Jemica Internship Report PATRIA

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Written by:
Jemica Damar Elyanto Paluluh 2018370019


The internship program I had with PT United Tractor Pandu Engineering was a great opportunity
for learning and professional development. Therefore, I consider myself as a very lucky individual
as I was provided with an opportunity to be a part of the company. I am also grateful for having
an opportunity to meet many great people and professionals who led me though this internship

I would like to say thanks to Ms. Veronica Maya Sushmita, Human Capital Development Staff as
my user for guide me to do the project. Also, I would like to say thanks to Mr. Riko, Human Capital
Development Staff to help me with a different view of the problem, and also thanks to Mr. Galih,
Manager of Human Capital General Affair Environmental Social Responsibility (HCGAESR)
Division who leads me and a team to do the project.

For Ms. Meilinda Nur Maghfiroh as my Internship advisor, thank you for giving me good advice,
also still want to be bothered by me to discuss even though it's late. Also for Ms. Jeanne Ligte as
my new Internship advisor, thank you for listening patiently to the updates on my internship.

I perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their
improvement, to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with all of you in
the future.

September 17th, 2019


ACKNOWLEDGMENT …..…………………………………………………………………... I
ABSTRACT ………………….………………………………………………………………... 4
Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ………………..………………………………………………... 5
Chapter 2. COMPANY PROFILE ………………………………………...…………………... 6
2.1 COMPANY INTRODUCTION ………………………………..………………… 6
2.2 COMPANY HISTORY ……………………………………...…………………… 6
2.2.1 ATTAINMENTS ……………………………………………………..……. 7
2.3 VISION AND MISSION …………………………………………………………. 8
2.4 COMPANY LOGO …………………………………………………………..…... 8
2.5 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ……………………………………………. 9
2.6 PRODUCT AND SERVICE ………………………………………………...…… 10
Chapter 3. DESIGNING LEAN ORGANIZATION ……………………………………..…… 13
3.1 PROJECT CASE ……………………………………………………………….... 13
3.2 GOALS …………………………………………………….…………………….. 13
Chapter 4. INTERNSHIP ACTIVITIES ………………………………….……………..……. 14
Chapter 5. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ……………………….……………...….. 16
Chapter 6. CONCLUSION …………………………………………………….……………… 18
Chapter 7. SUGGESTION ……………………………………..………………………...……. 19
ATTACHMENT ………………………………………………………………………………. 20


Organizational structure is one of the most important inventories that every organization should
have. The first judgment could come from the not efficient and effective organizational structure.
Goals of the company most likely hard to achieve are the problem is still occuring. PT. United
Tractors Pandu Engineering in Cikarang, Bekasi begin to understand the importance of effective
and efficient organizational organization or commonly call as lean organizational structure. They
make a project of designing a lean organizational structure that given a chance for an internship
opportunity. Challenges and limitations are waited to solve and encourage the internship to do the
best. This report contains the work has done during the internship period in the company that
allowed me to work on it. The report shows an overview of what I have done based on the task
given by the company during the internship period. Other than that, this report also explain what I
learned and compare it with the course that I already took.


Sampoerna University student required to finished internship program minimum four weeks to
have a practical experience from work environment in company. This is an essential academic
requirement before taking final year project, which followed by academic report writing. The
choice of company is based on the area of specialization of students. This internship fit out students
with exposure to the practical world. They are able to see different concepts, given in books, take
shape and come back to life.

Heavy equipment manufacturing support economic development of the country and supply of
energy, they help the miners get the coal and transfer it to power plant for energy supply of the
country. Structure organization of the company should be effective to make sure the goals of the
company are achieved.

From August 1st, 2019 to September 31th, 2019, I had privilege and pleasure to joining one of
subsidiary Astra International, that is Pt United Tractor Pandu Engineering. The goal of this
internship program is to design lean organizational structure of the company. This project actually
has a timeline until December, but I get privilege from the company to only join the internship
until the September. Under the instruction from Mr. Galih, HCGAESR Division, me and a team
of 4 other student also one supervisor worked to design the lean organizational structure.

