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CHAPTER 1: PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS represent conflicting interests except by written

consent of all concerned after full disclosure

 Lawyers from a Layman’s Perspective
o Lawyers are portrayed negatively due to some who
o Overgaard vs Valdez
misinterpret the law to the point of distortion in a cunning
 Facts: Complainant entered into a Retainer
effort to achieve their purposes
Agreement with respondent for the respondent to
represent him in his 2 filed cases and 2 cases against
 The Legal Profession = public service = noble profession
him. Such agreement include that fees would cover
o Branch of the administration of justice
acceptance, attorney’s fees, litigation & other
o Refers to a group of men pursuing a learned art as a
expenses as well as appearance fees. Complainant
common calling in the spirit of public service
paid through telegraphic bank transfer. Four
o Primary purpose: public service
months later, complainant demanded for a report
o Law is also a noble profession and the privilege to practice is
of the cases; calls were unanswered and emails
bestowed only upon individuals who are competent
were ignored. Turned out, respondent did not file
intellectually, academically, morally.
any entry of appearance or did anything for the
o Paramount importance in the administration of justice is the
cases. Complainant then engages to another lawyer.
utmost trust and confidence between the atty-client
 Held: Violation of Canon 1, rule 1.01 that a lawyer
relationship through avoiding appearance of treachery,
shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral,
double-dealing, and conflict of interest
and deceitful conduct. His act of representing to the
 Conflict of interest: exists when the acceptance of
complainant that he would take care of the cases
new relation will prevent an attorney from the full
were manifestly deceitful and honest. Relationship
discharge of his duty of undivided fidelity and
of an attorney to his client is highly fiduciary (Canon
loyalty to his client
15). A lawyer owes fidelity to his client and shall be
 Illustrative cases:
mindful of the trust and confidence reposed on him.
o Pacana vs. Pascual Lopez
 Facts: Complainant sought advice from the
respondent after the failure of his investment CHAPTER 2: THE PRACTICE OF LAW
schemes. Complainant claimed that a lawyer-client
 Practice of Law
was established though no formal document was
o Any activity, in or out of court, which requires the
executed. Respondent asked money needed for the
application of law, legal procedure, knowledge, training,
said case and complainant gave huge sums but after
and experience (hence, not restricted merely on courts
such respondent was evading him for several
months. Turned out, the respondent was also
o Why much is demanded from an attorney?
representing the group of investors of the company.
 Because the entrusted privilege to practice law
 Held: violation of Rule 15.03, Canon 15 of the
carries with it the correlative duties not only to the
Professional Responsibility—lawyer shall not
client but also to the court, to the bar, and to the
 Concept  Profession, not a Business
o To practice law is to give or render any kind of service, o Practice of law is not a business. It is a profession in which
which device or service requires the use in any degree of duty to public service, not money, is the primary
legal knowledge or skill. consideration.
o When is the practice of law present? o The duty to public service and to the administration of
 Practice of law is present when the individual justice should be the primary consideration of lawyers, who
customarily or habitually holds himself out to the must subordinate their personal interests or what they owe
public as a lawyer and demands compensation for to themselves.
the following services: o Elements that distinguished the legal profession from that
a) Opinions of business:
b) Appearances 1. Duty of public service which the emolument
c) Preparation of pleadings and contracts (payment or wage) is a by-product
o Cayetano vs Monson: lawyers, when they teach law, are 2. Officer of the court with sincerity, integrity, and
considered engaged in the practice of law reliability
o Justice Padilla’s dissenting opinion on the factors in 3. Client relationship in the highest degree of fiduciary
engaging in the practice of law: (limited view) 4. Relationship to colleagues with candor and fairness
1. Habituality—there must be a habitual exercise of
one’s self out to the public as lawyer  Regulation of the Practice of Law
2. Compensation—one’s professional services are o SC has the exclusive and constitutional power (Sec 5 (5),
available to the public for compensation Article VIII) with respect to the admission to the practice of
3. Application of law, legal principle, practice or law and any member of the Philippine Bar in good standing
procedure may practice law anywhere and before any entity
4. Attorney-client relationship—emphasized herein o Public interest is the primary objective and the real question
that teaching law or writing law books cannot be for the determination whether or not the attorney is still a
considered in the practice of law fit person to be allowed the privileges
 Privilege
o The practice of law is a privilege accorded only to those who  Integrated Bar of the Philippines
measure up to certain rigid standards of mental and moral o State-organized Bar to which every lawyer must belong
fitness. o To compel a lawyer to be a member of the IBP is not
o For the admission of candidate to the bar, the rules of court violative of his constitutional freedom to associate.
