the project materials commitment/expenditure statement.
• Preparing/issuing the project materials progress reports, registers, procurement status
reports, inspection reports, expediting reports and action reports.
• Preparing/issuing a monthly summary report of all the procurement values subject to
exchange rate fluctuation.
• Preparing/issuing a monthly status and summary report of the amounts committed and
paid, rebate and reclaim applications, and amounts received for all value-added tax
(VAT), goods and services tax (GST), sales and use tax (sales tax), duties and fees.

14.3.3 Construction Management

The construction team will utilise well-proven systems and procedures to implement and
control all the aspects of the site work, interfacing with SMM as required on a constant basis,
to satisfy the required scope and responsibilities.

The construction team is shown in Figure 14.4.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 542 of 566

Project Director

Plant & TSF & Infrastructure Mine Project

Project Manager Manager

Mine Planner Mine Construction

Site Construction Manager Manager
Plant, TSF & On-Site Project
Plant, TSF & On-Site Safety Officer
Mine Development
Mine Safety Officer
Site Secretary On-Site Construction Manager
Plant, TSF & On-Site
Construction Manager
Off-Site Safety Officer Civil Works Supervisor Earthworks Supervisor In-Pit Road Supervisor

SHE Supervisor Piping Supervisor

Off-Site Project Manager E&I Supervisor Site Planner

Materials Quantity Surveyor


QA/QC Supervisor Project Engineer

Mechanical Supervisor Surveyor

Plant, TSF & On-Site

Infrastructure Assistant Building Assistant
Construction Manager Construction Manager

Earthworks & Civil E&I Supervisor Earthworks and Civil E&I Supervisor
Works Supervisor Works Supervisor

SMPP Process Supervisor
Supervisor Supervisor

Haul Roads and Airstrip Dams and Raw Water Supply

Assistant Construction Assistant Construction Manager

Earthworks and
Civil Works SMPP Supervisor
Earthworks and Civil Supervisor
Works Supervisor

Figure 14.4: Organogram: Site Construction

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 543 of 566

The Construction Manager will be responsible for ensuring that the work proceeds according
to the drawings, specifications and project schedules, and that quality and workmanship
standards are adhered to. The Construction Manager will also be responsible for the day-to-
day site activities, including maintenance of occupational health, safety and environmental

The construction management responsibilities encompass the following:

• Providing planning and construction programming, including a planning forecast of

manpower requirements and temporary construction plant and facilities.
• Preparing and submitting applications for construction and related permits.
• Preparing construction schedules (including target dates for individual subcontracts
awarded) for the purposes of subcontractor planning, against which the subcontractor
performance will be monitored.
• Controlling the receiving, handling, storage, warehousing and dispatching of
equipment and materials and preparing material audits and inventories.
• Supplying and reviewing construction drawings and erection drawings submitted by
subcontractors, suppliers and fabricators at the job site for conformity with design.
• Informing and consulting with the project manager and site personnel about field
• Administering subcontracts and coordinating the field activities of partners,
subcontractors and suppliers.
• Managing industrial relations in accordance with procedures.
• Monitoring the construction work for compliance with the approved drawings, plans
and specifications, and standards of workmanship.
• Determining quantities of excavation, compacted fill, concrete placed, and structural
steel erected, including the verification of other measurements as may be reasonably
necessary to establish or verify progress.
• Providing survey control for subcontractors to set out from and establishing procedures
to check the subcontractors’ work.
• Providing any additional survey information necessary to complete the detailed design
of the project.
• Comparing reports of subcontractors and suppliers against work actually performed,
and approving invoices submitted for payment.
• Issuing monthly site progress reports.
• Controlling claims, variations and back charges.
• Preparing estimates of cost as required and performing cost coding of construction
• Maintaining current marked-up drawings reflecting “as built” construction and
submitting these to the detailed design engineers and draughtsmen for drawing
• Monitoring and reporting acceptance testing and contract completion.
• Monitoring and administering environmental acceptance procedures in accordance
with project environmental requirements.
• Monitoring and administering work site construction safety procedures and standards
in accordance with the project safety policy.

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• Administering the work site security requirements in accordance with the insurer’s and
SMM’s requirements.
• Administering retention instruments and monies withheld from subcontractors’
payments by SMM with an adequate record of individual retentions maintained to meet
SMM’s requirements.
• Issuing certificate(s) of practical completion to partners and subcontractors.
• Initiating release of retentions and bank guarantees.
• Issuing certificates of final completion, as required.
• Compiling, monitoring and reporting any and all invoices, recordings, returns and
payments (albeit reimbursable) associated with the construction subcontracts.

The EPCM Contractor will, at the appropriate time, initiate and set up the construction site
area. The required site preparations will be made with the identified contractors, and
construction services installations will be put in place to enable the site works to commence

Formal interfacing will occur at regular intervals during the construction activities in the form
of progress and technical meetings, technical discussions and security management
programmes, and all such interfacing will be recorded.

The construction site area will be laid out in advance of the construction activities with
designated areas for management and contractor offices and related facilities, construction
equipment locations and material/equipment storage, cranage and material laydown

All the contractors will be inducted on safety and related issues and will be self-sufficient and
responsible for establishing workshop/storage areas and/or warehousing facilities for their
materials and equipment in the locations designated. Access and security controls will be put
in place by the EPCM Contractor.