Two months that feels short to collaborate with the good people, critics people, that encourage me
to think more detail and to think something new. The atmosphere of campus and workplace are so
different, make me always learn new things every day. Not only get new things in the workplace,
also we know how to implement the lesson from university to the real work life. The project that
I work on is important to the company, because there is no workload analysis that impact to not
effective structure organization. Me and a team cannot run the project without instruction and help
from the user, because the scoop is so big, all the division of this company.



PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering through its brand, PATRiA, was established in February
8, 1983. It was initially built to meet the increasing demand of industries development in Indonesia.
As one of Indonesia’s leading company in heavy equipment manufacturing & engineering,
PATRiA provides solutions based on customers’ specific needs.

The business competence lies on our ability to fulfil customers’ requirement through a
breakthrough design and innovation, in order to optimize their productivity. Equipped with the
latest technology on manufacturing system and qualified engineering, PATRiA will ensure the
production runs faster, more efficient and reliable to deliver the product as it’s scheduled. As a
completed cycle of the best solutions, PATRiA also gives more value by facilitating customers
with excellent after sales services.


PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering, one of Indonesia’s leading heavy equipment

manufacturing & engineering companies. PT United Tractors Pandu Engineering was established
since 1983 with major share 99,9% by PT United Tractors Tbk which belong to PT Astra
International Tbk. Our unique characteristic of customizing product based on client requirements
has made us the partner of choice. We have a commitment to provide the best solution. From
conceptual design into real product applied on site. Complete with excellent after sales service
support to maximize the productivity. For us, exceed our customer’s expectations and success are
sure to follow.



To be the best engineering & energy logistic company in the region, providing outstanding
products & service quality to achieve sustainable profitability & growth.

Provide sustainable value added for the stakeholders.




PT United Tractor Pandu Engineering is one of the heavy equipment manufacturing, they also
producing another equipment in another scope of industry. There are some product based on the
scope of industry, that are:

1. Ground Support

(Ground Support: PATRIA Towing Diesel)

PATRIA Towing Diesel is an Aircraft Tow Tractors that we offer with prioritizing the
powerful and high performance to carry baggage and aircraft. Highly selected engine will
give smooth powerful operation to deliver the task.

2. Mining Sector

(Mining product: PATRIA Stemming Trucks)

To Separate rock & other material is not as easy as we thought. And so do the
impounding and stemming activity to collect rock only. On the other hand, you have to
use-only-biggest number of rocks to blast the mining area. PATRIA Stemming Truck
has been created to be the answer of these problem.

3. Forestry and Agro Sector

(Forestry & Agro product: PATRIA Compost Turner)

Compost Turner is designed to turn palm oil waste into large volumes of compost, as
well as to stir the pile and evenly distribute it, helping you build a zero waste system.
PATRIA Compost Turner is the future of palm oil waste management and the time for
you to be part of it is now.

4. Construction Sector

(Construction Product: PATRIA Concrete Mixer)

Well-designed blade allows for smoother and faster flow, while axial pumps, motor oil
cooler and planetary gearbox give increased work efficiency and dependability. To
ensure safety during operation, a filter element indicator is attached to the hydraulic
filter. Its high performance meets easy operation, making PATRIA Concrete Mixer the
mixer of choice for many saver operators.

5. Industrial Sector

(Industrial Product: PATRIA Forklift)

PATRIA Forklift Trucks are designed with humans in mind. That is why every truck has
features that make it easy to use as well as provide the highest level of safety for its
operator. These trucks also come in a wide range of options, be it 2.5 to 10 tones
capacity of diesel, gasoline/LPG and electrical motor drives.

6. Oil and Gas Sector

(Oil and Gas Product: PATRIA Hydraulic pumping unit)

Designed specifically for the demanding applications in the oil and gas industry, our
Hydraulic Pumping Units are easy to install, highly versatile, and environment-friendly.
Proof that functionality and durability do go hand in hand.



Based on the organizational structure that is designed in accordance with current business
processes, United Tractor Pandu Engineering (UTPE) do not have a system to calculate work load
every positions that assigned to one manpower or such a number of manpower that needed in one
working project. Due to this case, the work load not distributed properly and become one of 3M
waste that is Mura. Other than that, new employee request that based on Man Power Plan (MPP)
not carefully calculated. The excess number of manpower will effect to high employee cost, also
impact to the spirit of the employee. Whereas, if the company less number of manpower will
impact to high work load each manpower.