not only prescribe a test of academic preparation but o Integration does not make a lawyer a member of any group
require satisfactorily testimonials of good moral character. of which he is not already a member. He becomes a
o Good moral character is an essential qualification for the member of the Bar when he passed the Bar examinations.
admission of an attorney and for the continuation of such o Free to attend or the meetings of IBP Chapter or vote or
privilege. refuse to vote in the elections
o Only compulsion: payment of annual dues
 Qualifications (Rule 138 of the Rules of Court) o Section 9. Examination; subjects
o Section 1. Who may practice law.  Details the bar subjects: Civil Law; Labor and Social
 Qualification to the practice of law is not merely Legislation; Mercantile Law; Criminal Law; Political
based on one’s admittance as a member of the bar Law (Constitutional Law, Public Corporations, &
but the person so admitted must remain in good Public Officers); International Law (Public and
and regular standing to practice law. Private); Taxation; Remedial Law; Legal Ethics
o Section 2. Requirements for all applicants for admission to o Section 10. Bar examination, by questions and answers,
the bar. and in writing.
 Enumerates the basic requirements: citizen of the  Outlines the procedure during the taking of the bar
Philippines, at least 21; possess good and moral examinations.
character, resident of the Philippines; and no  Answers to the bar questions are handwritten but
charges involving moral turpitude have been filed or the SC may allow the use of typewriter in
pending meritorious circumstances.
o Section 5. Additional requirements for other applicants. o Section 11. Annual examination.
 Mandates that no person shall be admitted to the  Take place annually in City of Manila
bar examinations unless he has completed in a duly  Held in four days designation by the chairman of the
recognized law school the following courses: civil committee on bar examiners.
law, commercial law, remedial law, criminal law,  Subject distribution: 1st day—Political &
public and private international law, political law, International Law (morning), Labor and Social
labor and social legislation, medical jurisprudence, Legislation (afternoon); 2nd day—Civil Law, Taxation;
taxation, and legal ethics. 3rd day—Mercantile Law, Criminal Law; 4th day—
o Section 6. Pre-Law. Remedial Law, Legal Ethics
 Provides the pre-law educational requirements: o Section 12. Committee of examiners.
completion of 4-yr highschool course and bachelor’s  Composed of a Justice of the Supreme Court as
degree in arts or sciences with political science, chairman and serve for 1 year and 8 members of
logic, English, Spanish, history, or economics. the bar
 Bachelor’s degree not mentioned are allowed to o Section 13. Disciplinary measures
enter law school and take the bar upon completion  Violation shall be barred from the examination=fail
of 18 units of English, 6 units of Mathematics, and  Further disciplinary action may be taken in the
18 units of Social Sciences. discretion of court like permanent disqualification
o Section 7. Time for Filing proof of qualifications & Section o Section 14. Passing Average
8. Notice of Applications  General average of 75 percent in all subjects
 Indicates the procedure for the filing of the without failing below 50% in any subject
application to take the bar examinations. o Section 15. Report of the committee; filing of examination
 Details of the procedure are promulgated by SC papers
every year.  Not later than February 15th
o Section 16. Failing candidates to take review course  Appearance of Non-Lawyers
 2004: 5-strike rule implemented; a bar candidate  Person not admitted to the bar may appear before the
shall be disqualified after failing thrice but may take courts subject to limitations:
a fourth/fifth examination if he successfully
completes a 1yr refresher course for each  Law Student Practice
examination  Rule 138-A of Rules of Court provides for the Law Student
 2013: 5-strike rule was eliminated Rule, allowing student of law, under certain qualifications
- Conditions: that candidate have enrolled in and conditions to appear before the courts
and passed regular 4th year review classes; o Section 1. Conditions for student practice.