Quality control and audit procedures will be implemented to ensure and verify compliance with
the quality assurance plan, including head office engineering work, procurement
documentation, and vendor quality control procedure compliance, as well as detailed control
of construction contractor standards, which will be covered by a separate quality assurance


14.4.1 Site Mobilisation and Demobilisation

The project site has been developed over the last two years and, based on the current facilities
and services mentioned below, the mobilisation for the construction of the mine and plant can
take place as soon as the project begins.

14.4.2 Plant and Equipment

The EPCM Contractor will ensure that sufficient material and equipment will be available to
start earthworks and civil construction at the start of the project. Items such as an aggregate
crusher, sand washing plant, and a concrete batch plant will be included in the Civil

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 545 of 566

Contractor’s scope of work. Initially a yard crane for material control will be sent to site for
offloading of the first containers prior to full functioning of the construction site.

14.4.3 Construction Planning

The EPCM Contractor will conduct constructability reviews to determine and improve the
practicality of the construction plans in order to avoid on-site construction problems, delays,
and change orders. In addition, the contractors will be expected to perform cost-benefit
analyses, which will significantly enhance the achievement of the project objectives of safety,
quality, productivity, schedule and costs.

To conduct these reviews, a team composed of the project manager and technical staff who
are familiar with the type of facility will be assembled. SMM staff members will also provide
input into the review process. The team will look for the following:

• Intradisciplinary coordination
• Interdisciplinary coordination
• Unobvious conditions
• Unbuildable design
• Cost schedule or constructability enhancements

The project manager will distribute the final Construction Management and Project Execution
Plan and review comments for the final coordination check. A report will then be prepared and
issued to SMM.

14.4.4 Security

The construction site, as well as the adjacent laydown areas, will be fenced off and regular
patrols will be set up around the site perimeter. Access control, together with visible random
searches, will minimise the risk of loss due to theft. Security services will be contracted to the
existing local security company, who is currently providing security services to the exploration
activities. In remote areas of the plant (i.e. overland pipelines and overhead power lines) night
watchmen may supplement regular patrols.

14.4.5 Material Control

The Material Controller, with the aid of a team of trained yardmen and store men, will ensure
tight control on shipments to site, as well as the storage thereof, and will issue such items to
the construction crew when required. Daily feedback on the arrival of items on site will keep
the contractor’s head office abreast of the tracking of goods. All items shipped to site will be
properly tagged and colour-coded per area, making it easy for site materials control to keep
together equipment destined for the same areas in the plant.

14.4.6 Industrial Relations Management Plan

The EPCM Contractor will be responsible for the industrial relations management of its
employees and of the employees of all subcontractors and suppliers on the project site. The
contractor will also be engaged in the performance of the work and will conform to and abide
by the Industrial Relations Management Plan, which will be produced after contract award and
will be aligned with the Guinean Government’s Industrial Relations Policy.

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14.4.7 Infrastructure and Facilities Transportation of Mine and Plant Personnel

All EPCM Contractor’s and SMM’s personnel will be flown to Bamako, Mali, and will then be
transported to the Loila Camp.

SMM currently rents out hotels in Bamako, Mali where staff are housed for the transit layover,
before driving to the Kankan guest house or the Loila Camp, depending on time of arrival at

Should there be any constraints for certain nationalities flying to Mali, the alternate routing will
be via Conakry to the Loila Camp. Existing Infrastructure in Guinea

SMM has currently established certain administrative and support infrastructure, namely:

• Conakry:

o 1 × guest house: 6 rooms available with messing facilities

o 1 × office facility with administrative and logistical requirements
o Fully operational diesel-generated electricity supply, potable water supply, and
sewage disposal in these facilities.

• Kankan:

o 2 × guest houses: 20 rooms available with messing facilities

o 1 × office facility (fully equipped)
o Fully operational diesel-generated electricity supply, potable water supply, and
sewage disposal in these facilities

• Loila Exploration Camp:

o 64 bed capacity, complete with messing and ablutions

o Fenced-off facility with security and military presence
o Cellular network and Wi-Fi facilities are available in the camp
o Fully operational diesel-generated electricity supply, potable water supply, and
sewage disposal in the camp.
o Diesel supply is available from a diesel station (500 m from the camp)

• Komana Exploration Camp (3 km from the Kodiaran pit)

o 5 bed capacity
o No messing or ablutions Camps

During the construction phase, SMM will utilise the Loila Camp for the initial EPCM
construction personnel requirements and will have the main operation camp constructed by
July 2019, when this will be utilised for further EPCM accommodation requirements.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 547 of 566

An allowance has been made for additional accommodation, which would consist of modified
containers, thereby supplying 30 additional beds. This facility, which will be ready for use by
March 2019, will initially be utilised by the prefabricated building installation contractor. Once
he has completed the construction of the operations camps, by June 2019, these
containerised accommodation units will be available to house construction personnel, should
it be necessary.

The camps will typically be managed by a Camp Manager appointed by SMM. The manager
and his staff will manage every activity in the camp, from housing through to laundry and the
kitchen. Expatriates and Local Managers’ Camp

The expatriates and local managers’ camp will be located approximately 800 m from the plant
and will consist of the following:

• 75 rooms for technical staff (including visitors) and 10 rooms for directors (including
VIP visitors)
• Entertainment club
• Restaurant and kitchen
• Laundry
• Gymnasium
• Gate and gatehouse for security control
• Mosque

This camp’s perimeter will be fenced by 2.5m high fencing. Local Technicians’ Camp

The local technicians’ camp will be located approximately 1 km from the Loila village and will
consist of the following:

• Housing for local technician consist of 108 rooms.

