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Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 100
Irtt{ : 3 EA] lautm : 1oo

Note: i)' All questions are compulsory.

ii) Marks allotted to each question are indicated against it.
iii) Each question from Question Nos. 1 to 10 has four alternatives - (A), (B), (C) and
(D), out of which one is most appropriate. Select the correct answer among the
four alternatives and write it in your answer-book against the number of the
question. No extra time is allotted for attempting multiple choice questions.
fttu: i) urfrry414"*{Fqq I
ii) y** slrr * qrqi Eqt oi6 ftTd tTq t t

iii) sgaricqi t t to ro*v** g{"*qRtud6@ - (A), (B), (C) aur (D) t, ft'Tfinwsvgft{ IqRTfufif,}
{ t sS rtn gi aqr errff yf,{-gftcr { selr {qr + E q} wr I ffi eq-M
wr} + frq stfr fi rn vre rfr
frqwEn t

1. A student scored following marks in five subjects : ul

gOYo, 85Yo, gs%o, 7 Ooh, 60%'

Arithmetic mean of his marks is :

A) 60% B) 70%

c) 80% D) 90%

qnfosretri 5 MfrftHfrfua eimsmH:

90Yo, 85Yo, 95oh,70Yo, 6A%

sH+ rli6lqT eiqqffiqmqt:

A) 60% B) 70%

c) 80% D) 90%

G-27 con'fd
56/oss17-3L8-AI 2 illlililil Iiltilililnil llillllll il lllfl lffi lllilllfl llllill l]llil
2. Coefficient of price elasticity of demand of a good is (-)2. It means the demand for
this good is : IlI
A) Elastic B) Inelastic
C) Perfectly elastic D) Perfectly inelastic
qtr. ql ff qiTI ft fft{a *q qT U"lin (-)2 t I F{rfir sIrI t fo Vq aq e qi.r ...........

A) rilqqn t t B) ffiqrtt I

C) Wi-rqr*qqnt t D) fut-ffir*atqqRt t

3. Supply of perishable goods is generally : IlI

A) Elastic
B) Inelastic
C) Perfectly elastic
D) Perfectly inelastic
.nyrErFr aqoil ff o{rqfr rlril-erfi: te tt
A) dqqR
B) +iF+qR
C) Wt-*ur+*qR
D) Aui-ffir+dt*qn
il I lililr lllfl lililffiililililllI ilililt
4. Marginal Cost refers to : IU
A) Cost per unit of output
B) Sum of Total Fixed Cost and Total Variable Cost
C) Total Cost minus Total Variable Cost
D) Addition to the Total Variable Cost caused by producing an extra unit of output.
*qFa i{rrrd t erftsrq t :
A) ssrfi ff yfr 5*,r$ itma
B) gn RR Flrrrfi efu gm qfit+fi FIrrkI ql *.r
C) gd drrrd-gm vffi FrFkr
D) eq ff q* erftfrm gmr$ ur vnrfi fii t iERUr gn vfir*fi FnrkT fr Ai erffi qk

56/OSSft-31.8-Al G-27 3 I tililtffi tililt ilil ilil iltil il I il il til iltHt tffi fltil llfi il1frililItil
r c.n,d
5. Which one of the following is not a factor income? IU
A) Indirect taxes

B) Mixed Income of self employed

C) Compensation of employees

D) Rent and Royalty

ffifun{t*{frqrqa enq€itt
A) sTsr€ql irt
B) *qMGffi] ff frPrra orrq

C) adqfiu} ql qrfrelft*.
D) Frrmr aen {rqc.A

6. Purchase of a machine by a machine dealer is treated as : IU

A) Consumption B) Production

C) Capital formation D) Intermediateconsumption

rrq; ffir-Grim Ertr wftr q,r Fq t:

A) sq$fur B) Erqrfi

c) (*A+', D) qsT{frsqftr

7. Which one of the following is related to the flow concept : IU

A) Number of students in a class B) Distance

C) National income D) National wealth

ffifua t t qfu rqr6 ff qErerRUTr i riai&a t :

A) qq.6sr { Erl} e {wr B) (fr

C) {ryk o{H D) {rtfr HEqft

56/OSSfi-31.8-AI G-27 4 IContd......

