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The data given below shows three years internal employee mobility details of Company
X, which is a larger multinational company:

1. What decisions an HR Analyst can drive from the above data?

The information and data provided in the table relates to employee retention and hiring
requirements for the organization to perform its activities. The hiring and recruitment strategies
followed to place employees to the task are both internal and external recruitment process. And
the variables are constructed for the male population for the financial years 2015-16 and 2016-
17 which involves hires and leavers. The HR analyst can drive the requirement to create and
make decision regarding employee retention and employee turnover cost.

2. Explain why vacancy filled by promotion is at 0.00% grade level 1?

The vacancy filled by promotion is at 0% at grade level 1 may be due to the unavailability of
grade below the grade 1 or so (such that grade 1 being at bottom and grade 14 being the top
level) where there are no employees there to promote employees.
3. Calculate employee turnover rate for the year 2015-16 and 2016 -17?

No.of employee leaving the organization

Employee Turnover Rate = *100
No.of employee in the orgaanization

Years Leavers Total EmployeeTurnover

2015-16 1137 8029 14.16116577

2016-17 1116 8665 12.87939988

4. Make a graph of vacancy filled from grade 1 to 5 for the period 2015 -2017

Grade New Demotion Promotion

Level Hires
1 156 17 0

2 445 51 56

3 478 175 213

4 401 77 165

5 657 91 223

Vacancy Filled
1 2 3 4 5
New Hires Demotion Promotion
5. Explain the overall scenario of employee mobility on company x?

The mobility of employee in company X is done through new hires, demotion and promotion.
This is due to employee requirement in company i.e. demand for labours and employees
leaving/ resigning the job create gap in the Human Resource requirement of the company X.
There are total of 14 grades in which grade 14th is the only grade with no changes or vacancy
left in the Company X and grade 13th is the grade which is filled by only New Hires i.e. external
source only and no internal recruitment is followed. And all other grades from 1 to 12 the most
seats are filled by new hires which accounts to almost 50 % and rest shared by demoting and
promoting the employees

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