• Gymnasium
• Gate and gatehouse for security control

Catering will not be provided in this camp. Staff will be given an allowance to buy meals in the
local village.

This camp’s perimeter will be fenced by 2.5 m high fencing. Military Camp

The military camp will be located approximately 600 m from the plant and will consist of the

• Housing consisting of 28 double rooms for military personnel and 1 room for the chief
military officer
• Office for the chief military officer
• Gate and gatehouse for security control

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This camp’s perimeter will be fenced by 2.5 m high fencing.

14.4.8 Medical Facilities

A fully equipped clinic will be established and will be manned by at least one qualified doctor
or paramedic assisted by one or more qualified nurses.

The use of malaria prophylactics will be mandatory, as this is the single biggest cause of lost
time. The SMM Safety Officer will conduct regular campaigns of spraying the vicinity of the
camp site with insecticides. Stagnant water ponds will be kept to a minimum by doing proper
grading of the area around the camp site.

14.4.9 Financial

Site expenses will be managed by the EPCM Contractor’s Construction Manager and his staff.
Day-to-day expenses will be paid from the site’s petty cash and reconciled on a monthly basis.
Larger contract payments to subcontractors will be approved on site and sent through to the
EPCM Contractor’s head office for payment. SMM’s Construction Manager will sign off on all
site expenditure.

14.4.10 Client Coordination

SMM will appoint its own dedicated Construction Manager, who will attend daily meetings with
the EPCM Contractor’s Site Manager. In this manner, the needs and priorities of SMM can
also be taken into account during continuous planning.

14.4.11 Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality (SHEQ)

Motivated employees are considered a most valued asset and the EPCM Contractor and SMM
will undertake to do the following:

• Safeguard them as far as is reasonably possible from injury or damage to health.

• Compile, implement and communicate integrated business management systems to
ensure compliance with statutory and company regulations in the field, encompassing
the following:

o Health and safety management

o Environmental management
o Quality management

• Provide an opportunity for training and progressive awareness of the SHEQ

management systems and associated regulations.
• Ensure that the employees’ obligations of being aware of and complying with the above
management systems and associated regulations are adhered to.
• Ensure that the construction management team and the employees commit to
continuously find ways of improving the overall business management systems.
• Ensure that a zero-tolerance safety approach to unsafe practices is adhered to at all
times. One or more safety officers will be appointed as part of the construction
management team.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 549 of 566

• Ensure that the construction management team is totally committed to ensuring safety
and hazard management on the construction site, as well as complying with
environmental requirements and considerations.
• Ensure that the construction management team is committed to achieving the highest
performance in occupational health and safety with the aim of creating and maintaining
a safe and healthy working environment. To achieve these objectives, a safety officer
will be appointed on site and Management will provide continuous support and
leadership as follows:

o Complying with all the relevant laws, regulations, standards and specific SMM
o Providing continuous training and development of employees
o Ensuring that the health and safety of the community at large is not prejudiced by
construction activities
o Carrying out risk assessments on critical areas of construction to minimise those
risks that are likely to arise

The construction management team will be responsible for the safety of the works and all
personnel on the site, and will provide for and ensure that all the employees, partners,
suppliers and any subcontractor employees at any tier engaged in the performance of the
works, or any individuals on the site, observe at all times a safe system of work that complies
with the relevant acts, regulations, by-laws, rules or orders and adopts known and accepted
safe working practices, together with the articles of SMM’s safety requirements, regulations
and procedures, including all of the above required for environmental considerations.

The agreed health and safety programme will be based on generic products and services,
which will include but not be limited to the following:

• Structured identification, measurement, evaluation and control tools

• A “ready-to-go” framework containing all the essential elements necessary to run an
effective SHEQ programme
• Elements divided into practical and easy to manage standards and sub-standards
(each standard is weighted to support objective compliance measurements (in-house
and group commitment))
• Organisational guidelines to ensure coverage of resource requirements, and
appointments in line with organisational policy requirements
• Documentation and support products to implement, measure and control standards
design to promote contribution and participation at all levels
• Practical means to effectively allocate and monitor responsibility areas
• Employee participation and communication using health and safety representatives
and committees
• Training, training materials and support products, which provide details on standards
and compliance methods to meet required competency levels throughout the
organisation, job levels and categories
• Training for in-house audit teams so that progress can be measured on an ongoing
• Consultant services, formal audits, recommendations and reports

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 550 of 566

• Visible recognition in the form of audit certificates and display board decals, which
indicate star ratings (valid for a twelve-month period)
• Awards for individuals (e.g. safety achievers and other merit awards)

14.4.12 Construction Rosters

The EPCM contractor’s leave rosters for expatriate construction personnel will be based on
an 8-weeks-on and 2-weeks-off cycle.

The SMM leave rosters for expatriate construction personnel will be based on a 7-weeks-on
and 3-weeks-off cycle.

14.4.13 Personnel Availability

The recruitment of skilled technical personnel will not be a challenge, and opportunities to
employ personnel from other parts of Africa will be explored further, if necessary.


14.5.1 Broad Approach

The commissioning approach will be based on four basic phases as described in a typical
enquiry document:

• Pre-commissioning
• Cold commissioning
• Hot commissioning
• Training and operational assistance period

The completion of each phase will be signified by the appropriate documentation and will be
completed before progressing to the next phase. Whilst it is preferable to complete each phase
for the entire plant before progressing, in fast-track situations, the plant may be split into
subsections or functional subsystems.