8. A person received an income of Rs. 1,00,000. He paid income tax at a rate of lUYo.
His disposable income is : IU
A) Rs. 1,00,000 B) Rs.90,000
C) Rs. 1,10,000 D) Rs. 10,000
\rd Eqfr 1,00,000 6. ff qFr srg urm t t rc 10% ff qrt enq trl rn grrdn urar t I T{&
y+Gr ema ft :

A) 1,00,000 o. B) 90,000 u.
c) 1,10,000 u. D) 10,000 r.
9. Value of MPC equals : tll
A)?C B)#
c)# D);
MPC qT rKnq gu* aw tm t :


c)# Y

10. Value of Investment multiplier is equal to ---- IU

A) mpc B) mps
'1 1
C) D)
' mpc ' mps

ft'fot Xum q,r Xq ffi EmEn dm tl

A) *rmilsq$rrrqftt
B) *qraTofrt
c)@ D) rftrrar*asfi*

s6/ossrl-318-A] G-27 5 I ffi il ilil1 til ilt llil fltil ffil illl illlil llllil til il1iltil iltilt t]ilil
r c.nd
11. Calculate Median height from the data given below :

Height No. of persons

(in inches)
30-40 15

40-50 20

50-60 20

60-70 35

70-80 10

ffifua sffi + qte*l fu ff {srdr ffFwq :

(rqi fr)

30-40 15

40-50 20

50-60 20

ilil]t lilillilllllllilllll lllll lllllll I lil
70-80 10

12. State two properties of Production Possibility Curve. t3l

ssrfi {sT'{fl {fi ff A Griq.dr3lT ur vfru ffP{e t

demands 100 units of this
13. Price elasticity of demand of a good is (-)2. A consumer
good when its- r price is Rs. 8 peiunit. At what price he will demand 80 units of
good? I3l
a.q ff
n* qq ff qirr ft &trd e guri66 (-)2 t I qn sq*i6r 8 s. sfr fo;r$ *m Y€

rR qA Ere 80 Fq;r$q] fi qi'r qltml

f 00 E.6rfll ff qirr qrm t I frq ftffi

14. How is the supply of a commodity affected by an increase

in price of other related
goods? ExPlain. I3l
g-n'R sqGn te tt q[rflr$ I
ffi E.g ff .,|,$ e{q {ffid aqal & *ra fr qk a} t ftq

How will this

15. Market for a good is in equilibrium. Demand for this good increases.
affect the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity ofthe commodity?
ffi aq * ftri qrd1 {g6a fr r t q€ ff qirr fr qk A qrfr t I SrA eq ff {gaa #ra ner
rig-ffi qr*r *-i s$nftd frft t r{qsr{} |

s6/ossrL-3L8-AI G-27 6 lillilililffi l il ilil lillllll l l ll Nl lil lllill ilil illl lllilililil llil
r con'ld
16. Distinguish between final goods and intermediate goods. Give one example of each. [3]

oiftq agal EeIr qqqfr ugerl { sq ffRq I g.+qi ifi $E 3.qrd{ur {Pqq r

17. Calculate Gross Value Added at factor cost from the following data : [31

D Number of units sold 1,000

ii) Price per unit Rs.10

iii) Depreciation Rs.500

rv) Purchase of inPuts Rs.4,000

v) Indirect taxes Rs.200

vi) Subsidies Rs.30 illl]t illllililil1l|ilil llil llilill I lil

vii) Increase in stock Rs.20

ffifua offi tqFlq Frrrnrq s5?r ffiBffrrur+r ffRri :

1) Fffierr$rn'Ede{wr 1,000

ii) !ft Fnr$ fiTd c. 10

iii) qaEre 6. 500

lv) s{rrrdT $l trq 6. 4,000

v) 3{Siqqli5-t 6. 200

vi) orr&f6 Edrrilr 6. 30

vir) tigR tein) fr qk 6.20

56/C33(L-318-A'I G-27 r c'n'fd

7 iltillltrl ffi ililil lil illlillllllillllHl lffi lllillilllillllillil
18. What is aggregate demand? State its components. t3l

rrqn qirr wr t& ta Vq* w vfr'e ffeq I

19. What is meant by'Revenue Expenditure'and'Capital Expenditure' in a government

budget? Give one example of each. I3l

rr*rn * qwe { 'tt-q€ qq' ilQn ti*rrd qq' * wI s{Frsrq tt s+s in ger !r(rd{ur {Rr} I

20. Calculate a) Revenue deficit b) Fiscal deficit and c) Primary deficit from the
following data: l3l

Rs. (in Arabs)

r) Revenue receipts 20

ii) Revenue expenditure 30

iii) Capital receipts net of borrowings 50

iu) Interest payments 5

v) Capital expenditure 60

ffifua ffi t er) {r,il{a qr} e) {rs*lfu qA nqr q) vrerfus ErA ff.rur+r ffFqq :

