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The Philippines is an island nation rich in both culture and history. The Filipino martial art of
Arnis/Kali/Escrima has contributed to both the history and diversity of the Philippines. There are an
abundance of styles and systems of Arnis/Kali/Escrima that are taught throughout the world to this day,
that have survived and developed throughout the different regions, families and teachers who have
preserved what is sometimes called a “complete” martial art.

Arnis/Kali/Escrima was originally developed by the people native to the islands using simple impact and
edged weapons such as kampilans, rattan, swords, daggers, spears and other assorted weaponry for
combat and self defense. These weapons were also sometimes used as farm implements.

The arrival of Ferdinand Magellan’s force in 1521 was met in battle with a group of islanders, led by Raja
Lapu Lapu, who defeated Magellan using only a bladed weapon. Magellan’s armored and musket
bearing conquistadors were overpowered by the fierce fighters and retreated. The Spanish returned in
the 1570’s and this time the Philippines came under Spanish rule unable to contend with the modern
weaponry the Spanish used. The practice of Arnis/Kali/Escrima was prohibited, but continued and was
preserved through native ritual dance, performance, and mock battles. Thus the arts were passed down
in families from generation to generation, honing their skill, speed, accuracy and agility.

The terms Arnis, Kali and Escrima are all used to refer to the Filipino martial arts. There has been some
confusion as to what word refers to which part of the martial art. It is believed that Arnis, Kali, and
Escrima are all a part of the same art and depending on the location, dialect and type of training taught.
Also, any of the three names may apply to a certain part of training. One interpretation is that Kali is the
mother art of Arnis and Escrima. Arnis focuses on the knife, including dagger, sword, and any other form
of bladed weapon. Escrima is based on the baston or stick. It has also become very popular in the sport
aspect of full contact stick fighting.

To this day Arnis/Kali/Escrima has retained a strong Spanish influence not only in the names and titles
used in training, but in the impact it has had on Filipino culture. Filipino martial arts continue to
encompass a large range of weapons training and hand-to-hand combat, enriching the culture of Filipino
society. Thus the reference to it being a “complete” martial art


The game is played by using prescribed padded stick in delivering artisticand legal blows, strikes, thrusts,
and disarming the opponent to gainscore.


Shall refers to the area by which the conduct of the competition shall beset or held including the free
zone around it.


The playing area is a square measuring 8.0 meters by 8.0 meters with atwo (2) meters minimum free
zone around it, and a clear space withoutany obstruction up to a height not less than 5 meters from the


All line of the playing surface are 5.08 cm.

(2 inches) and must be of the floor and other lines previously drawn forother purposes.


Four lines mark the boundary of the playing area.The free zone distance measuring 2.0 meters are
drawn outside of theplaying area.

Two lines of 1.0 meter long and 2.0 meters apart mark the horizontal matchline.The horizontal match
line are drawn 3 meters from the boundary lines that

run perpendicularly to the official’s table, and 3.5 meters from theboundary line that run parallel to the
official’s table.


The padded stick shall be the official weapon of the player.

The specification of which shall be in accordance with the i-ARNIS standard.

No other similar material will be allowed to be used in any local, national orinternational competition.

Each padded stick shall be properly foam-cushioned and shall have amaximum grip diameter of not
more than 3.81cm.
(1 ½ inch) and length of 76.20cm (30 inches for men and women).Thelength of padded stick shall be 27
inches for boys and girls.

Both padded stick shall be color-coded, one red and the other blue.


Refers to a pair of protective head gear to include an impact worthy facemask, the specifications of
which shall be in accordance with the i-ARNISstandard.Both headgears must be color-coded, one red the
other blue, to match thepadded stick of the player.


Refers to a pair of protective body protector, properly cushioned, thespecifications of which shall be in
accordance with the i-ARNIS standard.Male and female player must both wear body protector and
groinprotector.Body protector and groin protectors specifications shall be in accordance


The Arnis Martial Arts Competition is a continuous, full contact, live weapon, stick fighting venue.
Competitors will fight each other with sticks – slender, cylindrically-shaped rattan weapons in 2 round
matches at 1 minute per round with 30 seconds of rest between rounds. This is an open-style
competition. Competitors will compete in an open matted surface whose inbound space ranges from
15’x15’ to 20’x20’. Single stick fighting and double stick fighting contests will be conducted in a round
robin tournament format. All matches will be scored by judges using a 10-point must system. Divisions
of these contests will be based on weight, age, gender, rank and martial arts experience level.