When the plant progresses as a complete unit, the legal and management responsibility also
changes with each phase. Where subsections, components or subsystems are used, careful
planning will be required to ensure the proper shift in responsibility.

The EPCM Contractor will prepare a detailed commissioning manual identifying the
commissioning procedure, all the test data and record sheets to be used, and the
commissioning team and programme.

Each phase is briefly outlined below.

14.5.2 Pre-Commissioning

Pre-commissioning is broadly defined as mechanical completion or construction completion.

It signifies that the equipment, component and/or system has been completed in terms of the
design, P&IDs, installation instructions and project specifications. It also signifies that the
equipment, component and/or system is ready for start-up.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 551 of 566

A checklist will be completed for every single piece of equipment, component and/or system,
and it will be signed off by the responsible person.

The checklists will be kept in the Site Office under the control of the Construction Manager.
Once completed, these checklists will be retained in the overall project files.

The signatures required on these documents will be specified in the project procedures
manual by the Project Manager. Overall responsibility for pre-commissioning lies with the
Construction Manager, although he may, with the Project Manager’s approval, delegate this
responsibility to the relevant Area Construction Supervisor. Normally signatures will be
required from the relevant Construction Subcontractor, Area Construction Supervisor,
Construction Manager, and SMM. Signatures should also be obtained from vendors, wherever

14.5.3 Cold Commissioning

Cold commissioning is broadly defined as non-service testing. It signifies that the equipment,
component and/or system has been tested in terms of the leak testing, non-load running,
volumetric/pressure requirements, project and process specifications. It also signifies that the
equipment, component and/or system is ready for service testing.

Cold commissioning consists of the following:

• All drives, where not detrimental to the equipment, will be run under no-load conditions
for 24 h with regular monitoring of critical variables. These will be defined for each
drive, but will normally include temperature, oil leakage, bearing noise (qualitative) and
superficial vibration (qualitative if acceptable, quantitative where required).
• Piping will be flushed. Tankage will be drained and flushed. Subsystems will be water
balanced, interlocking and control systems will be checked, and instrument function
will be checked and calibrated (where possible).
• Conveyors will be trained and tensioned. After running, mechanical checks will be
repeated where required. These will include vee-belt tension, and alignments.
• Drive power consumptions, temperatures, etc. will be rechecked and compared to
readings from the water-testing phase.
• Flow and pressure measurements will be taken and recorded. A checklist will be
completed for every single piece of equipment, component and/or system, and it will
be signed off by the responsible person. The checklists will be kept in the Site Office
under the control of the Commissioning Manager. Once completed, these checklists
will be retained in the overall project files.
• The signatures required on the cold commissioning documents will be specified in the
project procedures manual by the Project Manager.
• Overall responsibility for cold commissioning lies with the Commissioning Manager,
although he may, with the Project Manager’s approval, delegate this responsibility to
the relevant Commissioning Engineer. Normally, signatures will be required from the
vendors wherever possible.

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14.5.4 Hot Commissioning

Hot commissioning is broadly defined as service or performance testing. It is not production.

Adequate time will be allowed in the overall programme for hot commissioning prior to
beneficial occupation by SMM.

Each section of the plant will be performance tested. Although the whole of the plant may be
run simultaneously, the proof testing of each section will be undertaken sequentially to ensure
a logical and permanent progression.

Although the Commissioning Manager and assistants will provide the overall supervision
direction and technical assistance during this phase, the operational staff and labour will be
provided by SMM and the overall legal responsibility will rest with SMM’s Representative.

On completion of the hot commissioning phase, the plant(s) will be subject to the performance
tests, as required by SMM. Handover for beneficial use is usually accompanied by a final
punch list, which the contractor must complete and have signed off by SMM. Maintenance
responsibility typically changes from the Contractor to SMM.

14.5.5 Training and Operational Assistance

It is assumed that the plant operators and maintenance staff would have undergone training
(as outlined in Section 10) prior to commissioning.

The EPCM contractor will be expected, from and after commencement of commissioning until
performance testing, to supervise the employers operation and maintenance (O&M)
personnel. During this period, the contractor will provide technical support in the form of hands-
on training and provision of technical information, where required.

Where required in certain areas (such as crushing, milling, centrifugal gravity concentrators,
and intensive leach reactors) vendor training will be provided.

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15.1 RISKS

The risks have been divided into three sections: general risks, mining risks, processing and
TSF risks, and environmental risks. Each section describes the potential threat or risk, along
with its envisaged impact and probability of occurrence, as well as the mitigating factors or
control measures designed to minimise their potential effect.

15.1.1 General Risks

The Tri-K mining assets are subject to certain inherent risks and opportunities, which apply to
some degree to all participants of the international precious metals mining industry. These
risks are summarised in Table 15.1.