Business process as a reference to calculate the workload, not yet updated due to this year. The
latest update of business process is 2014, which mean the job description each positions also
updated in 2014. There is no the real benchmark in this condition, but the project still can running
only if mapping job description and find the gap between the new positions and available job


1. Make Full Time Equivalent (FTE) for each positions.

2. Make effective and efficient organizational structure.
3. Update job description
4. Update the business process.


Throughout the internship period, I was assigned to a project in human capital organization
department to design lean organization. This project consist of me and 4 friends as a team and one
user also collaborated with management development & risk management department as business
process maker. Lean organization will be achieved if the workload is evenly distributed.

The first week of internship program, I am introduced to the company. The places, the managers,
the others employee, the other internship students, the habits, and also the business process which
become my project benchmark. About two or three days for understanding the business process
only. There are three level of business process, level 0, level 1, and level 2 or some employee call
it SOP. From these business process, will produce job description each positions. To make lean
organization, the workload each positions should be evenly distributed. Actually, there is no any
workload calculation yet. The bad news are business process and job description last updated is in
2014, which mean already 5 years apart. There are new goals from company, that make some job
description change from 2014, add and drop position based on the new goals from company.

Until the end of the first week, I am still the one in the group. While waiting for my friends of a
team, I get the instruction from the user to try mapping the business process level 1 and 2, to getting
more understanding to the company. The beginning of weeks two, the team it is almost complete.
The user told to me to guide the new team member to equate knowledge and rhythm. While the
new team member learn about business process, I continue try mapping the business process.
When the others team member already catchup with my rhythm, the user divided become two
small team. Me and my two friends responsible with non-core positions in business process such
as HCGAESR, FAP, CIST, also PSD, and another two team mates responsible with core positions,
such as Marketing, RnD, Procurement, and Engineering.

Me and my team mates try to mapping the job description based on the business process 2014. My
user instructed us to using business process 2014, because there is no other reference to do this
project. After do the mapping, next instructed is try to fill the activities each positions in Full Time
Equivalent (FTE) form as the method we use to calculate the workload. At the end of the third
week, we held a meeting with all managers each department to discuss about this project, and ask
for advice from them after what we have done so far. Most of them said that we should update the

business process first, then we can calculate the workload each position. We cannot do the FTE
calculation if the business process and job description not updated yet. Other suggestion is directly
ask to the employee who work on that, but the suggestion was immediately rejected because avoid
referring to workers who are not necessarily properly doing their jobs. The suggestion that being
approved is sailing while making the ship.

The fourth week we try to implement the result of yesterday’s meeting. We are struggling with the
new method, hard to do the sailing while making the ship. My user initiative to make form that
make us easier to do this project, at least. The form is breaking the level 2 of business process 2014
and identify each process by which division and which position are responsible on that process.
We are trying to finished the form before the end of the week, to make us continue with another
steps of calculating workload. By the end of the week, my user get assignment to go to Batam for
three days. The other human capital development employee or we call it as an assistant of my user
take control of my project while my user on duty in Batam. Here, the assistant judge that what we
are doing is wrong and not effective. So we are get another instructed to mapping and fine the gap
between the list of new positions with file job descriptions that we have.

My user comeback on fifth week and get argued with his assistant, but they still cannot determine
which are the best way to complete this project. Then we have another meeting with all managers
again. Here, the business process maker said that this project cannot run as the timeline because to
update business process take a long time. They suggest to complete the file of business process
level 1, level 2 and SOP. One and only have business level 2 is HCGAESR division, and it is not
complete yet. For SOP, all divisions should already has. But the fact is the process of making SOP
is not finished. We are collected the all inventory data that company have, and record it.

Running on sixth week, we are trying again to mapping the job description. Using new format that
more specific, we are sensing the job description and list of new positions every day. The end of
the day, we are checking the sensing with the user knowledge of the job description. If the user
also does not know what should the job description, we just pass it and continue to next job
description. Then continue collecting the new job position if any, and verifying them using our
sensing and the minimum knowledge that we has. Until the seventh week, we are still struggle on
verifying the job description. Not yet ensuring the work with workers, and not yet collect the
information about the specific activities to calculate the workload using FTE method, just continue
with the mapping of the job description and waiting for next instruction.


