Science and Technology in Asia: India China West Asian Japan

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The nineteenth and the twentieth centuries in East Asia are known as a time of rapid change.

Whereas change was a daily and concrete experience in a globalizing environment, it was also
the object of psychological fear and ideological desire. During that period, Asian countries and
their intellectual and political elites confronted the technical and military superiority of the
western powers, as well as local inner tensions and crises, by elaborating patterns of selective
imitation, reconsidering their traditional knowledge, and recreating their own cultural
background. In order to conceptualize these strategies, Asian intellectuals and political activists
faced the theoretical problem of naming the change in which they were living or to which they
aspired. In those years, a new vocabulary emerged, constituting a multifaceted discourse on
change. Drawing on western cultural traditions, the new vocabulary consisted of words such
as enlightenment,renaissance, evolution, revolution andrenewal. However, indigenous terms
such asi, bian, ge, and xin were also part of it. Nevertheless, quite independently of the cultural
context from which they emerged, these terms were resignified within the dynamic context of
modernising Asia.

Science and technology in Asia is varied depending on the country and time. In the past, the
Asian civilizations most notable for their contributions to science and technology
were India, China and the West Asiancivilizations. At present, probably the most notable country
in Asia in terms of its technological and scientific achievement isJapan, which is particularly
known for its electronics and automobile products. In recent years, China and India have also
once again become major contributors to science and technology. Other countries are also
notable in other scientific fields such as chemical and physical achievements.

Japan, China, and India are some of the most important countries when it comes to
technological developments and contributions to the world. Interestingly enough, many Asian
nations had, up until even the relatively recent past, been isolated from the rest of the world for
various political reasons. But when they opened themselves up to trade and the exchange of
information, they became booming powerhouses of technological innovation. That doesn't mean
they never contributed technological innovations in the distant past

Bioethics is an ever-widening set of questions about the areas of life in which medicine and
biotechnology affect human wellbeing.

It encompasses medical ethics, questions about the beginning and end of life, the impact of
thrilling and frightening new technologies for human enhancement, and even climate change.

The intellectual revolution transformed societies by opening the eyes and minds of the people. Before
they lived within the boundaries of controlling systems like religion, monarchies, cults and others. Many
societies before the revolution were unable to think critically and were in a way subject to being
manipulated. The intellectual revolution is a never ending process, people would have to be reminded
regularly because there will always be someone eager to fill that need in the population to follow
someone or be a member of something.


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