Table 15.1: General Risks

Description Impact Probability Mitigating Factor

Gold Price Fluctuations Based on the average production cost of

US$732/oz Au versus the assumed gold price of
Risk of pricing regression of gold and/or US$ US$1 250/oz Au, there is enough of a buffer if the
under the price of the BFS will increase the High Medium gold price should marginally drop.
potential impact on the project profitability. According to Managem’s experience, hedging of
the gold price minimises the risk of price
Inflation Rate Fluctuations Most contracts will be for fixed periods, not subject
to arbitrary inflation. Every attempt will be made to
Low Low
Specifically related to the macro-economic pre-determine and define escalation figures.
policies of the individual countries.
Country Risk Available country intelligence will be sourced.
Political risk insurance on any loans will be in
Medium Medium
Specifically including political, economic, legal, place.
tax, operational and security risks.
Legislative Risk Will seek to maintain good relations with the
Guinean government. Specific mining convention
Specifically changes to future legislation (tenure, High Low in place for the project agreed to by both parties.
mining activity, labour, occupational health, Possibility to take out insurance against the
safety and environmental) within Guinea. political risk.
Logistics SMM has a standing contract with a Guinean
logistics transporter that provides lower transport
The Tri-K Project is remotely located in the rates than those utilised for the BFS. This provides
interior of Guinea and the control of the logistics a buffer for the transportation component of the
and their cost implications will be fundamental in project cost estimate.
Medium Medium
maintaining reasonable operating costs.
Especially vulnerable is the import of essential A construction period of 19 months has been
commodities such as project equipment, diesel estimated and is considered adequate, with
fuel, HFO, explosives materials, plant reagents respect to logistics.
and consumables.
Fuel Price and Deliveries Large fuel storage facility envisaged at the mine
site area.
The quantity of diesel and HFO required to run
the mining fleet and power station is significantly Close liaison with selected fuel supplier
high and Vivo, the company that provided the envisaged. Possibility of using two fuel suppliers
quotation, has not delivered these quantities High Medium to reduce risk.
before, which poses a supply risk.
In addition, the fuel price is unstable, and power
is one of the major elements of the operating
costs and an increase in fuel price will, therefore,
have a negative impact on the operating costs.

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Description Impact Probability Mitigating Factor

Raw Water supply Compensate for the need for water by the
groundwater dewatering
Risk of insufficient raw water supply to the plant High Low
from the water dam because of a year of drought
(low rainfall) or effects of climate change.
Capital Expenditure All items were thoroughly identified and costed.
Suitable contingency factors were included.
Low Medium
Capital expenditure predictions are based on CAPEX has been shown to be less sensitive than
budget quotes. other issues with respect to project economics.
Operating Expenditure Although thoroughly pre-determined using up-to-
date assessment techniques, sensitivities on
High Medium
Operating expenditure predictions are based on OPEX indicate that the project economics will
budget quotes. remain robust even with a 10 % change.

15.1.2 Mining Risks

The pertinent points with reference to mining (see Section 4) are given in Table 15.2.

Table 15.2: Mining Risks

Description Impact Probability Mitigating Factors

Hydrology, geotechnics and Groundwater Compliance with the Geotechnical

conditions recommendations and the action plan, with
permanent monitoring of stability. Realisation of
Final definition of the final excavated slope systematic structural surveys and identification of
angles and ultimately the mining reserves has critical fault corridors that may generate local or
been assessed with the completion of either the global slope instabilities. Install a dynamic and
geotechnical study and the hydrogeological automatic (Real Time) auscultation of ground
drilling, test work and modelling study. movements at the pits to predict any movement,
The current feasibility study has been developed High Medium based on the Slope Stability Radar (SSR)
under the design that all the working faces within technique.
the operating pits can be de-watered prior to A programme of detailed work will be required as
mining, thus enabling a steeper angle of working. part of the initial mine development to improve
the knowledge of and confirm detailed design of
Although the results of drilling and pump test groundwater conditions.
work show that the pit slopes can be de-watered,
more analysis is required to improve knowledge
and confirm detailed design.
Resources and Reserve Calculations The Tri-K resources were derived from the
calculations and estimates prepared by the
Resource figures are estimates and there can be Qualified Person. The Tri-K reserves were
no assurance that they will be recovered or that optimised by a Qualified Person.
they can be brought to profitable production. In-fill drilling to continue and be monitored by
The volume and grade of reserves mined and SRK. Indicatively there are inferred resources
processed, and the recovery rates may not be Medium Medium within the whittle shells which will be converted to
the same as currently anticipated, and a decline reserves with in-fill drilling
in the market price of gold may render reserves
containing relatively lower grades of
mineralisation uneconomic and may in certain
circumstances ultimately lead to a restatement of

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 555 of 566

Description Impact Probability Mitigating Factors

Production Productivities are based upon average working

rates and are mitigated by the high level of
Potential lack of performance of the Mine fleet experienced supervision and training, especially
management and subcontractor during the first 2 years.
High Low The choice of the subcontractor will be well
studied, taking account of its capacity to
undertake the activity of the mine.
Possibility of integrating a second subcontractor
as second option
Rainfall Mine production is based on 5 pits being mined
simultaneously with production in the Main Zone
Unexpected Wet season – thus affecting concentrated (where necessary) in the dry
production in the more susceptible areas. periods. Production plan is scheduled to produce
Medium Low more tonnage during dry season.
Flood protection study upstream of the Koulekoun
pit (construction of an attenuation dam).
Allowance for at least 3 months of Ore in
stockpile preventing risk for production shutdown.
Acid Rock Drainage Risk is known and is mitigated by encapsulating
the sulphide material within the waste dumps
Static tests were conducted on the waste rock Kinetic tests are under progress to specify or
surrounding the oxide and sulphide ores to define the exact leaching that could occur
assess the potential of Acid Rock Drainage from Medium Low
the waste deposited in the waste dumps. No
major problems are foreseen. This would require
specific monitoring and waste deposition
methods to contain the contamination
An increase in mining rates over the Life of mine Rate increase occurs with the opening up of new
mining areas. This has been scheduled, and
High Medium appropriate adjustments made to the mining fleet.
Mitigating action could include potential for
sourcing a mining sub-contract.