- Attended a pre-bar review every time they a) Must have successfully completed his 3rd
take the Bar examinations after failing for year of the regular four-year prescribed law
the 3rd time; curriculum
- In accredited law schools b) Is enrolled in a recognized law school’s
o Section 17. Admission and oath of successful applicants. clinical legal education program approved
o Section 18. Certificate by SC
o Section 19. Attorney’s roll c) Appears without compensation
 Sections 17-19 provides those who successfully d) Represents indigent clients accepted by the
hurdle the bar exams must still take the Lawyer’s legal clinic of the school
Oath, sign in the Roll of Attorney’s for them to be o Section 2. Appearance.
considered a lawyer - Appearance shall be under the direct
 Certificate shall be issued=authority to practice supervision and control of a member of the
Bar (physical appearance during the
 Bar Matter 1153 hearing)
o Refers to the letter of Atty. Estelito Mendoza Proposing - Any and all pleadings, motions, briefs,
Reforms in the Bar Examinations through Amendments to memoranda or other papers filed must be
Rule 138 of Rules of Court, Section 5 & 6 signed by the supervising attorney for and
o SC now allows Filipino graduates of foreign law schools to in behalf of the legal clinic
take the Philippine Bar only upon submission to the SC of o Section 3. Privileged communications
certifications showing: - Rules on privileged communications
 Completion of all the prescribed courses for the between the lawyer and his client shall
degree of Bachelor of Laws or its equivalent apply to similar communications made to or
 Recognition of accreditation of the law school by received by the law student
proper authority o Section 4. Standards of conduct and supervision
 Completion of all 4th yr subjects in a law school - Law student shall comply with the
officially recognized by the Philippine Government standards of professional conduct
governing the members of the Bar
- Failure of the supervising attorney to  Judge required the petitioner to secure a written
provide adequate supervision shall be a permission from the Court Administrator before he
ground for disciplinary action could be allowed to appear as counsel for himself.
 Ferdinand failed to present the document and was
 Non-Lawyers in Court and Administrative Tribunals denied.
o Apart from law student, the following may also appear  Held: Judge erred in applying Rule 138-A when the
before the courts and administrative tribunals: basis of Ferdinand’s claim is Section 34 of Rule 138.