Learning business process is very important, we can know how the company will run the business,
what goals of the company in short and long term. But here, the business process is not updated
yet. Hard for me as an internship student who work on designing lean organization project without
having settle reference, which is the update business process. Separated around 5 year, several new
goals have been set without any updated in writing. If the business process change, new position
very likely to appear and maybe some old positions are deleted, or merged, or even broken down.
The lesson is, we cannot hope everything is going like what we think. We should struggle with all
of the condition in real life. Somehow, low expectation is good to keep going whatever the
condition was. We can determine the problem, and fine the solution with all the limitations that

Method that we used is DMAIC from the quality control course. DMAIC is one of the
methodology in six sigma analysis that commonly used. The first step of DMAIC is D, Define.
Here define mean stages to define and select problems to be solved. In my project, the problem is
no workload analysis for each positions, job description and business process not updated yet, and
the organizational structure not really effective and efficient. We are identifying the business
process and the job description, at least we understand the problem and the flow of the company.

The second step is M, Measure. Measure mean measuring stages of problems that have been
defined to be resolved. In this stage there is data retrieval which then measures its characteristics
and capabilities of the current process to determine what steps should be taken to make further
improvements and improvements. In my project, we collected the data of new positions that most
of them does not have a job description. Because the project have limitation in business process
and job description not updated, so we mapping the gap of new position and job description that
already exist.

For the next of DMAIC steps are A for analysis, I for improve, and C for control. Analysis mean
steps to find a solution to solve the problem based on the identified Root Cause. In this stage, we
must be able to analyse and validate the Root Causes or Solutions through Hypothesis statements.
Next is improve, mean take corrective action to the problem by conducting tests and experiments
to be able to optimize the solution so that it is really useful to solve the problems that we
experience. The last is control, mean establish standardization and control and maintain the process

that has been improved and improved in the long term and prevents potential problems that will
occur in the future or when there is a change of process, labour, and management change.

Due to limited time to do an internship period, I only can join the project until mapping the job
description and business process which mean only until the second step of DMAIC. The project
will continue until the end of December due to the time line of the project, if there is no any
disruption. The goals are still the same, but maybe the methodology has possibility to change due
to problem right now. The managers and the user will continue to discuss and choose the best
method to finished this project.

My user and the assistant commonly has different perspective about what should me and the team
do. They usually come to me and team one by one, and they not yet discuss what should the team
do. Get the ideas, and directly tell to me and the team without any discussion each other. Three or
four times they argue in front of us, with no clear instruction. My suggestion is better to talk
together without getting angry, searching and agreeing on the best way to complete this project.
After they both are agreed, then they talk it to us. So we are not getting confused which instruction
should me and the team follow.


The internship program has gave me huge practical knowledge and new experience in work
environment which cannot be gained only sitting on the class. This experience gave me an
opportunity to learn a lots of new things from the employee, also from my team project members.
New inside, new way of thinking, adapt, and respect others are inside that I got from this
experience. They realized me that everything are not good as we hope, although all is look like
fine as planned until we face it. Two months duration for do the internship was not enough to lean
every details about the job and the project. This opportunity help me so well to identify my
strength, abilities, weakness, and more.

The project is still going, and possible methodology that the company use is the same, that is
DMAIC from six sigma analysis. One of the best methodology to improve existing products,
services, or system for better organization. By implemented this method, we already find the
problems, set the goals, and trying to mapping the process to achieve the goals. All of them we are
got from the first phase, that is define. We also try to mapping the problem that we want to solve,
that is job description and structure organization. Measure the gap between new position and the
old position that already has the job description.

After finished mapping the gap and get the draft of each new position, then will be confirm to the
employee. But, because of limited time, I just finished my internship program before confirming
the draft and calculating the workload using Full Time Equivalent method.


From what I have been done of the internship program, there are some parts which needs to be
improved again. That are:
1. Not considering all the problems.
2. Communication in a team.
3. Not prepared well on the documents needed.
4. Looks like it is led by more one leader.
5. Impressed in a hurry in completing the project.
6. There is no exact instruction.



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