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Dover India Innovation Center

Case Management

Gaurav Singh Chauhan -: DIIC

Key Benefits .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Centralize .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Integrate.................................................................................................................................................... 3
Streamline ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Prerequisite of Case Creation ....................................................................................................................... 3
Support Process Define:................................................................................................................................ 3
Case Process Overview ................................................................................................................................. 4
Identify and qualify ................................................................................................................................... 4
Capture...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Research and Resolve ............................................................................................................................... 4
Communicate ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Close .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Case Origin .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Capturing Cases from Phone Call .............................................................................................................. 5
Capturing Cases from Your Website ......................................................................................................... 5
Capturing Cases from Customer Emails .................................................................................................... 5
Other ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Entitlement ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Case Creation ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Setting Up Auto-Response Rules .................................................................................................................. 6
Case Assignment Process .............................................................................................................................. 6
Creating Case Queues ............................................................................................................................... 6
Defining Assignment Rules ....................................................................................................................... 6
Solution & Knowledge................................................................................................................................... 6
Resolution ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Case Reassignment ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Setting Case Escalation Rules (SLA)........................................................................................................... 6
Customizing Case Page Layouts ................................................................................................................ 6
Customizing the Case Sharing Model ....................................................................................................... 7
Setting Up Case Teams.............................................................................................................................. 7
Setting Up Workflow Alerts for Case Team Members .................................................................................. 7
Customize Case Contact Roles .................................................................................................................. 7
Set Up Case Hierarchies ............................................................................................................................ 7
Enable Suggested Solutions ...................................................................................................................... 7
Enable Case Comment Notification .......................................................................................................... 7
Choosing a Default Case Owner................................................................................................................ 7
User Details ................................................................................................................................................... 7
User Hierarchy .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Products ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Support Process for All the Products ............................................................................................................ 8
Case Management
Every support request is an opportunity to enhance your relationship with your customers or generate
additional revenue. Case management enables you to make the most of each interaction and become a
true champion of customer success.

Automating the distribution of cases in your service organization ensures that each customer inquiry
automatically and immediately gets to the right group or agent and has the quickest and most accurate
resolution. Because every organization is different, you can customize Salesforce to meet your unique
business processes

Key Benefits
The Cases tab is a central repository to use for tracking all customer support interactions.

Handle cases faster by integrating case information with existing knowledge bases or Salesforce
Knowledge, a knowledge base designed to help solve cases.

Set up automatic case escalation and workflow tasks that enhance your business processes.

Prerequisite of Case Creation

Account and Contact Information saved in the system
New Account and Contact information creation

Support Process Define:

Please Define
Case Process Overview
Identify and qualify
Identify the customer that has the case. Next, determine what level of support they should receive; if
your company offers the same level of support to all customers, simply identify the customer.

Record the details of the case. For example, the details of a case may include whether it is a customer’s
question or problem, the type of product, or what version they use.

Research and Resolve

Examine the problem or question and find an answer. You may have a solution or article that includes an
answer. If so, attach that solution or article to the case. If there is no article and you want to capture the
case answer for future reference, create an article. The article will be attached to the case automatically
and available in the knowledge base for users to browse and search.

Respond to the customer. Use an appropriate email template to email the answer. Although some cases
can be handled over the phone, a follow-up email that includes the answer is helpful.

Ensure that the case contains all the details and close the case.
Case Origin
Capturing Cases from Phone Call
Customer can call on toll free number for registering a case
Please Mention Phone No-:

Capturing Cases from Your Website

A form to post on your website that allows customers to submit cases.
Salesforce Code needs to be embedded in the website-: Provide website URL’s

Capturing Cases from Customer Emails

Create customer support email addresses so incoming customer emails automatically generate cases
Please mention the email needs to be mentioned for customer support

Twitter, Community, Facebook
Mention and Twitter, Community and Facebook page details

Identify the customer that has the case. Next, determine what level of support they should receive; if
company offers the same level of support to all customers, simply identify the customer.
Please define the process if there is any

Case Creation
 Case Owner
 Contact Name
 Account Name
 Status
 Contact Name
 Priority
 Case Origin
 Product
 Case Reason
 SLA Violation
 Potential Liability
 Subject
 Description
 Internal Comments
 Add any other field if it is not mentioned here
Setting Up Auto-Response Rules
Prepare automated responses to your incoming cases based on any attribute of the case.
It’s Email template which customer receive after he create case

Case Assignment Process

Creating Case Queues
Create case queues to categorize cases and the users who should have access to them.
Group of user handle the case

Defining Assignment Rules

Automatically route cases to the appropriate person or team.
Define the criteria for assigning cases to teams

Order Criteria Assign To Email

1 Priority High Sarah
2 Case Origin Web James
3 Feature Request Bob Marley

Solution & Knowledge

Solutions for general queries and Knowledge for deeper understanding of the subject
Exp: User Manual, or some generic solution for some generic problems

Support representative can provide the solution from their end for some basic queries, they also record
the comments
A field can be created for writing down the solution of the case

Case Reassignment
Setting Case Escalation Rules (SLA)
Define the process when the case needs to be escalated
Define Process

Customizing Case Page Layouts

Design case page layout so that user get the desired access of records
Which record user to see
Please define

Customizing the Case Sharing Model

How the cases can be shared among different teams

Setting Up Case Teams

Support team can be grouped into teams if they handle similar kind of case queries

Setting Up Workflow Alerts for Case Team Members

Customize Case Contact Roles

Set up case contact roles so that more than one contact can be associated with a case at a time.

Set Up Case Hierarchies

Allow users to view and create relationships between cases so that they can better manage customer

Enable Suggested Solutions

Increase productivity by helping users easily find relevant solutions to the cases they are viewing.

Enable Case Comment Notification

Allow users to notify contacts of updates or additions to comments on cases.

Choosing a Default Case Owner

User Details
User who is going to handle the cases customer queries

User Hierarchy
Support Executive, Manager, and senior manager
Please mention

Products details
Support Process for All the Products
Please share details if you have

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