1. A party to a litigation or through the aid of an Rule 138-A provides for the conditions when a law
agent/friend by him student may appear while the latter rule allows the
2. Party to the litigation before any other court non-lawyer as a party representing himself. Thus,
(Section 34, Rule 138) Ferdinand, as plaintiff, at his own instance, can
3. In criminal case, Court may appoint any person of personally conduct the litigation of the civil case.
god repute for probity and ability in the province to
defend the accused where a licensed member is not  Proceedings Where Lawyers are Prohibited from Appearing
available 1. Katarungang Pambarangay Proceedings
4. Those who appear before the NLRC or any Labor o All parties must appear in person without the assistance
Arbiter provided that they: of counsel /representative
a) Represent themselves o Exceptions: minors and incompetents assisted by next-
b) Represent legitimate labor organization that of-kin who are not lawyers
is party to the case 2. Small Claims Cases
c) Represent a member/s of said organization - No attorney shall appear UNLESS the attorney is the
existing within the employer’s plaintiff or defendant
establishment, who are parties to the case
d) Duly-accredited members of any legal aid  Sanctions for Persons not Lawyers and Lawyers without
office recognized by DOJ/IBP Authority
e) Owner, president, or authorized person of a 1) Indirect Contempt
corporation that is party to the case o Liable are those who assumed to be an
5. Any person can represent himself or any claimant attorney/officer of court and acting without
before the Cadastral Court authority
6. Appointed to appear for the Government of the 2) Estafa
Philippines o Liable are those who assumed to be an attorney
and caused damage to a party
 Illustrative case: 3) Violation of RA 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical
o Cruz vs. Mijares Standards for Public Officials & Employees)
 Facts: Ferdinand, a fourth yr law student, sought o Those who engaged in the private practice of
permission to enter his appearance for and on his law despite being lawyers in the gov’t service
behalf, before the RTC as plaintiff in civil case. 4) Administrative Liability
o Those lawyers who knowingly engage in b) shall not appear as counsel in criminal case
unauthorized practice of law wherein an officer or employee of government
is accused of an offence committed in relation
to his office
 Public Officials and Practice of Law c) shall not collect any fee for their appearance in
o General rule: Public officials and employees are prohibited admin proceedings involving the local
from engaging in the private practice of their profession government which he’s an official
unless: d) shall not use the property and personnel of the
a) Authorized by Constitution, law, or regulation Government
b) Under the condition that such practice will not conflict 3) Civil Service Officers/employees whose duties do not
with their official functions require their entire time to be at the government
c) Subject to compliance and conditions set forth therein provided that he secures written permit from his Head
o Basis: to preserve public trust, avoid conflict of interest, or
possibility thereof & assure people of impartiality in the  Illustrative Case: Catu vs Rellosa
performance of public functions  Members of the Sangguniang Barangay are allowed to
engage in the private sector of law since they are not
 Public Officials who Cannot Practice Law or with Restrictions mandated to serve full-time and only with the written
1) Judges and other official and employees of court permission of the head of the department concerned.
2) Solicitor-General, officials and employees Must obtain prior written permission from the secretary
3) President, VP, and members of the cabinet and their of Interior and Local Government.
deputies and assistants
4) Members of the Constitutional Commission  Prohibition/ Disqualification of Former Government Attorneys
5) Ombudsman & deputies a) Retire judge/justice receiving pension from the
6) Governors, city, & municipal mayors government—cannot act as counsel in civil wherein the
7) Government Prosecutors government or any of its agencies is the adverse party;
8) Civil service officers likewise, in criminal case wherein an officer/employee is the
9) Prohibited by special laws accused of an offense in relation to his office
b) Former government attorney—cannot accept
 Conditionally allowed (& the attached restrictions) engagement/employment in connection with any matter
1) Members of the legislature which he had previously intervened
- Prohibited from appearing as counsel before any
Electoral Tribunals or other administrative bodies  Lawyers Authorized to Represent the Government
2) Members of the Sanggunian, except: 1) Office of the Solicitor General
a) shall not appear as counsel before any court in 2) Deputized provincial/city fiscal
civil case wherein a local government unit or 3) Deputized legal officers of government departments
office is the adverse party 4) Legal officer of the LGU
5) Any official or other person appointed/designated
 Lawyer’s Oath o Manaois vs. Deciembre
o Source of obligations and duties for every lawyer and any  Respondent filled out the blank checks with different
violation thereof constitutes a ground for disbarment, amounts and made it appear that the complainant had
suspension, and other disciplinary action them exchanged for cash for use in her business
o Lawyer’s oath to uphold the cause of justice is superior to venture.
his duty to his client  Held: Violation of Canon 1, Rule 1.01 that provides
o Placing of an attorney’s private and personal interests over lawyer shall uphold the constitution, obey the law and
and above those of his clients constitutes a breach of the legal processes. Lawyer shall also not engage in
lawyer’s oath deserving admonition unlawful, dishonest or deceitful conduct. Lawyer also
violated Rule 7.03 that mandates lawyer to uphold at all
Illustrative Cases: times the integrity and dignity of legal profession.
o Chavez-Blanco vs. Limasag Lawyer committed act indicative of moral depravity.