15.1.3 Processing and TSF Risks

The pertinent points with reference to the process plant and TSF (Sections 5 and 6) are given
in Table 15.3.

Table 15.3: Processing and TSF Risks

Description Impact Probability Mitigating Factors

Viscosity Extensive tests were performed. Risk is a known
with oxide treatment and can be mitigated by
The viscosity tests conducted on the KLK oxide ensuring operation at acceptable slurry densities.
and KD oxide samples showed that these The selection of slurry densities in the mill has been
become pastes at mass solids concentrations based on conservative values and is typical of
above 50 %. The above findings could have industry accepted values for oxide treatment.
design implications in the milling and Medium Medium
classification circuits. OMC has recommended Design parameters have taken this issue into
further tests on samples from the oxide account.
orebodies. Additional test work is currently underway and
results thereof will be integrated in the detail design

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 556 of 566

Description Impact Probability Mitigating Factors

Blends of Orebodies The design values used are conservative and cater
for the worst-case consumptions associated with
No metallurgical tests were performed on the oxide composites
blends of sulphide and oxide orebodies as
experienced in the mining plan. Tests were Future blend test work to be carried out to confirm
conducted on individual composites consistent Low Low all reagent consumptions and kinetics.
with the orebodies as the finalised mining plan
was unknown at the time when the metallurgical
test programme was put together. This could
have an implication on the leaching kinetics and
reagent consumptions.
SWD Discharge Treatment Plant Future test work will be carried out during the
detailed design phase to confirm the performance
As and CN contaminated water discharge to the and design parameters of the treatment plant by the
environment from the SWD is expected during selected vendor.
the rainy season. The study has allowed for the Current kinetic test work is underway to confirm the
cost of a water treatment facility to detoxify the concentrations that will be used in the detailed
water prior to discharge. No tests have been High Low design of the treatment plant in order to comply with
done to date to confirm the performance of the the IFC guidelines.
treatment plant, however, conservative static
test work results have been used for the
concentrations of As and CN to design the
treatment plant and discharge concentrations in
compliance with IFC guidelines.
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF)
TSF and embankment collapse due to The design of the TSF incorporates a stability
earthquake event analysis of the structure under pseudo-static
conditions. The design is such that the Factor of
Safety against failure is greater than the minimum
High Low
required under international best practice and the
probability of failure under pseudo-static conditions
is less than 1 in 143 000 and satisfies international
best practice.
TSF and embankment failure due to slope The design of the TSF incorporates a stability
instability analysis of the structure under operational
conditions. The design is such that the Factor of
Safety against failure is greater than the minimum
High Low
required under international best practice and the
probability of failure under operational conditions
meets international best practice and is less than
1 in 143 000.
TSF and embankment failure due to internal The TSF, SWD and RWD are all lined facilities,
erosion (piping) which prevent seepage into the various
embankments, mitigating internal erosion.
In the event of liner damage, the TSF contains a toe
drain on the inside toe of the embankment wall and
both the RWD and SWD contain curtain drains. The
drainage system is designed to draw down and
Medium Low
control the phreatic surface within the respective
facilities. These drains have been designed in
accordance with internationally recognised filter
criteria to allow flow while obviating internal erosion.
Full quality assurance and control procedures shall
be put in place to ensure correct material selection,
placement and compaction.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 557 of 566

Description Impact Probability Mitigating Factors

TSF and embankment failure due to The TSF has been designed to accommodate the
overtopping 1 in 100 year, 7 day storm event, and should be
operated with a minimum of 1.5 m of freeboard. The
penstock decant structure has been designed to
discharge the 1 in 100 year, 7 day storm within
6 days which allows for pool control during
High Low
operations to prevent overtopping. The RWD and
SWD have been designed with spillways into the
downstream environment, allowing for a controlled
discharge. The design of the RWD and SWD
includes 1 m of freeboard above their respective
spillway levels.
Extreme rainfall event leading to contaminated Supernatant water shall be discharged from the TSF
water discharge into the RWD/SWD, from where the water will either
be returned to the process plant or neutralised
Medium Low (treated) prior to discharge into the downstream
environment. The volume of release will be
controlled and monitored to ensure that it is in line
with environmental standards.
Contamination of groundwater due to tailings The TSF is HDPE-lined. Full quality assurance and
water seepage control procedures shall be put in place during
construction to ensure that the correct liner material
is utilised and that the installation is as per
specification. A seepage cut-off trench downstream
of the TSF, prior to the RWD, has been incorporated
into the design. It will collect any seepage in the
event that the HDPE liner is not functioning as per
Medium Low
The RWD and SWD are HDPE-lined, and quality
assurance and control procedures shall be put in
place during construction to ensure that the correct
liner material is utilised and that the installation is as
per specification. Leakage detection drains have
been incorporated into the design, and should a leak
be found during the monitoring of operations,
boreholes or seepage cut-off trench can be installed
to draw in the contaminated water.
Overtopping leading to discharge of Topographical, visual and geotechnical site
contaminated water due to a landslide in the investigations of the TSF area have been
Low Low
impoundment area undertaken and these demonstrate the low
probability of landslides in the area.
Overtopping due to non-compliance with the Operations and maintenance manuals will be put in
operating procedures place following detailed design, and a programme
High Low of independent audits of the facility will be
established in order to ensure compliance and
adherence to international best practice.
Tailings pipeline breakage due to earthquake Flexible HDPE piping system will be used for both
leading to tailings discharge to environment the return water system and the tailings delivery
system, minimising the risk of breakage due to
movement. During operation, regular pipeline
inspections will be undertaken. Toe catchment
Medium Low
paddocks have been designed around the
perimeter of the TSF toe and should a pipe break
occur on the slurry delivery line ring main, these
paddocks serve as collection ponds, containing the
spill to within the TSF footprint.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 558 of 566