. 6. (errs {)
,) wrcq lTfui 20

ii) rtq{q qq 30

iii) xuil s1+q*,,r rtftm yrftqi 50

,9 qrw grrdn 5

v) (ftraaa 60

s6/ossft-318-Ar G-27 8 llililllillillllllililililllilllllllillllllllffilllilllillllllllllil

correlation. Give one example of each. I4l

rciaier i
wr e{fusrq tt erdkffi v6Tftiiq irsrr xqrerrq u6rftisr * q}q rtq ffRq I v+fi irt g€F
Eqr6{ur frRe t

.Explain any two differences U.t*..r, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. I4l

6qA *ry*aqrsqQ sleivr''q**$A rtqHTflEn I

Describe any two exceptions to the law of demand. l4l

qirrtft'qqtffiA e+rdrdq, qs{qffP{e I

. Total.fixed cost is Rs.120. Average Total Cost at different levels of output is given
below. Find out Total Variable Cost and Marginal Cost at each level of output. t4l

Output(inunits) | 2 3 4

Average Total Cost (Rs.) 240 160 140 160

gm Rn aFI?I 120 s. I rsrd+ * ftr&H wrl rn e*ffi gid i{rrrd

t +i A.r$ t t smrfl * rr+s
Rfi rR gm vfiwff FIrrkI6er *qrra FIFrfl 6ra ffFuq :

gsrfi(gq,r{q1fr) I 2 3 4

efrFd gm arrra (s.) 240 160 140 160

Describe any four characteristics of a perfectly competitive market. I41

Eut-flr sffirft tnqn ff ffi qn Grfrqmeil 6T qui{ eF"Tq I

6/ossn-318-At G-27 s llll|lltllllilffill|lllllllllllilll|trllillffillllllllllllil

26. Explain the meaning of 'Break-even point' in an economy with the help of a numerical
example. I4I

{'qr1s1 ftE * enl \,ffi {wtiqm Eqrdqur ff wrqar n urgtp,

2T.Describe any four uses of 'Index Numbers'. t6l

qrsi"l t ftrA qn sqffi m q .uta ffFqq I

28. Using assumed Mean method, find out Standard Deviation from the following
frequency distribution: l6l

Age (in years) 25-30 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55


No. of labourers 70 51 47 3L 29 22

6fud qrsq ftfr ffi sq+rr urn Eqffika orqR Ailrur t ffi Rrffi fn ffFsrq :
qrg (Emfr) 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-5s
qffiffdwr 70 51 47 31 29 22

It I ]ffi illflt lil1ililililililil ilililt

29. Aconsumer consumes two goods X and Y. Explain the conditions of his equilibrium
using utility approach 16l

qs sq*r6r d X aqr YqT gqtil{r u,,w t I srdftilr ftrls m r*.r o',re Ee sut {iga{ e

30. Explain the relationship between Total Physical Product, Average Physical Product
and Marginal Physical Product. Use diagram or a numerical t6l example.
g;a $ft{ sf,nE, oftHa Sfts ir-,q aen frqrfr $fus rsrq { {aiq ff qrqt ffftTa l\qtP{d
o{erEr {@rdffi r(r6tur q,r :r*rr qi t

56/OSSft-318-AI G-27 10 l iltil llililil ilillil illil illll fl l il fl lil llllll lllil lllil llfl llllill ll llli r Con,d
31. Calculate National Income from the data given below. t6l

Rs. (in crores)

D Exports 25

ii) Government final consumption expenditure 3,000

iii) Imports 35

lv) Private final consumption expenditure 2,500

v) Gross investment 1,200

vi) Indirect taxes l2O

vii) Subsidies 20

viii) Net factor income from abroad 30

ix) Depreciation 50

ffifu ffi t rr$q onq & rrur+r ffqq :

s. (qGfr)
r) tuiil 25

ii) rrr*,rft sifrq gq+rr qq 3,000

iii) 3{Flrfi 35

iv) ffi oiftHsq$rrqq 2,500

v) sird ftfur 1,200

vi) erSrcqH t5,{ t20

vit) sTreiq vdrqfrr 20

uiii) Crtviltfr{meerrl s{rrr 30

ix) quErct 50

56/OSSfi-318-Al G-27 lL I fl ilililil lllllffi ilfi illlil I ll ll lil llill lffi lllillilllillllil llil r con'fd
32,,Barter System of Exchange' had to be abondoned because of its inherent problems.
Describe any three such problems of barter system of exchange. I6I

'q.q frftra sqrd' i ftQm q{srer} * qT qur Vi *.g.qr *, f aq frfrrra sund ff W ffi ft
qqsr€il qT quh&Fqg t

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flt I Iililfl ffi ltfiililtflilllllll llllll

s6/osvL-318-AI 72
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