The tournament format will at the discretion of tournament officials. In adult divisions, we will try as
much as possible to form pairs that are within 8% of each other by weight. Directors will combine
divisions where competitors are scarce. In those cases, the directors are authorized to adjust rules for
fairness without compromising the primary objective – to showcase martial skill and reward those that
are better able to use their weapon. Fighters will be evaluated based on accumulation of points on all
matches combined. Gold, silver, and bronze medals will be awarded in each division to fighters
accumulating the highest scores. If two fighters accumulate equal scores, the following will apply:

• If the pair previously fought, precedence will be given to the fighter who achieved the higher point
total during their match.

• If the pair previously fought to a tie or never fought, then tie-breaker will be decided by best of three,
weapon only point fight. Judges will only count head shots.


• Opponents will begin and end all matches with a salute or bow to each other and the judges.

• Referee will position fighters beyond largo range at the start of every round.

• Only attacks with the stick and feet are allowed.

• Hits, slashes, and witticks are all legal. Punots, pokes and stabs are all illegal.

• Target areas are: 1) front and sides of the body, 2) arms and hands, 3) top, front and sides of the

• Kicks are allowed below the neck and above the waist only.

• In single stick competition, it is NOT legal to block a stick with your free hand. However, “arm
stopping” at quarto range or arm checking is allowed.

• Fighters are required to exhibit a realistic defense (movement, parrying, intelligent blocking…)

• No takedowns. No grappling, wrestling or hooking.

• No pushing or striking with any part of your body.

• No foot sweeps or throws, thrusting or butt strikes, 2 handed strikes.

• No strikes or kicks below the waistline or direct strikes to the back.

• No kicks below the waist or above the neck.

• No knee strikes or elbow strikes.

• Checks may be used to create distance but may NOT be directed to the face. Checks are allowed below
the neck and above the waist free hand or two hands on weapon (AKA rifle checking).

• Trapping and parrying are allowed. Locking and holding are not.

• An instantaneous “Hold and Hit” with immediate release is allowed.

• In the event inaction or ineffective action in the clinch, referee will call time and break clinch.

• Disarms must be immediate, or have an immediate release (1 – 2 rule applies).

• Joints may not be locked or twisted for a disarm.

• You may use the ring to control the action. You may not use it to avoid action.

• To signal surrender or stop action for an injury, equipment failure, etc., raise both hands and back up.
Do not turn away.


Fighter is required to have at least one corner person with maximum of two. Coaching may only be done
during break in the action. Corner men are not to communicate with their fighter while action is in
progress. Do not remove any equipment, until the end of the match. Helmet may be removed between


Starting Arnis is like growing up. We start with learning to stand.

Assume a natural stancewith feet one shoulder width apart and feet on a 45 degree
angle.Knees should be slightly bent and you should grip your cane on opposite sides, palms
down, and resting comfortably in front of you.After standing you want to practice moving
forward and backward with the cane in your hands.Bring the weapon up to your chest like
you are being held up (Charged position).
#1 - Striking before blocking

You need to be as effective as possible as quick as possible so you start with striking before

The first strike is a thrust. You step forward and strike out and back with the middle of the
cane while still holding both ends.

Your motion is similar to when you push with both hands. Target the head, ribs, knees, etc…
The step is to step so that your side is facing the target, keep your grip on the cane and
strike with the same side forward.

Once you get the hang of thrusting strikes, we will move on to angled strikes.

From the charged position step forward and strike with a hooking fashion with the same
side corner of the cane (like doing a hook punch with a stick in your hands).

Aim at temples, ribs, face, kidneys (There are NO wrong targets).

All of the strikes up to this point have been with both hands on the cane so the next strike
is meant to introduce you to the can moving in one hand while moving to a new distance.

You are going to start in the charged position and using the tension of the rear hand you
are going to snap the cane out to the target and back. (This is the way to introduce you to
strikes 1, 2 and 10, 11 of modern arnis).
That should be enough strikes to get you started and to start to condition you to
controlling the cane and to distancing with the weapon.

#2 - Stop, and Block

Start from the charge position and strike out in a similar fashion to the first attack you are
going to block in a stop sign (octagon) fashion starting high and moving in a clockwise

You can block in any direction with one of the angles for the stop sign.