Description Impact Probability Mitigating Factors

Damage to the tailings delivery system (pump As above for pipelines, other structures will be
station) due to earthquake designed by the process design engineers and
Medium Low constructed in accordance with best engineering
practices and taking into account potential
earthquake movements.
Uncontrolled tailings discharge due to The TSF is in close proximity to the plant site, which
vandalism to the tailings delivery system will facilitate patrolling of the tailings delivery
Medium Low pipeline, and minimise the risk of vandalism. The
TSF is also enclosed within a security fence, further
minimising the potential for vandalism.
Blockage of the tailings delivery pipeline Should power failure of the delivery system occur,
leading to breakage and discharge the tailings delivery pipeline will be designed to a
minimum slope of 1V:1000H and include pressure
Medium Low
break points, to ensure that the pipe empties either
to the tailings dam or the elution control dam at the
TSF embankment failure due to oversaturation Filters will be designed, constructed and covered in
as a result of failure of the drains system such a manner as to ensure that they are not
blinded during start-up and operations. Quality
control and quality assurance of the filter system
during construction will ensure they are constructed
according to the design standard. A slope stability
assessment of the scenario described for the TSF
has been undertaken and shows that the Factor of
High Low Safety against failure is greater than the minimum
required under international best practice and the
probability of failure is less than 1 in 143 000 and
satisfies international best practice. Furthermore,
the TSF shall be operated with a small pool, with
little water being able to recharge the phreatic
surface. Piezometers will be installed to minimise
the risk of undetected rises of the phreatic surface
that could lead to instability.
RWD and SWD embankment failure due to The RWD and SWD are lined facilities thus
oversaturation as a result of failure of the preventing oversaturation of the embankment walls.
drainage system However, should the liner be damaged, and the
drainage system fail, failure due to oversaturation of
the RWD becomes a possibility. A slope stability
assessment of the scenario described has been
undertaken on the SWD and RWD. The results
indicate that the SWD has a Factor of Safety against
failure greater than the minimum required, under
international best practice, and the probability of
failure is less than 1 in 143 000 and satisfies
international best practice.
High Low
However, for the RWD this scenario does not meet
the minimum Factor of Safety against failure
requirements and the probability of failure is 0.05.
Quality control and quality assurance of the liner
and filter system shall be implemented during
construction to ensure that these items are
constructed according to the design standard and
the correct material specification. Maintenance and
inspection of the pumping system shall be
undertaken during operations to ensure that the
curtain drains are operational throughout the life of
the facility.
TSF and embankment failure due to A site investigation has been undertaken and the
foundation movements High Low founding materials are suitable to withstand the
loading requirements of the embankment.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 559 of 566

Description Impact Probability Mitigating Factors

TSF and embankment failure due to external The TSF shall be rehabilitated during the LOM,
erosion which would mitigate erosion of the embankment
outside slopes. A programme of independent audits
Medium Low
of the facility will be established in order to ensure
compliance and that the facility is maintained during
Overtopping due to failure of the penstock The penstock decant will be structurally designed to
accommodate both dead and live loads, with an
appropriate Factor of Safety. Concrete shall be
High Low
sulphate resistant. Should the penstock fail,
temporary decant structures can be installed to
mitigate overtopping failure.
TSF failure due to poor design A competent, independent design house has
High Low
undertaken the design of the TSF, RWD and SWD.

15.1.4 Environmental Risks

The pertinent points with reference to the environmental section (Section 11) are given in
Table 15.4.

Table 15.4: Environmental Risks

Description Impact Probability Mitigating Factors

Compensation Compensation was estimated in the BFS based on

field investigations for the complete mine site in the
Development of the Compensation Action Plan ESIA study.
Medium Low
and associated asset register to confirm the Detailed survey definition by SMM for the owners
number of people directly and indirectly affected and their agricultural lands is underway to refine
by the proposed development compensation costs.
Air quality
With the proposed use of HFO for the power
generation units, the air quality impact assessment
The air quality impact assessment was based Medium Low
will need to be updated, as well as the GHG
on the use of diesel fuel to power the generators
emissions assessment.
for electricity.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 560 of 566


15.2.1 Mineral Resources and Reserves

Opportunities exist to increase the mineral resources through the following:

• Classification of additional proven underground reserves and lateral extensions with

continued exploration of the exploitation permit area (27 km2)
• Increasing ore reserves by upgrading the Inferred Mineral Resources through further
drilling, as well as completion of appropriate technical studies demonstrating their
technical feasibility and economic viability
• Further drilling, specifically targeting the areas that have not been closed off by drilling
and further exploration at the Gbilini, Fowaro, Kodiafaran, and North Koulekoun
• Continued exploration of additional orebodies within the exploration permit area
(460 km²), which have been secured through subsequent exploration licences and are
adjacent to the existing exploitation permit

15.2.2 Coarser Grinds for Oxides

The grind optimisation tests showed that recoveries are similar for oxides at fine and coarse
grinds. A grind of 80 % -75 µm was, however, selected as the optimum grind to accommodate
the sulphide ore types. According to test work results, oxides could be milled at a coarser grind
(80 % -106 µm), which could result in reduced power consumption. Milling of the oxides to a
coarser grind could also result in an increase in throughput resulting in higher gold production.