 Facts: Respondent was authorized by complainant,
resident abroad, to sell 2 of their properties in o Saberon vs. Larong
Philippines. Respondent reported that he sold only one  Issue on the language used by the lawyer; used of
lot but later on was discovered that 2 lots were sold and “blackmail” to characterized the suit against his clients
for a much higher price.  Held: High Court found him guilty for using intemperate
 Held: respondent deceitful conduct warrants language in his pleadings. Canon 8 provides that lawyer
disciplinary sanction and a directive for the remittance shall conduct himself with courtesy, fairness, and
of the remaining proceeds. Respondent’s actions erode candor towards his professional colleagues and shall
the public perception of the legal profession. avoid harassing tactics against opposing counsel. Rule
8.01 also provides that lawyer shall not use language
which is abusive, offensive, or improper in his
o Cham vs. Paita—Moya professional pleadings.
 Lawyer failed to pay her rentals and utility bills and
secretly vacated the leased premises. o Fernandez vs. Ramos—Villalon
 Held: any gross misconduct of a lawyer in his or her  Fernandez filed a complaint for disbarment
professional/private capacity is ground for the against respondent for failure to mention the
imposition of the penalty of suspension or disbarment existence of Deed of Sale and for allegedly
because good character is an essential qualification for inducing his witness to sign a false affidavit by
the admission and continuance of the practice of law. saying that it would only be for the purpose of
Violation of Canon 1 Rule 1.01: Lawyer shall not engage compelling the complainant to pay additional
in unlawful, dishonest, immoral, and deceitful conduct. sums to her client.
 Held: Lawyer has a duty to be truthful in all his
dealings. Such duty does not require that the
lawyer advance matters of defense on behalf of
his or her client’s opponent. A lawyer is his
client’s advocate; while duty-bound to utter no  Held: No forum shopping committed. Court declared
falsehood, ad advocate is not obliged to build the that in determining whether forum shopping exists or
case for his client’s opponents. not is the vexation caused the courts and parties-
litigants by a party who asked different courts to rule on
o Judge Cervante vs Sabio the same causes or grant the same relief, which in the
 Atty. Sabio alleged that Judge Cervante was given a process create the possibility of conflicting decisions
house and lots putting into serious doubts his being rendered by the different fora upon the same
impartiality, independence, and integrity. issues.
 Judge then later filed a complaint for disbarment  In the 2nd complaint, the respondents called the
against the respondent alleging that the complaint for attention of the court that there was a pending case
bribery filed by Sabio against him was unsubstantiated between the parties, hence, the purpose is not to
and motivated by plain unfounded suspicion. obtain a favorable response but to have the issue
 Held: respondent by filing groundless bribery charge resolved. If indeed there was forum shopping, he would
violated the code against “wittingly or willingly not have alleged in the 2nd complaint the fact of filling of
promotion or suing any groundless suit”. Respondent the 1st complaint and attached a copy of the same.
ought to be aware that if a lawyer is to be disciplined,
the evidence against him should be substantial,
competent, and not on mere allegations.

o Manipud vs. Bautista

 Complainant as a mortgagee filed an application for
extrajudicial foreclosure wherein a notice of extra
judicial sale was issued.
 Respondent, as counsel of the mortgagor, filed Writ of
Preliminary Injunction which the trial court denied.
 Another Notice of Extra Judicial Sale was then issued
and respondent again filed another case for annulment.
 Complainant argued that the act of respondent of filing
two complaints (for annulment of real estate mortgage
contained the same allegations, involved the same
parties, the same subject matter, the same facts, the
same issues, and sought the same relief) constitutes a
clear case of forum shopping which is an improper
conduct that tends to degrade the administration of
justice and a violation of Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of Code of
Professional Responsibility

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