You want to strongly thrust out to ensure that you are canceling the force of the attack.

Aim the middle of your cane at the attacking strike to ensure that you don’t have to worry
about having your hand struck.

The best place to block is as close to their hand as possible to avoid the most dangerous
part of the cane.

Step forward as you intercept the strike and keep your arms bent to absorb the strike.

These are some basic skills in Arnis.

If you really want to learn more about modern arnis, then you should go out and find a
licensed martial arts instructor in your area.

The strikes and blocks here are great ways to pick up your new cane and practice modern

Everything above will make you able to hit the ground running.

Hopefully these tips and techniques will help you to get comfortable with your new weapon,
distancing, and impact.

If you want to continue your introduction into modern arnis then you can start with the 12
strike pattern.

This pattern gives you all of the strikes for modern arnis is a well designed pattern that you
can repeat like any form. You can also train this pattern with a partner by practicing the
blocks against the strikes.

There is no end to the engagements you can create from these patterns.


There are official body who shall implement the rules and regulations and shall have the sole authority
in the administration of the tournament proper.

The tournament officials are certified by the i-ARNIS and this are the following.


The all over administrator and chairperson who shall directly ensure the proper implementation of all


This committee is composed by three (3) members who shall inforce the requirments as stipulated in
the rule 4, Chaper two.

This committee shall include the tournaments and physician as members.


There are officials who enforce the conduct of all tournament in accordance with the rules and
regulations of the game.

All referees and judges should have taken and passed the accreditations and lisensure seminar of iARNIS
and must be in good standing Refresher Course is required to all referees and judges who have not
officiated in any tournament for atleast six (6) months.

They are the officiating officials of the tournament whose decissions are FINAL.

Shall keep the time during the actual match.

A gong , whistle or bell shall be provided for his/her use in announcing the start and the end of the game
and other calls.


Shall be tasked with recording of the ressult of the actual games.

A record sheet shall be provided for his/her use in recording results.


Shall composed of the Chairman of the Judges,Recorder and Timer.

They shall be tasked in recording the scores,violations, and the time of the actual performance/s.

They shall give the final results to the officials table.


These are the officials who will declare the violations of the performers by raising the corresponding


Shall arrange the matches prior to the tournament and update the matches between players during the


In the Full Contact Event, drawing of lots shall apply and pairing for the Single Eliminationsystem shall be

In the Anyo Event, the order of performance shall be decided through drawing of lots.



Elementary Level

Boys: 3 Players and 1 CoachGirls: 3 Players, 1 Coach and 1 Chaperon

Secondary Level

Boys: 5 Players and 1 CoachGirls: 5 Players, 1 Coach and 1 Chaperon

Elementary Level

Boys: 3 Players and 1 CoachGirls: 3 Players, 1 Coach and 1 ChaperonFULL CONTACT:

There shall be a maximum of five (5) participants distributed evenly in the different weight divisions for
both Secondary Boys and Girls in the Arnis Full Contact. As a matter of procedure, each division is
allowed only one (1) entry in each of the five (5) weight category (secondary).



WEIGHT CATEGORYGIRLSBOYSPin weight37 kg up to 39 kg43 kg up to 46 kgBantam weightOver 40 kg up
to 43 kgOver 47 kg up to 50 kgFeather weightOver 44 kg up to 47 kgOver 51 kg up to 54 kgExtra Light
weightOver 48 kg up to 51 kgOver 55 kg up to 59 kgHalf Light weightOver 52 kg up to 55 kgOver 60 kg
up to 64 kg

Participants are required to wear the standard uniform

White plain T-shirt, athlete’s name, school/club logo, and division may appear on the T-shirt, provided
that it does not dominate the over-all appearance of the shirt.Plain red pants (school/club logo may
appear on the pants).Players may have the option to wear the delegation uniform.Rubber soled shoes.
Bear foot is strictly not allowed.

In case of DRAW, the declaration of winner shall be based on the following criterion:

1. Superiority or aggressiveness of the player

2. Major advance technique

3. Artistic delivery


In case of injury caused by accidental blow and the medical doctor decides/suggests to give the injured
player a little time to rest before he/she can continue the game, the decision as stated shall be
suspended for a while. However, the rest period shall not be more than five (5) minutes after which the
medical doctor must declare the fitness of the injured player to continue or discontinue the game.

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