The reagents and consumables consumption could also be reduced at the coarser grind,
resulting in lower plant operating costs.

15.2.3 Transition Ore

A conservative assumption was made to consider transition ore as complete sulphide ore.
There is an upside potential with further test work to optimise gold recovery and OPEX.

15.2.4 Flotation Processing on Kodiaran Sulphides

Scoping study test work was undertaken by SMM on the Kodiaran sulphides and it showed
an enhanced gold leach dissolution and recovery compared to the current CIL recovery. Based
on industry norms, flotation OPEX is generally lower than CIL OPEX, hence further test work
to increase gold recovery and reduce plant OPEX is recommended for non-economic sulphide
ores and inferred sulphide ore resources.

15.2.5 Grid Power

The Guinea-Mali electrical interconnection consists of a 225 kV line, approximately 713.6 km

long (125.6 km for Mali and 588 km for Guinea) linking the Sanonkoroba substation in Mali
and the N’Zérékoré substation in Guinea, passing through the cities of Siguiri, the future
hydroelectric plant of Fomi, Kankan, Kérouané and Beyla. The project foresees the extension
of the Sanonkoroba and N'Zérékoré substations and the construction of 225/33 kV substations
in Siguiri, Fomi, Kankan, Kérouané and Beyla.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 561 of 566

This expected power facility will provide a potential opportunity for reducing power costs
substantially when realised. Though it is unlikely that the facility will be online for the start of
production at Tri-K, the inherent benefits of that power over those of fuel oil generator sets in
terms of unit power costs would result in significantly lower processing operating costs at
almost any stage of the project’s life.

15.2.6 Solar PV Hybrid Plant

Commercial solar photovoltaic (PV) power has been proven to provide lower cost energy for
longer life cycle projects in the industry. The lower PV energy cost, in combination with a
reliable microgrid, unlocks the potential to offset diesel and HFO consumption by generating
solar power during day time and using conventional thermal power at night or during overcast
days. Although solar PV power is intermittent, the respective power generation components
can be optimised to ensure a reliable grid with a secured spinning reserve. The variability of
the system design is most affected by the cost of thermal energy production and the load
profile, however, the flexibility of the microgrid allows a phased approach to introduce
additional energy generation or storage components as the economy changes over the life of
the project.

The Tri-K project has the potential to save 25.3 million litres of HFO per year by adding a
7.5 MWp DC, 6.0 MW AC solar PV plant in parallel with conventional thermal power
generation. The renewable energy offset also reduces carbon emissions by 9 000 t/a.

15.2.7 Execution Schedule

Ordering long-lead items as early as is practically possible, even prior to detailed engineering,
can greatly improve the project schedule.

15.2.8 Gold Price

A gold price of US$1 250/oz Au was assumed in the financial analysis against the actual cost
of greater than US$1 260/oz Au. If the price of gold is greater than US$1 250 at the time of
operation, this will result in an increased NPV and IRR.


Since SMM became involved in Guinea, considerable effort and expenditure have been
incurred to certify what is now believed to be a significant gold resource and reserve at Tri-K.
This BFS attests to the extensive amount of exploration, tests and study work carried out on
the project. It is believed that the level of accuracy used herein is sufficient to consider this
report to be bankable with its demonstration of the technical feasibility to develop a gold mine
at Tri-K that will produce in excess of 1 million ounces of recovered gold over a 9-year
production period.

There are several orebodies associated with this project, all of which have been well defined
and demonstrate good continuity of geology and grade. The orebodies have significant width
in places and mining and associated grade control practices will need to be well controlled.
SMM, in association with their respected advisor consultants, is confident of the successful
implementation of this project, both from a mining and a process point of view. Only proven
and tested technologies have been considered for both mining and processing. The

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 562 of 566

metallurgy of the various ore types has been extensively tested and is consequently well

The BFS has demonstrated that the Tri-K ore deposits can be economically mined using the
open-pit method and processed through conventional gravity/CIL technology at an annual rate
of about 2.3 Mt/a.

Project economics reveal the following salient factors pertaining to the Tri-K project:

• Processed tonnage: 19.24 Mt

• Grade: 1.85 g/t Au
• Recovery: 87.48 %
• Throughput: 2.3 Mt/a
• Life of mine: 8.7 years
• Average annual gold production: 120 000 oz Au/a
• Total cash costs: US$732/oz Au
• Capital cost: US$220.133 million (including sustaining and
initial working capital)

At a gold price of US$1 250/oz Au, the NPV, IRR and payback period may be expressed as

• NPV at 0 % discount rate: US$294 million

• NPV at 5 % discount rate: US$190 million
• NPV at 10 % discount rate: US$119 million.
• IRR: 27.5 %
• Payback period: 3.4 years

These returns are considered attractive and commensurate with returns warranted by the risk
involved for an investment in a gold project in West Africa.

There still remains considerable upside to extend the reserves and life of mine by confirming
underground and lateral extensions and by continued exploration of the permit area for
additional orebodies.

Other than a higher long-term gold price, further upside possibilities include the conversion of
resources to reserves, reduced power costs by using future Malian hydroelectric power and
reduced reagent consumptions.

The robust and attractive economic indications expressed above demonstrate the benefits of
implementation of the project. It is, therefore, recommended that the commencement of the
development of the Tri-K project be approved with the intention of producing first gold at the
beginning of the second quarter of Year 2020.

Tri-K BFS Report July 2018 Page 563 of 566


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